Page created by Bruce Newman

             SPECIAL REPORT

            Emsculpt’s first celebrity ambassador shares her experience.
            BY DENISE MANN, MS

                   rew Barrymore is the first ever
                   celebrity ambassador for BTL’s
                   Emsculpt, a non-invasive high-
                   intensity focused electromag-
                   netic technology that induces
            supramaximal muscle contractions
            to tone the core, buttocks, thighs,
            arms, and calves. She took some time
            to discuss her reasons for undergoing
            the procedure to tighten her core and
            shared how Emsculpt has changed her
            life and lifestyle for the better.

               Drew Barrymore: I wanted to try
            Emsculpt because I was tired of get-
            ting injured from working out, which     and I have certain genetics. I don’t          affected what I wear. I always try to
            is something that is really important    feel like battling them my entire life        dress in a way that suits my body. I’d
            to me, not because I want to look a      to be thin. I love food. I love exercise      rather wear a pair of sweatpants with
            certain way, but because I want to       because it helps me equally mentally          a vintage T-shirt and a kimono and
            feel a certain way.                      as it does physically—sometimes               make it look chic with accessories for
               My core was not available to me so    maybe more. For me, it is about never         a drapey bohemian vibe than wear
            I needed to find a way to work out       being able to work out this consis-           [something] because it is fancier,
            better and smarter. Between physi-       tently without injury in my entire life.      cooler, or more fashionable.
            cal therapy and pilates to develop         It’s not invasive. It’s not surgery. It’s      We are all built differently and all
            my pelvic floor and Emsculpt to          not vanity. It’s a way for me to be stron-    have different genetics. Growing up
            strengthen my mid-section, I now         ger and better. You can feel it and you       in Hollywood I learned to sort of
            have a foundation that is better and     can see it, and something that is results-    embrace what I am and what I was
            stronger than it was before kids.        oriented brings people back for more.         rather than feeling bad that I wasn’t
                                                                                                   something or someone else. There are
            MODERN AESTHETICS: HAVE YOU BEEN         MODERN AESTHETICS: HOW HAS IT                 plenty of industries that can tend to
            TEMPTED BY OTHER BODY CONTOURING         CHANGED YOUR LIFE AND LIFESTYLE?              make you feel like you are supposed to
            TREATMENTS?                                Ms. Barrymore: I have been able to          be something you are not and that’s
               Ms. Barrymore: Nope, not even a       work out consistently without injury,         the perfect recipe for a toxic lifestyle.
            little, because so many are about the    making my whole core stronger. Even              I have plenty of other problems
            aesthetics and that is not my personal   before kids, I was not in tune with           and I am not putting that one on my
            motivation. I have a certain body type   my core. Having treatment hasn’t              plate electively.


MODERN AESTHETICS: DOES EMSCULPT              doing it, which is strengthening and            I go into meditative state. I do a face
HURT?                                         tightening in tandem, so I am really          sheet mask and just really tune every-
  Ms. Barrymore: I do a lot of my             leaning into it and embracing it and          thing out for a full integrative holistic
pelvic floor breathing when I am              giving it my all.                             experience. And no, it doesn’t hurt.

