Page created by Byron Gross
                                                OS X RIDES THE T
                                      INTO THE APP ST
                                                      ORE FOR FREE

                     W                    A LOOK AT THE N
           P R OV ID E D ROUTER                           EW IPADS
   A IS  P
                 N E W  IN OS X “MAVER-
   ○ WHAT’S
                     PP REVIEW
     ○ RAYMAN A                   SE
                     OK INTO THO
     ○ PL U S A L O               R
                      R NOVEMBE
                     FOR ACD
Fall time is upon us. The smell of Apple pies
              baking, the merriment of good times with friends
                   and family, and not to mention the assorted
                      goodies, both digital and edible, that are
              available this time of year. May your Holidays be
                                     blesses with joy and cheer.

                                          Editor of AppleGram,

Chapter 1                                           John Jones

ACD N e w
November Board Meeting

                  Location: Spring Creek Barbecue 270 North Central Expressway Richardson,
                  TX 75080
                  President: Timothy Chan (2013) (Present)
                  Vice President: John Jones (2013) (Absent)
                  Board Members (2 year terms):
                  Class of 2013-2014
                  Chuck Richardson (Present)
                  Shirley Dunbar (Present)
                  John Shaffer (Present)

                  Class of 2012-2013
                  Mary Ann Artiles (Absent)
                  Gary Clark (Present)
                  Richard Stoddard (Present)

Appointed Positions:                                           We want to invite the remaining founders of the organization
                                                               and honor them at this meeting we know that there are cur-
Treasurer – Taylor Sharpe (Present)                            rently 4 of them still in the area. It was suggested that we get
Membership Director – David Harned (Absent)                    crystal apples engraved for the founders. We also would like
AppleGram Editor – John Jones (Absent)                         to ask Ray to speak about the history of our group and we are
Program Director – Vacant                                      also going to give each of the founders time to share there ex-
Assistant to Program Director - Linda Reis (Present)           periences with the Apple Corps.
Webmaster – John Jones (Absent)
Secretary – John Shaffer (Present)
Apple Ambassador – Walt Smith (Present)
iOS SIG Leader - John Jones (Absent)
Mac Help Desk SIG Leader - Dru Richman (Absent)                We are going to get some snack items from either Sams club
Developer SIG - Timothy Chan (Present)                         or Costco. John Shaffer will go and get the needed items.
Photography & Video SIG Leader - Ray Thompson (Absent)
Historian - Ray Thompson (Absent)                              Richard Stoddard made a motion to say that the president be
Registered Agent - Carl Stewart (Absent)                       authorized to spend up to $500 for the December meeting.
Attendance Director - Chuck Richardson (Present)               This was seconded.
Librarian - John Shaffer (Present)
Membership Directory Committee                                 Richard Stoddard made a motion to amend the previous mo-
 Mary Ann Artless (Absent)                                     tion to state that the president be authorized to spend up to
 Taylor Sharpe (Present)                                       $500 for food food for the December meeting. This motion
 Timothy Chan (Present)                                        was seconded and put to a vote which passed.

                                                               David Harned provided the membership report 118 Primary
Tim called the meeting to order at: 5:55 PM                    Members
                                                               19 Secondary Members
                                                               137 Total Member
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss what we want to do
for our December meeting also note that the meeting is the     7 members membership expire in November and 7 more ex-
1st Saturday of December instead of our normal 2nd Saturday    pire in December

