Accomack Residents Give Preferences for Use of ARPA Funds
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Free CIRCULATION 12,000 May 13, 2022 Accomack Residents Give Preferences for Use of ARPA Funds By Carol Vaughn ESCADV is asking for $250,000 said. Additionally, plans for a second Accomack County supervisors heard from the ARPA funds. “We have raised about half of that building include office space and an ar- from residents at a town hall meeting ESCADV in August 2021 purchased between donations and some grant ea for nurses to perform examinations held Thursday, May 5, to receive com- the former G.F. Horne Assisted Liv- funds, as well as the sale of our office” of sexual assault victims, rather than ment about proposed uses of the sec- ing campus in Onancock, which after and the former shelter, she said. victims having to go the hospital. ond installment of federal funds com- extensive renovations will allow ES- ESCADV has applied for addition- “Just last month, we had 27 hotline ing to Accomack County as result of CADV to provide expanded services. al grants and is asking towns in both calls. Nine of them were for sexual as- the American Rescue Plan Act. The plan is to open a larger emer- Shore counties to contribute to the ex- sault,” Strain said, adding, “… So the The second installment, expected gency shelter in one building on the pansion cost. calls are coming in. The services are to come to the county as early as this campus as early as July 1. “This property is going to allow us to needed.” week, is around $3.1 million, similar to The total cost to renovate all three have families each have independent Since July 1, ESCADV fielded 194 the amount received a year ago in the buildings is around $1.8 million, Strain space,” Strain said. (Continued on Page 4) first round. The Board of Supervisors will de- cide at a future meeting on uses of the Housing Forum Seeks To Address 1,000-Unit Housing Shortage money. Story and Photo by Stefanie Jackson According to the U.S. Treasury, the Elaine Meil, executive director of money may not be used to replenish the Accomack-Northampton Planning rainy day funds, for debt service pay- District Commission (A-NPDC), had ments, to offset a reduction in tax rev- staggering statistics to share with par- enue resulting from changes in law re- ticipants of a housing forum hosted by quired by the ARPA, or to undermine Congresswoman Elaine Luria on Mon- mitigation practices recommended by day in Eastville: the Centers for Disease Control. Accomack and Northampton coun- At the April 20 board meeting, Ac- ties are short 1,000 housing units, and comack County Administrator Mike A-NPDC can produce only 10 to 20 Mason recommended the board consid- units per year. er three priority projects for the ARPA “Obviously, that’s not something funds: covering the cost of Accomack’s that one independent group is going share of the regional public safety com- to be ever able to fix. It’s going to take munications system not covered by a a whole host of developers and people recently awarded federal grant (ap- … to make up that particular gap. It proximately $892,000 to $1.56 million); needs to be done by the whole commu- conducting a sewer collection system nity and not any one individual,” Meil feasibility study for northern Acco- said. mack County (an estimated $50,000); A-NPDC historically has assist- and an additional $500,000 for broad- ed low- and very-low-income house- band expansion on the seaside. holds that earn less than 30% of the Shelley Strain, executive director of area median income, which is approxi- the Eastern Shore Coalition Against mately $46,000 in both Accomack and Domestic Violence, asked the board to Northampton counties. Congresswoman Elaine Luria, right, talks about affordable housing include the organization in their plans Due to issues in the private hous- while Ramona Chapman, Virginia Department of Housing and Commu- for the ARPA money. (Continued on Page 6) nity Development capacity development specialist, listens.
2 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 BE A LITERACY CHAMPION ESRH To Receive $5M in Benefiting the E.S. Literacy Council Federal Funds To Bolster Care Staff Report — Matt Clay, chief executive officer U.S. Rep. Elaine Luria announced of Eastern Shore Rural Health Sys- a $4,990,091 grant award for the tem, said, “We are grateful for con- Eastern Shore Rural Health Sys- tinued support from the Health Re- tem through the U.S. Department of sources and Services Administration Health and Human Services to sup- that allows us to care for Eastern port local health care centers that Shore residents regardless of their May 15-21, 2022 provide services to geographically isolated and economic and medically ability to pay. With this funding, Eastern Shore Rural Health pro- DINE OUT AT THESE PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS vulnerable populations. vides care to people who are unin- “This nearly $5 million invest- sured, isolated or medically vulner- CAPE CHARLES ment to the Eastern Shore Rural Health System will expand high able. Support from HRSA and elect- ed officials like Congresswoman quality health care and medical ser- Luria allowed Rural Health to pro- vices to the residents of the Eastern vide medical, dental and behavioral Shore,” Rep. Luria said. “Getting health services to nearly 31,000 pa- more resources to our rural commu- tients last fiscal year.” 757-331-3222 nities and the Eastern Shore is one In 2021, the Eastern Shore Rural CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND of my top priorities, and this grant Health System received a combined award will expand quality, afford- more than $5.7 million in funding able, accessible health care services from the American Rescue Plan to for residents to get care when they support COVID-19 testing, treat- need it.” ment, and vaccination efforts. 757-336-6236 757-336-6666 757-336-0512 GREENBACKVILLE 757-824-3465 Rental shed on highway in New 3.7 acres in Watts Bay Prime road frontage on Church. Bring your food trucks! MLS# 53359 $89,900 highway in New Church ONANCOCK/ONLEY MLS# 54824 $500 MLS# 54150 $1,250,000 757-787-3103 757-302-0300 757-787-7400 Totally renovated mobile home Commercial property 2.53 acre lot in in New Church in Oak Hall Winding Creek MLS# 55203 $195,000 MLS# 51962 $124,900 MLS#48424 $57,500 757-787-8558 757-789-5060 757-387-4889 757-787-9341 6325 Maddox Boulevard. • Chincoteague, VA 23336 WACHAPREAGUE 757-336-3200 Licensed in Virginia & Maryland Your Local Boutique Real Estate Company 757-787-4242
