Page created by Howard Myers
AgTech Innovation Unlocks Economic Identities
for Smallholder Farmers in Indonesia
GSMA mAgri

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile           mAgri catalyses scalable, commercial mobile
operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators     services that improve the productivity and incomes
with more than 250 companies in the broader           of smallholder farmers and benefit the agriculture
mobile ecosystem, including handset and device        sector in emerging markets. The GSMA mAgri
makers, software companies, equipment providers       Programme is in a unique position to bring together
and Internet companies, as well as organisations in   mobile operators, agricultural organisations and
adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces     the development community to foster sustainable
industry-leading events such as Mobile World          and scalable mobile services that improve the
Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai and the      livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
Mobile 360 Series conferences.
                                                      For more information about GSMA mAgri
For more information, please visit the GSMA           Programme visit our website at:
corporate website at                     mobilefordevelopment/programmes/magri
                                                      Follow us on twitter @GSMAm4d
Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA
                                                      Panos Loukos, Senior Insights Manager
                                                      Daniele Tricarico, Insights Director

                                                      This material has been funded by UK aid from the
                                                      UK government; however the views expressed
                                                      do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s
                                                      official policies.
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                4

2. INTRODUCTION                                                     5

3. AGRICULTURE IN INDONESIA                                         6
3.1. Characteristics of last-mile procurement                       10

4. THE MOBILE ECOSYSTEM LANDSCAPE                                   12

5.1. Digital tools for monitoring last-mile operations              15

5.2. Digital tools for access to formal markets                     20

5.3. Digital tools for centralised data collection                  26

6. LEARNINGS                                                    29

                                                         Contents    3

1. Executive summary
Digital technologies in the agricultural last mile1 can                                                                    Digital tools for monitoring last-mile operations.
benefit all stakeholders involved in the production                                                                        These tools replace manual data gathering with
and trade of crops. Crop buyers experience new                                                                             digital data collection to support sustainability
efficiencies when sourcing from smallholder                                                                                and traceability and streamline monitoring of
farmers, and real-time visibility in the supply chain                                                                      field operations. By recording a breadth of farm
enables operations to be monitored more efficiently.                                                                       and farmer data, they can support farmers in
Meanwhile, producers benefit from more transparent                                                                         developing an economic identity.
transactions and better access to markets, which
allow them to sell their produce at competitive prices                                                                     Digital tools for market access. Driven by AgTech
and improve their livelihoods. Crucially, the digital                                                                      innovation, digital marketplaces in Indonesia aim
footprints these tools generate can help develop                                                                           to formalise last-mile procurement which, in the
economic identities for smallholders. Digital identities                                                                   absence of strong cooperative structures, depends
provide banks and other financial institutions with                                                                        largely on the intermediation of informal traders.
a range of relevant data points to assess a farmer’s                                                                       These tools generate a significant volume of digital
credit risk and ability to repay loans.                                                                                    transactional data, and when shared with financial
                                                                                                                           institutions, can inform more accurate assessments
Over the last few years, Indonesia has benefitted                                                                          of the creditworthiness of farmers and their ability
from a strong AgTech presence that has been driving                                                                        to repay loans.
technological innovation in the agricultural sector.
AgTech innovators are playing a vital role in digitising                                                                   Digital tools for centralised data collection. These
processes in the last mile and supporting the creation                                                                     tools are at the forefront of disruptive innovation in
of digital identities for farmers. In contrast to AgTechs,                                                                 Indonesia and highlight the need for intermediation
the participation of mobile network operators                                                                              and aggregation in agricultural data sharing. By
(MNOs) in digitisation initiatives has been mainly                                                                         centralising the collection of farm and farmer data,
peripheral, largely because of a restrictive regulatory                                                                    they are making it more accessible to interested
environment that prevents non-banks from offering                                                                          stakeholders, facilitating rich analytics and enabling
mobile money and promoting rural financial inclusion.                                                                      data-driven decision making.
Beyond digitising processes in the agricultural last
mile, AgTechs are disrupting and reshaping long-
established relationships across value chains and
building entirely new ecosystems. Although Indonesia’s
digital transformation is nascent and has by no means
reached significant scale, three main paths have
emerged in AgTech innovation:

1.   In agricultural value chains, the last mile is the web of relationships and transactions between buyers of crops such as agribusinesses, cooperatives and middlemen, and the farmers who produce and sell their crops. Most
     of this activity takes place in the developing world, where about 1.3 billion people are employed in agriculture and are involved in the production of the majority (at least 70 per cent) of the world’s food.

4     Executive summary

2. Introduction
The use of digital technologies in the last mile of                                                                  stakeholders in driving digital disruption (see section
agricultural value chains has the potential to address                                                               5). AgTech start-ups are at the centre of this ecosystem,
various pain points crop buyers experience when                                                                      piloting technological innovations that aim to address
sourcing from smallholder farmers. For example,                                                                      the challenges buyers and producers face with crop
lack of transparency in the supply chain can impede                                                                  procurement. Although the challenges vary and
successful roll-out of traceability programmes;                                                                      demand a range of digital tools with different features
operational inefficiencies can increase costs of                                                                     and capabilities, digital footprints are a common
production; and limited opportunities to engage                                                                      denominator. Generated by both farm and farmer data,
with farmers can restrict the knowledge, inputs and                                                                  a digital footprint can help farmers forge an economic
tools buyers provide to boost production. Digital                                                                    identity2 and provide a path to financial inclusion. In
tools can help to make production more transparent,                                                                  contrast to foundational identities3 — government-
operations easier to monitor and supply chains more                                                                  issued documents like identity cards, passports or
efficient. Farmers entering the digital ecosystem can                                                                birth certificates — economic identities are a form of
also benefit from better access to formal markets,                                                                   functional identity4 that enables access to a specific
adoption of the latest agricultural practices and the                                                                set of services, such as credit, insurance and saving
empowerment that comes from clear terms of trade                                                                     accounts. For Indonesian farmers, an economic identity
and transparent transactions.                                                                                        could help lenders predict income and assess credit
                                                                                                                     risk more accurately, providing a clearer path to digital
This report provides a window into Indonesia’s digital                                                               financial inclusion. This report examines three paths of
agriculture ecosystem by presenting the most common                                                                  AgTech innovation guiding the creation of economic
use cases of digital interventions and the roles of various                                                          identities for smallholder farmers in Indonesia.

