Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology

Page created by Leslie Stevens
Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
Activities report 2019
Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
1. Activities in the institutional, organisational and management

The professional team at VHIO and its evolution

 VHIO upholds its commitment to safeguard its management structure and to support research, with the
 aim of not expanding those areas more than it is necessary. However, VHIO's exponential increase in
 projects has translated into the need to marginally increase the number of professionals in both areas to
 meet the organisation's challenges and its growth, although - as can be seen in the figure - many of those
 additions are funded by projects.

The evolution of the last three closes according to data presented to VHIO's governing bodies can be noted
from the table below (information from 31/12/2019)

Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
The following figure sums up the results taking only the year's yearly average staff as a reference.

                                        Male            Female           Total

Management and support to research              12,35            48,93            61,28

Research                                        76,03            231,3           307,33

Interns                                         2,07              2,62             4,69

Total                                           90,45        282,85              373,30

And the gender distribution is as follows:

Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology

Female                         75,77

Male                           24,23

Overall total                   100

 Furthermore, AQuAS submitted gender-disaggregated data appertaining to research staff making up the 19
 research centers and institutes, in the form of what's called a "gender scissors diagram". According to data
 included in the report, VHIO excels in its position in this matter and reaffirms its commitment to continue
 working in the promotion of gender equality.

Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
We must also stress that we held union elections last December 9 to renew the members of the works
council. The turnout was 64,12%

 Additionally, following suggestions from Institució CERCA - the VHIO's patronage - decided to implement

Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
As an initial effort, we conducted the HRS4R survey in 2017, encouraging the involvement of all VHIO
researchers, regardless of their position or seniority, to carry out internal analyses and, in doing so, identify
areas of improvement according to principles outlined in the European Charter for Researchers.

The survey consisted of 40 questions about the 50 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and
the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. VHIO's research staff were requested to rate each
question from 1 to 5 according to their agreement levels. The survey was approved and launched on April
10 2017. The results were analysed in detail and submitted to VHIO's ad-hoc HRS4R committee,
established on July 13, 2017 as the body responsible for the design and monitoring of the implementation
process of HRS4R.

The survey results were used as the basis to prepare the gap analysis, and those were analysed according
to 7 separate categories (gender, nationality, research programme, seniority, employee category and
international exposure) to set up a more personalised and, therefore, more effective action plan. VHIO's
HRS4R committee met again in July 2017 to approve the analysis document and action plan and to be on
time to present it on July 31 2017. As a result of this engagement, we were notified on February 28, 2018, of
our accreditation by the European Commission HR Excellence.

Since then and in the course of 2019 we have been implementing the different actions set out in the action
plan and keeping track through progress indicators to be able to report within the timeline to the European

New VHIO premises

 During 2019 an agreement was reached with the leadership of Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron for the
 concession to VHIO of areas close to the current UITM-la Caixa (ground floor of the General Hospital) to
 enlarge this unit's facilities, with purpose of:

                unifying both pharmacy areas of oncohaematology clinical trials:
                      o   drug management

                      o   preparation of cytostatics

                creating a clinical trial oral medication dispensing area
                building spaces for an eventual enlargement of the day hospital's capacity

 Sponsorship has been provided by Fundación La Caixa, as part of its international programme of support
 to research in oncology.
Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
Negotiation and signature of the first VHIO collective agreement.
 A negotiation table for the VHIO collective agreement was settled on March 1 2019. Finally, after collective
 bargaining, it was signed with a temporal scope and validity from July 1, 2019 until December 21, 2021.

 A commitment by VHIO to the Institució CERCA's Ethical Code and settlement of the code of good
 practice in research according to new requirements set out in the ethical code.

VHIO governing bodies committed to apply Institució CERCA's ethical code and the adoption of the good
practice code in research in incoming requirements set out in that ethical code

Activities report 2019 - Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology
Reaccreditation of the HUVH Healthcare Research Institute after integrating VHIO into the Healthcare
Research Institute

 Reaccreditation of the Instituto de Investigación Universitaria (IIS) Vall
 d'Hebron by ISCIII took place in the final week of April. That was the first
 time it takes place since VHIO became a part, and the second time since
 2009 when VHIR was initially accredited. The accreditation plan has
 been prepared jointly throughout the past few months, and it is based
 on four pillars: the IIS integration plan, the IIS strategic plan, the
 stewardship plan for emerging groups, and the IIS training plan.

Incorporation into VHIO of the oncology clinical trial pharmacy
 During the year 2019 the integration of the team and its oncology clinical trial pharmacy into VHIO has
 been completed.
This transfer entails the following for VHIO:
 •   Transferring 10 pharmacy graduates from VHIR
 •   Transferring 13 senior pharmacy technicians from VHIR
 •   Transferring an administrative assistant

As a consequence, this costs VHIO 900,000 euros annually, which will be financed with the canon charged
to sponsors (7,5% of the revenue from clinical trials)

Quality, certifications and recognitions area

Following with the strategy and primary goal of cementing the competitive advantages of VHIO in the field of
translational research and clinical trials in the realm of oncology, it is necessary to add as a reminder that in
late 2011 a process of gaining the ISO accreditation was launched for the Genomics and Molecular Oncology
units. The aim of this accreditation process was obtaining formal and
external recognition of processing quality, looking ahead to being able
to formalise agreements with the pharmaceutical industry with some
continuity in the medium to long run.

 As a result of this strategy, the ISO90001 accreditation was obtained in 2013 for the activities of
 Management of Biomedical Research Projects in Oncology, and ISO 15189 for different analyses carried
 out by the Genomics and Molecular Oncology laboratories.

During this year, different specific audits have
 been      carried   out,   commissioned        by
 pharmaceutical      laboratories   with   signed
 agreements for the prospective development
 of phase I clinical trials in Oncology, as well as
 to assess that VHIO can act as the central
 laboratory for research projects and / or
 clinical trials.

 Also, 16 audits and an inspection by the
 regulatory entity have been passed in
 oncological research during this year. The evolution is shown in the figure below.

As well as the oncological clinic research audits, three have also been carried out during 2019 for clinical
research in oncohaematology.

Another strategic target in the quality area attained in 2016 and renewed according to a follow-up audit in
2017, and maintaining that target in 2018 and 2019, has been that ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación)

has kept the flexible reach for the several analyses carried out in the Molecular Oncology and Cancer
Genomics laboratories. Keeping that flexible accreditation enables us to continue using the accreditation
scope to new analyses without prior request, which will be evaluated in the annual audits.

Concerning the ISO 9001 certification, VHIO has passed the reaccreditation audit, meeting thus the requisites
included in it and renewing the certificate received in 2013.

Also, within this section, it is necessary to emphasize the recognitions as institutional as in the personal field
to professionals of VHIO that have been awarded to us this year 2019.

A. Institutional recognition
The Medical Oncology Department of University Hospital Vall d'Hebron (HUVH), recognised for a sixth
consecutive time in the annual independent evaluation of the Spanish healthcare sector, Monitor de

Reputación Sanitaria (MRS). It ranks first among clinical services in medical oncology with the best
nationwide reputation for its fourth consecutive year.

B- Personal recognition

Web of Science Group (WoS) has published the list of most-quoted scientists in the world
during 2019 and, once again, Josep Tabernero (for a fourth consecutive year) and Enriqueta
Felip (for a second consecutive year) appear in it. Doctor Tabernero and Doctor Felip are
have been recognised in the clinical medicine section, which this year amounts to a sum of
436 researchers.

Moreover, doctor Tabernero will act as a representative for VHIO at the
Cancer Mission of Horizon Europe, the European Commission's new
funding framework programme, endowed with 100 million euro. Josep
Tabernero has been appointed member of the Assembly which counsels
the board of the Cancer Mission, a team of 26 experts in cancer who will
contribute with their ideas and expertise to assist in the mission’s

Elena Elez, a medical oncologist of Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron and researcher in the
 Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Tumour Team at the Vall d’Hebron Institut d’Oncologia (VHIO), was
 awarded in March as the best young researcher of ICS at the 10th research conference.

Economic area

In the previous results by the “results central” submitted by AQuAS, VHIO stands out among the research
system centres in its ability to boost by 28 the funding provided by the Catalan government.

Information systems area

During 2019, VHIO has kept steadily upgrading of the information system, especially to be able to provide
the research systems with tools that facilitate their work and activities and to attain a positive impact on

Following that target, during this year we have finished configuring and implementing NorayBanks. This is a
web application specifically designed for the management of biological sample collections and specially
designed for biobanks and biorepositories.

NorayBanks facilitates the running of internal activities (specimens/donors and sample management,
labelling, processing, storage…) to different research teams.

This system has been used in different collectives already, such as Seroteca and Molecular Oncology, the
departments working with more samples at VHIO.

Likewise, and in connection with clinical research activity, VHIO, along with Hospital Universitario Vall
d’Hebron, developed a software which allows clinical trial monitors to act directly from clinical stations.
This system allows the clinical trial monitor to access the patient's clinical histories via a username and
password and check the source of the information directly. That entails a big improvement in efficiency, as
it renders unnecessary to print all documents to monitor them. During 2019 all promoters and CROs are
already monitoring using this system.

Knowledge dissemination area

VHIO, most notably in 2019, has promoted and bolstered activities which are open to society to encourage
and increase social interest in cancer research and the important progress made by our scientists and
clinical researchers. These efforts have the aim to enhance the public’s scientific culture as well as
promoting science as an exciting career path among young people: the future of our research.

Dissemination activities and programmes run by VHIO are aimed at patients, young people and non-
specialist adult audiences.
As part of the “School and Science” programme created by VHIO in 2017, 15 educational establishments
and a total of 1200 students have joined in.

