Adapting to the impact of COVID-19 on mental health: an international perspective
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Editorial The views expressed in this editorial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Canadian Medical Association or its subsidiaries, the journal’s editorial board or the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Adapting to the impact of COVID-19 on mental health: an international perspective Rejish K. Thomas, MD, MSc; Raheem Suleman, MD, MSc; Marnie Mackay, PhD; Lovneet Hayer, MD; Mohit Singh, MD; Christoph U. Correll, MD; Serdar Dursun, MD, PhD The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has af- OVID-19 were 4 649 079 and 309 047, respectively, with an C fected the mental health of the entire population and poses estimated mean infection rate of 2.5. 1–4 Epidemiological unique challenges to the delivery of psychiatric services. To best data also captured the co-occurring psychological pan- respond, we must learn from evidence from past pandemics demic of COVID-19. Posts from more than 17 000 Chinese and what has been learned internationally. There is a lack of users of Weibo (a social media platform) highlighted a sig- guidance on how psychiatric services should adapt to nificant shift toward concerns over individual and familial COVID-19, which has led to inconsistent reactions. This is po- health and away from routine socialization and day-to-day tentially dangerous, as over- or undercompensation has a direct events of normal life.5 A survey of the Chinese public simi- impact on patient and public health outcomes. In this editorial, larly showed that 53.8% of respondents rated the out- we discuss key considerations for adapting psychiatric care to break’s psychological impact as moderate or severe, with the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pan- 16.5% reporting at least moderate depressive symptoms.6 demic. One of the most substantial effects of this pandemic has While the direct biological psychiatric manifestations of been on global mental health and addictions. Further resource COVID-19 are yet to be determined, there is evidence that allocation toward mental health will have to be addressed by the virus may be able to cross the blood–brain barrier.7 The policy-makers, and it is our hope this can also serve as a learning evidence for neuroinvasive pathology and neuroinflamma- experience that could help mitigate the impact of future crises. tion may change the future epidemiology of psychiatric COVID-19, caused by infection with severe acute respira- disorders, an unsettling possibility that requires further tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has resulted in research and attention. an unprecedented and devastating impact on patients, health care professionals, families, friends and our way of life. The Protecting the mental health of health care workers impact has been even greater on those with severe mental health disorders. Psychiatric disorders share a stress- Experiences from prior pandemics and from the early out- diathesis etiology, and the combination of the stress of the break in China suggest that COVID-19 will also have pro- COVID-19 pandemic, the conditions it has forced patients found mental health implications for front-line health care into and the threat of losing biological and psychosocial treat- workers. During the severe acute respiratory syndrome ments that kept them well could trigger psychiatric worsen- (SARS) pandemic of 2003, the emotional toll resulting from ing and large numbers of relapses in the upcoming weeks to direct care of infected patients, the social isolation of quar- months. Relapse could result in significant functional decom- antine, and the fear of being a potential source of commun pensation and even death. Therefore, mental health profes- ity spread exerted immediate and lasting mental health sionals must learn quickly from global knowledge and devise effects on health care workers.8,9 The average distress level pragmatic solutions to improve outcomes and mitigate among emergency department staff was 6.19 on a 10-point against the broader psychiatric risk posed by COVID-19. scale, and even 3 years later, 22.8% of hospital employees in Beijing had moderate to severe depressive symptoms.10 Epidemiological estimates and psychological Twenty percent of all individuals who contracted SARS impact of COVID-19 were health care workers.9 Faced with daily exposure to a changing, high-stress environment amidst the current pan- By the end of January 2020, the World Health Organization demic, a considerable proportion of Chinese front-line staff (WHO) had declared COVID-19 a public health emergency. has also reported symptoms of depression, anxiety, insom- As of May 16, 2020, the number of cases and deaths from nia and distress.11 Correspondence to: R. Thomas, 11 Youville Dr NW, Room 1801, Edmonton, AB T6L 5X8; DOI: 10.1503/jpn.200076 © 2020 Joule Inc. or its licensors J Psychiatry Neurosci 2020;45(4) 229
Thomas et al. Aside from the obvious humanitarian debt owed to those neutrophil count (ANC). A recently issued international who provide direct patient care during this pandemic, ade- consensus statement outlines that during times when pa- quately addressing their distress has important implications tients may not be able to leave the house or access phlebot- with regard to reducing the risk of burnout and medical omy, the frequency of ANC monitoring can be reduced error. Provision of adequate support on a system-wide level from monthly to trimonthly, with dispensation of up to a can help greatly with stress reduction and decrease the need 90-day supply (if it can be safely stored) for patients fulfill- for more intensive interventions in the future. In China, strat- ing all of the following criteria: continuous clozapine treat- egies have included the adequate provision of personal pro- ment for more than 1 year, lifetime absence of an ANC tective equipment, establishment of a strict shift schedule to < 2000/mL (or < 1500/mL if there is history of benign eth- allow time for self-care, furnishing separate housing for those nic neutropenia), and no safe/practical access to ANC concerned about infecting family members, and ready tele- testing. 22 The experts further suggested that decisions phone or virtual access to counsellors and other debriefing about ANC monitoring for patients on continuous clozap- opportunities.12,13 Individuals should also be taught methods ine treatment for 6–12 months may be made on a case-by- to decrease the risk of burnout and to monitor themselves for case basis. