2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute

Page created by Edith Hayes
2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary – Do Not Distribute

  2022 Inter-Plan Medicare
Advantage Care Management
 and Provider Engagement
2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
This presentation is the property of Highmark Health and is proprietary and confidential.
           The material contained in it is educational and informational, is intended for this audience
          only, and cannot be rebroadcasted to unapproved audiences. This presentation may not be
          recorded in any manner including, without limitation, audio, video, photograph, screenshot,
          or by any other means or in any other media. Broadcasting, publication, or sharing of these
                   materials without Highmark’s expressed permission is strictly prohibited.

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Best Practices Disclaimer:

      The guidance, best practices and guidelines (referred to as “best practices”) provided to you are presented
       for your consideration and assessment only. They were selected from among best practices published by
       various associations and organizations or discussed in studies and articles on the subject. Please assess
       whether the described best practices are appropriate for you. There are no requirements that you use the
       best practices, and the best practices are not required for any Highmark program or initiative. Please note
      that the successful implementation of any program or initiative depends upon many factors and variables.
      Therefore, Highmark makes no representation with respect to the described best practices and whether the
           practices will positively impact your reimbursement, value-based payment or performance under a
                                              Highmark program or initiative.

         The best practices are not intended to situate Highmark as a provider of medical services or dictate the
         diagnosis, care or treatment of patients. Your medical judgment remains independent with respect to all
                                        medically necessary care to your patients.

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
      1. Inter-Plan Program Overview

      2. Risk Adjustment Programs

      3. Education and Support for Risk
      4. Annual Wellness Visits
      5. HOS and CAHPS

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
2022 Inter-Plan MA Care Management & Provider Engagement Program

         • To increase the quality of members’ care by enabling Host BCBS MA members to receive appropriate care, wherever they access care.

         • Improve the health and wellness of our Host Blue Cross Blue Shield members (your patients) by meeting CMS established Star Measure
           benchmarks. Support providers with additional information about open gaps in care.

         • Per the program structure, Stars or risk adjustment gaps for these members will be communicated through Highmark’s local processes.

         • To facilitate a healthcare consciousness of population health management.

         • To improve the quality of care for the Host Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantage population through enhanced collaboration and
           claims data sharing.

             Population Inclusions

         • Applies to Highmark HOSTED Medicare Advantage population only

         • Highmark hosted members are Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Medicare Advantage members who received care within the Highmark
           Provider Network and pay insurance premium to another BSBC plan outside of the Highmark footprint.

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Program Eligibility
   Eligible Practices                                       HOSTED Attribution
   •   All Highmark Providers and practices within          •   This national program is dependent on member
       Highmark’s provider network that treat and               attribution results of BCBS HOME plans. Attribution
       provide services to Highmark HOSTED BCBS                 will be defined and identified by the HOSTED
       Medicare Advantage members.                              Members’ BCBS HOME plan, which is the plan to
                                                                which the member pays their premium.
   •   Eligibility is inclusive of those under Highmark’s
       True Performance Program contracts and               •   Highmark does NOT generate the attribution therefore
       Medicare Advantage Standalone programs.                  this attribution can/may differ from the corporate
                                                                Highmark attribution logic.
   •   The identified MA Highmark Hosted members will
       not be included in Highmark’s aggregated stars       •   Member attribution and enrollment files will update
       score calculations.                                      monthly through the entire year

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Inter-Plan MA Care Management & Provider Engagement Program

    Difference from other Highmark Value Based Reimbursement Programs
   •   Highmark does NOT generate the attribution
         •   All Highmark Providers and member attribution are determined by the BCBS HOME plans.
         •   This attribution may differ from the corporate Highmark attribution logic that is used in other value-based
             reimbursement programs.

   •   The identified MA Highmark Hosted members will not be included in Highmark’s aggregated stars score
         •   This program is separate from all other Highmark value-based reimbursement programs

   •   Highmark specific supplemental data sources are NOT open to HOSTED Members as part of this Program.

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Clinical Quality Measure Set                                Static Measures                             Dynamic Measures

  This program is structured to assess and                                                           HBA1c Controlled for Patients with
  improve the process of care for Blue Cross               Breast Cancer Screening
                                                                                                              Diabetes (≤9%)
  Blue Shield Highmark HOSTED Medicare
  Advantage patients by their primary care               Colorectal Cancer Screening                  Controlling High Blood Pressure
  practices using specific CMS Stars
  measures as the clinical quality component.     Osteoporosis Management in Women with a
                                                                                                   Medication Adherence for Hypertension

                                                                                                     Medication Adherence for Diabetes
                                                     Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes
         Static Measures are included in                                                                        Medications
         Quarterly Per Gap Closure
         Compensation                           Comprehensive Diabetes Care: Medical Attention
                                                                                                    Medication Adherence for Cholesterol
                                                              for Nephropathy **
         Dynamic Measures Included in End
         of Year Per Gap Closure                  Statin Therapy For Cardiovascular Disease
                                                      Statin Use in Patients with Diabetes

                                                       Medication Therapy Management

                                                 TRC Medication Reconciliation Post Discharge

                                                                                              **Measure Retired on 4/26/2022
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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
Quality Care Gap Closure
                          Care gaps assessed in the Program measure sets are categorized as either Static or Dynamic
                          based on when they can be considered “closed.”

                                                                                                            Dynamic Care Gaps
                                                                   Dynamic measures (care gaps) can
                                Static measures (care gaps)
                                                                   close and reopen throughout the year
                                can be definitively closed prior
                                                                   and require appropriate care
       Static Care Gaps

                                to year end via claims.
                                                                   management throughout the year.
                                Compliance rates will typically
                                                                   Medication compliance rates will
                                start very low and steadily
                                                                   typically start high and decrease
                                increase throughout the year.
                                                                   throughout the year.
                                Each static CMS Star measure
                                                                   Members/dynamic measures can be
                                care gap closed from 1/1/2022
                                                                   flagged as “beyond remediation” if the
                                -12/31/2022 is eligible to
                                                                   care gap cannot be "closed" based on
                                receive a care gap closure
                                                                   the remaining time in the program
                                                                   measurement year.