4 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 ~ ARPA Hearing ~ eral other organizations that advocate the town hall in support of the request the student dental health program in for migrant workers. to stand. public schools. (Continued From Front Page) “The camps are often in rural or re- Cecilia Hernandez translated from “We have seen over 100,000 patient hotline calls, of which 104 were related mote areas of the county, which makes Spanish to English for another speak- visits since we opened those doors,” to domestic violence and 42 were about access to reliable broadband difficult,” er, migrant worker Lionel Blas, who Clay said. sexual assault — up from 10 calls about he said. works and lives on the Shore from Two school dental facilities, at Pun- sexual assault in 2017, which Strain AWAC in March made a presenta- March to October. goteague and Metompkin Elementary attributed to improved outreach. tion to the Eastern Shore of Virginia He said more than 1,000 migrant Schools, are more than 20 years old. ESCADV had on average 12 peo- Broadband Authority, asking the au- workers work on the Shore each year Replacing them would cost around ple in emergency shelter on any given thority to consider establishing mobile and many who live in the Painter $266,000 each. night during the period. hot spots near migrant camps. camp on Route 13 do not have inter- Alternatively, there is a need of “There were 20 days where we had ESVBA is working on a cost estimate net access to enable them to commu- around 115,000 annual dental visits on 38 people sheltered,” Strain said. to provide hot spots to several camps nicate with their families. He said the Shore, of which ESRH is meeting John Fiege, who chairs ESCADV’s in Accomack County, Willis said, not- the internet also is important to ar- around 45,000. “So there is a significant capital campaign, also asked the board ing there are 12 migrant labor camps range medical appointments, among need there. We would like to expand our to consider funding for the expansion on the Shore, equally divided between other needs. dental program into our Onley Commu- project. the two counties. Eight are in “very low Sue Mastyl also asked the board to nity Health Center,” Clay said. “You know the need,” he said. signal areas,” he said. consider funding additional broadband A roughly 3,500-square-foot facili- Broadband Access Accomack has camps in Mappsville, expansion, including assistance with ty would enable around 18,000 annual The Rev. Rick Willis asked the Horntown, and Painter. installation costs for remote residences. visits. That facility’s cost is “in the mil- board to consider setting aside funding “The project could serve over 1,400 Dental Programs lions. We wouldn’t look for all of that to provide broadband access to migrant workers who have an economic impact Matt Clay, Eastern Shore Rural but if we could find a partner on that agricultural workers during the time on the local economy of approximate- Health chief executive officer, asked we would definitely look to do some- they live on the Shore. ly $10 million,” Willis said, adding, “… the board to consider funding assis- thing like that,” Clay said. “Our project is to establish mo- Accomack County has a wonderful op- tance for ESRH’s dental program. The costs do not include operational bile Wi-Fi hot spots near some of the portunity to set a standard by provid- “There is a significant deficit here costs or equipment. camps,” he said, speaking as a member ing these essential workers with inter- on the Shore with what is needed,” Supervisor Robert Crockett later of the Agricultural Workers Advocacy net access.” Clay said. in the meeting said the Shore recent- Coalition (AWAC) and on behalf of sev- Willis asked people who attended One proposal for funding is to assist ly lost three dentists. “I have talked ACCOMAC 757-787-1305 22639 Center Parkway Accomac, VA 23301 ONANCOCK 757-787-1999 200 Market St. 72 AC / WATERFRONT 22 AC / WATERFRONT Onancock, VA 23417 ONANCOCK: 4BR/4.5BA MLS#55784 $2,299,000 CAPE CHARLES: 3BR/3.5BA MLS#55564 $2,200,000 Anne Kyle Doughty 757-710-3824 Dave Griffith 757-647-2649 CHINCOTEAGUE 757-336-1999 6455 Maddox Blvd. Suite 2 Chincoteague, VA 23336 CAPE CHARLES WATERFRONT 757-331-3255 CRADDOCKVILLE: 90 ac farm MLS#55763 $985,000 CHINCOTEAGUE: 3BR/2BA MLS#55804 $225,000 Maggie Stodghill 757-999-2309 Sandy Daisey 757-894-2942 205 Mason Ave Cape Charles,VA 23310 For complete listings, go to: An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc.
May 13, 2022 • Eastern Shore Post • 5 with people who don’t have dentists,” he said. met April 25 to discuss the former Ac- before a decision is made about future he said, urging the board to consider The board of supervisors voted to im- comac Primary School. By consensus, a use of the property, either to renovate ESRH’s request. pose a tax of 10 cents per pack on ciga- recommendation was made to the board the existing building for use as a school Supervisor Donald Hart spoke in fa- rettes, down from the original proposal of supervisors and the school board to administration building or to tear it vor of assisting with dental facilities of 40 cents per pack. The proposed tax pursue additional in-depth studies of down and build a new building. and funding additional broadband ex- rate was revised downward after sales the building, including a structural The board of supervisors approved pansion, in particular for remote areas volume information was received from analysis and hazardous materials anal- entering into an agreement with the and migrant camps. cigarette distributors. ysis, with the cost to be split evenly be- school board to have the studies Hart also spoke in favor of ES- The proposed county fiscal year 2023 tween the school board and the county, done. CADV’s request. budget relies on collecting $422,000 in Supervisors Ron Wolff, Reneta Ma- tax revenues from enactment of the jor, and Harrison Phillips agreed. cigarette tax. Major said she was “just a little bit The ordinance takes effect July 1. disappointed” that more people did Additionally, the board voted to join not attend the town hall to share their the Chesapeake Bay Region Cigarette Angie Abell, Broker thoughts on what to do with the feder- Tax Board, which will administer the al money. tax for a fee. $349,000 $329,000 Cigarette Tax Public Hearings Dredging Funds Transferred CHINCOTEAGUE COTTAGE CREEK FRONT HOME IN PAINTER J.R. Pikulski, owner of Dixieland The board voted to transfer up to Completely remodeled. Situated on four parcels, over Beautiful property offers peace and tranquility with a half acre with room to build. Backyard fully fenced. water views. Includes 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with lots store in New Church, spoke at a public $201,160 of unused Virginia Port Au- Jennifer Huether, Realtor Screened front porch. New electric and plumbing. of natural light in open floor plan. Enjoy the wildlife hearing on the proposed cigarette tax. thority waterways maintenance funds to Features 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. while kayaking outside of your home. Plenty of storage in shed and garage. He told the board the annual cig- Northampton County for the Kings Creek arette sales numbers the county re- dredging project, after a survey found no Visit our website for complete listings: ceived are accurate. need for dredging in state waters in Wa- 6202 Maddox Blvd., Chincoteague, VA 23336 757-336-3600 “According to those numbers, it’s a chapreague and Quinby channels. Duane Gladding, Realtor little less than 800,000 cartons, so I Accomac School Structural Study want you to do the math. It’s going to Approved far exceed the expectations of revenue Leaders of the board of supervisors Read the Eastern Shore Post FREE Every Friday increase that the board is thinking of,” and the Accomack County School Board Marybeth Fasano, DMD Cosmetic & Family Dentistry (757) 412-2235 984 First Colonial Rd. Suite 200, Virginia Beach, VA 23454
