Page created by Beatrice Davidson
Corporate Citizenship Report

Letter from Our Leaders:
Jack Percy and Louise May                                                 3
Accenture at a Glance                                                     4
Ethics & Governance                                                       6
Skills to Succeed                                                         11
Environment                                                               22
Our People                                                                28
Supply Chain                                                              35
The Path Forward                                                          40

Accenture is pleased to share this report, which details the impact we made globally
and in Australia and New Zealand across each of the five pillars of our corporate
citizenship reporting strategy: Ethics & Governance, Skills to Succeed, Environment,
Our People and Supply Chain. The report explores our corporate citizenship goals,
progress and performance across our operations during fiscal 2015 (1 September 2014 –
31 August 2015) unless otherwise noted.

Cover image: Our nonprofit partner, Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME), welcomed its
inaugural co-CEO, Marlee Silva (second from right), at its 2016 ‘Collaboration Art and Design’ workshop
with AIME mentees.
Jack Percy and Louise May
We are pleased to share the 2015 Corporate Citizenship Report, which details
our impact on the communities that we support across the five pillars of
our corporate citizenship strategy: Ethics & Governance, Skills to Succeed,
Environment, Our People and Supply Chain.

In 2015, we established new partnerships with nonprofit organisations, clients
and suppliers as we expanded our business operations and employee base in
New Zealand. We also strengthened relationships with existing partners, and
the communities they serve, through the continued funding, volunteering and
in-kind support that is detailed in this report.

Accenture’s global Skills to Succeed initiative is aiming to reach millions
of people. However, behind the numbers lies the heart of this initiative: the
individuals whose lives are transformed by gaining the skills to get a job or                        Jack Percy
build a business. As you will read, we’re seeing positive change—from skilling                       Chairman & Managing Director
people who are experiencing challenges, to advancing client sustainability, to                       Accenture in Australia and New Zealand
accelerating gender equality in the workforce.

We bring the corporate citizenship strategy to life by collaborating with our
strong network of partners, including clients, in our endeavours to improve the
way the world works and lives. The community and environment benefits when
we take action as an organisation, and as individuals within our organisation.
                                                                                                     Louise May
We sincerely thank our partners for their ongoing commitment towards
                                                                                                     Managing Director, Corporate Citizenship
corporate citizenship and our employees who contribute their time and skills.                        Accenture in Australia and New Zealand
We hope you enjoy reading this update on our global commitments and local
impact, and thank you for your interest in our endeavours.

 LETTER FROM        ACCENTURE AT          ETHICS &           SKILLS TO                                                               THE PATH
                                                                                 ENVIRONMENT   OUR PEOPLE      SUPPLY CHAIN                     3
 OUR LEADERS          A GLANCE          GOVERNANCE           SUCCEED                                                                 FORWARD
Accenture is a global professional services company, providing a broad range of services    our strategy and deliver our vision comes to life through our approximately 373,000*
and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. We work at the   people. Our people represent a wide variety of cultures, ethnicities, religious beliefs
intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and       and languages. This rich diversity makes our company stronger, smarter and more
create sustainable value for their stakeholders.                                            innovative, which helps us better serve our clients and our communities.

We operate at the heart of our clients’ businesses, helping address their most complex,     From our Skills to Succeed initiative to our efforts to drive sustainable economic
mission-critical issues. Our clients span the full range of industries across more than     growth with our people, clients and suppliers, we take thoughtful actions to bring
120 countries and include more than 80 percent of the Fortune Global 500 and 94 of          positive change, for today and for the future. This includes playing a vital role in
the Fortune Global 100. We are proud that 97 of our top 100 clients have been clients       convening people and organisations to create long-term value for our communities,
for at least 10 years.                                                                      strengthen our business and enhance our contribution to society.

At Accenture, corporate citizenship is central to our vision to improve the way the
world works and lives, and it reflects our core values. Everything we do to execute

people serving clients in more than 120 countries

                             net revenues for fiscal 2015

14     consecutive years recognised among
       FORTUNE’s Most Admired Companies

*As of February 29, 2016

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                                                                                                                                                       THE PATH
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  OUR LEADERS                A GLANCE       GOVERNANCE             SUCCEED                                                                             FORWARD
“Against the backdrop of
                                                                                                                                            economic, political and
                                                                                                                                            social transformation, one
                                                                                                                                            thing remains constant: the
                                                                                                                                            responsibilities of corporate
                                                                                                                                            leaders to sustainability.
                                                                                                                                            At the same time, digital
                                                                                                                                            transformation is everywhere—
                                                                                                                                            happening at scale and speed—
                                                                                                                                            and it allows us to tackle
                                                                                                                                            challenges that were previously
                                                                                                                                            well beyond our reach.
                                                                                                                                            “At Accenture, we see this
                                                                                                                                            as an important opportunity
                                                                                                                                            to make a difference in the
                                                                                                                                            communities where we work
                                                                                                                                            and live.”
                                                                                                                                            Pierre Nanterme, Accenture Chairman & CEO
                                                                                                                                            and Jill Huntley, Managing Director,
                                                                                                                                            Global Corporate Citizenship

Melbourne, Victoria’s capital, employs over a quarter of all employed Australians, according to Australian Jobs 2016.

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  OUR LEADERS                A GLANCE                GOVERNANCE                   SUCCEED                                                                FORWARD

 GOAL      AWARENESS BUILDING                                                                      GLOBAL PROGRESS

Following the fiscal 2014 launch of Conduct Counts, we will strive for employee awareness         In fiscal 2015, we achieved more than 90 percent employee awareness of our five global
levels of our five global behavioural standards to be at least 90 percent each year.              behavioural standards.

 GOAL      ETHICS TRAINING                                                                         GLOBAL PROGRESS

We will strive to maintain employee completion rates in the high 90th percentile for our          In fiscal 2015, we maintained employee completion rates in the high 90th percentile for our
Ethics & Compliance training each year.                                                           Ethics & Compliance training.