Figure 1

Foundational and functional identities

                                                                                                                                                     INSURANCE                          HEALTH
                                                                                                                                                      RECORDS                          RECORDS
                                       NATIONAL POPULATION

                                                                                                                             PROOF OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                            TAX RECORDS
                                                                                                                             AGE CARD

                                                                                                                                             VOTER ID                                         BANK CARDS
                CIVIL                 IDENTITY
                                                           PASSPORT            CERTIFICATES                                                                             MOBILE
              REGISTRIES               CARDS

                                    FOUNDATIONAL IDENTITIES                                                                                                 FUNCTIONAL IDENTITIES

2.   An economic identity is a dynamic citizen profile that captures an individual’s life events, assets and transaction history. For farmers, digitising the procurement of crops helps to establish an economic identity through
     transactional data from the sale of agricultural produce. In combination with other farm and farmer data, this data opens up full financial inclusion to farmers, including access to credit, savings and insurance products.
3.   For a definition of foundational identities, see:
4.   For a definition of functional identities, see:

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Introduction            5

3. Agriculture in
Agriculture has historically been a pillar of the                                                                                                age population, the third highest of the Asia-
Indonesian economy, making a significant contribution                                                                                            Pacific Economic Cooperation’s (APEC) 21 member
to the country’s strong economic growth following                                                                                                economies. According to the World Bank, agriculture,
the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. Agriculture                                                                                        forestry and fishing accounted for 13.1 per cent of
employs more than 30 per cent of the total working                                                                                               Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2017.5,6

Figure 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Source: The World Bank

Relevance of agriculture in select APEC member economies, 2017


                            (% OF TOTAL EMPLOYMENT)

                                                                                                             The Philippines



                                                            7%                                                   10%                                                         13%                                                         16%

                                                                                                       AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING, VALUE ADDED (% OF GDP)


                                                            Only Far East Asian countries where agriculture, forestry and fishing employ over 10 per cent of
                                                            the total working age population have been considered.

5.                                    APEC’s 21 member economies are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia,
                                      Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, United States and Vietnam. Available at:
6.                                    The World Bank, 2017. Available at:

6                                               Agriculture in Indonesia

The sector remains a key driver of economic growth in                                                                   weather patterns. Within the agriculture, forestry and
Indonesia despite the impact of several recent weather                                                                  fishing sub-sectors, cash crops and food crops jointly
events, including the 2014–16 El Niño and 2016 La Niña                                                                  represent over half the sector’s contribution to GDP.7

Figure 3                                                                                                                                                                                Source: BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Contribution of agriculture, forestry and fishing to Indonesia's GDP,
by sub-sector, 2017

     26%                                                        25%                                                      20%                                        12%                                11%
     CASH CROPS                                                 FOOD CROPS                                               FISHING                                    LIVESTOCK                          HORTICULTURAL

                                                                                                                                                                    5%                                                   2%
                                                                                                                                                                    FORESTRY AND

                                                                                                                                                                           AGRICULTURE SERVICES AND HUNTING

Indonesia’s agriculture sector is made up of four sub-                                                                  from cash crops (export value of cash crops at $31,815
sectors: cash crops, food crops, horticultural crops and                                                                million).9 Major food crops, ranked by export value,
livestock.8 The country is one of the world’s largest                                                                   are rice, wheat, soybean, mung bean and peanuts. The
producers and exporters of cash crops, such as palm                                                                     total annual export value of Indonesia’s food crops is
oil, rubber, coconut, cocoa and coffee. These high-value                                                                $171 million. Horticultural crops include vegetables (e.g.
crops dominate the agricultural landscape attracting                                                                    chilli, shallot, cabbage, potato), fruits (e.g. pineapple,
interest from large agribusinesses in the global                                                                        banana, mangosteen, mango), ornamental plants (e.g.
supply chain, with 96.3 per cent of the total value of                                                                  orchid) and medicinal plants (e.g. ginger, turmeric),
Indonesia’s agricultural commodity exports coming                                                                       with a combined export value of $442 million.10

7.    Statistical Yearbook of Indonesia, 2018. Available at:
8.    Agricultural statistics 2018, Ministry of Agriculture. Available at:
9.    The total area of palm oil plantations in Indonesia is currently around 14 million hectares, with most located on the island of Sumatra. Indonesia is also home to approximately 1.7 million hectares of cocoa plantations.
      The island of Sulawesi is Indonesia’s main cocoa-producing region.
10.   Crops are listed by export value.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Agriculture in Indonesia              7

Figure 4                                                                            Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia

Export value of agricultural commodities, by sub-sector, 2017

                       1.3% | HORTICULTURAL CROPS

                                                        1.9% | LIVESTOCK
                        0.5% | FOOD CROPS

                                                                            96.3% | CASH CROPS

Figure 5                                                                            Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia

Export value of cash crops, by crop type, 2017

                      3.5% | COCOA
                                                         5.6% | OTHER

                      3.7% | COFFEE

                                                                             66.8% | PALM OIL
                     4.3% | COCONUT

                      16% | RUBBER

To help identify priority value chains for digital     developed a model that categorises the most attractive
intervention in the agricultural last mile, the GSMA   value chains for digitisation in 71 emerging countries,
mAgri programme and GSMA Intelligence have             including Indonesia (see Figure 6).

8   Agriculture in Indonesia

   Figure 6                                                                                                      Source: GSMA Intelligence, GSMA mAgri programme

   Priority value chains for digital intervention in Indonesia

                                                                        Palm oil 2,408       Aquaculture 1,446
                         5                                  Milk 321

                                                                                                                                        Oil crops 73,060
                         4                    Poultry 700               Tropical fruits 10,335                           Rubber 1,498

                         3                                       Sugar crops 9,573                                                    Cocoa 401



                             1                        2                              3                       4                              5

                                                                            FORMAL SECTOR PROCUREMENT


                                 Bubbles indicate the size of the value chain (volume of formal production in tonnes, 2013)

