Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS

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Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
Aftershocks: Addressing the
rise of substance use disorder
and COVID-19
Se s s ion # 95, Augus t 11, 20 21

Rut h Zimme rma n, RN, MSN
Director of Informatics & Clinical Product Strategy, PointClickCare

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are solely those of the author/presenter and do not necessarily represent any policy or position of HIMSS.
Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS

                            Rut h Zimme rma n, RN, MSN
          Director of Informatics & Clinical Product Strategy, PointClickCare

                                                                                #HIMSS21   2
Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
Conflict of Interest

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Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS




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Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
Learning Objectives



                      #HIMSS21   5
Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
Before the COVID
There was already a crisis of SUD in the US

Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
A Growing
Overdose deaths exploded to more than
90,000 in 2020, and synthetic opioids were
involved in more than 60 percent of all
overdose deaths

Note: Synthetic opioid deaths exclude those from methadone. Specific
drug-class deaths are not mutually exclusive as some deaths are attributed to
multiple drug types. 2020 - National Vital Statistics System Provincial Drug
Overdose Death Counts, Dec. 2020 predicted totals (not final data, subject to

Source: Jesse C. Baumgartner and David C. Radley, ‘The Drug Overdose
Mortality Toll in 2020 and Near-term Actions for Addressing it,” To the Point
(blog), Commonwealth Fund, July 15, 2021.

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Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
A Growing Epidemic


                  #HIMSS21   8
Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
A Growing Epidemic

           In 2020

     #HIMSS21   9
Aftershocks: Addressing the rise of substance use disorder and COVID-19 - HIMSS
The Tip of
the Iceberg
Estimated Percentage Increase
in Overdose Deaths
Jan-Aug 2020 compared to Jan-Aug 2019

Note: District of Columbia had an estimated increase of 72%; South Dakota
had an estimated decrease of -4%.

Data: Jan.-Aug. 2019 final totals: CDC WONDER; Estimated Jan.-Aug.2020
totals: Calculations based on National Vital Statistics System Provincial Drug
Overdose Death Counts, CDC WONDER.

Source: Jesse C. Baumgartner and David C. Radley, ‘The Spike in Drug
Overdose Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Policy Options to Move
Forward,” To the Point (blog), Mar. 25, 2021.

                                   #HIMSS21   10
COVID-19 Disruptions to Health Care and the
Impact on the Opioid Epidemic
                                                                                                  New virtual health
                                                                                                  treatment options;
                                                          challenges are
                                                                                                  changes in health
                                                         compounded and
                                                                                                   policy to support
                                                         impact access to
                                                                                                    access to virtual
                                                             SUD care
                                                                                                      health care
                                                                                                                                    Data informs
                                                                                                                                   and enhances
                                     Stressors                                                                                    population health
                                   exacerbate                                                  Exponential                        management and
                                       OUD                          New access               growth in virtual                     personal health
                                                                      to care                  health care                             delivery
                                                                     obstacles                   for OUD
                                                    Increase                                     patients
                                                  demand for                                                           The rise of
                                                 mental health                                                       data-informed
                     Overlap of                     and SUD                                                           health care
                     vulnerable                   treatments
                                                                                                                                                applications of
                     populations                                                                                                               new technologies
                      increasing                                                                                                                     for OUD
                    negative OUD     Disproportionate
                                                                                                                                Accelerated     prevention and
                      outcomes           impact on
                                                                                                                               adoption of new     treatment
                                        populations                      COVID-19                                               technologies

                                                                        Disruptions to
                    IMPACT ON         IMPACT TO
                                                                      Public Health and
                   PEOPLE WITH          HEALTH                          Health Care
                       OUD              SYSTEM

                                                       Source: Deloitte analysis. Deloitte Insights. I                      #HIMSS21        11
According to the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, prescription opioid use alone
accounts for $78.5 billion a year in costs for
health care, lost productivity, addiction
treatment, and criminal justice involvement.

                                                 #HIMSS21   12
Taking Action

     Increased Naloxone Access       Changes in Opioid Prescribing Patterns
 1   co-prescribing naloxone
                                 3   Reductions                    prescription opioids

     Harm Reduction                  Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
2                                4                          patient-tailored protocols

             changing stigmas

                                                                               #HIMSS21   13
The Perfect Storm
Conditions leading to the worsening SUD crisis

We consider addiction a ‘disease of
isolation’ …now we’re isolating all these people
and expecting them to pick up the phone, get
online, that sort of thing — and it may not work
out as well.
Dr. Marvin Seppala,
Chief Medical Officer at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.

                                                               #HIMSS21   15
A Disease of
Monthly Drug Overdose Deaths

Note: Synthetic opioid deaths exclude those from methadone. Specific
drug-class deaths are not mutually exclusive.

Data: Final 2016-2019 monthly totals: CDC WONDER; Estimated 2020 monthly
totals: Calculations based on national Vital Statistics System Provisional Drug
Overdose Death Counts, CDC Wonder

Source: Jesse C. Baumgartner and David C. Radley, ‘The Spike in drug
Overdose Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Policy Options to Move
Forward,” To the Point (blog), Mar. 25, 2021.

