Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University

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Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University

                                                PAGE 4

                                                         Dr. Stan Norman: 7th President of WBU
                                                         A veteran of Baptist higher education has taken the helm
                                                         as the seventh president of Williams Baptist University.

                                                         PAGE 2

                                                         It’s Official!
                                                         THE NAME CHANGE IS COMPLETE AND IT
                                                         IS OFFICIAL—WBC IS NOW WBU.
                                                         With continued advancements in the field of higher
                                                         education, updating the name to reflect the school’s
                                                         current status just made sense.
         PAGE 6                        PAGE 9            PAGE 4

                                                         ALSO IN THIS ISSUE
                                                         06 Fraley Leads Williams Wrestling
                                                         07 Williams Expands Program Offerings

                                                         09 WBU Dedicates New Facilities

                                                         10 Around Campus
                                                         16 Letter from the President

                                                         SUMMER 2018
                                                         VOLUME 27 // ISSUE 1
Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
DR. STAN NORMAN:                                                                                                                                         7TH PRESIDENT OF WBU

                                    By Dr. Brett Cooper // Vice President for Institutional Advancement

  A    veteran of Baptist higher education
       has taken the helm as the seventh
  president of Williams Baptist University.
                                                         will help extend and expand the influence and
                                                         impact of Williams throughout the South.
                                                                                                                New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary,
                                                                                                                Southwest Baptist University and Oklahoma
                                                                                                                Baptist University assured us that he was
  Dr. R. Stanton “Stan” Norman was elected               “It will be a privilege to watch, cheer, and pray      well qualified,” Magee commented.
                                                          for Stan and Joy Norman and the Williams
  president in March by the Williams Board of
                                                          community in the days to come,” Dockery said.         Norman earned his bachelor’s degree at
  Trustees, and he took office in early April.
                                                                                                                Criswell College in Dallas, and he holds
                                                         “Dr. Stan Norman is a stellar example of a rare        both a Master of Divinity and a Ph.D. in
  “I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know               breed in academia. He is a brilliant scholar          systematic theology from Southwestern
   the people and the Williams campus, and I’m            in his field of theology, and he is terrific in       Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth.
   learning the rich history of WBU,” Norman said.        the classroom. While on the faculty at New
  “What I am finding is a university with a distinctly    Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, he              He said he will strive to maintain and
   Christian mission, which it takes very seriously.      was one of our most popular professors. He            build upon the Christian commitment
   My wife, Joy, and I feel tremendously blessed by       has outstanding administrative gifts and a            at the heart of Williams.
   God that we were called here, and I look forward       close connection with Southern Baptists,
   to helping Williams move boldly into the future.”      knowing our churches very, very well. With            ”In this regard, I will work to enhance the
                                                          Dr. Stan Norman at the helm, great days are            vibrant, relevant mission of the university.
  Norman has worked in Baptist higher education           ahead for Williams Baptist University,” said           I intend to develop strategic plans and
  since 1996 as both a professor and administrator.       Dr. Chuck Kelley, president of NOBTS.                  structures to ensure the ongoing viability
  He comes to Williams from Oklahoma Baptist                                                                     and growth of Williams. I will also work
  University, where he has served for the past           Dr. Sonny Tucker is executive director of               to identify and implement initiatives and
  nine years as provost and executive vice               the Arkansas Baptist State Convention,                  programs that creatively and effectively expand
  president. He also worked at several other             which owns and operates Williams. He also               the influence and impact of the university
  Baptist institutions, and he served previously         extended a warm welcome to Norman.                      regionally and globally,” he commented.
  as a pastor at three churches in Texas.

“I hope to work with the WBU community to strengthen and grow the efforts of the university to transform the lives of students
    to embrace their vocations as callings of excellence and who view their vocations as platforms for ministry and witness.”

  J.R. Cox, chair of the WBU Board of Trustees,          “I am incredibly excited about Stan Norman             The new president said he is working to
  said the presidential search committee realized         joining Williams Baptist University and the           learn the overall operations at Williams
  quickly that Norman was the right choice to             Arkansas Baptist family. Stan is a delightful         as quickly as possible, and he wants to
  lead Williams. “In our conversations with               person who brings strong leadership skills and        launch a collaborative effort to develop
  Dr. Norman, our committee was struck with               an impressive background to the helm of WBU.          goals for the next three to five years.
  the sense that he and his wife are simply a             Stan’s wife, Joy, is a gracious, wonderful lady
  great fit for Williams, and we are convinced the        and will be well received by the university’s         “I hope to work with the WBU community
  Lord brought them to us,” Cox commented.                family and this state. Stan will continue and build    to strengthen and grow the efforts of the
                                                          upon the impressive work of WBU’s previous             university to transform the lives of students
  Norman’s hiring was heralded by leaders in              presidents and lead the university to continued        to embrace their vocations as callings of
  the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. David              significant Kingdom impact,” Tucker said.              excellence and who view their vocations as
  Dockery, former president of Union University,                                                                 platforms for ministry and witness,” he noted.
  nominated Norman for the presidency at                 The search committee was led by Dr. Bob Magee,
  Williams and voiced excitement at his selection.       music professor and chair of the Department of         Norman is a Durant, Okla., native. He
                                                         Fine Arts at Williams. Magee said Norman was           and Joy have three grown sons.
  “Stan Norman is a gifted educator and faithful         nominated for the presidency by Dockery, and
   Christ follower who will serve Arkansas               he then agreed to be considered for the position.      He replaces Dr. Tom Jones, who served
   Baptists and the Williams Baptist University                                                                 as president for five and a half years
   community well. He is committed to a vision           “Our committee was looking for someone                 before leaving for a position with the
   of a distinctively Christ-centered education           with extensive leadership and administrative          California Baptist Foundation last fall.
   that will inspire faculty, staff, and students. I      qualities, as well as experience in an academic
   truly believe that Stan Norman will bring              setting. Dr. Norman’s years at Criswell
   quality leadership to the work at Williams that        College, Charleston Southern University,

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Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                MIDKIFF & STARTUP
    The name change is complete and it is official—
                 WBC is now WBU.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Receive Professor Emeritus Status

