Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada - Information Paper - SWIFT

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Information Paper

                    Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments
                    and Extended Remittance Information
                    in Canada
                    January 2016
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

       Table of content
       Background ...............................................................................................................3

       Canada’s Existing National Payments Systems..........................................................4

       Payments Remittance Process in Canada..................................................................5

       ISO 20022 Global Payment Standard.........................................................................7

       Expected Benefits of ISO 20022 and ERI Adoption for Canada..................................8

       ISO 20022 Implementation Approach for Canada ......................................................9

       SWIFT’s Role ...........................................................................................................11


       Appendix .................................................................................................................13
                                                                                                 Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

Global payments context                                        respond to ever-changing market and
                                                               regulatory forces, the Canadian federal
Within the global payments market, there
                                                               government has provided clear direction
is a continued focus on regulatory and
                                                               for governance and oversight changes
supervisory demands for enhanced risk
                                                               and has highlighted the need to enhance
management, payments digitisation,
                                                               its payments systems.
globalisation, new industry participants,
operational efficiency and user                                Within the Canadian payments system,
expectations for fast, ubiquitous, value-                      key areas for change are the introduction
added services.                                                of more robust data elements for
                                                               processes like automated reconciliation
Countries around the globe, including
                                                               between receipt / invoice remittance,
Canada, are bringing about reforms
                                                               modernising older infrastructure
to their payment systems in response
                                                               technologies and ensuring payment
to these market and regulatory forces,
                                                               messages use open, flexible standards.
which are shaping the global payments

                                                                  The purpose of this paper is to outline
Canada                                                            the adoption approach for the
Canada continues to play a prominent                              ISO 20022 standard within the
role in the world economy. It is currently                        Canadian payments landscape and, in
ranked 11th in terms of Gross Domestic                            particular, the importance of renewed
Product (GDP). Its nearest country                                messaging standards and Extended
‘peers’, with similar GDP, are Australia,                         Remittance Information (ERI) to CPA
Italy, India, South Korea and Russia. See                         members, stakeholders and users of
Figure 1.1                                                        the payments system.
Canada’s payments ecosystem has
experienced forces similar to those
observed globally, but at a macro-
economic level, Canada’s performance
has been characterised by steady, stable
growth, over a sustained period.
The strength and maturity of the
Canadian economy and the position of
prominence is further underscored by a
high penetration of payment cards and
digitised transactions. Outpacing its
peers, Canada has one of the highest
take-up rates of electronic cards and
consumer payments, globally, behind only
to the U.S., Korea, Australia and Sweden.
See Figure 2.
To maintain this strong position and to

(1) All figures are available in the Appendix of this document on page 13.
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

Canada’s Existing National Payments Systems
The Canadian Payments                                            Lower Value Retail Payments - Wire Payments - Large Value
Association (CPA) is one of                                      Automated Clearing Settlement Transfer System (LVTS)
Canada’s main financial market                                   System (ACSS)                 Launched in 1999, the Large Value
infrastructures for payments. It                                 Launched in 1984, the Automated Clearing                Transfer System (LVTS) is an electronic
underpins the whole Canadian                                     Settlement System (ACSS) is a retail                    wire system that facilitates the transfer
                                                                 payments system through which the vast                  of irrevocable higher value payments in
financial system and economy                                     majority of lower value payment items are               Canadian dollars, across the country.
by providing safe, efficient and                                 cleared, in Canada.
effective clearing and settlement
of payments with its 115 ‘Direct                                                                                           LVTS Existing Message
                                                                   ACSS Existing Electronic                                Standards
Clearing’ members.
                                                                   Message Standards
Headquartered in Ottawa, the CPA was                                                                                       — LVTS uses SWIFT MT payments,
                                                                   — Automated Funds Transfer (AFT)                          reporting and status messages
created as a ‘public purpose corporation’
                                                                     uses CPA’s proprietary “standard
by the Canadian Payments Act2 in 1980.                                                                                     —T
                                                                                                                             he bulk of LVTS messages are MT
                                                                     005” format for payments, reporting
It operates two national systems for the                                                                                    103 for wire payments and MT 205
                                                                     and status messages
clearing and settlement of payments:                                                                                        for FI to FI settlement
                                                                   — Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  he Automated Clearing Settlement                                                                                        —A
                                                                                                                             ll LVTS messages are carried over
                                                                      uses the ANSI x.12 standard for
 System (ACSS), which clears low value,                                                                                     the SWIFT network
                                                                      payments, reporting and status
 high volume retail payments
  he Large Value Transfer System (LVTS)
                                                                   — All AFT and EDI messages are                       In terms of volume, LVTS settles nearly 8
 wire transfer system, which settles high
                                                                      exchanged over the CPA Services                    million payments per year, with steady
 value (or urgent) low volume payments
                                                                      Network                                            growth. See Figure 4. In terms of value,
                                                                                                                         LVTS settles nearly CAD 40 trillion per
  Defining Clearing vs                                                                                                   year. In context, this is about 20 times the
                                                                 In terms of volume, ACSS settles nearly 7
  Settlement                                                     billion payments per year with modest, but              countries’ annual GDP. In this regard,
  — ‘Clearing’ means the process                                steady, growth. In terms of value, ACSS                 Canada’s settlement-to-GDP
     of exchanging and reconciling                               clears about CAD 6 trillion per year. See               performance is similar to its country peers.
     payment information that results in                         Figure 3.                                               See Figure 5.
     a transfer of funds from one
     financial institution to another
  — ‘Settlement’ means the process
     of adjusting financial positions of
     individual financial institutions to
     reflect the net amounts due to,
     and from, them as a result of the
     inter-member exchange of payment

