ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...

Page created by Randy Stone
ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
october/november 2017

                ADB & DutchCham
                Merge - Say what!
                              ... page 4

event                                singapore
ADB IPP Golf tournament III          The battle of bike-sharing
... page 3                           in Singapore
                                     … page 16
ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...


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ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
President’s Message

                     Comfort Food
                   “Comfort food” - I’ve heard the term often enough but
                   never really understood the true meaning until recently.
                   Let me explain.
                                                                                  Board Members

                   After missing out on the F1 for three consecutive years,
                                                                                         Paul Bloemendal
my sons (ages 12 and 14) urged me to buy tickets. They pushed me to such                 Board Member Sponsoring
an extent that I simply had to give in. And although I don’t care that much              Co-Head Agricultural
                                                                                         Commodity Trading
about racing, this year I decided to go ‘all in’ and got them a three-day                Arcadia Agri
entry pass. When F1 on Friday finally came, the boys were psyched. While
the cars were making their rounds, they were glued to the grandstand.
They loved it and couldn’t wait to come back the next day.                               Tom Smeenk
                                                                                         Honorary Treasurer
                                                                                         Business Development
What they did not know is that for Saturday, I had planned something very                Manager LNG Asia
special. A friend of mine, who is married to the CEO of Randstad, sponsors               Royal Vopak

of the Williams team, had arranged three VIP tickets to the Paddock Club
and a tour of the Pit Lane. It proved to be all (and more) I had hoped for.
                                                                                         Peter Paul Bloemsma
                                                                                         Secretary / Board
When we arrived, a charming lady escorted us to the VIP area to watch the                Member Events
race. I was handed a glass of Champagne with unlimited soft drinks for                   Partner
the boys. We were introduced to other sponsor representatives and some
people from the technical staff. I spoke to a guy named Bernd Maylander,
a racing veteran. We hit it off and had a fun time but I lost sight of him.
                                                                                         Aleid de Savornin
Later that evening, after the race, Bernd reappeared and invited us to                   Board Member Communications
                                                                                         Senior Legal Consultant,
join him at a private event organized by the Ferrari team. Although it was               Lawyers on the Demand
getting late, I decided that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity so I said          Asia Pacific

“sure” and waved at the boys to come along. It was an excellent decision
because all the race-drivers were there! Vettel, Alonso, Ricciardo and even              Daniël Heerkens
Max Verstappen! My oldest didn’t hesitate for a second and was quick to                  Chief Editor
                                                                                         Digital Marketing
congratulate him on his 2nd place in the qualifier. It was a genuine jet-set             Strategy Director
party with delicate canapes, tons of hot chicks and even a Champagne tower!              2Stallions

Fast forward to Sunday night, and again we were at the circuit, happy for
the rain as that could only help Max. There we stood all dressed in orange,              Wenneke Vrugt-Repko
                                                                                         General Manager
ready to cheer our hero to victory. The race started – but what was that                 Graphic Designer
– Max was instantly sandwiched by Raikkonen and Vettel! What a shock,                    Triple You Design

what a disaster!

We looked at each other and all thought the same thing: this is totally
depressing, let’s get out of here. On the way back to the car we passed a                    °°°
                                                                                       The ADB connects
Kebab shop on Circular road where I ordered three shawarma rolls. We sat
down, took a bite and started to smile – what a crazy weekend it has been.            Dutch Professionals
                                                                                         in Singapore.
                         ... Joep Ottervanger ...

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
Editor’s Note

                                                       100 days left
1    President’s Message

2	Editor’s Note
                                                        Hi ADB Member,
3	ADB IPP Golf Tournament III

4	ADB and DutchCham Merge –                             The month is almost at an end and we hope
  Say what!                                             September and October have been as good for you
6    From the Dutch Embassy:                            as they have been for me! In Q3 we started working
     Get in the Ring Singapore          with a very well-known Fortune 500 company (that I’m super excited
                                        about) and we have many new things to learn and prepare for 2018.
8    Why your company needs to
     invest in Content Marketing
                                        We began September by kick starting our collaboration with CNN.
12	An Interview with Jeroen van         They are the number one online news destination in digital -
   de Waal
                                        routinely recording more than 1.5 billion multi-platform page views
14   Network for Dutch-speaking         each month!
     people in Singapore

16   The Battle of bike-sharing in      The lesson that I have learned from this collaboration is that if you
     Singapore                          are small, and not everybody knows about you in your network, then
                                        it’s much better to team up with companies or individuals that can
18	Seletar Aerospace Park:
   a hidden dining oasis                get you further ahead than you could do alone.

20   Reflect to Re-energize             This is the same type of thinking behind the merger of ADB &
21   Interview with Eric van den Berg   DutchCham. By collaborating, we instantly expand our connections
                                        and broaden our reach. Together we can build a stronger presence
22   NCA: Sneak peek raffle prizes
                                        in the market and attract more interesting parties to join us. That
24	ADB News – Announcements,            will create synergies and get our name out there much faster, both
   member info and more                 in Singapore and across the ASEAN region. There are further, juicier
                                        details of our ADB-DutchCham collaboration later in this Magazine.

                                        Time sure does fly - there are now less than 100 days before we say
                                        goodbye to 2017.

                                        Let ‘s make them count and don’t forget to join us at one of the most
ADB & DutchCham Merge -                 fun nights of the year, THE ANNUAL ADB DINNER & DANCE
Say what!                               on 11 November 2017! This year the theme will be ‘Caribbean Cruise’.

                                                              ... Daniël Heerkens ...

Cover photo:

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
ADB Events

      ADB IPP Golf Tournament III
                                     ... Photos by IPP ...

Who says traditions do not
exist at ADB! It has been a true
honor to have had IPP sponsor
the ADB IPP Golf Event for
3 consecutive years. And this year
was no exception!
                                     It didn’t matter if you were a            After all this hard work, there was
                                     pro or had never held a golf              time for networking, pizza and
            By Krista van der Veen   club in your life before, because         beers and, of course, the prizes.
            Executive Director at
            Trustmoore               at this annual golf event there           I am also happy to announce
                                     was something for every player.           that the organizers didn’t win
                                     The new bees had lessons from             any prizes this time. Of course,
                                     the very esteemed Mr. Lingam.             Peter blames this on ethical
                                     Even in dress shoes or skirts, the        considerations….  •
                                     beginners did an amazing job!
                                                                               P.S. It was great get together and
                                     In groups of 3-4 people the golfers       a big thank you to IPP!
                                     were sent on the course to play
                                     9 holes according to the Texas
                                     scramble rules. Along the course
                                     several prizes could be won such as
                                     closest to the line, longest drive etc.