A    fter making the announcement last
     fall, Williams Baptist University has
spent the past several months updating
                                                       Makayla Marshall, who graduated in May with a
                                                       degree in Christian ministries. “For me, it means
                                                       that I can say I graduated from an amazing
                                                                                                           communicates more accurately what Williams
                                                                                                           truly is. The time was right to make this change,
                                                                                                           and the response has been very exciting.”
                                                                                                                                                                “Dr. Williams was a lifelong learner, a world
                                                                                                                                                                 traveler and a student of history and the
                                                                                                                                                                 Bible. He envisioned Williams taking the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                T   wo beloved Williams Baptist University     “Dr. Midkiff has taught for 43 years with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pillars, Dr. Sheri Midkiff and Dr. Kenneth genuine passion and presented the content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Startup, ended the 2017-2018 school             of her courses in a dynamic fashion,” said
the campus, logo, signage, web address,                college that will now be an amazing university.                                                           Gospel to the world, and he advocated that     year by beginning their retirement. In          Dr. Brad Baine, vice president for academic
                                                       We are at the end of something great, but it is     Williams has three academic divisions, more           training men and women in education,                                                           affairs at Williams. “During her years of
stationery, social media and everything else                                                                                                                                                                    honor of their dedication to Williams, both
                                                       only the beginning of something greater.”           than 25 bachelor’s degree majors, and will            business, the sciences and the arts and                                                        service, she has put forth extraordinary
that might show the former college name.                                                                                                                                                                        professors were given the title of professor
                                                                                                           launch its Master of Science in Education             humanities were all part of reaching the                                                       efforts in all her institutional responsibilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                emeritus. Midkiff is retiring after 43 years
                                                       The decision to change the institution’s            program this fall. The MSE is the university’s        world for Christ. Moving from college to                                                       Dr. Midkiff has truly provided distinguished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of service to Williams, and Dr. Startup
“As Williams Baptist University, we have a             name came after more than two years of              second graduate degree, joining the Master of         university will help us advance the Gospel.”                                                   and meritorious service to the university.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                spent more than 35 years at WBU.
 bold new platform from which to launch                planning, and was influenced by the belief          Art in Teaching program, which is well into its
 the next generation of leaders,” said WBU             that becoming a university would more               second year of existence. WBU also fields 19         Williams was founded as Southern Baptist                                                             Over the course of his time at Williams, Startup
 President Dr. Stan Norman. “The new name              accurately depict the institution Williams has      varsity, and three junior varsity, athletic teams.   College in 1941. While it operated as a         Awarding the title professor emeritus enables        served as a professor of history, chair of the
 lets the world know that Williams is preparing        become. With an added graduate program                                                                   junior college in its early years, it moved     Williams to acknowledge faculty who have             history department, chair of the Division
 students for all sorts of vocations, whether          and continued advancements in the field of          No matter the growth, however, Williams has          to four-year status in 1984. Its name was       provided meritorious and longstanding service        of Arts and Sciences, and spent many years
 it’s the classroom, the operating room, the           higher education, updating the name to reflect      held fast to devotion to the Lord, which has         changed to Williams Baptist College, in         to the university. Any member of the faculty         as the vice president for academic affairs.
 boardroom, or any other place of work. They’re        the school’s current status just made sense.        made it a pillar of Christian higher education       honor of founder Dr. H.E. Williams, on the      who retires after 20 years of full-time service      He concluded his career as the interim
 being equipped to work, to lead and to make                                                               for more than 76 years. In other words, WBU is       college’s 50 th anniversary in 1991. The move   to WBU, with a minimum rank of assistant             president. WBU’s historic WWII era chapel
 a difference in this world for Christ.”               “We studied the idea of a name change               decidedly committed to producing exceptional         to Williams Baptist University is only the      professor, and who has rendered “distinguished       will now be named Startup Chapel, in honor
                                                        extensively, and we found that Williams had        graduates prepared to engage local and global        second name change in the school’s history.     and meritorious services” to the university,         of Startup’s leadership at Williams.
For the most part, Williams operated as                 actually been functioning like a university for    cultures through a Christ-centered worldview.                                                        may be appointed professor emeritus.
Williams Baptist College throughout the 2017-           a number of years,” said Dr. Brett Cooper, vice                                                                                                                                                              “Dr. Startup has been an exceptional faculty
2018 year. Commencement, which was held in              president for institutional advancement.           “Dr. Williams would be so enthusiastic about the                                                     Midkiff spent her time at Williams as a professor     member and leader for Williams for the last 35
May, was the last event as a college, and the                                                               college becoming a university,” noted Professor                                                     of English. Along with professor emeritus, a new      years,” added Baine. “He has earned the highest
name change became official this summer.               “Williams has a wide range of academic               Jerry Gibbens, who is chair of the department                                                       scholarship has been created in honor of Midkiff’s    compliments from his students and colleagues,
                                                        offerings, a large and growing resident             of English and communication arts and has                                                           legacy and service to the institution. WBU            due to his teaching, leadership and commitment
“To be in the last graduating class as Williams         student population and is adding its second         just completed his 51st year at Williams.                                                           has established the Dr. Sheri Midkiff English         to the university on and off campus. As attested
 Baptist College is a surreal aspect to grasp,” said    graduate program. The name change simply                                                                                                                Scholarship, an endowed scholarship for select        by the faculty and staff, Dr. Startup has devoted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                English and English education majors at Williams.     35 years of superior service to Williams.”

                                                                                 “Williams has a wide range of academic offerings,                              a large and growing resident                      If you wish to contribute to the
                                                                                        student population and is adding its second                             graduate program. The name                        Midkiff Scholarship endowment,
                                                                                change simply communicates more accurately what                                 Williams truly is. The time                       visit
                                                                                   was right to make this change, and the response                              has been very exciting.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Be sure to designate your gift to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Sheri Midkiff Scholarship.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You can also mail gifts to the address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  below or call (870) 759-4108 for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  more information.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WBU Institutional Advancement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  56 McClellan Dr, Box 3736
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Walnut Ridge, AR 72476

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LEFT: Dr. Kenneth Startup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RIGHT: Dr. Sheri Midkiff

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Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
      to Third Place National Finish
                                                                                                                                                                               WILLIAMS EXPANDS
            By Shane Stolz (’09) // Assistant Athletic Director & SID
                                                                                                                                                                               PROGRAM OFFERINGS

F   or the second straight season, the
    Williams Baptist University wrestling
program had an individual win an NAIA
                                                    The first period was back and forth with Fraley
                                                    gaining the edge early with a takedown. However,
                                                    after an escape Weber took Fraley down to gain
                                                                                                         Demetrius Thomas wrestled his way to a
                                                                                                         second place finish in the 285 lb. weight class.
                                                                                                         The sophomore lost 8-4 in the final against
                                                                                                                                                            WBU                continues to expand
                                                                                                                                                                               its academic offerings.
                                                                                                                                                            The university is preparing to offer its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      bachelor’s degree in education and wish to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      further their education, according to Baine.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Marketing. The two additions bring the total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          number of undergraduate majors at WBU to 27.

