AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...

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AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
AMTA State
    & Territory
    5G Infrastructure
    First edition – March 2021

AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
    Mobile telecommunications are            Regulation of telecommunications            In doing so, the industry is keen to
    fundamental to Australia’s economy       has traditionally been a                    work with all levels of government to
    and society. Australians demand          Commonwealth responsibility,                unlock and expedite private sector
    near-ubiquitous, high-quality            but Australia’s state and territory         investment in Australia’s increasingly
    mobile services, and Australian          governments play a key role in              essential telecommunications sector.
    networks must cater for continuous       facilitating or hindering network
    exponential growth of mobile traffic     deployment. They devise planning
    while maintaining affordable prices.     policies and the rules and processes
                                             for assessment of a substantial
    It is increasingly important that        proportion of mobile network
    state and territory planning policy      infrastructure. It is then local councils
    makers recognise the essential           that are central in the process of
    nature of telecommunications             interpreting these rules, assessing
    services and the rapidly-evolving        proposals and finally deciding
    dynamic requirements for network         whether to grant approval.
    deployment and upgrade. Otherwise
    Australia’s networks will fall behind    Despite several challenges during
    and hinder economic growth and           2020 and 2021, Australia’s mobile
    social connectivity.                     industry is now rapidly deploying
                                             new and augmented network
    AMTA counts amongst its members          infrastructure suitable to deliver 5G
    the three mobile network operators       enabled services including new and          Dan Lloyd, Chair, Australian
    deploying and operating mobile           additional antennas, new towers,            Mobile Telecommunications
    networks in Australia: Telstra,          poles and ‘small cells’.                    Association (AMTA)
    Optus, Vodafone (part of the TPG
    Telecom Limited Group), together         The continued deployment of 4G
    with infrastructure suppliers and        and emergence of 5G network
    support industries. The industry         infrastructure offers the potential
    acknowledges both the critical role      for a substantial stimulus impact on
    that it plays and the need to balance    the economy as we adapt to a “new
    the very legitimate concerns of          post-Covid normal”. As a technology
    communities and government and           that enables other sectors of the
    comply with relevant regulations         economy, 5G mobile infrastructure
    and standards. However, there is an      also offers economic benefits
    opportunity to share best practice       supporting communities, businesses
    to identify opportunities for earlier    and public services.
    realisation of the benefits of network
    upgrades for Australia.                  To ensure readiness for the
                                             deployment of the 5th generation
    In a competitive environment, our        of mobile networks, AMTA and its
    members are constantly investing in      members encourage Australia’s state,
    their existing 4G networks, and are      territory and local governments to
    now racing to deliver the benefits       embrace the opportunities for ‘best
    of 5G to Australia. After carefully      practice’ policy and regulatory reform
    planning their network infrastructure    recommended in this report.
    they must secure development
    approval from councils and tenure on
    freehold and government land, and
    to do this they must navigate through
    a complex and sometimes outdated
    web of rules and regulations in each
    of Australia’s States and Territories,
    and over five-hundred council areas.

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AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
        Foreword	                                                    2

        Contents	                                                    5

        Executive Summary	                                          6

        5G Readiness - Summary of Best Practice Examples and
        Reform Opportunities                                         8

        Background & Purpose	                                       10

          What should State & Territory governments do to
          achieve 5G deployment readiness?                           11

          The importance to Australia of 5G	                        12

         Governments embracing the benefits of 5G Infrastructure 14

           hases of 5G infrastructure deployment
          in Australia	                                             15

        Creating Planning Regulations for 5G Infrastructure	        18

          Minimising impact on amenity from 5G infrastructure	     18

         The need for non-discriminatory and
         objective planning rules	                                  18

           ecognition of the essential role of
          telecommunications networks	                              19

        Regulatory Responsibilities for 5G Infrastructure	          20

          The Federal Government and 5G Infrastructure	             20

          Australia’s States & Territories and 5G Infrastructure	   22

        5G Readiness Reforms in the USA & UK                        25

        Best Practice State & Territory Regulation
        for 5G Infrastructure	                                      27

           est Practice Planning Regulation for
          Telecommunications Network Infrastructure	                27

           est Practice ‘Tenure’ Regulation for
          Telecommunications Network Infrastructure	                28

          Leading Practice Model for Development Assessment         30

        State and Territory 5G Infrastructure
        Readiness Assessment                                        34

          New South Wales	                                          35

          Australian Capital Territory	                             41

          Queensland	                                               43

          Victoria	                                                 49

          Tasmania	                                                 55

          Western Australia	                                        59

          South Australia	                                          63

          Northern Territory	                                       67

        Conclusion and Summary of Recommendations	                  69

          Summary of Recommendations	                               70

        References	                                                 72

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AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
Executive Summary
    The time has never been better          approval from local government.           After a thorough analysis by AMTA
    for Australia’s State and Territory     This means navigating the planning        and its members, the assessment for
    Governments to review and               and tenure regulations framed             each State and Territory includes:
    recalibrate their policy settings       by the various State and Territory             •    National ‘Best Practice’
    and planning rules to cater for         Governments.                                        elements of that State or
    improved mobile connectivity and                                                            Territory;
    deployment of new 5th Generation        AMTA’s recommendations for                     •    Each ‘Reform Opportunity’
    (5G) telecommunications network         State and Territory governments                     in that State or Territory;
    infrastructure.                         are grounded in best regulatory                     and,
                                            practice and have been guided                  •    ‘Recommendations’ to
    As the peak industry body               by the Development Assessment                       improve 5G infrastructure
    and voice of Australia’s mobile         Forum ‘Leading Practice Model                       regulatory ‘readiness’ in
    telecommunications industry, one        for Development Assessment’                         that State or Territory.
    of AMTA’s top priorities is the need    endorsed by the Council of Australian
    to ensure the timely, efficient and     Governments; (COAG) Business              This 5G Infrastructure State
    effective deployment of 5G mobile       Advisory Forum.                           Territory Readiness Assessment
    technology.                                                                       has highlighted best practice across
                                            When it comes to carriers                 Australia and has given credit
    Investment in 5G and delivery of        securing land tenure, the central         where it is due. It has also sought to
    improved speed, capacity and            requirement is found in the non-          highlight and document a series of
    latency has the potential to support    discrimination requirements of            21 recommendations based upon
    economic recovery, provide              the Telecommunications Act 1997,          models for best practice regulation
    substantial benefits to business and    which requires that states, territories   for which reform is also necessary.
    consumers, enable remote work and       and local governments should not          These are summarised in the
    education, support critical utilities   commercially ‘discriminate’ against       following diagram.
    and ultimately contribute to carbon     telecommunications infrastructure in
    reduction.                              their laws.                               The three mobile carriers deploying
                                                                                      4G and emerging 5G networks
    Australia’s state, territory and some   AMTA acknowledges the important           including Telstra, Optus and
    local governments are increasingly      objectives of State and Territory         Vodafone are seeking objective, clear
    turning to smart city or smart region   Planning systems to minimise              and non-discriminatory planning
    strategies as a means to solve          the visual impact of network              policies, rules and regulations that
    problems and improve the lives of       infrastructure, and to strike a balance   strike a balance between provision
    their residents. 5G will increasingly   to provide for a net-community            of essential telecommunications
    become a technology that enables        benefit.                                  services and minimising impact.
    smart cities and smart regions.
                                            Together with its members, AMTA           The industry is already building
    Whilst much of Australia’s              has reviewed and assessed the             the first 5G networks, with critical
    Telecommunications infrastructure       current regulatory frameworks of          investment decisions being made
    is established using Federal ‘Low-      each of Australia’s eight State and       now and in the very near future.
    impact’ exemptions, there is a          Territory Governments, and by
    substantial proportion that requires    extension local governments.              It is imperative that there is certainty       AMTA and its members look forward to working with all levels
                                                                                      around the ability to deploy the
                                                                                      requisite infrastructure to provide 5G.        of Government so that Australians can realise the economic,
                                                                                                                                      social and environmental advances that can be enabled via
                                                                                                                                             existing 4G and emerging 5G mobile networks.

