Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA

Page created by Perry Nunez
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
Age- Friendly                                                                With Home

        GUIDE                                            An Age-friendly Communities project supported by:

    Inner South-East Metropolitan Region
(Belmont, Canning, South Perth, Victoria Park)

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
Table of Contents
      Introduction......................................................................... 3
      Social Housing..................................................................... 4
      Public Housing..................................................................... 5
      Community Housing........................................................... 8
      Community Housing Providers......................................... 9
      National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS)............... 32
      Additional Details on NRAS Rentals................................ 33
      Private Rentals.................................................................. 35
      Further Housing Assistance............................................. 36
      Useful Organisations and Links...................................... 37
      Useful Organisations and Links...................................... 38

Connect With Home:       Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                      2
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
      This Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide             housing stress. Wendy looked into options     including food, clothing, housing, medical
      is one of the outcomes of Connect with             to meet the current and future needs of       care and necessary social services,
      Home, a project developed by Connect               older women renting in the community,         and the right to security in the event
      Victoria Park Inc and funded by the                and received input from the group in form     of unemployment, sickness, disability,
      Department of Communities’ Age-Friendly            of tips and stories of lived experience.      widowhood, old age or other lack of
      Communities Program. The project                                                                 livelihood in circumstances beyond his
      researched Age-Friendly housing options            In collecting information for the guide,      control.”
      in the Cities of Belmont, Canning, South           consideration was given to the multiple
      Perth and the Town of Victoria Park, and           difficulties faced in the private rental
      supported older single women to explore            system: rent increases, insecure tenure,
                                                         eviction notices and inadequate or unsafe     Connect With Home acknowledges the
      secure housing options that would meet                                                           Nyoongar Whadjuk people - traditional
      their needs into the future.                       housing. Safe, secure and affordable
                                                         housing becomes more important as             custodians of the land on which the project
      Connect with Home ran from June 2020               people age, therefore the focus of this       took place. We wish to acknowledge the
      to March 2021. Twelve women joined the             guide is Social Housing – made up of          strength of their continuing culture and offer
      project to document their current housing          Public and Community Housing, which           our respects to Elders past and present.
      situation, personal experience of searching        may include retirement villages and
      for secure housing, and individual needs           independent living units – and the National
      and aspirations for housing in the future.         Rental Affordability Scheme.                  Connect With Home and Wendy Morris
                                                                                                       wish to acknowledge the following
      The women met regularly to explore                 Connect With Home group will continue to      organisations which were of immense
      current awareness and knowledge about              support each other in to the future, and      support and assistance in this project:
      housing options, as well as resources              contribute to increase housing literacy in
      to build this knowledge and increase               the community. This Rental Guide should       Sussex Street Community Legal Centre –
      confidence. Connect With Home tried                assist in that endeavour.                     East Victoria Park
      to match needs and aspirations to                                                                Department of Communities – Cannington
      appropriate housing options identified,            The spirit of Connect with Home echoes the    Access Housing
      providing support for the women to apply.          United Nations Universal Declaration of       City of Canning
                                                         Human Rights:                                 Connect Victoria Park
      This guide is the result of research done                                                        Foundation Housing
      by Wendy Morris, Connect With Home’s               “Everyone has the right to a standard of      Juniper/Rowethorpe
      Project Officer and herself an older woman         living adequate for the health and well-      Southern Cross Housing
      with past experience of living under               being of himself (sic) and of his family,     Stellar Living
                                                                                                       Swan Care

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                  3
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
Social Housing
      Social Housing is the overarching term
      used to describe all subsidised housing in
      Western Australia, provided for those in           According to Shelter WA, with 44,000
      need for the duration of their need.               dwellings, Social Housing makes up 4.1%
                                                         of homes in Western Australia – of those,
      Social Housing includes Public Housing,            76% are Public Housing managed by the
      which is managed by the Housing                    State and 24% are managed by Community
      Authority (Department of Communities),             Housing providers.
      and Community Housing, which is
      affordable housing for people on low-to-           Currently there are around 14,000
      moderate incomes with a housing need,              applicants on the Joint Waiting List (JWL)
      managed and operated by a number of                for social housing and the average wait
      independent, not-for-profit organisations.         time is 2.5 years.


                               +                                           =
          PUBLIC                                 COMMUNITY
         HOUSING                                  HOUSING

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                4
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
Public Housing
      Public Housing is a very secure form of            •   Not own or partly own property or land    Read through carefully prior to visiting the
      housing for people on low incomes who do               (there are some exceptions for people     office.
      not own a home. Rent will always remain                who cannot reside in a dwelling they
      at 25% of the tenant’s income.                         own e.g. leaving domestic violence)       It contains information relating to:

      Public Housing may be apartments as                •   Not have cash assets in excess of         •   Eligibility
      well as free standing houses. There is                 $38,400 (singles) or $63,800 (couples),   •   Proof of identity
      some housing specifically made available               $80,000 (seniors 60 years plus singles
                                                                                                       •   Proof of income
      for older people. The suburb with the                  or couples)
      largest concentration of Public Housing                                                          •   Proof of assets
      is Fremantle, with nearly 12% of its               •   Be able to prove your identity
                                                                                                       •   Housing needs
      housing stock, followed by Belmont and             •   Be 16 years of age or above
      Bassendean.                                                                                      •   Housing zones information

