Abusive Language on Social Media Through the Legal Looking Glass

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Abusive Language on Social Media Through the Legal Looking Glass

            Thales Bertaglia1,3 , Andreea Grigoriu2 , Michel Dumontier 1 , and Gijs van Dijck 2

                              Institute of Data Science, Maastricht, The Netherlands
                             Maastricht Law and Tech Lab, Maastricht, The Netherlands
                                     Studio Europa, Maastricht, The Netherlands

                          Abstract                                      Automatic detection tools for detecting abusive
                                                                     language are used for combating online harassment.
        Abusive language is a growing phenomenon
                                                                     These tools are mainly based on machine learning
        on social media platforms. Its effects can
        reach beyond the online context, contributing                algorithms that rely on training data. Therefore,
        to mental or emotional stress on users. Au-                  there is a need for good quality datasets to create
        tomatic tools for detecting abuse can allevi-                high performing algorithms to alleviate online ha-
        ate the issue. In practice, developing auto-                 rassment. There are various datasets in the field
        mated methods to detect abusive language re-                 of online harassment research. However, there is
        lies on good quality data. However, there                    a lack of standards for developing these resources.
        is currently a lack of standards for creating                These standards include the definitions used to de-
        datasets in the field. These standards include
                                                                     termine what content is abusive and the steps of the
        definitions of what is considered abusive lan-
        guage, annotation guidelines and reporting on                annotation process (including the annotators). The
        the process. This paper introduces an anno-                  lack of standards leads to conflicting definitions,
        tation framework inspired by legal concepts                  which ultimately results in disagreement within
        to define abusive language in the context of                 the field regarding which tasks to solve, creating
        online harassment. The framework uses a 7-                   annotation guidelines, and terminology.
        point Likert scale for labelling instead of class               Our Contribution In this project, we introduce
        labels. We also present ALYT – a dataset
                                                                     ALYT – a dataset of 20k YouTube comments in En-
        of Abusive Language on YouTube. ALYT
        includes YouTube comments in English ex-                     glish labelled for abusive language. The dataset and
        tracted from videos on different controversial               its data statement are available online2 . We man-
        topics and labelled by Law students. The com-                ually selected videos focusing on a range of con-
        ments were sampled from the actual collected                 troversial topics and included different video types.
        data, without artificial methods for increasing              Rather than artificially balancing the data for abu-
        the abusive content. The paper describes the                 sive content, we randomly sampled the collected
        annotation process thoroughly, including all its             data. We developed an annotation framework in-
        guidelines and training steps.
                                                                     spired by legal definitions by analysing various
1       Introduction                                                 European provisions and case law ranging from
                                                                     insults, defamation and incitement to hatred. In-
The increased use of social media can worsen the                     stead of class labels, we use a 7-point Likert scale
issue of online harassment. Nowadays, more than                      to encapsulate the complexity of the labelling de-
half of online harassment cases happen on social                     cisions. We analyse the n-grams in our corpus to
media platforms (Center, 2017). A specific popular                   characterise its content and understand the abusive
form of online harassment is the use of abusive                      language’s nature. The results show that the dataset
language. One abusive or toxic statement is being                    contains diverse topics, targets, and expressions of
sent every 30 seconds across the globe1 . The use                    abuse.
of abusive language on social media contributes to
mental or emotional stress, with one in ten people                       2   Related Work
developing such issues (Center, 2017).
                                                                         Creating dataset for online harassment research,
     https://decoders.amnesty.org/                                       including abusive language, has been a challeng-
projects/troll-patrol/findings.                         For all
links, the content refers to the page version last accessed on 8             https://github.com/thalesbertaglia/
June 2021.                                                               ALYT

