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AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services


AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services
Your gateway to local experts is an exciting pan-European ground services alliance.
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AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

LETTER FROM                                                                     AGS
                                                                                                                                            SUMMER/AUTUMN 2016


                                                                               FORSYTH BLACK:           GROUND        O CANADA! HOSTING         WORLDWIDE DIRECTORY
                                                                               IN CHARGE                HANDLING AT   29TH IATA GROUND          OF GROUND
                                                                               AT MENZIES               FINNAIR       HANDLING CONFERENCE       SERVICE PROVIDERS

              his issue of Airline Ground Services was put together by
              its team of editorial and commercial staff in time to be        PARVEEN RAJA
              distributed in Toronto at the 29th IATA Ground Handling
              Conference, the premier annual ground handling industry
              conference. In a world of Facebook, Twitter and Skype,          MEGAN RAMSAY
it might seem anachronistic that people still take the time to travel
hundreds of miles to meet face to face.
    Whether or not US writer Mark Twain ever said that reports of his         HARLEY KHAN
death were greatly exaggerated when he read his own obituary in a             Head of Commercial
newspaper, the same could be said of industry conferences.
    The old ad sales adage is that ‘people buy people’. In terms of           TAMSIN ROBERTS
conferences, ‘people meet people’. Meeting old friends on stands,             Events Coordinator
or making new friends in the conference hall, are the keys to why
businesses still invest time and money in a presence at an international      SHOBHANA PATEL
conference. You might even get a juicy order by turning up.                   Head of Finance
    In this issue, we look at Canada, the host country for the IATA
Ground Handling Conference. We track down Forsyth Black, the new              CHARLOTTE WILLIS
broom at the head of menzies aviation. Fancy pitching to Finnair to be        Events and Circulation
a new contractor? We show you how.
    We consider the current state of play for European ground                 SHELDON PINK
handlers, two decades after the EU liberalised the market. In 2014,           Creative Director
London Heathrow Terminal Two opened with a new approach to
baggage handling. Some two years after the opening, we ask how it has         Address changes and subscription orders to:
worked out.                                                         
                                                                              ISSN 2040-476X
    Alongside this, we have our usual round-up of items that are of
interest to our ground handling readers.                                      EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS
    We have begun to pack our bags for Toronto. It might be old               David Smith, Eugene Gerden
                                                                              and Martin Courtney
fashioned, but we still like the face-to-face opportunities such a
conference provides. Q

                                                                              PUBLISHED TWICE A YEAR BY
                                                                              EVA International Media Ltd
                                                                              Boswell Cottage, 19 South End
                                                                              Croydon, London CR0 1BE
                                                                              Tel: + 44 (0) 20 8253 4000
                                                                              Fax: + 44 (0)20 8603 7369

                                                                              PRINTED BY
                                                                              Headley Brothers
                                                                              The Invicta Press, Lower Queens Road
                                                                              Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HH, UK

                                                                              DISTRIBUTED BY

                                                                                                                                                                      EVA INTERNATIONAL MEDIA LTD
                                                                                                                                                                      PUBLISHERS & EVENTS SPECIALISTS

                       JAMES GRAHAM                                           Is s u e 2 1 © 2 0 1 6 | w w w. e v a i n t . c o m
                       Editor                                                 Content may not be reproduced in any
                                                                              format without written permission from
                                                    EVA International Media Ltd                                          SUMMER/AUTUMN 2016 Airline Ground Services 1
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

                                               1   Editor’s Letter
                                               4   How Finnair is handled

                                               6   Pegasus: Turkish delight for Pegasus Airlines

                                               8   Pegasus workshop

                                               12 Forsyth Black Interview: new opportunities at Menzies

                                               14 European ground handlers round-up

                                               20 Catering: Gourmet dining at 35,000ft

                                               26 New network ideas

                                               30 Runway queues: Cutting them down

                                               32 LHR T2: Common use works

                                  26           34 Ukraine: $200 million modernisation bill

 40                                            37 ;BlSF(SPVOEJOHMPTUMVHHBHF

                                               38 Toronto and Canada: competitive ground handling

                                               40 "GlOJ*OUFSOFUPG5IJOHT

                                               48 Industry update

                                               51 AGS Directory

2 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                              
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services
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AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

Flag-carrier Finnair makes high demands on its third-party
airline ground service providers. James Graham talks to
Mikko Tainio, head of ground operations, on how to make
the grade as a supplier

            innair’s business strategy         DOING BUSINESS
            is to leverage its far north-      Third-party ground handlers enter
            ern location as a country to       into relationships outside of Helsinki
            work as a bridge between           through a range of pitching, tendering
            Europe and Asia. Shorter           or competition, depending on the
distances across the northern great            station in question. According to Tainio,
circle mean travellers to and from Hel-        there are a number of ways would-be
sinki have quicker journeys than the           suppliers can come forward.
busier and longer southern routes to               He says: “There are different ap-
destinations in China, Asia and Aus-           proaches depending on the destina-
tralasia.                                      tion. In the case of new destinations
    According to Tainio, Helsinki is           we try to include all the possible op-
so important to the business activity          tions to the tender process. In the
of the airline that there is no way the        current destinations we try to im-
airline will risk handing its ground ser-      prove our operational quality and
vices to third-party operators.
    He says: “As our strategy focuses on
Europe-Asia network traffic, we view
our Helsinki hub customer service as so             What we are focusing on is
vital that we keep it in house to make           building good career and training
sure we are flexible with new products             paths to keep all the talented
and concepts for our customers. All                     employees with us
other ground handling is outsourced.”                         Mikko Tainio
    The legacy carrier claims to be one
of the most innovative, safest and long-
est-operating airlines in the world.
Finnair’s route network connects Asia,         cost level with the cur-
North America and the northern re-             rent suppliers while still
gions of Europe and beyond through             always keeping our eyes
its hub at Helsinki Airport. Helsinki’s        open for would-be com-
geographical location provides Finnair         panies.
with a natural competitive advantage,              “Naturally it is pos-
as the fastest routes between many             sible to dispense with
destinations in Europe and mega-cit-           any supplier if they don’t
ies in Asia go through the city.               meet our expectations,
    The company employs approxi-               but this rarely happens.”
mately 4,800 professionals and its rev-            The airline has es-
enue in 2014 was approximately €2.3            tablished a template
billion.                                       contract for ground
    Outside of Helsinki Airport, Fin-          service      providers
nair uses a wide selection of national         with      standardised
and global suppliers at its 20 Asian           contract terms. How-
and 100 European stations. When pos-           ever, Tainio acknowl-
sible, the airline aims to co-operate          edges there is always
with its preferred suppliers. A typical        some need to adjust
agreement length varies from one to            the details to match
three years.                                   the local operations

