Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke

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Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
always. further. closer.
Our responsibility.
Now and for the future.
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
always. further. closer.
Our responsibility.
Now and for the future.
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
Wiener Stadtwerke
in numbers.


                                                                    BILLION EUROS
                                                               DIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACT

                 BILLION EUROS
               ECONOMIC IMPACT                     EMPLOYEES
                FROM SUPPLIERS
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
                                                                                         MADE JOURNEYS ON WIENER LINIEN
                                                                                                     IN 2017
                     BILLION EUROS
                   TOTAL INVESTMENT
                 IN THE ENERGY SECTOR
                       2018 – 2022

                                                                                                                                MILLION PASSENGERS
                                                                                                                                 MADE JOURNEYS ON
                                                                                                                                WIENER LOKALBAHNEN
                                                                                                                                      IN 2017

                                                          HOMES AND 6,800 INDUSTRIAL
                                                       CUSTOMERS SUPPLIED WITH HEATING


                                                                     MILLION EUROS
                                                                                                             BILLION EUROS
                                                                   TOTAL INVESTMENT
                        KILOMETRE NETWORK                                                         TOTAL INVESTMENT IN TRANSPORTATION
                                                                    IN NEW VEHICLES
                (GAS, ELECTRICITY, DISTRICT HEATING)                                                           2018 – 2022
                                                                       2018 – 2022
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
always                                              further
             Our mission     Essential services.           14   Our challenges   Smart City goals.                     50
                             Reliability.                  16                    Urbanisation.
                             Mission statement.            17                    Demographics.
                             To society. To the economy.   18                    Consumption patterns.
      Our responsibilities   Social. Cultural.             19
                             As an employer.               20        Strategy    Energy.                               52
                                                                                 Transport.                            56
            Reaching out                                   22
                                                                   Innovations   Upstream. Electric vehicles. eTaxi.   62
              Our history                                  24                    Self-driving underground trains.      64
                                                                                 Solar-powered apartment buildings.    65
               Our group     Organisational chart.         26                    Smart meters.                         65
                             Energy companies.             28                    Power-2-Heat Leopoldau.               66
                             Transport companies.          30                    BotTina chatbot.                      67
                             Other operations.             32                    Smart drone inspections.              67
                             Associates.                   34                    Smart Campus.                         68
                                                                                 GeoTief.                              69
        Economic impact      The Stadtwerke effect.        36                    Digital legacy.                       69

Our international mindset                                  38       Our future   Smart energy.                         72
                                                                                 Smart mobility.                       74
    Our key performance                                    40

               Reliability   Reliability.                  42
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
         Energy    Closeness through dialogue.                       78
                   Closeness through technology.                     78

      Transport    Closeness through dialogue and technology.        78
                   Closer through accessibility.                     79

Funeral services   Closer through awareness.                         79

Closer as a team   Not every beginning is hard.                      80
                   Training to get ahead.                            80
                   Family-friendly working hours.                    80
                   Internal job opportunities.                       80
                   One of Vienna’s largest training organisations.   80

                   Publication details                               82
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke

            Martin Krajcsir
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke
                                                                                                                                                      11 FOREWORD

It is with pleasure that I present this brochure   By 2030 at the latest, Vienna will be home        as quickly as possible thanks to intelligent
to you, which offers an overview of the            to two million people. So that the city will      solutions. Digitalisation presents great
services provided to the city of Vienna            be just as liveable then as it is today, we are   challenges to our sector. However, our
and its citizens by Wiener Stadtwerke.             investing four billion (bn) euros between         efforts to ensure we emerge from this new
And, indeed, some measure of pride,                2018 and 2022 alone – 800m euros each             industrial revolution stronger are even
since these are essential services that            year. The expansion of urban infrastructure,      greater.
keep the city running.                             from extension of the underground network
                                                   to the expansion and maintenance of               Public infrastructure service providers,
Wiener Stadtwerke is wholly owned by               the energy grid, contributes to the high          confronted by a challenging economic
the City of Vienna. Its core business is           quality of life of the entire population.         environment and growing competition in
supplying the population of the greater                                                              the market, are finding it increasingly tough
Vienna area with transportation and                As a publicly-owned company, Wiener               to fulfil their responsibilities to society.
energy. We want to provide the best                Stadtwerke has a duty to lead the way.            Wiener Stadtwerke is able to meet these
possible quality of life for all of Vienna’s       This applies in terms of quality, safety and      responsibilities because we have engaged
residents, at all times of day and night,          environmental standards, but also – and           in an ambitious, and successful, change
while conserving resources as far as               most importantly – when it comes to the           process for several years.
possible. Security of supply, access for all       city’s future.
to services that are daily necessities,            For instance, when asking what the intelli-       I wish to express my gratitude to the 16,000
and their affordability are paramount              gent energy supplies of the future should         members of staff who are willing to keep
concerns for us.                                   look like, or how we can travel from A to B       moving forward together.

                                                                                                     Martin Krajcsir
                                                                                                     CEO, Wiener Stadtwerke
Always. further. closer - Our responsibility. Now and for the future - Wiener Stadtwerke

            Vienna is the world’s most liveable city – as   much of the credit for this. The high level   Thanks and recognition are due to Wiener
            its 1.8m inhabitants know well – but also as    of security of supply, in both the energy     Stadtwerke’s 16,000 employees – their work
            confirmed in the annual Quality of Living       and transportation sectors, underlines the    is the foundation of the quality of life in
            Ranking published by Mercer. Vienna has         importance of keeping essential services      Vienna.
            been placed first in the global ranking nine    under strong public-sector ownership.         Keeping the city’s infrastructure running for
            times in a row. And the smooth functioning      There is nothing I am more certain of,        almost two million people, day after day
            of its infrastructure is a major reason for     since Wiener Stadtwerke is there for all of   around the clock, is a considerable feat
            this.                                           us, around the clock.                         that they master brilliantly.
            A range of essential municipal services are
            brought together under my area of               Wiener Stadtwerke has successfully
            responsibility: they are like the city’s        adapted to increasing competition and a
            circulatory system. Our infrastructure is       challenging economic environment, and
            admired globally for its reliability and its    has implemented key adjustments and
            quality, and is regarded as a role model by     efficiency measures across the company in
            many cities in Europe and around the            recent years. These have already had a        Ulli Sima
            world. Wiener Stadtwerke, as Vienna’s           positive impact in the last two years and     Executive City Councillor for the
            central infrastructure company, can take        assured long-term economic viability.         Environment and Vienna Public Utilities
                             13 FOREWORD
            Ulli Sima
Executive City Councillor
We are there – day in,
 day out. For our customers.
 Around the clock.

Our mission.

                                             ESSENTIAL SERVICES

                     Wiener Stadtwerke       Wiener Stadtwerke is charged with provid-
                                             ing essential services and amenities to the
                     is the biggest infra-   population of Vienna – services that are
               structure operator in the     required for everyday life, around the clock.
                                             Its remit includes guaranteeing that
               greater Vienna area. The      everyone has equal access to energy and
                  group comprises Wien       public transport.