Also during 2019 VHIO has partaken in other dissemination activities such as “Al cáncer donem-li
recerca” at The Youth Mobile Festival: YoMo, at the Science Festival in the 2019 Heltio event, at
BCNspiracy and 48H Open House BCN.
Moreover, we have kept organising workshops for patients, for instance, the sixth edition of the
workshop for breast cancer patients.

Vall d’Hebron Institut d’Oncologia (VHIO), in collaboration with the association Dones en Actiu, has
launched a new series of talks of informative nature. Using the name of Patients’ School, last Wednesday of
each month a speech will be offered at the conference hall of Hospital Vall d’Hebron, in which it will be
sought to provide useful information for a better understanding of cancer. Dr Jorge Fernando, a researcher
in the Team of Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Tumours at VHIO, directed by Dr Josep Tabernero, will be the
coordinator of this series, which was launched last Wednesday, January 30.

Furthermore, VHIO keeps being highly involved in solidarity actions promoted by third parties, which
 have a great social impact. An example of that is the growth in the number of donations during the past
 years in solidarity projects, such as the “Paseíco de la mama”, Fundació ESADE”, “Pink Run Mir” and
 “Masterclass de zumba” projects which have brought together many people year after year to those

 In this same section, but using a different approach based on the current lines
 and fields of research which keep positioning VHIO as a leading international
 reference, we also share our experience, learn from distinguished guest
 speakers, discuss and debate our last findings organising ad hoc courses and
 workshops at VHIO.

Our researchers also speak at international conferences of excellence. Intending to
exchange current findings in science and cancer medicine, VHIO has organised
the following number of courses, workshops and other educational activities: 21 in 2015, 29 in 2016, 31 in
2017, 50 in 2018 and also 50 in 2019.
Many activities mentioned above, along with the progress made by our researchers, have been noticed by
media with completely different audiences. Our communications have the main aim to reach the
international scientific community and other key audiences, such as potential partners, funders or
specialised media. An indicator of the impact of these reports about us and

our research, its breakthroughs and importance, is the big impression on the written press, audiovisual and
social media, as the images of media and the progression figure below shows..

Technology transfer scope

During 2019, VHIO has continued consolidating the technology transfer programme. VHIO, from its creation
until December 31, 2019, has achieved the following milestones:

   VHIO researchers have taken part in 23 patent families:
             13 families of patents are exploited via VHIO spinoffs (9 Mosaic Biomedicals and 4 Peptomyc)
             3 patents have been licensed to leading companies in the pharmaceutical and diagnosis
              fields (2 Doctor Arribas, 1 Doctor Prat)

             4 patents are exploited directly by companies of international renown (1 doctor Arribas, 1
              Doctor Serra, 1 Doctor Palmer, 1 Doctor Soucek)

             2 patents are currently in the negotiation stage (Doctor Abad and Doctor Serra)

             Abandoned patents (1 Doctor Villanueva)

     Creation of 2 spin-offs that will develop new treatments against cancer:
             MOSAIC Biomedicals. Several >50M funding rounds have been completed, and it merged
              with Northern Biologics for the development of a new therapeutic antibodies portfolio. The
              company completed its first Phase-I trial successfully.
             PEPTOMYC. It has obtained funding from the international reference venture capital
              AltaLife Sciences, and in 2019 it gained an SME Instrument Phase-II fund from the
              European Commission to start clinical trials of a new MYC-inhibitory peptide.

The VHIO strategy in this matter has secured its acknowledgement by the community and the media.

2. Scientific activity for 2019 publications

During 2019 researchers attached to VHIO have participated in 333 papers, with a cumulative impact
factor of 3806. We must highlight that the number of publications has considerably increased, and the
average impact factor has kept above 11,43.

On another note, an analysis of the quality of the scientific journals in which papers by VHIO researchers
have published shows that a 76% of the publications (see the following figure) were in scientific journals in
the first quartile, and 68% in the first or second decile, cementing the VHIO emphasis on the quality of
publications despite the increased number.

Main publications (impact factor over 15)

Research projects
We submitted 207 research projects in 2019, to a 28% success ratio and 20 pending grants. We
presented some projects within the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria framework, to a 63%
success rate.

Publication                                                                                      Impact Factor
date          Title                   Scope     Authors                                Journal   JCR
                                                Hilf, Norbert; Kuttruff-Coqui,
                                                Sabrina; Frenzel, Katrin; Bukur,
                                                Valesca; Stevanovic, Stefan;
                                                Gouttefangeas, Cécile; Platten,
                                                Michael; Tabatabai, Ghazaleh;
                                                Dutoit, Valerie; van der Burg,
                                                Sjoerd H; Thor Straten, Per;
                                                Martínez-Ricarte, Francisco;
                                                Ponsati, Berta; Okada, Hideho;
                                                Lassen, Ulrik; Admon, Arie;
                                                Ottensmeier, Christian H; Ulges,
                                                Alexander; Kreiter, Sebastian; von
                                                Deimling, Andreas; Skardelly,
                                                Marco; Migliorini, Denis; Kroep,
                                                Judith R; Idorn, Manja; RODON
                                                AHNERT, JORDI; Piró, Jordi;
                                                Poulsen, Hans S; Shraibman,
                                                Bracha; McCann, Katy; Mendrzyk,
                                                Regina; Löwer, Martin; Stieglbauer,
                                                Monika; Britten, Cedrik M; Capper,
                                                David; Welters, Marij J P;
                                                Sahuquillo, Juan; Kiesel, Katharina;
                                                Derhovanessian, Evelyna; Rusch,
                                                Elisa; Bunse, Lukas; Song, Colette;
                                                Heesch, Sandra; Wagner, Claudia;
                                                Kemmer-Brück, Alexandra; Ludwig,
                                                Jörg; Castle, John C; Schoor,
              Actively                          Oliver; Tadmor, Arbel D; Green,
              personalized                      Edward; Fritsche, Jens; Meyer,
              vaccination trial for             Miriam; Pawlowski, Nina; Dorner,
              newly diagnosed                   Sonja; Hoffgaard, Franziska;
01/01/2019    glioblastoma.           Article   Rössler, Bernhard; Maurer,             NATURE    43,070

Dominik; Weinschenk, Toni;
                                             Reinhardt, Carsten; Huber,
                                             Christoph; Rammensee, Hans-
                                             Georg; Singh-Jasuja, Harpreet;
                                             Sahin, Ugur; Dietrich, Pierre-Yves;
                                             Wick, Wolfgang
             Acute liver failure
             due to immune-
             mediated hepatitis
             managed with
             plasma exchange:                Riveiro-Barciela, Mar; MUÑOZ
             New settings call               COUSELO, EVA; Fernandez-Sojo,
             for new treatment               Jesús; Diaz-Mejia, Nely; Parra-           JOURNAL OF
01/03/2019   strategies?           Letter    López, Rafael; Buti, María                HEPATOLOGY            18,946
                                             Shaw, Alice T; Solomon, Benjamin
             ALK Resistance                  J; Besse, Benjamin; Bauer, Todd M;
             Mutations and                   Lin, Chia-Chi; Soo, Ross A; Riely,
             Efficacy of                     Gregory J; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius;
             Lorlatinib in                   Clancy, Jill S; Li, Sherry; Abbattista,
             Advanced                        Antonello; Thurm, Holger; Satouchi,
             Anaplastic                      Miyako; Camidge, D Ross; Kao,
             Lymphoma                        Steven; Chiari, Rita; Gadgeel,
             Kinase-Positive                 Shirish M; FELIP FONT,
             Non-Small-Cell                  ENRIQUETA; Martini, Jean-                 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL
01/06/2019   Lung Cancer           Article   François                                  ONCOLOGY              28,245
                                             Juric, Dejan; Janku, Filip; RODON
             Alpelisib Plus                  AHNERT, JORDI; Burris, Howard A;
             Fulvestrant in                  Mayer, Ingrid A; Schuler, Martin;
             PIK3CA-Altered                  Seggewiss-Bernhardt, Ruth; Gil-
             and PIK3CA-Wild-                Martin, Marta; Middleton, Mark R;
             Type Estrogen                   Baselga, Josep; Bootle, Douglas;
             Receptor-Positive               Demanse, David; Blumenstein,
             Advanced Breast                 Lars; Schumacher, Karl; Huang,
             Cancer A Phase                  Alan; Quadt, Cornelia; Rugo, Hope
01/02/2019   1b Clinical Trial     Article   S                                         JAMA oncology         22,416

