ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League

Page created by Renee Norman
ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League

     Idea Booklet
                             tive  ac tivities
                    Fun, crea        fa m ily!
                              h ole
                     for the w
                                                                   Partnering with
Parental supervision may be needed and surfaces should be
protected as you are making your creations!
Mispillion Art League / 5 N Walnut St / Milford DE 19963 / 302-430-7646 /
ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
The goal of The 2020 Big Draw Festival DE is to inspire you to think
differently about everyday objects that you use and toss in the trash,
such as newspapers, cardboard, junk mailers, butter tubs, dryer sheets,
candy wrappers, etc. How can you help keep these items from ending
up in a landfill? Use your ginormous imagination and create some art
out of these disposable items!

We have started you off with some simple art projects you can do at
home with your family, like building a robot or creating art from plastic
jar lids, old buttons, egg cartons, and more! Save your recyclables and
ask your friends and family to save some for you. It’s all about having
FUN and thinking up ways to help change our “throw away” culture!

Take photos of you and your creation(s) and post them to The 2020 Big
Draw Festival DE Facebook page (thebigdrawde) and/or email them to during the month of October and be a part
of the world’s biggest celebration of art and mark making! Be sure to
include your name and age.

When you are finished enjoying your creations, separate the plastic
components from the paper/cardboard components before tossing
them into the recycling bin – otherwise they cannot be recycled.
Dispose of tape and non-recyclable parts in the trash.

How much waste does your family create? What about all
the houses on your street or in your town? How can you help
to reduce waste from going to a landfill? Use your imagination!

What’s recylcable in Delaware?

ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
             Sustainability Slogans to Inspire Kindness to our Earth and inspire your Chalk Art

We hope these slogans about sustainability will inspire you to create chalk art on the sidewalks around your home.
Or create your own unique messages and drawings in chalk to inspire others in keeping with our theme of “A
Climate of Change” about Recycling and Protecting our Planet!

1.	Recycle, Recycle, it’s not hard to do, you can reduce          17.   Reduce, reuse, recycle
     pollution and help the world too.                             18.   Save paper, save trees, save the planet
2. Recycling plastic feels fantastic!                              19.   Recycle your trash or trash your earth
3. Recycling: It’s no waste of time.                               20.   Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle
4. Reuse it or Lose it.                                            21.   Don’t trash our future: Recycle
5. Reuse old news!                                                 22.   Don’t be a punk! Recycle your junk!
6. Save paper, save trees, save the planet                         23.   Think smart, think green: Recycle!
7. The choice is yours - Save it or Waste it.                      24.   Feed the can, man
8. Think outside the trash…Recycle!                                25.   Slam dunk the junk
9. Waste it once…pay for it twice!                                 26.   Put trash in its place
10. When in doubt, don’t throw it out!                             27.   Stop littering. The earth is not your garbage can.
11. When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse              28.   Give a hoot, don’t pollute
12. Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.                        29.   You are the only cure for litter
13. Never refuse to reuse                                          30.   Can it for a greener planet
14.	Recycle every day instead of throwing paper and               31.   Fight dirty. Keep our parks clean.
     plastic away                                                  32.   Be clean, be green, be a recycling machine
15. Don’t be trashy, recycle                                       33.   Take care of the earth
16. Don’t throw away, recycle for another day

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
~ Cricket Frog ~
ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
                Use your amazing imagination to make your very own Recyclatron Robot!

This is great fun to do together for a wonderful bonding time. Recycling and up-cycling are great ways to teach the
importance of taking care of our planet. (Plus, recycled crafts allow you to craft and stay within a budget, since
most supplies are things you already have!)

RECYCLED SUPPLY IDEAS: It won’t take long to collect enough toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, empty cans,
yogurt containers, strawberry pint boxes, plastic lids, aluminum pie plates, disposable cups, empty Rx bottles
(wash thoroughly), straws, wire, bottle caps, plastic bottles, cereal or snack boxes, chopsticks, and the list goes on.