6 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 velopment Group, suggested develop- ~ Housing~ ing a program in which building trades (Continued From Front Page) students could intern with RMT Con- struction in Exmore and then be hired ing market, now the greatest housing by the company. needs are in middle-income households There would be plenty of training that earn 80% to 120% of median in- opportunities as the Legacy Project is come and don’t qualify for federal as- only in the first of three phases, she sistance, Meil said. said. A-NPDC was not tasked with assist- Another barrier is zoning restric- ing households earning more than 80% tions in both Accomack and Northamp- of median income until recently, she ton counties. said. Rich Morrison, Accomack’s deputy Meil was “very shocked” at the sta- county administrator, had noted ear- tistics, which appeared to justify re- lier that many of the county’s housing marks by Luria and past candidate for needs are in areas with agricultural the Virginia House of Delegates Finale zoning. Norton, who both said Accomack and Northampton planning commis- Northampton must “go big” to solve the sioner Janet Sturgis said Northamp- housing shortage. ton is working on updating its zoning Peer Model Early Childhood Program Norton’s suggestion to go big was to code to promote housing development, buy the former hospital in Nassawa- turning the conversation to another and Preschool Applications are dox, which is still owned by Riverside barrier to affordable housing – public Medical Group, and convert the six-sto- opposition. available for the ry building into apartments. But whether the Eastern Shore’s Sturgis lamented that a few Northampton citizens, whom she be- 2022-2023 School Year! focus in building housing is a few large-scale projects, many small-scale lieves represent a minority, are pack- ing public hearings to oppose zoning projects, or a combination, there are changes that could promote workforce NCPS is currently accepting applications for both the Peer barriers that must be broken down housing, with “the whole rest of the Model Early Childhood Program (ages 2-3 by September 30) before the housing stock can be built community … going to Little League and Universal/VPI PreK Program (Age 4 by September 30) up. and working that second job,” and no One barrier is a lack of local trades- one available to speak in favor of the men who are willing and able to do the proposed changes. Peer Model Early ChildhoodProgram construction work. Chris Thompson, director of stra- is a free inclusive early childhood program that serves two-three year old students located at Warren Thomas, CEO of RMT Con- tegic housing for Virginia Housing, Kiptopeke and Occohannock Elementary Schools. The program is designed to provide students struction, the contractor building six noted the importance of sending with and without disabilities the opportunity to learn and grow together in all developmental new homes for the New Road Legacy the right message when addressing areas. Participants must be two years old by September 30th. Students without disabilities Project in Exmore, said many employ- the public, “because when you men- must submit an application and complete an in person screening process which will be ees on the project come from Virginia tion housing, there’s a lot of trigger- scheduled by appointment. Beach, Norfolk, and Richmond, and ing … subsidized housing, Section 8 The program is available Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am-1:00 pm. Spaces are limited. they do the work for less than what housing, affordable housing, work- would be charged locally. force housing, any of those terms VPI (Virginia Preschool Initiative)/ The local high schools and commu- nity college offer training in build- can … mean something different to someone.” Universal PreK ing trades, but Accomack technology Virginia Housing responds to pub- is a free full day Pre-K program for all four year olds located at Occohannock and Kiptopeke and engineering teacher David Saba- lic pushback in part by describing the Elementary Schools. Students enrolled in the VPI/Universal PreK program participate in tino said many of his students don’t scale of the housing project in ques- engaging, language rich and developmentally appropriate learning experiences which build stay on the Shore after they graduate tion. “We’re not talking about coming their foundational academic and social-emotional skills and assists in preparing students for high school; they go to college to study in and building something that’s total- Kindergarten. The program is available Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am- 3:30 pm. engineering. ly out of character,” Thompson said. Karen Downing, of Virginia Or- It’s helpful to “make it personal” ganizing, said Tina Stratton-Taylor, and explain how the project address- ~ WHERE TO APPLY ~ Workforce Innovation and Opportuni- ty Act coordinator for Eastern Shore es the community’s needs and who will benefit. For example, “this is For application assistance or to schedule an in person screening for the Peer Model Community College, is working toward for someone who’s working at Royal Early Childhood Program, please contact the Office of Special Programs 757-678- improving the school’s trades program, Farms, or this is (for) someone who’s 5151 x2404 or contact your local neighborhood school . To obtain an application and changes are coming soon. a teacher who’s working at … the Ava Gabrielle-Wise, executive direc- high school down the road,” he said. online click on the following link: tor of the New Road Community De- Rich Zabawa, a U.S. Navy com-
May 13, 2022 • Eastern Shore Post • 7 mander, shared a “trade secret” that’s cess should not be turned “upside ON-LINE ONLY AUCTION key to getting things done: It’s an atti- down,” with developers expected to tude of “yes, if,” not “no, because.” make the first move, contacting local- It’s essential to identify decision- ities. She suggested that towns and makers, “and if the right person’s not counties should take the initiative to at the meetings, then you need to re- start and find ways to support hous- Eastern Shore Auctions, Inc. is selling schedule the meeting, because all ing projects. the former Estate of Curtis Shockley, of Snow Hill, MD. you’re doing is spinning your wheels,” Sunnybrooke subdivision home- he added. buyers were matched to properties Auction is currently open for bidding Earl Howerton, executive director of that would cost no more than 40% with bidding ending on the Southside Outreach Group, a com- of their gross incomes, and to make munity housing development organiza- homeownership more affordable, Wednesday, May 18, 2022 tion, discussed several projects his or- the houses were outfitted with en- starting at 5 pm ganization completed in Halifax Coun- ergy-efficient appliances, Howerton ty and elsewhere in southern Virginia said. VEHICLES: to meet a variety of housing needs. Buyers were provided housing ‘69 GMC 4 WD pick-up (no rust or body filler) 93,890 miles Sunnybrooke, a subdivision with 22 counseling both before and after pur- homes in Halifax County, was built be- chasing their homes, and 16 years ‘90 Z71 Chev 71,427 miles tween 2007 and 2009 for low- and mod- later, none have experienced foreclo- ‘93 HD Ultra Classic Renegade by Lehman Trike 40,849 miles erate-income homebuyers. sure, he said. ‘96 Lincoln Congressional Town Sedan 29,541 miles Many partners helped get the proj- His organization’s members real- ‘06 Mercury Grand Marquis LS 82,040 miles. ect done, including the Virginia De- ized that not everyone can afford to buy partment of Housing and Community a home, such as very-low-income indi- TRACTORS/TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: Development, which provided multi- viduals who only make $600 or $800 ple types of funding, including a Com- a month. That prompted the Miller Case International 895 diesel tractor 1070 hours munity Development Block Grant and Homes project in South Boston, Va. The John Deere 4300 HST