             Atezolizumab                    Rini, Brian I; Powles,
             plus                            Thomas; Atkins, Michael B;
             bevacizumab                     Escudier, Bernard;
15/06/201    versus                          McDermott, David F;
9            sunitinib in          Article   SUAREZ RODRIGUEZ,                         LANCET                59,102

patients with                CRISTINA; Bracarda,
            previously                   Sergio; Stadler, Walter M;
            untreated                    Donskov, Frede; Lee, Jae
            metastatic                   Lyun; Hawkins, Robert;
            renal cell                   Ravaud, Alain; Alekseev,
            carcinoma                    Boris; Staehler, Michael;
            (IMmotion151):               Uemura, Motohide; De
            a multicentre,               Giorgi, Ugo; Mellado,
            open-label,                  Begoña; Porta, Camillo;
            phase 3,                     Melichar, Bohuslav; Gurney,
            randomised                   Howard; Bedke, Jens;
            controlled trial             Choueiri, Toni K; Parnis,
                                         Francis; Khaznadar, Tarik;
                                         Thobhani, Alpa; Li, Shi;
                                         Piault-Louis, Elisabeth;
                                         Frantz, Gretchen; Huseni,
                                         Mahrukh; Schiff, Christina;
                                         Green, Marjorie C; Motzer,
                                         Robert J; IMmotion151
                                         Study Group
            Atezolizumab                 Eng, Cathy; Kim, Tae Won;
            with or without              Bendell, Johanna; ARGILES
            cobimetinib                  MARTINEZ, GUILLERMO;
            versus                       Tebbutt, Niall C; Di
            regorafenib in               Bartolomeo, Maria; Falcone,
            previously                   Alfredo; Fakih, Marwan;
            treated                      Kozloff, Mark; Segal, Neil H;
            metastatic                   Sobrero, Alberto; Yan,
            colorectal                   Yibing; Chang, Ilsung; Uyei,
            cancer                       Anne; Roberts, Louise;
            (IMblaze370):                Ciardiello, Fortunato;
            a multicentre,               IMblaze370 Investigators;
01/06/201   open-label,                  Ahn, J B; Asselah, J;           LANCET
9           phase 3,           Article   Badarinath, S; Baijal, S;       ONCOLOGY   35,386

randomised,                   Begbie, S; Berry, S; Canon,
            controlled trial.             J L; Carbone, R G;
                                          Cervantes, A; Cha, Y J;
                                          Chang, K; Chaudhry, A;
                                          Chmielowska, E; Cho, S H;
                                          Chu, D; Couture, F;
                                          Cultrera, J; Cunningham, D;
                                          Van Cutsem, E; Cuyle, P J;
                                          Davies, J; Dowden, S;
                                          Dvorkin, M; Ganju, V;
                                          Garcia, R V; Kerr, R; Kim, T
                                          Y; King, K; Kortmansky, J;
                                          Kozloff, M; Lam, K O; Lee,
                                          J; Lee, A S; Lesperance, B;
                                          Luppi, G; Ma, B; Maiello, E;
                                          Mandanas, R; Marshall, J;
                                          Marx, G; Mullamitha, S;
                                          Nechaeva, M; Park, J O;
                                          Pavlakis, N; Ponce, C G;
                                          Potemski, P; Raouf, S;
                                          Reeves, J; Segal, N; Siena,
                                          S; Smolin, A; Streb, J O;
                                          Strickland, A; Szutowicz-
                                          Zielinska, E; TABERNERO
                                          CATURLA, JOSEP; Tan, B;
                                          Valera, J S; Van den Eynde,
                                          M; Vergauwe, P; Vickers, M;
                                          Womack, M; Wroblewska,
                                          M; Young, R
            Binimetinib,                  Van Cutsem, Eric; Huijberts,
            Encorafenib,                  Sanne; Grothey, Axel;
            and Cetuximab                 Yaeger, Rona; Cuyle, Pieter- JOURNAL OF
10/06/201   Triplet Therapy               Jan; ELEZ FERNANDEZ,           CLINICAL
9           for Patients        Article   MARIA ELENA; Fakih,            ONCOLOGY   28,245

With BRAF                    Marwan; Montagut, Clara;
            V600E-Mutant                 Peeters, Marc; Yoshino,
            Metastatic                   Takayuki; Wasan, Harpreet;
            Colorectal                   Desai, Jayesh; Ciardiello,
            Cancer: Safety               Fortunato; Gollerkeri,
            Lead-In                      Ashwin; Christy-Bittel,
            Results From                 Janna; Maharry, Kati;
            the Phase III                Sandor, Victor; Schellens,
            BEACON                       Jan H M; Kopetz, Scott;
            Colorectal                   TABERNERO CATURLA,
            Cancer Study                 JOSEP
                                         Rosiñol, Laura; Oriol, Albert;
                                         Rios, Rafael; Sureda, Anna;
                                         Blanchard, María Jesús;
                                         Hernández, Miguel Teodoro;
                                         Martínez-Martínez, Rafael;
                                         Moraleda, Jose M; Jarque,
                                         Isidro; Bargay, Juan;
                                         GIRONELLA MESA,
                                         MERCEDES; de Arriba,
                                         Felipe; Palomera, Luis;
                                         González-Montes, Yolanda;
            Bortezomib,                  Martí, Josep M; Krsnik,
            lenalidomide,                Isabel; Arguiñano, Jose M;
            and                          González, Maria Esther;
            dexamethason                 González, Ana Pilar;
            e as induction               Casado, Luis Felipe; López-
            therapy prior to             Anglada, Lucia; Paiva,
            autologous                   Bruno; Mateos, Maria-
            transplant in                Victoria; San Miguel, Jesus
17/10/201   multiple                     F; Lahuerta, Juan-José;
9           myeloma.           Article   Bladé, Joan                      BLOOD       16,562
01/02/201   BRCA                         Lin, Kevin K; Harrell, Maria I; CANCER
9           Reversion          Article   Oza, Amit M; OAKNIN              DISCOVERY   26,370

Mutations in               BENZAQUEN, ANA
            Circulating                MAZALTOB; Ray-Coquard,
            Tumor DNA                  Isabelle; Tinker, Anna V;
            Predict                    Helman, Elena; Radke,
            Primary and                Marc R; Say, Carmen; Vo,
            Acquired                   Lan-Thanh; Mann, Elaina;
            Resistance to              Isaacson, Jeffrey D;
            the PARP                   Maloney, Lara; O'Malley,
            Inhibitor                  David M; Chambers,
            Rucaparib in               Setsuko K; Kaufmann, Scott
            High-Grade                 H; Scott, Clare L; Konecny,
            Ovarian                    Gottfried E; Coleman,
            Carcinoma                  Robert L; Sun, James X;
                                       Giordano, Heidi; Brenton,
                                       James D; Harding, Thomas
                                       C; McNeish, Iain A; Swisher,
                                       Elizabeth M
                                       Harbeck, Nadia; Penault-
                                       Llorca, Frederique;
                                       CORTES CASTAN, JAVIER;
                                       Gnant, Michael; Houssami,
                                       Nehmat; Poortmans, Philip;
23/09/201                              Ruddy, Kathryn; Tsang,          Nature Reviews
9           Breast cancer    Article   Janice; Cardoso, Fatima         Disease Primers   32,274
                                       de Wit, Ronald; de Bono,
                                       Johann; Sternberg, Cora N;
                                       Fizazi, Karim; Tombal,
            Cabazitaxel                Bertrand; Wülfing, Christian;
            versus                     Kramer, Gero; Eymard,
            Abiraterone or             Jean-Christophe; Bamias,
            Enzalutamide               Aristotelis; CARLES
            in Metastatic              GALCERAN, JOAN;                 NEW ENGLAND
26/12/201   Prostate                   Iacovelli, Roberto; Melichar,   JOURNAL OF
9           Cancer.          Article   Bohuslav; Sverrisdóttir,        MEDICINE          70,670

Ásgerður; Theodore,
                                      Christine; Feyerabend,
                                      Susan; Helissey, Carole;
                                      Ozatilgan, Ayse; Geffriaud-
                                      Ricouard, Christine;
                                      Castellano, Daniel; CARD
                                      Cohen, Paul A; Jhingran,
                                      Anjua; OAKNIN
12/01/201   Cervical        Revie     BENZAQUEN, ANA
9           cancer          w         MAZALTOB; Denny, Lynette LANCET                 59,102
            leukaemia:                BOSCH ALBAREDA,                NATURE REVIEWS
01/11/201   from genetics   Revie     FRANCESC; Dalla-Favera,        CLINICAL
9           to treatment    w         Riccardo                       ONCOLOGY         34,106
                                      Powles, Thomas; Kockx,
                                      Mark; Rodriguez-Vida, Alejo;
                                      Duran, Ignacio; Crabb,
                                      Simon J; Van Der Heijden,
                                      Michiel S; Szabados,
                                      Bernadett; Pous, Albert
                                      Font; Gravis, Gwenaelle;
            Clinical                  Herranz, Urbano Anido;
            efficacy and              Protheroe, Andrew; Ravaud,
            biomarker                 Alain; Maillet, Denis;
            analysis of               Mendez, Maria Jose;
            neoadjuvant               SUAREZ RODRIGUEZ,
            atezolizumab              CRISTINA; Linch, Mark;
            in operable               Prendergast, Aaron; van
            urothelial                Dam, Pieter-Jan; Stanoeva,
            carcinoma in              Diana; Daelemans, Sofie;
01/11/201   the ABACUS                Mariathasan, Sanjeev; Tea,     NATURE
9           trial           Article   Joy S; Mousa, Kelly;           MEDICINE         30,641

Banchereau, Romain;
                                         Castellano, Daniel
                                         Sharp, Adam; Welti, Jon C;
                                         Lambros, Maryou B K;
                                         Dolling, David; Rodrigues,
                                         Daniel Nava; Pope, Lorna;
                                         Aversa, Caterina;
                                         Figueiredo, Ines; Fraser,
                                         Jennifer; Ahmad, Zai; Lu,
                                         Changxue; Rescigno,
                                         Pasquale; Kolinsky, Michael;
                                         Bertan, Claudia; Seed,
                                         George; Riisnaes, Ruth;
                                         Miranda, Susana; Crespo,
                                         Mateus; Pereira, Rita;
            Clinical Utility             Ferreira, Ana; Fowler,
            of Circulating               Gemma; Ebbs, Berni; Flohr,
            Tumour Cell                  Penny; Neeb, Antje;
            Androgen                     Bianchini, Diletta;
            Receptor                     Petremolo, Antonella;
            Splice Variant-              Sumanasuriya, Semini;
            7 Status in                  Paschalis, Alec; MATEO
            Metastatic                   VALDERRAMA, JOAQUIN;
            Castration-                  Tunariu, Nina; Yuan, Wei;
            resistant                    Carreira, Suzanne; Plymate,
01/11/201   Prostate                     Stephen R; Luo, Jun; de        EUROPEAN
9           Cancer             Article   Bono, Johann S                 UROLOGY    17,298
            Comparative                  Cherny, Nathan I; de Vries,
            Assessment of                Elisabeth G E; Dafni,
            Clinical Benefit             Urania; Garrett-Mayer,
            Using the                    Elizabeth; McKernin,
            ESMO-                        Shannon E; Piccart, Martine; JOURNAL OF
01/02/201   Magnitude of                 Latino, Nicola J; Douillard,   CLINICAL
9           Clinical Benefit Article     Jean-Yves; Schnipper,          ONCOLOGY   28,245