                                                         YOU WILL ALSO NEED:
                                                         • something for weight (old towel, bag of dried beans or
                                                            uncooked rice, pebbles newspaper, etc)
                                                         • aluminum foil (optional)
                                                         • pipe cleaners (optional)
                                                         • white & colored paper
                                                         • black & colored permanent markers
                                                         • strong tape (duct tape is coolest but masking tape will
                                                         • cellophane tape
                                                         • scissors
                                                         • paper fasteners (optional)
                                                         • paper clips
                                                         • twist ties
                                                         • hot glue gun
                                                         • craft knife
                                                         • stapler

                                                         Gather your collection of recycled items together and
                                                         decide what will be the body, head, legs and arms. No two
                                                         Recyclatron Robots look the same, that is what makes them
                                                         so special. Hey! Robots don’t need 2 arms, 2 legs or even
                                                         a head! Maybe your robot has 4 legs, 3 arms, 2 heads. It’s
                                                         up to you, so have fun!

Tips for how to put your Recyclatron Robot together:
• It’s important to add weight to the lower part of your robot or it will fall over, and that would be sad. You can
   add weight to the box that makes the body (see Needs above). If you use cans for the legs, you can put pebbles
   or dried beans in the cans, tape the can opening closed.
• Wrap things in foil or paper, decorate them with markers, or just leave the recycled part like it is! Heavy duty
   foil works best. Be sure to tape down all the edges of the foil with scotch tape to prevent foil from tearing. Glue
   on lids, bottle caps, buttons, or bolts to decorate and make eyes. Draw controls and facial features on paper,
   color them, cut them out and glue them on.
ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
(Recyclatron Robot continued)

                                   Bendable elbows
                                   • Tape two toilet paper tubes together in one spot to make bendable elbows.
                                   • Holding two tubes next to each other, put one half of tape down the inside of
                                      one tube, slide the other half of that tape inside the second tube.
                                   • Straighten out the two tubes and run another piece of tape along the
                                      outside, right where the inside tape is. Now you have an arm that can bend
                                      at the elbow!

                                   Hold two straws together then fold in half. Staple the folded straws together
                                   then fix them onto the end of the robot’s arms with tape, or a staple, or a
                                   paper clip, cut the straws to the proper hand length.

Attaching arms and other parts using paper fasteners
Remember paper fasteners? Those are the little brass thingies that you can get in the
office or craft section of the department store. Before closing up the lid to your robot’s
body, you can attach things like arms to the box using paper fasteners. Poke the fastener
through the part, then through the box, spread out the “wings” of the fastener and
TA-DA!, those parts are movable!

ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
(Recyclatron Robot continued)

                                                 Attaching a tube to a box
                                                 • This works for different kinds of recycled containers, as long as the
                                                    container is wider than the tube.
                                                 • Trace tube where you want it on the container: with a blade, do not
                                                    cut the outer circle, just cut pie wedges; fold out points; stick tube
                                                    in; tape in place by wrapping tape over the points around the tube.
                                                 • Legs that stay put: FIRST: fill the legs with pebbles, beans or rice.
                                                    SECOND: Yup, you guessed it – do the same thing to attach legs:
                                                    trace-cut-insert-tape! Tip: Stand your robot up and make sure the
                                                    legs are level BEFORE you tape them in place!

                                      Cut out pie wedges, NOT the
                                      circle, with a blade
Trace outside of the can onto
the box for legs                                                            Insert the cans or tubes and tape in place

“Pop out” details
Guess what? You can do the “trace-cut-insert-
tape” thing to make objects look like they are
popping out of your robot, like Rx bottles.

Whirly wiring
Wrap a wire or a pipe cleaner around a pencil and
PRESTO! – you have a cool whirly wiring to add to
your Recyclatron Robot!

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
~ Koala ~
ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
                               Let’s do Printmaking with things around the house!

