Aberystwyth Business School - Undergraduate studies at

Page created by Andre Hammond
Aberystwyth Business School - Undergraduate studies at
Undergraduate studies at

Business School
Aberystwyth Business School - Undergraduate studies at

Contents                                                                                                                       Welcome
Welcome                                                                   p.1                                                  We are delighted that you are considering                      All our courses are professionally recognised and accredited
                                                                                                                                                                                              by the major professional bodies including ACCA, CIMA,
Professional Accreditations at Aberystwyth Business School               p.2                                                   Aberystwyth Business School as the place to study              TMI, CIM, CMI and more.
                                                                                                                               your undergraduate degree. We pride ourselves
Our courses                                                              p.4                                                                                                                  While you are at Aberystwyth, you will be given every
                                                                                                                               on teaching the very latest business theory and
What you study in the first year                                        p.28                                                   practice, identifying the key areas of importance              opportunity to build a CV that is attractive to employers
                                                                                                                                                                                              who now expect ‘technical’ skills alongside competences
Teaching through the medium of Welsh                                    p.29                                                   to ensure we deliver the highest quality teaching              such as leadership, resource management, creative enquiry
Extra-curricular opportunities at Aberystwyth Business School           p.30                                                   and learning experience in order to help you                   and communication skills, which virtually all good jobs
                                                                                                                               attain your goals.                                             demand.
Global opportunities                                                    p.32
                                                                                                                                                                                              Aberystwyth University has achieved exceptionally high
Student profiles                                                        p.34                                                                                                                  accolades including:
                                                                                                                               One of our particular strengths is our wide-ranging and
How to apply                                                            p.36                                                   deep-rooted links with business that creates opportunities     • Shortlisted Business School of the Year (Times Higher
                                                                                                                               to undertake applied research and transfer knowledge in          Education Awards 2021)
                                                                                                                               order to drive real and lasting change to society. Our work
                                                                                                                               extends to advising governmental bodies and undertaking        • Top 5 overall in the UK for the subject of Accounting &
                                                                                                                               the highest-level impactful research.                            Finance (The Guardian League Table 2022)

                                                                                                                               When you choose to study with Aberystwyth Business             • Top 10 in the UK for Student Experience for the subject
                                                                                                                               School you will study in a stimulating environment with          of Business & Management Studies (The Times and
                                                                                                                               lecturers who will bring their enthusiasm, skills and world-     Sunday Times, Good University Guide 2021)
                                                                                                                               leading knowledge to your learning. Our programmes aim
                                                                                                                               to develop the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs    • Top 10 in the UK for Student Experience for the subject
                                                                                                                               and we ensure that you participate in an environment where       of Economics (The Times and Sunday Times, Good
                                                                                                                               you can learn, engage and co-create solutions to meet the        University Guide 2021)
                                                                                                                               demands of an increasingly complex and rapidly changing        Read on to learn what makes Aberystwyth Business School
                                                                                                                               business environment.                                          a great choice, and one which generations of business
                                                                                                                               The School provides a full-service delivery, allowing you      leaders and managers have benefited from. Use this
                                                                                                                               to explore Accounting and Finance, Business Economics,         brochure to discover how you can add your name to this
                                                                                                                               Business Finance, Business and Management, Economics,          aspirational list and explore the subject and future career
                                                                                                                               Marketing and Digital Marketing, and Tourism and               that you are passionate about.
                                                                                                                               Adventure Tourism Management components within your
                                                                                                                               chosen degree course. You can be assured that our courses
                                                                                                                               are amongst the best in the UK and are tested with major       Professor Andrew Thomas
                                                         Important information                                                 employers and leading professional institutes for real world   Head of Aberystwyth Business School
GOOD          GOOD                                       The programme information published in this brochure was correct
UNIVERSITY    UNIVERSITY                                 at time of going to print (June 2022) and may be subject to change.
2020          2019                                       Prospective students are advised to check the definitive programme
WELSH         UNIVERSITY                                 information, including entry requirements, that is available on our
OF THE        FOR TEACHING                               website before making an application, to ensure that the programme
                                                         meets their needs.
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Professional                          Accounting and Finance Exemptions

                                      Association of Chartered Certified               Institute of Chartered Accountants (ACA)
                                                                                                                                           Marketing Exemptions

                                                                                                                                           Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)

accredited degrees
                                      Accountants (ACCA)                               Our BSc Accounting and Finance single               Our BSc Marketing single, major and joint
                                      The ACCA has awarded Aberystwyth                 honours degree scheme and Accounting and            honours degree schemes are CIM accredited
                                      Business School full accreditation for the       Finance major honours degree schemes are            as part of the ‘Dual Awards’ scheme. Students
                                      BSc Accounting and Finance (N400), students      ACA accredited.                                     are therefore exempt from 50% of the CIM
                                      will have the potential to graduate having                                                           Professional Diploma exams.
                                      already achieved the level of a part-qualified   Institute of Chartered Accountants in
                                                                                       England and Wales (ICAEW)
                                      accountant, by registering with ACCA.                                                                Management Exemptions
Depending on your degree scheme       Business School students also get a discount
                                      on their registration fees.                      The Chartered Institute of Public Finance
and the module that you choose, you                                                    and Accountancy (CIPFA)                             Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
may be able to obtain exemptions      Our BSc Accounting and Finance (N400)            Our BSc Accounting and Finance single,              Business and Management has Chartered
towards professional qualifications   degree scheme is ACCA accredited.                joint and minor degree schemes are CIPFA            Management Institute accreditation.
after completing your degree.                                                          accredited. Exemptions are currently available      Graduates from this intake will also earn a
                                      Exemptions are currently available on the
                                                                                       on the following papers:                            Level 5 CMI Diploma.
                                      following fundamental level papers:
                                                                                       Certificate Level:
                                      •   F1 Accountant in Business
                                                                                       • Financial Accounting (Financial Accounting
                                                                                                                                           Tourism Exemptions
                                      •   F2 Management Accounting
                                      •   F3 Financial Accounting                        1, 2 and 3 must be taken)
                                      •   F4 Corporate and Business Law                • Management Accounting (Management                 Tourism Management Institute (TMI)
                                      •   F5 Performance Management                      Accounting 1, 2 and 3 must be taken)              The Voice of Destination Management
                                      •   F6 Taxation                                  • Financial Reporting (Financial Accounting         - www.tmi.org.uk
                                      •   F7 Financial Reporting                         1,2 and 3 must be taken)
                                      •   F8 Audit and Assurance                       • Audit and Assurance (The Role and Practice
                                      •   F9 Financial Management                        of Audit must be taken)

