Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

Page created by Helen Chambers
Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council
                                                      Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America
  BLACK HAWK DOWN…………….…….PAGE 6                                                                        2015 TOP HONORS…………….PAGES 11-14
                       Master pilot and best-                                                           Special Recognition
                       selling author to highlight                                                      Issue: Salute to Scouting’s
                       2016 Patron Luncheon.                                                            elite in the Heart of

                                                                                                        America Council.

October/November 2015                             • (816) 942-9333                                          Volume 20 — Number 5

     Mission Hills Eagle Scout
     Earns Every Merit Badge
     Page 4                                                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                     Photo by Joe Ledford. Kansas City Star
Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                  October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

Celebrating Scouting Today and Planning for the Future
T     his February the Boy Scouts of America will celebrate
      its 106th anniversary during Scout anniversary month.
I would encourage every unit to start planning a celebra-
                                                                      Shop to order special Scout Sunday religious bulletin covers
                                                                      for your religious service.

tion in February to help recognize and showcase the impact            As a council we can be proud to set the bar for other
Scouting has on our community. A key tenet of the Scout-              councils to follow. We are currently wrapping up our 5-year
ing program is Duty to God. With over 75% of our packs                strategic plan and are pleased with the significant accom-
and troops chartered to religious institutions, February              plishments that we have achieved to provide the highest
is also an ideal                                                      level of Scouting for the youth of Greater Kansas City. Our
time to hold a                                                                                                     key areas of focus
Scout Sunday/                                                                                                      have been, camp
                                                                                                                                               COUNCIL CALENDAR
Sabbath religious                                                                                                  facility improve-
service. Involve                                                                                                   ments, expanded
                                                                                                                                          2-4    Wood Badge Training
your Scouts in the                                                                                                 council level pro-       3    American Royal Parade
service and cer-                                                                                                   graming, council         3    OA Vigil Banquet
tainly recognize                                                                                                   volunteer support        9    Sporting Clays Auction
those Scouts who                                                                                                   and of course,          10    Sporting Clays Classic
have earned their                                                                                                  youth recruit-          10    Mini Camp — Naish
religious award.                                                                                                   ment initiatives.       15    Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner
Speaking of                                                                                                        As we begin the         17    JOTA / JOTI
                                                                                                                   planning for            17    Scout Day at Kansas Speedway
religious awards,
                                                                                                                   our new 3-year          20    Mic-O-Say Auction
did you know
                                                                                                                   strategic plan be-      21    Coordinated Council Meeting
that nearly every                                                                                                                          21    Council Activities Committee Meeting
denomination has                                                                                                   ginning in 2016,
                                                                                                                                           22    Bartle Camp Draw
an adult Scouting                                                                                                  I am reminded
                                                                                                                                           24    Haunted Trails
religious award?                                                                                                   of a quote, “The        24    Mini Camp — Naish
The adult awards                                                                                                   rung of a ladder        24    Bartle Camp Draw
are not something                                                                                                  was never meant         24    Naish Camp Draw
you work to earn                                                                                                   to rest upon, but       24    Show N Sell Popcorn Returns Due
as an adult, but                                                                                                   only to support         26    Popcorn Final Orders Due
rather something that you are recognized with by your                 you long enough to enable you to reach for something higher.”      November
religious institution and unit for service to Scouting. If you        As a council is it vital that we continue to look towards the        6-7   Popcorn Pickup
have a leader in your unit that is active in their religious          future and challenge ourselves to build on our strong tradi-           7   Mini Camp — Naish
                                                                      tions. We are only limited by our vision and dreams. Do                7   University of Scouting
institution and active in Scouting, this is an outstanding
                                                                      you have a comment or idea that you’d like to share for the           11   Council Annual Banquet
recognition for them. Don’t forget to check with the Scout
                                                                                                new strategic plan? Give me a call or       17   Risk Management Committee Meeting
                                                                                                                                            17   Council Commissioner Meeting
                                                                                                e-mail and let me know. At the end
                           ADVENTURES IN SCOUTING                                               of the day, our goal is to provide the
                                                                                                                                            18   Council Activities Committee Meeting
                                                                                                                                            24   Council Membership Committee Meeting
                           Published February/March, April/May, June/July, August/              support and resources for our more       26-27   Thanksgiving — Council Service Center Closed
                           September, October/November, December/January by the Heart           than 15,000 volunteers and over
                           of America Council, Boy Scouts of America. This issue and past                                                December
                                                                                                32,000 youth.                                6   Hanukkah Begins
                           archived issues can be found on the Heart of America Council
                           website,                                                                                        9   Popcorn Payments Due
                                                                                              Thank you for your service and
                                                                                                                                             9   Council Activities Committee Meeting
    PRESIDENT                     VICE PRESIDENTS              TREASURER                      commitment to the Scouting                     9   Council Advancement Committee Meeting
    Scott Boswell                 Jeremy Croucher              Bruce Snyder                   program and the Heart of America
                                  William Easley                                                                                             9   Marketing Committee Meeting
    COUNCIL                                                    ASSISTANT TREASURER            Council.                                       9   Council Shooting Sports Committee Meeting
                                  Tom Freeman
    COMMISSIONER                                               Gregg Givens
                                  Lester D. Ham                                                                                             14   Hanukkah Ends
    Hon. Keith W. Sickendick
                                  James W. Hayes               LEGAL COUNSEL                  As always if you have any questions,          15   Council Commissioner Meeting
    SCOUT EXECUTIVE               Clifford W. Illig            Richard L. Martin              ideas or concerns let me know.                16   Council Training Committee Meeting
    Kendrick J.E. Miller          Jeanette Prenger                                                                                          16   Council Properties Committee Meeting
                                  Gregg Riess                  Matt I. Armstrong              Kenn Miller                                   16   Council P/R Committee Meeting
                                  Zachary H. Shafran                                          (816) 569-4980                             24-25   Christmas — Council Service Center Closed
                                                               GRAPHIC DESIGN
                                  Charlie M. Tetrick                                
                                                               Tammy L. Bosley                                                              26   Camp Staff Reunion
                                                                                                                                         28-29   Bartle/Naish Camp Staff Interviews

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                                October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

Camp Staff Scholarships Top $150,000                                                                                     NEW DISTRICT NAMES REVEALED
A    nother summer is in the books and hundreds of
     our camp staffers are now back at college. But did
you know that working at one of our Scout Reserva-
                                                          endowments provided for this purpose. Over the past
                                                          five years, the amount of scholarships has increased
                                                          by 132% and the number of staff receiving grants has
                                                                                                                         This past June, the Council’s Board of Directors unani-
                                                                                                                         mously approved a plan that will realign the majority of
                                                                                                                         our district boundaries to help us better serve Scouting.
tions is helping them pay for their education?            grown by 22%.                                                  The new district reorganization will result in 17 districts
                                                                                                                         across the council, most of which were redrawn along
Now in its 16th year, the Heart                           Visit for more information or to              school district boundaries. While the new realignment
of America Council’s Camp                                 donate to the 2016 Camp Staff College Scholarship              structure will not officially go into effect until January 1,
Staff College Scholarship pro-                            program.                                                       2016, our new districts have new names…
gram rewards our best college-
aged camp staff with grants that                                                                                         Iron Horse District
augment their staff salaries,                                                                                            Olathe, Spring Hill, DeSoto, Gardner/Edgerton
enabling them to work at sum-                                                                                            School Districts
mer camp and still afford the                                                                                            Shawnee Trails District
high costs of a college educa-                                                                                           Shawnee Mission School District
tion. Scholarships are merit based, meaning those who
do the best job during the entire summer receive the                                                                     Soaring Eagle District
                                                                                                                         Blue Valley School District
highest amount.
                                                                                                                         Mormon Trail District
“The program has been very successful in attracting and   2015 Theodore Naish Scout Reservation scholarship recipients   All LDS units
retaining excellent staff leadership and helps to make
our camping program the best in the country,” said                                                                       High Trail District
                                                                                                                         Lee’s Summit, Raytown, Grandview, Hickman Mills,
Kenn Miller, Heart of America Council Scout Executive.
                                                                                                                         Lone Jack School Districts
This year, a record $150,000 in scholarships were                                                                        Spirit Trail District
presented to 112 staffers from the H. Roe Bartle and                                                                     Belton, Raymore-Peculiar, Pleasant Hill, Strasburg,
Theodore Naish Scout Reservations and Rotary Camp.                                                                       East Lynn, Harrisonville, Midway, Drexel, Cass County
All qualified staff who applied received a scholarship                                                                   R-V, Sherwood-Cass, Miami, Adrian, Ballard, Butler,
ranging from $300 to $4,000.                                                                                             Hudson, Rich Hill School Districts