Scale Version             Lowell E; Somerfield, Mark
            1.1 and the               R; Bogaerts, Jan; Karlis,
            ASCO Value                Dimitris; Zygoura,
            Framework                 Panagiota; Vervita, Katerina;
            Net Health                Pentheroudakis, George;
            Benefit Score             TABERNERO CATURLA,
                                      JOSEP; Zielinski, Christoph;
                                      Wollins, Dana S; Schilsky,
                                      Richard L
                                      Baliakas, Panagiotis;
                                      Jeromin, Sabine; Iskas,
                                      Michalis; Puiggros, Anna;
                                      Plevova, Karla;
                                      NguyenKhac, Florence;
                                      Davis, Zadie; Rigolin, Gian
                                      Matteo; Visentin, Andrea;
                                      Xochelli, Aliki; Delgado,
                                      Julio; Baran-Marszak,
                                      Fanny; Stalika, Evaggelia;
                                      ABRISQUETA COSTA,
                                      PAU; Durechova, Kristina;
                                      Papaioannou, George;
                                      Eclache, Virginie; Dimou,
                                      Maria; Iliakis, Theodoros;
                                      Collado, Rosa; Doubek,
            Cytogenetic               Michael; Calasanz, M Jose;
            complexity in             Ruiz-Xiville, Neus; Moreno,
            chronic                   Carolina; Jarosova, Marie;
            lymphocytic               Leeksma, Alexander C;
            leukemia:                 Panayiotidis, Panayiotis;
            definitions,              Podgornik, Helena;
            associations,             Cymbalista, Florence;
14/03/201   and clinical              Anagnostopoulos, Achilles;
9           impact.         Article   Trentin, Livio; Stavroyianni,   BLOOD   16,562

Niki; Davi, Fred; Ghia,
                                       Paolo; Kater, Arnon P;
                                       Cuneo, Antonio;
                                       Pospisilova, Sarka; Espinet,
                                       Blanca; Athanasiadou,
                                       Anastasia; Oscier, David;
                                       Haferlach, Claudia;
                                       Stamatopoulos, Kostas
                                       Fizazi, Karim; Shore, Neal;
                                       Tammela, Teuvo L; Ulys,
                                       Albertas; Vjaters, Egils;
                                       Polyakov, Sergey; Jievaltas,
                                       Mindaugas; Luz, Murilo;
                                       Alekseev, Boris; Kuss, Iris;
                                       Kappeler, Christian; Snapir,
                                       Amir; Sarapohja, Toni;
                                       Smith, Matthew R; ARAMIS
                                       Investigators; Metrebian,
                                       Sergio; Montes de Oca, Luis
                                       Fernando; Richardet, Martin;
                                       Dowling, Anthony; Hovey,
                                       Elizabeth; Joshi, Abishek;
                                       Krieger, Laurence; Oliveira,
                                       Niara; Parnis, Francis;
                                       Meran, Johannes; Shariat,
                                       Shahrokh; Gedrevich,
                                       Zigmund; Polyakov, Sergey;
            Darolutamide               Forget, Frederic; Waltregny,
            in                         David; Werbrouck, Patrick;
            Nonmetastatic,             Wynendaele, Wim; Alves da
            Castration-                Silva, Bruno S; Andrade,
            Resistant                  Livia; Bastos, Diogo Assed;    NEW ENGLAND
28/03/201   Prostate                   Beato, Carlos Augusto;         JOURNAL OF
9           Cancer.          Article   Borges, Giuliano S; Cruz,      MEDICINE      70,670

Felipe J; De Arruda, Larissa
M; do Reis, Rodolfo; Eyll,
Brigitte M; Lago, Sergio;
Lazaretti, Nicolas; Luz,
Murilo; Mavignier Carcano,
Flavio; Murad, Andre
Marcio; Paula, Adriano P;
Pires, Luis A; Rios, Luis;
Silveira, Glauco C; Zereu,
Manuela; Mladenov, Dimitar;
Stamboliyski, Vesselin;
Chin, Joseph; Emmenegger,
Urban; Fleshner, Neil; Gotto,
Geoffrey; Jacobson, Avrum;
Jansz, Kenneth G;
Ouellette, Paul; Rendon,
Ricardo; Siemens, Robert;
Correa, Jose Jaime;
Lobaton Ramirez, Jose
Fernando; Rey, Milton
Salazar; Capoun, Otakar;
Heracek, Jiri; Jandeisek,
Jan; Krolupper, Marek;
Matouskova, Michaela;
Vseticka, Jaroslav; Pokker,
Helis; Hirvonen, Outi;
Marttila, Timo; Rannikko,
Antti; Tammela, Teuvo;
Azria, David; Azzouzi,
Cathelineau, Xavier; Coloby,
Patrick; Culine, Stephane;
de la Taille, Alexandre;
Dourthe, Louis-Marie;

Eymard, Jean-Christophe;
Fizazi, Karim; Mouillet,
Guillaume; Haillot, Olivier;
Helissey, Carole; Lagneau,
Edouard; Lebret, Thierry;
Mahammedi, Hakim; Pfister,
Christian; Rigaud, Jerome;
Rotarski, Maciej; Roubaud,
Guilhem; Ruffion, Alain;
Spaeth, Dominique; Tourani,
Jean-Marc; Vincendeau,
Sebastien; Banek, Severine;
Binder, Manfred; Bogemann,
Martin; Carl, Stefan;
Feyerabend, Susan;
Gleissner, Jochen;
Heinemann, Volker; Maier,
Simone; Niegisch, Guenter;
Rudolph, Robert; Schmitz-
Drager, Bernd; Schneider,
Tim; Schostak, Martin;
Stenzl, Arnuf; Stroelin,
Petra; Thomas, Christian;
Warnack, Wolfgang; Wiegl,
Armin; Wirth, Manfred; Ali,
Tarek; Arkosy, Peter; Beli,
Laszlo; Csoszi, Tibor;
Nyirady, Peter; Pajor,
Laszlo; Szabo, Attila;
Torzsok, Ferenc; Toth,
Zoltan; Grikshats, Eduard;
Aglietta, Massimo; Damiano,
Rocco; Facchini, Gaetano;
Gasparro, Donatello;

Mucciardi, Giuseppe; Natoli,
Clara; Sabbatini, Roberto;
Scagliotti, Giorgio V;
Schepisi, Giuseppe;
Serretta, Vincenzo; Anai,
Satoshi; Asano, Kosuke;
Ebara, Shin; Fukasawa,
Satoshi; Fukaya, Yasuo;
Hirata, Akio; Iinuma,
Masahiro; Kasuya, Yutaka;
Kato, Masashi; Kawakita,
Mutsushi; Kitamura, Hiroshi;
Kobayashi, Kazuki; Kondo,
Yukihiro; Masumori, Naoya;
Matsubara, Nobuaki;
Matsumoto, Hiroaki;
Matsushima, Hisashi; Miki,
Kenta; Mizusawa, Hiroya;
Momma, Tetsuo; Motoyama,
Daisuke; Miyagi, Tohru;
Nagata, Masayoshi;
Namima, Takashige;
Nishimatsu, Hiroaki;
Nishimura, Kazuo; Noguchi,
Masanori; Okegawa,
Takatsugu; Oya, Mototsugu;
Sakai, Hideki; Shin,
Toshitaka; Suzuki, Kazuhiro;
Tabata, Kenichi; Takamoto,
Atsushi; Tamada, Satoshi;
Tobe, Toyofusa; Tsurusaki,
Toshifumi; Uemura, Hiroji;
Uemura, Hirotsugu;
Ukimura, Osamu;

Yamaguchi, Seiji; Buldinskis,
Guntis; Hublarovs, Olegs;
Laukmanis, Alvis; Lietuvietis,
Vilnis; Litavniece, Dzintra;
Vjaters, Egils; Auskalnis,
Stasys; Jievaltas,
Mindaugas; Ramonas,
Henrikas; Ulys, Albertas;
Venckus, Raimundas; Abrill
Mendoza, Giovanna
Victoria; Alarcon-Rozas,
Ashley Efrain; Aleman
Polanco, Diana Sofia; Philco
Salas, Manuel Jesus;
Badzio, Andrzej; Kmieciak,
Rafal; Majek, Antoni;
Marcheluk, Adam; Mruk,
Andrzej; Niezabitowski,
Jacek; Senkus-Konefka,
Elzbieta; Nyk, Lukasz;
Skoneczna, Iwona A;
Wiechno, Pawel; Campos
Pinheiro, Luis; Faustino,
Ilda; Fonseca, Jorge; Lima,
Estevao; Marialva, Celso;
Mauricio, Joaquina; Pina,
Francisco; Prisco, Rui;
Rodrigues, Tania; Silva,
Eduardo; Bumbu,
Gheorghe; Cauni, Victor;
Cebotaru, Cristina L;
Chibelean, Bogdan Calin;
Dinu, Marius; Ghizdavescu,
Gabriel Doru; Harza, Mihai;