      Public Housing in the Perth Metro area is          There are also income limits that you,
                                                                                                       You can also get telephone help by
      divided into zones representing adjoining          your partner and any co-applicants must
                                                                                                       calling the Department’s main office at
      suburbs. When applying, you can select             abide to.
                                                                                                       (08) 6217 6888 or 1800 176 888. You will
      the area you wish to live in – but not                                                           be transferred to your office of choice. You
      the specific suburb – and the type of
                                                         Application                                   will be emailed or posted the application
      accommodation you require. Waiting                                                               form.
      times will vary between zones depending            To apply for Public Housing, you need to
      on demand and the amount of public                 complete the Department of Communities’       For the South Metro area covered by
      housing in a specific area.                        Application for Rental Housing form,          this guide, the closest Department of
                                                         available online and from all Department      Communities/Housing Authority office
                                                         of Community offices. Once the form is        locations are:
      Eligibility                                        completed, it can be lodged at any office     Victoria Park Office
      To be eligible for Public Housing, you             or mailed in.                                 269 Albany Highway
      must:                                              Applicants need to establish proof of         Victoria Park 6100
                                                         identity and provide income details when      (08) 9350 3700
      •   Be an Australian citizen or permanent
          resident                                       lodging the form.
                                                                                                       Cannington Office
      •   Live in Western Australia and receive          The Department of Communities’                17 Manning Road
          your income here                               Information Booklet contains important        Cannington 6107
                                                         information to assist you when applying       (08) 9350 3244
                                                         for rental accommodation.
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                5
Age-Friendly RENTAL HOUSING GUIDE - Wit Hom - Shelter WA
Joint Waiting List
      When you apply for Public Housing with             If you are offered a property and you
      the Department of Communities’ Housing             decline the offer without “good reason”,          Group Tip
      Authority and are deemed eligible,                 your application will be removed from the
      you will be added to the bottom of the             wait list for some time.                          Be prepared to provide proof of your
      particular wait list for the property zone                                                           reason to reject a housing offer, for
                                                         According to the Housing Authority, valid         instance, a medical statement or
      and accommodation size you have been
                                                         reasons to refuse a housing offer include:        pictures of a property you consider not
      approved for.
                                                                                                           clean or safe. If you need to appeal a
                                                         •   Property does not meet medical
      The wait list is managed by the                                                                      Housing Authority decision, you can
                                                             needs, i.e. need for ground floor
      Department of Communities and                                                                        access assistance from Sussex Street
      registered Community Housing                                                                         Community Law Service to avoid
      organisations, that’s why it’s called a Joint      •   Property does not meet requirements,          losing your place in the Joint Wait List.
      Wait List.                                             i.e. change in family size;
      Your application will move up the list             •   Family and domestic violence, i.e.          The Housing Authority will review your
      as times goes on. When you get to the                  family of perpetrator living in the area    application each year to confirm that
      top of the wait list, you will be offered              offered;                                    you are still eligible for and in need of
      accommodation. In this way, all applicants                                                         assistance. If your contact details or
      wait for their turn and don’t get housed           •   Private lease, i.e, unable to break lease
                                                                                                         postal address change, you must advise
      ahead of others on the same wait list.                 at time of offer.
                                                                                                         the Department of Communities so the
                                                         If the reasons for declining an offer are       Housing Authority is able to reach you with
                                                         considered invalid, you have the right to       the review.
        Group Tip
                                                         appeal the decision.
        Even though the Joint Wait List is
        long, you have to be in there to be
        offered accommodation. So don’t be
        discouraged by the waiting times, as
        there is a chance you will be housed
        sooner than you expect – and there’s
        also the opportunity to apply for priority

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                 6
Priority List
      If you have a priority need, you may be
      eligible for priority housing assistance
      ahead of your turn on the wait list. You will
                                                         Lived Experience:
      need to provide proof of your claims.              “For four years, I have been living in one room without a fridge, and sharing
                                                         laundry and bathroom with the landlords. As a result, I am on medication
      Examples of situations that may contribute
                                                         for depression and panic attacks. I was successful in gaining access to the
      to an urgent housing need include:
                                                         Priority Housing List and have been recently housed”, Connect With Home
      •    Family and domestic violence                  participant.

      •    Reunion of a child with family
      •    Homelessness
      •    Severe and ongoing medical condition
           caused or aggravated by current
           housing situation
      To establish priority need, the Department
      of Communities will account for several
      factors including current circumstances,
      availability of any other viable option (such
      as private rental accommodation) and
      previous history or debt with the Housing

          Group Tip
          You may ask your GP, medical specialist,
          or local community legal centre for
          a letter of support to assist your
          application for priority.

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                   7
Community Housing
      The Housing Authority provides social
      and affordable housing in partnership
      with Community Housing non-profit                      Lived Experience
      organisations and Local Government.                    “I have been a working single mother for years. Now that I am on pension and can’t
      Twenty-seven providers are registered                  afford private rental, I have had to ‘couch surf’ with both my children who have
      with the Authority and regulated to ensure             families. […] I have recently been housed in a Council-owned Community Housing
      effective, efficient and appropriate use of            complex for older people. I couldn’t be happier”, Connect With Home participant.
      housing assets. They must continuously
      demonstrate that they are well-managed,
      well-governed and financially viable.
                                                         Eligibility criteria for Community Housing       community housing sooner.
      There are also Community Housing                   is similar to those for Public Housing.
      providers that are not registered with the                                                          Some Community Housing providers also
      Housing Authority, or are in the process of        To apply for housing with registered             offer Affordable Housing for people on
      registration, as is the case with Connect          Community Housing organisations, you             low-to-moderate incomes. If you do not
      Victoria Park.                                     usually need to apply for Public Housing         meet eligibility criteria for Social Housing,
                                                         through the Department of Communities            contact Community Housing providers to
      Community Housing comes in different               and tick the community housing option.           ask if they also offer Affordable Housing,
      shapes and sizes, and it can be managed            Once your eligibility for Public Housing         usually charged at a percentage of market
      by large organisations or smaller groups.          is confirmed, you are placed on the Joint        rate.
      Some providers offer specialised support           Wait List, managed by the Department and
      services, and most will assist with                Community Housing organisations.
      modifications to suit your needs as you
      age.                                               When a community housing property
                                                         becomes available, Community Housing
      Usually, rent at Community Housing is set          organisations select applicants from
      at 25% of your total household income              the Joint Wait List whose individual
      plus any Commonwealth Rental Assistance            requirements match the property. An offer
      you may receive. For some locations, rent          is made to the most suitable applicant. If
      is calculated as a percentage of the local         you have an urgent housing need (see
      private market rent (the average amount a          page 7) you may be eligible to apply to
      house would cost if rented out privately).         be placed on the priority list to access

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                    8
Community Housing Providers
      Connect With Home researched age-
      friendly housing options in the Cities of
      Belmont, Canning and South Perth and
      the Town of Victoria Park: these are listed
      Please note that for many Community
      Housing organisations, you need to be on
      the Housing Authority’s Join Waiting List
      to be eligible to receive accommodation -
      remember to tick the Community Housing
      box when applying for Public Housing.
      Providers that are not registered with the
      Housing Authority, or that manage both
      Public Housing and their own housing
      stock, will have their own wait list or
      other means to track applicants to their

         Look through our list of
         providers over the next
         few pages...

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide   9
HOUSING CHOICES                                          Eligibility
      WA (formerly Access Housing)                       Age                       No age limits
                                                         Income                    Follows Housing Authority
      Level 7, 25 Rowe Avenue,                                                     income limits
      Rivervale WA 6103
                                                         Assets                    Follows Housing Authority
      PO Box 105, Burswood WA 6100                                                 asset limits
                                                         Uses Housing              Yes, you must be on the                          Authority’s               JWL to access this housing
                                                         Joint Waiting List
      (08) 9430 0944                                     (JWL)?

