ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton

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ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
                                          March 2018


   Evaluating the
   Impacts of
   Self-Driving Cars
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
Key Takeaways

                                                 Autonomous features continue to be
                                                 added to today’s cars, but major
                                                 improvements in radar and battery
                                                 technology along with new policies for
                                                 electric vehicles are making inroads
                                                 toward greater adoption.

                                      2          New technology approaches are
                                                 transforming the way manufacturers
                                                 achieve safety and improve efficiency—
                                                 helping to save lives and jobs.

                                                 Implications for investors may range
                                                 from shifts in the way insurance policies
                                                 may be handled, to health care to impacts
                                                 on real estate prices.

2   Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars              
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
                        Driverless car technology is no longer science fiction. The reality is that we
                        are already exposed to aspects of autonomous-vehicle technology in our daily
                        lives, and have been for several decades.

                        We’ve come to consider cruise-control and self-deploying airbags as
                        standard automobile functions. These systems represent the beginnings
                        of the exploration of self-driving vehicle technology. Automobile designers
                        have now reached the stage of imagining a car that can autonomously
                        handle many of the situations a driver might experience. Innovations
                        available today include autonomous features such as accident-prevention
                        software, traffic-jam assist programs, and radar- and video-assisted reverse
                        driving and parallel parking systems.

                        Advances in technology—from mapping and navigation technology to
                        innovative forms of radar to artificial intelligence programs that synthesize
                        the information about the surrounding environment and instruct the vehicle
                        to react accordingly—are now enabling the car of the future by contributing
                        to vehicle autonomy. Twenty years ago, computers simply weren’t powerful
                        enough to crunch the amount of data that’s flooding into modern vehicles.

                        So, the question today is not so much the invention of autonomous mobility,
                        but rather the speed of mass adoption. And while there have been huge
                        advances in autonomous technology, that doesn’t mean the prospect of fully
                        autonomous vehicles, capable of transporting passengers from points a to b
                        with no human interference, is just around the corner.

                        First, it is important to understand that there are levels of autonomy within
                        a vehicle related to the central functions of a car—including steering,
                        monitoring the driving environment, and the control of the car. Based on
                        the levels shown on the following page, some auto manufacturers believe
                        we will achieve Level 4 autonomy by 2021.

                                                  Not FDIC Insured | May Lose Value | No Bank Guarantee                            Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars   1
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
What Does “Self-Driving” Mean?                                  experience. Current innovations being         “I think the technological evolution
                                                                tested could offer consumers a Level 3          and change that’s happening with
Part of the challenge of this discussion
                                                                experience. Our analysts believe Level 5
topic stems from the fact that the term                                                                         autonomy has brought down
                                                                autonomy is still a distant vision.
“autonomous vehicle” conjures up                                                                                barriers to entry, and it’s allowed
                                                                Robert Stevenson, portfolio manager,
different images for different people.                                                                          new players to come in. As we
                                                                Franklin Equity Group, believes
The Society of Automotive Engineers
                                                                technological advances are opening up
                                                                                                                look to the race to get to Level 4
(SAE) has outlined a classification
                                                                the competitive landscape in new ways           autonomy in 2021, as Ford has
system with six different levels of vehicle                                                                     said and as others have said,
                                                                that weren’t possible 20 years ago. The
automation, from Level 0 as fully
                                                                playing field is now “wide open” in this        well, it’s still pretty wide open.
manual to Level 5 as fully automated.
                                                                race toward autonomous vehicles.                There doesn’t really seem to be a
Today’s newer vehicles offer a Level 1
                                                                                                                clear lead in terms of who’s going
                                                                                                                to get there first.”
                                                                                                               Robert Stevenson, Portfolio Manager,
                                                                                                               Franklin Equity Group

SAE Vehicle Autonomy Levels
October 2017
                                                                              Steering           Monitoring           Fallback             Modes

 LEVEL       The status quo for traditional driving methods, with
             fully manual control of all functions including steering,                                                                     N/A
             brakes, throttle and power.

 LEVEL       Limited automation where one function is handled
             automatically by the car­—like adaptive cruise control                                                                        Some
             in newer cars.

 LEVEL       Both steering and speed are automated using
             environmental information, but the driver must be ready                                                                       Some
             to take control any time. Tesla AutoPilot is an example.

 LEVEL       All safety-critical functions are done by the car under
             certain road and traffic conditions. The driver can                                                                           Some
             intervene, but constant monitoring is not required.

 LEVEL       The car monitors conditions and performs all
             safety-critical driving functions in certain driving scenarios                                                                Some
             such as highways, urban areas and parking garages.