4 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                     
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

                                                                             Credit: Finnair
                                                                                               tion on luggage delivery, just pops into
                                                                                               their mobile device.
                                                                                                   “There is an ever-increasing num-
                                                                                               ber of self-check-in kiosks and also
                                                                                               online, mobile and app check-in pos-
                                                                                               sibilities available. Also the automated
                                                                                               bag drop has become widely used at
                                                                                               Helsinki Airport, with plans to expand
                                                                                               to other countries and stations as well.
                                                                                                   “Next in line we are exploring per-
                                                                                               manent bag tags as home-printed bag
                                                                                               tags – that would enable the customer
                                                                                               to skip one step at the airport and go
                                                                                               directly to the bag drop.”

                                                                                               GREEN HELSINKI
                                                                                               Tainio has ‘ownership and management’
                                                                                               of the Helsinki hub ground operations for
                                                                                               the carrier. This reflects the importance
where the airline is established.           and competitive operation. By driving,             the airline places on the station.
    Tainio leads a well-functioning         managing and tracking the most                         He says: “Helsinki Airport and its
team of 300 ground handling staff           substantial profitability enhancement               location is absolutely vital for Finnair,
on three continents and several             project to date, he achieved cuts of               making possible the 24-hour rotations
thousand outsourced service partner         €200m by the end of 2015.                          of our Asian wide body fleet and mak-
employees globally. Like most opera-            He says: “As my background is more             ing a huge impact on our customers’
tors in the aviation industry, Finnair      in airline finance and administration               transfer experience. As Finnair and
faces a range of headaches in secur-        there has been a learning curve – but              Helsinki Airport continue to grow
ing and retaining trained and profes-       at the end of the day, as with any post,           together, we are making sure that
sional staff.                               90% of what you need leadership, a                 all traffic continues to run at least as
    He says: “There is a lot of geo-        well-functioning team and a huge ap-               smoothly as it is currently doing. When
graphical variance; we are seeing a lot     petite toyou’re your hands deep into the           we succeed the impact is growth of our
of turnover in staff in the US, for ex-     details when needed!”                              traffic, revenue and – also – Finnair’s
ample, whereas in Asia we have coun-            The operational performance, with              and our partners’ bottom line.”
tries with staff of tenures well over 20    on time-performance achieving 89.5%                    The airline currently operates a
years.                                      in 2015, is absolutely vital, he believes.         range of 52 aircraft, including Air-
    “In Finland we are among the most       Without it, Finnair’s heavily banked,              bus A330s, A340s, A321s, A320s and
lucrative employers so getting talent in    transfer-focused traffic structure could           A318s. It also operates Embraer 190s
is not that hard; what we are focusing      not be as successful as it is. Robust              and 170s. Given its icy homeland, it
  on is building good career and train-     processes, active operational steering             comes as little surprise that its use of
       ing paths to keep all the talented   and partnerships that work well, es-               de-icing liquid is great. In fact, the air-
         employees with us.”                pecially at Finnair’s hub, are key ele-            line had a target to reduce anti-icing
               Asia stands as a region      ments in this achievement.                         fluid usage by 40% by 2016.
          likely to see growing need                                                               Tainio says: “The de-icing truck’s
           from Finnair for airline         TRENDS IN GROUND HANDLING                          proportional mixture system accord-
           ground services: under its       Finnair’s ground handling activities               ing to the Out Air Temperature for
           long-term plans, the carrier     are reacting to changing passenger                 Type-I fluid, and use of alternative
             aims to double Asian traf-     practices and desires across the flying             de-icing methods such as brooms, hot
             fic by 2020 from the 2010      public. Tainio’s role is to monitor these          water and forced air, has reduced the
              level.                        developments and tailor Finnair’s                  use of de-icing fluids significantly, but
                                            offering in ground handling services as            actual usage of de-icing fluids depends
             LEARNING CURVE                 appropriate.                                       on the weather. We are also constantly
              Tainio     has      headed        He says: “Customers want to                    looking for new methods to reduce the
              up     Finnair’s    ground    customise their journey – the times                need for de-icing fluids.”
               operations since June        when the ticket included all services                  The airline also takes a green atti-
                2015. He came to the        are gone and now a wide selection of               tude to its ground handling suppliers,
                post with an unusual        ancillary services is valued, be it seat           notes Tainio.
                background:      aviation   upgrades, lounge access or choice                      He says: “Environmental issues are
               finance. At Finnair for       of food. We are increasingly focus-                an important part of the supplier se-
              11 years, Tainio’s last       ing on providing these through digi-               lection process and we demand that
              position as head of Group     tal channels as well as through our                ground handlers follow our supplier
              Business Control Finnair      ground staff.                                      code of conduct and audit and monitor
              saw him leading change            “Transparency comes through the                our suppliers. As such, we do not have
              in the demanding airline      customer having a constant under-                  exact diversity targets for suppliers,
               industry,    transforming    standing of what is happening next                 but equality and non-discrimination
               a legacy airline into        and any irregularities; for example, a             are foundational values for Finnair
               being a lean, efficient       new itinerary suggestion, or informa-              and part of our audit programme.”                                                          Summer/Autumn 2016 Airline Ground Services 5
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

                                                       Pegasus Airlines is a 26-year-old Turkish
                                                 low-cost airline headquartered in Istanbul with
                                                                bases at several Turkish airports

                                                               hen Pegasus Airlines looks to work with
                                                               third-party ground handlers, it seeks compa-
                                                               nies that can offer services at several of its
                                                               destinations both domestically and interna-
                                                               tionally. Murat Demirbilek, vice president
                                               ground operations, says: “Having a regional representative
                                               for ground operations means we can easily implement any
                                               changes as necessary through them. We have contracts and
                                               SLAs with different companies across different airports that
                                               can offer the highest standard of service quality for Pegasus
                                                   Pegasus currently self-handles all its aircraft at Istanbul’s
                                               Sabiha Gökçen and Izmir Adnan Menderes stations. This ac-
                                               counts for 50% of its network. As of June 2016, it will provide
                                               ramp services to its aircraft at Sabiha Gökçen.

