Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2)

Page created by Marvin Lawson
International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing (2013) 17, 4–18


Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility
hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2)
Ann Butler Maher RN, MS, FNP-BC, ONC (Family Nurse Practitioner) a,*,1,
Anita J Meehan RN-BC, MSN, ONC (Clinical Nurse Specialist,
Gerontology/Director) b,1, Karen Hertz RN, BSc(Hons), MSc
(Advanced Nurse Practitioner T&O) c,2, Ami Hommel RN, CNS, PhD
(Associate Professor) d,3, Valerie MacDonald RN, BSN, MSN, ONC
(Clinical Nurse Specialist) e,4, Mary P O’Sullivan RGN, RM, BNS/RNT, MSc
Nursing (Clinical Development Co-ordinator) f,5,
Kirsten Specht RN, MPH (PhD Student/Research Nurse) g,6,
Anita Taylor RN, OrthoNCert, GradDipOrtho, MNSc
(Orthopaedic Nurse Practitioner) h,7

  Long Branch, NJ, USA
  NICHE Program, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, OH, USA
  University Hospital of North Staffordshire, UK
  Dept. of Orthopaedics, Skane University Hospital, Lund/Dept. of Health Sciences Lund University,
  Fraser Health Authority, BC, Canada
  Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland
  Dept. of Orthopaedics, Vejle Hospital, Vejle, Denmark
  Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia

    * Corresponding author. Address: 35 Pavilion Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA. Tel.: +1 732 571 1218.
      E-mail address: (A.B. Maher).
      International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nurses.
      Royal College of Nursing Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing.
      Swedish Orthopaedic Nurses Association.
      Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association.
      Irish Orthopaedic Nurses Section.
      Danish Orthopaedic Nurses Association.
      Australian and New Zealand Orthopaedic Nurses Association.

1878-1241/$ - see front matter c 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 5

Editor’s comment
We are proud to announce the publication of this important international document that provides a clinical
review for the care of the older person with a fracture of the hip. This important and ground breaking
clinical review document is published in full online at:
and in two parts in print format; the second part here and the first part in an earlier edition of the Inter-
national Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. In many countries hip fracture is the most important
issue facing trauma services in the 21st century and this document will help to provide those caring for this
vulnerable group of older people with sound, evidence-based advice on the best ways to ensure that care is
as sensitive and effective as possible. It is our fervent hope that the clinical review will be used around the
globe to ensure care is sensitive to the complex needs of this group of patients. JS-T.

Keywords                        Summary The second part of this paper provides those who care for orthopaedic
Hip fracture;                   patients with evidence-supported international perspectives about acute nursing
Clinical review;                care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture. Developed by an international
Nursing                         group of nurse experts and guided by a range of information from research and clin-
                                ical practice, it focuses on nurse sensitive quality indicators during the acute hospi-
                                talisation for fragility hip fracture. Optimal care for the patient who has
                                experienced such a fracture is the focus. This includes (in the first, earlier, part):
                                 and in this part
                                   Pressure Ulcers
                                   Fluid Balance/Nutrition
                                   Constipation/Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
                                   Vigilant nursing assessment and prompt intervention may prevent the develop-
                                ment of the complications we discuss. If they do occur and are identified early
                                on, they may resolve with appropriate and timely nursing management.
                                   This ‘‘tool kit’’ has been developed under the auspices of the International
                                Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nursing (ICON) a coalition of national associations of
                                orthopaedic nursing (
                                c 2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.

Pressure ulcers                                            tolerance for pressure. Inability to reposition
                                                           the body – often present in the elderly – is an
Significance of problem/risk factors                       additional risk factor (Moore and Cowman,
A pressure ulcer is localised injury to the skin and/         Following hip fracture, pressure injury resulting
or underlying tissue usually – over a bony                 in skin breakdown is devastating for the patient
prominence – as a result of pressure or pressure           and costly in terms of resources needed to treat
in combination with shear (EPUAP and NPUAP,                the wound(s) (Chaves et al., 2010; Remaley and
2009). Pressure ulcers are common and present a            Jaeblon, 2010). Lindholm et al. (2008) reported
major challenge for patients with hip fracture             pressure ulcer prevalence as 10% on admission
(Baath et al., 2010). While pressure and shearing          and 22% at discharge in a Pan-European study of
force are the causative factors in pressure ulcer          hospitalised hip fracture patients while Campbell
development, tissue tolerance is a key variable            et al. (2010) reported prevalence rates of 16–55%
(DeFloor and Grypdonck, 2004). The probability             in hip fracture patients in Canada. In the United
of pressure ulcer development increases with               States, Baumgarten et al. (2009) found the highest
the duration and magnitude of the force acting             incidence of acquired pressure ulcer occurs in the
on the tissue. Shear greatly increases the risk of         hospital setting. Assessment of risk factors and
pressure ulcer development because it produces             strategies to prevent pressure ulcer formation
tissue ischemia that further reduces tissue                among older patients serves to avoid unnecessary
6                                                                                           A.B. Maher et al.

