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Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 Original paper 0HGLFLQVNDQDNODGa - Zagreb, Croatia ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Giuseppe Maina1,2, Stefano Bramante1,2, Antonio Borsotti1,2, Francesco Oliva2,3, Sylvia Rigardetto2 & Umberto Albert4, 5 1 Rita Levi Montalcini Department of Neurosciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy 2 San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital, Turin, Italy 3 Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy 4 Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 5 Department of Mental Health, Psychiatric Clinic, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano-Isontina, Trieste, Italy received: 13.6.2021; revised: 11.8.2021; accepted: 5.9.2021 SUMMARY Background: Adverse events (AEs) contribute to poor outcome in patients affected by mental disorders. The aim of this case series is to describe how many antipsychotics-associated serious AEs could have been prevented if we had known in advance the genetic profile of the patient. Subjects and methods: Data of patients who required the prescription of an antipsychotic drug, with a history of a documented antipsychotics-associated serious AE and who underwent NeuropharPDJHQWHst were retrospectively collected. Results: Thirty-three subjects were selected for eligibility; two of them were excluded. Twelve subjects (38.7%) showed genetic polymorphisms most likely associated to an increased risk of AE, with pharmacokinetic variations being the most prevalent. Moreover, the 35.5% of the total sample revealed drug-drug interactions (pharmacodynamic/pharmacokinetic) associated with increased risk of AE. Conclusions: This case series highlights how pharmacogenetics testing with decision support tools, if applied earlier during the treatment with antipsychotics, could have led to identifying individuals at risk for serious AEs. Key words: adverse events ± antipsychotics ± neuropharmagen ± pharmacogenetics - cytochromes * * * * * INTRODUCTION the science of how drugs work (pharmacology), with the science of the human genome (genomics), in order to Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent among the understand how genetic variability influences drug phar- general population, contribute to a significant propor- macokinetics/pharmacodynamics and treatment outco- tion of disease burden worldwide and are the leading mes. This variability has relevance for dosing, therapeutic cause of years lived with disability among all disease sensitivity, likelihood of side-effects, risk for hypersen- groups (Whiteford et al. 2015; Whiteford et al. 2013; sitivity reactions and can partially explain the different Wittchen et al. 2011). Furthermore, mental disorders response and tolerability profile associated with phar- have significant economic direct and indirect costs that macological therapies. .QRZLQJ D SDWLHQW¶s genetic exceed those associated with other chronic medical profile could be a useful resource in order to develop conditions, such as diabetes and arterial hypertension more personalized therapeutic interventions (Drozda et (Soni 2011). al. 2014; Gardner et al. 2014; Winner et al. 2015). Several factors can contribute to poor outcome and The role of individual gene variants in the metabo- increasing costs associated with mental disorders; lism and response to psychotropic medications has been among them, sub-optimal response to available thera- mostly studied with regard to antidepressants, and pies and the co-occurrence of adverse events (AEs), guidelines for the selection and/or dosing of tricyclic which severely impact treatment adherence, may play a antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- predominant role. Current psychiatric pharmacotherapy tors have been recently published (DPWG; Hicks et al. is indeed mainly based on a trial-and-error approach: as 2015, 2017). A recent meta-analysis of randomized a consequence, many patients are exposed to several controlled trials in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) subsequent trials before responding to medications, found a significantly higher remission rate among pa- spending months-to-years with severe and disabling tients who received pharmacogenetics informed treatment symptoms (Mrazek 2010). compared to treatment as usual, with greater benefit in Pharmacogenetics testing, therapeutic drug moni- patients who failed to tolerate or respond to at least one toring and biomarkers are among the most promising prior antidepressant trial (Bousman et al. 2019). Less approaches for applying a personalized intervention to attention has been devoted to the role of pharmaco- mental disorders. According to the National Human Ge- genetics testing in predicting response or tolerability to nome Research Institute, pharmacogenetics combines antipsychotics (van Westrhenen et al. 2020; Yoshida & 523
Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 Muller 2020); antipsychotic dosing advice according to colleagues (2018) did not find statistical differences the DPWG are available for only aripiprazole, rispe- between the experimental (pharmacogenetics NeuroIDge- ridone, haloperidol and zuclopenthixol. netix guided) and the control group in a multicentre, Antipsychotics (APs), especially atypical ones, re- prospective, randomized, subject and rater-blinded trial. present the treatment of choice for many psychiatric AEs were collected using the Adverse Drug Event form disorders and may play a role in the treatment of other and patients were treated with antidepressants, atypical mental conditions such as anxiety disorders, obsessive- antipsychotics and benzodiazepines (Bradely et al. compulsive disorder, and trauma-related disorders (Albert 2018). Three other research groups studied the utility of et al. 2016; Huhn et al. 2019). However, in a significant Neuropharmagen in preventing the risk of AEs, high- portion of patients these drugs cause AEs, which occur lighting how choosing a therapy in accordance with in a range from mild side effects, non-compromising RQH¶V JHQHWLF SURILOH lowered the probability of having quality of life, to serious adverse events (SAEs), which AEs (Han et al., 2018; Ielmini et al., 2018; Perez et al., may result in hospitalization or be life threatening (e.g. 2017). Two of them (Han et al., 2018; Perez et al., 2017) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome) (Stroup et al. 2018). were restricted to individuals treated with antidepres- Concerning the correlation between AP-induced AEs sants, while Ielmini and colleagues (2018) investigated and pharmacogenetics, the main focus has been given to subjects with bipolar disorder receiving mood stabi- pharmacokinetics and in particular to the cytochrome lizers, antidepressants and/or antipsychotics. They sho- P450 (CYP), a complex of liver enzymes that metabo- wed that the group receiving a therapy modification lize the majority of antipsychotic drugs, and to the concordant to the NFG test presented a significant study of its polymorphisms (Altar et al., 2013). Gen- reduction of AEs, evaluated through the Dosage Record etic variations in these cytochromes may compromise and Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (DOTES), the enzyme activity, resulting in changes in AP plasma after three months. No study, to our knowledge, speci- concentrations and, therefore, the likelihood of patients fically evaluated whether pharmacogenetics testing with experiencing SAEs. In particular, multiple allelic com- NFG could prevent the occurrence of SAEs associated binations of CYP450 genes may result in different with the use of antipsychotics. phenotypes, which can be schematically summarized In clinical practice, often the use of pharmaco- in four different categories: Extensive Metaboliser genetics testing is reserved to subjects having failed (EM), with two functioning sets of the gene (wild several AP trials or having experienced SAEs associated type) and normal enzymatic activity; Ultrarapid Meta- with APs. It remains to be evaluated whether using bolizer (UM), with one or more sets of the CYP gene DSTs earlier in the treatment of subjects prescribed with similar or increased activity, resulting in a greater antipsychotics could prevent the occurrence of SAEs, enzymatic function, with faster drug metabolism; resulting in less costs associated with new hospitali- Intermediate Metaboliser (IM), with one functional set zations or prolonged hospitalizations. of the gene and one without any activity, or with both The aim of this case series is to describe how many sets having an intermediate activity; Poor Metaboliser AP-associated SAEs could have been prevented if we (PM), with both of the genes copies having no activity. had known in advance the genetic profile of the patient. IM and PM subjects, considering their slower enzy- matic activity, tend to have higher AP plasma con- SUBJECTS AND METHODS centrations, thus showing more frequently AEs (Altar et al. 2013). Patients Other studies have suggested the involvement of In this case series, we examined all medical records additional genetic abnormalities in different enzyme of patients admitted to the Psychiatric Inpatient Unit of complexes (mTOR pathway) in the origin of specific the San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, Orbassano (University AEs, such as extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) (Boloc of Turin, Italy), from