About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6

Page created by Carmen Butler
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
Want to bring your ideas to life?

      E N T I O N
   Be part of an...

 INV        T I O N
         about marine parks in South Australian waters

An Educational Resource
    for Years 5 & 6

                                               Department for
                                           Environment and Water
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
Acknowledgements                              Want to bring your ideas to life?

This online curriculum-linked resource
                                                        T I O N
                                                 Be part of an...

                                                  V E N
was produced by Angela from Angela
                                               IN         T I O N
                                                      E N
Colliver Consulting Services.

Dr Shelley Paull from National Parks
and Wildlife Service South Australia and      CON  V   about marine parks in South Australian waters
colleagues from Parks Australia assisted

in the development of this resource.

The curriculum-linked resource is
designed to support teachers in schools     Introduction		                                               1
implement teaching and learning
programs about marine parks in South        How to use this resource book                                2
Australian waters.

This work is licensed under a Creative      A suggested learning methodology                             3
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial
4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC 4.0)    Curriculum Connections                                      4
by-nc/4.0/                                  Marine parks in South Australia                             6

                                            A suggested learning sequence                               12

                                            Appendix		                                                  18
Under this licence you can share and
adapt but must give appropriate             References		                                                19
credit, provide a link to the licence,
and indicate if changes were made.          Student Project Files                                       23
The material may not be used for
commercial purposes.                        The Project File		                                          24

The following statement must be used        Resource 1.1            Your Design Brief                   25
on any copy or adaptation of the
material.                                   Resource 1.2            Define                              26
Copyright: Australian Government            Resource 1.2.1          Getting to know South Australia's
2020 except where indicated                                         marine parks                        27
otherwise. This work is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution Non-         Resource 1.2.2          South Australia’s marine parks –
Commercial 4.0 International licence.                               zones and connections               28
While reasonable efforts have been
made to ensure that the contents of         Resource 1.3            Discover                            29
this educational resource are factually
correct, Parks Australia and the National   Resource 1.4            Dream                               33
Parks and Wildlife Service South
Australia do not accept responsibility      Resource 1.5            Design                              34
for the accuracy or completeness of the
contents, and shall not be liable for any   Resource 1.6            Deliver                             37
loss or damage that may be occasioned
directly or indirectly through the use      Resource 1.7            Debrief                             38
of, or reliance on, the contents of this
educational resource.                       Resource 1.8            Re-Design                           39

All links to websites were accessed in
April 2020. As content on the websites
used in this resource book is updated
or moved, hyperlinks may not always
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
The ocean is inextricably linked to our land and atmosphere through complex processes that
support life. The ocean also supports rich biodiversity.

Amazingly, the ocean produces half the oxygen         •   develop understandings about the role of
we breathe, so no matter where on earth you               marine parks in addressing complex real-
live, you are connected to the ocean and rely on          world scenarios.
it to survive. As an island nation, surrounded by
                                                      •   develop understandings about the
the third largest marine jurisdiction in the world,
                                                          importance of attaining sustainability for
this connection is very real for many Australians.
                                                          marine parks.
This marine environment supports incredible
habitats and species, drives our climate and          •   discover ideas and solutions to take
weather, provides jobs, food, and resources,              action to tackle sustainability challenges
and offers us a special way of life. We have a            as individuals, as a community and as the
responsibility to protect it and every Australian         future decision-makers who need and use
can play their part.                                      marine parks.

This resource book aims to support teachers in        •   discover and envision a range of creative
primary schools engage students in appreciating           solutions to real-world problems.
more about marine parks in South Australian           •   design research projects with the goal
waters, both Commonwealth and State. They will            of reflecting on appropriate local actions
build an understanding of where marine parks              to ensure marine parks are managed
are in South Australian waters, what benefits             appropriately to support marine
they provide us with, and how a variety of tools          conservation goals as well as the sustainable
and techniques are used to survey, monitor,               use of marine resources.
track and help protect the marine plants and
animals they help protect.                            •   design the steps required to create
                                                          sustainable solutions for the problems.
Aim                                                   •   dream and consider the many possible
                                                          solutions to deal with sustainability
In schools, there is scope for teachers to
integrate this resource book into their existing
classroom programs. The resource book                 •   deliver and debrief solutions.
provides schools with opportunities to:
                                                      •   practise and reinforce the sustainability
                                                          messages delivered in the Australian
                                                          Curriculum Learning Areas, General
                                                          Capabilities and Cross Curriculum Priorities.
                                                                                                          Leafy seadragon

                                                                                                                            Image: Carl Charter

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                                                    1
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
How to use this resource book
    This resource book provides learning experiences to support your school’s involvement in
    marine parks in South Australian waters.

    Teachers can use the following learning
    experiences to plan, stimulate, support, and
    inspire their learning about these important

    The resource book includes ideas to support
    students’ involvement in investigating, exploring,
    experimenting, designing, creating, and
    communicating their understandings about
    marine parks in South Australian waters.

    Curriculum focus
    This learning resource has a variety of student
    activities that link to the Australian Curriculum in
    STEM, particularly in Technologies and Science.
    It also has many opportunities to integrate the
    Sustainability Cross Curriculum Priorities and
    General Capabilities.

    Students develop an understanding of the
    roles STEM, innovation, and design play in
    understanding real-world scenarios in the
    marine parks around South Australia. They
    discover how STEM has, and is, enabling marine
    park scientists and researchers design solutions
    to deal with the challenges being experienced in
    marine parks in South Australian waters.

    This unit includes ideas to support students’
    involvement in investigating, exploring,
    designing, creating, and communicating their
    understandings about marine park practices that
    make use of scientific, technological, ecological,
    economic knowledge. It supports students to
    design, plan and evaluate marine park activities,
    technologies, and equipment.

    Students can invent or re-design a device, tool
    or technique that can survey, monitor, track and
    help protect the marine plants and animals in
    marine parks in South Australian waters. The
    chosen activity is not limited to activities already
    occurring in these marine parks. It can include
    new ideas, or ideas from elsewhere in Australia
    or the world.

2                                                          Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
A suggested learning methodology
The Project Based Learning (PBL) learning sequences used in some of the learning activities in
this book are underpinned by the work of Lee Watanabe-Crockett.