National Championship. This year’s                  a 3-2 advantage. Next, Fraley escaped, which left    top seeded Dean Broghammer. Thomas                 second master’s degree, the Master                       “For nearly 30 years, WBU has offered                Baine noted that the marketing degree will be one
                                                    the score tied at three after one period wrestled.   finished the year with a record of 27-4. He                                                                  a high quality undergraduate degree in              of three majors offered in the field of business
competition was held in Des Moines, Iowa,                                                                                                                   of Science in Education (MSE), and
                                                                                                         was named AMC Wrestler of the Year to go                                                                     teacher education. Therefore, over the years,       at Williams, along with business administration
where Tyler Fraley swept through the 141 lb.                                                                                                                it is also adding bachelor’s degrees in
                                                    There was only one point scored in the second        along with All-American honors this season.                                                                  many graduates of the Williams Teacher              and finance. “The BS in Marketing degree
weight class bracket to claim his first                                                                                                                     criminal justice and marketing. All the
                                                    period. Weber chose to start down, and came                                                                                                                       Education Program have been prepared to             will provide students a solid preparation in
national championship, and the team’s                                                                                                                       degrees will be launched this year.
                                                    out with an early escape to garner a 4-3 lead        The Eagles finished in third place as a team.                                                                be highly effective educators,” he said.            advertising, sales and social media marketing,
second in as many years. His victory helped         going to the third period. The final period of       This is the highest they have ever finished                                                                                                                      providing them with the skills and knowledge for
lead the team to a third place national finish,     regulation was a mirror of the second period         after finishing in fourth a season ago. WBC        “Since 1941, Williams has a longstanding                  Baine noted that the MSE program is for             many meaningful career opportunities,” he said.
the highest in school history.                      with Fraley starting out down and escaping           scored 86.5 points in the tournament. Fraley        tradition of providing an excellent education            educators who are looking to improve
                                                    to tie the score at four. Fraley came close to       led the team with 22.5 points, followed             for its students. Until recently, that quality           their pedagogical practices, in order to            Williams launched its online criminal justice
“I have been blessed to be a part of such a         sealing the match in regulation as he was            by Thomas (19.5), Nicholas Drendel (17.5),          education has been primarily delivered through           improve the learning of K-12 students.              program for professionals already working in law
 wonderful group of guys. Though there were 11      close to a take down in the final seconds of         Joshua Chiles (17), Kyle Lee (4.0), Jaitlan         on-campus courses and degree programs, and                                                                   enforcement last year, and a strong interest for an
 guys in this tournament, there were 37 guys at     regulation, but a replay review ruled it was not     Pitts (3.5), Ryan Whittle (1.0), Tanner Irwin       there is considerable value in on-campus                “With a rich history of producing exemplary          on-campus degree plan for traditional students
 home and in the stands that made this possible.    two points, sending the match to overtime.           (1.0), and Keion McVay with .5 points.              teaching and learning practices,” noted Dr. Brad         educators at the undergraduate level, Williams is   prompted the development of the new program.
 They have pushed each other past their limits                                                                                                               Baine, vice president for academic affairs.              now pleased to offer a top rate Master of Science
 to get here. Third is an excellent finish and we   In sudden victory overtime, the wrestlers            Chiles and Drendel joined Fraley and                                                                         in Education degree. The curriculum of the          “Students with an interest in the field of criminal
 are proud, but we will be back next season for     start at neutral for a one minute period.            Thomas as 2017-18 All-Americans. Chiles            “However, the benefit and value of online                 MSE degree was developed by experienced and          justice would benefit from the new BS in
 another run at it,” said Head Coach Todd Allen.    Whichever wrestler scores first, wins. Fraley        finished in third place at the tournament,          learning for today’s college student is                  accomplished Williams faculty,” Baine noted.         Criminal Justice degree by being introduced
                                                    took Weber down, and there was a pause in            while Drendel came in fourth.                       undeniable. Therefore, WBU has begun to                                                                       to the many disciplines found throughout
The Eagles were competing for their last season     the arena as the referees got together to ensure                                                         offer a variety of online courses and some               Williams launched its first graduate degree,         the field,” Baine said. “Students graduating
as WBC, with the school making the transition       it was a two point move. They conferred and          The wrestling program has proved to                 select online degrees for college students               the Master of Arts in Teaching, last year.           from the new program will be prepared to
to Williams Baptist University this summer.         awarded Fraley with the points. The call             be an NAIA force in its short history. In           who are seeking a quality education that                                                                      enter the field of criminal justice at any level
                                                    was confirmed with replay review moments             four years, the program’s national honors           is conducive to their learning needs.”                   Williams will also add two new bachelor’s degree     of government, local, state or federal.”
Third seeded Fraley won his national                later, sending Fraley, the fans and the WBC          include 10 All-Americans, one Academic                                                                       majors for its on-campus students. Starting this
championship match over Montana State-              wrestling team into emotional celebrations.          All-American and 34 national qualifiers.           The MSE degree will be offered fully online               fall, students can earn a Bachelor of Science
Northern University’s Matt Weber, who                                                                                                                       and will be available to those who have a                 in Criminal Justice or a Bachelor of Science in
was the fifth seed. The senior won with a           This was the senior’s last match                     On the conference level, the Eagles have
takedown in sudden victory overtime after the                                                            dominated the American Midwest Conference
                                                    for the Eagles and his first NAIA
wrestlers were tied at four at the end of three                                                          awards. They have won three conference
                                                    National Championship. He
                                                                                                                                                            NEW DEGREES
periods. The final score of the match was a 6-4                                                          championships to go along with receiving
decision in favor of the Freehold, N.J., native.    graduated from Williams in May as                    these honors: Coach of the Year three                                                            Master of Science                         Bachelor of Science                     Bachelor of Science
                                                    a three-time All-American, three-                    times, AMC Wrestler of the Year three times,       LAUNCHING THIS YEAR                                 IN   EDUCATION                     IN   CRIMINAL JUSTICE                          IN   MARKETING
 “It feels good to finally get the job done. The    time AMC Champion, AMC Wrestler                      one AMC Newcomer of the Year, and one
last two years I fell short of my goals, but                                                             AMC Freshman of the Year. They have also
                                                    of the Year (2017) and more. His
this year I finally made it. It was a hard                                                               produced 19 all-conference selections, as well
route, but I got it done,” said Fraley.
                                                    Williams career record is 65-6 for                   as 15 academic all-conference selections.
                                                    a win percentage of 91.5 percent.

                                                                                                                 The wrestling program has
                                                                                                                 proved to be an NAIA force in
                                                                                                                its short history. In four years,
                                                                                                               the program’s national honors
                                                                                                              include 10 All-Americans, one
                                                                                                             Academic All-American and
                                                                                                             34 national qualifiers.

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Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
                                                                                                                                                         NEW FACILITIES
                                                       ADDS BAND!
                                                                                                                                                         W      illiams Baptist University hosted
                                                                                                                                                                not one, but two campus facility
                                                                                                                                                         dedications last year. In November, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           relentless learner, formidable academician,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           serious Christian, and his legacy is now
                                                                                                                                                                                                           appropriately recognized in this gathering place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “The Butler family has been helping Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   move forward for many decades, and it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   wonderful to see their ongoing commitment
                                                                                                                                                         Jerry D. Gibbens Atrium was dedicated as a        for students, in this wonderful place for learning.”    to WBU’s progress. This is a beautiful and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   vital addition to the Williams campus. We
                                                                                                                                                         part of WBU’s homecoming festivities, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gibbens was joined by his wife, Barbara, and            appreciate all the supporters who made
                                                                                                                                                         the newest campus residence, Belle Hall,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           family members during the dedication ceremony.          it possible,” said Dr. Brett Cooper, vice
                                                                                                                                                         had its official ribbon cutting in December.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   president for institutional advancement.

W     illiams Baptist University has a new           worked for several years with the Delta Brigade                                                                                                       Belle Hall is WBU’s newest residence hall, and
                                                     Drum & Bugle Corps.                                                                                 Gibbens Atrium, located in the Maddox Center,     the 43-bed women’s facility began housing              Members of the Butler family, local elected
      band program, and the director to
                                                                                                                                                         is named in honor of Professor Jerry Gibbens,     students last fall. The building was made possible     officials, and Williams board members
go with it. Brady Massey, director of bands                                                            “Mr. Massey has proven success, due
                                                     A Little Rock native, he holds a bachelor’s                                                         who has completed more than 50 years of service   in part by a $500,000 gift from the Jim Tom            were present at the dedication.
at Pocahontas High School for the past                                                                  to his tremendous ability to instruct            to Williams. The Maddox Center and Gibbens        Butler family of Harrisburg. Butler has been a
                                                     degree in music education from the University
two decades, will lead the Williams band                                                                and improve the skills of his band
                                                     of Central Arkansas and a master’s in music                                                         Atrium underwent major renovations last summer.   member of the Williams Board of Trustees, and          The $2.3 million project was completed
program as it launches this fall.
                                                     from Arkansas State University. In addition to     members. Along with professional                                                                   his family has supported the college for decades.      debt-free. It was constructed by Clark
                                                     his lengthy tenure in Pocahontas, Massey has       skills and abilities, he has a very               Dr. Kenneth Startup, a longtime Gibbens          The name for Belle Hall comes from his wife,           General Contractors of Walnut Ridge, and
                                                                                                                                                          colleague, spoke at the dedication, saying,      Connie Belle Butler, and her family, and has a         Brackett-Krennerich & Associates Architects
“It’s exciting because it’s a new program for the    worked with bands in Trumann, Hoxie and            effective disposition, which will
 university and a new adventure for me. The          Jonesboro schools, as well as ASU.                                                                  “Jerry Gibbens is a master teacher across         rich history that extends many generations.            of Jonesboro designed the building.
                                                                                                        be invaluable for recruiting and                  generations, mentor to younger faculty,
 university has really thought things through
 and is committed to the success of the program,”
                                                                                                        attaining quality band members
 Massey said. “It’s a clean slate, and I’m excited                                                      for the Williams Baptist University
 about what we can do with it.”                                                                         band program.”