diesel tractor 1844.2 hours down payment assistance. town took out the construction loan for John Deere Gator TH 6X4 1683 hours Ramona Chapman, VDHCD ca- 46 multi-family apartments built using Frontier RC 2060 bush hog pacity development specialist, noted low-income housing tax credits, which VDHCD offers many programs, not are provided to housing developers and Woods MD 172 bush hog just for housing but for “whatever a investors to allow the units to be rented MF Model MF 41 sickle mower community needs to build itself up, to for less than the market rate. MF Model 72 & 88 plows revitalize itself.” The Castle Trailer Park project also Brillion 4” axle cultipackers Virginia Housing and the U.S. De- was tailored to the needs of the com- partment of Agriculture Rural Devel- munity. The town of Blackstone, Va., Agrotec 500 gal sprayer opment served as mortgage lenders for was faced with the dilemma of what Vicon fertilizer applicator and more. the Sunnybrooke project. to do about a mobile home park of 10 Perry Hickman, state director of dilapidated single-wide trailers and We will also be selling quality furniture, USDA Rural Development, high- their tenants. glassware and other collectibles. lighted its Section 502 programs for Blackstone partnered with DHCD prospective homeowners: the Di- to purchase the mobile home park and PREVIEW DATE AND TIME: rect Loan Program for very-low- and the town demolished the 10 old mobile low-income families and the Single homes, replaced them with 10 stick- Sunday, May 15, 2022 from 1 to 2 pm Family Housing Guaranteed Loan built homes of similar size, and sold Program for low- and moderate-in- the homes to the tenants who had lived LOCATION: come families. in the mobile homes. 6803 Shockley Road Snow Hill, MD. 21863 Of the $2 billion USDA Rural Devel- The town was able to cut costs by opment spent in Virginia in fiscal year using its own public works department 2021, $1.1 billion supported its hous- to do the demolition and site develop- CHECKOUT DATE AND TIME: ing programs, he said. ment and update infrastructure. Saturday, May 21, 2022 from 9 am to 12 pm The Sunnybrooke project’s local Virginia Housing’s Chris Thompson partners included the Southside Plan- said the Southside Outreach Group’s ning District Commission, which pro- vided grant administration services, success story is “an example of high- lighting partnerships and really where EASTERN SHORE Halifax County, which waived build- the local government is taking the AUCTIONS ing permit fees, and the Town of South lead, stepping up, and trying to make Auction Hotline 443-235-5717 or 410-548-3137 Boston, which waived utility connec- a difference.” Visit our website for details tion fees. An affordable housing bus tour fol- Willie Benton - Congresswoman Luria pointed out lowed the forum. That story begins on Auctioneer VA Lic. #4438 that the housing development pro- Page 12.
8 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Offers Safe Boating Tips Submitted Article As always, you should check the channel buoy 1 are missing. • Milford Haven: Daybeacon 4 is In our continuing discussion of weather and tides expected during • Great Machipongo Inlet: Day- off station. grounding in Eastern Shore waters, your trip. There are two perspectives beacon 9 and north inlet warning These boating safety tips are a this week’s topic is measures to avoid on the best tides for boating … a low daybeacon have been destroyed. public service of Flotilla 12-02 of the grounding and to minimize the effect tide will identify shoaling a little bet- • Chesapeake Channel: Lighted U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. If you of the almost inevitable grounding. ter which would be a good first trip to buoy 32 is missing. have time to become a better boater Good tools to have on hand to explore a passage … and obviously, a • Chesapeake Channel: Lighted and help the Coast Guard, call Rus- avoid grounding on your boating ad- high tide would give you more water buoy 58 is extinguished. sell at 757-442-7029. venture are: under your keel. Keep in mind that • Intracoastal Waterway — Eliz- Remember: Life jackets are your • Tide table for the area in which the wind surge can affect the tide. abeth River Southern Branch: on-water safety belt. Wear one when- you are boating, tidal flows differ When approaching shallow waters Light 22 is missing. ever you’re afloat. between the bayside and shoreside. or questionable depth areas, mini- • A current navigation chart. mize speed to minimize impact if you It would certainly help to ask someone familiar with the area ground. Keep in mind that reducing the speed from a planning speed for Arcadia Evacuated for Suspected Fire if there are any anomalies not your flat bottom boat will put more identified on the chart. boat in the water. And stay with- By Stefanie Jackson The fire department responded • A chart plotter would be handy in in the marked channels. Shortcuts Accomack County Public Schools and determined there was no fire; graphically displaying your tran- through what appear to be safe wa- Superintendent Chris Holland re- the burning odor was caused by the sit area depth and aids to nav- ters can run you over a moving shoal ported Thursday that on Wednesday, friction of an electrical motor locking igation. There are free applica- or sandy point. May 11, at Arcadia Middle School, up in the ventilation system in the tions, such as Marine Ways, that Next week we will discuss actions students and staff noticed an odor ceiling. you can download to your phone to take if you go aground. like something burning in the ceil- No injuries were reported and that give excellent charting. Aids to Navigation Notices ing. The fire department was called students returned to class, Holland • A functional depth sounder. • Wachapreague Inlet: Buoy 1 and and the school was evacuated. said. ESAAA/CAA Project Head Start Proyecto ESAAA/CAA Head Start ESAA/CAA pwojé tét kómanse QUALITY PRESCHOOL EDUCATION EDUCACIÓN PREESCOLAR DE CALIDAD KALITE EDIKASYON PRESKOLÉ Now acception applications for Ahora aceptando solicitudes para Koulye a, aksepte aplikasyon pou FALL 2022-2023 Otoño 2022-2023 Oton 2022-2023 Qualified Teachers with Degrees Profesores titulados con titulación Pwofesè ki kalifye ak Degre Anfaz sou Emphasis on School Readiness Énfasis en la preparación escolar Preparasyon pou Lekòl A safe, nurturing learning environment with USDA MEALS provided. Un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro y enriquecedor con Yon anviwònman aprantisaj ki an sekirite ak USDA manje bay. • Scientific & Research Based Frog Street Curriculum USDA MEALS proporcionado. • Syantifik & rechèch ki baze sou kourikoulòm lari kritik • Computers in Every Classroom • Currículo científico y basado en la investigación Frog Street • Ódinatè nan chak sal klas • Children with Severe Disabilities Are Welcome • Computadoras en cada aula • Timoun ki gen gwo andikap yo Akeyi • Priority Homeless Families • Los niños con discapacidades severas son bienvenidos • Fanmi priyorite sanzabri • Transportation • Familias sin hogar prioritarias • Transpòtasyon • Parent Education • Transporte • Edikasyon paran • Family Activities & Training • Educación de los padres • Aktivite fanmi ak fòmasyon • Medical and Dental Services • Actividades familiares y capacitación • Sèvis Medikal ak Dantal Extended hours for families participating in the •Servicios Médicos y Dentales Horario extendido para las familias que participan en el Pro- Èdtan pwolonje pou fanmi k ap patisipe nan Virginia Child Care