                         Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms, pages 191–200
                               August 6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
ing task. Vidgen and Derczynski (2020) review            movement and influencers deciding to become ve-
a wide range of datasets – and their creation pro-       gan. In WD, the videos illustrate the gender wage
cess – within the field and identify many issues.        gap and its implications.
Various approaches have been explored over the              We searched for content in one language; there-
years, including different data collection strategies,   fore, the videos and majority of the comments are
labelling methodologies and employing different          in English. We manually searched for videos us-
views and definitions of online harassment.              ing the topics as keywords. We selected popular
   In terms of annotation methods, crowdsourc-           videos (considering the number of views) made by
ing is a popular option for labelling abusive lan-       well-known influencers posting controversial con-
guage data (Burnap and Williams, 2015; Zhong             tent. We included three types of videos: personal
et al., 2016; Chatzakou et al., 2017; Ribeiro et al.,    videos (posted by influencers on the topic), reac-
2017; Zampieri et al., 2019). However, in some           tion videos (videos in which the author reacts to
instances, a small group of non-experts in harass-       another video) and official videos (posted by news
ment research (Bretschneider et al., 2014; Mathew        and media channels).
et al., 2018; van Rosendaal et al., 2020) or domain         To create our dataset, we retrieved all comments
experts annotate the data (Golbeck et al., 2017;         from the selected videos, excluding replies. We re-
Waseem and Hovy, 2016). The definitions used to          moved comments containing URLs because these
label the data can vary as well. At times, defini-       are often spam or make reference to external con-
tions are derived from literature (Chatzakou et al.,     tent. We also removed comments with fewer than
2017) on the topic, or existing social media plat-       three tokens. In total, we obtained 879,000 com-
form’s guidelines (Ribeiro et al., 2017). In other       ments after these steps. Out of this sample, we
instances, annotators decide by themselves when          selected 20,215 to annotate. We randomly sampled
abuse is present in the text (Walker et al., 2012).      comments from the total distribution, not attempt-
   A recent direction in the field has been applying     ing to balance the data according to content. We
legal provisions to decide whether content should        aimed to balance video topics and types equally,
be removed, given criminal law provisions on hate        but as the total number of comments was not even
speech or incitement to hatred. These approaches         per video category, the final sample was not per-
represent legal provisions as decision trees that        fectly balanced. Table 1 shows the distribution per
guide the annotation process. Zufall et al. (2020)       video category of the comments included in the
apply this methodology focusing on the German            dataset.
provision related to incitement to hatred. Two non-
expert annotators label the data, guided by the cre-                  Category       %        #
ated decision tree. The experiments show that there                   VG           34.75    6967
was little difference between using expert and non-                   GI           34.46    7024
expert annotators in this case.                                       WD           30.79    6224

3   Data Collection                                                   Official     50.31    10171
                                                                      Personal     31.38    6343
We aimed to include a representative sample of                        Reaction     18.31    3701
abusive language on social media in our dataset.
Therefore, we did not search directly for abusive          Table 1: Distribution of comments per video category
content. Instead, we chose topics likely to con-
tain abusive comments. We chose three different
topics before the video selection: Gender Iden-            Collecting Abusive Content
tity (GI), Veganism (VG), and Workplace Diversity          Searching for keywords related to harassment is a
(WD). The topics generate controversial videos on          common approach to increase the amount of abu-
YouTube while not being limited to one type of con-        sive content in datasets. We do not employ any
troversy (e.g. gender identity, diet choices, socio-       method to balance the data artificially – i.e., we
economical issues). The videos in GI focus on the          do not try to search for abusive content directly.
disclosure of transgender identity and the impact          Instead, we randomly select comments from the
of transgender people in sports. The videos in the         total distribution of comments, resulting in a real-
VG category concentrate on describing the vegan            istic data sample, similar to what is available on