  LETTER FROM           ACCENTURE AT              ETHICS &                SKILLS TO                                                                          THE PATH
                                                                                            ENVIRONMENT       OUR PEOPLE            SUPPLY CHAIN                                                6
  OUR LEADERS             A GLANCE              GOVERNANCE                SUCCEED                                                                            FORWARD
The way we innovate, collaborate, operate and deliver                                       As a global organisation, our ongoing challenge in this area is two-fold: first to ensure
                                                                                            that all of our approximately 373,000* people consistently model the ethical behaviours
value—for our clients and our shareholders—is grounded                                      we expect through regular communication and training; and second, to continue
in our core values and shared business ethics.                                              to identify local legal requirements quickly. To do this, we conduct compliance risk
                                                                                            assessments for our global compliance program areas—Anticorruption, Anti-Money
Our core values—Client Value Creation, One Global                                           Laundering, Competition Law, Data Privacy and Trade Compliance. Each of these takes
                                                                                            into account the facts and circumstances of all the countries where we operate.
Network, Respect for the Individual, Best People, Integrity
                                                                                            In 2014, we launched Conduct Counts, a program that creates global standards of
and Stewardship—shape the culture and define the                                            behaviour for employee conduct that are culturally sensitive and locally relevant. In
character of our company. They serve as a foundation for                                    2015, Conduct Counts continued to build on our ethical culture by promoting the
                                                                                            following five global standard behaviours, which further bring to life our core values
how we act and make decisions.                                                              and Code of Business Ethics:

                                                                                            1. We speak up about concerns knowing Accenture never tolerates retaliation.
                                                                                            2. We treat each other with respect.
Strong corporate governance, ethics and compliance are key elements of Accenture’s
business strategy. They are essential to our ability to grow, differentiate ourselves       3. We are proud to be ambassadors of Accenture, and we act accordingly.
from our competitors, and protect our people, brand and financial performance. They         4. We apply our principle of meritocracy when we make decisions about our people.
also help make us a high performance business, and help us build trust with our
clients, our people and other stakeholders. Much of our business is built on long-term      5. We ensure our personal interests and relationships don’t create conflicts for Accenture.
relationships—all of our top 100 clients have been clients for at least five years and 97
                                                                                            We continue to monitor our peoples’ understanding of these behaviours by conducting
have been clients for at least 10 years—which requires trust. Our efforts to maintain and
                                                                                            periodic standard Conduct Counts surveys in all eligible countries where we have a
shape an ethical culture, including our Ethics & Compliance program, help Accenture
                                                                                            sufficient number of people to preserve anonymity. This allows us to ask our people to
remain one of the world’s most ethical companies.
                                                                                            anonymously provide their candid viewpoint on topics related to ethical behaviour at
 SHAPING AN ETHICAL CULTURE                                                                 Accenture, which in turn provides critical input for improvement of our business and
                                                                                            employment practices. In fiscal 2015, we achieved more than 90 percent awareness
Five main elements frame our Ethics & Compliance program: leadership; risk                  of our five global behavioural standards and we will continue to strive for at least 90
assessment; standards and controls; training and communication; and monitoring,             percent each year.
auditing and response. The program covers Accenture people, Accenture contractors
and third parties.

*As at February 29, 2016

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  OUR LEADERS                A GLANCE      GOVERNANCE              SUCCEED                                                                              FORWARD
Accenture leadership responsibilities                            framework of expected behaviours in everything we do,
                                                                 from serving our clients and running our business, to further
We expect all leaders at Accenture—including our                 enhancing our brand, reputation and transparency. Our COBE
Board of Directors; Chairman & CEO; General Counsel & Chief      reiterates that we have zero tolerance for corruption in any
                                                                                                                                      2016 marks our
Compliance Officer; and Global Management Committee (GMC)
members, who are our 19 most senior leaders—to advocate for
                                                                 form. We encourage our people to speak up if they have a good        ninth consecutive
                                                                 faith concern about disrespectful or inappropriate conduct, or
ethics and compliance and serve as role models of the highest    unethical or illegal behaviour of any kind. We also stress that      year on Ethisphere’s
ethical standards.                                               Accenture has zero tolerance for retaliation against anyone
                                                                 who speaks up in good faith. We update our COBE regularly
                                                                                                                                      “World’s Most
Our Chairman & CEO sets the tone for integrity and ethics
by communicating on ethics and compliance topics, such           to account for internal and external factors, changes in the         Ethical Companies”
                                                                 regulatory environment, and business priorities and strategies.
as: we have zero tolerance for violations of law and for
retaliation against employees reporting issues; and a strong     We have additional standards for suppliers and for our people        list, recognising our
Ethics & Compliance program is an essential part of being a      who work with the US federal government.                             commitment to ethical
high-performance company and in reaching our goals as a
company. Accenture’s Board of Directors oversees our Ethics &
                                                                 We require all employees to complete at least one hour of
                                                                 required Ethics & Compliance training on COBE and Information
                                                                                                                                      leadership, compliance
Compliance program, which is managed by our General Counsel      Security annually. We also target our training to an employee’s      practices and corporate
& Chief Compliance Officer.                                      role and provide specific scenarios and examples that are
                                                                 relevant to Accenture’s business and risks. For example, in fiscal
Members of senior management sponsor and are accountable
for implementing corporate policies applicable to their          2015, we required Anticorruption, Anti-Money Laundering,
respective areas. Our GMC plays an important role in our         Competition Law, Visa & Immigration and Trade Compliance
Ethics & Compliance program. It generally meets in person four   training for a large subset of our people based on level,
times a year and at least two of the four meetings include a     geography and role. We also require new joiners to take required
compliance topic. The members of the committee frequently        training on these topics as well as on insider trading, social
co-sponsor various Ethics & Compliance communications and        media, data privacy and protecting and respecting confidential
programs in partnership with our Chief Compliance Officer. The   information and intellectual property of Accenture and others.
GMC also helps communicate about new training across all         Our annual required Ethics & Compliance training program
aspects of Accenture’s business, helping us navigate the ever-   tracks results and tests knowledge by requiring employees
changing legal landscapes of the more than 120 countries in      to pass a quiz at the end of each course. Completion rates
which we serve clients.                                          continue to be in the high 90th percentile, which is an
                                                                 indicator of program success. We consider our required Ethics
Code of Business Ethics
                                                                 & Compliance training to be so essential that failure to
One of our most important written standards is our               complete it each year is factored into annual compensation-
Code of Business Ethics (COBE). It establishes an ethical        related decisions (as permitted by law).