                                     After this, the two groups
                                     were brought together for the
                                     putting competition, in which
                                     the beginners in some cases
                                     outperformed the advanced
                                     golfers. It was such a close call
                                     that the competition needed to
                                     be decided on bonus points for

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...

    ADB and DutchCham Merge – Say what!
    Dear member,

    Yes, the merger between ADB and DutchCham is now
    official as it was approved at the general meetings of
    both organisations. Although we, as a board, have
    tried to keep you well informed about the status and
    plans, for some of our members the reasons behind it
    are still somewhat unclear.

    So, for a very last time, here is a short summary
    of the What, When, Who, How, Why & Where of the
    ADB-DutchCham merger.

    What is going to change?

    When we get this question people usually mean “will
    we still have the same pleasant and informal events
    as currently provided by ADB”. To that question the       of the ADB and of DutchCham will for the time
    answer is YES. ADB-DutchCham really represents            being co-chair the new board and preside over board
    the SUM and not the average of the strengths and          meetings on a rotating basis. We feel that the board
    activities of the former two organisations.               represents a good mix of people with an appropriate
                                                              skill set and background to reflect and represent the
    If, however, the question is “will everything remain      identity and objectives of both ADB and DutchCham
    as it is” then the answer is obviously NO. The new        in the new organisation.
    organization will have a much wider reach, both
    in terms of network and activities. As a member of        As to the support team, things are a bit in flux.
    ADB-DutchCham you will, therefore, also have access       As you may have heard, Nele Cornelis, who was
    to new activities and inroads into the Dutch and          the ‘executive director’ of DutchCham for the past
    Singapore business community.                             6 years, recently resigned to join EuroCham. This
                                                              was an unexpected event and Nele will be dearly
    When?                                                     missed. ADB and DutchCham are currently working
    When will the new organisation come into existence?       together to recruit an adequate replacement. There
    The ADB-DutchCham will officially commence as of          is, however, positive news. We are very happy that
    January 1st 2018. For practical purposes, however,        our general manager, Wenneke Vrugt, who initially
    the boards and support teams of both organisations        announced that she would resign, has agreed to stay
    are already working together as if the merger had         on and will focus mainly on design/communication
    taken place in order to assure a smooth launch.           and the social events.

    Who?                                                      How?
    Who will be on the board and who will be on the           How much will I be paying next year? That question
    support teams? The new board will comprise of 11          comes up all the time. For Individual Members of
    members, 6 of which are the current ADB board             ADB-DutchCham, the membership fee will be $145.
    members with the remaining members being former           So, that means an increase of $20 compared to the
    members of the DutchCham board. The presidents            current ADB membership fee.

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
If, however, you are an employee of a company
that is already a member of DutchCham, you
will (most likely) not pay anything as your
personal membership will be covered by your
employer’s membership.

It should be noted that Corporate Members
of DutchCham (and also of ADB-DutchCham)
may appoint 3 employees as a member and
Orange Members may appoint 10 employees as
a member.

Why merge if things are going well? Although
both ADB and DutchCham are doing well, we as
a board feel that the merger is an opportunity
for two reasons. Firstly, it provides access to
the members of both organisations to more
events, more committees and a larger network.
Secondly, it makes the organisation more
relevant for all parties involved including
sponsors, which makes it financially more
robust and future proof.

Where does our money go? What happens to
the financial reserve of ADB that was built up
over the past 25 years? As most will know,
ADB currently has a financial reserve of
about $90,000 – $100,000. This reserve will
form part of the financial reserve of the new
organsiation. In order to assure the financial
stability of the new organization we have agreed
on a conservative budgeting policy whereby
fixed cost must be matched by fixed income.
Furthermore, the aim is to further grow the
financial reserve to an amount of at least two
times the annual fixed cost.

We hope that this answers (most of) your
questions. If not, please don’t keep quiet and let
me or any one on the board know.

On behalf of the ADB Board
Joep Ottervanger
ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
from the dutch embassy

     Get in the Ring Singapore
     ... Photos by Dutch Embassy Singapore ...

     Singapore has a fast-changing environment        Get in the Ring and the participating and
     which stimulates innovation and                  organizing role that the Netherlands Embassy
     entrepreneurship. This is one of the reasons     had at the event.
     that Singapore has a big startup community,
     where people start their own companies           About Get in the Ring
     to make their ideas become a reality. The        Get in the Ring is a worldwide podium for
     Netherlands Embassy is a proud advocate of       startups to connect with investors and fans,
     startups, which is why we focus on organizing    who can contribute knowledge, a network,
     events to stimulate Dutch and Singaporean        funding and time. Get in the Ring Foundation
     startup companies in gaining success. This       connects startups to innovators to scale up
     month, an event took place where excellent       their business. They work closely with leaders
     startups battled to win a ticket to the Get in   of entrepreneurship ecosystems in more than
     the Ring Global Conference 2018. This article    100 countries. Get in the Ring is known for its
     will tell you more about the organization        format where startups face off in a boxing ring.

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...
High-profile jury
        By Tessa Grootzwaaftink
        Embassy of the Kingdom of the               Amongst the jury members were, besides
        Netherlands in Singapore
        Public Relations and Communication          Professor Jan Peter Balkenende, Ambassador
                                                    Mrs Margriet Vonno, Carpal founder Maarten
                                                    Hemmes, Minos van Joolingen from BANNING
                                                    lawyers and Melissa Lim, founder of BiTS
                                                    & LadyBoss. Together, they provided the
                                                    competing startups with constructive criticism
                                                    and insightful tips on their pitches and business

                                                    About the finalists
                                                    First round: PABensen versus Mathemate
                                                    PABensen ( is a design
                                                    company that strives to create thought-
                                                    provoking works and innovative functional
                                                    products that bridge the fields of Art and
                                                    Science. Their direct competitor was
                                                    Mathemate (, which is
                                                    the world’s easiest place for Students to Ask,
                                                    Search & get Guidance in all things Math. “We
                                                    aim to be the easiest place to ask and check
                                                    existing content from the web. We organize
                                                    students and their math syllabus so they can
                                                    find, collect and share the information most
                                                    valuable to them.” This round was won by
                                                    Mathemate with a convincing vote by the jury.

