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AMilIINO ACIDS IN PRECAMBRIAN SEDIMENTS: AN ASSA Y By J. WILLIAM SCHOPF, KEITH A. KVENVOLDEN, ANI) ELSO S. BARGHOORN DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, AND SOCIETY OF FELLOWS, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE; EXO1IIOLOGY DIVISION, AMES RESEARCH CENTER, MOFFETT FIELD, CALIFORNIA; AND DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Communicated \Tovember 16, 1967 Recent studies have documented the occurrence of organically and structurally preserved algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms of less certain affinities, in sediments of Early," Middle,3-7 and Late Precambrian age.8' 9 1Iany of these 2 organisms are irorphologically comparable to or identical with living thallo- phytes.9' 10 Investigations of hydrocarbons,"1 -3 porphyrins,'2 fatty acids,'4 and carbon isotopic ratios4' 15 in ancient sediments suggest basic biochemical simi- larities between Precambrian and extant organisms. To extend these studies, we have analyzed three fossiliferous Precambrian black cherts, ranging from about 1 to more than 3 billion years in age, for the presence of fossil amino acids. Our choice of amino acids for this preliminary survey is based on the following considerations: (1) Polypeptides, composed of amino acids, perform the indis- pensable role of mediating biochemical reactions in all known organisms; (2) analyses of Phanerozoic sediments and fossils'6' 17 and laboratory studies of reac- tion kinetics16-'8 have established that many amino acids are geochemically stable; (3) sensitive methods of amino acid analysis by cation-exchange chroma- tography'9 and by gas chromatography20 have been developed. Materials and Methods.-Samples: Black cherts from fosiliferous localities of the Fig Tree Series (Early Precambrian, South Africa), the Gunflint Iron Formation (Middle Precambrian, Ontario, Canada), aned the Bitter Springs Formation (Late Precambrian, Northern Territory, Australia) were analyzed for free and combined amino acids. All three cherts are dense, black, waxy, and somewhat lustrous on freshly broken conchoidal faces, and finely and rather irregularly laminated. They are composed of about 98% cryptocrystalline quartz, and contain 0.3-0.8% organic matter; they appear to be chemi- cal sediments of primary, rather than secondary, origin. Each of the deposits has had a mild thermal history. Bacteriumlike microfossils' and algalike organic spheroids2 in the F' Tree cherts, having a minimum radiogenic age of 3.1 billion years,2' constitute the oldest structurally preserved evidence of life now known from the geologic record. Pris- tane, phytane, and n-alkanes have been reported from the Fig Tree sediments,2 22 and the C": C12 ratio of the indigenous organic matter,", as well as the geology and mineralogy of the sedimentary sequence,2 10 suggests the presence of photosynthetic organisms. The Fig Tree chert analyzed for amino acids was collected at the same locality and horizon from which microfossils have been reported.23 The Gunflint Iron Formation has a radio- genic age of approximately 1.9 billion years.4 The fossiliferous chert analyzed in the present study was collected near Schreiber, Ontario,24 at the type-locality for many of the twelve species of microscopic plants recognized in the well-documented Gunflint micro- biota.3-7 Pristane, phytane, and normal paraffins have been reported from these cherts,'3 as have Cl':C'2 ratios for both organic and inorganic carbon.4 Black cherts of the Bitter Springs Formation, from the Amadeus Basin of central Australia, contain at least 30 species of organically preserved microorganisms ;8-0 chert from this fossiliferous locality25 was investigated for amino acids. Radiogenic age determinations indicate that these sediments are approximately 1 billion years old.9 Reagents and analytical controls: The commercially prepared chemicals used were of reagent grade; prior to use, all reagents were tested for amino acid content. Reagent Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021 639
640 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. PROC. N. A. S. grade ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid were found to contain four amino acids (Ser, Gly, a-Ala, Asp)26 in concentrations of 10-8 to 10-9 M/liter. The NH40H used in these analyses was prepared from gaseous ammonia and triple-distilled water; no amino acids were detected in this reagent at a sensitivity of about 10-10 M/liter. Dis- tillation of reagent grade hydrochloric acid reduced the amino acid content by an order of magnitude, and only three amino acids (Ser, Gly, Asp) were detected. The quantities of these amino acids which could have been introduced during hydrolysis vary from more than 2 to over 4 orders of magnitude less than those detected in the chert extracts. All other reagents contained no detectable amino acids at a sensitivity of about 10-10 M/liter. An analytical blank (acid-cleaned glass beads), using commercially prepared ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, was carried through the entire analytical procedure. Trace amounts (