                                                         Vacancies                 Continuously rolling as             Security
      City of Belmont – predominantly                                              tenancies end
      villas and units with some houses                                                                            Deadlock/latches     Depending on the
      in Belmont, Cloverdale, Rivervale,                                                                           on windows           property
                                                               Lease                                               Security screens     Depending on the
      City of South Perth –                                                                                        on doors, windows    property
      predominantly units with a few                     Type of              Default for a general tenancy is a
      villas and houses in Karawara,                     agreement            periodic lease. Some programs
      Como, Manning, South Perth                                              (such as crisis accommodation)
      City of Canning – predominantly                                         will have fixed terms                     Types of housing
      villas and townhouses in
      Cannington/East Cannington,                        How is rent          Based on income in accordance
                                                                                                                   Independent living   All types of housing
      Queen’s Park, St James, Bentley,                   set?                 with Housing Authority’s policies,
      Wilson                                                                  except for National Rental
                                                                                                                   Free standing/
                                                                              Affordability Scheme properties,
      Town of Victoria Park –                                                 which charge 80% of market rent
      predominantly villas and units                                                                               High Rise
      with some houses in Carlisle,                      Rent                 Rent is only amended (increase
      Victoria Park, East Victoria Park, St              increases-           or decrease) at an annual review     Storage room
      James, Bentley                                     criteria             or if a tenant advises that their
                                                                              income/circumstances have
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                        changed                                                                      10
                                                                       Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
      WA (formerly Access Housing)
      continued...                                                Aircon &              No air-conditioning          • Tenancy Officer allocated to each
                                                                  Heating               or heating is                  tenancy who is available between
              Pets                                                                      provided due to the            8am and 4pm on weekdays.
                                                                                        cost of maintaining          • Tenant Support and Capacity
                                                                                        this infrastructure            Building Team that facilitates
        Dependent on property and by                                                                                   engagement activities such as
        application by the tenant                                 Insulation            Will consider this             ‘How to manage on a low income’,
                                                                                        as a reasonable                volunteering, MyAged Care etc.
                                                                                        modification on              • Advisory Committee of Tenants
                                                                                        application, with              in the metro area, Mandurah and
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
                                                                                        remediation at end             Bunbury with nominated and
              pet door)                                                                 of tenancy                     elected representation from across
                                                                                                                       tenant cohort (aged, people with
                                                                  Solar panels          No                             a disability, people experiencing
        Yes – by application, generally requires                                                                       mental health issues) to provide
        remediation at end of tenancy                                                                                  input and feedback on services and
                                                                                                                       engagement tenants
                                                                       Maintenance Policy
              Property Inspection Policy
                                                                  Comprehensive maintenance regime                       Smoking Policy
                                                                  ranging from emergency to routine
        Up to 4 property inspections per year,                    and a 24-hour line to report faults               No smoking inside properties
        based on:
         • Condition of the property at last
         • Risk of the tenancy – i.e. instances                        Access to Major Amenities                         Parking
           of anti-social behaviour, etc;                              Public transport, shops & medical services

         • Wellbeing of the tenant – some                                                                           No information provided
           inspections serve more as welfare                      Depending on the property

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                      11
CITY OF CANNING                                          Eligibility

                                                         Age                       55+ (references required)
      1317 Albany Highway,
      Cannington WA                                      Income                    Wilson and Caprice Place
                                                                                   (residential care nearby)                                                  affordable on a pension –
      au/residents/living-here/                                                    Housing Authority limits
      residential-services                               Assets                    Housing Authority limits

      (08) 6350 7200                                     Uses Housing              No, you don’t need to be
                                                         Authority’s               on the JWL to access this
                                                         Joint Waiting List        housing. Manages own wait
      Rossmoyne Retirement Village                       (JWL)?                    list.
      – 1 Tuscan Place, Rossmoyne - 36
      units                                              Vacancies
                                                                                                                Deadlock/latches on Deadlocks, some
      Wilson Retirement Village –                                                                               windows             windows with keys
      (gated: may not be affordable on                                                                          Security screens on Yes
      a pension) - Crn Eureka Road and                         Lease                                            doors, windows
      McManus Street, Wilson - 18 units
      Caprice Place Independent                          Type of              As per legislation (Residential
      Living Units – (Community                          agreement            Tenancy Act)
      Housing) - 8 Caprice Place,
                                                                                                                      Types of housing
      Willetton - 20 units                               How is rent          25% of income or 30% if income
                                                         set?                 increases above Housing           Independent living   Depending on unit
                                                                              Authority income limits
                                                                                                                Free standing/       Depending on unit
                                                         Rent                                                   garden
                                                         criteria                                               High Rise            No

                                                                                                                Storage room         Yes

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                   12
      continued...                                                      Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement

                                                                  Airconditioning &              Yes, aircon         Communication with tenants via mail
                                                                  Heating                        and fans            or email
                                                                  Insulation                     Yes
        Small animals allowed, application
                                                                  Solar panels                   No                       Smoking Policy

                                                                                                                     Outside units only

              Modifications Allowed?                                    Maintenance Policy
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)
                                                                  No information provided
        Yes, at tenant’s expense, application
                                                                                                                     1 spot per unit; some under cover
                                                                                                                     depending on unit
                                                                        Access to Major Amenities
                                                                        Public transport, shops & medical services
              Property Inspection Policy
        Once a year

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                     13
CONNECT                                                  Eligibility
                                                         Age                       60+
                                                         Income                    Follows Housing Authority
      5 Mackie Street,                                                             guidelines
      Victoria Park, 6100                        Assets                    Follows Housing Authority
                                                         Uses Housing              No, you don’t need to be           Security
      (08) 9361 2904                                     Authority’s               on the JWL to access this
                                                         Joint Waiting List        housing                        Deadlock/latches on   Dead locks on front
                                                         (JWL)?                                                   windows               doors
      Currently, Connect Victoria                                                                                 Security screens on   Ground floor units
      Park offers affordable housing                     Vacancies                 Manages own wait list          doors, windows        have security screens
      to 80 people aged over 60.                                                                                                        on windows
      They offer 70 one-bedroom
      and bedsitter rental units on
      Mackie and Cargill streets,                              Lease
      close to public transport, the                                                                                    Types of housing
      Victoria Park café and shopping
                                                         Type of              First year: 12 month fixed term
      strip, a few blocks away from                                                                               Independent living    Yes – 70 units
                                                         agreement            lease
      the Swan River foreshore and                                                                                                      (30-45 m2), most
      a 10-minute bus ride to Perth                      How is rent          Rent is charged at 75% of market                          bedsitters, some
      CBD.                                               set?                 rate (March 2020: $315 - $360                             with separate
                                                                              per unit, depending on size), but                         bedroom
                                                                              no greater than 25% of tenant’s
                                                                              income. Bond plus 2 weeks           Free standing/        Communal garden
                                                                              rent in advance; $5 per week        garden
                                                                              for water; separate meters for
                                                                              power, which allows tenant to       High Rise             2 levels with ramp
                                                                              claim government subsidy.                                 to upper levels