suffering, improve outcomes and control resource        plan of care to treat ulcers and to monitor their
consumption.                                            status. Ask the patient about any areas that are
   Houwing et al. (2004) showed that advanced age       painful or uncomfortable as sensory changes may
and time on the operating table were risk factors       precede tissue breakdown (EPUAP and NPUAP,
for patients with hip fractures. More recently, Ha-     2009).
leem et al. (2008) found, in their review of 4654          A comprehensive skin assessment includes five
consecutive patients with hip fractures, that the       elements:
important factor in pressure ulcer development
was delay to surgery. Specifically, delay between          Temperature
admission to hospital and time of surgery was the          Color/discoloration
most important risk factor. Patients operated on           Moisture level
within 24 h of admission develop significantly fewer       Turgor
pressure ulcers compared to those whose surgery            Skin integrity (skin is intact or there are open
was delayed longer than 24 h (Al-Ani et al., 2008;          areas, rashes, wounds, etc. present).
Hommel et al., 2007a).
   A predisposition to pressure ulcer development          Specifics about checking each of these compo-
exists in older patients, particularly in orthopaedic   nents can be found at:
settings, and those with co-morbidities such as dia-    research/ltc/pressureulcertoolkit/putool7b.htm.
betes, respiratory disease, low hemoglobin, low sys-    Scroll down to Tool 3B, Elements of a Comprehen-
tolic blood pressure and altered mental status          sive Skin Assessment. Helpful photos for assessing
(Lindholm et al., 2008; Moore and Cowman, 2008;         darkly pigmented skin can be found at: http://
Campbell et al. 2010). The European Pressure Ulcer
Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and the US National Pressure
Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), in their 2009 joint       Pressure ulcer risk assessment
document, recognise a number of contributing fac-       The goal of pressure ulcer risk assessment is to
tors associated with the development of pressure ul-    identify those individuals who are at risk for the
cers. This also includes cardiovascular instability,    development of pressure ulcers so that preventive
oxygen use, nutritional status and skin moisture le-    care can be planned and implemented. The process
vel. However, the significance and exact relation-      of assessing risk is multifaceted and includes the
ship between these factors has yet to be established.   use of a validated risk assessment scale. A pressure
                                                        ulcer risk assessment scale is a tool for establishing
Assessment/detection                                    a risk score based on a series of risk factor criteria.
                                                        Hospital policy or protocol identifies the frequency
Pressure ulcer risk assessment is a nurse-sensitive     with which risk assessment is to be performed. Any
quality   indicator     (https://www.nursingquali-      change in the patient’s condition requires reassess- Pressure ulcers can develop rapidly in        ment of risk for pressure ulcer (EPUAP and NPUAP,
the vulnerable patient, so a skin assessment is         2009).
important within six hours of admission (Riordan           Moore and Cowman (2008) found that despite
and Voegeli, 2009) and may be repeated as needed        widespread use of risk assessment tools, no ran-
based on changes in the patient’s condition.            domised trials exist that compare them with un-
                                                        aided clinical judgment or no risk assessment in
Skin assessment                                         terms of pressure ulceration. Pancorbo-Hidalgo
Skin assessment is a process that examines every        et al. (2006) compare various risk assessment tools
body surface of the individual for abnormalities.       with unaided clinical judgment in a systematic
The nurse looks at and touches the skin from head       analysis of studies of predictive validity and find
to toe, particularly over bony prominences and any      that the Braden Scale offers the best predictive
tissue subjected to prolonged pressure such as the      validity and notes that both the Braden Scale and
buttocks. During this assessment the nurse uses         the Norton Scale are superior to clinical judgment.
techniques for identifying blanching response,          The Braden Scale is most frequently used in re-
localised heat, oedema, and induration (hardness).      search and, along with the Norton Scale, is recom-
Blanching may not be visible in darkly pigmented        mended by the Agency for Health Care Research
skin but its colour may be different from the sur-      and Quality (AHRQ) (Berlowitz et al., 2011).
rounding tissue.                                           The Braden Scale (http://www.braden-
   Document any disruption in skin integrity pres- consists of six subscales (sensory per-
ent on admission. This is helpful in developing a       ception, moisture, activity, mobility, nutrition,
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 7

and friction/shear) scored from 1–4 or 1–3 (1 for            tioning). The subscales are added together for a to-
low level of function and 4 for highest level or no          tal score that ranges from 5–20. Scores of 14 or
impairment). Total scores range from 6–23. A low-            less generally indicate at-risk status. Go to:
er score indicates higher levels of risk for pressure
ulcer development. Scores of 18 or less indicate at-         toolkit/putool17b.htm and scroll down to Tool 3E.
risk status. This threshold may need to be adjusted
for specific patient populations (Berlowitz et al.,          Pressure ulcer description
2011).                                                       EPUAP and NPUAP (2009) describe pressure ulcers
   The Norton Scale consists of five subscales               by category/stage according to the appearance of
(physical condition, mental condition, activity,             the tissue involved. The terms unclassified/unsta-
mobility, incontinence) scored from 1–4 (1 for               geable and deep tissue injury used in the US are
low level of function and 4 for highest level of func-       generally graded as Category IV in Europe. Most