“It will begin as a concert band, and                                                                   — DR. BRAD BAINE                                 “Jerry Gibbens is a master teacher across generations, mentor to younger faculty, relentless learner, formidable
 performances will be determined as we see the                                                                                                           academician, serious Christian, and his legacy is now appropriately recognized in this gathering place for students,
 program take shape. Until it’s a full-size band,                                                                                                        in this wonderful place for learning.”
 there will be performance opportunities for
 chamber music and for small ensembles. The                                                            The Williams band has already signed multiple     — DR. KENNETH STARTUP
 plan is currently to utilize Manley Chapel as a                                                       musicians, and continues to recruit more. “With
 venue,” he added.                                                                                     WBU offering such a top-notch education, and
                                                                                                       with the establishment of band scholarships, I
Massey is experienced as a guest conductor,                                                            look forward to talking to people about joining
clinician and adjudicator for bands and                                                                me as a new part of the Williams family,”
competitions around the South and Southwest,                                                           Massey concluded.
and he is also a widely published composer and
arranger of band music. He is the director and
tour manager for the Arkansas Ambassadors of                                                                BRADY MASSEY
Music, a large touring ensemble, and he also                                                                WBU Band Director

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Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
AROUND CAMPUS                                                                                                             ALUMNI NEWS                                                                                                         Volume 27 // Issue 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAY UPDATED ON ALL THINGS WBU

MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM ESTABLISHED                                                                                  DEBBIE (LOCHRIDGE) SNOW (’87)                     and putters. Jeremy and Jamie live in Homer,     KARI (BOOTHE) KINCADE (’08)                      ADAM ECKARD (’15) and NICOLE
                                                                                                                          and husband, Mike, have been married              Ill., and are both volunteers at their local     graduated ASU’s Diagnostic Medical               (CORNES) ECKARD (’14) live in
Reggie Smith, a 1985 Williams alumnus, has launched the Reggie Smith Foundation                                           for 19 years and have one daughter who is         fire department and very active in the praise    Sonography program with a BA in                  Paragould. Adam works at Annie Camp

Minority Scholarship for WBU students, and the foundation has announced its first                                         14 years old. Debbie teaches first grade.         choir and day care ministries at their church.   Radiological Sciences in 2010. She is            Junior High School in Jonesboro. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             registered in abdomen and OB/GYN                 finished his M.Ed. in 2017 and is wrapping
class of recipients. Students who will receive the scholarship this fall are: Dara Britton                                TRACY (FREEMAN) HENDERSON                         GREG RICE (’02) is a real estate agent           and is currently employed as an adjunct          up his Ed.S. Nicole works at Families, Inc.
of Raytown, Mo., Travon Cobb of Dumas, Erik Mercado of Senath, Mo., Jada Olloway                                          (’89) moved to Keweenaw Peninsula in the          in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. His wife,          instructor for ASU DMS and a part-time           in Jonesboro. She finished her Masters
                                                                                                                          Upper Peninsula of Michigan in 2015 with her      Lexi, is a teacher at Frisco ISD. They have      registered sonographer at St. Bernard’s          in Mental Health Counseling in 2016.
of Jonesboro and Ricardo Quintero of Caracas, Venezuela. “Looking back on my                                              son, Austin. She is the assistant registrar at    two children, Caleb (12) and Carly (10).         OB/GYN Associates. She and her husband,
educational experiences, I wanted to see if we could help minority students who attend                                    Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan.                                                         Jace, have a two year old named Brison.          CHARLOTTE ISOM (’15) is currently
                                                                                                                                                                            HEATHER (DELAHUNT) MOORE (’04)                                                                    working as a computer aid drafter,
Williams in getting access to some much needed financial assistance to continue their
                                                                                                                          KARL MEYER (’89) and RUTH                         and husband, Jacob, finalized the adoption of    PAUL MCCARTY (’08) and HEATHER                   where she takes blue prints from AT&T
educational pursuit,” Smith said. Smith, who lives in the Dallas area, is a graduate of                                   (MICHAU) MEYER (’93) are pre-                     their daughter Elizabeth Anne in November        (PRATER) MCCARTY (’05) welcomed                  and converts them to the computer.
                                                                                                                          marital counselors for LifePoint Church,
Pocahontas High School. He is a US Army veteran, and for the past 24 years he has                                                                                           2017. Heather continues to work as a physician   their second child, Luke Elliot, in November
                                                                                                                          foster parents, and they manage a non-            at UAMS in the Division of Palliative            2017. Samuel Haddon is the proud big brother.    BRITTANY AUTRY (’16) will be
been in sales management within the pharma/biotech industry. He said he established                                       profit clothing closet for foster kids. They      Medicine. She and her family reside in Cabot.    Heather is teaching part-time at Arkansas        teaching preschool in Maynard, Ark.
the scholarship to assist and inspire a new generation of Williams students. Smith                                        have 7 children, including 2 biological, 2                                                         State University-Heber Springs and Paul
                                                                                                                          adopted and are fostering 3 to adopt. Their       JADE (MOUNT) SIMPSON (’04) has                   is the music and youth pastor at West Side       DENIECE BYERS (’16) is currently
said the foundation plans to select recipients and award the scholarships annually.                                       daughter, Karly Meyer, attends WBU.               been married to her husband, Casey, for 8        First Baptist Church of Greers Ferry.            attending Union University as a part of
                                                                                                                                                                            years. They have one daughter, Hallie Claire,                                                     their Master of Social Work program
                                                                                                                          CHRISTIE BRAY (’98) is in her 15th year           who is three years old. Jade has taught for      NOMSI (SHEZI) MOGOMUTSI (’08) is                 and will finish in May of 2020.
                                                                                                                          of teaching and is currently a high school        14 years and is currently teaching at Rector     a high net worth private banker at Investec
                                                                                                                          ESL teacher. She is pursuing adoption             Elementary, where she also teaches with          Bank Limited in Cape Town, South Africa.         REBECCA (CATO) HANSSEN (’16)
STOLZ NAMED AMC                                 GOLF TOURNEY                                                              through China and will be bringing home           two other WBU alumni. She also holds a                                                            graduated from Pepperdine University GSEP
SID OF THE YEAR                                 A total of 21 teams hit the links Friday, May                             a child within the next two years.                master’s degree in Educational Theory            KRISTEN PEEVY (’09) recently moved,              with a MA in Psychology. She and her husband
Shane Stolz was named this year’s American      18, for the annual Williams Baptist University                                                                              and Practice. Jade and her husband enjoy         and she now resides in Wharton, Texas.           Shane Hanssen (’15) live in Ontario, Cal.
Midwest Conference Sports Information           Golf Tournament. The tourney, which                                       SHANE KNIGHT (’99) has been                       running their own cattle farm, as well.
                                                                                                                          chosen as the Vice President of Solid                                                              TIFFANY PICKETT (’11) is the recruitment         TAYLOR ROBINSON (’16) graduated
Director (SID) of the Year. The award is        benefits the Williams athletic department,
                                                                                                                          Waste for the Southeast Arkansas                  ALISHA (EVANS) STRIPLING (’05)                   communications coordinator at Ouachita           with her Master of Social Work
given each year to an outstanding SID           was held at Sage Meadows Country Club in
                                                                                                                          Economic Development District. He and             and husband, Ryan, have two children,            Baptist University in Arkadelphia.               degree from Union University.
based on his or her performance during          Jonesboro and netted nearly $16,000 for                                   his wife, Andrea, live in Benton, Ark.            Davis (5) and Anna Claire (2), and they
the previous year in the area of athletics      WBU sports teams. Director of Athletics                                                                                     are expecting their third in August.             CASEY WINSTEAD (’11) AND KATIE
communication and is voted on by SIDs           Jeff Rider said most of the proceeds from                                 JEREMY RICHARDS (’00) and JAMIE                   Alisha is currently working as an ESL            (COBB) WINSTEAD (’09) have two
around the conference. “Shane has done an       this year’s tourney will go toward the                                    (RUSSOM) RICHARDS (’00) recently                  teacher for the Clinton School District.         children, Taylor Beth (4) and Drew (1). Casey

incredible job of promoting our student-        transition from college to university,                                    celebrated their 20 th anniversary. Their son,                                                     is currently serving as the student pastor
                                                                                                                          Elijah, graduated high school this year and       CHRIS COLLIER (’08) and SARAH                    at Second Baptist Church in Conway, AR.
athletes and our athletic teams,” said Jeff     including WBU uniforms and new signage
                                                                                                                          will be attending Parkland College in the         (DIXON) COLLIER (’09) recently
Rider, director of athletics at Williams.       at Williams athletic facilities. First place
                                                                                                                          fall, majoring in Automotive Technology.          purchased a home and celebrated their son        CHARLIE STORMES (’13) is the physical
“He adds tremendous value to our athletic       in A flight went to the team of Scott                                     Jeremy has been the head of Physical                                                               education teacher, athletic director, and head
                                                                                                                                                                            turning one year old. Chris is a Director
program. He is very deserving of the honor      Gifford, Miles Gifford, Josh Wilson and                                   Education for Prairieview-Ogden for the           of Business Administration at Redeemer           basketball coach at Southland High School in
of AMC Sports Information Director of the       Trey Depriest. The team shot a 54, which                                  last 18 years. He also runs a small business,     Fellowship and Sarah is the human                Cardwell, Mo.
Year, and I am very happy for him.” Stolz       was 18 under par. Williams extends its                                    Putter Spa, where he refinishes golf clubs        resources director at a design firm.

is now eligible for the NAIA SID of the         thanks to all participants and sponsors
Year, which will be named later this year.      who helped make the event successful.