It uses the Solution Fluency methodology            •    Dream: The ‘Dream’ phase enables
through six phases: Define, Discover, Dream,             students to imagine and develop possible
Design, Deliver and Debrief. The phases of the           solutions and explanations for the challenge,
model are based on the 21st Century Fluencies            problem, question, and task they have
created by Crockett et al (2011).                        experienced. The significant aspect of this
                                                         phase is that the students’ explanations
The Essential Fluencies are outlined extensively         follow substantive conversations and higher-
in the book Mindful Assessment (Crockett, L.             order thinking experiences.
& Churches, A. (2016) Mindful Assessment
(Solution Tree). See also ‘Solution Fluency’ on     •    Design: The ‘Design’ phase provides
the Global Digital Citizen Foundation website,           opportunities for students to apply what
and the Solution Fluency video Solution                  they have learned to new situations, to
Fluency on YouTube (3:13 min). For reference,            map production processes and so develop
the fluencies are:                                       a deeper understanding of the challenge,
                                                         problem, question, or phenomenon.
•   Define: The ‘Define’ phase begins with               It is important for students to extend
    lessons that intellectually engage students          explanations and understandings, using
    with a challenge, problem, question, and             and integrating different modes, such as
    task. This phase captures their interest,            diagrammatic images, written language, and
    provides an opportunity for them to express          media.
    what they know about the topic, share
                                                    •    Deliver: The ‘Deliver’ phase has two
    understandings being developed, and helps
                                                         stages—production and publication or
    them to make connections between what
                                                         presentation. In the production phase, the
    they know and the new ideas.
                                                         task comes to life—this is the doing aspect.
•   Discover: The ‘Discover’ phase includes              At the end of this phase, the student task
    activities in which students can explore,            should be completed. Next, they present or
    investigate, research, read, discuss, gather,        publish their work sample to an audience.
    organise, and compare knowledge and data.
                                                    •    Debrief: The ‘Debrief’ phase provides an
    They grapple with the challenge, problem,
                                                         opportunity for students to revisit, review,
    question, or phenomenon and describe it
                                                         and reflect on their own learning and new
    in their own words. This phase provides a
                                                         understanding and skills. This is also when
    context and enables students to acquire a
                                                         students provide evidence for changes to
    common set of experiences they can use
                                                         their understanding, beliefs, and skills.
    to help each other make sense of the new
    knowledge or understandings.                    Source: ‘Solution Fluency’, Global Digital Citizen
                                                    Foundation website.

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                  3
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
Curriculum Connections
    Content Descriptions Source: (ACARA, 2015)

    Technologies (Years 5 & 6)                            Science (Years 5 & 6)
    Design and Technologies—Knowledge and                 Science as a Human Endeavour – Nature
    Understandings                                        and development of science
    Examine how people in design and technologies         Science involves testing predictions by
    occupations address competing considerations,         gathering data and using evidence to develop
    including sustainability in the design of products,   explanations of events and phenomena and
    services, and environments for current and            reflects historical and cultural contributions
    future use ACTDEK019                                  ACSHE081 ACSHE098

    Investigate characteristics and properties of a       Science as a Human Endeavour – Use and
    range of materials, systems, components, tools        influence of science
    and equipment and evaluate the impact of their
                                                          Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems
    use ACTDEK023
                                                          and inform personal and community decisions
    Design and Technologies—Processes and                 ACSHE083 ACSHE100
    Production Skills
                                                          Science Inquiry Skills
    Critique needs or opportunities for designing,
                                                          With guidance, pose clarifying questions and
    and investigate materials, components, tools,
                                                          make predictions about scientific investigations
    equipment and processes to achieve intended
    designed solutions ACTDEP024
                                                          Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific
    Generate, develop, and communicate design
                                                          investigations to answer questions and solve
    ideas and processes for audiences using
                                                          problems using equipment and materials
    appropriate technical terms and graphical
                                                          safely and identifying potential risks ACSIS086
    representation techniques ACTDEP025
    Select appropriate materials, components,
                                                          Compare data with predictions and use as
    tools, equipment and techniques and apply
                                                          evidence in developing explanations ACSIS218
    safe procedures to make designed solutions
                                                          Communicate ideas, explanations and processes
    Develop project plans that include consideration
                                                          using scientific representations in a variety of
    of resources when making designed solutions,
                                                          ways, including multi-modal texts ACSIS093
    individually and collaboratively ACTDEP028

4                                                             Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
About marine parks in South Australian waters - Want to bring your ideas to life? Be part of an - for Years 5 & 6
General Capabilities                                  Learning Goals
Literacy, ICT capability, Critical and creative       Learners will:
thinking, Ethical Understanding and Personal
and Social Capability.                                •   Understand the biodiversity values of marine
                                                          parks in South Australian waters.
Cross Curriculum Priority                             •   Understand the human and economic
                                                          uses and values of marine parks in South
                                                          Australian waters.
Organising Ideas                                      •   Understand aspects of marine park
                                                          management, including sustainable use
OI 2: All life forms, including human life, are           practices and take actions to ensure
connected through ecosystems on which they                adherence to best environmental practices.
depend for their wellbeing and survival.
                                                      •   Investigate the purposes of tools and
OI.3: Sustainable patterns of living rely on the          systems that are used to survey things in
interdependence of healthy social, economic               marine parks, monitor things in marine
and ecological systems.                                   parks and track animals in the marine parks
                                                          in South Australian waters.
OI.4: World views that recognise the
dependence of living things on healthy                •   Invent or re-design a device, tool or
ecosystems, and value diversity and social justice        technique that can survey, monitor, track
are essential for achieving sustainability.               and help protect the marine plants and
                                                          animals in marine parks in South Australian
OI.5: World views are formed by experiences at            waters.
personal, local, national and global levels, and
are linked to individual and community actions        Learning Intention
for sustainability.
                                                      Explain to the students that their task is to invent
OI.6: The sustainability of ecological, social and    or re-design a device, tool or technique that
economic systems is achieved through informed         can survey, monitor, track and help protect the
individual and community action that values           marine plants and animals in marine parks in
local and global equity and fairness across           South Australian waters. This is not limited to
generations into the future.                          techniques already in use in these areas. Ideas
                                                      can be taken from elsewhere in Australia or the
OI.7: Actions for a more sustainable future           world and applied to marine parks in South
reflect values of care, respect and responsibility,   Australia where appropriate.
and require us to explore and understand

OI.8: Designing action for sustainability requires
an evaluation of past practices, the assessment
of scientific and technological developments,
and balanced judgments based on projected
future economic, social, and environmental