                                                    Second round: BIORITHM versus
                                                    Touchless Industries
                                                    BIORITHM is a startup that aims to have an
                                                    impact on the healthcare environment that we
                                                    know today. They competed with Touchless
                                                    Industries (,
                                                    which is a startup where healthcare and IoT
                                                    come together. “Our goal is to connect all
Get in the Ring Singapore                           ‘physical’ things in the hospital through the
The Netherlands Embassy organized the Get in        Internet of Things.”
the Ring Singapore event together with Startup
& SME Academy, ADB and DutchCham. The               Third round: versus Orca Scuba
event took place at the Hollandse Club on           In the third round, Cogo (, a
Thursday 14 September 2017 with special             modern sharing platform, battled against Orca
guest of honor former Prime Minister of the         Scuba ( The latter won
Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende amongst           this round, and ended up winning the final
the high-profile jury. The competing startups       round as well, making them the victor of the Get
battled in the ring and demonstrated their          in the Ring Singapore competition! They are
unique value propositions to the high profile       passionate about the ocean and everything in
jury, until one startup was victorious! The prize   it. “We love to introduce others to the world of
was a ticket to the Get in the Ring’s annual        scuba diving, so they can experience it with us.”
Global Conference taking place in 2018.             Congratulations to Jeroen of Orca Scuba!  •

ADB & DutchCham Merge - Say what! - business ...

Why your company needs to
invest in Content Marketing
        By Daniël Heerkens
        Digital Marketing Strategy Director

    People visit your website because of
    two things: either they are looking for
    information to add to their research
    of a product or service, or they
    are looking for information before
    making a purchase. Targeted content
    helps steer customers into sales
    funnels, which is why more than 85
    percent of brands implement content
    marketing strategies and enjoy great
    ROI after a one-month evaluation.

Content marketing helps develop your business brand
with engaging content like blogs, videos, and social media
posts. Well-researched and helpful content boosts your
authority on the subject and helps introduce the products
and services as a solution.

Content Marketing is not just for the big brands
Small businesses and start-ups aren’t the only ones
who can benefit from content marketing. Numerous
multinational companies use content to engage their
audience in different social media platforms. This allows
their audience to provide feedback to improve their
products and services.
                                                               Rolex uses Instagram
For instance, one might think that Rolex can go decades        to keep their products
without making marketing efforts due to its established        within everyone’s line
brand. However, the people who run Rolex know that if          of sight with beautifully
                                                                                           Credit: Rolex Instagram & website

a brand doesn’t stay relevant, a competitor can easily         crafted photos of brand
steal the show.                                                watches. Their goal could
                                                               be to remind their target
Rolex knows that consumers can suddenly favor a more           audience of why Rolex
modern brand. This is possibly one of the reasons Rolex        is the embodiment of a
has increased their social media activity and campaigns.       sophisticated lifestyle.

Why Should You Invest in Content Marketing?

Great Potential for                             Ownership benefits
Significant ROI                                 Once you’ve built your audience, your ROI goes up since
                                                you no longer have to pay rent to the media
Returns can come in the form
                                                                                                                               31 leads
of customer acquisition, brand                 36                                                                                  /$1,000

visibility, brand reputation, or
inbound traffic. Marketing experts
agree that content marketing, when                                                                  Content Marketing
done correctly, has great potential
for higher ROI, just look at the                18              9 leads
graph on the right.

You may not necessarily get a dollar             6        Paid Search
for every person who sees your
content, however, your company                Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
will see benefits in many different
                                                                            Other Strategies Can Benefit From It
It’s Inbound Marketing (Pull Marketing Instead                              The great thing about content marketing is that it will not
of Push)                                                                    only generate returns for your company, but it will also
Precise investments are important in marketing. That                        push your other marketing strategies to perform better.
being said, when marketing your product or service,                         In order to be effective, you must make content marketing
content marketing allows you to filter out potential buyers                 the core of all your strategies.
from dead end leads.
                                                                            For instance, your email marketing campaigns can benefit
Think of it this way, a person with no interest in your                     from a consistent content marketing strategy. Since you are
industry will not bother to click through your link or even                 already creating content for your social media marketing
go past your landing page. With that in mind, it should                     campaign, why not use the content for email marketing
be clear that asserting any promotion efforts to such                       too? This will attract more followers, viewership, and help
individuals will be a waste.                                                establish brand identity. Just check out the data below.

            Growing SEO/organic presence                                                                                                     61%

                     Blog content creation                                                                                   53%

         Content distribution/amplification                                                                         47%

                    Marketing automation                                                                 40%

               Interactive content creation                                                           38%

                    Visual content creation                                                   31%

         Long-form/visual content creation                                               29%

                               Online tools                                             28%

                    Product how-to videos                                         24%

                                 Webinars                                   19%

                           Freemium trials             6%

                               Don’t know            4%

                                                      Source: State of Inbound 2017 report

Brand Authority (Thought Leadership)
                                                                               Get customers                                                        Grow customers
Will Be Stronger
                                                                                                                                   Outreach        Product
The quality of your content develops your brand profile. If                                                                        programs        updates
you implement an effective content marketing strategy and                      media

create authority and reliability, you can become your field’s




                                                                               Media                                                    Keep customers
primary source of information.

