ALERT PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Page created by Frederick Russell
ALERT PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
15 FEBRUARY 2021


IN THIS              Undocumented foreign nationals/persons
                     in South Africa to also benefit from the
ISSUE                COVID-19 vaccine rollout: Nuances to be
                     alive to
                     On Monday 11 January 2021, while addressing the nation on
                     the country’s progress in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic,
                     President Cyril Ramaphosa (the President) announced that
                     government would deploy a comprehensive vaccination strategy
                     that aimed to reach all parts of the country.

                     The fight against GBV – three new bills
                     The scourge of gender-based violence (GBV) continues to worsen
                     each year, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the
                     national lockdown only exasperated the horrors of the widespread
                     nature of the GBV crisis in our country. In the first three weeks
                     of the national lockdown, the government’s GBV and femicide
                     command centre recorded over 120,000 victims.

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ALERT PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                              Undocumented foreign
                                              nationals/persons in South
                                              Africa to also benefit from the
                                              COVID-19 vaccine rollout:
                                              Nuances to be alive to
                                              On Monday 11 January 2021, while              This is in line with a statement made by
                                              addressing the nation on the country’s        the National Treasury Director-General
In an announcement                            progress in combatting the COVID-19           Mr Dondo Mogajane on 24 January 2021,
that drew some criticism,                     pandemic, President Cyril Ramaphosa           during a virtual meeting between his
                                              (the President) announced that                Department and the SA National Editors
the Minister of Health,                       government would deploy a                     Forum in which Mr Mogajane said that
Dr Zweli Mkhize, initially                    comprehensive vaccination strategy that       foreign nationals including undocumented
indicated that only                           aimed to reach all parts of the country.      foreign nationals/persons would also
South African citizens with                   The President described the task as the       benefit from the rollout of the COVID-19
                                              “largest and most complex logistical          vaccine: “We are in SA and we have many
identity documents would                      undertaking in our country’s history” and     millions of undocumented people and
be entitled to receive                        explained, “It will be far more extensive     [we can’t say they shouldn’t receive the
the vaccine.                                  than our HIV treatment programme or           vaccine as they are undocumented]. The
                                              even our national, provincial and local       demand for the vaccine is going to be
                                              elections in terms of the number of           exceeded, and we are not going to turn
                                              people who have to be reached within a        away undocumented people…”
                                              short space of time”.
                                                                                            These indications that the government
                                              Subsequent to this announcement               will include undocumented persons in
                                              there have been mixed messages from           its vaccine roll out has been welcomed
                                              the government about who will qualify         by Refugee and Migrant advocacy
                                              for a vaccine under this roll out. In an      groups, some of whom were it seems
                                              announcement that drew some criticism,        already considering challenging the
                                              the Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize,      constitutionality of limiting the roll out to
                                              initially indicated that only South African   South African citizens.
                                              citizens with identity documents would be
                                                                                            Perhaps in making this announcement,
                                              entitled to receive the vaccine.
                                                                                            the President was mindful of the Pretoria
                                              However, government appears to                High Court’s decision just last year
                                              have reconsidered this decision. In his       declaring the exclusion of asylum seekers
                                              address to the nation on 1 February, in       and Zimbabwean and Lesotho special
                                              what appears to be an about turn, the         permit holders from the government’s
                                              President said the government aimed to        COVID-19 social relief of distress grant
                                              make the vaccine available to all adults      to be unconstitutional; or that countless
                                              living in South Africa, regardless of their   numbers of South African citizens
                                              citizenship or residence status. He went on   are themselves for systemic reasons
                                              to state that, “We will be putting in place   undocumented – and have neither a birth
                                              measures to deal with the challenge of        certificate nor an identity document.
                                              undocumented migrants so that, as with all
                                              other people, we can properly record and
                                              track their vaccination history”.