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Raising and responding to concerns
Monitoring and enforcement are integral to our Ethics & Compliance program. We                  INSIGHTS TO BETTER SERVE REFUGEES
actively encourage our people to raise all ethical and legal concerns, and we make              CLIENT’S CHALLENGE
multiple channels available for them to do so—by name or anonymously. These channels
include direct supervisors and career counsellors, a 24/7 Business Ethics Line and              A fundamental component to ethical business conduct is supporting human rights and
website, Legal, Human Resources and any member of Accenture Leadership. We have                 we also empower clients with resources to help them further human rights. Working with
zero tolerance for retaliation against those who raise good faith concerns, which helps         the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Accenture
our people feel comfortable speaking up. We continue to look closely at the issues              leveraged our Unique Identity Service Platform to deploy a breakthrough biometrics
                                                                                                system to meet three objectives: 1) rapidly determine what benefits and services a person
being reported so we can understand frequency and identify types of misconduct. Our
                                                                                                needs; 2) secure identities; and 3) improve documentation to help long-time refugees find
Conduct Counts initiative has supported and enhanced our people’s willingness to speak
                                                                                                permanent solutions.
up to identify disrespectful or inappropriate conduct.
                                                                                                OUR SOLUTION
                                                                                                Biometric Identity Management System (BIMS) rapidly registers, de-duplicates and
Protecting privacy and the security of personal and business data—for our clients and           verifies the identities of refugees, ensuring that the right people receive assistance where
for ourselves—is essential to maintain the trust of clients and our people. It is also          and when they need it, all while ensuring their personal identity information is secure and
a core element of our commitment to uphold human rights, to behave appropriately                protected. Accenture and UNHCR put an early version BIMS to the test during a four-
when we access clients’ strategic and other key corporate data, and to ensure our               week pilot at UNHCR’s Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi.
employees’ data is safe and secure.
                                                                                                THE RESULTS
Today, information security has risen to the top of the agenda for most C-suite
                                                                                                The Camp’s nearly 17,000 refugees were rapidly registered and verified during the pilot.
executives and boards of directors. Rapidly evolving security threats pose an ongoing,
                                                                                                Since then, the BIMS has enrolled 120,000 refugees living in nine camps in Thailand and
central challenge as companies and governments face an increasingly sophisticated               100,000 refugees in Chad. More refugees will be enrolled as we roll out the system to
threat environment. In response, we help our clients protect data through strategic             more locations.
digital, cloud and security related services, all enabled by new and innovative
technologies. Additionally, in fiscal 2015, we acquired a strategic acquisition of FusionX
to enhance our cyber security capabilities.

We continue to strengthen our Client Data Protection program, which dictates how we
protect our clients’ sensitive information and comply with regulatory requirements. In
fiscal 2015, the program received the ISO 27001:2013 certification from the British
Standards Institution (BSI). The scope of the certification, among the most complex that BSI
conducts, covers Accenture’s client work from inception to completion around the world.

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CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                                                                      Board diversity and tenure
Role of the Board of Directors and leadership                                              Consistent with our Corporate Governance Guidelines, the Board seeks geographic, age,
                                                                                           gender and ethnic diversity among its members. Its members believe that considering
The Board of Directors is responsible for providing governance and oversight of the        diversity is consistent with creating a Board that best serves the needs of the company
strategy, operations and management of Accenture. It also promotes the long-term           and the interests of its stakeholders, and diversity is one of the many factors that apply
interests of our stakeholders through accountability throughout our organisation and       to identifying individuals for Board membership. The Board also believes that diversity
responsible decision making. The Board oversees our senior management, to whom             of tenure is important for both fresh perspectives and deep experience and knowledge
it has delegated the authority to manage the day-to-day operations of the company.         of the company. Therefore, the Board aims to maintain an appropriate balance of tenure
Additionally, the Board oversees Accenture’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)              across its directors. In addition, our Board averages 7.3 years tenure.
program, both directly and through standing committees. Read more in the Proxy
Statement for our 2016 Annual Meeting.                                                     Corporate Citizenship governance
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines and Memorandum and Articles of Association             Accountability to advance corporate citizenship at Accenture starts at the top, with
form the Board’s governance framework. The Board regularly reviews the guidelines          our Chairman & CEO, and cascades through our business, including use of performance
and other corporate governance documents and revises them from time to time when           objectives relating to corporate citizenship. For example, achieving our global carbon
it believes it serves the interest of Accenture and our stakeholders, and in response to   target is included in our corporate performance scorecard and is one factor considered in
changing regulatory and governance requirements.                                           the performance evaluation and pay of our Chief Leadership & Human Resources Officer.

The Corporate Governance Guidelines also address the means for communicating               Corporate Citizenship governance in Australia and New Zealand
concerns to the Board. They specify that our Board should have a majority of
independent directors, that those directors must not have any other direct or indirect     The Australia and New Zealand Chairman & Managing Director and Australia and New
                                                                                           Zealand Corporate Citizenship Managing Director review the strategic direction of the
material relationship with Accenture and that each director’s continued independence
                                                                                           corporate citizenship program in Australia and New Zealand at least twice a year.
is verified in an annual review.

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The Smith Family and Accenture delivered a Navigating the Job Market workshop in Perth.

 GOAL      DEMAND-LED SKILLING                                                                            GLOBAL PROGRESS
Equip more than 3 million people with the skills to get a job or build a business.                       To date, we have equipped more than 1.2 million people with workplace and entrepreneurial skills.

 GOAL      EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP OUTCOMES                                                       GLOBAL PROGRESS
Increase our focus on the successful transition from skill-building programs to sustainable jobs         We instituted new criteria for our largest global foundation grants that require all new
and businesses, and improve our collective ability to measure and report on these outcomes.              grants to be able to measure outcomes toward transitioning to jobs and businesses. We will
                                                                                                         use this information to continue to evaluate what works to transition skilled people into
                                                                                                         sustainable jobs and businesses and recalibrate our programs accordingly.