the platform. To compare our sampling approach               words. However, the content may still correlate to
to keyword search, we conduct two experiments                the hashtags or accounts being used to search for
comparing our dataset to others. First, we compare           tweets. Our approach is similar in the sense that the
the final distribution of abusive content. Then, we          video topics delimit the scope of the comments, but
compare the prevalence of hateful keywords. We               the comments are not filtered; thus, they provide
use Hatebase3 as a source of keywords, limiting it           a representative sample of the entire data. To fur-
to the 500 most frequent terms (by the number of             ther investigate the prevalence of hateful keywords
sightings).                                                  on the datasets, we analyse the proportion of con-
   We compare our dataset to three others, all con-          tent that contains at least one term from Hatebase.
taining tweets: Davidson et al. (2017) (HSOL),               Table 3 presents the results.
Waseem and Hovy (2016) (HSHP), and Zampieri
et al. (2019) (OLID). Twitter is the most popular                             Dataset      %        #
social media platform for online harassment re-
                                                                              ALYT        8.81     246
search, so most datasets contain tweets. HSHP is
                                                                              HSOL        87.55    1252
distributed as tweet ids, so all experiments refer
                                                                              HSHP        7.51     204
to the distribution of the tweets we were able to
                                                                              OLID        6.43     263
retrieve in April 2021. These datasets use differ-
ent definitions of abusive content. To harmonise                 Table 3: Distribution of comments containing at least
the definitions and compare the data distributions,              one term from Hatebase
we consider that the following classes match our
definition of abuse: tweets labelled as hateful on              ALYT has a low prevalence of Hatebase key-
HSOL; sexist or racist on HSHP; and offensive and            words, with a distribution similar to HSHP and
targeted on OLID. Table 2 presents the distribution          OLID. This result shows that the abusive content
of abusive content on each dataset.                          in our dataset is not limited to frequent hateful
                                                             words. Therefore, not searching for specific key-
              Dataset       %        #                       words leads to higher lexical diversity. The distri-
              ALYT        11.42    2274                      bution of HSOL further confirms this observation:
              HSOL        5.77     1430                      abusive content from the dataset predominantly
              HSHP        25.78    2715                      contains terms from Hatebase. Although this exper-
              OLID        29.00    4089                      iment is limited to a single lexicon, it provides evi-
                                                             dence that our sampling approach does not result
Table 2: Distribution of abusive content in each dataset     in abusive content defined by specific keywords.
                                                             section 6 will discuss the content of the dataset in
   The datasets that use hateful keyword search              details.
have a higher prevalence of hate. ALYT has a
lower, but comparable, proportion of abusive con-                4   Annotation Framework
tent. Considering that we do not explicitly try to
                                                                 Datasets presented in state-of-the-art research
balance the data, our approach leads to a more rep-
                                                                 mainly use several definitions for abusive language
resentative sample of the actual scenario of social
                                                                 or focus on specific phenomena – such as hate
media while still having a significant amount of
                                                                 speech, racism, and sexism. What constitutes abu-
abusive comments. HSOL uses keywords from
                                                                 sive content is often not precisely defined. Dataset
Hatebase to search for tweets. Davidson et al.
                                                                 creators – in an attempt to make these concepts
(2017) conclude that Hatebase is imprecise and
                                                                 clear – rely on various definitions, ranging from
leads to a small amount of actual hate speech; there-
                                                                 platform guidelines to dictionary entries. Our goal
fore, this sampling approach is inefficient. HSHP
                                                                 is to develop an annotation framework inspired
and OLID use a few hateful keywords and others
                                                                 by legal definitions and to define abusive content
associated with abusive tweets, such as messages
                                                                 concretely in light of these concepts. Using legal
directed to political accounts and hashtags about tv
                                                                 definitions as inspiration can provide a consistent
shows. This approach allows increasing the amount
                                                                 and stable background for deciding which content
of abusive content without biasing it to specific key-
                                                                 is abusive, since most occurrences of abusive lan-
       https://hatebase.org/                                     guage are already covered in legal systems.

