Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

Page created by Isaac Soto
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020
Advanced Communications
The next generation of keeping in touch
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

                   01   Introduction                                   07       Making the most of your audience

                   02   What is the Universal Profile?                 08       The potential for Messaging as a Platform

                   03   Advanced Communications:                       09       Advanced Messaging:
                        gathering momentum                                      accelerating in the market

                   04   The opportunity                                10       Advanced Messaging deployment models:
                                                                                getting it right
                   05   The possibilities
                                                                        11      The GSMA support
                   06   How the end-user benefits
                                                                        11      References    First Edition October 2016       ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                             THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020
                                                                          How we can keep in
                                                                                                                                              VOICE AND SMS
Advanced Communications                                                   touch – with Advanced
                                                                                                                                               HAS CHANGED
The next generation                                                       Advanced Communications

of keeping in touch
                                                                          represents the next level of
                                                                          mobile messaging and calling, an
                                                                          upgrade on a global scale. It is a        CALL MULTIPLE FRIENDS
                                                                          solution which takes traditional          WITH GROUP CHAT                SAY WHY YOU ARE CALLING
                                                                          voice and SMS and enhances                                               BEFORE THE CALL STARTS
                                                                          them with instant messaging, chat
Today, we communicate more than ever before.                              functionality, photo sharing, live
                                                                          video, video calling and file sharing
Trillions of SMS and instant messages, tens of trillions                  across devices on any network
of minutes of voice calls, more sharing and connected                     and enables new, richer interaction                    SHARE PICTURES, LOCATION
interaction than we could ever have imagined. But we
                                                                          experiences. And the best bit                          OR SWITCH TO VIDEO
                                                                          for consumers is all this new
are faced with a growing and confusing number of                          functionality will be embedded
                                                                          in new phones. And if for users
communications tools and ways to stay in contact.                         who already have a phone, the
                                                                          next OS update takes care of it.

                                                                                                                                ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS
TRILLIONS OF MESSAGES                             We use different
                                                                                          47 global mobile
                                                                                          operators are
                                                                                                                                WHAT IS IT?

                                                                                                                                It is the next evolution of how
 & TENS OF TRILLIONS                              messaging clients and
                                                  networks. Wouldn’t
                                                                                          launching these
                                                                                          services to a
                                                                                                                                we talk, text, and see each other.
                                                                                                                                Rich Communications Services,
                                                  it be great if we
OF MINUTES                       could have all of our family, friends
                                                                          combined subscriber base                              or RCS, has been around in the
                                                                                                                                industry for some time, and
                                                                          representing 4.7 billion mobile
                                 and work contacts all together in        users. Based on the GSMA’s Rich                       Advanced Communications is the
                                 one place, already connected to us                                                             next iteration of RCS. This e-book
                                                                          Communication Service (RCS)
                                 via our existing number, without the                                                           focuses on the role Advanced
                                                                          specification, these services are
                                 need to find out what app they use                                                             Messaging can play in an
                                                                          already supported by more than                        operator’s strategy for developing
                                 or what social network they are on?      150 commercial devices. Advanced                      and implementing innovative
                                                                          Communications services are set                       services and most importantly,
                                                                          to be the dominant messaging                          for generating new revenues.
                                                                          platform around the world.                                                      ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                              THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

                               What is the                                             The UP specification deals with the network and
                                                                                       embedded handset functionality. To achieve this, the

                               Universal Profile?                                      GSMA has worked with operators globally and leading
                                                                                       vendors developing a single UP specification Release 1,
                                                                                       published November 2016, to build messaging services.
                                                                                       It will include core features including capability discovery,
                                                                                       chat, group chat, file transfer, audio messaging, video
                               The Universal Profile (UP)                              share, multi-device, enriched calling, location share and
                               specification has been                                  live sketching. Release 2 in Q2 2017 will build on this.