                                                                                  Murat Demirbilek, vice president
                                                                                  ground operations, Pegasus Airlines

6 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                              
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

    Demirbilek says: “Our mission is
to offer safe, efficient and proactive
ground operations at a time when we
are experiencing fast growth above
our projections; as any operational
delay can create a domino effect that
affects the on-time performance on                                                                     PEGASUS WORKSHOP
our entire network. One of the most
                                                                                                       Pegasus Airlines has just held its
significant contributors to our on-
                                                                                                       two-day 3rd Pegasus Workshop,
time performance is our ground han-
                                                                                                       aimed at examining and resolving
dling time, which we call PITSTOP,
                                                                                                       ground handling issues at the
and which is our main key perfor-
                                                                                                       Turkish low-cost carrier.
mance indicator (KPI).”
    The airline currently has a fleet of 69
aircraft and operates scheduled flights to                                                              See our report on Page 8.
103 destinations in 41 countries.
    Demirbilek says: “When we’re
launching a new route, we initiate and                   Demirbilek observes: “This is of                “We have check-in kiosks in 12 of
establish a relationship with ground                 paramount importance to us. In our              our domestic destinations for quick
handling companies. We strongly be-                  stations across Turkey we provide our           self-service check-in. At Sabiha
lieve that competition improves ser-                 ground handling services in just 20             Gökçen we recently deployed 30 SITA
vice quality. We place great value on                minutes. We’re also the only Turkish            new-generation kiosks, helping us to
building strong long-lasting relation-               airline to publish its on-time perfor-          cut the time spent at check-in. We will
ships with our current partners.”                    mance openly on its website and have            soon also be introducing ‘bag tag’ func-
                                                     been for many years. What lies behind           tionality to enable our guests to print
20 MINUTES                                           our success is our strategic planning           their own tags. These new features will
The carrier seeks to achieve top-of-                 based on conditions, close monitoring,          allow our guests to spend less time in
the-tier punctuality and operational                 supporting and investing in our per-            queues and at counters, and allow us to
performance among competing airlines                 sonnel, investing in technology and as          use the counters in the terminal more
in matters such as aircraft punctuality              managers, always being with our col-            efficiently to prevent them from being
and luggage left behind.                             leagues on the ground.                          stretched to near capacity.”

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                                                                                                                                                                          Summer/Autumn 2016 Airline Ground Services 7
AGSAIRLINE GROUND SERVICES - Airline Routes & Ground Services

                                                                                          6th-8th April 2016
      A two-day workshop was
staged by Pegasus Airlines to
 examine and resolve ground
handling issues at the Turkish
   low-cost carrier. The event,
  held in Istanbul, allowed the

                                                              mong executives who         mance, safety and emergency response,
     airline to meet with third-                              took workshops at the       CRM, contract and network auditing
    party and in-house ground                                 event    were:    Murat     and, lastly, mishandled baggage.
                                                              Demirbilek, vice presi-         Mishandled baggage is a big con-
             handling operators
                                                              dent ground operations,     cern as it costs Pegasus almost Ð1 mil-
                                               who opened the two-day gathering;          lion annually. A disgruntled passenger
                                               Nilgün Pekel, manager, baggage ser-        spoke of her negative experiences in
                                               vice; and Deniz Saltık, manager, con-      resolving an issue with her daughter’s
                                               tracts and network auditing. Topics        damaged suitcase.
                                               covered included: mishandled bag-
                                               gage; on-time performance; and the         WHY HOLD AN ANNUAL WORKSHOP?
                                               power of social media.                     Why does Pegasus feel that it is
                                                   The theme of the workshop was an       important to hold an annual workshop?
                                               evaluation of 2015’s operational per-      Senior vice president Bogac Ugurlutegin
                                               formance. Almost 200 management-           is straightforward. He says: “It is a
                                               level participants attended from 37 in-    chance for us to bring our staff and all
 Bogac Ugurlutegin, Senior vice                ternational and 31 domestic stations.      our ground service providers together to
 president, Pegasus Airlines                   Participants were mainly handling          discuss the issues that we as an airline
                                               company managers and GSAs.                 face and how we can work together in
                                                   Demirbilek opened the workshop         addressing them which is not only in our
                                               with a look back at Pegasus’ 2015 oper-    interest but also our service providers.
                                               ations, giving an overview of the issues       “We want all our partners around
                                               that concerned him and how can the         the world to feel part of the Pegasus
                                               airline help the passenger checking,       family. The workshop also gives a
                                               baggage and ramp handling process.         chance for our partners to tell us how
                                                   The speakers outlined issues re-       we can improve or help them; this is
                                               lating to a number of topics that were     our way of supporting them.
                                               important to the airline such as: DCS,         “The workshop is not just about
                                               social media impact, on-time perfor-       us telling the ground service partners

8 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                             

                                                what we are not happy with, it works        them. Partners can update Pegasus on
                                                both ways – we want to know how we          new reporting procedures, new sys-
                                                can help them in establishing a better      tems that are being implemented and
                                                working relationship. We as an air-         how everyone is doing on KPI targets.
                                                line understand how important it is         The airline also shares data about air-
                                                that our ground service providers feel      craft damage, baggage damage and
                                                part of a team and we are all working       lost customer complaints.
                                                together to provide an excellent cus-
                                                tomer experience; we have to remem-         AWARD SCHEME
                                                ber that by outsourcing the ground          Pegasus has an awards ceremony,
                                                services at different airports they [the    rewarding high standards of service.
                                                ground service providers] are an im-        The awards are presented at a
                                                portant part of our operation as our        glittering gala at the end of the two-
                                                passengers are not aware that they are      day workshop. Ugurlutegin says: “We
                                                not the airline.”                           want to reward the best-performing
                                                    The workshop also gives Pegasus’s       stations and we have done this by
                                                partners a chance to tell the airline how   annualising the data, that’s how we
                                                it can improve its performance or help      decide on who gets the awards.”