                                      Note: a pass mark of 50% is required in all      Diploma Level:
                                      relevant modules                                 • Financial Management (Introduction to
                                                                                         Financial Management and Corporate
                                      Chartered Institute of Management                  Finance must be taken)
                                      Accountants (CIMA)                               • Taxation (Taxation must be taken)
                                      The following courses are CIMA accredited:
                                                                                       Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)
                                      • BSc Accounting and Finance single honours      All of our Accounting and Finance, Business
                                        degree scheme                                  and Management, Marketing and Economics
                                      • Accounting and Finance major honours           degrees are awarded: 30 Advanced Diploma
                                        degree schemes                                 level credits and 25 Non-unit specific credits at
                                      • BSc Business and Management single             Diploma level.
                                        honours degree scheme
                                      • Business and Management major honours          Institute of Chartered Secretaries and
                                        degree schemes                                 Administrators (ICSA)
                                                                                       Our BSc Accounting and Finance single
                                      Note: a pass mark of 50% is required in all      honours degree scheme and Accounting and
                                      relevant modules.                                Finance major honours degree schemes are
                                                                                       ICSA accredited.
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Our courses                                                                                                Accounting and Finance
                                                                                                           BSc (Hons)                                                                                          Module list
Single Honours                        Joint Honours                                                        The Accounting and Finance degree will prepare you for a career in                                  Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                                                                                                                               study on this course.
                                                                                                           professional accountancy or financial services, by focusing primarily on
Accounting and Finance          p.5   •   Accounting and Finance / Business and Management (BSc, 3 year)                                                                                                       First year:
                                      •   Accounting and Finance / Economics (BSc, 3 year)
                                                                                                           financial accounting, management accounting and finance, with taxation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
Adventure Tourism Management    p.6   •   Accounting and Finance / Marketing (BSc, 3 year)                 business law and business ethics dovetailed throughout the programme.                               • Accounting and Finance for Specialists
Business and Management         p.8   •   Accounting and Finance and Computing (BSc, 3 year)                                                                                                                   • Understanding the Economy
                                      •   Business and Management / French (BSc, 4 year)                                                                                                                       • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
Business and Climate Change     p.9   •   Business and Management / German (BSc, 4 year)                   Our research-active staff will help you develop a broad understanding of the operational            • Data Analytics.
                                      •   Business and Management / Spanish (BSc, 4 year)                  context, and the impact of financial measurement and disclosure on cash-flow, internal policy
Business Economics             p.10                                                                        and financial systems. This will enhance your understanding of how financial data may be used
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Second year:
                                      •   Business and Management and Computing (BSc, 3 year)                                                                                                                  • Intermediate Financial Accounting
Business Finance               p.11   •   Economics / Business and Management (BSc, 3 year)                to inform and influence managers, investors and decision-makers; and how the presentation of        • Intermediate Management Accounting
                                      •   Economics and International Relations (BSc, 3 year)              financial information can impact the longevity (and profitability/sustainability) of a company or   • Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
Digital Marketing              p.12   •   Economics and Politics (BSc, 3 year)                             public sector organisation.                                                                         • Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
Economics                      p.13   •   Law and Accounting and Finance (LLB, 3 year)
                                                                                                           Opportunities for Accounting and Finance students at Aberystwyth include:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Business Law for Managers
                                      •   Law and Business and Management (LLB, 3 year)                                                                                                                        • Taxation.
Economics and Climate Change   p.14   •   Marketing / Business and Management (BSc, 3 year)                • studying a degree accredited by the world’s leading accountancy bodies                            Final year:
Marketing                      p.16   •   Marketing / French (BSc, 4 year)                                 • being taught and mentored by professionally qualified and practising accountants with a           • Advanced Financial Accounting
                                      •   Marketing / Spanish (BSc, 4 year)                                  wealth of industry and academic experience                                                        • Advanced Management Accounting
Tourism Management             p.17   •   Mathematics / Accounting and Finance (BSc, 3 year)                                                                                                                   • Investments and Financial Instruments
                                                                                                           • introduction to legal issues relevant to the business environment
                                      •   Mathematics / Business and Management (BSc, 3 year)              • working with Refinitiv Workspace that provides access to company financial data and               • Accounting and Finance: Analysis and
                                      •   Mathematics / Economics (BSc, 3 year)                                                                                                                                   Application
                                                                                                             economic indicators as well as news and analytics to provide you with a richer, more              • Theory and Practice of Auditing.
Foundation                            •
                                          Psychology and Business and Management (BSc, 3 year)
                                          Psychology and Marketing (BSc, 3 year)
                                                                                                             interactive learning experience
                                                                                                           • professional exemptions from the main UK professional accounting bodies’ exams.                   * also available partially or entirely through the
                                      •   Tourism Management / French (BSc, 4 year)
Accounting and Finance         p.18                                                                                                                                                                            medium of Welsh.
                                      •   Tourism Management / Marketing (BSc, 3 year)                     Employability
Business and Management        p.20   •   Tourism Management / Spanish (BSc, 4 year)                       Accountancy firms, investment banks and financial institutions offer a range of career
Business Economics             p.21                                                                        opportunities to suit all interests including traditional auditing and assurance work,              Accredited by:
                                                                                                           management consulting, corporate finance, IT consulting, tax planning and insolvency. We
Business Finance               p.22   Welsh Medium *                                                       have established links with the major accounting and finance employers. As well as placing our
                                      • Welsh in the Professional Workplace / Business and Management      students in traditional accounting firms including Deloitte, PwC, E&Y and KPMG, our recent
Economics                      p.24
                                        (BA, 3 year)                                                       graduates have secured employment with other well-known organisations such as Barclays,
Marketing                      p.25                                                                        the BBC, Lidl and the NHS.
Tourism Management             p.26   *Delivered partially or entirely through the medium of Welsh.