April 2015 to June 2020, who met et al. 2018; Mas et al., 2015). the following inclusion criteria: In the last years different pharmacogenetics com- age 18 years; panies have developed Decision Support Tools (DSTs), such as CNSDose, Genecept, GeneSight, NeuroIDge- a DSM-5 psychiatric disorder having required the netix and Neuropharmagen, to help clinicians in the prescription of an antipsychotic drug (AP); process of medication selection. These tools classify history of a documented serious adverse event (SAE) treatments into different categories, according to the associated with the use of an AP; we considered a SDWLHQW¶V JHQHWLF SURfile, in order to select medications SAE (in accordance to the European Medicines more likely to have better treatment outcomes. How- Agency guidelines on good pharmacovigilance prac- HYHU '76V¶ XWLOLW\ LQ FOLQical practice has been rarely tices) an adverse reaction that was life-threatening, evaluated in large clinical trials and the available data required in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of are mainly focused on the role of these tools in predic- existing hospitalization, resulted in persistent or ting treatment response rather than AEs (Brown et al. significant disability or incapacity, or was a con- 2020; Vilches et al. 2019). Regarding AEs, Bradely and genital anomaly/birth defect; 524
Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 underwent Pharmaco-Genetic Testing (PGT) with Genetic analysis 1HXURSKDUPDJHQ 3*7 LV URXWLQHO\ XVed in stan- dard clinical practice in our Department when dee- 1HXURSKDUPDJHQ WHVW ZDV XVHG IRU SKDUPDFR- med necessary by the treating psychiatrist, with genetic analysis (AB-Biotics SA, Barcelona, Spain). patients with a history of serious adverse events This test, through a genetic analysis carried out from a related to psychopharmacological medications. The sample of saliva, studies about 30 genetic polymer- purpose of this practice is to help clinicians select phisms involved in the response and tolerability to 50 medications with better treatment outcomes. different drugs. In particular the NeuropharmagHQ UH- port is composed of 4 sections: signed informed consent both for the execution of Summary table of all drugs analysed. For each drug tKH 1HXURSKDUPDJHQ WHVW ³&RQVHQVR LQIormato four different results can be obtained, according to a SHU LO WHVW 1HXURIDUPDJHQ´ DQG IRU Whe treatment colour codH ³VWDQGDUGZKLWH´ Qo genetic variation RISHUVRQDOGDWD ³,QIRUPDWLYDSHULOWUDWWDPHQWRGHL of relevance for the treatment has been detected; dati ai sensi del D.LGS. 196/2003 con manifesta- ³JUHHQ´ higher probability of positive response ]LRQHGLFRQVHQVR´ $OOVXEMHFWVZKRSUHVHQWDWRXU and/or ORZHU ULVN RI DGYHUVH UHDFWLRQV ³\HOOoZ´ inpatient and outpatient service do sign a written need for specific dose monitoring and/or lower informed consent (reviewed by our Ethical Commit- probability of posLWLYH UHVSRQVH ³UHG´ increased tee) to have their clinical data potentially used for risk of different types of AE. teaching and research purposes. For the purposes of the present case series, a specific request was made Interpretation of the results and recommendations: to our Ethical Committee (Comitato Etico Intera- drugs that, according to the test, could induce a dif- ziendale A.O.U. San Luigi Gonzaga di Orbassano, ferent reaction than the average population (coloured Italy) in order to have access to clinical records of box) are listed in detail, showing possible different all patients who agreed and signed the abovemen- polymorphisms that were uncovered. tioned written informed consent; the protocol was Additional genetic information: description of genes reviewed and approved by the Ethical Committee involved in the response and tolerability to drugs, (³3UDWLFD ´ ³'HOLEHUD]LRQH GHO GLUHWWRre where relevant variations were detected. gHQHUDOH1GHO´ Pharmacological interactions attachment: it contains a list of the main drugs inhibiting or inducing Assessments and procedures CYP450 enzymes. Data were collected with a format that covered the Statistical analysis following areas: Socio-demographic and clinical data: age, gender, Socio-demographic and clinical features of the ethnicity, marital and occupational status, education patients were summarized as mean and standard level, principal psychiatric diagnosis, psychiatric deviation (SD) for continuous variables and frequency and/or medical comorbidities (co-occurring or life- and percentage for categorical variables. We carried out time) and smoke. All psychiatric disorder diagnoses all the statistical analyses using the Statistical Package are made, in our clinical routine, according to DSM- for Social Sciences (Version 25.0, SPSS; SPSS Inc., 5 