Jinga, Viorel; Lungulescu,
Dan S; Schenker, Michael;
Al-Shukri, Salman H;
Alekseev, Boris; Alyasova,
Anna; Apolikhin, Oleg;
Buiniakova, Anna; Dykhno,
Yury; Fomkin, Roman;
Ivanov, Sergey;
Khvorostenko, Denis;
Kogan, Mikhail; Kopyltsov,
Evgeny; Lykov, Alexander;
Pimenov, Igor; Rodicheva,
Natalia; Safina, Sufia Z;
Semenov, Andrey; Shirinkin,
Vadim B; Vladimirov,
Vladimir; Zavyalov, Mikhail;
Filipovic, Zoran; Stojanovic,
Vesna; Breza, Jan;
Goncalves, Frederico;
Sokol, Roman; Ackermann,
Hilgard; Coetzee, Lance;
Harris, Jill K; Kraus, Peter;
Lazarus, John; Chung,
Byung Ha; Hong, Sung
Joon; Kang, Taek Won; Kim,
Choung-Soo; Kim, Chun Il;
Kim, Saewoong; Kim, Wun-
Jae; Kwak, Cheol; Kwon,
Tae-Gyun; Seo, Seong Il;
Yoon, Sang Jin; Alvarez-
Ossorio, Jose; Benejam,
Jose Maria; CARLES
Nebra, Francisco Javier;

Garcio-Rojo, Dario; Garde
Noguera, Javier; Gomez
Veiga, Francisco; Gomez-
Ferrer, Alvaro; Gonzalez Del
Alba, Aranzazu; Gonzalez
Enguita, Carmen;
Hernandez Fernandez,
Carlos; Guijarro Gil, Jesus;
Juarez, Alvaro; Jurado, Jose
Miguel; Llorente Abarca,
Carlos; Loizaga, Ana;
Medina Lopez, Rafael
Antonio; Mendez Vidal,
Maria Jose; Pinto Marin,
Alvaro; Puente Vazquez,
Javier; Ribal Caparros,
Maria Jose; Rodriguez
Antolin, Alfredo; Saez
Medina, Maribel; Suarez,
Jose F; Virizuela, Juan
Antonio; Andren, Ove;
Damber, Jan-Erik;
Haggman, Michael;
Hellstrom, Magnus; Chen,
Chung-Hsin; Huang, Shu-
Pin; Pang, See-Tong; Wu,
Tong-Lin; Yang, Cheng-
Kuang; Esen, Adil;
Muezzinoglu, Talha; Ozyurt,
Ceyhun; Sozen, Tevfik
Sinan; Yildirim, Asif;
Adamchuk, Hryhoriy;
Antonyan, Igor;
Bondarenko, Ihor;

Grygorenko, Viacheslav;
Ivashchenko, Petro; Rusyn,
Andriy; Sagan, Olexiy;
Zaitsev, Valerii; Beesley,
Sharon; Beresford, Mark;
Birtle, Alison; Bryan,
Nicolas; Dixit, Sanjay;
Jones, Robert; Kanaga
Sundaram, Subramanian;
Koh, Pek; Kynaston,
Howard; Madaan, Sanjeev;
Ng, Yeung; Rogers, Paul;
Syndikus, Isabel; Vengalil,
Salil; Agamah, Edem;
Albany, Costantine; Aragon-
Ching, Jeanny; Aronson,
William J; Bailen, James;
Belkoff, Laurence;
Bernstein, Guy; Bidair,
Mohamed; Bowles, Daniel
W; Brown, Gordon; Cinman,
Arnold; Clark, Randil L;
Clark, William; Cohen, Todd;
Cookson, Michael;
Deguenther, Mark; El Ayass,
Walid; Brede, Christopher
M; Franks, Michael; Gabrail,
Nashat Y; Gartrell,
Benjamin; Given, Robert W;
Karsh, Lawrence; Koletsky,
Alan; Korman, Howard;
Martin, Benjamin; Matrana,
Marc; Merrick, Gregory;
Millard, Frederick E; Morris,

David; Moss, Robert A;
                                      Nordquist, Luke; Ornstein,
                                      Moshe; Patel, Kalpesh;
                                      Pieczonka, Christopher;
                                      Pliskin, Marc J; Rivera,
                                      Inoel; Rosenberg, Steven J;
                                      Schwab, William C; Sharifi,
                                      Roohollah; Shevrin, Daniel;
                                      Shore, Neal; Smith,
                                      Matthew; Taksey, Jason;
                                      Tebyani, Neyssan; Thara,
                                      Eddie; Tolia, Bhupendra M;
                                      Trainer, Andrew F; Tutrone,
                                      Ronald F; Wertheim,
                                      Michael S
            Effect of
            Plus Modified             Fernández-Martos, Carlos;
            FOLFOX6                   Pericay, Carles; Losa,
            Induction                 Ferran; García-Carbonero,
            Chemotherapy              Rocio; Layos, Laura;
            Before                    Rodríguez-Salas, Nuria;
            Standard                  Martin-Richard, Marta;
            Chemoradioth              Alonso-Orduña, Vicente;
            erapy and                 Vera, Ruth; Gallego, Javier;
            Surgery in                CAPDEVILA CASTILLON,
            Patients With             JAUME; Salud, Antonieta;
            High-Risk                 Nogué, Miquel; Maurel,
            Rectal                    Joan; Guash, Inmaculada;
            Adenocarcino              Montagut, Clara; Lopez,
            ma: The                   Carlos; Macias, Ismael;
01/01/201   GEMCAD                    Jain, Rakesh K; Garcia-
9           1402            Article   Albeniz, Xabier                JAMA oncology   22,416

            Clinical Trial.
                                        Kopetz, Scott; Grothey, Axel;
                                        Yaeger, Rona; Van Cutsem,
                                        Eric; Desai, Jayesh;
                                        Yoshino, Takayuki; Wasan,
                                        Harpreet; Ciardiello,
                                        Fortunato; Loupakis, Fotios;
                                        Hong, Yong Sang; Steeghs,
                                        Neeltje; Guren, Tormod K;
                                        Arkenau, Hendrik-Tobias;
                                        Garcia-Alfonso, Pilar;
                                        Pfeiffer, Per; Orlov, Sergey;
                                        Lonardi, Sara; ELEZ
                                        FERNANDEZ, MARIA
                                        ELENA; Kim, Tae-Won;
                                        Schellens, Jan H M; Guo,
                                        Christina; Krishnan, Asha;
                                        Dekervel, Jeroen; Morris,
                                        Van; Calvo Ferrandiz,
                                        Aitana; Tarpgaard, L S;
            Encorafenib,                Braun, Michael; Gollerkeri,
            Binimetinib,                Ashwin; Keir, Christopher;
            and Cetuximab               Maharry, Kati; Pickard,
            in BRAF                     Michael; Christy-Bittel,
            V600E-                      Janna; Anderson, Lisa;
            Mutated                     Sandor, Victor;                 NEW ENGLAND
24/10/201   Colorectal                  TABERNERO CATURLA,              JOURNAL OF
9           Cancer            Article   JOSEP                           MEDICINE        70,670
            Epigenetic loss             Janin, Maxime; Ortiz-
            of RNA-                     Barahona, Vanessa; de
            methyltransfer              Moura, Manuel Castro;           ACTA
01/12/201   ase NSUN5 in                Martínez-Cardús, Anna;          NEUROPATHOLOG
9           glioma targets    Article   Llinàs-Arias, Pere; Soler,      ICA             18,174

ribosomes to     Marta; Nachmani, Daphna;
drive a stress   Pelletier, Joffrey; Schumann,
adaptive         Ulrike; Calleja-Cervantes,
translational    Maria E; Moran, Sebastian;
program          Guil, Sonia; Bueno-Costa,
                 Alberto; Piñeyro, David;
                 Perez-Salvia, Montserrat;
                 Rosselló-Tortella, Margalida;
                 Piqué, Laia; Bech-Serra,
                 Joan J; De La Torre,
                 Carolina; Vidal, August;
                 Martínez-Iniesta, María;
                 Martín-Tejera, Juan F;
                 Villanueva, Alberto; ARIAS
                 PIÑEIRO, ALEXANDRA;
                 CUARTAS MAZA, Mª
                 ISABEL; Aransay, Ana M; La
                 Madrid, Andres Morales;
                 Carcaboso, Angel M; Santa-
                 Maria, Vicente; Mora,
                 Jaume; Fernandez, Agustin
                 F; Fraga, Mario F; Aldecoa,
                 Iban; Pedrosa, Leire; Graus,
                 Francesc; Vidal, Noemi;
                 Martínez-Soler, Fina;
                 Tortosa, Avelina; Carrato,
                 Cristina; Balañá, Carme;
                 Boudreau, Matthew W;
                 Hergenrother, Paul J; Kötter,
                 Peter; Entian, Karl-Dieter;
                 Hench, Jürgen; Frank,
                 Stephan; Mansouri, Sheila;
                 Zadeh, Gelareh; Dans,
                 Pablo D; Orozco, Modesto;

