Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space

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Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space
Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space

                             Xiangyu Wang1,2 and Chengqing Zong1,2,3∗
                National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, CAS
              School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
                 CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology
                         {xiangyu.wang, cqzong}@nlpr.ia.ac.cn

                        Abstract                              a specific emotion in text, Mohammad and Bravo-
                                                              Marquez (2017) proposed the emotion intensity
    Emotion category is usually divided into dif-             detection task. However, all the above tasks treat
    ferent ones by human beings, but it is in-                emotions as independent ones and represent emo-
    deed difficult to clearly distinguish and define          tions with one-hot vectors, which definitely ignore
    the boundaries between different emotion cat-
                                                              the underlying emotion relations.
    egories. The existing studies working on emo-
    tion detection usually focus on how to improve               Based on existing emotion detection tasks, many
    the performance of model prediction, in which             efforts have been made to achieve better perfor-
    emotions are represented with one-hot vectors.            mance (Danisman and Alpkocak, 2008; Xia et al.,
    However, emotion relations are ignored in one-            2011; Kim, 2014; Xia et al., 2015; Li et al., 2018;
    hot representations. In this article, we first            Zong et al., 2019) and many datasets have been
    propose a general framework to learn the dis-             introduced to train and evaluate the correspond-
    tributed representations for emotion categories
                                                              ing models (Ghazi et al., 2015; Mohammad et al.,
    in emotion space from a given emotion classifi-
    cation dataset. Furthermore, based on the soft            2018; Liu et al., 2019). The vast majority of ex-
    labels predicted by the pre-trained neural net-           isting emotion annotation work assumes that the
    work model, we derive a simple and effective              emotions are orthogonal to each other and repre-
    algorithm. Experiments have validated that                sent the emotion categories with one-hot vectors
    the proposed representations in emotion space             (Mohammad, 2012; Gui et al., 2016; Klinger et al.,
    can express emotion relations much better than            2018). Actually, the boundaries as well as the re-
    word vectors in semantic space.                           lations among emotion categories are not clearly
                                                              distinguished and defined.
1   Introduction                                                 Typical word embedding learning algorithms
In the past decades, a lot of tasks have been pro-            only use the contexts but ignore the sentiment of
posed in the field of text emotion analysis. The              texts (Turian et al., 2010; Mikolov et al., 2013). To
most primary one among them is emotion classifica-            encode emotional information into word embed-
tion task (Alm et al., 2005). Based on emotion clas-          ding, sentiment embedding and emotion(al) em-
sification task, many new tasks have been proposed            bedding have been proposed (Tang et al., 2014; Yu
from different considerations. Lee et al. (2010) pro-         et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2018). Tang et al. (2015)
posed the task of emotion cause extraction, which             proposed a learning algorithm dubbed sentiment-
aims at predicting the reason of a given emotion              specific word embedding (SSWE). Agrawal et al.
in a document. Based on the emotion cause ex-                 (2018) proposed a method to learn emotion-
traction task, Xia and Ding (2019) introduced the             enriched word embedding (EWE). However, all
emotion-cause pair extraction task for the purpose            the above algorithms represent emotions in seman-
of extracting the potential pairs of emotions and             tic space rather than emotion space. As shown
corresponding causes in a document. Jiang et al.              in Table 1, each emotion category represented in
(2011) proposed a target-dependent emotion recog-             semantic space reflect a piece of semantic infor-
nition task, which aims at predicting the sentiment           mation rather than a specific emotional state. In
with the given query. To express the intensity of             this work, we regard each emotion category as a
                                                              specific emotional state in emotion space and repre-
        Corresponding author.                                 sent each emotion category with a point in emotion

                  Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
               and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 2364–2375
                             August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space
Semantic Space                                             Emotion Space
  Each word corresponds to a point in semantic space.        Words cannot be represented in emotion space.
  Emotional states cannot be represented in semantic         Each emotional state corresponds to a point in
  space.                                                     emotion space.
  Each emotion category is encoded with a piece of           Each emotion category is encoded with a spe-
  specific semantic information.                             cific emotional state.

