Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow

Page created by Larry Leonard
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2021 • LIVING 50 PLUS, LIFE AFTER WORK                                         1

                            Along the South Shore

 Greetings, Holiday
  Stories, Crafts for
  the family, Songs
 of the Season, and
 Community Events

                                             OW Progress Bulletin Supplement
PROGRESS BULLETIN                             DECEMBER 2021
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2                                                                                                                          Joyful GatherinG • 2021

Gingerbread House                                                     Recipe
1. In a food processor, place the
   butter and sugar and process           ingRedients
   until fully combined.                200g butter, chopped
2. Add the flours and the                 1 cup brown sugar
   cinnamon and ginger into             1 tbsp ground ginger
   the processor and process on        2 tsp ground cinnamon
   high until fully combined               1 cup   plain flour
3. In a jug mix the eggs with        3 1/2 cups   self-raising flour
                                        2 eggs, lightly beaten
   the golden syrup. Pour this
                                        1/2 cup golden syrup
   into the food processor
                                      2 quantities of Royal Icing
   while the motor is running           Lollies, for decorating
   and process until it is all                                               9. Cut the slope for the roof from the end pieces. Cut the
   combined                                                                      doors and windows from the front and back pieces
4. Turn out onto a lighly floured bench and knead until                      10. Take the royal icing and decorate the walls with lollies.
   smooth. Divide into 4 pieces and shape into flat discs.                       Take a piece of brown paper spread with royal icing
   Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.                                and stick it on the back of the two roof pieces so they
5. Remove from cling film and knead until pliable. Roll                          are joined together (this will help support the weight
   out to 5mm thick and cut to the template shapes. Re-                          of the roof ). Leave to dry for 1/2 hour.
   roll offcuts and cut as needed                                            11. Use the royal icing to glue the walls together and to
6. Bake all pieces for 15-20 mins at 180°C or until golden.                      the board. Use some heavy objects to support the walls
7. Leave to cool overnight on wire racks.                                        as they dry.
8. When ready to assemble prepare the royal icing and                        12. Place the roof on and use the royal icing to pipe the snow
   set out lollies for decoration along with the cake board                      and shingles onto the roof. Complete the decoration and
   or heavy cardboard.                                                           leave to dry. Gingerbread will keep for up to 1 week.

                                                                       We hope your heart is touched by that special feeling
                                                                        of contentment only the holiday season can bring.
                                                                           We’re filled with gratitude for the support this community
                                                                            has shown us throughout the year, and we wish you
                                                                                       the best and brightest of holidays!

                                   Contact us today to learn more about how we can work together on your next project.
                                     PO Box 479 STN Main                       MONDAY-FRIDAY           SATURDAY-SUNDAY
                                    Bridgewater, NS B4V 2X6      24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE              8:00 AM - 5:00 PM         By Appointment
                                     Servicing Bridgewater and beyond, we’re a reliable and trusted partner for complex construction projects of all types.
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                        3

                                                                      5 types of cakes
The holiday season is the busiest time of year for many
                                                                       to (re)discover
merchants and service providers in your area. But did           Whether you have a major sweet tooth or just enjoy the
you know that if you buy local this Christmas, you’ll help      occasional dessert, here are five irresistible cakes you can
support your community? Here’s what you should know.            make at home or pick up from a local shop.

a small gestuRe with a big imPact                               1. angel food cake
In addition to endorsing the merchants in your area,            Light as a feather, this ring-shaped cake is made with flour,
buying local allows you to contribute to your region’s          sugar and egg whites — no butter! Enjoy it with fresh fruit,
economy by keeping jobs in the community. Plus, it’s a          whipped cream, chocolate sauce or ice cream.
great way to invest in your neighbourhood’s businesses.
Afterall, your support is what makes it possible for them       2. swiss Roll cake
to offer a wide variety of products and services.               This unique type of sponge cake is slathered with jam,
Furthermore, a business that earns more money from              icing or whipped cream before being rolled up. A common
transactions made by local citizens contributes a greater       iteration is the decadent yule log served around Christmas.
amount of tax revenue to the government. This money
can then be reinvested in services that benefit the entire      3. Pound cake
community.                                                      This cake is traditionally made with a pound each of
                                                                flour, butter, eggs and sugar. Ideal for teatime, it may be
think outside the boX                                           flavoured with orange or lemon and dusted with icing
Buying local isn’t just about the products you can put in       sugar.
a shopping cart; it’s also about investing in your region’s
many services. For example, think of the various offerings      4. uPside-down cake
provided by regional businesses in the arts such as             Baked in a pan with its toppings at the bottom, this
museums, theatres, galleries and more.                          moist cake can be made with apples, pineapple, rhubarb,
This year for Christmas, consider giving an experience          peaches and more. Serve it with vanilla ice cream or maple
as a gift. It may turn out to be the perfect way to spend       syrup.
quality time with a loved one.
                                                                5. black foRest cake
sPecial deals and gReat oPPoRtunities                           This German classic consists of chocolate sponge cake
During the holiday season, it’s not uncommon to see city        layered with whipped cream, chocolate shavings and

                                                                      Ha� Holidays and a�
officials and business organizations implement initiatives      cherries soaked in kirsch (a type of sour cherry brandy).
to encourage people to buy local. This may include

                                                                         the best for 2022
posting online directories that list all the businesses in
the area. In addition, sometimes stores will offer special
promotions, gifts and discounts to local residents.

This year for Christmas, give yourself and your
community the gift of buying local.