Thomas, George; Blanco,
                                       Sandra; SEOANE SUAREZ,
                                       JOAN; Preiss, Thomas;
                                       Pandolfi, Pier Paolo;
                                       Esteller, Manel
                                       Loriot, Yohann; Necchi,
                                       Andrea; Park, Se Hoon;
                                       Garcia-Donas, Jesus;
                                       Huddart, Robert; Burgess,
                                       Earle; Fleming, Mark;
                                       Rezazadeh, Arash; Mellado,
                                       Begoña; Varlamov, Sergey;
                                       Joshi, Monika; Duran,
                                       Ignacio; Tagawa, Scott T;
                                       Zakharia, Yousef; Zhong,
                                       Bob; Stuyckens, Kim;
                                       Santiago-Walker, Ademi; De
                                       Porre, Peter; O'Hagan,
                                       Anne; Avadhani, Anjali;
                                       Siefker-Radtke, Arlene O;
                                       BLC2001 Study Group;
                                       Loidl, Wolfgang; Meran,
                                       Johannes; Shariat,
                                       Shahrokh; Stöger, Herbert;
                                       Decaestecker, Karel; Dirix,
                                       Luc; Machiels, Jean Pascal;
                                       Schatteman, Peter;
                                       Verschaeve, Vincent;
            Erdafitinib in             Borchiellini, Delphine;
            Locally                    Culine, Stephane; Delva,
            Advanced or                Remy; Flechon, Aude;
            Metastatic                 Gross Goupil, Marine;         NEW ENGLAND
25/07/201   Urothelial                 Houédé, Nadine; Joly,         JOURNAL OF
9           Carcinoma.       Article   Florence; Loriot, Yohann;     MEDICINE      70,670

Rolland, Frederic; Théodore,
Christine; Vano, Yann;
Zanetta, Sylvie; Bögemann,
Martin; Goebell, Peter;
Hadaschik, Boris; Imkamp,
Florian; Klotz, Theodor;
Krege, Susanne; Manos,
Dimitrios; May, Matthias;
Retz, Margitta; Schultze-
Seemann, Wolfgang;
Strauss, Arne; Wülfing,
Christian; Zimmermann,
Uwe; Gez, Eliahu; Keizman,
Daniel; Peer, Avivit;
Rosenbaum, Eli; Rouvinov,
Keren; Sella, Avishai; Airoldi,
Mario; Barone, Carlo;
Basso, Umberto; Berardi,
Rossana; Bracarda, Sergio;
Cortesi, Enrico; De Giorgi,
Ugo; Facchini, Gaetano;
Galli, Luca; Gasparro,
Donatello; Mosca,
Alessandra; Necchi, Andrea;
Santoro, Armando;
Scagliotti, Giorgio;
Sternberg, Cora Nanette;
Lee, Hyo Jin; Lee, Jae-Lyun;
Park, Se Hoon; Rha, Sun
Young; Seo, Ho Kyung;
Shin, Dong Bok; Bulat, Iurie;
Cebotaru, Cristina; Jinga,
Viorel; Lungulescu, Dan;
Marinca, Mihai; Alexeev,

Boris; Izmailov, Adel;
Khvorostenko, Denis;
Kopyltsov, Eugeniy;
Matveev, Vsevolod;
Shkolnik, Mikhail; Varlamov,
Sergey; Vladimirov,
Vladimir; Arranz, José
Ignacio; Font, Albert; Garcia-
Donas, Jesus; Mellado,
Begoña; Moreno, Victor;
Perez Gracia, Jose Luis;
Pinto, Alvaro; Saez, Maribel;
Lin, Chia Chi; Ou, Yen
Chuan; Pang, See Tong; Su,
Wen Pin; Gibbs, Stephanie;
Huddart, Robert; Hussain,
Syed; Niblock, Patrick;
Parikh, Omi; Pascoe, Sarah;
Sarwar, Naveed; Burgess,
Earle; Burke, John; Chamie,
Karim; Dawson, Nancy;
Doshi, Gurjyot; Fleming,
Mark; Hainsworth, John;
Jain, Sharad; Joshi, Monika;
Larson, Tim; McIntyre, Kristi;
O'Donnell, Peter; Pan,
Chong-Xian; Parikh, Rahul;
Rezazadeh, Arash; Savage,
Alison; Schnadig, Ian;
Shore, Neal; Siefker-Radtke,
Arlene; Srinivas, Sandy;

Tagawa, Scott; Vogelzang,
                                        Nicholas; Zakharia, Yousef
                                        Cherny, Nathan I;
            ESMO-MCBS:                  TABERNERO CATURLA,
01/04/201   setting the                 JOSEP; de Vries, Elisabeth       LANCET
9           record straight   Letter    GE                               ONCOLOGY    35,386
                                        Kim, Richard D; Sarker,
                                        Debashis; Meyer, Tim; Yau,
                                        Thomas; MACARULLA
                                        MERCADE, TERESA; Park,
                                        Joong-Won; Choo, Su Pin;
                                        Hollebecque, Antoine; Sung,
                                        Max W; Lim, Ho-Yeong;
                                        Mazzaferro, Vincenzo;
                                        Trojan, Joerg; Zhu, Andrew
                                        X; Yoon, Jung-Hwan;
                                        Sharma, Sunil; Lin, Zhong-
                                        Zhe; Chan, Stephen L;
                                        Faivre, Sandrine; Feun,
                                        Lynn G; Yen, Chia-Jui;
            First-in-Human              Dufour, Jean-Francois;
            Phase I Study               Palmer, Daniel H; Llovet,
            of Fisogatinib              Josep M; Manoogian,
            (BLU-554)                   Melissa; Tugnait, Meera;
            Validates                   Stransky, Nicolas; Hagel,
            Aberrant                    Margit; Kohl, Nancy E;
            FGF19                       Lengauer, Christoph;
            Signaling as a              Sherwin, Cori Ann; Schmidt-
            Driver Event in             Kittler, Oleg; Hoeflich, Klaus
01/12/201   Hepatocellular              P; Shi, Hongliang; Wolf,         CANCER
9           Carcinoma         Article   Beni B; Kang, Yoon-Koo           DISCOVERY   26,370
            Five-Year                   Garon, Edward B; Hellmann, JOURNAL OF
01/10/201   Overall                     Matthew D; Rizvi, Naiyer A;      CLINICAL
9           Survival for      Article   Carcereny, Enric; Leighl,        ONCOLOGY    28,245

Patients With               Natasha B; Ahn, Myung-Ju;
            Advanced                    Eder, Joseph Paul;
            Non-Small-Cell              Balmanoukian, Ani S;
            Lung Cancer                 Aggarwal, Charu; Horn,
            Treated With                Leora; Patnaik, Amita;
            Pembrolizuma                Gubens, Matthew;
            b: Results                  Ramalingam, Suresh S;
            From the                    FELIP FONT, ENRIQUETA;
            Phase I                     Goldman, Jonathan W;
            KEYNOTE-                    Scalzo, Cathie; Jensen,
            001 Study                   Erin; Kush, Debra A; Hui,
                                        Schmid, Peter; Zaiss,
                                        Matthias; Harper-Wynne,
                                        Catherine; Ferreira, Marta;
                                        Dubey, Sidharth; Chan,
            Fulvestrant                 Stephen; Makris, Andreas;
            Plus                        Nemsadze, Gia; Brunt,
            Vistusertib vs              Adrian M; Kuemmel,
            Fulvestrant                 Sherko; Ruiz, Isabel;
            Plus                        Perelló, Antonia; Kendall,
            Everolimus vs               Anne; Brown, Janet;
            Fulvestrant                 Kristeleit, Hartmut;
            Alone for                   Conibear, John; SAURA
            Women With                  MANICH, CRISTINA;
            Hormone                     Grenier, Julien; Máhr,
            Receptor-                   Károly; Schenker, Michael;
            Positive                    Sohn, Joohyuk; Lee, Keun
            Metastatic                  Seok; Shepherd,
            Breast Cancer:              Christopher J; Oelmann,
            The MANTA                   Elisabeth; Sarker, Shah-
            Phase 2                     Jalal; Prendergast, Aaron;
01/01/201   Randomized                  Marosics, Patricia; Moosa,
9           Clinical Trial.   Article   Atiyyah; Lawrence, Cheryl;    JAMA oncology   22,416

Coetzee, Carike; Mousa,
                                        Kelly; CORTES CASTAN,
                                        Zafeiriou, Zafeiris; Bianchini,
                                        Diletta; Chandler, Robert;
                                        Rescigno, Pasquale; Yuan,
            Genomic                     Wei; Carreira, Suzanne;
            Analysis of                 Barrero, Maialen;
            Three                       Petremolo, Antonella;
            Metastatic                  Miranda, Susana; Riisnaes,
            Prostate                    Ruth; Rodrigues, Daniel
            Cancer                      Nava; Gurel, Bora;
            Patients with               Sumanasuriya, Semini;
            Exceptional                 Paschalis, Alec; Sharp,
            Responses to                Adam; MATEO
            Carboplatin                 VALDERRAMA, JOAQUIN;
            Indicating                  Tunariu, Nina; Chinnaiyan,
            Different Types             Arul M; Pritchard, Colin C;
01/01/201   of DNA Repair               Kelly, Kevin; de Bono,            EUROPEAN
9           Deficiency        Article   Johann S                          UROLOGY    17,298
                                        RODON AHNERT, JORDI;
                                        Soria, Jean-Charles; Berger,
                                        Raanan; Miller, Wilson H;
                                        Rubin, Eitan; Kugel,
                                        Aleksandra; Tsimberidou,
                                        Apostolia; Saintigny, Pierre;
            Genomic and                 Ackerstein, Aliza; BRAÑA
            transcriptomic              GARCIA, IRENE; Loriot,
            profiling                   Yohann; Afshar,
            expands                     Mohammad; Miller, Vincent;
            precision                   Wunder, Fanny; Bresson,
            cancer                      Catherine; Martini, Jean-
01/05/201   medicine: the               François; Raynaud,                NATURE
9           WINTHER trial Article       Jacques; Mendelsohn,              MEDICINE   30,641