VOL. 59, 1968 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. 641 Identifcation of amino acids: Determination of amino acid content was carried out on a modified amino acid analyzer fitted with a microcolorimeter, using cation-exchange chromatography and spectrophotometry of ninhydrin-reacted products."' As is shown in Figure 1, all amino acids reported, with the exception of lysine and ornithine, are well resolved in this system. Dissolved in pH 2.2 citrate buffer, 1/4 of each extract was applied to the analyzer to determine acidic and neutral amino acid content, and 1/4 was used for determination of basic amino acids. The remaining half of each extract was investi- gated by gas chromatography. N-trifluoroacetyl n-butyl (N-TFA) ester derivatives of amino acids in the chert extracts were prepared according to the method of Gehrke and co-workers.20 Operating conditions for gas chromatography of these derivatives are given in Figure 3. Results.-Free amino acids: Relatively large amounts of glycine were de- TABLE 1. Amino acids in ammonium acetate leachates. Total free Age Glycine a-Alanine amino acids Sample (X 109yr) (nM/gm) (nM/gm) (nM/gm) Bitter Springs chert ca. 1.0 18.1 0.3 18.4 Gunflint chert 1.9 9.8 9.8 Fig Tree chert >3.1 5.9 5.9 tected in the ammonium acetate leachate of each of the three chert samples; a-alanine was present in minor amounts in the Late Precambrian Bitter Springs chert. The quantities listed in Table 1 represent average values based on amino acid analyzer chromatograms from at least three separate analyses, with a maxi- mum deviation of 11 per cent for the Bitter Springs chert, 9 per cent for the Gun- flint chert, and 10 per cent for the Fig Tree chert. Confirmatory identification of glycine and alanine in these extracts was obtained by gas chromatography of the N-TFA ester derivatives, based on both comparative retention times, and on coinjection of the samples with the appropriate authentic derivatives. Combined amino acids: Figure 1 shows amino acid analyzer chromatograms obtained from HOl hydrolysates of the three Precambrian cherts. The quanti- Lys.Orn e Neu hs f ~~~~IArg Tyr Ph* Pro r-A- Aot STANDRD N..Ek_ i I (Cyne-VAbs Xb)- .eUNFLINT CHERT FH3 TREE CHERT FiG. 1.-Amino acid analyzer chromatograms of HOl hydrolysates of three Precambrian cherts. Abbreviations for amino acids are listed in Fig. 2. Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
642 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. PROC. N. A. S. HCI Hydrolysate ac id Bitter Springs Chert (47.0 nM/g) 2 Gunflint Chert (18.3nM/) Fig Tree Chert (12.2nM/g) soluciOne l Rola n - Alonine Amino butyric acid Phonylabonine Lysin* + Orni thine Tyrosine allo-isoloucine Histidin* Eli ~~~~~~~~I ICys teic ocid FIG. 2.-Histogram showing distribution of amino acids in HCO hydrolysates of the Bitter Springs chert (ca. 1.0 X 109 years old), the Gunflint chert (1.9 X 109 years old), and the Fig Tree chert (>3.1 X 109 years old). ties shown in Figure 2 represent average values based on triplicate analyses of each sample, with a deviation of 7 + 3 per cent for the Bitter Springs amino acids, 8 ± 4 per cent for those from the Gunflint hydrolysate, and 10 4 4 per cent for the amino acids of the Fig Tree chert. Identification of 11 of the amino acids detected in these hydrolysates (Gly, a-Ala, Glu, Asp, Leu, Val, Ser, Thr, Ileu, Pro, b-Ala) was confirmed by gas chromatography of their N-TFA ester derivatives. A gas chromatogram of the derivatives from the Fig Tree hydro- lysate is shown in Figure 3. Because of limitations on sample size, the identifica- tion of several amino acids (Phe, allo-Ileu, MIet, amino butyric acids) could not be confirmed by this technique. Derivatives of other amino acids (Lys, Orn, Tyt, His, Arg) would not be detected under the conditions employed.20, 30 Discussion.-The interpretation of these results is dependent on four basic considerations: (1) Are the reported compounds correctly identified? (2) Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