                Energie, Wiener Netze,       For the City of Vienna, in addition to the
                  Wiener Linien, Wiener      positive economic impact and to meeting
                                             its Smart City targets, fulfilling this mandate
                   Lokalbahnen, Wipark,      is above all else a matter of the public
                    Bestattung Wien and      good. That is why Wiener Stadtwerke has
                                             always been fully owned by the City of
                         Friedhöfe Wien.     Vienna. By definition, essential infrastruc-
                                             ture services must be affordable for all.
                                             This type of entrepreneurical stewardship
                                             does not cater to short-term returns.
                                             Instead, it is about putting solidarity

                                             into practice – and underpinning social
15 OUR MISSION   always
                                                                                          RELIABILITY IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT

                                                                                          Vienna is growing: by
                                                                                      2030, two million people
                                                                                         will live in the Austrian
                                                                                           capital, with another
                                                                                     quarter of a million people
                      RELIABILITY                                                      in the surrounding area.

       In order to meet the         This requires purposeful planning to ensure       So that large numbers of Vienna’s inhabitants
                                    controlled operation of the electricity grid
            responsibility of       and regular maintenance (inspection,
                                                                                      continue to switch to using public transport,
                                                                                      Wiener Linien constantly advances measures
       constantly providing         servicing, repair) of power lines, substations    to expand and improve the public transport
       sufficient supplies of       and other infrastructure.                         network – for example by extending the
  electricity, gas and heat,                                                          route network and increasing the frequency
                                    In addition, the whole system needs to be
 the availability of energy         secured against external tampering. These
                                                                                      of services.
                                                                                      The coverage and availability of public
        sources, generating         requirements apply equally to the gas and         transport in Vienna are already very high.
          capacities and the        district heating grids.                           Additionally, there is a need to reduce the
   stability of the network         The degree of supply reliability in the           city’s energy consumption and greenhouse
                                    greater Vienna area – 99.99% – is testament
  all need to be balanced.          to the systematic and responsible way in
                                                                                      gas emissions.
                                                                                      Wiener Stadtwerke’s aim is, as far as
                                    which Wiener Stadtwerke approaches this           possible, to better connect all areas of the
                                    task. In the next five years, more than two       city to the public transport network. That is
                                    billion euros will be invested in energy          why selected lines are being extended and
                                    infrastructure expansion and maintenance.         new, simple, flexible and attractive trans-
                                                                                      portation options are being added to the
                                                                                      existing services. In the next five years,
                                                                                      Wiener Stadtwerke will invest two billion
                                                                                      euros in the upkeep and expansion of
                                                                                      public transport infrastructure.

                                                                                                  Karlsplatz underground station.

Wiener Stadtwerke works
proactively to maintain and
improve the quality of life in
Vienna, and to create enduring
value for its customers and staff.
It is focused on the challenge
of taking public utilities
into the future and wants to
build further on its position as
Austria’s largest municipal
infrastructure operator.
Our responsibilities.        OUR RESPONSIBILITY
                             TO SOCIETY
                                                                              OUR RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                              TO THE ECONOMY

To society.                  For Wiener Stadtwerke’s owner, the City          Vienna not only offers exceptional
                             of Vienna, maintaining high social and           quality of life – it is also one of the most
To the economy.              environmental standards is a priority.           economically dynamic cities worldwide.
                             So Wiener Stadtwerke joined the UN               With turnover exceeding three billion
Social. Cultural.            Global Compact in 2008, and over the past        euros and about 16,000 employees,
                             few years has put an efficient sustainability    Austria’s largest municipal infrastructure
                             management system in place.                      operator is ideally placed to meet the
                             The company reports openly and trans-            challenges it faces.
                             parently on its plans and progress –
                             regarded internationally as exemplary –
                             in making environmental and social
       To secure Vienna’s    performance improvements.
       attractiveness as a
        business location,   UN Global Compact:
      Wiener Stadtwerke      responsible businesses follow
  ensures that an afford-    internationally recognised
    able, extensive public   principles and guidelines.
  transport network and      These include, in particular,
reliable, environmentally    ten principles in the areas
      friendly supplies of   of human rights, labour,
  energy will be in place    the environment and anti-
        for the long term.   corruption.
                             Wiener Stadtwerke’s annual Communication On
                             Progress (COP) as a member of the UN Global
                             Compact is published on the company’s website.

                                                                                  CULTURAL RESPONSIBILITY
Wien Energie has had an ombudsman in           According to the EU, “Energy
place for cases of social hardship since the                                      Wiener Stadtwerke’s assets include numer-
                                               poverty occurs when a
beginning of 2011, and Wiener Netze has                                           ous buildings that are of historical and

                                                                                                                                 21 OUR RESPONSIBILITIES
had an ombudsman since 2018. Working           household finds it difficult or    cultural value. Examples are the stations
together with social organisations like        impossible to ensure adequate      and bridges of the former Wiener Stadt-
Caritas, the ombudsman advises customers       domestic heating at an afford-     bahn commuter railway network, the six
who find themselves in difficulty and are                                         stations on today’s U6 line designed by
                                               able price and to have access to
affected by energy poverty. The ombuds-                                           renowned Viennese architect Otto Wagner,
man has developed a systematic advisory        other energy-related services,     the Spittelau waste incinerator and the
process for such situations.                   such as lighting, transport        Favoriten substation. As a publicly owned
Support available for customers facing         or electricity for use of the      company, Wiener Stadtwerke is responsible
hardship includes deferred payment or                                             for caring for and maintaining these
                                               Internet or other devices at
instalment plans. The ombudsman also                                              historical structures and valuable cultural
coordinates with other agencies on possible    a reasonable price.”               artefacts, and for renovations as may be
sources of financial or other material help.                                      necessary. This includes reconciling the
                                                                                  demands of heritage protection with those
                                                                                  of accessibility. Wiener Stadtwerke invests
                                                                                  major sums to this end every year. As part
                                                                                  of its commitment to preserving cultural
                                                                                  heritage, Wiener Stadtwerke also runs two
                                                                                  museums: the Funeral Museum at the
                                                                                  Central Cemetery, and the Remise transport
                                                                                  museum ( at the former
                                                                                  Erdberg tram depot.
                                                                                  Cemeteries are a veritable treasure trove
                                                                                  of architectural and historical sights,
                                                                                  and Vienna’s Central Cemetery is one
                                                                                  of Europe’s most culturally significant.
Our responsibilities.                                            HEALTH AND SAFETY

                                                                 Comprehensive safety precautions are in
Employer.                                                        place to protect the health and physical
                                                                 wellbeing of staff – for example the
                                                                 appointment of safety personnel in every
                                                                 one of the group’s subsidiaries, working-
                                                                 at-height medical assessments, and driver
                                                                 safety training. A group-wide safety
                 A RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYER                          advisory board is responsible for fostering
                                                                 safety culture and facilitating the exchange
                 Wiener Stadtwerke employs about 16,000          of experience and links across the company.
                 people. The company consciously follows         Thanks to these measures, there has not
                 a life-phase oriented approach to human         been a single fatal workplace accident in
                 resource management. This means looking         the last 30 years, and the number of
                 to the future together, creating options        accidents goes down every year. The
                 that take account of the different phases       company has numerous health promotion
                 of employees’ professional lives, and           initiatives in place, and also is also commit-
                 optimising how these are brought into           ted to safeguarding its employees’ mental
                 sync with operational requirements.             health. In addition to a group-wide work-
                 It is not only a pleasant working atmosphere,   place evaluation scheme, an intranet
                 appropriate remuneration, respectful            platform offers staff and management
                 conduct by managers and smooth coopera-         information and support when facing
                 tion between colleagues that are important.     difficult situations in their lives. Help in
                 The company is also committed to a culture      exceptional situations is also provided for,
                 of open communication characterised by          as can be seen in the work of the SOZIUS
                 respect, as well as equal opportunities and     crisis intervention team – Wiener Linien’s
                 equal treatment, strong human resource          psychological first aid unit.
                 development, and flexible working time
                 models based on employees’ needs in
                 different phases of life.
                 In light of the company’s low staff turnover
                 rate and the positive results of the 2016
                 employee survey, it is clear that Wiener
                 Stadtwerke employees experience a high
                 degree of workplace satisfaction.
DIVERSITY                                      WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT

Respect for the individual, equal oppor-       A range of initiatives at Wiener Stadtwerke
tunities and equal treatment are funda-        actively promote women’s advancement –
mental principles of Wiener Stadtwerke’s       starting with the next generation: besides

                                                                                               23 OUR RESPONSIBILITIES
corporate culture. Especially as many          the group’s participation in Vienna’s annual
people who work at Wiener Stadtwerke           “daughters day”, when young women find
companies originally come from outside         out about about technical professions,
Austria, or their families.                    Wiener Stadtwerke makes it a priority to
For example, Wiener Linien employs             support female apprentices in skilled
people from 36 different countries.            trades. Wien Energie engages in partner-
This diversity presents a great opportunity:   ships with other companies and various
numerous studies have shown that teams         institutions, such as the Austrian Research
made up of people with different back-         Promotion Agency, to open up technical
grounds are frequently more successful.        professions to young women.
                                               Wiener Linien has been operating its
                                               women’s network, “Wiener Frauen Linien”
                                               for a number of years, under the patronage
                                               of its female commercial managing director.
                                               As a result of these and other measures,
                                               the proportion of female Wiener Stadtwerke
                                               employees increased by 20% in 2017.
                                               This figure varies greatly between different
                                               Wiener Stadtwerke subsidiaries – so there
                                               is still much work to do.
Reaching out.

                THE DISABLED

                Wherever we see opportunities to create
                workplaces that are suitable for people
                with disability we do so. Wiener Stadtwerke
                group companies liaise with organisations
                that train and support the disabled. The
                proportion of our workforce made up by
                disabled workers has grown steadily in
                recent years.


                Our group’s approach includes launching
                nonprofit projects – mostly in aid of
                organisations that work for disabled
                children and teenagers. An example is our
                “Goldene Tramway” schools and kinder-
                gartens project, which sells bric-a-brac
                at the annual Wiener Linien flea market;
                this goes back over 20 years now. Mean-
                while Wien Energie has a long history of
                sponsoring the Life Ball, Europe’s biggest
                AIDS charity event, and Wiener Linien
                backs the Wings for Life global charity run.
                                                                                                 25 REACHING OUT TO NONPROFITS
                                                Sport and energy – the two go together.
With total prize money of EUR 15,000, the       That being so, Wien Energie constantly
WINFRA awards honour journalists whose          strives to help as many people as possible
on-the-spot coverage has drawn attention        take part in sporting events.
to the link between infrastructure projects     Among the highlights are the annual Wien
and issues such as essential services and       Energie sports weeks.
                                                And the company supports many other
                                                events that get Vienna moving. It sponsors
SUPPORT FOR CONTEMPORARY                        running events like the Vienna City Mara-
ARTISTS                                         thon and the Wien Energie Business Run,
                                                as well as football, handball, basketball and
As part of our policy of supporting the arts    other team sport clubs.
and culture, we help up-and-coming
contemporary artists. As part of this, Wiener
Linien regularly provides exhibition spaces.
Our history.

         Vienna is growing: by 2030 the city is                     bus companies. In gas services, there were
         expected to be home to about two million                   problems with frequent breakdowns,
         people. But the population was higher than                 the dullness of the gas lamps, and wide
         that once before. It hit an all-time high of               pressure fluctuations.
         2.084m back in 1910. Even before the 20th
         century it was necessary to ensure that                    Aware of the increasing importance of
         a rising population would have access to                   reliable electricity and gas supplies and
         energy and transport services. However,                    affordable public transport to a growing
         in those days Vienna’s energy supplies                     city, the city council decided to transfer
         and public transport were in the hands of                  these services to municipal enterprises,
         private firms. Public transport suffered from              so as to underpin security of supply,
         a lack of coordination and cooperation                     permit far-sighted town planning, and
         between the various tram and horse-drawn                   put advanced infrastructure in place.

         Energy supply, public transport and funeral
                  direction are privately owned until
        Mayor Lueger municipalises these industries.
          All of the remaining horse-drawn railways               Late 19th century
                         are converted to electricity.

                                                            The Simmering municipal gasworks
                                 1899                       enter service – coal gas is introduced.

      The Simmering thermal power station
      enters service, supplying electricity to
                   the Vienna tram network.              1902
                                                         A shared headquarters building is constructed for the
                             1946                        municipal power, gas and transport enterprises.

The merger of the three municipal enterprises –
  the electricity, gas and transport companies –
 results in the formation of Wiener Stadtwerke.            1949
                                                                  The municipal funeral service joins
                                      1953                        the Wiener Stadtwerke group.

                    Construction of the underground begins.
                                                                                   Heizbetriebe Wien is founded
                                                          1969                     to develop a district heating network.
Heizbetriebe Wien (later Wien Energie
                                                 Fernwärme Wien) becomes a Wiener
                                                          Stadtwerke group company.              1970 –1978

                                                                                                   Maiden journey on
                                                                            1978                   Vienna’s underground.

                                             Heizbetriebe Wien (later Wien Energie
                                              Fernwärme Wien) becomes a Wiener
                                                       Stadtwerke group company.                1983
                                                                                     Wiener Stadtwerke is hived off from the
                                                                                     council administration and converted
                                                         1999                        into a public limited company.

                       The electricity market is liberalised
                             and Wien Energie is formed.                2001
                                                               The gas market is liberalised.
                     The funeral services
                    market is liberalised.           2002
                                                 Friedhöfe Wien incorporated
                     2008                        into Wiener Stadtwerke.

Car park operator WIPARK becomes a
  Wiener Stadtwerke group company.            2009
                                                The new group headquarters building
                                                at the TownTown development in
                     2010                       Erdberg is completed.

                                                       Wien Energie is restructured. The district heating business is fully
                                                       integrated as a core competitive operation, and a new company,
                            2013                       Wiener Netze, is put in charge of the electricity, natural gas,
                                                       district heating and telecommunications networks.

                 The Remise public transport museum
                        and the new Funeral Museum
                       at the Central Cemetery open.               2014
                                                                                 Wiener Stadtwerke becomes a
                                                       2017                      private limited company.

                                                      Construction work begins on
                                                           the U2/U5 intersection.