Tayor Sharpe provided the Treasurer report                        4 - Working on current AppleGram. Will include info on
All bills are paid and our account balance is $16,772 they are       Mavericks, iLife and iWork as focus
going to add Timothy Chan as a signatory on the ACD check-
ing account.                                                      5 - Need more people running to send in a tidbit of
                                                                     why they are running. If election committee could help
                                                                     with that - I’d be most gracious.
Editor’s Report provided by John Jones via email
Both Online and Offline Programs                                  6 - Could someone throw together a quick how to on
- Website is doing well, we even seem to be getting more             how to turn off the wifi on a generic router if using an-
                                                                     other router for wifi? This article does not need to get
people signing up for our newsletter’s that could be poten-
                                                                     specific, it was promised to be added into AGram at
tial new members.
                                                                     last meeting, I want to keep our word.
 1 - Website has been updated to reflect upcoming                 7 - Anything you want to add for the November AGram
                                                                     is welcome at this time. Please have anything turned
 2 - QnA website has been updated to allow for logins                in by noon on Friday.
     from other Social Networks.
                                                                  8 - Holiday related articles are welcome starting now
     Right now, we support Facebook, Twitter, Google,
                                                                     for our December AGram. (Perhaps we can add
     AOL and Open ID. Users can still choose to login and
                                                                     something about our founding members in it?)
     create accounts locally, but they may help for those
     that do not want to remember another ID and pass-            9 - I do NOT have an exact count right now for the
     word.                                                           ACD Points contest. I will make an announcement /
                                                                     presentation on this at the next meeting.
 3 - Last AppleGram was posted on the website and
     can be downloaded. It is not as large as some of the         10 - For prizes, might I recommend Apple TVs? They
     past iBooks and should not take too long to download            are small, low cost, we can give away more of them,
     via WiFi. It does have a bug that will be fixed soon            and they are really cool in everything that they do. I
     where it displays incorrect graphics when reading por-          love mine Don’t forget a few of the past generations
     trait instead of landscape.                                     of iPads are now cheaper. :)
                                                                 Discussed after the main meeting ended.

Walt did report that we can't get Apple branded stuff. Need to
contact Ray about doing a presentation. iLife sharing for
December....swap meet (not brought up but should probably
be done), and for members to bring supplemented store
bought foods if they wish.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM
Respectfully submitted via e-mail to the
Board for review on the 8th day of November 2013

John Shaffer
Apple Corps of Dallas
Board of Directors Meeting
November 3rd, 2013
Official Minutes


            It’s that time of year again! Here is the list of those running and,
            for those that submitted, why they want to represent you.

            One Year Terms

            President: Maggie Reddy

            I've been a long time user of Apple products.      Bought my first
            Mac around 1986 and have never wavered in my support for the
            products since then. You can say I'm a computer geek since I've
            been in front of a computer several hours a day almost 7 days a
            week since 1986 at home and at work.

I remember the days of attending ACD meetings at the Infomart. Everything was new and shiny. I did not speak the language of many, but was
always interested in learning more. Since returning to the fold a few years ago, I've learned so much from the members of our group. I think it's
important to have a place where others can come together, share knowledge and learn. The fact that we have such a diverse group makes it even
more interesting. One of my goals as President (if elected) will be to try and grow our membership to insure it's success for another 35 years.

It would be a privilege to lead our group in 2014 with the support of fellow board members and our great volunteers.

Vice President: Chuck Richardson

Why ACD is importing to me: making new friends, finding cool apps, learning how-to better use the apps I already own, or trying to solving somebody
else’s computer problem. I really love when we have live demos, for example Gigi and her VoiceOver SIG demonstrating on both Mac and iOS. Gigi
makes a point to take time to help frustrated users better understand the technology and how to make it work for them.

Two-Year Terms

Board of Directors (Three to be voted in)

Timothy Chan - I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president for the past 2 years. I'd like to continue serving the Apple Corps of Dallas
as a board member as there is still much to be done to improve our organization. This will also allow me the chance to work with new leadership as
well as to learn from them. Thank you for your support!

Jack Waller - I've been a member of ACD for many years and by serving on the board I might be able to contribute a little more to the organization.

Lawrence Jenkins - Will present statement at meeting.

David Williams - Will present statement at meeting.

The current Board would like to thank those that volunteered for positions. We look forward to another great year as we move into 2014.

Apple’s latest event had a lot to say. Not only
                would Apple be offering up their next generation
                of OS X for free, but also giving away their iWork
                 suite away to new Macs and iOS devices going
                   forward. A very interesting move to make their
                                     line of devices more enticing.

Chapter 2

Apple N e w s
OS X 10.9 “Mavericks” is the tenth major release of Apple’s
OS X Mavericks   flagship operating software for their Mac line. Apple had done a
                 lot in this version to make it as energy and memory efficient as
                 possible while also adding some new features that users can
                 make use of. Here are some productivity tips for the new
                 operating software:

                          10 Productivity Tips

                 Now that you’ve upgraded to OS X Mavericks, make sure you’re
                 getting the most out of your Mac with these settings. Below
                 you’ll find IS&T’s top 10 productivity-related tips.