ALLERGAN WITHDRAWS TEXTURED                     This global recall does not affect          positive changes in society’s percep-
BREAST IMPLANTS DUE TO SAFETY                 Allergan’s Natrelle smooth or                 tion of their persona,” he says.
CONCERNS                                      Microcell breast implants and tissue             In recent years, men in America
    Just days after surgeons from the         expanders.                                    have changed their social attitudes
British Association of Aesthetic Plastic                                                    about “appearance maintenance”
Surgeons (BAAPS) and elsewhere                                                              from one bordering on narcissism
called for warnings on silicone-filled        FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY IN                     to somewhere on a continuum of
breast implants due to risk of “breast        MEN ENHANCES PERCEPTION OF                    well-being, Dr. Reilly adds. Men are
implant illness,” Allergan announced          ATTRACTIVENESS, TRUSTWORTHINESS               now 15-20 percent of the cosmetic
a voluntary worldwide recall of Biocell          When a man has facial plastic sur-         surgery market, but many preferred
textured breast implants and tissue           gery, others see him as more attrac-          male facial features are the opposite
expanders due to concerns of another          tive, likable, socially skilled, and trust-   of what is prized on a female face. For
health issue—breast implant-associ-           worthy, new research shows.                   example, it is believed that attrac-
ated anaplastic large cell lymphoma              The study, published in JAMA Facial        tive male features include prominent
(BIA-ALCL).                                   Plastic Surgery, shows that men ben-          cheekbones, a square jaw, and promi-
    Breast Implant Illness is an umbrella     efit from facial cosmetic surgery in          nent chin, while attractive female
term for a constellation of symptoms          much the same way as women: other             features are round cheeks, softer con-
including tiredness, “brain fog,” joint       people find more to like in that new          tours, wide smile and large, wide eyes.
aches, immune-related symptoms,               visage. However, the study did not               “Our studies are designed to see if
and sleep disturbance that some               show a significant impact on percep-          this is indeed true,” Dr. Reilly says.
women report experiencing and attri-          tions of masculinity, whereas a similar          In the study, 24 men underwent
bute to silicone implants.                    study performed with women in 2015            facial cosmetic surgery by one of two
    Allergan is taking its recall action as   showed a significant increase in rat-         Georgetown surgeons—Dr. Reilly or
a precaution, because the rare ALCL           ings of femininity for those subjects.        Steven P. Davison, MD, who is also
form of cancer has been linked to                “The tendency to judge facial              a co-author. The men had one or
textured implants. Surgeons and their         appearance is likely rooted in evolu-         more of the following surgeries: upper
patients should note that the FDA             tion, as studies suggest evaluating a         blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty,
and other health authorities have not         person based on appearance is linked          face-lift, brow-lift, neck-lift, rhinoplas-
recommended removal or replace-               to survival—our animal instinct tells         ty, and/or a chin implant.
ment of textured breast implants or           us to avoid those who are ill-willed,            These men, who paid for their own
tissue expanders in asymptomatic              and we know from previous research            surgery, agreed to the use of their
patients.                                     that personality traits are drawn             before and after photographs for
    Biocell saline-filled and silicone-       from an individual’s neutral expres-          research purposes. Six surveys were
filled textured breast implants and           sions,” explains the study’s senior           designed, each of which included
tissue expanders will no longer be            investigator, Michael J. Reilly, MD,          eight photographs (four before sur-
distributed or sold in any market             an associate professor of otolaryn-           gery, four after surgery. No survey
where they are currently available.           gology at Georgetown’s School of              contained both of a single individual).
Effective immediately, healthcare pro-        Medicine. Dr. Reilly is board certified          More than 150 participants (mostly
viders should no longer implant new           in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive          white, between the ages of 25-34,
Biocell textured breast implants and          Surgery and sees patients at MedStar          and with a college degree) reviewed
tissue expanders and unused prod-             Georgetown University Hospital in             the photos and were not told of the
ucts should be returned to Allergan.          Washington, DC.                               study’s intent. They were asked to
Allergan will provide additional infor-          “Taken together, our findings sug-         rate their perception of each patient’s
mation to customers about how to              gest that both men and women                  personality traits (aggressiveness,
return unused products. Textured              undergoing facial cosmetic surgery            extroversion, likeability, risk-seeking,
breast implants have not been com-            can experience not only an improved           sociability, trustworthiness), attrac-
monly used in the US market.                  perception of attractiveness but other        tiveness, and masculinity.