                                                         Rent                 Rent is reviewed annually -         Storage room          No
                                                         increases-           before July 1
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                       14
                                                                       Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &            Yes                   • On taking up residency tenant is
                                                                  Heating                                              supplied with: Tenants’ handbook,
                                                                                                                       rent agreement, bond lodgement
              Pets                                                Insulation                   Yes                     details
                                                                                                                     • Office is situated on site and open
                                                                  Solar panels                 Yes                     during work hours (M-F, 8.30am –
        Cats and dogs not allowed; fish and                                                                            4.30pm)
        birds allowed
                                                                                                                     • CEO is contactable via mobile
                                                                                                                       phone after hours for emergencies
                                                                       Maintenance Policy
                                                                                                                     • Annual tenants meeting, surveys
              Modifications Allowed?                              Tenants to report maintenance
                                                                                                                     • Village Hub membership to all
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,                                                        tenants
              pet door)                                           requirements to administration

        Employs a fulltime maintenance
        officer who deals with reasonable                                                                                Smoking Policy
        modifications and minor repairs.
                                                                       Access to Major Amenities                    No smoking inside units or in common
                                                                       Public transport, shops & medical services   areas where smoke bothers other
              Property Inspection Policy                          Walking distance from Albany Hwy
                                                                  commercial strip (including several
        Annual, notice given prior to entry                       medical practices), several TransPerth
                                                                  lines, Victoria Park train station and                  Parking
                                                                  bus transfer station a short walk away,
                                                                  Centrelink office in walking distance
                                                                                                                    Usually available but depends on

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                       15
FOUNDATION                                               Eligibility                                          Security
                                                         Age                      All ages                       Deadlock/latches     Depending on
      COMMUNITY HOUSING                                                                                          on windows           property. Security
                                                         Income                   Follows Housing                                     screens aren’t
      297 Vincent St,                                                             Authority guidelines,          Security screens     necessarily
      Leederville, 6007                                                           but also able to house         on doors, windows    provided, however                                                tenants whose income                                tenant would be
                                                                                  surpasses Department of                             able to apply to
      (08) 9422 0700                                                              Communities’ limits                                 have them installed

                                                         Uses Housing             Yes, you need to be on the
      City of Belmont – Kewdale (3),                     Authority’s              JWL to access this housing
      Ascot (15), Belmont (8), Redcliffe                 Joint Waiting List
      (1) Rivervale (1)                                  (JWL)?                                                       Types of housing
      City of South Perth – Como (13)
                                                                                                                 Independent living   Yes – generally
      City of Canning – Queens Park                                                                                                   accommodation
      (4), Parkwood (3), Beckenham (1),                        Lease                                                                  tends to be one and
      Langford (1), St James (1) Wattle                                                                                               two bedroom units
      Grove (1)                                                                                                                       in medium density
                                                         Type of              All leases are ongoing while
                                                                                                                                      complexes. Some
      Town of Victoria Park – East                       agreement            tenant remains within income
                                                                                                                                      complexes allocate
      Victoria Park (9)                                                       limits and meets usual
                                                                                                                                      only seniors
                                                                              conditions of tenancy
                                                                                                                 Free standing/       Depending on
                                                         How is rent          Rent assessed according to
                                                                                                                 garden               property
                                                         set?                 household income – never
                                                                              more than 30% of income or
                                                                                                                 High Rise            No
                                                                              market rate for a property, plus
                                                                              Commonwealth Rent Assistance.      Storage room         Depending on
                                                         Rent                 Reviews regularly, and adjusts
                                                         increases-           according to income.

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                  16
                                                                       Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &            Generally no         Communicates regularly with tenants
                                                                  Heating                                           on a range of issues by email, post,
                                                                                                                    phone and face-to-face visits. Tenants
              Pets                                                Insulation                   No                   have the opportunity to join Tenant
                                                                                                                    Advisory Group.
                                                                  Solar panels                 No
        Provided it can reasonably be
        accommodated in the property and it
        isn’t prohibited by the strata, tenants                                                                          Smoking Policy
        can apply to have a pet (pet bond                              Maintenance Policy
                                                                                                                    Tenants are not prohibited from
                                                                  Maintenance department responds to                smoking in their homes unless strata
                                                                  all requests and assign work orders.              rules prohibits it in some way.
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)

        Reasonable modifications allowed,                              Access to Major Amenities
        prior approval is required.                                    Public transport, shops & medical services
                                                                                                                    Type of parking facility depends on unit
                                                                  Depending on property

              Property Inspection Policy

        Tenants are given ample notice of
        property inspections.

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                         17
HAROLD                                                   Eligibility
                                                         Age                      55+
                                                         Income                   Follows Housing Authority
      2 Memorial Ave,                                                             guidelines
      Carlisle, 6101
                                                         Uses Housing             It helps to be on JWL to                                   Authority’s              access this housing; can                             Joint Waiting List       apply to go on Harold
                                                         (JWL)?                   Hawthorne wait list
      (08) 9470 1155
                                                         Vacancies                Not at the time of this          Security
      Four aged-person Social                                                                                  Deadlock/latches     Some units have
      Housing dwellings completed in                                                                           on windows           “dead locks” and
      June 2017.                                                                                                                    security screens.
                                                                                                               Security screens
                                                                                                               on doors, windows

                                                         Type of              Follows Housing Authority
                                                         agreement            guidelines
                                                                                                                    Types of housing
                                                         How is rent          Follows Housing Authority
                                                         set?                 guidelines (25% of income for
                                                                              Band A; 30% of income for Band   Independent living   4 units
                                                                                                               Free standing/       Yes
                                                         Rent                                                  garden
                                                         criteria                                              High Rise            No

                                                                                                               Storage room         Yes

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                  18
      continued...                                                     Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement

                                                                  Airconditioning &            Yes
                                                                  Insulation                   No
        Yes, small animals                                        Solar panels                 No                        Smoking Policy