See what interesting items you can find in your kitchen such as a fork, an empty water
bottle, a green pepper, a yellow squash, a stalk of celery, a glass with a bumpy bottom, and
some lids from plastic containers. Printmaking is fun to do with items that have different
shapes and textures.

Next, pick out your favorite acrylic or tempera paint colors and a plastic lid for each
color. Get a few sheets of white copy paper. Pour your paint onto the plastic lids, dip the
bottom of the green pepper into paint and touch the paper to see what you get!

Get help from Mom or Dad and have them cut the veggies open. Dip one half into the
paint and press on the paper – much more interesting! Try different firm fruits and
vegetables. How about the bottom of the water bottle? Or the side of a butter knife, the
bottom of a fork? Just remember to put the utensils in water so the paint is
easy to get off when you’re done! Find the patterns you like best and then
combine them to create a picture. You could print your own note cards or make
wrapping paper on newspapers or brown bags!

A couple of hints for Mom and Dad:
• Acrylic paint is sold in 2 oz. containers for about 50 cents a bottle. For less
   than $5.00 you can buy a wonderful selection of colors. You will find it in
   Walmart, Michael’s, and other stores.
• Acrylic paint is quick to dry. Wear a smock or old clothes. Acrylic paint
   washes off hands easily. Concentrated Murphy’s Oil Soap will remove
   acrylic paint from almost any surface or fabric.

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

ALL MONTH LONG IN OCTOBER - Fun, creative activities l y ! for the whole fami - Mispillion Art League
                                          Read all directions before starting!

Suggestions include: animals, flowers, caterpillars, bugs, bees, butterflies, birds, dinosaurs, robots, electric cars
and trucks, trees, solar powered houses, rainbows, or whatever your imagination can conjure up! You can also fill
the board with an abstract design that is made just of the colorful caps – whatever is pleasing to you!

                                                 Materials needed:
                                                 • clean board, cardboard, card stock, etc
                                                 • gluestick
                                                 • recycled, plastic bottle cap/jar lids, assortment of colors and sizes
                                                    – ask your family and friends to save them for you!

Using the bottle caps provided in your Art Kit and adding to it from your own colorful recycled bottle caps and jar
lids, create a design on the board, putting the cap side DOWN on the board.

When you are happy with your design, use the glue stick to glue down the caps one by one, careful not to mess up
your design as you go. Remember to put the glue on the FLAT side (TOP) of the caps and lids. Glue each piece top
down on the board. Allow to dry. Admire!


       butterfly or alien

                                                                                                       teddy bear

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

                       Get some fun facts and make a drawing of a Delaware critter!

Horseshow Crab Fun Facts
• More closely related to spiders and scorpions
• Have been around longer than dinosaurs
• Have blue blood (really!) which is used in medical research
• They live about 20 years
• They can live out of water for up to 4 days
• Females lay up to 100,000 eggs when they spawn

Now draw a horseshoe crab!     ➜

Blue Heron Fun Facts
• They have a 6-foot wingspan
• They are 3 feet tall and can stretch to 4 feet
• They weigh only 5-6 pounds
• Their bones are hollow
• They fish as individuals but nest in colonies

Now draw a blue heron!    ➜

Bee Fun Facts
• Have been providing honey for at least 150,000,000 years
• Their flight speed is 15 miles per hour
• Have 5 eyes
• They cannot see the color red
• A single beehive contains 40-45 thousand bees

Now draw a bee!    ➜

(How To Draw A… continued)

Dragonfly Fun Facts
• One of the fastest flying insects in the world, reaching speeds over 30 miles per hour
• They only eat prey they can catch while flying
• A single dragonfly can eat 30-100 mosquitoes per day
• They have 2 huge compound eyes and nearly 360° vision
• They can see a wider spectrum of colors than humans can
• They can fly in 6 different directions: up, down, forward, back, left, and right
• If you see one with a single pair of wings, it is a Damselfly, not a Dragonfly