(2) At the time of creation it was called Canadian Payments Association Act. It was renamed to Canadian Payments Act pursuant to legal changes in 2001.
                                                                                                   Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

Payments Remittance Process in Canada
Existing remittance process                               In commercial transactions, the payer                      length records to represent the movement
                                                          (debtor) sends the funds and the limited                   of funds between accounts, and transmit
Existing payment standards are limited
                                                          remittance information identifying the                     only the most essential of remittance
in the amount of remittance information
                                                          reason for payment, and subsequently                       information. See breakout box.
they can support. The inability to
                                                          receives an acknowledgement of
exchange remittance information is
viewed as an impediment to greater
                                                          payment. The payee (creditor) receives                       Canada’s Existing Remittance
                                                          the funds and the remittance information,                    Model
adoption of electronic payments. As a
                                                          and then acknowledges that the payment
result, businesses continue to rely on                                                                                 — ACSS allows a maximum of 34
                                                          has been made.
paper based payment methods, such                                                                                         characters of unformatted text to
as cheques3. The exchange of more                         Today, the process of reconciling                               represent remittance information, in
remittance information with payments                      incoming payments against an invoice                            Standard 005 format
offers the potential for the automated                    remains manual, time consuming and
                                                          prone to error. Bank cash management                         — LVTS allows a maximum of 140
reconciliation of incoming payments with
                                                          IT packages — the platform of choice                            characters of unformatted text to
outstanding invoices.
                                                          for processing wire payments — do not                           represent remittance information, in
                                                          operate with a single, industry standard                        SWIFT MT format
“The main drivers behind                                  for sending and receiving this remittance                    — CPA clears 10,000 Business-
                                                          information, and each bank relies on non-                       to-Business and 15,000
CPA’s ISO 20022 initiative                                uniform and unstructured free-format text.                      Consumer-to-Business EDI
are to provide the Canadian                                                                                               payments per day
financial community with
                                                          “One of our company’s                                      Faced with the lack of dedicated fields to
enhanced, more robust
                                                          biggest challenges is in                                   place the data and limited tag options,
remittance data, to enhance                                                                                          users of these messages – especially the
                                                          supporting the high number
domestic and cross-border                                                                                            corporate banking segment – have either
                                                          of its customers who are                                   adapted the payment to fit the message
interoperability, and
                                                          sending electronic payments                                format, or used free-format descriptive
increase efficiency. This                                                                                            text.
                                                          with separate remittance
will provide downstream                                                                                              The use of free-format, limited length text
                                                          data. Due to the variety
benefits for CPA’s members,                                                                                          to store an agreed reference identifier for
                                                          of formats and the lack of                                 a payment can be effective for processing
stakeholders, and their
                                                          integration, it is currently                               a single invoice, but becomes increasingly
customers by reducing the                                                                                            complex when paying several invoices.
                                                          more efficient and requires
heavy reliance on integration,
                                                          less effort to process cheques
manual processes, and                                                                                                Approaches for an efficient
                                                          than Electronic Funds                                      remittance process
multiple, disparate payment
                                                          Transfer (EFT) payments.”
standards.”                                                                                                          Going forward, there are a number of
                                                          Jack Fucale, Senior Manager, Credit & Payment              different approaches for ERI that can be
Mark Brule, Director, Payments Innovations at the         Management, Canadian National Rail
CPA                                                                                                                  taken. See breakout box.
                                                                                                                     The remittance details should cover all
                                                          Across all markets, including Canada,                      the information required to automatically
                                                          because of the sheer scale of commercial                   reconcile the invoice, the transaction and
                                                          payments, there is a significant demand                    the receipt confirmation, but complexity
                                                          for automated reconciliation between the                   arises when a single payment covers
                                                          invoice order, the payment transaction                     several invoices, or contains credit notes
                                                          and the receipt confirmation, utilising                    or discounts, or does not cover the full
                                                          Extended Remittance Information (ERI).                     amount.
                                                          CPA’s existing low value payment
                                                          standards are over 30 years old and
                                                          are limited in the amount of remittance
                                                          information they can support. The existing
                                                          CPA legacy systems use concise, fixed-

(3) See research paper:
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

  Extended Remittance
                                                                 “Cross-border markets,
  Information (ERI)
                                                                 needing to address the
  There are three broad approaches for
                                                                 lowest common denominator
  implementing ERI:                                              across the markets involved,
      here the full remittance
  1. W                                                           may benefit most from
     information is carried with the                             a remittance model that
     payment through the entire chain,
     from payment initiation to final
                                                                 separates the payment
     reconciliation at the end-user. The                         and remittance messages,
     remittance information can cover                            directing the parties to the
     single or multiple invoices, on a
     ‘one-to-one’, ‘one-to-many’ or
                                                                 specific locations for the
     ‘many-to-one’ basis. Provision can                          information.”
     also include credits, discounts and                         Michael Knorr, Head of Payments & Liquidity Risk,
     incomplete payments.                                        Global Payment Services at Wells Fargo

      here the structured remittance
  2. W
     information is separated from
     the payment details, and
     is delivered as a separate
     message. In this model, the debtor
     would include the required extended
     remittance information in a separate
     ERI message, and the payment
     message would contain a unique
     reference to the ERI message. The
     creditor’s bank would reconcile
     the payment with the separate ERI
      here the structured remittance
  3. W
     information is separated from
     the payment details, and is
     provided as a reference to a
     separate data repository with a
     unique ID. In this model, a unique
     ‘remittance creditor reference’ would
     accompany the payment details
     in the message from end-to-end.
     The reference itself could be a URL
     hyperlink to a repository, provided
     by the debtor.
                                                                                  Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