Subsidy Program Pwogram sibvansyon pou timoun virginia Gadri pou Timoun grama de Subsidio de Cuidado Infantil de Virginia Parents participating in this program can drop off their Paran yo k ap patisipe nan pwogram sa a ka depoze pitit yo a Los padres que participan en este programa pueden dejar a sus children at 6:00 a.m. and pick them up by 6:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. epi ranmase yo pa 6:00 hijos a las 6:00 a.m. y recogerlos a las 6:00 p.m. Call 757-787-8774 or stop by our E.S.E.C.D.C. location at Llame al 757-787-8774 o pase por nuestra abicación de Rele nan 757-787-8774 oswa slspann pa kote nou ye .C anvan 24429 Front St. Accomack, VA or call 757-442-9652 or E.S.E.C.D.C. , 24429 Front St. Accomack, VA O epók nou an.C. 24429 devan St. Accomack, VA Oubyen rele nan stop by our Hare Valley location at 5432 Bayside Rd, Exmore, VA Llame al 757-442-9652 o pase por Hare Valley location en 5432 757-442-9652 oswa slspann pa Kote Valley Hare nou an 5432 Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Bayside Rd, Exmore, VA Lunes - Viernes 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Bayside Rd, Exmore, VA Lendi-Vandredi 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
May 13, 2022 • Eastern Shore Post • 9 Off the Shelf: News From Join us for our Eastern Shore Public Library ESAAA/CAA Project Head Start Oceans of Possibilities: PRESCHOOL Eastern Shore Public Library’s 2022 Summer OPEN HOUSE Reading Program May 21st @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm HALLWOOD Head Start By Tiffany Flores, youth services 28281 MAIN ST., HALLWOOD, VA librarian This year, Eastern Shore Public Goodies to take home • Family fun & games Library is exploring Oceans of Pos- Ident-A-Kids Card • Food & Drinks sibilities all summer long with excit- ing programming including a reading Enrolling for ages 3-5 years Need to be 3 years of age by Sept. 30th in Accomack County challenge. Beanstack returns again this year as part of the challenge. Readers can JOIN NOU POU NOU register, record time spent reading, ESAAA/CAA Project Head Start participate in challenges, and share to check it out. The library will also book reviews. As they log their read- ing and activities, readers will earn be providing programming for teens as well. Details will be available at a PRESKOLÉ LOUVRI KAY digital badges redeemable for cool in- later date. centives. In addition to its online chal- As part of their programming, the lenge, the library will offer a paper library will be providing Summer option. The summer reading program Reading Program starter bags June will begin June 21 and end Aug. 12. 21. These kits will have everything SE POU 21st @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm The summer reading program is necessary to get started in the read- HALLWOOD Head KÓMANSE a fun and entertaining way to build ing program. 28281 MAIN ST., HALLWOOD, VA and enjoy the love of reading with Other exciting programs and ac- Enskri pou laj 3-5 ane the community in a safe and pro- tivities will take place through- Bezwen gen 3 ane ki gen laj pa 30 septenm Nan konte Accomack ductive manner. As part of this pro- out the summer. To be kept updat- gram, the library will be hosting the ed about the above-mentioned pro- Oceans of Possibilities Reading Chal- grams and any other summer pro- ÚNASE A NOSOTROS PARA NUESTRO lenge. This reading challenge will al- gramming, visit and ESAAA/CAA Project Head Start low young readers chances to earn keep watch on the events page. points through reading and complet- ing various activities which will then be redeemable for prizes. Parents and Events are also posted on Facebook and Instagram. For Facebook up- dates, you can “like” us at @East- JORNADA DE children will be able to come into the library to redeem points and choose ernShorePublicLibraryYouthSer- vices. Our Instagram can be locat- PUERTAS ABLERTAS PRESCOLAR their prizes. Prizes will be awarded ed by searching @esplyouthservice. for every 100 points earned and par- Oceans of Possibilities registrants ticipants will be able to retrieve a big- will be emailed updates. ger prize at 1,000 points. Registration for the Oceans of Pos- Throughout the summer, Eastern sibilities Reading Challenge can be 21 de Mayo @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Shore Public Library and Northamp- done online at www.espl.beanstack. HALLWOOD Head Start ton Free Library will be hosting sto- org starting June 21. Questions and 28281 MAIN ST., HALLWOOD, VA rytimes every week featuring two requests for help should be directed to Inscripción para las edades de 3-5 Años books and an activity for ages 3 to 9. the Youth Services Librarian Tiffany Debe tener 3 años de edad antes del 30 de Septiembre en el conado Details will be available on the East- Flores at or by ern Shore Public Library system’s calling Eastern Shore Public Library website on the calendar so be sure at 757-787-3400. FEATURING WEE GAMERZ The Eastern Shore Post is YOUR hometown newspaper 11 am - 1 pm
10 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 ACCOMACK COUNTY ANNOUNCES Captains Cove Residents Gird Themselves for Battle Against New Residential Development By Carol Vaughn provided by Aqua’s facilities in Cap- CLEAN-UP A group of Captains Cove residents tains Cove. is speaking out against a townhouse Captains Cove residents at hear- development proposed to be built adja- ings before the planning commission cent to the Captains Cove community. spoke in opposition to the project, cit- Captains Cove Concerned Citizens ing concerns about traffic and the add- (CCCC) was founded years ago to ad- ed burden on water and sewage facili- vocate for residents on various is- ties, among others. sues; the group’s latest cause is bring CCCC members plan to speak at the up concerns about the townhouse hearings Wednesday. SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 development. The group also has hired an Two CCCC members, Chairperson attorney. Teresa Birkhead and Linda Reece, de- “We have already paid the attorney The Accomack County Department of Public Works is pleased to announce tailed the group’s concerns in an inter- to retain him for an injunction. … If it the countywide “Spring Clean-Up” to be held on Saturday May 14, 2022. In an view with the Post. does get approved, we’re going to stop effort to encourage citizens of Accomack to remove unsightly refuse from their “We just accidentally came upon the it by an injunction,” Birkhead said. yards, homes, and communities, the Accomack County Board of Supervisors application and rezoning for this proj- “We only get four minutes each to will waive tipping fees at the North Landfill and South Transfer Station for ect,” said Birkhead, adding, “It wasn’t speak so we are going to blast them residential waste and recyclable materials brought in on this day. The waiver even shared with the members of the with all these documents,” Birkhead will also be open to non-residents possessing an Accomack County Solid Waste community, even though they are the said. Decal. Commercial for hire waste haulers will be required to pay standard same developers for this community Additionally, CCCC planned to send tipping fees. and the townhome project.” a letter along with legal documents the The main reason the group got in- group has researched to officials in ad- Landfills will be open on Saturday May 14, 2022 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm to volved is “because it’s a community vance of the hearing. accept residential garbage, yard