                       Table 1: Differences between semantic space and emotion space.

space. The further experiments show that our rep-              is derived. As far as we know, this is the first
resentations in emotion space can express emotion              work to learn the distributed representations
relations much better than word vectors in semantic            for emotion categories in emotion space rather
space.                                                         than semantic space.
    From the perspective of psychology, some stud-
ies have discussed the complexity of the human               • Experiments have been conducted to validate
emotional state (Russell, 1980; Griffiths, 2002;               the effectiveness of our emotion representa-
Fontaine et al., 2007; Clark, 2010) and the shared             tions. The results have shown that our emotion
psychological features across emotions (Fehr and               representations in emotion space can express
Russell, 1984; Mauss and Robinson, 2009; Campos                emotion relations much better than word vec-
et al., 2013). However, psychological researches               tors, and is competitive with human results.
mainly focus on the human emotional state itself
and do not pay attention to emotion relations hid-
                                                             • Emotion similarities across datasets have been
den in the text. As there are lots of emotion detec-
                                                               detected to validate the quality of our emo-
tion tasks and corresponding datasets in NLP field,
                                                               tion representations across corpora. The re-
it is very meaningful to investigate what is the rela-
                                                               sults have shown the good consistency of our
tions among emotion categories hidden in corpora.
                                                               representations in emotion similarities across
In this paper, we detect the underlying relations
                                                               datasets although they are created for a variety
among emotion categories labeled in corpora from
                                                               of domains and applications.
the perspective of NLP.
    Distributed representations of emotion cate-
gories in emotion space can also benefit NLP appli-      2    Related Work
cations. Take depression recognition for example,
depression is a serious mood disorder and mani-          Emotion Taxonomy: The existing studies on
fested by a complex emotional state (Blatt, 2004;        emotion taxonomy usually divide emotion space
Beck et al., 2014). Most existing emotion tax-           into specific emotion categories. Ekman (1992)
onomies or datasets do not contain depression as         classified emotions into six discrete states (anger,
a specific category. In this article, we generate the    disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise), which are
latent encoding for each emotion category. Based         contained in vast majority of the existing emotion
on the psychological researches (Rottenberg, 2005;       classification datasets. With the discrete emotion
Joormann and Stanton, 2016) on relations between         questionnaire method, Harmon-Jones et al. (2016)
depression and existing emotion categories, we can       captured eight distinct state emotions in their study:
predict the distributed representations of depression    anger, disgust, fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness,
in the text even if there are no samples annotated       relaxation, and desire. Similarly, Cowen and Kelt-
as depression.                                           ner (2017) introduced a conceptual framework to
    The main contributions of this work are summa-       analyze reported emotional states and elicited 27
rized as follows:                                        distinct varieties of reported emotional experience.
                                                         However, above work only gives the basic emotions
   • A general framework to learn distributed emo-       of human emotional state from a psychological per-
     tion representations from an emotion classifi-      spective. The quantitative relations among basic
     cation dataset is first proposed. Based on soft     emotions remain to be detected. In this work, emo-
     labels predicted by the pre-trained neural net-     tion relations are quantitatively revealed based on
     work model, a simple and effective approach         our emotion representations.

Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space
Emotion Datasets: Strapparava and Mihalcea                simple and effective algorithm is derived based on
(2007) introduced first emotion recognition dataset,      the soft labels from a pre-trained neural network
Affective Text, in the domain of news headlines.          model. After that, we extend our method to multi-
After that, many emotion datasets that vary in            label datasets. At last, detailed approaches of the
domain, size and taxonomy have been devel-                algorithm are listed.
oped. Wang et al. (2012) automatically created
a large emotion-labeled dataset (of about 2.5 mil-        3.1    The General Framework
lion tweets) by harnessing emotion-related hash-
tags available in the tweets. Abdul-Mageed and Un-        As shown in Table 2, the four instances from
gar (2017) introduced a fine-grained dataset with         dataset SemEval-2007 task 14 (Strapparava and
up to 24 types of emotion categories with Twitter         Mihalcea, 2007) are annotated with both emotion
data. Li et al. (2017) developed a multi-turn dialog      categories and valence values. Although both in-
dataset, DailyDialog, for detecting the emotions in       stance 1 and instance 2 are labeled with joy cate-
the field of dialog systems. Öhman et al. (2018) pre-    gory, their valence values are very different, which
sented a multi-dimensional emotion dataset with           means there is a big difference between their emo-
annotations in movie subtitles for the purpose of         tional states. Actually, emotions in instance 1 seem
creating a robust multilingual emotion detection          to be more excited while emotions in instance 2
tool. Demszky et al. (2020) built a manually dataset      seem to be more hopeful. On the other hand, in-
with up to 27 fine-grained emotion categories on          stances 3 and 4 are annotated with the same va-
Reddit comments for emotion prediction. However,          lence value while they are divided into different
all above datasets are annotated with discrete basic      categories. Fontaine et al. (2007) also find that
emotion categories, which means the emotion cate-         emotional state is high-dimensional and valence-
gories are represented with one-hot vectors. One-         arousal-dominance representation model is not suf-
hot representations ignore the underlying relations       ficient to describe the emotional state.
among emotion categories. In this work, the under-           The above examples show emotional states con-
lying emotion relations contained in the datasets         tained in different documents, even if they are an-
are revealed with our emotion representations.            notated with the same emotion category or valence
                                                          value, are not exactly the same. In this work, we
Soft Labels: Hinton et al. (2015) observed that           regard text emotional states as an emotion space.
it is easier to train classifier using the soft targets   The emotion contained in a specific document cor-
output by trained classifier as target values than us-    responds to a specific emotional state, further cor-
ing manual ground-truth labels. Phuong and Lam-           responds to a point in the space. As a result, docu-
pert (2019) provided their insights into the working      ments annotated with same emotion category prob-
mechanisms of distillation by studying the special        ably correspond to different emotional states and
case of linear and deep linear classifiers. Szegedy       points in the space, which means the emotion cat-
et al. (2016) proposed a label smoothing mecha-           egory is a random variable rather than a specific
nism for the purpose of encouraging the model to          vector in the space.
be less confident by smoothing the initial one-hot           For category K, we define x as the sample anno-
labels. Imani and White (2018) investigated the           tated with category K and V K as the specific dis-
reasons for the improvement of the model perfor-          tributed representations of category K. Let V(x)
mance by converting hard targets to soft labels in        be the distributed representations of sample x and
supervised learning. Zhao et al. (2020) proposed a        p(x) be the probability density of sample x. Let
robust training method for machine reading com-           Ω be the integral domain of x. We further use
prehension by learning soft labels. In this work,         L(V K , V(x)) as the distance function between
soft labels output by the trained neural network          V K and V(x). In order to obtain a better dis-
model are used to generate distributed representa-        tributed representation for category K, we must
tions for emotion categories.                             minimize the expectation of L. Thus, we obtain
3   Methodology                                           the calculation formula for specific distributed rep-
                                                          resentation of category K as the following:
In this section, we describe how to learn the dis-
tributed representations for emotion categories.
First, a general framework is proposed. Then, a                 V K = arg min       L(V , V(x))p(x)dx.     (1)
                                                                         V      Ω

Distributed Representations of Emotion Categories in Emotion Space
Index       Instances                                                  Emotion    Valence
          1           Goal delight for Sheva                                     joy        87
          2           Making peace from victory over poverty                     joy        39
          3           New Indonesia Calamity, a Mud Bath, Is Man-Made            anger      -59
          4           Waste plant fire forces 5,000 to evacuate                  sadness    -59

                                 Table 2: Four instances in dataset AffectiveText.