                                                                              Articles                                                      Contest,
Let’s say that you run a fitness centre and decided to utilize                                                                               events
                                                                                                                              op     Blogs, RSS, Loyalty
                                                                                                                   Viral Lo
content marketing. You start posting two to three SEO-                                                                                 emails     programs

optimized blog posts every week and eventually catapult

your website’s ranks in search engines.                                                              l   Loo

Months before summer begins, people begin scurrying for
ways to remain or become fit. If they find your business first,            they aren’t purchasing your programs or getting a
your fitness tips and programs become their immediate                      membership to your gym – yet.
solutions to achieve their body goals. Ultimately, readers
and followers can become actual customers who you would                    Right now, your audience is simply aware that you exist,
never have reached if it weren’t for content marketing.                    hence, the first stage of the buyer’s funnel. Now, summer
                                                                           time is near and everyone wants to get in shape. They
Builds More Trust With Consumers                                           remember all the articles and videos you published not too
A reliable brand creates trust with great content. If readers              long ago and start to re-watch them and visit your website
find your content engaging, entertaining, and helpful, you                 for more content or information on your services.
can build trust with your audience quickly.
                                                                           Content Marketing Is a Must for Your Marketing
When people get used to seeing your content, they begin to                 Campaign
think of your business as a trusted resource. When the time                We can talk for days discussing all the benefits you can reap
comes that they are in need of services or a product such as               for your business through content marketing. However,
yours, they will remember you.                                             the ultimate truth still stands; content marketing is today’s
                                                                           most effective way of getting things done.
Converts Better Through Lead Nurturing
We all want to guide our target audience down the sales                    Effort-filled content marketing will drive inbound leads,
funnel, something that content marketing can help achieve.                 establish brand awareness, and guide people down the sales
Through lead nurturing, you can hit all three stages of the                funnel. Whether you are targeting short-term solutions,
buyer’s journey; awareness, consideration, and decision.                   such as improving your pay-per-click advertising or a need
                                                                           to increase your leads or long-term strategies that involve
Let’s say that you run a fitness hotspot with an active                    brand development and rebound marketing, well-developed
content marketing campaign. You consistently publish                       content and copy will leave a positive and compelling
weight loss tips, healthy recipes, and the like for months                 impression that significantly improves the possibility of
and have made yourself known to your market. However,                      high ROI.     •

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An Interview with Jeroen van de Waal
Winner of Startup & SME Academy
Get in the Ring edition
... Photos by Jeroen van de Waal ...

        By Daniël Heerkens
        Digital Marketing Strategy Director

What inspired you to pursue a career in marine
I have always believed I could make things happen and
change my world. I lived in a relatively conservative town
in the east of Holland, far away from the oceans. But I
could see on our black and white television the slaughter of
whales taking place daily in Canada. They were slaughtered
to make lantern oil, not for medicine or food. Then there         it comes to my passion for the oceans. So here I am, now
was the clubbing of baby seals – killing them to use their        trying my hardest to make up for lost time.
beautiful fur to make coats. To me those things didn’t make
any sense at all. We didn’t have computers in those days,         What steps did you take/are you taking to achieve
but I started a petition to stop the slaughter.                   your career goals?
                                                                  I decided to dedicate my life to a new vision – saving the
In May of 1978, when I was nine years old, I took a few           oceans, planet and ourselves. That’s my new motto. To
hundred sheets of paper, and used a ruler to make boxes           achieve it, I started up Orca Scuba, a dive company based
where people could write down their names and addresses.          in Singapore, with the goal of having dive centres spread
Then I collected signatures in the little town where I grew       throughout Southeast Asia.
up. Ten percent of the people whose doorbell I rang didn’t
understand why a Dutch farm boy was petitioning against           Orca Scuba is not only about teaching people to dive; it’s
the clubbing of baby seals, but I collected around 1,500          also about educating them about the oceans. It’s about
signatures. Optimistically, I sent my petition to Greenpeace      igniting a passion in people, so they start to care about the
in Amsterdam. I got a short letter in response saying, ‘Dear      marine environment as much as I do. Alongside Orca’s
Jeroen, thank you very much.’ And that was it, nothing            diving business, we’re developing a facility for marine
happened. This has stayed with me my whole life.                  conservation, marine research and marine education. I’ve
                                                                  also very recently written a book entitled: “Together We
Even though, as a young boy, I was crazy about the oceans,        Can Turn Tides: A Manifesto to Save the Oceans, Planet &
when I reached adulthood I did nothing to follow my               Ourselves”. This is about to go to press. The book is meant
passion. I got caught up in the rat race, going to school for     for all ages and all levels of education, but my hope is to get
mechanical engineering, then thinking I had to pursue a           it into the hands of as many kids and students as possible.
career in the same field. Eventually I had children to raise
and a family to support. It wasn’t until I hit my forties that    Young people aren’t hampered by past experience in the
I had an epiphany. Yes, I had a good life. I was making a         same way as adults are – their imagination is without limits
nice income, had a great car and a chauffeur; I had a large       and they believe anything is possible. I believe the future
villa and a swimming pool – I had everything that sounds          well-being of our planet lies with them. My book and our dive
like a successful life. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t the       centres are tools. We are using them to educate customers,
life for me. Of course, status and money are nice, and they       students, interns and divers about the importance of the
help a lot, but I realised I could still make a difference when   oceans, as well as the habitats and creatures within them.

We are in the process of determining how we can incorporate                      to help our children be better than ‘us’ - the older generation
the book as reading material for International Schools here                      - when it comes to how we treat the ocean. I want to
in Singapore as well as in Malaysia. We are also developing                      encourage them to pursue their passions now, when they are
an Oceanic Awareness Program. This will include lecture                          young and full of positive energy, rather than wait like I did.
presentations on a variety of marine issues and topics, from                     I look forward to the day that I see kids who I have inspired
the impact of ocean acidification to the impact of shark                         in some small way, grow up and make a positive difference
populations declining worldwide.                                                 in this world, which so drastically needs it.

I need help to do this, which is why I am hoping to get                          Are there aspects of your position, which make you
bright, passionate people to join our Ocean Ambassador                           feel that you are really ‘making a difference’?
Program. This Program is geared towards, but not limited                         Dealing with universities and international schools in
to, gap year students, undergraduates and postgraduates.                         Malaysia and Singapore has been amazing. There are so
They would have the opportunity to get professional dive                         many bright young people out there ready to contribute to
training, combined with education and outreach work. They                        helping the oceans. And what better place than in their
would also contribute to our conservation projects. Right                        own back yard of Southeast Asia?
now, we have a formal collaboration with the University
of Malaya. We are supporting two of their professors on                          Starting to develop collaborations with these schools is the
a seagrass restoration project and with reef surveillance.                       first step to making a difference. My dream is not only to
We are also bringing in a masters student, who will start                        have our staff teach customers, interns, and children how to
a behavioural study on different sea urchin species. All of                      scuba dive. I want everybody to experience the true wonder
these projects are happening at our dive centre on Pulau                         of the underwater world, and I want them to understand the
Rawa, Malaysia.                                                                  importance of the life they see there.

