Academic Technology Services Training Catalog - NOVA Online

Page created by Betty Gross
           Academic Technology Services
                 Training Catalog
                            Improving information flow, sharing, and collaboration

CLASSROOM, HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS................................................................................................................ 2
ONLINE, INSTRUCTOR-FACILITATED WORKSHOPS ............................................................................................... 3
WEBINARS ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
ONLINE AND VIDEO LEARNING ............................................................................................................................. 9

Academic Technology Services
Northern Virginia Community College
3922 Pender Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-0967
Follow Academic Technology Services on Twitter.
For additional resources, tutorials, webinars and workshops, visit the Technology Training Center site.

                                                                                                                                         Updated 1/23/2020
Workshops provide a group learning experience for acquiring skills in selected applications and technologies.
All hands-on workshops will be conducted at 3922 Pender Drive, Fairfax, VA. Not all workshops are offered
every month. Check the registration page for current offerings and register today!

Adobe Acrobat Pro Basics                                   removing backgrounds, using the Content-Aware
Participants will learn to create Adobe PDF files          Fill tool, creating warped text, and using the
from Microsoft Office files by dragging and                Refine Edge Feature. Prerequisites: Adobe
dropping files and by converting and combining             Photoshop – Core Skills.
different types of files. Viewing, editing, and
deleting pages, reducing file size, moving pages
                                                           Adobe Photoshop Intermediate
with page thumbnails, and sharing PDF files will           The topics we will cover in this hands-on,
also be covered.                                          classroom workshop include: combining
                                                           images and removing backgrounds,
Adobe Acrobat Pro Advanced                                 understanding the importance of layers,
Participants will learn to create and edit fillable        transforming and editing combined images,
forms from an existing document and from                   adding a selection from one image to another,
scratch, use appropriate field types and field
                                                           content-aware fill using three different tools,
properties, and create and apply digital
                                                           and -- the most deceptively difficult thing in
                                                           Photoshop -- how to select hair. Yes, hair. Like
Adobe Design: Illustrator &                                the stuff on your head. It's so hard to do! But
Photoshop                                                  there's a new tool that makes it easier. 
This introductory workshop will familiarize the
learner with the basics of Illustrator and
                                                           Adobe Photoshop Skills Practice:
Photoshop and the more commonly used tools.                Masking
Participants will learn to work with files, color, and     Learn how to use layer masks, type masks,
type, as well as creating, moving, reordering, and         clipping masks, and adjustment masks to edit your
deleting layers.                                          images in Photoshop. 

Adobe Photoshop for ABSOLUTE                               MS Excel Advanced
                                                           This workshop is for users interested in learning to
                                                           use Chart Tools, work with Sparklines, use
Designed for the person who has never used
Photoshop before, this hands-on workshop                   conditional formatting, create and work with
covers: digital image terminology, navigating the          PivotTables, add Report Filters, create a Pivot
Photoshop interface, working with files, color,            Chart, and use What-If Analysis.
format types, creating, moving, reordering and
deleting layers.                                          MS Excel Basics
                                                           Learn to organize and store data in spreadsheets;
Adobe Photoshop Beyond the Basics                          understand Excel terminology; perform basic
It is assumed that participants will already be            operations such as create and open workbooks
familiar with the basics of Photoshop. This                and worksheets; modify columns, rows, and cells;
workshop will cover combining images and                   create simple formulas; work with cell references