         Hippie                                                       543 Main St, Mahone Bay NS B0J 2E0 PO Box 550

        Boutique                                                           work) 902.624.8044 | fax) 902.531.2338

         498 Main Street Mahone Bay | 902 624 1400     197665
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
4                                                                                                      Joyful GatherinG • 2021

Star cookies with crabapple jelly                                                                               Recipe
    These cute cookies make the perfect holiday dessert,
    snack or treat to leave out for Santa Claus on Christ-              ingRedients
    mas Eve.                                                       150 grams unsalted butter,
                                                                        room temperature
    diRections                                                     1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1. In a stand mixer, cream the butter and vanilla               1/2 cup powdered sugar
       extract. Add the powdered sugar, and mix until
                                                                         1/2 teaspoon salt
       well incorporated. Add the salt and flour and mix
                                                                          1-1/2 cups flour
       again, scraping down the sides of the bowl regu-
                                                                     1/4 cup crabapple jelly
       larly, until the mixture has a sandy texture.
    2. Pour the mixture onto plastic wrap placed on
       a flat surface. Fold the plastic wrap toward the
       centre, and press firmly with your hands to create
       a solid ball of dough. Make sure the plastic wrap is
       airtight, and refrigerate the dough for 1 to 4 hours.        Festive pomegranate cocktail
    3. Preheat the oven to 175 C (350 F). Roll out the dough
       until it’s about 5 millimetres (1/4 of an inch) thick.          This light and bubbly
       Using a star-shaped cookie cutter, shape 20 cookies             cocktail is sure to get you          ingRedients
       and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet,               in the holiday spirit. Serve 2 tablespoons  pomegranate juice
       spacing them evenly. For half of the cookies, use a             it at a Christmas brunch           1/2 cup sparkling wine
       second, smaller cookie cutter to create a hole in               or as an aperitif before a         Sparkling lemon  water
       the centre. Bake for 10 minutes, but                            sit-down dinner.             1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds
                                                                                                          1 sprig fresh rosemary
       make sure to rotate the pan 180
       degrees at the 5-minute mark.                                   diRections
    4. Let the cookies cool com-                                       1. In a champagne flute, pour the
       pletely. Place 1 teaspoon               Start to finish:            pomegranate juice and sparkling
       of crabapple jelly on top             4 hours, 40 minutes          wine. Top off with sparkling water.
       of a full cookie, and top it          (30 minutes active)       2. Garnish with pomegranate
       with one that has a hole.                  Servings:               seeds and rosemary.                       Start to finish:
       Press lightly to seal the                  10 cookies                                                           5 minutes
       two cookies together.                                                                                          Servings:
                                                                                                                       1 cocktail

      A Yuletide Wish                                                                                         Recipe
       From Our Family to Yours
           May your days be merry and bright, and may
           the joy of this special season fill every corner
            of your heart and home with contentment.
            With our warmest wishes for a blessed and
                     happy holiday season.
                    Greg Anthony’s
         118 Lakeview Haven Drive, Hebbville, NS B4V 7A9
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                                  5
                                                                                       fRiday, decembeR 10
                                                                                       Join us as some of Chester’s greatest local
                                                                                       talents hit the stage for a blend of holiday,
                                                                                       and non-holiday-themed performances. It’s
                                                                                       the ultimate community variety show, this
                                                                                       year featuring crowd favourites Dark & Stormy
                                                                                       at the Chester Legion starting 7:30 pm. Your
                                                                                       $25 ticket includes admission to the show,
                                                                                       1 drink ticket (for those 19+), and a sweet
                                                                                       treat at intermission. Stay tuned to our social

                                                                      CHESTER EVENTS
                                                                                       media pages for an announcement of the full
                                                                                       lineup of performers! We promise something
                                                                                       for everyone, and good times had by all. For
                                                                                       more info/book tickets, call the Chester Play-
                                                                                       house Box office at 902-275-3933.

     How to find
                                                                                       sunday, decembeR 19
                                                                                       Breakfast with Santa at the Forties Commun-
                                                                                       ity Centre, 1787 Forties Road, New Ross from
 the perfect present                                                                   8:00 to 11:00 am. Enjoy eggs, sausage, pan-
                                                                                       cakes, hash browns, toast, juice, tea & coffee.
Do you strive to give the perfect gift? Whether it’s for                               Adults $10, Children (5-12 years) $5 and under
someone you’ve known for years or only a few months,                                   5 years are free. Covid-19 protocols apply.
here are some tips to help you accomplish this holiday
feat.                                                                                  Reeny Smith simply wowed the Chester Play-
                                                                                       house audience with her powerful perform-
think about the PeRson’s inteRests                                                     ance back in August. We are super excited to
You can brainstorm on your own or ask a friend or family                               welcome her back for Reeny Smith’s Family
member to help you come up with ideas. Consider the                                    Christmas at the Chester Legion starting 7:30
person’s hobbies and interests. Are they tech-savvy? Do                                pm. With roots in gospel, and a contempor-
they enjoy being physically active? Do they like to cook?                              ary sound incorporating R&B and Jazz, her
What are their passions? Even if the answers to these                                  extraordinary vocals, confident stage pres-
questions don’t give you a clear idea, they may still                                  ence, and energetic live show make for a truly
point you in the right direction.                                                      unforgettable, entertaining experience. Now
                                                                                       add in some holiday magic and her incred-
take youR time to find the Right item                                                  ibly talented family, and this is bound to be a
Avoid making an impulse buy or waiting until the last                                  truly memorable evening! For more info/book
minute. If you rush to find the perfect present, you                                   tickets, call the Chester Playhouse Box office
risk panicking and purchasing something the person                                                      at 902-275-3933.
may not like. By planning ahead, you’ll
be able to carefully think about what
would make a great gift.