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2022 Inter-Plan Medicare and Provider Engagement - Advantage Care Management Program - Highmark Inc. Confidential and Proprietary - Do Not Distribute
2022 Inter-Plan MA Care Management & Provider Engagement Program
                      Care Gap Closure                                              Compensation

 •   14 CMS Star measures are included and assessed for the       •   Static measures that are addressed and closed
     Quality Care Gap Program.                                        between January 1 and December 31, 2022 are eligible
                                                                      for the $10 compensation payment per gap closed.
 •   9 Star metrics which can be definitively closed prior to     •   Dynamic CMS measures that met compliance for
     year-end via claims are denoted as “static” on the monthly       calendar year 2022 are eligible for the following
     care gap reports                                                 compensation:
                                                                        • Medication adherence measures - $20 payment
 •   5 CMS Star metrics which are resulted based upon                      for each member who complete the year with a >
     member compliance as of 12/31/2022 may require                        80% PDC rate
     ongoing member monitoring and population management                • SUPD compliance: $20/member payment
     to ensure members receive the expected care are denoted            • HbA1c Controlled compliance : $10/member
     as “dynamic” on the monthly care gap reports.                         payment
                                                                        • Controlling High Blood Pressure: $10/member
 •   Static care gap closure earnings will be calculated and               payment
     dispersed quarterly
                                                                  •   Results calculated in April 2023 allowing a 90-day
 •   Dynamic care gap closure will be calculated and                  claims run out following the calendar year end for 2022
     dispensed June 2022.                                             dates of service

Property and Confidential | 2022
Program Enrollment
        Enrollment Purpose:                                    During the education and program roll out period, all
                                                               practices that meet the eligibility requirements may enroll for
                                                               participation. Program enrollment will remain open
           • Ensure auditable trail of program participation   throughout 2022.
               election and structural understanding and
                          provider education.                  • Enrollment via electronic portal (NaviNet) including:
                                                                   • Download of program manual
                                                                   • Download of program education presentation
                  • Identify engaged practices for
                    provider engagement strategy                   • Attestation that materials have been received, reviewed,
                               planning.                             and understood.
                                                                   • Practice contact information for any needed clarification.
                      • Ensure the accuracy and
                       integrity of risk adjustment
                         data submitted to CMS.
                                                               • Enrollment requested at the practice level, but can be
                                                                 submitted at the entity level (practice Blue Shield ID)

                            • Improve the                      • Regardless of enrollment date (during enrollment period),
                                health &
                               wellness of
                                                                 all performance for the program measurement period
                                HOSTED                           (calendar year) will be included in program.

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ACCESSING NAVINET   https://navinet.navimedix.com

                                                    Log in to NaviNet by going to
                                                    Enter your Username and Password.
                                                    Click Sign In.

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ACCESSING NAVINET   https://navinet.navimedix.com
                                                 Log in to NaviNet by going to
                                                 Enter your Username and Password.
                                                 Click Sign In.

                                                             For a direct link to the attestation
                                                                          page, visit
Property and Confidential | 2022
Choose the appropriate
                                   Highmark Plan from the

Property and Confidential | 2022
Select the Resource Center
         to be redirected to the
           Highmark website

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Once on the Highmark Provider
     Resource Center, select the
    Value Based Reimbursement
           Programs link

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2022 Inter-Plan MA Care Management & Provider Engagement Program Attestation
   Acknowledgement & Resources

     Under Medicare Advantage
         Stars, select the
  Inter-Plan Medicare Advantage
  Care Management and Provider
       Engagement Program

Property and Confidential | 2022
To attest into the program, select
             Program Enrollment and

Property and Confidential | 2022
Practices will access Care Gap reports through the NaviNet User Interface Portal.
  • OOA members will appear on a separate tab within the Monthly Provider STARS gap report as "Inter-Plan MA Program
  • First 2022 Monthly Reports are scheduled for release 3/25/2022.

Property and Confidential | 2022
Clinical Quality
2022 Medicare Advantage Stars BCBS Highmark Hosted
MA Members Quality Measure Set
   C01: Breast Cancer Screening                                         C22: Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

   C02: Colorectal Cancer Screening                                     D13: Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes

   C12: Osteoporosis Management in Women who had a Fracture             D10: Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications

   C13: Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes                             D11: Medication Adherence for Hypertension (RASA)

   C14: Comprehensive Diabetes Care: Medical Attention for Nephropathy D12: Medication Adherence for Cholesterol (Statins)

   C15: HBA1c Controlled for Patients with Diabetes (≤9%)               D13: Medication Therapy Management

   C16: Controlling High Blood Pressure

DMC19: TRC Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge

                                                                                    **C14 Measure Retired on 4/26/2022
General Guidelines
                                           Continuous Enrollment
             Hospice                          & Anchor Dates                                Palliative Care                         Race and Ethnicity Data

                                          • Each measure has an enrollment           • Exclusions for palliative care are      • NEW for 2022 for Health Plan Reporting
• Members who use hospice benefits
                                            period with gap defined by HEDIS          specified in HEDIS measures where        • NCQA requires reporting race and ethnicity
   any time during the measurement
                                           Part C or PQA Part D specifications.       the services being captured may not         as defined by the Office of Management
     year, regardless of when the
                                           This helps ensure adequate time to          be of benefit for this population or           and Budget (OMB) Standards for
    services began, are excluded.
                                                     render services.                may not be in line with patients’ goals       Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting
 • Documentation that a member is
                                         • Members must be enrolled and have                        of care.                     Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. Race
   near the end of life (e.g., comfort
                                              benefits through anchor dates        • Members receiving palliative care are         and ethnicity is intended to be used to
   care, DNR, DNI) or is in palliative
                                              Identified within each measure         captured and excluded via claims as          further understanding of racial and ethnic
   care does not meet criteria for the
                                                      specification.                   defined by the HEDIS Value sets                        disparities in care
          Hospice exclusion.
                                                                                      (Palliative Care Assessment Value           • The following measures instruct the
 • Members may be identified using         • Death and disenrollment will not
                                                                                     Set; Palliative Care Encounter Value            organization to categorize race and
     various methods, which may            remove a member from a measure if
                                                                                        Set; Palliative Care Intervention                  ethnicity stratification:
     include but are not limited to        the continuous enrollment criteria is
                                                                                      Value Set) during the measurement               Colorectal Cancer Screening.
   enrollment data, claims/encounter                       met.
                                                                                                      year                            Controlling High Blood Pressure.
                                                                                                                                      Hemoglobin A1c Control for
                                                                                         • Codes for Palliative Care
                                                                                                                                       Patients With Diabetes
                                                                                            G9054; M1017; Z51.5
                                                                                                                                  Stratification is not applied to scoring.
STAR Measures with Advanced Illness and Frailty Exclusions
 Source: HEDIS® 2022
                                                                                                                                        Exclusion if claim submission on file
                  Frailty                                  Advanced Illness                                                          reflects the diagnosis of one of the below
• Per HEDIS guidelines Frailty exclusions      • Per HEDIS guidelines Advanced Illness
  are determined via administrative claim        exclusions are determined via                 Measure                                   Must have both
                                                                                                                                     elements of Frailty AND
                                                                                                                                                                  Can qualify under
                                                                                                                                                                   Frailty alone in