                                                                                            Best Excess Performance
                                                                                            Doha (DOH) Qatar Air Services
                                                                                            Hatay (HTY) Celebi Aviation
                                                                                            Stuttgart (STR) Stuttgart
                                                                                            Ground Service
                                                                                            Izmir (ADB) Havas AS & Pegasus

                                                                                            Best On-Time Performance
                                                                                            Izmir (ADB) Havas A.S & Pegasus

                                                                                            Best Baggage Handling
                                                                                            Tbilisi (TBS) TAV Urban Georgia
                                                                                            Mus (MSR) Havas AS

                                                                                            Best Document Performance
                                                                                            Bergamo (BGY) AGS Handling
                                                                                            Sabiha Gökçen (SAW) Pegasus

                                                                                            Best Station 2015
                                                                                            Konya (KYA) Havas AS

10 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                              
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At the start of 2016, the                                    he exit of Jeremy Stafford     our business forward in the ground
                                                             after just 15 months in post   handling and cargo sectors, ensuring
departure of Jeremy                                          as CEO of John Menzies         we meet the highest standards in safe-
Stafford from his role as                                    for personal reasons gave      ty, security, quality and consistency
                                                             the former Menzies Dis-        along the way. I’m very excited about
John Menzies CEO opened                         tribution managing director Forsyth         the opportunity I’ve been given. I’m in
the door for Forsyth Black                      Black the chance to step up to the plate    it for the long haul.”
to quickly move into the role                   as managing director of Menzies Avia-            Black’s promotion comes some
                                                tion with immediate effect.                 two decades after EU liberalisation of
of president and managing                           Stafford had left just a few weeks      ground handling services. There are
director of Menzies Aviation.                   after Menzies issued a profits warn-        many working in the European ground
James Graham asks,                              ing following problems with its ground      handling industry who have only
                                                handling contract at London Gatwick.        worked in the liberalised environment.
where will he now take the                      In the event, the company satisfac-              Whether the move has worked is
worldwide ground handler?                       torily concluded negotiations over          for others to say. Black, however, is
                                                contractual issues and trading was          clear on how he sees the competitive
                                                brought in line with forecasts. The         environment in 2016. He says: “It’s
                                                company remained confident of meet-         vibrant, which is great. Menzies Avia-
                                                ing expectations for the full year ended    tion welcomes competition; it keeps
                                                31 December 2015.                           us honest and pushes us to be on our
                                                    This slight bump in the road failed     best game. While the industry has seen
                                                to dent Black’s confidence on arrival in    some torrid times during the global re-
                                                post as president and managing direc-       cession, it’s still indisputable that the
                                                tor. He says: “My focus is on driving       20 years since the European market

12 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                              

opened up have coincided with a huge           the low-cost carrier (LCC) also ar-
boom in air travel.                            rived just as the EU was expanding.
    “I still see Europe as a growth area,      Elsewhere in North America and Asia,
and I relish the challenge of compet-          established legacy carriers were sud-
ing for our slice of that growth over the      denly confronted with game-changing
next few years.”                               competition. This created a new gen-
                                               eration of passengers, often flying on
CAREER MAN                                     aircraft with no cargo, who wanted
Edinburgh University graduate Black’s          flights at the cheapest possible fares.
career at Menzies began more than a                 Ground handlers, too, were con-
decade ago when he joined the Scottish         fronted with a new way of working.
firm from an unlikely source. He had             No cargo to load, fastest-ever turna-
previously worked for four years at              rounds, shifts in on-board catering
broadcaster Sky Television.                       and a new business environment
     Since joining in mid-2003, Black              meant handlers had to change.
has worked for both the ground han-                   Black says: “LCCs have had a
dling and media distribution arms of               huge impact on the way we do busi-
the business.                                      ness. They’ve driven us to build a
     He says: “My career has been de-              business around managing concen-
fined by taking new opportunities                  trated volume at big airports. It’s a
– I launched our ventures in Africa                challenging environment, but it has
and India – so I’m fundamentally a                 pushed us to find process improve-
glass-half-full person. I see oppor-              ments and adopt new technologies
tunity everywhere, and I’m opti-                  in order to meet that challenge.”
mistic about our prospects for this
year and beyond.”                                FUTURE PROOFING
     Menzies Aviation is a global                 How do you future proof a company
provider of passenger, ramp and                  like Menzies Aviation? Black considers
cargo handling services. It has                 a straightforward approach is best. He
grown rapidly since its concep-                says: “Our future proofing comes from
tion in 1995. Through a combi-                 the portfolio nature of our business.
nation of organic growth, acqui-               By spreading our operations across a
sitions and the development of                 truly diverse base – multiple airports,
niche opportunities, it has es-                countries, customers and products –
tablished itself as a major force              we give ourselves sufficient breadth of
in the international ground han-               interests to weather what turbulence
dling industry.                                may appear in any one area.”
     Operating at 149 stations in 31                One growing area of interest to
countries and supported by a world-            many people both inside and outside
wide team of more than 21,000 people,          of the industry is the issue of a ‘green’
it serves over 500 airline customers han-      airport. Black is tuned into concerns
dling over 1.0 million flights and 1.6 mil-     and will point Menzies towards a
lion tonnes of cargo per annum.                greener future. He says: “It is very
                                               important. As stakeholders in global
STAFFING ISSUES                                aviation, we all have a responsibility
Many companies in the sector are               to set the tone with respect to the en-
aware that changing demographics in            vironmental agenda. We can see tech-
many markets are leading to a crunch           nology emerging now which helps us
in the availability of suitably trained        move toward a greener apron, and
professional staff. Black is no different      indeed we already operate equipment
in acknowledging the biggest challenges        such as electric pushback trucks in
in recruiting for ground handling, and         various locations. As the available de-
he knows how he can overcome this.             vices advance in sophistication and
    He says: “As the global economy            reliability, our adoption of them will
recovers, and we move closer to full           increase accordingly.”
employment, it becomes harder to                    Just a few months into his new
secure the right people to push our            role, Black is already shaping Menzies
business forward. We’re not alone in           for the future.
having this problem, and there are no               “Put simply, I’m excited about the fu-
easy answers. We need to be smarter            ture,” he says. “I am committed to driv-
in the way we approach recruitment,            ing up quality and standards in every
we need to cast our net wider, and we          part of our business, until Menzies Avia-
need to look harder in order to find           tion is the undisputed benchmark for
our candidates.”                               excellence in our industry. In the days
    In Europe, at the same time as lib-        ahead, I’ll be completely focused on
eralisation in ground handling occurred,       bringing that vision to life.”            Summer/Autumn 2016 Airline Ground Services 13