                                                                                                27 OUR HISTORY       always
Our group.

Wholly owned by
the City of Vienna:
Wiener Stadtwerke
and its subsidiaries.
                                   29 OUR GROUP
 Wiener Stadtwerke became
   a private limited company
          in December 2017.
  This legal form enables the
     City of Vienna to directly
    influence the way Wiener
 Stadtwerke plays its part in
 implementing the city’s key
strategies and programmes,
        including the climate
  action programme (KliP II),
   the transport master plan
         (MPV) and the urban
   development plan (STEP).
The energy companies in the
Wiener Stadtwerke group.

                                                      ENERGY PRODUCTION

                      Wiener Stadtwerke’s energy      Wien Energie is Austria’s largest energy
                                                      supplier, and provides over two million
                                                                                                        Wien Energie is also staking its future on
                                                                                                        distributed power generation and energy
                        operations comprise Wien      people, some 230,000 small and medi-              services. Due to difficult energy market
                       Energie and Wiener Netze,      um-sized businesses, industrial plants and        conditions it has sourced about half of
                           as well as Wien Energie    public buildings, as well as around 4,500         its electricity sales from its own generation
                         subsidiaries Wien Energie    agricultural enterprises in Vienna, Lower
                                                      Austria and Burgenland with electricity,
                                                                                                        capacity in recent years, while the rest
                                                                                                        was bought in on the domestic and
                      Vertrieb and Facilitycomfort.   natural gas, district heating and cooling, and    international electricity markets.
                     These businesses have a total    innovative energy services. To deliver this       A close watch is kept on the origins of
                       of about 5,500 employees,      product mix, the company relies on the            the electricity purchased – Wien Energie
                      most of whom work at Wien       internationally acclaimed “Vienna model”.         does not import or distribute any nuclear
                       Energie and Wiener Netze.
                                                      (See diagram opposite.)

                                                      The electricity and heat comes from energy-
                                                      from-waste (EfW) plants and highly efficient
                                                      combined heat and power (CHP) plants, and         ELECTRICITY, GAS AND HEATING
                                                      Wien Energie also uses renewable energy           GRIDS
                                                      sources including wind and hydro power,
                                                      biomass and photovoltaic (PV) systems. In         Wiener Stadtwerke’s energy subsidiaries
                                                      the interests of long-term security of supply     base their efforts to achieve watertight
                                                      and reduced dependence on fossil fuels,           security of supply on selective expansion
                                                      Wiener Stadtwerke is making a major effort        of the group’s power, gas and heating
                                                      to expand its use of renewables. By 2017          grids, and on ongoing maintenance and
                                                      electricity from renewable sources accounted      renewal. Every year, we pump well over
                                                      for almost 20% of total output. A major drive     EUR 100m into optimising and modernis-
                                                      is under way to hit our targets of a renewable    ing our energy infrastructure.
                                                      share of electricity generation of at least 30%   Over the next five years EUR 360m will
                                                      by 2030, and as much as 50% further ahead.        go into the changeover to smart meters.
                                                     Highly efficient
                                                    generation thanks
                             Increased                   to CHP

                                                                                                                                                                  31 OUR GROUP
                        renewable energy                                 EfW plants for
                         use (wind, hydro,                              power and district
                        solar, geothermal                                   heating
                           and biomass)
                                                                                                                 ENERGY SERVICES

                                                                                                                 Wiener Stadtwerke is not just an energy
                                                                                                                 supplier but also offers one-stop shopping
          Distributed                                                                        energy efficiency
            energy                                                                            (internal and at   for end-to-end energy solutions and
           supplies                                                                              customers’      consultancy services, by way of call centres,
                                                                                                  premises)      the site and face-to-
                                                                                                                 face service.
                                             VIENNA MODEL                                                        For Wien Energie’s customers in Vienna and
                                                                                                                 in Guntramsdorf in the greater Vienna area.
                                                                                                                 We also offer business customers assistance
                                             Intelligent use of power (CHP)                                      with energy management. Experts from
                                             plants and energy-from-waste                                        Wien Energie inspect existing installations
 Expert advice                               plants for electricity supplies                                     like central heating or controls to find ways
  for optimum                                                                                                    of improving their efficiency and unlocking
energy solutions                             and district heating, coupled
                                                                                                                 other unsuspected potential energy savings.
                                             with energy services and
                                             expanded use of renewable
                                             energy sources.                                                     FACILITY MANAGEMENT

                                                                                                                 Wien Energie subsidiary Facilitycomfort
                                                                                                                 offers bespoke all-in solutions featuring
                                                                                                                 engineering, infrastructural, commercial and
                                                                                                                 operational support for buildings and all
                                                                                                                 building utilities.
The Wiener Stadtwerke
transport companies.               WIENER LOKALBAHNEN

                                   Wiener Lokalbahnen (WLB) operates a            the vicinity of Vienna. WLB offers
                                   double-track, fully electrified railway line   barrier-free transport for mobility
                                   between Vienna and Baden with a fleet of       impaired people.
                                   38 vehicles. Inside the city, WLB partly       Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo is one
                                   shares the Wiener Linien track network.        of Austria’s largest rail freight carriers
     Wiener Linien and             WLB also owns three bus lines that run         for routes from the North Sea to the
Wiener Lokalbahnen are             between Vienna and Baden, as well as in        Black Sea.
      the large Wiener
  Stadtwerke transport
    subsidiaries, with a
   combined workforce
    of over 9,000 – the
     majority employed
      by Wiener Linien.

   Public transport is Vienna’s
  number one transport mode
         by a wide margin. The
  large numbers of passengers
      and annual season ticket
       holders reflect excellent
  existing services, continuous
        improvement across all
      areas of operations, and
   unremitting efforts to drive
            network expansion.

Wiener Linien’s fleet is made up of 503
trams, 456 buses and 161 underground
trains. The company not only runs five
underground, 28 tram and 109 bus lines,
it also performs the full range of traffic
management tasks including timetable,
line and stop planning.
                                                                          WELL ON THE WAY TO THE BILLIONTH PASSENGER

                                                                          In 2017 Wiener Linien carried
                                                                          about 962m passengers – a new
                                                                          record. On top of that there
                          40%                                             were 14.3 Wiener Lokalbahnen
                                    20                                    passengers. The goal of one

                                                                          billion passenger journeys
                                                                          is getting closer all the time.
                30 0

                          The goal for Vienna’s public transport sector
                          is a 40% share of the modal split by 2020.
Other group companies.


Wiener Stadtwerke also provides parking
services. Underground car parks near the
middle of town make room for green
spaces, playgrounds, pedestrian areas and
revitalised heritage sites, and help maintain
the vitality of the historic city centre.
Meanwhile, car parks and park and ride
facilities on the outskirts enable commuters
to reach the centre quickly and easily
without using their own cars.

                                                                       70 24,500 80
Wipark Garagen GmbH is one of Austria’s
leading car park operators. It runs about
70 car parks with 24,500 parking spaces,
The company has some 80 employees.
                                                                       CAR PARKS   PARKING SPACES   EMPLOYEES

                                                       Street art at
                                                  Wipark’s car park,
                                                Westbahnhof station.

                                                                                                                          35 OUR GROUP
Segment subsidiaries Bestattung Wien
GmbH and Friedhöfe Wien GmbH come
under the Bestattung und Friedhöfe GmbH
(B&F) sub-holding company. They have
a combined workforce of over 700.