  data only.                                     administrative claims data only These         Description                             Advanced Illness in
                                                                                                                                     population 66 yrs. of age
                                                                                                                                                                 population 81 yrs. of
                                                                                                                                                                    age or older
                                                                                                                                              or older
                                                 can be submitted with telemedicine visit
                                                                                               Controlling High Blood Pressure
• For exclusion to be captured at least one      claims.                                                                                      Yes                       Yes
  claim that includes frailty (Frailty Value
                                                                                               Breast Cancer Screening
  set) must be submitted during the            • For exclusion, any of the following during                                                   Yes
  measurement year.                              the measurement year or year prior to the     Colorectal Cancer Screening
                                                 measurement year will be applied:
• For Osteoporosis, the diagnosis must be             • At least two outpatient visits         HbA1c Controlled for patients With
                                                                                               Diabetes                                       Yes
  captured during the intake period of                     (OBs, ED, or non acute inpatient
                                                                                               Eye Exam for patients with Diabetes
  July1, 2021-June 30, 2022 through the                    on different date of service with                                                  Yes
  end of the measurement year December                     an advanced illness diagnosis
                                                                                               Statin Therapy for Patients with
  31, 2022.                                           •    At least one acute inpatient        Cardiovascular Disease                         Yes
                                                           encounter with an advanced
                                                                                               Osteoporosis Management in
                                                           illness diagnosis                   Women Who Had a Fracture                       Yes                       Yes
                                                      • A dispensed dementia medication
C01: Breast Cancer Screening
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (BCS)
Percentage of female members 50–74 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast

            Numerator                            Denominator                                    Exclusions
 One or more mammograms during the   Female members 52–74 years of age as of    •   Those who had a bilateral mastectomy any
 measurement year or the 15 months   the last date of the measurement year          time during the member’s history through
 prior to the measurement year.      (female members who were 50 years of age       the last day of the measurement year
                                     or older as of OCT 2020).                  •   Unilateral mastectomy with a bilateral
 (OCT 1, 2020 – DEC 31, 2022)                                                       modifier (same procedure)
                                                                                •   Members receiving palliative care during
                                                                                    the measurement year
                                                                                •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions
                                                                                    apply (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
C01: Breast Cancer Screening
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (BCS)
Percentage of female members 50–74 years of age who had a mammogram to screen for breast cancer.

Best Practice

•    Take the opportunity to cover personal review of member preventive screening needs through the Annual Wellness Visit/Initial
     Preventive Physical Exam (Welcome to Medicare). Make most of this opportunity to communicate preventive care.

•    Supply members with an order to enable flexibility in scheduling through walk in centers and breast cancer screening events.

•    Issue member letters from your practice to non-compliant member to explain why regular breast cancer screening is

Note: As we move into 2022, COVID will still play a crucial role in quality measures. Please make sure to schedule all
Mammograms as soon as possible in 2022 as appointments may once again be limited.

    **Please distinguish between screening and diagnostic testing.
C02: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (COL)
Percentage of members 50–75 years of age who had appropriate screening for colorectal cancer.

                        Numerator                                           Denominator                                 Exclusions
 One or more screenings for colorectal cancer.                   Percentage of members 51–75 years of    •   Those with a diagnosis of colorectal
 Appropriate screenings are defined by any one of the            age who had appropriate screening for       cancer
 five criteria below:                                            colorectal cancer.                      •   Those with evidence of a total
 • FOBT – During the Measurement Year. Regardless                                                            colectomy
 of FOBT type, guaiac (gFOBT) or immunochemical                                                          •   Members receiving palliative care
 (FIT), assume that the required number of samples                                                           during the measurement year
 were returned.                                                                                          •   Frailty and Advanced Illness
 • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy – During the Measurement                                                           exclusions apply (supplemental data
                                                                                                             cannot be accepted)
 Year or the four years prior to the measurement year.
 • Colonoscopy – During the Measurement Year or the
 nine years prior to the measurement year.
 • CT colonography during the measurement year or
 the four years prior to the measurement year.
 • FIT-DNA during the measurement year or the two
 years prior to the measurement year.

 *Please refer to the Primary Care Incentive Measure Guide for
 testing compliance dates of service
C02: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (COL)
Percentage of members 50–75 years of age who had appropriate screening for colorectal cancer.

Best Practice

•   The use of Fecal Occult Blood detection testing is accepted as a HEDIS numerator compliant form of non-invasive colorectal
    screening. This testing is required to be completed annually.

•   Initiate screening for members beginning at age 45 following guidelines from US Preventive Services Task Force
C12: Osteoporosis Management in Women who had a Fracture
 Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (OMW)
Percentage of female members 67–85 years of age who suffered a fracture and who had either a bone mineral
density (BMD) test or prescription for a drug to treat or prevent osteoporosis within 180 days of the fracture date.