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                      5
Marine parks in South Australia
                                   Marine parks are internationally recognised as an important way to help us conserve marine
                                   biodiversity and support the sustainable use of marine resources like fish, tourism potential
                                   and oil and gas. Marine parks often work alongside other management efforts to keep our
                                   marine environment healthy, including limiting the number of fish that can be caught and
                                   restricting the use of harmful chemicals. The United Nations encourage countries all around
                                   the world to look after their marine environment (Sustainable Development Goal 14). One
                                   of the key indicators (Sustainable Development Goal Target 14.5) is the establishment of
                                   marine parks. In Australia, 37% of our marine environment is currently protected within a
                                   marine park: we are doing a good job meeting this global target.
                                   In South Australia, there are 26 marine parks.                             What is in a name?
                                   Nineteen of these occur in coastal waters
                                   and are managed by the National Parks                                      There are lots of different names for marine
                                   and Wildlife Service South Australia and                                   parks – which means it can get confusing
                                   the remaining seven occur in offshore waters                               quickly! Often, people refer to marine parks
                                   and are managed by Parks Australia, a                                      in slightly different ways to distinguish their
                                   Commonwealth government agency.                                            purpose, their rules or who manages them. It
                                                                                                              isn’t necessary to be across all the terms but is
                                   This means that marine parks can be                                        useful to be aware that even in South Australia,
                                   established by either the Commonwealth,                                    some marine parks are called different things
                                   the Northern Territory, or the states. In South                            but have the same purpose (Sanctuary Zones
                                   Australian waters, there is a mix of State and                             (core conservation zones) in State marine
                                   Commonwealth marine parks. An important                                    parks are the same as National Park Zones in
                                   design principle for marine parks is that, where                           Commonwealth marine parks)). This article
                                   possible, they should complement existing                                  provides an interesting overview.
                                   management measures. In South Australia,
                                   the newer Commonwealth marine parks were
                                   positioned so that boundaries and zones
                                   align across State and Commonwealth waters,
                                   extending protection for habitats, species and
                                   the processes that connect them.

                                                                                                                                 r nature?
                                                                                                           parks just fo                                            ture.
                                                                                        Are marine                                         u m  ans and na
                   s 101
                                                                                                                            r e  fo  r   h
                                                                                                             par ks a                                  ifferent

M a r i n e Pa r k                                                                       No! Marine parks are zoned – d and this
                                                                                         Most mar         in e
                                                                                                                                                 ne –
                                                                                                                           different zo rine parks
                                                                                                       p ly  in   th
                                                                                          rules ap                              ke sure ma
                                                                                                           nager s ma                 and provid
                                                                                                                                                          e benefits
                                                                                          is how ma                          e e d s                                       the
                    n e  p a rk  s work?                                                  b a la n ce   differe     n  t  n
                                                                                                                                    zo  n  in g   in fographic in
How do ma                                                marine                                             ase refer to
                           is  a n   a r ea of our                  it                     for all. Ple
                 pa   r k                                     li m
A marine                                   s apply to                                      Appendix.
            m  e  n t   where rule arks can be                                                                                           arine parks?
env  ir o n
                                M  arine p                                e                                  e re  different m
human act
                   iv it ie s.                        abit    a  ts  li k                   Why    a re   th                                                 Australia’s
                     to   p ro  te ct fragile h              e v  e n ts   li ke                                       it y   fo r  lo  oking after en the
 establishe     d                         nsitive life                                                         sib  il                                        e
                     agrass or se y are often par ts                                        The respon                                       ared betw
                                                                                                                     n   ment is sh                              ates
 corals or se              ti on – th       e                         m   o re              marin      e  e n v ir o
                                                                                                                               d   th   e ind    iv id u a l  st
 bir th o   r   m   ig ra                        t we    k  n  o w
                                                                                                               e a lt  h   a n                         e la er ar
            m   a  r in  e  e nvironmen ine parks also                                                           r th   e r n   T e rritory. Th               n e d  a s
  of our
                      t not alwa
                                        ys. Mar
                                                               f “ordinary
                                                                                     ”       and the No r coastal waters, de                                         or e.
  about – bu sentative examples o design                                                     r e sp onsible fo                 a u ti ca   l  m  iles from sh om 3
                    pr   e                                  the                                                    – 3       n                               ters fr
  protect re                               rea, as in                                        generally 0 wealth look after wa
      b it a ts   fo  u nd in an a               ll y a  su   r ro  gate for
                                                                                                          m  m   o n                                   o f  o ur Exclusiv
                    a  b it a ts  a r e usua                      te ct   a  r e as           T he Co                     o u t  to    th  e edge                    T  h e r e
   process, h                                                 ro                                                 iles                             cal miles*).
                                          arks also p areas                                    nautical m
        d iv e r si ty  . Marine p              a p p e d ,  o r                                         m  ic   Z  o n  e   (200 nauti ralia where these
   b io                                   nm                                                   Econ    o                                           st
                       that are u                                  yet (the                                                    around Au                             alth is
    of seafloor                        ry   m   uch about                         a r in e     a r e  a  few places                           e  C ommonwe
               n  o t   k n o w    v e                       k  in d s   o f  m                                     r    sl ig h tl y .  T  h
                                                                                                                                                               ro  u n ding our
    we do                      p r in  ci p le ). These                  o r  ti n g           fi g u res diffe                  r   th   e  w  a ters sur
                       ary                                             p
    precaution                                     role in sup                                  also respon
                                                                                                                    sible fo
            s  p  la y   a n   impor tant             e si li e n ce  .                                            o  re territor
     par k                                   and r                                                   en off    sh                                                                 l
                             e  h  e a lt h                                                     se v                                                                tance equa
     overall ma
                        r in
                                                                                                                                  (M    )  is  a  unit of dis
                                                                                                                      l mile
                                                                                                 * A nautica
                                                                                                             2    m   etres.
                                                                                                 to 185

