Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

Page created by Terrence Gregory
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...
JULY 2020 – JUNE 2021
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...
The Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and
Response (CHSCPR) is a collaboration of healthcare organizations
and providers, the public health department, and community
partners working together to care for our community before,
during and after an emergency.

The City of Chicago is one of four directly funded local municipalities by the Assistant Secretary for
Preparedness and Response (ASPR). CHSCPR is the only healthcare coalition (HCC) for the City of Chicago
and EMS Region 11 that is funded by the Chicago Department of Public Health. The other 10 EMS
Regions in Illinois, each with a local HCC, are funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   2
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                                                         CHAIRS

Public Health Chair                                                         Information Sharing
Chicago Department of Public Health                                         AMITA Health Saints Mary
                                                                            and Elizabeth Medical Center
Healthcare Chair
John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County                                Responder Safety and Health
                                                                            Roseland Community Hospital
Healthcare Vice Chair
Loretto Hospital                                                            Training and Exercise
                                                                            Advocate Trinity Hospital
Healthcare Past Chair
Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Regional Hospital Coordinating Center
Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center

At-Large Members
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of
The Clare

Emergency Medical Services
Chicago Fire Department

Fiduciary Agent
and Program Support
Illinois Health and
Hospital Association

Membership ....................................................... 4
Hospitals............................................................. 5
Healthcare Partners ........................................... 6
Training .............................................................. 8
Exercise .............................................................. 9
Information Sharing ......................................... 10
Emergency Operations Coordination............... 11
Medical Surge .................................................. 12
Responder Safety & Health .............................. 13
COVID-19 .......................................................... 14

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   3
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

Member organizations include but are not limited to the following Chicago healthcare and supporting
organizations: acute care, specialty and long-term acute care hospitals; public health; emergency
medical services; emergency management agency; long-term care facilities (LTC); dialysis centers;
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs); hospice; ambulatory surgery centers; mental health centers;
organ procurement organizations; and home health agencies.

        35 28 52 72
          Hospitals                             LTC                           Dialysis                           Other


          151   Meetings

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021                  4
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center                                Loretto Hospital
Advocate Trinity Hospital                                               Methodist Hospital of Chicago
AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center                                Mount Sinai Hospital
AMITA Health Saint Joseph Hospital                                      Northwestern Memorial Hospital
AMITA Health Saints Mary and Elizabeth                                  Provident Hospital of Cook County
Medical Center
                                                                        RML Chicago
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital
                                                                        Roseland Community Hospital
of Chicago
                                                                        Rush University Medical Center
Chicago Lakeshore Hospital
                                                                        Saint Anthony Hospital
Community First Medical Center
                                                                        Shirley Ryan Abilitylab
Hartgrove Behavioral Health System
                                                                        Shriners Hospitals for Children – Chicago
Holy Cross Hospital
                                                                        South Shore Hospital
Humboldt Park Health (previously known as
Norwegian American Hospital)                                            St. Bernard Hospital & Health Care Center
Insight Hospital & Medical Center (previously                           Swedish Hospital
known as Mercy Hospital & Medical Center)                               Thorek Memorial Hospital
Jackson Park Hospital & Medical Center                                  UChicago Medicine
Jesse Brown VA Medical Center                                           University of Illinois Hospital & Health
John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County                            Sciences System
Kindred Chicago Market                                                  Weiss Memorial Hospital
La Rabida Children’s Hospital

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Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