The council receives the funds necessary to present                                                                      Golden Eagle District
                                                                                                                         North Kansas City, Liberty, Smithville, Kearney, Excel-
these scholarships through annual donations and           2015 H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation scholarship recipients    sior Springs, Lawson School Districts

                                         READY TO RECRUIT                                                                Northern Lights District
                                                                                                                         Park Hill, Platte County R-III, West Platte R-II, and
                                                                                                                         North Platte R-I School Districts

                   School Night for Scouting 2015                                                                        District names and boundaries unchanged: Big Muddy,
                                                                                                                         Lone Bear, Blue Elk, Pioneer Trails, Frontier, Exploring,
                                                                                                                         Kaw, Pelathe, Twin Rivers
   Recruitment season is underway       ▶ Follow up with everyone that
   and more than 2,600 new youth          attended School Night and did                                                  Learn more
   have joined Scouting at a School       not join. Find out why and ask                                                 about the
   Night for Scouting. While the          if they are still interested.                                                  council’s
   bulk of our recruitment nights are   ▶ Conduct a second or third                                                      district
   complete, keep in mind that            recruitment event giving youth                                                 realignment
   recruitment doesn’t stop when                                                                                         plan at www.
                                          another chance to join.
   School Night ends. Here are a few                                                                           
                                        ▶ Ask current youth to invite a
   helpful hints to make sure every
                                          friend to join and hold a special
   youth has the opportunity to join.
                                          joining event.
   ▶ Follow up with everyone that       ▶ Have your Scouts in sports in-
     joined at School Night to make       vite teammates not in Scouting
     sure they have started attending     to join after the season.

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                           October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

       University of Scouting                                                                                            Good Turn for Goodwill
                                                               Scouts Fill the Fridge                                    Good Turn for Goodwill is a community-wide recy-
                                                                                                                         cling/donation drive. We’re asking Scouts to collect
    Saturday, November 7, 2015                                 More than 100 Scouts helped Harvesters, 41-Action         and deliver donations of clothing, household items,
    8:00 am – 4:00 pm                                          News and Price Chopper Fill the Fridge this fall.         books and games. Scouts will distribute donation bags
                                                               The annual drive                                          to friends and neighbors in the community along with
    Join us for a day of                                       helps feed hungry                                         a flyer requesting donations. On the designated day,
    learning, fun, and                                         families in Kansas                                        neighbors will place the filled bags on their porch for
    fellowship with Scouters                                   City and this year’s                                      Scouts to
    from across the council.                                   campaign collected                                        pick up.
    University of Scouting                                     food and funds for                                        Items are
    offers an assortment of                                    more than 145,000                                         then deliv-
    classes in the areas of                                    meals! All Scouts                                         ered to the
    Administration, Program Enhancement and                    who volunteered or                                        pre-selected
    Outdoor Activities. Be the best leader you can             who donated to the                                        Goodwill donation center and tallied.
    be for your Scouts! University of Scouting offers                       campaign were recognized
    something for every Scout Leader and also                                                                            A special patch will be provided by Goodwill for each
                                                                                with the official Fill
    includes youth courses.                                                                                              Scout who participates. The collection & delivery date
                                                                                    the Fridge patch.
                                                                                                                         is November 14. Volunteer to help at www.hoac-bsa.
     Metropolitan Community College
     Business & Technology Campus
     1775 Universal Avenue
     Kansas City, MO

    Enroll today at

                                        Mission Hills Eagle Scout               “My badges represent more than
                                                                                just a number,” said Rosher, who
                                        Earns Every Merit Badge                 is a senior at The Pembroke Hill
                                                                                School. “They represent seven
                                        John Rosher, an Eagle Scout with
                                                                                years of adventures with my fam-
                                        Troop 16, is one of the few who has
                                        earned all 136 merit badges, but it's
                                                                                ily and all my hard work and all                  THEODORE NAISH SCOUT RESERVATION
                                                                                the Scout leaders who helped me
                                        how he did it that will amaze you.                                                 It wouldn’t be Halloween without Haunted Trails!
                                                                                along the way. I couldn’t have
                                        Every badge tells a story and his                                                  All Cub Scouts and their families are invited
                                                                                accomplished this milestone
                                        quest for perfection has taken him                                                 to travel the Haunted Trails of Cub World on
                                                                                without support.”
                                        across the U.S. and beyond.                                                        October 24. Trail hikes begin at 4:00 pm and start
                                                                                John was recognized for his                every 15 minutes until 9:30 pm. Plan to arrive at
                                        To earn some of the more exotic
                                                                                tremendous accomplishment on               least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
                                        badges, Rosher used his family
                                                                                August 31 during his troop’s Court
                                        vacations. He studied oceanog-                                                     Ages 5 and up — $8
                                                                                of Honor at St. Andrews Church.
                                        raphy with a marine biologist in                                                   Ages 4 and under — $4
                                        Seattle, went whitewater rafting in     Read the full story about
                                        Colorado, tried his hand at fishing                                                *Price includes patch, shuttle service, and light meal
                                                                                John’s quest for every merit
                                        in the Amazon jungle, experi-           badge in the Kansas City Star              Pre-registration is required and online sign-up
                                        enced scuba diving in the Cayman        at                  will end on October 21 at midnight. Due to high
                                                         Islands, and even

                                                                                                                           interest in this event, no walk-ins will be accepted.
                                                         climbed Mount          Photo by Joe Ledford. Kansas City Star
                                                         Kilimanjaro.                                                      Register now at

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                         October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council


  Naish Hosts Inaugural
  Camp Naish’s Inaugural Varsity
  Triathlon & Campout welcomed
  more than 106 Scouts to the Reserva-        TOP FINISHERS
  tion August 7-8. Competitors braved
                                              11-13 YEAR OLDS
  our challenging course consisting of
                                              Dan Foster              Troop 378
  a 200-yard swim, 6-mile mountain
  bike ride and                               James Smith             Troop 397
  2-mile cross-                               Brandon Chase           Troop 130
  country run.                                14-15 YEAR OLDS
  Several Scouts                              Ethan Perrins           Crew 2158
  and leaders                                 Andrew Olsen            Team 6465
                                              Jeffey Lund             Troop 378
  true Scout
  spirit, finishing                           16+
  the race and                                Adam Olsen              Team 6465
  then returning                              Evan Dantzscher         Troop 378
  to the course                               Logan Davis             Troop 42
  to support fellow Scouts
  until all had crossed the finish line.      ADULTS
                                              Joey Foster             Troop 378
  TEAM WINNERS                                Joshua Blanch           Team 6465
  1st — Troop 130                             Mitch Wood              Crew 2418
  2nd — Troop 418
  3rd — Troop 378                             All Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and
                                              Venturers are invited to attend next
                                              year’s Triathlon on August 12-13.

                                        Scout Night at
                                       Sporting Park
                                      Rain and chilly tempera-
                                     tures couldn’t stop more
                                    than 2,000 Scouts and their
                                  families from making this
                                 year’s Scout Night at Sport-
                                ing Park one to remember.
                               Scouts filled the South Stand
                             and cheered on Sporting to
                            a convincing win over FC
                          Dallas. Scouts also took to
                         the field with activities that
                        included a Scout color guard,
                      flag parade and post-match
                     penalty kicks. Thanks to
                    our Scout Night committee
                  for a great event! Be sure to
                 check out more event photos                                                Join today for FREE | HOACALUMNI.ORG
                on our Facebook Page.

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                      October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

Guest Speaker: Michael Durant
The 2016 Patron Luncheon is set for March 3 and
                                                                                                                     MYSTERY HOUSE
this year’s featured guest speaker will be master pilot                                                  Find your district Mystery House and win
and best-selling author, Michael Durant. Durant was                                                      big! Each week, Popcorn Kernels will be
the pilot of Black Hawk helicopter Super Six Four                                                        given clues to where the Mystery House is
that was fired upon and subsequently brought down                                                        located in each district via the Kernel
during a combat operation in Mogadishu, Somalia on                                                       					Journal. The first youth
October 3, 1993. After a horrific street battle, he was                                                                        to knock on the door of
overrun by a crazed mob, captured, and held prisoner                                                                           the Mystery House will
for 11 days. His image as a POW was seen around the world on the cover of TIME,                                                be awarded a $100 Visa
Newsweek, US News and World Report. The events of that day were recounted in                                                   gift card!
Mark Bowden’s best-selling book Black Hawk Down and Ridley Scott’s Academy

Award-winning movie of the same name.