3.2   A Simple Method
Although we can not directly obtain the strict prob-
ability distribution of each emotion category in
emotion space, there are many available emotion
classification dataset, in which the instances can be
regarded as samples of the corresponding annotated
emotion categories.
   For emotion dataset D and emotion category K,
we use all samples annotated as category K in the
dataset to estimate the distribution of category K.
Thus, we can rewrite formula 1 as:
         V K = arg min         L(V , V(x)),       (2)
                   V      x∈SK                             Figure 1: Schematic diagram of emotion classification
                                                           models based on word vectors.
where SK is the set of all instances labeled with
category K in dataset D.
   In this paper, we use squared Euclidean distance        representation of the input instance. As a result,
as the distance metric between two representations.        the dimension of V K is equal to the number of
Therefore, formula 2 can be simplified as follows:         categories annotated in dataset D.
                         X                                   We define soft labels output by the trained neural
        V K = arg min        ||V − V(x)||22 . (3)          network model of the input instance x as f (x).
                  V      x∈SK                              Thus, we derive a simple method to calculate the
                                                           specific distributed representation for category K:
  By solving formula 3, we have:
                    P                                                                x∈SK f (x)
                       x∈SK V(x)                                           VK =                  .          (5)
             VK =                ,                  (4)                                NK
                                                           3.3   How to Deal with Multilabel Data?
where NK is the size of SK .
   Since then we have derived that the distributed         In some corpora, instances are annotated with mul-
representation of emotion category K is exactly            tiple emotion categories (Strapparava and Mihalcea,
the average of the distributed representation of all       2007; Demszky et al., 2020). To deal with multil-
instances labeled as category K in dataset D.              abel instances, we regard each multilabel instance
   Now, let’s discuss how to obtain the distributed        as multiple single label instances with weights sum-
representation for the instances in the dataset. As        ming to 1, and the weight of each single label data
shown in Figure 1, the output of the neural network        is set to the reciprocal of the number of the anno-
model is a soft label regardless of the specific ar-       tated labels. For example, suppose document D is
chitecture of the model. It has been verified that         labeled with category A and B. We regard D as
soft labels output by the trained model tend to have       two half instances, one half is labeled with category
higher entropy and contain more information than           A and the other half is labeled with category B.
manual one-hot labels (Hinton et al., 2015; Phuong            Let Y(x) denote the set of the annotated labels
and Lampert, 2019). Inspired by previous work on           of sample x and |Y(x)| denote the size of set Y(x).
soft labels, we directly take the soft labels output by    Take above document D as an example, then Y(D)
the trained neural network model as the distributed        is equal to {A, B} and |Y(D)| is equal to 2 as

admiration, amusement, approval, caring, desire, excitement, gratitude,
                            joy, love, optimism, pride, relief
                            anger, annoyance, disappointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment,
                            fear, grief, nervousness, remorse, sadness
       Ambiguous(A):        confusion, curiosity, realization, surprise

         Table 3: Artificial classification results of 27 emotion categories by the creators of GoEmotions.

there are two labels contained in Y(D). There-              ments in this section. First of all, arrangement
fore, we obtain the calculation formula of specific         experiment is conducted to show the emotion distri-
distributed representation for category K:                  bution. Then, relations between different emotion
                   P                                        taxonomies are detected in mapping experiment.
                     x∈S wK (x)f (x)                        At last, the emotion representations extracted from
           VK = P K                     ,      (6)
                        x∈SK wK (x)                         various corpora are compared to show the consis-
where wK (x) is equal to 1/|Y(x)|, which is the             tency of our approach across corpora.
weight of instance x in category K,
                                                            4.1   Datasets
3.4    Algorithm
In this part, we describe the algorithm of learn-           There are four datasets we use to detect emotion
ing the Distributed Representations for Emotion             relations. The detailed information of each dataset
Categories (DREC). First, go through every in-              is described as follows:
stance in the dataset, and calculate the total weight          GoEmotions: GoEmotions is annotated of 58k
and weighted sum of soft labels output by the               English Reddit comments extracted from popular
trained model for each category. Then, the                  English subreddits (Demszky et al., 2020), multi-
weighted sum is divided by the total weight to ob-          labeled for 27 emotion categories, which is pro-
tain the final distributed representation for each          posed by Cowen and Keltner (2017). GoEmotions
emotion category. The detailed approaches are               is created for the purpose of building a large dataset
stated in Algorithm 1.                                      with a large number of positive, negative, and am-
                                                            biguous emotion categories. The detailed emotion
Algorithm 1 DREC
                                                            categories are shown in Table 3.
Input: D = {(T (n) , Y (n) )Nn=1 } // dataset                  AffectiveText: AffectiveText consists of 1250
Output: V = {V 1 , V 2 , ..., V C }
                                                            instances on the domain of news headlines (Strap-
  // distributed representations for emotions
                                                            parava and Mihalcea, 2007). The dataset is multi-
01: f ← D // train a neural network model
                                                            label annotated. There are six emotion categories
02: V ← {0, 0, ..., 0}
                                                            (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise) and
03: {W1 , W2 , ..., WC } ← {0, 0, ..., 0} // weight
                                                            valence contained in the dataset.
04: for n = 1 to N do
05: for each j ∈ Y (n) do                                     ISEAR: ISEAR is created from questionnaires
06:        SL ← f (T (n) ) // soft labels                   by Scherer and Wallbott (1994). Each instance is
07:        V j ← V j + SL/|Y (n) |                          annotated with only one label. There are seven
08:        Wj ← Wj + 1/|Y (n) |                             emotion categories contained in ISEAR: anger, dis-
09: end for                                                 gust, fear, guilt, joy, sadness, and shame.
10: end for                                                    Affect in Tweets: “Affect in Tweets” is cre-
11: for i = 1 to C do                                       ated from tweets (Mohammad et al., 2018). There
12: V i ← V i /Wi                                           are ten emotions contained in “Affect in Tweets”:
13: end for                                                 anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, opti-
                                                            mism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, and trust.
                                                              GoEmotions is used to conduct the first two ex-
4     Experiments
                                                            periments (arrangement and mapping), and the
In order to validate the intrinsic quality of our emo-      above four datasets are used to validate our repre-
tion representations, we conducted three experi-            sentations across corpora in last experiment.