ACCESS Community Health Network                                         Continental Nursing and Rehab
Advance Home Health Care, Ltd.                                          Crown Home Health Agency, Inc.
AHS Family Health Center                                                DaVita
Alivio Medical Center                                                   Direct Home Healthcare, Inc.
Ambassador Nursing & Rehabilitation Center                              Distinct HealthCare
American Indian Health Service of Chicago, Inc.                         Empress Home Health
Angel Harvey Family Health Center of the Infant                         Erie Family Health Centers
Welfare Society of Chicago
                                                                        Esperanza Home Health Care, Inc.
Aperion Care, Inc.
                                                                        Excel Kidney Care
Apple Home Health Care
                                                                        Foster Health & Rehabilitation Center
Aspire Home Health
                                                                        Fresenius Kidney Care
Astra Health
                                                                        Good Health Home Care, Inc.
At HomeHealth, Inc.
                                                                        Good Shepherd Healthcare LLC
Autumn Green at Midway Village
                                                                        Great Paragon Healthcare Inc.
Barton Healthcare
                                                                        Greenview Place
Beacon Care Center
                                                                        Hamdard Health Alliance
Belmont Village Senior Living – Lincoln Park
                                                                        Hartwell Place
Belmont/Harlem Surgery Center, LLC
                                                                        Heartland Alliance Health
Best Home Healthcare Network
                                                                        Heartland Health Centers
Birchwood Plaza Nursing &
                                                                        Howard Brown Health
Rehabilitation Center
                                                                        iCare Home Health
Bryn Mawr Care
Cardio-Care Inc., Home Health Agency
                                                                        Lakefront Nursing and Rehab
Center Home for Hispanic Elderly
                                                                        Lakeview Home Dialysis
Central Healthcare, Inc.
                                                                        Lakeview Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Chalet Living and Rehab
                                                                        Lawndale Christian Health Center
Chicago Family Health Center
                                                                        Little Sisters of the Poor St. Mary's Home
Christian Community Health Center
                                                                        Loving Home Health Corporation
Circle Medical Management
                                                                        Maryville Children's Healthcare Center
Client Home Healthcare
                                                                        Midwest Kidney Center
Columbus Manor Residential Care Home
Comfort Care Home Health Care

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021          6
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

Nephron Dialysis Center                                                 The Admiral at the Lake
Nightengale of Chicago, Inc.                                            The Boulevard – The Road to Health and Home
NovaMed of Chicago Northshore                                           The Carlton Healthcare and
                                                                        Rehabilitation Centre
Oasis Hospice & Palliative Care
                                                                        The Clare
Peterson Park Health Care Center
                                                                        The Clayton
Premier Point Home Health
                                                                        The Danish Home of Chicago
Prestige Home Health Services, Inc.
                                                                        The Mosaic of Lakeshore
Rainbow Beach Care Center
                                                                        The Selfhelp Home, Inc.
River North Sameday Surgery
                                                                        The Surgery Center at 900 N Michigan
Saint Thomas Home Healthcare, Inc.
                                                                        Avenue, LLC
Select Home Care, Inc.
                                                                        U.S. Home Health Care, Inc.
Sidney Hillman Health Centre
                                                                        U.S. Renal Care
Smith Village
                                                                        Unity Hospice of Chicagoland
South Loop Endoscopy and Wellness Center
                                                                        Warren Barr Gold Coast
Southpoint Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
                                                                        Woodbridge Nursing Pavilion
St. Francis of Assisi Healthcare, Inc.
Symphony of Chicago West

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021           7
Accomplishments JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021 - Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for ...

Identifying and assessing the preparedness to respond to
an emergency by developing the necessary knowledge,
skills and abilities of HCC member’s workforce.

Courses Offered
Twenty-seven trainings were done over the course of the year
ranging a spectrum of competencies from pediatrics to incident
command and spanning care settings from hospitals to LTC and
dialysis centers.

Twenty healthcare providers, who direct/participate in the
management of respiratory and/or cardiovascular emergencies and
cardiopulmonary arrest in pediatric patients, took the Pediatric
Advanced Life Support (PALS) renewal courses that were offered
July - December.
                                                                                                      All Partner Meetings
                                                                                                      January: Dr. Wilnise Jasmin MD, MBA,
There were two basic incident command system trainings for those
                                                                                                      MPH, Medical Director of Behavioral
new to the world of emergency preparedness and/or who are                                             Health at CDPH presented survey results
expected to serve in an incident management/command capacity.                                         around opioid overdose related policies
                                                                                                      and procedures in emergency
This online training included the presentation of incident command                                    departments in Cook County and how
concepts to include unique nuances for healthcare organizations                                       CDPH is addressing the opioid epidemic
                                                                                                      during COVID.
such as various branches and positions involved in HAZMAT,
Medical-Technical Specialties, and Business Continuity. Thirty-two                                    March: Members of the Training and
partners took part in this training.                                                                  Exercise Committee provided a blueprint
                                                                                                      on how to create a COVID-19 AAR for
                                                                                                      accreditation bodies.
Hospitals, long-term care facilities and dialysis centers took part in
Juvare EMResource™ and EMTrack™ online training sessions. Basic                                       April: Members of the Training and
EMResource™ and EMTrack™ training included logging in,                                                Exercise Committee discussed how to
                                                                                                      prepare for an EMSC facility recognition
navigating, setting notification preferences, responding to events as                                 site survey.
well as basic patient entry. Advanced courses in EMResource™ and
                                                                                                      Presentations are on the Coalition’s
EMTrack™ taught users facility and resource management, forms,
reports, and user management. Over 140 partners attended the
trainings that were held in August, September, and June.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021                        8

Conducting coordinated exercises that highlight applicable
regulatory and compliance issues that assess the HCC’s
readiness by identifying resource needs and gaps before,
during, and after an emergency.