Which part of your job do you enjoy the most?                                    WiseOceans often refers to the words of Baba Dioum: “In
Scuba diving and inspiring kids. Diving allows me to be                          the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love
underwater, which lets me unplug from the world and just                         only what we understand and we will understand only
relax. It also affords me the highest privilege of observing                     what we are taught”. I wholeheartedly believe in this quote,
our marine life in their natural habitat, rather than in                         especially for kids. In order for someone to fall in love with
aquariums or on the dinner plate. I have such a deep                             the ocean they first have to experience it! So I want Orca to
appreciation for the life I see underwater. I wish for nothing                   be more than just a dive company. It should be a place where
more than for my kids still to be able to see these things                       education, conservation and scuba diving come together.
when they are my age.                                                            The work we are doing, the incredible people we’ve met, and
                                                                                 the wonderful organizations we are collaborating with, all fill
For that to happen, the way we are treating our oceans                           me with hope that we can make a lasting difference.   •
needs to change. Inspiring kids is what drives me forward. I
work as hard as I possibly can to make a positive difference,                    Part of this interview was published at Wise Oceans.
                                                Photo: Dutch Embassy Singapore


Network for Dutch-speaking
people in Singapore                                                                          By Atie van Olst
                                                                                             Enthusiastic owner of
      ... Photos by Thomas Choong
... Photos                        ...
           by HOI Singapore ...
                                                                                             HOI Singapore

      HOI is an informal Dutch-speaking
      network in Singapore, especially for
                                                 ‘HOI’ is the Dutch word for ‘HELLO’. It is also short
      those who don’t (yet) have a fulltime
                                                 for ‘Holland Organisation Integration’, helping Dutch-
      job. HOI Singapore offers a relocation
                                                 speaking people to build up their lives in Singapore. Most
      course in the Dutch language, highly       people joining the network are expat spouses, having
      appreciated not only by newcomers,         moved to Singapore because of their partners’ jobs. They
      but also by those having lived in          might be looking for a job themselves, or have found a nice
      Singapore for quite some time.             part-time job already. If they are lucky enough, they will
      HOI cultural tours are inspiring and       start the HOI course soon after arrival. After participating
                                                 in the course (2 mornings, total 8 hours), participants
      provide additional information on
                                                 will know almost as much as those who have lived here
      various cultural aspects of Singapore.
                                                 for longer, such as how to find a part-time helper, where
      HOI meetings highlight specific            to book the most interesting holidays in the Asian region,
      topics or can be ‘just for fun’. Monthly   where to have your Van Bommel shoes properly repaired
      HOI coffee mornings are great              and where to buy a high quality, European sized bed.
      opportunities to meet others.              Participants will learn which presents to give or not to give
                                                 to Malay, Indian or Chinese Singaporeans and will also
                                                 enjoy engaging with others who speak their own language
                                                 and share their roots. The beginnings of highly appreciated

friendships start right here. We didn’t move to Singapore        ‘Wie Wat Waar in Singapore’: first copy for
to only meet Dutch-speaking people, but getting to know          Margriet Vonno
some fellow Netherlanders really helps you to settle in and      On 29 August, this year HOI Singapore and Helutrans
feel at home faster.                                             Relocation launched the booklet ‘Wie Wat Waar in
                                                                 Singapore’. This booklet offers contact information to
Asia ‘light’ or ready to explore authentic                       find your way in Singapore. Dutch Ambassador, Mrs.
Singaporean culture?                                             Margriet Vonno, a newcomer to Singapore, expressed
At first sight Singapore looks like a modern, relatively         her enthusiasm; the booklet is very useful for her and
western city in Asia. But if you join the HOI tours, you will    her family. In her introductory note in ‘Wie Wat Waar’,
experience that Singapore has been influenced by many            she recommends the HOI course for more in-depth and
cultures in the region and shows all of its cultural aspects!    valuable information, in addition to the basic contact
The ‘feng shui’ tour opens your eyes and Singapore will          information in the booklet.
never be the same after you have joined this tour. The HOI
food tour gives you lots of insights into local food culture     Did you miss the book launch event and would you like to
and the food you taste is really ‘shiok’! The Hungry Ghost       have your free copy? Visit the Dutch Embassy and grab your
Festival tour brings you to places where you will certainly be   free copy or join one of the HOI activities.
the only ‘ang moh’ visiting the celebrations and you might
even be invited to have a drink with the ‘medium’ or shake       Visit and subscribe to the monthly
hands with ministers, all trying to comfort the souls of the     newsletter. Join the network to meet other people and
dead that are believed to roam the earth during Hungry           discover more about life in Singapore.•
Ghost season. And how about a pilgrimage tour to Pulau
Suku to visit the Chinese temple and the Malay ‘keramats’
on the island?

HOI meetings and coffee mornings
Interested in something more down to earth? HOI organises
different styles of meetings on a regular basis. Some
focusing on cultural aspects such as Chinese tea culture,
others just for fun, such as wine tastings. And not to forget:
the monthly HOI coffee mornings are really ‘gezellig’. To be
honest, most people joining are women, but more and more
men live in Singapore because of their partners’ expat jobs.
They are also most welcome to join!


The Battle of                                                                                              By Alexis van Dam

bike-sharing in Singapore
                                                                                                           CMO at Insurance Market
                                                                                                           Pte Ltd

... Photos by Alexis van Dam ...

     For most of the readers of this ADB-
     magazine, bikes are as normal as having a
     cheese sandwich. The Dutch grow up with
     their bikes and it is the most used mode
     of transport. Like me, quite a few brought
     their bikes along when they moved to
     Singapore. It should be a no-brainer that
     people bike around the city instead of
     using cars, taxis, buses and MRTs. What’s
     stopping us though? The biggest difference
     compared to the Netherlands is the climate
     and the humidity levels in Singapore.