 GOAL      COLLABORATION FOR SYSTEMIC CHANGE                                                              GLOBAL PROGRESS
Bring together organisations across sectors to create large-scale, lasting solutions aimed               We continue to evolve our role as a collaborator, convener and thought leader, and to
at closing global employment gaps.                                                                       deliver research and insights on what works to help drive systemic change. As part of our
                                                                                                         role in the global Solutions for Youth Employment coalition, we helped to launch a new
                                                                                                         report that identifies solutions to the challenges of getting all youth into productive work.
                                                                                                         Additionally, we initiated a new collective impact initiative in France, and continue to
                                                                                                         support ongoing initiatives in the United Kingdom and Spain to help drive systemic change.

  LETTER FROM             ACCENTURE AT               ETHICS &                 SKILLS TO                                                                                 THE PATH
                                                                                                   ENVIRONMENT        OUR PEOPLE             SUPPLY CHAIN                                                11
  OUR LEADERS               A GLANCE               GOVERNANCE                 SUCCEED                                                                                   FORWARD
Our Skills to Succeed initiative advances employment                                       can inflict long-lasting damage to the prospects of individuals, families, communities
                                                                                           and the broad economy. For young people in particular, delays in starting employment
and entrepreneurship opportunities for individuals                                         can negatively affect wages for decades and impact their productivity and adaptability.
around the globe, leveraging technology to drive impact                                    We launched our global initiative, Skills to Succeed, to tackle these problems, drawing
at scale. Together with our strategic partners, by the end                                 on two of Accenture’s core capabilities: developing talent and convening partnerships
                                                                                           to achieve tangible, measurable results.
of fiscal 2020, we will equip more than 3 million people
with the skills to get a job or build a business; enable                                   Since we set our first Skills to Succeed goal in 2010 to equip 250,000 people with skills
                                                                                           to get a job or build a business, Accenture and the Accenture Foundations globally have
their successful transition to employment; and create                                      invested more than US$300 million through cash as well as pro bono contributions of
large-scale, lasting solutions aimed at closing global                                     time and Accenture people’s skills. Globally, we have so far equipped more than 1.2
                                                                                           million people with workplace and entrepreneurial skills.
employment gaps.
                                                                                           Our Skills to Succeed strategy is focused on three priorities:
 OUR STRATEGY AND APPROACH                                                                 • Leveraging technology and digital solutions for demand-led skilling at scale.
In today’s climate of volatility and constant change, it is more important than ever       • Deepening our focus on successful transitions from skilling to sustainable
for individuals to have the right skills to open doors to employment and economic            employment and entrepreneurship.
                                                                                           • Collaborating for greater impact by joining or creating cross-sector collaborations to
The issues of unemployment and underemployment are enormous in scale and global in           close employment gaps.
breadth, including in Australia and New Zealand. Unemployment and underemployment

toward our goal of 3M+ by 2020                                                            EFFORTS since 2011

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Local market relevance                                                                         LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY FOR DEMAND-LED SKILLING AT SCALE
At the heart of our strategy is a focus on defining market-relevant, customised               Our first strategic priority is to take our demand-led skilling programs to scale by
strategies and programs to address national gaps and bridge the divide between                leveraging technology and digital solutions.
unemployed or underemployed individuals and the needs of employers.
                                                                                              We are optimising our use of technology to accelerate the reach of our Skills to Succeed
In Australia and New Zealand we ensure our Skills to Succeed program is relevant              partners with job seekers and entrepreneurs in a cost-effective way and, in turn, improve
to market conditions and enables our nonprofit partners to address the skilling and           employment and entrepreneurship outcomes. Globally, we are seeing positive results with
employment needs of the people they support.                                                  digital learning content and tools to deliver critical skills needed to get a job or start
A significant shift in the labour market over recent years has seen our Corporate             a business. In addition, we expect that enhanced performance management and data
Citizenship strategy adapt and evolve. For example, according to Australian Jobs 2016,        analytics will help our nonprofit partner’s to better monitor and evaluate outcomes.
the industries of health care and social assistance; professional, scientific and technical
services; and, education and training are predicted to experience high-growth, while          Skills to Succeed Academy
manufacturing; agriculture; and, wholesale trade are in decline. In New Zealand,              In fiscal 2015, Corporate Citizenship in Australia undertook a feasibility study to
particularly strong jobs growth is expected in the construction and utilities industries,     determine the need in Australia for the Skills to Succeed Academy, an online
along with hospitality, wholesale and retail.                                                 innovative and highly engaging learning tool that helps address youth unemployment
Australian Jobs 2016 reports that during times of high unemployment, young people             by building skills and confidence of job seekers. We researched in Australia if similar
are particularly vulnerable as they tend to have less education, skills and experience        tools currently exist; whether there is a need for a tool to address youth unemployment;
than those aged between 25 to 44 years. While labour market conditions for youth              and, held trials to obtain feedback from young people by using an existing UK version of
(15 to 24 years) have slightly improved over recent years, the youth unemployment             the tool.
rate in Australia remains high at approximately 12 per cent (as of January 2016).
                                                                                              The feasibility study strongly indicated the need to implement the Skills to Succeed
In New Zealand, according to the Sustainable Business Council Report 2013, just over
                                                                                              Academy in Australia to help address the skilling and employment needs of young
13 per cent of youth are not in employment, education or training.
                                                                                              people. An Australian version of the tool will be available in October 2016 for use by
Accenture’s focus on Indigenous Australians enables us to contribute towards the              nonprofit organisations.
advancement of Indigenous people, particularly in the area of employment. We are
not alone in understanding this important contribution, with the ‘Closing the Gap’
commitment by all Australian governments aiming to improve the lives of Indigenous
Australians and provide a better future for Indigenous children through six ambitious
targets. Two targets relate to Skills to Succeed, and we partner with nonprofit
organisations that address these, including:

• Halve the gap for Indigenous students in Year 12 (or equivalent) attainment rates by 2020
• Halve the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and other Australians
  by 2018

                                                                                              The Skills to Succeed Academy was trialled in Australia in July 2015 with
                                                                                              nonprofit organisations.