                                 Using a proprietary model developed by GSMA Intelligence and GSMA mAgri, this figure displays
                                 the 10 most attractive value chains for digitisation. Factors considered include, among others:
                                 size of the value chain (volume of formal production in tonnes, FAO data, 2013), which is shown
                                 by the teal bubbles; formal sector procurement by value chain (horizontal axis); and frequency
                                 of transactions by value chain (vertical axis). Formal sector procurement is a metric calculated as
                                 the weighted average of three sub-indicators: Commercial Activity in the Value Chain (subsistence
                                 crops versus cash crops); Structure of the Value Chain (localised traders versus institutional
                                 buyers); and Share of Exports (consumed locally versus exported). The assumption is that formal
                                 value chains with established structures and well-defined roles and economic relationships
                                 between stakeholders offer mobile money providers greater opportunities for digital payments.
                                 Each value chain has been given an aggregate score (1 to 5) for the sub-indicators; the higher
                                 the score the stronger the potential for digitisation. Frequency of transactions is a major factor
                                 when assessing the viability of a value chain for digitisation, as regular transactions ease liquidity
                                 management for a mobile money provider and provide stable revenues to its mobile money
                                 agents. Similar to formal sector procurement, agricultural value chains receive a score of 1 to
                                 5 depending on the estimated number of transactions per year: 1 transaction (scores 1); 2 to 5
                                 transactions (2); 6 to 20 transactions (3); 21 to 50 transactions (4); 50+ transactions (5).

    Major foreign exchange generators in the agricultural                                In addition to palm oil and rubber, Indonesia is the
    sector, such as palm oil and rubber, have attracted                                  third-largest producer of cocoa beans in the world
    attention from digital agriculture implementers; not                                 after Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Some early initiatives
    for digitisation of procurement payments, but last-                                  in digital agriculture have therefore focused on the
    mile traceability systems suited for monitoring supply                               cocoa value chain, which is one of the country’s
    chain operations. Both these cash crops belong to                                    leading cash crops and has attracted interest from
    formal value chains with established structures and                                  large buyers, such as Barry Callebaut, Cargill, Olam,
    well-defined roles and economic relationships, and                                   ECOM, Mondelēz International and others.
    are likely to offer suitable entry points for digitisation.

                                                                                                                                      Agriculture in Indonesia   9

3.1. Characteristics of last-mile procurement
Crop procurement is still                                                                                          challenges with informal last-mile procurement, in
largely informal                                                                                                   Indonesia, cooperative structures play a less prominent
                                                                                                                   role. This partly explains the informal nature of
In Indonesia, the process by which buyers source crops                                                             agricultural procurement. One of the main issues
from farmers (last-mile procurement) still depends                                                                 affecting the long-term viability of the cooperative
largely on the intermediation of informal traders (or                                                              model in Indonesia is the low rate of member activity.
middlemen or brokers). Although large institutional                                                                Although about 15 per cent of the country’s population
buyers control the processing and export of cash crops                                                             belongs to a cooperative, 30 per cent of cooperatives
in Indonesia, informal traders still play a critical role                                                          have been inactive, in part due to declining
with these high-value crops, and most buyers and                                                                   membership rates, low levels of professionalisation in
producers take their ubiquitous presence for granted.                                                              management and governance of activities.11
There are often several layers of traders between
institutional buyers and producers, fragmenting the                                                                Lack of collateral restricts
supply chain. Farmers sell their crops directly to local                                                           farmers’ access to credit
traders at the farm gate or at nearby warehouses, while
traders connect farmers to markets and informally                                                                  The 2017 Global Findex database shows that, of the
address their financing needs by offering credit, either                                                           199.9 million Indonesians aged 15 and older,12 48.9
in cash or in kind.                                                                                                per cent own an account with a financial institution
                                                                                                                   or through a mobile money provider. For Indonesians
Unlike other emerging markets, like Kenya and                                                                      living in rural areas, this share drops only marginally to
Tanzania in East Africa or India in South Asia, where                                                              47 per cent in the same period. Interestingly, for the
cooperatives or farmer associations play a vital role in                                                           vast majority of Indonesians, financial inclusion means
value-chain development and help producers address                                                                 having a bank account at a financial institution.13

Figure 7                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: The World Bank

Financial inclusion, population aged 15+, 2017

                   FINANCIAL INCLUSION                                             FINANCIAL INCLUSION OVERVIEW                                                         ACCESS TO CREDIT

                                                                                                                                                                  BORROWED FROM A FINANCIAL
                  51% | FINANCIALLY EXCLUDED                                         ACCOUNT AT A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION
                                                                                                                                                               INSTITUTION OR USED A CREDIT CARD

                                                                                    50%                                                                      40%
                                                                                                                                                             35%                                       36%

                                                                                    30%                                                                      25%
                                                                                    20%                                                                                              18%
                                                                                    0%                                        3%                             0%

                  49% | FINANCIALLY INCLUDED                                                   MOBILE MONEY ACCOUNT                                            BORROWED FROM FAMILY OR FRIENDS

11.   International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2017, “The Role of Cooperatives in the Indonesian Economy”. Available at:
12.   The World Bank, Findex 2017. Available at:
13.   In November 2016, the Indonesian Government announced a National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (SNKI). One of its goals is to expand bank account ownership to 75 per cent of the adult population by 2019.

10     Agriculture in Indonesia

Most financially excluded rural residents are farmers                                                               rural areas of Sumatra and Sulawesi islands, which
at the bottom of the economic pyramid (living on less                                                               produce a substantial share of high-value crops. Where
than $2.50/day) who need access to financial services                                                               bank credit is available, it generally requires collateral,
to fund their core agricultural activities and improve                                                              but according to an IFC report, up to an estimated 90
their livelihoods. A farmer’s ability to access credit                                                              per cent of smallholders in Indonesia do not have a
leads to both higher quality crops and higher yields,                                                               formal title to their land.15 Without regular salaries and
which can unlock rural development and stimulate                                                                    sufficient collateral, financial institutions do not have the
further economic growth. While Indonesia is one of the                                                              information necessary to offer credit, let alone in a smart
leading producers and exporters of coffee worldwide,                                                                and meaningful way tailored to the crop calendar and
the productivity of coffee farms is significantly lower                                                             the problems and realities of agricultural production.
than neighbouring Vietnam.14 Better access to financial
instruments could enable Indonesian coffee farmers                                                                  To address the challenge of smallholder farmer
to access better quality inputs and equipment and                                                                   financing, Indonesia’s central bank, Bank Indonesia,
expand their farming activities to boost per hectare                                                                established the Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) programme
yields and profits.                                                                                                 (“Business Credit for People”), a credit guarantee
                                                                                                                    scheme for microfinance institutions (MFIs) lending
The high perceived risk of lending to the agricultural                                                              to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).16
sector is the main reason for the lack of interest in                                                               Agriculture is one of two sectors with the highest
smallholder financing in the formal financial sector. As a                                                          number of eligible MSMEs.17 A recent OECD study
result, the brick-and-mortar network of formal financial                                                            concluded that although the programme has met its
institutions is very thin in rural Indonesia. The bank                                                              objective to increase credit flows to micro and small
branch network is sparse in parts of the archipelago                                                                enterprises, the programme’s high operating costs cast
outside densely populated Java, for example, in the                                                                 doubts on its long-term sustainability.18