 Table 6 International Pressure Ulcer Classification System. Source: European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and
 National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. 2009. Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: quick reference guide.
 Washington, DC: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel.
 Category/Stage            Description
 I: Non-blanchable         Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localised area usually over a bony
 erythema                  prominence. Darkly pigmented skin may not have visible blanching; its colour may
                           differ from the surrounding area. The area may be painful, firm, soft, warmer or
                           colder as compared to adjacent tissue. Category I may be difficult to detect in
                           individuals with dark skin tones. May indicate ‘‘at risk’’ persons.
 II: Partial thickness     Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red pink
                           wound bed, without slough. May also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum-
                           filled or serosanguinous-filled blister. Presents as a shiny or dry shallow ulcer without
                           slough or bruising*. This category should not be used to describe skin tears,
                           tape burns, incontinence-associated dermatitis, maceration or excoriation.
                            Bruising indicates deep tissue injury.
 III: Full thickness skin  Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon or muscle
 loss                      are not exposed. Slough may be present but does not obscure the depth of tissue loss.
                           May include undermining and tunneling. The depth of a Category/Stage III pressure
                           ulcer varies by anatomical location. The bridge of the nose, ear, occiput and
                           malleolus do not have (adipose) subcutaneous tissue and Category/Stage III ulcers can
                           be shallow. In contrast, areas of significant adiposity can develop extremely deep
                           Category/Stage III pressure ulcers. Bone/tendon is not visible or directly palpable.
 IV: Full thickness tissue Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle. Slough or eschar
 loss                      may be present. Often includes undermining and tunneling. The depth of a Category/
                           Stage IV pressure ulcer varies by anatomical location. The bridge of the nose, ear,
                           occiput and malleolus do not have (adipose) subcutaneous tissue and these ulcers can
                           be shallow. Category/Stage IV ulcers can extend into muscle and/or supporting
                           structures (e.g., fascia, tendon or joint capsule) making osteomyelitis or osteitis
                           likely to occur. Exposed bone/muscle is visible or directly palpable.
 Additional Categories/Stages for the USA
 Unstageable/             Full thickness tissue loss, in which actual depth of the ulcer is completely obscured
 unclassified:            by slough (yellow, tan, gray, green, or brown), and/or eschar (tan, brown, or black)
 Full thickness skin      in the wound bed. Until enough slough and/or eschar are removed to expose the base
 or tissue loss –         of the wound, the true depth of the wound cannot be determined, but it will be
 depth unknown            either a Category III or IV. Stable (dry, adherent, intact without erythema or
                          fluctuance) eschar on the heels serves as ‘‘the body’s natural (biological) cover’’
                          and should not be removed.
 Suspected deep           Purple or maroon localised area of discoloured intact skin or blood-filled blister due
 tissue injury –          to damage of underlying soft tissue from pressure and/or shear. The area may be
 depth unknown            preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy, boggy, warmer or cooler as
                          compared to adjacent tissue. Deep tissue injury may be difficult to detect in
                          individuals with dark skin tones. Evolution may include a thin blister over a dark
                          wound bed. The wound may further evolve and become covered by thin eschar.
                          Evolution may be rapid exposing additional layers of tissue even with optimal treatment.
8                                                                                            A.B. Maher et al.

important is that the actual definition of pressure      are malnourished on admission to the hospital are
ulcer and the level of skin/tissue injury are the        twice as likely as well-nourished patients to devel-
same, regardless of term used. For definitions of        op pressure ulcers (Thomas, 2006). However, it is
the categories/stages, refer to Table 6. Go to           possible to reduce the development of hospital-ac-             quired pressure ulcers among elderly patients with
sources/pressureUlcer.htm to view photos of pres-        a hip fracture even though they have poor pre-frac-
sure ulcers with illustrations of the depth of the       ture nutritional status (Hommel et al., 2007b). Re-
wound; or to and           fer to the section on Nutrition/Malnutrition in this
click on Pressure Ulcer Training to view Module          document for more information on nutritional
One.                                                     assessment and intervention.

Prevention strategies                                    Skin care and treatment
                                                         Appropriate preventive care for skin may minimise
It is universally agreed that pressure ulcers are best   progression to actual pressure ulcer. Normal age
prevented. Samuriwo (2010) suggests that nurses          related changes result in older adults having dry
who place a high value on pressure ulcer preven-         skin. Use skin emollients for hydration as dry skin
tion appear to be more proactive and determined          is a significant risk factor on its own. Protect skin
to deliver care that protects their patients’ skin.      from excessive moisture using a barrier product
Carson et al. (2012) describe the development            as needed. When deciding on treatment plans, dis-
and implementation of an evidence based pressure         tinguish skin excoriation due to incontinence
ulcer prevention initiative. An underlying focus of      (incontinence associated dermatitis) from pressure
the framework for this initiative was to improve         ulcer. Photos that demonstrate skin excoriation
the knowledge of clinical staff and to strengthen        can be found at: http://www.tissueviabilityon-
the staff-nurse skin care champion model. Harrison Click on Grading and Tools, then on
et al. (2008) report on a proactive program to           Excoriation Tool.
implement practice guideline recommendations
on pressure ulcer prevention. This program also          Pressure reducing support surfaces
created unit-based skin care champions who use a         Reducing the amount, duration and intensity of
peer to peer learning approach to enhance the            pressure exerted on the skin is the most effective
knowledge of clinical staff and develop a unit           strategy for pressure ulcer prevention (Sakai
based nurse resource model. Both programs dem-           et al., 2009). Place individuals at high risk of devel-
onstrated a decrease in pressure ulcer prevalence        oping pressure ulcers on pressure relieving surfaces
in their respective health care settings.                rather than a standard hospital mattress. However,
    Pressure ulcers can develop at any time during       it is not clear if an alternating-pressure mattress or
hospitalisation. Prolonged periods in the supine po-     a constant low pressure mattress provides a supe-
sition may contribute to the development of such         rior benefit (McInnes et al., 2011). Medical grade
an injury. Organisations should use some form of         sheepskins are associated with a decrease in pres-
pressure relieving surface for high risk patients on     sure ulcer development (McInnes et al., 2011).
nursing units, in the operating theatre, and in the      EPUAP/NPUAP Consensus Guidelines (2009) recom-
emergency department (Beckett, 2010; Pham                mend avoiding cutouts, rings or donut devices as
et al., 2011a; Pham et al., 2011b). Despite best ef-     these increase pressure.
forts in some instances, pressure ulcer develop-
ment is an unavoidable consequence of multiple           Repositioning
organ failure or pre-admission circumstances, such       Repositioning is an essential aspect of prevention.
as a patient who has fallen and was lying on a hard      Repositioning encourages reperfusion to tissues
surface for many hours prior to hospital admission.      and reduces the risk of developing pressure related
    Nutrition, skin care, appropriate support sur-       ischemia. Repositioning schedules and technique
faces and repositioning all contribute to prevention     incorporate the patient’s medical condition, func-
efforts.                                                 tional ability and support surface used. The patient
                                                         with a hip fracture may present unique reposition-
Nutritional status                                       ing challenges. Preoperatively, consider the frac-
Malnutrition is a common problem in hospital pa-         ture stabilisation technique being used and
tients and often goes unrecognised (Somanchi             postoperatively consider fracture fixation tech-
et al., 2011). Older patients with hip fracture          nique and limitations on motion prescribed by the
may have poor nutritional status. Patients who           physician.
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 9