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) symptoms. Given that in the midst of a pandemic there can has also recently issued a statement allowing for the relax- be a natural inclination to view others as a source of potential ation of risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS) infection rather than support, one method of counteracting regarding medication administration.23 Specifically, the burnout may be the proactive use of a “buddy check-in” sys- FDA states that undergoing laboratory testing to obtain a tem, ideally delivered using video chat.14 The Chinese experi- medication subject to a REMS can put patients and others ence shows that even during times of crisis, front-line health at risk for transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, they care workers will avail themselves of psychological resources suggest that health care providers prescribing and/or dis- that are offered to them, especially when those resources are pensing such medications should consider whether there delivered in a flexible manner that is respectful of the many are compelling reasons not to complete these tests during demands placed on medical staff.11 the pandemic, use their best medical judgment in weigh- ing the benefits and risks of continuing treatment in the Essential biological treatments to preserve absence of laboratory testing and imaging studies, and during COVID-19 communicate these judgments and the risks associated with them to their patients. Psychiatry has essential treatments that, if withheld, could lead to deaths or relapse requiring acute hospitalization. Telepsychiatry and COVID-19 During a time when resources are limited and patients face acute risk of death when ill, these treatments should be The COVID-19 pandemic has forced clinicians to investi- protected as long as possible, comparable to other treat- gate creative ways to stay home and serve their patients. ments such as chemotherapy and renal dialysis. Electrocon- To maintain outpatient care, there has been a push for vulsive therapy (ECT) is a life-saving procedure for many more widely adopting telepsychiatry. Telepsychiatry has a patients, and those requiring maintenance ECT are at risk long history of positive research and is well established as for deterioration and suicide if not treated regularly. One having equal reliability as face-to-face interactions while of the most powerful treatments in psychiatry for depres- boasting improved outcomes owing to improved access sion, ECT has well-established evidence for efficacy, with without sacrificing the ability to form a therapeutic alli- an effect size of 0.91, and can reduce the risk of suicide and ance. 24–26 Telemedicine could be a tool to overcome the future relapse.15–17 Further, intravenous ketamine has anti- large treatment gap in psychiatry, where often more than depressant and antisuicidal efficacy similar to ECT in half of ill individuals are not reached by the health care treatment-resistant depression.18–20 Unfortunately, it also system.27 The possibility of improved access was previ- comes with a high relapse risk if treatments are inter- ously thwarted by roadblocks, such as stringent standards rupted, and few other treatments can mitigate this dan- toward privacy, consent and data protection, which ne- ger.21 The risk of deterioration for patients if these treat- glected to account for recent improvements in the safety ments are withdrawn or withheld owing to problems with and security of electronic communication modalities. Early access to outpatient care is compounded by the fact that reports from China suggesting that patients in isolation other effective psychosocial treatments are made more dif- have actively pursued online support for mental health ficult by social distancing regulations. establish the demand.9,28 Telepsychiatry lowers the chance of virus transmission Considerations regarding clozapine during and has the potential to decrease no-show rates and reach COVID-19 more people who otherwise may have problems with trans- portation or keeping appointments. There may be hope that A similar problem of access to crucial care in particularly telepsychiatry will become more widely adopted after the vulnerable individuals exists for often otherwise treatment- COVID-19 pandemic has ceased. However, if the broader resistant patients on clozapine who can get prescriptions acceptance and reimbursement of telemedicine and video- only after a blood draw has confirmed sufficient absolute based psychotherapy will extend beyond the pandemic, 230 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2020;45(4)
Adapting to the impact of COVID-19 further resources should be in place to protect from poten- Management of substance use disorder during tial harms. Privacy, consent and data protection should be COVID-19 upgraded to keep up with growing security demands. Fur- thermore, face-to-face visits may decline because of per- The COVID-19 pandemic presents unique challenges for the ceived inconvenience by the patient and relative cost. Face- management of people who use alcohol or drugs, and extra to-face interactions are important in many treatment plans. ordinary measures are needed to support this population, A few advantages over telepsychiatry that should not be which has a high baseline risk for morbidity and death. Ad- understated are the therapeutic value of leaving the house herence to isolation requirements is challenging for people and the spontaneous therapeutic interactions that result with substance use disorder owing to social marginalization, from coming to a clinic. Also, individuals with severe men- homelessness, and the experience of substance craving and tal illness who do not have a computer, smartphone or withdrawal (unpublished data, Edmonton ARCH; 2020). In Internet access may remain disadvantaged and may have to acute care settings, where harm reduction approaches are not rely on suboptimal voice-only telephone visits. In the fu- available, people with substance use disorder and influenza- ture, efforts to reach a balance should be made, such as a like symptoms are at high risk for leaving against medical mandatory in-person assessment to introduce the patient to advice rather than isolating within a hospital room or receiv- the clinic and the clinic staff, followed by the option to con- ing treatment.40 