                                                                                                                    No smoking in units

              Modifications Allowed?                                   Maintenance Policy
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)
                                                                  Maintenance conducted on request.
        On application
                                                                                                                    Garages for each unit

                                                                       Access to Major Amenities
                 Property Inspection Policy                            Public transport, shops & medical services

        Yearly                                                    Short walk to Carlisle train station, bus
                                                                  lines #38, 39, 288, 298

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                          19
SOUTHERN CROSS                                           Eligibility
                                                         Age                      55+ - must live in the City of
      COMMUNITY HOUSING                                                           Belmont or have family and
                                                                                  friends in the area
      15 Rowe Ave,
      Rivervale, 6103                                    Income                   Follows Housing Authority
                                                                                  limits                            Assets                   Follows Housing Authority
      1300 669 189 (option 3)
                                                         Uses Housing             Yes, you need to be on JWL
                                                         Authority’s              to access this housing               Security
      42 managed properties on                           Joint Waiting List
      behalf of the City of Belmont in                   (JWL)?
                                                                                                                   Deadlock/latches     Compliant with
      Cloverdale and Rivervale.
                                                         Vacancies                City of Belmont wait list /      on windows           Residential Tenancy
                                                                                  currently fully tenanted.                             Agreement (RTA)
                                                                                                                   Security screens
                                                                                                                   on doors, windows

                                                                                                                        Types of housing
                                                         Type of              Residential Tenancy Agreement
                                                         agreement            (RTA) – Periodic
                                                                                                                   Independent living   Yes - 1 and 2
                                                         How is rent          25% of income, tenants often                              bedroom units
                                                         set?                 entitled to Commonwealth Rent
                                                                              Assistance (CRA)                     Free standing/       Yes
                                                         Rent                 Annual rent reviews
                                                         increases-                                                High Rise            No
                                                                                                                   Storage room         Yes

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                    20
                                                                        Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &             Yes                  Communicates regularly with tenants
                                                                  Heating                                            by phone, email and mail

              Pets                                                Insulation                    Yes

                                                                  Solar panels                  No
        Yes, pet bond: $260                                                                                               Smoking Policy

                                                                                                                     No smoking in any units
                                                                        Maintenance Policy
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)                                           As per Residential Tenancy Agreement                     Parking
        Yes, with written application

              Property Inspection Policy                                Access to Major Amenities
                                                                        Public transport, shops & medical services

        Up to 4 per year, as per Residential
        Tenancy Agreement (RTA)                                   Yes

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                     21
SOUTHERN CROSS                                           Eligibility
                                                         Age                      55+
      (Own Stock)
                                                         Income                   Follows Housing Authority
      15 Rowe Ave,                                       Assets                   Follows Housing Authority
      Rivervale, 6103                                                             limits                                Uses Housing             No, however it is
                                                         Authority’s              recommended to have
                                                         Joint Waiting List       applied and been approved
                                                         (JWL)?                   to ensure eligibility criteria
      1300 669 189 (option 3)                                                                                          Security
                                                                                  are met.

                                                         Vacancies                As properties become             Deadlock/latches     Compliant with
                                                                                  available. Interview is          on windows           Residential Tenancy
                                                                                  required.                                             Agreement (RTA)
                                                                                                                   Security screens
                                                                                                                   on doors, windows

                                                                                                                        Types of housing
                                                         Type of              Residential Tenancy Agreement
                                                         agreement            (RTA) – Periodic
                                                                                                                   Independent living   Yes
                                                         How is rent          Follows Housing Authorities
                                                         set?                 limits                               Free standing/       Depending on unit
                                                         increases-                                                High Rise            No
                                                                                                                   Storage room         Yes

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                      22
                                                                        Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &             Yes                  Communicates regularly with tenants
                                                                  Heating                                            by phone, email and mail

              Pets                                                Insulation                    Yes

                                                                  Solar panels                  No
        Allowed except for certain dog breeds,                                                                            Smoking Policy
        please check with a Property Manager
        (pet bond $260)                                                                                              No smoking in any units
                                                                        Maintenance Policy

              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
                                                                  As per Residential Tenancy Agreement                     Parking
              pet door)

        Yes, with written application

                                                                        Access to Major Amenities
              Property Inspection Policy                                Public transport, shops & medical services

        Annually, with at least 7-day notice.

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                     23
STELLAR LIVING                                           Eligibility

                                                         Age                       Over 40 preferable
      Office 1, 1 Hadlow Place (cnr
      Connemara Drive), Thornlie, 6108                   Income/Assets             Stellar Living seeks
                                                                                   to provide affordable                                                     housing to eligible people                                               and families based on
                                                                                   organisational aims and
      (08) 9452 9200                                                               Housing Authority eligibility
      Affordable housing provider                        Uses Housing              Yes, more likely to access
      with the majority of                               Authority’s               this housing if on the JWL
                                                         Joint Waiting List                                        Deadlock/latches     Dead locks on
      accommodation targeted to
                                                         (JWL)?                                                    on windows           doors/some units
      over 55’s in the Peel region,
                                                                                                                                        have security
      but also small complexes
                                                         Vacancies                 Currently fully tenanted        Security screens     screens on
      in Belmont and Thornlie.
                                                                                                                   on doors, windows    windows
      For further information
      comprehensive information
      sheets are available here.
                                                                                                                        Types of housing
                                                         Type of              Periodic leases
                                                         agreement                                                 Independent living   Yes

                                                         How is rent          25% or 30% of income, tenants        Free standing/       No
                                                         set?                 often entitled to Commonwealth       garden
                                                                              Rent Assistance (CRA)
                                                                                                                   High Rise            Ground and first
                                                         Rent                 Reviewed annually and/or if your                          floor
                                                         increases-           household income changes
                                                         criteria                                                  Storage room         Some units

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                     24
      continued...                                                      Energy Efficiency                                  Support & Engagement

                                                                  Airconditioning &           No                     Quarterly Newsletter. Tenant Advisory
                                                                  Heating                                            Committee - a forum for tenants
              Pets                                                                                                   and household members to become
                                                                  Insulation                  Yes                    involved in the activities of Stellar Living
        Allowed in some properties, tenant                                                                           and to provide feedback on service
        needs to discuss with Property Officer                    Solar panels                No                     delivery.
        before pet moves in. A pet bond will
        be charged. Dogs listed on WA’s Dog
        (restricted Breeds) Regulation 2002 are
        strictly forbidden.                                             Maintenance Policy                                 Smoking Policy