                  1. Browse Better with Safari
                      The latest version of Safari offers faster, more efficient
                      browsing and new ways to help you share and organize
                      your favorite sites. Shared Links shows links posted by
                      people you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn, and the redes-
                      igned Top Sites allows you to easily organize your favor-

2. Take Advantage of                                                         to an important presentation with the keyword Important.
   an All-New Calen-                                                         Then when you want to find those files, just click Important in
   dar                                                                       the Finder sidebar or enter it in the search field.
     Calendar now features
     a streamlined look and
     continuous scrolling.
     Cool new features in-
     clude an easier-to-use
     event inspector as well
     as map, travel time,
     and weather info for
     your events. Plus, it’s
     faster and can handle
     your busy calendar with
3. Set Do Not Disturb
     Notification Center makes it easy to stay on top of it all, but
     sometimes you need to be left alone to get your work done.
     Turn on Do Not Disturb when you need some quiet time to fo-
     cus.                                                                 7. Work the Way You Want with Multiple Displays
                                                                             OS X Mavericks now gives each display its own menu bar and
4. Check Out Enhanced Notifications                                          Dock, allowing you to take full advantage of every display con-
     Notification Center has been upgraded, and now you can get              nected to your Mac. You can have multiple app windows run-
     things done without leaving the app you’re in. Interact with            ning on either display. Or run an app full screen on each one.
     your notifications, reply to a message, respond to a FaceTime           Even show a desktop on one display and a full-screen app on
     video call, or delete an email right from a notification. In addi-      another. Work the way you want.
     tion, you can now sign up with your favorite websites to get         8. Read Your Books
     breaking news, sports scores, auction alerts, and more.                 The iBooks app you’ve enjoyed on your iOS devices is now avail-
5. Use Finder Tabs                                                           able on your Mac. Take notes, highlight passages, or add a
     Do you often have multiple Finder windows open? Save space              bookmark on your Mac — iCloud pushes them to all your de-
     and consolidate these windows by using Finder Tabs. Now each            vices automatically. So if you start reading on your iPad,
     folder can be represented by a tab with its own custom view,            iPhone, or iPod touch, you can pick up right where you left off
     and moving files between tabs is as easy as drag and drop.              on your Mac.

6.   Tag It
     Organize and find your files, even documents stored in iCloud,
     by tagging them with keywords. For example, tag files related
9. Dictate It
   Dictation helps you quickly capture an
   idea or check your spelling, but with En-
   hanced Dictation, things just got better.
   Simply choose Enhanced Dictation in Dic-
   tation preferences to download the voice
   recognition engine. Now there’s no time
   limit — your words will appear as you
   speak, and an Internet connection is no
   longer required.
10. Experience Maps on the Mac
   Maps makes it simple to get information on local points of in-
   terest like restaurants and hotels, showing you phone num-
   bers, photos, and even Yelp reviews. It’s also easy to get there
   on time, thanks to point-to-point directions, real-time traffic
   conditions, and suggested alternate routes.

iPad Air and iPad
Mini with Retina

                    Apple also introduced a new iPad to the family that is even
                    thinner and more lightweight than its predecessor. The iPad Air
                    boasts a new A7 chip for faster processing and, like the iPhone
                    5s, an M7 motion processor used for motion and accelerometer

                    Apple also was able to boost the wireless antennas in this new
                    model to allow for faster and better connections along with more
                    LTE bands for those that opt for iPad air models with cellular

Finish the new design with better cameras and microphones and you
have the new iPad Air which is available now at your local Apple Store
or Apple Authorized Reseller.

                                                                         If you like your screen at a 7.9 inch size, but still want the pixel density,
                                                                         the new iPad mini may be your next best friend. The iPad mini now
                                                                         sports a 2048x1536 resolution along with the new processors, wifi, and

                                                                         The new iPad mini is slated to come out the end of November and is
                                                                         great for someone wanting something a little smaller to take with them
                                                                         but not wanting to sacrifice power.

Don’t forget a case. While there are plenty to choose from,
Apple’s Smart Cover and Smart Case add some nice bright
colors and are easy to take on and off the new thinner body of
the iPad Air.