criteria. Chicago, IL, USA). History of pharmacological treatments: information Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of the total regarding psychopharmacological and medical treat- sample (n=31) ments (compound, daily dose) were specifically collected, with a particular focus on those taken at Characteristics Total sample (n=31) the time of the occurrence of the SAE. Gender, n (%) type and onset of the SAE: adverse events were male 18 (58.1) coded referring to the Medical Dictionary for Regu- female 13 (41.9) latory Activities Terminology (MedDRA) preferred $JH \HDUV PHDQsd 43.016.3 terms. We only included individuals for whom it was (GXFDWLRQ \HDUV PHDQsd 10.43.4 possible to trace the occurrence and onset of the Marital status, n (%) SAE, with respect to the new prescription and single 19 (61.4) assumption of the AP, and for whom we were sure married 8 (25.8) about treatment adherence. For the subjects already widowed 2 (6.4) hospitalized medication compliance is routinely divorced/separated 2 (6.4) monitored, while for individuals with an SAE that Employement, n (%) required subsequent hospitalization, treatment adhe- full time job/ part time job 5 (16.2) rence related to the medications taken before being housewife/student 4 (12.9) admitted to the hospital is routinely double-checked retired 4 (12.9) with the patient and the caregivers. unemployed 18 (58.0) 525
Table 2. Results of the 31 patients included 526 N° Principal Newly pre- DDD NF Concomitant Therapy SAE Genetic polymorphisms probably linked to SAE Smoker Diagnosis scribed AP (Dose/DDD) Pharmacokinetics Other Primary Metabolism Secondary Metabolism CYP2D6 CYP3A4 CYP1A2 CYP2D6 CYP3A4 CYP1A2 Quetiapine Lithium Carbonate 750 mg Sedation EM 1 BD NOS 400 (0.12) S // // // // // // yes 50 mg Lorazepam 2,5 mg (Somnolence) *1/*1 Vortioxetine 20 mg EM Quetiapine Alprazolam 1 mg Sedation 2 MDD 400 (0.12) S // *1/*1 // // // // // no 50 mg Trazodone 10 mg (Somnolence) Lormetazepam 1 mg Quetiapine Valproic Acid 500 mg Sedation PM 3 BD II 400 (0.18) // // // // // // no 75 mg Ramipril 2,5 mg (Somnolence) *1/*22 AKT1-DDIT4- Risperidone EM EM 4 BD NOS 5 (0.2) Allopurinol 100 mg Acute dystonia // // // // FCHSD1- no 1 mg *1/*2 *1/*1 RPTOR Haloperidol EM EM 5 SCHIZ 8 (0.25) Lorazepam 4 mg IM Acute dystonia // // // // // yes 2 mg IM *1/*35 *1/*1 Haloperidol EM EM 6 BD I 8 (0.25) Quetiapine 25 mg Tremor // // // // // no 2 mg *1/*41 *1/*1 Olanzapine Lithium Carbonate 600 mg Sedation UM EM 7 BD II 10 (0.25) // // // // // no 2,5 mg Prazepam 10 mg (Somnolence) *1F/*1F *2/*41 Olanzapine Lithium Sulphate 166 mg Muscle EM IM 8 BD II 10 (0.25) S // // // // // no 2,5 mg Delorazepam 1 mg Rigidity *1/*1F *1/*4 SCHIZ- Haloperidol Valproic Acid 1000 mg Muscle IM EM 9 8 (0.37) // // // // // yes AFF 3 mg Simvastatin 20 mg Rigidity *4/*41 *1/*1 Valproic Acid 1000 mg Haloperidol Akathisia EM EM 10 SCHIZ 8 (0.37) S Lorazepam 3 mg // // // // // no 3 mg *1/*1 *1/*1 Biperiden 4 mg SCHIZ- Haloperidol Sedation IM EM 11 8 (0.37) // // // // // // yes AFF 3 mg (Somnolence) *5/*9 *1/*1 Valproic Acid 750 mg Quetiapine Levothyroxine 75 mcg PM 12 BD I 400 (0.37) Akathisia // // // // // // yes 150 mg Ramipril 2,5 mg *1/*22 Esomeprazole 20 mg Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 Lithium Carbonate 450 mg Risperidone IM EM 13 BD I 5 (0.4) Lormetazepam 1,5 mg Sedation // // // // // no 2 mg *1/*4 *1/*1 Levothyroxine 50 mcg Paliperidone EM EM 14 MDD 6 (0.5) Venlafaxine 150 mg Rigidity // // // // // yes 3 mg *1/*35 *1/*1 Aripiprazole Valproic Acid 900 mg EM EM 15 BD I 15 (0.6) S Tremor // // // // // no 10 mg Fluvoxamine 50 mg *1/*41 *1/*1 Olanzapine 20 mg Haloperidol Quetiapine RP 300 mg EM PM 16 BD I 8 (0.75) Akathisia // // // // // yes OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS 6 mg Lorazepam 5 mg *2/*9 *1/*22 Omeprazole 20 mg AKT1-DDIT4- SCHIZ- Haloperidol PM EM 17 8 (0.75) Lithium Carbonate 450 mg Acute dystonia // // // // FCHSD1- no AFF 6 mg *4/*4 *1/*1 RPTOR Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS AP: Antipsychotic; DDD: Defined Daily Dose; SAE: Serious Adverse Events; NF: Neurofarmagen; SCHIZ-AFF: Schizoaffective Disorder; SCHIZ: Schizophrenia; BD I/II/NOS: Bipolar Disorder Type I/II/Not Otherwise Specified; MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; NMS: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome; PM: Poor Metabolizer; IM: Intermediate Metabolizer; EM: Extensive Metabolizer; UM: Ultra-Rapid Metabolizer; UGT2B15: UDP Glucuronosyltransferase Family 2 Member B15; AKT1: Serine/Threonine-specific Protein Kinase; DDIT4: DNA-Damage-Inducible Transcript 4; FCHSD1: SH3 Type Formin-Binding Protein Gene; RPTOR: Regulatory Associated Protein Of MTOR Complex 1; LAI: Long Acting Injectable.