                                                                  Regular maintenance cycles plus                    Outside only
              Modifications Allowed?                              tenants’ reports to administration
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)
        Yes, prior written approval must be
        received before any alterations.
                                                                        Access to Major Amenities                    Depending on unit
                                                                        Public transport, shops & medical services

              Property Inspection Policy

        4 per year

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                              25
COLLIER PARK                                             Eligibility
                                                         Age                       55+ able to live
      RETIREMENT VILLAGE                                                           independently; may be
      16 Morrison St, Como
                                                         Income                    No requirement
                                                         Uses Housing              No. Manages own wait list,
                                                         Authority’s               waiting period average of                     Joint Waiting List        20 months
                                                         (JWL)?                                                       Security
      (08) 9313 0200

                                                                                                                  Deadlock/latches     Deadlocks on
                                                                                                                  on windows           doors; security
      Owned and managed by City                                Lease                                                                   screens on all
      of South Perth - 169 units; 60
                                                                                                                  Security screens     windows
      rentals; 78 to become rentals in
                                                                                                                  on doors, windows
      the near future.                                   Type of              Short term lease – under
                                                         agreement            Retirement Village Legislation

                                                         How is rent          Offers both “Life Lease” and
                                                         set?                 rental. The lease price of               Types of housing
                                                                              each unit is determined by an
                                                                              independent party, taking into      Independent living   Yes. 2 bedroom, 1
                                                                              consideration current market                             bathroom, lock-up
                                                                              trends. Included in the lease                            garage adjacent to
                                                                              price is: a non-refundable                               unit.
                                                                              contribution to village amenities
                                                                              (lease premium); a 5% non-          Free standing/       Yes
                                                                              refundable refurbishment levy,      garden
                                                                              calculated on the total purchase
                                                                              price of the unit.                  High Rise            No
                                                         Rent                 Rent is reviewed annually using     Storage room         Yes, with lock
                                                         increases-           Consumer Price Index as guide.
                                                         criteria             $5-$15 per month on average
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                      26
                                                                       Energy Efficiency                                Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &          Yes                    Compliant with Retirement Village
                                                                  Heating                                           Legislation. Open and transparent
                                                                                                                    approach to communication between
              Pets                                                Insulation                 Yes                    administering body and lessee.

                                                                  Solar panels               No
        Allowed, “pet agreement” applies.

                                                                                                                         Smoking Policy
                                                                       Maintenance Policy
                                                                                                                    No smoking in communal grounds
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)
                                                                  Tenants to report maintenance
                                                                  requirements to administration
        Yes, application required                                                                                        Parking

                                                                       Access to Major Amenities                    Lock-up garage
                                                                       Public transport, shops & medical services
              Property Inspection Policy
                                                                  Yes – served by TransPerth #34 bus
        None conducted unless issues arise

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                  27
JUNIPER/                                                 Eligibility                                              Security
                                                                                                                    Deadlock/latches     All doors have
                                                         Age                       55+
      RETIREMENT VILLAGE                                                                                            on windows           deadlocks, some
                                                                                                                                         windows have
                                                         Income                    Housing Authority income
      4-10 Hayman Rd,                                                                                               Security screens     security screens.
                                                                                   limits, asset limit of
      Bentley, WA 6102                                                                                              on doors, windows    24-hour Duress
                                                                                   $45,000 (not including
                                                                                                                                         security call system                                                           superannuation)
                                                                                                                                         (for emergencies)
      (08) 6363 6311                                     Uses Housing              No, you don’t need to be
                                                         Authority’s               on the JWL to access this
                                                         Joint Waiting List        housing
                                                         (JWL)?                                                          Types of housing
                                                         Vacancies                 Manages own wait list
                                                                                                                    Independent living   One and two
                                                                                                                                         bedroom units.
                                                                                                                                         Housing and
                                                               Lease                                                                     Residential Care
                                                                                                                                         also available

                                                         Type of              Lease for life (Retirement Villages   Free standing/       Depending on
                                                         agreement            Act)                                  garden               property

                                                         How is rent          25% of income (Commonwealth           High Rise            No
                                                         set?                 Rent Assistance)
                                                                                                                    Storage room         No

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                          28
                                                                       Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement
                                                                  Airconditioning &          Yes                    Newsletter/memos

                                                                  Insulation                 No
              Pets                                                                                                       Smoking Policy
                                                                  Solar panels               No

        No                                                                                                          Outside units only

                                                                       Maintenance Policy
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,                                                           Parking
              pet door)                                           Onsite

        Yes, on application (at resident’s cost)                                                                    Some units have carports; if not
        as per Residential Tenancies Act                                                                            parking available on-site
                                                                       Access to Major Amenities
                                                                       Public transport, shops & medical services

              Property Inspection Policy                          Close to Curtin University bus station.
                                                                  On-site doctors, nurses, pathology,
        One per year                                              chemist. Government community
                                                                  services available, i.e. podiatry,

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                 29
SWAN CARE                                                Eligibility

      RETIREMENT VILLAGE                                 Age                       SwanCare offers affordable
                                                                                   rental accommodation at a
      26 Plantation Drive,
                                                                                   Bentley Retirement village
      Bentley, 6102
                                                                                   for people 55+ who are are                                                          no longer working full time.

      (08) 6250 0000                                     Income/Assets             No limit

                                                         Uses Housing              No
                                                         Joint Waiting List                                           Security
                                                                                                                  Deadlock/latches     Deadlocks
                                                         Vacancies                 Manages own wait list,         on windows           and latches on
                                                                                   potential residents required                        windows. Security
                                                                                   to complete a rental           Security screens     screens on doors
                                                                                   application form               on doors, windows    and windows in
                                                                                                                                       some units.