                                                                                                        JULY/AUGUST 2019 | MODERN AESTHETICS® 13

              The research team built a complex           tiveness, likeability, social skills, and       to 55 on their social media use, their
            multivariate linear mixed model in order      trustworthiness.                                self-worth, and their interest in plastic
            to be able to assess participants’ reaction      “Cicero described the face as the            surgery. People who used social media
            to a specific surgical procedure—rhino-       ‘mirror of the soul,’ meaning that a            platforms that are more visual, like
            plasty, for example—while controlling         person’s physical appearance is the per-        YouTube, Tinder, and Snapchat, were
            for changes from additional procedures        sonal characteristic most obvious and           more likely to consider plastic surgery
            done on other areas of the face.              accessible to others in social interac-         to be a positive option. Additionally,
              Researchers found that chin aug-            tion—so it’s not surprising that subtle         people who regularly use filters when
            mentation was the only procedure              changes in neutral facial appearances           posting selfies, have removed self-
            that did not have an effect on per-           are powerful enough to alter judg-              ies because they weren’t edited or
            ceived attractiveness, masculinity, or        ments of personality,“ Dr. Reilly says.         enhanced to their liking, or based their
            personality. The authors believe this            Dr. Reilly says more study is needed         self-worth more on their appearance
            was due to the low number of study            in order for cosmetic surgery to reach          were more likely to see plastic surgery
            patients undergoing this procedure.           its full potential. “Optimizing patient         in a positive light, the study showed.
            The other procedures showed the fol-          outcomes will require a broader                 None of the survey respondents had
            lowing changes, among others:                 understanding of the potential chang-           undergone any cosmetic surgeries.
            • Upper eyelid: increased likeability         es in social perception that can occur             Overall, YouTube and WhatsApp
              and trustworthiness                         with surgery.”                                  social media users had lower self-
            • Lower eyelid: decreased risk-taking                                                         esteem scores than nonusers, as did
            • Brow-lift: improved perception of                                                           photo editing platform users of VSCO
              extroversion and risk-taking                “SELFIE-ESTEEM” MAY INFLUENCE                   and Photoshop. Researchers say their
            • Face-lift: increased likeability and        PERCEPTIONS OF PLASTIC SURGERY                  findings could help to inform discus-
              trustworthiness                               Low “selfie-esteem” may be a gate-            sions between patients and physicians
            • Neck-lift: increased perceived extro-       way to cosmetic surgery acceptance,             regarding expectations and outcomes
              version and masculinity                     a new study in JAMA Facial Plastic              of cosmetic surgery but caution that
            • Nose: improved attractiveness               Surgery suggests.                               results aren’t representative of most
              The statistically significant findings        Researchers from Johns Hopkins in             patients seeking cosmetic surgery due
            overall reflected increases in attrac-        Baltimore surveyed 252 adults aged 18           to the young age of survey participants.

                                                                         TAKE 5
                                     As many as           pany’s injectable cellulite product and         subdermal anatomy, specifically the
                                     98 percent of        their go-to-market plans, if the drug           fibrous septae that tether the skin to
                                     women have           gets the FDA nod. “We are preparing             the underlying fascia, is a key determi-
                                     cellulite, and       for FDA submission in the second half           nant. Targeting and dissolving these
                                     there is little      of 2019, and anticipate the launch of           septae could reduce the appearance
                                     they wouldn’t        CCH for cellulite, if approved, in the sec-     of cellulite dimples. In November, we
                                     do to get rid of     ond half of 2020,” he shares.                   announced the results of RELEASE 1&2,
            their dimpled cottage cheese thighs                                                           the largest cellulite study ever conduct-
            and butts. They’ve tried creams and           KEY MILESTONE                                   ed with 845 participants. Results from
            specialty massages, lasers, and subcision,       Patrick Barry: In our Phase 3 trials,        these two identical Phase 3 RELEASE
            and many still feel frustrated by the lack    collagenase clostridium histolyticum            trials showed statistically significant
            of aesthetically pleasing results. Now,       (CCH) was investigated for the treat-           levels of improvement in the severity of
            Endo Pharmaceuticals’ collagenase             ment of cellulite in women. When                cellulite after treatment with CCH, as
            clostridium histolytic (CCH) cosmetic         injected into an area identified for            measured by the primary endpoint.
            is set to shake up the cellulite market.      treatment, CCH is thought to lyse the              The Phase 3 studies of CCH cosmetic
            Patrick Barry, Executive Vice President       fibrous septae. We recognize that the           for cellulite are an important milestone
            and Chief Commercial Officer of Endo          appearance of cellulite is a result of sev-     for our branded business as we com-
            Pharmaceuticals, talked to Modern             eral factors, including age, skin elasticity,   plete the transformation into a specialty
            Aesthetics® magazine about the com-           and body mass index (BMI). However,             focused branded organization. They