This year’s luncheon is being chaired by Stephen Hooley, CEO of DST Systems.
Sponsorships and Table Host opportunities are available, some of which include
access to the exclusive speaker reception held prior to the event. Those interested
in attending should contact Jeromy Rutledge at (816) 569-4965 or jeromy.rutledge@         PROJECT POPC

                            Welsh Named 2015
                            Distinguished Citizen
                         On October 15, the Heart of America Council will honor
                         Polsinelli Chairman and CEO, Russ Welsh, with the 2015
                         Distinguished Citizen Award. The Distinguished Citizen
                         Award honors an individual or company in the Kansas
                         City area for their efforts in making a distinct difference in
                         the fabric of our community. The annual event highlights
                                        our Scoutreach programs and the in-roads
                                        Scouting is making to bring the values and
                                        life skills to young people who might not
                                        otherwise be reached because of socio-
                                                                                          SALE SCHEDULE
                                        economic barriers. Another highlight of the       October 2    Early Bird Incentive Due November 3     Enter Fill-it Up
Distinguished Citizen Award dinner is the presentation of two $10,000 scholarships                                                             Information
to local Eagle Scouts. Contact Jeromy Rutledge for more information or to register        October 19   Return Paperwork Due      November 6    Submit Program Plan
at (816) 569-4965 or                                                                                             and Budget
                                                                                          October 24   Returns Due               November 6-7 Final Distribution
MAJOR SPONSORS                                                                            October 26   Place Final Orders        November 30 Scholarships Due
    Cliff and Bonne Illig         Financial Holding          PFS Holding Company          November 2   Place Final Prize Order   December 9    Popcorn Payments Due

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                   October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

                        In Memory of:                              Scouting Honors Labor Union Members                                Days. The Community Labor Partner Award was also
                                                                                                                                      presented to the Bank of Labor. For more than 30
 Russell Bentch
 Charles & Lori Collins
                                  Jared Pearce
                                  Regina Pearce
                                                                   2015 George Meany Award Dinner                                     years, the Bank of Labor has provided support to the
 Sigmund Popper
                                                                                                                                      annual Investment in Character campaign, Skilled
                                  C Jack Phillips                  On August 20, more than 160 union members, com-                    Trades Work Day and the George Meany Dinner.
 Janis & Matthew Reding
                                  Harvey Bodker                    munity leaders and Scouters gathered for the 3rd
 Mary Snyder
                                  Gary & Denise Cover
 Keith & Dorothy Terry                                             annual George Meany Award Dinner at Argosy Casino                  A special presentation of the BSA’s North Star Award
                                  Jere Ratcliffe                   Hotel. Named for the AFL-CIO’s first president, the                was made to Kevin O’Neill, Publisher of the Labor
 Sharon Brayer
                                  Heart of America Council Staff
 Harvey Bodker                                                     George Meany                                                        Beacon, for his support and promotion of the Skilled
 Janis Perry                      Harold F Smith (Cotton)          Award recognizes                                                    Trades Work Days and the George Meany Dinner.
                                  Thomas Clark
 Bruce E Davis                                                     union members                                                                                           Kevin also served
                                  Gary & Denise Cover
 Harvey Bodker
                                  Nancy & Jim Carnes               who have made a                                                                                         as the dinner
 Robert & Shirley Cunningham                                                                                                                                               emcee.
 Heart of America Council Staff
                                  Susan Dahlsten                   significant contribu-
                                  Jim & Karen Dillon               tion to the youth of
 Andrew Huffman                   David Dunmire
                                                                   their communities by                                                                                           The featured guest
 Carol Beesley                    Georgia Erickson                                                                                                                                Speaker was Eagle
 Nancy & Frank Clifford           Sarah & John Erickson            volunteering in the
 The Greater KC Asorn Chapter     Joanne Faulkner                  programs of the BSA. Tom Buffenbarger, Guest Speaker                                                           Scout R. Thomas
 Sorouch & Kathryn Haddad         Douglas & Caryn Firebaugh                                                                                                                       Buffenbarger,
 Floyd Hastings                   Sue Heley                        The Greater Kan-                                                                                               International
 Beth Huffman                     Julie Greg Hessenflow            sas City, Missouri Labor                                           Lee Perry, Ironworkers Local 10, receives   President of the
 Michele Kerwin                   Kenneth & Nancy Holm                                                                                the George Meany Award
                                                                   Council AFL-CIO presented                                                                                      International
 Kerry Kohrs                      Mr & Mrs Robert Hovey
 Susan Komen                      Bob & Joan Kissick               the George Meany Award                                                                                         Association of
 Barbara Furgason Kurz            John & Paula Longan              to Tim Foster, Sheet Metal                                                                                     Machinists and
 Gayle McFarlane                  Phyllis Newson                   Workers Local 2. Tim is an                                                                                     Aerospace Work-
 Deanna McPherson                 James B Nutter, Sr                                                                                                                              ers. Tom serves
                                                                   Eagle Scout and has been
 Philip Paschang                  Carol Snyder
 Jim Porter                       Richard & Jackie White           involved with Scouting for                                                                                     on the National
 Peggy Reynolds                   Purd & Margaret Wright           close to fifty years. Tim has Tim Foster, Sheet Metal Workers                                                  Board of the
                                                                                                   Local 2, receives the George
 Tom & Patty Sack                 Karl & Paula Yehle               shared his leadership talents Meany Award                                                                      Boy Scouts of
 Ray & Sandra Seidelman           Heart of America Council Staff   over the years as a Com-                                                                                       America.
 Brad & Sandra Sullivan
                                  Robert “Bob” Straw Sr            mittee Member, Commit-                                              2015 George Meany Award Dinner
 Patricia & HL Tolbert
                                  Katherine Noe                    tee Chairman, Assistant                                             Committee
 Linda Zerger
                                  Janis Perry
 Stephen Jenkins                                                   Scoutmaster and Scoutmas-
                                  Leland Welty                     ter for Pack 4264 and Troop
 Scott Benson
                                  Anthony & Mary Amato                                                                                  MAJOR SPONSORS
 Judith Bradley                                                    1264 chartered by the Lee’s
 William & Katherine Calkins
                                  Anonymous                                                                                             Cornerstone Sponsor — International Association of
                                  Roberta Clark                    Summit United Methodist                                              Machinists and Aerospace Workers
 Kathy Hershey
                                  Mr & Mrs Lynn Frisbie            Church. The Tri-County
 Louise Mackenzie                                                                                                                       Dinner Sponsor — International Association of Sheet
                                  Joseph Gaul                      Labor Council of Eastern
 Donna Patton                                                                                     Kevin O’Neill is honored with the     Metal Workers Local 2
                                  Harold & Betty Koch
 Gary & Amy Sanders                                                Kansas presented the George North Star Award
                                  Joyce Mackender
                                                                   Meany Award to Lee Perry,                                            Award Sponsor — International Brotherhood of
 Roger Lee Lapp                   Vicki Newton
 Judy Duryee                      Larry & Bonnie Pagenkopf         Ironworkers Local 10. Lee joined Scouting as a youth                 Boilermakers
 Charlie McBrien
                                  Cindy Prettyman                  in Buffalo, New York before moving to Kansas City                    Program Sponsor — Bank of Labor
                                  Pete’s Auto Service Inc          with his family. Lee is a proud father of an Eagle Scout.
 Julie Bahr
                                  Warren Robertson
 Bill McNeall                     Daniel Shinn                     He has shared his enthusiasm for Scouting by serving                 TABLE SPONSORS
 Jack & Jane DeWees               Jeanne Shinn                     as Chartered Organization Representative and merit                   Electrical Corporation of       International Association of
 McNeall Farms Inc                Meta Snyder                      badge counselor for Pack 4460 and Troop 1460 char-                    America                         Machinist and Aerospace
 Diane Morrill                    Raymond & Kathleen Stockman      tered to the Gracemor Elementary PTA. Lee serves on                  Pipe Fitters Association         Workers Lodge 778
                                  Norman & Joan Trigg                                                                                    Local 533                      Greater Kansas City
 Sosland Publishing                                                the council maintenance committee and has been a
                                                                   member of the camp staff for more than 17 years. He is               Plumbers and Gasfitters          Building & Construction
 Nancy Parness
 Heart of America Council Staff
                                        In Honor of:               a Sagamore in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say.                                 Local 8                         Trades Council
                                  Jeff Richardson                                                                                       Heavy Construction              Tri-County Labor Council
                                  Judith & Kent Richardson         The evening also included the presentation of the                     Laborers’ Local 663             of Eastern Kansas AFL-CIO
                                                                   council’s Community Labor Partner Awards. Awards                     NECA Power Partners             Carpenters’ District
 To remember a loved one or honor a friend, mail your check to
 Memorials & Tributes, Heart of America Council, Endowment                                                                              Boilermakers Local 83            Council
                                                                   were presented to the Carpenter’s District Council
 Fund, P.O. Box 414177, Kansas City, MO 64141-4177. For more                                                                            IBEW Local 124                  Ironworkers Local 10
 information, contact Jeromy Rutledge at (816) 569-4965.           for their support of the council’s Skilled Trades Work               Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO     Metro Ford