SPEAKES ESTATE                                  GRADUATION
                                                                                                                          FRIENDS WE’LL MISS
WBU has established a new scholarship fund,     Williams held its last graduation as
following a gift from the estate of the late    a college in May, before completing                                                                                         Sunday School Class. She was a 1955 graduate     husband of 49 years, Rev. Lendol Jackson         by his parents; four brothers and one sister.

Mary Frances Speakes of Siloam Springs, Ark.    its transition to WBU. Degrees were                                                                                         of Williams, and she also held degrees from      and seven brothers and sisters. Survivors        Survivors include his loving wife of 44 years,
                                                                                                                                                                            East Texas Baptist University and Arkansas       include her son, David (Shelia) Jackson (’82)    Jan Battles Wesley (’73); two daughters, Sarah
Williams recently received $32,500 from         awarded to 93 graduates during the
                                                                                                                                                                            State University. Mrs. Jackson served for over   of Fayetteville; daughter, Linda (Eric) Smith    (Adam) Huckabee of Cave City and Rachel
the Speakes estate, to be applied toward        2018 commencement exercises, which
                                                                                                                                                                            25 years as a professor and administrator,       (’82) of Powhatan; two sisters, Nina Long of     (Sid) Dodd of Cushman; five grandchildren,
scholarships for Williams students. Ms.         were held Saturday, May 5, in front
                                                                                                                                                                            including 15 years as Vice President for         Michigan and Naomi Shaffer of Jonesboro;         Mikayla (Kolton) Britt and Sadie Huckabee
Speakes died last year at the age of 95, and    of a full Southerland-Mabee Center                                                                                          Student Development. Mrs. Jackson and her        six grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren        both of Cave City, Tristan, Cameron and
the Mary Frances Speakes Scholarship            crowd. The graduates represented                                                                                            late husband, Lendol Jackson (’55), were both    and several nieces and nephews. For lasting      Jordan Dodd all of Cushman; a brother, Jerry
Fund has been established in her memory,        25 Arkansas counties, 13 states and                                                                                         prominent figures at Williams. Starting in       memorials, the family asks that consideration    Ray (Ruth Ann) Wesley of Witt, Ill.; several

benefiting students at WBU who need             two nations. The commencement                                                                                               1969, she taught health and physical education   be given to Central Baptist Church, Williams     nieces and nephews and a host of other
                                                                                                                                                                            classes for 10 years, launching WBU’s first      Baptist University or the Pregnancy Resource     relatives and friends. He is also survived by
financial assistance. “We are deeply grateful   address was delivered by Dr. Sheri
                                                                                                                                                                            campus-wide intramural program. She went         Center of Jonesboro.                             two very special friends, Michael D. Rice (’88)
to receive such a generous gift from the        Midkiff, professor of English at
                                                                                                                                                                            on to become the first female vice president                                                      of Ashland, Kentucky, and Dr. B. Michael
estate of Ms. Speakes and honored that          Williams. Midkiff has retired after
                                                                                                                                                                            at the school. She and her husband were          DAVID WAYNE WESLEY, 66, of Cave                  Higginbottom (’68) of Cave City.
she would remember Williams Baptist             43 years of service to WBU, and she                                                                                         active with Arkansas Campers on Mission,         City went to be with his Lord and Savior,
University in this way. It seems incredibly     was honored at the ceremony for                                                                                             and she also did many mission trips outside      Jesus Christ on Sunday, March 11, 2018, at
fitting that someone who touched countless      her dedication to the institution.                                        DOROTHY L. JACKSON , 86, of                       of the United States. She later worked for the   the Cave City Nursing Home. He was born
                                                                                                                          Jonesboro passed from this life February 18,      Pregnancy Resource Center of Jonesboro           June 9, 1951, in Raleigh, Ill., to John Henry
students through her life would continue to     Allison Elkins of Jonesboro,
                                                                                                                          2018, at Lawrence Hall Nursing Center. She        for eight years. Mrs. Jackson enjoyed            and Ethel (Miner) Wesley. He graduated
bless college students through her estate,”     Ark., was recognized as the
                                                                                                                          was born November 5, 1931, in Greenway to         camping, hunting, the outdoors, coaching         from WBU (’73), Ouachita Baptist University,
said Dr. Brett Cooper, vice president for       graduate with highest honors,                                             the late William O. and Bessie I. Shaffer. Mrs.   and sports. She also loved spending time         Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary,
institutional advancement at Williams.          graduating summa cum laude.                                               Jackson was a pastor’s wife for 49 years. She     with her family especially her grandchildren     and in 2005 he graduated from Trinity
                                                                                                                          was a member of Central Baptist Church            and great grandchildren. In addition to her      Theological Seminary with a Doctorate of
                                                                                                                          and was very active with the Encourager’s         parents, she was preceded in death by her        Pastoral Ministries. He was preceded in death

10                                                                                               FORWARD // SUMMER 2018   FORWARD // SUMMER 2018                                                                                                                                                                              11
Alumni & Friends Publication of Williams Baptist University
  SPRING BREAK IN HAITI                                                                                                                                                       DONORS & MEMORIALS
                                                                                                                                                                HERITAGE CLUB                    Mr. & Mrs. Jim Craig           Dr. C. K. McFarland              Mrs. Geraline Rider
                                                                                                                                                                These supporters have included   Mr. & Mrs. Carl Deaton         Mrs. Sue McGowan                 Mr. & Mrs. Harold “Butch” Roberts
                                                                                                                                                                WBU in their estate planning.    Ms. Amanda Dixon               Mr. & Mrs. Mike McNabb           Rev. & Mrs. Doyne Robertson
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rev. & Mrs. Tom Doty           Dr. & Mrs. David Moore           Mr. & Mrs. Roy Runyan, Jr.