Table 2. Continues N° Principal Newly pre- DDD NF Concomitant Therapy SAE Genetic polymorphisms probably linked to SAE Smoker Diagnosis scribed AP (Dose/DDD) Pharmacokinetics Other Primary Metabolism Secondary Metabolism CYP2D6 CYP3A4 CYP1A2 CYP2D6 CYP3A4 CYP1A2 Quetiapine Lithium Carbonate 900 mg EM 18 MDD 400 (0.75) S Acute dystonia // // // // // // yes 300 mg Venlafaxine 300 mg *1/*1 Risperidone Muscle EM EM 19 SCHIZ 5 (0.8) Quetiapine 200 mg // // // // // no 4 mg Rigidity *1/*2 *1/*1 Sedation Aripiprazole Valproic Acid 1000 mg UM EM 20 BD I 15 (1) (Orthostatic // // // // // yes 15 mg Lithium Carbonate 1200 mg *1X2/*1 *1/*1 Hypotension) SCHIZ- Haloperidol Lithium Carbonate 900 mg PM EM 21 8 (1.12) Tremor // // // // // yes AFF 9 mg Biperiden 4 mg *4/*5 *1/*1 SCHIZ- Risperidone Lithium Carbonate 750 mg EM EM 22 5 (1.2) Acute Dystonia // // // // // no AFF 6 mg Clozapine 200 mg *1/*41 *1/*1 Valproic Acid 1000 mg SCHIZ- Clozapine EM EM EM 23 300 (1.3) S Lorazepam 3 mg Drooling // // // // yes AFF 400 mg *1/*1 *1XN/*4 *1/*1 Biperiden 4 mg AKT1-DDIT4- Haloperidol EM EM 24 SCHIZ 8 (1.87) // NMS // // // // FCHSD1- yes 15 mg *2/*10 *1/*1 RPTOR Aripiprazole Lithium Carbonate 900 mg EM EM 25 BD I 15 (2) S Akathisia // // // // // yes 30 mg Lorazepam 2,5 mg 1 cp *1/*2 *1/*1 Clomipramine 150 mg Aripiprazole Sedation EM EM 26 BD II 15 (2) S Paliperidone 3 mg // // // // // no 30 mg (Somnolence) *2/*10 *1/*1 Lorazepam 1 mg Lithium Sulphate 124,5 mg Aripiprazole Primidone 250 mg Muscle EM EM 27 BD II 15 (2) S // // // // // yes 30 mg Levothyroxine 50 mcg Rigidity *1/*2 *1/*1 Rosuvastatin 10 mg Lithium Carbonate 900 mg Valproic Acid 1000 mg Olanzapine EM EM 28 BD I 10 (2) S Propranolol 30 mg Sedation // // // // UGT2B15 no 20 mg *1/*1F *2/*41 Lorazepam 3 mg Haloperidol 1,5 mg Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 Olanzapine Lithium Carbonate 600 UM EM 29 BD I 10 (2) Tremor // // // // // no 20 mg Venlafaxine 75 mg *1F/*1F *1/*41 Haloperidol 12 mg SCHIZ- Olanzapine Valproic Acid 2000 mg UM EM 30 10 (3) Sedation // // // // UGT2B15 yes AFF 30 mg Lithium Carbonate 1050 m *1F/*1F *2/*9 Lorazepam 12 mg Olanzapine Lorazepam 9 mg EM EM 31 SCHIZ LAI 10 (40) S Coma // // // // // yes Methadone 30 mg *1/*1F *1/*41 450 mg OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS AP: Antipsychotic; DDD: Defined Daily Dose; SAE: Serious Adverse Events; NF: Neurofarmagen; SCHIZ-AFF: Schizoaffective Disorder; SCHIZ: Schizophrenia; BD I/II/NOS: Bipolar Disorder Type I/II/Not Otherwise Specified; MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; NMS: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome; PM: Poor Metabolizer; IM: Intermediate Metabolizer; EM: Extensive Metabolizer; UM: Ultra-Rapid Metabolizer; UGT2B15: UDP Glucuronosyltransferase Family 2 Member B15; AKT1: Serine/Threonine-specific Protein Kinase; DDIT4: DNA-Damage-Inducible Transcript 4; FCHSD1: SH3 Type Formin-Binding Protein Gene; RPTOR: Regulatory Associated Protein Of MTOR Complex 1; LAI: Long Acting Injectable. Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS 527
Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 RESULTS CYP2D6 PM phenotype plus polymorphisms of the mTOR pathway (AKT1-DDIT4-FCHSD1-RPTOR). In Thirty-three subjects were initially selected for addition, patient number 24 did not show specific eligibility, haYLQJ D 1HXURSKDUPDJHQ WHVW UHVXOW WZR genetic alterations associated to neuroleptic malignant of them were excluded because it was not possible to syndrome, however he was found to have AKT1- trace the onset of the SAE with regard to a new AP DDIT4-FCHSD1-RPTOR polymorphism correlated to a prescription, leaving 31 individuals. Sociodemographic major risk of EPS induced by AP, without experiencing characteristics of the sample are given in Table 1: all such side effects. patients were Caucasian, 41.9% were females and the Furthermore, regarding therapies taken together with mean age of the saPSOH ZDV years. Re- $3 WUHDWPHQW ³FRQFRPLWDQW WKHUDS\´ (Table 2), the garding medical comorbid