Apple also took time to mention an update to their Macbook Pro line.
Now both the 13-inch and 15-inch come in Retina Display quality. The
wonderful screens are powered by Intel’s newest fourth generation
Core processors that deliver amazing power and performance. These
units also introduce a new technology from Intel called Iris Graphics
which is designed to boost performance for graphic and multimedia
heavy applications such as video editing or photo editing.

Additionally, Apple also has boosted the Wifi to 802.11ac allowing for
faster connections within range of 802.11ac Airport Extreme or other

Thunderbolt fans will be happy to see these new models sport
Thunderbolt 2 which provides up to 20 Gb/s bandwidth. Hopefully we
will start to see more and more devices make use of Thunderbolt
technology especially since it is not just for Apple devices.

Apple’s new line of portables are available now starting at $1299.99

Mac Pro

Coming in December
       Assembled in USA
  Design by Apple in California

This section contains wonderful content that is
                  created and submitted by members of our group.

Chapter 3

M e m be r
Sub  m it t e d
         Apple Design Celebrated in Print
         by Ray Thompson

         Readers of the AppleGram certainly know I relish telling
         everyone: “I purchased my first Apple computer in October of
         1977; I’ve never owned a PC.”      So, Apple history is a favorite
         subject and I have a bookcase full of it. Of course, the web is rife
         with Apple history in terms of product timelines, technical

specifications, pictures, and memorabilia. I’m even on the web with my own personal experiences aboutApple and the Apple MUG that I helped

So, I was prepared not to be impressed when a new history of Apple products recently arrived on the web: Turns out, I am
impressed! If you visit the site you will see especially high-quality photographs of most every product from Apple since the Apple I. However, the
vision of the Shrine’s webmaster and author, Jonathan Zufi, is much more than his impressive website...

Jonathan began his dream in 2009 as he recalled his own first experiences with an Apple II he purchased on eBay. (By the way, Jonathan is an
Aussie, reflecting the world-wide reach of Apple’s influence.) His goal was to find and photograph every Apple product! In a recent CNET interview
he said, “I know I haven’t photographed everything, but I’m pretty damn close!”       Since 2009 he has made 150,000 photographs and actually
purchased more than 500 of the Apple products he photographed.

So, what is unique about Zufi’s dream, and where has it taken him? What impressed and astounded me was that the end product of the Shrine of
Apple is not his website, but a 350-page printed book! (I still love my Apple
history in printed form more than in my browser!)          The coffee-table-size
volume is titled “Iconic, a Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation.”        This
amazing work was self published by Zufi—a huge financial investment that
required him to sell off most of his collection of Apple products.

But, this is still not the full story—the vision—that Zufi has brought to fruition.
First of all, to achieve his vision Zufi (an IT specialist by trade) built a
photography studio in his basement and enlisted professionals to teach him
how to capture the highest quality images possible—and not mere catalog
pictures, but pictures that celebrate Apple’s trademark and unmatched
“essence of design!”     We hear a lot about Apple’s innovation and design
prowess, but do we really understand what that means?            After turning the
pages of “Iconic” I’ve come to a fuller understanding of this trademark quality.
Zufi shows it to us in the details of a corner curve of a keyboard and in the
back bezel of an iMac that was often placed against the wall, unseen. His
beautifully rendered and printed images breakdown familiar product images,
calling our attention to the days and weeks spent in perfecting the tiniest details—the details that give the whole the instantly recognizable perfection
and quality of Apple products.

I’m very grateful to Jonathan Zufi for bringing his vision to print, and I’m thrilled to add the “Iconic” Classic Edition to my collection of Apple history.

                          Iconic: The Classic Edition                                                    Iconic: The Special Edition
                                   300 Pages                                                             Book has metal-like finish
                                      $75                                                                Comes with black slipcase
                                                                                                       Comes in custom case to look
                                                                                                            like a late 70s Apple
                                                                                                         High quality fine art paper


Q: My Mac OS X needs an update "Adobe Flash Player" as a
Ask a Tech   result of blocked plug-ins. I followed the instructions all the

by Dru       way to a window that shows who the computer belongs to
             and asks for a password. A password was never entered
             into the computer. A hint is given: place where you were
             married. Easy to answer. But computer says its wrong .I also
             am given a window that allows the changing of the
             password, but since i don't know the old password, I can't
             change the password. Is there a way to by pass the
             "password" so i can download the flash player?Thank You.