T   welve WBU students made a selfless                heart for the people of Haiti. I remember almost   and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”            Mrs. Minnie Lea Caldwell         Dr. & Mrs. Gary Edwards        Mrs. Wanda Prince                Rev. & Mrs. Elvis Smith
    decision this spring break, spending              immediately God showing me that we would           The school’s Office of Campus Ministries               Dr. O. C. Cooper                 Mrs. Lois Fisher               Mr. & Mrs. Jay Shell             Mrs. Jacqueline Stinnett
                                                      bring a group of college students here. Then on    led trips locally, nationally and globally.            Dr. Brett Cooper                 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fowler        Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Startup       Ms. Eva Stobaugh
their hard-earned time off from school
                                                      spring break that calling came to fruition. It                                                            Mr. Brickelle Davis              Mrs. Grace Fuller              Mr. & Mrs. Kent Thompson         Mrs. Doris Stotler
ministering to the people of Haiti.
                                                      was awesome to see college students totally sold   “In Campus Ministries we seek to have an Acts 1:8      Mrs. Coday Fowler                Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gibbens       Dr. & Mrs. Eric Turner           Ms. Dana Strong
                                                      out to the Great Commission,” said Howell.          approach for missions, and it was that trip in July   Mr. & Dr. Earl Goatcher          Mr. & Mrs. Rickey Goff         Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams          Mr. Gary Taylor
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Omer Gross                  Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hightower      Mr. Jeffery Worlow               Mr. & Mrs. Ron Taylor
“When you are following the Lord in obedience,                                                            of 2016 that God showed me that Haiti would be
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Bettye Jessen-Thrash        Dr. & Mrs. Jeph Holloway                                        Mr. & Mrs. Eggie Tedder
 hardship and the unknowns become fellowship          The students not only made the bold                 one of our ‘ends of the earth’ trips,” said Howell.
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Von Johnston          Mrs. Kathy Howell              CENTURY CLUB                     Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Thomas
 and the comfort of home. We were meant to            decision to go on the trip but they
                                                                                                                                                                Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Jones          Dr. & Mrs. C. A. Johnson       $100 - $499                      Mr. & Mrs. Larry Thompson
 step out of our comfort zones and into the           also raised their own support.                     Closer to home, Williams students shared the
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Francis Lambie              Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Jones                                         Mr. & Mrs. Donald Timms
 will and work of the God that loves all and                                                             gospel by spending a weekend in West Helena,
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Barney Larry          Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Lacy          Mr. & Mrs. John Allen            Dr. & Mrs. Justin Towner
 seeks for us to gather as one family at His         “We all, as followers of Christ,                    Ark., where they hosted a 3-on-3 basketball
                                                                                                                                                                Lloyd & Carol Lewallen                                          Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Andrews
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Bob Magee                                            Mrs. Cathy Tutt
 table,” said WBU student Jack Wafler.                talk about the calling to go and                   tournament and led worship for a new church
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Manley        Mr. & Mrs. Cleo Massey         Rev. & Mrs. Ledell Bailey        Dr. RoseMary Weaver
                                                                                                         plant. Nationally, they spent a few days in
“Haiti was an amazing trip. I learned so much
                                                      make disciples, but these students                 Brooklyn, N.Y., also helping a new church plant.
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Willis Maxwell        Mr. Paul Meier                 Mr. & Mrs. Brett Banks           Ms. Rachel Weekley
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Mike McNabb                                          Mr. & Mrs. Royce Beard
 about how God carried me through each situation      actually lived it out as they stepped                                                                                                      Mr. & Mrs. Paul Midkiff                                         Ms. Megan Weick
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Wayne Meyer                 Mr. & Mrs. James Miller        Dr. & Mrs. Duane Bolin           Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weir
 spiritually, mentally, and physically! God moved     out of their comfort zone and                      As WBU student Garrett Shaffer put                     Dr. & Mrs. Steven Mullen                                        Mr. & Mrs. Herby Branscum, Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Vickie Mitchell                                            Mrs. Jan Wesley
 in mighty ways on the trip and I got the chance      followed wherever the Spirit led.”                 it, “The spirit of Christ is the spirit of             Dr. & Mrs. Jack Nicholas         Dr. Heather Moore              Mrs. Dorothy Bridgman            Mrs. Charlotte Wheeless
 to see it all,” noted student Julie Foster.                                                             missions. The closer we get to Him, the                Dr. & Mrs. Jerol Swaim                                          Mr. G. Elmer Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. John Mowery                                          Mrs. Mary Wilder
                                                      Throughout the 2017-18 school year, WBU            more intensely missional we become.”                   Dr. & Mrs. Eric Turner                                          Mr. & Mrs. Mike Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Jack Nicholas                                        Mrs. Virginia Wiles
Williams Director of Campus Ministries                sought to reflect the command of Acts 1:8 to                                                              Mrs. Wilburn Van Cleve           Mr. & Mrs. Robert Norvell      Mr. Tim Brown                    Ms. Lu Rae Wilkins
Hayes Howell led the group. Also making              “be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea                                                            Mrs. Duchess Cain Wayne          Mrs. Nancy Pettit              Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chipman          Mr. & Mrs. William Wood
the trip was the campus nurse, Barbara                                                                                                                          Mrs. Ila Webb                    Mr. J. B. Presley              Mr. Charles Crowson              Xi Gamma Pi
Kee, and her husband, Darryl.                                                                                                                                   Drs. Jim & Ann Webb              Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Price         Mr. Lloyd DeRamus                Dr. & Mrs. Melvin York
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. James Luther Whitfield       Regner Athletics, LLC          Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Emfinger        Mr. & Mrs. Timmy Yung
The WBU group spent their days high in the                                                                                                                      Steve & Melanie Williams         Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Reinbolt       Ms. Sarah Emfinger
Haitian mountains, in the village of Creve. There                                                                                                                                                Dr. & Mrs. David Richardson    Mrs. Kathy Evans                 TALON CLUB
the team ministered to the people by doing                                                                                                                      DIAMOND EAGLE CLUB               Mr. & Mrs. Alan Risley         Mr. Jerry Fenstermaker           $1 - $99
evangelism in the schools, leading sports camps,                                                                                                                $10,000 +                        Pat Roberts                    Mr. & Mrs. Ron Fielder
helping with the medical clinic and speaking                                                                                                                                                     Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rogers        Ms. Jimmie Fisher                Ms. Meredith Ainley
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Darla Britt                 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Shell           Mrs. Lisa Foley                  Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Allison
and leading worship at local Haitian churches.
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Garry Garner          Mr. Johnny Shields             Mr. Thomas Gibbs                 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boucher
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. Edward Harthorn              Mr. & Mrs. Larry Singleton     Dr. & Mrs. Jeffery Ginn          Mr. Henry Boyce
“The day after I accepted the position of Director
                                                                                                                                                                N.B. Harty Estate                Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sloan           Dr. Patricia Glascock            Ms. Teresa Britt-Hutsell
 of Campus Ministries I left for a mission trip to
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. David Russell         Mr. & Mrs. Charles Snapp       Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gore          Rev. & Mrs. Theodis Brown, Jr.
 Haiti. The Lord began right then softening my
                                                                                                                                                                Mary Frances Speakes Rev Trust   Ms. Kay Southerland            Mrs. Omer Gross                  Mr. & Mrs. Harley Burke
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Doris Sulcer                Ms. Lisa Stephens              Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hart          Mr. & Mrs. Victor Byrd
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Teague           Mrs. Jim Tillman               Mr. Don Heuer                    Mrs. Melinda Campbell
                                                                                                                                                                Clifford Toney Estate            Dr. Emil Turner                Dr. & Mrs. Benton Hewitt, Jr.    Mrs. Glenda Cheatham
                                                                                                                                                                Steve & Melanie Williams         Mrs. Brenda Vantrease          Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hinson         Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Clayton
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Brian Whitney       Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hubbard          Ms. Judy Cole
                                                               YOU ARE INVITED TO THE INAUGURATION OF                                                           EAGLE CLUB                       Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Williams     Mr. & Mrs. John Jackson, Jr.     Dr. & Mrs. William Cook
                                                                                                                                                                $5,000 - $9,999                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Larry Jaques          Mr. & Mrs. David Cooper
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ms. Jerry Ann Winters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Mark Karwal                  Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cooper
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Cox                                             Ms. Barbara Kimble               Rev. & Mrs. Bob Crabb
                                                                                                                                                                                                 PATRON CLUB
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Clint Emfinger        $500 - $999                    Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kinard         Ms. Tonda Crider
                                                                                                                                                                Rev. & Mrs. Robert Fielding
                                                        THE 7 TH PRESIDENT OF WILLIAMS BAPTIST UNIVERSIT Y                                                                                                                      Ms. Tina Kitchens                Mr. & Mrs. F. Waylan Deen
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Dr. Earl Goatcher          Dr. & Mrs. R. Andrew Allison   Dr. & Mrs. Ted Lancaster         Mr. Kevin Foster
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Raymond Jackson             Dr. & Mrs. Brad Baine          Mr. John Launius                 Mr. Jeff Fountain
                                                                                                                      MANLEY                                    Mrs. Bettye Jessen-Thrash
                                                               FRIDAY                                                                                                                            Mr. Ryan Bauschlicher          Mr. Dale Leatherman              Mr. Jim Gibson
                                                                                                                      CHAPEL                                    Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd McCracken       Mr. & Mrs. Ken Brunt           Mrs. Anna Laura Long             Dr. & Mrs. Gary Gregory
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Willard Whitlock      Mr. Cary Chism                 Dr. & Mrs. John McHaney          Mrs. Sherry Griffin
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Corder      Mrs. Cordia Metcalf              Rev. Samuel Guenrich
                                             We hope you will join us as Williams launches a bold new era of leadership.                                        PRESIDENT’S CLUB                 Mrs. Janet Crabbe              Mrs. Wayne Meyer                 Mrs. Faye Haney
                                                                                                                                                                $1,000 - $4,999
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. David Davis         Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Midkiff       Ms. Melinda Hannah
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. James Davis                Dr. Sheri Midkiff                Mr. Perry Harness
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Martice Attaway
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. Carter Dryer        Dr. Jimmy Millikin               Mr. & Mrs. Rickey Hays
                                                                                                                                                                Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Atwood
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Dutschke     Dr. & Mrs. Lance Monroe          Mrs. Margaret Hilburn