disorders, three patients had 35.5% of the total sample revealed drug-drug interac- hypertension, three hypothyroidism, two hypercholeste- tions (pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic) associa- rolemia, one obesity, one metabolic syndrome, one ted with increased risk of AE. Among these subjects, hyperuricemia, one chronic gastritis. five subjects were receiving a second antipsychotic in Table 2 provides specific information about antipsy- addition to basal AP therapy (patient number 6, 19, 22, chotic treatments, concomitant therapies, serious adverse 28 and 30), three an antidepressant (patient number 14, events and genetic polymorphisms possibly linked to 15 and 29), one a benzodiazepine (patient number 23), SAEs for each patient. The majority of the sample one two other antipsychotics (patient number 16) and (51.6%) had a principal diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, one another antipsychotic plus an antidepressant (patient followed by Schizoaffective Disorder (22.6%), Schizo- number 26). No drug-drug interactions have been found phrenia (16.1%), and Major Depressive Disorder (9.7%). with non-psychopharmacological treatments. Regarding the new AP possibly related to the occur- Lastly, three subjects showed both genetic polymor- rence/onset of the SAE, nine subjects (29.0%) were phisms and drug-drug interactions related to a higher prescribed Haloperidol, six (19.4%) Olanzapine (one risk of AE (patient number 16, 28 and 30). long-acting injectable Olanzapine), five (16.1%) Patients were subsequently treated with a different Aripiprazole, five (16.1%) Quetiapine, four (13.0%) AP from the one suspected to be related with the SAE. Risperidone, one (3.2%) Paliperidone and one (3.2%) According to NFG test results, the AP was selected Clozapine. The most common AE was sedation among those who were not flagged as red or yellow. No (n=10), followed by acute dystonia (n=5), rigidity new SAEs were reported. (n=5), tremor (n=4), akathisia (n=4), drooling (n=1), neuroleptic malignant syndrome (n=1) and coma CONCLUSIONS (n=1). All those AEs required inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of an existing hospitalization. The aim of the present case series was to describe Concerning pharmacogenetics data (Table 2), 15 how many AP-associated SAEs could have been pre- individuals (48.4%) received a yellow (need for specific vented if we had known in advance the genetic profile dose monitoring and/or lower probability of positive of the patient. To date, this is the first paper specifically response) or red label (increased risk of different types evaluating the relationship between the occurrence of of AE) associated with the newly prescribed antipsy- serious adverse events and pharmacogenetics polymer- chotic (that associated with the occurrence of a SAE). phisms potentially altering APs metabolism, assessed Twelve subjects (38.7%) showed genetic polymer- through the administration of DSTs. phisms most likely associated to an increased risk of More than one third of the sample (38.7%) showed developing AE. More specifically, eight subjects had genetic polymorphisms probably linked to the occur- exclusively polymorphisms of the cytochrome P450 rence of SAEs, with pharmacokinetic variations being enzyme drug-metabolizing system (primary and secon- the most prevalent. The majority of these genetic ano- dary metabolism), related to a decreased drug metabo- malies resulted in a decreased activity of the CYP450 lism and an increased probability of higher blood levels enzymes: the CYP2D6 polymorphisms were the most of AP: four patients resulted IM phenotype (patient common, followed by those related to the cytochrome number 8, 9, 11 and 13) and four PM phenotype (patient CYP3A4; no CYP1A2 PM/IM phenotypes were detected. number 3, 12, 16 and 17). Three individuals showed Our findings are consistent with previous pharmaco- other genetic alterations: one subject (patient number 4) genomics studies evaluating the relationship between had