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Mentoring Program online portal with Many Rivers                             TRANSITIONING FROM SKILLING TO SUSTAINABLE
                                                                             EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP
To support the implementation of the Many Rivers Mentoring
Program, in fiscal 2015 Accenture undertook a project on a pro              Our second strategic priority—to deepen our focus on
bono basis to build a technology platform that would capture                successful transitions through insight-and outcome-driven            Our Skills to Succeed strategy
mentor and supplementary business owner data, which would                   investing—comes to life in three types of initiatives: Pathways      is supported by our people,
be used to establish and build strong and effective mentoring               to Employment, Accenture as a Skills to Succeed Employer and         who have an impact through
relationships. Completed in 2016, the new technology allows                 Enabling Entrepreneurship.
the Mentoring Program to run more efficiently, reach more
                                                                                                                                                 volunteering, mentoring,
mentors and business owners, and enables Many Rivers to                     In 2015, globally we refreshed our Skills to Succeed                 donating funds, pro bono
                                                                            measurement approach to improve our ability to measure
provide more accurate and reliable reporting.
                                                                            outcomes, report results and provide information needed to
                                                                                                                                                 consulting and supporting
                                                                            manage and improve the performance for job seekers and               partnerships with local
                                                                            entrepreneurs. In addition to tracking the number of people          nonprofit organisations and
                                                                            equipped with skills, we also ask our strategic nonprofit            connections with clients
                                                                            partners to demonstrate program impact by reporting progress
                                                                            against key outcomes, such as obtaining employment, building         and suppliers.
                                                                            sustainable businesses and creating employment opportunities
                                                                            for others.

                                                                            Pathways to Employment
                                                                            In today’s ever-evolving job market, workers often have
Along with Accenture providing technology, Accenture people are currently   to redefine themselves and learn new skills. The skilling
participating in the Many Rivers Mentoring Program.                         programs we support through our nonprofit partners
                                                                            are designed with job placement and long-term career
                                                                            agility in mind. Our nonprofit partners offer job-readiness
                                                                            training, mentoring, vocational and technical training
                                                                            and new career programs to steer participants in the
                                                                            right direction towards sustainable employment.

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Accenture as a Skills to Succeed Employer                          COLLABORATING FOR GREATER IMPACT
We continue to explore opportunities to connect newly             We have learned that no single organisation can adequately
skilled individuals through Skills to Succeed programs with       address the issue of unemployment. Our third strategic priority
opportunities for sustainable employment. For example, we         is to bring together, or join with, organisations across sectors
have connected our nonprofit partner, Dress for Success Sydney,   to create largescale, lasting solutions aimed at closing global
with our HR and Procurement teams so they can together            employment gaps.
determine suitable employment opportunities at Accenture
                                                                  The successful execution of our strategy hinges on deep
Australia. The Smith Family provides participants of their
                                                                  relationships with a diverse set of organisations, including our
Learning for Life program with information on applying for
                                                                  nonprofit partners, clients, government agencies, employers
our annual Graduate Recruitment program.
                                                                  and other funders. These partners bring a broad range of
Enabling Entrepreneurship                                         perspectives on complex issues, such as unemployment.
                                                                  As such, it can be a challenge to find common ground and
Entrepreneurs have a multiplier effect on communities,            generate consensus on the path forward. However, we believe
bringing leadership skills to the marketplace and creating new    that such efforts are essential to create large-scale change,
businesses and jobs for others. When it comes to launching        and we are uniquely positioned as a collaborator, convener and
a successful business, training is just the beginning. Our        thought-leader to develop shared solutions that help create
experience shows that effective programs provide ongoing          sustainable economic growth for millions of people worldwide.
mentoring and other support to address the challenges of
starting and growing a business of any size. In 2015, nonprofit
partner, Many Rivers, launched its Mentoring Program that
sees professional mentors provide support, guidance and skills
transfer to micro-business owners to strengthen the support
                                                                                                                                     SKILLS TO SUCCEED supports
provided by Many Rivers.                                                                                                             UNITED NATIONS sustainable
                                                                                                                                     development GOALS 4, 8
                                                                                                                                     and 17

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The Careers Support Program at Dress for Success in Sydney, Brisbane, Wellington and
                                                                                           “I found the Dress for Success Careers Support Program
Auckland provides career development and employability skills for in-need women and
men (in Brisbane) who are actively seeking employment.                                     workshops to be so informative. I was excited with all the new
                                                                                           knowledge that I gained about today’s job market. My advice to
Five years ago, Accenture supported Dress for Success Sydney and Brisbane to
establish their Careers Support Program. In 2014, we started to support Dress for          women who find themselves unemployed is to never give up!
Success Wellington with their skilling program called the Breakfast Club, and in 2015      Keep learning and searching for work in places you wouldn’t
we started to support the skilling component of the Women’s Resource Centre at             normally look.”
Dress for Success Auckland.
                                                                                           Sylvia participated in Careers Support Program workshops at Dress for Success Sydney,
Accenture people contributed their time and skills to develop and facilitate many Skills   including workshops tailored for the over 50’s age bracket. Recently Sylvia’s new job
to Succeed workshops at Dress for Success Sydney and Brisbane. Along with this, our        seeking skills and confidence secured her employment as a bookkeeper with a legal firm.
people provided assistance in the Dress for Success clothing showroom; donated work
appropriate clothing at International Women’s Day events; helped with fundraising
events; and, donated funds through our workplace giving program, Accent on Giving.

In 2015, an ‘Online Reporting and Booking Tool’ was implemented by Accenture at
Dress for Success Auckland to enable better management of participant bookings,
administration and reporting processes, seeing an increase in efficiency and
effectiveness in how client information is captured and used.

                                                                                           Dress for Success in Australia and New Zealand equips hundreds of women
                                                                                           with essential employability skills through their Careers Support Program, which
                                                                                           includes Skills to Succeed workshops facilitated by Accenture volunteers.