Definitions                                                                                        YOUTUBE

We collected legislative resources (provisions and
                                                                             Does it incite hatred, violence or discrimination against a
case law) in the context of abusive language ex-                             minority/group ? (on the basis of religion, race, sexual orientation,
                                                                             sex/gender, intellectual/phisical disability)
pressed online. We focused on the European land-                             Does it cause distress, anxiety to the target of the comment (e.g.
                                                                             threats, violent behaviour or offensive language)?
scape by studying four countries: The Netherlands,                           Does it cause the degradement, belittlement of the/a person in
                                                                             public opinion? (by any cause, not necessarily belonging to a

France, Germany and the UK. These countries                                  minority)

include both civil and common law, providing a
                                                                               YES                                                  NO

comprehensive sample of legal traditions. The
legislative sources focus both on offensive lan-                          THE COMMENT IS
                                                                                                                         THE COMMENT IS
                                                                                                                         NOT CONSIDERED
                                                                             ABUSIVE                                        ABUSIVE
guage towards an individual and towards a specific
group/minority. In this project, we also focus on                         PLEASE ASSIGN A                                 PLEASE ASSIGN A
                                                                          LEVEL BETWEEN 5                                 LEVEL BETWEEN 1

both types of offences.                                                        AND 7                                           AND 3

   For Germany, we selected the following pro-
visions using the Criminal Code4 : incitement to                     Figure 1: Annotation process diagram
hatred (Article 130); insulting (Section 185); mali-
cious gossip defined as “degrading that person or
                                                           anxiety and acts involving public opinion such as
negatively affecting public opinion about that per-
                                                           degradement or belittlement.
son” (Section 186); and defamation (Section 187).
                                                             We developed three questions comprising ele-
Similarly, for the Netherlands, using the Criminal
                                                           ments found in all the mentioned provisions to
Code5 , we included: Article 137, which focuses
                                                           define abusive language:
on incitement to hatred and general defamation
(Section 261), slander (Section 262), and insults            • Does it incite hatred, violence or discrimina-
(Section 266). For France, we used the Press Free-             tion against a minority/group (on the basis of
dom Act of 29 July 18816 , focusing on actions                 religion, race, sexual orientation, sex/gender,
such as discrimination, hate, violence (Article 24),           intellectual/physical disability)?
defamation (Article 32) and insult (Article 33). In
the UK, the Public Order Act 19867 defines of-               • Does it cause distress, anxiety to the target of
fensive messages and threats, specifically in Part             the comment (e.g. threats, violent behaviour
3 (focusing on racial grounds) and 3A (religious               or offensive language)?
and sexual orientation grounds). After selecting
                                                             • Does it cause the degradement, belittlement of
the sources, we harmonised the elements present in
                                                               the/a person in public opinion? (by any cause,
the provisions such as the targets of the attack, pro-
                                                               not necessarily belonging to a minority)
tected attributes (grounds on which the targets are
attacked such as race, religion etc) and the harm-         The annotators used these questions to determine
ful acts specified to be performed (such as insult,      whether a comment is abusive, as described in Fig-
defamation). Even though the countries might have        ure 1. The full version of the annotation manual
elements in common which can be easy to har-             included examples and is available online8 .
monise, we also found elements specific to some
countries only (for example specifically mention-          Annotation Scale
ing the effect caused by the attack to the victim in       For labelling, we used a 7-point Likert scale (Joshi
the UK, such as distress and anxiety). The analysis        et al., 2015) instead of class labels. The scale rep-
resulted in three main abstract categories found in        resents a mix of two features: the intensity of the
provisions: incitement of hatred towards specific          abuse present in the comment and how confident
protected groups, acts which cause distress and            the annotator is about the labelling decision. Specif-
    https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/                    ically, numbers from 1 to 3 represent non-abusive
stgb/                                                      content, with 1 describing comments with no abu-
    https://www.legislationline.org/                       sive content at all. Comments labelled with 2 or 3
country/12/Netherlands/show                                might contain sarcasm or jokes that could be con-
    https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/                   sidered abusive. Number 4 indicates comments that
id/JORFTEXT000000877119/                                   fall between abusive and non-abusive – so it also
1986/64                                                           http://bit.ly/alyt-manual