Bestattung Wien
Bestattung Wien is one of the biggest
companies of its kind in Austria – and one
of the largest in Europe, providing around
12,000 funeral direction services every year.
In its time the company has organised over
two million funerals, as well as repatriations
from all over the world. Bestattung Wien
also offers provident services (e.g. insur-
ance) and aftercare (e.g. free bereavement
support groups).

Friedhöfe Wien
Friedhöfe Wien runs 46 cemeteries in the
city, with over 550,000 graves and a com-
bined area of about 5.2 square kilometres

                                                       46 550,000 12,061 5.2 km
(km²).These include the Zentralfriedhof
(Central Cemetery) in Simmering, opened
in 1874. With an area of about 2.5km2, this
is Vienna’s largest and Europe’s second-
largest cemetery. Friedhöfe Wien also runs
grave care and florist’s businesses based             CEMETERIES                  GRAVES   FUNERAL SERVICES   AREA
at the Central Cemetery, and a memorial
stonemasoning business. The Funeral
Museum at the Central Cemetery opened
in 2014.

                                                 Church of St. Charles Borromeo
Group associates.


                           In addition, Wiener    For a large group like Wiener Stadtwerke,
                                                  stable, constantly available IT infrastructure
                      Stadtwerke holds some       and high-powered, low-cost IT support are
                    other, smaller subsidiaries   a must – which is why WienIT was formed in
                    such as WienIT, and some      2003. The company now has about 350
                       property investments.      em- ployees, and operates two data centres.


                                                  Wiener Stadtwerke was the developer of
                                                  the TownTown real estate project. After the
                                                  underground train depot in Erdberg had
                                                  been completely decked in 2003, a whole
                                                  new quarter was built on top.
                                                  The development is home to numerous
                                                  offices, shops and leisure businesses,
                                                  as well as the headquarters of Wiener
                                                  Stadtwerke and several group companies.
                                                  A second development phase saw the
                                                  completion of the ORBI tower in 2017.
                                                  This became the new Wiener Stadtwerke
                                                  group headquarters building in 2018.
                                                  We also own nonprofit housing company
                                                  Gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Sied-
                                                  lungsgesellschaft (GWSG).
                                                                                     37 OUR GROUP

Wiener Stadtwerke expects legally
compliant and ethical behaviour of      INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS

its employees and business partners.    In addition to the code of conduct, there
                                        are quality assurance procedures and
This is the purpose of the group        internal control systems that are capable
                                        of nipping corruption in the bud. Never-
code of conduct. Employees are          theless, Wiener Stadtwerke is constantly

required to approach their superiors,   refining the relevant organisational
                                        arrangements, such as the whistleblower
the compliance officer at the           site launched at the start of 2018.

group company where they work
                                        CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
or the group compliance officer
                                        Good health and safety, environment and
if they have any questions about        quality (HSEQ) management calls for

the code or suspect that it has         clearly defined processes if we are not
                                        only to maintain legal compliance but
been infringed. There is a special      also to meet our own standards and
                                        continuously improve our performance.
website for anyone wishing to report    To this end we have successfully rolled
                                        out group-wide HSEQ management
violations anonymously.                 systems based on international standards.
Economic impact
The Stadtwerke effect

       Wiener Stadtwerke        Our group invests hundreds of millions           Wiener Stadtwerke is the City of Vienna’s                The spending of our 16,000-strong work-
                                of euros every year – mostly in transport        key partner when it comes to maintaining                 force generates EUR 3 bn in revenue for
    fulfils a vital mission –   and energy infrastructure.                       and extending the capital’s vital arteries.              other businesses, for a contribution to
          and as a buyer of     Wiener Linien’s capital expenditure is           And because Vienna is growing, the                       GDP of around EUR 1.6bn.
    services, an employer       mainly channelled into underground               expansion of its energy and transport                    To these direct effects of current operations
    and an investor it is a     rail construction, and purchases of              networks is hugely important. On the road                are added the GDP generated by suppliers
                                trams, buses and underground trains.             to tomorrow’s smart city our task is not just            and additional consumer demand, at about
  significant driver of the     To this is added spending on buildings,          to keep abreast of the city’s growth but also            EUR 3.2bn, bringing the total economic
  economy in the greater        stations and Wiener Lokalbahnen’s                to achieve our own, highly ambitious goals:              impact to some EUR 4.8bn and 50,000
                Vienna area.    track network. The energy investment             we want the Vienna of the future to meet                 workers. Beyond this, Wiener Stadtwerke
                                chiefly relates to the power and gas networks,   the highest environmental, economic and                  invests an annual average of about EUR
                                and renewable energy development.                social expectations.                                     770m in infrastructure, generating a further
                                                                                                                                          EUR 900m and 13,600 jobs, according to
                                                                                                                                          economists. This adds up to an annual
                                                                                 THE STADTWERKE EFFECT                                    national contribution of EUR 5.7bn in GDP
                                                                                                                                          and 64,000 jobs – impressive proof of the

                                            88%                                  Wiener Stadtwerke directly and indirectly
                                                                                 contributes about 6% of Vienna’s gross
                                                                                 domestic product (GDP), and 5% of
                                                                                                                                          economic importance of the reliable public
                                                                                                                                          services delivered by Wiener Stadtwerke.
                                                                                                                                          Citizens of Vienna benefit several times over
                                                                                 employment in the city. This has been                    from the economic impact of our group.
                                                                                 labelled the “Stadtwerke effect”.*                       This includes good local jobs, dependable

               87%                                                               In numbers, Stadtwerke’s 16,000 or so
                                                                                 employees generate EUR 5.7bn in GDP,
                                                                                 thereby securing 64,000 jobs. Group
                                                                                                                                          municipal services at fair and affordable
                                                                                                                                          prices, and many other contributions to
                                                                                                                                          quality of life in the city. The positive impact
                                                                                 procurement also plays a major role in                   on Vienna’s attractiveness as a business
                                                                                 the regional economy.                                    location also stems from the fact that
                                Regional economic impact of procurement                                                                   Wiener Stadtwerke is wholly owned by the
                                by Wiener Stadtwerke:                                                                                     City, meaning its actions are not motivated
                                87% of the group’s suppliers are from Austria,                                                            by profit maximisation.
                                and in value terms 88% of the goods and          * Agnes Streissler, Die Wiener Stadtwerke.
                                services purchased is domestically sourced.        Der volkswirtschaftliche Impact. [Wiener Stadtwerke.
                                Source: Internal research, 2017.                   The Economic Impact.] Study, Vienna, 2014.
                   STRENGTHENS         STADTWERKE
                    VIENNA AS A       CREATES THREE

                                        EMPLOYEES       GDP GENERATED


                                           JOBS            GENERATED
                                        CREATED BY      BY INVESTMENTS
                                      INVESTMENTS IN        IN INFRA-
                                     INFRASTRUCTURE        STRUCTURE
Our international mindset.
Information exchanges.
European Union.
                                                                                         Wiener Stadtwerke CEO
Competition.                                                                             Martin Krajcsir shares his experience with
                                                                                         Kraków deputy mayor Tadeusz Trzmiel.

