Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice

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Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
    Oscar Seung
    talks about his
    role as North
    Korea’s Kim
    Jong-Un in
    DTC’s new show
    By Rich Lopez, page 8
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
In This Issue                                                                      October 29, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Volume 38 | Issue 26

           1825 Market Center Blvd., Ste. 240, Dallas, Texas 75207 | 214-754-8710 |
                                                                                                                          09 | Brooke Henderson becoming Legacy Cares’ new ED
                                        PUBLISHER Leo Cusimano,
                                                                                                                          10 | Laforenzo Wilkins’ new company specializes in credit repair
                             MANAGING EDITOR              Tammye Nash,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       09
                          SENIOR STAFF WRITER             David Taffet,
                                 STAFF WRITER             Rich Lopez,                              ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
                                PROOF READER              Philip Burton                                                   08 | Oscar Seung plays Kim Jong-Un in DTC’s new comedy
                               CONTRIBUTORS               Chris Azzopardi, Gary Bellomy, Jenny Block, Joey Casiano,
                                                                                                                          12 | Ice skating team Ashley Cain-Gribble and Timothy LeDuc
                                                          Jesus Chairez, Lawrence Ferber, Hardy Haberman, Scott
                                                          Huffman, Lisa Keen, Mark Lowry, Cassie Nova, Josh Robbins,      16 | Ice skating’s LGBTQ history
                                                          Howard Lewis Russell, James Russell, Terri Schlichenmeyer,
                                                          Leslie McMurray, Gregg Shapiro, Mathew Shaw, Casey Williams

                      ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Chad Mantooth,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10
                    MARKETPLACE MANAGER Stephen Mobley,                                          ON THE COVER
                   NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE National Advertising Representative                                                                                 BITES FROM OUR BLOG...............4
                                                          Todd Evans, Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021
                                                                                                                                                               PLAN YOUR WEEK......................19
                                    ART DIRECTOR Kevin Thomas,
                                     MULTIMEDIA Stephen Mobley, Social Media Director
                                                          Israel Luna, DVtv Video Producer, Host                                                               SCENE........................................22
                                                          Tom Romo DVtv Producer | Joseph Herrera DVtv Producer
                                                          Brad Pritchett DVtv Host | Regina Lyn DVtv Host                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12
                        CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Linda Depriter,                                Oscar Seung as Kim Jong-Un in
                                                                                                                         The Supreme Leader. Photo by Jordan Fraker,
                                        FOUNDERS Robert Moore | Don Ritz                                                 courtesy Dallas Theater Center.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10.29.21   █   dallasvoice    3
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
Bites from our blog

                                                                                                                                           ington Blade and the Associated Press during
                                     Abbott signs law banning trans youth from sports                                                      a conference call the State Department would
                                                                                                                                           initially issue a gender-neutral passport to one
                                                                                                                                               Stern said the State Department will begin
                                                                                                                                           “offering the ‘X’ gender marker option to routine
                                                                                                                                           passport applicants” in early 2022. A State
                                                                                                                                           Department official said the delay is necessary
                                                                                                                                           because the U.S. Office of Management and
                                                                                                                                           Budget needs to approve “the required form
                                                                                                                                               Secretary of State Antony Blinken in June
                                                                                                                                           announced the State Department will allow
                                                                                                                                           passport applicants to “self-select their gender
                                                                                                                                           as ‘M’ or ‘F.’”
                                                                                                                                               People who identify as intersex, non-binary or
                                                                                                                                           gender non-conforming can choose a gen-
                                                                                                                                           der-neutral gender marker for their passports
                                                                                                                                           and Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a docu-
                                                                                                                                           ment that confirms an American who was born
                                                                                                                                           overseas is a U.S. citizen. The new policy that
                                                                                                                                           Blinken announced in June no longer requires
                                                                                                                                           “medical certification if an applicant’s self-select-
                                                                                                                                           ed gender does not match the gender on their
                                                                                                                                           other citizenship or identity documents.”
                                                                                                                                               “Offering a third gender marker is a significant
                                                                                                                                           step towards ensuring that our administrative
                                     Gov. Greg Abbott                                     State Department to issue                        systems account for the diversity of gender
                                        It only took him all of the 2021 regular ses-     passports with ‘X’ gender                        identity, gender expression and sex character-
                                     sion of the Texas Legislature and three special                                                       istics,” said Stern during the conference call.
                                     sessions, but Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday,
                                                                                          marker                                           “Because people do not always fit within a
                                     Oct. 25, finally got to sign into law a measure                                                       male or a female designation, it doesn’t benefit
                                     prohibiting transgender youth from playing                                                            anyone to have inconsistencies between people
                                     sports in public schools on teams aligned with                                                        and systems.”
                                     their gender identity.                                                                                                                   — Tammye Nash
                                        The new law, set to go into effect on Jan. 18,
                                     closes a loophole in UIL rules, which require                                                         PHNTx opens Worth Street
                                     students to compete in UIL sports according to
                                     the gender on their birth certificates but which                                                      Health Center
                                     do recognize birth certificates on which the                                                             Although the Dallas County Department of
                                     gender markers have been legally changed.                                                             Health and Human Services has not released
                                     Abbott’s new law recognizes only the gen-                                                             updated statistics since 2017, STI and HIV infec-
                                     der assigned to a child on their original birth                                                       tions continue to rise in Dallas County.
                                     certificate.                                                                                             To help stem the rise, and in response to a
                                        Abbott and others on the right-wing edge                                                           large influx of new patients seen in the last year,
                                     of the GOP spent countless hours since                                                                many of which sought STI testing and treatment,
                                     the Legislature’s regular session began last                                                          Prism Health North Texas this month opened the
                                     January — and before that as well — targeting                                                         new Worth Street Health Center, at 4004 Worth
                                     transgender people, especially trans youth, for                                                       St., on the Baylor University Medical Center
                                     discrimination with legislation aimed at provid-                                                      Campus.
                                     ing solutions to non-existent problems, much                                                             The Worth Street Health Center offers a full
                                     as they did four years ago with their anti-trans                                                      range of STI testing, including HIV, gonorrhea,
                                     “bathroom bills.”                                                                                     chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C,
                                        Meanwhile, as meteorologists — and The                                                             as well as sexual health counseling and PrEP
                                     Farmer’s Almanac — are predicting anoth-                                                              education and initiation. And the clinic is near
                                     er extreme winter for Texas, Abbott and the                                                           several public transportation outlets, making it
                                     GOP have done little to address the problems                                                          easier for South and Central Dallas residents to
                                     caused by the state’s dilapidated power grid,                                                         access care there.
                                     which failed us miserably last February during a                                                         The Worth Street Health Center is the home
                                                                                         Jessica Stern                                     to PHNTX’s nationally-renowned Clinical Re-
                                     record-breaking winter storm that left some 210
                                     people dead. Abbott did sign two bills in early                                                       search Department and is located catty-corner
                                                                                          MICHAEL K. LAVERS | Washington Blade             from the organization’s administrative offices at
                                     June that were intended to address problems
                                     with the power grid, but the “weatherization”        Courtesy LGBT Media Association                  3900 Junius Street, also on the BUMC campus.
                                     process called for in the new legislation won’t                                                          Anyone interested in accessing care at the
                                     begin until at least sometime in 2022, probably        The State Department on Wednesday, Oct.        Worth Street Health Clinic can make an appoint-
                                     after winter has come and gone.                      27, issued the first U.S. passport with an “X”   ment online at The clinic is open
                                        But at least we don’t have to worry about         gender marker. Jessica Stern, the special        Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m.-noon, and
                                     trans kids playing sports.                           U.S. envoy for the promotion of LGBTQ rights     1-5 p.m.
                                                                        — Tammye Nash     abroad, on Tuesday, Oct. 26, told the Wash-                                        — Tammye Nash