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AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
5G Readiness - Summary of Best                                                                                                                   QUEENSLAND
                                                                                                                                                   Best Practice Examples

    Practice Examples and Reform                                                                                                            • Moves to reform leasing with review and
                                                                                                                                              introduction of Land Regulation 2020.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NEW SOUTH
                                                                                                                                                    Reform Opportunities
                                                                                                                                              • Introduce Telecommunications Code into                                   WALES
                                                                                                                                                     Queensland Planning Provisions.
                                                                        NORTHERN                                                           • Introduce State-wide consistency for DA fees.                          Best Practice Examples
                                                                                                                                          • Review Appeal process at P & E Court to avoid
                                                                        TERRITORY                                                                undue delay, expense and technicality.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • The Infrastructure SEPP provides Exempt and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Complying Development for specified types of
                                                                                                                                                   • Review Dept Education Exclusion                    telecommunications infrastructure within specified
                                                                     Reform Opportunities                                                                Zone Policy which is not                                           timeframes.
                                                                • Include Telecommunications Facilities as                                                   science based.
                                                           ‘permitted’ to allow for exemption from consent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reform Opportunities
                                                            in several zones (including Industrial and Rural)
                                                                        where conditions are met.                                                                                                            • NSW Dept Education withdraw its policy
                                                            • Adopt AMTA’s suggested amendments to the                                                                                                    promoting non-science based exclusion zones.
                                                             Northern Territory Planning Scheme 2020 as                                                                                                      • IPART to create single fee structure that
                                                                 contained in the AMTA/MCF submission                                                                                                          applies to all occupiers of Crown Land
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and does not discriminate.
                    WESTERN                                    lodged with the Commission in April 2020.

                Best Practice Examples
         • Statement Planning Policy 5.2 provides a
     consistent policy framework, but requires action by
               councils to ensure consistency.
                 Reform Opportunities                                                                                                                                                                                      CAPITAL
     • Ensure Council Policy compliance with SPP5.2 (3                                                                                                                                                                    TERRITORY
                      Councils remaining).
      • Seek amendments to ensure use not permitted                                                                                                                                                                     Reform Opportunities
          is removed from zones in some Schemes.                                                                                                                                                              • Introduce complying development for some
               • Timely & consistent approach to                                                                                                                                                                                   facilities.
                      leasing Crown Land.                                                                                                                                                                     • Review Communications Facilities Code and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  minimise subjective assessment criteria.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Introduce Master Agreement including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       timely & consistent approach to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 leasing land.

                   Best Practice Examples
                                                                                                  TASMANIA                                                                                                   VICTORIA
        • Independent professional members on Council
        Assessment Panels make decisions on DA under                                                                                                                                                    Best Practice Examples
                                                                                             Best Practice Examples
                   delegation from Council.                                                                                                                                                          • Limited 3rd party appeals for mobile
                                                                                      • Short statutory timeframes for processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             blackspot funded sites.
                   Reform Opportunities                                                 of DAs for Telecommunications Facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                             • Policy across the State underpinned by a Planning
                                                                                   • Firm statutory timeframes for decisions on 3rd
            • Phase 2 & 3 Planning and Design Code to                                                                                                                                        Policy Framework, Particular Provisions and a State-
                                                                                                 Part Appeals to RMPAT.
           recognise Telecommunications and provide                                                                                                                                            wise Code which offers permit exempt approval
                      Code with exemptions.                                                                                                                                                                         pathway.
                                                                                              Reform Opportunities
              • Ensure Historic Overlays don’t impact
                         LIFD exemptions.                                           • Review acceptable heights in Single Planning                                                                       Reform Opportunities
                  • DEW encouraged to establish                                                    Scheme Telco Code.                                                                          • Bring forward review of 2004 Victorian Code.
                        Master Agreement.                                              • Introcude complying development with                                                                    • Resolve permit triggers (use/development).
                                                                                            additional facilities listed as ‘minor                                                                  • Seek amendment to ensure no zones
                                                                                             communications infrastructure                                                                               prohibit telecommunications
                                                                                                  in Tasmanian Planning                                                                                             facilities.