In addition, when you browse your local
stores, make sure to ask sales associates
for their insights and recommendations.

     nen b urg Community Consignmen
   Lu 121 Pelham Street, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia t

               Wednesdays to Saturdays, 1 - 4 pm

    902-298-8274                                                                        197653
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
6                                                                                                           Joyful Gathering • 2021

How to prepare for a winter road trip
Are you planning to go on a winter road trip? Maybe you want           4. Pack an emergency kit
to hit the slopes or take advantage of an off-season deal? If so,      On top of packing everything you want to have with you for
here are four tips to help you prepare for the journey.                your trip, save some space in your trunk for winter road trip-
                                                                       ping gear such as a shovel, tow rope, jumper cables, traction
1. Plan for delays                                                     aids, warm clothes, flashlights, food and water, wiper fluid and
Poor road conditions can significantly slow you down or force          more.
you to delay your trip. Additionally, daylight is limited during
the winter, which means you may have to shorten your after-            In addition, road signs can become completely covered in
noon driving time to avoid battling blizzards, black ice and           snow, making it difficult to navigate. Consequently, before
freezing rain in the dark.                                             leaving for your winter road trip, it’s a good idea to pack a
                                                                       physical map or download an offline copy of a Google Map for
2. Do your research                                                    reference.
Before you get behind the wheel, make sure to check the
weather forecast. This will prevent you from getting caught
off-guard in a storm. In addition, you should check the local
traffic report. Under extreme conditions, certain high­ways
may be closed, which could force you to back­track or take an
                                                                       4 driving hazards to
alternate route.
                                                                       watch out for in winter
3. Inspect your vehicle                                                Winter driving poses many unique challenges. Here are four
If you’re taking a long trip in winter, it’s a good idea to get your   hazards to be aware of when getting behind the wheel in
vehicle inspected by a professional. A mechanic will make sure         winter.
everything is in good working order so you don’t run into any
unexpected engine problems along the way.                              1. Reduced visibility
                                                                       Between blowing snow and glare from the sun, your visibil-
                                                                       ity can be dramatically reduced in the winter. Consequently,
                Season’s Greetings from                                make sure your windshield is defrosted and clean, wipe down
                                                                       your headlights and sweep any accumulated snow off your
                Management & Staff of                                  car before hitting the road.

           Silver’s Garage                                             2. Poor traction

           (2008) Limited
        We would like to take this opportunity to express
                                                                       Wet, icy and snow-covered roads can si­gnificantly reduce your
                                                                       traction. Therefore, it’s important to invest in a high-quality set
                                                                       of winter tires to help you maintain control of your vehicle. If
      our sincere thanks to our many friends and customers,            your car starts to slip, slow down, avoid braking hard and steer
         for your continued support during the past year.              smoothly.
        TO ALL: “At the Holiday Season, our thoughts turn
     gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.          3. Speeding
       It is in this spirit we say, BEST WISHES FOR THE                Driving slowly during the winter is crucial, as it’s much harder
          HOLIDAYS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.”                              to control your vehicle on ice- and snow-covered roads if
               During the Holiday Season this year,                    you’re moving too fast. No matter what the posted speed
                we will be closed for business on                      limit, adjust your speed to suit the conditions.
     Friday December 24th at 1pm until Tuesday December 28th,
      re-opening for regular hours Wednesday December 29th.            4. Distracted driving
           We will close @ 5pm on Friday December 31st.                Winter roads leave little margin for error, and distracted driv-
       Re-opening for the New Year Tuesday January 4th, 2022           ing can affect your judgment, ability to concentrate and reac-
                     HAPPY NEW YEAR                                    tion time. Make sure you stay focused on the road at all times,
                                                                       and watch out for other motorists who may not be paying
            24 hour Emergency Service will be in effect                attention.
                   during the Holiday Season!

      Service: 902-521-5490 | Parts: 902-521-3105                      Taking these precautions can help you stay safe and avoid get-
                                                          197655       ting into an accident. However, before the first snowfall, make
                                                                       sure to also restock your car’s emer­gency kit, just in case.
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                           7

The world’s largest yule log                                     from the Snow Island Gazette, who didn’t want to miss a
                                                                 minute of the momentous occasion. With his camera in
         By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard                 hand and a gleam in his eye, Gregory Slifer intended to
                Translated by Katya Teague                       capture the action from every angle.
   What a whirlwind it was at the Snow Island cake factory          To get the perfect shot of the vat of chocolate frosting,
that day! Since the crack of dawn, the region’s best pastry      he climbed into a basket on the end of a nearby forklift.
chefs had been hard at work trying to break the world            An experienced worker used the machine to carefully raise
record for the largest yule log. Their goal: to make a vanilla   him above the massive tank.
cake with chocolate frosting almost the size of a house.            “What an incredible view,” Gregory said, leaning a little
It seemed like an outrageously ambitious challenge, but          too far forward.
the Snow Island bakers and their many assistants were               At that very moment, the strap around his neck meant
confident that their talent and determination would help         to hold the camera snapped. Wide eyed, Gregory watched
them succeed.                                                    as his prized equipment plummeted to the chocolatey
   Sitting on bleachers set up for the occasion, several         surface below and sunk into the frosting.
people watched the scene unfold with great interest.                Orion and Capella rushed to the reporter’s side.
   “Look, Capella,” Orion said to his twin sister. “The             “Mr. Slifer, is your camera waterproof?” Orion asked.
container for mixing the frosting is as big as the public           “It is indeed! Waterproof and extremely durable,” Gregory
pool!”                                                           replied. “I often use it outdoors when I cover blizzards and
   “Yum! Chocolate is so tasty,” the gluttonous girl replied.    ice storms. I’ve always been able to count on it.”
“I would love to just swim in it!”                                  “Well, we can fish it out for you, no problem,” Capella
   Walking around the factory floor was the top journalist       declared.                                    Continued on page 8


                                                                            YOUR LOCAL HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE

Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
8                                      Joyful GatherinG • 2021