VOL. 69, 1968 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. 643 FIG. 3.-Gas chromatogram Wy pr of N-TFA ester derivatives of Sr amino acids in HC1 hydrolysate I-Ala Thr of Early Precambrian Fig Tree NO- bu chert. Abbreviations for amino acids are listed in Fig. 2. Operating conditions: Perkin- STANDARD Elmer F-li flame-ionization CHROMATOGRA G.C.; Carbowax 20M, 0.02 in. I.D., 50 ft; N2 = 7 ml/min, H2 = 10 ml/min; chart speed = 1 in./10 min. PM0 TRWEMC Are these compounds indigenous to the rock samples analyzed? (3) Are the organic compounds syngenetic with original sedimentation? (4) Are the com- pounds biogenic? Although only three Precambrian sediments have been investigated in this preliminary study, and the data are therefore somewhat limited, these questions can be answered, at least tentatively, in the affirmative. Identification: The identification of amino acids in extracts of the three Pre- cambrian cherts is based on amino acid analyzer chromatograms, in part con- firmed by gas chromatography of the N-TFA ester derivatives. This appears to be the first report of gas chromatographic identification of amino acids from geologic materials. Solubility properties of these compounds, and their chroma- tographic characteristics on desalting columns, are similarly characteristic of amino acids. Identification of these compounds seems well established. Indigenousness: In analyzing sedimentary rocks for low concentrations of amino acids, care must be taken to avoid contamination from two major sources: (a) sample contamination from contemporary plant fragments, microorganisms, and other organic matter on surfaces of the rock sample; and (b) laboratory con- tamination from hands, reagents, glassware, etc. Sample contamination was minimized by immersing the chert specimens in a sulfuric-chromic acid solution, followed by coarse crushing and treatment with hydrofluoric acid. Scrupulous care was taken to avoid laboratory contamination. The success of these tech- niques is evidenced by the results obtained by analyses of analytical blanks. The indigenous nature of the amino acids detected is further supported by the following five considerations: (1) The absence of contamination from finger- prints is evidenced by the detection of only two amino acids (Gly and Ala) in the ammonium acetate leachates; fingerprints normally contain at least 17 free amino acids including citrulline,31 a nonprotein amino acid not detected in the chert extracts. (2) The absence of hand contamination is further indicated by a lack of similarity between the amino acid content of the chert hydrolysates and the distribution reported from hydrolyzed hand rinses,31-33 and by the detection of several nonprotein amino acids (b-Ala, allo-Ileu, amino butyric acids) not pres- ent in human hands. (3) Triplicate analyses of each rock sample show quanti- tative and qualitative consistency, and the three cherts differ in amino acid con- Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
644 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. PRoc. N. A. S. tent. This distribution is unrelated to the order of analysis: the samples were analyzed sequentially inl order of decreasing geologic age, increasing geologic age, and a third sequence in which the sample of intermediate age was analyzed first. (4) Analyses of both 50- and 100-gm aliquots of powdered chert demonstrate that the quantities of amino acids detected vary in direct proportion to the amount of sample extracted. (5) Amino acids have been detected in different samples of the Bitter Springs chert at two different laboratories. 34 Syngenesis: Although the evidence indicates that the amino acids are almost certainly indigenous to the chert samples, it is somewhat more difficult to estab- lish that these compounds are syngenetic with original sedimentation, and are therefore the same age as the sediments in which they have been detected. This problem arises because techniques are unavailable for direct dating of the organic fraction of ancient rocks. Geologic and geochemical considerations, however, suggest that the amino acids detected are of great geologic age, and most probably were emplaced at the time of original sedimentation. Because of their relatively high degree of impermeability and incompressi- bility, primary cherts are excellent sediments for organic geochemical studies. The petrology and mineralogy of the three cherts analyzed indicates that they are essentially unmetamorphosed, and none has been recrystallized. On the basis of petrologic and geologic evidence, it has been established that most, and presum- ably all, of the organic matter in these deposits was emplaced prior to lithifica- tion, at the time of original sedimentation.2 4 9 Chemical evidence suggests that the amino acid distribution in these sediments has been geochemically altered since original deposition. Of particular signfi- cance is the occurrence of several nonprotein amino acids (b-Ala, allo-Ileu, amino butyric acids), reported to be products of the geochemical degradation of more common amino acids."8 35 The presence of only two free amino acids, glycine and a-alanine, seems attributable to their inherent geochemical stability, and to the fact that they are degradation products of less stable amino acids.8' 35 Although only thermally stable amino acids were detected in the ammonium acetate leachates, several less stable compounds (e.g., Thr, Met, Ser, _ Arg) were freed from the cherts by 40- is.