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AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
What should
                                                                                                                                           State & Territory
     Background & Purpose                                                                                                                  governments
                                                                                                                                           do to achieve
     Australia consistently ranks
     amongst the top-tier of best
     performing countries for
                                                  During 2019/20, Australia’s drought,
                                                  bushfire and covid-19 pandemic
                                                  response has highlighted the ever-
                                                                                           The process for ‘planning approval’,
                                                                                           which is interchangeable with terms
                                                                                           including ‘development approval’ or
                                                                                                                                           5G deployment
     mobile broadband speeds,
     and this is in no small part a
                                                  increasing reliance on quality mobile
                                                  connectivity for a wide range of uses.
                                                  Most Australians are now acutely
                                                                                           ‘development consent’ is different in
                                                                                           each state and territory, and is given
                                                                                           effect by Acts of each State Parliament,
     result of ongoing innovation,                aware of the level of broadband and      regulations, codes and planning
     competition and investment                   mobile connectivity and service          schemes which tend to include both
                                                  available where they live and work.      state-wide and local council planning
     in network infrastructure by
                                                  During the covid-19 pandemic, the        scheme provisions.
     Australia’s licensed mobile                  level of demand for mobile networks
     carriers.                                    has spiked, and as people spent more     When it comes to securing “the go               The next sections of                     The report then reviews and assesses     AMTA has prepared this report to
                                                  time online at home, network traffic     ahead” to build towers, poles, antennas         this report outline and                  the current regulatory frameworks        promote discussion, action and
     With the right policy settings at federal,   loads shifted geographically from city   and other network infrastructure,                                                        of each Australian State and Territory   ultimately 5G deployment readiness
     state/territory and local government                                                                                                  distinguish between the                  and by extension local governments
                                                  centres and office areas to suburban     mobile telecommunications is                                                                                                      by Australia’s State and Territory
     level, Australia’s mobile carriers can       residential areas2. This amplified the   somewhat unique, insofar as some                powers and immunities (or                as a legislated instrument of the        Governments and councils.
     continue to deliver this investment          present and ongoing challenges           of it is exempt from council planning           ‘exemptions’) from State                 States & Territories, and determines
     in quality next generation mobile            associated with ensuring quality         approval due to federal exemptions,             & Territory Planning laws                how these frameworks align with
     networks – including new towers              network service in residential areas     some of it requires council approval            provided by the Federal                  best regulatory practice. After a
     for wide area coverage, small smart          during peak times of the day.            due to state planning rules, and some                                                    thorough analysis by AMTA and its
     poles and small cells for localised                                                                                                   Government, and the                      members, the analysis for each State
                                                                                           is exempt from council approval due
     service and all of the antennas and          And just like council development        to state planning rules. In short, all          planning (development                    and Territory includes:
     technology that connects smart               approval is required for some new        three levels of government have a role          assessment) requirements                 •   National ‘Best Practice’
     phones, sensors, machines, cars and          homes, apartments, office buildings      which presents significant regulatory           of Australia’s state and                      elements of that State or
     the ‘internet of things’.                    and commercial premises, so too it is    complexity.                                     territory governments.                        Territory;
                                                  required for a substantial number of                                                                                                   Each ‘Reform Opportunity’ in
                                                                                                                                           It then examines State and               •
                                                  our new telecommunications network       AMTA and Australia’s three mobile                                                             that State or Territory
                                                  infrastructure, including for 5G when    carriers deploying 5G networks                  Territory regulatory best
                                                                                                                                                                                    •    Several ‘Recommendations’
                                                  new structures are established.          including Telstra, Optus and Vodafone           practice with an outline                       to improve 5G infrastructure
                                                                                           are seeking objective, clear and                of the highly regarded                         regulatory ‘readiness’ in that
                                                                                           non-discriminatory planning                     ‘Leading Practice Model for                    State or Territory
                                                                                           policies, rules and regulations that
                                                                                                                                           Development Assessment’.
                                                                                           strike a balance between provision
                                                                                           of essential telecommunications                                                          The on-going evolution of services,
                                                                                                                                           Importantly for context, we also         which at the moment are focussed
                                                                                           services (including ongoing 4G and
                                                                                                                                           outline the not well understood non-     around the roll-out of 5G, requires
                                                                                           emerging 5G), and minimising impact.
                                                                                                                                           discrimination requirements of the       a nimble and responsive policy
                                                                                                                                           Telecommunications Act 1997 as they      regime and regulatory framework
                                                                                           The industry is already well
                                                                                                                                           relate to state and territory planning   that recognises the essential nature
                                                                                           advanced in building the first 5G
                                                                                                                                           systems for telecommunications, and      of mobile telecommunications
                                                                                           networks, with critical investment
                                                                                                                                           terms for tenure on government land.     infrastructure and the on-going
                                                                                           decisions being made now and in
                                                                                                                                           In short, the Telecommunications         improvements to technology which
                                                                                           the very near future. It is imperative
                                                                                                                                           Act requires that states, territories    allow new ways for services to
                                                                                           that there is certainty around the
                                                                                                                                           and local governments should             be delivered.
                                                                                           ability to deploy the requisite
                                                                                                                                           not ‘discriminate’ against
                                                                                           infrastructure to provide 5G, so
                                                                                                                                           telecommunications infrastructure
                                                                                           the benefits can be realised
                                                                                                                                           in their laws.
                                                                                           across Australia.

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The importance
     of 5G to Australia
     The establishment of 5G network                                                                                                                                                                                          Carbon Reduction
     infrastructure is not an end point – rather it                                                                                                                                                                           5G’s most important contribution
     is the beginning of exciting possibilities with                                                                                                                                                                          to energy efficiency may come
     the introduction of substantially improved                                                                                                                                                                               from enabling users and especially
     reliability, latency, throughput and speeds                                                                                                                                                                              the 5G-driven ‘Internet of Things’
     across our mobile networks.                                                                                                                                                                                              to contribute to a net-reduction in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              carbon emissions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Environmentalists and policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              think tanks alike believe that smart
     More than ever, all forms of                                                                                                                                                                                             wirelessly connected appliances,
     communications networks                                                                                                                                                                                                  factories, cities and transportation
     including mobile networks are                   $                                                                                                                                                                        grids will be able to optimize and
     viewed as essential, particularly                                                                                                                                                                                        reduce their power consumption.
     when Australians are working                                                                                                                                                                                             The end result will be lower costs and
     remotely during the covid-19                                                                                                                                                                                             a meaningful contribution to global
     pandemic. 5G infrastructure and                                                                                                                                                                                          efforts to mitigate climate change.
     services offer opportunities including   Economy
     for Australia’s economy, consumers,                                                                                                                                                                                      A detailed analysis sector by sector,
     utilities and carbon reduction.          As we emerge from the pandemic,                                                                                                        Enhancing Australia’s Utilities          confirms that ICT (including 5G) has
                                              the foundation for a successful                                                                                                                                                 a substantial potential to mitigate
                                                                                        Consumers are embracing
                                              recovery in coming months and                                                                                                          Because 5G is an ‘enabling’              climate change, with indications that
                                                                                        technology in the mobile ecosystem.
                                              years will be rebuilding our local                                                                                                     technology, critical infrastructure      total Greenhouse Gas emissions
                                                                                        Recent research points to the potential
                                              economies as quickly as possible, and                                                                                                  resilience increasingly recognises       could be reduced by as much as 15%
                                                                                        of 5G for consumers4 with a key
                                              mobile networks are key to enabling                                                       Remote work and education                    the interdependencies between            by 2030.6
                                                                                        finding that data usage for one in five
                                              technology for all other sectors of the                                                                                                telecommunications and other
                                                                                        users could reach more than 160GB
                                              economy. For example, for every                                                           5G’s bigger bandwidth, lower                 essential infrastructure for utilities
                                                                                        per month on a 5G device by 2025.
                                              FTE role employed in the mobile                                                           latency and faster speed will remove         such as water, power, manufacturing
                                              industry there are 3.7 employed                                                           remaining impediments to working,            and transportation networks. 5G and
                                                                                        Australian consumers expect 5G to
                                                                                                                                        collaborating, studying and attending
        “the productivity                     in flow-on industries.3
                                                                                        provide relief from urban network
                                                                                                                                        classes remotely.
                                                                                                                                                                                     IoT will promote the use of sensors,
                                                                                                                                                                                     automation and precise machine
                                                                                        congestion in the near term -
       benefits of mobile                     According to the Deloitte Access
                                                                                        especially in Australia’s bigger cities,
                                                                                                                                                                                     control for monitoring equipment
                                              Economics Report’ Mobile                                                                  Whether working from home, in the            and processes virtually, delivering
     telecommunications                       Nation – the 5G Future’, the
                                                                                        where nearly half (47%) of smartphone
                                                                                                                                        field, whilst travelling or in the office,   significant benefits for Australia’s
                                                                                        users report facing network issues in
          will be worth                       productivity benefits of mobile
                                                                                        crowded areas - and to create new
                                                                                                                                        5G will allow for virtual meetings and       utilities.
                                              telecommunications will be worth                                                          the collection, retrieval and sharing of
      $65 billion                             $65 billion to the Australian economy
                                              by 2023 – equivalent to 3.1% of GDP.
                                                                                        home broadband choices.5