    Continued from page 7
       “And clean it off, too,” her brother added.
       After getting permission from the factory’s health and
    safety director, Capella embarked on the tricky mission.
    After putting on her scuba gear (which her parents had
    quickly brought from home), the young girl was strapped
    to the end of the forklift with a sturdy harness. Unable to
    contain her excitement, Capella was then lowered into the
    vat of creamy chocolate.
       A few minutes later, the eight-year-old girl emerged.
    Covered in frosting, she held up the camera for all to see.
    “Got it,” she cried out.
       The grateful reporter rushed to her side to thank Capella
    and retrieve his equipment. Wiping the lens, he was
    relieved to discover that the camera still worked.
       After carefully purifying the vat of frosting, the Snow
    Island culinary crew completed their challenge. The panel
    of judges were duly impressed. Once a picture was taken
    for the Book of World Records, the giant dessert was sliced
    up and shared among all the residents of the region —
    much to the delight of Capella and her brother.
                                                            THE END

Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                                        9

   The marvelous                                                                               As the Christmas market drew to
                                                                                            a close, Orion and Capella headed
  Christmas market                                                                          back to join their parents. Mrs.
By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard                                                     Wilson, however, walked as quickly
       Translated by Katya Teague                                                           as she could with her cane to catch
                                                                                            up to them.
   In the schoolyard of Snow Island Ele-                                                       “To thank you for your help today,
mentary, vendors at the annual Christmas                                                    I would like to offer you a small gift,”
market were getting ready to welcome                                                        she said.
their first visitors. Lively music filled the air                                              “That’s not necessary,” the chil-
and, as soon as the gates opened, a crowd                                                   dren replied, but they were curious
of citizens wandered in looking for unique                                                  to know what it was.
trinkets and gifts.                                                                            The craftswoman carefully
   The twins, Orion and Capella, had looked                                                 removed two pairs of handmade
forward to the event for weeks and arrived on time with          slippers from her bag, which Orion and Capella were happy
their parents. They were eager to see what kinds of toys and     to accept.
decorations the local artisans had made, especially since           “Thank you, Mrs. Wilson! And merry Christmas!”
they’d been given some spending money for the occasion.             Satisfied with their day, the twins and their parents
   “Look, Orion! There are Christmas ornaments over here,”       returned home with happy hearts and their hands full of
Capella said. “They’re so beautiful, I want to buy them all!”    treasures.
   “Don’t you think we should look around before deciding                                                                 THE END
what to buy?” her brother suggested. “If we spend all our
money right away, we won’t be able to enjoy the rest of the
market as much.”
   “You’re right,” Capella admitted. “Let’s check out every-
thing first.”
   After examining the items at each of the stalls, the twins           The Holiday Season has always been a time for
sat down on a bench to discuss.                                       gathering together with friends and family.
   “You know what, I think I’d rather get a wooden top in-               This season is extra special as we all
stead of an ornament,” Capella admitted.                              search for a feeling of togetherness
   “My heart is set on that mobile solar system we saw,” Orion        after a prolonged period of
                                                                      separation. Our Christmas wish to
said.                                                                 you all, is to be Joyful and gather
   Happy with their choices, the children headed back                 safely this season. Remember that
toward the vendors. Just then, they heard a loud sigh.                sharing gifts of your time along with
Looking around, the twins were surprised to spot a lonely             any material gifts is appreciated by
                                                                      many as well.
stall tucked away in the corner of the schoolyard. Behind
                                                                         New Ross Credit Union has served
the counter was Daisy Wilson, a woman in her 80s. Because             with Honesty and Integrity, and we always place
she’d registered for the market at the last minute, the dismal        ourselves firmly behind whatever financial decisions
spot was the only one available for her stall.                        have been made by our members in the past. We look
   “Oh, we didn’t see you there,” Orion exclaimed.                    forward to continue serving our present members and
                                                                      meeting many new members in the years to come.
   “You’re the only two visitors I’ve had since the market
                                                                         Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
opened,” the craftswoman said, sounding discouraged.
                                                                              New Ross Credit Union Financial team.
   “Your slippers are gorgeous,” Capella said, admiring the
wares on display. “Orion, let’s go tell others about Mrs. Wil-
son’s stall so they don’t miss out.”                                              NEW ROSS BRANCH                   CHESTER BASIN BRANCH
                                                                                56 Forties Rd, PO Box 32,          50 Highway 12, PO Box 69,
   Excited to share their discovery, the twins told several                      New Ross, NS B0J 2M0              Chester Basin, NS B0J 1K0
people about the “hidden stall” and it wasn’t long before                      Telephone : 902-689-2949             Telephone: 902-275-3509
                                                                                   Fax : 902-689-2597                  Fax: 902-275-2590
word spread. Over the next few hours, the elderly woman

                                                                                          Hours : Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm
sold many of her creations. She beamed with delight.                     
Along the South Shore - LighthouseNow
10                                                                                                     Joyful GatherinG • 2021