    When repositioning a patient it is important to      who are allowed postoperative hip flexion, raise
lift, not drag, the patient across the support sur-      the knees first, then the head of the bed (no more
face. Transfer aids such as overhead lift equip-         than 30 degrees). Roll the patient slightly to one
ment, if available, help reduce friction and shear       side to release shear, then settle back down so that
forces. The use of these devices must be made with       the patient’s hips and knees are in alignment with
consideration of the type of fracture and postoper-      the bends in the bed (Mimura et al., 2009) A 30-de-
ative limitations imposed. Repositioning a patient       gree lateral position is often recommended. Even if
with a hip fracture may require more than one            the patient is lying on a pressure-reducing mat-
caregiver.                                               tress, assisting the patient with scheduled reposi-
    In general, do not turn a patient onto a body sur-   tioning decreases the risk of pressure ulcers
face that remains reddened after previous reposi-        (DeFloor et al., 2005). When the patient is able
tioning as this indicates the skin on that surface       to sit in a chair, limit the time and use a pressure
has not recovered from pressure loading. Massaging       redistribution surface to avoid pressure ulcer
or vigorously rubbing at-risk skin surfaces can be       development.
painful and may cause tissue damage. Maintain
the patient’s heels off the bed surface by using         Self-management strategies
heel-protection devices, e.g. a waffle boot or a pil-
low under the calf. Placing a pillow under the           With your guidance, patients and their families can
calves and keeping the knee in slight flexion may        participate in preserving intact skin. Some guide-
help to minimise risk of deep vein thrombosis.           lines recommended by Nurses Improving Care for
    When repositioning the patient on their side         Healthsystem Elders NICHE (2010) include:
after surgery, consider any postoperative restric-
tions. Place a pillow or padding between the legs        1. Change position at least every 2 h to relieve
to prevent tissue trauma at the knees and ankles.           pressure
When raising the head of the bed for patients
10                                                                                           A.B. Maher et al.

2. If you cannot move yourself, ask for help chang-      tions are likely to worsen with the stress of
   ing your position                                     surgery and the hospital experience. These are
3. Moisturise dry skin                                   serious conditions that may lead to organ damage,
4. Tell your nurse if you develop reddened, purple,      delirium, functional decline and mortality. Fluid
   or sore areas                                         balance monitoring and optimisation is a clinical
5. Tell your nurse if you have a problem with leak-      imperative for this population.
   ing urine or stool
6. Clean your skin immediately if you get urine or
   stool on it
                                                         Dehydration is highly prevalent among the hospita-
7. Use pillows to pad areas between knees and
                                                         lised older adult with significant adverse conse-
   ankles. Elevate heels off the bed or foot rest
                                                         quences. Institutionalised older adults admitted
   on chairs
                                                         to acute care from residential facilities tend to
8. Do not lie directly on your hip bone
                                                         present with dehydration due to pre-existing re-
9. Eat a well-balanced diet
                                                         stricted fluid intakes. It is highly probable the older
                                                         adult is dehydrated on presentation to hospital
  For the complete list, you can view the entire
                                                         with hip fracture (Hodgkinson et al., 2001). Hospi-
brochure at
                                                         talisation may compound pre-existing dehydration
know. Click on Skin Care: Pressure Ulcers.
                                                         or increase the risk of dehydration. Dehydration
                                                         decreases circulatory volume resulting in dimin-
Fluid balance and nutrition and                          ished perfusion to organs and tissues and is impli-
elimination                                              cated in the development of delirium, renal
                                                         failure, pressure ulcers, falls, venous thromboem-
Significance of the problem                              bolism, impaired mobility, catheter associated uri-
                                                         nary tract infection (CAUTI) and cystitis.
When older adults present with an acute hip fracture        Dementia, delirium and decreased manual dex-
they do so in the context of frailty, often with pre-    terity and immobility as well as communication
existing medical co-morbidity and other functional       and sensory impairments may all contribute to dehy-
and psychological issues. Older adults following hip     dration, particularly if a delay to hospital presenta-
fracture repair may experience one or more com-          tion has occurred. The hip fracture and surgery may
mon post-operative complications including delir-        result in significant blood loss. Normal age related
ium, CCF, pneumonia, DVT, PE, pressure ulcer,            changes result in a diminished thirst reflex and sub-
arrhythmia, myocardial infarct, anaemia and mor-         sequent diminished fluid intake. Those patients who
tality’’ (Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2010). These   suffer from incontinence may limit fluid intake as a
‘common’ complications can impact the fluid bal-         measure to reduce the risk of incontinence due to
ance, nutrition and elimination status of the older      perceived lack of timely access to toileting. Limited
adult with hip fracture and rarely occur in isolation.   mobility, unfamiliar environment, concerns that re-
This section addresses those aspects of care that        quests for assistance will not be prompt enough to
benefit most from nurse-initiated intervention:          meet their need and the desire to preserve dignity
dehydration, malnutrition, constipation and cathe-       are factors that may influence this decision. Since
ter associated urinary tract infections.                 hip fracture occurs in an emergency context, delay
                                                         to surgery with an extended period of pre-operative
Fluid balance                                            fasting is also a risk factor.