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                                           October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

        GOLD RUSH                                          In the American Indian Activi-
                                                           ties/Inductions and Ceremonial
                                                           Events competition, our Dance
    Tamegonit Lodge Shines at National                     Team and Ceremonial Team took
                                                           home more national awards than
    Order of the Arrow Conference                          ever before. Four of our six dancers
    More than 170 Arrowmen from Tamegonit Lodge            advanced to ribbon in the semi-finals in the indi-
    made their way to Michigan State University August     vidual dance competition. Four members received
    3-8 to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the     ribbons in the individual Dance Attire competition.
    Order of the Arrow at the 2015 National Order of the   The team also competed in the inaugural PowWow
    Arrow Conference. Boasting a total attendance          competition. Our Ceremony Team, having trained
    of more than 15,000, NOAC participants experienced     together weekly over the past two years, medaled as
    an unforgettable week long program that included       National Honor Team in all events, the Pre-Ordeal
    training, competitions, stage shows, friendship and    Ceremony, the new Brotherhood Ceremony, and the
    fellowship.                                            Vigil Ceremony performance. During the Night of
                                                           Champions, our Ceremony Team took center stage
    Upon arriving at Michigan State University, par-                                        and were named
    ticipants were issued their individual Spark social                                     National Champions
    media device that turned meeting others into a fun                                      in the Ceremonial
    competitive game. The premier event kicked off the                                      Costume Competi-
    OA Centennial Anniversary Celebration with a night                                      tion portraying their                 NOAC AWARDS
    stage show entitled “It Starts with Us”. All present                                    region, a first for                 TAMEGONIT LODGE
    were challenged to affect change and bring the fire                                     Tamegonit Lodge.
                                                                                                                    National Champion     Ceremonial Costume
    home to their home councils.                                                                                                          Competition
                                                                                                                    National Honor Team   Pre-Ordeal Ceremony
                                                                                                                    National Honor Team   New Brotherhood Ceremony
                                                                                                                    National Honor Team   Vigil Ceremony
                                                                                                                    1st Place             400 x 400 Relay
    As the week continued, Arrowmen took part in ses-
    sions from How to Better a Committee, to Fly Fishing                                                            3rd Place             Soccer
    Made Simple, to creating the Cutting Edge Conclave.
    In a demonstration of physical stamina, our members
    participated in the 5k Run, taking 1st in the 4x400    In his keynote speech, the OA National Chief
    Relay and 3rd place in soccer.                         launched the #DareToDo service initiative for 100
                                                           days following NOAC. It calls for all Arrowmen to
                                                           perform small acts of service and to share what they
                                                           did on social media. The power of 165,000 Arrow-
                                                           men performing these simple tasks will ignite other
                                                           Scouts to follow, thus putting our foot forward in
                                                           service for all. Be sure to mark your calendars and
                                                           plan to join us at NOAC 2018 at Indiana University.

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                               October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

     ORDER OF THE ARROW                                                                                        MIC-O-SAY NEWS

  Lodge Dues to Increase in 2016 2015 Vigil                                             Brave Roundups
                                 Honors                                                 The 2016 Mic-O-Say season will be here before you know
  Earlier this year, the Tamegonit Lodge
  Executive Committee voted to raise                                                    it and now is the time to start getting ready. The Tribe of
                                            The Vigil Honor is
  annual dues from $10 to $15, starting                                                 Mic-O-Say will again be hosting Brave Roundups the last
                                            the highest honor that
  January 1, 2016. This is the first time                                               Saturday of January and February in the Kansas City area. This
                                            the Order of the Arrow can bestow
  in over a decade that the Lodge has                                                   is a great way to prepare all the 2015 Braves to become Warriors in the Tribe.
                                            upon its members for service to the
  raised its annual dues. The purpose                                                   The meeting will include a refresher from the Brave process and an opportuni-
                                            Lodge, council and Scouting. Tamego-
  of this change is to further improve                                                  ty to secure items to make their tribal attire from Parry Lodge. Look for more
                                            nit Lodge recognized 46 individuals
  our program while maintaining the                                                     information at Roundtable in November.
                                            with this distinction at the 2015 Vigil
  infrastructure Tamegonit Lodge has        Banquet on October 3.
  worked so hard to build over its 76                                                   Tribal Elevations
  year tenure in the council. Please        Turn to page 14 for the complete 2015
                                                                                        Hundreds of youth and adults were elevated to new ranks and responsibilities
  direct any questions to the Lodge         Vigil Honor listing.
                                                                                        throughout the summer camping season. Congratulations and a big “How
  Staff Advisor, Scott Weaver, at scott.                                                How” to everyone!
                                                                                        •  Foxmen (900)
                                                                                        •  Braves (909)
                                                                                                                          This summer, the
                       Fall 2015 Mini-Camps                                             •  Hardway Warriors (787)         Tribe inducted
                                                                                        •  Honorary Warriors (301)        its 79,000th
                       • October 10         • October 24        • November 7
                                                                                        •  Honored Women (106)            member since
                       It’s summer camp when you want it! Enjoy Scout camp fa-                                            its founding by
                                                                                        •  Firebuilders (461)
                       vorites like rifle, shotgun, archery, climbing and rappelling.                                     Chief Lone Bear
                       Take advantage of these opportunities to gain new skills         •  Tom Tom Beaters (226)
                       and discover new interests:                                      •  Runners (148)
                       • Fishing Merit Badge — October 10                               •  Keepers of the Sacred Bundle (66)
                       • Soil and Water Conservation Merit Badge — October 24          •  Shaman (66)
                           & November 7
                                                                                        •  Sachems (45)
                       • Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge — October 10
                       • Farm Mechanics Merit Badge — October 10                        •  Keepers of the Wampum (10)
                       • Search and Rescue fundamentals — October 24 &                 •  Sagamores (9)
                           November 7                                                   •  Medicine Men (3)
                                                                                                                          Their Work Is Done
                       Register now at             •  Chieftain (1)
                                                                                                                          The Tribe is saddened over the recent loss
                                                                                        See page 14 for the complete      of several important leaders in the Tribe’s
                                                                                        list of 2015 Tribal Council       history. These Tribesmen dedicated so
                         READY TO RIDE                                                  elevations.                       much to the Tribe, and now their work
                                                                                                                          is done.
                         ATV Safety Course at Naish
                                                                                                                          Jere B. Ratcliffe, Chief Soaring Lone Eagle
                         Get ready for the ultimate adrenaline rush! ATV classes                                             (1988-1991 Directing Chief)
                         at Naish are open and available. The program focuses                                             Bruce E. Davis, Chieftain Swift Streaking
                         on equipping Scouts with knowledge and skills for safe                                             Comet (1998 Presiding Chieftain)
                         four-wheel ATV riding.
                                                                                                                          C. Jack Phillips, Chieftain Far Away Hawk
                         • Scouts must be 14 years of age or older to participate                                           (2000 Honorary Chieftain)
                         • Next Course: October 24-25 | Naish Mini-Camp
                           Weekend                                                                                        Harold "Cotton" Smith, Jr., Chieftain Spirit
                         For more information on the ATV course or to register                                             Fire (2004 Presiding Chieftain)
                         online visit

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                 October/November 2015

Adventures inSCOUTING - Heart of America Council

     OA High Adventure Excursions
     Need an escape from the ordinary? Each summer,        •   $250 — 2 weeks at Philmont
     the Order of the Arrow offers a myriad of different   •   $250 — 8 days at the Summit
     High Adventure opportunities to meet your sum-
                                                           •   $200 — 2 weeks at Northern Tier
     mer needs. Whether it’s taking a plunge in the At-
     lantic Ocean at the Florida Sea Base or taming the    •   $500 — 10 days at Sea Base
     Summit’s adventure sports paradise, an OA High
                                                           For more information or to register, visit
     Adventure excursion will put you at a National
     High Adventure base at a terrific price.