4   █   10.29.21
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
Proud to be one of
                                                                                                                                              the top HIV researchers
Alexandre’s closed for the evening after
                                                                                                                                                       in the country!
arson fire in the alley

                                                                                                  THA opening
                                                                                                  Kind Clinic
                                                                                                  inside Oak Lawn
                                                                                                  in early 2022
                                                                                                Texas Health Action is
                                                                                             teaming up with Wal-
                                                                                             greens to open its first
                                                                                             Dallas clinic, set to open
                                                                                             in early 2022, according to
                                                                                             a statement released this
                                                                                             week. The THA Dallas clin-
                                                                                             ic, to be called Kind Clinic,
                                                                                             will be located inside the
                                                                                             Walgreens store at 3802
                                                                                             Cedar Springs Road.
   A fire in the alley behind Alexandre’s during                                                THA is “a communi-
the bar’s happy hour Wednesday, Oct. 27, left                          ty-informed non-profit dedicated to providing

                                                                                                                                                                                 We are P
the club without electricity. But no one was                           access to culturally affirming, quality health

                                                                                                                                                                                  to be par OUD
injured, and there was no damage to the interior                       services in a safe and supportive environ-
of the club, according to owner Lee Daugherty.                         ment,” according to the press release. Kind
                                                                                                                                                                                 the LGBT f
   “Thanks to everyone who joined us at happy                          Clinic will offer sexual health services such as
hour today, thankfully no one was hurt and                             HIV testing and care, access to HIV PrEP and                           STI testing & treatment at our
everyone remained calm and supportive,” a                              PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis), STI testing
                                                                       and treatment and gender-affirming care.                               location on the Baylor campus
post on Alexandre’s Facebook page noted.
“Alexandre’s is without power and awaiting                                Christopher Hamilton, THA’s chief executive
                                                                       officer, said, “Our approach to care is about
                                                                                                                                               PrEP Services provided with
Oncor to access damages; we’ll be closed
this evening. Please follow the page for future                        prioritizing kindness and eradicating stigma                             specialty pharmacy on-site
                                                                       around sexual health. By bringing together
   Daugherty said the fire at his bar, located at                      Kind Clinic’s experienced team with Wal-                                  Financial & medication
4026 Cedar Springs Road, was the latest of                             greens HIV-trained pharmacists at the same                                  assistance available
several that have been set in the gayborhood                           location, we are poised to offer services to
                                                                                                                                                Prep & HIV Clinical Trials
                                                                                                                                                                                   Contact u
area recently. He also said he was told authori-                       help patients overcome the persistent barriers
ties have a suspect in the string of fires.                            they face to effective sexual health and HIV
   Daugherty, who announced earlier today on
his Facebook page that he has COVID-19, was
                                                                          For more information about Kind Clinic or to                              Gender affirmation              today to
monitoring the situation from his home.                                make an appointment, visit                                    hormone therapy             schedule
                                                                                                                                                                                  appointm our
                                  — Tammye Nash                                                         — Tammye Nash
                                                                                                                                                 Anal Cancer screenings
                                                                                                                                             We accept most insurance plans!
     Adoptable / ANDORA
                                                                                                                                             MAKE YOUR IN-OFFICE OR
                                                                       won’t mind spending leisurely days with her on the couch or going
                                                                       for slow walks around the neighborhood. Andora is waiting to
                                                                                                                                           TELEHEALTH APPOINTMENT AT

                                                                       meet you at SPCA of Texas Jan Rees-Jones Animal Care Center. To
                                                                       meet her, just stop by and ask for Andora.

                                                                       Regular adoption fees are $150 for puppies and kittens aged 0-6
                                                                                                                                           3409 Worth St. Suite 710 Dallas, TX
                                                                       months and $75 for adult dogs and cats aged 6 months or older.
                                                                       Fee includes spay/neuter surgery, age-appropriate vaccinations,             214.890.1616
                                                                       a heartworm test for dogs six months and older and a FIV/FeLV        9301 North Central Expy. Suite 310
                                                                       test for cats 4 months and older, initial flea/tick preventative                 Dallas, TX
                                                                       and heartworm preventative, a microchip, 30 days of PetHealth
                                                                       Insurance provided by PetHealth, a free 14-day wellness exam
                                                                       with VCA Animal Hospitals, a rabies tag and a free leash.
 Meet Andora, a big, beautiful 8-year-old Great Pyrenees mix            The Jan-Rees Jones Animal Care Center is open for adoptions               or
 looking for a low-key home where she can snooze the day away.         every day from noon-6 p.m. Animals are available by walk-in on
 Andora looks like a cuddly teddy bear, and that she is. This senior   a first-come, first-served basis. Appointments are also available
 gal is all about taking it easy, snuggling in her bed and receiving   for select animals. Please browse available animals at
 gentle head scratches. She’s very calm, and isn’t one for bouts of    FindAPet and visit to inquire about a dog or
 excitement. The SPCA of Texas think she’d appreciate a family who to inquire about a cat.

                                                                                                                                                                                  10.29.21   █   dallasvoice   5
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice

Fathers are parents, too
Tucker Carlson’s rants over
Pete Buttigieg’s paternity leave
highlight the right’s not-so-family