encodes labelling uncertainty. Numbers between 5          label for the comments. Then, we discussed the
and 7 represent abusive comments, with 7 describ-         examples that had disagreements with the whole
ing clearly abusive comments. Comments labelled           group. This discussion allowed us to answer a
with 5 or 6 might contain less obvious abuse.             variety of questions and incorporate feedback into
                                                          the annotation manual. This round achieved α =
5   Annotation Process                                    65.8. After this meeting, we reached a satisfactory
                                                          agreement and also noticed less confusion in the
Throughout the data annotation process, annota-
tors encode our framework and apply it to label the
                                                             The training phase showed that the interaction
data. A proper annotation methodology, therefore,
                                                          with annotators is fundamental to improve the an-
is fundamental to ensure data quality. Yet, most
                                                          notation process. We received feedback about the
works presenting abusive language datasets fail to
                                                          framework, improved the manual, and clarified
report this process in details. We follow the corpus
                                                          concepts related to the labelling decisions. The
annotation pipeline proposed by Hovy and Lavid
                                                          improvement in inter-annotator agreement allied to
(2010) and thoroughly describe how we conducted
                                                          our empirical observations showed that the training
its main steps when creating ALYT. To measure the
                                                          phase led to higher data quality.
reliability of the annotation, we use Krippendorf’s
alpha (α) with ordinal level of measurement (Krip-
pendorff, 2011) and majority agreement to calcu-            Main Annotation Phase
late the overall inter-annotator agreement. Antoine       After the training phase, we proceeded to label the
et al. (2014) highlight that α is a reliable metric for   entire dataset. We randomly split the dataset into
ordinal annotations, such as the 7-point scale from       six samples, one for each annotator. A single anno-
our framework.                                            tator labelled each comment. Given the extensive
                                                          training process, we consider that each annotator is
Training                                                  qualified to apply the framework properly; thus, we
A team of six Law students enrolled in an Euro-           opt not to have multiple annotations on the same
pean university labelled ALYT. Before the main            comment to allow a more significant number of
annotation stage, we conducted a careful training         labelled samples in total. The annotation interface
phase, actively engaging in discussions with the          displayed the text of each comment (including emo-
annotators to improve the annotation framework            jis and special symbols) and the video id; therefore,
and manual. We instructed the team to watch the           annotators could check the video to understand the
videos included in the dataset before labelling the       context. We sorted comments by their video ids,
comments. We organised three training meetings            displaying comments belonging to the same videos
with the annotators. Also, we evaluated their per-        in sequence to reduce context-switching during la-
formance by giving an assignment sample of com-           belling. Annotators could also access a summary
ments after each meeting. We annotated 50 com-            of the annotation framework within the platform.
ments together during the first meeting, aiming to           We randomly selected 300 comments to be la-
familiarise the team with the task and annotation         belled by all annotators; we used this sample to
platform. The inter-annotator agreement for the           calculate the inter-annotator agreement. In addi-
first round of training was α = 45.0.                     tion to α and majority agreement, we also com-
   For the second meeting, we created a sample            pute the majority agreement for the class labels
of the comments that had the most disagreements           (i.e., the scale numbers grouped into three classes).
in the previous assignment. Then, we asked the            This metric is relevant to verify whether annotators
annotators to specify which questions (from our           agree on the polarity of a comment – represented
annotation framework) they used to decide whether         by the extremes of the scale. It also illustrates the
a comment was abusive. For the second assignment          annotation reliability for applications that would
sample, we also required the team to mention the          use class labels instead of the full scale. Table 4
questions used for each comment. This round had           presents the inter-annotator agreement metrics for
α = 51.2.                                                 the whole dataset and per video category. # indi-
   In the third meeting, we decided to change the         cates the number of comments in a given category;
labelling process. We used a shared document for          Majority shows the percentage of comments with
annotation, in which each annotator added their           at least four matching annotations (out of a total