                                                                                                                          2017 NATIONAL JAMBOREE
                                                                                                                          The National Jamboree is an unforgettable
                                                                                                                          experience that will stay with you
                                                                                                                          for a lifetime! The 2017 National Jamboree
                                                                                                                          will be held July 19-28 at the BSA’s newest
                                                                                                                          High Adventure Base, The Summit in
                                                                                                                          West Virginia.

                                                                                                                          The Heart of America Council is now ac-
                                                                                                                          cepting reservations for this unforgettable
                                                                                                                          adventure. Tour stops include visits to the
                                                                                                                          NASA Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama,
                                Jamboree-on-the Air                                                                       Gettysburg Battlefield, whitewater rafting,
                                                                                                                          and two days in Washington D.C. For more
                                The world’s largest annual Scouting event occurs on the 3rd weekend of Octo-              information and to make your $100 deposit
                                ber each year. Jamboree-on-the-Air will connect Scouts from over 200 countries            go to
                                through the use of amateur radios.

                                Hit the airwaves with us at Camp Naish from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday,               MAKE YOUR $100 DEPOSIT TODAY!
                                October 17. Ham radio operators will be standing by to assist Scouts. This event
                                is open to Scouts and Scouters of any age at no cost. No reservations are required.
                                Scouts can come as a den, pack, troop or as individuals.

                                                                                 PHILMONT ADVISOR
                                                                                 SKILLS SCHOOL
                                                                                 October 23 — October 26 &
       International                                                             October 30 — November 2
     Scouting Activities                                        Philmont Advisor Skills School features a one-night
                                                                adventure into the rugged New Mexico backcoun-
        Open House                                              try led by an experienced member of the Philmont
                                                                Ranger Department.
      Heart of America Council Service Center                   Participants will be transported from the Denver
            Tuesday, October 27, 2015                           Airport to Philmont. The cost to attend is only $76   Learn more at
                                                                and covers shuttle transportation to/from Denver,     TrekPreparation/PASS.aspx or call Dave Woodman
                  7:00-9:00 PM
                                                                lodging gear, meals and PASS materials.               (913) 709-4006.

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                    October/November 2015

    Annual               TOP HONORS
          Special Recognition Issue

                      Outstanding volunteers make the Heart of America Council
                      one of the best councils in the country.
              We are proud to recognize this year’s “Top Honors” recipients for their service to Scouting.

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                   October/November 2015


The Silver Beaver Award is the
highest award that a local council
may bestow on an adult volunteer for
distinguished service to youth.

The Heart of America Council
    is proud to recognize the    2015
Silver Beaver
                                                    Catherine Albers   Eugene Bellner Sr.    Fred Bixler Jr.   Michael Brady         Tamela Cockrum

Award Recipients
                for their service to Scouting.

Honorees will be recognized at the
Council Annual Recognition Banquet
on November 11 the Overland                         William Easley       Nils Erickson      John Freshnock     Philip Gramlich          Raymond
                                                                                                                                       Graskemper Jr.
Park Convention Center. Online
reservations are now available at

                                                   Benjamin Grimsley   Anthony Grosshans      Allen Huff          Lee Perry           Catherine Puls

                                                                          John Rohrer       Zachary Shafran     James Wasko

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                 October/November 2015