polymorphisms of the mTOR pathway (AKT1- CYP450 slow metabolizer status (PM and IM pheno- DDIT4-FCHSD1-RPTOR), correlated to a major risk of types) and AP-induced AEs, where EPS, such as tardive EPS induced by AP, and two individuals (patient dyskinesia, were most commonly associated (Altar et al. number 28 and 30) with UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2013). However, the majority of these studies have 2B15 polymorphisms, associated to a reduction of Lora- focused on the CYP2D6 polymorphisms, while the asso- zepam elimination and to a greater risk of sedation. ciation between CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 genetic altera- Moreover, one subject (patient number 17) had two tions and AP-induced side effects in clinical samples combined genetic variations probably linked to SAE: have been rarely evaluated and need to be further 528
Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 investigated. Moreover, regarding pharmacokinetic ge- About half of our sample was represented by smokers, netic variations, in our sample two patients experienced but, among these, only three individuals (patient number sedation as SAE and showed UDP-glucuronosyltrans- 23, 30 and 31) were in therapy with agents metabolized ferase 2B15 polymorphisms, resulting in a reduction of by CYP1A2 enzyme. Notwithstanding the consequent Lorazepam elimination. UGT2B15 enzymes are respon- reduced AP plasma concentrations in such subjects, sible for the conjugation and subsequent removal of serious drooling was experienced by patient number 23, many compounds, such as some medications (e.g. and serious sedation by patient number 30. The first Lorazepam). In a previous Korean study, Chung and case could be explained by drug interactions between colleagues found a significant association between Clozapine and Lorazepam that expose patients to an UGT2B15 genetic polymorphisms and the pharmaco- increased risk of hypersalivation, as shown in previous kinetics of Lorazepam: the UGT2B15*2/*2 homozy- studies (Edge et al. 1997), while the second case may be gous variant group showed 40% to 50% lower systemic due to UGT2B15 polymorphisms. About concomitant clearance and metabolic activity than the therapies/supplements, despite the indications given by UGT2B15*1/*1 wild-type group (Chung et al. 2005). international guidelines suggesting monotherapy as a Concerning non-pharmacokinetic polymorphisms, two gold standard in treating psychiatric disorders, poly- patients had AKT1-DDIT4-FCHSD1-RPTOR polymer- therapy is a common practice in acute-phase patients phisms related to a major risk of AP-induced EPS and and during cross-titration (Centorrino et al. 2005; Hatta one patient showed an association between this et al. 2019). The principal reason to avoid concurrent polymorphism and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. medications is that polytherapy increases the risk of side AKT1-DDIT4-FCHSD1-RPTOR was the first pharma- effects, raising the likelihood of pharmacodynamic and cogenetics predictor model, developed analyzing gene± pharmacokinetic interactions, mainly by induction and gene interactions in nine genes related to the mTOR inhibition mechanisms of the CYP450 complex (Wije- pathway, that demonstrated a high predictive relation- singhe 2016). CYP2D6 has a low threshold for inhibi- VKLS EHWZHHQ DQ LQGLYLGXDO¶V genotype and AP-induced tion and concomitant therapies have the same effect on EPS (Mas et al. 2015). However, subsequent research the activity of this enzyme as genetic polymorphisms demonstrated that the results of this previous analysis have (Altar at al. 2013); while, concerning CYP3A4 and correlated only modestly with successive studies on the CYP1A2 metabolism, inhibitions and inductions by same association. Applying different algorithms, the other drugs seem to have a greater part than phar- authors found a new pharmacogenetics predictor model macogenetics (Altar et al. 2013). Moreover, some com- that included four polymorphisms in only two genes: pounds act as enzyme substrates, without having spe- AKT1 and RPTOR (Boloc et al. 2018). To our know- cific induction or inhibition activity, and could dece- ledge this is the first paper to find an association lerate the metabolism of some drugs through a compe- between mTOR pathway polymorphisms and neuro- titive mechanism, with subsequent increased plasma leptic malignant syndrome; therefore, our findings concentrations (Pelkonen et al. 2008). In our paper, a deserve further investigations in future research. significant proportion of patients with SAEs (about When evaluating the relationship between pharma- one third of the total sample) revealed drug-drug cogenomics markers and the occurrence of SAEs, some interactions (pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic) confounding factors are worthy of attention: ethnicity, associated with a greater risk of side effects, sug- cigarette smoking, concomitant therapies/supplements, gesting how concomitant therapies should be carefully medical comorbidities and some physical conditions, evaluated. None of the patients was taking supple- such as pregnancy, that could influence the pharma- ments. Finally, some medical conditions, such as liver cokinetic/pharmacodynamic. Ethnicity is an important diseases, could expose individuals to a higher risk of element to consider in pharmacogenetics research: AEs by altering adsorption, distribution, metabolism or genotype and frequency of polymorphisms may differ excretion of some drugs (Villeneuve et al. 2004); significantly among populations (Guttman et al. 2019; however, no such significant medical illnesses or other Huang et al. 2015). In our case series all patients were physical conditions, such as pregnancy, were found in European Caucasians and therefore the sample was our sample. homogeneous in terms of ethnicity. Regarding the Our case series presents several limitations. Consi- second point, cigarette smoking is a great inducer of dering the retrospective nature of the study, two aspects CYP1A2 enzyme activity, resulting in significant lower need to be considered: first of all, variables were evalua- plasma concentrations of some drugs (e.g. Olanzapine ted retrospectively from medical records and are there- and Clozapine) in smokers compared with non-smokers, fore dependent on the precision of cliQLFLDQV¶ data col- due to an acceleration of the liver metabolism. Con- lection; secondly we lack information regarding AP sidering the high prevalence of smoking among patients plasma concentrations - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring affected by psychiatric disorders (Quigley et al. 2019; (TDM) - meaning that we are unable to determine Scott et al. 2018), it is important to evaluate this habit in whether CYP 450 genetic polymorphisms and drug order to clearly understand the relationship between interactions are certainly related to higher drug plasma pharmacogenetics polymorphisms and side effects. concentrations or not. Data on cigarettes smoking were 529
Giuseppe Maina, Stefano Bramante, Antonio Borsotti, Francesco Oliva, Sylvia Rigardetto & Umberto Albert: ADVERSE EVENTS OF ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND CYTOCHROME POLYMORPHISMS: A CASE SERIES ON 31 PATIENTS Psychiatria Danubina, 2021; Vol. 33, No. 4, pp 523-531 only available as a categorial variable; the mean number 5. Bradley P, Shiekh M, Mehra V, Vrbicky K, Layle S, Olson of cigarettes smoked per day would be a better infor- MC et al. Improved efficacy with targeted pharmaco- mation in order to clearly understand the impact of this genetic-guided treatment of patients with depression and anxiety: A randomized clinical trial demonstrating clinical habit on CYP1A2 enzyme activity. Lastly, all indi- utility. J Psychiatr Res 2018; 96:100-107 viduals in this paper were inpatients with a likely more 6. Brown L, Vranjkovic O, Li J, Yu K, Al Habbab T, Johnson severe course of illness, which often requires poly- H, et al. 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