                                                                                                           Key Facts

                                                                                                                Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N400.                                  Duration: 3 years.
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Adventure Tourism Management
BSc (Hons)                                                                                            Module list
                                                                                                      Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
Adventure tourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism                                study on this course.
industry. Our Adventure Tourism Management degree will enable you to
                                                                                                      First year:
unlock and develop skills in the business, marketing and management
                                                                                                      • Principles of Tourism Management
of adventure tourism operations and visitor attractions. This programme                               • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
attracts interest from a global audience, emphasising the importance of                                  *
                                                                                                      • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
Adventure Tourism Management across developed and developing global                                   • Understanding the Economy
economies.                                                                                            • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                      • Data Analytics.

                                                                                                      Second year:
On the Adventure Tourism Management degree course, you will examine real-life case studies
                                                                                                      • Destination and Attraction Management *
and explore effective management strategies and policies for adventure tourism. You will also         • Adventure Tourism
look at how marketing principles are applied within the tourism industry. A unique element of         • International Tourism in Practice
this course are the skills you will develop, accredited by external providers, that will enable you   • Activity Certification.
to develop outdoor skills and/or gain nationally recognised outdoor leadership qualifications. An
optional work experience module will further enhance your career prospects.                           Third year:
                                                                                                      • Sustainable Tourism
Opportunities for Adventure Tourism Management students at Aberystwyth include:                       • Tourism Development and Planning
                                                                                                      • Activity Certification.
• degree accreditation by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI)
                                                                                                      * also available partially or entirely through the
• gaining additional external certification by accredited providers in outdoor activities such as
                                                                                                      medium of Welsh.
  walking, climbing, kayaking, diving, mountain biking and skiing
• extended study trips, depending on module choice
• week-long activities at a UK or overseas destination.
                                                                                                      Accredited by:
Upon graduation you will have developed the skills needed to establish and operate tourism
enterprises that focus on delivering holidays based around outdoor adventure activities. Our
graduates have found employment with Natural Resources Wales, Adventure Tours UK, Enterprise
Cars, Marella Cruises, TUI, Click Travel and Sykes Holiday Cottages.

Key Facts

     Degree type: BSc.                                    UCAS code: N870.                                  Duration: 3 years.
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Business and Management                                                                                                                                  Business and Climate Change
BSc (Hons)                                                                                         Module list                                           BSc (Hons)                                                                                          Module list
                                                                                                   Below is an indicative list of modules that you may                                                                                                       Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
The world of enterprise is constantly adapting and evolving. The impact of                         study on this course.
                                                                                                                                                         Businesses are a key contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, but they                              study on this course.
changes in the business environment in terms of economic events, changes                                                                                 are also part of the solution. Businesses that do not respond to the climate
                                                                                                   First year:                                                                                                                                               First year:
in accounting practices, changes in the regulatory and legal environment,                                                                                challenge are likely to face higher costs in terms of carbon taxes and a
                                                                                                   • Fundamentals of Management and Business *                                                                                                               • Climate Change: Impacts, Perceptions,
marketing decisions, and the development of business strategies can make                           • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice      reduced customer base. In contrast, more progressive businesses, who                                   Adaptations
the difference between success and failure for a company.                                             *                                                  adapt by decarbonising and developing green products, are likely to                                 • The Science of Climate
                                                                                                   • Understanding the Economy                                                                                                                               • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                   • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
                                                                                                                                                         increase their financial, social and environmental performance — their triple                       • Understanding the Economy
                                                                                                   • Data Analytics.                                     bottom line.                                                                                        • Data Analytics
At Aberystwyth Business School, you will learn how to respond to these events by developing                                                                                                                                                                  • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
your knowledge of essential elements of business including human resource management,              Second year:                                                                                                                                              • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
organisational behaviour, business strategy and operations, marketing and business data            • Marketing Management *                                                                                                                                     *.
                                                                                                                                                         The Business and Climate Change degree will prepare you to become a future business leader
analytics. Our team of expert academics and industry professionals will develop your               • Human Resource Management *
                                                                                                   • Operations and Supply Chain Management *            who tackles climate change head on through the development of meaningful corporate social           Second year:
understanding of management in business, trade and commerce in both the public and private
                                                                                                   • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation *         responsibility strategies and practices.                                                            • Human Resource Management *
                                                                                                   • Research Methods *.                                                                                                                                     • The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation
                                                                                                                                                         On this course, you will combine knowledge of the science of climate change with the skills           Module *
During the course, you will develop awareness of the challenges facing management, and the
                                                                                                   Final year:                                           to lead a successful business. You will explore creative ways for businesses to respond to the      • Operations and Supply Chain Management *
combined impact of the economic, financial, human and legal issues that managers deal with
                                                                                                   • Strategic Leadership *                              challenge and opportunities of the current climate crisis and will gain relevant subject-specific   • Research Methods *
on a daily basis. You will also develop the skills to analyse management issues in relation to     • Digital Business, Leadership and Management                                                                                                             • Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics.
                                                                                                                                                         knowledge alongside the interdisciplinary, interpersonal skills and attributes needed to create a
company priorities, external factors and current good practice.                                    • Financial Strategy                                  more just and sustainable world.
                                                                                                   • Organisational Psychology                                                                                                                               Final year:
Opportunities for Business and Management students at Aberystwyth include:                         • Dissertation *.                                                                                                                                         • Dissertation *
                                                                                                                                                         If your intention involves having a positive impact on your world, this degree will help you to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Strategic Leadership *
• working with businesses in the local community and further afield to develop your practitioner   * also available partially or entirely through the    reach that goal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Organisational Psychology.
  skills to support your academic development                                                      medium of Welsh.
                                                                                                                                                         Employability                                                                                       * also available partially or entirely through the
• learning from lecturers who have a wide range of business and management experience and
  research interests which are integrated into your learning.                                                                                                                                                                                                medium of Welsh.
                                                                                                                                                         Our graduates will be well placed to pursue a career in climate change management,
                                                                                                   Accredited by:                                        adaptation and mitigation, both in the UK and abroad. Additionally, they will be suited to
                                                                                                                                                         careers in related areas, such as environmental education and consultancy or conservation.
A degree in Business and Management will enable you to select from a diverse range of                                                                                                                                                                        Accredited by:
career options throughout business, industry and commerce, or working within the public
sector. Many of our graduates are successful in finding employment in organisations including
Goldman Sachs, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Marks & Spencer, and the UK Government.