14.   In Vietnam, the average size of a coffee farm is similar to Indonesia (about one hectare per household), but average yields are more than three times higher. See IDH, Technoserve (January 2014) “Indonesia: A business
      case for sustainable coffee production”. Available at
15.   Available at:
16.   Under the new KUR programme, farmers can borrow money from a select number of banks without collateral at a current annual interest rate of seven per cent. There are two components of the programme: 1) Micro
      KUR, which has a maximum loan of IDR 25 million ($1,756) and 2) Retail KUR, which has a maximum loan of IDR 500 million ($35,129).
17.   The other sector is wholesale and retail trade.
18.   OECD, 2018, “SMS and Entrepreneurship Policy in Indonesia 2018”. Available at:

                                                                                                                                                                                         Agriculture in Indonesia                11

4. The mobile
ecosystem landscape
Five licensed MNOs dominate Indonesia’s mobile                                                                          bank- and non-bank entities.21 Currently, Telkomsel’s
market: Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, XL Axiata,                                                                          mobile money offering, LinkAja, and XL Axiata’s
Tri and SmartFren. Telkomsel is a 65 per cent-                                                                          service, XL Tunai, are the only mobile money services
owned subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia in which the                                                                       offered by MNOs. Despite the potential of mobile
government is the majority shareholder. The Indonesian                                                                  money to promote financial inclusion among unbanked
Government also retains a minority stake of about 14                                                                    Indonesians, consumer adoption of these mobile money
per cent in Indosat. As of H1 2018, Telkomsel holds a 46                                                                services has been slow due to regulatory limitations that
per cent share of total connections, followed by Indosat                                                                restrict MNO participation in financial services.
(23 per cent), Tri (15 per cent), XL (13 per cent) and
SmartFren (two per cent).19                                                                                             While there are interoperability regulations that allow
                                                                                                                        mobile money users to transact with others across
By the end of 2018, the total number of mobile                                                                          networks, mobile money providers are only allowed
connections represented a market penetration of 132.6                                                                   to partner with registered legal entities as agents
per cent, a 32.5 percentage point drop year on year.                                                                    for the provision of cash-in and cash-out services.22
This sharp decline in mobile connections was due to a                                                                   Consequently, these services are restricted to MNO
new government regulation requiring new and existing                                                                    customer stores and institutional retailer outlets (such
pre-paid connections to be registered with a valid                                                                      as Indomaret and Alfamart), which are present mainly
national identity card (KTP) and family card (KK). This                                                                 in urban and peri-urban areas. An additional challenge
blocked nearly 101 million SIM cards after the 1 March                                                                  to driving adoption of mobile money in rural regions
2018 registration deadline had passed.20 As of mid-                                                                     is low wallet and transaction size limits.23 These limits
2018, smartphone adoption stood at 65 per cent, but                                                                     make mobile money’s value proposition less compelling
is expected to reach almost 90 per cent by 2025 (396                                                                    for business-to-person (B2P) payments to farmers, as
million connections). The vast majority of smartphone                                                                   a single transaction for high-value crops like cocoa and
users are located in urban areas and smartphone                                                                         coffee would typically amount to hundreds of dollars.
penetration in remote rural areas is significantly lower.                                                               Overall, mobile money services in Indonesia tend to
                                                                                                                        focus on use cases such as online shopping, utility bill
Mobile money was first introduced in Indonesia by                                                                       payments and ticket payments that are more relevant
Telkomsel in 2007, with subsequent roll-outs by other                                                                   for the urban customer segment.

19.   GSMA, 2018, “Accelerating Indonesia’s digital economy: Assigning the 700 MHz band to mobile broadband”. Available at:
20. GSMA, 2018, “Indonesia blocks 101M prepaid SIMs”. Available at:
21.   GSMA, 2019, Mobile Money Deployment Tracker. Available at:
22.   Examples of registered legal entities include MNO customer stores, supermarkets and retail stores. Examples of unregistered entities include airtime agents, mobile money agents and pop-up stores.
23.   For Basic Service, wallet and monthly transaction limits are $142 and $1,422, respectively. For Full Service, wallet and monthly transaction limits are $711 and $1,422, respectively.

12     The mobile ecosystem landscape

Largely because of a restrictive mobile money                                                                    agribusinesses and farmers.24 Although forming
regulatory framework, the participation of local MNOs                                                            deeper and more strategic partnerships between
in digitisation initiatives has been mostly peripheral.                                                          MNOs and digital agriculture implementers could
Digital agriculture implementers may use an MNO’s                                                                help to transform the sector by unlocking commercial
core assets, such as mobile connectivity and IoT                                                                 opportunities for both parties while also delivering
technology, to develop their own digital solutions                                                               socio-economic benefits for local populations and
and market them directly to rural stakeholders like                                                              businesses, progress has been rather slow.25

24. GSMA, 2017, “Opportunities in agricultural value chain digitisation: Learnings from Uganda”.
    Available at:
25. eFishery offers a recent example of a strategic partnership between an Indonesian start-up and an MNO. More information is available at:

                                                                                                                                                                  The mobile ecosystem landscape   13

5. Digital agricultural
interventions in
Indonesia has been a hotbed for agricultural innovation       Digital tools that support commercial
in recent years, driven mainly by AgTech start-ups            agribusinesses in optimising last-mile operations
focussed on creating opportunities to optimise                and developing reliable supply chains;
fragmented value chains and connecting crop
producers and buyers in more efficient and profitable         Digital tools that improve producers’ access to
ways. A growing number of Indonesian start-ups have           markets and enhance supply chain efficiency by
developed solutions that optimise the value chain by          formalising last-mile procurement activities; and
addressing pain points faced by both producers and
buyers. For crop producers, poor land practices result        Digital tools for centralised farm and farmer data
in high production costs and sub-optimal yields, while        collection that make data more accessible, facilitate
the dominant role of traders leads to low prices at           rich analytics and allow better data-driven decisions
the farm gate. For crop buyers, such as those in the          for any interested stakeholder (e.g. agribusiness,
palm oil, cocoa and coffee value chains, ever-growing         financial institution, insurance company).
demand for sustainable agriculture practices and
traceable production creates the need for improved        These digital tools can deliver a range of benefits to
systems and processes.                                    crop buyers and producers in agricultural value chains.
                                                          A common output across all types of digital tools
AgTech start-ups are at the centre of this digital        is data. Data generation is a by-product of a digital
transformation, and local and international venture       tool’s value proposition for solutions that address
investment are helping to drive technological             inefficiencies in the agricultural last mile (see sections
innovation in the agricultural sector and improve its     5.1 and 5.2), and tools that centralise data collection
long-term sustainability. The value proposition of        and enable sharing between interested parties (see
AgTech innovators revolves around the need for more       section 5.3). The digital footprint created by AgTech
cost-effective and efficient ways to produce food,        innovation also gives smallholders the potential to
fuelled by the country’s population boom, changing        develop an economic identity that provides financial
food consumption patterns and land scarcity.              institutions with a range of relevant data points to
                                                          assess a farmer’s risk and ability to repay.

This section explores the three main paths of AgTech
innovation in Indonesia, led by start-ups focussed on
three types of solutions:

14   Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

Figure 8                                                                                                                                    Source: GSMA

Digital tools that generate farm and farmer data

                                                                      DIGITAL TOOLS

                   AGRIBUSINESS TOOLS                        DIGITAL MARKETPLACE TOOLS                   DIGITAL TOOLS

                   for monitoring last mile operations       for improving farmers’ access               for centralised data collection
                                                             to markets

                            Optimise existing                         Create new market access                       Establish new ecosystem
                            agribusiness processes                    paths for farmers                              for data collection

                                                                                                                   DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION

                                                                    DATA GENERATION

                     FARM LOCATION    SIZE OF FARM      CROP         NUMBER       TRANSACTIONAL     FINANCIAL          PERSONAL           LAND TITLE
                                                     PRODUCTION      OF TREES         DATA          ACCOUNT          INFORMATION
                                                        DATA                                      OWNERSHIP DATA

                         FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS         INSURANCE COMPANIES               GOVERNMENT                               NGOS

5.1. Digital tools for monitoring last-mile operations
The deployment of digital tools in the last mile allows                         The scale of these challenges becomes apparent when
agribusinesses in Indonesia to address an array of                              considering the multitude of dimensions, systems
business challenges they face when sourcing from                                and processes of last-mile activities. For example, in
farmers. These challenges are often inherent in local                           direct procurement, farmer registration and profiling
agricultural production systems and prevent farmers,                            often involves recording a variety of data points
crop buyers and other value-chain actors from realising                         across numerous categories from several agribusiness
their full potential. For example, using manual systems                         stakeholders, such as field agents, extension agents
to capture data, following inefficient processes in the last                    and others. However, agribusiness field staff are often
mile, lacking transparency in transactions with farmers                         spread across vast procurement catchment areas that
or having poor visibility in the supply chain. These                            extend to remote parts of less-populated Indonesian
challenges create inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the                         islands, such as Sulawesi. In this context, recording
supply chain, increase the cost of sourcing raw materials                       and sharing farmer registration data to facilitate
and managing operations, and have a negative impact                             procurement becomes a challenge.
on agribusiness revenue and profitability. These effects
can be felt across a range of agribusiness activities in                        Agribusinesses may benefit from farm and farmer data
the agricultural last mile, such as farmer registration                         in several ways. First, data can enable an agribusiness
and profiling, crop procurement or the development of                           to design and direct customised products and
transparent and traceable supply chains.                                        services that provide specific and timely support to

                                                                                                        Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia   15

farmers. Data can also drive value-chain development                    Farm and farmer data can also support farmers in
programmes and facilitate communication with                            building an economic identity and benefitting from
farmers. Customised support to farmers is particularly                  the products and services offered by formal financial
important in Indonesia’s cocoa, coffee and other                        institutions. However, traditional pen-and-paper
competitive value chains where farmers are less                         data collection is time consuming and expensive,
dependent on a specific buyer and agribusinesses                        compromises data quality and makes operations
compete to procure crops from the same farmer.                          management less efficient.

Figure 9                                                                                                                 Source: GSMA

Examples of farm and farmer data captured in the registration and
profiling of farmers

Farm and farmer data categories                        Example data points

                 PERSONAL INFORMATION                  Name, gender, family size, ID number

                 COMMUNICATION                         Mobile number, native language

                 FARM                                  Farm location, field size, land title, soil conditions

                 CROP                                  Crops grown over time, varieties grown, plant spacing

                 PRODUCTION                            Cultivation and production data, use of agrochemicals, historical sales data

                 FINANCIAL                             Account ownership, credit and savings, insurance data

In Indonesia’s highly formal value chains, such as palm                 transparency in the supply chain translates into more
oil and cocoa, which are significant to the country’s                   effective management of supply chain operations and
economic development, the requirement for data                          allows activities to be expanded in an environmentally
capturing widens. This is primarily due to the need to                  and socially sustainable way. In Indonesia, there
provide smallholder finance, but there is also growing                  are two dominant models for last-mile digital tools
pressure to meet the needs of sustainability and                        targeting agribusinesses:
traceability initiatives. Demand for traceable products
is steadily growing from downstream supply chain                            A tech provider-led model in which a growing
actors increasingly alarmed by reported cases of                            number of providers with different skill sets and
deforestation and habitat and biodiversity loss from                        capabilities, mainly start-ups, use core MNO assets
crop cultivation. With last-mile procurement still                          like cellular connectivity to develop their tools; and
largely informal in many value chains, non-digital data
collection methods are inadequate at scale.                                 An agribusiness-led model for last-mile digitisation
                                                                            in which an agribusiness may draw on resources
In this environment, the deployment of digital tools                        from a specialist software firm and lead the
could benefit agribusinesses in two main ways:                              development of an enterprise digital tool that
optimising last-mile operations and developing more                         meets organisational objectives.
reliable value chains. For an agribusiness, greater