     f you’ve been to the store lately, you
     probably have noticed that things are
     … missing. There are empty spots on
the shelves, and people are saying “sup-
ply chain” a lot. And who is to blame?
  Transportation Secretary Pete Butti-
gieg. Or, more specifically, Buttigieg’s
audacity to take paternity leave after the
birth of his twins.
  On Sept. 4, Buttigieg posted a photo of        Haha. Get it?
himself and his husband Chasten hold-            Because Pete Buttigieg
ing their newborns, with the caption,         doesn’t have the ability to
“We are delighted to welcome Penelope         breastfeed, he doesn’t need
Rose and Joseph August Buttigieg to our       leave! Studies show that in-
family.”                                      fant children do best when
  And, of course, the responses across        they have no time or ability
the board have been super chill and nor-      to bond with their parents.
mal and kind.                                 Just put them in a guinea
  Ha. No.                                     pig cage with one of those
  See, Buttigieg is gay, which means that     water bottles filled with
Penelope and Joseph have two dads.            milk. They’ll be fine.
There are a lot of hot takes from conser-        There’s so much homophobia and sex-       newborn infant twins.                         birth mom needed to do.
vative men (and men who don’t consid-         ism and misogyny wrapped up in criti-           “The work we are doing is joyful, ful-        Parenting is hard. So, so hard. And I
er themselves conservatives but maybe         cism of the Buttigieg family that I don’t    filling, important, wonderful work; it’s      say that knowing how many advantages
should!) about this subject:                  even know where to start.                    important work, and it’s work that every      I have and how much privilege my fam-
  Why on earth would Buttigieg need to           But I’ll start with this: EVERYONE        American ought to be able to do when          ily has.
take any time off?                            SHOULD HAVE THE OPTION TO                    they welcome a new child into their fam-         The truth is that this country pretends
  What on earth is he DOING with all          TAKE TIME OFF FOR FAMILY LEAVE.              ily. I campaigned on that. So did the pres-   that we value family and children, but
this time?                                       It is something that is WAY too hard      ident,” Buttigieg said.                       we totally don’t. Not if you look at ac-
  Certainly not caring for, nurturing and     for way too many people to do. And it           Hear that? BOOM! Mic drop. Or that         tual policy and funding. You know, the
bonding with his babies. That’s women’s       certainly shouldn’t be determined by         could have been the sound of Buttigieg        things that matter.
work!                                         your gender identity or sexual orienta-      passing out from exhaustion since he is          Tucker Carlson is a terrible person,
  Men are legit furious that Buttigieg is     tion. Two dads are DADS. They are par-       taking care of premature newborn twins.       or as TV writer Michael Slezak put it
choosing his babies over his job, espe-       ents.                                           Oh, and about the supply chain prob-       on Twitter, Carlson is a “bleary-eyed,
cially during a supply chain disruption.         Also, this whole dust up, as well as a    lem: Buttigieg is the head of a depart-       hate-spewing fart in a Ziploc.” It’s shock-
And they don’t understand why he is           cake topper I saw marketed for gender        ment. Which means that there are people       ing that so many advertisers keep on
taking this time at all, since neither he     reveal parties that reads, “I’m here for     working on this. It’s a big problem! But      supporting his racist, homophobic, con-
nor his husband have BOOBS.                   the sex,” compels me to not only ask,        the cause has nothing to do with Butti-       spiracy-driven rants.
  One of the most odious examples of          Are straight people okay? And then to        gieg’s babies.                                   Anyone who is still advertising on
this outrage is from Fox News’s resident      answer: No.                                     I’m a mom. I didn’t give birth; my wife    Carlson’s show needs to be called out
white supremacist Tucker Carlson, who            CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Buttigieg on      did. She also breastfed our son. But at no    and dragged. The man is a walking hate
said on his Oct. 14 show, “Pete Buttigieg     Oct. 17 about Carlson’s comments. Butt-      point did I think to myself, “Huh, I guess    crime. 				                               █

has been on leave from his job since Au-      igieg replied, “As you might imagine,        there’s nothing for me to do here!”              D’Anne Witkowski is a writer living in
gust after adopting a child — paternity       we are bottle-feeding and doing it at all       Our son is the light of our lives, and     Michigan with her wife and son. She has
leave, they call it — trying to figure out    hours of the day and night. I’m not going    I cannot imagine feeling like spending        been writing about LGBTQ+ politics for
how to breastfeed. No word on how that        to apologize to Tucker Carlson or any-       time with him when he was a newborn           nearly two decades. Follow her on Twitter @
went.”                                        one else for taking care of our premature,   was a waste or something that only his        MamaDWitkowski.

6   █   10.29.21
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
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                                                                                               10.29.21   █   dallasvoice   7
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
Leading man

Oscar Seung plays a total                                                                                                                    create his own character and see Jong-
dictator in DTC’s new comedy                                                                                                                 Un in a different light — at least for this
RICH LOPEZ | Staff writer                                                                                                                      “Here he was in a different country,                                                                                                                         with mixed feelings toward his Amer-
                                                                                                                                             ican friend Sophie and his father and
               f Oscar Seung had things his                                                                                                  his country. It was a great reminder that
               way, he’d be at home with his                                                                                                 even if you vehemently disagree with
               husband and their two dogs.                                                                                                   someone, they are still a three-dimen-
               The self-described introvert                                                                                                  sional human being,” Seung said. “Yes,
               prefers anything that involves                                                                                                I’m repulsed by his actions, but I can
               staying in. Yet, he’s got this                                                                                                also see him as a person.”
               big lead role at the Dallas The-                                                                                                Seung was eight when his family
               ater Center to work on, and                                                                                                   moved to Arlington, immigrating to be
    for him that’s a big deal. He’s excited to                                                                                               closer to extended family. “I remember it
    bring representation to the stage in The                                                                                                 well. When we were leaving the airport
    Supreme Leader — even if he is playing                                                                                                   here, it was humid and hot, and I was
    North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un.                                                                                                       this little gay diva speaking in French,
       “I was a little nervous about this                                                                                                    complaining about the heat,” he said.
    character because of what he means to                                                                                                      Seung’s performing interests started
    the Korean community,” Seung said by                                                                                                     in music. It was a respite from learning
    phone. “I had a lot of conversations with                                                                                                a new language and doing poorly in
    Korean friends and my husband.”                                                                                                          school. He felt out of control.
       The Supreme Leader is currently in         Oscar Seung, above right and below right,
    previews for audiences with opening           with his Supreme Leader costars Albert Park,
    night set for Thursday, Nov. 4.               above and McKenna, below.
       Seung, 35, plays Jong-Un in Don X.         (Photos by Imani Thomas, provided by
                                                  Dallas Theater Center)
    Nguyen’s story of the then-future leader
    in his time at a Swiss boarding school.          Plus, Seung said, he’s “super excited”
    Described as a coming-of-age comedy,          to have landed the role.
    the play takes a unique look at pre-dic-         “I can’t believe I get to do this. I’ve
    tator times in Jong-Un’s life.                never seen an Asian-American as the
       “So, the thrust of the show seems like     lead in anything, so I’m excited to tell
    a romantic comedy,” Seung said with a         this story, see what I can do with it and
    laugh. “There is this sort of push-pull       represent my community,” he said.
    battle for his soul, and it addresses the        Everyone now knows Jong-Un as the
    idea of choice against expectations.”         dictator they’ve seen in the news, but
       Seung auditioned for the role in 2019.     The Supreme Leader is set well before all
    Since he is both Asian-American/Pacif-        that. So Seung was able to find ways to
    ic Islander and LGBTQ, there was some         identify with Jong-Un. There is a very
    reconciliation to be had before Seung         slight Swiss connection (Seung was born
    could approach the role, even if it was       in Lausanne), but more so, he could
    in a lighter tone. Seung took it on with      identify with the immigrant experience
    a bigger picture in mind — one that is        and fulfilling family expectations.
    important to his heritage and being seen.        Seung talked about how he didn’t
       “Yes, I disagree with him and what         fit into the Asian community because
    he’s done to his country. There is so         of how conservative it is, but then, he
    much baggage with him” Seung said of          didn’t fit into American society because
    Jong-Un. “But I realized that if I turned     of how Asian he is. There were these
    down the role because I simply don’t          molds he wasn’t able to fit into, and he       Moving to America, I’m this big, giant        “I had this inability to claim these
    agree, that is a problem. Often anyone        found the same struggle in his character,      Asian person. I’m flamboyant and very       emotions, so I can relate to this internal
    who doesn’t think like us is vilified. I      who was away from his home and strad-          clearly gay, and I grew up in Arlington,”   rage that Jong-Un has in the play,” he
    thought ‘Well, shit. I don’t wanna be         dling two cultures.                            Seung said. By compartmentalizing           said.
    part of the problem.’”                           “I know exactly what that feels like:       those aspects of himself, he was able to                             LEADING, Page 18