                               developed by the GSMA to
                               help simplify both product   What does UP do for the end-user?
                               development and operator                       UP ensures a richer            UP revolutionises what you can do with
                               deployment of Advanced                         experience in a much           messaging and calling – on-demand.
                                                                              more convenient way.           You can start a voice call with a pre-call
                               Communications and                             From early in 2017, UP         priority setting, image or text message
                                                                              Advanced Messaging             contextualising the call. You can introduce
SEND VOICE                     provide the scale needed     will be embedded in the Android OS               chat in the call. Or send a photo. Or
RECORDINGS                                                  from day one, just like voice and SMS            upgrade the call to a video call. Or
                               to develop Messaging         are – along with all your contacts who           share maps or pictures and collaborate
                               as a Platform (MaaP).        already have your phone number – and             in real-time. You can even have rich
                                                            just like voice and SMS, UP works no             interactions with shops, businesses and
                                                            matter what network you are subscribed           service providers that merge Advanced
                                                            to. Customers with existing devices will get     Messaging and artificial intelligence to
                                                            the UP client with their regular software        allow you to interact with them through
             SHARE                                          upgrades or can download a client.               natural language. You have the control
                                                                                                             to ratchet all this up and down within a
             LOCATION                                                                                        call or text. And the great thing is, every
                                                                                                             friend, family member, work contact
                                                                                                             and shop you can think of has a phone
                                                                                                             number. So you can interact with all of
                                                                                                             them right out of the gate without ever
                                                                                                             considering what OTT app they might use.

                              ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
                        #network2020                        THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

Advanced Communications:
gathering momentum
Advanced Communications is happening now.
                                                                                                   The numbers stack up
Today’s generation of mobile users simply love                                                     and demonstrate why
                                                                                                   evolving SMS to the next
their messaging and real-time communications                                                       level makes sense for           Why is Advanced Messaging
services and have been empowered by the                                             mobile network operators (MNOs).               gathering momentum?
                                                                                    In 2015, the world’s 6.7 billion SMS
always-on, high-speed mobile broadband                                              users were responsible for revenues            Advanced Messaging features are
available to them.                                                                  of approximately $15 million per hour,         already popular with end-users. In
                                                                                    while 2.5 billion OTT messaging users          research conducted by the GSMA, 89
                                                                                    were responsible for around $3 million         percent of users say they believe it
                                                                                    per hour. The following 12 months,             is unique and 79 percent say that it
                  So end-users have         This means that only mobile operators   however, present a potentially different       is relevant to them in today’s world.
                  continued to lap          with IP network coverage are able       picture; usage patterns change and             In the US, the average user spends
                  up messaging              to give end-users full continuity       SMS is forecast to be worth $13.4              23 minutes and 23 seconds per
                  applications and tools    of coverage and a seamless user         million per hour while OTT grows to            day1 on Android messaging apps,
                  at unprecedented rates,   experience across multiple networks.    $5.2 million per hour. The global mobile       and end-users now want services
but they become ever-more siloed                                                    operator industry can take advantage           like pre-calling, instant messaging
and fragmented as user bases. Over-                                                 of this change in end-user habits.             and real-time video all in one place.
the-top (OTT) messaging apps have                                                                                                  They want Advanced Messaging.
each developed their own dedicated
communities, but they are still islands                      ORDER A TAXI                                                          Currently, 47 of the world’s largest
                                                                                                                                   mobile network operators have
in a large connected sea. Consumers
may like their rich functionality but                                                                                              committed to supporting the GSMA
they remain limited and reliant on                                                    THE AVERAGE USER SPENDS                  H   UP spec, covering a subscriber base
                                                                                                                                   of 4.7 billion active users. Ten of the
friend, family and work contacts all
utilizing the same downloaded app.
                                                                                    23 MINUTES & 23 SECONDS                        world’s largest handset manufacturers
                                                                                                                                   have also committed to UP.
                                                                                        A DAY ON        MESSAGING APPS                                                                ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                        THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

                                                                                                                                                   OF GENERATION Y USE TWO OR MORE

The opportunity                                                                                                                                          DEVICES WHILE WATCHING TV