Key Facts                                                                                                                                                Key Facts

     Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N122.                                 Duration: 3 years.                                   Degree type: BSc.                                   UCAS code: FN71.                                 Duration: 3 years.
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 Business Economics                                                                                                                                       Business Finance
 BSc (Hons)                                                                                         Module list                                           BSc (Hons)                                                                                           Module list
                                                                                                    Below is an indicative list of modules that you may                                                                                                        Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
 Our degree in Business Economics will train you to develop effective                               study on this course.
                                                                                                                                                          The world of business is demanding, challenging and heavily reliant on                               study on this course.
 business solutions using practical economic knowledge. You will gain an                                                                                  finance: a diverse environment with various factors that influence business
                                                                                                    First year:                                                                                                                                                First year:
 in-depth understanding of the economic factors that influence business                                                                                   performance and prospects. At Aberystwyth Business School our Business
                                                                                                    • Understanding the Economy                                                                                                                                • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
 success and decision-making, and develop the analytical, computing and                             • Economic Theory and Policy                          Finance course will equip you with a well-founded, coherent framework                                • Accounting and Finance for Specialists
 communication skills required by employers in both the private and public                          • Fundamentals of Management and Business *           to understand financial strategy, the conduct of financial services and                              • Understanding the Economy
                                                                                                    • Data Analytics                                                                                                                                           • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
 sectors.                                                                                           • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.
                                                                                                                                                          regulation of money and finance.                                                                     • Economic Theory and Policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Data Analytics.
                                                                                                    Second year:
 At Aberystwyth Business School we focus on the practical application of economic ideas,            • Microeconomics Theory and Policy                    The finance aspects of the course will equip you with the fundamental theoretical and practical      Second year:
 knowledge and methods within the context of professional decision-making situations.               • Macroeconomics Theory and Policy                    applications of accounting that enable organisations to undertake well-informed financial            • Microeconomics Theory and Policy
 You will learn to apply economic knowledge to issues in a number of disciplines related to         • Managerial Economics                                decision-making.                                                                                     • Intermediate Financial Accounting
                                                                                                    • Human Resource Management *                                                                                                                              • Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
 business policy. The course also promotes the use of business statistics, econometrics and data
                                                                                                    • Research Methods *.                                 You will also explore the following areas on this course: managerial finance, taxation, investment   • Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
 visualisation, as opposed to a purely mathematical treatment of theoretical concepts and proofs.                                                                                                                                                              • Macroeconomics Theory and Policy.
                                                                                                    Final year:                                           fundamentals, portfolio management and global finance.
 You will develop a coherent understanding of economics as an analytical assessment tool            • Environmental Economics                                                                                                                                  Final year:
 and develop the professional skills to apply both microeconomics and macroeconomics in                                                                   Opportunities for Business Finance students at Aberystwyth include:
                                                                                                    • Trade and International Monetary Systems                                                                                                                 • Investments and Financial Instruments
 professional environments and macro and micro environment contexts.                                • Organisational Psychology                                                                                                                                • Trade and International Monetary Systems
                                                                                                                                                          • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and
                                                                                                    • Dissertation *.                                                                                                                                          • Growth, Development and Sustainability.
 Opportunities for Business Economics students at Aberystwyth include:                                                                                      knowledge in the subject area
                                                                                                    * also available partially or entirely through the    • gaining real-world industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals          * also available partially or entirely through the
 • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and     medium of Welsh.                                      • gaining exemptions from the UK professional accountancy exams                                      medium of Welsh.
   knowledge in the subject area                                                                                                                          • enhancing your career opportunities through our partnerships with business, industry and
 • gaining real world industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals                                                                commerce
 • enhancing your career opportunities through our partnerships with business, industry and                                                               • working with Refinitiv Workspace that provides access to company financial data and                Accredited by:
   commerce                                                                                                                                                 economic indicators as well as news and analytics to provide you with a richer, more
 • participating in business competitions.                                                                                                                  interactive learning experience
                                                                                                                                                          • joining our Investment Society to participate in a Wales and Ireland universities trading
 Employability                                                                                                                                              competition, won by our Aberystwyth team in recent years.
 The BSc Business Economics degree provides opportunities in areas such as policy analysis
 or government administration in the public sector, banking and finance sector or within the                                                              Employability
 private sector. Other career paths include non-government organisations (NGOs) and voluntary                                                             Employment opportunities for graduates with a degree in Business Finance include working in
 organisations. Our graduates have gone to work in the Government Economic Services, HM                                                                   areas such as retail and investment banking, management consulting and tax planning. Many
 Treasury, British Council, FDM Group, Nexus Financial Consulting and Kiva. Many have also                                                                of our students enter graduate finance training schemes and quickly find employment with UK
 pursued research and further studies in higher education.                                                                                                or multinational businesses and financial organisations.

 Key Facts                                                                                                                                                Key Facts