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 2              Digital Badge  Certificate
and basic functions; use the Function Library; and     NOVA branding templates and demonstrate
generate graphs and charts.                           knowledge of ADA accessibility best practices.
                                                       Upon successful completion of this workshop,
MS Excel Dashboards
                                                       participants will earn a digital badge. A Digital
An interactive dashboard is a graphical summary
of various pieces of important information. In this    Badge is a visual representation of the
hands-on workshop, students will create and Excel      knowledge and skills gained. The
dashboard using a combination of Excel data            requirements are met by submitting a
tables, pivot tables, charts, and slicers.            PowerPoint presentation, using the NOVA
                                                       branding template, add five slides of
MS Excel Graphs & Charts                               “content”, and demonstrate abilities such as
Learn how to use Excels charting functions to
                                                       linking to outside resources. 
transform your data into interesting and
accessible tables and charts.                         MS Word Basics
                                                       This is a hands-on workshop which introduces the
MS Excel Intermediate                                  MS Word interface and basic procedures. Word
This workshop is for users already familiar with
                                                       processing is an essential skill for any job. This
the Microsoft workspace and terminology and
                                                       workshop is beneficial to users interested in
experienced in performing the basic procedures.
                                                       learning how to navigate the Word interface;
This workshop focuses on developing complex
                                                       create, edit, save, and print files; copy and paste
formulas in Excel, creating formulas using relative
                                                       texts and graphics; and format and print files. 
and absolute cell references, and sorting and
filtering data. This workshop is beneficial to         SharePoint 2016 Basics
users engaged in research and the                      How is SharePoint used at NOVA? What does
compilation and manipulation of massive                SharePoint do? Participants will learn to access
amounts of data and information. This is a             SharePoint at NOVA, manage create, edit, and
hands-on workshop                                    delete documents and files, Check Out and Check
                                                       In documents, create folders, discuss Versioning
MS PowerPoint Basics, NOVA                             and working with Alerts and calendars. 
Branding and ADA Accessibility
                                                       SharePoint Advanced
Participants will create and edit PowerPoint
                                                       This workshop is designed to teach users how to
slides, using templates, add animation and             go beyond the basics of SharePoint to create tasks
transitions. They will be introduced to basic          and workflows, as well as use the discussion
design considerations, how to employ the               board. Prerequisites: Introduction to SharePoint

Hoonuit Learning                                       skills assessments and allows users to set up
This is a hands-on workshop on Hoonuit (formerly       Favorites and assign customized individual and
Atomic Learning), which is on-demand technology        group training programs. Hoonuit is beneficial for
training on the use of computer applications,          users interested in learning technologies such as
technology integration and professional                Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Google,
development. The training consists of short video      Windows, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Adobe,
tutorials with accompanying audio scripts and          eBooks, and many more.

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 3          Digital Badge  Certificate
10 Useful Functions in Outlook                          Socrative, to assessing comprehension of
You use Outlook every day. Learn 10 tips to make        video materials, in Edpuzzle, to online creation
your email more readable, more organized, and           of basic worksheets with Wizer.Me Students
more helpful.                                          will receive a digital badge once they
                                                        participate in a Socrative "quiz bowl"
ADA Accessibility in Emails
As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act of       Best Practices to Use YouTube in the
1990, all NOVA communications to students,
faculty, and staff must be accessible to people
                                                        The session will introduce participants to best
with disabilities. Please join us to learn what to do
(and NOT to do) when writing email, including           practices when using YouTube with classroom
using alt text for graphical elements and Word’s        instruction. The topics covered will include:
built-in accessibility checker tool.                   creating a YouTube playlist, how to "flip" the
                                                        classroom with YouTube videos, the video
ADA Accessibility in MS Office                          editing features and how to create your own
This webinar will demonstrate how to use the            YouTube channel.
built-in accessibility checking tools in Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint to ensure your                    Captioning YouTube Videos
documents are fully optimized for use by                ADA accessibility requirements state that all
                                                        college videos must be captioned. How to use
people with visual disabilities.
                                                        YouTube’s automatic captioning, how to manually
ADA Accessibility in MS Word                            caption, and how to upload a captioned file. 
This webinar will demonstrate a sample of the
most popular Accessible Word Templates fully            Create ADA Accessible Flyers
optimized for use by people with visual                 Making flyers ADA accessible to everyone,
disabilities.                                           regardless of disability, is the right thing to do
                                                        AND it's the law. Specifically, the Americans
Acrobat Adobe Pro                                       with Disabilities Act of 1990. Because NVCC is
No more retyping documents from scratch. Edit           a government entity, we are included under
existing PDFs. Turn PDFs into editable Word,            that law. All documents for students, faculty,
Excel, and PowerPoint files. Convert paper              and staff must be made ADA accessible. In this
scanned PDFs into editable documents. Convert           webinar, we will teach you how.
PDFs to image files. 
                                                        Create and Edit Fillable Forms with
Alternative Approaches for                              Adobe Acrobat Pro
Assessments                                             Does your office use outdated or generic forms?
The session will introduce several programs             Create fillable PDFs and convert PDFs into
which apply different methodologies for                 editable Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.
instruction and assessment. Participants will           Convert paper scanned PDFs into editable
be introduced to a variety of alternative               documents while keeping fonts and layouts
assessment programs ranging from simple                 intact. Convert PDFs to image files, including
competitive quiz-like layouts, in Kahoots and