8     █   10.29.21
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
A year of transition

Former Legacy Cottage director                                                                                                        ect, the largest conference for women
becoming new executive                                                                                                                living with HIV. Henderson has run the
director of Legacy Cares                                                                                                              clothes closet each year during the con-
                                                                                                                                      ference, distributing clothing for partici-
                                                                                                                                      pants as well as their families.
DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer                                                                                                       She is also already familiar with                                                                                                                Homebase for Housing, a rental data-
                                                                                                                                      base of affordable housing which is a
                fter running Legacy                                                                                                   federally funded HOPWA program like
                  Founders Cottage for                                                                                                the cottage.
                   eight years, Brooke                                                                                                   Grove said the position of executive
                     Henderson had de-                                                                                                director of Legacy Cares is challenging
                      cided it was time                                                                                               job. “I get calls at 4 in the morning,” she
                       to look elsewhere                                                                                              said. “It takes a certain dedication to do
                         for new oppor-                                                                                               a job like that.”
                          tunities. Others                                                                                               But she’s certain that with Henderson,
have lasted only a year or two in that                                                                                                she has the right person in place to suc-
extremely demanding position. Legacy                                                                                                  ceed her. “This isn’t a job for Brooke,”
Cares Executive Director Melissa Grove                                                                                                Grove said. “It’s a calling, like it has been
was disappointed to lose Henderson,                                                                                                   for me.”
but the two kept in touch.                                                                                                               Henderson now occupies Grove’s old
   Henderson became a social worker                                                                                                   office in the building on McKinney Av-
at Baylor, but once the pandemic hit,                                                                                                 enue where Legacy’s counselors work.
social work came to a screeching halt,       Brooke Henderson                            live their lives.                            But, she said, she just couldn’t help Leg-
and she was transferred to the hospital’s                                                   “They just needed someone who had         acy’s Special Events Coordinator Cody
drive-thru COVID-19 testing clinic.          said she has a passion for medical social   more patience,” she said.                    Lynch and a friend pack up Grove’s of-
   Also during the pandemic, Grove be-       work, which is why she became the su-          Of course, she didn’t simply save lives   fice. Thinking about her leaving after 26
gan rethinking her future. After 25 years    pervisor of AIDS Services of North Tex-     on her own.                                  years just hurt too much.
of working around the clock, she decid-      as’ Plano location.                            “I’d go to doctor’s appointments             Although she’s now using Grove’s
ed it was time to spend more time with          “I found my passion,” Henderson said     with clients,” she said. “I’d advocate for   old office so she can have the addition-
her husband, Dan, and started trying to      of that job. “I found my niche.”            them.”                                       al space, Henderson said she’s making
figure out a way to phase herself out of        She said she used to refer clients for      Education was a large part of what        other changes very slowly after having
her position at Legacy.                      Legacy Founders Cottage from her for-       she did. She’d teach residents about         made too many changes at the cottage
   One day, Grove and Henderson were         mer agency so, “I had this working re-      being consistent in taking their medi-       too quickly when she first went to work
talking, and Grove said, “I’m ready to       lationship with Legacy,” she said. So       cation, “But I had to be OK with where       there.
bring you back.” And because, to Hen-        when the job of director of the cottage     they were in their story,” she said. One        But Legacy Cares is always changing.
derson, the cottage and Legacy Cares         was posted, she met with Grove, who         of the hardest of those stories to be OK     Housing has become the agency’s larg-
was family, she agreed.                      told her she was looking for someone to     with involved a cottage client who was       est focus. And during the pandemic,
   So, the two women worked out an           make the job their own.                     diagnosed with HIV at age 16, moved          counseling switched from in person to
arrangement where Grove would hand              And from her first day on the job, she   into the facility at age 21 and died two     online via Telehealth. That opened ac-
over her position over the coming year       made the cottage hers.                      years later.                                 cess to mental health services to more
and mostly work from home — except              Legacy Founders Cottage does both           “Stigma still exists,” Henderson said,    people than ever before, Henderson ex-
when she’s in Las Vegas or Palm Springs      hospice and respite care for people         explaining how, when job openings            plained.
— and Henderson would spend the year         with AIDS. But what Henderson found         were posted, she’d get calls from people        While she’s learning and adapting to
becoming the new executive director of       was that most of the residents she saw      horrified with the idea they’d only be       new ways to care for people, Henderson
Legacy Cares.                                during her eight years at the cottage may   working with people with HIV — even          assures the agency’s clients, as well as
   “I have a history of giving my babies     have come in on hospice, but they ended     though the listing clearly said that’s       its staff, she’s taking things one step at
to Brooke,” said Grove, who was the          up becoming respite residents.              what the job was. Those who came to          a time.
first director of Legacy Founders Cot-          Hospitals would give up on AIDS pa-      work at Legacy, however, became part of         “Change is scary,” she said. “I’m just
tage. Now Henderson is taking over the       tients and send them to Henderson to        the family, caring for patients like loved   learning to fill Melissa’s shoes.”
entire family of Legacy Cares.               die. Henderson made sure her charges        ones.                                           And those are huge shoes to fill.
   Henderson was raised in Amarillo          were getting life-saving medication,           Henderson is also already quite famil-       As for Grove, she said Henderson
and received her master’s in social work     got them stabilized and improved their      iar with two of Legacy’s other programs,     “is tough as nails and has a heart of
from Texas Woman’s University. She           health until they could be discharged to    she said. One of those is the Grace Proj-    gold.” 				                                 █

                                                                                                                                                   10.29.21    █   dallasvoice   9
Actor Oscar Seung talks about his role as North Korea's Kim Jong-Un in DTC's new show - Dallas Voice
                                       your credit
                                      PERSONAL FINANCES