 LEVEL       The autonomous vehicle’s performance is expected
             to equal or better that which a human driver can                                                                              All
             demonstrate, for all driving conditions.

We view three key                                               LiDAR: Creating a Perfect Set                 In the Grand Challenge races sponsored
developments influencing                                        of Eyes for the Car                           by the US Government’s Defense
the pace of adoption:                                                                                         Advanced Research Project Agency
                                                                The development of LiDAR, a remote            (DARPA), LiDAR forever changed the
                                                                sensing method that uses light in the         future for self-driving cars, allowing
 1       (Light Radar)
                                                                form of pulsed lasers to measure variable     start-ups like Velodyne to remake
                                                                distances, is central to the self-driving     transportation and robotics in general.
         Electric Vehicle                                       revolution. LiDAR sensors are the “eyes”
 2       Influence                                              that allow autonomous vehicles to see
                                                                                                              Today, Velodyne is a top supplier of
                                                                                                              advanced automotive LiDAR and sells
                                                                what’s around them. On test vehicles,         its sensors to virtually every auto and
         Battery Technology
 3       Improvements
                                                                they are multi-beam spinning units            tech company that’s building or testing
                                                                mounted to the roof, which rapidly build      autonomous vehicles. GM, Ford, Uber
                                                                a 3D picture of a car’s surroundings.

2       Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                                                
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
and China’s Baidu are big buyers, and
even Caterpillar uses the technology
for gargantuan robotic mining trucks.
Google is both a major customer and a
developer of its own sensors.

Electric Vehicle Influence:
Shifting Policies Fuel Momentum
The evolution of self-driving vehicles
is occurring in tandem with both
the development of electric vehicle
technology and the predicted demise of
the internal combustion engine. In our
view, the two are intrinsically linked:
Autonomous vehicles will only become
cost effective if they are heavily used.
Electric vehicles tend to be cheaper to
run than gasoline or diesel alternatives
when heavily used.

In the current dynamic, the same                                  reach between 9 million and 20 million                       co-investment opportunities with overseas
inefficient low utilization of private                            by 2020, rising to between 40 million                        partners to explore areas such as
cars that so invites market disruption                            and 70 million by 2025.1                                     electrification or autonomous mobility.
also torpedoes any cost efficiencies an
                                                                  Significantly, China was the largest                         We think emerging markets could
electric car could deliver. When a car is
                                                                  electric car market in 2016—the                              eventually be at the forefront of
driven only an hour a day, the savings
                                                                  most recent year for which figures are                       designing and building the components
on gasoline from electrification aren’t
                                                                  available—accounting for more than                           that underpin the roll-out of self-driving
sufficient to justify the upfront added
                                                                  double the number of electric vehicle                        vehicles, but for the foreseeable future
cost of the vehicle. But in a future of
                                                                  sales as the United States.                                  we see the addressable market as North
shared, autonomous vehicles with much
                                                                                                                               America, Western Europe and potentially
higher utilization, electric cars make                            China is witnessing the emergence of
                                                                                                                               some of the larger cities in China.
far more economic sense than their                                a new dynamic which we think could
gasoline counterparts.                                            push it to the front of the pack in the                      Despite the apparent enthusiasm for
                                                                  autonomous-vehicle race: the central                         driverless cars in some lower income
Meanwhile, many governments are
                                                                  government is collaborating with large,                      countries like India, we think there
pushing hard to replace the internal
                                                                  established companies and small,                             would have to be a significant drop in
combustion engine (ICE) with cleaner
                                                                  venture-backed, emerging-technology                          the cost of these vehicles for them to
electric vehicles—in 2017 both the
                                                                  companies.                                                   take off in these countries.
United Kingdom and France said that
by 2040, new cars completely reliant on                           Japan, by contrast, has proven to be a
gasoline or diesel will be illegal.                               bit of a laggard. The World Economic                         Battery Technology Improvements:
Currently, electric vehicles make up less
                                                                  Forum survey suggests enthusiasm for                         Mining and Materials Offer a
than 1% of cars on the road. Based on
                                                                  self-driving vehicles in Japan is well-                      Core Opportunity
                                                                  below international peers.2 This may be
these new policies, original equipment                                                                                         Advances in battery chemistry have been
                                                                  surprising to some observers because
manufacturer expectations and our own                                                                                          phenomenal in recent years. A decade
                                                                  of Japan’s legacy as a leading-edge
calculations, we’re in broad agreement                                                                                         ago, battery costs were prohibitive.
                                                                  technology developer.
with projections from the International                                                                                        But over the last 10 years, costs have
Energy Agency suggesting the number of                            However, there are signs that Japanese                       dropped dramatically as the industry
electric cars on the roads globally should                        companies are looking to catch up.                           started to scale. We expect that trend
                                                                  Japanese technology and financial                            to continue.
                                                                  companies have been looking for