      Degree type: BSc.                                 UCAS code: L113.                                  Duration: 3 years.                                   Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N310.                                   Duration: 3 years.
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 Digital Marketing                                                                                                                                        Economics
 BSc (Hons)                                                                                         Module list                                           BSc (Hons)                                                                                         Module list
                                                                                                    Below is an indicative list of modules that you may                                                                                                      Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
 The Digital Marketing degree at Aberystwyth Business School ensures you                            study on this course.
                                                                                                                                                          Economics at Aberystwyth focuses on a wide range of issues impacting                               study on this course.
 will gain cutting-edge skills in disciplines such as customer acquisition,                                                                               everyday life including the creation of employment, inflationary pressures,
                                                                                                    First year:                                                                                                                                              First year:
 analytics, eCommerce strategy, digital development (including website,                                                                                   international trade issues, the process of business competition, innovation
                                                                                                    • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice                                                                                                         • Economic Theory and Policy
 app, social media environments), content marketing, digital CRM (customer                             *                                                  and growth, the development of emerging markets, the protection of natural                         • Understanding the Economy *
 relationship management), digital communications (including social media                           • Web Design                                          resources and government policy-making.                                                            • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                    • Information Security                                                                                                                                   • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
 marketing), digital promotion and user experience.                                                 • Data Analytics                                                                                                                                         • Data Analytics.
                                                                                                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                    • Understanding the Economy                           You will develop valuable analytical, numerical, data analysis and problem-solving skills, which   Second year:
 Digital Marketing is now fully integrated across all marketing disciplines and is established by   • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.           will allow you to understand how people, businesses, institutions and governments make             • Econometrics
 contemporary theory and practice that is professionally applied to business and consumer                                                                 decisions, and the implications of such decisions on individuals and society.                      • Microeconomics Theory and Policy
                                                                                                    Second year:                                                                                                                                             • Macroeconomics Theory and Policy
 audiences. The Digital Marketing degree ensures that you fully understand the key models,
                                                                                                    • Web Design and the User Experience                  The research conducted within Aberystwyth Business School informs our teaching on aspects          • Managerial Economics
 frameworks and methodologies inherent in this discipline and synergise your learning to be
                                                                                                    • Programming for the Web                             relating to international trade and business, development economics and policy analysis, labour    • Research Methods *.
 applicable for the issues and challenges of a professional career. You will graduate with the      • Consumer and Buyer Behaviour *                      and regional economics, rural and agricultural economics, the economics of ecology and
 toolset, skills and competencies that employers seek and will enter this market in a strong        • Applied Brand Management                                                                                                                               Final year:
                                                                                                                                                          environment and applied econometrics, meaning that you will be taught the latest ideas and
 position to build your early-stage career.                                                         • Digital Research Methods                                                                                                                               • Contemporary Issues in Economic Policy
                                                                                                    • Marketing Management *.                                                                                                                                • Environmental Economics
 Aberystwyth Business School is an accredited Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Graduate                                                                                                                                                                • History of Economic Thought
                                                                                                    Final year:                                           Opportunities for Economics students at Aberystwyth include:
 Gateway Centre.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Trade and International Monetary Systems
                                                                                                    • Digital Marketing (Strategy)                                                                                                                           • Dissertation *.
                                                                                                                                                          • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and
 Opportunities for Digital Marketing students at Aberystwyth include:                               • Digital Marketing Communications
                                                                                                    • Digital Analytics
                                                                                                                                                            knowledge in the subject area                                                                    * also available partially or entirely through the
 • being taught by industry practitioners and experienced academics aware of the precise and        • Digital Marketing Dissertation *                    • gaining real world industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals        medium of Welsh.
   high demand for technical and market-proficient graduates that this degree provides              • Strategic Leadership *.                             • enhancing your career opportunities through our partnerships with business, industry and
 • exploring the technologies used by business and effectively implementing business solutions                                                              commerce
                                                                                                    * also available partially or entirely through the    • participating in business competitions.
 • being able to study towards a CIM qualification while progressing through your degree, or gain   medium of Welsh.
   exemptions for certain CIM modules.
 Employability                                                                                                                                            The BSc Economics degree provides opportunities in areas such as policy analysis or
 The BSc Digital Marketing degree will develop the skills that employers value, including           Accredited by:                                        government administration in the public sector, banking and finance sector or within the
 innovative thinking, creative problem-solving, experimental based approaches, teamworking                                                                private sector. Other career paths include non-government organisations (NGOs) and
 and consumer audience centricity. Digital Marketers innovate and shape business in a variety                                                             voluntary organisations. Our graduates have gone on to work in the Government Economic
 of ways and as a career choice the marketing profession remains diverse and financially                                                                  Services, HM Treasury, British Council, FDM Group, Nexus Financial Consulting and Kiva.
 rewarding. Recent graduates have gained employment in Acorn Digital (Shanghai), TravelPerk
 (Barcelona), Next, The Drum (London), McGregor Boyall (Manchester), Reckitt Benckiser, EE
 and Aegis Network (London).

 Key Facts                                                                                                                                                Key Facts

      Degree type: BSc.                                   UCAS code: N590.                                Duration: 3 years.                                   Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: L100.                                 Duration: 3 years.
Aberystwyth Business School - Undergraduate studies at
14                                                                                                                                                          15

Economics and Climate Change
BSc (Hons)                                                                                            Module list
                                                                                                      Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
Economics can play a key role in tackling climate change by providing an                              study on this course.
understanding of the incentive structures of consumers and firms that help
                                                                                                      First year:
explain how and why governments might intervene in economic markets to
                                                                                                      • Climate Change: Impacts, Perceptions,
deliver climate-friendly policies and institutions. Our degree in Economics                              Adaptations
and Climate Change will set you on the rewarding journey of having a                                  • The Science of Climate
                                                                                                      • Economic Theory and Policy
positive impact on the world and prepare you to become a leader in the                                • Understanding the Economy
fight against climate change.                                                                         • Data Analytics
                                                                                                      • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
                                                                                                      • Fundamentals of Management and Business *.
Through the study of economics, you will gain an understanding of the failures of ‘conventional’      Second year:
markets to effectively tackle climate change. Drawing on sub-disciplines of environmental and         • Microeconomic Theory and Practice
ecological economics, you will develop an appreciation of how local, national and international       • The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation
policies can be developed to provide incentives such as carbon trading schemes and taxes aimed          Module *
at reducing emissions.                                                                                • Macroeconomics Theory and Practice
                                                                                                      • Research Methods *.
You will combine a knowledge of the science underpinning climate change with a wide range of
economic tools that allow you to understand and develop policies and incentives supporting the        Final year:
transition to a carbon neutral economy. You will explore creative ways in which policies can be       • Environmental Economics
                                                                                                      • Dissertation *
developed to respond to the challenge and opportunities of the current climate crisis. It will also
                                                                                                      • Growth, Development and Sustainability.
equip you with relevant subject-specific knowledge alongside the interdisciplinary, interpersonal
skills and attributes needed to create a more just and sustainable world.                             * also available partially or entirely through the
                                                                                                      medium of Welsh.
Graduates of this degree will be well-placed to pursue a career in climate change
management, adaptation and mitigation, both in the UK and abroad. Additionally, they will
be suited to careers in related areas such as environmental education and consultancy or

Key Facts

     Degree type: BSc.                                   UCAS code: FL71.                                   Duration: 3 years
Aberystwyth Business School - Undergraduate studies at
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               17

 Marketing                                                                                                                                                Tourism Management                                                                               Module list
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           study on this course.