ISO 20022 Global Payment Standard
Multiple Message Formats                      “The benefit of ISO 20022 is                          This makes it an ideal choice for local
                                                                                                    markets as they upgrade their payments
In Canada, as is commonly seen across         that you start with modelling                         infrastructure.
mature markets, multiple message              the business, identifying
formats have been introduced and
implemented to meet particular payment        all processes and data
needs at specific points in time.             requirements. Once you                                “We took a business approach
Currently, ACSS payments use one              have the business defined,                            to developing the remittance
message format for automated funds            you then start to discuss the                         messages for ISO 20022.
transfers. High-value LVTS wire
                                              communication flows, the                              We examined the payment
payments use another message format
and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)         messages and fields needed                            flows, and looked at business
information, used for business-to-
                                              for information exchange.                             practices for the industry. For
business transactions and bill payments,                                                            example, the manufacturing
uses yet another message format.              It is only at this lowest level
                                              that any physical message                             industry has to address such
Given the changing needs of the
payments landscape in the digital age,        formats are defined. With                             matters as damaged goods
these legacy formats lack the flexibility
                                              ISO 20022, if the syntax                              and partially-filled orders. A
to adapt, lack the ability to support end-                                                          major challenge is how we
to-end Straight-Through Processing            changes, the business model
(STP) and lack the ability to integrate       and message layer do not                              electronically convey and then
with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
                                              change, and new messages                              track these items in financial
systems, such as SAP and Microsoft,
which reduce the need for manual              can simply be generated                               messages. It’s important, as
intervention in the payment reconciliation    using the new syntax.”                                industries such as ours, with
                                              Stephen Lindsay, Head of Standards at SWIFT
                                                                                                    strict on-demand inventories,
                                                                                                    have very aggressive credit
Emergence of ISO 20022                                                                              terms and these needed to
                                              The uptake of ISO 20022 across major
However, over the last few years a single
                                              infrastructure initiatives is growing rapidly.
                                                                                                    be carefully tracked and
standard - ISO 20022 - has emerged as                                                               managed.”
                                              Currently, there are over 200 major
the financial industry’s preferred standard
                                              infrastructure initiatives around the world           Rich Urban, President of the IFX Forum
for new initiatives. ISO 20022 includes
                                              that have either implemented, or are
rich information that supports end-to-
                                              planning to implement, ISO 20022. Of
end payments processing, as outlined in
                                              these, many are payments initiatives, being
Figure 7.
                                              driven by similar demands for automated
                                              remittance reconciliation - see Figure 8.
                                                                                                    “CGI was conscious of cross-
                                                                                                    border trade while developing
“ISO 20022 provides rich
                                                                                                    the payment messages. While
and granular remittance                       “More than 90% of all
                                                                                                    some markets are more
information, and can also                     payments data elements
                                                                                                    active than others, especially
cater for different models                    are already captured in
                                                                                                    for direct debits and credit
of exchanging remittance                      the ISO 20022 Data
                                                                                                    transfers, we harmonised the
information, either with                      Dictionary. For additional
                                                                                                    templates with a global view.”
the payment or outside the                    local requirements, a formal                          Harri Rantanen, Co-Covenor of the Common
payment and referenced.”                      maintenance process has                               Global Implementation (CGI) and Manager,
                                                                                                    Standards and Formats at SEB
Stephen Lindsay, Head of Standards at SWIFT   been put in place.”
                                              Stephen Lindsay, Head of Standards at SWIFT
                                                                                                    As a result of the CPA research and
                                                                                                    the emergence of this singular, global
                                              ISO 20022 is rich, structured, extensible,            standard, the adoption of ISO 20022 has
                                              and can accommodate different                         become a foundational element of CPA’s
                                              remittance approaches.                                payments modernisation plan.
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