Scope of the problem                                     Assessment/detection
Age related changes in homeostatic mechanisms            Evidence supports taking a thorough clinical history
and underlying co-morbidities increase the vulner-       that includes identifying the patient’s average dai-
ability of older people to the physiological stresses    ly fluid intake. The following signs and symptoms
associated with the hip fracture and surgery. White      may indicate dehydration:
et al. (2009) found renal dysfunction in 36% of pa-
tients admitted with hip fracture and Carbone             Diminished urine output
et al. (2010) reported the incidence of heart failure     Hypotension, tachycardia
as 21% in this population. Frail older hospitalised       Dry lips, mucous membranes, diminished skin
patients are at risk for iatrogenic dehydration, fluid     turgor
overload, heart failure, and electrolyte distur-          Muscle weakness, dizziness, restlessness,
bances. Pre-existing heart failure or renal condi-         headache
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 11

 Delirium which may be hypoactive             
   Upon presentation there are a range of strate-
gies the nurse can employ including clinical and         Fluid overload/heart failure
biochemical analysis (urine and blood markers) to
assist in assessment of dehydration.                     Certain populations of older adults with hip fracture
                                                         require more careful monitoring for fluid overload/
Prevention and management strategies                     heart failure. Diminished cardiac and renal function
Fluid and electrolyte management begins in the           renders the frail older adult susceptible to fluid
Emergency Department with an accurate assess-            overload i.e. more fluid than the heart can effec-
ment and formal recording of the patient’s fluid         tively pump. (See Scottish Intercollegiate Guide-
status including documentation of the time               lines Network SIGN 95, 2007 http://www.
(approximate) the fracture occurred. Once a re-        &
view of the patient’s coexisting medical problems        National Heart Foundation of Australia, Cardiac
is correlated against their likely fluid balance, pa-    Society of Australia and New Zealand, Chronic Heart
tients should have clinical and laboratory assess-       Failure Guidelines Expert Writing Panel. Guidelines
ment for possible hypo or hypervolaemia,                 for the prevention, detection and management of
electrolyte balance and any identified deficiencies      chronic heart failure in Australia, 2006).
appropriately and promptly corrected (Scottish
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2009).               Assessment/detection
   Where delay to surgery occurs and extended            Risk factors include cardiac or renal disease,
periods of fasting ensue, nursing staff must ensure      large or rapid infusions of fluids and intravenous
the patient receives adequate hydration. Wherever        infusion with sodium solution. Heart failure
possible, attempts must be made to minimise peri-        manifests with pulmonary and peripheral oedema
ods of fasting from oral food and fluids in accor-       (Hartree, 2010).
dance with local guidelines and policies that               The stress of surgery leads to an increased
reflect best evidence. Mouth care is important at        secretion of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which
all times but it is especially important when oral       impairs the ability to excrete sodium and water.
fluids are restricted.                                   Symptoms to monitor include:
   Nursing staff must continually assess the patient
for signs and symptoms of dehydration and fluid             urinary output less than 30 cc per hour
overload as clinically indicated and in response to         increasing blood pressure
the patient’s condition. Strategies include: ensur-         shortness of breath
ing regular vital sign observations, maintaining            moist breath sounds
accurate documentation of fluid balance and                 dependent edema
prompt reporting of alterations to the patient’s
status. A nursing assessment of swallow and/or
referral for formal swallow screen should occur          Prevention and management strategies
where there is concern about the safety of the pa-
                                                         Carefully monitor fluid intake and output. Titrate
tient’s ability to swallow. Early resumption of oral
                                                         fluids, administer diuretics and/or restrict sodium
intake in the post-operative period is preferable,
                                                         in consultation with physician or advanced practice
with intravenous or subcutaneous supplementation
   Patients’ access to fluids in the hospital setting
is often limited. Drinking containers should be          Electrolyte disturbances
ergonomically suited to be manipulated by older
patients and placement of the container made in          Scope of the problem
consideration of any visual limitations. Nurses          Renal and cardiac decline, dehydration and fluid
should proactively offer fluids with each visit          administration and fluid losses during surgery in-
rather than inquiring about the patient’s desire         crease the risk of electrolyte disturbances. Hypo-
for a drink. Intentional hourly nursing rounds           natremia is the most common electrolyte
(‘rounding’) should include hydration needs. The         imbalance in the older population and is associated
following link to the Hartford Institute for Geriatric   with delirium and falls (Gankam Kengne et al.,
Nursing’s ‘‘Try This’’ series provides added recom-      2008). Elevated serum urea nitrogen and hyper or
mendations for hydration management. http://             hyponatremia are associated with significantly
12                                                                                           A.B. Maher et al.