Now draw a dragonfly!    ➜

Hummingbird Fun Facts
• Only found in the Americas
• They can hover, fly forward, backwards, and upside down
• Their wings flap 50-200 times per second (yup!)
• They can fly up to 35 miles per hour
• They live 3-5 years
• At rest, they take 250 breaths per minute

Now draw a hummingbird!      ➜

Ladybug Fun Facts
• They are a type of beetle
• To defend themselves, they “play dead”
• They can live up to 1 year
• They have 2 sets of wings – hard outer shell wings for protection of the inner wings they use for flight
• They taste and smell with their antennae
• They can have up to 20 spots

Now draw a ladybug!    ➜

Have you seen Lulu the Ladybug
outside the Milford Museum?
(How To Draw A… continued)

Owl Fun Facts
• They make almost no noise when flying
• There are over 200 species of owls
• Their eye color may indicate the time of day they
   prefer to be active:
   orange – dawn and dusk hunter;
   brown/black – night hunter;
   yellow – day hunter

Now draw an owl!      ➜

Praying Mantis Fun Facts
• They can turn their head 180 degrees
• There have 2 large compound eyes and 3 simple
   eyes located between the other 2
• They prey on moths, crickets, grasshoppers, flies,
   and other insects
• Females have been known to eat their mates (yikes!)
• They can grow up to 6 inches long

Now draw a praying mantis!       ➜

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

~ Echo Parakeet ~
                                         (read all directions before starting!)

Materials Needed: leaves, watercolor paper, paint, toothbrush, paint brush, putty/tape loop under the leaves or
place rocks on top of leaves to hold them down

Other Materials needed:
• Empty plastic containers for the paint, like empty yoghurt containers or jello cups
• Leaves you collect from nature
• Newspaper or plastic table cover to protect the surface you are working on, or work outside on newspaper or
   another surface that will not be ruined with paint splatter.
• Water to dilute the paint if it is too thick.

Be sure to have a grown up or older child assist you.

• Find a pleasing cluster of leaves or several individual leaves. They can
   be from different trees in different shapes and sizes.
• Cover your work surface with newspapers or old plastic table cover
• Create a design with leaves on the watercolor paper
• Use the small pieces of putty to hold the leaves in place on the
   watercolor paper
• Pour some paint into the empty containers – add water if it’s too thick
   stirring with the paint brush.
• Dip the toothbrush into the paint and running your finger along the
   bristles allow the paint to splatter all around the edges of the leaves.
   You can use just one color or more to create your leaf art but wash
   your toothbrush in between colors to keep the colors clean.
• Set it aside to dry while you clean up your work area. Recycle the
   newspapers and wash the paint out of the paint brush, toothbrush and
• When the paint is completely dry, remove the leaves and see what your
   paint splatters have created! You should be able to reuse the putty for
   more leaf art.

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.


Discover a whole new way of seeing the world around you! Nature Journaling is recording in words and
drawings your observations and feelings about the natural world.

You can draw anything you find in nature, just record its name, the date, time of day, weather, location you found
it, and any other observations or facts you have learned. Be careful to only leave footprints and not to disturb or
harm nature in any way. Some suggestions…
             Grasses             Berries            Tracks              Seed pods       Pumpkins
             Sticks              Plants             Trees               Shells          Gourds
             Animals             Clouds             Tree Bark           Feathers        Cornfields
             Rocks               Insects            Leaves              Branches        The Moon
             Birds               Frogs              Water               Patterns        Something Decaying
             Bird nests          Turtles            Pinecones           Shadows         Something Slimy

You can also answer questions with your words and drawings in your sketchbook. You may need to do some
research at the library, on Google, or at a Nature Center to find some of the answers, but use your direct
observational skills to draw what you see.

Trees and Plant Life: What kind of trees are in your neighborhood? When do they bloom? Do they have seeds or
fruit? What kinds of insects use the tree? When do they shed their leaves? What kinds of flowers, plants, or
vegetables are growing/blooming at this time of year? If they are dying what do they look like? Draw them!