 The community Christmas                                             “We must have lost one this morning on the way over
                                                                  from the garage at city hall,” the Star Fairy deduced.
       gift giveaway                                                 Orion couldn’t believe his ears.
                                                                     “Did you hear that, Capella?” he asked his twin sister.
         By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard
                Translated by Katya Teague
                                                                     “Someone’s not getting a present,” the boy explained.
  Beautifully decorated for the Christmas gift giveaway, the         “Oh no,” Capella replied. “We have to do something!”
Snow Island community hall buzzed with energy and trilled            Without a moment’s hesitation, the siblings offered to
with cheerful voices. Throughout the room, ecstatic children      retrace the route between the two buildings in search of the
played with presents just received — building blocks, story-      missing gift. With obvious relief, the fairy and elf accepted,
books, musical instruments, board games and more. As for          but they urged the children to be quick.
the adults, they happily chatted among themselves while              Orion and Capella made a beeline for their parents. As
watching their little ones.                                       they put on their hats and boots, they hurriedly explained
  Eight-year-old Orion was closely watching the action            the situation. Audrey and Patrick grabbed their coats and
unfold as he waited his turn to receive a gift. That’s when he    followed the kids out of the hall, ready to help on the im-
overheard a disturbing conversation between Santa’s helpers.      portant quest.
  “There are only 32 gifts left,” the Star Fairy said to Peppy       “Hurry up,” Capella urged as they headed outside. “We
the Elf. “But according to the list, there are 33 children left   have to get back before Santa finishes handing out the last
who haven’t been called.”                                         of the presents.”
  “How is that possible?” Peppy exclaimed. “I checked every-         “But if we go too fast, we might miss a clue,” Orion countered.
thing myself yesterday. Three times!”                                “You’re right, champ. We need to be quick but attentive,”
                                                                  Patrick said.
                                                                     Halfway to the city hall garage, Orion raised a hand to
                                                                  signal his family to stop.
                                                                     “That’s strange,” he said. “Do you hear that? It sounds like
                                                                     “It’s coming from over there,” Capella exclaimed, immedi-
                                                                  ately running toward the mysterious sound. “Look, there it
                                     During the                      The girl jumped up and down with excitement as her
                                 holidays and year                family ran to join her. “Don’t you see it?”
                                    round, we’re                     Hanging by its ribbon from a tree branch, the missing gift
                                   proud to serve                 jingled as it swung gently in the breeze.
                                  the community.                     “You two make excellent detectives,” Audrey said with a
                                   Thanks to our                  smile as she reached up to retrieve the package. “Now, let’s
                                customers, friends                hurry back before it’s too late.”
                                                                     When the family returned to the community hall, they
                                and family for your               were out of breath but proud to have accomplished their
                                continued support.                mission. The twins bundled the present in one of their coats
                                                                  so they could discreetly return it to the pile of gifts — there
                                                                  were only three left!
                                                                     “Phew! Just in time,” Peppy murmured.
                                                                     “You saved the day,” the Star Fairy exclaimed.
                                                                     Once all the gifts were handed out, the children of Snow
             P.O. Box 1567, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0                 Island prepared to head home — including one little boy
              Shop Office: 15 Starr St., Lunenburg                who didn’t know that his new tambourine had almost been
              e.                      a gift for the squirrels instead of him.
     p. 902.634.4087 | f. 902.634.3601 | c. 902.527.8270             Smiling from ear to ear, Orion and Capella wished every-
                                       one a happy holiday before rejoining their parents.
                                                                                                                            THE END
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                        11

          The Christmas ball
         By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard
                Translated by Katya Teague
   It was Snow Island’s 250th anniversary, and in celebration
of the occasion, the city had decided to revive an old trad-
ition. A Christmas ball would be held at the Winter Solstice
Hotel, a unique and prestigious heritage building. Unlike the
balls of old, however, kids would be invited. Better yet, to
ensure the parents could enjoy the festivities for as long as
they wanted, a few volunteers had organized a sleepover for
the kids in the adjoining room.
   Capella was so excited she could hardly sit still during
dinner, which went on a little too long for her liking. As for
Orion, he was quietly relishing the last few bites of his meal,
eager to find out what was in store for dessert.
   Just then, the waiters carried out a huge chocolate foun-
tain and trays piled high with an assortment of fresh fruit,
along with a stack of aprons for anyone worried about spill-
ing on their fancy attire.
   “Wonderful!” the twins exclaimed in unison.
   As the guests finished eating, Mayor Isla thanked the
event’s organizers and introduced the band that would soon
kick off the next portion of the evening.
   More than ready to get on the dance floor, Capella leapt
to her feet. However, as the waiters continued to clear the        and assembled a group of their friends while the orchestra
tables, only a few of the musicians made their way to the          finished taking their places. When it was their turn, the kids
stage, clearly taking their time.                                  made their way on stage, standing on either side of the
   “What do you think the others are doing?” Orion asked.          singer. Together, they delivered a performance that brought
   “I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” his sister         everyone in the crowd to their feet — and gave Naomi the
replied.                                                           encouragement she needed.
   Without another thought, the twins stealthily snuck                “Thank you so much,” she whispered to the twins before
backstage into the dressing room where they found the rest         they headed off stage. “Now I know I can do it.”
of the orchestra looking distraught. Orion questioned one             The singing and dancing went on for hours, much to
of the violinists and quickly learned that Naomi, the singer,      everyone’s delight. When the orchestra finally paused for a
would be making her first appearance in front of a large           break, it was time for the youngest partygoers to head off to
audience. She had stage fright and had locked herself in the       bed.
bathroom.                                                             Although they were disappointed the night was coming
   “We’ll go talk to her,” Orion said.                             to an end, Orion and Capella had thoroughly enjoyed the
   “Good luck,” a saxophonist replied. “If she’s not out here in   experience.
two minutes, we’re going on without her.”                             “I hope there’s a ball again next year,” Capella said, as she
   Despite their words of encouragement, the singer refused        curled up in her sleeping bag.
to come out of the bathroom. Suddenly, Capella had a bril-            “Mmm, me too,” her brother mumbled, already half asleep.
liant idea.                                                           The next day, the Snow Island Gazette reported that the
   “We could sing with you to break the ice,” she suggested.       ball had been a huge hit. They praised Naomi’s talent and
“We’ve been rehearsing Jingle Bells at school, and several of      described her as “an incredible up-and-comer.” After such a
our classmates are here.”                                          successful event, there was no doubt that
   “Um… sure, I guess,” the young woman stammered. “So             the Christmas ball would once again be-
long as I’m not alone, I think I’ll be alright.”                   come a beloved tradition on Snow Island.
   Relieved, Orion and Capella hurried back to the ballroom                                            THE END
12                                                                                                    Joyful GatherinG • 2021