16   Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

The first model benefits from a tech provider’s agility        Indonesian start-up, Koltiva, has been developing
and highly specialised skill set, which often drive            digital tools under a tech provider-led model. The
innovation in AgTech. However, its success depends             company offers a suite of cloud-based mobile and
on a provider’s ability to tailor digital tools to a variety   web applications (apps) for project and supply chain
of agribusiness client needs, so achieving scale               management that target commodity buyers operating
through roll-out across multiple clients could become          in a range of value chains. Koltiva offers six commodity
challenging. On the other hand, digital tools developed        management platforms that empower sustainability
under the agribusiness-led model are designed to               and traceability management from farm to processing
address the specific challenges an agribusiness faces          facilities and factories. Each platform consists of
when interacting with crop producers. Yet, relying on          multiple modules, including smallholder farm profiling,
external resources for digital tool development could          impact monitoring and result measurement and
slow the development process and create risks that are         producer training administration, among others.
more difficult to predict and manage.

Figure 10                                                                                                               Source: Koltiva

Koltiva’s commodity management platforms

Value-chain actors can access a commodity platform             stations, warehouses and processing factories to
via one of Koltiva’s tailored mobile apps. The                 record post-farm gate transactions. The FarmRetail
FarmXtension app is operated by field agents and               app is used by seedling nurseries and farm input kiosks
used to collect and update farm and farmer data. The           in rural areas for stock management, cash flow and
FarmGate app is used by collectors, traders, buying            customer relationship management.

                                                                                    Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia   17

Figure 11                                                                                              Source: Koltiva

The Koltiva supply chain ecosystem

Koltiva has also developed the FarmCloud mobile          access price and quality information and schedule
app, which gives farmers access to all the information   procurement activities. It also gives farmers access
(stored on the cloud) collected on them by traders,      to inputs and procurement transaction notifications.
input suppliers, field agents and agribusiness           FarmCloud’s link to Bank Rakyat Indonesia permits
extension officers using one of Koltiva’s commodity      farmers applying for credit to authorise sharing of
platforms. To login to FarmCloud, farmers request        their data by text message. The bank can then use the
a password linked to their user profile on the           data to conduct risk profiling, offer loans to farmers or
commodity platform. The smartphone-operated app          recommend bank account opening.
also connects farmers to agribusiness collectors to

Figure 12                                                                                              Source: Koltiva

Koltiva’s FarmCloud farmer app

18   Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

This FarmCloud functionality allows farmers without                                                                   overall visibility of last-mile operations. For example,
credit history to access formal financial services by                                                                 global agribusiness Olam began deploying the Olam
authorising their digital footprint to be shared with                                                                 Digital Origination platform in Lampung Province
a financial institution. For farmers cut off from the                                                                 in August 2017, which consists of a suite of apps
formal financial system, FarmCloud has the potential to                                                               (see Figure 13) within Olam Direct Digital Solutions.
become a stepping stone to digital financial inclusion.                                                               Developed by the Digital Olam team, the platform
                                                                                                                      connects farmer suppliers and rural entrepreneurs
To date, Koltiva’s digital tools have collected and                                                                   with the company’s cocoa business teams, which
processed data from over 215,000 independent                                                                          can coordinate procurement and warehousing more
smallholder farmers and 280,000 smallholder                                                                           efficiently and allocate resources when and where they
farms and plantations, and recorded over 265,000                                                                      are needed. Additionally, Digital Origination’s Farmer
traceability transactions. Koltiva is now targeting                                                                   app allows farmers to check cocoa prices online,
partnerships in markets outside Indonesia.                                                                            access tips on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)26 and
                                                                                                                      indicate their intent to transact with Olam. With this
There is a growing need for these types of digital                                                                    digital platform, Olam aims to establish a transparent
solutions, and AgTech start-ups are only addressing a                                                                 sourcing process and improve traceability in the supply
fraction of agribusiness demand. Some of the largest                                                                  chain. To date, Olam’s Digital Origination has been
buyers in agricultural value chains aim to develop                                                                    deployed to 40,000 cocoa farmers in Indonesia.27
digital tools in-house that support monitoring and

Figure 13                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: Olam

Olam Digital Origination suite of apps

       FIELD STAR APP FOR                                 FARMER APP FOR                                       MICRO COLLECTOR                                    FARMER LEAD APP FOR
      FARMER REGISTRATION                              AGRICULTURE EXTENSION                                  APP FOR CROP MICRO-                                  CROP AGGREGATION
          AND TRAINING                                        SERVICES                                            PURCHASING

26. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) describes the concept of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) as a collection of principles to apply to on-farm production and post-production processes,
    resulting in safe and healthy food and non-food agricultural products, while taking into account economic, social and environmental sustainability. See
27.   For more information on Olam digital tools, see the GSMA report, “Opportunities in agricultural value chain digitisation: Learnings from Côte d’Ivoire”.
      Available at:

                                                                                                                                                                 Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia         19

Given the breadth of farm and farmer data it records,                                                               economic identities and facilitate access to formal credit.
this type of holistic digital tool has strong potential to                                                          In addition to digital tools that are optimising last-mile
support the creation of an economic identity. While                                                                 operations and transparency in the value chain, GSMA
no single data point is likely sufficient to support a                                                              research in Indonesia has found evidence of last-mile
farmer’s credit risk profile, a combination of data may                                                             digitisation in digital tools that improve producers’
be. The face-to-face relationships agribusinesses have                                                              access to markets and enhance supply chain efficiency
with farmers could play a key role in efforts to build                                                              by formalising procurement activities (see section 5.2).