             A: If you have the install disk for that computer (or an install disk
             for OS X) its easy to reset the password.

             Start the computer from the install disk (Restart the computer,
             insert the disk, hold the ‘c’ key)

             Select English as the install language.

At the top of the next screen there should be a menu bar that shows ‘UTILITIES’. Under utilities select reset password. Make sure your select the
hard drive.

Write the new password down. You’ll always need it.

Q: I recently received a .dat file. Nothing seems to open it. Where did it come from?

A: The first thing to understand about .DAT files is that it indicates a file that has arbitrary data. That means it’s not associated
with any one particular program or application. When you see a file with a .XLS extension, you know it’s referring to an Excel
file, and so on. But with .DAT files, you have to figure out how to open it yourself and it may not be the same program each time.

.DAT files are typically found as winmail.dat files in email attachments, created by Microsoft Exchange Servers. But many other
programs can create .dat files as well. So if the name doesn’t give it away, it’s difficult to tell whether you’re dealing with text,
pictures, movies or something completely different.

Q: Where online can I find information on when/what Apple is going to sell it's next generation of Mac Pros?

A: The next gen Mac Pros will be available next month. Prices start at $2999. You can get more info here -

{Before using this computer, you should talk to one of your NASCAR friends to see if you can borrow some fire-proof long don’t want to
singe any important body bits with all this machine’s power} ☺

                                    Q: I am still running 10.4.11 (pathetically!)! Can I at least download Snow Leopard first to get a little more

                                    A: Depends on your Mac's processor.

                                    If it is a PowerPC processor, you CAN NOT install Snow Leopard.

                                    If it is an Intel processor, you CAN install Snow Leopard.

                                    To determine the type of processor, go

to "About this Mac" in the "Apple" menu. If the word "Intel" appears anywhere next to "Processor", you can install Snow Leopard. You need at least
1GB of memory, 2GB or more is better.

You’ll also need to acquire an install disk for Snow Leopard. You can still buy Snow Leopard on

Q: How do I connect a memory stick from a camera, GPS or other device to aMac?

A: Use a SD, a SDHD, a MicroSD etc., to USB adapter and plug it into a USB port on your Mac.

Some have many different ones, some just a few and some are for just one type of memory stick.

Like all external media, you have to select the desktop item and press eject or drag it to your Trash (turns into
a Eject) to safely unmount it before you physically remove it from the machine.

Also it won't really delete files unless you use Empty Trash after placing files you want deleted into the Trash Can.

Also it really won't scrub the deleted files off any Solid State Media unless you overwrite it completely with random data.

To the Mac it might look empty, but to a PC it will show all the deleted files as well.

If you are using a high speed internet connection, chances are
Disabling a AT&T U-            you are using what your provider (AT&T, Verizon, Time Warner,

Verse Router’s Wifi            etc.) has given you in the way of equipment. The downside of
                               this would usually be weaker Wi-Fi signal strength, speed, as

by Timothy Chan       Part 1
                               well as range because of the use of 802.11g. Should you decide
                               on some better equipment that supports 802.11n, you would
                               theoretically get triple the speed and twice the coverage.
                               Granted, to be able to take advantage of the maximum speed, all
                               your wireless equipment must support the higher standard.          If
                               you mix devices, the devices are limited to the weakest link. So
                               if you have a laptop on G but your router is N, G is the fastest
                               speed you’ll get only for that computer. If G is your router and
                               you have N for your computer, then G is the most you’ll get from
                               everything as the router connects all computers to the internet.
                               In short, get at least 802.11n or if you can afford it, get the
                               802.11ac router as this will allow you more options and the
                               possibility of upgrading in the future.   Read past the jump and
                               we’ll look at how to switch off Wi-Fi with equipment from AT&T.
                               Directions for Verizon and Time Warner will provided in parts 2
                               and 3 of this mini-series respectively. Please note that this article
                               is a derivative of an article of setting up a Tomato Router off of
                               Jay Nath’s Blog.     The reason for this particular series is to
                               expand upon the article with specific information when dealing
                               with specific service providers – namely, AT&T for Part 1, Verizon
                               for Part 2, and Time Warner for Part 3.