                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Carol Belford-Lewallen
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Evelyn Fender             Mr. & Mrs. Alan Morgan           Mrs. Pat Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                Mrs. Tonya Bolton
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kelly Fields                   Mr. & Mrs. Seabrook Morris       Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jones
                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Karla Britt
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Brad & Angela Flippo           Mrs. Hannah Mullins              Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kirk
                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Kayla Britt
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Brenda Fullen             Mrs. Janette Murray              Ms. Gloria Kirkpatrick
                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Kristin Britt
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hale            Dr. & Mrs. Walter Norvell        Mr. Cade Liebhaber
Master of Arts in Teaching &                                                                                                                                    Mrs. Peggy Caldwell
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. & Mrs. Steve Harthorn      Mrs. Mary Pangle                 Mr. & Mrs. Bernon Martin
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. Butch Calhoun
Master of Science in Education                 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice                                                                                                           Mrs. Mable Humble              Mrs. Gailene Pence               Mr. & Mrs. Jack May
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. Charles Champ
Contact:                                       Contact:                                                                                                                                          Mr. Curtis Jackson             Ms. Maricela Pinedo              Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCaleb
                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Brett Cooper
Dr. Ann Webb                                   G. Brian Luetschwager                                                                                                                             Mr. Harold Johnson             Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rapert           Mr. & Mrs. Bobby McMillon
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cooper
Dean of Graduate & Online Programs             Director of Criminal Justice                                                                                                                      Mr. Kenneth Karlstad           Dr. & Mrs. Paul Rhoads           Mr. Jason McNabb                                                                                                      Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cox
870.759.4230                                   870.759.4241
12                                                                                                                               FORWARD // SUMMER 2018         FORWARD // SUMMER 2018                                                                                                               13
Mr. & Mrs. Hamil Million             Mammoth Spring First Baptist		       Mr. & Mrs. Hayes Howell              MR. JACKIE HILBURN                 MR. MIKE PETTIT                      MRS. JEANNIE SIMPSON                Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore           DR. TOM & MRS. GAIL JONES
Mrs. Jennie Neely                     Church                              Dr. & Mrs. Dale Leatherman           Mrs. Margaret Hilburn              Mrs. Nancy Pettit                    Jerry & Barbara Gibbens             Dr. John T. & Alyce McHaney   Dr. Brett Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Owens                 Mississippi County Baptist 		        Pratt’s Auto Salvage                                                                                                                             Mrs. Charlotte Wheeless
Mrs. Heather Parson                   Association                                                              MR. MARK HOBBS                     MR. DANNY PHILLIPS                   DR. LARRY SLOAN                                                   MRS. JANE LATIMER
Dr. Ann Paterson                     Blytheville, AR                      MEMORIALS                            Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore                Jerry & Barbara Gibbens              Jerry & Barbara Gibbens             MR. NOBLE WILES               Mrs. Nancy Pettit
Mrs. Lula Phillips                   Morrilton First Baptist Church                                                                                                                    Dr. & Mrs. Justin Towner            Mrs. Virginia Wiles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillips           New Hope Baptist Church              MR. CHRIS ARFT                       MS. PAULINE HOWARD                 MR. KENNETH PHILLIPS                                                                                   DR. D. JACK NICHOLAS
Mrs. Hannah Potter                   Hardy, AR                            Mrs. Nancy Pettit                    Dr. John T. & Alyce McHaney        Mrs. Doris Sulcer                    MR. MIKE SMITH                      DR. H. E. WILLIAMS            Mr. Ledell Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. John Pruitt               Newport First Baptist Church                                                                                                                      Jerry & Barbara Gibbens             Mr. Herby Branscum            Jerry & Barbara Gibbens
Mrs. Mary Ann Ray                    North Tenth Baptist Church           MR. & MRS. C. E. BOWLING             MS. JACQUELYN HOWELL               MR. JOHN H. RAY
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rider                Blytheville, AR                      Mrs. Nancy Pettit                    Mrs. Lula Phillips                 Mrs. Mary Ann Ray                    J. K. & CLEO SOUTHERLAND            JAMES & CORDELIA WILLIAMS     JOHNNIE MAE POWERS
Mr. & Mrs. B. Kenneth Ridgway        Pleasant Grove Baptist Church                                                                                                                     Ms. Kay Southerland                 Dwight A. Williams            REYNOLDS
Mr. & Mrs. Max Rose                  Imboden, AR                          MR. SHERMAN D. BRIDGMAN              DR. EARL HUMBLE                    REV. BARNEY RICKMAN                                                                                    Mrs. Glenda Cheatham
Mr. James Ross                       Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church        Mrs. Dorothy O. Bridgman             R. Scott & Virginia Allison        Mrs. Brenda Vantrease                MR. EMIT STONE                      MR. DARYL WILKIE
Dr. & Mrs. George Schroeder          Hazen, AR                                                                 Mrs. Mable L. Humble                                                    Jerry & Barbara Gibbens             Mrs. Nancy Pettit             DR. KENNETH STARTUP
Mr. & Mrs. George Sims               Pocahontas First Baptist Church      ANTHONY BURTON                       Bob & Dolores Magee                MRS. KELLY RISNER                                                                                      Mr. John R. Jackson, Jr.
Mrs. Laquietta Stewart               Portland Avenue Baptist Church       Royce & Polly Beard (Grandparents)   Stephen & Diana Thomas             Dr. Brett Cooper                     MR. KENNETH SULCER                  MR. MIKE WILLIS
Mr. Phil Taylor                      Oklahoma City, OK                                                                                            Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore                  Harold & Terry Roberts              Mrs. Nancy Pettit             DR. & MRS. JEROL SWAIM
Mr, & Mrs. Doug Temples              Rector First Baptist Church          MS. JACKIE BURTON                    MR. RAYMOND JACKSON                                                                                                                       Jerry & Barbara Gibbens
Dr. Christopher Thompson             Ridgeview Baptist Church             Patricia Glascock                    Dr. Brett Cooper                   MR. DAVID ROSE                       REV. JIM TILLMAN                    HONORARIUMS
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tyler              Fayetteville, AR                     George & Shirley Sims                Mr. & Mrs. Clint Emfinger          Dr. Brett Cooper                     Jerry & Barbara Gibbens                                           DR. MELVIN YORK
Ms. Mary Vandergriff                 Searcy First Baptist Church                                               Mrs. Mary Pangle                                                        Dr. John T. & Alyce McHaney         MRS. CAROL BELFORD-LEWALLEN   Butch & Lynn Calho
Rev. & Mrs. Ulysses Vandermolen      Sidney Baptist Church                REV. REFUS T. CALDWELL, SR.                                             MR. & MRS. LAWRENCE SAWYERS          Mrs. Margaret B. Tillman            Mr. John R. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Volner              Smithville Baptist Church            Dr. Brett Cooper                     MR. BILL JESSEN                    Ron & Tommye Fielder
Mrs. Jill Wheeler                    Sooner Baptist Church                Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore                  Kenneth & Annelle Karlstad                                              MRS. THELMA WEAVER                  MR. JERRY GIBBENS
Ms. Utanah Williams                  Midwest City, OK                     The Lorene Orr Family                                                   FRANK & CAROLYN SHELL                Dr. Brett Cooper                    Duane & Evelyn Bolin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wynn               Southern Hills Missionary Baptist                                         MR. LEO JOHNSON                    Dr. R. Andrew & Mrs. Susan Allison   Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore
Mr. John Zeigler                      Church                              MR. & MRS. REX COLLINS               Jerry & Barbara Gibbens            Mr. & Mrs. Jay F. Shell                                                  BOB & MARILYN GOODWIN
                                     Harrison, AR                         Mrs. Nancy Pettit                                                       Dr. David & Mrs. Jan Wesley          DR. TOM WEAVER                      Larry & Marta Jones
CHURCHES & ASSOCIATIONS              Swifton Baptist Church                                                    MRS. DANNAH (RUSSELL) JONES                                             Dr. Brett Cooper
                                     Trinity Baptist Church, Inc.         MR. ANSEL CORDER                     Dr. Brett Cooper                   MRS. NORMA SHIELDS                   Mr. & Mrs. Carter Dryer             MRS. BETTYE JESSEN-THRASH
Barcelona Rd Baptist Church          Searcy, AR                           Jerry & Barbara Gibbens                                                 Dr. Brett Cooper                     Jerry & Barbara Gibbens             Kenneth & Annelle Karlstad
Hot Springs Village, AR              True Vine Baptist Church                                                  MR. RONALD “HOSS” JONES
Black River Baptist Association      Little Rock, AR                      MS. NORMA CROWSON                    Dr & Mrs. Brad Baine
Hoxie, AR                            Walnut Ridge First Baptist Church    Mr. Charles Crowson                  Max & Lynette Rose
Black Rock First Baptist Church      Walnut Street Baptist Church
Cabot First Baptist Church
Campbell Station Baptist Church
                                     Jonesboro, AR
                                     West Side Baptist Church
                                                                          DR. BETTY JO CULBERTON DAVIS
                                                                          Jerry & Barbara Gibbens
                                                                                                               MRS. TAMMY JONES
                                                                                                               Mrs. Charlotte Wheeless
                                                                                                                                                  SAVE THE DATE
Tuckerman, AR                        Greers Ferry, AR                     Lloyd Lewallen &
Caraway First Baptist Church
Centennial Baptist Association
                                     White Oak Baptist Church
                                     Walnut Ridge, AR
                                                                           Carol Belford-Lewallen              DR. LINDA MCFARLAND
                                                                                                               Mrs. Doris Stotler                 HOMECOMING 2018
                                                                                                                                                  SATURDAY, NOV. 3
Stuttgart, AR                        Windover Baptist Church              WILLIAM E. DAVIS
Central Baptist Church               Jonesboro, AR                        Dr. John T. & Mrs. Alyce McHaney     MR. & MRS. AL MCMILLION
Bald Knob, AR                        Word Baptist Church                                                       Hamil & Shirley Million
Central Baptist Church               Jonesboro, AR                        MS. ANN FENSTERMAKER
Jonesboro, AR                                                             Mr. Jerry Fenstermaker               JIM & BETTY MCMILLON
Christ-Centered Fellowship Baptist   FOUNDATIONS &                                                             Bob & Peggy McMillon
Little Rock, AR                      CORPORATIONS                         MR. & MRS. G. E. FIELDER
Current-Gaines Baptist Association                                        Ron & Tommye Fielder                 MRS. DORA STURKIE MEIER
Corning, AR                          Allied REI LLC                                                            Jerry & Barbara Gibbens            There will be:
Doniphan First Baptist Church        Arkansas Independent Colleges &      MR. DAVID FOSTER                                                        • Men’s Basketball
Doniphan, MO                          Univ.                               Dr. Brett Cooper                     MR. GARRY METCALF
East Side Baptist Church             Arnolds Classic Cars & Parts, Inc    Jerry & Barbara Gibbens              Mrs. Cordia Metcalf
                                                                                                                                                  • Volleyball
Paragould, AR                        E. C. Barton & Co.                   Dr. & Mrs. Ken Gore                                                     • The Fall Drama
England First Baptist Church         Bryan Funeral Home                   Dr. RoseMary Weaver                  DR. J. T. MIDKIFF
                                                                                                                                                  • Reunions
Foothills Baptist Church             Bud Shell Ford                                                            Thomas & Mary Gibbs                                                                                   For more information, visit
Mountain View, AR                    Carters Corner                       MR. DALE FREEMAN                     Paul & Sharon Midkiff              • Performances by The Cast and                           
Greenway First Baptist Church        Clark General Contractors            Mr. Henry Boyce                                                           Williams Singers                                                 homecoming
Harrisburg First Baptist Church      Craftons Furniture &                 Jerry & Barbara Gibbens              HARRY & BECKY MYERS
Highland Drive Baptist Church         Appliance Co Inc                                                         Dr. John T. & Alyce McHaney        • And More!
Jonesboro, AR                        Drury Southwest, Inc.                MR. OMER GROSS
Hope SS Class - Barcelona Rd BC      Enterprise Bank & Trust              Dr. Brett Cooper                     GOLDEN E. NEELY, JR.
Hot Springs Village, AR              Families, Inc.                                                            Mrs. Jennie Neely
Indianhead Lake Baptist Church       Fellowship of Christian Athletes     MR. REX HANEY
Sherwood, AR                         Greg Gill Farms                      Mrs. Faye Haney                      MR. W. H. “BUTCH” NOE
Jonesboro First Baptist Church       Hog Air Aviation, Inc                                                     Mrs. Nancy Pettit
Journey Church                       Iberia Bank                          MR. NORMAN B. HARTY
Perryville, AR                       Robert Bosch Tool Corporation        Dr. Brett Cooper                     MRS. JEAN OSBURN
Kearney Baptist Church               Southern Aircraft Maintenance, Inc   Drury Southwest, Inc.                Max & Lynette Rose
Jefferson, AR                        Southern Baptist Foundation          Enterprise Bank & Trust
Keiser First Baptist Church          Staples Agency LLC                   Jerry & Barbara Gibbens              MR. CHARLES F. PETTIT, JR.
Lao Liberty Baptist Church           Titan Medical Inc                    Mr. Jim Gibson                       Mrs. Nancy Pettit
Ft. Smith, AR                        Union Pacific Corporation            John & Michi Launius
Lepanto First Baptist Church                                              John & Ruth Pruitt                   MR. CHARLES F. PETTIT, SR
Lighthouse Baptist Church            GIFTS IN KIND                        Bud Shell Ford, Inc.                 Mrs. Nancy Pettit
Williford, AR                                                             Mr. & Mrs. Doug Temples
Malvern Church of God                Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Andrews