 BSc (Hons)                                                                                         Module list                                           BSc (Hons)                                                                                       First year:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Principles of Tourism Management
                                                                                                    Below is an indicative list of modules that you may                                                                                                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
 The BSc Marketing degree is an exciting and dynamic course combining                               study on this course.
                                                                                                                                                          Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing and most exciting industries,                      • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
 elements of marketing and consumer behaviour, digital marketing, strategic                                                                               comprising tourist attractions, destinations, hotels, airlines, activity                            *
                                                                                                    First year:                                                                                                                                            • Data Analytics
 marketing, planning, psychology, management and human resources.                                                                                         providers and tour operators. Our BSc Tourism Management degree aims to                          • Understanding the Economy
                                                                                                    • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
 Taught by accredited and renowned marketing experts, over the course of                               *                                                  equip you with the academic and professional skills to undertake a variety                       • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.
 the degree you will develop a firm knowledge of external influences on the                         • Fundamentals of Management and Business *           of managerial roles in the sector.                                                               Second year:
                                                                                                    • Principles of Tourism Management
 marketing world and the rapidly changing use of information technology                             • Data Analytics                                                                                                                                       • Destination and Attraction Management *
 and digital media for marketing purposes.                                                          • Understanding the Economy                                                                                                                            • Adventure Tourism
                                                                                                    • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.           In choosing to study BSc Tourism Management at Aberystwyth Business School you will explore      • International Tourism in Practice
                                                                                                                                                          the development, operation and impacts of both domestic and international tourism. You will      • Research Methods *.
                                                                                                    Second year:                                          focus on contemporary issues facing the industry including changing market trends and the
 Marketing is a dynamic and vibrant career choice full of innovation, creativity and data driven                                                                                                                                                           Final year:
                                                                                                    • Marketing Management *                              fast-growing adventure sector, challenges facing destinations, how to manage tourism in a more
 intuitive decision-making. Most early stage marketing professionals migrate towards the            • Consumer and Buyer Behaviour *                                                                                                                       • Sustainable Tourism
                                                                                                                                                          sustainable manner, and how to effectively market the sector using contemporary methods.
 digital arena and at Aberystwyth, we make sure we equip you with the fundamental digital and       • Marketing: Relationships and Customer                                                                                                                • Tourism Development and Planning
 traditional skills necessary to provide value to organisations from your first professional day.     Experience                                          Opportunities for Tourism Management students at Aberystwyth include:                            • Tourism Marketing
                                                                                                    • Applied Brand Management                                                                                                                             • Dissertation *.
 Aberystwyth University is an accredited Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Graduate            • Research Methods *.                                 •   degree accreditation by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI)
 Gateway Centre. This enables you to graduate with dual awards — your BSc Marketing Degree                                                                                                                                                                 * also available partially or entirely through the
                                                                                                                                                          •   day trips to a tourism destination, depending on module choice                               medium of Welsh.
 and a Level 4 or Level 6 CIM qualification.                                                        Final year:
                                                                                                                                                          •   extended study trips, depending on module choice
                                                                                                    • Strategic Leadership *
                                                                                                    • Digital Marketing                                   •   week-long activities within a UK/Overseas destination.
 Opportunities for Marketing students at Aberystwyth include:
                                                                                                    • Marketing and Digital Marketing                                                                                                                      Accredited by:
 • gaining numerous industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals
 • using case study analysis, real-life scenarios and fundamental marketing theory to develop       • Global Marketing                                    Our Tourism degree schemes are accredited by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI). This
   marketing strategies and tactical campaigns                                                      • Marketing Dissertation.                             means that you can be confident the course will provide you with knowledge, understanding,
 • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and                                                           skills and experience to fully prepare you for a career in Tourism Management. Our graduates
                                                                                                    * also available partially or entirely through the
   knowledge in the subject area.                                                                                                                         have found work with Natural Resources Wales, Adventure Tours UK, Enterprise Cars, Marella
                                                                                                    medium of Welsh.
                                                                                                                                                          Cruises, TUI, Click Travel and Sykes Holiday Cottages.
 The importance of marketing to business performance has never been greater. Marketers
                                                                                                    Accredited by:
 now innovate and shape business in a wide variety of ways such that becoming a professional
 marketer remains a diverse and fantastic career choice. Recent graduates have gained
 employment in organisations including the National Botanical Garden of Wales, Reckitt
 Benckiser (RB), EE, OneGTM, MediaCom and Dentsu Group (Carat).

 Key Facts                                                                                                                                                Key Facts

      Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N500.                                 Duration: 3 years.                                    Degree type: BSc.                                UCAS code: N800.                                Duration: 3 years.
18                                                                                                                                                        19

Accounting and Finance                                                                              Module list
                                                                                                    Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                    study on this course.
(with integrated foundation year)                                                                   First year:
                                                                                                    • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2
                                                                                                    • Economics, Finance and Accounting For Business
BSc (Hons)                                                                                          • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                    • Introduction to Statistics *
                                                                                                    • The Mathematics Driving Licence *.
Designed for prospective students who do not have a sufficient academic
                                                                                                    Second year:
background, the integrated foundation year course is the perfect option
                                                                                                    • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
to access this highly sought-after degree scheme. The foundation year                               • Accounting and Finance for Specialists
provides a solid base, providing you with the skills and competencies                               • Understanding the Economy
                                                                                                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *.
needed to successfully progress through the full undergraduate degree.
                                                                                                    Third year:
                                                                                                    • Intermediate Financial Accounting
Our research-active staff will help you develop a broad understanding of the operational            • Intermediate Management Accounting
context, and the impact of financial measurement and disclosure on cash-flow, internal policy       • Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
and financial systems. This will enhance your understanding of how financial data may be used       • Corporate Finance and Financial Markets
                                                                                                    • Business Law for Managers.
to inform and influence managers, investors and decision-makers; and how the presentation of
financial information can impact the longevity (and profitability/sustainability) of a company or   Final year:
public sector organisation.                                                                         • Advanced Financial Accounting
                                                                                                    • Advanced Management Accounting
Opportunities for Accounting and Finance (with integrated foundation year) students at              • Investments and Financial Instruments
Aberystwyth include:                                                                                • Accounting and Finance: Analysis and
• being taught and mentored by qualified and recognised accountants with a wealth of industry       • Theory and Practice of Auditing.
  and academic experience
• studying a degree accredited by the world’s leading accountancy bodies                            * also available partially or entirely through the
                                                                                                    medium of Welsh.
• introduction to legal issues relevant to the business environment
• working with Refinitiv Workspace that provides access to company financial data and
  economic indicators as well as news and analytics to provide you with a richer, more
  interactive learning experience                                                                   Accredited by:
• professional exemptions from the main UK professional accounting bodies’ exams.