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In 2015, Many Rivers implemented a Mentoring Program with multi-year support              Julie Shaw, founder and creative director of fashion and lifestyle
from the Accenture Australia Foundation. Through this program, professional mentors
provide support, guidance and skills transfer to micro-business owners to strengthen
                                                                                          brand Mayrah, is one of the first of Many Rivers’ clients to be
the support provided by Many Rivers. In turn, the introduction of mentors will enable     matched with a fully trained mentor through Many Rivers’
Many Rivers’ Field Officers to spend more time supporting new micro-business owners       Mentoring Program. Julie and her mentor have been working
to start, stay and thrive in business.                                                    through the challenges of expanding sales into the United
The pilot phase of the Mentoring Program commenced in 2015 in Western Sydney,             States market. Julie is now well on her way to achieving her
Newcastle and Hunter Valley and metropolitan Perth. This involved mentor training,        business goals.
followed by successful mentor and business owner relationships being established.

Many Rivers is the first Australian nonprofit organisation to be an affiliate of
Accenture’s global nonprofit partner, Youth Business International (YBI). This has
allowed Many Rivers access to YBI’s expertise and knowledge for entrepreneurship
training, mentoring and other business development services.

To support the implementation of the Many Rivers Mentoring Program, in fiscal 2015
Accenture consultants started a pro-bono project to build a technology platform that
would capture mentor and supplementary business owner data, which would be used
to establish and build strong and effective mentoring relationships. Completed in 2016,
the new technology allows the Mentoring Program to run more efficiently, reach more       Julie Shaw and her mentor (left to right), who are
mentors and business owners, and enable Many Rivers to provide more accurate and          participating in the Many Rivers’ Mentoring Program.
reliable reporting.

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Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) is a proven structured educational            The Beacon Foundation and its High Impact Work Readiness Program equips students
program that gives Indigenous high school students the skills, opportunities, belief            in Years 11 and 12 with knowledge on how to be successful during the transition from
and confidence to finish school and transition into further education, training or              school to work with a focus on employment-ready topics.
employment at the same rate as all Australian students. In fiscal 2015, Accenture began
its support of AIME as their Year 12 National Partner.                                          In fiscal 2015, with funding and volunteers from Accenture, young people were
                                                                                                equipped with employability skills by attending 20 High Impact Work Readiness
AIME positively engaged and equipped Year 12 students across Australia with valuable skills     Program workshops across Australia and participating in The Beacon Foundation’s
through their attendance at a range of interactive facilitated sessions with mentors, career    core program in two secondary schools in Sydney and Brisbane. In addition, Accenture
advisors and university representatives. The focus at these sessions was on completing high
                                                                                                people co-facilitated High Impact Work Readiness Program workshops; facilitated skill-
school and successfully transitioning into further education, training or employment.
                                                                                                building workshops for students in Years 11 and 12; and, donated funds through our
Accenture people mentored Year 11 students in Canberra and many got involved in                 workplace giving program, Accent on Giving.
AIME’s annual National Hoodie Day to raise funds and recognise Indigenous success and
pride, and help close the education gap for Indigenous youth. Accenture also supported          “I started today with very little knowledge about approaching
AIME’s one-off limited edition men’s and women’s suit sale. The suit lining featured an         a job but now I feel that I am confident with applying and
Indigenous print by an AIME art intern, providing a chance to create an original piece
while kick-starting a career.                                                                   pursuing a career path.”
AIME identified the need to revise the way technology supported the transition of its Year      A participant of The Beacon Foundation’s High Impact Program Work Readiness workshop
12 students into further education and employment. In 2016, Accenture commenced a
project with AIME to redesign processes and technology to ensure a smoother process to
support students, universities and employers.

                                                                                                Accenture employees mentored students who attended a Beacon Foundation
                                                                                                High Impact Work Readiness Program workshop in Brisbane.

AIME Year 12 student mentees with program staff from University of Wollongong

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Through The Smith Family and their long-running Learning for Life program, the ‘Young     Good Return is an initiative of World Education Australia. Their Skills for Life program
Leaders Network’ was established to encourage its members, who are students studying      was developed in 2009, with the support from the Accenture Australia Foundation, to
in Year 12 or at tertiary institutions, to stay connected and network; give back to the   give micro-entrepreneurs the opportunity to complete village-based financial literacy
community; and, develop employability skills and confidence.                              and livelihood training courses to further their skills and see their businesses succeed.
                                                                                          Since this time, Skills for Life has equipped nearly 9,000 people living in the Philippines,
In fiscal 2015, members of the ‘Young Leaders Network’ were equipped with                 Indonesia, Cambodia and Nepal with skills to start or expand their business.
employability skills by attending Accenture’s Skills to Succeed workshops on
Navigating the Job Market and Preparing for Work. Accenture people volunteered to         Through our workplace giving program, Accent on Giving, Accenture and its employees,
deliver these skill-building workshops in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth and        known as the Good Return Committee, contributed funding towards Skills for Life in fiscal
Sydney to help students make a successful transition into employment with skills          2015. Since the Good Return Committee’s inception in fiscal 2010, nearly AUD$120,000
and confidence.                                                                           has been donated towards small loans for people in the Asia Pacific region. Once these
                                                                                          loans were repaid, the funds have gone towards financial literacy and livelihood training
Accenture people participated in The Smith Family’s online mentoring program,             courses for other micro-entrepreneurs of the Skills for Life program.
iTrack, which matches high school students with a supportive adult who volunteers
                                                                                          In fiscal 2015, Accenture provided pro bono consulting to Good Return to evaluate and
as a mentor to provide the student with advice and guidance about the workplace,
                                                                                          select an online learning management system to enable the provision of ongoing online
study and career opportunities. Through our workplace giving program, Accent on
                                                                                          training for trainers in Cambodia and Nepal. The new system will play a key role in extending
Giving, Accenture and its employees together contributed funding towards the tertiary
                                                                                          the scale and reach of Good Return’s financial literacy and skills training programs.
education for students of the Learning for Life program.

“Following the workshop, I’ve revamped my cover letter and
resume, and am attending more interviews for jobs that I’m
very hopeful of getting.”
A participant of the Navigating the Job Market workshop

                                                                                          Women in Cambodia participate in the Skills for Life program and complete
                                                                                          village-based financial literacy and livelihood training courses to further their
                                                                                          skills and see their businesses succeed.