2 | PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS ALERT 15 February 2021
ALERT PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                              Undocumented foreign
                                              nationals/persons in South
                                              Africa to also benefit from the
                                              COVID-19 vaccine rollout:
                                              Nuances to be alive to...continued
                                              Whatever the reason for the change in         Population immunity will be achieved
                                              policy the decision is to be welcomed.        when enough of the population is immune
On a more pragmatic level,                    Importantly, it signals a welcome departure   to the virus to provide indirect protection
                                              from an increasingly exclusionary             to those who are not immune, bringing
given the purpose and
                                              approach by our government to the             the spread of the virus under control
intent behind the mass                        treatment of undocumented persons             and importantly reducing pressure on
vaccine rollout, it seems                     (and foreign nationals) and accords with      our healthcare system. While the actual
that it would simply not be                   the spirit of our Constitution. On a more     level needed for such immunity is, at this
                                              pragmatic level, given the purpose and        stage, unknown, scientists have estimated
sensible to exclude a large                   intent behind the mass vaccine rollout,       that South Africa will likely reach herd
portion of the population                     it seems that it would simply not be          immunity once around 67% (approximately
from the Programme.                           sensible to exclude a large portion of the    40 million) of the population is immune.
                                              population from the Programme.
                                                                                            Statistics on the number of foreign
                                              It is clear from the President’s address      nationals (documented and
                                              that the purpose of the mass vaccination      undocumented) living in South Africa
                                              programme is to enable us to achieve          vary. According to Stats SA, the number of
                                              population immunity (herd immunity). In       foreign-born people living in South Africa
                                              his address, the President explained the      in 2020 is around 3,9 million. This includes
                                              government’s ambitious targets: “we will      both the documented and undocumented.
                                              [by phase 3 of the programme] ... have        The United Nations population division
                                              reached around 40 million South Africans,     put the number at 4,2 million in 2019 –
                                              which is considered to approximate            this it said represents about 7,2% of the
                                              herd immunity.” The President further         population. According to Stats SA’s 2011
                                              intimated: “We have always said that an       census, 6,2 million foreign nationals lived
                                              effective vaccine will be a game-changer.     in South Africa, and the organisation’s
                                              Vaccines offer to the peoples of the          2015 estimate placed the number of
                                              world a means to control the Coronavirus      undocumented migrants between 1,2 and
                                              pandemic. A person who is vaccinated has      1,5 million.
                                              a much-reduced chance of becoming ill
                                              and dying from COVID-19.”

3 | PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS ALERT 15 February 2021
ALERT PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

                                              Undocumented foreign
                                              nationals/persons in South
                                              Africa to also benefit from the
                                              COVID-19 vaccine rollout:
                                              Nuances to be alive to...continued
                                              Although there is no certainty as to             Given widely reported negative
                                              the number of undocumented foreign               experiences that undocumented foreigners
To exclude all                                nationals/persons living in South Africa         have in attempting to access health care in
                                              today, it is a substantial number of             South Africa (many face routine unlawful
undocumented persons
                                              people. Certainly, any decision to exclude       discrimination in attempting to access
would mean the exclusion                      undocumented persons would exclude a             healthcare), coupled with provisions in our
of many innocent                              significant number of people. Furthermore,       immigration laws which allow immigration
South African citizens,                       and important to emphasise, to exclude all       officials wide powers to arrest and deport
                                              undocumented persons would mean the              “illegal” foreigners, much will need to be
victim to the systemic                        exclusion of many innocent South African         done not only to build the trust of foreign
obstacles preventing them                     citizens, victim to the systemic obstacles       nationals if they are to participate in the
from being documented.                        preventing them from being documented.           roll out, but also train healthcare workers.

                                              But as laudable as this announcement is,         If the programme is to work as intended,
                                              the devil always lies in the detail and at the   the government needs to expeditiously
                                              moment there is scant detail as to how the       provide more information about the roll
                                              programme will be rolled out.                    out of the programme and consult with
                                                                                               civil society in order to gain people’s trust.

                                                                                               Jacquie Cassette and Gift Xaba

                    CDH’S COVID-19
                    RESOURCE HUB
                    Click here for more information

4 | PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS ALERT 15 February 2021

                                              The fight against GBV – three
                                              new bills
                                              The scourge of gender-based violence         expand the National Register for Sex
                                              (GBV) continues to worsen each               Offenders to include sex offenders beyond
In an effort to strengthen                    year, and the effect of the COVID-19         those convicted of sexual offences against
the existing legislative                      pandemic and the national lockdown           children and persons who are mentally
                                              only exasperated the horrors of the          disabled; requiring that the full name,
response to GBV,                              widespread nature of the GBV crisis          surname, identity number and sexual
President Cyril Ramaphosa                     in our country. In the first three           offence also be included in the Register,
announced three bills                         weeks of the national lockdown,              and providing for further regulation
that aim to better regulate                   the government’s GBV and femicide            surrounding the reporting duty of persons
                                              command centre recorded over                 who are aware of sexual offences being
the way government                            120,000 victims.                             committed against children. This includes
departments, law                                                                           a person who has knowledge, reasonable
                                              In an effort to strengthen the
enforcement and the                           existing legislative response to GBV,
                                                                                           belief or a suspicion, and the failure to
                                                                                           report this to a police official will result
courts respond to cases of                    President Cyril Ramaphosa announced
                                                                                           in the person being guilty of an offence
violence against women.                       three bills that aim to better regulate
                                                                                           and liable on conviction to a fine or
                                              the way government departments, law
                                                                                           imprisonment for a period not exceeding
                                              enforcement and the courts respond to
                                                                                           five years.
                                              cases of violence against women.
                                                                                           Criminal and Related Matters
                                              These three bills were introduced by
                                                                                           Amendment Bill
                                              the Minister of Justice and Correctional
                                              Services in the National Assembly in         This bill was introduced into Parliament
                                              August 2020. All three bills are currently   on 28 August 2020. It aims to amend
                                              before the National Assembly. Below are      the Magistrates’ Courts Act and the
                                              summaries of the most notable changes        Superior Courts Act to provide for the
                                              brought about by each bill.                  appointment of intermediaries and the
                                                                                           giving of evidence through intermediaries
                                              Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and
                                                                                           and audio-visual links in proceedings on
                                              Related Matters) Amendment Act
                                                                                           application by any party to proceedings
                                              Amendment Bill
                                                                                           other than criminal proceedings.
                                              The bill aims to amend the Criminal Law      Provisions will also be added to ensure
                                              (Sexual Offences and Related Matters)        that perpetrators of GBV are not released
                                              Amendment Act (SORMA). It was                on bail before their first appearance in the
                                              introduced to Parliament on 19 August        lower courts.
                                              2020, and aims to make several changes -
                                                                                           The bill also aims to introduce changes
                                              the most notable of which are to recognise
                                                                                           to the CPA to further regulate the giving
                                              sexual intimidation as an offence; to
                                                                                           of evidence via closed-circuit television
                                                                                           or similar electronic media and the right