             GROUND HANDLING

                                                               s an indication of how        aircraft de-icing, cabin cleaning and
                                                               much has changed in           dressing, exterior washing and in-
      Since 1997, the provision                                the European Union and        terior cabin works such as carpet
             of ground handling                                the wider aviation mar-       manufacture and seat cover replace-
                                                               ket since the directive       ment, and with operations at 12 UK
         services in the EU has                 was signed, when ink was put to paper        airports, says managing director Ni-
     been covered by Directive                  there were only 15 member states and         gel Daniel. In November 2014 and
             96/67/EC. This was                 the Euro was two years in the future.        for the first time, the company moved
                                                    Since then, there has been free          into passenger and baggage handling
         introduced to open up                  competition for the majority of ground       at Gatwick Airport
      ground handling services                  handling services at larger EU airports,         Observing the competitive environ-
        to competition, ending                  resulting in more choice for airline         ment in European ground handling,
                                                customers. In turn, improved service         Daniel sees a mixed story. He says:
       the existing monopolies                  levels, including sharper and quicker        “Competition is not good in southern
      that kept prices high and                 turnarounds, allow airlines more free-       Europe as even where it looks like
                                                dom to consider passing on savings to        it meets the regulations, this is hid-
          service standards low
                                                passengers and freight forwarders.           ing issues. In northern Europe, it has
                                                    With some of the world’s busiest         driven down cost below breakeven and
                                                and more intense airport operations,         so trashed the quality in many airports
                                                ground handlers may not find a to-            and with many handlers.”
                                                tally free market. Member states may             This year, Daniel is pleased to an-
                                                limit the number of suppliers in cer-        ticipate strong demand for the com-
                                                tain service categories, such as baggage     pany’s activities. However, in certain
                                                handling, ramp handling, fuelling and        areas of the business, such as aircraft
                                                freight services. In these cases, the min-   presentation, competition issues mean
                                                imum number of suppliers has to be           it will be very hard to trade profitably.
                                                two and at least one of the suppliers has    He says: “2016 will be a major chal-
                                                to be independent of the airport or the      lenge to make a profit in aircraft pres-
                                                dominant airline at that airport. Some       entation due to the above. Demand
                                                airlines choose to self-handle, with sim-    is good, until the real price is offered
                                                ilar rules on competition applying.          to make a margin and then demand
                                                    Airline Services Handling is a UK        drops from many airlines.
                                                ground handler offering various ser-             According to Daniel, Airline Ser-
                                                vices including full ground handling,        vices, which provides a range of servic-

14 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                               

es to, among others, Monarch, Emir-                                                        Szymczak says: “In general, the
ates, United, Turkish Airlines, EasyJet,                                               Directive created quite a liberal, open
British Airways, Lufthansa, Air Malta,                                                 market situation in ground handling
Air Baltic, Aurigny, Ryanair, Flybe and                                                which was, in fact, the goal of the doc-
Thomson, is typical in experiencing                                                    ument. It did not envision one conse-
issues in recruiting high volumes of                                                   quence – the openness of the EU mar-
staff: “It is very challenging in many                                                 ket to strong players from the Gulf and
areas of the UK especially with the re-                                                Turkey who are aggressive economic
cent growth of the automotive industry                                                 players on European turf. This is es-
and large scale on line sales distribu-                                                pecially problematic for established
tion” he says.                                                                         ground handling companies in the EU,
                                                                                       such as Turkish competition at Buda-
‘ICE BREAKER’                                                                          pest Airport (BUD) or Riga Interna-
Poland was not a member state when                                                     tional Airport (RIX).”
the directive was signed. However,          Nigel Daniel, managing director,
earlier competition had been introduced     Airline Services Handling                  GEO-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS
into Polish ground handling, making                                                    Szymczak’s general business confidence
the eventual implementation of the                                                     is positive, though there are geo-political
directive much simpler. That is the        Chopin Airport, creating duopolistic        pressures that are creating issues for
opinion of Tomasz Szymczak, a member       competition replacing the earlier mo-       ground handlers, especially in Poland.
of the board of Warsaw-based Welcome       nopoly of LGS (now known as LS Air-         Confidence is neutral in the legacy and
Airport Services.                          port Services).”                            low-cost part of Welcome’s business and
    Szymczak says: “The EU Directive          At present, there is competition be-     rather pessimistic concerning its charter
96/67 has been successfully imple-         tween Welcome and LS at John Paul II        flight operations. This is due in part to
mented in the so-called new member         International Airport Kraków (KRK),         Arab Revolution instability in southern
states without major obstacles as some     Gdansk Lech Wałesa Airport (GDN)            Mediterranean countries, especially
competition had been introduced al-        and Katowice International Airport          Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey.
ready earlier. Our company was formed      KTW). For five years, at WAW Chopin             He says: “These used to be popular
in 2000 as Warsaw Airport Services         Airport, there have been three main         summer destinations for Polish tour-
– from 2013 as Welcome Airport Ser-        players: Welcome, LS and Lithuanian         ists. Now the drop (Jan 2016 com-
vices. It was the ‘ice-breaker’ at WAW     handler BGS.                                pared to Jan 2015) is 95% in the case                                                    Summer/Autumn 2016 Airline Ground Services 15