1. Source: International Energy Agency, Global EV Outlook 2017. There is no assurance that any projection will be realized.
2. Source: World Economic Forum, “Self-Driving Vehicles in an Urban Context,” 11/24/15.                                                                                   Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars   3
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
Finding investment opportunities                                Demand for Cobalt in Battery Applications
among companies that are actually                               2015–2025 (Forecast)
manufacturing components can prove                              n xEV (Sulphate)     n Li-Ion Cells (Sulphate)     n Li-Ion Cells (Oxide)
challenging. But as we look at wider
electrification of vehicles, we expect to
see some attractive opportunities among
chemical companies in particular.

Our estimates suggest the number                                120,000
of electric cars on the road could
potentially multiply by a factor of 10
in the next decade, potentially crimping                            90,000
the supply chain of materials required to
manufacture batteries, like lithium and
cobalt. That is an issue we are monitoring                          60,000
carefully and we’re already seeing some
impact in market developments.
In one particular instance, the market
disruption’s cause was fears of a
lithium shortage, prompted by concerns
that electric vehicles were suddenly                                         2015      2016      2017       2018        2019      2020      2021       2022      2023    2024   2025
competing with laptops, drones and
smartphones for lithium-ion batteries,                          Source: CRU Group, Avicenne, as of 3/1/18. There is no assurance that any forecast will be realized.
and saw prices for the ductile metal
triple in just 10 months, to more than
US$20,000 per metric ton.3                                      Analysts at business intelligence firm
                                                                CRU Group forecast the battery sector
Many observers believe there should
                                                                will need more than 140,000 tons of
be enough lithium in the ground to
                                                                cobalt a year by 2025, up from around
meet the needs of an electric-car future.
                                                                48,000 tons in 2017.
However, battery makers are going to
need development of more mines to                               As a result we expect battery and auto
support their production, and they                              manufacturers to sign multi-year deals
may need them more quickly than                                 to secure supplies of raw materials,
previously thought.                                             including cobalt and lithium.

        “For commodity products, it’s kind of mind boggling to
          think that companies are asking for 10-year volume
     commitments long-term supply for something like lithium,
        which is, at the end of the day, a commodity. That’s an
     area where we think there are investment opportunities.”
                        Robert Stevenson, Portfolio Manager, Franklin Equity Group

3. Source: Bloomberg, “We’re Going to Need More Lithium,” 9/7/17.

4         Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                                                                             
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
On October 26, 2017, Franklin                                  proposed rules that, starting in 2018,           Millions of additional “miles” have
Templeton Investments facilitated a                            will govern how everyday people can get          been test-run in scalable simulations
discussion with senior leaders of notable                      self-driving cars into their lives. This         for autonomous systems. Companies
autonomous technology start-up                                 development was a big step forward for           such as Metamoto, Inc., a startup
ventures. They discussed some of the                           regulations that were first drafted in           offering scalable testing simulations for
ways new technology enables changes                            December 2015 and then redrafted to              autonomous systems, have emerged to
to existing markets in four areas: safety,                     accommodate companies’ concerns.                 fill a gap that didn’t even exist a few
car ownership, municipal buses and                             In California alone, 50 companies have           years ago. Virtual test systems have been
heavy-duty freight trucks.                                     received testing permits and they have           designed to build knowledge for the
                                                               logged hundreds of thousands of miles            computer systems that will be managing
                                                               on nearly 300 prototypes.4 Other states          the driving functions.
Safety First: New Forms of Virtual
                                                               including Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Michigan
Test Environments Complement                                   and Texas have also hosted testing.
                                                                                                                According to Chad Partridge, CEO,
Road Tests                                                                                                      Metamoto, “If you change your training
                                                               Safety is a paramount concern, both as           sets, and you make an update to your
Before any public rollout can happen,
                                                               a selling point and a potential liability.       ‘black box,’ you need to exhaustively
autonomous vehicle manufacturers will
                                                               Traditional automakers and Silicon               go through it. That’s exactly why you
need to perfect multiple technologies,
                                                               Valley upstarts may be taking divergent          have to have millions of tests a night.”
involving sophisticated software testing
                                                               approaches to teaching cars to drive             This level of testing can only come with
over billions of miles of road conditions
                                                               autonomously, but everyone agrees                technological support.
in virtual settings, in addition to
                                                               that cars that don’t text, fall asleep,
performing even more of the actual                                                                              Now, in addition to using conventional
                                                               drink, or drive erratically may eventually
highway and road testing that began                                                                             crash test dummies and all of the
                                                               save thousands of lives that would
several years ago. When it comes to                                                                             traditional road tests, these vehicles are
                                                               otherwise be lost to human-caused car
virtual testing, Silicon Valley and the                                                                         also subjected to thousands of virtual
                                                               crashes. Most technology and industrial
state of California are setting the trend.                                                                      test case scenarios and parameters that
                                                               companies say a launch or slow rollout
                                                                                                                are designed to identify and correct
In September 2017, California’s                                of life-saving autonomous technology is
                                                                                                                potential problems with the software.
Department of Motor Vehicles formally                          still at least a few years away.
                                                                                                                The virtual test case scenarios are driven
                                                                                                                by enterprise software that contributes
                                                                                                                to mission-critical video, geospatial data
                                                                                                                and computer vision and other forms of
                                                                                                                “sensing” within the unmanned systems
“You can no longer drive your way to safety. You need                                                          markets. These complex autonomous
  billions of miles of testing to be able to adequately                                                         system projects require the fine-tuning
                                                                                                                of sophisticated engineering, machine
  verify that safety”
                                                                                                                learning, control, automation, robotics,
 Chad Partridge, CEO, Metamoto                                                                                  sensing and hardware design.