                     2015 Heart of America Council                                                                                                           2015 Heart of America Council National Youth Leadership
                     Wood Badge Training Participants                                                                                                        Training Participants
COURSE C5-307-15-1                                                    Glenn Baughman.............................. Lone Bear                                 Course Director: Tim Helton
Course Director: Tim Bodendistel                                      Robert Burdick.................................. Pelathe              Morgan Atkinson.................North Star              Nicholas Voet........................Thunderbird
Frank Audano.................................... Red-Tailed Hawk      Ari Burt............................................... Thunderbird   Austin Ball.............................Thunderbird     Houston Webb......................Big Muddy
                                                                      Tara Calley......................................... Twin Rivers      Lucas Blahnik........................North Star         Dylan Young.........................Thunderbird
Thomas Baker.................................... Trailhead            Jeffrey Campbell................................ Thunderbird
Diane Beatty....................................... Thunderbird                                                                             Ian Bowen..............................Northern Tier    Samuel Arriaga.....................Thunderbird
                                                                      Jeremiah Collier................................ Thunderbird          Austin Brown........................Big Muddy           Tom Bettis.............................Thunderbird
John Boyce......................................... Trailhead         Kelly Daggett...................................... Twin Rivers
Mark Brewer...................................... Red-Tailed Hawk                                                                           Justin Brown..........................Red-Tailed Hawk   Christopher Boyce................Trailhead
                                                                      David Deaton..................................... North Star
Ryan Browning.................................. Trails West                                                                                 Connor Chism......................Thunderbird           Robyn Bryson.......................Trails West
                                                                      Eric Duffendack................................ Lone Bear
David Bryant...................................... Trails West                                                                              Kellan Clouse........................North Star         Tyler Burnes..........................Blue Elk
                                                                      Scott Elsey.......................................... Trails West
Richard Burroughs............................ Trails West                                                                                   Scott Cook.............................North Star       Joshua Camp.........................Thunderbird
                                                                      Ralf Emerson..................................... North Star
Matt Calhoun..................................... Blue Elk                                                                                  Tanner Cook.........................North Star          Zane Dautenhahn.................Thunderbird
                                                                      Jeffrey Flannery................................. Trails West
Bryan Casey....................................... Thunderbird                                                                              Bailey Cornelison.................Twin Rivers           Nathan Drake........................Blue Elk
                                                                      Troy Floyd.......................................... Thunderbird
Stephen Clark.................................... Trailhead           John Gemsky...................................... Northern Tier       Cameron Courtright............Lone Bear                 Robert Duncan.....................Blue Elk
Jeffrey Danley.................................... Out of Council     Jay Gillette.......................................... Trails West    Trenton Courtright..............Lone Bear               Cole Edwards........................Trailhead
Kevin Dellett...................................... Red-Tailed Hawk   William Guyer................................... Thunderbird          Jackson Crabtree...................Red-Tailed Hawk      Nathaniel Enke.....................Blue Elk
Mary England.................................... Trailhead            Matthew Harkins.............................. Trails West             Dalton Cumpton..................Thunderbird             Mason Ericson......................Northern Tier
Jeremy Fuksa...................................... North Star         Jon Harms.......................................... North Star        Josh Dorland.........................North Star         Jacob Galos............................Trailhead
Bernice Garnett................................. Kaw                  Phillip Helt......................................... North Star      Ryan Duffendack..................Lone Bear              Zachary Gibson....................Red-Tailed Hawk
Scott Gates.......................................... Pelathe         Justin Hoke......................................... North Star       Luke Dunn............................North Star         Caden Goodman..................Trails West
Carol Gersema................................... Kaw                  Joseph Hood...................................... Trails West         Sidney Edelbrock..................Twin Rivers           Evan Heard............................Blue Elk
Kevin Gibson..................................... Red-Tailed Hawk     Jeffrey Hopkins.................................. Northern Tier       Alexander England...............Trailhead               Tyler Hilk...............................Northern Tier
Lori Golon Thorne............................ Kaw                     Guy Jacobs.......................................... Pelathe          Cameron Franklin................Kaw                     Sam Hurt...............................Trailhead
Claudia Gomez Rodriguez.............. Thunderbird                     John Jordan........................................ Trailhead         Dylan Godfrey......................Lone Bear            Alexander Jackson................Red-Tailed Hawk
Marco Gonzalez................................ Pioneer Trails         Gerald "Neal" Karnes........................ Lone Bear                Payton Greenwald................North Star              Jakob Johnson.......................Blue Elk
David Graham................................... Red-Tailed Hawk       Russell Kohl....................................... Trailhead         Caden Hellman.....................Kaw                   Dakota Lepker......................Blue Elk
Michael Guthrie................................ Red-Tailed Hawk       Bruce Lalonde.................................... Trails West         Ryan Hellman.......................Kaw                  Logan Littleton.....................North Star
Amy Guthrie...................................... Red-Tailed Hawk     Michael Laney................................... Trails West
Leonard Hallmark............................. North Star
                                                                                                                                            Samuel Howell......................Twin Rivers          Jeremiah Lossa......................Kaw
                                                                      Patrick Liang...................................... Blue Elk          Ethan Hulen..........................Trailhead          John Manuel..........................North Star
Carmen Haynes................................. Trails West            Douglas McConnell.......................... Trails West
Kenneth Herstowski......................... Trailhead                                                                                       Joshua Judd...........................Twin Rivers       Ryan Martens........................Trails West
                                                                      Cieara McCoy.................................... Pelathe              Tanner Karnes.......................Lone Bear           Gaven Martin........................Trails West
Richard Higgason............................. Thunderbird             Leon McCoy...................................... Pelathe
Michael Holladay.............................. Out of Council                                                                               Michael Klapp.......................Lone Bear           David “Tanner” McBee........Red-Tailed Hawk
                                                                      Byron McMurphy............................. Lone Bear
John Hoye........................................... Thunderbird                                                                            William Laubscher...............North Star              Jackson McCoy.....................Thunderbird
                                                                      Kevin Meyerhoff................................ Red-Tailed Hawk
Sarah Martinez.................................. Pioneer Trails                                                                             Mason Lewis.........................North Star          Erika McFadden...................Trailhead
                                                                      Ian Newlin.......................................... Trails West
Michael Mason.................................. Red-Tailed Hawk                                                                             Jack Lintz...............................Thunderbird    Noah Meitler.........................Thunderbird
                                                                      Douglas Norsby................................. Trails West
Michael McElroy............................... Out of Council                                                                               Hayden Loughrey.................North Star              Ross Mineo............................Blue Elk
                                                                      John Payne......................................... Thunderbird
Chad Mestel....................................... Trails West        Derek Riggs........................................ Trails West
                                                                                                                                            Leyton Manley......................North Star           Prax Myer..............................Pelathe
Linda Miller....................................... Red-Tailed Hawk   Carissa Robertson............................. Out of Council         Evan Mansil...........................North Star        Evan Myers............................Trailhead
Ryan Moore........................................ Trails West        Beth Robinett..................................... Out of Council     Caleb McKinney...................North Star             Zachary Noland....................Red-Tailed Hawk
Glenda Noell...................................... Kaw                Keith Rose.......................................... Trailhead        Bonnie Miller........................Pelathe            Robert Partridge...................North Star
Jennifer Oreilly.................................. Thunderbird        Ludwig Ryfkogel................................ Pelathe               Simon Mitchell.....................Thunderbird          Connor Poteet.......................Trailhead
Jeffrey Phillips.................................... Trails West      Brian Schatz....................................... Thunderbird       Nolan Moore.........................Red-Tailed Hawk     Anthony Saccardi.................Thunderbird
Gwynn Pierce.................................... Trails West          Marc Schlebusch............................... North Star             Andrew Murphy...................Trailhead               Nathaniel Sawchak...............Trails West
Gordon Rames................................... Red-Tailed Hawk       Chris Schmidt.................................... Northern Tier       Joshua Petree.........................Lone Bear         Thomas Schmitt....................Red-Tailed Hawk
Johnathon Sampsel........................... Kaw                      Michelle Seastrom............................. Red-Tailed Hawk        Adam Pfannenstiel...............Kaw                     Jake Seager.............................Trailhead
Thomas Shoffner............................... Kaw                    Delmar Swindle................................. Blue Elk              Evan Price..............................Trailhead       Steve Sosa..............................Trailhead
James Simmons................................. Lone Bear              Kevin Templin................................... Lone Bear            Jack Reeves............................Trailhead        Phillip Vaughn......................Kaw
Brian Streich...................................... North Star        Scott Tener......................................... Northern Tier    Thomas Rudkin....................North Star             Jordan Wagstaff.....................Thunderbird
Brian Symons..................................... Red-Tailed Hawk     Matthew Terryberry......................... Thunderbird               Hunter Ruskanen.................Red-Tailed Hawk         Dane Worthington...............Trailhead
Jason Waltonen.................................. Blue Elk             Matthew Thomas............................... Northern Tier           Mike Schroder......................Kaw                  Cody Sanders........................Blue Elk
Michael Wegner................................ Trailhead              Jeffery Thorne.................................... Kaw                Bryce Simpson......................North Star           Chandis Raygor....................Thunderbird
                                                                      William Whitman............................. North Star               Gus Sippel..............................Trailhead       Vince Lewis...........................North Star
COURSE C5-307-15-2                                                    Marvin Wiedeman............................ Pelathe
Course Director: Tony Jackowski                                                                                                             James Smith...........................North Star        Colin Guthrie........................Red-Tailed Hawk
                                                                      Devon Williamson............................ Thunderbird              Alex Springer........................North Star         Matthew Winters..................Twin Rivers
Edward Adams.................................. Pelathe                Ryan Wilson....................................... Thunderbird        Robert Stepp..........................North Star        Benjamin Duncan................North Star
Christine Adams............................... Pelathe                Amon Woolridge.............................. North Star
                                                                                                                                            Ashleigh Sterling..................Red-Tailed Hawk      Nick Burkhammer...............North Star
Bobby Balentine................................ Thunderbird           Dawn Wyatt....................................... Thunderbird
                                                                                                                                            Parker Stevens.......................North Star         Haley Finstad........................Pelathe
Ricky Ball............................................ Thunderbird
                                                                                                                                            Jacob Thornsberry................North Star             Ashley Finstad......................Pelathe
Thomas Barden................................. Blue Elk
                                                                                                                                            Dylan Vangilder....................Thunderbird

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                                                                                         October/November 2015


                     2015 Order of the Arrow
                     Vigil Members
Michael Adamek               Benjamin Kelm
Robert Baker                 Alexander Kolar       2015 Tribal Council Elevations
Carol Bloomer                Jacob Martin                                                                              Anthony J Willard      Sachem White Moonlit Wolf
Karl Bodenheimer             Connor Matches                                                                            Benjamin M Wilson      Sachem Silver Stealthy Skunk
                                                   Timothy S Barnett       Sachem Hunter of Whitetail
Augustus Boos                Paul Meyers                                                                               Christopher Wilt       Sachem Wild Flying Horse
                                                   James G Beachner        Sachem Lone Eagle Fishing
                                                                                                                       Daniel W Wohlford	Sachem Great White Birch By Cool
Graham Boswell               Timothy Mitchell      Paul Martin Bertrand	Sachem Calling Redwing Whippoorwill
Mark Brewer                  Jacob Moyer           Kevin Bing              Sachem Burning Star In the Night
                                                                                                                       Jordan Wright          Sachem Soaring Red Leg Eagle
                                                   Taylor R Blann          Sachem Son of Loud Roaring Bear
Paul Cast                    Benjamin Murdock
                                                   John A Collier          Sachem Flying Ball of Fire                  Keeper of the Wampum
April Clark                  Stephanie Ogan
                                                   Preston S Conner        Sachem Lonesome Lost Wolf                   David Belzer	Keeper of the Wampum Running
Simon Davis                  William Oprisu        Bret O Cooper           Sachem Dances With Trout                                  White Wolf
Benjamin Dyhouse             John Oxley            Mike Culver             Sachem One Tin Soldier                      Dwight D Fowler	Keeper of the Wampum Least Fleet
                                                                                                                                        Footed Elk
Isaac Eastman                David Pullen          Levi J Dunham	Sachem Little Ever Thundering White
                                                                  Stallion                                             Jeffrey A Grubb	Keeper of the Wampum Little Deep
Samuel Eichorst              Michael Skelton                                                                                            Flowing River
                                                   Jared A Fears           Sachem Flying Little Gray Squirrel
Mark Enke                    Barry Slotnick                                                                            Lawrence D Jefferson	Keeper of the Wampum Little
                                                   Timothy D Frantze       Sachem Least Silver Blue River
                                                                                                                                             Screaming Horse
Benjamin Foster              Gabriel Stillwell     Jeff B Fox              Sachem Chases Northern Lights
                                                                                                                       Robert N Kline	Keeper of the Wampum Winds of
Dawson Garcia                David Timpe           Les Garber	Sachem Lightning of the Raging Storm                                    the Coup
Mark Garcia                  Kenny Ward            Andrew Gerrard Jr       Sachem Little Soft Sounding Coyote          David Lehman	Keeper of the Wampum Little Sure
                                                   Michael Grimaldi        Sachem Flashing Red Forest                                Footed Running Elk
Lisa Grimsley                M. Scott Weaver
                                                   Bob James Robert Hale   Sachem Whispering King Snake                Michael Morris	Keeper of the Wampum Big Heaven
James Hale                   Kyle Weber            Kim Hein                Sachem Spark of High Flying Yellow Flame                   Piercing Eagle
Ronald Hayes Jr              Alvin Weber           Allan W High            Sachem Smoking Long Rifle                   John P Peter           Keeper of the Wampum Thunder Heart
                                                   Thomas E Hines III      Sachem Lone Burro                           Don M Seaver	Keeper of the Wampum Living Water
Eric Isaacson                Charles Welsh
                                                   Howard W Hoenshell      Sachem Talking Wind In Tall Pine            Carol L Snyder	Keeper of the Wampum Helpful
Conner Jenkins               Keith Wood                                                                                                Silver Bird
                                                   Marshall Hollingsworth Sachem Serving Beaver
John Kelly-Collins           Frank Zizzo Jr.
                                                   Joshua David Horton     Sachem Silver Puma Spirit                   Sagamore
                                                   Rey Jared Irwin         Sachem Grandson of Yellow Ember             John Nick Badgerow     Sagamore Jumping White Horse
                                                   Joseph G Jacobs III     Sachem Bold Bright Sun                      Stephen E Foote        Sagamore Silver Foot
                                                   Sheila M Lancaster	Sachem Whispers To Diving Nighthawk             Brad Frederick         Sagamore Falling Lost Star
                                                   Reade C Montgomery	Sachem Running Son of Little                    Steven L Lancaster     Sagamore Least Diving Cold Creek
                                                                       Black Leggings
                                                                                                                       Russell S Lindsay Jr   Sagamore Golden Trout
                                                   Michael Mosakowski      Sachem Little Bright Twin Star
                                                                                                                       Daryl L Stine          Sagamore Deep Running Water
                                                   Christian A Nissen      Sachem Dark Horizon
                                                                                                                       James B Todd	Sagamore Spirit of the Morning Star
                                                   Mike Norton             Sachem Swift Falling Tree
                                                                                                                       Salvatore E Valenti    Sagamore Swift Moving Hands
                                                   Pam Olive	Sachem Youngest Daughter of
                  IS YOUR UNIT A                              Quiet Night                                              Scott J Willoughby     Sagamore Wild Cloud