higher mortality rates when left untreated (Lewis         cial isolation’’ (MacDonald, 2011). Studies show
et al., 2006).                                            that 30–50% of patients admitted to an orthopae-
                                                          dic unit suffer from malnutrition (Ponzer et al.,
Assessment/detection                                      1999; Eneroth et al., 2005). Fry et al. (2010) re-
Risk factors include cardiac or renal dysfunction,        ported that patients with pre-existing malnutri-
dehydration or fluid overload and the use of diuret-      tion have a 2.5 times greater risk of developing
ics. Consult with the physician or advanced practice      a surgical site infection, a 5.1 times greater risk
nurse to ensure that lab tests are ordered for appro-     of developing a catheter associated urinary tract
priate patients. Blood electrolytes and renal func-       infection and are 3.8 times more likely to devel-
tion should be regularly monitored until returned         op a pressure ulcer than those without malnutri-
to baseline (Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2010).       tion. Koren-Hakim et al. (2012) found that poor
                                                          nutritional status was associated with ‘‘higher
                                                          co-morbidity       indices,       mortality      and
Prevention and management strategies
                                                             While hospitalised, it is estimated that hip frac-
 Monitor and manage fluid balance as described           ture patients consume only half their recom-
  above.                                                  mended daily energy, protein and other
 Consult with physician or advanced practice             nutritional requirements (British Orthopaedic Asso-
  nurse for clinical interventions to address imbal-      ciation, 2007) and despite the development of fast-
  ances. For example, an accurate haemoglobin             ing guidelines patients continue to be kept without
  assessment is needed to prevent impaired func-          food or water for too long prior to surgery.
  tional ability, dizziness, delirium and risk of fall.
  In that case the nurse consults with the physi-         Assessment/detection
  cian to ensure iron supplementation and blood
                                                          The nurse is best placed to assess and monitor a
  transfusion is ordered if indicated.
                                                          patient’s nutritional status particularly when the
                                                          need for nutrition support in an acute care set-
                                                          ting often exceeds the dietetic resources avail-
Self-management strategies
                                                          able. The nurse can play a critical role in
Engage patient and family in learning about the:          identifying the ‘at risk’ patient, assess nutritional
                                                          status and initiate nutritional care that will aid
 Importance of hydration and how dehydration             recovery and prevent functional decline, includ-
  and overhydration adversely affects health and          ing an assessment of mental capacity to consent
  personal goals (e.g. decreased energy, falls etc.).     (Jackson et al., 2011). Nutrition for this patient
 Strategies for facilitating hydration e.g. readily      population is an inter-disciplinary concern (British
  available water – hot or cold, flavoured or             Orthopaedic Association, 2007) requiring constant
  not, decaffeinated drinks, in easily manipulated        vigilance and liaison. Examples of nursing inter-
  containers, drink offered with each interaction,        ventions to ensure timely nutrition support
  written and verbal reminders.                           include:
 Strategies to mitigate incontinence e.g. timing
  of fluids earlier in the day, limiting of fluids         Nutrition history.
  throughout the day as appropriate, regularly             Weigh on admission; weight history (recent loss/
  scheduled toileting.                                      gain) and observe for lack of body fat, dry skin &
 Chronic illness/Medications and their impact on           skin turgor.
  fluid balance. Importance of adhering to dietary         Nutrition Assessment & Screening (such as MUST
  and fluid restrictions/guidelines.                        by BAPEN (2003) (British Association of Paren-
 Warning signs of dehydration, overload and what           teral Nutrition see
  to do.                                                    musttoolkit.html).
                                                           Speech pathology review/consult for swallow
                                                            evaluation, when symptoms present and as
Malnutrition                                                appropriate.
                                                           Minimise the period of preoperative fasting, in
Scope of problem                                            accordance with policies and anesthesia
Malnutrition is often associated with ageing and            protocols.
is characterised by ‘‘diminished hunger & thirst,          Where concern exists document food & fluid
chronic illness patterns, dentition issues and so-          intake (Food Diary).
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 13