Wi-Fi Standards From Oldest to Newest:

802.11a (If you still use this, it’s time to upgrade…seriously.)
802.11b (If you still use this, it’s time to upgrade as well.)
802.11g (Previous older standard which is what is found with the
equipment your provider gives you.)
802.11n (Current standard for most of the new stuff you buy)
802.11ac (Newest…they just started selling these!)

It is generally not a good idea to have 2          Wi-Fi routers running
simultaneously side by side as their signals will interfere.

Let’s look at AT&T’s 2Wire U-Verse Router first (this assumes all
defaults are in place):                                                    3. Connect up your new router to the U-Verse box going from the LAN
                                                                           port of the U-Verse box to the WAN port of your new router using an
1. Connect your computer with an Ethernet cord to your U-Verse box.
                                                                           Ethernet cable. There will usually be a space or color difference to
After your computer detects the network, go to your U-Verse
                                                                           distinguish the WAN port from LAN ports on a router.
Administration Page by using a web browser and going to http://                                                              4. Go ahead switch your wired connection to the new router from the
2. Click on the “Home Network” tab and then click on the “Disable”         U-Verse box that you did earlier in step one. At this time, you will be
button.   You’ll be prompted to enter the system password.         This    running your new router’s initial configuration setup.       Follow the
password is stickered to your AT&T U-Verse box.                            instructions and/or the supplied disc that came with your router (this is
                                                                           router dependent).

                                                                           5. When the new router setup is completed, go back to http://
                                                                  to finish U-Verse box configuration which is detailed

settings for this computer”, select the choice that says “Allow all
                                                                      applications (DMZplus mode). Then click “Done”.

                                                                      That’s it! You should be done if you are using your new router with
                                                                      AT&T U-Verse. You’ve disabled the U-Verse box’s Wi-Fi and have all
                                                                      network traffic directed to your new router.

                                                                      (Photos taken from: Jay Nath’s Blog)

6. After you complete this step, you may get a warning from your U-
Verse box as shown below. Go ahead
and ignore this warning by clicking
“Disable”. If this doesn’t come up, just
go on to the next step.

7. Now, we’ll need to edit the U-Verse
to direct all network traffic over to the
new router. To do this, we want to be
on the “Home Network” tab and select
“Edit Firewall Settings” from the sub
menu.    Leave option 1 as is.       For
option 2 which reads “Edit firewall

Jonesy’s App Review
It’s no secret that I really enjoy some of the “temple run”-type
games out there where you character keeps running in a general
direction avoiding enemies and traps. In a past AppleGram I
reviewed Rayman Run which features a classic platforming hero
from console videogames reimagined for iOS.

That game did really well and Ubisoft, the guys who make
Rayman and many other games, noticed and made a sequel that
is much more expansive.

The game plays much like the first one, you play as Rayman who
will run through a level collecting lums. The more you collect
lums, the more you can further your adventure in this game.

The guys at Ubisoft really love detail and the level and character
design is both detail and whimsical. You will explore icy lakes of
fruit punch, latin-inspired kitchens where the food and fires are
hot, and many other delightful realms.

The game is really pushing the new capabilities of iOS devices
as many of the graphics and gameplay are that of what you
would expect on a console connected to your TV or a computer
game. If you enjoyed the first or just like a good jump and hop
challenge, check out the new Rayman Fiesta.

© 2013 Apple Corps of Dallas

See you next time.                                      Apple Corps of Dallas is a recognized User
                                                        Group by Apple, Inc. ACD is a Not For Profit
                                                        User Group

                                                        Copyright © 2013 Apple Corps of Dallas |
                                                        Apple, Mac, and all other Apple Trademarks
                                                        ™ belong to Apple Inc. | iBook design and
                                                        layout by John Jones

    /groups/applecorpsofdallas   #DallasAUG
The Heart of Women

                                        a K ic kS ta rt er w eb  si te to help fund a
                         ve launched
Maggie and A. Kaye ha                                     en ”. If yo u are interested and
                          n as “The H   ea rt of W  om
gallery for their art know                               su cc es  s, please visit: http://
                                       t be co  m e  a
                         tarter projec
want to help this KickS                                 he ar to fw  omen-art-exhibition-
                         rojects/1808  85 41  81 /t he

You can also read