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The Connections to Employment program at Mission Australia provided training
and employment focussed activities to engage job seekers in securing sustainable
employment. In fiscal 2015, through our workplace giving program, Accent on Giving,
Accenture and it’s people contributed funding towards the program and facilitated
Skills to Succeed workshops to equip program participants with employability skills.

In July 2015, when Connections to Employment ceased, Accenture started to support
Charcoal Lane, a Mission Australia social enterprise restaurant in Fitzroy that provides
young Indigenous people with guidance and opportunity to gain the skills required for
a career in the hospitality industry. The program provides not only commercial
restaurant skills, but also leadership and mentoring to help vulnerable young people       Charcoal Lane provides guidance and opportunity to young people, many
achieve their potential and gain long-term independence through employment.                of whom are Aboriginal, to gain the skills required for a career in the
                                                                                           hospitality industry.
Mission Australia’s Pathways to Employment program assists job seekers to gain
practical knowledge and personal awareness skills, so they could be more confident
in the job market. The program was delivered through Mission Australia skill-building
workshops and an online learning management system that Accenture implemented
with Mission Australia in 2014.

The Accenture HR team in Melbourne volunteered to help deliver a special ‘Christmas
Family Day at the Zoo’ for low-income families whose children have never visited a zoo,     The Post Schools Pathways program through nonprofit organisation Yalari provides
and our people in Sydney volunteered to put on a Christmas barbeque lunch at Mission        support and guidance for Indigenous students once they complete their secondary
Australia’s ‘Fairlight Centre’, a transitional housing program for formerly homeless men    school education, and equips them with skills to be successful at university, further
as they journey to independence.                                                            study or into employment. With Accenture in Australia’s support over the last three
                                                                                            years, students have been equipped with skills to help them on a positive pathway.

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Save the Children established the Youth Advisory Committee to provide young people         The Careers Support Program at Wear for Success in Melbourne provides career
with valuable hands-on work experience at Save the Children, which would build their       development and employability skills for in-need women and men who are actively
skills and experience to become effective job candidates and employees at their next       seeking employment.
place of employment. In fiscal 2015, Accenture people facilitated Skills to Succeed
                                                                                           Four years ago, Accenture supported Wear for Success in establishing its Careers
workshops on Social Media and Leadership Fundamentals to equip committee members
                                                                                           Support Program, and in fiscal 2015, we provided funding and volunteers to support
with skills to support their successful transition to further employment.
                                                                                           the delivery the program to beneficiaries. Along with this support, our people provided
Through employee giving programs, Accenture and its people donated nearly $20,000          assistance in the Wear for Success clothing showroom; donated work appropriate
toward Save the Children, including for the Djarindjin Community Op Shop Project in        clothing at International Women’s Day events; and, donated funds through our
Western Australia, the Youth Advisory Committee and the Nepal and Vanuatu Disaster         workplace giving program, Accent on Giving.
Relief Appeals.
                                                                                           In fiscal 2015, Accenture undertook a project on a pro bono basis to enhance the
                                                                                           ‘Online Reporting and Booking Tool’ at Wear for Success, following our implementation
                                                                                           of the tool in 2014. Wear for Success can now better manage participant bookings,
                                                                                           administration and reporting processes, seeing an increase in efficiency and
                                                                                           effectiveness in how client information is captured and used.

Campbell Page piloted the Community Hub Café program in Canberra to provide people
who are experiencing long-term unemployment with the opportunity to receive hands-
on work experience and gain skills in hospitality, customer service and retail in a safe
and supportive environment.

In early 2015, Accenture supported the pilot phase of the program and Accenture
people also got involved by facilitating Skills to Succeed workshops on Resume Writing
and Interview Skills.

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Accenture people in Canberra volunteered with Greening Australia to plant trees.

 GOAL       RUNNING EFFICIENT OPERATIONS                                                              GLOBAL PROGRESS
Reduce our carbon emissions to an average of two metric tons per employee—                           By the end of fiscal 2015, we achieved a 47 percent reduction from baseline, reducing our
representing a more than 50 percent reduction against our 2007 baseline.                             carbon emissions from an average of 4.04 metric tons of CO2 per employee in fiscal 2007 to
                                                                                                     2.14 in fiscal 2015.

 GOAL       ENABLING CLIENT & SUPPLIER SUSTAINABILITY                                                 GLOBAL PROGRESS
Begin to measure and report the impact of our work with clients and suppliers in key                 In fiscal 2015, we piloted methodologies that start to measure the impact of our services
areas of sustainability.                                                                             with clients.

Improve our energy efficiency by 30 percent against our 2007 baseline.

Expand to 75 percent the percentage of our key suppliers who disclose their targets and
actions toward emissions reduction.

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Fostering sustainable economic growth for our company                                         We use digital technology to collaborate, learn and connect with our teams and our
                                                                                              clients while reducing the cost, time and necessity of travel and travel-related carbon
and our stakeholders is at the heart of our environmental                                     emissions. We encourage our approximately 373,000* people around the world to share
strategy. Leveraging the power of our people and the digital                                  and implement innovative environmental solutions in their daily work.

world is key to achieving our environmental goals for 2020                                    Environmental stewardship is ingrained in our Code of Business Ethics and our core
                                                                                              values, specifically Stewardship. These inform our Environmental Responsibility Policy,
and helping to ensure a better future for our planet.                                         which our Environment Steering Group (ESG) established in 2007, updated in 2014, and
                                                                                              reviews annually.

 OUR STRATEGY AND APPROACH                                                                    Accountability for our environmental strategy starts with our Chairman & CEO and
                                                                                              cascades to our governance bodies that oversee our environmental policy and corporate
Accenture has long understood the need to minimise the impact of our operations in an         objective of fostering environmentally sustainable growth.
energy and carbon constrained world. Since 2007, when we first quantified our carbon
footprint, our commitment has continued to evolve and grow. Today, we build and test
innovations like cloud computing that inherently reduces environmental impact.

By the end of fiscal 2020, globally, we will reduce our carbon emissions to an average
of two metric tons per employee, representing a more than 50 percent reduction
against our 2007 baseline. Our environmental strategy focuses on three areas:

• Running efficient operations that reduce emissions and other impacts.
                                                                                                      REDUCED our per employee CARBON EMISSIONS by 47%
                                                                                                      toward our goal of 50% by 2020
• Enabling client and supplier sustainability.