John; Batist, Gerald; Onn,
                                        Amir; TABERNERO
                                        CATURLA, JOSEP;
                                        Schilsky, Richard L; Lazar,
                                        Vladimir; Lee, J Jack;
                                        Kurzrock, Razelle
                                        Page, Elizabeth C; Bancroft,
                                        Elizabeth K; Brook, Mark N;
                                        Assel, Melissa; Hassan Al
                                        Battat, Mona; Thomas,
                                        Sarah; Taylor, Natalie;
                                        Chamberlain, Anthony;
                                        Pope, Jennifer; Raghallaigh,
                                        Holly Ni; Evans, D Gareth;
                                        Rothwell, Jeanette; Maehle,
                                        Lovise; Grindedal, Eli Marie;
                                        James, Paul; Mascarenhas,
                                        Lyon; McKinley, Joanne;
                                        Side, Lucy; Thomas, Tessy;
                                        van Asperen, Christi; Vasen,
                                        Hans; Kiemeney, Lambertus
                                        A; Ringelberg, Janneke;
            Interim Results             Jensen, Thomas Dyrsø;
            from the                    Osther, Palle J S; Helfand,
            IMPACT                      Brian T; Genova, Elena;
            Study:                      Oldenburg, Rogier A;
            Evidence for                Cybulski, Cezary;
            Prostate-                   Wokolorczyk, Dominika;
            specific                    Ong, Kai-Ren; Huber,
            Antigen                     Camilla; Lam, Jimmy; Taylor,
            Screening in                Louise; Salinas, Monica;
            BRCA2                       Feliubadaló, Lidia;
01/12/201   Mutation                    Oosterwijk, Jan C; van          EUROPEAN
9           Carriers.         Article   Zelst-Stams, Wendy; Cook,       UROLOGY    17,298

Jackie; Rosario, Derek J;
Domchek, Susan; Powers,
Jacquelyn; Buys, Saundra;
O'Toole, Karen; Ausems,
Margreet G E M;
Schmutzler, Rita K; Rhiem,
Kerstin; Izatt, Louise;
Tripathi, Vishakha; Teixeira,
Manuel R; Cardoso, Marta;
Foulkes, William D; Aprikian,
Armen; van Randeraad,
Heleen; Davidson,
Rosemarie; Longmuir, Mark;
Ruijs, Mariëlle W G;
Helderman van den Enden,
Apollonia T J M; Adank,
Muriel; Williams, Rachel;
Andrews, Lesley; Murphy,
Declan G; Halliday, Dorothy;
Walker, Lisa; Liljegren,
Annelie; Carlsson, Stefan;
Azzabi, Ashraf; Jobson,
Irene; Morton, Catherine;
Shackleton, Kylie; Snape,
Katie; Hanson, Helen;
Harris, Marion; Tischkowitz,
Marc; Taylor, Amy; Kirk,
Judy; Susman, Rachel;
Chen-Shtoyerman, Rakefet;
Spigelman, Allan; Pachter,
Nicholas; Ahmed, Munaza;
Ramon Y Cajal, Teresa;
Zgajnar, Janez; Brewer,
Carole; GADEA, NEUS;

Brady, Angela F; van Os,
Theo; Gallagher, David;
Johannsson, Oskar;
Donaldson, Alan; Barwell,
Julian; Nicolai, Nicola;
Friedman, Eitan; Obeid,
Elias; Greenhalgh, Lynn;
Murthy, Vedang; Copakova,
Lucia; Saya, Sibel; McGrath,
John; Cooke, Peter;
Rønlund, Karina;
Richardson, Kate;
Henderson, Alex; Teo, Soo
H; Arun, Banu; Kast, Karin;
Dias, Alexander; Aaronson,
Neil K; Ardern-Jones,
Audrey; Bangma, Chris H;
Castro, Elena; Dearnaley,
David; Eccles, Diana M;
Tricker, Karen; Eyfjord,
Jorunn; Falconer, Alison;
Foster, Christopher;
Gronberg, Henrik; Hamdy,
Freddie C; Stefansdottir,
Vigdis; Khoo, Vincent;
Lindeman, Geoffrey J;
Lubinski, Jan; Axcrona,
Karol; Mikropoulos,
Christos; Mitra, Anita;
Moynihan, Clare; Rennert,
Gadi; Suri, Mohnish; Wilson,
Penny; Dudderidge, Tim;
Collaborators; Offman,

Judith; Kote-Jarai, Zsofia;
                                         Vickers, Andrew; Lilja, Hans;
                                         Eeles, Rosalind A
                                         Etxeberria, Iñaki; Bolaños,
                                         Elixabet; Quetglas, Jose I;
                                         GROS VIDAL, ALENA;
                                         Villanueva, Alberto;
                                         Palomero, Jara; Sánchez-
                                         Paulete, Alfonso R; Piulats,
                                         Jose María; Matias-Guiu,
                                         Xavier; Olivera, Irene;
                                         Ochoa, Maria C; Labiano,
                                         Sara; Garasa, Saray;
                                         Rodriguez, Inmaculada;
                                         Vidal, August; Mancheño,
            Intratumor                   Uxua; Hervás-Stubbs,
            Adoptive                     Sandra; Azpilikueta,
            Transfer of IL-              Arantza; Otano, Itziar;
            12 mRNA                      Aznar, M Angela;
            Transiently                  Sanmamed, Miguel F;
            Engineered                   Inogés, Susana; Berraondo,
09/12/201   Antitumor CD8                Pedro; Teijeira, Álvaro;
9           + T Cells.         Article   Melero, Ignacio                 CANCER CELL     23,916
                                         BEAULIEU, MARIE-EVE;
                                         JAUSET GONZALEZ,
                                         ANTONIO; MASSO
            Intrinsic cell-              VALLES, DANIEL;
            penetrating                  MARTINEZ MARTI,
            activity propels             SANDRA; Rahl, Peter;
            Omomyc from                  Maltais, Loïka; ZACARIAS
            proof of                     FLUCK, MARIANO
            concept to                   FEDERICO;                       SCIENCE
20/03/201   viable anti-                 CASACUBERTA SERRA,              TRANSLATIONAL
9           MYC therapy        Article   SILVIA; SERRANO DEL             MEDICINE        17,161

                                        Christopher; Foradada, Laia;
                                        Cano, Virginia Castillo;
                                        Sánchez-Hervás, Meritxell;
                                        Guenther, Matthew; Romero
                                        Sanz, Eduardo; Oteo, Marta;
                                        Tremblay, Cynthia; Martín,
                                        Génesis; Letourneau,
                                        Danny; Montagne, Martin;
                                        Morcillo Alonso, Miguel
                                        Ángel; WHITFIELD,
                                        JONATHAN RICHARD;
                                        Lavigne, Pierre; SOUCEK,
                                        Emens, Leisha A; CRUZ
            Long-term                   ZAMBRANO, CRISTINA;
            Clinical                    Eder, Joseph Paul; Braiteh,
            Outcomes and                Fadi; Chung, Cathie;
            Biomarker                   Tolaney, Sara M; Kuter,
            Analyses of                 Irene; Nanda, Rita; Cassier,
            Atezolizumab                Philippe A; Delord, Jean-
            Therapy for                 Pierre; Gordon, Michael S;
            Patients With               ElGabry, Ehab; Chang,
            Metastatic                  Ching-Wei; Sarkar, Indrani;
            Triple-Negative             Grossman, William; O'Hear,
            Breast Cancer               Carol; Fassò, Marcella;
01/01/201   A Phase 1                   Molinero, Luciana; Schmid,
9           Study             Article   Peter                            JAMA oncology   22,416
                                        Regev, Aviv; Zhang, Feng;
            Looking                     Jaffee, Elizabeth; Farrar,
            forward 25                  Jeremy; Nkengasong, John;
            years: the                  Topol, Eric; Partridge, Linda;
01/12/201   future of         News      Mundel, Trevor;                  NATURE
9           medicine          Item      TABERNERO CATURLA,               MEDICINE        30,641