5.2. Digital tools for access to formal markets
Implementing digital technologies in the agricultural                                                               services, it leads to income insecurity, which in turn
last mile can ease the challenges Indonesian farmers                                                                discourages farmers from producing high-value cash
face operating in predominantly informal local                                                                      crops. Cut off from formal markets, farmers can be
markets with weak links between crop producers                                                                      forced into subsistence farming.
and buyers. Fragmented or inadequate access to
formal markets, including supply chain partners, off-                                                               Digital tools can also benefit commodity buyers by
takers and wholesalers, prevents farmers from selling                                                               formalising the last mile. Institutional buyers favour
their produce at a competitive price and generating                                                                 robust market structures that support sourcing of
substantial cash flow. Instead, farmers may take an                                                                 higher crop volumes, predictable revenue streams and
opportunistic approach and sell to cash-rich traders                                                                traceability in the supply chain. To make procurement
at reduced prices that are often negotiated on an ad                                                                more predictable, agribusinesses continuously look for
hoc basis. Informal transactions like these can lead to                                                             opportunities to strengthen relationships with farmers
low returns, volatile cash income and vulnerability to                                                              to promote farmer loyalty (farmers returning to sell
financial shocks.                                                                                                   their crops to the same buyer) and ensure a steady
                                                                                                                    supply of high-quality crops (which traders often
One-to-one interactions based on unstructured                                                                       cannot provide as their procurement strategy is geared
economic relationships are not conducive to building                                                                towards volume rather than quality). With cooperatives
economic identities and gaining access to formal                                                                    in Indonesia largely absent or disempowered to
financial services, such as credit and insurance. Despite                                                           organise farmers, aggregate crops or secure access to
the efforts of the Indonesian Government to support                                                                 markets, crop buyers must look elsewhere for support
those excluded from the formal financial system with                                                                in formalising last-mile activities. Digital tools can help
its credit guarantee scheme, KUR, the relatively low                                                                to address the market gaps that make it difficult to
maximum loan amount for applicants without collateral                                                               match demand to supply.
keeps it restrictive. As a result, farming activities that
require significant upfront capital investment, such as                                                             In Indonesia, AgTech innovation is supporting the
aquaculture,28 cannot rely on credit from KUR.                                                                      development of digital tools that improve farmers’
                                                                                                                    access to markets and formalise the agricultural last
Without enough liquidity, farmers cannot purchase                                                                   mile. These kinds of solutions help build trust and
inputs such as pesticides, fertilisers and seedlings to                                                             benefit farmers and crop buyers alike. Two main
replace ageing trees, invest in farming equipment or                                                                models for these digital tools have emerged. The
expand their activities to boost agricultural production                                                            first is a basic implementation model in which an
and transform their livelihoods. The impact of this                                                                 AgTech provider develops a digital marketplace and
is grave for crops like cocoa since yields decline                                                                  markets it directly to farmers and buyers who become
drastically as trees age. When exclusion from formal                                                                responsible for matching demand to supply. In the
markets accompanies poor access to formal financial                                                                 second model, an AgTech provider builds on the basic

28.   GSMA interviews with aquaculture farmers in Indonesia revealed that the cost of a single fish pond can exceed $2,000. Micro KUR’s maximum loan amount is IDR 25 million ($1,756).

20     Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

implementation model to become directly responsible                                                            platforms and exercising quality control and identifying
for the marketing and distribution of crops, in charge                                                         defects. Through this process, AgTech providers
of logistics, warehousing and the identification of                                                            become stakeholders in the agricultural value chain,
producers and buyers. It also takes responsibility for                                                         taking on the role of formal commodity buyers that
outreach activities in rural areas for farmer acquisition                                                      procure crops from farmers that they subsequently sell
and education, integrating online payments on its                                                              to institutional buyers or consumers.29

Figure 14                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: GSMA

Levels of value chain control by digital marketplace tool owners

                                                                                                                                                                         LEVEL 5
                                                                                               CAPITAL INTENSITY                                                       CORPORATE:

                                                                                                                                     LEVEL 4
                                                                                                                                 QUALITY CONTROL

                                                                                                  LEVEL 3
                                                                                            PAYMENT FACILITATION
                                                                                               AND LOGISTICS

                                                                LEVEL 2
                                                            FARMER AND BUYER

                                LEVEL 1

                                                                                VALUE CHAIN INTEGRATION AND CONTROL

Indonesian AgTech start-up, Tani Group, has                                                                    business model is divided into two main lines: a digital
developed a holistic solution (see Level 5 in Figure                                                           marketplace under the name TaniHub and a peer-to-
14) that encompasses a digital marketplace and                                                                 peer lending platform called TaniFund.
marketing and distribution functions. Tani Group’s

29. GSMA, 2019, "E-commerce in agriculture: new business models for smallholders' inclusion into formal economy". Available at:

                                                                                                                                                       Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia   21

Figure 15                                                                                                  Source: Tani Group

TaniHub’s business model


                        INDUSTRY                                                                   HOTELS
                                                        T ANI H UB                              RESTAURANTS
                                                                                               AND CATERINGS



With its smartphone-operated app, TaniHub creates              services and its own vehicles to distribute produce
direct links between crop producers and buyers                 to customers. Examples of buyers that use TaniHub
by eliminating the need for multiple traders and               to source crops include commodity buyers seeking
formalising last-mile procurement. In doing so, TaniHub        to supplement procurement volumes; supermarket
aims to secure a fair price and reliable payment               chains, such as Lottemart, Giant and HERO; and hotels.
service while also cutting the cost of a buyer’s internal      TaniHub also operates TaniXpress, its own logistics
marketing or sourcing team. Staff checks the quality           service that collects and distributes crops across a
and grade of the produce to meet buyer requirements,           network of producers and buyers.
and Tani Hub uses a mix of third-party delivery

22   Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

Figure 16                                                                                                         Source: Tani Group

TaniHub’s digital marketplace app

                  ORDERS                            ON TANIHUB APP

Through its lending platform, TaniFund, Tani Group            For undersubscribed programmes, TaniHub becomes
invites lenders to invest in agricultural programmes.         the programme guarantor and partners with banks
While some programmes may crowdfund to meet                   for supplementary lending. To control risk, TaniFund
the capital requirements for marketing and selling            monitors and supervises farmer activity during the
agricultural produce, other programmes request                cultivation process and delivers on-farm education
lending to fund the establishment of new plantations.         and training. The company disburses funds to farmers
Farmers in TaniFund are selected and recommended by           periodically when programme milestones are reached
TaniHub based on their trading track record. TaniHub          and shares monthly updates with lenders. At harvest,
integrates transactional records from the sale of crops       all crops are sold through the digital marketplace,
in the marketplace with other farm and farmer data            TaniHub. TaniFund then applies a profit-sharing system
that TaniFund collects as part of its due diligence           whereby lenders, farmers and TaniFund share the profit
process. These records are used to assess the viability       40:40:20. Returns are distributed monthly or annually
of a farmer’s business plan and their ability to sell crops   depending on the programme, with initial capital
and repay the loan at the end of the funding period.          investment disbursed when the programme ends.
Transactional records generated by a last-mile digital
tool therefore become a vehicle for assessing a farmer’s
awareness of financial planning and financial planning
ability, and for addressing their need for credit.