6                                                                                                                    Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
South Australia’s State marine parks                 Did you know that marine parks in the Great
                                                     Australian Bight were established to protect
State and Territory governments in Australia         breeding populations of southern right whales?
have established many marine parks. Some are         It has both State and Commonwealth managed
natural extensions of their National Parks or        marine parks. The Far West Coast Marine Park
nature reserves, whilst others are discrete sites.   is managed by the State Government and the
These marine parks protect a range of habitats       adjacent Great Australian Bight Marine Park is
including wetlands, inshore reefs, seagrass beds     managed by the Commonwealth Government.
and all of the marine species that depend on
them.                                                You can find your local State marine parks by
                                                     using this interactive mapping tool.
The South Australian Government manages a
network 19 marine parks in its State managed         Discover the remarkable range of species the
waters. These marine parks cover 44% of these        State marine parks protect on the Plants and
waters, with 6% protected within Sanctuary           animals page or by visiting the life in our
Zones. They span from the Victorian border           bioregions page.
to the Western Australian border and include
coastal and offshore waters, gulfs and offshore      You can find out more about the science behind
islands. They are designed to represent the vast     State marine parks on the Understanding the
range of habitats and ecosystems within South        effectiveness of marine parks page or the
Australia's eight marine bioregions (as scale        scientific reports page.
models of these bioregions).                         You can find out about what’s protected in
South Australia’s waters are rich and unique and     individual State marine parks in the Marine
are part of the Great Southern Reef. They are in     Parks Report and Management Plan sections
a temperate marine zone and support a range          on Enviro Data SA.
of habitats and species of biological importance,    You can find out more about South Australia’s
whilst also allowing for sustainable uses such       marine environment by visiting The Rockpool,
as fisheries, tourism, shipping and other marine     the Great Southern Reef, the Good Living
industries.                                          Blog, and virtual tours of EP Marine Parks and
South Australia’s fisheries range from large-        NRM Education and Experiencing Marine
scale industrial-sized fisheries such as prawn,      Sanctuaries.
shark and lobster fisheries, to small-scale
community-based fisheries such as those which
operate within the Marine Scalefish and Lakes
and Coorong fisheries. These fisheries support
commercial, recreational and Indigenous
traditional fishing activities which contribute to
the social and economic well-being of the State
and many regional coastal communities.

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                               7
South Australia’s Commonwealth                         phytoplankton and zooplankton, the bottom of
    marine parks                                           the ocean food web. Free-swimming animals of
                                                           all shapes and sizes flock to these hotspots to
    The seven Commonwealth marine parks – also             feed, from schools of anchovies and mackerel,
    called Australian Marine Parks – off South             to tunas and white sharks. Seabirds like albatross
    Australia protect a total of 139,595 km². That         and petrels will travel hundreds of kilometres
    is a lot of ocean! Together these marine parks         to feed in these locations and scientists also
    protect an incredible range of habitats, plants,       believe that they influence the migration routes
    and animals.                                           of species like whales.

    In some areas of the parks, water depths               Fewer humans venture to the farthest reaches
    are quite shallow (~15 metres). Here, where            of these marine parks but they do support
    conditions are warmer, lighter, and more               economically important commercial fisheries and
    protected, coral, and rocky reefs and seagrass         the oil and gas sector. Did you know? The Great
    beds thrive. The residents of these habitats are       Australian Bight supports Australia's most valuable
    quite familiar – you will find Australian sea lions,   fishery, the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery.
    octopus, flathead, rock lobster and weedy sea
    dragons. These areas are used by a wide range          •   Australian Marine Parks website
    of people including recreational fishers and           •   Australian Marine Parks are managed
    tourism operators.                                         in networks – take a look at the South-
                                                               west Marine Parks Network and South-
    As you move further offshore, the seafloor                 east Marine Parks Network . Encourage
    slopes away and conditions become more                     students to identify the seven Australian
    hostile for humans – but biodiversity still                Marine Parks that occur along the South
    flourishes. The seafloor can be broadly                    Australian coastline and research each one.
    characterised in three zones: the continental
    shelf, continental slope and the abyssal plain.        •   Australian Marine Parks protect natural
    Examples of all three zones are found in                   values – use the Australian Marine
    Australian Marine Parks, with some areas                   Parks Science Atlas to explore these
    6000 metres below the ocean surface. Depth                 in more detail. Using the interactive
    strongly influences the types of animals you find          map, select the park of your choice and
    living on the seafloor, as does substrate and              select the ‘natural values’ tab at the top.
    gradient. Substrates can be categorised into               Encourage students to identify at least one
    many different types but they’re broadly hard or           biologically important area, bioregion and
    soft – the soft areas are made up of sands and             key ecological feature that occurs in an
    muds and can look quite sparse at first glance             Australian Marine Park off South Australia.
    but provide a great home for many burrowing            •   Look at the species that live within the
    animals like worms, molluscs and brittle stars.            marine parks using Atlas of Living Australia
    The hard areas provide a great surface for a               – the interactive map. Turn on the marine
    range of habitat-building species like corals and          parks layer, using the menu to the left.
    sponges which in turn provide food and shelter             Double click on the park of your choice to
    for other plants and animals. Seafloor gradient is         see a list of species that have been recorded
    influenced by features like hills, valleys, canyons,       to occur there. Encourage students to
    or the continental slope. Some of these features           search for records of species like Australian
    are immense, like the Murray Canyon in Murray              sea lion, flesh-footed shearwater, shy
    Marine Park which is bigger than the Grand                 albatross, laternfish and sperm whale.
    Canyon. These features influence the movement
    of surrounding water, creating localised currents      •   Look at habitats or habitat characteristics
    that benefit filter feeders; they are often                within Australian Marine Parks using the
    associated with higher benthic (animals that live          interactive mapping site Seamap. The
    in association with the seafloor) diversity. Did           menu to your left contains different layers
    you know? These offshore marine parks are an               of information under 5 key groups – go to
    important feeding ground for Australian sea                Management Region Layers and select Aus
    lions who dive to depths of 80 metres to eat               Marine Parks (2018) – click on the eye icon
    benthic species like perch, rays, and cuttlefish.          to see the information.

    If a seafloor feature is large enough, they            TOP TIP!
    also influence water movements further                 Use the zoom function to highlight waters off
    away, creating eddies and upwellings. These            South Australia. Encourage students to toggle
    oceanographic habitats aggregate nutrients             through the layers, turning data on and off
    in the water column, fuel hotspots of
                                                           to explore what we know about the marine

8                                                               Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
Alternatively, explore the following features and
discussion points to help students understand
important aspects of the offshore marine

    >    Sea surface temperature (SST) is
         a habitat characteristic of the pelagic
         environment. Sustained areas of low
         SST can indicate upwellings or meso-
         scale eddies which drive enhanced
         productivity. Show the Third-party
         layer tab – SST seasonal variation
         layer (see image below). Red/orange
         areas indicate higher SST (warmer
         waters) and blue areas indicate lower
         SST (colder waters). Can you spot
         South Australia’s most famous seasonal
         pelagic feature, the Bonny Upwelling
         on the map? What do you notice about
         the waters in the gulfs or areas like
         Streaky Bay or Smoky Bay?