5 | PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS ALERT 15 February 2021

                                              The fight against GBV – three
                                              new bills...continued
                                              of a complainant in a domestic related        The bill also provides for the online
                                              offence to participate in bail and parole     submission of protection orders and
Our government’s                              proceedings. This provides survivors or       the addition of the protection order to a
response to GBV has                           the relatives of a deceased victim the        central depository that stores other orders
                                              opportunity to be heard before the court      and cases against the same person to
resulted in significant                       or the parole board before any decision       prevent perpetrators from hiding their past
developments in our                           is made. In addition to allowing for an       histories of domestic violence.
criminal law, in addition                     opportunity to be heard, being able to
                                                                                            Our government’s response to GBV has
                                              give evidence via closed-circuit television
to the notable 2018                                                                         resulted in significant developments
                                              also provides the victim with the added
amendment of the Criminal                     protection of not having to be in the same
                                                                                            in our criminal law, in addition to
                                                                                            the notable 2018 amendment of the
Procedure Act to do away                      room as the perpetrator.
                                                                                            Criminal Procedure Act to do away with
with prescription in the                      Domestic Violence Amendment Act               prescription in the context of criminal
context of criminal charges                   This bill was introduced to Parliament on
                                                                                            charges for sexual offences. While these
for sexual offences. While                    7 September 2020, and seeks to make
                                                                                            are all welcomed developments, our civil
                                                                                            law lags behind. In line with our core
these are all welcomed                        five overarching changes which includes
                                                                                            focus on women’s rights, our practice
developments, our civil law                   the broadening of the domestic violence
                                                                                            is currently pursuing what we believe
                                              definition to include elder abuse, coercive
lags behind.                                  behaviour, controlling behaviour and
                                                                                            to be the meaningful and significant
                                                                                            development of our civil law in relation to
                                              exposing or subjecting children to listed
                                                                                            sexual offences, and we will continue to
                                              behaviour. This is turn recognises these
                                                                                            meaningfully engage in further areas in
                                              forms of domestic violence and therefore
                                                                                            need of development in our civil law. Our
                                              widens the scope of the application of the
                                                                                            practice will also keep a close eye on the
                                              Domestic Violence Act.
                                                                                            progression of these three bills as well as
                                                                                            further significant developments in both
                                                                                            the criminal law and the civil law space as
                                                                                            they pertain to GBV and sexual offences.

                                                                                            Brigitta Mangale, Kirsten Felix and
                                                                                            Akhona Mgwaba

6 | PRO BONO & HUMAN RIGHTS ALERT 15 February 2021
For more information about our Pro Bono & Human Rights practice and services, please contact:

                Jacquie Cassette                                   Tricia Erasmus                                      Gift Xaba
                National Practice Head                             Senior Associate                                    Associate
                Director                                           Pro Bono & Human Rights                             Pro Bono & Human Rights
                Pro Bono & Human Rights                            T +27 (0)11 562 1358                                T +27 (0)11 562 1089
                T +27 (0)11 562 1036                               E                       E

                                                                   Brigitta Mangale
                                                                   Senior Associate
                                                                   Pro Bono & Human Rights
                                                                   T +27 (0)21 481 6495

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1 Protea Place, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196. Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010, South Africa. Dx 154 Randburg and Dx 42 Johannesburg.
T +27 (0)11 562 1000 F +27 (0)11 562 1111 E

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T +27 (0)21 481 6300 F +27 (0)21 481 6388 E

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T +27 (0)21 481 6400 E

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