                 Numerator                                        Denominator                                               Exclusions

  Those female members age 67-85                   Female members, 67–85 yrs. of age by the             •   Those who had a BMD test 24 months (730
  who had suffered a fracture and who              end of the measurement year who suffered a               days) prior to the earliest date of service
  had one of the below:                            fracture. Fractures of finger, toe, face and skull       during the index period with diagnosis of
                                                   are not included in this measure.                        fracture (index episode start date)
  •   A BMD test, in any setting (including
                                                                                                        •   Those who had a claim encounter for
      inpatient stays), within 180 days of the
                                                   Intake period is defined as a 12-month window            osteoporosis therapy during the 365 days
      fracture date.
                                                   that begins 6 months prior to the measurement            prior to the episode date
  •   Osteoporosis therapy, or long-acting
                                                   year and ends after 6 months into the                •   Those who received a dispensed prescription
      Osteoporosis therapy within 180 days of
                                                   measurement year. The intake period is used              or had an active prescription to treat
      the fracture date.
                                                   to capture the first fracture.                           osteoporosis during the 365 days prior to the
  •   A dispensed prescription to treat
                                                   Intake Period: JULY 1, 2021 – JUNE 30, 2022              index episode start date
      osteoporosis filled the day of fracture or
                                                                                                        •   Those without pharmacy benefits through
      180 days after the fracture date.
                                                                                                            Medicare Advantage Part D.
                                                                                                        •   Members receiving palliative care during the
  The drug classifications of Estrogen and
                                                                                                            measurement year
  Sex Hormone combinations are not
                                                                                                        •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions apply
  included in numerator compliance                                                                          (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
C12: Osteoporosis Management in Women who had a Fracture
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (OMW)

Best Practice
 •   Proper coding is essential in correctly identifying members who have recently suffered a fracture. Recent or new fractures are fractures that are
     not yet healed and should be coded as such. However, if a fracture is healed, coding should indicate that the member has a history of fracture.
     In this case, providers are encouraged to use the appropriate z-code from the list below* when coding for “History of Fracture”.
       • Example ICD 10 Codes:
              • Z87.310 Personal history of (healed) osteoporosis fracture
              • Z87.311 Personal history of (healed) other pathological fracture
              • Z87.312 Personal history of (healed) stress fracture
              • Z87.81 Personal history of (healed) traumatic fracture
*List is not comprehensive and is intended to provide educational support only. Providers must follow CMS coding regulations and guidelines.

Fracture Prevention/Assess Contributing Factors:
      •   Screen members at risk for osteoporosis (bone mineral density test)
      •   Assess Risk of Falls
      •   Screen for Urinary Incontinence
      •   Review and evaluate Use of High Risk Medications

Osteoporosis Medications: Bisphosphonates are a class of drugs that prevent the loss of bone density, used to treat osteoporosis and
similar diseases. Bisphosphonates and other agents included as compliant as a drug to treat osteoporosis for HEDIS OMW: alendronate,
alendronate-cholecalciferol, ibandronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid (Reclast and Zometa), abaloparatide, denosumab (Prolia), raloxifene,
romosozumab, and teriparatide.

Note: Monotherapy with calcium supplements or Vitamin D supplements ( cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol) will not meet compliance for this measure.
C12: Osteoporosis Management in Women who had a Fracture
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (OMW)
Percentage of female members 67–85 years of age who suffered a fracture and who had either a bone mineral density
(BMD) test or prescription for a drug to treat or prevent osteoporosis within 180 days of the fracture date.

Best Practice
•   Patients with current fractures maybe under an orthopedic specialist care. Discuss with the orthopedic provider a timeline for
    required X-ray testing (monitoring of healing) and request DEXA scan be completed during the same outing; or discuss the
    opportunity of prescribing an osteoporosis medication after the four-month healing process.
Diabetes Care Measures
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022

 Measures will now be separated into separate categories:
     • Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes
     • Medical Attention for Nephropathy
     • Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients with Diabetes
C13: Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes
    Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (EED) (prior CDC measure – Eye Exam (Retinal) Performed) No spec changes)
Identifies adult diabetic members who received an eye screening for diabetic retinal disease.

                   Numerator                                      Denominator                                       Exclusions

Screening or monitoring for diabetic retinal disease   Diabetic members age 18–75 years by         •   Diagnosis of gestational or steroid-induced
identified through one of the following:               the end of the measurement year and             diabetes during the measurement year or
                                                       who were enrolled in the plan at the end        the year prior to the measurement year
•    Diabetics who received a retinal or dilated eye   of the measurement year.                    •   Diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome
     exam by an eye care professional (optometrist                                                     during the measurement year or the year
     or ophthalmologist) in the measurement year                                                       prior to the measurement year
•    A negative retinal or dilated eye exam            Please refer to Diabetic member
     (negative for retinopathy) by an eye care         definitions on Slide 15 – also applicable   To remove a member with any of the above
     professional in the year prior to the             to this measure.                            from the denominator, member must not
     measurement year.                                                                             have a face-to-face encounter in any setting,
•    Bilateral eye enucleation any time during the                                                 with a diagnosis of diabetes, during the
     member’s history through December 31st                                                        measurement year or year prior to the
                                                                                                   measurement year.
Eye exam claims submitted by optometrist or
ophthalmologist with the corresponding E11.9 Dx                                                    •   Members receiving palliative care during the
code are recorded as negative for retinopathy                                                          measurement year
                                                                                                   •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions
                                                                                                       apply (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
                                                                                                   •   Members with ESRD
C13: Eye Exam for Patients With Diabetes
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 ) (prior CDC measure - No spec changes)
Identifies adult diabetic members who received an eye screening for diabetic retinal disease

 Best Practice
  •   Complete AWV and assessment of diabetic member preventive care/disease progression indicators for all Value Based
      Reimbursement quality programs.

  •   Provide script or referral to ophthalmologist or optometrist to complete the exam. Use referral form with results to be
      faxed/emailed back to the PCP. Reference Diabetic retinal eye preventive screening requirement on referral sheet.

  •   Reference measure specifications for appropriate CPT2 code application. For measure specific educational material on
      CPT2 codes, please contact your Clinical Transformation Consultant or Provider Account Liaison

  •   Issue member letters from your practice to noncompliant member to explain why retinal eye screening is important on an
      annual basis.
C14: Comprehensive Diabetes Care – Medical Attention for Nephropathy
Source: HEDIS® 2021 (prior CDC measure - No spec changes)                  **C14: Medical Attention for Nephropathy Measure Retired on 4/26/2022
Identifies adult diabetic members who had medical attention for nephropathy.

                   Numerator                                    Denominator                                        Exclusions
Those with evidence of nephropathy or               Diabetic members age 18–75 years by the       •   Diagnosis of gestational or steroid-induced
a nephropathy screening test during the             end of the measurement year and who               diabetes during the measurement year or
measurement year.                                   were enrolled in the plan at the end of the       the year prior to the measurement year
                                                    measurement year.                             •   Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
•     A claim encounter with a code to indicate                                                       during the measurement year or the year
      evidence of treatment for nephropathy.        Please refer to Diabetic member definitions       prior to the measurement year
•     A nephrologist visit during the measurement   on Slide 15 – also applicable to this
      year.                                         measure.                                      To remove a member with any of the above
•     Evidence of ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy in                                                 from the denominator, member must not have a
      the measurement year.                                                                       face-to-face encounter in any setting, with a
•     Lab claim for a urinalysis that included                                                    diagnosis of diabetes, during the measurement
      microalbumin                                                                                year or year prior to the measurement year.