    >    Bioregions are areas of the seafloor       >   Seafloor features influence benthic and
         with broadly similar characteristics and       pelagic marine communities. Review
         communities. They were defined to              Australian Marine Park’s Key Ecological
         help Australia select marine park areas        Features here and see if you can see
         that included all our marine habitats          where these features occur using the
         and species. Show the Management               Third-party Layers Tab – Regional
         Regions Layer Tab – IMCRA. How                 – Aus Hillshaded Bathymetry layer.
         many bioregions are present in                 Encourage students to name three
         South Australia’s offshore waters and          key ecological features that occur in
         how many are represented within an             Australian Marine Parks around South
         Australian Marine Park?                        Australia?
    >    Bathymetry or depth is significant         >   Consider economic activities within
         habitat characteristic that influences         Australian Marine Parks including
         what species are found in an area.             shipping, oil and gas, and commercial
         Show the Bathymetry Layers Tab –               fishing (you can view these in Seamap).
         50m Resolution Bathymetry Grid. Ask            You can also read:
         the students to think about species
                                                        – 2017 government report ‘The
         that like to live at 15 m depth vs 150
                                                        Economic contribution of South
         m depth – what differences are there
                                                        Australia’s marine industries’
         be that might affect the ability to live
         there… light, pressure, temperature.           – Generic infographics – tourism and
                                                        ocean wealth

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                           9
Managing marine parks                                 Not all knowledge is new! Aboriginal people,
                                                           South Australia’s traditional owners, have
     Managing marine parks is challenging. It              collected knowledge about coastal lands and
     depends of lots of different people working           the marine environment for thousands of years
     together to contribute their knowledge and            and passed it from generation to generation
     skills.                                               through stories. Over the last 20,000 years, sea
                                                           levels have risen inundating land they once used.
     Science plays an important role in both creating      The ancient coastline (visualise it here), which
     marine parks and looking after them. Scientists       now lies between 90 and 120 meters below the
     have spent years studying South Australia’s           ocean’s surface, indicates where the land once
     unique marine environment which means                 met the sea. This means that traditional owners
     we know a lot about the animals, plants, and          have strong cultural connections to many areas
     habitats here, especially if they occur close         within marine parks and have a central role to
     to shore or have an important commercial              play in their management. Each group also have
     or community value. Less is known about the           their own traditional language and connection to
     habitats and species that live in deeper water:       their own Country. You can find out the traditional
     exploring the midnight zone pushes the very           owners of your local land and sea by using this
     limits of our technical ability and is expensive.     map. Use this book about the language of
     In the marine environment, scientists use a range     the Barngarla people to learn some traditional
     of methodologies to learn about an area (this         Barngarla language and then search for the
     cool infographic provides a good overview).           language of your local First Nations people.
     Typically, researchers will start by looking at the   Sharing what we know about marine parks is
     habitat. This is because the presence or absence      another important part of management. It is
     of certain habitat characteristics give us lots of    important that marine park users understand the
     clues about the kinds of animals and plants that      rules or know where to access them. Information
     are likely to live there or where to focus your       about the marine parks in South Australia are
     research efforts. In shallow water, you can create    broadcast in a range of ways including through
     habitat maps using high-resolution photography        websites, apps, social media, handouts, and
     and satellite imagery or in deeper water, we          signs. For others, education and engagement
     use remote cameras to capture images and              helps build an appreciation for our marine
     equipment that send out sound waves to “see”          environment, the role of marine parks and an
     seafloor features.                                    understanding of the direct and indirect benefits
                                                           they provide us all. Tour operators that operate
     TOP TIP!
                                                           in marine parks such as Experiencing Marine
     Interactive mapping tools are a great way             Sanctuaries play a pivotal role in this education.
     to explore marine parks and interrogate               Sharing fantastic photographs and interesting
     available scientific data. Explore State              facts and figures is a great way to achieve this.
     marine parks using Naturemaps (switch                 With technological advances, you do not have to
     layers on and off to see different features)          visit a marine park to enjoy it or take care of it.
     and Commonwealth marine parks using                   Education makes a big difference to the way
     the Science Atlas or these maps. You can              people use marine parks – most of us want to do
     also view outer marine park boundaries and            the right thing – but there are still people that do
     management zones using these tools.                   not know the rules or choose not to obey them.
                                                           In these instances, it is important that marine park
     You can find out about South Australia’s coastal      staff are on (or above) the water to make sure
     marine habitats here.                                 everyone is following the rules. In South Australia,
     In addition to helping us discover new things         State and Commonwealth agencies work
     about the marine environment, scientists also         together to deliver this compliance program. This
     monitor the things we already know. Regular           compliance work is a key part of ensuring threats
     surveys can include counting the number               are removed, which will give the protection the
     and type of species observed in specific areas        best chance of positively influencing the animals
     (called reference sites). This type of data helps     and plants in these zones. If we do not remove
     us understand how our marine environment is           the threats from a zone (by not ensuring people
     changing over time and if we’re making the right      are doing the right thing), then when we carry
     management decisions. You can find out the            out the monitoring, we may not get the results
     latest Status Report for South Australia’s State      we expect. An effective compliance program
     marine parks here.                                    complements the monitoring program and
                                                           ensures the marine parks are managed effectively.

10                                                              Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
The essential question:                              For example, can you re-engineer a baited
                                                     remote underwater video system (BRUVs) to
What can you do to monitor, survey, track and        work at 200 metres depth? Or could you design
protect the marine plants and animals in marine      one for your local school?
parks in South Australian waters?
                                                     Can you think of a way to track the vulnerable
Scenario:                                            listed (EPBC Act 1999) Australian sea lion as it
                                                     rests, plays and forages to determine how it is
South Australia’s marine environment is              using marine park waters? You can watch this
fortunate to have a network of 26 marine             video to find out how this is being done already.
parks. Nineteen of these occur in coastal            This video also shows how drones are being
waters and are managed by the National               used to monitor populations.
Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia
and the remaining seven occur in offshore            Can you think of a way to monitor and manage
waters and are managed by Parks Australia, a         the potential impacts of ecotourism on the
Commonwealth government agency.                      surrounding environment. The shark cage
                                                     diving industry is an example of best practice in
South Australia is home to some of the world’s       nature based tourism, monitored and managed
most amazing marine plants and animals. It           by the South Australian Government. You can
boasts colourful marine sponge gardens, the          find out more by watching this short film.
iconic leafy sea dragon, the giant Australian
cuttlefish, and marine mammals such as the           Can you research a local Aboriginal Sea-Country
Australian sea lion, southern right whales and       story and explore how that story tells us what
common bottlenose dolphin. In fact, Australia’s      animals and plants lived in that location and at
southern waters are home to 7,500 marine             what point in time. How has this changed?
species, 85 per cent of which are endemic which
means they are not found anywhere else in the        Could you re-design some other type of
world. The Great Southern Reef is thought to         tracking, monitoring or surveying device? Which
be more biodiverse than the Great Barrier Reef.      one? How? Why?