Why does cycling make sense in Singapore                         would become part of your exercise regime which would
Owning a bike in Singapore doesn’t cost much and the             save time that can be better spent with family and friends.
number of bikes that are stolen is considerably much
lower than in the Netherlands. Since most condos have            Singapore is a garden city and cycling can be an excellent
parking space for bikes in the basement, you can safely          way to explore the parks and the tropical inlands of
park, and more and more MRT stations and public places           Singapore. The PCN (Park Connector Network) in
are accommodating bike parking spaces. Compared                  Singapore is a great deal of fun to cycle in and between
to the Netherlands, cycling is a relatively new mode of          parks. Most parks include wide walking/cycling lanes to
transport and not very well known here. Don’t expect             stimulate the enjoyment of nature.
large bike parking lots or other facilities yet; although the
government is doing a great job to improve this.                 Bike rentals moving into Singapore
                                                                 It is hard to miss that bike sharing companies have moved
One of the focus areas in Singapore is health care and           into Singapore. On many corners, pavements and parking
prevention. We all know that cycling is healthy. Most            spaces, you will see the brightly coloured parked bikes.
likely, the majority of us live and work within a 2 km           Bike-sharing operators have entered the City State: oBike
proximity of an MRT station. And the MRT track is                (homegrown in Singapore), Mobike, Ofo, GBike and a
continuously expanding which is good for everybody. You          new entrant SG Bike (Singaporean) launched this year.
can take the bus or MRT….. or choose to cycle the first and      Singapore now has access to 5 bike sharing platforms!
last kilometres of your journey.
                                                                 How does bike-sharing work?
Isn’t it too hot and humid and therefore less comfortable        It all starts with downloading the app for one of the bike
to cycle? Of course, it is more convenient to ride a bus, take   sharers. Mobike, Obike and GBike make it really simple:
a cab or even use your own car to travel. If you choose to       scan the QR-code with the app, ride away and park after
do that, however, then you need to spend time after (or          you have reached your destination. SG Bike lets you use
before) work to exercise. If you cycle, your daily commute       your EZ-link card and pay as you ride, while Ofo needs

you to type in the code of the bike in the app to receive a       SG Bike (home-grown in Singapore) just launched at
passcode which you use to unlock the bike.                        Holland-Bukit Panjang. The availability island-wide is
                                                                  limited at the moment. To ride SG Bike, you don’t have
Is there a difference between the 5 companies?                    to pay a deposit, and the first half hour costs $1 and after
They all provide basic bikes tailored to Asian people. For        that every minute is $0.03.
Western people the bikes tend to be on the small side – I
need to re-adjust the handlebars and saddle to the highest        Where to cycle?
position. Even then, the wheels are small and it looks like       This all sounds great, but unfortunately dedicated bike
you are riding on a child’s bike. However, most bikes feature     lanes are not so common yet. This causes a few problems
adjustable parts to make it a better ride, and some even          since bikers need somewhere safe to cycle. Quite often,
feature a basket to put your belongings in.                       cyclists use the relatively small pavements to cycle which
                                                                  poses obstruction for pedestrians, but bikes parked on
Obike requires you to pay a deposit of $49 which is               the pavement obstruct people walking with prams, the
refundable when you discontinue using their service.              blind and the elderly from enjoying a comfortable walk.
They use a pricing and credit system that is based on your        Bikers are encouraged to use the most left side of the left
behaviour. Good behaviour gets you extra credits while            lane on common roads. The difference in speed could
bad behaviour such as losing the bike or parking in a non-        pose potential safety issues for both bikes and cars so
designated area costs you points. Every ride is $0.50 per 15      do proceed with caution. The website
minutes of use. This one is the easiest to find since there are   Singapore/ is a journey planner to provide you with a
bikes available near HDBs, condos and MRT stations, which         nice, safe and short bike route.
are all indicated on the app. To win over customers, oBike
hands out voucher codes and utilises promotions.                  Maybe bikes shouldn’t be a mode of transport for
                                                                  commuting yet until bike lanes are more widely
Ofo requires a $39 deposit to prevent bike abuse, but their       available. The more that bikes are used, the higher the
bikes are still hard to find in our City State. The Ofo app       chance that more new bikes lanes will be created. The
doesn’t tell you where the nearest Ofo bike is, but you can       Singapore government states that by 2030 it will be a
ride the bike for $1 for an hour with a max of $2 per ride.       bike friendly city.

Mobike is easy to get your hands on. You can reserve a bike       There are some developments going on. In April, a
up to 15 minutes in advance. A $49 deposit is mandatory           dedicated bike lane was opened on the public road in
before you can enjoy your bike-ride with Mobike, after            Changi East. A 15 km, cycling path was opened to connect
which your ride costs you $0.50 for half an hour. They also       Jurong East, Chinese Garden and Lakeside in July. There
have a credit system which lets you earn or loose points          are plans in the making to make the city centre more bike
depending on your behaviour.                                      & pedestrian friendly; more info:
I haven’t seen a Gbike in the wild yet. They are relatively
new to the battle of bike-sharing. In addition to the usual       Would you want to ride a fancy coloured bike every now
features Gbike offers a security alarm, and a 30 minutes          and then? It is easy to start. Happy biking! •
bike ride costs you $1.


        Seletar Aerospace Park:
        a hidden dining oasis
       ... Photos by Rob Lamers ...

                                            Experience a slice of Singapore’s colonial past when you
                                            dine at Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP). In 1923, the British
                                            developed this area to house a Royal Air Force (RAF) station
                                            that served Singapore from 1928 to 1971. To house RAF
                                            personnel and their families, numerous black and white
            By Rob Lamers
            Marketing Manager at Stamford   bungalows were built with the help of Samsui women
            American International School
                                            (female Chinese immigrants who took on construction jobs),
                                            who were also known to the British as “Concrete Lizzies”.

Today, Seletar Airport operates as a general aviation airport   The Summerhouse 3 Park Lane
for chartered flights and training purposes. This 320-hectare   ‘Farms’-to-table dining - The Summerhouse is one of
space comprises the Airport, as well as 32 colonial black and   those places you’ll have no problem spending the entire
white bungalows that once housed families of the Royal Air
Force. These bungalows are part of a redevelopment project
called The Oval @ Seletar Aerospace Park, and some have
been turned into F&B outlets. There are now four of them -
YOUNGS Bar & Restaurant by the Pentagon Group, Di Wei
Teochew Restaurant, The Summerhouse by the 1-Group, and
Wheeler’s Estate.