                                      Laforenzo Wilkins started a                   you’re dinged multiple times.
                                      company that specializes in                     Instead, he suggests, go to a bank and
                                                                                    arrange financing. See how much car
                                      credit repair                                 you qualify for before going to a deal-
                                                                                    ership. Wilkins said he’s already helped
                                      DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer            more than 30 families buy vehicles by
                                                    cleaning up their credit reports.
                                                                                      Another tip, Wilkins said, is knowing
                                                         aforenzo Wilkins kept      that “a clean credit report is as import-
                                                         himself busy during        ant as your score.”
                                                         the pandemic: He             He said, “I’ve helped seven or eight
                                                         came out. He started       people buy their dream home,” ex-
                                                         a new business. And        plaining that those people had the
                                                         he helped a number         same income after he was done; all he
                                                         of people along the        did was clean up their credit report by
                                                         way.                       removing items that were wrong or in-
                                         Wilkins grew up in poverty in a small      consistent between the three credit re-
                                      town in Mississippi, where “I had no          porting agencies.
                                      one to teach me about financial litera-         In one case, his client qualified to
                                      cy,” he said. So he joined the military       purchase a $700,000 house after Wilkins
                                      and was stationed in South Korea.             cleaned up the reports. He said his cli-
                                         After his discharge, he earned his BA      ent, with a $300,000 income, was cer-
                                      and began a career as a car salesman.         tainly able to afford the property. The
                                      But, he said, “I always knew I wanted         problem was incorrect information that
                                      to help people, to teach people.”             kept his score low.
                                         So, he said, he spent time praying           He said there are different reasons for
                                      and asking himself, “What am I sup-           a bad credit report. Even higher income
                                      posed to be doing?”                           people might be hit with large medical
                                         He found the AM/PM Academy of              bills, and anyone may be guilty of sim-
                                      Credit Repair online and took a course        ple mismanagement of debt.
                                      from a woman with a background sim-             A common problem many people
                                      ilar to his. Then in 2020, he took a job      have is credit card debt. Making min-
                                      with Amazon and opened his credit re-         imum payments doesn’t decrease the
                                      pair business in October. He was doing        amount owed. Buy something and the
                                      so well that by March of this year he         balance increases until suddenly you’re
                                      quit his job at Amazon to devote his full     out of credit. Then, you are missing
                                      time and attention to his rapidly grow-       payments or opening a new account
                                      ing E3 Financial Solutions.                   and using that card to pay off another.
                                         What Wilkins does is not just help fix       Wilkins said he said he uses credit
                                      credit reports; he also teaches his clients   laws to remove errors. What if there are
                                      to improve their credit scores.               no errors in your credit report? “There
                                         Take buying a car, for example.            are always things that are wrong,” he
                                      Wilkins suggests getting approved             said. “I go line by line.”
                                      for credit before you begin shopping.           Many people are plagued by student
                                      When you walk into a dealer, the first        loan debt. Wilkins said he consolidates
                                      thing they offer is car financing, and        the loans to clean up the record. Of-
                                      they want to pull your credit report.         ten student loans are listed separately
                                      That dings your credit score a few            for each semester or school year you
                                      points. Visit half a dozen dealers and        attended. While you make one pay-

10   █   10.29.21


e   Laforenzo Wilkins (David Taffet/Dallas Voice)
y   ment, the report may show half a dozen          Wilkins said cleaning up a credit report
-   loans. Consolidating them into one loan         takes on average six months, but may
-   doesn’t decrease the amount owed, but           sometimes take up to a year.
    looks much better in a credit report and           In addition to working with the re-
o   increases your credit score.                    ports, Wilkins said he’ll recommend
s      Wilkins offers a free credit consulta-       using some credit builders. If his client
-   tion. He reviews what steps you’ve been         doesn’t have a credit card, he’ll recom-
-   taking, goes over your credit reports and       mend using a secured, prepaid card
e   makes sure there’s been no identity theft,      then make small purchases using the
t   whether by an anonymous source or a             card and pay off the balance.
    family member. Quite a bit of identity             “Credit is a tricky thing,” he said. But
r   theft causing damage to someone’s cred-         it’s important to have, because you nev-
e   it, Wilkins said, is done by a family mem-      er know when something is going to
l   ber with a similar name who has access          happen. 			                               █

-   to your social security number and other           For more information, visit E3Financial-
    pieces of personal information.        To contact Wilkins, email
e      After the initial consultation, there’s,        visit
-   an enrollment fee and a monthly charge          E3FinancialSolutions on Facebook or call
e   until his client has finished the program.      877-960-1333.



                                                                                                   10.29.21   █   dallasvoice   11
A new season begins

Ice skating team Ashley Cain-                                                                                                              isn’t exclusively male or female.
Gribble and Timothy LeDuc set                                                                                                                 What does it mean to LeDuc? With
                                                                                                                                           a bemused chuckle they answered,
their sights on a golden season                                                                                                            ”That’s such a good question, and one
                                                                                                                                           I wish I could answer in a very clear
COY COVINGTON | Contributing Writer                                                                                                        way that’s easy to understand. Gender                                                                                                                     is messy and complicated, and my expe-
                                                                                                                                           rience with gender is messy and compli-
                s summer turned to late                                                                                                    cated.
                 summer then segued                                                                                                           “There are parts of manhood and
                   into fall, there’s been a                                                                                               womanhood that I relate to, and I can
                     bit of celebration for                                                                                                express myself in typically masculine
                      one group of peo-                                                                                                    ways or typically feminine ways,” they
                        ple spread across                                                                                                  continued. “None of them really add up
                         the globe: It’s the                                                                                               to me feeling like my gender fits neat-
                          beginning of fig-                                                                                                ly into the social construct of the binary
ure skating season!                                                                                                                        which is consistently re-enforced and
   The smaller summer competitions                                                                                                             valued.
got things started, then came the Junior                                                                                                           “In being open about my identity
Grand Prix and Challenger Series com-                                                                                                      and admitting it to the world I feel freer
petitions. And now the razzle and daz-                                                                                                     and more myself. I feel like I can make
zle really loops, lutzes, salchows and                                                                                                     a much more intimate connection with
spins onto center ice with the 2021–22                                                                                                     the people in my life, because I’m allow-
ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating, a se-                                                                                                    ing them to see me as I really am instead
ries of invitational senior international                                                                                                  of seeing me with this sort of façade or
competitions scheduled to run from Oc-                                                                                                     mask that I’ve put on for years. I call
tober through December.                                                                                                                    it the ‘masc mask’ … the masculinity
   Skate America began the series last                                                                                                     mask,” they said.
week in Las Vegas, and skaters earn            into COVID.                                  with partner LeDuc, fought through to             When asked what they would share
points based on their placement at each                                                     claim the bronze medal.                        with a well-meaning but unenlightened
event, with the top six in each discipline     The COVID battle                                Upon returning home and further test-       individual who has questions about
qualifying to compete at the Grand Prix                                                     ing, she was diagnosed with COVID-in-          what it means to be non-binary, LeDuc
Final in Osaka, Japan (where medal win-           Though training steadily throughout       duced asthma and prescribed an inhaler.        answered with their usual eloquence:
ners can also score some cash).                the summer, Cain-Gribble developed           Then the two were immediately off to           “The first thing I would ask,” they re-
   And with the Beijing 2022 Olympics          the sniffles one day in August. By the       Helsinki and the Finlandia Trophy com-         plied, “is that they see me as their equal,
lurking around the corner, the Grand           next morning she felt much worse, with       petition, where, with her trusty inhaler       to see me as human first and foremost.
Prix is especially significant this season.    nausea, vomiting and a fainting spell,       in tow, Cain-Gribble and LeDuc finished        So often it’s easy for us to ‘other’ trans
   Right in the mix of it all will be our      all of which all landed her hospitalized     a strong third place (in a very deep field).   and non-binary people. If we don’t see
own locally-based pairs team, 2019 U.S.        with a COVID diagnosis (although fully          Now back at home, they are training         them, they don’t exist,” they explained.
National Champions Ashley Cain-Grib-           vaxxed) and facing a 14-day quarantine.      full out.                                      “I’d ask them to just see me as a person
ble and Timothy LeDuc. Now in their               She was off the ice and in a state of                                                    and explain that it is completely valid to
sixth season skating together, the two         flu, not knowing how long her recovery       A non-binary identity                          live outside the binary.
are entrenched in the elite level of the       would take and what was next for her                                                           “There’s an expectation that women
sport and have high hopes and golden           and LeDuc (they had already missed a            Full out is something LeDuc can re-         should be elegant and demure or care-
goals for the season.                          competition due to quarantine). Luckily,     late to. Always one to share mind and          takers, and this is restrictive to women
   The team has their strategy on laser fo-    they were added to the roster of the up-     heart, LeDuc, who has been openly gay          who really want to do, well, anything.
cus: medal on the grand prix and make          coming Autumn Classic in Montreal just       for some time, came out this summer as         The gender binary is harmful to every-
the final, win U.S. Nationals, qualify         two weeks later.                             non-binary, their preferred pronouns be-       one, so I would just try to remind these
for the Olympics and skate in the Team            The women in pairs skating are known      ing they and them.                             well-meaning people that when we, as
event and at the World Championships.          for their strength and grit, and, although      Binary is the classification of gender      queer people, are fighting for liberation,
   Off season training was going great         still having trouble with breathing and      into two distinct, opposite forms of mas-      we’re actually fighting for everyone’s
guns, and they were off to a strong            other COVID-related complications            culine and feminine (man/woman). So,           liberation. A woman may want to wear
start — then they hit a doozy of a stum-       that worsened during the competition,        at its simplest, non-binary is used to de-     pink and be a caretaker. A man may
bling block. Cain-Gribble stumbled right       Cain-Gribble stayed true to form, and,       scribe someone whose gender identity           want to have a beer and watch foot-