Did you know that the South Australian               Record information about what you discover
Government is undertaking the largest ongoing        and then think about how you might share your
marine biodiversity monitoring programme in          ideas with others.
South Australia’s history? You can find the latest   Set up an activity day where teachers, students,
results here.                                        and parents can learn all about the surveying,
An example of this is the collaborative              monitoring, or tracking techniques used by
monitoring and research expedition to Western        scientists to learn or monitor biodiversity in
Eyre (Commonwealth) and Investigator (State)         marine parks.
Marine Parks around Pearson Island. Find out
more about what the team did here or view the
short film of their adventures here. As part of
a Design Team, your challenge is to think like a
scientist, engineer, traditional owner or designer
and re-engineer a device, tool or technique
that can be used to survey, monitor, or track the
marine plants and animals that live in the marine
parks around South Australia.

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                  11
A suggested learning sequence

     Step 1: Define                                       area, or do they travel for part of their lifecycle?
                                                          How are these marine parks connected via
     Objective: Have students illustrate their            physical processes like currents or upwellings?
     understanding of the challenges set out in the       See Resource 1.2.2 in the Students Project
     scenario by providing an oral definition of the      Files.
                                                          Scientists, engineers, traditional owners
     Share the essential question with the class and      and designers
     talk about the tasks that need to be addressed.
     See Resource 1.1 in the Students Project Files.      Talk about the role western science, Aboriginal
                                                          knowledge, engineering and design play in
     Present the scenario, assign teams if                identifying, establishing and managing marine
     appropriate, and ask learners to define the tasks    parks. This work usually starts with a question
     they have been set. See Resource 1.2 in the          or ‘brief’. Explain how the brief they have
     Students Project Files.                              been given is to think like a scientist, engineer,
                                                          traditional owner or a designer and invent or
     Marine parks                                         re-engineer a device that can survey, monitor, or
     Explain to the class that marine parks are an        track marine plants and animals in marine parks
     important tool for protecting marine biodiversity    in South Australian waters.
     and ensuring we can use marine resources             Present the scenario again, assign pairs or small
     sustainably.                                         groups if appropriate, and ask students to define
     Talk about how they also play an important           the task they have been set.
     role in supporting our economy and providing         Prerequisite for progression:
     social benefits – for example, marine tourism
     (like Cuttlefest in Whyalla), shark cage diving      Ask students to articulate their understanding
     or enjoying a day at the beach. Discuss how          of the task/challenge through oral conversation
     marine parks complement fishing management           and if appropriate, a written (scribed) statement.
                                                          Note: The Prerequisite for Progression are
     Explain how there are two types of marine parks      the checkpoints that occur at the end of each
     in South Australian waters: those managed by         stage of the learning sequence. This is the
     South Australia which occur in near-shore waters     time when formative feedback is given to the
     (out to 3 nautical miles - which is approximately    students about what they have accomplished
     5.5 kilometres from the coast) and Australian        in that stage. It describes what the students
     Marine Parks which are managed by the                must complete before they move onto the next
     Commonwealth government and occur between            phase of the unit. (Crockett, et, al, 2011)
     3 and 200 nautical miles from shore. Note: A
     nautical mile (M) is a unit of distance equal to
     1852 metres.

     Challenge students to locate the marine parks
     and record their names and locations in their
     Student Project Files. Remind students that they
     should be able to locate 26 marine parks. Ask
     learners to see if they can identify who manages
     each park (State or Commonwealth). See
     Resource 1.2.1 in the Students Project Files.

     Ask learners to look deeper into these marine
     parks and the types of management zones each
     marine park contains. Ask students to think
     about the different activities that are allowed in
     each zone – and to think about how a mix of
     zones ensure all uses and the needs of all users
     can be met. Think about how animals and plants
     utilise these marine parks. Are they resident or
     migratory, do they spend their whole life in one

12                                                             Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
Step 2: Discover                                    Introduce baited remote underwater video
                                                    system or BRUVs and explain how this method
Objective: Have students research, read, view,      is used to collect some of the necessary data
listen to, discuss, gather, organise ideas and      – including identifying and counting marine
information about devices, tools and techniques     animals and plants. Watch this video about
that can survey, monitor, or track marine plants    how BRUVs are being used to monitor or read
and animals in marine parks in South Australian     this paper. Review the video on the Western
waters.                                             Eyre expedition and see how BRUVs was used
                                                    to collect data in deeper waters. Talk about
Surveying, monitoring, tracking, and                where the use of BRUVs is appropriate and its
protecting plants and animals in marine             limitations with depth.
Invite students to list the names of species they   Read this blog about BRUVs use in South Australia
think might be monitored, tracked, or surveyed      Discover how students at Cocos Island District
in marine parks. They can start with a State or     High School built a baited remote underwater
Commonwealth marine park.                           video system (BRUVs) platform to conduct fish
Talk with students about the conservation           surveys in their lagoon for Science Week in 2016.
objective of marine parks – think about the         Go further and view some BRUVs footage
various habitats, plants and animals we know        from the Woodbridge School Marine Discovery
occur in State and Commonwealth marine              Centre in Tasmania.
parks in South Australian waters. Discuss the
common marine threats (climate change,              Ask students to identify the challenges of
marine pollution, ship strikes, fishing, human      surveying deep-sea marine environments – the
disturbance, resource use, coastal development,     recent Deep-sea Coral and Canyon Adventure
invasive species) and how they might impact         undertaken by the R/V Falkor highlights the
the marine environment. Brainstorm how              challenges of surveying nearby Bremer Canyon
marine parks might help protect the marine          (This canyon is part of the Bremer Marine Park
environment by helping to reduce the impacts        in the South-west Marine Parks Network off
of those threats.                                   Western Australia).
Think about what kinds of information you           Surveying techniques
might need about these habitats, plants and
animals to understand them (i.e., you need          Ask students to begin finding out about the
to identify them and count them) – and what         surveying techniques used by Geoscience
kinds of steps would scientists need to take to     Australia to help understand more about
track them over time (i.e., regular visits, same    the animals found within the different ocean
sites, compare diversity and abundance). What       zones and the seafloor. Ask students to use
questions can we answer with this kind of data?     the information and record four interesting
Can we determine if a marine park is working        points about the surveying techniques used by
using this kind of data? How would these results    Geoscience Australia.
differ across a marine park zone that offered       Research the RV Investigator which undertakes
high protection (i.e., Sanctuary or National Park   research and monitoring in Commonwealth
Zones) versus one that offers partial protection    waters, including Australian Marine Parks.
(Habitat Protection or Multiple Use Zones)?         The videos below provide an overview of
Brainstorm and record ideas about the different     the techniques they use and show how their
ways the students think researchers might           different equipment works:
survey, monitor, or track the different animals,    •   Surveying the ocean with the RV
plants and habitats that live in marine parks           Investigator
around South Australia.
                                                    •   Measuring our oceans on the RV
                                                    •   Mapping the seafloor on the RV
                                                    •   Trawling to sample biodiversity on the RV