There were three table top exercises (TTX) held:

Healthcare Partners Active Assailant Recovery TTX: 133 healthcare partners from long-term care,
dialysis, home health and FQHC participated. They examined elements of post-incident
response/recovery from an active threat incident - coordination with public safety agencies, business
continuity, mental and behavioral health needs and messaging (internal and external).

Healthcare Partners Extreme Heat TTX: 54 healthcare partners from long-term care, dialysis, home
health and FQHC participated. Participants addressed a variety of considerations associated with
continuity of operations, information sharing, and the medical management of casualties in a
challenging extreme heat/power outage scenario.

Pediatric & Burn Surge TTX: 164 hospital partners participated. Key elements of the CHSCPR Medical
Surge annex were examined; specifically, the burn and pediatric surge elements. This was accomplished
through a robust discussion on the various steps and considerations for response within the context of a
scenario that focused on pediatric patients that experience a wide range of burn injuries.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   9

             The coordination and ability to conduct multijurisdictional,
             multidisciplinary exchange of public health and medical-
             related information and situational awareness between the
             healthcare system and partners.

                                                         Conducted 7 routine tests and drills of the STARCOM21 and HCRS
Communication                                            radios, which enhanced user base 24/7 capability and response rates
                                                         as redundant communication systems. Increased drill participation
Almost 250 emails were sent from
                                                         and exceeded an 80% response rate through monthly routine drills to HCC members
                                                         and regular follow up with all facilities that missed a drill.
and stakeholders. These emails provided
situational awareness (filming,
gatherings, protests, rallies, strikes,                  Ten radio repairs occurred between January 1 – June 30, 2021.
weather, etc.); COVID-19 updates, and
guidance/inquiries from ASPR, CDPH,                      Optimized functionality and usage of CHSCPR websites
IDPH, and CCDPH.                                         (, to bolster information
                                                         sharing, training, and redundant communication among HCC
There are over 700 contacts in the HCC                   members and partners.
distribution list.

                                                         Registered more than 50 healthcare coalition members and partners
                                                         for members-only access to, facilitating access to
                                                         emergency preparedness technical resources and for official use only
                                                         information. With that, removed over 100 users that are no longer a
                                                         part of the HCC.

                                                         The Coalition Communication Annex, which outlines each form of
                                                         emergency communication redundancies available, was updated and
                                                         presented to the HCC

             Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021    10

Developing processes for notification and information
exchange of healthcare delivery between relevant
response partners, stakeholders, and healthcare
organizations to determine immediate resource needs.

Resources are requested using the EMResource™ 213RR process for
hospitals and selected LTCFs or through the CDPH PHEOC email
( for those Chicago HCC partners
without access to EMResource™. The 213RR form can be accessed
through the Chicago HCC website, requested through the CDPH                                           A volunteer coordination team was
                                                                                                      announced to assist in the fulfillment of
PHEOC email, or found on EMResource™.
                                                                                                      medical volunteer requests. All requests
                                                                                                      made by Chicago-based agencies for
PPE requests are fulfilled based on facility consumption and                                          medical volunteers were directed to use
predicted burn rate. During the COVID-19 response, CDPH created a                                     the 213RR process. Facilities with access
                                                                                                      to 213RR sent requests directly to CDPH
process to organize 213RR data in order to support decision making
                                                                                                      for processing. Facilities without access to
and simplify searches. Line items were created with titles and codes
                                                                                                      or a familiarity with 213RR were
to easily distinguish between the resource categories, make terms                                     instructed to contact the CDPH PHEOC
easily searchable, and eliminate redundancy. Flow documents were                                      email address in order to submit requests,
also created to increase user understanding. This flow process                                        assess the exact volunteer needs, confirm
                                                                                                      proper paperwork, and to support the
continues to change due to factors such as burden of disease,
                                                                                                      agency’s set up of an organization.
inventory levels, changes in CDC and local and state guidance, etc.
An objective method of balancing ventilator requests was
developed that included the discrepancy between ventilators on
site (capacity) and ventilators in use with the difference being
availability. The COVID-19 inpatient ICU burden was also objectively utilized in this decision making
process. With this knowledge a multidisciplinary group, including a physician, pharmacist and advanced
practice nurse met daily to determine whether the requested ventilators and supplies could be fulfilled.
At no time did Chicago not have enough ventilators, but the process of distribution was based on data
provided during the daily HAvBED and COVID data requests in EMResource™.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021                        11