            create a clear regulatory pathway for         cellulite and the role CCH may play       quartered in Malvern, PA. Endo has
            seeking approval of what could be the         in its treatment. We plan to invest       an established presence in men’s
            first approved injectable for the treat-      heavily in consumer engagement            health, orthopedics, and endocrinol-
            ment of cellulite. The results give us rea-   and marketing efforts to motivate         ogy, and in 2017, the company made
            son to broaden our footprint by enter-        demand and to ensure that appro-          a strategic shift toward investing our
            ing into the medical aesthetics space.        priate promotional efforts do not         resources into highly focused spe-
                                                          fall solely to practices. We believe      cialty treatments, sterile injectables,
            DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY                         we have the opportunity to create a       and high-value generics. Our specialty
              Mr. Barry: There is currently no            category and our aim would be to do       portfolio is a growth driver for the
            FDA-approved injectable treatment             just that because today there isn’t an    organization with Xiaflex as our cor-
            for cellulite. We recognize that cellulite    FDA-approved injectable solution to       nerstone asset. The active ingredient
            occurs as a result of various factors,        treat one of the underlying causes of     in Xiaflex is CCH. Xiaflex, a different
            including age, BMI, and skin elasticity,      cellulite, the fibrous septae.            preparation of CCH, is indicated for
            and, as such, may require a multi-                                                      the treatment of Peyronie’s disease
            modal approach for some patients,             LARGE, UNMET NEED                         and Dupuytren’s contracture. As
            but we believe that CCH has the                  Mr. Barry: If approved, CCH for cel-   result of our current footprint, we
            potential to become the cornerstone           lulite will be the first FDA-approved     have a growing medical therapeutics
            for the treatment of cellulite. These are     injectable treatment for cellulite.       portfolio and we are thrilled to be in
            truly exciting times and we believe if        In spite of multiple therapeutic          a position to potentially launch an
            approved CCH for cellulite could truly        approaches for the attempted treat-       additional growth driver, by expand-
            be a potentially disruptive technology        ment of cellulite, physicians and         ing the branded strategy into medical
            for the medical aesthetics space.             patients continue to struggle to find     aesthetics.
                                                          additional appropriate treatment             Our primary goal is to direct all of
            LAUNCHING INTO AESTHETICS                     options. This remains a large, unmet      our efforts toward the successful launch
               Mr. Barry: On the physician side,          need in aesthetics. In a growing, well-   of CCH for cellulite before we consider
            we will do this by increasing our pres-       accepted injectable space, an inject-     other products and treatments. With
            ence at aesthetic meetings leading            able cellulite treatment could repre-     the potential for an upcoming launch,
            up to the anticipated launch date.            sent considerable opportunities for       we are excited to keep the momentum
            If approved, the goal would be to             patients, physicians and practices.       going with first-to-market products
            provide support services for physi-                                                     that will revolutionize the industry. Of
            cians and clinics to help our partners        THE BIGGER PICTURE                        course we will continue to look at CCH
            increase patient engagement. On                 Mr. Barry: Endo Aesthetics is part      as a part of our ongoing life cycle man-
            the consumer side, we will be filling         of Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., a com-      agement process and we will continue
            the gap by engaging consumers and             pany with more than two decades           to assess opportunities for additional
            educating them in the pathology of            of pharmaceutical experience, head-       indications.