JOSEP; Sabeti, Pardis;
                                      Toreele, Els
            Placebo After
            First-Line                Fennell, Dean A.; Baas,
            Chemotherapy              Paul; Taylor, Paul; Nowak,
            in Patients               Anna K.; Gilligan, David;
            With Merlin-              Nakano, Takashi; Pachter,
            Stratified                Jonathan A.; Weaver, David
            Pleural                   T.; Scherpereel, Arnaud;
            Mesothelioma:             Pavlakis, Nick; van
            COMMAND-A                 Meerbeeck, Jan P.;
            Double-Blind,             CEDRES PEREZ, SUSANA; JOURNAL OF
01/04/201   Randomized,               Nolan, Luke; Kindler, Hedy;   CLINICAL
9           Phase II Study Article    Aerts, Joachim G. J. V.       ONCOLOGY      28,245
                                      Golan, Talia; Hammel,
                                      Pascal; Reni, Michele; Van
                                      Cutsem, Eric; MACARULLA
                                      MERCADE, TERESA; Hall,
                                      Michael J; Park, Joon-Oh;
                                      Hochhauser, Daniel; Arnold,
                                      Dirk; Oh, Do-Youn;
            Maintenance               Reinacher-Schick, Anke;
            Olaparib for              Tortora, Giampaolo; Algül,
            Germline                  Hana; O'Reilly, Eileen M;
            BRCA-Mutated              McGuinness, David; Cui,
            Metastatic                Karen Y; Schlienger, Katia;   NEW ENGLAND
25/07/201   Pancreatic                Locker, Gershon Y; Kindler,   JOURNAL OF
9           Cancer          Article   Hedy L                        MEDICINE      70,670
            Managing                  MATEO VALDERRAMA,
01/02/201   Nonmetastatic   Revie     JOAQUIN; Fizazi, Karim;       EUROPEAN
9           Castration-     w         Gillessen, Silke;             UROLOGY       17,298

resistant                   Heidenreich, Axel; PEREZ
            Prostate                    LOPEZ, RAQUEL; Oyen,
            Cancer                      Wim J G; Shore, Neal;
                                        Smith, Matthew; Sweeney,
                                        Christopher; Tombal,
                                        Bertrand; Tomlins, Scott A;
                                        de Bono, Johann S
            ab Induces
            Remissions in
            Those Who
            Are Resistant
            to or Relapsing             Schuster, S.J.; Bartlett, N.L.;
            After Chimeric              Assouline, S.; Yoon, S.-S.;
            Antigen                     BOSCH ALBAREDA,
            Receptor T-                 FRANCESC; Sehn, L.H.;
            Cell (CAR-T)                Cheah, C.Y.; Shadman, M.;
            Therapies, and              Gregory, G.P.; Ku, M.; Wei,
            Is Active in                M.C.; Yin, S.; Kwan, A.;
            Treatment                   Yousefi, K.; Hernandez, G.;
01/01/201   through                     Li, C.-C.; O'Hear, C.; Budde,
9           Multiple Lines    Article   L.E.                              BLOOD        16,562
            Moving From                 Gourley, Charlie; BALMAÑA
            Poly (ADP-                  GELPI, JUDITH;
            Ribose)                     Ledermann, Jonathan A;            JOURNAL OF
01/09/201   Polymerase                  SERRA ELIZALDE,                   CLINICAL
9           Inhibition to     Article   VIOLETA; Dent, Rebecca;           ONCOLOGY     28,245

Targeting DNA                Loibl, Sibylle; Pujade-
            Repair and                   Lauraine, Eric; Boulton,
            DNA Damage                   Simon J
            Response in
                                         Bonvalot, Sylvie; Rutkowski,
                                         Piotr L; Thariat, Juliette;
                                         Carrère, Sébastien;
                                         Ducassou, Anne; Sunyach,
                                         Marie-Pierre; Agoston,
                                         Peter; Hong, Angela;
                                         Mervoyer, Augustin;
                                         Rastrelli, Marco; Moreno,
                                         Victor; Li, Rubi K; Tiangco,
            NBTXR3, a                    Béatrice; Herraez, Antonio
            first-in-class               Casado; Gronchi,
            radioenhancer                Alessandro; Mangel, László;
            hafnium oxide                Sy-Ortin, Teresa;
            nanoparticle,                Hohenberger, Peter; de
            plus                         Baère, Thierry; Le Cesne,
            radiotherapy                 Axel; Helfre, Sylvie; Saada-
            versus                       Bouzid, Esma; Borkowska,
            radiotherapy                 Aneta; Anghel, Rodica; Co,
            alone in                     Ann; Gebhart, Michael;
            patients with                Kantor, Guy; Montero,
            locally                      Angel; Loong, Herbert H;
            advanced soft-               VERGES CAPDEVILA,
            tissue sarcoma               RAMONA; Lapeire, Lore;
            (Act. In. Sarc):             Dema, Sorin; Kacso,
            a multicentre,               Gabriel; Austen, Lyn;
            phase 2-3,                   Moureau-Zabotto, Laurence;
01/08/201   randomised,                  Servois, Vincent;              LANCET
9           controlled trial   Article   Wardelmann, Eva; Terrier,      ONCOLOGY   35,386

Philippe; Lazar, Alexander J;
                                        Bovée, Judith V M G; Le
                                        Péchoux, Cécile; Papai,
                                        Scagliotti, Giorgio V; Gaafar,
                                        Rabab; Nowak, Anna K;
            Nintedanib in               Nakano, Takashi; van
            combination                 Meerbeeck, Jan; Popat,
            with                        Sanjay; Vogelzang, Nicholas
            pemetrexed                  J; Grosso, Federica;
            and cisplatin               Aboelhassan, Rasha;
            for                         Jakopovic, Marko; Ceresoli,
            chemotherapy-               Giovanni L; Taylor, Paul;
            naive patients              Orlandi, Francisco; Fennell,
            with advanced               Dean A; Novello, Silvia;
            malignant                   Scherpereel, Arnaud;
            pleural                     Kuribayashi, Kozo;
            mesothelioma                CEDRES PEREZ, SUSANA;
            (LUME-Meso):                Sørensen, Jens Benn;
            a double-blind,             Pavlakis, Nick; Reck, Martin;
            randomised,                 Velema, Derek; von
            placebo-                    Wangenheim, Ute; Kim,            LANCET
01/07/201   controlled                  Miyoung; Barrueco, José;         RESPIRATORY
9           phase 3 trial     Article   Tsao, Anne S                     MEDICINE      22,992
                                        González-Martín, Antonio;
                                        Pothuri, Bhavana; Vergote,
                                        Ignace; DePont
            Niraparib in                Christensen, René; Graybill,
            Patients with               Whitney; Mirza, Mansoor R;
            Newly                       McCormick, Colleen;
            Diagnosed                   Lorusso, Domenica;
            Advanced                    Hoskins, Paul; Freyer,           NEW ENGLAND
19/12/201   Ovarian                     Gilles; Baumann, Klaus;          JOURNAL OF
9           Cancer.           Article   Jardon, Kris; Redondo,           MEDICINE      70,670

Andrés; Moore, Richard G;
Vulsteke, Christof;
O'Cearbhaill, Roisin E;
Lund, Bente; Backes, Floor;
Barretina-Ginesta, Pilar;
Haggerty, Ashley F; Rubio-
Pérez, Maria J; Shahin,
Mark S; Mangili, Giorgia;
Bradley, William H; Bruchim,
Ilan; Sun, Kaiming;
Malinowska, Izabela A; Li,
Yong; Gupta, Divya; Monk,
Investigators; Baurain, Jean-
Francois; Denys, Hannelore;
Honhon, Brigitte; Van Den
Bulck, Heidi; Han, Sileny;
Joosens, Eric; Vuylsteke,
Peter; Forget, Frederic;
Lamot, Caroline; Martinez
Mena, Corina; Peen, Ulla;
Knudsen, Anja; Maenpaa,
Johanna; Hietanen, Sakari;
Anttila, Maarit; Puistola,
Ulla; Fabbro, Michel;
Follana, Philippe; Selle,
Frederic; Joly-Lobbedez,
Florence; De La Motte
Rouge, Thibault; Berton-
Rigaud, Dominique; Abadie
Lacourtoisie, Sophie; Braicu,
Ioana; Hanf, Volker; Heitz,
Florian; Marme, Frederik;

Schneeweiss, Andreas;
Burges, Alexander;
Schmalfeldt, Barbara;
Emons, Gunter; Calvert,
Paula M; Korach, Jacob;
Levy, Talia; Amit, Amnon;
Safra, Tamar; Artioli, Grazia;
Raspagliesi, Francesco;
Pisano, Carmela; De
Placido, Sabino; Sabbatini,
Roberto; Valabrega, Giorgio;
Eva; Churruca, Cristina;
Bratos, Raquel; Perez, Jose;
Romero, Ignacio; Tusquets,
Ignacio; Gaba Garcia, Lydia;
Gil Martin, Marta; Calvo-
Garcia, Elisa; Manso
Sanchez, Luis; Fuentes
Pradera, Jose; Sanchez-
Heras, Ana; Yubero,
Alfonso; Romeo-Marin,
Margarita; Hellman, Kristina;
Tholander, Bengt; Cibula,
David; Rob, Lukas;
Berezovskiy, Denis;
Karthaus, Meinolf; Poka,
Robert; Pinter, Tamas;
Donnellan, Paul; Meirovitz,
Mihai; Dorum, Anne; Madry,
Radoslaw; Sikorska,
Magdalena; Podlodowska,
Justyna; Imesch, Patrick;

Heinzelmann, Viola;
Rabaglio, Manuela; Krell,
Jon; Mcgrane, John; Badea,
Doina; Bhana, Rajanee;
Chau, Caroline; Bowen,
Rebecca; Gourley, Charlie;
Forrest, Jenny; Glasspool,
Ros; Holman, Laura;
Memarzadeh, Sanaz; Gold,
Michael; Bender, David;
Yap, Oi Wah Stephanie;
Barter, James; Callahan,
Michael; Chen, Lee-May;
Myers, Tashanna;
Disilvestro, Paul; O'Malley,
David; Ratner, Elena; Rojas,
Luis; Ghamande, Sharad;
Chalas, Eva; Chambers,
Setsuko; Zarwan, Corrine;
Chan, John; Perry, LaToya;
Zhuo, Ying; ElSahwi, Karim;
Gajewski, Walter; Lesnock,
Jamie; Moore, David Harry;
Yost, Kathleen; Wade,
Katrina; Lewin, Sharyn;
Burke, James; Rose, Peter;
Werner, Theresa; Bergman,
Melanie; Van Le, Linda;
Slomovitz, Brian; Brown,
Amy; Press, Josh; Braly,
Patricia; Keck, Sara; Colon-
Otero, Gerardo; Lee, Arielle;
Sharma, Sudarsham;
Cloven, Noelle; Bailey,

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