                                                                                        Current 4G usage patterns are not
                                                                                                                                        data rich material with ease.                From smart power grids to
                                                                                                                                                                                     connected cars that autonomously
                                                                                                                                        As we emerge from the height of              traverse streets, massive amounts
        to the Australian                                                               indicative of future usage behaviours.
                                                                                                                                        the Covid-19 pandemic, people are            of mobile broadband data will be
                                                                                        Video consumption is set to rise
       economy by 2023”                                                                 significantly with 5G. Australian
                                                                                                                                        acutely aware of the need for quality        required. A heterogeneous network
                                                                                                                                        mobile connectivity, which will go           of technologies underpinned by 5G
                                                                                        consumers expect to not only stream
                                                                                                                                        hand-in-hand with advances in edge           will be required to meet the challenge
                                                                                        video in higher resolutions but also
                                                                                                                                        computing and cloud-based storage.           of providing enough coverage and
                                                                                        use immersive video formats such as
                                                                                                                                                                                     capacity to power these advances.
                                                                                        Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual
                                                                                                                                        The contribution of 5G to remote
                                                                                        Reality (VR), resulting in an additional
                                                                                                                                        work and education will have a
                                                                                        two hours of video content being
                                                                                                                                        significant impact on the livelihood
                                                                                        watched weekly on mobile devices by
                                                                                                                                        and competitiveness of Australia’s
                                                                                        users in the 5G future when they are
                                                                                                                                        regions and closing the digital divide.
                                                                                        out and about, including half an hour
                                                                                        wearing AR glasses or VR headsets.

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Phases of 5G infrastructure
     Governments embracing the                                                                                                           deployment in Australia
     benefits of 5G Infrastructure                                                                                                       It will take several years for Australia to migrate from 4G to 5G. This section
                                                                                                                                         summarises three phases of this transition, with indications of the likely form of
                                                                                                                                         infrastructure required in each phase and the corresponding regulatory response in
                                                                                                                                         each case.
     Australia’s state, territory and some local governments are increasingly
     turning to smart city or smart region strategies as a means to solve
     problems and improve the lives of their residents.
                                                                                                                                                                        PHASES OF 5G DEPLOYMENT IN AUSTRALIA
     Rather than starting with the              The ability to compare progress           In addition, the Australian Smart
     technology, the public sector is           between municipalities and learn          Communities Association, has
     designing solutions to improve the         lessons from the successes or costly      drafted ‘Common Principles
     human experience. Communications           delays of others may generate             and Recommendations for the
     networks, sensors and IoT are then         constructive cooperation between          Efficient, Unified and Community
     drafted and applied as                     cities and carriers to become             Viable Rollout of Next Generation                                                                      Phase 2:
                                                                                                                                                                          Phase 1:                                            Phase 3:
     enabling solutions.                        more efficient when deploying             Mobile and Wireless (5G & LPWAN)                                             Launch and 5G           Consolidation                                             5G
                                                                                                                                                  4G                                                                         5G network
                                                5G infrastructure. Cities that            Infrastructure’.9                                                             co-existence             of 5G and                    maturity
     During 2020, state and local               provide accelerated and lower-                                                                                            with 4G               small cells
     governments in places such as              cost mechanisms for wireless              Further acknowledgement of 5G’s role
     Western Sydney, South-East                 infrastructure deployment are likely      as a ‘key enabler’ in Smart Cities has
     Queensland and central                     to get rewarded by providing their        been identified by Standards Australia,
     Melbourne were examining the               residents and businesses access to        with the launch of its Smart Cities
     use of 5G technology as a means            game-changing 5G services faster          Standards Roadmap in August 2020.              Phase 1: Launch and 5G
     to enable smart solutions for              than cities that fail to address costly   This includes the establishment of a           co-existence with 4G
     their communities. Whilst these            or unreasonable delays.”7                 national 5G standards development
     Governments are proceeding to                                                        sub-committee of the Smart Cities              In this first phase of deployment in       good coverage and mobility.                  This will necessitate lengthy
     examine all facets of deployment,          Speed of the processes for                ‘Strategic Advisory Committee’, to             Australia, 5G will primarily coexist       In this scenario, carriers are               approvals from councils, if no suitable
     regulation, governance and use of          Councils to approve 5G                    contribute to the development of               with 4G. This includes the addition of     essentially utilising Federal                exemptions are available.
     5G technology, it is increasingly the      infrastructure is central. The            5G related standards and support               5G antennas and ancillary equipment        exemptions pursuant to the
     economic imperative of being an            Australia New Zealand Smart Cities        5G infrastructure deployment for               at existing ‘macro’ 4G facilities on       Telecommunications (Low-
     early mover to 5G that appears to          Council has produced a Smart              Smart Cities.                                  towers, poles and rooftops. These          impact facilities) Determination
     be the primary catalyst.                   Cities Readiness Guide. When it                                                          deployments are usually referred           to co-locate antennas in this initial
                                                comes to the infrastructure for                                                          to as non-stand-alone (NSA)10. This        phase. However, some standalone
     The potential economic benefits of         5G the Guide recommends that                                                             NSA co-location of 5G antennas onto        Telecommunications poles are
     5G will soon become a differentiator       Governments “seriously consider                                                          existing 4G facilities typically in high   reaching their structural capacity and
     for cities looking to attract businesses   siting ordinances that shorten                                                           traffic areas of the inner city and        may need to be replaced in order to
     and residents.                             and/or simplify time-consuming                                                           regional centres, and the use of lower     achieve co-location of 5G.
                                                review processes.”8                                                                      and mid-band spectrum will allow for