waste, and construction/demolition debris. The that they propose piggybacking off of CCCC members have spent “hun- landfill will also accept the following recyclable materials: what we pay for. We pay for our roads. dreds of hours” at the Accomack Coun- The developer doesn’t own these roads, ty Clerk of Court office researching • Tires (car and small truck only “LIMIT” 12 per person/day) doesn’t have the right to give our roads documents related to Captains Cove, • Used Motor Oil, Scrap Metal, and car and truck batteries. to another community,” according to Birkhead said. Recycling materials, such as plastic bottles, milk jugs, detergent bottles, any #1 Birkhead. “We have deeds, the transfer, or #2 plastics, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, telephone books, The Accomack County Board of Su- declarants, articles of incorporation. cereal boxes, metal and aluminum cans, may be recycled at any of the County’s 7 pervisors will hold public hearings to There are even some things in our by- Convenience/Recycling Centers “FREE” year round. receive comments about the proposed laws — these are things that cannot development Wednesday, May 18, at be changed by a developer. These are Landfills and Convenience Centers will not accept materials deemed to be 6:30 p.m., at Metompkin Elementary things that have to be changed legal- hazardous, such as: Paint, Pesticides, Biological hazards, asbestos, and heavy School in Parksley. ly,” Birkhead said. metals. Please check with the attendants at these sites as to where and how to The Accomack County Planning Issues with covenants, deed re- dispose of hazardous materials. Commission in two 6-3 votes in March strictions, contractual matters, and recommended the board of supervi- other record documents (specifically The Department of Solid Waste looks forward to working with the citizens of sors approve the rezoning and a con- the right of the new development to Accomack County on this program and encourages everyone to mark their ditional use permit for the townhouse access Captains Corridor and Aqua’s calendars for the second Saturday of May every year! A “FALL CLEAN-UP” will development. ability to provide water and sewer also, be held on the second Saturday in October. This year’s event will be CCG Note LLC has requested the utility service) were raised in public October 8, 2022. For additional information, please contact the Public Works county conditionally rezone 24.41 hearings and in letters presented to Department in Accomac at (757) 787-1468. acres, the former Hastings/Mariner the Accomack County Planning Com- farm on State Line Road, from res- mission, according to Rich Morrison, PLEASE DO NOT LITTER! idential to village development and applied for a conditional use per- Accomack’s deputy county admin- istrator of planning and community Interested in Adopting A Roadway? mit to build a 140-townhouse and commercial mixed-use development development. “It is clear that many residents be- Contact VDOT at 757-787-1550 there. lieve that the developer cannot con- Water and sewer service would be struct the project due to the covenants,
May 13, 2022 • Eastern Shore Post • 11 and other record documents. The devel- The group also has concerns about oper believes they can. These are inter- the development using Captains Cove HERE nal matters and the county does not en- water and sewer facilities. force private agreements or covenants,” Additionally, the developer’s proffer Morrison said, adding, “The planning of property to be donated for the Green- FOR YOU commission acknowledged that the is- backville Volunteer Fire Department sues are being contested and may have came as a surprise to CCCC members, to be adjudicated between the devel- Birkhead said. oper and the residents to bring final “There are 10 lots. Most of them the resolution.” (property owners’) association owns; a The planning commission’s recom- handful the developer owns; and two mendation to the board of supervisors are owned by personal people,” she LINWOOD T. JOYNER II, M.D. specifically addressed the Captain’s said, alleging the community’s declar- Corridor road access matter and Aqua utility services in two conditions of its ants specify numbered lots are on- ly to be used for residences or utility Welcoming new patients conditional use permit recommenda- purposes. tion, according to Morrison. According to Morrison, the proffer One condition says no building per- statement provides that a 1.5-acre, pad- mits may be issued until the entranc- ready site will be delivered to the fire es on Captain’s Corridor are deemed department. It does not list specific lots. RIVERSIDE EASTERN SHORE to be lawfully established, after re- “In the event that lots are owned by view and approval by the county ad- private individuals, the developer will FAMILY MEDICINE ministrator in consultation with the need to work with those property own- 10085 William F. Bernart Circle county attorney. ers to be able to deliver the pad-ready Nassawadox, Virginia Another condition said the condi- site,” Morrison said. tional use permit shall be null and The preferred location is on Flem- void in the event Aqua refuses to pro- ing Road but an alternative is also of- Dr. Joyner enjoys vide or is unable or precluded from pro- fered on Stateline Road in the event the the opportunity to care viding water and sewer service to the developer can not deliver the site on for his patients across development. Fleming Road. generations as a family The developer has proffered to pro- The proffer also includes a contribu- medicine physician. vide water and sewer services to the tion of $430,000 over time for costs of development and access from the de- a new ambulance and a new building, velopment to Captain’s Corridor in the Morrison said. Take care of your Cove — those proffers became part of If the developer’s proposal included health and schedule your the rezoning ordinance, according to having townhouse residents pay annu- appointment today. Morrison. al fees, as Captains Cove residents do, Although the county does not enforce “we would not have so much of an is- private agreements, Morrison said, sue,” Birkhead said. 757-442-6600 “We are congnizant of their existence. Among the group’s major complaints The planning commission and staff ac- is the allegation that the developer in knowledge the fact that the Captain’s reality has representation from four Corridor access and Aqua’s ability to members on the property owners’ as- service the new development are con- sociation board, giving the developer a Easste Ea terrn Shore Family Medicine tested issues.” majority. Birkhead said she pays $1,600 a year One board member who owns prop- in dues to live in Captains Cove. Reese erty at Captains Cove also has ties to pays $1,400. the developer, CCCC claims. “Each year we pay that on top of CCCC plans to file a complaint with what we pay for real estate taxes and so a state ombudsman about that, accord- we’re like, okay, what are we getting for ing to Birkhead. our money? We don’t get anything free “Our biggest complaint is, we have anymore except for the use of a pool,” a board of directors that is supposed Birkhead said. to act for the benefit of the communi- The proposed development could add ty. That’s their job. That’s why we have 280 people (at two people per town- them,” Birkhead said. house) using Captains Cove roads. CCCC members “are just tired. We’re “And who is going to pay to repair it? tired of them taking our resources and We do,” Birkhead said. making decisions,” she said.
