Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021

Page created by Andrew Warren
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Accelerating STV’s diversification
2020 Full Year Results – 16th March 2021

Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021

Overview                             Simon

Finance review                       Lindsay

Accelerating STV’s diversification   Simon


Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Coming through Covid with confidence

•   Covid profit decline more than halved in H2
•   Maintaining record audience growth on TV and online
•   TV advertising showing its resilience, with trends improving
•   Digital and Studios businesses both accelerating
•   Achieved 2020 diversification target of 1/3 profit from new revenue streams
•   Furlough grants of £1.6m to be repaid
•   Agreement reached in principle to sell the Scottish Children’s Lottery
•   New 3 year plan focuses on accelerating STV’s diversification
•   Reinstating the cash dividend at 6p (FY20: 9p) is a measure of the Board’s
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Finance Review
                    Lindsay Dixon
Unforgotten, STV
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
2020 key financials

                  Total        Regional
   Total                                       Digital       Studios
                Advertising   Advertising
  Revenue                                     Revenue        Revenue
                 Revenue       Revenue
  £107.1m        £90.9m        £14.1m          £13.7m        £8.7m
    -14%              -10%       -5%          VOD +12%        -36%
  Adjusted      Operating
                               Adjusted                      Full Year
  Operating       Cash                        Net Debt
                                EPS                          Dividend
   Profit       Conversion
   £18.2m         108%          37.5p          £17.5m           9p

    -19%        2019: 93%       -18%        Dec‘19: £37.5m    +43%
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Group Results
     Better than expected result underpinned by early cost action and resilient business model

                              2020    2019
                               £m      £m Change
                                                      •   Revenue down 14%, a result of lower linear
- Broadcast                    81.2    92.3   (12%)
                                                          TV advertising and programme deliveries
- Digital                      13.7    13.0      5%
- Studios                       8.7    13.7   (36%)   •   Total advertising revenue down only 10%, a
- ELM                           3.5     4.8   (27%)       significant improvement on H1, down 20%
                              107.1   123.8   (14%)
Total advertising revenue      90.9   101.6   (10%)   •   Operating profit impact mitigated by ITV
                                                          variable cost model and management
Adjusted operating profit     18.2    22.6    (19%)       actions
Share of associates           (0.1)       -
Finance costs (excl. IAS19)   (1.5)   (1.6)           •   Share of associates reflects Two Cities
                                                          minority investment
Adjusted PBT                   16.6    21.0   (21%)
                                                      •   Adjusted EPS down in line with profit, and
Adjusted EPS (pence)           37.5    45.8   (18%)       benefitting from reduced effective tax rate
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Operating profit waterfall illustrates the benefit of STV’s variable cost
model and other savings realised
Investment in the digital business continued despite Covid disruption



                                         Savings       Investment


              Revenue related items


Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
In June 2020 we set out the steps we were taking to save costs and retain
     cash; these have been delivered in full

Cost savings                              £m          Cash retention                                    £m

Non-payment of bonuses                     1.9        Cancellation of FY19 final dividend                5.5
Furlough and Board salary sacrifice        1.6        Delay capex plans to 2021                          3.0
Regional programming budget                1.0        Deferral of VAT payments to Q1 2021                1.7
Property and facility costs                0.7        Interim dividend for FY20 paid in shares           1.3
Marketing                                  0.5
Studios cost base                          0.3        Total cash retained                               11.5
Other operating costs                      0.8