                                                                                                  •   Members receiving palliative care during the
                                                                                                      measurement year
                                                                                                  •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions
                                                                                                      apply (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
                                                                                                  •   Members with ESRD

    Note: Documentation of ACEI/ARB medication regimen in current measurement year results as numerator compliance for this measure.
C14: Comprehensive Diabetes Care – Medical Attention for Nephropathy
Source: HEDIS® 2021 ( prior CDC measure - No spec changes)         **C14: Medical Attention for Nephropathy Measure Retired on 4/26/2022
Identifies adult diabetic members who had medical attention for nephropathy.

Best Practice
 •   Complete AWV and assessment of diabetic member preventive care/disease progression indicators for all Highmark quality
     incentive programs.

 •   Hardwire EHR to trigger preventive schedules- this is an annual test requirement.

 •   Assure processes are in place to submit appropriate test billing.

 •   Report when appropriate the CPTII code 4010F - ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy prescribed or currently being taken.

 •   Review recent hospitalizations within the measurement year for urine screens while member was in the inpatient setting.
     Services billed in an inpatient setting will be billed as a bundle and may not be recorded for gap closure.

 •   Issue member letters from your practice (with order enclosed) to noncompliant member to explain why regular micro albumin
     screening is important.
C15: Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes ≤9%
 Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (HBD) (prior CDC measure – HbA1c Controlled - No spec changes)
Percentage of members 18–75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) whose most recent Hemoglobin A1C is ≤9.0%.

                Numerator                                   Denominator                                           Exclusions

 Diabetic members who received at least one     Diabetic members age 18–75 years by the        •   Diagnosis of gestational or steroid-induced
 HbA1c screening during the measurement         end of the measurement year and who                diabetes during the measurement year or
 year with the last HbA1c test result for the   were enrolled in the plan at the end of the        the year prior to the measurement year
 measurement year < 9%.                         measurement year.                              •   Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
                                                                                                   during the measurement year or the year
                                                Please refer to Diabetic member                    prior to the measurement year
 Control is demonstrated by CPTII Codes:
                                                definitions on Slide 15 – also applicable to
 3044F HbA1c: < 7.0%
                                                this measure.                                  To remove a member with any of the above from the
 3051F HbA1c: ≥ 7.0 and < 8.0%                                                                 denominator, member must not have a face-to-face
 3052F HbA1c: ≥ 8.0 and ≤ 9.0%                                                                 encounter in any setting, with a diagnosis of diabetes,
                                                                                               during the measurement year or year prior to the
                                                                                               measurement year.

                                                                                               •   Members receiving palliative care during
                                                                                                   the measurement year
                                                                                               •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions
                                                                                                   apply (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
                                                                                               •   Members with ESRD
C15: Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients With Diabetes ≤9%
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (HBD) (prior CDC measure - No spec changes)
Percentage of members 18–75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) whose most recent Hemoglobin A1C is ≤9.0%.

 Best Practice
 •   This is an outcome control measure which requires disease management and the demonstration of controlled HbA1c lab
     values. HEDIS (CMS) requires the last result of the year to be the determinant of compliance and control.

 •   Lab providers (outpatient labs and facilities) submit claims for payment, which influences the last test of the year. All “draw”
     claims without a resulting lab value are seen as non-compliant.

 •   Submit zero dollar (performance reporting only) CPT2 claims on every result received

 •   Encourage partner facilities to include lab results with procedure claims submission.
C16: Controlling High Blood Pressure
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (CBP)
Percentage of members 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of hypertension (HTN) and whose BP was
adequately controlled during the measurement year (systolic
C16: Controlling High Blood Pressure
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (CBP)
Percentage of members 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of HTN and whose BP was adequately controlled (systolic
C23: TRC Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
 Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (TRC)
Percentage of discharges in the measurement year for members 18 years of age and older for
whom medications were reconciled on the date of discharge through 30 days after discharge.

             Numerator                                     Denominator                                          Exclusions
 Medication reconciliation conducted       Acute or nonacute inpatient discharges on or        •   If the discharge is followed by a readmission
 by a prescribing practitioner, clinical   between January 1st and December 1st of                 or direct transfer to an acute or nonacute
 pharmacist, physician assistant or        the measurement year.                                   inpatient care settings on the date of
                                                                                                   discharge through 30 days after discharge,
 registered nurse on the date of                                                                   count only the last discharge.
 discharge through 30 days after
 discharge (31 total days) in which                                                            •   If the member remains in an acute or
 the discharge medications are             Measure is based on discharges, not members. If         nonacute facility through December 1st of the
 reconciled with the most recent           members have more than one discharge, include all       measurement year.
 medication list in the outpatient         discharges.
 medical record.                                                                               Exclude both the initial and the
                                                                                               readmission/direct transfer discharges if the last
                                                                                               discharge occurs after DEC 1 of the
                                                                                               measurement year.

     Note: Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge measure is now a component of the Transitions of Care Measure
C23: TRC Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (TRC)
Percentage of discharges in the measurement year for members 18 years of age and older for whom medications were
reconciled the date of discharge through 30 days after discharge.

 Best Practice

 •   Partner/coordinate with other providers in the care continuum that have held a patient visit within 30 days of discharge to
     obtain medication reconciliation information for inclusion in the outpatient record.

 •   Coordinate with hospital partners for SNF discharges/transfers.

 Note: If a member is admitted within 30 days of a discharge or transferred directly to a skilled nursing facility, the medication
 reconciliation is required after the SNF discharge.

 Note: A medication reconciliation performed without the member present meets criteria.
C23: TRC Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (TRC)
Percentage of discharges in the measurement year for members 18 years of age and older for whom medications were reconciled the date of discharge through 30
days after discharge.
 Medical Record Documentation Requirements
 Any of the following will meet criteria:

  •   Documentation of the current medications with a notation that the provider reconciled the current and discharge
  •   Documentation of the current medications with a notation that references the discharge medications (e.g., no changes in
      medications since discharge, same medications at discharge, discontinue all discharge medications).
  •   Documentation of the member’s current medications with a notation that the discharge medications were reviewed.
  •   Documentation of a current medication list, a discharge medication list and notation that both lists were reviewed on the
      same date of service.
  •   Documentation of the current medications with evidence that the member was seen for post-discharge hospital follow-up
      with evidence of medication reconciliation or review. Requires documentation that indicates the provider was aware of the
      member’s hospitalization and discharge.
  •   Documentation in the discharge summary that the discharge medications were reconciled with the most recent medication
      list in the outpatient medical record. There must be evidence that the discharge summary was filed in the outpatient chart
      on the date of discharge through 30 days after discharge (31 total days).
  •   Notation that no medications were prescribed or ordered upon discharge.