12 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 47 Market Street, Onancock 757-787-1010 Affordable Housing Needs, Independently Owned & Operated Proposed Solutions Highlighted Wachapreague #55797 $285,000 Pungoteague #55835 $265,000 in Shorewide Bus Tour By Stefanie Jackson coteague, Wallops Island, New Church, Congresswoman Elaine Luria on and the Maryland border, is the place Monday hosted a bus tour of Eastern to build up – it’s the “center of every- Shore places and communities that thing” in upper Accomack County, Val- need affordable and workforce housing erie Shrieves said. 2 Br/ 2 Ba Charming Victorian Farm House OPEN HOUSE 5.14.22 1:30-3:30 and are ready for redevelopment, with Ava Gabrielle-Wise, a guest on the Located in the Heart of Wachapreague Dana Dillon 804-937-4102 30344 Bobtown Rd. Pungoteague VA 23422 Schuyler Hurlbut 757-710-9576 her guests including local concerned tour, said Horntown is full of concerned citizens, real estate and planning pro- citizens who are “ripe to do the same fessionals, town and county adminis- thing” as Exmore’s New Road commu- trators, and state funding partners. nity, whose members formed an orga- Each destination on the tour had its nization in the 1990s and bought 30 own story, told by the people who live acres, sold it back to themselves, rebuilt Exmore 3 Br/1 Ba and work on the Shore, reflecting on its the community, and successfully fought Parksley Commercial Property $179,000 MLS 55011 $117,950 MLS 55847 history and anticipating its future. for the elimination of substandard liv- Susan Beasley 757-710-1284 Tammy Mason 757-710-2295 Horntown ing conditions. A large gathering of Horntown cit- Bayside izens welcomed the guests and dis- Another group of concerned citizens cussed what is needed to restore their taking a page from New Road’s playbook town. Horntown lacks not only housing are from Onancock’s Bayside communi- but amenities such as lighting, side- ty, another destination on the tour. walks, and a park or playground for the Like Horntown, the Bayside commu- Onancock 4 Br/2 Ba Melfa Commercial Property children, said Lynelle Johnson. nity once thrived with its own identi- Food Service, Other $339,000 MLS 55836 $259,500 MLS 55725 Tammy Mason 757-710-2295 Horntown is looking to draw in small ty and small businesses. The commu- Bunny Mclean 757-710-5952 businesses such as a laundromat and a nity had a baseball field and a team of Ian Mclean 757-693-2001 convenience store; the latter is especial- players known as the Bayside Sluggers, ly needed since the community is sus- and there were two churches, a school- ceptible to flooding, which prevents res- house, a beauty parlor, a barbershop, idents from venturing out past Fleming and a seafood plant that is now aban- Road to buy essentials, Johnson said. doned and prime for redevelopment, Onancock 4 Br/1.5 Ba Waterview!! She also would like the town to have said Myra Riley Taylor. Bloxom Commercial Property Sate of the Art Poultry Farm $499,990 MLS 55828 its own marquee. There’s a large sign in The community consists of about 150 $6,900,000 MLS 55155 Leslie Lewis 757-709-8271 town pointing the way to the Chincote- privately owned lots, and about one- Cathy Salamone 631-838-5920 ague Bay Trails End Campground, yet third have occupied homes. There are there’s no sign for Horntown. about 37 abandoned homes, 26 vacant Horntown once was home to a few cleared lots, and 28 vacant wooded lots. $379,900 1 Beach Cottage, 1 Guest House!! small businesses and had some outdoor Most households have at least one Featured Agent!! MLS# 55773 Deep Creek Waterfront lighting, but “we’ve been forgotten … family member who is elderly or dis- we shouldn’t be living like this,” said abled. The majority of the community Carolyn Handy. members are single, high school gradu- The town does have at least one ates, and employed or retired. small business in an adaptive reuse Benefits of the Bayside community building: the Agape preschool in the include broadband internet access and former Horntown Methodist Episcopal drainage ditches recently dug deeper Church, originally built in 1859 and re- by the Virginia Department of Trans- built in 1892. portation to mitigate flooding. Susan Beasley Blanford Persinger said Horntown Challenges include failing septic sys- Onancock/Eastern Shore - WEICHERT, REALTORS® Mason-Davis needs more police presence to curb tems; the Bayside community would 47 Market Street Onancock, VA 23417 speeding through the area and to check benefit from a future expansion of the on residents. Its citizens also want bet- Hampton Roads Sanitation District. New Listing!! Office: 757-787-1010 Fax: 757-787-1956 Cell: 757-710-1284 ter job opportunities for themselves and The Bayside community’s revitaliza- email: their children, “something more than tion team was formed in 2018. So far, Tyson and Holly Farms,” he said. all of its funding has stemmed from its Information Deemed Reliable but Not Guaranteed Licensed in VA Horntown, which is close to Chin- board of directors, but the team is ex-
May 13, 2022 • Eastern Shore Post • 13 ploring possible options for state and trict will build a sewer force main that federal funding. will pass the former Whispering Pines SSPPECIA NT ECI A L E VE N T IINVITATION N VI TAT I O N Mary N. Smith Cultural site, then turn and cross the highway Starting the Conversation Enrichment Center toward the town of Accomac. Mary N. Smith High School opened Morrison noted there must be a in 1953 in Accomac; it was a high school group of at least 25 homes in one par- for Black students and was named in ticular area before a collection system honor of local educator Mary Notting- ham Smith. can be built for them to connect to the force main and use the sewer system. How to talk about adding support After segregation ended, the school He added that there are also oppor- became Mary N. Smith Middle School, tunities in Accomack County for in- which was one of three Accomack fill development in unfinished subdi- County middle schools that closed in visions, which include Nocks Landing 2004 to prepare for two brand-new and Wishart Point. middle schools to open that fall. New Road Accomack County turned over the Ava Gabrielle-Wise, executive direc- former school to the Mary N. Smith tor of the New Road Community De- Alumni Association in 2011, and the velopment Group, said Exmore’s New building became the Mary N. Smith Road community is more than 100 Cultural Enrichment Center, yet an- years old, stemming back to the times other destination on Monday’s bus tour. of sharecroppers and tenant farmers in The first floor of the building is used a post-Civil War era. to host meetings of local organizations Fast-forward to the 20th century and the Eastern Shore’s Boys and Girls and the historically Black community Club, but Mary N. Smith alumni have was contending with absentee land- more in mind for the building, includ- lords and substandard living condi- ing housing. tions. Other neighborhoods had in- Karen Downing said housing could door plumbing, but New Road was left Discussing care needs with a loved one can be a difficult subject to go on the first floor of the former behind. broach. It can be a balancing act between guilt and fear — guilt over school, or there could be businesses on Gabrielle-Wise was an approximate- wanting to move your loved one from the home they love, and fear the first floor and apartments on the ly fourth-generation member of New about what might happen to them if you don’t. We have lovingly second floor. The property includes Road and grew up in the community. 