          The Christmas
           lantern walk
     By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard
            Translated by Katya Teague
   On one particular night in December, Orion and
Capella were allowed to stay up late. This was be-
cause they were taking part in Snow Island’s first-
ever lantern walk. Trailing behind their parents,
they followed other hikers through the woods
along the Star Trail. Soon, the group would arrive
at the observatory where they would be able to
admire the night sky and, if they were lucky, catch
a glimpse of the northern lights.
   Illuminated by the glow of their lanterns, the
twins happily joined in as the crowd sang Christ-
mas carols. The mood was merry, and it was a
perfect night for a stroll.
   Suddenly, someone cried out in pain.
   “Mrs. Isla twisted her ankle,” a man called out.
   Several people turned back to help the mayor,
who’d been keeping stragglers company at the
back of the group. Orion, Capella and their par-
ents quickly followed. While the mayor apolo-
gized profusely for having ruined the hike, the
adults discussed what to do. Some thought that
one person should wait with her until help ar-
rived, while others offered to help her hobble the
rest of the way to the observatory since it wasn’t                   “You’re right,” she replied, gazing up at the constellation
far.                                                              her twin was named after. “Help me find my star!”
   Just then, Orion had an idea: “Hey, why don’t we make her         “Your star?” asked the mayor, who’d been positioned on
a stretcher?”                                                     the ground nearby.
   “Yes, we learned how to make one this summer at the               “Yes, Capella is the brightest star in the Auriga constella-
Little Explorers’ Day Camp,” his sister added.                    tion,” the girl explained.
   “It won’t be easy to do by lantern light, but I think we can      “Oh, I didn’t know that,” the mayor replied. “Your parents
make it work,” one woman responded cheerfully.                    must really like stars if they named you after one.”
   Excited to put their knowledge to the test — and to help          “It’s because they met here,” Orion said. “Dad took his class
Mayor Isla — the twins began explaining what to do. For           on a field trip to the observatory, and Mom was their guide.”
many, the activity brought back memories of their own                “How romantic,” Mayor Isla exclaimed, following the girl’s
childhood outdoor survival lessons, and a sturdy stretcher        finger as she pointed up at the star that was her namesake.
was built in no time.                                                After gazing at the stars and sipping hot chocolate, the
   A few people carefully helped Mayor Isla onto the              hikers prepared to make their descent.
stretcher, and the strongest members of the group carried            Suddenly, the sky lit up with flashes of fluorescent green.
her up to the observatory while others lit the way. Soon,         “Oohs!” and “Aahs!” resounded through the crowd as all
they joined the rest of the crowd who’d gathered around           stood mesmerized by the marvel.
the observatory and extinguished their lanterns.                     There was little doubt that the first edition of the lantern
   Capella was disappointed not to see any northern lights,       walk had been a great success, especially for Capella and
but then her brother pointed to the sky and cried out with        others who got their first look at the northern lights.
excitement: “Look, you can see Orion from here!”                                                                           THE END
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                       13

       The great Santa
        Claus parade
    By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard
           Translated by Katya Teague
   Bundled in warm clothes, the residents of
Snow Island had gathered on both sides of Main
Street. Everyone was happy and excited because
the annual Santa Claus parade was about to
start. According to local gossip, this year’s event
was set to be even more spectacular than usual
because it was the city’s 250th anniversary.
   Twins Orion and Capella found the perfect
spot where they could watch the parade with
their parents, Patrick and Audrey. Standing at the
very beginning of the route, they’d be the first to
see the floats, hear the bands, watch the enter-
tainers and catch a glimpse of the VIP guest — a
certain jolly man with a long, white beard.
   “Did you know that Santa Claus will have real
reindeer pulling his sleigh this year?” Capella
   “Who told you that?” Audrey replied with
   “I saw it in the Snow Island Gazette,” the girl
   “Since when do you read the newspaper?”
Patrick responded, equally shocked.
   “Ever since I learned how to read, of course,”
Capella answered with a mischievous grin.                             Known for his keen observation skills, Orion quickly spot-
   Suddenly, a familiar voice boomed over the loudspeakers.        ted hoofprints among the boot and tire tracks in the snow.
   “Dear fellow citizens,” Mayor Isla said. “Thank you for turn-      “Follow me,” the boy declared. “I think the reindeer went
ing up in such large numbers to this year’s parade, which is       this way, toward the candy store.”
sure to be phenomenal. A big thank you to all our sponsors            Orion was right. When the family arrived at the shop, they
and volunteers, without whom this event would not be pos-          discovered the doors were wide open and four magnificent
sible.                                                             reindeer were feasting on gumdrops, caramels and licorice.
   “Now, without further ado, enjoy the show!”                        “Quick, tie your scarf around their collar and we’ll lead
   Over the next hour, the crowd applauded as dance                them back to the parade,” Orion suggested.
troupes, musicians, acrobats, stilt walkers, puppeteers, jug-         “Good idea, and we can lure them with candy,” his sister
glers, fire-eaters and beautifully decorated floats filled the     added.
street. The reports were true: the parade turned out to be            Orion, Capella and their parents sprung into action,
incredible. However, everyone was still eagerly awaiting the       each grabbing a handful of candy and guiding one of the
arrival of Santa Claus.                                            reindeer toward Main Street. When the volunteers saw them
   Suddenly, out of nowhere, a volunteer appeared next to          coming, they rushed over, grateful for the family’s help.
Orion and Capella, startling both of them.                            And so, thanks to one kind and quick-thinking family,
   “Have you seen any reindeer go by?” the woman asked.            Santa Claus was able to make his well-awaited appearance
“They ran away while our backs were turned.”                       at the parade, pulled by four full reindeer with a fondness
   “No, but they can’t be far. We’ll help you find them,” Ca-      for sweets.
pella replied, gesturing for her family to follow her.                                                                      THE END
14                                                                                                   Joyful GatherinG • 2021