                                                                                                                                                                 This fragmentation of apps by type
                                                                                                                                                                 and by market is where the big
                                                                                                                                         One of the main         opportunity exists for MNOs. At the
MNOs have a big opportunity. Traditional SMS volumes                                                                                     reasons Advanced        moment the migration from SMS
                                                                                                                                         Messaging represents    to OTT apps is steady, but at some
are in decline and new revenues can be made by                                                                                           such an opportunity     point the shift risks becoming too
leveraging the reach of SMS and giving users richer                                                                                      for MNOs is the way     large and it will be too late. So while
                                                                                                                       in which end-users are connected.         MNOs retain the vast majority of that
communications services. These services include                                                                        Messaging has changed and grown in        global user base via SMS, the key is
verification of sending the message, read receipts                                                                     so many ways, but the biggest ‘app’       to move now or risk missing out.
                                                                                                                       in the world is still SMS. Every OTT
including time, date and location of when message were                                                                 chat app offers a rich experience to      Engaging with Generation Y
read, embedded apps and video, direct call-back and                                                                    users via their mobiles or computers,

                                                                                                                       but not everyone uses every OTT app             Generation Y refers to those born
more. MNOs can market all these as advantages and                                                                      so there will always be a disconnect.           after 1990 and they represent
position themselves as of greater value to brands and                                                                  People still have to download the               the most technologically
                                                                                                                       same OTT apps that their various                demanding generation so far.
advertisers for promotional messages.                                                                                  groups of friends use and remember        Their expectations are that they can
                                                                                                                       which friends are on which app.           and will interact digitally at all times
                                                                                                                                                                 with all their friends and they are also
                                                                                                                       With Advanced Messaging, this             of a mobile-first mindset. It is also
             Estimated RCS Messaging Volume, 2014 - 2020                                                               disconnect does not exist because         important for MNOs to remember
                                                                                                                       everyone has a mobile number. It          that while Generation Y are the
                                                                                                              12,428   is already in place, you just ‘call’ or   consumers of today, they are also
                                                                                                     10,462            ‘message’ the person to whom you are      the business leaders of tomorrow.
                                                                                                                       already connected. Advanced Messaging
                                                                          8,531     8,989
                                                                                                                       seamlessly integrates with existing       80 per cent of Generation Y consumers
                                                          6,510                                                        voice and SMS so messages are always      use two or more devices while
                                                                                                                       delivered. With Advance Messaging,        simultaneously watching TV2. One-
                                                                                                                       MNOs retain their SMS subscriber          third exchange videos on their phones.
                       84                                                                                              base. They can be easily migrated to      Half of teenagers send 50 or more text
                                                                                                                       the MNO’s Advanced Messaging app.         messages per day. Mobile operators
      2014          2015            2016            2017            2018              2019              2020
                                                                                                                                                                 must plan strategically for how they
         Estimated RCS Messaging Volume [Without A2P], bn                 Estimated RCS Messaging Volume, bn
                                                                                                                                                                 intend to engage with this user base.                                                                                                   ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                                                           THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

The possibilities                                                                 HOW MNOS CAN DRIVE NEW
                                                                                  SERVICES AND BUSINESS
                                                                                  Advanced Messaging can
One of the key drivers behind the                                                 help businesses engage
rise in richer messaging apps is the                                              differently with customers.

greater functionality they give to users,                                                 Premium messaging services
                                                                                          – such as those used by
currently far above the limitations of                                                    TV shows for voting
SMS. Rich messaging apps continue to
                                                                                          Enable users to communicate
evolve to give users more enhanced                                                        easily with businesses in natural
services, so MNOs should embrace                                                          language and without apps

Advanced Messaging now.                                                                   Receive highly targeted
                                                                                          and relevant advertising
                                                                                          and promotions
                MNOs with their vast    has the benefit of being ubiquitous,              Pay for goods and services
                SMS user base have a    eliminating the question of what app
                head start. They also   to use to contact someone. Operator               Branded and sponsored
have a key role in handset sales and    apps are also secure and remove                   stickers can be given away to
distribution. They have the ‘clean      the twin irritations of unsolicited               customers around events and
slate’ possibility to introduce a       ads and data analysis and sharing                 campaigns to engage users
messaging app that delivers all the     without knowledge that end-users                  and create new business
similar features as OTT apps but that   regularly cite as frustrations.                                                           ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                   THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