Assisting the Region 11 RHCC Chair in providing adequate
medical evaluation and care planning during incidents that
exceed the limits of the normal medical infrastructure
within the community.

Members of the Medical Surge Committee created the EDAP Survey Workgroup to present to the entire
Coalition, in order to prepare for upcoming Pediatric site survey and reviews.

The Medical Surge Committee collaborated to thoroughly review and update the Regional Medical
Operations Coordination Cell (RMOCC) Plan.

In previous grant years, many Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) Annexes were created. This year, the
committee deteremined three annexes and one committee to focus on in the coming grant year,
including: Evacuation Annex, Coalition Pediatric Annex, ConOps/Pandemic Annex, and the Behavioral
Health Committee. With that, EOP Site reviews for under 200 bed capacity hospitals were completed
this grant year.

Illinois Helps, the statewide Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health
Professionals (ESAR-VHP), allows volunteers to become part of a disaster alert system and respond to a
significant disaster or public health emergency. Volunteers in Chicago affiliate with the Chicago Medical
Reserve Corps (MRC). During the COVID-19 response, 310 Medical Volunteers and 364 Non-Medical
MRC volunteers provided over 5,092.50 hours of support to the vaccination effort.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   12

Developing, refining and sustaining strategies to provide
assistance to healthcare organizations with planning,
equipping or training to meet both decontamination and
pharmaceutical anticipated needs.

The HCC has developed a protocol to facilitate the replenishment of supplies to support hospital disaster
caches. Twenty-nine hospitals and healthcare partners participated in the disaster cache purchase
program where over $200,000 of bleeding control, evacuation, responder, pediatric, and
decontamination supplies were forward deployed.

The HCC maintains a centralized cache of medical supplies. As this was depleted during the COVID-19
response, PPE supplies totaling $171,000 were replenished.

Maintained 150+ ventilators in patient care readiness-state in cache and pre-deployed hospital
locations. In addition, COVID-19 funding allowed for the purchase of additional ventilators and high-flow
oxygen supplies.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   13

Coordinated deployment of supplies and equipment,
stabilized healthcare system by collaborating with
alternate care facilities and facilitated uniform situational
awareness with information sharing/response coordination
during response.

COVID-19 Workgroup: The COVID-19 Workgroup ensured that all deliverables were aligned with the
written work plan within the HPP ASPR-Grant COVID-19 funding. Deliverables included:

         Development of a COVID-19 ConOps Plan with the special pathogen facilities;

         Development and implementation of the Region 11 MOCC;

         Replenishment of PPE; and

         Implementation and piloting of the MIH Telemedicine proposal spearheaded by Emergency
          Medical Services (EMS) and piloted by UChicago Medicine.

Monthly CDPH Communicable Disease Update: CDPH provided workgroup members with monthly
communicable disease updates to provide awareness and updates pertaining to COVID and other
special pathogens.

ASPR Deliverables: In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Congress appropriated emergency
supplemental funding to support the urgent preparedness and response needs of hospitals, health
systems, and health care workers on the front lines of this pandemic. As part of this emergency
supplemental funding, ASPR provided $42,000,000 for the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)
cooperative agreement in which Chicago was awarded $2.9 million. This funding supports HCCs, EMS,
state/jurisdiction Ebola treatment centers, and other health care entities to prepare them to identify,
isolate, assess, transport, and treat patients with COVID-19 or persons under investigation (PUIs) for
COVID-19, and prepare those entities for future special pathogen disease outbreaks.