     The Christmas craft
     By Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard
            Translated by Katya Teague
   One morning, all the children on Snow Island
between the ages of six and 12 gathered in the
school gymnasium for a Christmas decoration
workshop led by two dynamic art students, Maeva
and William.
   “Your challenge is to make a Christmas tree
ornament that symbolizes your personality and
interests,” Maeva explained.
   “In other words, people should think of you as
soon as they see your ornament,” William added.
“You can use any of the materials we brought.”
   “You have three hours to create your master-
piece,” Maeva said. “Off you go!”
   Orion and Capella were very excited. Frantically
rummaging through the art supply bins, the eight-
year-old twins gathered materials: pom-poms,
feathers, sequins, ribbons, pipe cleaners and more.
With their hands full, they headed back to their
table to begin.
   “What are you going to make for your orna-
ment?” Capella asked.
   “Since I love outer space, I’m going to make
mine into a rocket ship,” Orion replied. “And since
everyone knows I love lemon yellow, the whole
thing will be yellow! What about yours?”
   “I’m obsessed with chocolate and math, right?
So I’m going to make a chocolate bar with math-
ematical symbols carved into each square,” Capella
explained.                                                        twins, they’d finally found their inspiration. Thanking them,
   The twins enthusiastically set about making their decora-      Sylvio and Jasmine headed off to create ornaments in their
tions. However, over by the craft bins, two of their friends      image. The boy made a pineapple-shaped hot air balloon,
weren’t having as much fun.                                       and the girl decided on a guitar-playing penguin.
   “Gosh, I have no ideas,” Sylvio lamented.                          That evening, families across Snow Island hung all sorts
   “I don’t know what to make either,” Jasmine admitted.          of unusual ornaments on their trees: a rainbow snowboard,
   Suddenly, Orion and Capella had an idea about how to           a tractor with wings, a cat curled up in a bird’s
spark their friends’ creativity. The siblings took turns asking   nest, a puzzle piece with an elephant trunk on
them a variety of questions without giving them time to           it, a sailboat with Viking symbols, a dinosaur
answer.                                                           wearing overalls — what a sight!
   “What’s your go-to song?”                                          Inspired by their creativity, many of the
   “Do you have a pet?”                                           children’s parents, including Orion and Ca-
   “What sports do you play?”                                     pella’s, decided to make their own personalized
   “Do you like to read?”                                         decorations. After all, who said crafts are only
   “What food do you like best?”                                  for kids?
   Gradually, the children’s faces lit up. With the help of the                                             THE END
2021 • Joyful Gathering                                                                                                            15

                                                                                  Iconic Christmas
                                                                        characters quiz
To You and Yours                                                       Do you think you know everything there is to know
                                                                       about world-famous Christmas characters? Test your
    This holiday season, our traditional festivities and celebra-      knowledge with this quiz!
tions may look a bit different than years before – but they
are still a time of celebration and hope. As we continue to            1.	Which of these names doesn’t belong to one of
navigate our lives with a great deal of change, I know we have             Santa’s reindeer?
all worked together, remaining patient and kind with each                  a) Lightning
other at work and at home, as we have had to be ready to shift             b) Comet
when needed.                                                               c) Blitzen
    Our Nova Scotian community spirit is abundant every-
where. I see cheerful colour and friendly waves. I hear kind           2.	What’s the name of the fairy in The Nutcracker, a
words from community members supporting each other, and                    famous ballet performed during the holidays?
I know many are giving what they can to make life a bit easier             a) The Toffee Fairy
for those who’ve been struggling. My hope is that all Nova                 b) The Sugar Plum Fairy
Scotians share the same sentiments of goodwill and generos-                c) The Caramel Fairy
ity, not only during the season, but throughout the entire year.
    We may be fortunate enough to be able to spend time with           3.	What does St. Nicholas’ assistant,
our loved ones, while continuing to stay safe. For those who               the bogeyman, do?
will not celebrate in-person or do not have the technology for             a) He carries the heaviest gifts
virtual face-to-face contact, I know that simply picking up the            b) He punishes children who’ve been bad
phone and hearing each other’s voices will still give a sense of           c) He memorizes the names of all the children
    It’s been a full year - we have all been working hard, learn-      4.	Scrooge, the main character
ing new ways to conduct business, access and provide servi-                in A Christmas Carol has
ces, and live our daily lives. So, it’s time to celebrate, with hope       inspired movies, plays and
and cheer, and gestures of kindness for those who may need                 more. What’s his biggest flaw?
it. I look forward to 2022 and all that it will bring for everyone         a) He’s greedy
in Chester-St. Margaret’s.                                                 b) He’s lazy
    It truly is a privilege to be able to represent all constituents       c) He’s messy
of Chester-St. Margaret’s and I look forward to continuing to
serve you as your MLA in 2022. I wish you and yours a happy
holiday season, and a prosperous new year!                                      1. a) 2. b) 3. b) 4. a)
    Blessings to you.                                                           Answers
                      Danielle Barkhouse, MLA Chester-St. Margaret’s

                                                                                                          589 Main Street, Mahone Bay
                                                       197660                                               197654
16                                                                                                          Joyful Gathering • 2021

Small Structures of Nova Scotia
is the perfect gift for a lover of architecture, photography,
tiny homes or Nova Scotia culture and history.
   Author Jessie Hannah, originally from New Germany,
Nova Scotia, is fascinated by compact spaces — rural
and urban, residential and commercial, historic and
contemporary. Who built them, and why? What purpose do
they serve? How were they constructed? This photographic
collection documents her journey to discover the answers
to these questions and more. Through interviews, research,
and a bit of intrepid bushwhacking, Jessie Hannah shares
                                     the stories of some of Nova
                                     Scotia’s small structures,
                                     and shows how their tales
                                     tie together community,
                                     industry, craft, and culture.
                                        The book includes
                                     stories from across the
                                     province, including stories
                                     of small structures and
                                     tiny homes in the South
                                     Shore of Nova Scotia. For
                                     yourself, or a friend, this
                                     book makes the perfect
                                     holiday gift.