of six); Grouped refers to majority agreement over          Category Abusive Non-Abusive Uncertain
class labels.
                                                            Total        11.42%        85.98%           2.61%
    Topic      #      α     Majority     Grouped            VG            9.19%        38.02%          22.16%
 All          300   73.8      64.3%       92.3%             GI           76.17%        28.55%          51.83%
                                                            WD           14.64%        33.44%          26.01%
 VG           134   64.9      88.1%       98.5%
 GI           135   55.2      44.4%       84.4%             Official 67.81%            47.99%          64.74%
 WD           31    24.0      48.4%       100%              Personal 17.46%            33.03%          21.39%
                                                            Reaction 14.73%            18.98%          13.87%
 Official     76    60.0      50.0%       90.8%
 Personal     179   77.9      76.5%       95.0%            Table 5: Distribution of classes in the dataset per cate-
 Reaction     45    47.3      40.0%       84.4%            gory

Table 4: Inter-annotator agreement metrics per cate-
gory                                                    samples and did not balance the data according to
                                                        content, these comments potentially represent the
   The overall value of alpha indicates substantial     actual distribution. However, since we balanced
agreement. The majority agreement was lower,            the number of comments per category, the dataset
which is expected given the 7-point scale. The          might misrepresent some video topics and types.
grouped majority shows a high agreement about the       The distribution of abusive content per category
polarity of comments, confirming that annotators        shows evidence of this imbalance. Videos about
agree whether a comment is abusive. There are sig-      gender identity include 76.17% of the total amount
nificant differences between video categories. Dis-     of abusive comments and videos from an official
parities in sample size can lead to the difference in   source, 67.81%. To investigate the difference in
metrics: WD, for instance, had only 31 comments.        content between categories, we analyse the lexical
For categories with similar size, a lower agreement     distribution within each topic and type.
can be attributed to controversial topics, confusing
comments, or conflicting views. section 6 further          Lexical Analysis
investigates the content of each category and analy-    We preprocess the comments by removing stop-
ses how abuse is expressed in each one. In general,     words, punctuation marks, and character repeti-
the annotation achieved significant inter-annotator     tions over three. First, we analyse the average
agreement – which indicates that the annotation         length (in number of tokens) of comments in each
process was consistent and the dataset is reliable.     class. Abusive comments have on average 31.67
                                                        tokens; non-abusive, 31.23; and uncertain, 41.25.
6   Dataset                                             Comments labelled as uncertain tend to be 30%
The labelled dataset includes 19,915 comments, ex-      longer than the other classes. However, sequences
cluding the comments used in the training phase         of short tokens, such as emojis, may impact the
and the sample used for calculating the inter-          mean length. To avoid this issue, we also compute
annotator agreement. Each comment has a label           the average number of characters per comment,
ranging from 1 to 7, corresponding to the scale used    subtracting whitespaces. Abusive comments have
in the annotation framework. We also aggregate the      on average 137.18 characters; non-abusive, 132.36;
labels into classes: values from 1 to 3 correspond      and uncertain, 179.02. Again, the uncertain class
to non-abusive content; 5 to 7, abusive; and 4, un-     contains longer comments. These comments might
certain. In this section, we analyse the aggregated     be less readable and confusing, leading annotators
labels. Table 5 presents the class distribution per     to choose to label them as uncertain.
category of the dataset. The percentage refers to          To analyse the content of the comments in depth,
the distribution over the specific category (video      we identify the most frequent unigrams in the abu-
topic or type).                                         sive class for each video category. Table 6 presents
   The annotators labelled 2274 comments as Abu-        the ten most frequent unigrams.
sive. This number represents 11.42% of the to-             In general, slurs and hateful terms are not preva-
tal distribution, showing a low prevalence of abu-      lent among the most frequent unigrams. Each topic
sive content. Considering that we selected random       contains words related to videos from that cate-