4. Source: California Department of Motor Vehicles, 1/11/18.                                                                    Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars   5
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
Ownership Dynamics and                                             of car ownership is outweighed for these                           interesting for them. So that means
the Impact of Ride Sharing:                                        young people by the convenience of ride                            easier to maintain, easier to manage.
What’s Your New Car Smell?                                         sharing, that leaves a dilemma for auto                            At Ford, we provide this ‘transportation
                                                                   manufacturers seeking to sell cars.                                operating system,’ we call it, on which
Arguably the biggest disruption to the                                                                                                you can add apps, other vehicles, or
automobile industry in the last 10                                 “Nowadays when you get picked up
                                                                                                                                      different modes of transportation. The
years has been the evolution of mobile                             in an Uber, you don’t really care what
                                                                                                                                      easier we make it for that intermediary
phones and, in particular, the ability to                          brand that vehicle is. You don’t care
                                                                                                                                      customer, the more they’ll want our
use mobile phone technology to match                               what color it is. There isn’t that
                                                                                                                                      vehicle. At the same time, we may go
people wanting a ride with people                                  emotional attachment any more that
                                                                                                                                      back to the old adage, ‘you can have
offering a ride. Today, most privately                             you have with a car that you own,”
                                                                                                                                      it in any color you want as long as it’s
owned cars are used just a few hours                               said Dragos Maciuca, technical director,
                                                                                                                                      black.’ So it reduces the number of
per day for commuting to and from                                  Palo Alto Research and Innovation
                                                                                                                                      choices that we need to offer.
work, or shopping at brick-and-mortar                              Center at Ford Motor Company.
stores. Owned-vehicle utilization is only                                                                                             “Instead of having the potential for
                                                                   “The interior then becomes extremely
about 10% of usable time.5 Anticipating                                                                                               hundreds of thousands of combinations
                                                                   important. We think the interior is
continued development of self-driving                                                                                                 between options and letting every
                                                                   something that needs to surround you
technology, some observers predict that                                                                                               consumer pick what they want, maybe
                                                                   and has to cocoon you—you know that it’s
traditional car ownership could drop                                                                                                  we’ll just have 10 options of the same
                                                                   yours. So the more we know about you,
significantly with a corresponding rise in                                                                                            vehicle and let the fleet operator pick
                                                                   the more we can customize that vehicle
car rental, car-sharing and ride-hailing.                                                                                             which one they want. So, that reduces
                                                                   for you for your use,” said Maciuca.
                                                                                                                                      our costs in terms of manufacturing
There’s increasing evidence that                                   Maciuca added that pleasing the                                    those vehicles.”
millennials, who are moving in                                     manufacturers’ range of customers poses
increasing numbers to cities, often                                                                                                   Managing the production costs across
                                                                   additional challenges. “What makes
do not see car ownership as a status                                                                                                  the fleet and individual car options
                                                                   the job more interesting is that now we
symbol, and instead opt for car-sharing                                                                                               will be an important objective for car
                                                                   also have this intermediate customer,
models. The number of even younger                                                                                                    companies. With a focus on higher-end
                                                                   which is the fleet operator. And we need
post-millennial adults getting drivers’                                                                                               individual car sales, Tesla has struggled
                                                                   to make our vehicles, our fleets, more
licenses has been declining as car-
sharing alternatives are sufficient for
their mobility needs and are much
cheaper.6 If the thrill and independence                                                                “The auto industry is slowly changing, but
                                                                                                          I don’t know how much it would be changing
                                                                                                          if smartphones hadn’t been invented.”
                                                                                                          Robert Stevenson,
                                                                                                          Portfolio Manager, Franklin Equity Group