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Phase 2: Consolidation of 5G
     and small cells
                                                                                                                                          Phase 3: 5G network
     In the second phase, as 5G networks                                                                                                  maturity
     mature and higher spectrum bands
     (referred to as “mm Wave”) become                                                                                                    In the third phase, when 5G
     available in Australia from 2021, 5G                                                                                                 reaches full maturity and
     will continue to be co-located on                                                                                                    demand is fully utilising and
     existing 4G sites.                                                                                                                   in balance with capacity of
                                                                                                                                          the technology, we expect to
     In addition, 5G will also be deployed                                                                                                see operators deploy stand-
     in mm Wave frequencies, meaning                                                                                                      alone (SA) 5G in low, mid and
     that 5G cell coverage areas will                                                                                                     high (mm Wave) bands. This
     typically be smaller than those of                                                                                                   will require new macro base
     4G. Carriers will need to deploy 5G in                                                                                               stations and new small cells,
     this way to gain the significant new       Many hundreds of small cells               The challenges of deploying 5G                 with many requiring council
     capacity in high demand areas and          associated with 4G networks have           small cells is complex and requires            approval.
     extremely high speeds that the mm          already been deployed across               local government collaboration.
     Wave spectrum provides. As the 5G          Australia to boost depth of mobile         This is neatly summed up by                    SA 5G deployments will also          Co-location and Site Sharing
     coverage area will be geographically       coverage and provide capacity,             Accenture Strategy in its publication          be used for new use cases,
     smaller, some new sites will be            mainly in built up areas including         ‘Smart Cities – How 5G can help                such as private or enterprise        For the successful delivery of 5G         However, sharing ‘active’
     needed in between existing 4G sites        central business districts and sports      Municipalities Become Vibrant                  networks and industrial IoT, in      networks, ‘co-location’, site sharing     infrastructure such as electronics
     to achieve contiguous coverage.            stadiums. This is evident when             Smart Cities.’ “While the benefits of          ‘self-contained’ factory, hospital   and co-operation between the              including radio transmitters and
     These will typically take the form         searching within these localities          pervasive small-cell 5G technology             or campus environments.13 It         carriers will be required across all      antennas, has a range of technical
     of ‘small cells’, whereby 5G mobile        utilising the Australian mobile            are highly significant, the real-world         is in this phase, if not before,     three phases of deployment.               and economic constraints.
     antennas are typically attached to         industry’s publicly accessible             logistics of deploying small cells on          that 5G telecommunications
     existing infrastructure, such as utility   database called the ‘Radio-frequency       a large scale must also address the            infrastructure will be               There is a well-established industry      Nevertheless, the Australian industry
     poles, streetlights, traffic lights, and   National Site Archive or “RFNSA” at        cost, complexity and time involved             undoubtedly recognised               practice and process for carriers to      continues to explore the potential for
     sides of buildings. They may also be                           in deployment. Many municipalities             as essential, and its                share ‘passive’ infrastructure such as    ‘Open Radio Access Networks’ (Open
     established on new small                                                              continue to rely on regulations and            omnipresence well accepted.          towers, poles, buildings and housings.    RAN) that provides for interoperability
     ‘smart poles’.                             A search for ‘Melbourne’, and ‘Nearby      processes that were created to                                                      That is, where carriers co-locate their   and sharing of open hardware,
                                                Sites’ in the map function will show a     handle the rollout of existing and             At least in the initial phases,      antennas onto a single structure.         software, and interfaces for
     Small cells typically have a range         large number of existing small cells       previous wireless technologies, but            4G networks will continue            Despite misconceptions from state,        mobile networks.
     out to several hundred metres.             located in the “Road Reserve” within       which are likely to be inadequate              to be utilised in parallel           territory and local government, the
     Small cells will be a feature of 5G        the Central Business District.             for the rollout of 5G technology. The          and be interoperable                 industry achieves high levels of ‘co-     As we move to deploying small cells,
     networks particularly where the new                                                   challenges in this area are threefold:         with 5G and new towers,              location’.                                precise placement is critical for them
     relatively high mm Wave frequencies        We are also seeing small cell              local permitting and regulations;              monopoles and co-located                                                       to be effective. It will be rare that the
     which have short wavelengths are           deployments being utilised in too          access to public rights of way; and fee        4G facilities will continue to       AMTA members expect sharing of            needs of all carriers align for any
     deployed. The signal is excellent          difficult to cover suburban locations      structures” 12.                                be deployed. Therefore, the          passive infrastructure to continue        small cell to a sufficient extent for
     but doesn’t travel far, so more small      where macro type facilities have been                                                     recommendations of this              on throughout the 5G era where it         sharing the small cell to be viable.
     cells will be deployed, but they’ll        unable to deployed.                        Prior to this phase, it is incumbent           Readiness Assessment apply           is technically feasible (e.g., physical   The factors requiring precise small
     be sending out less power than                                                        upon all levels of government, the             equally to 4G as they do to          space, wind-loading of the structure,     cell site placement include amount
     today’s 4G systems. As the Australian      In this second phase, whilst               industry and the community to                  emerging 5G infrastructure.          matching equipment rack types, etc)       and geographic focus of customer
     Communications and Media                   carriers will be able to utilise           work towards understanding what                                                     and this makes economic sense to          demand and location of surrounding
     Authority explains “5G base stations       Federal exemptions found in the            constitutes a balanced outcome                                                      do so.                                    network elements (macros and other
     can also go into ‘sleep mode’ when         Telecommunications (Low-impact             in terms of providing quality and                                                                                             small cells) and these are unique to
     they are not in use. This means their      facilities) Determination, this will not   cost effective 5G service, as well as                                               State, territory and local                each carrier.
     power output and EME emissions will        always be possible as these sites may      minimising negative impact on                                                       government planning rules
     be lower than 4G base stations”.11         be within “Areas of Environmental          visual amenity.                                                                     can play a significant part in            The visual impact of co-locating
                                                Significance” (including                                                                                                       incentivising carriers to co-locate.      multiple small cells on a single
                                                Environmental or Heritage protected)                                                                                           For example, allowing exemptions          structure should also be carefully
                                                which may preclude the use of the                                                                                              for the extension or swapping out         considered when determining the
                                                exemptions within the Determination.                                                                                           of existing towers or poles for a         best method of deployment and
                                                In addition, suitable existing utility                                                                                         stronger and moderately higher            mitigating impacts in a locality. There
                                                poles may not exist in the area to                                                                                             structure to enable the addition of       is scope for coordination with local
                                                be serviced. The carriers will need                                                                                            co-located antennas can negate            councils in relation to the best siting
                                                to secure approval, navigating the                                                                                             the need for an additional stand-         solutions, whether these involve
                                                uncertainty of state, territory and                                                                                            alone structure.                          co-located or standalone small cells.
                                                local government planning rules.