            NEW FLORIDA LAW TIGHTENS                      Department of Health.                     (HB 933) was filed by Rep. Anthony
            RESTRICTIONS ON COSMETIC SURGERY                 The Florida Board of Medicine          Rodriguez.
               Florida is cracking down on the            recently approved an emergency mea-          “Tonight, victims and families of
            state’s cosmetic surgery industry. Gov.       sure prohibiting Brazilian butt lifts,    those affected by surgical center mal-
            Ron DeSantis signed into law a major          USA Today reports.                        practices can breathe easier. Safety
            reform that gives the state the power to         Florida now has one of the toughest    should be of utmost concern to all
            suspend a clinic’s operations or revoke       laws regulating cosmetic procedures       physicians, but unfortunately, many
            its registration if the facility poses an     in the nation. At least 13 women          innocent lives were lost at the hands
            imminent threat to the public.                died after surgeries at Florida facili-   of bad actors,” Mr. Flores said of the
               The new law will also block doctors        ties opened by felons over the past       bill’s passage.
            from opening a new facility for up to         10 years, the USA Today Network
            five years if their previous clinic has       reported in April as part of its ongo-
            been shut down due to malpractice.            ing investigation.                        ALASTIN ISSUED SECOND PATENT
            Doctors operating these offices would            The legislation was filed by Sen.        Alastin Skincare, Inc. was issued a
            also be required to register with the         Anitere Flores. A companion bill          second US Patent (No. 10,286,030)


from the United States Patent and           Proof of Concept Study Supports Dermata’s   Hologic’s Cynosure Division Expands Body
Trademark Office covering Alastin’s         Topical Delivery Mechanism for Toxin        Contouring Line
platform TriHex Technology. The                “This study provides convincing            Hologic is rolling out the
patent also covers a variety of topical     evidence that DMT310, our Spongilla         TempSure Firm handpiece and a
compositions based on Alastin’s TriHex      lacustris powder with millions of           petite mask for WarmSculpting with
Technology.                                 microscopic needle-like spicules, is        SculpSure Profile treatments. And
   The comapny says its products with       effective in creating channels through      SculpSure submental treatments are
TriHex Technology have created a new        the stratum corneum for biolog-             now FDA cleared for patients with
and growing category within the aes-        ics to enter the dermis, resulting in       a BMI up to 49—the highest BMI
thetic market to address a previously       effects similar to injections,” says        clearance on the market for submen-
unmet need for topical products that        Gerry Proehl, President and CEO of          tal treatments.
provide complementary benefits for          Dermata Therapeutics.
patients undergoing rejuvenating pro-                                                   Adelle Walker is New CMO at SENTÉ
cedures. These products are designed        Clint Carnell and Clement Gingras Join        As Chief Marketing Officer, Adelle
to help patients prepare the skin prior     SENTE Board                                 Walker will take a leadership role in
to a procedure, speed recovery, and            “We are thrilled to have both Clint      defining pipeline strategy and inter-
enhance outcomes post-procedure.            and Clement join the SENTÉ team,”           nal and external portfolio planning.
                                            says Faheem Hasnain, Chairman of the        Her commercialization leadership
                                            Board of Directors of SENTÉ. “They          will span across all facets of com-
MORE HEADLINES FROM                         bring tremendous expertise and valida-      munications from marketing to
AESTHETICSWIRE                              tion to our company during this excit-      professional relations, education, and
BTL Partners with Dress for Success         ing next phase of growth.”                  promotion.
   Through the partnership, participat-
ing practices will collect accessories at   Sciton Inc. Launches Clear Suite Products   Cutera Introduces truSculpt flex
their practice and host in-office “acces-     The Clear Suite offerings make              “We are very excited to introduce
sory drives” that support their local       the JOULE platform customizable.            truSculpt flex, and proud to be
Dress for Success chapter. BTL will also    Utilizing the 1064 Nd:YAG wave-             the first aesthetics laser company
be supporting the organization via a        length, the Clear Suite family of           to offer a muscle toning system
monetary donation. This partnership         products, including ClearV, ClearSilk,      that treats up to 8 muscle groups
kicks-off BTL Cares, which provides a       and ClearHair, combined with                simultaneously, covering the largest
platform to engage physician partners       BroadBand Light (BBL), allows physi-        treatment area in the body sculpting
by creating an opportunity for them to      cians to treat veins, skin, and hair        industry,” says Jason Richey, COO
give back to their local communities.       from a single platform.                     and Interim CEO of Cutera.