Expected Benefits of ISO 20022 and
ERI Adoption for Canada
CPA Adoption of ISO 20022                                        to consolidate these formats into one           ISO 20022 data, the risk associated with
and ERI                                                          global standard. This rationalisation, and      manual processing and exception handling
                                                                 the subsequent consolidation or retirement      will be reduced, increasing operational
The CPA will adopt ISO 20022 and also                            of legacy applications required to support      efficiency.
adopt ERI through a mix of mandatory                             multiple formats, will streamline back-office
and optional data elements that will be                          operations. The result will be simplified       Better regulatory transparency – By
included in the payment messages. This                           integration, higher STP rates, lower            automating the reconciliation of invoice /
optional remittance information can be                           operational and maintenance costs and           payment remittance information through
populated as either structured information,                      reduced cost-per-transaction.                   ‘tagging’ of payments data, a bank will be
unstructured information, or as a unique                                                                         more able to comply with domestic and
reference, indicating where the detailed                         Support for cross-border                        cross-border regulatory compliance and
remittance information can be retrieved.                         interoperability – Standards play an            sanctions demands.
The proposed ERI data elements expected                          important role in the development and
to be supported by CPA are outlined in                           facilitation of business through the            Better market efficiency – The increased
Figure 9.                                                        promotion of safety, quality and technical      efficiency within domestic markets will
                                                                 compatibility. The payment standards            bring benefits to Small and Medium
                                                                 relied upon for domestic traffic in Canada      Businesses (SMBs) as they can more easily
Expected Benefits                                                are not consistently applied by all financial   integrate with their larger trading partners
The adoption of ISO 20022 and ERI                                institutions and businesses. The different      and could take advantage of value-added
are both expected to promote the use                             application of the standard results in          services, and deeper reach, offered by their
of digitised commercial payments,                                inefficiencies in the marketplace and           agent banks.
with numerous specific benefits for the                          inconsistent user experience. Replacing
Canadian market.                                                 existing legacy systems and adopting            Potential new value-added services –
                                                                 a single, global standard that supports         By adopting ISO 20022, Canadian financial
                                                                 Canadian Dollar and multi-currency              institutions are in a position to streamline
Automated reconciliation for payment                             transactions will increase domestic and         the current suite of payment products
remittances – CPA’s adoption of                                  cross-border settlement efficiency. With        and potentially offer new value-added
ISO 20022 will introduce additional, as well                     the ever-increasing adoption of ISO 20022       services. For example, a bank with robust
as enriched, information to the payment                          worldwide, the adoption of the standard in      cross-border trade finance activity may see
process. By using ISO 20022, the essential                       Canada will allow cross-border payments         opportunities for real-time updates of credit
remittance data can be added to payment                          to be aligned with international standards,     lines as a result of automated payment
message layouts as standardised fields.                          which increases Canada’s competitiveness        flows.
The capability to establish automated                            as foreign players will no longer have
remittance reconciliation of payments                            ‘domestic proprietary formats’ as a barrier     Faster time to market – The usage of
between debtors and creditors, across                            to entry. In addition, a single standard        a common set of terminology, the cross-
accounts payable systems and accounts                            allows participants across different            domain data consistency, the transparent
receivable systems, without manual                               financial market domains (payments,             tagging and tracking of payments, the
intervention, leads to optimised cash flows,                     securities, foreign exchange and trade) to      ‘openness’ of XML and the accessibility
improved financial forecasting, higher                           communicate consistently, which supports        of integration tools all make interfacing
Straight-Through Processing (STP) rates                          interoperability and creates a healthy,         payment messages with the corporate
as well as reduced exception handling and                        competitive environment.                        ERP systems, much simpler. This results in
reduced investigation time and operational                                                                       reduced development and implementation
risk associated with manual errors.                              Better data integrity – Financial               effort and reduced time to market.
Increased STP rates and lower operational                        institutions, which have an obligation
costs would ultimately reduce the cost-                          to deliver end-to-end finality of their
per-transaction.                                                 customers’ transactions, depend entirely        “The design is intended to
Rationalisation of multiple formats –
                                                                 on data integrity. However, the rigidity        not only replace the current
                                                                 of legacy Canadian formats causes
Currently, financial institutions are required                   data problems such as truncation and
                                                                                                                 payment schemas, but to also
to manage multiple payment formats                               misinterpretation of values in free-            allow for new payment and
- ACSS AFT (Standard 005 format),
LVTS (MTxxx format) and EDI (ANSI x.12
                                                                 format fields, with associated delays in        remittance message types in
                                                                 processing. With its comprehensive data
format). Implementing and supporting                             dictionary, extensibility and capacity for
                                                                                                                 the future.”
disparate formats is costly. Using a single                      message syntax validation, ISO 20022            Mark Brule, Director, Payments Innovations at the
standard decreases the complexity and                            addresses these data integrity issues.          CPA
cost associated with supporting multiple                         Once applications have been redesigned
standards. ISO 20022 allows the industry                         to accept, reference, and pass on validated
                                                                             Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