                                           INFORMATION EXCHANGES

                                           Due to their highly regarded services and
                                           projects the Wiener Stadtwerke infrastruc-
                                           ture group and its segment subsidiaries are
                                           much in demand as partners for internation-
                                           al exchanges of information and experi-

                                           The topics discussed range from security
                                           of supply, innovation and cutting edge
                                           projects to basic questions such as the
                                           organisation of the holding company and
                                           the quality standards applied to large
               The mayor of Prague,        tenders. A total of about 1,300 foreign       During these international gatherings visits   structure. CEO Martin Krajcsir fielded
      Adriana Krná čová, during a visit
              to Wiener Stadtwerke.        guests a year visit Wiener Stadtwerke group   to flagship projects and facilities are        questions from the mayor of Prague and
                                           companies. The most visited facility is the   followed by workshops at which the two         the deputy mayor of Kraków, and accom-
                                           Spittelau energy-from-waste plant.            sides look at how the foreign partners can     panying experts, in person.
                                           Also of interest to information exchange      capitalise on our experience. There are
                                           partners are Wiener Linien’s central          also ongoing exchanges at the political        Another meeting with Wiener Stadtwerke
                                           workshops and the Smarter Together            level. For instance, between late 2016 and     took the deputy mayor of Kraków to
                                           project in Simmering, in which the group’s    mid-2017 bilateral discussions with the city   Wiener Linien, where the delegation found
                                           Upstream start-up is participating.           councils of Prague and Kraków looked at        out about the construction planning
                                                                                         efficient management in a holding company      process for the underground network.
                                                                                     41 OUR GROUP
                                    WIENER STADTWERKE AND THE
                                    EUROPEAN UNION

                                    Because municipal enterprises are greatly
                                    affected by decisions taken at EU level,
                                    Wiener Stadtwerke keeps a presence in
                                    Brussels, including an office in the Wien
                                    Haus. This engages in active lobbying, issue
                                    and stakeholder management, and general
                                    information sharing.

                                    The dominant issues at European level are
                                    the 4th Railway Package, the Winter Package
                                    and the challenges of digitalisation.
                                    All will have profound effects on our group,
Wiener Stadtwerke representatives   but also open up major opportunities.
discuss digitalisation and
decarbonisation in Brussels.        In 2016 Wiener Stadtwerke, the City of
                                    Vienna and Vienna Business Agency jointly
                                    staged a three-part series of events entitled
                                    “Growing Cities – Growth in Cities” at the
                                    Wien Haus in Brussels.
                                    The group’s senior management used the
                                    events to hold talks with EU politicians and
                                    advance Wiener Stadtwerke’s interests.
Our key performance

           Financial highlights               Unit     2017                               Unit     2017
                                                                 performance indicators

           Consolidated revenue               EUR m   3,451.8    Generation               GWh

              Energy segment revenue          EUR m    2,214.3      Electricity           GWh     5,968.7
              Revenue of Wiener Linien                              Heat                  GWh     5,467.2
              and WLB                         EUR m      666.9      Total                 GWh    11,435.9
              Funeral services & cemeteries   EUR m       72.4   Transportation           GWh

              Car park group                  EUR m       23.7      Electricity           GWh     11,128.4
           Loss before tax                    EUR m     – 53.7      Natural gas           GWh    20,885.1
           Loss for the year                  EUR m      95.8       Total                 GWh    32,013.5
           Total assets                       EUR m   14,196.3   Sales                    GWh

           Equity ratio                        %         33.1       Electricity           GWh     9,019.3
           Investment                         EUR m     779.3       Natural gas           GWh     6,527.8

              of which property, plant                              Heat                  GWh      6,133.6
                                              EUR m      476.8
              and equipment                                         Total                 GWh    21,680.7
           Capex ratio                         %         14.5
                                                                                                         43 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
Operational                        Unit    2017     Employees*                         Unit    2017
performance indicators

Passengers                          m               Energy                            Number   2,568
   Wiener Linien                    m       961.7   Energy grids                      Number   2,342
   Wiener Lokalbahnen               m        14.3   Transport                         Number    9,045
   Total                            m       976.0   Funeral services and cemeteries   Number     721
Parking spaces (car park group)                     Car parks                         Number      75
   Owned & leased                 Number   13,194   Other operations                  Number     422
   Under management               Number   11,369   Apprentices                       Number     369
   Total                          Number   24,563   Total                             Number   15,543
Funeral services                  Number   12,061
                                                    *Ave. FTE
Reliability.                                                                                                                                      Space heating for

Reliability:                                                                                                                                     380,000
                                                                                                                                                 households and 6,800
energy sector.                                                                                                                                     large consumers

       Vienna’s electricity                    SECURITY OF SUPPLY THANKS TO
                                               THE “VIENNA MODEL”
  supplies are among the
   most secure in Europe.                      For over 50 years Wiener Stadtwerke has           During the heating season Wien Energie’s
System non-availability in                     relied on the “Vienna model” to supply            CHP plants attain fuel utilisation efficiency
Vienna has been less than                      electricity and district heating to the
                                               greater Vienna area. Its components are:
                                                                                                 rates of up to 86%.
                                                                                                 This is an exceptional performance, and
30 minutes per annum for                         Intelligent use of combined heat                the European average for the efficiency of
       several years now.                        and power (CHP) and energy from waste           electricity generation alone is not even half
                                                 to supply electricity and district heating;     as high.
                                                 Use of renewable energy sources;
                                                 Comprehensive energy advice
                                                 services to increase energy efficiency.

                                               At the heart of the “Vienna model” are
                                               highly efficient CHP plants. Some of the gas
TOP POWER SECURITY OF SUPPLY                   comes from Austria but most is imported
                                               under long-term supply contracts with
The most common cause of network dis-          internationally regarded trading partners.
turbances is damage by third parties (e.g.
by diggers) and faults for which the system
operator is responsible (e.g. malfunctions
or overloading). In order to maintain secure
and affordable electricity supplies, Wiener
Netze is constantly at work on improve-
ments to the electricity network.
For example, increasing the number of
small substations has led to shorter power
                                                                 Wien Energie’s CHP plants
                                                           achieve fuel utilisation efficiency
lines, which simplifies system management.                               rates of up to 86%.
1,200                                             km of electricity networks                Electricity and gas supplied to

                                                                                            1 million

                                                                                                                                                                         45 RELIABILITY
  km of district
heating networks          4,700
                          km of gas networks                                                            households

                                                                                                                              WELL CONNECTED – ENERGY SUPPLIES
                                                                                                                              IN THE GREATER VIENNA AREA

                                                                                                                               Electricity grid in Vienna, parts
                                                                                                                               of Lower Austria and Burgenland:
                                                                                  Electricity and gas                          over 23,000km;
                                                                                     supplied to
                                                                                                                               Gas grid in Vienna and parts of Lower

                                                                                  small and medium
                                                                                                                               Austria: almost 4,700km operated;
                                                                                                                               District heating network in Vienna:
                                                                                                                               approx. 1,200km.

                   for over 50 years thanks                                                                                   These networks supply over a million
                                                                                                                              households, and some 230,000 small
                   to the “Vienna model”                                                                                      and medium businesses, as well
                                                                                                                              as 4,500 agricultural enterprises in
                                                                                                                              Vienna and the immediate vicinity with
                                                                                                                              electricity and natural gas. And the
                                                                                                                              district heating network serves 350,000
                                                                                                                              households and large consumers.