VG           GI           WD          Official   Personal   Reaction
                   vegan        girls       women        women         trans     trisha
                  freelee        like        men          men           like       like
                   meat         men          gap          girls      f*cking      trans
                    like        trans        work         boys        b*tch      people
                  eating       women         wage         like         f*ck       think
                   b*tch       people        less       compete       people     needs
                   video        boys         make        people       video        i’m
                     go       compete      feminists     unfair         get      b*tch
                     eat    transgender       get         male        trisha     video
                     fat        male         pay           get          i’m       even

                    Table 6: Ten most frequent unigrams on abusive comments per category

gory, but there is some lexical overlap. Vegan-         pose the prevalence of discriminatory comments
ism includes neutral terms (meat, eat, vegan) and       against them. Workplace Diversity includes “gen-
some derogatory words (fat, b*itch). The second         der wage gap”, “work long hours”, and “take care
most common unigram, Freelee, refers to a popular       children”. Interestingly, “work less hours” is also
YouTuber – which shows that the abusive com-            among the most frequent phrases, which indicates
ments may target a specific person. Gender Iden-        that the topic is controversial. Trigrams such as
tity and Workplace Diversity contain many gender-       “take care children” show that comments about
related words, which potentially occur in sexist        WD often express sexism.
comments.                                                  Official videos, in general, combine trigrams
                                                        from GI and WD. “compelling argument sides” and
   For video types, Personal and Reaction have sim-
                                                        “men better women” are among the most frequent
ilar distributions. Personal has a higher prevalence
                                                        phrases; the former shows that comments contain
of offensive words, and both include “Trisha” (a
                                                        civilised discussion; the latter, however, indicates
YouTuber) – indicating targeted comments. The
                                                        the predominance of sexism. While the unigram
dataset has both a video by Trisha and a reaction
                                                        distributions of Personal and Reaction videos are
video to it, so mentions about the YouTuber are
                                                        similar, their trigram frequencies exhibit different
expected. Unigrams from Official videos are pri-
                                                        patterns. Personal includes “identify natural born”,
marily about the video topics, following a pattern
                                                        “b*tch going vegan”, and “whole trans community”,
analogous to the topics of GI and WD.
                                                        showing a combination of comments about GI and
   Unigram distributions enable the identification      VG. Reaction displays a high prevalence of targeted
of potentially relevant keywords related to abusive     comments with phrases such as “trisha looks like”,
content. Understanding how abusive comments are         “trisha mentally ill”, and “needs mental help”. Al-
expressed, however, requires more context. There-       though these trigrams are the most frequent, their
fore, we also identify the most frequent trigrams       absolute number of occurrences is low. Therefore,
for each class to examine larger language con-          lexical analysis indicates general trends about the
structs. We exclude trigrams consisting entirely        content of comments but does not represent the
of sequences of symbols or emojis. Many trigrams        entirety of abusive content in the dataset.
had the same frequency, so we highlight a sample
of the total for each category. For the topic of Veg-     Classification Experiments
anism, frequent trigrams include “freele shut f*ck”,    We perform classification experiments to explore
“b*tch going vegan”, and “vegans hate asians”.          ALYT as a source of training data for abusive lan-
The first two phrases confirm that some abusive         guage detection models. We frame the task as bi-
comments target content creators. Gender Iden-          nary classification, using the grouped class labels
tity contains “boys competing girls”, “make trans       Abusive and Not Abusive. We experiment with two
league”, and “natural born gender”. The video           models: logistic regression and a BERT-based clas-
with the most comments on this topic is about trans-    sifier (Devlin et al., 2019).
gender athletes in sports – and these trigrams ex-         The first baseline is a logistic regression clas-