                                                                                  Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia   23

Figure 17                                                                                             Source: Tani Group

Example of a cultivation programme on TaniFund

To date, TaniHub has helped more than 17,000               RegoPantes is a digital marketplace in Indonesia
farmers sell their crops on its digital marketplace by     designed and operated by AgTech start-up, 8villages.
listing over 60 kinds of fresh produce and over 60         This smartphone app aims to offer guaranteed quality
institutional buyers. It has also supported about 900      of farm produce and fair prices for farmers. It connects
cultivation programmes that receive funding through        producers and buyers directly for the procurement of a
its crowdfunding platform, TaniFund, by engaging           wide variety of crops. Although the app was launched
more than 1,150 lenders. Each cultivation programme        as an e-commerce platform to connect farmers and
represents one or more farmers while the total value of    consumers, it is currently expanding its coverage to
investments raised to date exceeds IDR 45 billion ($3.16   channel fresh produce to institutional buyers, including
million) distributed across 61 projects.                   commercial agribusinesses.

24   Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia

Figure 18

RegoPantes digital marketplace app

In addition to offering farmers new sales channels to       The next section presents the third use case for last-
connect with the right buyers efficiently and receive       mile digitisation in Indonesia, which builds on the
competitive prices, digital marketplaces like TaniHub       power of digital tools to centralise data collection. It
and RegoPantes also generate a significant volume           creates opportunities for data-driven decision making
of digital transactional data. This digital footprint can   and the possibility to leverage data sets from various
allow banks and other financial institutions to more        sources to build sophisticated credit scoring models for
accurately assess the creditworthiness of farmers and       untapped consumer segments.
help previously unbanked farmers relying on informal
credit to secure formal financing or gain access to
savings or insurance products.

                                                                                 Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia   25

5.3. Digital tools for centralised data collection
With the rise of AgTech in Indonesia, an increasing                                                                 and fish behaviour data obtained through eFishery
amount of agriculture-related data has become                                                                       is valuable for credit scoring, especially for a sector
available in digital form. Data points such as farm and                                                             like aquaculture that suffers from severe climatic
farmer records (see section 5.1), as well as transactional                                                          and market risks. The monetisation of data is in the
data from the procurement of crops, are proving useful                                                              company’s strategic roadmap.
to value chain actors, for example, to gain visibility in
the last mile or to ensure traceability and certification                                                           While more and more data is becoming available,
of crops. These data points are also becoming valuable                                                              the challenge of sharing and aggregating data
for stakeholders outside the agricultural sector, such                                                              between interested stakeholders remains. So far,
as financial service providers targeting the rural                                                                  there have been one-to-one agreements for data
segment. Crucially, this digital data can enable farmers                                                            sharing between individual entities, as exemplified by
to establish a functional economic identity (see section                                                            the Koltiva partnership with Bank Rakyat Indonesia,
2) and enable them to access a range of services,                                                                   where farmers using the FarmCloud mobile app
including financial services.                                                                                       can authorise sharing of their data when applying
                                                                                                                    for credit (see section 5.1). Potentially any AgTech
As mentioned in previous sections, the smallholder                                                                  company or digital solution provider with relevant
financing gap is due to two main factors. On one                                                                    agricultural data could form similar partnerships
hand, financing suffers from the high perceived risk                                                                with financial institutions, or with value chain actors
of lending to the agricultural sector at large, with                                                                interested in improving smallholders’ access to
smallholder farmers particularly affected by their                                                                  finance, such as agribusinesses or cooperatives.
inability to offer collateral to lenders. On the other
hand, financing suffers from a lack of farm and farmer                                                              However, data ownership is still a significant issue, as is
data points (e.g. formal documentation, economic                                                                    sufficiently incentivising farmers and other institutional
transactions) that lenders need for credit risk profiling.                                                          actors that collect and own farm and farmer data,
Combined with traditional data points, digital farmer                                                               such as agribusinesses and NGOs, to share this data.
data creates an economic history that becomes part of                                                               Farm and farmer data represent a key asset for
a farmer’s broader digital identity, opening access to                                                              agribusinesses in formal value chains, especially when
formal financial services.                                                                                          companies operate in environments where farmers
                                                                                                                    may have access to multiple buyers and where last-
The digital tools presented in this report all generate                                                             mile digital tools are used to build farmer loyalty.30
data that can be used in innovative credit scoring
models to assess the creditworthiness of smallholder                                                                Effective data sharing is another key challenge
famers. For example, transactional data from the sale                                                               even with the use of blockchain technology. While
of crops on TaniHub (see section 5.2) can build the                                                                 distributed ledgers offer significant scope to address
economic history of farmers who sell their crops on                                                                 the issue of data sharing effectively and securely across
this platform. Similarly, Koltiva has built links with                                                              networks of interested stakeholders, consistent and
the financial sector to allow farmers to share data                                                                 standardised data collection is still a challenge, even
generated through its platforms and allow banks to                                                                  for single stakeholders collecting data for their own
perform credit risk assessments (see section 5.1).                                                                  purposes. For example, agribusinesses collecting farm
                                                                                                                    and farmer data to boost visibility and efficiency in
The growing number of agricultural Internet of Things                                                               the last mile often encounter internal challenges using
(IoT) solution providers entering the market are also                                                               the data when the unique identifiers for farmers are
generating valuable data points. eFishery, for example,                                                             not used consistently. This problem is exacerbated
is an IoT solution that monitors livestock behaviour via                                                            when different stakeholders exchange their own
sensors, allowing farmers to schedule feeding times                                                                 independently generated data.
for fish via a smartphone app. The feeding, production

30. In commercial value chains, farmer loyalty generates higher procurement volumes that support the growth of agribusiness. See GSMA mAgri, 2018, “Opportunities in agricultural value chain digitisation: Learnings from
    Ghana”. Available at:

26    Digital agricultural interventions in Indonesia
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