Total savings                              6.8

   We also raised net proceeds of £15.5m from an equity placing in July 2020 and agreed an increase in bank
     facilities and certain covenant relaxations to enable us to trade through a severe downside scenario
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Strong operating cash conversion and placing proceeds materially reduce debt
                                               2020     2019
                                                £m       £m
Adjusted operating profit                      18.2     22.6
Dep'n / amort’n – owned assets                   3.3      2.9   •   Operating cash conversion strong at 108%;
Dep’n / amort’n – leased assets                  1.8      1.9       tight control of working capital and pause in
Share based payments                             0.5      0.3       capex
EBITDA                                         23.8     27.7
Working capital                                    -    (0.3)
                                                                •   Pension contributions paid in full
Lease payments                                 (1.9)    (1.9)
Capital expenditure                            (2.1)    (4.5)
                                                                •   Interest cashflow higher due to refi fees and
Operating cash flow                            19.8     21.0
                                                                    phasing of rollovers; p&l charge flat year on
Cash conversion                               108%      93%         year
Issue of shares                                 15.5        -
Pension contributions                         (10.5)   (10.3)   •   Underlying SCL funding £0.8m; balance of
Interest and refinancing fees                  (1.9)    (1.1)       £0.6m relates to VAT recoverable, received
Tax                                            (0.4)      0.1
                                                                    post year end
Re-organisation costs                              -    (1.0)
Dividends                                          -    (7.6)
SCL funding                                    (1.4)    (1.8)
Share purchases                                    -    (2.1)
Investment in Two Cities / sale of deltaDNA    (1.1)      1.6
                                               20.0     (1.2)
Net debt                                       17.5     37.5                                                        99
Accelerating STV's diversification 2020 Full Year Results - 16th March 2021
Bank facilities renewed in March 2021 for minimum 3 years, providing
     liquidity and flexibility for the medium term

                          Dec 2020 Jun 2020 Dec 2019

Net debt (£m)                17.5     33.5      37.5   •   Existing facilities set to mature June 2022 so
                                                           refi expected in H1 2021
Leverage (max 3x)             0.7      1.5       1.3
                                                       •   New arrangements incorporate:
Interest cover (min 4x)      27.7     20.2      25.1        • £60m RCF with £20m accordion
                                                            • Three year tenor, with two one-year
                                                                extension options
                                                            • Normal covenant package:
                                                                  • Leverage < 3x
                                                                  • Interest cover > 4x

Agreement in principle reached to sell the lottery operation; completion
     expected in the coming weeks
                              2020    2019
                               £m      £m Change

Adjusted operating profit     18.2    22.6    (19%)   •   Agreement subject to Gambling Commission
Operating exceptional costs   (0.5)       -
                                                      •   Transaction will combine modest
                                                          consideration and a multi-year advertising
Operating profit              17.7    22.6    (22%)       agreement

Share of associates           (0.1)       -           •   Total net exceptional charge of £8.7m
Total finance costs           (2.7)   (3.6)                 • Increased provision for lottery debtor
Exceptional finance costs     (8.2)       -                     made at half year; minimal change in
                                                                H2 (total £8.8m in finance costs)
Profit before tax              6.7    19.0    (65%)         • Finance exceptional partly offset by VAT
                                                                recovery of £0.6m, received post year-
                                                            • Operating exceptional reflects cost of
                                                                disposal                               11
Pension deficit narrowed since half year; next triennial valuation underway

Accounting valuation   FY 2020   H1 2020   FY 2019

Assets (£m)              437.2     402.9     381.9
Liabilities (£m)       (507.5)   (479.8)   (445.9)
                                                     •   Improvement on half year although liabilities
Deficit (£m)            (70.3)    (76.9)    (64.0)       still impacted by Covid-driven market

Key assumptions:                                     •   Stronger than expected asset returns
Discount rate           1.25%     1.4%       2.0%
RPI                      3.0%     2.9%       3.0%    •   Next triennial valuation due as at 31/12/20 –
                                                         early stages but process underway

Key finance takeaways

                                 Better than expected 2020 financial performance

                           Actions to protect profits and cash executed in line with plan

                   Strengthened balance sheet in support of investment for next stage of growth

                                     Lottery process now close to resolution

The Bridge, exclusive to                                                                          13
Accelerating STV’s diversification
                          Simon Pitts