ISO 20022 Implementation Approach for Canada

Implementation approach                     Implementation considerations                      “As we make progress in
Implementation of CPA’s broader ISO         In advance of full design and                      our drive to modernize the
20022 payments standard initiative is       implementation timelines being                     payment system, we will
a complex, multi-year process, and          established for changes to Canada’s
CPA will take a central role. During the    core payments infrastructure, the CPA              revisit our market driven
implementation, the CPA will:               will launch a voluntary, market-driven             adoption strategy for
                                            adoption strategy for the new ISO 20022            ISO 20022 to determine the
— Be responsible for the design of the
                                            enabled AFT message standard. This will
   new ISO 20022 compliant payment                                                             most appropriate time to
                                            enable early adopters to take advantage
   messages that will be used between
   its member financial institutions and,
                                            of the benefits of the new standard.               decommission Standard 005
   optionally, by corporates                Beginning in 2016, the CPA will publish            and to set adoption timelines
                                            the ISO 20022 message standards
— Act as the ongoing custodian of the
                                            for AFT and provide supporting rule
                                                                                               for the remaining two
   Canadian ISO 20022 standards and                                                            payments schemes—EDI
                                            amendments and an operational support
   usage guidelines, while managing
   changes based on the needs of
                                            structure to assist CPA member financial           and LVTS.”
                                            institutions that choose to adopt the new
   members and stakeholders                                                                    Mark Brule, Director, Payments Innovations at the
                                            ISO 20022 messages. This operational               CPA
— Act as the expert on ISO 20022           support structure will include a message
   in Canada, by sharing knowledge          testing service, dedicated CPA personnel
   and support with its members and         to assist in understanding the test results
   stakeholders, through education and      and an on-boarding process to facilitate
   training                                 successful implementation of ISO 20022        “While ‘big-bang’
The delivery of the project is separated    into the clearing and settlement system.      implementation can be the
into two distinct phases – the ‘design
phase’ and the ‘implementation phase’ –
                                                                                          right approach for RTGS
see breakout box.                           “As there is no single                        projects, a phased approach
                                            remittance format in place                    with scaled adoption
 Phase 1 – Design                           today, it’s ‘the sooner the                   has been put forward
 By the end of Phase 1, currently
 scheduled to be completed in 2016,
                                            better’ for Corporate Canada for retail-based payment
 the CPA will deliver:                      to implement and adopt the initiatives. Based on our
 — ISO 20022 message standards             new standard.”                                experience with ISO 20022
    for AFT payments, for use by its        Jack Fucale, Senior Manager, Credit & Payment implementation projects in
    members                                 Management, Canadian National Rail
                                                                                          many markets, SWIFT can
 — ISO 20022 message standards
    for LVTS wire payments, and EDI
                                                                                          provide a range of conversion
                                            During the early stages of adoption, the      options. This allows the
    payments, for use at a later date
                                            CPA will monitor industry progress against
 — Canadian ISO-AFT Rule                   target milestones for adoption and will       market to evolve at its own
    amendments                              communicate progress regularly.               pace – migration tools for the
 — An operational framework that                                                         early adopters, and shielding
    manages and supports the
    standard on an ongoing basis
                                                                                          for those institutions that
                                                                                          want to wait.”
 — Ongoing outreach and
    communications with members and                                                            Juliette Kennel, Head of Market Infrastructures at
 — An adoption strategy for ISO-AFT
    based on a market-driven approach

 Phase 2 – Implementation
 Phase 2 will focus on the multi-year
 task of implementing the new standard
 in Canada.
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

Community support
                                                                   SWIFT Implementation
For Canadian corporates and financial
institutions, there will be associated costs                       Support Tools for ISO 20022
in adopting and implementing                                       MyStandards – A collaborative web
ISO 20022 for payments. Investments will                           platform that helps customers manage
span additional resources, new hardware,                           global standards and ensure that their
and software changes needed to ensure                              internal specifications and guidelines
that the enterprise architecture adheres                           are in line with market practice. It is
to the new ISO 20022 data model and                                used to create, maintain, document,
the implementation rules for the new                               publish, share, compare and consume
remittance information.                                            ISO 20022 and significantly reduces
Throughout the initiative, the CPA will                            implementation costs and effort and
continue to actively support the Canadian                          drives community-wide harmonisation.
community to help minimise design                                  MyStandards Readiness Portal
and implementation efforts and ensure                              – An extension of MyStandards that
collaborative buy-in.                                              allows publishers of specifications,
                                                                   such as market infrastructures, to offer
Design support                                                     a web-based testing service to their
CPA will facilitate the design process                             customer community. The service
by readily sharing business, functional                            validates test messages against
and technical design information with                              ISO 20022 usage guidelines
impacted corporates and financial                                  streamlining the on-boarding and
institutions through a centralised platform,                       testing of new customers and reducing
e.g. project charter and goals, project                            time and cost.
plans and milestones, data models,
new vs legacy data element mapping,
business process flows, usage guidelines
and detailed specifications.
                                                                 “A major component of
In addition, the CPA will support
                                                                 the implementation process
impacted firms with the qualitative and                          should be a clear and
quantitative advantages gained from                              consistent communication
enriched remittance data, the advantages
of consolidating of the current legacy
                                                                 from the CPA and its
payments systems and the reduced                                 member banks, including the
expense of manual reconciliation.                                migration status for other
                                                                 major corporates.”
Implementation support
                                                                 Jack Fucale, Senior Manager, Credit & Payment
XML, ISO 20022’s underlying flexible                             Management, Canadian National Rail
modelling syntax, has become widely
recognised by application providers.
As such, commercial conversion tools,
validation tools and testing portals,
migration utilities and integration tools
are readily available in the marketplace.
SWIFT has two specific tools that support
ISO 20022 implementation projects. See
breakout box.
                                                                               Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

SWIFT’s Role
SWIFT supports its customer
community by standardising financial           ISO 20022 Harmonisation
transactions, thereby lowering costs,          Charter
reducing operational risk and eliminating
inefficiencies from operations. It also        The Harmonisation Charter is based
acts as the catalyst that brings the           on four principles:
financial community together to work           1. Share information between financial
collaboratively on shaping market practice         market infrastructures about
and defining standards.                            ISO 20022 usage
SWIFT has a wealth of ISO 20022                2. Adhere to global market practice
experience, having delivered 100+                  where it exists, and contribute to
standards consulting projects, supporting          new global market practice initiatives
several hundred clients across multiple
                                               3. Introduce stricter message version
geographies. SWIFT has packaged this
                                                   control and release management
deep expertise into a unique combination
                                                   process and timing
of specialised tools, products and
services that share best practice, increase    4. Publish up-to-date information
automation and drive efficiencies,                 about standards on a common
providing a one-stop-shop for all                  platform (MyStandards), including
ISO 20022-related requirements.                    market practice compliance,
                                                   messages and versions used and
For ISO 20022, SWIFT is driving the
                                                   message release timeline
industry towards a more harmonised
and consistent use of the standard, per
market segment. SWIFT is collaborating        For Canada, SWIFT is supporting the
with market infrastructures to ensure         CPA and Canadian community with
a cost-effective and seamless move            standards mapping, market practice
to ISO 20022 through the ISO 20022            definition and deep experience with
Harmonisation Charter (see breakout           ISO 20022 adoption projects.
box). With the plethora of market
infrastructure initiatives and flexibility
of the standard, the Charter sets out
a number of principles aimed to avoid
fragmentation and the risk of multiple
ISO 20022 versions being adopted
across the different markets. The
principles of this Charter are formally
endorsed by the Bank of Canada and by
the CPA.
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