                                                                                      Updated 1/23/2020
JPEG and PNG. Learn to create customized               staff environment. Staff with responsibilities
fillable documents with Adobe Acrobat.                 such onboarding for new employees will
                                                       benefit from an innovative and engaging
Create Online Surveys                                  approach. Faculty will learn how to use
Learn how to create online surveys using Google
                                                       gamification with material reviews, self-
Forms, Canvas, Survey Monkey, and Doodle.
                                                       assessments, and formative assessments.
Creative Commons: What is it?
How can you find copyright-free images and other       Google Earth
creative materials? How can you apply Creative         Google Earth maps the Earth with images
Commons to your own materials?                        obtained from satellite imagery, aerial
                                                       photography and geographic information system
Digging Deeper with Google Sheets                      (GIS) onto a 3D globe. “Explore the world, right in
and Forms                                              your browser.”
This workshop is a deeper look at how to use
                                                       Google Keep
Google Sheets and Forms in instruction for
                                                       Learn how to use the Google Keep app to quickly
assessing student learning and content
                                                       capture and share information using voice
knowledge. This workshop will show you how to
                                                       recognition, transcription, typing, or your
create quizzes or surveys, add images and videos
                                                       camera’s phone. Learn to capture, edit, share, and
to questions, and grade quizzes or survey results
                                                       collaborate on your notes on any device,
automatically. This workshop will also focus on
                                                       anywhere. Organize your notes with labels and
best practices and program add-ons you and your
                                                       colors. Get reminded about a note at the right
students can use to enhance their learning. You
                                                       time or place. These and other creative ways to
should have a good working knowledge of Google
                                                       use Keep for organization and productivity will be
Drive and Google Docs before attending this
workshop if you have not previously taken “Access
and Use VCCS Google Apps” or “Manage Content           Google Smarter for More Reliable
with Google Drive.”
                                                       Search Results
                                                       Use symbols and Boolean operators to make your
How to Create Digital Storytelling
                                                       search results more precise; use Google Scholar to
The session will introduce participants to
                                                       find relevant sources from academic research.
software to enhance digital storytelling in the
classroom. Digital storytelling uses various           Health Apps
technologies to create and “tell a story”. The         Learn about free apps for Android and iOS to help
approach encourages the integration of tools           you meet your goals to move more, eat better,
to create innovative, collaborative, engaging          and be happier.
works of verbal art. Resources such as FlipGrid,
Storyboard That, and Google Drawings will be
                                                       How to Blog
                                                       Learn how to use Blogger, Tumblr, and
Gamification with Google Slides                        How to Compare Two Versions of a
The workshop will demonstrate how to
                                                       Word Document or Excel Spreadsheet
integrate Google Slides into a game-like
                                                       You can easily compare documents in MS
environment. Participants will learn how
                                                       Word or Excel to note changes between them.
gamification can be used in the classroom and
                                                       Learn to use the "Compare Documents" tool

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 5          Digital Badge  Certificate
in Word and the "Spreadsheet Inquire" add-in           brand templates for MS Word and PowerPoint to
in Excel to quickly generate a report of the           create letters, handouts, posters, and slides.
differences between documents.
                                                       How to Use Twitter
How to Create Infographics                             Learn how to join Twitter, tweet, retweet,
Use free, online tools,,            follow other users, like other users' tweets,
Piktochart and to create beautiful        and view your Twitter statistics. Tweet like a
and compelling infographics.                          pro!