The Bay, STV                                        14
The last 3 years have seen sustained strategic progress

                                  GROWING BROADCAST                                     LOCAL ADVERTISING
                                      STRENGTH                                              GROWTH
                   STV peak time                                            # of new
                                                                                               87            91
                   share %                                                  advertisers on
                           21.9                                             STV
                                            21.3                  21.7

                           22.2                                                          48

                       2018                  2019                2020                   2018   2019         2020

                  DIGITAL                               STRENGTHENING STUDIOS                                         INCREASING
               ACCELERATION                                    PIPELINE                                             DIVERSIFICATION
                                    68%                                                  19           % STV profit
Online viewing                                      # of new                                          from outside
growth                                              commissions                                       broadcasting         28%
                    23%                                    10


         2018       2019            2020                  2018            2019          2020                       2018    2019       2020

Our focus is now on accelerating this successful strategy

                               •   Maintain viewing leadership
     Maximise value of
1.   Broadcast
                                   Grow Scottish advertising revenues
                                   Secure new licences and PSB future

                               •   Continuously strengthen content offer

2.   Drive Digital
                                   Grow UK-wide audience and revenues
                                   Increase active users through personalisation

                               •   Double returning series across the genres

3.   Build world class
                                   Target global streamers as well as broadcasters
                                   More partnerships and acquisitions

We are setting ambitious targets for the end of 2023

         Double digital viewing, users and revenues

                Quadruple production revenue

        At least 50% of operating profit to come from
               outside traditional broadcasting


The TV advertising market showed its resilience in 2020
Pace of bounce back last year bodes well for 2021, with trends now improving

                 Q2 2020           Q3 2020              Q4 2020      Jan-Apr 2021


                                                                                        2021 so far

    -20.00%                                                                             •   TAR Jan-April   +7-9%
    -30.00%                                                                             •   Regional Q1     +5%
    -40.00%                                                                             •   VOD Q1          +15%
                                  TAR        Regional    VOD

•       Ad market bounced back strongly after lockdown#1 to finish only -10% for 2020
•       Jan-April TAR forecast at +7-9%, with April +60-75%
•       STV-controlled advertising outperformed in 2020 and trend continuing in 2021
•       All sectors including travel now coming back as confidence builds

               STV delivered another record year of viewing in 2020
               We are the most watched commercial channel in Scotland across every timeslot

                                                                                                                           3x bigger than
                     600                          STV                       C4
                     400                          Channel 5                 ITV2
                     300                                                                                                   5x bigger than

                                     1500 - 1529
                                     0930 - 0959
                                     1000 - 1029
                                     1030 - 1059
                                     1100 - 1129
                                     1130 - 1159
                                     1200 - 1229
                                     1230 - 1259
                                     1300 - 1329
                                     1330 - 1359
                                     1400 - 1429
                                     1430 - 1459

                                     1530 - 1559
                                     1600 - 1629
                                     1630 - 1659
                                     1700 - 1729
                                     1730 - 1759
                                     1800 - 1829
                                     1830 - 1859
                                     1900 - 1929
                                     1930 - 1959
                                     2000 - 2029
                                     2030 - 2059
                                     2100 - 2129
                                     2130 - 2159
                                     2200 - 2229
                                     2230 - 2259
                                     2300 - 2329
                                     2330 - 2359
                                     2400 - 2429
                                                                                                                           10x bigger than

                                                              Biggest audience        Total audience    97% of all large    Viewing share
             Highest all time
                                                               gain in 2020 of        volume +14%,        commercial       12% higher than
            audience share in
                                                               any channel in         highest growth     audiences in      ITV, largest gap
            12 years at 19.2%
                                                                  Scotland                 ever        Scotland on STV            ever
Source: BARB Jan-Dec 2020, individuals, average daily minutes for STVis 09:30-24:00                                                           19
Our viewing growth is continuing in 2021
And despite the rise of streaming, broadcast TV continues to account for over 70% of all viewing
 Peak time lead over BBC1 growing                                                                                 YoY audience growth on STV by month
            21.9                                                                                                                      27%                                                        2021 so far
                                         21.3                         21.7
                                                                                                                                                       19%                                                18%
            22.2                                                                                                                                                         16%         17%
                                         20.9                                                                                                   10%                            10%
                                                                      19.8                                         5%                                               7%