5. Source: Silicon Valley Innovation Center (SVIC) estimate, as of 10/23/17: 1.5 hours per day, out of 15 hours useable time. There is no assurance that any estimate will be realized.
6. Source: University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, “More Americans of All Ages Spurning Driver’s Licenses,” 1/20/16.

6         Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                                                                                 
ALONG FOR THE RIDE Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars - Franklin Templeton
Decrease in the Number of Licensed Young Adult Drivers

 19-year-olds (Decrease from 87% to 69%)                                                            18-year-olds (Decrease from 80% to 60%)

                                                              -18%                                                                                   -20%
 17-year-olds (Decrease from 69% to 45%)                                                            16-year-olds (Decrease from 46% to 24%)

                                                  -24%                                                                                      -22%
Source: University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, “More Americans of All Ages Spurning Driver’s Licenses,” 1/20/16.

to produce net income for shareholders                            heavy-duty trucks because combustion                                140,000 miles in a year. Municipal city
over the past few years.7 Our Franklin                            engines do not like to start and stop,                              managers have realized the more they
Templeton auto sector analysts estimate                           and heat up and cool down. With                                     use the electrics, the more they pull in
the ownership mix will shift somewhat                             electric buses, they’re saving 40 to 50                             the payback, and they’re leaving the
more toward fleet, but the change will                            cents per mile on fuel. Importantly, we                             diesels parked. By our estimates, it’s an
be smaller and more gradual than some                             have about a six-year operating history                             industrial payback of probably two to six
people may currently believe.                                     we estimate, based on early usage, that                             years on a 12 year asset.”
                                                                  the maintenance savings—both the
                                                                  spare parts and labor cost savings—is
Shift toward Electric Municipal                                                                                                       Freight Movement: “Platooning”
                                                                  equal to the energy savings.”
Buses: A Green Initiative with                                                                                                        Improves Long-Haul Trucking
Added Benefits                                                    In addition to improving the air quality                            Operations and Maintains Jobs
                                                                  in urban environments by reducing
The trend away from car ownership by                                                                                                  Heavy-duty vehicles designed to
                                                                  diesel emissions, the transition to
millennials should also increase demand                                                                                               transport freight by ground are a
                                                                  electric buses also offers cities cost
for mass transportation. It’s an expensive                                                                                            significant testing ground for innovative
                                                                  savings beyond just saving significant
proposition for cities to purchase and                                                                                                autonomous technology. Freight owners
                                                                  sums of money on fuel.
manage a fleet of municipal buses to                                                                                                  have to contend with rising fuel costs,
service a major metropolitan area. In                             Popple added, “New York City has                                    increasing liability costs for accident
addition to labor costs for drivers and                           approximately 5,500 heavy duty                                      coverage, and labor shortages that are
staff and the cost of gas, there is the                           transit buses. It’s the connective                                  reducing the number of professional
added maintenance cost of repairing the                           tissue of their rail infrastructure. On                             freight drivers.
buses when they breakdown. Saddled                                any given day, roughly 10 percent of
                                                                                                                                      One of the start-ups leading the way
by large, aging fleets of diesel buses,                           those buses are parked. To cut to the
                                                                                                                                      to solve these challenges is Peloton
maintenance costs are a common                                    chase for our customers, they’re going
                                                                                                                                      Technology, a developer of connected
problem for municipalities.                                       to save anywhere between $25,000
                                                                                                                                      and automated vehicle systems for US
                                                                  and $50,000 per year in fuel and
Ryan Popple, CEO of Proterra, a                                                                                                       and global freight carriers. Peloton is
                                                                  maintenance costs. Park City, Utah, is
leading innovator in heavy-duty electric                                                                                              pioneering a drafting technology called
                                                                  a great example. They have six electric
transportation, shared some of his                                                                                                    “platooning” in which two or more
                                                                  vehicles on a bus rapid transit system as
experience managing the transition to                                                                                                 trucks are paired together electronically.
                                                                  of last April. When they came into the
electric buses in cities across the United                                                                                            Platooning combines vehicle-to-vehicle
                                                                  fleet, they were running each vehicle
States. “Believe it or not, city buses are                                                                                            communication with vehicle to cloud
                                                                  about 50,000 miles a year. Today,
actually less fuel efficient than many                                                                                                communication to basically form a virtual
                                                                  they’re running them 18 hours a day,
                                                                                                                                      coupling between those two trucks.
                                                                  and some of the vehicles will exceed