As far as destination dining goes, Singaporeans are not
short of options. We already have popular enclaves like
                                                                 Photo: Kh Liu

Dempsey Village, and smaller suburban streets such as
Jalan Riang. But Seletar Aerospace Park (SAP), has one
thing that sets it apart - a view of airplanes.

day at. The space is home to Poppy Flora Studio; Nomad           YOUNGS Bar and Restaurant 3 Hyde Park Gate
the Gallant, an on-site coffee roasting facility; Wild seed, a   Modern European cuisine - Let the verdant surroundings
casual café and bar; and The Summerhouse Dining Room,            of Seletar paint a scenic backdrop to your meal at YOUNGS
the main restaurant perched on the second floor of the           Bar and Restaurant. The interiors reflect old-world
conserved colonial bungalow.                                     European charm, with plush sofas and wood accents that
                                                                 create a cozy dining space—perfect for a romantic night
Wheeler’s Estate 2 Park Lane                                     away from the city.
Laid-back café experience - Its sister outlet in
Balestier, Wheeler’s Yard. With firewood lining the exterior     More spots to eat and drink your fill
of the two-story colonial bungalow, Wheeler’s Estate feels       Near The Oval, you’ll find even more cafés and watering
like a luxury campsite in the middle of the great outdoors.      holes. With bicycles, art and other cycling paraphernalia
On the first floor is The Lawn, a café where diners can grab     decorating its walls, Soek Seng 1954 Bicycle Cafè serves a
mats and a basket of snacks for a picnic out on the field,       mix of Western, Japanese and local food. The café is also
and the Grill House, a separate spot for charcoal-grilled        a great vantage point for watching planes take off from
meats and burgers.                                               Seletar Airport in the distance.   •
                                                                        Photo: Aerene Lim
 Photo: Dean Liew

Personal Development

Reflect to Re-energize
... Photo by BLOOM Development Factory ...

     Caught up in the busy-ness of our daily
     lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed
     and worked up. A mistake or a high-
     pressure project can seem like it means
     to go all in. But being told to “work less”
     or “stop worrying” is about as effective as
     trying to control the weather. Instead,
     try to make reflection a daily habit!

Powerful development tool                                        Gratitude is healthy
While reflection might look like a quiet session of              Start thinking about 3 things you’re really grateful for.
daydreaming, it’s actually an active process during which        When doing this you can’t be worried, fearful or angry.
you enrich your life and encourage personal growth.              Although anger and fear are not all bad (e.g. without anger,
Reflection helps you to learn from your mistakes.                we would be less motivated to protect ourselves), these
Reflection also helps you to see the bigger picture more         are the emotions that screw people up the most in their
clearly and gives you time to soak in others’ perspectives.      relationships, business, and life.
It can calm you down and lower your
stress levels.                                                                       Then reflect upon your day, your work,

                                                                                     your life – what you did right and
Reflecting on the things you did right,             Reflection might                 wrong and what could be improved.
on your successes, allows you to realize     look like a quiet session               Think about your goals/challenges and
how much you’ve done right. Building              of daydreaming,                    visualize. It’s a wonderful thing to keep
upon the successful moments helps              it’s actually an active               a vision of a great end result and it will
you to break free from the self-doubt         process during which                   encourage you to work harder to achieve
that holds you back from embracing              you enrich your life                 your goals.
your true dreams.
                                                   and encourage
                                                                                     Personal reflection is a powerful

                                                personal growth.
Train your brain                                                                     experience that smooths out life’s
So commit yourself to quiet reflection                                               bumps and boosts your happiness.
every day. Just 10 minutes for yourself.                                             It allows you to empower your potential,
You don’t have to sit still, close your eyes, and meditate.      realize great ideas and learn from past mistakes. So why not
But do get away from all distractions in life such as mobiles,   train your brain daily…It’s immensely re-energizing!     •
social media, family, friends, etc. They’re constantly
clouding your thoughts and influencing your decisions.
                                                                         This blog was written by Sheila Bouwman, founder of
Simply take a walk, ride a bike, lie in the grass, go to bed             BLOOM Development Factory Pte Ltd. and published
a little earlier. Whatever works for you. Find your                      before on BLOOMblogt. She can be reached at:
inspiration and get lost in thought.


Interview with
Eric van den Berg
... Photo by Eric van den Berg ...

        By Daniël Heerkens
        Digital Marketing Strategy Director

Who is Eric and what made him into the man he is today?            every gain will only be short term. The power of the collective
That is somewhat of a trivial question. First, you mean the        will always outperform the most brilliant individual.
person I am today, not so much related to my gender.                   Third, dream big and guide small. Most teams like a
   Second, in my view, all my good, bad and ugly decisions         dream, vision or ambition, and in their heart they want
are a combination of luck and circumstances. It is always          to go there. However, they might struggle to find their
tempting to be highly philosophical about these things,            individual path, and as leaders we need to be there guiding,
but I am too down to earth. And if you would like to probe         even with small steps. It is not enough just to show the
me for something more specific, let me say, credits go to          big picture, at times you also need to just be present when
my wife, Emily. Without her, I would not even be close to          doing the baby steps.
where I am today.
                                                                   How do you motivate your international team?
What has your company’s biggest achievement been in                By being fair and tough, and helping them to believe in
the APAC market?                                                   achieving outcomes they never believed possible. And again,
Our biggest achievement is always the one that is up next.         whilst on the journey, be with them all the way.
And the fact that this is how we operate, is to a certain extent
our biggest achievement. We want to provide great education        Do you have anyone you go to for advice? In person
to children, and we see that as an on-going journey.               or online?
    This year we will open three new schools, and we have          Yes, Google. Just type in the question, and out comes
acquired one, so that’s pretty decent in terms of physical         the answer.
achievements.                                                          So, the actual answer is No. I don’t have anyone, but I
                                                                   have many that I will speak to. Whenever I’m confronted
What essential leadership qualities do you consider                with a situation, I prefer to get many perspectives from
important when leading your team to grow in the                    many different people, so that I get a true appreciation
APAC market?                                                       of what we are dealing with.
I believe leadership qualities are not regionally determined.          And when I think I have figured it out well enough,
It doesn’t matter whether it is in APAC or other markets,          I always ask my wife. And she always comes up with an
I believe the basics are applicable everywhere. First, the         angle or notion that I had not yet thought of.
quality of a good leader is one who knows himself (or
herself) very well. In my experience people have a natural         How do you spend your time outside of work?
tendency to look at the other before looking at themselves,        Is there time to be spent outside of work? Perhaps that is
but good leaders always start with themselves. Know what           to be discovered.
gives you energy and what drains your energy bank, and                  We are foodies, so the F&B scene is definitely where
show up at your best every day.                                    we spend time after work (and quite some money for that
    Second, you need to really, really, really, like to be with,   matter). And the other part is traveling, in particular, diving.
work together with and appreciate people. If you think you         I like to be underwater, nobody can talk to you, and still
can achieve to your goal without connecting on a human level,      you have to figure it out.•