         FY 2018                        FY 2019                     FY 2020                 2021 to-date
Source: BARB: Jan-Dec 2020, Jan-Feb 2021, 1800- 2230, share %                                                   Source: BARB: 2019-2021 ; 0930-2400

  STV News’ audience continues to pull away from the
  competition                                                                                            2021               viewing like
                                                            515k                                                                                             28%
                                                                                                                              Netflix &
                                              392k   514k                                                2020                                                   72% OF TV
                                 298k                       466k                                                             YouTube
                                                                                                                                                               SET VIEWING                  Live TV and
             85k   113k   91k                                                         146k 146k
                                        28k                               62k   18k
                                                                                                                                                               WAS STILL TO                  broadcast
                                                                                                   9k     16k
                                                                                                                                                               BROADCAST       72%
                                                                                                                                                                TV IN 2020

                                                                                                                Source: BARB Jan-Dec 2020,
                                                                                                                individuals, total TV/unmatched/non-
Source: BARB Jan-Dec 2019-2020, Jan-Feb 2021, weekdays                                                          linear, average mins per day

        Enders Analysis forecast that broadcasters will still account for 61% of total video viewing in 2027
We are enhancing the successful STV Growth Fund to help drive
Scotland’s economic recovery
                                Regional airtime
               -1%                                                   -4%
     10,000          -5%

      8,000                        -7%

      6,000                                  Launch of STV
                                              Growth Fund


              2015   2016          2017          2018    2019   2020

                            •    New Green Fund and Inclusion Fund         STV Growth Fund so far:
                                                                           Doubled to £20m in 2020
                            •    STV Self Service will target high
                                 street businesses                         £12.6m allocated so far
                            •    STV Growth Fund+ will combine the         566 deals
                                 reach of STV and STV Player               236 new advertisers
We have also prioritised STV’s social impact as Scotland’s public service
      SUPPORTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES                                        SUSTAINABILITY

                                                           New sustainability strategy, STV Zero, targeting net
         £3.7m distributed to 300+ charities in 2020
                                                                         zero carbon by 2030

                   MENTAL HEALTH                                    DIVERSITY & INCLUSION

    Prioritising mental health and wellbeing for viewers   New stretching targets to improve on and off screen
                    and STV colleagues                                       representation
STV’s newly launched sustainability strategy will see us become a net
zero carbon business by 2030
Clear commitments to reduce emissions and raise awareness
ENERGY & WASTE                                 PROGRAMME-MAKING
•   Switch to 100% renewable energy            •   All STV programmes to be
•   Reduce business travel                         project albert registered &
•   Zero waste business                            certified
•   Sustainable supply chain                   •   Including news & current affairs

ADVERTISING                                    AWARENESS
•   New £1m STV Green Fund for Scottish SMEs   •   STV’s reach to promote sustainability
•   Supporting Ad Net Zero from the UK ad      •   Editorial around COP26 in Glasgow


            STV Player is the fastest growing broadcaster streaming service in the UK
                                               70.5                                                                             678

                   34.9                                              1200                           356

                   2018           2019         2020   2018           2019          2020             2018         2019           2020

                           Total Streams (M)                 Total Time Spent (M mins)                     Ad Impressions (M)

                                            More      Watching                              For                = More
                                           people      more                               longer               revenue
                                          Monthly        Total                             Online                VOD
                                           users       streams                            viewing              revenue
                                         +50%         +65%                           +68%                    +12%
Janet King, exclusive to                                                                                                               24