Accountancy firms, investment banks and financial institutions offer a range of career
opportunities to suit all interests including traditional auditing and assurance work,
management consulting, corporate finance, IT consulting, tax planning and insolvency. We
have established links with the major accounting and finance employers. As well as placing our
students in traditional accounting firms including Deloitte, PwC, E&Y and KPMG, our recent
graduates have secured employment with other well-known organisations such as Barclays,
the BBC, Lidl and the NHS.

Key Facts

     Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N40F.                                  Duration: 4 years.
20                                                                                                                                                          21

 Business and Management                                                                              Module list
                                                                                                      Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                      study on this course.
 (with integrated foundation year)                                                                    First year:
                                                                                                      • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2
                                                                                                      • Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
 BSc (Hons)                                                                                           • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                      • Information Technology for University Students *
                                                                                                      • Introduction to Statistics *
 The integrated foundation year provides you with the knowledge, skills and                           • The Mathematics Driving Licence *
 competencies to confidently advance to the Business and Management                                   Second year:
 degree scheme at Aberystwyth Business School. The foundation year                                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
 provides a solid base, introducing you to the tools, frameworks, concepts                            • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
 and skills needed to successfully progress through BSc Business and                                  • Understanding the Economy
 Management.                                                                                          • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
                                                                                                      • Data Analytics.

                                                                                                      Third year:
 On this course you will develop awareness of the challenges facing management, and the
                                                                                                      • Marketing Management *
 combined impact of the economic, financial, human and legal issues that managers deal with on        • Human Resource Management *
 a daily basis. You will learn how to respond by developing your knowledge of essential elements      • Operations and Supply Chain Management *
 of business including human resource management, organisational behaviour, business strategy         • Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation *
 and operations, marketing and business data analytics. You will also develop the skills to analyse   • Research Methods *.
 management issues in relation to company priorities, external factors, and current good practice.
                                                                                                      Final year:
 Opportunities for Business and Management (with integrated foundation year) students at              • Strategic Leadership *
 Aberystwyth include:                                                                                 • Digital Business, Leadership and Management
                                                                                                      • Financial Strategy
 • working with businesses in the local community and further afield to develop your practitioner     • Organisational Psychology
                                                                                                      • Dissertation *.
   skills to support your academic development
 • learning from lecturers who have a wide range of business and management experience and            * also available partially or entirely through the
   research interests which are integrated into your learning.                                        medium of Welsh.

 A degree in Business and Management will enable you to select from a diverse range of career
                                                                                                      Accredited by:
 options throughout business, industry and commerce, or working within the public sector. Many
 of our graduates are successful in finding employment in organisations including Goldman Sachs,
 PricewaterhouseCoopers, Marks & Spencer, and the UK Government.

 Key Facts

      Degree type: BSc.                                  UCAS code: N12F.                                   Duration: 4 years.
22                                                                                                                                                      23

 Business Economics                                                                               Module list
                                                                                                  Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                  study on this course.
 (with integrated foundation year)                                                                First year:
                                                                                                  • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2
                                                                                                  • Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
 BSc (Hons)                                                                                       • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                  • Information Technology for University Students *
                                                                                                  • Introduction to Statistics *
 Designed for prospective students who do not have a sufficient academic                          • The Mathematics Driving Licence *.
 background, the integrated foundation year course is the perfect option to access                Second year:
 this highly sought-after degree scheme. The foundation year provides a solid                     • Understanding the Economy
 base, introducing you to the tools, frameworks, concepts and skills needed to                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                  • Economic Theory and Policy
 successfully progress through the full undergraduate degree.                                     • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
                                                                                                  • Data Analytics.

 Our degree in Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) will train you to develop     Third year:
 effective business solutions using practical economic knowledge. It will prepare you for a       • Microeconomics Theory and Policy
 professional career in the world of business and commerce, by relating company policy and        • Macroeconomics Theory and Policy
                                                                                                  • Managerial Economics
 management strategies to external factors and policies.
                                                                                                  • Human Resource Management *
                                                                                                  • Research Methods *.
 The research conducted within Aberystwyth Business School informs our teaching on aspects
 relating to international trade and business, development economics and policy analysis,         Final year:
 labour and regional economics, rural and agricultural economics, the economics of ecology        • Environmental Economics
 and environment and applied econometrics.                                                        • Trade and International Monetary Systems
                                                                                                  • Organisational Psychology
 Opportunities for Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) students at               • Dissertation *.
 Aberystwyth include:
                                                                                                  * also available partially or entirely through the
 • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and   medium of Welsh.
   knowledge in the subject area
 • gaining real world industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals
 • enhancing your career opportunities through our partnerships with business, industry and

 The BSc Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) degree provides opportunities
 in areas such as policy analysis or government administration in the public sector, banking
 and finance sector or within the private sector. Other career paths include non-government
 organisations (NGOs) and voluntary organisations. Our graduates have gone to work in the
 Government Economic Services, HM Treasury, British Council, FDM Group, Nexus Financial
 Consulting and Kiva. Many have also pursued research and further studies in higher education.

 Key Facts

      Degree type: BSc.                                UCAS code: L11F.                                 Duration: 4 years.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             25