7. Source: Tesla, Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2017 Update.                                                                                 Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars             7
Josh Switkes, founder and CEO of                    This focus on improving the bottom
Peloton Technology, describes the                   line may lead some to conclude the         How We Get There
experience. “If you’re in that rear                 goal of autonomous vehicles is to
truck, there’s still a driver. That driver’s        displace actual drivers. Switkes says      Dual Use: Government
steering, but their feet are off the                that’s not the case for his business.      Backing Is Crucial
pedals. They are controlling the gas and            “In Washington, we’ve seen resistance      In the industrial technology field
the brake similar to cruise control, but            from the truck driver unions, resistance   generally, government involvement
we are able to basically synchronize the            against including trucks in the            is often crucial at the early stages
actions of those two trucks. That means             autonomous vehicle bill that’s trying to   of development. GPS, satellite
when the front truck applies the brakes,            go through Congress right now. What        communication, fiber optics—and
we’re immediately applying the brakes               we’ve found is for platooning, because     even the internet—began as
on that rear truck. When you’re riding in           we’re not replacing the driver, we’ve      government-backed projects.
the truck, it feels like it’s simultaneous          gotten very little, if any resistance.”
braking in the two trucks. This enables                                                        Self-driving vehicles are no
                                                    Partly due to the increased demand for     exception. Most observers point to
us to prevent a lot of accidents.
                                                    freight transportation created by online   the US Government’s DARPA Grand
“And very importantly, it lets us                   retail businesses such as Amazon,          Challenge in 2004 as sparking the
bring the trucks closer together than               there’s currently a huge shortage of       current era of autonomous mobility.
what’s typically safe, and then they’re             drivers in the trucking world.             The goal of that DARPA challenge
basically drafting one another, similar                                                        was to create an autonomous
                                                    Switkes estimated that the current
to race cars or cyclists. They’re getting                                                      vehicle that could drive 50 miles
                                                    shortage of roughly a hundred thousand
aerodynamic improvements that reduce                                                           through a desert.
                                                    drivers today will likely grow to a
wind resistance and save a lot of fuel,”
                                                    shortage of hundreds of thousands of       We see the development of this
commented Switkes.
                                                    drivers over the coming years. “Almost     technology as classic “dual use,”
Switkes pointed out that freight                    every fleet we talked to says if they      potentially benefiting both
operators in the United States typically            could hire more drivers, they would haul   government and private enterprise,
spend $80,000 to $100,000 on diesel                 more freight. So the current drivers are   in particular when it comes to data
fuel per truck per year. The value-add              not going to be put out of work. There     collection. For example, autonomous
for freight operators, in addition to               will just be fewer new drivers coming      vehicles measuring ride comfort
improving their safety records, is their            into the workforce over time.”             could also be gathering real-time
ability to save five to 10 percent of                                                          data on potholes for local or
their fuel costs. This can significantly                                                       state government.
transform these companies’ profits.

8      Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                                
Disruption, by definition, is about                               According to 2014 US Census data,                       come to market. Driverless cars would
creating new markets that significantly                           more than 4.4 million Americans aged                    “revolutionize” the workplace, he said.
change the status quo. Cars, trucks and                           16 and above work as drivers. The vast
                                                                                                                          Hammond was more bullish than many
buses with more autonomous capabilities                           majority of those are men, who are
                                                                                                                          commentators: “It is happening already.
may bring business implications and                               categorized as “driver/sales workers and
                                                                                                                          Cars are driving around our roads at
potential considerations for investors.                           truck drivers.”
                                                                                                                          the moment with a safety attendant
                                                                  In Wyoming and Idaho, more than 4% of                   on board with the car driving itself ...
Driving Careers: Not Lost and                                     the labor force work in so-called driving               We have said by 2021 we want to see
Forgotten, but Reinvented                                         jobs, while the rate in the District of                 on Britain’s roads genuine driverless
                                                                  Columbia (the lowest by far) is only 1.6%.9             vehicles,” he said.
One might assume that the evolution of
transformative technology would put jobs                          But the challenge of shifting vast                      But Hammond is cognizant of the
at risk. But that’s not necessarily the case.                     numbers of workers out of driving jobs                  implications. He added, “The challenge
                                                                  is not just an issue for the United                     for us is making sure that the million-
Research conducted by Deloitte in 2015
                                                                  States. In November 2017, UK                            odd people in the UK who drive for a
suggests that technology had contributed
                                                                  Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip                      living, over the next 10, 20 years or so,
to the loss of around 800,000 jobs in
                                                                  Hammond predicted that over the next                    as driverless vehicles come in, are able
the United Kingdom since the beginning
                                                                  20 years, 1 million people who drive                    to retrain and reskill so they can take
of the century.8 However, it found
                                                                  for a living in the United Kingdom                      up the many, many new jobs that this
technology had also helped to create
                                                                  would have to retrain as driverless cars                economy will be throwing up.”
3.5 million new jobs in their place.