              Player growth is being driven by our digital-only content, which now
              stands at c.3000 hours
              8 out of STV’s top 15 shows in 2020 were Player-only                   New content was one third of all STV Player viewing in 2020
                                                                     Total streams
                      Coronation Street                                       9.2m          6%
                      Emmerdale                                               6.2m                                  29%
                      High Road                                               2.1m                                                     36%
                      The Bridge                                              2.0m
                      Des                                                     1.4m
                      White House Farm                                        1.3m
                      I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here                   1.3m                       86%
                      Striking Out                                            1.1m                                  71%
                      Liar                                                    1.1m
                      Janet King                                              980k
                      Gracepoint                                              960k
                      The Slap                                                930k        1H 2019      2H 2019     1H 2020        2H 2020
                      Acceptable Risk                                         790k
                      Taggart                                                 780k                  STV content      STV Player-only
                      Britains Got Talent                                     690k

                                                               2020: 19 content deals, 1200 new hours
Source: Adobe Analytics Jan-Dec 2020, FreeWheel Jan-Dec 2020                                                                                   25

         We aim to double the size of our digital business in 3 years

                              2x            5m                       2x
                             Streams      Registered         Digital Advertising
                                            Users                Revenues
               We will double total       We will hit 5m     We will double digital
               streams to 140m by      registered users by   revenues to £20m by
                       2023                    2023                   2023

Striking Out, exclusive to                                                            26

Clear priorities underpin the next phase of our digital growth
           CONTENT            LOYALTY & PERSONALISATION                   COMMERCIAL

 • Double viewing by 2023     •   Double monthly active users   •   Programmatic on all
                                  by 2023                           platforms
 • New boxset every week
                              •   Improve personalisation and   •   New UK-wide ad sell
                                  recommendations               •   All users signed in and
                              •   Launch new loyalty scheme –       identifiable by 2023
                                  STV Player VIP – to drive
                                  repeat usage                  WHY LOYALTY MATTERS
                                                                Annual value of:

                                                                Unregistered user 258 ads/year (100%)

                              •   Better user experience
                                                                Registered user    282 ads/year (109%)
                              •   Exclusive access to content
 New for 2021, 350 hours of   •   Extras like prize draws and
                                  commercial offers                                368 ads/year (143%)
 drama from Sony & eOne                                         registered user


STV Studios achieved a record 19 new commissions in 2020, including 16 series

    STV wins six-part prison
    drama commission from
    Channel 4

                                                                                                  4 SERIES
Screw                          Inside Central Station 6x60   Celebrity Catchphrase   Antiques Road Trip      Clear Out Cash In
6x60                           Christmas Special      1x60   10x60                   100x45                  8x30

The Yorkshire                  The Tabloids & The Royals     Landmark                Is Covid Racist?        Our Family Farm Rescue
Auction House 10x60            4x60                          7x60                    1x60                    4x60

                                                                                                                        2 SERIES
Daily Record Pride             Catchphrase:                  Wonders of Scotland     STV Appeal              Celebrity Antiques
of Scotland Awards 1x90        Catchiest Moments 3x60        4x30                    1x60                    Road Trip 40x60

Returning series are key to Studios growth and our aim is to double these
from 4 to 8 by 2023

                         New returnable series already commissioned for 2021

                            STV Studios secured Channel
SERIES                      4 deal for prison drama from
                            Killing Eve writer
                            Rob Williams reunited with production
    Catchphrase             company behind his show The Victim

•   Antiques Road Trip   Screw                                      Landmark                                  Our Family Farm Rescue
•   Celebrity Antiques   6x60                                       7x60                                      4x60
    Road Trip
•   Inside Central
    Station                                                            STV cashes in on C4’s
                                                                       contestable pot
                                                                       Murder Island first format to emerge
                                                                       from multi-million pound fund          further new series to
                         Yorkshire Auction House
                                                                                                               be announced soon
                                                                    Murder Island
                         10x60                                      6x60