                                                   Scott Gregory Osborne   Sachem Survivor of Shadows
                                                                                                                       Medicine Man
                                                   Brandon C Pemburlin	Sachem Second Son of Glistening Tree

                                                                                                                       Edward L Gooseman      Medicine Man Rising Goose
                                                   Patrick V Ralston       Sachem Majestic Speaking Falcon
                                                                                                                       Danny Minnick	Medicine Man Bold Lightning
                                                   Brent Soendker          Sachem Farmer of Many Animals                              Thunder
                                                   Gabriel J Smart         Sachem Stalker of Long Shadows              Randy Sims             Medicine Man Shield of the Wolf
       Find out in our special camping spotlight
                                                   Rick Thomann            Sachem Light Misting Rain Cloud
       in the December-January edition of
                                                   John Wessling	Sachem Fast Rising Trout In the                      Chieftain
       Adventures in Scouting.                                    Early Dawn                                           Gary V Cover           Chieftain Lone Towering Pine
                                                   Bruce A White           Sachem Slumbering White Bear

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                       October/November 2015


                          SCOUTING HISTORY

                                       New Scout Uniforms
                                       Arrive in Kansas City
                                       By Andy Dubill, Council Historian

                                       Soon after Scouting’s launch in Kansas
                                       City, Gordon & Koppel Clothiers
                                       announced that the first eighty sets of
                                       uniforms had been received and were
                                       being distributed to the lucky Scouts
                                       who had placed their orders earlier that

                                        set cost
                                        $2.65 and
   a hat, shirt, baggy knee trousers and a khaki

   Tenderfoot Scouts would receive a special
   button to wear on their uniforms until
   permanent insignia arrived.

   Three troops of Scouts were scheduled to wear
   their uniforms on scheduled hikes in early
                                                                                                       COUNCIL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
   November of 1910; the first troop hiked from                                                      Join the Heart of America Council Team
   Westport Baptist Church to Merriam, Kansas;                                                       We’re hiring! Make Scouting a career and join the Heart
   the second left from the First Congregational                                                     of America Council team. We’re currently looking for ap-
   Church bound for Independence, Missouri                                                           plicants for the following positions:
   and the last left the First Congregational
   Church in Kansas City, Kansas bound for
                                                                                  Camp Naish Trading Post Manager:          College Internships:
   the Quindaro Ruins. People in Kansas City
   observed the Scouts in                                                         The Theodore Naish Scout Reserva-         The Heart of America Council has
   their brand new                                                                tion is looking for a part time Trading   college internship positions available
   uniforms on their                                                              Post Manager. The Trading Post            in the following areas: Field Service,
   hikes.                                                                         Manager will be responsible for com-      Marketing and Development. Intern-
                                                                                  munity networking and marketing,          ships must be for college credit. Ju-
   If you have                                                                    employee relations, merchandising,        niors and Seniors preferred, but will
   questions about                                                                inventory management and general          consider others based on experience.
   Scouting history                                                               operational functions. Retail experi-     Compensation of $200 per week.
   that would be good                                                             ence is required, management and          For more information contact Brian
   topics for future                                                              Scouting experience preferred. Start-     Tobler at 816-569-4985 or Brian.
   columns, email                                                                 ing salary of $11.00 per hour. Full
   Andy Dubill at                                                                 position description and additional                                                               details are available upon request.

                                                                                  Apply online:

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                            October/November 2015