While technology might eliminate
low-skilled, manual or clerical jobs,                             Percent Employment from Driving Jobs
it creates demand for higher skilled,                               1–2%        2–3%        3–4%    4–5%
better remunerated creative roles—
particularly those requiring human
social interaction—in professional and
business settings.

In some situations, automation can
lower prices which can lead to higher
demand for goods and services. Amazon
is a great example of this in the retail
sector. Its fulfillment centers use highly
advanced technology, but it is also a
significant employer—with more than
500,000 employees as reported in Q4
2017 company earnings statements.

But “driver” is currently the most
common occupation across the United
States and the arrival of truly driverless
vehicles presents potentially difficult
societal challenges.                                                                                                     Source: US Census Bureau, 2014.

8. Source: Deloitte, “From Brawn to Brains: The Impact of Technology on Jobs in the UK,” 2015.
9. Source: US Census Bureau, 2014.                                                                              Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars    9
Insurance: Liability Shifts Prompt                                The UK government released a bill in                              Equally, while the expected drop in
New Policy Approaches                                             February 2017 requiring insurance                                 accidents because of increased safety
                                                                  coverage for the two states of vehicle                            standards might reduce insurers’ claims
The global insurance sector is facing                             operation: when the driver is in control                          bills initially, a decreased risk profile
a dramatic overhaul in the face of                                and when the vehicle is in self-driving                           over the longer term (and consequently
advances in self-driving car technology                           mode. The Vehicle Technology and                                  lower insurance premium income)
and is taking a long, hard look at the                            Aviation Bill is designed to make it                              should likely bring down insurance
implications.                                                     easier for an accident victim to recover                          revenue, too.
In particular, many countries require                             no matter who is in control.
auto insurance policies to indemnify                              In our view, self-driving cars are unlikely                       Health Care: Declines in ER
drivers in the event of an accident, so                           to become ubiquitous even in the most                             Visits Could Alter Hospital
underwriters are considering the policies                         welcoming countries, so there will                                Revenue Streams
required for self-driving vehicles,                               continue to be demand for traditional
including a shift toward liability                                                                                                  One of the key predictions for self-driving
                                                                  auto insurance personal lines coverage.
insurance for manufacturers.                                                                                                        vehicles is that they will drastically
                                                                  But as the number of insureds                                     improve road safety. McKinsey now
Insurers in the United Kingdom already                            drops—switching to self-driving vehicle                           predicts that autonomous vehicles could
offer a personal lines policy for autonomy                        coverage—the cost of regular auto                                 reduce US auto accidents by 90%.10
in vehicles. It covers hacking and damage                         insurance will likely rise because of
caused by satellite failures or outage, as                                                                                          Nearly 1.3 million people in the world
                                                                  the smaller population over which risk
well as failure to use manual override to                                                                                           die in road crashes and 20–50 million
                                                                  is spread.
avoid an accident if software fails.                                                                                                are injured or disabled each year.11
                                                                                                                                    According to World Health Organization
                                                                                                                                    research, road traffic deaths and injuries
                                                                                                                                    in low- and middle-income countries are
                                                                                                                                    estimated to cause economic losses of
                                                                                                                                    up to 5% of gross domestic product.12

                                                                                                                                    In 2016, more than 35,000 lives were
                                                                                                                                    lost on US roads; more than 94% of these
                                                                                                                                    fatalities were related to human error with
                                                                                                                                    drunk driving, with speeding-related and
                                                                                                                                    distraction-related accidents accounting
                                                                                                                                    for over 25,000 deaths alone.13

                                                                                                                                    A lower number of accidents and resulting
                                                                                                                                    injuries would likely lead to a substantial
                                                                                                                                    reduction in both revenue and costs for
                                                                                                                                    the health care industry as well as a drop
                                                                                                                                    in the proportion of emergency room
                                                                                                                                    cases from car accidents.