4.2   Model Settings                                          to the results of word representations in seman-
Any model that outputs are soft labels can be em-             tic space. Figure 2 (d)-(f) show the results of
ployed to learn the distributed representations for           TextCNN, BiLSTM and BERT in emotion space.
emotion categories. In our experiments, TextCNN                  As shown in Figure 2 (a)-(c), the results of three
(Kim, 2014), BiLSTM (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997)              word embedding algorithms (GloVe, SSWE and
and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) are used as the                EWE) are displayed. We can find that the word
training models. For comparison, experiments on               vectors of emotion terms are displayed relatively
word embedding learning algorithms are conducted              random in semantic space and there are no clear
to show emotion relations in semantic space. For              linear boundaries among positive, negative and am-
a specific emotion category, we use its word em-              biguous emotions.
bedding as its representations in semantic space.                As shown in Figure 2 (d)-(f), it can be found
100-dimensional GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014)               that in emotion space, regardless of the constructed
is the word vectors used in TextCNN and BiLSTM.               model, there are obvious boundaries among posi-
The detailed model settings are listed as follows:            tive, negative and ambiguous emotions. The two
   TextCNN: The height of convolutional kernel                blue dashed lines separate each type of emotion cat-
size is divided into three groups (3,4,5) and the             egory from the others, which means that different
width is 100, which is equal to the dimension of              types of emotion categories are linearly separable
the word vectors. There are 32 channels in each               from each other in emotion space. The ambigu-
group. Batch size and learning rate are set to 16             ous emotions are just located between positive and
and 0.001.                                                    negative emotions in Figure 2 (d)-(f), which shows
                                                              our representations in emotion space can better
   BiLSTM: There is only one layer in this model.
                                                              describe the relative relation between ambiguous
Batch size and learning rate are set to 16 and 0.001
                                                              emotions and the others. In addition, the arrange-
separately, which are the same as for TextCNN.
                                                              ment of emotions in Figure 2 (d) and (e) are very
There are 32 neurons in the hidden layer in each
                                                              similar, which means TextCNN and BiLSTM have
                                                              similar emotion relation extraction capabilities.
   BERT: BERT-based model is used in this exper-
                                                                 From this experiment, we can conclude that sim-
iment. A fully connected layer is added on top of
                                                              ilar emotions are more likely to get together in emo-
the pre-trained model. Batch size and learning rate
                                                              tion space than in semantic space, which further
are separately set to 8 and 2e-5 for fine-tuning.
                                                              demonstrates that our representations can express
4.3   Arrangement                                             emotion relations much better than word vectors.
As shown in Table 3, the emotion categories are               4.4   Mapping
divided into three groups corresponding to the pos-           Demszky et al. (2020) manually mapped these 27
itive, negative, and ambiguous emotions, which are            emotion categories to Ekman’s basic emotions (Ek-
divided by the creators of GoEmotions1 (Demszky               man, 1992).2 In this experiment, we automatically
et al., 2020).                                                generate these mapping relations based on the pro-
   We conduct the experiments 10 times with same              posed distribution representations of emotion cate-
model and different initial parameters, and the av-           gories.
erage representations are employed to show the fol-              In this experiment, we take Ekman’s basic emo-
lowing results. After final emotion representations           tions as target emotions and the remaining 21 cat-
obtained, to better understand the arrangement of             egories as source emotions. For each source emo-
emotion categories in emotion space, we reduce                tion, we select the most similar one from the target
the dimension of the emotion representations to               emotions as its mapping result. The calculation
two with singular value decomposition (Wall et al.,           formula is listed as follows:
2003). The two-dimensional average vectors are
displayed as shown in Figure 2. Three color-shape                           e = arg max sim(es , et ),             (7)
pairs, red-circle, gray-square and black-triangle,
correspond to positive, negative and ambiguous                where et is the emotion category in target emotions,
emotions respectively. Figure 2 (a)-(c) correspond            es is the emotion category in source emotions and
    1                                                             2
      https://github.com/google-research/google-                    https://github.com/google-research/google-
research/tree/master/goemotions/data/sentiment mapping.json   research/tree/master/goemotions/data/ekman mapping.json