                                     How the                             SWITCH FROM VOICE TO VIDEO CALLS 01
                                                                                   SKETCH COLLABORATIVELY 02
                                                                                                                                  SHARE CONTACTS AND YOUR LOCATION
                                                                                                                                  Stay connected to friends by
                                                                                                                                  sharing where you are and by passing
                                     end-user                           INSTANT MESSAGE / CHAT TO A GROUP 03
                                                                                             / INDIVIDUAL         A
                                                                                                                                  on your numbers

                                     benefits                               FOLLOW UP MESSAGE AFTER CALL 04
                                                                              SEND MESSAGES BEFORE CALLS 05
                                                                                                                                  CHANGE THE WAY IT LOOKS
                                                                                                                                  Personalise the app by changing
                                                                                                                                  the background colour and size
                                                                      SHARE PHOTOS AND FILES DURING A CALL 06
                                                                                          SHARE LOCATION 07                       ORGANISE YOUR SOCIAL LIFE
                                     End-users benefit in                             MAKE HD VOICE CALLS 08
                                                                                                                                  Make plans with a single group chat

                                     numerous ways from
                                     Advanced Messaging.
                                                                        •     Ubiquity: one, universal
                                     Operators need to                        messaging app embedded in               WHAT IS ‘MESSAGING AS
                                                                              their phone OS that lets them
                                     focus on these to                        contact anybody anywhere
                                                                                                                      A PLATFORM (MAAP)?

MAKING COMMERCE                      upsell customers.                                                                To most users messaging is just an ‘app’
                                                                        •     Simplicity: no app download,            – a program on their phones they use
                                                                                                                      to keep in touch. Advanced Messaging
 A CONVERSATION                                                               no checking which apps
                                                                              friends and family use
                                                                                                                      will change that though – messaging
                                                                                                                      is now becoming a ‘platform’ on which
                                                                                                                      applications will be built to deliver
                                                                        •     Everyone is invited: Advanced           whole new levels of interaction and
                                                                              Messaging is immediately                experience. It is where SMS is headed.
                                                                              available on Android and
           FIND A RESTAURANT                           ORDER A TAXI           Microsoft devices and will extend       End-users simply want all the services
                                                                                                                      they need as quickly and conveniently
                                                                              to others in time – making it
                                 BOOK A TABLE                                 available to billions of users
                                                                                                                      as possible, and MaaP lets operators
                                                                                                                      deliver that. If you want to book a
                                                                                                                      taxi, a flight or look up train times for
                                                                        •     All the features: richer                example, you will not need to download
                                                                              communications experience               a specific new app – just hit your
                                                                              including pre-calling, instant          messenger. MaaP removes that barrier of
                                                                              messaging, live video and               another app to download and connects
                                                                                                                      suppliers directly to consumers.
                                                                              real-time photo or file sharing
                                   BOOK A HOTEL                               services, all within existing           Messaging as a Platform will give
                                                                              phone subscription package              operators all new possibilities for
                                                                                                                      developing and implementing innovative
             CHECK THE WEATHER                  PAY FOR IT              •     Enhanced messaging experience           services, and most importantly,
                                                                              with plug-ins for memes, emojis,        for generating new revenues.
                                                                              stickers, animated clips and more                                                    ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                            THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020

Making the most
                                                                                                                   CALL A
of your audience                                                                                                   LOVED ONE

MNOs start from the perfect position when planning
and implementing an Advanced Messaging strategy:                                                                               SWITCH TO LIVE VIDEO AND
                                                                                                                               SHARE AN EXPERIENCE
they already have the customers and end-users in
place. The current base of active SMS users around
the world are potentially ripe for migrating over to
Advanced Messaging, but what should operators
look to include in their strategy? How do you make
it as simple and painless as possible to get all
those end-users using Advanced Messaging?