14                                                                                                                       FORWARD // SUMMER 2018   FORWARD // SUMMER 2018                                                                                                             15
                                                                                                                                                            Lives are changed at
                                                                                                                                                            Williams. Disciples are
                                                                                                                                                           made on this campus who
                                                                                                                                                           will impact our world with
                                                                                                                                                          God’s love. Thank you for
                                                                                                                                                         allowing us to share in this
                                                                                                                                                         splendid work.

                                                                          OUR CALLING–
                                                                          HIS MISSION

    What a wonderful privilege to be a part of WBU                                  and to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.      lives. Our vision remains unchanged—to produce
    family! The Board of Trustees unanimously voted on                              I call this the “Williams tenacity”—a refusal to quit,   exceptional graduates prepared to engage local and
    March 16th to extend to us the invitation to come,                              to stay faithful to God’s calling.                       global cultures through a Christ-centered worldview.
    affirming what we and the search committee
    believed to be the leading of God and His calling to                            I recognize that I stand on the shoulders of those       Joy and I thank God and the WBU family for this
    serve in this important position. We feel blessed to                            who have gone before me. I ask you to pray for me,       chance to serve this outstanding, Christ-centered
    join the team at Williams Baptist University!                                   that God would enable me to learn from the examples      institution. Lives are changed at Williams. Disciples
                                                                                    of these faithful servants—that I would lead with this   are made on this campus who will impact our world
   As part of my transition, I committed early on to                                same tenacity. For 77 years, God has called men and      with God’s love. Thank you for allowing us to share
   learn the history of Williams, and I discovered an                               women to serve at Williams sacrificially and             in this splendid work.
   incredible story of challenge and inspiration. Birthed                           resolutely, to pour their lives into transforming
   by the remarkable vision of Dr. H. E. Williams, the                              students’ lives.
   story of WBU is a testimony to a school that                                                                                              Stan Norman
   Dr. Williams described as a “child of providence,”                               The unwavering resolve of these men and women,           PRESIDENT
   an appropriate designation for a college                                         empowered by the grace of God, has made WBU into
   unmistakably blessed by God.                                                     the preeminent Christian university that it is today.
                                                                                    Our mission remains unchanged—to provide an
    God has guided and sustained Williams, enabling                                 excellent, holistically Christian, liberal arts
    men and women to serve here, to remain steadfast,                               education, while compassionately shaping students’
                              U.S. POSTAGE



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Williams Baptist University

                                                 Walnut Ridge, AR 72476
                              56 McClellan Dr.
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