12     █   10.29.21
ball with his friends, ” they continued.
                                            “There is nothing inherently wrong with
                                            those things, and we’re not discourag-
                                            ing them. What we’re encouraging is
                                            for people to understand that it’s not
                                            the rule. If you want to do those things,
                                            great. But you do not have to do them.”

                                            The season ahead
                                               This season, the team will return to
                                            the program they skated to win the U.S.
                                            Championships in 2019. The music is
                                            from the W.E. soundtrack, and, in keep-
                                            ing with their vision of who they are as
                                            a team, the program is themed “Two
                                            Pillars of Strength” — appropriate since
                                            they are both mentally and physically
                                               “Since 2019, we’re both more our-
                                            selves and both so much more open with
                                            each other in our partnership,” noted
                                            Cain-Gribble. “This program is some-
                                            thing we can go onto the ice and feel that
                                            it is authentic to us.”
                                               “In the pairs skating you often see the
                                            stereotype of a fragile girl with a strong
                                            man coming in to save her,” agreed
                                                                    SEASON, Page 18

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                                                                                         10.29.21   █   dallasvoice   13
Ice skating’s LGBTQ history

 From Ondrej Nepela in ’72
                                                now Slovakia), who went to his first
 to Timothy LeDuc and Adam                      Olympics at age 13 in 1964 and later
 Rippon today, a look at ice                    won gold at the 1972 games in Sappa-
                                                ro, Japan; John Curry, the 1976 Olympic
 skating’s rainbow stars
                                                gold medalist from the United Kingdom
                                                who was world renowned for bringing
 COY COVINGTON | Contributing Writer            his ballet and dance skills to the ice                         and who won the Olympic Games in
                                                Innsbruck; Canadian Toller Cranston,
                         here is the percep-    known as a legendary showman on the
                         tion that the world    ice, who won bronze also at the 1976
                         of figure skating is   games; the U.S.A.’s Randy Gardiner
                         crowded with gay       who, along with his pairs partner Tai
                         men. But is that re-   Babilonia, won World Championship
                         ally true?             Gold in 1979; Robin Cousins, a hugely
                            If you subscribe    popular champion who won Olympic
                         to the “one in 10      gold in 1980 and has been married to
 people is gay” theory, then statistically,     his husband for more than a decade.
 there would have to be a good many                As time slid on, we had the Battle of the
 straight men in figure skating. Of course,     Brians, so named by the media, which
 that statistic works in reverse, so there      put a spotlight on the rivalry between
 must also be a proportionate number of         Canadian Brian Orser and American Bri-
 gay people in the sport.                       an Boitano at the 1988 Winter Olympic
    In the past, many LGBTQ people in ice       Games in Calgary. This competition is
 skating have felt that coming out would        considered one of the most memorable
 harm their careers, so almost all stayed       in men’s figure skating history.
 in the closet until their competitive ca-         Boitano came out on top as the Olym-
 reers were over. The sport seemed to           pic gold medalist while Orser settled for
 agree that this perception was a liability     the silver for a second straight games.
 to reaching a broader audience.                Orser is now an imminently sought-af-
    The figure skating world is indeed          ter coach and has had tremendous suc-
 a bit staid and stuffy, but doors are be-      cess guiding the careers of some of the
 ing nudged opened. This was especial-          finest skaters in the history of the sport.
 ly true during last June’s Pride month.        Boitano has continued his ascent as a
 Jason Brown, one of the most beloved           primetime Emmy winner, author and
 skaters on the planet, French singles          HGTV, Cooking Channel & Food Net-
 skater Kevin Aymoz and Canadian ice            work host, and is set to co-produce and
 dancers Kaitlyn Weaver and Paul Poirier        choreograph the upcoming Netflix ice
 all came out as queer — and practically        skating film Take the Ice.
 all at once it seemed.                            The trailblazing continued when
    Timothy LeDuc opened up as iden-            Rudy Galindo gave the performance of
 tifying as non-binary at just about the        a lifetime and created one of the most
                                                                                               John Curry
 same time while speaking with Eliot            unforgettable skates in history at the
 Halverson on Instagram Live with Unit-         1996 U.S. National Championships in            competition and the first person to land   coverage of skating — and other —
 ed States Figure Skating. Halverson is a       San Jose. Galindo was the first openly         three quadruple jumps in one program.      events,which he co-hosts alongside gal
 three-time U.S. Figure Skating champi-         gay man and Mexican-American to win               And then there’s Johnny. Johnny Weir    pal 1988 Olympic gold medalist Tara
 on at the intermediate, novice and junior      a gold medal.                                  is a two-time Olympian, the 2008 World     Lipinski. Weir did not come out until
 levels and identifies as transgender/             American Timothy Goebel won the             bronze medalist, a two-time Grand Prix     2011 when he revealed he was gay in
 non-binary. She is now an international-       Olympic bronze medal in Salt Lake              Final bronze medalist, the 2001 World      his memoir, Welcome to My World.
 ly recognized coach and choreographer.         City in 2002. Known in the skating com-        Junior Champion, and a three-time U.S.       In 2018 the door got a good kick
    Taking a quick look at a few gay trail-     munity as “the quad king,” he helped           National champion. And he is fabulous.     when Adam Rippon of the U.S. and
 blazers through the years, one might           kick-start the “quad jump revolution”             Known for his flamboyant outfits        Eric Radford of Canada made history
 think first of the stars of the 1970s: names   within men’s skating. He was the first         and outrageous hairstyles, Weir is a       at the PyeongChang games when they
 like Ondrej Nepela, (of Czechoslovakia,        person to land a quadruple salchow in          fixture on television, including NBC’s     both won medals in the figure skating