 Encourage early resumption of oral intake par-        may need more time to complete meals and may
  ticularly oral protein and energy supplementa-        need more help, and plan for this reality. Does
  tion as a strategy to minimise postoperative          the patient wear dentures? Are there adequate
  complication rate.                                    teeth for chewing foods? Does the patient have
 Initiate appropriate multi-nutrient supplements       an oral fungal infection? Ensure that communica-
  that are high energy and high protein containing      tion is facilitated by having hearing aids in place
  appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals at        and eyeglasses on or available. Encourage patients
  the earliest convenience in the pre-operative         to be out of bed for meals and provide assistance as
  period where possible; Dietician review/consult       needed.
  for additional nutrition support.                        Several interventional studies suggest nutri-
 Initiate nourishing fluids/mid-meal snacks.           tional supplementation, specifically for the older
 Optimise oral intake at meals: dentures, posi-        adult hip fracture patient, has a positive effect
  tioning for meals, assisting feeding as necessary.    on quality of life and the reduction of hospital re-
                                                        lated complications (Gunnarsson et al., 2009; Volk-
   Where extended periods of inadequate oral in-        ert et al., 2006; Milne et al., 2006). Interventions
take occur, consideration must be given to avoid        should be patient-focused, and aimed to minimise
‘re-feeding syndrome’. This is a condition of meta-     further nutritional decline throughout the recovery
bolic and electrolyte disturbance which occurs          period (Dieticians Association of Australia, 2009).
when nutrients are replaced too quickly following
a period of inadequate nutritional intake for 5 days    Self-management strategies
or more (National Institute for Health and Clinical
                                                        Self-care strategies address both in-hospital and
Excellence, 2006). Every effort should be made to
                                                        out-of-hospital care and may include: the social as-
avoid this syndrome through appropriate and
                                                        pects of eating and drinking in hospital in which el-
timely renourishment as potentially fatal shifts in
                                                        derly patients can benefit from eating together
fluids and electrolytes can occur (Mehanna et al.,
                                                        with other persons in a dining room setting in the
2008). A systematic review by Skipper (2012) noted
                                                        hospital (Gordge et al., 2009), strategies to estab-
that although ‘‘there is no widely accepted or uni-
                                                        lish a normal routine, supporting people with
formly applied set of defining characteristics for
                                                        dementia, help with opening containers and pack-
diagnosing refeeding syndrome, hypophosphatemia
                                                        ets, use of strategies such as red trays and other
was a consistent finding’’.
                                                        methods to prioritise high risk patients and inclu-
   For those patients where a high index of suspi-
                                                        sion of informal carers appropriately in supporting
cion exists for poor nutrition, consider early die-
                                                        good nutrition in hospital as an adjunct to profes-
tary consult with the goal of optimizing
                                                        sional nursing care. Engage patient and family in
nutritional status. A number of studies demon-
                                                        learning about the:
strate positive benefits of early nutritional supple-
mentation (Volkert et al., 2006 & Milne et al.,
                                                         Importance of nutrition in preserving health and
2006). In the event of an inability of the patient
                                                          personal goals e.g. preventing hospitalisation,
to take food orally, consideration should be given
                                                          re-hospitalisation, falls, post-operative infec-
to temporary naso-gastric feeding. This decision
                                                          tion etc.
should be made in full consultation with the pa-
                                                         Consult with dietician to develop specialised
tient and family and with full consideration of men-
                                                          menus and meal planning strategies at home.
tal capacity, the prognosis, advanced care planning
                                                         Need for families to monitor: ability to obtain
and end-of-life decision making. The issue of sup-
                                                          food, prepare meals and the tendency to regu-
plementary feeding, treatment escalation and
                                                          larly skip meals, especially if living alone.
palliation and the timing of such may need to be
                                                         Community resources for meals and dietary
                                                         Strategies to mitigate incontinence e.g. timing
Prevention and management strategies                      of fluids earlier in the day, regularly scheduled
Be mindful that older patients are at risk for malnu-     toileting.
trition and be vigilant at monitoring intake and out-    Chronic illness/Medications and their impact on
put. Complete a nutrition screening assessment            fluid balance. Importance of adhering to dietary
such as the MUST (BAPEN, 2003) tool calculation           and fluid restrictions/guidelines.
where appropriate. Recognise the older person            Warning signs of dehydration, overload and what
with impairments (cognitive, sensory or motor)            to do.
14                                                                                         A.B. Maher et al.

Continence                                              sideration given to using a standardised grading
                                                        tool such as the Bristol Stool Scale (Lewis and Hea-
An assessment of continence should be made on           ton, 1997). Conversely, overuse of laxatives or
admission as part of the comprehensive assess-          inadequate drinking should not be underestimated
ment. Early resumption of baseline bowel & blad-        as a problem surrounding the management of
der habits must remain the priority for the older       constipation.
adult hospitalised with hip fracture. This section         Some recommendations for practice include:
addresses two common complications related to
elimination: constipation and catheter-associated        Delay to surgery and extended periods of fasting
urinary tract infection (CAUTI).                          for surgery can affect bowel function and should
                                                          be avoided wherever possible or proactively
                                                          managed as appropriate.
Constipation                                             Unless otherwise restricted, fluids should be
                                                          encouraged to a minimum of 1500 mL of oral
Risk factors                                              fluid daily.
Prevention of constipation should be considered in       A regular toileting regime (every 2 h) that
the early management of hip fracture patients.            encourages ambulation and discourages the use
Constipation is made worse by dehydration, immo-          of bedpans should be adopted.
bility, poor fluid intake, decreased dietary fibre       Close monitoring of bowel habit should be
and general changes to normal dietary routines.           recorded including description of, frequency
Opioid analgesics, even in low doses also cause           and amount of bowel movement daily (SIGN
constipation (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines         2009).
Network, 2009). Constipation is an under-appreci-        Aim for a bowel movement by post op day 2 then
ated cause of delirium in the older patient.              48 hourly thereafter (Auron-Gomez and Michota,
Assessment/detection                                     Efforts should be made using the above strategies
Constipation can manifest at any point along a con-       to prevent secondary fecal impaction (Western
tinuum that ranges from general gut discomfort,           Australian Department of Health, 2008).
nausea and vomiting, abdominal or rectal pain to
abdominal distension and bowel obstruction. Agita-
tion and delirium may accompany any or all of these     Catheter associated urinary tract infection
symptoms The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (2008)       (CAUTI)
best practice guidelines suggest the following:
                                                        Scope of problem
 Document baseline [on admission to hospital]          Reportedly 40% of all nosocomial infections are
  and usual bowel patterns.                             attributed to infections of the urinary tract (UTI)
 Evaluate and document severity of constipation.       and 80% of these infections are associated with the
 Document improvements or progression of con-          use of an indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) (Joanna
  stipation &/or response to management of              Briggs Institute, 2010; Centre for Disease Control,
  constipation.                                         2009). Asymptomatic bacteriuria is a common
                                                        occurrence in older adults with hip fracture (SIGN,
                                                        2009) and the use of an indwelling urinary catheter
Prevention and management strategies                    (IUC) increases the risk for developing a UTI. Care
An emphasis on privacy, dignity, good accessibility     providers may see indwelling urinary catheters as
to toilet facilities (especially for people with        beneficial, helping to prevent falls and to address
dementia/delirium), orientation and signage are         urinary incontinence and patients will sometimes
strategies the nurse can initiate to minimise consti-   request them or refuse discontinuation. It is impor-
pation. Wherever possible the impact of constipa-       tant to remember that IUC’s are not innocuous de-
tion should be minimised and at best avoided            vices. In addition to increasing the risk for CAUTI,
altogether through the implementation of an evi-        indwelling catheters are associated with local trau-
dence based bowel protocol that incorporates            ma to the urinary meatus, restriction of mobility,
pre-emptive aperients/laxatives, a high fibre diet      pain, encrustation, delirium and increased risk for
and fluids as recommended in the British National       mortality. A high index of suspicion for urinary tract
Formulary for drug-induced constipation (Scottish       infection (UTI) should be ever present in the older
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2009) or con-       adult with hip fracture.
Acute nursing care of the older adult with fragility hip fracture: An international perspective (Part 2) 15