 Note: Only documentation in the outpatient chart meets the intent of the measure, but an outpatient visit is not required. Please
 make sure documentation reflects that the Med Reconciliation is being completed after discharge.
C22: Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
 Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (SPC)
Percentage of members who had at least one dispensing event for a high or moderate-intensity
statin medication in the measurement year.

             Numerator                                      Denominator                                               Exclusions
 Members who filled at least one         Male members ages 21–75 and females age 40–75               •   Those with a diagnosis of cirrhosis in the
 ambulatory prescription for high or     identified by event or diagnosis during the year prior to       measurement year or year prior
 moderate-intensity statin medication.   the measurement year who were:                              •   Those with a diagnosis of myalgia, myositis,
                                         -Discharged from an inpatient setting with myocardial           myopathy or rhabdomyolysis during the
                                         infarction                                                      measurement year
                                                                                                     •   Those with a diagnosis of pregnancy during the
                                         -Had a CABG, PCI or other revascularization
                                                                                                         measurement year or year prior
                                         procedure in any setting
                                                                                                     •   Those who have In vitro fertilization in the
                                                       OR                                                measurement year or year prior
                                         -By Diagnosis, as having Ischemic Vascular Disease          •   Those who filled at least one prescription for
                                         during both the measurement period and the year                 clomiphene during the measurement year or
                                         prior. Criteria need not be the same across both years          year prior
                                         but meet at least one of the following criteria:            •   Those without pharmacy benefits through
                                             -at least one acute inpatient encounter with an IVD         Highmark.
                                         diagnosis without telehealth                                •   Members receiving palliative care during the
                                            -at least one outpatient visit, telephone, e-visit, or       measurement year
                                         virtual check in with an IVD diagnosis                      •   Members with ESRD
                                           -at least one acute inpatient discharge with an IVD       •   Frailty and Advanced Illness exclusions apply
                                         diagnosis                                                       (supplemental data cannot be accepted)
C22: Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Source: HEDIS® 2021 (SPC)
 Percentage of members who had at least one dispensing event for a high- or moderate-intensity statin medication in the measurement year.

     Description                                       Prescription (one Pharmacy claim required)

                                                                                                              • Rosuvastatin 20-40 mg
      High-Intensity Statin                            • Atorvastatin 40-80 mg                                • Simvastatin 80 mg
      Therapy                                          • Amlodipine-atorvastatin 40-80 mg                     • Ezetimibe-simvastatin 80 mg

                                                       •   Atorvastatin 10-20 mg                              •   Pravastatin 40-80 mg
     Moderate-Intensity Statin                         •   Amlodipine-atorvastatin 10-20 mg                   •   Lovastatin 40 mg
     Therapy                                           •   Rosuvastatin 5-10 mg                               •   Fluvastatin XL 80 mg
                                                       •   Simvastatin 20-40 mg                               •   Fluvastatin 40 mg bid
                                                       •   Ezetimibe-simvastatin 20-40 mg                     •   Pitavastatin 2-4 mg

   Note: NCQA will post a comprehensive list of medications and NDC codes to www.ncqa.org by NOV 1, 2021.
C22: Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (SPC)
Percentage of members who had at least one dispensing event for a high- or moderate-intensity statin medication in the measurement year.

 Description                           Prescription (one Pharmacy claim required)

 High-Intensity Statin                 • Atorvastatin 40-80 mg                   • Rosuvastatin 20-40 mg
 Therapy                               • Amlodipine-atorvastatin 40-80 mg        • Simvastatin 80 mg
                                                                                 • Ezetimibe-simvastatin 80 mg

 Moderate-Intensity Statin             •   Atorvastatin 10-20 mg                 •   Pravastatin 40-80 mg
 Therapy                               •   Amlodipine-atorvastatin 10-20 mg      •   Lovastatin 40 mg
                                       •   Rosuvastatin 5-10 mg                  •   Fluvastatin 40-80 mg
                                       •   Simvastatin 20-40 mg                  •   Pitavastatin 1-4 mg
                                       •   Ezetimibe-simvastatin 20-40 mg

 Note: NCQA will post a comprehensive list of medications and NDC codes to www.ncqa.org by NOV 1, 2022.
C22: Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Source: HEDIS® MY 2022 (SPC)
 Percentage of members who had at least one dispensing event for a high- or moderate-intensity statin medication in the measurement year

 Best Practice
 •   Educate diabetic members on the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, so that they may understand the benefits of
     statin therapy in reducing their risk of stroke, heart attack and cardiovascular death
 •   Only select diagnoses can be submitted if statin therapy is contraindicated which would include myalgia, myositis,
     myopathy, and rhabdomyolysis (most popular listed below). Claim must be submitted within the measurement year with
     the appropriate diagnosis codes. Documentation in chart must be clear in stating symptoms. Phrasing of “intolerance",
     "reaction”, and “cannot take” are not evidence enough for an exclusion.

 •   Review monthly gap reports and assure the member is on correct moderate or high dose medication to meet compliance
D14: Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
 Source: PQA 2021 (SUPD)
Percentage of members who were dispensed a medication for diabetes that receive a statin medication.

                Numerator                                       Denominator                                           Exclusions
 Members who receive a prescription fill for a   Members aged 40–75* as of the first day of the      •   Members with rhabdomyolysis or myopathy
 statin or statin combination during the         measurement year who were dispensed two or
 measurement year.                               more prescription fills on different dates of       •   Members with a diagnosis of pregnancy,
                                                 service for a hypoglycemic agent during the             lactation, or fertility (identified via a
                                                 measurement year.                                       prescription claim for clomiphene)

                                                                                                     •   Members with a diagnosis of liver disease
 *Members that turn 76 within the
 measurement year require a Part D statin                                                            •   Members with a diagnosis of pre-diabetes
 fill prior to turning 76 for Health Plan        The index prescription for the first hypoglycemic
                                                                                                     •   Members with a diagnosis of Polycystic
 compliance.                                     medication must occur at least 90 days prior to
                                                                                                         Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
                                                 the end of the measurement year for
                                                 denominator inclusion.                              •   ESRD
D14: Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
Source: PQA 2021 (SUPD)
 Percentage of members who were dispensed a medication for diabetes that receive a statin medication.