16      █   10.29.21
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team event. They were each the first       World medalist, 2003 Grand Prix Final
two publicly out gay men to ever win a     champion and a five-time Japanese na-
medal at the Winter Olympics.              tional champion.
  After his competition was over Rip-         Amber Glenn of the U.S., training
pon, well known for his wicked wit         mate with Cain-Gribble and LeDuc, is
and sassy swag, would go on to be-         doing her part to raise awareness. She
come the darling of the PyeongChang        came out to the Dallas Voice in 2019 as
games, spending the rest of the Olym-      bisexual/pansexual and made a huge                                                       Friday 9-7pm | Saturday 10-7pm
                                                                                                                                     Oct 25 - Oct 30: Mon-Fri 9-6pm
pics working as an NBC correspondent.      splash at the 2021 U.S. nationals when                                                           Closed Sundays
Later that year he won the Mirror Ball     she snagged an impressive silver med-
Trophy on Dancing with the Stars, and      al. Glenn made her 2021 Grand Prix
he continues to be a recognizable figure   season debut last weekend at Skate
on television and in the media. Rip-       America in Las Vegas.
pon is the co-creator of a figure skat-       Also out, among a scant few others,
ing-themed comedy that is in develop-      and skating competitively this season
ment, according to NBC Entertainment.      is French ice dancer Guillaume Cizeron
  Radford has laced up his skates again    who, with partner Gabriella Papdakis,
and will be back in competition this       is the 2018 Olympic silver medalist and
season with new pairs partner Vanessa      a four-time world champion.
James of France.                              The steps may be baby, but visibili-
  But where are the women? There           ty is coming. Many local skating clubs
may not be many known out female           and national federations have estab-
skaters, but the numbers are growing.      lished Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
In addition to Weaver, there are Rachel    programs to make the sport more wel-
Parsons and Karina Manta, both for-        coming. LeDuc and Halverson are part
mer American competitive ice dancers,      of the USFS DEI working group.
and Fumie Suguri of Japan, three-time         We’ve come a long way baby.        █

                                                                                                                                          10.29.21     █   dallasvoice    17
LEADING, From Page 8
                                         But Seung expressed
                                      his rage through music by
                                      studying violin and piano.
                                      He switched to opera while
                                      attending TCU, where he
                                      degreed in vocal perfor-
                                      mance. But acting and the
                                      stage held a secret fascina-
                                      tion for him.
                                         “It was such a secret. I
                                      never saw anyone like me
                                      onstage or in film, so I felt I
                                      didn’t have a place there as
                                      an actor. My boyfriend —
                                      now my husband — asked
                                      me if I was happy, and that’s when I de-      tion’s Yuri!!! on Ice, which centers on two
                                      cided, I wanna be an actor,” Seung said.      gay characters.
                                         He was 24, he quit his full-time job,         Oh, and now he’s the lead at the Dallas
                                      got his headshots and launched himself        Theater Center.
                                      into the theater community. Plus, he’s           “The biggest thing for me is visibility.
                                      navigated a career on his own terms as a      I’m not a role model,” Seung said. “See-
                                      BIPOC/LGBTQ actor. He found himself           ing someone like me up there is incredi-
                                      cast in traditionally non-Asian roles and     bly important. Or seeing something like
                                      refused to do accents if asked to play an     Yuri!!! on Ice, I know I would have felt
                                      Asian-American character. His integrity       less alone. It all goes back to visibility
                                      and talent led him to higher profile proj-    and reminding those who may feel in-
                                      ects.                                         validated that they are not alone.”         █

                                         Seung can be seen in We Can Be Heroes         The Supreme Leader runs through Nov.
                                      on Netflix, directed by Robert Rodri-         21 at the Dallas Theater Center in the Wyly
                                      guez, and The Turkey Bowl on Hulu. He’s       Theatre. For more information or tickets, vis-
                                      also a voice actor who played in Funima-      it

                                                SEASON, From Page 13
                                      Leduc. “It’s a story that is told over        peting in a very loaded field, they have
                                      and over, and it’s been successful. But       beaten some of those teams already this
                                      I think Ashley and I are an alternative       season and plan to rely on their consis-
                                      to that. I hope that people watching us       tent training to see them through.
                                      will see that leading with authenticity,         They are going into this competition
                                      leading with what makes you different         hoping to build on the confidence they
                                      and unique is also a path to success, not     gained with the recent success in Fin-
                                      someone else’s archetype of success.”         land, where they skated programs that
                                         “We try to tell this story not just        they were very proud of and that they
                                      through the music and the story that we       feel are beginning to showcase every-
                                      chose, but also with the skating style we     thing that they know they can do.
                                      have,” added Cain-Gribble. “We do a lot          “Skate Canada is such a great oppor-
                                      of things that show us as equals. I’m not     tunity to now build on that confidence,”
                                      just being lifted all the time, I’m skating   said LeDuc, “and put out programs that
                                      just as much as Timothy, Timothy is skat-     are even more reflective of everything
                                      ing just as much as me, we’re doing a lot     we bring to the ice.”
                                      of the same movement and we show that            Speaking of reflective. You should
                                      equality on the ice.                          see their new costumes — light’s out
                                         They’ll both need to be in perfect sync    spectacular! And they’re both wearing
                                      as they glide into their first Grand Prix     pants.				                              █

                                      assignment of the season, Skate Canada,          Skate Canada, Oct. 29 – 31. TV coverage
                                      which begins today (Friday, Oct. 29) in       on NBC and streaming on Peacock. Check
                                      Vancouver, B.C. Although they are com-        local listings.