                                                                                                                       Types of housing
                                                         Type of              12-month lease initially with
                                                         agreement            potential for ongoing if rental     Independent living   Yes
                                                                              conditions are met
                                                                                                                  Free standing/       Yes, dependent on
                                                         How is rent          No information provided - $301      garden               unit
                                                         set?                 per fortnight for bedsit/studio ;
                                                                              $501 per fortnight for 1 bedroom    High Rise            Yes
                                                                                                                  Storage room         Yes
                                                         Rent                 Rent is reviewed annually
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                     30
      continued...                                                     Energy Efficiency                                 Support & Engagement

                                                                  Airconditioning &          Generally              SwanCare has an open door policy and
                                                                  Heating                    reverse cycle AC       encourages all residents to contact the
              Pets                                                                           or fan, depends        appropriate staff member to discuss
                                                                                             on unit                any issues.
        Resident can apply to bring pet with                                                                        A residents’ committee is a conduit for
                                                                  Insulation                 Yes                    information flow between residents
        them. Approval must be sought prior
        to moving in. Cannot replace pet once                                                                       and management and meets with
                                                                  Solar panels               No                     residents and management monthly.
        it passes away

                                                                       Maintenance Policy                                Smoking Policy
              Modifications Allowed?
              (i.e. rails in bathrooms, picture hooks, shelves,
              pet door)                                           As part of fortnightly rent, general
                                                                  maintenance from fair wear and                    No smoking is permitted in any high
                                                                  tear to fixtures and fittings in unit is          rise buildings. Smokers are not to
        Unit modification is allowed but must
                                                                  covered. Items that are not covered,              allow smoke to impact on any of their
        be applied for and approved
                                                                  will be the residents’ responsibility             neighbours.
                                                                  and are to be paid within 30 days after

              Property Inspection Policy                                                                                  Parking

        Inspection at 12 months or prior if                            Access to Major Amenities                    Depending on unit
        need identified. Notice given prior to                         Public transport, shops & medical services
        any inspections
                                                                  Medical centre on site; shop on site;
                                                                  public transport routes run through
                                                                  centre of village

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                        31
National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS)
      The National Rental Affordability Scheme           Eligibility                                    Properties
      (NRAS) is a federal initiative, delivered in
      partnership with state governments. It             To be eligible for the National Rental         Approved NRAS tenancy managers in the
      provides people on a low-to-moderate income        Affordability Scheme, you must:                Perth South Metro area:
      with an opportunity to rent homes at a rate
                                                         •   Provide proof of your household’s gross    Australian Affordable Management
      that is at least 20% below market value rent                                                      Cooperation Ltd
                                                             income over the last 12 months
      for up to 10 years.                                                                     
                                                         •   Continue to prove income to your tenancy
      NRAS homes are not Public Housing, they are                                                       Amana Living Inc
                                                             manager on an annual basis
      affordable rental homes, owned by private                                               
      investors and managed by not-for-profit and        •   Not exceed the relevant household
      non-government organisations.                                                                     Affordable Housing Securities Ltd
                                                             income limits for your household 
      NRAS Properties range from studio
                                                                                                        Community Housing Ltd (Ian Shields)
      apartments through to large family homes,          Income levels for eligible NRAS tenants are
      and can remain in the Scheme for up to             generous and accommodate a range of low to
      10 years. They are usually located where           moderate income earners. The NRAS allows       Foundation Housing
      affordable rental accommodation is                 for tenant salary increases of 25% above the
      most needed, especially in areas where             income limits after the tenancy has begun.     Magna Realty
      employment, schools and other services are                                              
      available nearby.
                                                         Application                                    National Housing Group Pty Ltd
        Group Tip                                        The Australian Government does not select or
                                                         manage NRAS tenants or maintain a waiting      Niche Living
        When properties are 10 years old, owners         list for NRAS rental homes. You can apply to
        may choose to increase rent as they are          rent an NRAS home through an approved          Stellar Living Limited
        no longer required to provide the 20%            participant or their tenancy manager in
        discount.                                        Western Australia.
                                                                                                        Yaran Property Group
                                                         Tenants for NRAS properties are selected
      Tenants of NRAS rental homes have the same         by investors and their tenancy managers.
                                                                                                        Access Housing
      rights given to all tenants under the relevant     Tenancy managers review tenancy      
      residential tenancy laws in Western Australia.     applications and maintain waiting lists for
                                                         NRAS homes, but the final decision to choose   WAI Group
                                                         a tenant is always made by the dwelling
Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide   owner.                                                                               32
Additional Details on NRAS Rentals
      •   Rent will vary according on the type of
          accommodation and is set at a discount
          to market rates. Eligible tenants should           Lived Experience
          not spend more than 30% of their
          income on rental expenses.                         Although NRAS seemed like a valid option, most Connect With Home
                                                             participants felt it was not secure enough. One participant who experienced
      •   A 12-month lease is normally provided              rent increases and inadequate management of a NRAS rental confirmed the
          to tenants using a Real Estate Institute           group’s fears.
          standard lease applicable to the
          location of the NRAS property. REI
          leases are standard for all residential
          tenancies within Australia.
      •   NRAS does not provide tenants with             Comments and cautions on
          any special rights over and above the          the NRAS
          relevant residential tenancy legislation
                                                         The National Rental Affordability Scheme        estimated that these dwellings currently
          in the State or Territory where the
                                                         was established by the federal government       house some 63,000 tenants, of which 14%
          NRAS property is located.
                                                         in 2008 to stimulate the construction of        are aged over 55.
      •   All of the same rights and obligations         new affordable housing during the Global        To achieve allocation of new dwellings
          of the applicable tenancy laws are             Financial Crisis.                               as rental homes to low-to-moderate
          equally applicable to both the NRAS
                                                         Funding for new rounds of construction          income earners, the government offered
          property landlord and the NRAS tenant.
                                                         under the NRAS was terminated in 2014.          investors tax incentives. The incentive for
          To retain the NRAS discount to market
                                                         The final dwellings were delivered into the     2019/2020 is $11,248 (25% offered by the
          rental, NRAS tenants will want to
                                                         Scheme in June 2016 and the NRAS will           state government as a direct payment, and
          properly maintain the property.
                                                         conclude on 30 June 2026, at which point        75% funded by federal government in the
                                                         properties revert to regular operation.         form of refundable tax offset).

      For more information about NRAS, you               Under the Scheme, the government has
      may visit the Australian Government                subsidised the construction of 34,501 new
      Department of Social Services website or           dwellings, which provide rent set at least
      email                             20% below market value for 10 years. It is

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                 33
Shelter WA, the peak body in Western               Tenancy WA, a not-for-profit organisation
      Australia that advocates for social and            that provides information and advice
      affordable housing, offers some caution            relating to the Residential Tenancy Act and
      to people looking into becoming NRAS               advocacy for tenants in WA comments:
                                                         “A few tenants have referred to ‘huge
      “When the NRAS scheme ends, tenants will           increases in rent’ (one as high as $224
      face a highly competitive and challenging          per week extra). Most have referred
      private rental market, where renting has           to a specific clause in the agreement
      become more unaffordable in recent                 which allows for increases based on
      years. To achieve or maintain housing              ‘NRAS indexation and or external market
      stability and security in this environment,        evaluation’. Tenants have been concerned
      some tenants will need additional                  that these increases are not negotiable
      assistance and support.                            and difficult to verify or argue. On one
                                                         occasion this increase occurred when the
      Data indicates that there will be 131 tenant       owner ended the agreement with NRAS.
      exits from NRAS in Western Australia in            This tenant also stated that the owners
      2020, over 600 exits between 2021 and              only wanted to offer a 6-month contract,
      2022, over 2,000 in 2023-24, and nearly            even after 7 years in the same property.”
      2,500 in 2025-2026. Shelter WA calls for
      a review of the expiring NRAS, and its
      impacts on tenants in WA. The review
      and plan would include investigation of
      whether a subsidy or some other form of
      support will be needed.”