Business Economics                                                                               Module list
                                                                                                 Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                                                                       Marketing                                                                                         Module list
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                 study on this course.                                                                                                                                   study on this course.
(with integrated foundation year)                                                                First year:
                                                                                                                                                       (with integrated foundation year)                                                                 First year:
                                                                                                 • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2                                                                                                                      • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2
                                                                                                 • Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business                                                                                                        • Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
BSc (Hons)                                                                                       • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                 • Information Technology for University Students *    BSc (Hons)                                                                                        • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Information Technology for University Students *
                                                                                                 • Introduction to Statistics *                                                                                                                          • Introduction to Statistics *
Designed for prospective students who do not have a sufficient academic                          • The Mathematics Driving Licence *.                  The integrated foundation year provides you with the knowledge, skills                            • The Mathematics Driving Licence *.
background, the integrated foundation year course is the perfect option to access                Second year:
                                                                                                                                                       and competencies needed to confidently advance to the Marketing degree                            Second year:
this highly sought-after degree scheme. The foundation year provides a solid                     • Understanding the Economy                           scheme at Aberystwyth Business School. The foundation year provides a                             • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
base, introducing you to the tools, frameworks, concepts and skills needed to                    • Fundamentals of Management and Business *           solid base, introducing you to the tools, frameworks, concepts and skills                           *
                                                                                                 • Economic Theory and Policy                                                                                                                            • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
successfully progress through the full undergraduate degree.                                     • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *
                                                                                                                                                       needed to successfully progress through BSc Marketing.                                            • Principles of Tourism Management
                                                                                                 • Data Analytics.                                                                                                                                       • Data Analytics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Understanding the Economy
Our degree in Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) will train you to develop     Third year:                                           Marketing is a dynamic and vibrant career choice full of innovation, creativity and data driven   • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.
effective business solutions using practical economic knowledge. It will prepare you for a       • Microeconomics Theory and Policy                    intuitive decision making. Most early-stage marketing professionals migrate towards the
                                                                                                 • Macroeconomics Theory and Policy                                                                                                                      Third year:
professional career in the world of business and commerce, by relating company policy and                                                              digital arena and at Aberystwyth, we ensure you are equipped with the fundamental digital/
                                                                                                 • Managerial Economics                                                                                                                                  • Marketing Management *
management strategies to external factors and policies.                                                                                                traditional skills and competencies necessary to provide value to organisations from your first
                                                                                                 • Human Resource Management *                                                                                                                           • Consumer and Buyer Behaviour *
                                                                                                 • Research Methods *.                                 professional day.                                                                                 • Marketing: Relationships and Customer
The research conducted within Aberystwyth Business School informs our teaching on aspects
relating to international trade and business, development economics and policy analysis,         Final year:                                           Aberystwyth University is an accredited Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Graduate Gateway   • Applied Brand Management
labour and regional economics, rural and agricultural economics, the economics of ecology        • Environmental Economics                             Centre. This enables you to graduate with dual awards — your BSc Marketing degree and a level 4   • Research Methods *.
and environment and applied econometrics.                                                        • Trade and International Monetary Systems            or level 6 CIM qualification.
                                                                                                 • Organisational Psychology                                                                                                                             Final year:
Opportunities for Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) students at               • Dissertation *.                                     Opportunities for Marketing (with integrated foundation year) students at Aberystwyth include:    • Strategic Leadership *
Aberystwyth include:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Digital Marketing
                                                                                                 * also available partially or entirely through the    • gaining numerous industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals         • Marketing and Digital Marketing
• being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and   medium of Welsh.                                      • using case study analysis, real-life scenarios and fundamental marketing theory to develop         Communications
  knowledge in the subject area                                                                                                                          marketing strategies and tactical campaigns                                                     • Global Marketing
• gaining real world industry perspectives through guest lectures by industry professionals                                                            • being taught by active researchers, ensuring that you are exposed to the latest theories and    • Marketing Dissertation *.
• enhancing your career opportunities through our partnerships with business, industry and                                                               knowledge in the subject area.                                                                  * also available partially or entirely through the
  commerce.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              medium of Welsh.
Employability                                                                                                                                          The importance of marketing to business performance has never been greater. Marketers
The BSc Business Economics (with integrated foundation year) degree provides opportunities                                                             now innovate and shape business in a wide variety of ways such that becoming a professional
in areas such as policy analysis or government administration in the public sector, banking                                                            marketer remains a diverse and fantastic career choice. Recent graduates have gained              Accredited by:
and finance sector or within the private sector. Other career paths include non-government                                                             employment in organisations including the National Botanical Garden of Wales, Reckitt
organisations (NGOs) and voluntary organisations. Our graduates have gone to work in the                                                               Benckiser (RB), EE, ONEGTM, No1 Media, Clicky Media, McGregor Boyall, Ellis Whittam, Carat
Government Economic Services, HM Treasury, British Council, FDM Group, Nexus Financial                                                                 Media and Mediacom.
Consulting and Kiva. Many have also pursued research and further studies in higher education.

Key Facts                                                                                                                                              Key Facts

     Degree type: BSc.                                UCAS code: L11F.                                 Duration: 4 years.                                   Degree type: BSc.                                 UCAS code: N50F.                                 Duration: 4 years.
26                                                                                                                                                      27

Tourism Management                                                                                Module list
                                                                                                  Below is an indicative list of modules that you may
                                                                                                  study on this course.
(with integrated foundation year)                                                                 First year:
                                                                                                  • Academic Skills Foundation 1 & 2
                                                                                                  • Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
BSc (Hons)                                                                                        • Foundations of Management and Marketing
                                                                                                  • Information Technology for University Students *
                                                                                                  • Introduction to Statistics *
BSc Tourism Management (with integrated foundation year) combines the                             • The Mathematics Driving Licence *.
in-depth study of the domestic and international tourism sector with the                          Second year:
development of core business skills to equip you for this and other dynamic                       • Principles of Tourism Management
and exciting industries. The integrated foundation year provides you with                         • Fundamentals of Management and Business *
                                                                                                  • Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to confidently advance to                             *
the Tourism Management degree scheme at Aberystwyth Business School.                              • Data Analytics
The foundation year provides a solid base, introducing you to the tools,                          • Understanding the Economy
                                                                                                  • Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance *.
frameworks, concepts and skills needed to successfully progress through
                                                                                                  Third year:
BSc Tourism Management.
                                                                                                  • Destination and Attraction Management *
                                                                                                  • Adventure Tourism
                                                                                                  • International Tourism in Practice
On this course you will explore the development, operation and impacts of both domestic and       • Research Methods *.
international tourism. You will focus on contemporary issues facing the industry including
changing market trends and the fast-growing adventure sector, challenges facing destinations,     Final year:
how to manage tourism in a more sustainable manner, and how to effectively market the sector      • Sustainable Tourism
using contemporary methods.                                                                       • Tourism Development and Planning
                                                                                                  • Tourism Marketing
Opportunities for Tourism Management (with integrated foundation year) students at                • Dissertation *.
Aberystwyth include:                                                                              * also available partially or entirely through the
                                                                                                  medium of Welsh.
•    degree accreditation by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI)
•    day trips to a tourism destination, depending on module choice
•    extended study trips, depending on module choice
•    week-long activities within a UK/Overseas destination.                                       Accredited by:
Our Tourism degree schemes are accredited by the Tourism Management Institute (TMI). This means
that you can be confident the course will provide you with knowledge, understanding, skills and
experience to fully prepare you for a career in Tourism Management. Our graduates have found
employment with Natural Resources Wales, Adventure Tours Uk, Enterprise Cars, Marella Cruises,
TUI, Click Travel and Sykes Holiday Cottages.

Key Facts

       Degree type: BSc.                                UCAS code: N80F.                                Duration: 4 years.
You can also read