                         MY NEW FAVORITE THING: BUILDMYBOD
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to segment those who are truly inter-       leads since June 2015. We’re now see-          The beauty behind BuildMyBod is

                                                                                                    JULY/AUGUST 2019 | MODERN AESTHETICS® 19

            that by using price transparency, you can                  reminds them (and the doctor’s office)                   then and there, they can!”
            easily attract more leads, but also drive                  via email that they have to finish their                              —Jason J Hall, MD, FACS
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            If a potential patient starts entering in                  not least, BuildMyBod is even set up for                       Knoxville Plastic & Craniofacial
            their information and stops, the system                    payment. If someone wants to pay right                                   Surgery | Knoxville, TN

                                                      WHAT’S ONLINE                              ON HEALING AND RECOVERY…
                  Modern Aesthetics® magazine’s Tweet chat series—#realdealaesthetics—           #cO2 laser has a 7-14 day recovery time and a month of pink which is
                  featuring New York City dermatologist Gary Goldenberg, MD                      covered by makeup. Results improve over time up to a year
                  (@Goldenberg_Derm) and Charleston, SC dermatologist Todd E.                    @SkindocDLCC
                  Schlesinger, MD (@SkindocDLCC)— recently took on questions about the
                  role of nonsurgical eyelid rejuvenation in practice including whether it can   ON EXPECTATION MANAGEMENT
                  prevent or delay the need for blepharoplasty.                                  It is important to explain to patients what they can expect. Faster results
                                                                                                 can be achieved with downtime. Combination treatments over time can
                  Here’s what you missed:                                                        rebuild and maintain a youthful look. If they are unable to do downtime, I
                                                                                                 suggest #microneedling with #PRP as well as #nonablative fractional or
                  ON GO-TO NONINVASIVE EYELID REJUVENATION PROCEDURES… #radiofrequency. @SkindocDLCC
                  Our protocol includes CO2 followed after healing by #radiofrequency            		

                  then #fillers #prp combination periorbital upper and lower. We use             ON DELAYING THE NEED FOR SURGICAL BLEPHAROPLASTY…
                  #btlaesthetics #radiofrequency. Safe delivery and proper tissue                Many of these procedures will prevent or delay need for need for #surgery.
                  targeting helps build new #collagen. @SkindocDLCC                              #Ulthera is a perfect example - it’s a deposit into your #collagen bank that
                                                                                                 pays off #dividends later on. @Goldenberg_Derm
                  Fractionated lasers are a favorite of mine also. One can see the tightening as
                  the energy is applied in layers. @SkindocDLCC                                  Minimally invasive procedures aren’t a replacement for #eyejob #surgery.
                                                                                                 So realistic expectations are a must. But these procedures may prevent or
                  Adding #prp drawn and spun during procedure enhances healing and               delay need for surgery. @Goldenberg_Derm
                  results when applied post-op. @SkindocDLCC
                                                                                                 Follow @ModAesthetics for information on the next Twitter chat.
                  ON THE ROLE OF SKINCARE…
                  #skincare with #antioxidants vitamin C, #growthfactors and
                  #retinoid combinations help a lot. Optical diffusers help the immediate
                  appearance while #hyaluronic acids draw moisture. #Sente with HSA is
                  a pre-growth factor that seems to work well. #Eltamd has an eye product
                  we use as well @SkindocDLC

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