16                                                                                                                                   17
AMTA State & Territory 5G Infrastructure Readiness Assessment - First edition - March 2021 - Australian Mobile ...
Creating Planning
     Regulations for
     5G Infrastructure
     Minimising impact on amenity                                                        The need for non-discriminatory
     from 5G infrastructure                                                              and objective planning rules

     The purpose of each state and             The ‘amenity’ of a neighbourhood          Thankfully, in some states, territories
     territory planning system as it relates   or streetscape is a ‘wide ranging’        and council areas, government
     to telecommunications network             and flexible concept.14 Some aspects      has determined where the balance
     deployment is generally two-fold.         are ‘practical and tangible such as       is achieved in their prescriptive
     Firstly, government is seeking            traffic generation, noise, nuisance,      planning rules between the
     to promote the development of             appearance and even the way of            positive service-based aspects and
     network infrastructure due to social      life of the neighbourhood … but           minimising impact on amenity.
     and economic benefits, which has          others are more elusive such as the       To avoid subjectively assessing
     been outlined in earlier sections of      standard or class [or reasonable          every proposal, this is ‘codified’ into
     this report. Secondly, the other side     expectations] of the neighbourhood’       planning rules including performance
     of the equation involves government       15
                                                 . But when it comes to the addition     criteria such as the maximum
     seeking to minimise the negative          of 5G equipment in a streetscape          height or setback distance of the
     impact on ‘amenity’ from 5G               or on a building, it is its visibility    telecommunications infrastructure
     infrastructure.                           which is often the focus. Importantly,    from site boundaries and protection
                                               ‘visual change’ with the addition of      of view-lines.                                 Recognition of the essential role of
     Commenting on this dual objective         antennas and other equipment does                                                        telecommunications networks
     in its submission to the Federal          not always equate to a negative or        In attempting to achieve the
     Parliamentary 5G Inquiry the              detrimental change.                       objectives of the planning system in           If we are to realise the economic          unviable in some areas, and also        At that time, due to less demand,
     Australian Local Government                                                         a state or local area this approach is         benefits and enable smart outcomes         discourages other utilities from        mobiles were not considered to be an
     Association (ALGA) states “While          When combined, government will            desirable as the rules are clear and           built on 5G infrastructure, much will      cooperating with mobile carriers to     essential or critical utility service. The
     ALGA supports the rollout of modern       assess and balance these often-           not subject to sometimes vague                 depend on how robustly 5G networks         coordinate the sharing                  siting of mobile infrastructure was
     telecommunications infrastructure to      competing aspects to determine if         discretion when a permit application           are deployed locally, and how we can       of infrastructure.                      able to be established in industrial or
     improve the lifestyles, environment       a net-community benefit has been          is being assessed by a council. This is        apply new regulatory approaches                                                    commercial zoned areas, but this is
     and economy of cities and towns,          achieved as a result of a proposal.       consistent with the Leading Practice           from those used in the past.               So, AMTA and its members are not        just not possible now or into future as
     it needs to be balanced with              Achieving a net-community                 Model for Development Assessment,                                                         seeking a regulatory break that is      5G infrastructure needs to be in areas
     proper process to ensure structural       benefit places an emphasis on             which is discussed later.                      As outlined above, 5G networks have        disproportionate or inflated from the   of demand which is increasingly
     integrity, safety, urban design, and      ensuring that an area is provided                                                        the potential to be a key input into the   rights of other utilities or from the   where people access network
     visual amenity is retained and            with comprehensive, ubiquitous            This approach incentivises carriers            4th industrial revolution. 5G services     importance of 5G services.              services in residential areas.
     visual interference (e.g., along road     communication and digital network         to establish network infrastructure            will be as critical as power, gas and
     corridors) is minimised”.                 services, particularly where this         without the need for formal approval           water. Indeed, communications is           Rather, some of today’s state and       In addition, the rules need to be
                                               infrastructure will add to social well-   if reasonable requirements for siting          commonly regarded as the fourth            territory planning policies for         updated to reflect the essential nature
                                               being and economic growth, whilst         and design are met. The desired                utility. However, when it comes to         telecommunications had their            of the infrastructure, and to ensure
                                               seeking to minimise impact as much as     policy goal has been determined, and           state and territory planning rules         genesis twenty years ago, when          they are written to reflect planning
                                               possible within the context of            the policy makers have developed               the mobile industry does generally         mobiles were considered an              best practice.
                                               the area. 16                              often prescriptive ‘exempt’ or                 not have the same rights as utility        optional accessory, when small
                                                                                         ‘complying development’ controls.              companies to deploy assets in a            cells were seldom deployed, and
                                                                                         Such an approach has successfully              timely and cost-effective manner           less than half of all Australians had
                                                                                         been introduced in New South Wales             with similar planning exemptions.          a mobile subscription.
     “‘Visual change’ with the addition of antennas and                                  and Victoria, and to a lesser degree           The industry is concerned that
        other equipment does not always equate to a                                      and inconsistently in Queensland.              continuation of this approach risks
                                                                                         In some cases, it has also been                making 5G networks commercially
               negative or detrimental change”                                           introduced into Council policies, such
                                                                                         as in Mandurah, Western Australia.