The adoption of ISO 20022 by major
markets around the world demonstrates
that it is the strategic direction for
payments globally. Financial institutions
and their corporate clients in the Canadian
market not only have the opportunity to
design an efficient payment messaging
format for domestic needs, but to actively
participate in the evolution of the global
The adoption of ISO 20002 and the
implementation of Extended Remittance
Information across the Canadian
payments landscape are expected to
support domestic commerce, strengthen
Canada’s competitiveness as a trading
nation and create new opportunities for
financial institutions, payment service
providers and business in Canada.
The CPA, supported by SWIFT, the
Payments Market Practice Group
(PMPG) and other industry best practice
organisations are in a position to deliver
these benefits for Canadian firms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada


          Country Gross Domestic Product (USD billions)

                                                                                                                                 9.185     16.768
                                                                                 Country Gross Domestic Product (USD billions)

                                                                                                                                                                         2.806  2.684
                                                            2.500                                                                                                                                                                  2.098 2.071
                                                                                                                                  2.500                                                                                                            1.930
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2.098 2.071
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1.304 1.2611.261

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       853 823
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          650            748
                                                                                                                                              United States










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Canada Canada

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Korea Mexico



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Saudi Arabia


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Saudi ArabiaSweden

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   South Africa


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hong Kong
                                                                         United States





                                                                                                                                                                                        United Kingdom










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               South Africa


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hong Kong

                                                          Figure 1 - Canadian Peer Ranking by Country Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - USD billions for 2013



              Number of Card Transactions (millions)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  181.1                                                                                                                                        US                                              China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Korea                                                        Japan                            Brazil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              268.3                                                 9.5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Canada                                                 France
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  136.7                                                     49.9                                                                                                                              India
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            224.8                                                                           70.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Germany                                                                 31.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Netherlands                                                          44.7
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sweden                                                                            41.9
 20.000                                                     2.000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        29.9                  UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mexico                                                                                                                                                                                                         China
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Saudi Arabia South Africa                                                     181.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                30.6                                                                                      Japan                                           Brazil
                                                                                                                                                                                       Belgium                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9.5
                                                                                                                                                                                        119.5                                                          Canada                                                                France
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             136.7                                                                            49.9                                                                                                                          India
                                                                                                                                                    Switzerland                                                                                         224.8                                                                                                70.2
                                                                                                                                                       89.2                                                               Australia
                                                                                                                                            Singapore                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Russia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Germany                                                                                          31.9
                                                             200                                                                                                                                                                                                Turkey
                                                                                                                                                                                    Netherlands                                                                                              44.7
                                                                                                                                                          Sweden                                                                       20                        41.9                                                                                                         200                                                                                                                                                  2.000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Country Population (millions)
  2.000                                                                                                                                                   249.8                                                                                                                                                 Italy
                                                          Figure 2 - Canadian Peer Ranking by Consumer Cards (size of bubble = numberMexico
                                                                                                                                      of transactions per person for 2013)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Saudi Arabia South Africa                                                                                         14.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         56.6          30.6
                                                 2                                              20                                          200                                2.000
                                                 2                                              20                                          200                                2.000
                                                                                                            Country Population (millions)
14                                                                                                          Country Population (millions)
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

                                           7,3                                                                                                                                         $6,4
                                           7,3                                                                                                                                         $6,4

                                           7,1                                                                                                                                         $6,2
                                           7,1                Volume (billions)                                                                                                        $6,2
                                                              Volume (billions)
                                                              Value (CAD trillions)
                                                              Value (CAD trillions)                                                           $6,0
                                           6,9                                                                                                                                         $6,0
                                           6,9                                                                                                                                         $6,0

                                                                                                                $5,8                                                 6,8
                                                                                                                $5,8                                       1.5%
                                           6,7                                                                                                             1.5%      6,8               $5,8

                                           6,7                                                                                                                                         $5,8





                                           6,5                                                                                                                                         $5,6

                                           6,5                                        $5,5                                                                                             $5,6






                                           6,3                                                                                                                                         $5,4
                                           6,3                                                                                                                                         $5,4




                                                     $5,2                  5.0%
                                           6,1                             5.0%                                                                                                        $5,2
                                           6,1                                                                                                                                         $5,2

                                           5,9          6,0                                                                                                                            $5,0
                                           5,9                                                                                                                                         $5,0

                                           5,7                                                                                                                                         $4,8
                                           5,7                                                                                                                                         $4,8

                                           5,5                                                                                                                                         $4,6
                                           5,5                                                                                                                                         $4,6
                                                      2010                             2011                       2012                            2013             2014
                                                      2010                             2011                       2012                            2013             2014

         Figure 3 – Canadian Retail Payments - Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS)