Regional Medical Operations Coordinating Cell (RMOCC) Plan: RHCC was tasked with developing a
coordinating cell plan. This plan was developed as a transportation plan to assist the Chicago Region 11
health care delivery system with a preparedness response plan should medical bed management and
surge become an issue within the region.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   14
CHSCPR COVID-19 ConOps Plan: Implemented a health care system ConOps for COVID-19 that captures
an all-of-healthcare approach where a multiplicity of facilities and provider types are contributing to the

Respiratory Workgroup: A sub-workgroup was developed under the COVID- 19 Workgroup called the
Respiratory Workgroup. Members of the Respiratory Workgroup, consisting of respiratory care
directors, managers, and educators, provided subject matter expertise. Representatives from John H.
Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, Rush University Medical Center, Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago participated in this sub-workgroup.

COVID-19 Supply Purchases: Purchases of supplies previously deployed and used during the height of

          o    Most utilized PPE used in COVID-19 response (safety glasses, Nitrile gloves, & 3M™ N95
               respirator masks, etc.)
          o    High Flow Oxygen Devices
                A survey was developed to ensure that the top used high flow device used and most
                   appropriate high flow device was purchased. This survey was sent to the City of Chicago
                       - Optiflow™ & Accessories
          o    Powered Air-Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)
                A survey was developed to gather insight regarding the top 2 PAPRs used to treat
                  COVID- 19 patients and persons under investigation.
                     - 3M™ Versaflo™ 300 & 600
          o    Fatality Management Supplies
                Body Bags
          o    Ventilators added to local cache
                Hamilton-C1 & Accessories
National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score (NEDOCS) and EMResource™
Integration/Interoperability Project: The implementation of the NEDOCS add-on within EMResource™
was developed and implemented by Juvare. The NEDOCS was implemented to support the RMOCC plan.
This new tool will be utilized to automatically calculate and collect data regarding emergency
department status.

Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) Program/TeleEMS Pilot Program: Under the direction of UChicago
Medicine, this program gained IDPH approval as a pilot project. The pilot phase ran from April 1, 2021 to
June 30, 2021. The program developed an MIH team to provide telehealth for patients in their homes
through the Chicago Fire Department EMS and utilized telemedicine for both regular healthcare
checkups and responding to persons contacting EMS for possible COVID-19 illness.

CMO/CNO Informational Calls: CDPH, in collaboration with Illinois Health and Hospital Association
(IHA), convened 12 calls with hospital CMOs and CNOs. Topics discussed: COVID-19/variants, staffing,
vaccines, data, pre-op testing, travel order updates, elective surgeries, health alerts, etc. These calls
provided CMOs/CNOs direct access to CDPH medical leadership for real-time updates and guidance.

Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   15
In addition to normal responsibility, the RHCC partnered with CDPH in discussing key surge needs in
                relation to hospitals COVID response. Discussions with various hospitals included requesting supplies
                needs, patient surge, and suggestions for decompression.

COVID-19 Vaccination
Planning Situational
Awareness Webinars
This webinar series provided timely public
health intelligence to HCC members and
other healthcare partners about City of
Chicago COVID-19 vaccination planning.
Thirteen webinars were held from October
2020 to April 2021 averaging almost 200
stakeholders on each call.

All materials were posted on the
Coalition’s website www.chscpr@org.

                The RHCC also partnered with Region 11 Chicago EMS Medical Directors Consortium in implementing a
                new process for hospital bypass during the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with IDPH, based on
                hospital geography, coupled with an asymmetric distribution of COVID-19 cases in Chicago, some
                hospitals were being overwhelmed by a disproportionate number of EMS transports. Further
                exacerbating this problem were staffing shortages due to quarantine or illness and a lack of hospital-
                based resources. Noting the efforts hospitals have taken to increase surge capacity and obtain additional
                resources, Region 11 and IDPH provided overwhelmed hospitals an opportunity to improve their
                situation and patient care by not transporting patients to an emergency department beyond critical
                capacity. Hospitals were instructed to contact the RHCC and relay specific hospital information in order
                for the RHCC and IDPH to review and evaluate request.

                Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   16
The Chicago Healthcare System Coalition
for Preparedness and Response, including
the development of this document, is
funded by the Health and Human Services
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program,
awarded to the Chicago Department of
Public Health.
  Chicago Healthcare System Coalition for Preparedness and Response | Accomplishments | July 2020 – June 2021   17
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