We have already secured £20-25m of Studios revenue for 2021 vs £8.7m
in 2020

      STV Studios’ creative labels     •   Targeting profitability for all
                                           existing labels within next 3 year

                                       •   Clear criteria for new acquisitions
                                           and investments:
                                            • First class creative leadership
                                            • Proven commissioning track
                                            • Focus on global formats
                                            • Short-term path to profitability


 We are planning to invest £30m over 3 years to accelerate our growth strategy

       Investment principles

    Balance between growth
                                    •   Platform development
    investment, progressive         •   Higher content investment
    dividend and pension            •   Increased marketing
    obligations                     •   Aim to maintain 45-50% digital margin
                                    •   Margin may erode slightly to sustain growth
    At least 75% of additional
    investment focused on
    Digital & Studios

    Mix of shorter term (within 3
                                    •   Ongoing in-house development
    years) and medium term          •   Consolidation of existing investments
    returns                         •   New investments & partnerships
                                    •   No short term margin erosion but returns beyond 3 years

Marcella, STV                                                                                     31
Improving outlook

• Strong start to 2021 on TV and online

• Advertising trends starting to improve materially
   • April TAR currently forecast at +60-75%, with Jan-April +7-9%

• STV Studios has now secured £20-25m of revenue for 2021 and is
  maintaining commissioning momentum

Coming through Covid with confidence

           Resilient 2020 performance and well placed to benefit from the economic recovery

                                  Unrivalled position in home market

                       Clear progress in key growth areas of Digital and Studios

                           Headroom to invest to accelerate diversification

                     Returning to dividend a statement of confidence in the future

Des, STV                                                                                      33

Catchphrase,   Studios for ITV              34
     £5m saving from variable cost base model and regional outperformance protect margins

                           2020      2019
                            £m        £m Change
- National advertising      64.9     75.4    (14%)   • Benefit of £5m to the cost base as a result of the
- Regional advertising      14.1     14.9     (5%)     variable cost arrangement with ITV
- Other                      2.2      2.0      10%
                            81.2     92.3    (12%)   • Other cost savings delivered in line with plan,
                                                       principally across the regional programme
Operating costs            (65.7)   (72.4)     9%      budget and discretionary spend

Operating profit            15.5     19.9    (22%)   • Broadcast margins maintained at over 19%

Operating margin          19.2%     21.6%

     Revenue growth mitigates margin impact of continued investment

                           2020     2019
                            £m       £m Change
Revenue                    13.7     13.0      5%    • VOD revenue growth of 12% underpins
                                                      performance with margins maintained at near
Operating costs            (7.2)    (5.7)   (26%)     50%, despite investment for medium term
Operating profit            6.5      7.3    (10%)

Operating margin          47.5%    55.7%            • VOD revenues are becoming an increasing
                                                      proportion of total division revenues, and at
                                                      c.60% will support margins for the medium term

                                                    • Cost base reflects:
                                                         • Additional content costs associated with
                                                           expansion of Player-exclusive
                                                         • Higher depreciation charges driven by
                                                           development of Player over last 2 years
     Bottom-line impact of lower revenues mitigated by strong secondary sales

                            2020     2019
                             £m       £m Change

Revenue                      8.7      13.7   (36%)
                                                      • Revenues impacted by production hiatus in
Operating costs             (9.0)   (13.8)    35%       Q2 2020

Operating loss              (0.3)    (0.1)            • Profit impact of fewer programme deliveries
                                                        mitigated by increased high margin
Operating margin          (4.0%)    (0.8%)
                                                        secondary sales and cost savings

                                                      • Secondary sales in the year were c.£4m
                                                        compared to £3m in 2019, previously the
                                                        record year

STV Studios is operating in a growing market, with UK production
revenues reaching a new high of £3.3bn in 2019
Revenues from international broadcasters and streamers are the fastest growing

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