                                          9,0                                                                                                                                           $42,0
                                          9,0                                                                                                                                           $42,0
                                                              Volume (millions)
                                                              Volume (millions)
                                                              Value (CAD trillions)     $39,6
                                                              Value (CAD trillions)     $39,6                                                                                           $40,0
                                          8,5                                                                                                                                           $40,0
                                          8,5                                                                                                                        $38,7
                                                                                                                   $38,2                                             $38,7
                                                      $37,7                                                        $38,2
                                                      $37,7                                                                                        $37,6                                $38,0
                                                                                                                                                                         7,9            $36,0
                                                                                                                                                           3.9%          7,9            $36,0



                                          7,5                                                                                                        7,6
                                          7,5                                                                                                        7,6                                $34,0




                                          7,0                                                                                                                                           $32,0

                                          7,0                                                                                                                                           $32,0





                                          6,5                                            6,6
                                          6,5                                            6,6

                                                                         10.0%                                                                                                          $28,0
                                          6,0          6,0
                                                       6,0                                                                                                                              $26,0

                                          5,5                                                                                                                                           $24,0

                                          5,0                                                                                                                                           $22,0
                                          5,0                                                                                                                                           $22,0
                                                      2010                             2011                        2012                           2013               2014
                                                      2010                             2011                        2012                           2013               2014

         Figure 4 – Canadian Wire Payments - Large Value Transfer System (LVTS)
                                                                                                                                             Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada


                                                                                                                                                                          US FedWire

                                                                                                                     DE-TARGET2                       CN-HVPS
                                                                                                                         79.8                           36.2
                                                                                                                                                                           US CHIPS
Annual Transaction Value (USD billions)

                                                                                                                                JP-BOJ NET                                   22.7

                                             $100,000                 NL-TARGET2
                                                                                   KR-BOK WIRE+    IT-TARGET2
                                                                                       40.4            24.0

                                                           HK-CHATS RMB                                19.6                            JP-ZENGIN
                                                                                         AU-RITS                                           5.9
                                                   BE-TARGET2           TR-EFT1
                                                       40.9               27.1          MX-SPEI
                                                                     SA-SARIE                              RU-BESP
                                                                       19.5                                    7.6
                                                            SE-RIX                                      IN-RTGS
                                                             29.7                                          6.5
                                                         $500                                                                     $5,000                                                                            $50,000

                                                                                                                       Country GDP (USD Billions)

                                          Figure 5 – Canada’s Payment Settlement vs GDP Performance (bubble size = ratio of payment transaction value vs GDP in 2013)

                                          Payments Oversight and Governance in Canada
                                            PA’s Board of Directors is comprised                  — CPA administers the daily system
                                           of 7 independent directors, 5 member                       operations and develops, implements,
                                           directors and the CPA’s President and                      and updates the rules and standards
                                           CEO, and participating CPA members                         that govern the clearing and
                                           fund the operating costs                                   settlement of payments between its
                                            egal foundation for payments
                                           systems operations is provided in the                   — Bank of Canada is responsible for
                                           CPA By-laws and in the Payments                            oversight, monitoring the flow of
                                           Clearing and Settlement Act (PCSA)                         payments through the systems
                                                                                                      and the settlement positions of the
                                                                                                      participants at all times. Overall
                                                                                                      oversight is undertaken by the
                                                                                                      Canadian Minister of Finance

                                          Figure 6 – Payments Oversight and Governance in Canada
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

  Explaining ISO 20022
  — ISO 20022 is a financial messaging                           — All ISO 20022 data elements are         — For the reconciliation of invoice /
     standard developed by the                                       bundled into structured messages           receipt, ISO 20022 supports all
     International Organisation for                                  with additional rules that provide         necessary remittance data fields
     Standardisation (ISO), a worldwide                              guidance on usage and interpretation,      and remittance models (one-to-one,
     federation of National Standards                                set by industry market practice            one-to-many, many-to-one and
     Bodies, and was first introduced in                             groups. Each message has                   many-to-many) and implementation
     2004. It is open to everyone, not                               specifically defined functions and         models (carry with the payment, refer
     controlled by a single interest.                                definitions, enabling automated            to an external repository).
                                                                     field and syntax validation, and
  — Utilising eXtensible Mark-up                                                                            — The remittance information also
                                                                     avoiding the non-validation and
     Language (XML) syntax, ISO 20022                                                                           allows financial institutions to meet
                                                                     misinterpretation associated with
     uses a flexible modelling methodology                                                                      regulatory payment ‘screening’
                                                                     free-format fields.
     to address financial messaging                                                                             requirements, such as sanction lists
     requirements.                                                — ISO 20022 is not just a repository of      and Anti-Money Laundering (AML).
                                                                     standardised financial messages but
  — ISO 20022 uses a central repository                                                                     — Is supported by modern, mainstream
                                                                     also a method in which to develop
    of globally-agreed business terms                                                                           technology that facilitates efficient
    that has evolved into a common                                                                              integration and allows for easy data
    global reference for the financial                            — For payments, ISO 20022 takes              consumption as its underlying syntax
    industry. It has already been applied                            into account the end-to-end data           is based on structured XML.
    to many financial processing areas,                              requirements of various stakeholders,
    including trade finance, securities                              including corporations, vendors,
    settlement, corporate actions,                                   banks and clearing and settlement
    payments, remittance, and regulatory                             systems.