Model      Class          P                 R              F1
                                  NOT      .914 ± .014         .976 ± .019   .944 ± .003
                       LogReg     ABU      .678 ± .081         .307 ± .132   .395 ± .102
                                  AVG      .796 ± .034         .641 ± .057   .670 ± .050
                                  NOT      .944 ± .002         .952 ± .004   .948 ± .001
                        BERT      ABU      .588 ± .013         .546 ± .017   .566 ± .006
                                  AVG      .766 ± .006         .749 ± .007   .757 ± .003

                                Table 7: Results for abusive language detection

sifier trained on word n-grams ranging from 1 to         gistic regression (based on the model coefficients
3. We preprocessed all comments using the steps          summed over all folds) and analyse their distribu-
described in section 6. We used the implementa-          tion over both classes. The top ten n-grams are
tion from scikit-learn with default hyperparameters      b*tch, dudes, femin*zis, d*ck, f*ck, idiot, drugs,
(Pedregosa et al., 2011). We trained the model           f*cking, fair, and insane. We then identify all com-
using 5-fold cross-validation and report the met-        ments that contain at least one of these terms and
rics averaged over the folds, along with standard        check their class distribution. 50.89% belong to
deviation.                                               Not-Abusive and 49.11% to Abusive. Although this
   The second baseline is a BERT model pre-              percentage shows that these n-grams discriminate
trained on English tweets (BERTweet) (Nguyen             abusive comments above their actual distribution
et al., 2020). In a preliminary experiment,              (11.42%), they are still frequent in non-abusive con-
BERTweet outperformed BERT-base by 3 points              texts. Therefore, the logistic regression classifier
of macro F1. In addition to this result, we chose        relies on lexical clues and fails to capture context.
to use BERTweet because its vocabulary is more           In conclusion, the higher recall that BERT achieves
similar to ALYT’s than BERT-base. We tokenised           shows it can capture higher-level features.
comments using TweetTokenizer from NLTK and
translated emojis into strings using the emoji9 pack-      7     Conclusion
age. We fine-tuned BERTweet for classification by
                                                         This paper presented a dataset of YouTube com-
training it with ALYT. We used a learning rate of
                                                         ments in English, labelled as abusive by law stu-
2−5 , a batch size of 32, and trained the model for
                                                         dents, using a 7-point Likert scale. The comments
a single epoch to avoid overfitting. We trained the
                                                         were collected from videos on three controversial
model using a 80/20 train and test split; the results
                                                         topics: Gender Identity, Veganism, and Workplace
are averaged over five runs.
                                                         Diversity. The dataset includes a sample of the
   Table 7 presents the classification results. We
                                                         actual amount of extracted comments, without any
report Precision (P), Recall (R), and F1 for each
                                                         artificial balancing of the abusive content distribu-
model on all classes (Not Abusive (NOT) and Abu-
sive (ABU)) and macro averages (AVG). Values
                                                            We developed an annotation framework that in-
after ± represent the standard deviation.
                                                         cludes legally inspired labelling rules based on Eu-
   The BERT-based model outperformed logistic
                                                         ropean provisions and case law. Our annotation
regression by 8.6 points in macro F1 on average;
                                                         process includes developing and refining guide-
the difference in the Abusive class was 17 points.
                                                         lines through various training sessions with active
Both models perform considerably worse when
                                                         discussions. Our data sampling analysis shows that
predicting abusive comments – which is expected
                                                         not purposefully searching for abusive content still
given the data imbalance. Interestingly, logistic re-
                                                         leads to a considerable amount of abusive com-
gression achieved higher precision but much lower
                                                         ments, while maintaining the characteristics of the
recall than BERT. This result indicates that the clas-
                                                         social media platform’s data distribution.
sifier is making safe predictions based on surface-
                                                            The content analyses show that ALYT contains
level patterns. To further investigate this effect, we
                                                         various expressions of abuse, ranging from differ-
compute the ten most relevant n-grams for the lo-
                                                         ent topics and targets. The abusive content is not
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