                                                                                                                                    Auto Retailers: Changing the Car
                                                                                                                                    Buying Experience
                                                                                                                                    Away from urban environments, in
                                                                                                                                    areas where the adoption of self-driving
                                                                                                                                    vehicles among consumers is likely to
                                                                                                                                    be lower, many observers expect auto
                                                                                                                                    retailers to continue to sell cars in a
                                                                                                                                    similar way to today.

10. Source: McKinsey & Company, “10 Ways Autonomous Driving Could Redefine the Automotive World,” June 2015.
11. Source: World Health Organization, Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015.
12. Ibid.
13. Source: Association for Safe International Road Travel, US Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

10        Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                                                                     
But urban environments may require           driving, city planning could significantly           Autonomous vehicles could increase
fewer car dealerships as ownership of        change. As one example, there will                   the effective carrying capacity of
private cars declines.                       most likely be fewer cars parked along               currently built roads, even during
                                             the sides of city streets.                           periods of peak congestion (rush
However, it’s important to remember
                                                                                                  hour). Traffic signals can be
that the fleets of these—likely electric     There’s a strong argument that this
                                                                                                  redesigned and possibly eliminated,
vehicles—will still need somewhere to        de-cluttering could help make urban
                                                                                                  as autonomous cars are able to take
charge and get serviced.                     centers more attractive places to live.
                                                                                                  turns at higher speeds and move
                                             Wider adoption of driverless cars is also
For most car dealerships, selling new                                                             around each other more smoothly.
                                             expected to result in faster and easier
cars is already their least profitable                                                            Some city areas may be restricted
                                             commutes that could, in turn, impact
activity. We consider a potential shift of                                                        from personal vehicle use and will be
                                             the real estate industry.
focus for existing dealerships to charging                                                        accessible only for public transport
and servicing fleets of vehicles could be    Currently people pay a premium to reside             and ride-hailing services.
attractive and lead to potential upturns     outside crowded, congested city centers
                                                                                                  Cities could also see their revenues
in the profitability of dealerships.         but still close enough to commute to work
                                                                                                  from traffic tickets and other
                                             or to enjoy city nightlife, entertainment,
Even the big public companies that                                                                infractions reduced, particularly
                                             restaurants, etc.
are buying up auto dealerships around                                                             as the need for paid parking could
the country still own only a single- to      We might expect property even further                drop. Fewer traffic enforcement
low-single-digit percentage of the total.    outside urban centers to become more                 officers may be needed. Connected
So we feel there could be potential          valuable if people become willing to                 to a city network, every vehicle could
opportunities to further consolidate the     jump in an autonomous car and ride                   potentially be informed of accidents
industry and for it to develop into a much   somewhere for 45 minutes or an hour                  and obstructions, and police/fire/
more profitable business than it is today.   to go out at night for dinner or to get to           rescue activities and change routes
                                             the office.                                          accordingly. This type of on-the-fly
                                                                                                  route changing could also help
Infrastructure: New Possibilities            Residential property values could shift
                                                                                                  improve response times for emergency
for the Way We Live and Work                 from properties in urban centers to
                                                                                                  personnel, saving lives.
                                             suburban areas. In commercial real
Today’s city infrastructure is designed
                                             estate, a similar trend may emerge
primarily for the needs of cars and
                                             because the need to locate corporate
cargo vehicles. If fewer humans are
                                             offices in city centers will likely diminish.                                                   Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars   11
As confidence about the development                is the shift away from technology of     potential for improved safety and lower
of driverless technology has shifted,              the past. Manufacturers will need to     fuel costs may dramatically change
especially over the past five years,               reconsider how to reinvent the driving   commonplace needs ranging from
expectations about the pace of progress            experience—to support their brand        traditional driving occupations to how
toward a fully autonomous future have              through the inside of the vehicle and    insurance policies are structured and
also shifted dramatically.                         how to offer other services like fleet   much more. Nevertheless, the journey
                                                   management.                              to that future may include some detours
The auto world, in general, needs to
                                                                                            and may create some opportunities for
think about partnering with the tech               Advances in other autonomous vehicles
                                                                                            smart investors with their eye on the
world more than they have in the past.             such as buses and trucks will also
                                                                                            bigger picture.
The transformation for this industry               influence the future of driving. The

12    Along for the Ride: Evaluating the Impacts of Self-Driving Cars                               

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