In the community, access to high-intensity tinue remotely or in person. programs, such as injectable opioid agonist treatment, can be life-saving.41 However, the requirements of presenting to a Psychological treatments for patients during clinic up to 3 times a day significantly increases the risk for COVID-19 exposure to and spread of SARS-CoV-2. For individuals seek- ing residential treatment for substance use disorders, wait For individuals with and without pre-existing psychiatric times may be even longer owing to some facilities practising illness, psychosocial interventions will also be critical to social distancing, reducing the number of participants and promote and maintain mental health. Cognitive behav- declining new admissions. ioural therapy (CBT) is one modality that may be of use, as Complete adoption of harm-reduction principles is an es- it can help challenge distorted thought patterns, such as sential component of the pandemic response with respect to catastrophizing and over-generalizing, and counteract the addictions. Consequently, on Mar. 19, 2020, Health Canada sense of helplessness that individuals may face. 29 More- issued temporary exemptions for prescriptions of controlled over, CBT can be delivered via telephone, text message substances under section 56 of the Controlled Drugs and Sub- and guided self-help modules and remain respectful of the stances Act.42 Pharmacists are now able to extend prescrip- physical proximity restrictions that have been enacted in tions, transfer prescriptions to other pharmacists, permit many jurisdictions. 30,31 Evidence exists in agoraphobia, prescribers to issue verbal orders to extend or refill pre- panic disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder and post- scriptions, and permit pharmacy employees to deliver con- traumatic stress disorder that short-term efficacy is similar trolled substances to patients. As a prescriber, it is impor- for telecommunications and face-to-face CBT, though the tant to consider providing prescriptions that last at least longer-term efficacy requires further research.32–36 Even if 23 days to support ongoing quarantine and social distanc- not delivered in a highly formalized, structured approach, ing measures.43 Special consideration should also be given communication of CBT principles to members of the pub- to how the COVID-19 pandemic response could limit access lic can also be of benefit. This includes the encouragement to life-saving harm-reduction interventions, such as safe to practise mindfulness and relaxation techniques, to focus consumption services, and distribution of safe drug use on matters that are under one’s direct control, and to keep equipment and overdose-response kits.43 Fortunately, these abreast of, but not become immersed in, developments in interventions continue to be available in many jurisdictions the news.29 As previous analyses have shown that quaran- with the combination of support from community clinics tine measures can exacerbate symptoms of mental illness, and outreach teams. Ongoing discussion is important to en- great care should also be taken to encourage individuals to sure that these supports are available for patients who are maintain social connectedness, even in the face of physical required to self-isolate. distancing.37 In Alberta, the “Text4Hope” program pro- vides free, CBT-derived supportive text messages to indi- Crisis psychiatry viduals who enroll simply by messaging a number, and this program could be replicated in other jurisdictions.38 If During a crisis, it takes a unique skill set to prioritize re- needed, patients should also be able to self-refer for more sources and creatively employ methods to sustain quality intensive psychosocial interventions, with system access care. For example, during the Ebola crisis, there was evidence coordinated through a central repository; this is the case in that the decrease in care to individuals with pre-existing Britain with the “Improving Access to Psychological Ther- severe disorders was harmful.44 Designated “crisis psych apies” program run by the National Health Service. 39 iatrists” could be trained for each centre to respond to the These interventions may reduce the mental health impact COVID-19 crisis — and any future crises — to implement of the pandemic, but will not supplant the need for effec- timely and evidence-based interventions to improve out- tive pharmacotherapy. comes and mitigate harm. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2020;45(4) 231
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We have been impressed with the time and delightful to work with her, discussing suitability of prudency that Patricia dedicates to reading, researching manuscripts to the journal, appropriateness of their and evaluating each submission to the journal. Even in methodologies and their relevance to the evolution of the case of a rejection at the editorial level, she makes the psychiatric neuroscience. effort to explain the limitations of the submission and Remarkably, although Patricia trained as a pharmacol- why it is not suitable for publication. ogist and dedicated her career to successfully research- Under Patricia’s leadership through 2 terms as co- ing basic biological mechanisms underlying serious editor-in-chief (July 2009 to June 2020), and building on mental disorders, in the last 5 years she engaged in clin previous solid ground, JPN has grown in reputation, and ical work dedicated to improve youth mental health, the quality of papers submitted continues to increase. particularly that of Indigenous youth. In doing so, There is no doubt that while working with her predeces- Patricia exemplifies the engagement of a scientist who sor, Dr. Simon Young, Patricia developed a clear editorial makes a difference in her community, devoting particu- line for the journal with the following criteria in mind: the lar attention to the most vulnerable. validity of the science and its pertinence to mental disor- While her leadership at the journal will be missed, ders. This philosophy has been “osmotically” transmitted we hope to count on her advice from time to time. Best by Patricia to us, reflecting her mastery of this art. wishes for the future, Patricia. Whoever works with Patricia, from the most junior to the most senior, will immediately perceive her Ridha Joober and Paul Albert, co-editors-in-chief, JPN J Psychiatry Neurosci 2020;45(4) 233
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