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                 13
Encourage the class to reflect on how it            Think about how Australian sea lions use rocky
     often takes a lot of different skills to collect    coasts and beaches in State marine parks like
     the necessary data – research teams often           Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park to rest
     bring together oceanographers, modellers,           and nurse their young and head further offshore
     species specialists, statisticians and equipment    to waters within Western Eyre or Murray Marine
     technicians.                                        Parks to forage. Watch a video about Australian
                                                         sea lions to learn how scientists are tracking
     As a class, learn about CSIRO’s underwater          this species. Look at this land-based tour you
     robot Starbug X that monitors and surveys           can do at Seal Bay and consider some of the
     ocean ecosystems. Invite students to sketch the     information marine park rangers share with
     robot and label its different parts identifying     visitors. Ask students how they think this type
     what they do.                                       of education contributes to the protection of
                                                         this species. This additional video also details
     Marine mammal
                                                         how drone technology is being used to monitor
     (whale, dolphin and seal) research
                                                         Australian sea lion populations.
     Ask the students who has seen a marine
     mammal and if they know what species it was         Talk about how many people enjoy seeing whales,
     – ask about what features they can remember         dolphins and seals in marine parks and how tour
     about their animal and see if you can decide        operators can make a business by taking them
     together what it might have been. Talk about        there – this creates economic benefits (business)
     the types of marine mammals found in South          and social benefits (it is fun and interesting to go
     Australian waters – the most commonly               and see marine animals up close). Talk about how
     sighted are southern right whale, humpback          this is one way marine parks benefit humans – ask
     whale, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, long-       students to think about what kind of rules tour
     nosed fur seal and Australian sea lions. Discuss    operators might need to follow to make sure
     how all marine mammals are protected by             marine life stays safe.
     law in Australia. Ask students to think about
                                                         The shark cage diving industry is an example
     what threats might impact these animals -
                                                         of ecotourism managed and scientifically
     entanglements in fishing gear or other debris,
                                                         monitored by the South Australian Government.
     ship strikes, eating plastics – and the different
                                                         You can find out more by watching this short
     ways we can help protect them from these
     threats (Hint – including marine parks).
                                                         You can use these resources to find out about
     Use the resources from the South Australian
                                                         rules around respecting marine mammals.
     Whale Centre and the Head of Bight Whale
     Centre for more information.                        •   Respect marine mammal’s personal space
     Ask the class to see if they can find out what      •   Whale watching tips
     the conservation status of South Australia’s
                                                         •   Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary users' guide
     common whale, dolphin and seal species are.
     You can use the Species Profile and Threats         Ask students to find the traditional words for
     (SPRAT) database to determine this. What is         whales, dolphins and seals in their local First
     the difference between a species being listed as    Nations language. Can they find a dreamtime
     endangered versus vulnerable?                       story about these animals and what does that
                                                         tell us?
     Discuss how these marine animals use different
     marine parks – e.g. southern right whale            As a class, discover more about some of the
     nursery in Far West Coast, Thorny Passage or        research being done to monitor the southern
     Encounter Marine Parks or migrate through the       right whale population in South Australia (the
     offshore waters in the Great Australian Bight,      Great Australian Bight Right Whale Study
     Western Eyre or Nelson Marine Parks. Consider       and the Encounter Bay Right Whale Study).
     the Indo-Pacific dolphins in the Adelaide           Learn how researchers identify individual whales
     Dolphin Sanctuary. Encourage students to            from lumps of hardened skin on their heads
     think about why it might be important to have a     called callosities. Ask the class why it might
     network of marine parks? (Hint: marine species      be important to identify individual whales
     depend on different areas of the ocean to           when monitoring the population? Discuss how
     support different behaviours)

14                                                            Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
everyone can contribute to this monitoring          Ask the class to think about what this data can
effort through the Whale Watch citizen science      be used for (i.e. create maps and climatologies)
project (see log sightings data base to             that help us understand the ocean’s different
understand more.)                                   zones.

Look further afield and discuss the Australian      Stimulate thinking by asking the following
Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and its          questions:
research programs that focus on the vulnerable
humpback whale and the endangered pygmy             •   What might an ocean probe need so that it
blue whale populations in Australia’s north-west.       can be propelled into the ocean?
                                                    •   What might it carry and contain so that it
Invite students to think about a way they might
                                                        can communicate with scientists?
be able to survey, monitor or track migratory
species like the Australian sea lion or southern    •   What might it need so that it can stay deep
right whale in a marine park. Brainstorm and            within the ocean?
record the student’s ideas on an ‘Ideas Wall’.
                                                    •   What equipment will it have so that it can
Understanding the physical characteristics              send its data back to scientists?
of the ocean                                        •   What design features will it need to be able
As a class, view the ABC Education video (5:04          to resurface?
mins) and learn about a nautical robot that the     Invite students to draw their own ocean robot
CSIRO named Argo.                                   design. Ask students to think about what kinds
                                                    of data their robot will collect and what ocean
Discover what an argo float is. How does
                                                    zone it will be suitable for (and hence what
their design help them sink, come back to the
                                                    marine park it could be used in). Include labels
surface, and float? What kinds of technology do
                                                    of its equipment and its instruments.
they rely on to make them work?
                                                    As a class, build understanding by sharing ideas
Learn about the data it collects and how this
                                                    and recording issues that the class would like to
helps us understand ocean habitats and threats
                                                    know more about.
like climate change.
                                                    Encourage students to find more examples of
Talk about how the floats are designed to
                                                    what people are doing are to survey, monitor
travel through the oceans to collect scientific
                                                    and track marine life and bring their findings
information. Explain that they measure
                                                    back to class.
temperature and salinity, two very important
physical characteristics of the ocean that          Prerequisite for progression:
determine where marine plants and animals like
to live. Discuss how they transmit their data to    Students have worked as a class, individually
land-based centres via satellites. Think about      and in teams and collected research on devices
how the probes are deployed.                        and techniques that can survey, monitor, track
                                                    and help protect the marine plants and animals

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                 15
in marine parks in South Australian waters.           that can survey, monitor, track and help protect
     Websites, videos, images, and stories are used to     the marine plants and animals in marine parks
     contextualise understanding. Students will share      in South Australian waters. They have answered
     their ideas with peers, the teacher and family.       the questions posed in the dream phase.