15 acres surrounding the school, she Her mother is the late Ruth Wise, the supported thousands of families on this journey over the last 20 added. original executive director of the New years. We can help you too. Supporters of the Mary N. Smith Road development group. project worked with Ramona Chap- New Road attempted to get a 100% Join us as we discuss things to consider, how to frame the man, of the Virginia Department of subsidized sewer system in the early conversation, manage expectations, and honor your loved one’s Housing and Community Develop- 1970s but was denied; the community feelings to ensure a productive outcome. ment, to obtain a $10,000 pre-plan- pursued a 75% subsidized sewer sys- ning grant; now they are working to- tem in the early 1990s but was again ward a $50,000 grant for an engineer- denied. JOIN US ing study. The community appealed to Exmore Whispering Pines to extend its sewer service to New Wednesday, June 1st, at 12 p.m. The Whispering Pines Motel and Road, and after three years, the town restaurant in Tasley, a property that finally agreed. About halfway through Hosted by Commonwealth Senior Living at Naomi Makemie dated back as far as the 1930s, was the process, New Road decided to ac- Presbyterian Church: 89 Market Street, Onancock, VA 23417 a frequent stop for travelers on U.S. quire part of its neighborhood, Gabri- Route 13 for decades. elle-Wise said. Refreshments will be provided Rich Morrison, Accomack’s deputy In 1994, the New Road Community county administrator, noted the prop- Development Group was formed and re- erty remained popular throughout the 1950s and 1960s but became rundown in the 1970s and 1980s; then it was de- ceived a $360,000 grant from the McAu- ley Institute to purchase 30 acres. The members of New Road started Commonwealth SENIOR LIVING at THE EASTERN SHORE Seating is limited. RSVP today. stroyed by an arsonist’s blaze in 2013. selling the land back to themselves and The property, now owned by Acco- began an empowering tradition that Welcome Home 757-655-7783 mack County, has been cleaned up, continues today, with most residents and the land is flat and ready and of New Road owning their homes. th Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care waiting to be developed, a total of six Currently underway is New Road’s acres, he said. three-phase Legacy Project, which aims The Hampton Roads Sanitation Dis- S ERV IN G FA MIL IE S S IN C E 2 0 02 (Continued on Page 15)
14 • Eastern Shore Post • May 13, 2022 New Regional Library in Parksley On Track for August Opening By Carol Vaughn “As of today, we have an archivist,” but we’re not doing it for you,’” Russell roof for the bandshell area as result of A library representative asked the Bloxom said. The new position will be said, adding, “Maybe we can get some- the majority of downtown business own- Parksley Town Council at the Monday responsible for taking care of archival one to sponsor a light.” ers choosing to make facade improve- council meeting to have streetlights items related to Eastern Shore history. “We have asked to put lights on ments to their buildings themselves, installed on four utility poles in an “I do think the library will be the there and A&N told us we couldn’t do it rather than going through the grant. alleyway behind the new regional li- jewel in Parksley’s crown,” said Mayor because it’s not on our property — and Additionally, there could be money brary, which is under construction in Frank Russell. that’s why we have come to the town,” available for wayfinding signage, he said. Parksley. Councilman Ricky Taylor said secu- Bloxom said, adding, “…We appreciate Russell said he has not yet signed Pat Bloxom, a library board of trust- rity lights for other businesses in town, anything you can do.” the most recent change order for the ees member, said the lights are need- including the volunteer fire depart- The council adopted an updated project “because they’ve never told me ed for security because staff entrances ment, are paid for by the businesses. Hazard Mitigation Plan. what they are going to change yet, and will be at the rear of the library. Councilman Henry Nicholson said Russell gave an update about prog- how they are going to change it, and Library officials were told the utility his only concern is about the lights ress on a bandshell under construc- how they are going to make it right.” poles are not on library property, she bothering nearby residents, which has tion downtown, which is part of a Matthews said the change order said. been an issue in the past. grant-funded downtown revitalization refers to a different area of the grant Bloxom said the new library “is al- Nicholson said he will contact the project. project. most ready to open,” giving the first of Accomack-Northampton Electric Coop- Russell said he received a call a “They are two different pools of mon- August as the likely opening time. erative about who owns the lights and month ago from the architect, saying ey,” he said. The library will have more than what the town can and can not do. there was a problem because electri- Taylor twice made a motion to do 20,000 square feet of space, including Russell said he will contact Acco- cal service components that were sup- away with work sessions, after Mat- children’s and teens’ areas; a commu- mack County Supervisor Paul Muhly posed to be installed under the con- thews said the council did not fol- nity meeting room seating 100, with a about the matter. crete floor was not installed before the low Freedom of Information Act re- private entrance; and a large Heritage “Even though I want to support the concrete was poured. quirements for holding them in the Center, which includes a climate-con- library 100%, can I go to the rest of the A solution is still being worked out. past. Both motions died for lack of a trolled room to store historic docu- business owners and say, ‘Hey, we’re Councilman Dan Matthews said there second. ments and a research area. buying them and paying their electric, likely will be money left over to pay for a The council voted unanimously to move forward with applying for e sh Fr Jaxon’s & a USDA grant to purchase a police seaFood vehicle. Jaxon’s Hardware The council voted 5-1, with Tay- lor voting no, to repeal an outdat- SPRING CLEAN UP! ed ordinance instituting a $9 per quarter trash collection fee for resi- Cape Center dents. Taylor said he favored tabling 26507 Lankford Hwy. • Cape Charles, VA CUSTOM COLORS all matters related to outdated or- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK dinances about trash collection un- 7 am - 8 pm til after a new trash collection ordi- email: GARDENING TOOLS nance is adopted. Taylor earlier in 757-331-1541 BIRD FEEDERS the meeting presented a proposed 665-5967 • 665-5023 • 800-772-5023 updated ordinance to reflect current Week of May 14 - 20, 2022 Parksley, VA procedures for trash collection. A SATURDAY public hearing is required before the Fresh Drum Platter $17.99 council votes on it. SUNDAY C. LEE HAULING The council will hold a public hear- ing on the fiscal year 2023 town budget Chicken Pot Pie $10.99 on Monday, June 13. MONDAY Homemade Meatloaf $10.99 Top Soil, Fill, Sand, The council scheduled a grand open- ing for the renovated town hall for Sat- TUESDAY Hot Turkey Sandwich $10.99 48 MARKET ST. • ONANCOCK, VA MOVIE INFO AND ONLINE TICKETING Gravel, Lot Clearing urday, June 11, starting at 10 a.m. Police Chief Keith Greer pur- Clam Fritters WEDNESDAY $10.99 (757) 787-2209 CC•AD•AL and Demolition. chased 300 American flags himself for Memorial Day and is asking for THURSDAY FRI - SAT MAY 13-14 7 pm • SUN MAY 15 4 pm volunteers to help place flags on the TUE-WED MAY 17-18 7 pm Chicken Alfredo $10.99 “DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE 757-710-3032 graves of veterans on Sunday, May 22, at 3 p.m., starting at Parksley FRIDAY MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS” Cemetery and proceeding to Liberty Fresh Flounder Platter $19.99 Rated PG-13 Action/Adventure/Fantasy Hopeton, VA Cemetery.
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