NCA: Sneak peek raffle prizes
Each year NCA (Netherlands Charity Association) organizes a
                                                                                                            By Sheila Bouwman
Lucky Draw at the ADB’s Dinner & Dance to raise money for abused                                            Founder of BLOOM
                                                                                                            Development Factory Pte Ltd.
women, migrant workers and families in need in Singapore. All
the proceeds will go towards the women and their children fleeing
abuse or violence and domestic helpers in need by supporting a safe
shelter and helping them to rebuild their lives.                                                       Durable
                                                                                                    ergonomic seat

                                                                               Puncture-resistant                                          Designed for
Since we’ll embark on a Caribbean Cruise on November 11th, we will              long-wear tires                   Heavy gauge
                                                                                                                  steel tubing
                                                                                                                                        compatibility with
                                                                                                                                         locally available
                                                                                                                                            spare parts
also raise funds to support the victims of the Hurricane Irma on the
island of St Maarten. Hurricane Irma left a terrible devastation: 91
percent of the buildings on the island were damaged or destroyed
and a third of the homes were completely destroyed.
                                                                                                                                       Durable weather-
                                                                                            Heavy-duty                                proof coaster brake
                                                                                          spokes and rims
Give from the heart for St Maarten and Singapore. Help us                                                      High-impact pedals
                                                                                                                with forged axles
support the people in need. Buy raffle tickets generously and win
amazing prices at ADB’s Dinner & Dance Party. Your donation
really makes a difference.
                                                                                        Orange bike from the ING Orange Bike
Check out two of our Lucky Draw prizes for ADB’s Dinner                                 Project, which sponsored 5.000 bicycles to
                                                                                        help kids in Asia who live in remote locations
& Dance on November 11. You could be the lucky winner!
                                                                                        and walk long distances to get to school.
In addition to these awesome prizes you could also be the                               This Project won the Asia-Pacific Corporate
winner of 2 KLM tickets to Bali and even more…        •                                 Excellence & Sustainability Award of “Top
                                                                                        Community Care Companies in Asia” in 2016.
                                                                                        For more info:

                                                                          Art work “City View” (1m x 0,75m) made by
                                                                          Dutch photographic artist Marijke Bohm. She
                                                                          is a master in creating art works that breathe
                                                                          the spirit of different cultures, atmosphere and
                                                                          people. As well as her photographic artwork
                                                                          combined with painting, she is also well-known
                                                                          for her colorful Singapore Memory Boards.

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Upcoming event                                                       New members
                                                                                     Lisanne Mattens
 ADB Annual Dinner & Dance                                                           My name is Lisanne. In August, I joined
 11 November 2017, Saturday                                                          by boyfriend in Singapore who’s working
                                                                                     for ABN Amro. I’m looking for a job in
 Caribbean Cruise!
                                                                                     Marketing & Events.

                                                                                     Rinske Bloemendal
                                                                                       My name is Rinske Bloemendal and I
                                                                                       rejoined the ADB after being in Mumbai
                                                                                       for 3 years.
                                                                                           Being an old board member and the
                                                                     wife of a present board member, I guess I had no choice.
                                                                         I work as the Reception Coordinator at the
                                                                     International Medical Clinic. IMC has provided healthcare
                                                                     in Singapore for over 18 years for the international
                                                                     community and has 4 locations in the city.
                                                                         The ADB for me presents a great opportunity to keep
                                                                     in touch with the Dutch community and attend some
                                                                     interesting events.
 Join us for one of the most enjoyable nights of the year –
 2017. This year the theme will be ‘Caribbean Cruise’.

 What’s included in the ticket price?                                All new ADB members
 - A night full of music and entertainment                           Dick Langejan	Saab
 - Caribbean Dinner Buffet                                           Erwin Lennertz    DDI
 - Open Bar (sponsored by Heineken)                                  Iskander Walen	Orange Gallery Singapore
 - Best Dressed Award (be creative!!)                                Lisanne Mattens   -
                                                                     Martijn Douven    Philips
                                                                     Rinske Bloemendal International Medical Clinic
 Each year we raise money, together with NCA, to help
 abused women, migrant workers and families in need in
 Singapore. Since we’ll be embarking on a Caribbean Cruise
 this year, we will also raise funds to support the victims of the
                                                                                        EDITORIAL COMMITTEE
 devastating Hurricane Irma on the island of St Maarten.
                                                                                   Daniël Heerkens, Chief Editor
                                                                                Rob Lamers & Alexis van dam, Editors
 11 November just happens to be Sint Maarten, so have a big                               Jacinta Noonan
 heart for St Maarten and Singapore. Help us support the
 people in need. Please donate generously. Your donation really
 makes a difference. You can donate when you buy a ticket.
                                                                                       General Manager ADB
 Date     : Saturday 11 November 2017, 7pm - 1am                                       Wenneke Vrugt-Repko
 Location : Republic of Singapore Yacht Club                                    ADB Singapore, c/o 541 Orchard Road
                                                                                #13-01 Liat Towers, Singapore 238881
 		 52 W Coast Ferry Road, Singapore 126887                            ,

 Registration:                                                                              Basic Design
 Buy your ticket online and bring your ticket (printed or on                          Edenspiekermann Pte Ltd
 your mobile phone) to the event. Your ticket will be scanned
                                                                                         DESIGN & PrePress
 at the entrance.                                                                           Jennifer Phua

 We are looking forward to welcoming more young members.                                 PRINT production
                                                                              Words Worth Media Management Pte Ltd
 That’s why we have a SPECIAL OFFER! Are you younger
 than 30? Please apply the following promotional code                                            © ADB
 ‘YOUNGADB’ in the ticket shop and unlock tickets with                  (UEN: S90SS0097D). The contents of this magazine are
                                                                        partly based on information received from third parties
 nice discounts!
                                                                          and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ADB.
                                                                              The Committee does not take responsibility
 Sponsored by:                                                                     for the correctness of the articles.
                                                                                          MCI (P) 148/05/2015

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