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                 34
Private Rentals
      As the Joint Wait List for Public and              The Department of Communities’ Housing
      Community Housing is long, it may                  Authority offers bond assistance and two
      take time for you to find appropriate              weeks’ rent in advance as an interest-free
      accommodation. In that case, it may still          loan to help people obtain accommodation
      be necessary to rely on the private rental         in the private rental market. Limits apply
      market.                                            to the amount you can borrow. Rent must
                                                         not be more than 60% of your income.
      To move into a rental property, you will
      need to have money to pay for:                     To obtain this assistance, visit any
                                                         Department of Communities – Housing
      •   rent in advance (two weeks)                    Division office (no appointment is
      •   security bond (maximum of four weeks           necessary). You will need to supply
          rent)                                          documents to prove your income, identity
                                                         and the amount of rent you will be
      •   a bond for a pet to cover fumigation           required to pay.
          costs (if applicable)
                                                         For more details on renting a private
      •   other costs associated with changing           home, please refer to Renting a home in
          house, such as moving furniture,               Western Australia: a tenant’s guide.
          electricity connection etc.
                                                         Green Circle (formerly Tenancy WA) is
      The amount of rent you pay depends                 a community legal centre that provides
      upon location, amenity and whom you are            specialist legal services in residential
      renting from, and there are a couple of            tenancy law to assist people who are
      ways to make it more affordable.                   otherwise disadvantaged in accessing legal
                                                         services. You can access their factsheets
      If you are on an age pension, you may be
                                                         or contact them directly: (08) 6148 3636,
      eligible for Commonwealth Rent Assistance
      to help with the cost of rent. To find out
      more, contact Centrelink on 13 2300.

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                35
Further Housing Assistance
      Disability Housing                                 Commonwealth Rent
      Assistance                                         Assistance
      As part of Social Housing, the Department          You may be able to access rent assistance
      of Communities offers additional                   from the federal government, based on
      assistance to people with disabilities.            the rental fees you pay and Centrelink
                                                         benefits you receive.
      To be eligible for assistance, your
      disability must be permanent or likely             For every $1 of rent you pay above set
      to be permanent, and impact on your                amounts, you’ll get 75c.
      housing requirements (i.e. building design,
      proximity to services and/or support               In particular, this may be of assistance for
      needs).                                            people in retirement villages, boarding
                                                         houses or lodging, but it is also available
      You must also meet the income limits for           for people living in Community Housing.
      people with disabilities, which are higher
      than for other customers, recognising              Rent assistance is not available to people
      the additional costs faced by people with          in Public Housing as the rent is already
      disabilities.                                      subsidised.

      Bond Assistance Loans
      The Housing Authority offers bond
      assistance and two weeks rent in advance
      as an interest-free loan to help people
      obtain accommodation in the private
      rental market.
      You need to meet approved income

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                  36
Useful Organisations and Links
      Sussex Street Community Legal                      Tenancy WA                                      Shelter WA
                                                         (note transition to new agency - Green Circle   Drives change by facilitating collaboration
      Sussex Street Community Law Service                - details on website)                           amongst those who have an impact on
      Inc is a non-profit, non-government,                                                               housing, while providing evidence-based
                                                         Tenancy WA helps people who rent their          policy, advice, engagement, representation
      community-based organisation that
                                                         home to resolve their tenancy problems.         and strong advocacy for an effective
      provides access to accountable, non-
                                                         Our role is to advise, support and educate      housing system.
      judgemental and effective legal services to
                                                         people so they are able to resolve any
      low-income people in the community.
                                                         rental issues and better understand their       Contact: (08) 93256660
      SSCLS primarily target their services to           rights and responsibilities as a tenant. Fact
      people who are ineligible for legal aid and        sheets available on the website.
      who are unable to afford the services of a                                               
                                                         Tenancy WA can help if you:
      private solicitor.
                                                         •   rent a private home;
      SSCLS services are available to people in:
                                                         •   live in public housing;
      Victoria Park, East Victoria Park, South
      Perth, Kensington, Como, Bentley, St               •   live in community housing;
      James, Carlisle, Welshpool, Kewdale,
      Cloverdale, Rivervale, Lathlain, Redcliffe,        •   rent a caravan or a unit in a residential
      Ascot, Belmont, Queens Park, Karawara,                 park;
      Manning, Salter Point, Waterford, Wilson,          •   are boarding in a lodging house or a
      Rossmoyne, Riverton, Shelley, Ferndale,                private home.
      Cannington, East Cannington, Beckenham,
      Kenwick and Wattle Grove.                          Contact: (08) 6148 3636
      To make an appointment:                  
      Contact: (08) 6253 9500
      Monday to Friday
      9.30am - 4.30pm

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                                                                 37
Useful Organisations and Links
      The Home Hub                                       WAConnect - Emergency
                                                         Services Directory
      Disability Housing and Emergency Crisis
      Housing Perth.                                     WAConnect is a directory of community
                                                         service providers managed by the
      The Home Hub allows people to search,
                                                         DropIN team at the Western Australian
      choose and apply for a new home quickly
                                                         Council of Social Service. It contains real
      and easily.
                                                         time search results of emergency relief
      People who benefit from using The Home             services, with phone numbers, operating
      Hub are:                                           hours, and directions on the services
                                                         available. WAConnect was originally called
      •   On the housing waitlist, or have been          ERConnect, and changed its name to
          refused from the waitlist                      better reflect its offerings in mid-2020.
      •   Experiencing or at risk of experiencing        Users can search for food relief,
          homelessness                                   financial counsellors, and emergency
      •   Living with a disability                       accommodation, among other services,
                                                         and get a list of services that can
      •   Living in unaffordable housing, paying         provide assistance in the location that is
          more than 30% of household income              convenient. WAConnect is a free directory
          on rent                                        for service providers, and people looking
                                                         for assistance.
      •   Looking for a safe, affordable and
          longer-term home                     
      •   In need of crisis or urgent housing

Connect With Home:   Age-Friendly Rental Housing Guide                                                 38
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