                                            #HIMSS21   16
The Impact of Social Distancing on
Mental and Behavioral Health

The Facts:

•                             mental health of 45 percent of US
                       negatively impacted
             1 in 4 of those with a serious mental illness also have SUD

                                                                           #HIMSS21   17
The Impact of Unemployment, Homelessness, and
other Social Determinants of Health

The Facts:

•                                                    14.8% in April 2020
•                                                 opioid-related ED visits and
    deaths increase by 7 and 3.6 percent
• 35 percent of homeless individuals are affected by substance abuse, and

                                                                            #HIMSS21   18
A National Relapse

                     #HIMSS21   19
Addressing COVID-era Needs
Providing relief, empowering patients
and providers

Breaking Down Barriers

National        State/Regional   Local
•               •                •
•                                •

                                         #HIMSS21   21
A Well-rounded Approach to Improvement

     Telehealth       Medication Assisted       Appropriate Settings
 1                2   Treatment (MAT)
                                            3   for Appropriate Care

                                                                #HIMSS21   22
Care Coordination Challenges
and Opportunities
Stories of success

Care Coordination and 42 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Part 2

                                           #HIMSS21   24
Added Level of Privacy for Patients with SUD
Clinic Relationships
                                   Entire Cross Continuum

       Trading of information between SUD clinics           SUD clinic

                                                                         #HIMSS21   25
Case Study

Options Counseling
and Family Services

Case Study
Options Counseling and Family Services

90 % follow-up rate for behavioral health
clients post-ED visit.

We’re able to reach out to their other providers to coordinate
care. For example, we’ve had primary care doctors call us if
they’re seeing a spike in concerning behaviors or mental health
symptoms. This ongoing communication enables us to problem
solve with each of those safety -net providers in our clients’ lives.
Lara Barnes, M.Ed., LMFT
Behavioral Health Director, Options Counseling & Family Services

                                                                   #HIMSS21   28
Case Study

Aspire Health

Case Study
Aspire Health Alliance

The event notifications are a way to find people and engage
them while they’re in the ED. In this acute state —this crisis
state —we find a higher rate of engagement. If we send our
people to the hospital, we can coordinate with a social worker to
say, ‘look, this is a free service from Mass Health for you. I’m here
to help you get what you need; how can I help?’
Deborah Jean Parsons
Director of Integrated Care, Aspire Health Alliance

                                                                #HIMSS21   31
Aspire Health Alliance

          Step One                Step Two

                         How it

         Step Four                Step Three

                                               #HIMSS21   32
50% of patients who are
 contacted by an Aspire
case manager during their
hospital stay engage in the
      BHCP program

                        #HIMSS21   33
Case Study

Bartlett Regional
Hospital (Alaska)

Case Study
Bartlett Regional Hospital

•     63.6% retention rate

    15% higher than national average
•                            SUD-related
    staph infections and endocarditis

The Collective platform has helped us maintain a continuity of
care—within the hospital and the community. And now that it’s
been married in to the PDMP, it has been an invaluable resource
to our ED as patients travel through the community, state, and,
in some places, nationwide.
Claire Geldhof, ED RN
Case Manager, Bartlett Regional Hospital

                                                            #HIMSS21   36
Using Care Coordination to Address SUD
        Mat-Su Regional Medical Center     Bartlett Regional Hospital
                    Alaska                           Alaska

                   80 %
                 Opioid prescribing
                                                   Retention Rate
                 in ED (2015-2018)

                Through adoption of
            prescribing guidelines and      Bartlett patients enrolled in a
             integration of PDPM data      buprenorphine MAT programs
              into Collective platform    and a reduction in drug-related
                                         staph infections and endocarditis
                                                cases entering the ED

                                                                              #HIMSS21   37
Case Study

Pierce County
Emergency Medical

Case Study
Pierce County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Pierce County Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

         Step One                Step Two

                     How it

         Step Four               Step Three

                                              #HIMSS21   40
Using Care Coordination to Address SUD
                   Tri-cities area hospitals                                 Washington State
                          Washington                                   after implementing Collective platform


   34       %
  Opioid related
                       Controlled Trial (RCT)
                         comparing care
                      coordination with and
                      without the Collective
                                                  80 %
                                                Odds of receiving
                                                                                  Opioid related
                            platform            opioid prescription                  deaths
     ED visits
                                                     from ED                       (2008-2011)

                                                                      • 24% reduction in ED encounters
                                                                        with opiate prescriptions,
                                                                      • 10% drop in total Medicaid ED
                                                                        encounters year-over-year, and
                                                                      • $34 million in savings

                                                                                                                #HIMSS21   41
Since implementation in 2015,
 Northwest Physician Network
has seen a reduction in ED use
        of nearly 50%

                          #HIMSS21   42
Needs Identification and Support Through
Effective Care Coordination

                          Behavioral Health   Community
             SUD clinic   providers           Resources

The Facts:


                                                      #HIMSS21   43
Thank You!
Rut h Zimme rma n, RN, MSN
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