                                                                                  Happy Holidays
                                                                                            from the
                                                                                   SOUTH SHORE FAMILY
                                                                                  RESOURCE ASSOCIATION
                                                                                   Empowered Families Building
                                                                                      Healthy Communities
                                                   Photo Credit William Green

                                 Small Structures of NS
                                  is available to purchase
                                     on or at
                                    your local bookstore.

                                                                                  Take a moment this holiday season to
                                                                                        REFLECT on what matters,
                                                                                        GIVE LOVE from the heart,

Photo Credit Allison Churchill                 Photo Credit This is Photography
                                                                                   SPEND TIME with family and friends
2021 • Joyful GatherinG                                                                                                       17
Salt Dough Snowman Family
   Preheat oven to 250 F. Mix together, salt,           you will need
flour, and water until a dough is formed.                    1/2 cup salt
Knead the dough on a floured surface until             1 cup all purpose flour
the mixture is elastic and smooth. If dough is              1/2 cup water
too sticky, sprinkle with flour, continue to do     acrylic paint in black, white,
so until stickiness is gone. Just be careful not    pink, green, orange, and red

to add too much flour, this will dry out the                 paintbrush
dough and will cause it to crack before you            two orange toothpicks
get a chance to bake it.                                    6 small twigs                                   to cool and dry
   Salt dough is not edible, however it won’t                                                               overnight, or for at
                                                              felt scraps
hurt you or your kids, it just won’t taste very                                                            least 4 hours.
                                                          2 mini pom poms
good!                                                                                                        Paint snowmen with
                                                   1 small gold glitter pom pom
   Roll dough in your hands to form                                                    white paint. Use the wrong   end of the
different sized balls. Make three snowmen               pink and   gold ribbon        paint brush  to dot on colored  buttons. Use
from the balls, then line them up on the                                              a smaller paintbrush  to repeat this method
cookie sheet. Make sure they are touching each other so                            for adding eyes and mouths with black paint.
that they will be one piece after baking.                            Alternatively, you can use a black Sharpie marker if you
   Break or cut orange toothpicks in half. Insert toothpick          prefer.
halves, point size out, into the each snowman head for                 Embellish your snow family by fashioning scarves and
the nose. Insert twigs for arms into each snowman. Be                hats out of scrap pieces of felt and adding a pom pom to
sure to both of these steps BEFORE baking.                           the top of the hat. Add on ribbon and make ear muffs out
   Bake for approximately 2 – 2.5 hours. Remove from                 of a small piece of gold ribbon and tiny pom poms. Use
oven and allow to cool completely. For best results, allow           photo as a guide. Let dry completely and display.

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18                                                                                              Joyful Gathering • 2021

Fun games to get your holiday party started
Games are a great way to liven up a holiday celebration.      make declarations about how many dice are showing a
How­ever, it’s best to avoid any that require a long          particular value. When someone calls a bluff, all the dice
explanation or specific knowledge, as you might lose the      are revealed.
interest of your guests. Party games — often quick, simple
and hilarious — are your best bet. Here are a few options:    • Stay Cool. All you have to do is answer as many
                                                              questions as possible in two minutes. The catch? You have
• Perudo. In this bluffing game, each player rolls five       to answer two simultaneously — one out loud and the
dice but keeps the results hidden. Everyone must then         other spelled out using letter dice.

                                                              • Telestrations. Each player sketches a word and passes
                                                              it to the person next to them, who must guess what’s been
                                                              drawn. The following player uses that guess to draw a new
                                                              image, and so on. It’s essentially the telephone game on

                                                              • 6 nimmt! The point of the game is to get rid of all the
                                                              cards in your hand by laying them out in ascending order
                                                              on the table. The person who plays the sixth card in a
                                                              sequence must pick up the entire row.

                                                              From Concept and Dobble to Just One, Time’s Up! and
                                                              Werewolf, there’s no shortage of games to entertain your
                                                              guests and family members. Visit your local bookstore or
                                                              board game shop for more recommendations.

tips and ideas
Once you’ve finished buying all your Christmas
presents, it’s time to start wrapping them. Here
are some tips and ideas to make your holiday gift-
wrapping a success.

Use quality wrap
Gift wrap that’s too thin will not only tear when
you handle it but may also be see-through.
Choose sturdy paper that’s sufficiently thick but
still easy to fold. To decorate the package, use
strips of ribbon that can be either curled with
scissors or tied into a pretty bow.

Try furoshiki
Furoshiki are a type of traditional Japanese wrapping cloth   Whatever type of wrap you opt to use, you can visit your
that can be used to cover gifts. This gift-wrapping option    local craft store to find the materials you need. However,
has environmental benefits because the cloth can be           if you aren’t confident in your gift-wrapping abilities,
reused. Plus, you can wrap and unwrap the gift as many        consider relying on charities in your community that offer
times as you need to achieve the perfect presentation.        gift-wrapping services during the holiday season.
2021 • Joyful Gathering                                                                                                                           19

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