of Tunisia and around 70% in both                                                               Twenty years after the signing of
other countries.”                                                                           Directive 96/97/EC, Hiersche notes
    In general, Szymczak is seeing an                                                       mixed levels of competition in the mar-
ongoing push for lower rates, especial-                                                     ket. He says: “It depends on the airport
ly from low-cost players, stability with                                                    you are providing services at. In some
some improvements among legacy car-                                                         cases competition is driven by pricing.
riers and also growing cost awareness                                                       Airlines try to decrease their costs by
among the Gulf carriers, which is a                                                         reducing services or force their sup-
relatively new phenomenon.                                                                  pliers to provide the same services for
    Welcome’s airline clients across                                                        a cheaper price. In this situation the
its stations include Wizz, IAG, AFKL,                                                       competitors are destroying their price
Emirates and easyJet. The handler is                                                        structure, which reflects less invest-
facing issues in attracting operation-                                                      ment and negative results in their P&L.
al personnel, especially at the lower                                                           “In other cases there is not enough
ranks. There is a more stability at up-          David Hiersche, managing director,
                                                                                            volume for multiple companies pro-
per echelons but pressure for better re-         ISS Ground Services                        viding the same services. For example
muneration is ongoing, comparable to                                                        at regional airports with fewer than 2
the situation in Western Europe, con-                                                       million passengers, the daily volume
siders Szymczak.                                some regions, implying uneven traffic       does not cover the costs of two or three
    He is of the opinion that after 20          development and business across air-        providers. And then there are special
years of existence and several unsuc-           lines and countries.                        cases where hardly any competition
cessful developments, the directive                                                         exists. The local top dog, like the air-
is in need of revision. It is especially        RETHINKING SERVICES                         port provider itself, restricts access for
important that the regulation must              David Hiersche, managing director of        any independent service provider who
reflect the open nature of modern EU            Vienna-based ISS Ground Services, is        would like to offer services but cannot
business.                                       of the opinion that the ground handling     compete due to local restrictions.
                                                industry is in a state of flux at present,       “As an example, consider the pric-
EUROPEAN AND GLOBAL                             with the new rules being formulated as      ing for facilities and infrastructure,
Since EU ground handling deregulation           the market evolves.                         which is sometimes not transparent,
took place, there have been considerable            He says: “In my opinion the ground      and the start-up costs, which are very
changes in the ground handling market           handling market and the services will       high. A lot of money needs to be paid
with ongoing opportunities to tap into          change. In some cases we have to re-        for office/warehouse rental which does
new countries and stations. That is the         think our services and the prices we        not meet the requirements or even
opinion of Simon Messner, Swissport             offer. Tailor-made solutions will be-       current standards – no air condition-
senior vice president ground handling           come more and more important, which         ing, old buildings etc – but there is no
Europe West, Central and East.                  forces more flexibility on the one hand     other option as these are the only facil-
     He says: “Driving innovations in           and leads to more complexity in the         ities available for independent service
key areas and standardising processes           business.                                   providers.”
are main factors for Swissport to de-               “Airlines need to distinguish what          ISS provides ground operations at
liver the highest quality to customers,         they pay for a specific service and what    four Austrian airports as well as inter-
such as on-time departure and short             is included in the service. Services        national stations. Its main business is
baggage delivery times.”                        and the single prices behind a flat-        aircraft cleaning (interior as well as
     While Swissport serves more than           rate pricing structure need to be more      exterior).
200 million passengers worldwide                transparent. This would give airlines           Hiersche says: “Due to the increas-
and is present at major airports in 48          the possibility to adjust the services to   ing numbers of low-cost carriers, the
countries, the ground handling market           meet the requirements and show them         requirements have changed. Many
will further develop in Europe over the         the possible savings.”                      airlines are reducing transit cleaning
coming years.                                                                               or have cancelled it to decrease their
     Messner says: “For Europe we ob-                                                       turnaround times and costs. Night-
serve a growing number of turnarounds                                                       stop cleanings, in these cases, became
and consequently a stable demand for                                                        more and more important, which gives
ground handling services. Further out-                                                      us better staff planning opportunities
sourcing will support this trend. It will                                                   and therefore better pricing options
be key to have global solutions with                                                        for the customer.”
standardised processes and exchange                                                             ISS’s major clients are Austrian
on a daily basis with the customer to                                                       Airlines, NIKI Luftfahrt, Eurowings
drive efficiency and quality.”                                                               EU, Germanwings and Celebi Ground
     Overall economic growth in the in-                                                     Services Austria GmbH. It is respon-
dustry is positive for 2016, supported                                                      sible for the transit and night-stop
by continued low oil prices, strong de-                                                     cleaning of Celebi’s customers at Vi-
mand for travel, and increasing capaci-                                                     enna International Airport.
ty. The airline industry saw a good year                                                        Elsewhere in Austria, Swissport
in 2015 in terms of profitability and re-                                                   International and Flughafen Graz
turn on capital, he considers. However,          Simon Messner, senior vice president       have launched a joint venture: Swis-
there is some uncertainty given the po-          ground handling Europe West, Central       sport Cargo Services Graz. It offers a
                                                 and East, Swissport
litical and economical turbulence in                                                        wide range of cargo services and is set

16 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                               

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                                                                                                  “Luckily for us, we are able to re-
                                                       “We are delighted to have              tain, motivate and offer our staff such
                                                      our customers’ long-lasting             working conditions as help us to min-
                                                      USVTUXIJDIJTSFmFDUFECZB          imise personnel defections. However,
                                                     strong demand for our ground             when it comes to business expansion,
                                                           handling services”                 finding a qualified specialist may be-
                                                        Gytis Gumuliauskas, CEO, BGS          come a true challenge. One of the ways
                                                                                              to support business development is to
                                                                                              train our own, new ground handling
                                                                                              talents who become skilful and loyal
                                                                                              professionals afterwards.”
                                                                                                  BGS services key international
                                                                                              and regional airlines such as Aeroflot,
                                                                                              Air Berlin, Air France, Alitalia, DHL,
                                                                                              easyJet, El AL, Etihad Airways, fly-
                                                                                              dubai, Lufthansa, Norwegian, Small
                                                                                              Planet Airlines, Turkish Airlines and
                                                                                              Wizz Air.