 PQA Table: Statin Medications

                                                                  Statin Medications

      •   lovastatin                      •   fluvastatin                      •   pravastatin
                                                                                                                   •   simvastatin
      •   rosuvastatin                    •   atorvastatin                     •   pitavastatin

                                                             Statin Combination Products

      •   niacin & lovastatin
                                                      •     niacin & simvastatin                        •   ezetimibe & simvastatin
      •   atorvastatin & amlodipine
D14: Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes
Source: PQA 2021 (SUPD)
    Percentage of members who were dispensed a medication for diabetes that receive a statin medication.

Best Practice
•    Educate diabetic members on the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, so that they may understand the benefits of
     statin therapy in reducing their risk of stroke, heart attack and cardiovascular death

•    Only select diagnoses can be submitted if statin therapy is contraindicated which would include myopathy and
     rhabdomyolysis. Claim must be submitted within the measurement year with the appropriate diagnosis codes.
     Phrasing of “intolerance", "reaction”, and “cannot take” are not evidence enough for an exclusion.

•    Review members chart for other exclusions that can be submitted to exclude member from the measure.

•    Consider statins with fewer drug interactions such as rosuvastatin, pravastatin, and fluvastatin to reduce risk of adverse

•    Members who do not tolerate one statin may be able to tolerate a different statin
D10: Medication Adherence for Diabetes Medications
 Source: PQA 2021
Percentage of members with a prescription for a diabetes medication who fill their prescriptions often enough to cover 80% or
more of the time they are supposed to be taking the medication. The classes of diabetes medication includes: biguanides,
sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, DDP_IV inhibitors, Incretin Mimetic Agents, Meglitinides , and SGLT2 Inhibitors.

               Numerator                                         Denominator                                        Exclusions

 Those members with a prescription for          Members 18 years of age or older as of the first    •   Those without pharmacy benefits through
 diabetes medication who fill their             day of the measurement year with at least two           Medicare Advantage Part D.
 prescriptions often enough to cover            fills on different dates of medication(s) across    •   Members who take insulin
                                                any of the drug classes during the measurement
 80% or more of the time they are               period.                                             •   ERSD
 supposed to be taking their
 medications. *                                 Members are only included in the measure
                                                calculation if the first fill of their medication
                                                occurs at least 91 days before the end of the
 *Derived from the prescription daily dosage.   measurement period.

         Note: Medication Adherence for Diabetes medications have been updated, and NDC codes are progressive.
D11: Medication Adherence for Hypertension: Renin Angiotensin System
Antagonists (RASA)
 Source: PQA 2021
 Percentage of members with a prescription for a blood pressure medication who fill their prescriptions often enough to cover
 80% or more of the time they are supposed to be taking the medication. Blood pressure medication includes: ACE (angiotensin
 converting enzyme) inhibitor, ARB (angiotensin receptor blocker), a direct renin inhibitor or combinations thereof.

              Numerator                                   Denominator                                              Exclusions
 Those members with a prescription      Members18 years of age or older as of the first day
 for recommended hypertension           of the measurement year with at least two fills on         •   Those without pharmacy benefits through
 medication who fill their              different dates of medication(s) across either the             Medicare Advantage Part D.
                                        same medication or medications (s) in the drug             •   Members who take sacubitril/valsartan.
 prescriptions often enough to cover    classes during the measurement period.
 80% or more of the time they are                                                                  •   ESRD
 supposed to be taking their            Members are only included in the measure
 medications. *                         calculation if the first fill of their medication occurs
                                        at least 91 days before the end of the measurement
 *Derived from the prescription daily

         Note: Medication Adherence for Hypertension medications have been updated, and NDC codes are progressive.
D12: Medication Adherence for Cholesterol: Statins
 Source: PQA 2021
Percent of plan members with a prescription for a cholesterol medication (a HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor-statin
drug or statin combination) who fill their prescriptions often enough to cover 80% or more of the time they are
supposed to be taking the medication.

                Numerator                                          Denominator                                             Exclusions
 Those members with a prescription for          Members18 years of age or older as of the first day
 a cholesterol medication (a statin drug        of the measurement year with at least two fills on            •   Those without pharmacy benefits
 or statin combination) who fill their          different dates of either the same medication or                  through Medicare Advantage Part D.
                                                medication(s) in the drug classes during the
 prescriptions often enough to cover            measurement period.
 80% or more of the time they are                                                                             •   ESRD
 supposed to be taking their                    Members are only included in the measure
 medications.*                                  calculation if the first fill of their medication occurs at
                                                least 91 days before the end of the measurement
 *Derived from the prescription daily dosage.

         Note: Medication Adherence for Cholesterol medications have been updated, and NDC codes are progressive.
D10, D11, D12: Medication Adherence Measures
      Source: PQA 2021
Percentage of members who were dispensed a medication who fill their prescriptions often enough to cover 80% or more of the time they are supposed to be taking the medication.

 Best Practice
  •    Identify all members who are prescribed medication for these categories
  •    Prep chart to ensure that provider discusses importance of ongoing compliance
  •    Discuss with the member the benefits of adhering to medication - Nurse/Physician/Medical assistant/Physician extender

  •    Provide ongoing patient outreach to those showing as non-compliant
  •    Identify reason for noncompliance and attempt to solve
  •    Educate members about their condition and explain why the medication is being prescribed
  •    Use motivational interviewing to help members commit to taking their medication and set goals for taking their medications
  •    Ask members what routine they use to help them remember to take their medications (apps, alarms, pillboxes)
  •    Discourage “pill splitting” or taking medications every other day. If dosage changes, rewrite prescription to accurately show prescribed dose.
  •    Consider 90 day fills when writing prescriptions.
  •    Encourage members to utilize their insurance card, as this may help to identify other services that may be beneficial to them. Samples, paying in cash and
       using discount cards will not generate an insurance claim.. These members will appear as non-compliant with the measure.
  •    Be proactive. Evaluate practice processes for opportunities to close gaps every time the member is seen rather than reacting to gap closure reports
D13: Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
Source: CMS 2022 & Highmark developed measure.
Percentage of MTM eligible members who received a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR) during the
measurement year.