                                                                 agricultural enterprises
                                                                      supplied with
                                                                   electricity and gas
energy sector.

Our modern gas network                        average length of unplanned supply                heating circuits. District heating is reliable,
                                              interruptions in 2017 was again less              convenient, and exceptionally good value
      underpins security of                   than two minutes per metering point.              for money. It also conserves resources,
supply. The Wiener Netze                      In order to maintain supply at times              avoids fine particle pollution and cuts CO2
      gas network is about                    of peak loads, outages and network                emissions. In Vienna district heating saves
  4,700km long. To assure                     congestion, Wiener Netze operates a               an annual 1.5m metric tonnes of CO2 –
                                              modern pipe storage facility at the               equal to the emissions of all private cars in
  the reliability of the gas                  Leopoldau site where gas is held at high          the city.
 distribution, over 50% of                    pressure. This makes it possible to store
 the network is inspected                     large volumes of gas in a relatively confined
   every year by the pipe-                    area. During sudden demand spikes, such           FAIR, CUSTOMER FRIENDLY PRICING
                                              as those during cold spells, large volumes
   line monitoring service.                   can be rapidly withdrawn for delivery to          In the price customers pay for a kilowatt
                                              households (at rates of up to 100,000m3           hour of electricity, for example, only some
                                              an hour).                                         36% is accounted for by the actual energy
                                                                                                cost, while 37% relates to taxes, and the
                                                                                                remaining 27% to the regulated system
                                              RELIABLE DISTRICT HEATING                         charges. Wien Energie introduced its
                                                                                                OPTIMA Float tariff in response to demand
GAS NETWORK                                   Wiener Netze operates one of Europe’s             for flexible pricing plans.                               27%          36%
                                              largest district heating networks. Every          Every month charges are adjusted to
The Wiener Netze gas network is about         district in Vienna is connected to the            market price trends. By contrast, the
4,700km long. To assure the reliability of    pipeline system. This interconnected district     OPTIMA Garant fixed-price tariff offers
the gas distribution network over 50% of      heating grid carries hot water from the           long-term planning certainty. The OPTIMA
the network is inspected every year by        generating plants to converter substations        Float Cap plan tracks the ÖSPI (Austrian
the pipeline monitoring service. And we       at central locations in the districts, and from   Electricity Price Index), but incorporates
                                                                                                                                                  Energy price: 36%
continuously invest in network maintenance    there to the buildings supplied, where the        a price cap. Wien Energie also offers a           Regulated system charges: 27%
and upgrading. Thanks to these policies the   heat is transferred to households’ separate       variety of OPTIMA deals for natural gas.          Taxes: 37%
                                                    47 RELIABILITY
            “ The energy market is at a
              watershed, due to the energy
              transformation and digitalisation.
              To transition the energy system
              successfully, security of supply,
              affordability, competitiveness
              and sustainability all need to be
              given equal priority.”

Peter Weinelt
    Deputy CEO
public transport.

                         “Vienna’s public transport is
                      rightly regarded as a model, the
                    world over. It is a shining example
                    of how to organise modern public
                    transport systems. In the next few
                     years we will again invest billions
                         of euros to ensure that these
                     services are affordable for every-
                              one who lives in Vienna.”
                                                      Gabriele Domschitz
                                                                                                                                                                                           49 RELIABILITY
RELIABILITY AND PUNCTUALITY                     EXPANDING THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT                   ongoing improvements to service quality
                                                NETWORK                                          make Wiener Linien an efficient, customer-
For Wiener Linien passengers, the                                                                driven public transport provider and put it
reliability and punctuality of public           Wiener Linien is aiming high: it wants to be     in a strong position to hit its one billion
transport they depend on are vitally            carrying a billion passengers per year by        passenger target.
important.                                      2020. This will involve driving forward public
Fortunately, the company’s key perfor-          transport network expansion and moderni-
mance indicators (KPIs) are stellar.            sation. A major milestone in these efforts       LOW FARES
For instance, the reliability of Vienna’s       will be the U2/U5 intersection – the exten-
public transport has held at 99% for some       sion of the U2 line as far as its ultimate       Public transport prices in Vienna are
years now. And Wiener Linien has long           planned destination at Wienerberg, and the       not just affordable and fair, they are also
achieved connection reliability figures         new U5 line which will connect seven tram        tailored to customers’ differing needs.
of over 99%.                                    lines with the underground network in the        There are special rates for low-income                            EUROPEAN
Frequent action to further improve              Spitalgasse/Währinger Strasse area. The          travellers, to ensure that they, too, can use                     ANNUAL
punctuality and reliability by accelerating     extension and upgrading of the U1 means          public transport. These apply to children                         SEASON TICKET
public transport – such as optimising traffic   that the Vienna underground network’s most       (age six to 15), draftees, people with “P”                        PRICE COMPARISON
light settings or laying out new bus lanes      heavily used line is already future-capable.     social welfare passes, school students and
– is taken in cooperation with the City of      The biggest modernisation scheme in the          apprentices, university students whose main
Vienna. Frequent services are also crucial      history of the Vienna underground – the          place of residence is Vienna, and senior
to reliability. For example, the entire         “NEU4” upgrade – will continue until 2024.       citizens. A comparison of fares in capital
Vienna underground runs around the clock        Alongside the improvements to the                cities shows clearly that Wiener Linien is
on nights preceding Saturdays, Sundays          underground network, the entire transport        one of Europe’s least expensive public
and public holidays, and during peak            fleet – underground rolling stock, buses and     transport providers. In many other large
periods (in the early morning and the           trams – is being modernised. New arrivals        European cities passengers pay hefty prices
afternoon) trains arrive every two minutes.     include eco-friendly electric buses and the      for annual season tickets.
                                                new Flexity low-floor tram, due for introduc-    For instance, a ticket costs EUR 900 in
                                                tion in Vienna near the end of 2018.             Hamburg and over EUR 4,000 in London,
                                                Wiener Linien is also pressing ahead with        whereas passengers in Vienna can travel on      4,000           900          365
                                                other groundbreaking projects – notably,         a Wiener Linien annual travel card for just       London:       Hamburg:      Vienna:
                                                real-time information at stations. The           EUR 365 or one euro per day.                    € 4,000/year   € 900/year   € 365/year
                                                infrastructure development projects and                                                          € 10.95/day    € 2.65/day     € 1/day
Shaping the city.
Moulding the future.
Our challenges.
Smart city goals.                                                        SMART CITY

Urbanisation.                     Urbanisation,                          “Smart city” is a hold-all term for a raft of
                                                                         urban planning policies. These centre on
Demography.                  population growth,                          using innovative technologies to enhance
                          demographic change,                            the quality of life in cities and help them
Consumption patterns.     new consumption and                            to function in an eco-friendly manner.
                           behaviour patterns –                          The emphasis is on the efficient and
                                                                         sustainable use of resources including
                         global megatrends are                           energy, transport infrastructure, living
                         also presenting Vienna                          space, and public urban spaces, as well
                        and Wiener Stadtwerke                            as knowledge and data.
                         with major challenges.