Moon and Sky: How does the moon’s shape change throughout the month? What path does it follow across the
sky? What time does it rise and set? How does the path of the sun affect the shade and length of shadows of the
buildings in your neighborhood or around your house? How do the patterns of the clouds change over the course
of the day? Look up the different kinds of clouds and draw and write about them.

Birds and Animals: What kinds of birds live in your neighborhood? If you have bird feeders who visits them?
What times of day do the birds visit? What reptiles or amphibians live near you? Draw the ones you see and write
about them.

                                           CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

                            Chief Jimoh Buraimoh was born in Africa, in the city of Osogbo, Nigeria. When he was a
                            child, he would help his mother by dyeing the grasses that she used to weave colorful
                            mats. When he was a young man, he worked as a lighting technician in the theater. At
                            that same time, he took art classes at a famous Nigerian art school founded by George
                            and Ulli Beier. There he learned to make prints, paint, and inlay tiles and small beads to
                            create mosaic plaques and tables.

                            Jimoh Buraimoh became famous by inventing a new type of art. He got the idea from
                            the Yoruba tradition of putting fancy beadwork designs into ceremonial fabrics,
clothes, and beaded crowns. He uses strings of beads glued to the canvas and oil paint to make beautiful paintings
of the faces of African Kings, religious leaders and warriors. Chief Buraimoh lives in Nigeria, but he has traveled the
world, sharing his art. He has taught art in the United States in Maine, New York, Boston, and Los Angeles. You can
see his paintings in art museums in the USA.

Chief Jimoh Buraimoh’s beaded head paintings inspired the egg carton face project on the next page! You might
get some ideas for your egg carton face from the pictures of his art below:

This is such a fun project and all you need are egg cartons and a bit of glue! Different stores
have different egg cartons. All egg cartons are not made the same so have fun finding
interesting shapes for your own designs!

Materials needed: Egg cartons, scissors, glue (PVA or hot glue), and paint if you want to
decorate your faces

• Cut your egg carton ‘head’ shapes from the lids of the egg cartons. Little kids will need help
   cutting through the egg cartons, but bigger kids should be able to manage it themselves.
• Cut all your different facial features, think eyes, noses, mouths, eyebrows and even
• Begin to assemble your faces and glue them in position.
• You can add other recycled items (bottle caps, buttons, twist ties) to give your face special
   character. Leave your head plain or decorate it with paint then hang it on your wall!

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

Recycle those paper egg cartons and odd pieces of cardboard! This is a great project for all ages. Short, round
nosed school scissors work best to cut the egg carton and the egg carton pieces are very easy to glue in place.

Materials needed: paper egg cartons, cardboard, scissors, tacky glue or other white glue, markers, paint, brush

1. Cut up that egg carton and look for interesting shapes. The
    pointy and round parts make great snouts and noses. Other
    parts can be legs, arms, ears, collars…whatever you can imagine.
    As you cut the snouts and noses, include little “tags” for ears,
    hair, hats, antennae.

2. T his is the best part: look at those pieces and use that amazing
   imagination of yours. What animal or person you can make? Maybe
   you like birds…maybe a horse. You decide! Choose the pieces for the
   face of your character and arrange them on a sheet of cardboard.

3. G
    lue the pieces down. Usually, all you need to do is run glue around
   the edge of the piece. Sometimes you can bend a little flap on the egg
   carton piece and glue that down. Note: you might have to hold it in
   place for the count of 30 while the glue sets.

4. After the glue dries, draw necks,
    shoulders, bodies, (whatever works) on the
    cardboard to complete the portrait. Then
    have a blast painting your character’s head
    and body!

5. When the paint dries, go ahead and add
    details with your colored markers. Don’t
    forget to add a decorative frame around
    that beautiful, funny portrait and then
    hang it up in your room!

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

~ Pygmy Sloth ~

Materials needed: button with 4 holes, ribbon or twine, beads, beading needle

1. T ake the button with the back side facing you, thread each end of the ribbon or twine through 2 different holes
   from the front to back side, forming a loop on the front side. Adjust the ribbon tails to be even and pull through
   the loop and tighten.