18                                                                                                                                 19
     Responsibilities for
     5G Infrastructure
     The Federal Government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Federal role in safety of
     and 5G Infrastructure                                                                                                                                                                                                      5G Radio-Frequency Energy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The legislative authority to control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                radiofrequency (RF) exposures
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                from radiocommunications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                facilities derives from the Federal
     Legislative Framework                                                                                                                                                          Federal Regulatory Framework                Radiocommunications Act 1992,
                                                                                                                                                                                    for Tenure                                  and the applicable limits are set
     The power to regulate and control        For mobile telecommunications, the                                                                                                                                                out in the ARPANSA Standard for
     telecommunications in Australia          Determination deals primarily with                                                                                                    When it comes to securing                   Limiting Exposure to Radiofrequency
     is vested in the Commonwealth            the mounting of antennas on existing                                                                                                  land access and tenure there is             Fields – 100 KHz to 300 GHz
     through Section 51 of the Australian     buildings and structures, as well as       Federal requirements for                        Federal requirements for                   a misconception that carriers               (RPS S-1). The limits are based
     Constitution. During the 1990’s,         co-location and the placement of           Co-location                                     Notification & Consultation                have rights to install all types of         on the recommendations of the
     when mobile carriers began their         ground-based equipment.                                                                                                               telecommunications infrastructure,          International Commission for
     1st and 2nd generation rollouts          It sets out in a schedule the physical     Australia’s mobile carriers have                From 2002 notification and                 without approval or tenure. But this        Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
     they were aided by a range of            and locational characteristics which       worked cooperatively for more                   consultation was required for              only applies to ‘low-impact’ facilities     (ICNIRP).
     exemptions and powers afforded by        must be complied with to enable a          than two decades to comply with                 telecommunications facilities that         – that is, facilities specified in the
     the Commonwealth. This allowed           carrier to deem a facility ‘low impact’.   government policy to co-locate,                 were either ‘low impact’ or did not        Telecommunications (Low-impact              When it comes to demonstrating
     the carriers to establish a network                                                 and in doing so have achieved high              require Development Approval               facilities) Determination 2018.             compliance with safety standards,
     without the need for state and           For more than 20 years, the                levels of site sharing and co-location          pursuant to state and territory                                                        Australian industry systems are
     territory approvals, and this extended   Determination and its successive           of antennas on towers, rooftops                 rules. It is a Carrier license condition   The mobile carriers must follow the         world leading and offer unparalleled
     to the construction of structures such   amendments have been an effective          and other structures. Whilst this has           that they must comply with a               rules in the Telecommunications Act         transparency. Carriers must prepare
     as monopoles and lattice towers.         instrument, striking a balance             been the carriers’ preference, it is            mandatory consultation code (the           1997 when they seek to install these        an Environmental EME Report in a
                                              between expediting the deployment          also mandated within the Federal                ‘Code’) produced through the               ‘low-impact’ facilities. If a licensed      format approved by the ARPANSA
     With the arrival of the                  of network infrastructure and              Telecommunications Code of                      Communications Alliance processes          telecommunications carrier follows          and these are uploaded onto the
     Telecommunications Act 1997,             minimising visual impact. There            Practice 2018 17 , which requires that          and titled “C564:2020 Mobile Phone         the rules in the Act, it can enter onto     publicly accessible Radio Frequency
     the Commonwealth limited the             is no better example of this than          each carrier must take all reasonable           Base Station Deployment”.                  land to: inspect the land, install a low-   National Site Archive (
     exemptions and powers available          the high levels of co-location and         steps to use existing facilities.                                                          impact facility, and maintain a facility.   au). The Report shows calculated
     to the carriers and permitted only       site sharing between the carriers,                                                         Amongst several obligations,               Whilst it should not be mistaken            EME levels and compliance with the
     ‘low-impact facilities’ to be deployed   which is required and encouraged           This has negated the need for the               the Code requires a consultation           with the notification required by the       Standard for each and every facility,
     without scrutiny of State and            by the Determination and                   establishment of many more towers               strategy be devised for a new              Deployment Code outlined above,             including additions to that facility.
     Territory laws and Council approval.     Telecommunications Code.                   in Australia than would otherwise               telecommunications facility, with          Schedule 3 of the Act requires notice
     These exemptions were enshrined                                                     exist. In short, it makes good sense for        council input, and it is then executed     to be supplied by the carrier to access
     in the Telecommunications (Low-                                                     carriers to co-locate because it saves          by the carrier or its representative.      land.
     Impact Facilities) Determination                                                    money, time and often minimises
     1997 (the Determination), which was                                                 community angst. But this cannot be             The consultation is undertaken to          Whilst licenced carriers have some
     amended in 1999, 2018 and 2020.                                                     at the expense of coverage, quality             ensure that community stakeholders         powers to occupy land and install
                                                                                         and continuity of service and health            have an opportunity to obtain              telecommunications facilities for
                                                                                         and safety, so there will often be the          information and engage with the            mobile base stations there is a clear
                                                                                         need for new freestanding facilities            carrier or its representative. The         preference to enter into commercial
                                                                                         for new services such as 5G.                    consultation is mandatory and where        agreements.
                                                                                                                                         triggered it is regulated by the ACMA.

20                                                                                                                                  21
     Responsibilities for 5G                                                                                                                                  THREE APPROVAL PATHWAYS
                                                                                                                                             The proposed Telecommunications Facility will fall into one of three categories

     Australia’s States & Territories                                                                                                        1                                       2                                                3
     and 5G Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                  ‘Low Impact’ Facilities                    Permit Exempt or                              Development Approval
                                                                                                                                                                                Complying                                        Required
                                                                                                                                    Facilities exempt from                     State, Territory or                       Telecommunications Facilities
                                                                                                                                   Council Approval due to                     Local exemptions                           which require Development
     Legislative Framework                                                                                                                                                                                                Approval, including detailed
                                                                                                                                  the Telecommunications                Telecommunications Facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         assessment against subjective
     Following deregulation by the           development approval, subject to        This type of framework has proven              (Low-impact Facilities)              which meet the performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          planning policy and criteria.
     Commonwealth in 1997, several           strict performance criteria including   effective and provided greater                  Determination 2018.                 criteria and/or requirements
     States recognised that it would         health and amenity considerations.      certainty to carriers. The diagram on                                                of a State or Territoy Code,                     Notification/Consultation
                                                                                                                                  Notification/Consultation                 Regulation, or Planning                       typically in accordance with
     not be appropriate for all new                                                  the right outlines this arrangement.         pursuant to ‘C564 Mobile
     telecommunications facilities which     Importantly, planning instruments                                                                                                      Scheme.                                 State/Territory Planning
                                                                                                                                    Phone Base Station                                                                      Legislation and Council
     were not ‘low impact facilities’ to     like the Victorian Code and             Some states however do not provide             Deployment Code’.                     Notification/Consultation                              Requirements.
     be caught by the full force of the      the New South Wales ISEPP               such an arrangement and do not                                                       pursuant to ‘C564 Mobile
     planning system. Victoria moved         recognise critical nature of the        provide this “middle” way, and they                                                    Phone Base Station
     first when in 1999 it adopted “A Code   infrastructure, and that this           require development approval for                                                       Deployment Code’.
     of Practice for Telecommunications      infrastructure should be dealt with     all forms of telecommunications
     Facilities in Victoria”.                in the same or similar manner as        development, unless a proposal is
                                             other critical utility infrastructure   a Low-impact facility.
     Other States implemented                like that for water and electricity.
     codes or policies at a State level      They are designed to ensure there       The end result is:                                                                                                  This Readiness
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Assessment promotes
     so as to enable certain forms of        is a consistent approach and            • Unnecessary regulation of and                                                                                 best practice planning
     Telecommunications facilities,          regulation state-wide, rather than         delay in the deployment of                                                                                  regulation that seeks to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  shift more assessment into
     including NSW’s Infrastructure State    allowing councils to adopt their own       critical infrastructure’;                                                                                    the Permit Exempt or
     Environmental Planning Policy           varying regulations and policies.       • Inconsistent policies, regulation                                                                              Complying Pathway.
     (ISEPP), which was accompanied by       They also recognise that subject to        and performance criteria
     the Telecommunications Guideline.       relevant performance criteria, there       between different council areas
                                             are telecommunications facilities          when the infrastructure required
     The ISEPP allows                        outside those defined Federally as         is ubiquitous and essential; and,
     telecommunications infrastructure       ‘low impact’ which don’t need to        • Critical/essential infrastructure                                                     APPROVAL
     that would otherwise require            be the subject of the development          being zoned out of particular
     development approval to be either       assessment process.                        localities
     exempt from planning approval, or be
     able to receive a ten-day complying

22                                                                                                                           23
5G Readiness Reforms
     Safety of 5G Radio-Frequency               State & Territory Regulatory
     Emissions - State & Territory role         Framework for Tenure