How to Create a Professional LinkedIn                  Ignite Your Instruction with Google
Profile                                                Slides
Participants will learn the basic layout of the        Participants will understand how to create
LinkedIn program, how to complete the                  multimedia-rich and interactive lessons using
demographic content and its interactive                Google Slides. They will also learn to innovate
functions. Tips to create a professional profile       their instruction and explore various features
will be offered as well as an introduction to          of Google Slides which encourage interactive
“LinkedIn Learning”                                    instruction and learning. The innovative
                                                       enhancements introduced will be Pear Deck,
How to Create a QR Code                                Q&A Tool in Presenter Mode and the ever
QR codes, those black & white checkerboard
                                                       popular game of Jeopardy.
patterns, can be used to open a URL, display text,
activate a coupon code, play an audio file, open       Introduction to Google Docs
the App store, add a vCard contact to the user’s
                                                       This workshop will focus on how to use basic
Contacts list, or join a Wi-Fi network. Learn the
                                                       functions of Google Docs, including creating a
difference between a bar code and a QR (Quick
                                                       new document, uploading and downloading
Response) code and how to create your own using
free sites.                                          documents, converting documents to a
                                                       Google format, and sharing documents for
How to Create Visio Org Charts                         collaborative work. Participants will also be
How to create organizational charts in Visio using     introduced to Google Drive and have the
the manual chart creation tool or the upload           opportunity to share their documents to
Wizard.                                               demonstrate they can effectively access and
                                                       use their Google Drive and Google Docs-the
How to Use the New NOVA Brand
                                                       Digital Badge requirement. You will be asked
                                                       to login to MyNOVA and Gmail / Google Drive
Consistency is the hallmark of effective brand
implementation. This holds true for both visual        using VCCS Credentials. This is an interactive
and textual communication. To make it easier for       webinar - you will be asked to participate in
everyone at NOVA to support the NOVA brand,            live collaborations and activities within the
the NOVA Marketing and Creative Services team          session.
has designed a number of templates to help you
unify the look and feel of brand collaterals and       Introduction to Google Forms
maintain consistency across broad groups of            This workshop will introduce participants to
information. Learn how to find and use the new         Google Forms and how to use the basic
                                                       functions of Forms, including creating a new

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 6         Digital Badge  Certificate
form, form customization, various question             session is a digital badge course which
types, settings features such as making the            requires participants to log into their Office
form a graded quiz, how to collect responses           365 account and create an active document to
and generate reports from respondents.                 share with the instructor.
Participants will also be introduced to Google
Drive and have the opportunity to share their
                                                       Introduction to MS Sway
                                                       Microsoft describes Sway as "an easy-to-use
Form to demonstrate they can effectively
                                                       digital storytelling app for creating interactive
access and use Google Drive and Forms-the
                                                       reports, presentations, personal stories and
digital badge requirement. You will be asked           more." Think of it as a more modern version of
to login to MyNOVA and Gmail / Google Drive            PowerPoint. Join us to see it in action and learn
using VCCS Credentials. This is an interactive         how it can work for you.
webinar - you will be asked to participate in
live collaborations and activities within the          Manage Content with Google Drive
session.                                              This Webinar will show you to store and manage a
                                                       variety of content such as documents, images, and
Introduction to Google Slides                          videos. You will learn key features of Google Drive
This workshop will focus on how to use basic           such as creating and uploading files, managing
functions of Google Slides, including creating         folders, organizing content, supported file
                                                       formats, file sizes, and conducting keyword
a new presentation, converting PowerPoints to
a Google format, employing the NOVA
branding, how to incorporate ADA best                  Mindfulness Apps
practices and sharing presentations for                According to Wikipedia, "Mindfulness is the
collaborative work. Participants will also be          psychological process of bringing one's attention
introduced to Google Drive and have the                to experiences occurring in the present moment,
opportunity to share their presentation with           which can be developed through the practice of
other participants to demonstrate they can             meditation and other training." Get happier,
effectively access and use Google Drive and            calmer, and less stressed with one of these free
Google Slides-the digital badge requirement.
You will be asked to login to MyNOVA and               MS Excel Dropdown Selection Lists
Gmail / Google Drive using VCCS Credentials.           Work more efficiently and prevent data entry
This is an interactive webinar - you will be           errors in worksheets by using dropdown lists
asked to participate in live collaborations and        in cells. Dropdowns allow people to pick an
activities within the session.                        item from a list that you create.