   Figure 7 – Explaining ISO 20022
                                                                                 Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

ISO 20022-based Payment Remittance Initiatives in Other Markets
— SEPA - Supported by the European                as a trading partner’s or third-Party               template. This template contains the
   Payments Council (EPC), the                     solution provider’s web site, where                 lowest common denominators for
   goal of the Single Euro Payments                the remittance information can be                   making a valid payment, and allows
   Association (SEPA) is to harmonise              found.                                              for additional data elements to be
   customer credit transfers and                                                                       passed between those banks and
                                                — United States - In the U.S.,
   direct debits across 37 disparate                                                                   corporations that agree to support
                                                   the Federal Reserve and the
   EU communities. The EPC has                                                                         such a service. The initiative extends
                                                   National Automated Clearing
   developed SEPA payment schemes                                                                      beyond corporations and banks to
                                                   House Association (NACHA) have
   described in the SEPA Credit Transfer                                                               include application vendors, service
                                                   conducted quantitative surveys to
   (SCT) and SEPA Direct Debit (SDD)                                                                   providers, and market infrastructure
                                                   consider changes to their respective
   Rulebooks, using ISO 20022. The                                                                     organisations.
                                                   payments systems in the U.S.
   SCT schema supports the end-to-                 corporate marketplace. Similar to               — SCORE - The SWIFT for Corporates
   end carrying of optional remittance             Canada, the studies revealed an                    (SCORE) initiative harmonises the
   data in a structured or unstructured            increased demand for additional                    implementation approach for large
   format, depending upon the specific             structured remittance data to                      corporates for implementing ISO
   requirements as an ‘Additional                  enable more efficient processing                   20022 payments. SCORE aligns with
   Optional Service’ (AOS) that can be             and automated reconciliation. As                   CGI for both payments and additional
   offered as a value-added service by             a result, the Fedwire System and                   remittance elements. In addition, the
   participant banks. It is estimated that         CHIPS introduced enhanced                          International Payments Framework
   more than 500 individuals and over              messaging layouts based on ISO                     Association (IPFA) interlinks
   20 million corporations, as well as             20022. In addition to containing all               Automated Clearing Houses (ACHs)
   European public authorities can make            necessary data fields for payment                  across the world for cross-border
   and receive euro payments through               and settlement, the new messages                   ACH payments, using ISO 20022
   SEPA.                                           include remittance elements to                     as common standard for mapping
— Finland - Finland has completed                 explain the purpose of the payment.                inbound and outbound traffic.
   an ISO 20022 payments initiative,               Based on customer requirements,
   ACH Finland as a SEPA-compliant                 a participating institution can
   Clearing and Settlements Mechanism              choose from three methods of
   (CSM). ACH Finland now supports                 transferring remittance information
   the SEPA SCT schemes, including                 to their customers, ‘unstructured’
   the data formats which are based on             (which allows originators to send
   ISO 20022 messages standard. ACH                beneficiaries a block of up to 9,000
   Finland also supports the optional              characters of remittance data in a
   remittance data used to provide                 specified format supplied by the
   structured remittance information               originator), ‘related’ (which contains
   for such processes as bundling of               a reference in the CTP to where the
   invoices and credit notes.                      extended remittance information can
                                                   be found, such as a URL address), or
— IFX Forum - The International
                                                   ‘structured’ (which allows originators
   Financial eXchange (IFX) Forum is an
                                                   to include the remittance data in pre-
   organisation comprised of leading
                                                   defined fields in the CTP messages).
   financial institutions, service providers,
   and software vendors dedicated to            — CGI - In response to demands from
   developing a messaging standard                 corporates, the Common Global
   for financial services. In April 2014,          Implementation (CGI) initiative,
   the IFX Forum submitted two new                 seeks to agree on a common
   messages to ISO for inclusion in ISO            implementation of ISO 20022 in the
   20022. The ‘Remittance Advice’                  corporate-to-bank payment cycle,
   message contains key elements                   in order to simplify implementation
   pertaining to an associated payment,            for corporate users, and to promote
   including discounts, disputed                   wider acceptance of ISO 20022. CGI
   amounts and invoice details. The                has examined the underlying local
   ‘Remittance Location Advice’                    market requirements and created a
   message specifies the location, such            CGI-MP (Market Practice) message

 Figure 8 – ISO 20022-based Payment Remittance Initiatives in Other Markets
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada

          Mandatory Payment Data                         Required for all payments
                Elements                                 Similar to CPA Standard

                    plus optional

 and                    Unstructured Remittance                       One repetition of 140 characters
 / or                             Data                                Good for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) payments

 and                             Structured                           Up to 100,000 repetitions
 / or                          Remittance Data                        Good for Business-to-Business (B2B) payments

                                       Referred Document Info                         Type, Number, Date

                                          Referred Document                           Due Payable, Discount, Credit
                                                Amount                                Note, Tax, Adjustment, Remitted

                                           Creditor Reference
                                                                                      Type, Reference

                                                                                      Name, Address, ID, Country,

                                                                                      Name, Address, ID, Country,

                                         Additional Remittance
                                                                                      420 Characters, Unstructured

 and                              Related                             One repetition. Good for supplying remittance
 / or                          Remittance Data                        data outside payment transaction

                                       Remittance Identification

                                          Remittance Location
                                                                                      EDI, e-mail, Fax, URI/URL
                                                                                      2048 characters (alphanumeric)
                                          Remittance Location
                                                                                      for electronic address (email or
                                           Electronic Address

     Figure 9 – ERI data elements expected to be supported by CPA
Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada
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