BIG MUDDY                                                    Troop 1360   Garrett Miller       Christopher Golden, SM
Troop 1120   Austin Cox            Douglas Watson, SM        Troop 1374   Liam Huntsucker      Paul Crooks, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1003   Holden Moore           Anthony Laughlin, SM
Troop 1318   Benjamin Doyle        Rodney Wolken, SM         Troop 1374   Jackson Martin       Paul Crooks, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1032   Seth Smith             Dan Barnes, SM
Troop 1318   Morgan Nicodemus      Rodney Wolken, SM         Troop 1378   Christopher Winkie   John Pratt, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1032   Jeremy Stinger         Dan Barnes, SM
Troop 1324   Hunter Hall           Roland Francis, SM        Troop 1378   Matthew Clark        John Pratt, SM
Troop 1414   Jared Smith           Phillip Smith, SM                                                                    Troop 1032   Jackson Sparks         Dan Barnes, SM
                                                             Troop 1378   Evan Dantzscher      John Pratt, SM
Troop 1713   Luke Schaberg         John Mitchell, SM                                                                    Troop 1032   Michael Homer          Dan Barnes, SM
                                                             Troop 1394   Hollis Hagembuch     Brian Streich, SM
Troop 1713   Nicholas Mitchell     John Mitchell, SM                                                                    Troop 1032   Jacob Whitney          Dan Barnes, SM
                                                             Troop 1397   Sean McMullen        Timothy Kixmiller, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1033   Michael McLaughlin     Steven Brown, SM
BLUE ELK                                                     Troop 1412   Luke Termorshuizen   Justin Hoke, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1054   Justin Nitz            Steven Hilger, SM
Troop 1082   Christopher Diaz Jr   Christopher Diaz Sr, SM   Troop 1433   Cy Booth             Joseph Blount, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1054   Noah Baldwin           Steven Hilger, SM
Troop 1138   Parker Sullivan       Dennis Henks, SM          Troop 1433   Kaleb Booth          Joseph Blount, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1088   Joshua Madrid          Justin Fay, SM
Troop 1161   Phillip Milam         David Dunn, SM            Troop 1444   Caleb Lee            Thomas McPherson, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 1210   Ryan Parker            Douglas Horne, SM
Troop 1221   Michael Mader         James Waldman, SM         Troop 1447   Mason Davis          Matthew Wheeler, SM
Troop 1226   Garrett Giles         David Lyons Jr, SM                                                                   Troop 1244   Alec Radford           Joseph White, SM
                                                             Troop 1495   Blake Keller         Christopher Conner, SM
Troop 1228   Andrew Huber          Patrick Liang, SM                                                                    Troop 1251   Nicholas Minx          Robert Johnson, SM
                                                             Troop 1992   Jacob Pritchett      Dennis Wycoff, SM
Troop 1266   Prestib Hazen         David Graham, SM                                                                     Troop 1251   Christopher Minx       Robert Johnson, SM
                                                             Crew 2418    Spencer Goff         Joshua Knowlton, ADV
Troop 1282   Nicholas Dunlap       Scott Howell Jr, SM                                                                  Troop 1251   Daniel Reilly          Robert Johnson, SM
                                                             Crew 2418    Alexander Untch      Joshua Knowlton, ADV
Troop 1282   Hunter Ginavan        Scott Howell Jr, SM                                                                  Troop 1255   Collin Horn            Brian Osgood, SM
Troop 1347   John Treese           Jeffrey Fox, SM           NORTHERN TIER                                              Troop 1255   Brennan Riggs          Brian Osgood, SM
Troop 1362   Gregory Gamble        Anthony Schamel, SM       Troop 34     Caleb Daniels        Lynn Holthaus, SM        Troop 1255   Luke Talcott           Brian Osgood, SM
Troop 1362   Nicholas Royer        Anthony Schamel, SM       Troop 54     Rex Templin          Michael Kowynia, SM      Troop 1391   Evan Jones             Lance Overfield, SM
Troop 1763   Thomas Lay            Bryan Richardson, SM      Troop 54     Tyler Wollum         Michael Kowynia, SM      Troop 1510   Tyler Melendorp        Paul Fyffe, SM
Troop 1763   Tyler Krause          Bryan Richardson, SM      Troop 93     Landon Butler        Myrl Wear, SM            Troop 1531   Kevin Rock             Damon Valdez, SM
Troop 1813   Braeden Finch         John Jacques, SM          Troop 194    Gerald Brungardt     Rick Harris, SM          Troop 1531   Ryan Beaver            Damon Valdez, SM
Crew 2246    Thomas Miller         Steven Williams, ADV      Troop 295    Nicholas Sorenson    Paul Cast, SM            Troop 1601   Hunter Parsons         Michael Dulle, SM
Team 6246    Joseph Miller         Isaac Rush, VC
                                                             Troop 358    Kevin McMorris       Nathan Roney, SM         Troop 1621   Ian Phillips           Patrick Snider, SM
KAW                                                          Troop 584    James Naylor         Bret Bozick, SM          Troop 1631   Luke Bryde             Kenneth Douglas, SM
Troop 165    Miguel Enriquez       Nils Erickson, SM                                                                    Troop 1631   Bryan Wilber           Kenneth Douglas, SM
Troop 165    Kyle Lauber           Nils Erickson, SM                                                                    Troop 1631   Tom Black              Kenneth Douglas, SM
                                                             Troop 52     Eric Glogau          Richard Bireta, SM
Troop 173    Andrew Davidson       Glenn Kolin, SM
                                                             Troop 52     Ian Archer           Richard Bireta, SM       TRAILHEAD
Troop 173    Patrick Clark         Glenn Kolin, SM
                                                             Troop 55     Seth Winchester      Robert Burdick, SM       Troop 10     Matthew Boushka        Robert Day, SM
Troop 304    Mylan Gray            David Moon, SM
                                                             Troop 59     Steele Jacobs        Guy Jacobs, SM           Troop 10     Cooper May             Robert Day, SM
Troop 366    Matthew Hauerwas      Gerard Overbey, SM
                                                                                                                        Troop 10     Clay Christenson       Robert Day, SM
                                                             PIONEER TRAILS
LONE BEAR                                                                                                               Troop 10     Kyle Elmendorf         Robert Day, SM
                                                             Troop 1016   Gage Kent            David Banks, SM
Troop 1163   Payton Inglis         Frank Inglis, SM                                                                     Troop 10     Andrew Stark           Robert Day, SM
                                                             Troop 1016   Ethan Starr          David Banks, SM
Troop 1400   Trevor Reynolds       Russell Petree, SM                                                                   Troop 10     Joshua Dunn            Robert Day, SM
                                                             Troop 1016   Jonathan Ator        David Banks, SM
Troop 1400   Andrew Burgess        Russell Petree, SM                                                                   Troop 282    Frank Sheeran          Kerby Ball, SM
                                                             Troop 1016   Andrew Faber         David Banks, SM
Troop 1437   Isac Tichenor         Hurley Mahan, SM                                                                     Troop 395    Charles Mackey II      Bryan Clingan, SM
                                                             Troop 1016   Cooper Garren        David Banks, SM
Troop 1513   Samuel Espey          Charles Barry, SM                                                                    Troop 396    Robert Bjerke          Timothy Bachta, SM
                                                             Troop 1027   Ari Ellis            Robert Coates, SM
Troop 1513   Adrian Dale           Charles Barry, SM
                                                             Troop 1030   Niles Anthony        Jeffery Baird, SM        TRAILS WEST
Troop 1513   Jonathan Larimore     Charles Barry, SM
                                                             Troop 1050   Braxton Fink         James Bernard III, SM    Troop 83     Ethan Steward          Jacob Brelsford, SM
Troop 1514   Jared Boswell         Richard Young, SM
                                                             Troop 1062   Christian Bredow     George Weaver, SM        Troop 83     Andrew Stover          Jacob Brelsford, SM
Troop 1514   Gavin Kisby           Richard Young, SM
                                                             Troop 1080   Nicholas Jamerson    Salvatore Valenti, SM    Troop 83     Joseph Ward            Jacob Brelsford, SM
NORTH STAR                                                   Troop 1118   Timothy Keens        Michael Lisac, SM        Troop 83     Dylan Dutton           Jacob Brelsford, SM
Troop 1096   Daniel Comer          Frank Comer, SM           Troop 1118   Lewis Chapman        Michael Lisac, SM        Troop 401    Jordan Mackey          Michael Meigs, SM
Troop 1171   Korey Dennis          Shannon Arbuckle, SM      Troop 1118   Paul Davis           Michael Lisac, SM        Troop 439    Tyker Schunk           Jacob Wolf, SM
Troop 1202   Thomas Barker         David Oscarson, SM        Troop 1588   Lucas Ochs           Paul Hermes, SM          Troop 487    Alexander Mildenhall   Joel Corkill, SM
Troop 1214   Niccolo Salazar       Gerard Coday, SM          Troop 1588   Noah Hermes          Paul Hermes, SM          Troop 487    Alec Corkill           Joel Corkill, SM
Troop 1261   Gavin Ott             Jeffrey McKinney, SM                                                                 Troop 522    Alex Taylor            Steven Croft, SM
                                                             RED-TAILED HAWK
Troop 1271   Preston Sivils        Steven Busch, SM                                                                     Troop 522    Matthew Van Eyck       Steven Croft, SM
                                                             Troop 122    Mitchell Walden      Jeffrey Allison, SM
Troop 1309   Joshua Bruning        Timothy Denney, SM
                                                             Troop 122    Joshua Riess         Jeffrey Allison, SM      TWIN RIVERS
Troop 1314   Joshua Hall           Ryan Hughes, SM
                                                             Troop 201    Gregory Bixler       Greg Baugh, SM           Troop 63     Samuel Hinkle          Gary Johnson, SM
Troop 1351   Drake Hansen          Maechelle Noe, SM
                                                             Troop 218    Rajat Kodira         Mark Garcia, SM          Troop 100    Matthew Fuchs          Daniel Buchman, SM
Troop 1354   Bradley Willis        James Niederberger, SM
                                                             Troop 218    Calvin Winkler       Mark Garcia, SM          Troop 125    Christopher Smith      Charles Kerr, SM
Troop 1354   Daniel DeFabio        James Niederberger, SM
                                                             Troop 222    William Hocker       Marcus Adinolfi, SM      Troop 126    Peyton Fields          Jackie Olson, SM
Troop 1354   Garic Wainit          James Niederberger, SM
                                                             Troop 324    Cody Blevins         Kent Bredehoeft, SM      Troop 126    Aaron Kubacka          Jackie Olson, SM
Troop 1357   Weston Wagner         Roger Hill, SM
                                                             Troop 425    Ryan Alvarez         Gary Hazeltine, SM       Troop 126    Isaac Kubacka          Jackie Olson, SM
Troop 1357   Bryce Bohlman         Roger Hill, SM
                                                             Troop 425    Nicholas Alvarez     Gary Hazeltine, SM

Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America                                                                                                         October/November 2015

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