Introduction to Microsoft Office 365                   MS Excel: Frequently Used Functions
Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription-based           SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, DATE and NOW, DAYS,
cloud service that is FREE to faculty and staff.       MATCH, TRANSPOSE, ROUND, AND/OR/IF,
This software provides Word, Excel,                    CONCATENATE.
PowerPoint, OneNote and OneDrive. The
session will demonstrate how to access Office          MS Excel and Google Sheets
365, explain the differences between locally           Compatibility
                                                       These two spreadsheet rivals are becoming more
installed and cloud based programs. The
                                                       and more compatible. Learn how to save and edit

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 7          Digital Badge  Certificate
Excel files in Google Sheets and download Google       MS Word Tips and Tricks
Sheets to Excel. Learn what functions are and          This webinar will demonstrate useful tips and
aren’t available when switching formats.              tricks using MS Word.

MS Excel Statistical Analysis                          Online, Self-paced Coding Resources
Excel offers a wide range of statistical functions     Interested in learning to code? There are many
you can use to calculate a single value or an array    free, online resources to help you get started. In
of values in your Excel worksheets. This workshop      this one-hour introduction, we'll look at,
will cover functions to calculate variability,         Scratch, Code Academy, Coursera, edX, and Khan
relative standing, correlation and regression.        Academy.

MS Excel: Tips & Tricks                                Snipping, Speedtesting, and Other
This webinar will demonstrate useful tips and
tricks using MS Excel.
                                                       Four very useful things to know in one tips & tricks
                                                       webinar: How to use SnipIt and the Snipping Tool,
MS Excel: VLookup and Pivot Tables
Are you creating complex Excel spreadsheets?           how to test your internet speed, how to copy your
Work for efficiently by using Vlookup and Pivot        internet favorites from one computer to another,
Tables.                                               and how to use and encrypt a flash drive.

MS Excel: XLOOKUP                                      Travel Apps for the Road Trip
                                                       Join us for a whirlwind tour of useful apps to load
Here's a scenario: Let's say you have two sets
                                                       onto your mobile device before hitting the road.
of data. One is a list of students and their
addresses; one is a list of students and their         Using Social Media at NOVA
phone numbers. Is there a way to combine               Learn the rules and tools for posting to social
these to create a single spreadsheet with all          media as a NOVA employee. Topics will include
the information? XLOOKUP to the rescue!                the NOVA social media policy, ADA compliance,
                                                       copyright, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
The Excel XLOOKUP function performs
                                                       LinkedIn, and NOVA blogs.
lookups in vertical or horizontal ranges. It is a
more robust and flexible successor to older            What’s new in iOS13?
functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and                   This presentation will introduce users to the look,
LOOKUP. XLOOKUP supports approximate                   feel, and functionality of Apple’s iOS13.
and exact matching, and wildcards (*?) for
partial matches.
                                                       Zoom for Instruction (Canvas
MS Outlook Scheduling Meetings                         Learn how to use the integrated Zoom tool
Participants will learn to schedule single or          within Canvas to schedule, host, and attend a
recurring meetings, invite attendees, use the          Zoom web conference. Topics include
Scheduling Assistant to find the best time, and set    customizing your settings, adding the Zoom
a reminder alert.
                                                       tool to your Canvas course, and enabling
MS Word Mail Merge                                     closed captioning.
Use Word’s mail merge function to customize
documents and emails with the recipient’s name,
                                                       Zoom for Meetings
                                                       Learn how to schedule, host, and attend a Zoom
address, etc. Merge information from a
                                                       web conference. Topics include customizing your
spreadsheet into a standard form letter.

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 8          Digital Badge  Certificate
settings, using your Personal Conference Room,            the playback range on your recorded
and enabling closed captioning.                          meetings.

Zoom Special Features
Learn how to use Zoom special features
including polling, breakout rooms, and editing

Hoonuit (formerly Atomic Learning) from this page, click the “FACULTY: Hoonuit” link and log in
with your NVCC LAN credentials.
How to Protect Your Files from Cyber Attacks by Using the College Shared Drive (04:00)

Zoom Video Tutorials
        How to Join a Meeting
        How to Schedule a Meeting
        Host Meeting Controls
        Sending an Outlook Meeting invitation
        Using Closed Captioning

2020 Technology Training Workshop and Training Catalog | Page 9             Digital Badge  Certificate
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