Assessment and risk factors                              Close monitoring of cardiac or renal function in
The most significant risk factors for the develop-        critically ill patients.
ment of catheter associated urinary tract infec-         Comfort care measure in terminal illness.
tions include; insertion technique, inadequate           Prolonged surgical intervention or surgery
cleansing with soap and water, prolonged ‘dwell           requiring decompression of the bladder.
time’ and failure to maintain a ‘closed’ system of
drainage (Centre for Disease Control, 2009). Admis-
sion assessment should include information regard-     Prevention and management strategies
ing the nature of the patient’s usual bladder          The presence of a catheter predisposes the patient
function. Ongoing vigilance for and documentation      to acquiring a urinary tract infection. When an
of the signs and symptoms of UTI must continue         indwelling urinary catheter is deemed necessary,
throughout hospitalisation. An indwelling urinary      incorporate maintaining adequate fluid balance
catheter should be used in operative patients as       with accurate recording of input and output, effec-
an exception rather than as a routine.                 tive analgesia and routine catheter care into daily
   The Centre for Disease Control (2009) supports      nursing care. There is unanimous support for the
the following indications for indwelling urinary       removal of the catheter at the earliest conve-
catheter use:                                          nience, preferably within the first 24 h, to minimise
                                                       infection, (CDC, 2009; Wald et al., 2005; Lo et al.,
 Urinary retention or obstruction unrelieved by       2008). If there is a need to retain the catheter after
  straight catheterisation.                            24 h, the clinical indication should be documented
 Stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer in perineal area,        and continual monitoring for removal when clini-
  sacrum or ischial tuberosity.                        cally appropriate. After removal, monitoring the
16                                                                                                 A.B. Maher et al.

patient for retention/incontinence is required          Acknowledgements
(Auron-Gomez and Michota, 2008).
   Further research is recommended regarding the           We would like to acknowledge the support of
benefits of antimicrobial (silver and antibiotic        ICON constituents during the development of this
impregnated) catheters to reduce CAUTI (Schumm          paper, particularly Joyce Lai of AADO, Hong Kong,
and Lam, 2008; CDC, 2009). Inserting the smallest lu-   and Reggie Aquilina of AMON, Malta.
men catheter possible (CDC, 2009:12) and instilling        We are grateful to the nurse experts whose input
5 mL in the balloon minimises bladder irritation        guided and strengthened the paper. Those who re-
and trauma to bladder neck and urethra. It is impor-    viewed the entire document were Marie Boltz, PhD,
tant to secure the catheter, avoid dependent loops      RN, GNP-BC (USA), Peter Davis MBE (UK), Sue Baird
in the drainage tube and position the collection bag    Holmes, MS RN (USA).
below the level of the bladder (CDC, 2009). Nurses         Pain section reviewers were: Donna Sipos Cox,
play a significant role in reducing the incidence of    MSN, RN, ONC, CCRC (USA) Keela Herr, PhD, RN,
CAUTI by advocating for use only when clinically nec-   AGSF, FAAN (USA), Alan Pearson AM (Australia),
essary and discontinuing as soon as possible.           Brenda Poulton, RN, MN, NP (Canada).
                                                           Delirium section reviewers were Marcia Carr,
Self-management strategies                              RN, BN, MS, GNC(C) (Canada), Donna Fick, PhD,
Engage patient and family in learning about:            RN, FGSA, FAAN (USA), Lorraine Mion, PhD, RN,
                                                        FAAN (USA), Manuela Pretto, MNS, RN
 Risk factors, prevention and management of            (Switzerland).
  constipation (e.g. high fibre diet, fluids,              Pressure Ulcer section reviewers were Joyce M.
  mobility).                                            Black, PhD, RN, CSPN, CWCN, FAAN (USA), Chris-
 Risks for and strategies to prevent urinary tract     tina Lindholm, PhD, RN (Sweden), Zena Moore,
  infection.                                            PhD, MSc, PG Dip, FFNMRCSI (Ireland).
 Perineal hygiene, adequate hydration, avoid              Fluid Balance/Nutrition/Elimination reviewers
  indwelling catheter use/alternative strategies        were Joanne Alderman, APRN-CNS, RN-BC, FNGNA
  to manage urinary incontinence. http://consult-       (USA), Merete Gregersen, MHSc (Denmark), Nicky               Hayes, RGN, BA(Hons), MSc, PGCert (HE) (UK), Alan
  want_to_know_more                                     Pearson AM (Australia).
                                                           We thank Jennifer Gibson for her editorial
Disclaimer                                              expertise and meticulous attention to detail and
                                                        Judy Knight MLS, AHIP, coordinator, library ser-
This article was developed using a range of litera-     vices for her valuable assistance.
ture which included evidence-based research, con-
sensus     documents,     guideline    statements,
systematic reviews and peer reviewed publications
and also was informed by best practice and content      References
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