• Engaging our people, leaders, partners and other stakeholders.

As a global professional services company, our environmental footprint consists                RUNNING EFFICIENT OPERATIONS
primarily of the carbon emissions that our people generate through air travel and use
of electricity in our office locations. This is especially the case for Accenture Australia   Globally, managing our energy use helped make fiscal 2015 the most energy-efficient
and New Zealand, where our vast landscape requires us to travel long distances via air        year in our company’s history. Since the outset of our energy management programs
travel to fulfill our commitments.                                                            in fiscal 2007, the collective electricity efficiency of our offices around the globe has
                                                                                              improved by more than 28 percent.
By executing our strategy, we are confident we can attain bold, sustainable outcomes
that reduces our carbon footprint and helps mitigate the impacts of climate change.

*As at February 29, 2016

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While collaboration technology minimises our need for travel, it also poses a challenge:
                                                                                               technology upgrades that necessitate disposal of obsolete electronic waste (e-waste).
                                                                                               In fiscal 2015, we maintained our strong results with responsible disposal of e-waste.
                                                                                               Globally, more than 99 percent of our total disposed equipment—more than 46,000
                                                                                               laptop and desktop computers weighing 180 metric tons—was disposed of in a
                                                                                               method avoiding landfill, primarily through management by supplier reclamation and
                                                                                               responsible disposal vendors.
Set a goal to IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICENCY by 30% by 2020
                                                                                               More efficient lighting and cooling
                                                                                               Accenture has identified enormous potential to make a difference in environmental
Improving operational efficiencies with collaboration technology                               sustainability by maximising the use of new and digital technologies in our day-to-day
                                                                                               operations. For example, Accenture Workplace Services is rolling out the installation of
In 2015, our internal IT organisation set forth a bold mission to drive a digital Accenture.
                                                                                               LED tubes—sourced through our client Philips—at Accenture locations around the world.
We are enabling digital operations within the CIO organisation and across Accenture’s
                                                                                               Benefits of LEDs include reduced carbon emissions through lower energy use, reduced
global enterprise—reducing the carbon emissions, cost, time and necessity of travel.
                                                                                               environmental impact by eliminating fluorescent tubes and their mercury content and
Digital will be key to achieving Accenture’s environmental goals for 2020 and beyond.
                                                                                               reduced operating costs. Accenture Workplace Services in Australia and New Zealand
With a philosophy of moving ideas, not people, we have embedded the expectation of             use LED lights wherever possible, along with looking towards the future to determine
minimising travel into our culture. We are communicating and connecting in a way               other ways to bring about workplace lighting and cooling efficiencies.
that is second nature to our people. Further, we are investing heavily in collaborative
technologies—minimising the use of hardware where possible in favour of inherently
                                                                                               Ongoing efforts to assess and reduce environmental impact
sustainable solutions such as cloud computing.                                                 Accenture is ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS)-certified
                                                                                               globally. ISO 14001 is an international standard for organisations to minimise their
In 2015, globally Accenture averaged nearly 9 million videoconferencing minutes per
                                                                                               environmental impact. It is a key credential for many of our clients and tangible
month across multiple videoconferencing tools.
                                                                                               evidence of our commitment to being an environmentally responsible partner. Our
Global live-stream broadcasting is an everyday reality across Accenture, bridging the          Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney offices are ISO 14001 certified.
physical distance between Accenture employees, company leaders, clients and even the
general public. This type of virtual face-to-face interaction lessens and often eliminates
the need for travel and its corresponding carbon emissions.

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Water consumption                                                                     Increasing renewable energy sources
We seek to responsibly minimise water consumption across                              Replacing non-renewable with renewable energy is part of
our business. Our operations are not water-intensive, however,                        our supply chain sustainability strategy. In fiscal 2015, use of
we recognise the increasing importance of water availability                          renewable energy contributed to reductions in per employee
in areas of the world that may become water-stressed due to                           carbon emissions, allowing us to avoid more than 57,000
escalating physical and economic water scarcity.                                      metric tons of CO2 across our global operations.

We engage our people through internal environment campaigns                           Accenture continues to explore cost-practical means to
to raise awareness of water conservation measures. We also                            purchase renewable instead of non-renewable grid energy
continue to work with building management to promote                                  wherever possible. The fact that we do not own our office
the careful use of water, implementing improvements where                             buildings limits our ability to self-generate renewable energy or
practical. For example, the Sydney Accenture office uses a black                      enter into contractual agreements with local renewable energy
water treatment plant that transforms building waste water into                       suppliers on our own. We continue to encourage our landlords
clean, recycled water for toilets and site irrigation.                                to pursue cost-feasible, locally available renewable options
                                                                                      for tenants, or allow us to pursue them ourselves. Accenture’s
The Sydney Accenture office occupies a 6-Star Green Star                              exterior signage at our Sydney office is powered by renewable
                                                                                                                                                           Our ENVIRONMENTAL
Rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. The                              sources and we continue to seek other opportunities to use           STRATEGY supports UNITED
Green Star accommodation provides significant environmental                           renewable energy.                                                    NATIONS sustainable
benefits, including reduced water consumption mentioned
above as well as heating, cooling and lighting efficiencies.                          Travel Smart Challenge                                               development GOALS 7 and 13
                                                                                      We conducted our fourth annual Travel Smart Challenge in
                                                                                      fiscal 2015. A six-week competition that ran from Earth Day to
                                                                                      World Environment Day encouraged Accenture people to think
                                                                                      creatively about how they can minimise flights and road travel
                                                                                      to reduce their travel-related carbon footprint.

                                                                                      In Australia, several employees participated in the Travel Smart
                                                                                      Challenge, seeing both domestic and international flights
                                                                                      avoided over the six-week timeframe. Over the past four years,
                                                                                      participants from around the world have avoided more than
                                                                                      11,000 flights through this initiative.
Accenture’s office in Sydney is Australia’s first building rated 6-Star Green Star,
the highest performance rating given by the Green Building Council of Australia.

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