~~~ z _ HCI hydrolysis. This distribution E is consistent with other studies 230- which suggest that geochemical 0 stability may be enhanced by che- C lation with an inorganic or organic Z 7_ 'Totol Amino Acids *.Combi.ned Anino Acids phase.36' 37 C- X - Free Amino Acids 5.F i 1 '.. As is shown in Figure 4, the i Age in Billions 2 of Years 3 quantity of amino acids detected is inversely related to the radiometric FIG. 4.-Semi-log plot of total, combined, and age of the cherts. Although plotted free amino acid content of the three Precambrian in terms of nanomoles of amino cherts investigated. Note the approximately acids per gram of chert, a similar exponential decrease (dotted line) in free amino acid content with increasing age. trend would result if the data were Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
VOL. 59, 1968 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. 645 plotted as nM/gm organic matter, since the three sediments contain quite similar amounts of organic material. If the three (cherts initially contained com- parable quantities of anmino acids, this trend could be interpreted as resulting from gradual chemical degradation, and since the sediments have had similar geologic histories, a comparison of the residual amino acid content would indicate relative geologic age. The apparently exponential decrease in free amino acid content could be interpreted as resulting primarily from the degradation of glycine by a first-order irreversible reaction.'7 18 Based on the preliminary data available, such an interpretation would be premature. Data from other Pre- cambrian cherts, and from additional samples of the three sediments investigated, are needed to establish that the observed trend is not merely fortuitous. Biogenicity: Complex organic compounds have been abiotically synthesized under conditions similar to those postulated for the primitive earth.38 Few criteria are available to enable discrimination between biologically and abiotically produced organic compounds, and amino acids are readily formed by abiotic means. Although it might be suggested, therefore, that the amino acids here reported from Precambrian rocks are of nonbiological origin, the available evidence seems indicative of biogenicity. Perhaps the most telling argument for the biological origin of these com- pounds is the fact that they are associated with organically preserved micro- fossils.'-9 It may also be noted that the distribution of amino acids in the chert extracts differs from typical distributions reported from abiotic syntheses,38 and that all of the amino acids detected are either known from extant organisms or are apparently geochemical derivatives of biological amino acids. New tech- niques for gas chromatographic analysis of amino acid isomers39 may provide ad- ditional evidence relating to the origin of these apparently biogenic compounds. Summary and Conclusions.-Three fossiliferous Precambrian cherts, approxi- mately 1, 2, and 3 billion years in age, were analyzed for the presence of amino acids. Small but measurable quantities of one or two free amino acids (10-8 to 10-9 M/gm), and 21 or 22 combined amino acids (10-8 M/gm) were detected in triplicate analyses of each sediment. Determination of amino acid content is based on amino acid analyzer data, and the identification of 11 amino acids was confirmed by gas chromatography of the N-TFA ester derivatives. Several lines of evidence indicate that the amino acids are indigenous to the rock samples investigated, and geologic and geochemical considerations strongly suggest that these compounds date from the time of original sedimentation. In general, there appear to be few qualitative differences in amino acid distribu- tion between the three Precambrian cherts, but the quantity of amino acids detected per gram of sediment decreases with increasing geologic age. Although the stereoisomeric nature of the amino acids has not been determined, their association with organically preserved microorganisms seems indicative of a biological, rather than an abiotic, origin. These preliminary findings are con- sistent with earlier studies which indicated that biochemically complex organisms were in existence more than 3.1 billion years ago," 2, 10 and they suggest that the amino acid composition of living systems has not changed significantly since very early in biological history. Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