(a) GloVe                            (b) SSWE                              (c) EWE

            (d) TextCNN                           (e) BiLSTM                             (f) BERT

Figure 2: Visualization of emotion vectors in different spaces. (a)-(c) In semantic space, there are no linear
boundaries among positive, negative and ambiguous emotions. (GloVe: global vectors for word representation
(Pennington et al., 2014); SSWE: sentiment-specific word embedding (Tang et al., 2015); EWE: emotion-enriched
word embedding (Agrawal et al., 2018).) (d)-(f) In emotion space, each type of emotions is linear separated with
the others by blue lines.

e is the mapping result of es . sim is the similarity     of TextCNN and BiLSTM are exactly the same,
function and the cosine similarity is selected here.      which is consistent with their similar arrangement
   The emotion representations are calculated 10          in emotion space in first experiment. BERT maps
times with same model and different initial param-        disapproval to disgust while the others map it to
eters and the average results are employed to con-        anger. The most confusing emotions are caring
duct this experiment. Table 4 shows the mapping           and embarrassment, human maps them to joy and
results with different models. We also calculate the      sadness respectively, while our representations in
results of word vectors for comparison. Manual            emotion space map them to sadness and disgust.
results are chosen as the gold answers. GloVe cor-           The inconsistency of the two emotions (embar-
rectly maps 3 out of 21 emotions, which is compa-         rassment and caring) in emotion space and in hu-
rable to a random result. By encoding emotional in-       man results shows the complexity of emotion rela-
formation into word representations, SSWE (Tang           tions. Existing psychological study (Scherer, 2005)
et al., 2015) maps 10 emotions correctly and EWE          shows that embarrassment is close to both sadness
(Agrawal et al., 2018) maps 7 emotions correctly.         and disgust, which means sadness and disgust can
The results indicate that although sentiment em-          both be regarded as the mapping result for embar-
bedding (SSWE) and emotion embedding (EWE)                rassment. As for caring, it has been discussed
map more emotions correctly than typical word em-         (Scherer et al., 2013) that caring is a positive emo-
bedding (GloVe), SSWE and EWE still mismatch              tion in nature but accompanied by the occurrence
more than half of the source emotions as they are         of negative events.
constructed under semantic space.                            The mapping results of the three models are
   In emotion space, our emotion representations          roughly the same as human-provided mapping re-
correctly map 18 out of 21 emotions, which is much        sults, which shows our emotion representations are
better than the result in semantic space. The scores      effective. However, when a certain emotion has
undoubtedly show that our emotion representations         high similarities to multiple emotions (such as em-
can describe emotion relations much better than           barrassment to disgust and sadness), there may
word vectors. Besides, detailed mapping results           exist some differences between different mapping
for each emotion can be seen in Table 4. Results          results. In other words, there are no absolutely cor-