                                                                                              NORWEGIAN WOOD
                                                                                              Aviator and Norwegian Air Shuttle
                                                                                              are to extend their ground handling
                                                                                              service contract at London Gatwick
                                                                                              until October 2020, and include
                                                                                              Manchester Airport (MAN) in the
to handle an estimated 10,000 tons of           as airlines of all types are pushing their    same agreement.
air freight every year for its customers        costs down, forcing ground handling               The move follows negotiations
– airlines and freight forwarders.              providers to constantly search for new        which commenced before Christmas
    Graz Airport has one of the most            price optimisation and added-value            2015. Norwegian’s award comes at a
modern, functional cargo infrastruc-            solutions. This includes development          time when the airline is increasing its
tures in the South-East Europe region           of various IT solutions for more accu-        operations at LGW with about 20%
and is Austria’s third-largest regional         rate scheduling and resource planning,        more flights. Following the decision
airport.                                        integration of LEAN methods, invest-          Aviator will also take over Norwegian
                                                ment into personnel training as well          at Manchester Airport as from 1st
COMPETITION IS HIGH                             as more flexible price rates for airlines     May 2016. Currently, Norwegian has a
BGS (Baltic Ground Service) is a                serviced in several different airports by     daily service to any of the three Scan-
provider of ground handling, aircraft           the same provider.                            dinavian capitals from MAN with a
fuelling, liquid ADR logistics and                  “Price is not the only factor in the      plan to increase these services.
training services as well as IT solutions.      competition since quality and safety of           Vanessa Branch, Aviator service
The company operates in Lithuania,              services remain highly important for          delivery manager responsible for the
Latvia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine.             the carriers. After all, ground handlers      Norwegian operations in the UK, says:
BGS supports both domestic and                  service passengers on behalf of a car-        “I am very proud of the hard work and
international air carriers in Vilnius,          rier, meaning that poor service levels        dedication of the Aviator LGW team,
Kaunas, Palanga, Riga, Warsaw, Krakow           will most likely result in passenger          which has gone a long way to help
and Katowice, as well as Ramenskoye,            complaints and thus impact the carri-         secure the Norwegian contract. Eve-
Boryspil, Kiev, Odessa and Lviv airports,       er’s image. All in all, airlines definitely   ryone should be very proud of their
handling over 2.4 million passengers            benefit from the current market com-          achievement.”
and 12,700 flights annually.                     petition, while for ground handlers it
    In 2008, BGS became the first in            means a constant struggle for process         VIRGIN WIN
Europe and one of 10 world ground               optimisation and development of new           Cobalt Ground Solutions was formed
handling companies to be awarded                services while ensuring a high level of       on 1st April 2009 by the merger of
with the ISAGO safety and quality               safety/quality and flexible price levels.”    two ground services subsidiaries of Air
certificate for ground handling ser-                                                          France and KLM in the UK – formerly
vices. The company is also a member             TRUST                                         Air France Services Ltd (AFSL) and
of IATA’s Ground Handling Council               In the ground handling market,                KLM Ground Services Ltd (KGS).
(IGHC) and an ISO 9001:2008 certi-              Gumuliauskas says: “We are delighted          With a strong team of around 700
fied organisation.                              to have our customers’ long-lasting trust     staff, it offers ground handling services
    Gytis Gumuliauskas, CEO of BGS,             which is reflected by a strong demand          at London Heathrow Airport Terminal
says: “Competition in the ground                for our ground handling services in           3 and Terminal 4 to a large portfolio
handling market is as high as ever.             current airport as well as the continuous     of airlines.
Without any doubt, the EU Directive             growth of our annual traffic.                      Its most recent win has been ramp,
adopted back in 1996 played a signifi-              “It is no secret that the aviation        baggage, and lost and found services
cant role in the process, but it is not         industry is rapidly growing, and the          forthe Virgin Atlantic Airways LHR Ter-
the only factor. The ever-growing low-          shortage of experienced specialists is a      minal 3 operation. The handler current-
cost airlines have also contributed to          topical issue not only for airlines, but      ly offers below-wing services to Delta Air
higher competition in the GH market,            for any other industry employer as well.      Lines and Japan Airlines at LHR.

18 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                                 
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                                                 For the vast majority of passengers airline food is the bland pap
                                                BJSMJOFGPPEDBOCFTPNFUIJOHFMTFFOUJSFMZDavid Smith tucks in

                                       n the rarefied world of the super-         GRANDS CHEFS
                                       rich, Saudi princes, pop superstars,      Legacy carriers that hang on to full, silver
                                       Premier League footballers and Hol-       service menus for first and premium
                                       lywood actors order whatever food         passengers tend to opt for headline, celebrity
                                       they like, whenever they like. The cost   chefs to craft meals to complement the
                                is irrelevant. If an essential ingredient can    considerably higher ticket prices demanded.
                                only be found thousands of miles away, the           Airlines can now spend as much as
                                catering companies will have to fetch it.        US$50 a person serving signature dishes
                                    Few airline catering companies are           from celebrity chefs to their first and pre-
                                equipped to deal with the caprices of the        mium passengers. Likewise, the wine menu
                                mega-wealthy. They must have highly              can often cost an airline the same. Unlike
                                trained and flexible chefs, a complex and        coach passengers, first class and business
                                rapid logistics operation to track down          class passengers often think about an air-
                                unusual ingredients at short notice and          line’s food. Managers know that airlines
                                kitchens located near the haunts of the          can certainly lose a customer by offering a
                                super-wealthy.                                   poor menu.

20 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                            

    For instance, on Air France flights
departing from Paris, meals crafted
by Joël Robuchon, Régis Marcon, Guy
Martin, Anne-Sophie Pic and Michel
Roth are available. Their signature
meals alternate every two months so
regular passengers have something
new to discover. At the same time, the
airline’s wine list is updated every two
    On flights provided by Air France
departing from Los Angeles, New
York and Washington and travelling
to Paris-Charles de Gaulle, for a full
year from March 2016, dishes have
been created by Daniel Boulud, the
renowned US-based Michelin-starred
French chef. His flagship restaurant
‘Daniel’, listed as one of the top 10 res-
taurants in the world, is acclaimed for
its cuisine and service. “Daniel Bou-
lud brings creativity and soulfulness        awarded Michelin stars or Gault Millau          In 2013, British Airways asked chef
to dishes based in French technique          toques. The German carrier also uses        Heston Blumenthal to make umami
and enlivened with global flavours and       celebrity chefs, such as Diethard Ur-       a key ingredient in his attempt to add
spices,” said the airline.                   bansky, to create its menu.                 more flavour to first class and premium
    On long-haul Lufthansa flights                Qantas has stayed with the same         British Airways menus to counter the
from Germany, top chefs create dishes        executive chef for 15 years. Neil Perry     fact that passengers lose about 30% of
for the ‘Culinary Delights’ concept in       AM is an Australian chef and restaura-      their ability to taste as a result of ex-
first class. These chefs, who change eve-     teur who is the co-ordinator for Qan-       tremely dry cabin conditions and high-
ry two months, belong to the top rank        tas Flight Catering under his company       altitude pressure inside airplanes.
of the gourmet world and have all been       Rockpool Consulting.                            Umami is an ingredient known as