2. Repeat on the other 2 holes.

3. Feed beads onto the ribbons on each side of the button.

4. Tie a knot after the final bead to hold them in place

5. T o finish, make sure you can fit your hand through the bracelet then tie a
   knot, trim the ends of the ribbons to desired length

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

Materials needed: 1 old guitar string medium weight, beads or pearls, small pliers, wire cutters

Most guitar strings can circle 3 times.
• Plan to start with an old guitar string cut to about 8", make sure you keep the end of the string
   with that little round ring called the “ball end” of the string.
• Make a circle with the guitar string large enough to fit your hand through (this is the first loop of your bracelet).
• Wrap the string tightly around the base of the ball; if necessary, pinch it tightly using
   pliers to hold the bracelet in place.
• As you circle the string around a second time, wrap the string around the bracelet a
   few times as you go, threading on beads every now and then.
• Wrap the guitar string around the base of the ball end again, secure it.
• Finally circle the string around one more time, this time inserting the wire through the
   ball end and bending the string around the ball end again so it’s secure.
• Wrap the end of the string around the bracelet just a few times then cut off the extra
• Using pliers, bend the cut end of the guitar string under the wrapped wire or you can
   wrap the area where the cut end of the wire is with colorful tape or embroidery
   thread. Be patient, using pliers to wrap takes a little work because the wire jumps

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

“The Tree of Life represents the interconnectedness of everything in the
 Universe, symbolizing togetherness. The roots dig deep and spread into
 the earth, accepting nourishment from Mother Earth and its branches
 reach up to the sky accepting energy from the Sun and Moon.”

Materials needed: a sheet of cardboard from packaging or cut from an
old box; burlap or fabric or found paper (maps, sheet music, etc); buttons;

1. C
    ut the shape of a tree out of found paper (maps, comics, sheet music)
   and glue to cardboard or draw/paint your tree. -OR-
   Cut a strip of burlap the width that you would like the trunk of your
   tree (at least 1 ½") and three inches shorter than your cardboard.
   Unravel the burlap halfway down the cardboard backing. The bottom
   half of this burlap strip will be the trunk of your Tree of Life, the strands
   of the top half will be branches.

2. G
    lue the trunk down to the cardboard, then twist and turn the long strands
   into branches and glue them down on the board. If using found paper, just
   glue your cut out tree to your cardboard.

3. Now arrange colored buttons to form foliage/flowers along the branches and
   glue in place.

                                         CREATE, SMILE, SNAP & POST!
Take photos of you and your creation and post them to The 2020 Big Draw Festival Facebook page (thebigdrawde)
and/or email Mispillion Art League at and be a part of the world’s biggest celebration of
art and mark making! Be sure to include your name, age, and contact information (email, phone, address).
By sending us your photos, you give us permission to post them on our website and Facebook page.

We hope you had a lot of fun creating art from items
around the house! Don’t forget to post photos of you and your
creations to our Facebook page (The Big Draw DE).

                      The Mispillion Art League (MAL) is offering a number
                       of classes geared toward The 2020 Big Draw Festival
                       DE theme of “A Climate of Change”. Stop by and pick
                        up a Class Catalog if you don’t already have one, or
                         visit our website ( or
                          Facebook page (Mispillion Art League) for a
                           complete listing of upcoming classes and special
                            events. You can sign up for classes on our
                             website, as well as join MAL or make a donation.

                                   The 2020 Big Draw Festival DE and MAL want
                                    you to keep on making art and taking care of
                                     our big, beautiful blue planet! Remember, be
                                      the change you want to see in this world.

                                                                      Partnering with

                      This organization is supported in part by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts,
                      a state agency, in partnership with The National Endowment for the Arts.
                      The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

                                                                ©2020 Mispillion Art League, Inc. All rights reserved. (9/10/20)
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