Semantic Space                      Emotion Space
      Source Emotions    Human
                                     GloVe    SSWE     EWE            TextCNN BiLSTM BERT
      admiration         joy         disgust anger     anger          joy        joy         joy
      amusement          joy         anger    joy      disgust        joy        joy         joy
      annoyance          anger       anger    disgust anger           anger      anger       anger
      approval           joy         fear     disgust fear            surprise   surprise    joy
      caring             joy         anger    anger    anger          sadness    sadness     sadness
      confusion          surprise    anger    joy      anger          surprise   surprise    surprise
      curiosity          surprise    fear     surprise surprise       surprise   surprise    surprise
      desire             joy         fear     joy      joy            joy        joy         joy
      disappointment     sadness     fear     fear     anger          sadness    sadness     sadness
      disapproval        anger       disgust anger     disgust        anger      anger       disgust
      embarrassment      sadness     disgust sadness fear             disgust    disgust     disgust
      excitement         joy         anger    joy      joy            joy        joy         joy
      gratitude          joy         joy      joy      joy            joy        joy         joy
      grief              sadness     anger    disgust sadness         sadness    sadness     sadness
      love               joy         joy      surprise surprise       joy        joy         joy
      nervousness        fear        anger    joy      sadness        fear       fear        fear
      optimism           joy         anger    joy      anger          joy        joy         joy
      pride              joy         anger    joy      anger          joy        joy         joy
      realization        surprise    sadness joy       joy            surprise   surprise    surprise
      relief             joy         anger    joy      anger          joy        joy         joy
      remorse            sadness     disgust anger     sadness        sadness    sadness     sadness
      Score              —           3        10       7              18         18          18

Table 4: The results of mapping Cowen taxonomy to Ekman taxonomy. Human results are chosen as the gold
answers and wrong results are marked in red.

rect mapping results for all emotions, which further    sine similarities are not greater than 0.3 except the
indicates the relations among emotions are indeed       similarity between anger and disgust.
complex.                                                   On the other hand, the datasets are created based
                                                        on different annotation standards from different
4.5    Emotion Relations across Corpora                 domains. Thus, for specific emotion pair, the simi-
Due to the deviations in different corpora (such as     larities across datasets may be quite different. How-
data source bias and annotation bias), there may ex-    ever, the relative magnitude of similarities is con-
ist some differences in emotion relations between       sistent across datasets. For each dataset, there is
different corpora. In this part, we analyze the dif-    a moderate similarity between anger and disgust
ference in emotion relations across corpora. BERT       (ranging from 0.52 to 0.65) while the similarities
is chosen as the training model here to eliminate       among remaining emotion pairs are relatively small
the potential impact caused by models. For each         (ranging from 0.04 to 0.30).
dataset, the experiments are repeated 10 times with        In order to quantitatively measure the consis-
same model and different initial parameters, and        tency of emotion relations in different datasets,
the average results are reported here.                  Pearson correlation coefficients between cosine
   There are five emotion categories (anger, disgust,   similarities across datasets are calculated as shown
fear, joy and sadness) shared in the four datasets.     in Table 5. The Pearson correlation coefficients
The shared five emotions are basic emotion cat-         among datasets are pretty high (ranging from 0.867
egories in many emotion taxonomy theories (Ek-          to 0.949), which indicates the underlying emotion
man, 1992; Harmon-Jones et al., 2016; Cowen and         relations are quite similar across datasets even if
Keltner, 2017). As a result, the cosine similari-       they are created in different domains.
ties among these emotion categories as shown in            In this experiment, we detect emotion relations
Figure 3 are not high. For each dataset, all co-        across corpora. The results reveal that there is a

(a) AffectiveText             (b) GoEmotions               (c) ISEAR                 (d) Affect in Tweets

                        Figure 3: Cosine similarities among emotions in different datasets.

               A         G       I         T               resentations, such as improving the performance of
       A     1.000     0.949   0.917     0.936             emotion classification models and studying emo-
       G     0.949     1.000   0.873     0.926             tion spaces across languages.
       I     0.917     0.873   1.000     0.867
       T     0.936     0.926   0.867     1.000             Acknowledgments

Table 5: Pearson correlation coefficients between co-      We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
sine similarities. (A: AffectiveText; G: GoEmotions; I:    for their helpful comments.
ISEAR; T: Affect in Tweets.)

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