                                                                                                   – USA & UK Examples
     What are the states, territories and       What are the states, territories and
     local government responsibilities          local government responsibilities
     when it comes to safety of 5G              when it comes to carriers securing
     Radio-Frequency Energy?                    tenure (usually a lease or license)
                                                to establish telecommunications
     State and territory governments            facilities?
                                                                                                   With all three Australian carriers having now launched commercial
     are responsible for implementing,                                                             5G services, Australia is amongst a leading group of nations seeking to
     regulating and enforcing Work,             Whilst the carriers will often relegate            realise the economic benefits this brings. For State, Regional and local
     Health and Safety laws in their            the use of Crown and Council owned                 governments in these nations, 5G will soon become a differentiator
     jurisdictions. In relation to Radio        land in favour of freehold land due to             to attract businesses and residents. It is no surprise then that many of
     Frequency EME, this can extend to          the additional time to finalise tenure
     ensuring that the work environment         on the Crown and Council land, it
                                                                                                   these governments are seeking to create a regulatory environment for
     is safe for workers carrying out           can still make sense when a good                   deployment that is conducive to investment.
     work, at or close to base stations,        site is found from either a planning
     buildings or other facilities with radio   perspective (due to good visual and
     transmitting antennas.                     physical separation from dwellings),
                                                or if such a site is required for efficient        United States
     In some states and territories,            network coverage.
     councils that are assessing                                                                   To-date in the United States, 29 States   The state has facilitated the launch     Equally impressive are early
     development applications for 4G and        Authorisation to use, access and                   have successfully enacted legislation     of private cellular projects through     initiatives to support 5G deployment
     5G infrastructure seek confirmation        occupy Crown land in each State is                 to modernise and streamline state         “batch permitting,” or approving         in New York City. In early 2020,
     from the carrier that when it is           generally subject to requirements                  rules for small cell deployment.          multiple projects under a single         the New York City Department
     operational, the facility is designed      and processes contained in an                      This legislation allows for expedited     application. The state will also         of Information Technology and
     to operate and comply with the             Act of State Parliament, ensuring                  deployment of small cells in the          establish “shot clocks” — essentially    Telecommunications approved 10
     ARPANSA safety standards.                  that the Crown land is used in a                   public right-of-way (streets) in a        shorter timelines — on smaller cell      franchise agreements with several
                                                manner consistent with certain land                responsible and sustainable manner.       service projects on state land, rights   companies to install 5G equipment
     It is not open to a council, a planning    management practices. Tenure is                    These carefully crafted and balanced      of way and high priority corridors.      on streetlamps and some traffic-
     court or a tribunal to pioneer new         often negotiated with the relevant                 laws reflect the innovative changes in                                             light poles. With nearly 6,000 pole
     standards of its own on the basis          State Department, and approved                     technology for the deployment of 5G.      Lastly, the state will look to advance   installations, with 5,000 more in the
     of health concerns associated with         by the Minister. The process to                                                              legislation that will standardize        pipeline, each franchisee gets access
     electromagnetic energy. 18 A Council       obtain approval to occupy Crown                    For example, in January 2020 in           permitting for the installation of       to a number of poles, and that access
     is obliged to have regard to relevant      Land is generally observed as time                 New York State, Governor Andrew           small cell technology on municipal       is exclusive — they don’t have to share
     regulatory standards as it finds them,     consuming and inefficient, delaying                Cuomo outlined a proposal to              infrastructure.                          with the other wireless infrastructure
     and the creation of new standards          the establishment of new facilities.               improve cell service in the State of                                               franchisees.
     is a matter for other authorities. In      Council owned land is equally                      New York. The Governor’s new plan
     addition, state and territory discretion   problematic.                                       includes appointing a project director
     in the planning system does not                                                               from Empire State Development,
     extend to the establishment of             For both Crown and Council                         the state’s economic development
     planning based-exclusion zones             owned land it is often necessary                   agency, who will begin by focusing on
     designed to separate a proposed            to undertake two separate                          1,950 miles of major roadways across
     facility from perceived ‘sensitive’ land   and sequential environmental                       the state that need more robust
     uses such as schools. Finally, calls for   assessments and community                          wireless coverage.
     precautionary measures in addition         consultations. The first to determine
     to the standards are not required,         whether granting a lease would be
     as the standards already adopt a           appropriate and whether owner’s
     precautionary approach, including          consent should be provided allowing
     significant safety margins.                the Carrier to lodge a development
                                                application, and the second in relation
                                                to that development application.
                                                This adds considerably to the cost of
                                                and the delay in deployment. There
                                                is no reason why the two processes
                                                could not be combined with the right
                                                regulatory changes.

24                                                                                            25
5G Readiness Reforms
     – USA & UK Examples
     United Kingdom

     In the UK the government has              The reforms will provide greater
     recently confirmed it will push ahead     consistency across England’s
     with its plans to reform planning laws    regions and allow:
     to make it easier for industry to share   • New masts to be built taller,        •   Building-based masts to be placed
     and upgrade mobile phone masts.               subject to prior approval by the       nearer to highways to support
     This will speed up the rollout of 5G          planning authority, to deliver         better mobile coverage of the UK’s
     and improve 4G coverage in rural              better coverage and allow              road networks, subject to prior
     areas. This is largely in response to         more mobile operators to place         approval
     the “Speed up Britain” campaign , an          equipment on them                  •   Cabinets containing radio
     industry driven effort to expedite        • Existing phone masts to be               equipment to be deployed
     5G infrastructure.                            strengthened without prior             alongside masts, without prior
                                                   approval, so that they can be          approval, to support new 5G
     Following public consultation, the            upgraded for 5G and shared             networks
     government has announced it is                between mobile operators
     taking forward proposals to simplify
     planning rules to speed up 5G
     rollout and improve rural mobile
     coverage. The reforms to permitted
     development rights to support
     the deployment of 5G and extend
     mobile coverage in England will allow
                                                                                                                                    Best Practice State &
                                                                                                                                    Territory Regulation
     mobile network providers to put
     more equipment than they currently
     can on phone masts, making it

                                                                                                                                    for 5G Infrastructure
     easier to share masts and increase
     mobile coverage areas. This will help
     maximise the use of existing mast
     sites and minimise the need to build
     more infrastructure.

                                                                                                                                    Best Practice Planning Regulation
                                                                                                                                    for Telecommunications Network

                                                                                                                                    Where it has been determined that a          ‘Development Approval’ is a term
                                                                                                                                    facility is not a ‘Low-impact” facility as   that can be referred to as ‘Planning
                                                                                                                                    per the Federal Telecommunications           Approval’ or ‘Planning Consent’ in
                                                                                                                                    (Low-impact Facilities) Determination,       some jurisdictions. The Assessment
                                                                                                                                    the process for a carrier to deploy a        tracks for securing approval can
                                                                                                                                    Telecommunications Facility broadly          take many forms, as identified in
                                                                                                                                    requires the need to:                        the Leading Practice Model for
                                                                                                                                    1. Secure Development                        Development Assessment, which
                                                                                                                                          Approval to allow use of land          is further discussed below. In some
                                                                                                                                          and development of the                 jurisdictions a “Building” Permit
                                                                                                                                          infrastructure; and,                   can also be required, but this is not
                                                                                                                                    2. Secure a lease, license or ‘tenure’       generally a point of contention and is
                                                                                                                                          to allow a carrier to establish a      not discussed in this report.
                                                                                                                                          facility on the site.

26                                                                                                                             27
You can also read