                                                                                                           ...    energy efficiency

                                                                                  Renewable                                      Urban
                                                                                  action plan                                 development

                                                                                                                                  master plan

                                      Interaction of the Vienna                                  Energy            technology
                               Smart City Framework Strategy                                    strategy         and innovation
                           with existing and future strategies.                                                     strategy
                             Source: Smart City Wien – Rahmenstrategie
                                [Vienna Smart City Framework Strategy]
URBANISATION                                        DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE                               NEW CONSUMPTION PATTERNS

Urbanisation – migration from rural to urban        Population change is being accompanied           Expectations are changing along with
areas – has recently accelerated markedly in        by demographic change. Vienna’s popula-          the population. We must optimise our
Vienna, as elsewhere. By 2030 the popula-           tion is becoming younger and older at the        services for mature customers, with
tion of Vienna is expected to reach the two         same time. The city is becoming the              regard to affordability, accessibility and
million mark. There are also three-quarters         youngest Austrian province (mainly as a          a gentle transition to the digital world.
of a million people living in the surrounding       result of inward migration). At the same         Younger people increasingly live in virtual
area. All this ultimately means more traffic,       time the number of senior citizens is            communities, and have different consump-
more housing needs, more energy demand.             growing. Vienna is also becoming more            tion and behaviour patterns. They set great

Because of this Wiener Stadtwerke has               varied: social diversity in terms of cultures,   store by individualisation, and the sharing
already begun building tomorrow’s infra-            religions and outlooks is on the increase.       economy.
structure.                                          Wiener Stadtwerke must adjust to these           To them, networking and the digitalisation
                                                    shifts, both as an employer and as a service     of everyday life are normal and essential.

                                                                                                                                                    53 OUR CHALLENGES
                                                    provider.                                        Wiener Stadtwerke must meet their
                                                                                                     expectations by being a modern service
                                                                                                     company with up-to-date services such
                                                                                                     as free WiFi, instant access to downloads,
                                                                                                     intermodal transport and paperless






 0-14                                                                +16%

                                                                                                     Changes in Vienna demographics
                                                                                                     by age groups, 2014–2024.
               10,000         20,000            30,000       40,000          50,000                  Source: Statistik Journal Wien, 1/2014

                              INVESTING IN TOMORROW’S
                              ENERGY SUPPLIES

     The trends discussed     Vienna is growing – and that is pushing up
                              electricity use, too. To be able to continue
   above present the City

                              to meet demand, Wiener Stadtwerke is
    of Vienna and Wiener      investing in raising and diversifying its
   Stadtwerke with major      generating capacity, as well as expanding
       challenges. Wiener     and modernising its grids and related
                                                                              BILLION EUROS TOTAL
Stadtwerke believes that                                                       INVESTMENT OVER

    innovation is the best                                                       THE 2018 – 2022
       way to manage the      BOOSTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY
      technical, social and
                              With a total installed capacity of 400 MW,
     economic transitions.    the Spittelau station is the second-largest
And we are committed to       generating plant of the district heating
  making a reality of new     network, after the Simmering Block 1
 technology by investing.     gas-fired unit (CHP). After 40 years’ service
                              it was upgraded: Wien Energie invested

                                                                                355 398 360
                              about EUR 130m in modernising the
                              Spittelau EfW plant.
                              In October 2017 the Manner wafer factory
                              in Vienna’s Hernals district began injecting
                              waste heat into the local district heating
                              network; it is now supplying heat to 600          MILLION EUROS       MILLION EUROS     MILLION EUROS
                              households and businesses. Manner                 IN RENEWABLE           IN GRID      IN SMART METERING
                              implemented this project in cooperation               ENERGY          DEVELOPMENT
                              with Wien Energie.
EXPANDING RENEWABLE                          Wind power
                                   ENERGY SUPPLIES                              Wien Energie’s largest wind farms are:
                                                                                 Pottendorf/Tattendorf: 15 turbines
                                   To reduce dependence on fossil fuel           generating clean power for 28,600
                                   imports, Wiener Stadtwerke is committed       households;
                                   to expanding power and heat generation        Steinriegel: 21 turbines generating

                                   from renewable sources.                       power for 24,000 households.
                                   The aim is to increase the renewable share    Level, Hungary: 12 turbines generating
                                   of overall generation to 30% by 2030.         power for 15,000 households.
                                   To this end we will be spending some

                                                                                                                                                                                   55 STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                Glinzendorf wind park.
                                   EUR 355m on harnessing renewable energy      Solar power
                                   sources (wind, PV and hydro) and related     Wien Energie has designed, built and now
                                   equity investments up to 2022. This          operates over 120 PV arrays at 60 sites.
                                   will increase Vienna’s security of supply,   Of these, 27 are projects with citizen
                                   while also making a major contribution       involvement, which enable communities
                                   to combating climate change.                 to play an active part in shaping the future
                                                                                of energy supplies. Particularly successful
                                                                                schemes are the city’s largest PV array,
                                                                                in Wien Mitte, and the Rosiwalgasse
                                                                                citizen-owned solar power station in Liesing.

175 195
                                                                                The latter features a habitat for endangered    Rosiwalgasse citizen-owned solar power station.
                                                                                species under the panels – a model species
                                                                                conservation project.

                                                                                Hydro power
MILLION EUROS   MILLION EUROS IN                                                Wien Energie has executed a small but
IN ELECTRICAL   DISTRICT HEATING                                                impressive project on the Danube Island.
 SUBSTATIONS      AND COOLING                                                   The Wehr 1 (Weir 1) mini hydro power
                 CONNECTIONS                                                    station, which uses a screw turbine to
                                                                                generate green power for 130 households,
                                                                                came on line in the spring of 2017.
                                                                                                                                Wehr 1 Danube Island mini hydro plant.

       NETWORK DEVELOPMENT   Power network                                So as to prevent pressure
                             We aim to transport electricity to con-
                             sumers safely, and with a minimum of
                                                                          fluctuations on the grid,
      To ensure that gas     system losses. Transformers have to step     since 2012 Wiener Netze has
      reaches customers      the power down from high to medium           been working on a major
          safely, Wiener     voltage at substations, and from medium      project aimed at raising gas
     Stadtwerke invests      to low voltage at local distribution
                                                                          pressure. This is made possible
                             substations. In the interests of increased
  large sums in network      security of supply Wiener Netze is invest-   by an innovative pipe-laying
         modernisation.      ing about EUR 150m in these substations      technique that has reduced the
                             and another EUR 140m in power lines          trench footprint. From 2018
                             between 2018 and 2022.
                                                                          to 2022 some EUR 25m will
                             Gas network                                  be invested in this scheme.
                             About 20% of Austria’s natural gas needs
                             are met by domestic reserves. However,
                             the lion’s share of the gas used comes
                             from Russia and Norway, and some is
                             also imported from Germany.
                             Wiener Netze operates a gas distribution
                             network that is almost 4,700km long;
                             besides Vienna, this serves 14 Lower
                             Austrian communities. The company plans
                             to invest about EUR 83m in network
                             maintenance and upgrading between 2018
                             and 2022 – enough to guarantee reliable,
                             disruption-free gas supply.

                                                                                                            District cooling station at
                                                                                                            Vienna Central Station.
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