                01                                      02                                       03                                                 04
Think in a straight line. Operators do                                                                                              Make it a platform. Use natural
not need to over-complicate the issue     Leverage your smarts. MNOs start         Delight your customers. Utilise                  language programming and partner
and should target end-users in the        with an inherent advantage as they       the ability to upgrade Advanced                  with AI and chatbot providers to
most straightforward way possible.        can install their own Advanced           Messaging clients frequently via app             make messaging not just the main
Advanced Messaging is an evolution        Messaging app on devices as the          stores to introduce new features like            application that customers use, but
of a service that users already           default messaging client and have a      memes, expression, stickers, in-app              eventually, the only thing they use
know and love. It is simply the next      level of control that OTT providers do   games and more on a regular basis.               for mobile commerce, internet search
generation of it, albeit with great new   not. And always remind end-users that                                                     and many other experiences.
features and functionality. Emphasise     Advanced Messaging with their MNO
that existing users do not need to do     means no third-party downloads.
anything to enjoy a whole new world
of enhanced messaging.                                                               ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                       THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Communications The next generation of keeping in touch - #network2020
The potential for
Messaging as a Platform
One of the more striking developments of messaging in
recent times has been the evolution of messaging apps
and clients into the ‘new home page’. End-users pick up                                 New services, new uses
their mobile devices in the morning and the first place                                 Furthermore, Advanced Messaging also
many head to is their chat or messaging app. It has now                                 enables Bot-to-Person interactions, where
become both their inbox and their home page. This is an                                 end-user engagements are simply richer and
evolution that operators can use to develop Messaging as                                more detailed. The Messaging as a Platform
                                                                                        approach and its exponentially increased
a Platform propositions.                                                                degree of interaction makes huge new
                                                                                        monetization opportunities available to MNOs.
               This new user model         their actual electronic boarding pass
               means that messaging will   securely from airlines rather than                         The workplace can benefit too,
               become the ‘platform’ on    receiving an SMS with a link. When                         with Messaging as a Platform
               which future applications   on holiday users can order a taxi                          presenting companies with
will be built and over which operators     or Uber, check the weather at their                        the possibility of a ubiquitous,
can deliver all-new services, home         destination and the exchange rate, find      secure, rich communications platform
to commercial interactions, searches       a recommended restaurant and book            that integrates seamlessly with their
and more, under the new umbrella           a table and pay for it and learn some        existing office messaging systems.
term of ‘conversational commerce’.         handy phrases in another language
                                           – all just by sending messages.              Operators can extend their blue sky thinking
Messaging as a Platform empowers                                                        with Messaging as a Platform; why not a
mobile operators as never before. It       Further to this progression in customer      smart, Wi-Fi-enabled video doorbell which
enables Application–to-Person (A2P)        service and fulfilment, marketers too        uses messaging to record a video message
services, the next generation messaging    benefit from Advanced Messaging. They        from a visitor when you are not home
tools which let organisations engage       can use read receipts to tell if end-users   and ‘chat’ it direct to your mobile device?
directly with end-users via alerts and     have read promotional messages and           Built-in AI-based intelligent assistants are
notifications, marketing and more – all    where and when they read them. They          great in their place but some people do
within the messaging app. This enables     can embed call-to-action codes in them,      not like talking out loud to their phone in
all sorts of companies to interact with    giving access to previously unavailable      public places – chatbots can enable that
customers in unprecedented ways –          data to analyse. It all adds up to richer,   same function via a messaging platform.
travellers, for example, could receive     more engaging advertising content.                                                                    ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                            THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH

                                             In-call features like live video sharing,
                                             image sharing, sharing any size
                                             or format of file, location-based
                                             information and group chat capability,
                                             all on top of basic chat functionality.
                                             Interactive in-call features like the
                                             ability to share sketched images in
                                             real-time or share sketched maps
                                             add value. Previously unavailable
                                             post-call functions like adding text
                                             notes or voice messages to missed

Advanced Messaging:                          call notifications give users a ‘one-
                                             stop shop’ method of engaging

accelerating in the market                   with their friends and family.

                                             The Universal Profile makes this
                                             acceleration and take-up by end-
                                             users a much simpler exercise for
                                                                                         Maximising a
The new features and greater interactivity   operators, simplifying the evolution
                                                                                         fragmented market
                                             of SMS and voice. It opens up
as to how we talk, text, and see each        that whole new realm of revenue                          This too is key – MNOs
other are seeing a surge forward in the      possibilities but operators must                         have a subscriber base
                                             think forward, accelerate their
marketplace. The enriched features that      messaging strategies now or risk
                                                                                                      which uses multiple
                                                                                                      messaging services and
consumers can enjoy mean a more immersive    missing out on those new revenues.          apps but who typically have only
experience and a chance to tie them to                                                   one phone number. The majority
                                                                                         of the world has signed up to the
operators as more loyal users than ever.                                                 mobile network operator community
                                                                                         whereas they have not signed up
                                                  OPERATORS MUST THINK                   to any one particular OTT app.