     Step 3: Dream                                         Step 4: Design
     Objective: Ask students to imagine how they           Objective: Ask students to explain, prepare and
     are going to invent or re-design a device, tool       action how they are going to invent or re-design
     or technique that can survey, monitor, track and      a device or techniques that can survey, monitor,
     help protect the marine plants and animals in         track and help protect the marine plants and
     marine parks in South Australian waters.              animals in marine parks in South Australian
     Ask design teams to create a vision for their
     device or technique that they are re-imagining.       Invite students, in pairs or small groups, to begin
     See Resource 1.4 in the Students Project Files.       drafting their designs for their solutions.

     Further develop ideas for possible solutions          Ask students to draft the steps involved in
     using sketches and labels.                            making their solutions.

     Ask students to visualise their most creative         Ask students to gather the materials, tools, and
     solution. Ask students to think about the             equipment needed and then design and create
     following questions:                                  their solution.

     •   Will the design be stationary, or will it move?   Ask students to illustrate the steps involved in
                                                           their product, system, or technology to survey,
     •   Will it need any kind of technology?
                                                           monitor or track marine plants and animals in
     •   How will it help us understand the marine         marine parks. Remind them that they need to
         habitats, plants, or animals in marine parks      communicate their design ideas, and instructions
         in South Australian waters?                       in labelled drawings and then build a model of
     Invite students to think about what different
     materials, tools, or equipment they will need to      The students then need to write a procedure
     make their solution a reality.                        of how to use the designed solution. They
                                                           then evaluate their design, and suggest
     Progressions for Learning:
                                                           improvements, where necessary, giving reasons.
     The class have brainstormed ideas to begin            See Resource 1.5 in the Student Project Files.
     re-designing their device, tool or techniques
                                                           Students will then use their labelled drawing,
                                                           model, and procedure in a presentation to
                                                           spread the word about what might be possible.

                                                           Invite a peer class group to the class to hear
                                                           from the students and find out more about
                                                           creating a survey, monitoring tool, or tracking
                                                           device for marine plants and animals in marine
                                                           parks in South Australian waters.

                                                           Progressions for Learning:

16                                                             Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
Students can document in oral or written/           designed survey, monitoring tool, or tracking
digital forms how this project is to occur. The     device to help protect the marine plants and
understanding is demonstrated by the students       animals in marine parks in South Australian
explaining their thinking to a peer in the class.   waters.

Step 5: Deliver                                     Step 6: Debrief
Objective: Have students deliver their re-          Objective: Assess the results of the re-designed
designed survey, monitoring tool or tracking        survey, monitoring tool or tracking device to
device to help protect the marine plants and        help protect the marine plants and animals in
animals in marine parks in South Australian         marine parks in South Australian waters.
                                                    Ask students to reflect on their learning and
The Delivery phase has two stages – production      draw something they learnt that was new.
and publication. In the production stage the
project comes to life – this is the doing phase.    Ask students to describe what worked well and
At the end of this phase, the publication/          not so well in their efforts to design their re-
presentation of the re-designed survey, tool, or    designed solution.
device that the design teams are re-imagining
                                                    Invite students to reflect on the learning by
should be completed.
                                                    completing a self-assessment activity. Ask
Ask students to design and create their             questions like:
individual design samples required in this unit.
                                                    •   How has my/our attitude and behaviour
See Resource 1.6 in the Students Project Files.
                                                        changed because of my learning?
In the Publish phase, students get to showcase      •   How well did I/we contribute to any team
all their thinking and planning. This is the time       learning activities?
when students present their designs to each
other or an audience and is a good time for         •   How can I/we apply what I/we have learned
peer or self-assessment.                                to another topic? See Resource 1.7 in the
                                                        Students Project Files.
Ask students to share their designs with others.

Progression for learning:
Each Design Team has solutions for a re-

an educational resource for Years 5 & 6                                                                17

                            Australian Marine Parks protect
                            our offshore marine environment

        The Australian Government manages waters                                                            Managing our marine parks
        between 3 and 200 nautical miles offshore.                   Water
                                                                          s                                    is a balancing act.

                        North Network
                                                                                                                                       Multiple Use

      Network                                                                                          National Park
                                                                                                                           Habitat Protection

                                                             w Island 3       NM (5.5 km)

                                                  Network                                          Zoning shows where different
                                                                                                     activities are permitted.
                                                                                                                                      Green zones

                                                                                                                             Green zones protect important
                                                                                                                           locations like breeding and feeding
                                                                                                                           areas. Here you can watch wildlife,
                                                                                                                              snorkel, dive and do research.

                                                                                                                                      Yellow zones

                                                                                                                         Yellow zones protect sea floor habitats
                                                                                                                             like reefs and seamounts. Watch
                                                                                                                         wildlife, snorkel, dive, do research and
                                                                                                                           fish, but don’t disturb the seafloor.

                                                                                                                                        Blue zones
       Australian Marine Parks cover 2.8 million km2.
                                                                                                                           Blue zones allow other sustainable
          That’s an area the size of Queensland,                                                                            activities like fishing. Here, and in
                NSW and Victoria combined!                                                                                yellow zones, Australian fishers can
                                                                                                                          provide us with the seafood we love.

                                                         Australian Marine Parks
                                                                                            Marine parks achieve the best conservation and sustainable
                                                                                            use outcomes when park users, Traditional Owners and local
                                                                                            communities are engaged and supportive. We work alongside
                                                                                            our stakeholders to deliver all aspects of management so that
                                                                                            they’re places we can all enjoy and benefit from.
         protect habitats      support sustainable              are amazing
           and species          marine industries              places to enjoy

      Australian Marine Parks
      Visit parksaustralia.gov.au/marine to learn more

18                                                                                                                     Be part of an INVENTION CONVENTION
You can also read