646 BOTANY: SCHOPF ET AL. PROc. N. A. S. We thank Dr. Egon T. Degens, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, for suggestions relating to analytical procedure and for allowing J. W. S. to carry out preliminary analyses in his laboratory. We also thank Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma for making available the facilities of the Ames Research Center to J. W. S., and Dr. Sam Aronoff, Iowa State Uni- versity, for helpful advice regarding laboratory techniques. * This work supported in part by NSF grant GA-1115 to Harvard University. 'Barghoorn, E. S., and J. W. Schopf, Science, 152, 758 (1966). 2 Schopf, J. W., and'E. S. Barghoorn, Science, 156, 508 (1967). 3Tyler, S. A., and E. S. Barghoorn, Science, 119, 606 (1954). 4Barghoorn, E. S., and S. A. Tyler, Science, 147, 563 (1965). 6 Schopf, J. W., E. S. Barghoorn, M. D. Maser, and R. 0. Gordon, Science, 149, 1365 (1965) 6 Cloud, P. E., Jr., Science, 148, 27 (1965). 7Cloud, P. E., Jr., and H. Hagen, these PROCEEDINGS, 54, 1 (1965). 8 Barghoorn, E. S., and J. W. Schopf, Science, 150, 337 (1965). 9 Schopf, J. W., J. Paleontol., in press. 10Schopf, J. W., in McGrau,-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology (1967), p. 46. 11 Johns, R. B., T. Belsky, E. D. McCarthy, A. L. Burlingame, P. Haug, H. K. Schnoes, W. Richter, and M. Calvin, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 30, 1191 (1967). 12Barghoorn, E. S., W. G. Meinschein, and J. W. Schopf, Science, 148, 461 (1965). 13 0r6, J., D. W. Nooner, A. Zlatkis, S. A. Wikstrbm, and E. S. Barghoorn, Science, 148, 77 (1965). 14Hoering, T. C., and P. H. Abelson, Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 64 (1965), p. 218. 15 Hoering, T. C., Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 64 (1965), p. 215. 16 Jones, J. D., and J. R. Vallentyne, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 21, 1 (1960). 17Abelson, P. H., in Organic Geochemistry, ed. I. A. Breger (New York: Pergamon Press, 1963), p. 431. 18Vallentyne, J. R., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 28, 157 (1964). 19 Moore, S., and W. H. Stein, J. Biol. Chem., 211, 893 (1954). 20 Gehrke, C. W., and D. L. Stalling, Separ. Sci., 2, 101 (1967). 21Ulrych, T. J., A. Burger, and L. 0. Nicholaysen, Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, 2, 179 (1967) 22 Or6, J., and D. W. Nooner, Nature, 213, 1082 (1967). 23Black chert facies in upper third of Fig Tree Series, exposed by road cutting 100 m north- west of surface opening to Daylight Mine (Barbrook Mining Co.), 28 km east-northeast of Barberton, South Africa. Collected by E. S. B., February 1965. 24 Lower Algal Chert Member of Gunflint Iron Formation, exposed on northern shore of Lake Superior, 6.4 km west of Schreiber, Ontario. Collected by J. W. S. and E. S. B., August 1966. 25 Black chert facies in middle third of Bitter Springs Formation, exposed on south slope of ridge about 1.6 km north of Ross River Tourist Camp (Love's Creek Homestead), 64 km east- northeast of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Collected by E. S. B., April 1965. 26 Abbreviations for amino acids are listed in Fig. 2. 27 T-250 Laboratory Disc Mill, Angstrom, Inc., Chicago, Ill. 28 Degens, E. T., and J. H. Reuter, in Advances in Organic Geochemistry (New York: Per- gamon Press, 1964), p. 377. 29 Hydrolysis of this type, in the presence of oxygen, results in the quantitative oxidation of cystine to cysteic acid and the partial destruction of methionine.31 30 Pollock, G. E., Anal. Chem., 39, 1194 (1967). 31 Hare, P. E., Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 64 (1965), p. 232. 32 0ro, J., and H. B. Skewes, Nature, 207, 1042 (1965). 33Hamilton, P. B., Nature, 205, 284 (1965). 34Analyses here reported were carried out at the Ames Research Center; preliminary analyses of the Bitter Springs chert were carried out at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- tion, through the courtesy of Dr. E. T. Degens. 35 Hare, P. E., and R. M. Mitterer, Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book 65 (1966), p. 362. 36 Degens, E. T., J. M. Hunt, J. H. Reuter, and W. E. Reed, Sedimentology, 3, 199 (1964). 37 Degens, E. T., Geochemistry of Sediments (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965), 342 pp. 38Ponnamperuma, C., and N. W. Gabel, Space Life Sci., in press. 39 Pollock, G. E., and V. I. Oyama, J. Gas Chromatog., 4, 126 (1966). Downloaded by guest on December 8, 2021
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