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the ‘fifth basic sense’ after its discovery                                                      “Our chefs work 24/7 and I don’t
by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda                                                     even have a key to the front door as it’s
in 1908.                                                                                    never shut. Rather than having 10 chefs
                                                                                            on duty, which is normal, we might
DEMANDING CLIENTS                                                                           have only two in quiet periods, but
For charter and private aviation, catering                                                  never less. When we get highly complex
for premium and first class service is a                                                     orders, we might call people in on their
more bespoke, smaller scale operation                                                       days off.”
than the legacy carriers.                                                                       Air Gourmet started life in 1990 as
    In the US, three catering compa-                                                        a small business run by a former flight
nies dominate this market. There is                                                         attendant. Saven saw the potential for
the pioneer in the field, New York-                                                         growth and bought it in 1996. At that
based Rudy’s Inflight Catering, Silver                                                      stage, Air Gourmet catered for 10 flights
Lining in Florida and Air Gourmet,               Barry Saven, President, Air Gourmet        a day and now it caters for an average
which has kitchens in both Los Ange-                                                        of 60 from its two bases. The nature of
les and Las Vegas.                                   Hollywood’s movie stars are capa-      those flights varies widely. “One order
    Meanwhile, in the UK, On Air                ble of making demands for meals that        might be for orange juice, an LA Times
Dining is a relative newcomer that              no ordinary mortal would contemplate        newspaper and yoghurt on a short
has established itself in a remarkably          eating. One renowned movie ‘tough           flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles.
short time.                                     guy’, who cannot be named because of        Another could be a highly complex or-
    Barry Saven, the South African-             the tradition of discretion in the luxury   der for breakfast, lunch and dinner for
born president of Air Gourmet, says             catering market, ordered a rattlesnake      a plane load flying to Europe, or Asia.
there are no limits to the challenges set       steak. “We worried for a moment that        That might involve 10 chefs working all
by clients and the critical element in          we wouldn’t be able to find it, but we       day to complete it. The value of a flight
the success of his business in this niche       sourced it in 20 minutes, had it deliv-     ranges from as little as $200 to in ex-
is flexibility. “We are dealing with very        ered in 20 minutes and cooked it so it      cess of $100,000.”
privileged people and they can order            was ready an hour after the order came          Air Gourmet guards its reputation
animal parts that our chefs have never          in,” Saven said.                            for quality food carefully. Whereas Air
even heard of,” he said. “I had a Mid-               Air Gourmet’s kitchen facilities are   Culinaire Worldwide uses third-party
dle Eastern prince who wanted a white           found at the intersection of two major      local kitchens under its own name, Air
truffle sauce on his mashed potatoes             Los Angeles freeways and a street away      Gourmet only puts its name to food
and we couldn’t get fresh white truf-           from Beverly Hills, home to actors and      cooked fresh in its kitchens. It does,
fles anywhere in the US. I had to get            celebrities. Almost any ingredient can      however, have an affiliation with both
someone in Paris to source them and             be sourced in LA at short notice by the     Silver Lining, in Florida, and Rudy’s, in
put them on a plane as unaccompanied            logistics team and delivered by the fleet    New York. All three companies recom-
luggage. A driver met the plane at LAX          of Air Gourmet vehicles. Deliveries ar-     mend using their partner caterers on
airport and brought it to the kitchen by        rive at all times of the day or night.      their home territories.
which time we had a short time to pre-
pare it. It cost a ridiculous amount of
money, but he didn’t care.”
                                                                                     Almost any ingredient can be sourced in LA
                                                                                        at short notice by the logistics team and

22 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                              
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                                                                                           its own fleet of branded vehicles deliv-
                                                      “We are dealing with very            ering the food from its 3,500ft2 kitchen

                                                   privileged people and they can          in the Diamond Hangar at Stansted, to
                                                  PSEFSBOJNBMQBSUTUIBUPVSDIFGT       airports all over England and Wales. It
                                                     IBWFOFWFSFWFOIFBSEPGv             is packaged to make it easy to cook in
                                                                                           steam ovens, microwaves, or conven-
                                                              Barry Saven
                                                                                           tional ovens. From there, the food is
                                                                                           eaten mainly on flights to the Middle
                                                                                           East, Europe, Russia and the US.
                                                           “He saw the niche because           The menus have a classical French
                                                        the food being served to the       bent, but clients can choose what they
                                                        wealthy yacht owners on their      want. All food is prepared in a way
                                                         private jets was of such a low    that conforms to the science of cook-
                                                        standard,” said Robinson. “The     ing at altitude. “It’s known that food
                                                        catering companies thought         loses 50% of its taste because of de-
                                                       they could buy a 40p Brakes         hydration and air pressure affecting
                                                     chicken and throw on a coq au vin     your taste buds and sinuses. So we use
                                                sauce, then charge £30 just because it     more salt and exploit the umami fac-
                                                was a private jet. Daniel saw they were    tor,” said Robinson.
                                                getting a bum deal and decided to bring        Having established itself as the
                                                fine dining to the market.”                 main British caterer for the super-
                                                    Hulme approached Alison Price          rich, On Air Dining has expansion
                                                Catering with the idea of starting an      plans. “We’ve grown a phenomenal
                                                aviation wing. They liked the idea and     amount quickly and we now want to
                                                Alison Price On Air was formed, which      establish a network around the world.
                                                lasted four years. Hulme then decided      It depends how the model is taken up,
NETWORK                                         to break away and formed On Air Din-       but one option is to partner local pro-
The UK’s On Air Dining has become an            ing in October 2014. Growth has been       viders and to make sure they serve the
unofficial member of the network and             rapid. The company started with seven      high-quality food that is hard to find
Air Gourmet advises its clients to use the      employees, but now it has 30 and it        in most places.”
Stansted Airport-based British caterer          is only a couple of months away from
when they fly to London. This is a great         being profitable. In March this year, it
mark of respect for a company that only         served 584 people on 131 flights. The
began trading on October 1st, 2014.             average cost was £900 per flight.
    On Air Dining’s clientele is similar
to Air Gourmet’s. They are the unim-            MICHELIN-STARRED
aginably wealthy. “Ultra-high net worth         Like its American counterparts, On Air
individuals are defined as having £5-10          Dining relies on highly trained chefs.
million in cash at their disposal. But          Most have worked at Michelin-starred
most of our clients are even wealthier,”        restaurants. The chefs use the technique
said Charlie Robinson, COO. “We ca-             of ‘sous vide’, a method of cooking that
ter for some of the richest people from         seals food in airtight plastic bags and                              Charlie Robinson,
Britain and around the world.”                  places them in a steam cooker for longer                             COO, On Air Dining
    London-born chef Daniel Hulme               than during normal cooking. “All
was the inspiration behind On Air Din-          restaurants use it for some parts
ing. Hulme had experienced luxury din-          of the menu, but we have
ing while employed as a chef at Scott’s         taken ‘sous vide’ to another
of Mayfair and later he catered for the         level by making sure all
wealthy elites holidaying in Juan Les           proteins and vegetables
Pins in the South of France. But it wasn’t      are tender and full of
until he worked for some of the sailing         flavour and ready to be
teams in the Americas Cup in Valencia           frozen and portioned
in 2007 that Hulme realised there was           out,” said Robinson.
a gap in the market for a luxury caterer.           On Air Dining has

                       “Ultra-high net worth individuals
                       in cash at their disposal. But most
                       Charlie Robinson

24 Airline Ground Services Summer/Autumn 2016                                             
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