18   █   10.29.21
                                                                                                                                                                               A MAGICAL SHOW
                                                                                                                   Star Michaels — alter ego of                                Dallas Summer Musicals
                                                                                                                   Legacy Cares board member                                   present the magic and
                                                                                                                   Chaselyn Wade Vance —                                       mayhem of Penn & Teller,
                                                                                                                   hosts Divas at Dusk, a special                              the edgy, provocative and
                                                                                                                   Halloween-themed drag                                       hilarious duo who have been
                                                                                                                   event featuring special guest             captivating live audiences since 1975 with
                                                                                                                   MayMay Graves along with                  their unique brand of comedy and magic
                                                                                                                   Gloria Devine, Bleach, Kandy              combined. Seen them before? No worries:
                                                                                                                   Aisle, Kylee O’Hara, Dallas               This show combines their years of stage
                                                                                                                   Sheraton, G Licious G, Raquel             experience with some creative and innovative
                                                                                                                   Blake, Serif, Jada Pinkett Fox            twists mixed in to keep fans new and old
                                                                                                                   and Kiana Raye. All of the                entertained. Penn & Teller perform Friday,
                                                                                                                   performers’ tips go to Legacy             Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. in the Music Hall at Fair
                                                                                                                   Cares, as does 10 percent of              Park. Tickets start at $45 and are available at
                                                                                                                   all food sales and 25 percent   
                                                                                                                   of all sales of Vampire Queen
                                                                                                                   cocktails, which are available                              Get Horrors-fied
                                                                                                                   for $5. You can also get                                    The weather has been perfect
                                                                                                                   alcoholic snow cones for $5                                 for outdoor theater, and
                                                                                                                   and other frozen drinks for $6.                             Theatre Three’s production
                                                                                                                   The event takes place from                                  of Little Shop of Horrors, now
                                                                                                                   6-8:30 p.m. at Top Round                                    playing at the Samuell-Grand
                                                                                                                   restaurant, 4800 Bryan St.                Amphitheater, takes full advantage of that.
                                                                                                                   Tickets are $15 and include               Starring Alejandro Saucedo as Seymour, Lee
                                                                                                                   a free Pride Vodka drink.                 Walter as Audrey, Bob reed as Mr. Mushnik,
                                                                                                                   Costumes are encouraged.                  Parker Gray as Orin the dentist and Rodney M.
                                                                                                                                                             Morris as Audrey II, the show offers a bright
                                                                                                                                                             and colorful set and stellar performances in
                                                                                                                                                             telling the now-familiar tale of a man in love
                                                                                                                                                             and a blood-thirsty plant. It all combines for a
                                                                                                                                                             show you don’t want to miss, but don’t waste
  PLAN YOUR WEEK                                                                                                                                             any time because the show’s run ends Sunday,
                                                                                                                                                             Oct. 31. Get all the details at
         The Gay Agenda is now color-coded:           2-6 p.m. at Kessler Park United                   Scary-oke, shops, pubs, games of skill, a food
   Red for community events; blue for arts and        Methodist Church, 1215 Turner Ave.                court and more. Friday and Saturday nights
    entertainment; purple for sports; green for                     until 1 a.m. I-35 at the Scarborough Faire site in                    A TASTE OF HORROR
nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays.                                                     Waxahachie.                                          You can’t have Halloween
                                                      • Oct. 30: Art on the Trail                                                                                             without a taste of Rocky
OCTOBER                                               First Fine Art Show on the Northaven Trail        • Oct. 31: Divas at Dusk                                              Horror, and the queens of
• Oct. 30: Opera’s Greatest Hits                      at Preston and Northaven sponsored by             Divas at Dusk benefits Legacy Cares from                              The Urban Cowboy Saloon
The Dallas Opera presents Opera’s Greatest            Northaven Church from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.              6-8:30 p.m. at Top Round, 4800 Bryan St.                              offer exactly that with the
Hits including pieces by Mozart, Puccini, Verdi                             Tickets are $15 and include a free Pride Vodka       Rocky Horror Drag Brunch — Glamazon Prime
and more at the Winspear Opera House,                                                                   drink ticket. Costumes are encouraged. Legacy        on Sunday, Oct. 31, at noon. Lucy Goosey
2403 Flora St.                            • Oct. 30-31: LaReunion Music Festival            board member Star Michaels hosts the event,          and Porter Bella Graves host, with guest
                                                      LaReunion Music Fest will celebrate the vibrant   with special guest MayMay Graves. Also               performers Rolla Derby, Tara St. Stone and
• Through Oct. 30: Clear Light of the Void            North Texas live music scene while adding an      featured are Gloria Devine, Bleach, Kandy            MayMay Graves. Tickets start at $10. Check
Clear Light of the Void at the Wyly Studio            eclectic assortment of touring musical talent.    Aisle, Kylee O’Hara, Dallas Sheraton, G Licious      out the Facebook event page at Facebook.
Theatre, 2400 Flora St.                   Vendors, petting zoo, food and drinks. Dallas     G, Raquel Blake, Serif, Jada Pinkett Fox and         com/Events/392095689132086 for more info.
                                                      Heritage Village, 1515 S. Harwood St. Saturday    Kiana Raye.
• Oct. 29-31: Rooftop Cinema                          from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday from11 a.m.-7                                                                                 THE SHADE QUEEN
Series of outdoor films at Dallas Heritage            p.m. Tickets at                • Through Oct. 31: Autumn at the Arboretum                             Actor, costume designer, drag
Village, 1515 S. Harwood St. at about 7:30                                                              The Arboretum is in full fall bloom. The                               performer, RuPaul’s Drag
p.m. Oct. 29: The Nightmare Before Christmas.         Oct. 30: Pop-up Halloween                         pumpkin villages remains open through                                  Race season six winner and
Oct. 30: Beetlejuice, Halloween. Oct. 31: Hocus       A series of pop-up parties offer chances to       Thanksgiving. Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland                           stand-up comedian Bianca
Pocus. Tickets at              celebrate Halloween all day on Saturday, Oct.     Road.                                             del Rio, known for her shady
heritagevillage.                                      30, in the empty lot at 4015 Cedar Springs                                                             comments (aka insults), brings her Unsanitized
                                                      Road, between Woody’s and Boa. BlackSheep         • Through Oct. 31: Little Shop of Horrors            tour to Dallas. We all know Bianca is never
• Oct. 29-Nov. 14: Egress                             hosts a party from noon to 5 p.m. featuring DJ    Theatre Three presents Little Shop of Horrors        afraid to shock and offend, which puts her in a
This play follows an architecture professor who       Jose G. Winters takes over with the ABC Party     at Samuell-Grand Amphitheatre, 1500 Tenison          class by herself as the queen of insult comedy.
is startled by something that was in the room         from 5-10 p.m., with contests and prizes for a    Parkway. $20.                    And what better place for a queen to perform
during the night. The architect only knows            21-and-up crowd with a $10 admission. And                                                              than The Majestic?! You can catch her there
it was big, cold and damp and acted as if it          CatLady finishes the evening with Make It Stop    • Oct. 31: Craft: Choreography Q&A                   Monday, Nov. 1, starting at 8 p.m. Tickets start
owned the place. Amphibian Stage, 120 S.              from 10 p.m.-2 a.m., with a costume contest       Bruce Wood Dance features a conversation             at $39.50 but are selling out fast; get them at
Main St.                          and a dance contest.                              and excerpts from Elemental Brubeck        
                                                                                                        with choreographer Lar Lubovitch,
• Oct. 30: Learn more about scouting                  • Through Oct. 30: Screams                        Artistic Director Joy Bollinger, Repetiteur               Have an event coming up? Email your
Join the Scouts for ice cream and cobbler. Find       Screams is a totally immersive Halloween          Katarzyna Skarpetowsa and the company                    information to or
out about the exciting events and activities          theme park experience with five haunted           of dancers. Register on Zoom at                        
the scouts have planned for the coming year.          houses, an all new Times Up maze, Klownz in                        Look for extended listings online at
Programs for boys and girls ages 5-20 from            3-D, Rottingwood Cemetery, live entertainment,    GXUmik2YRQKIWDOBd1EZXQ.                                    

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