                                                          AHEAD                         ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                 THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
Advanced Messaging
                                                                                              PROS                                        CONS
deployment models:
getting it right                                                               01   Retain control of core service          01   Complex project,
                                                                                                                                 requires expertise
                                                                                    Flexibility and ability to                   Costly in the short term,
                                                                               02   integrate with other services          02    CAPEX
Another key benefit of Advanced Messaging is                  OWN IMS

that deployment models can be mixtures of various
approaches; operators do not need to commit entirely
                                                                               01   Pay-as-you-grow model
to a single method and limit their options. For example,                            Fast deployment and
Deutsche Telekom is one operator that has already                              02   time to market                          01   Limited service flexibility

                                                                                    Benefit from third-party data
introduced a successful mixed deployment comprising        HOSTED SERVICE
                                                                               03   centre infrastructure and expertise    02    No in-premises
                                                                                                                                 deployment option

in-house instant messaging services and hosted tools                           04   Scope for complementing
                                                                                    other services e.g. VoLTE
for other geographical locations.

                                             SHARE FILES   Why should your end-users adopt operator
                                             ON THE MOVE   Advanced Messaging instead of OTT apps?
                                                                        An operator messenger                                      End-users like and
                                                                        service has the key                                        value simplicity. They
                                                                        advantage of already                                       will migrate to operator
                                                                        having all users registered                                Advanced Messaging
                                                           on its network. OTT apps can only                         services because everybody they
                                                           work if a users downloads an app,                         know is already there – their
                                                           and they cannot interoperate with                         friends, their family, and even
                                                           other apps. An operator messenger                         people they have yet to meet.
                                                           arrives embedded directly into the
                                                           OS from the mobile provider.                                       ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                               THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
The GSMA support                                                                                         ADD A VOICE MESSAGE TO
                                                                                                         A MISSED CALL NOTIFICATION

As data network speeds increase, smartphone
prices tumble, penetration soars and OTT
messaging apps proliferate, the mobile industry
cannot afford to wait with Advanced Messaging.
To exploit the existing user base and reap the
benefits, the industry must move more quickly than
it has historically with SMS, which took a number
of years to bring to a consistent global standard.
It is vital that operators introduce Advanced                                                                                                 To find out more about
                                                                                                                                              the GSMA and UP:
Messaging offerings which are entirely reliable                                                                                               http://www.gsma.
across networks and devices to differentiate                                                                                                  com/network2020/
themselves against the many OTT apps available.
                                                                                                                                              To find out more:
              The GSMA has worked                      The GSMA has a mission                      By delivering                              network2020/ip-services/
              with mobile operators                    to help Advanced                            economies of scale
              from around the world                    Messaging progress as                       and interoperability,
              to establish a consistent                quickly as possible, rather                 the Universal Profile
set of principles on how best to           than be restrained by a rigid and         will ensure mobile operators remain
implement Advanced Messaging,              time-consuming release schedule.          at the heart of the communications               REFERENCES:
principles that have been broken           Each release will be backwards-           experience. It is the next generation            1.
down into the technical specifications     compatible, ensuring the advanced         of messaging and it is the right                      mobile/us-messaging-apps/
that form the Universal Profile. UP        messaging apps can interact with          time to do it. Over 500 networks,
Release 1 will be available to operators   earlier back-end and handset              billions of users from the existing                   socialmedia/2012/01/21/number-
in November 2016 with the second           software. The Universal Profile is a      SMS community, Android and                            crunching-the-top-51-stats-for-
release, incorporating many new            key building block in the construction    other OS users to engage                              generation-y-marketers/#gref
features, to be launched in Q2 2017.       of an Advanced Messaging                  with. Everything is in place.
                                           proposition that delivers reliability
                                           and reach without being rigid.                                                                 ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS:
#network2020                                                                         THE NEXT GENERATION OF KEEPING IN TOUCH
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