            Numerator                                        Denominator                                                  Exclusions

Eligible members who complete a CMR by   Members who meet eligibility requirements:
an approved CMS vendor during the                                                                        •   Those that opt out within 60 days of program
                                         Those with three or more chronic conditions, who take a             eligibility
measurement year.*
                                         minimum of seven Part D medications, and are likely to incur
                                         annual costs of at least $4,696 for all covered Part D drugs.

                  Note: Members in long-term care facilities are not excluded from the denominator.
D13: Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
Source: CMS 2022
Percentage of MTM eligible members who received a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR) during the measurement

Best Practice

•   Review Monthly Star Care Gap MTM detail reports for members that have become eligible.

•   Discuss the benefits of completing the CMR with the members during AWV and other office visits
D13: Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
Source: CMS 2021

What is the MTM Program and how will it be conducted?
   Program Specifics
   •   Medicare Part D covered benefit
   •   Designed to aid members with certain disease states who take many medications and have high prescription costs.
   •   Providers members access to a health care professional who can help support their health and safety and complement the
       care they receive by having a pharmacist work with them and their doctor.
   •   This program is free, and members are automatically enrolled if eligible.
   •   They will receive information on how to access the program and will be contacted to schedule/complete a CMR.

   •   During this one-on-one telephone consultation with a pharmacist or nurse, the member’s entire medication profile is reviewed
       (CMR –Comprehensive Medication Review), including prescriptions, over-the-counter (OTC) medications, herbal
       supplements, and samples. The pharmacist or nurse will check for appropriateness of therapy and potential interactions.
       They will also discuss therapy goals, medication-related problems and any specific questions the member may have.
       Targeted Medication Reviews (TMR) are also conducted focusing on identifying cost savings, safety concerns, prescribing
       adherence to national treatment guidelines and whether members have been following their medication regimens.
   •   CMR Follow-up Letter - This letter includes a Personal Medication List and Medication Action Plan detailing the member’s
       conversation with the pharmacist or nurse.
   •   Member / Doctor Outreach - If an issue is found during a medication review (CMR or TMR), the team may contact the
       member and/or doctor via phone, fax, or mail to discuss recommendations for adding or changing drug therapy, potential
       drug interactions or safety issues.

Property and Confidential | 2022
Highmark Risk Adjustment Programs
  Unconfirmed Diagnosis              Enhanced Annual                Risk Score Accuracy                 Retrospective Chart Retrieval
   Code (UDC) Program               Wellness Visit (eAWV)             (RSA Program):                             Program:
     The UDC program is a            Using the Vatica Wellness    Several tools are available that      This program supports a Centers
 clinically based program that     365+ software, providers can    work within or in conjunction       for Medicare and Medicaid Services
 promotes Provider/Highmark          perform enhanced Annual       with provider EMR systems to         (CMS) requirement to ensure the
   collaboration to evaluate          Wellness Visits for their   present unconfirmed diagnosis           accuracy and integrity of risk
  previously reported and/or       Highmark Medicare Advantage    conditions at the point of care in   adjustment data submitted to CMS.
     suspected diagnosis            members. The tool assists         order for the clinician to
          conditions.                providers in appropriately   evaluate, disposition, treat and
                                    documenting an AWV along       document when appropriate.
                                   with evaluating unconfirmed
                                       diagnosis conditions.

Property and Confidential | 2022
Highmark Risk Adjustment Programs
 Our 2022 Risk Adjustment Programs help guide practices through program requirements

        After Logging into NaviNet, Click   Select Education / Material from   Select Risk Adjustment from
        on Resource Center under            the dropdown menu                  the dropdown menu
        Workflows for this Plan

Property and Confidential | 2022
                                   AND SUPPORT

Property and Confidential | 2022
Available Resources
 HCC University is a provider coding resource on NaviNet. It contains guides to assist with
 documentation and coding according to CMS documentation standards and ICD-10-CM
 coding requirements

 1. Log into NaviNet
 2. Navigate to the Provider
    Resource Center                3
 3. Select “Education
    /Manuals” from the menu
    bar to expand the              4
 4. Select “Coding
 Education/HCC University” to
 open the page with
 corresponding resources

Property and Confidential | 2022
Provider Education Resources

  1. Documentation and Coding Reference Cards
          • Top HCC conditions seen in both Primary Care and Specialist Practice settings

  2. Training Presentations
          • Risk Adjustment in Clinical Practice
          • Risk Adjustment Overview
          • Quarterly Coding & Quality Knowledge College

  3. Helpful Links (CMS and other coding resources)
          •   AAPC
          •   AHIMA
          •   2019 ICD-10-CM
          •   MLN Web-based training
          •   CMS Guide for AWV

Property and Confidential | 2022

Property and Confidential | 2022
C51: Annual Wellness/Initial Preventive Physical Exam Rate
The Importance of AWVs/IPPEs
The Annual Wellness Visit allows the provider/practice to provide a comprehensive wellness visit and communicate needed
preventive care for their patients without visit co-pays or cost sharing.

Key Elements of the Annual Wellness visit include acquire beneficiary information (Health risk assessment, medical/family
history, risk factors, functional ability and level of safety) assessment, and counseling.

Coverage for AWVs
Annual wellness visits are covered in full by ALL BCBS Plans.

CMS provides guidance on provider documentation requirements, and appropriate coding/billing. Reference sites have been
attached below.


Property and Confidential | 2022
Health Outcomes Survey (HOS)
                                     Customer Assessment of
                                     Healthcare Providers and
                                         Systems (CAHPS)

Property and Confidential | 2022
Health Outcomes Survey (HOS)
    The HOS survey scores health plans on 5 measures - these 5 measures combine for 14% of the overall
    Star rating.

          • Administered annually by CMS to a random sample of our MA members
          • A baseline survey is administered to a new cohort each year (approximately 1200 members per
            plan) and two years later, these same respondents are surveyed again (approximately 500
            members per plan)

    HOS Measures
    The five HOS measures include two functional health measures and three HEDIS effectiveness of Care
          •   Improving or maintaining physical health (PCS)
          •   Improving or maintaining mental health (MCS)
          •   Monitoring physical activity
          •   Reducing the risk of falling
          •   Improving bladder control

Property and Confidential | 2022
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