Abbott - Business & Finance

Page created by Marion Gibson
Global healthcare firm Abbott is         sites: Clonmel, Cootehill, Donegal,      industrial estate. The move will see
active in over 150 countries, has        Longford and Westport, along with        a combined investment of almost
74,000 employees around the              multiple functions in Dublin and         €10 million and will enable the
world and operates in the nutrition,     Sligo and headquarters, in Liffey        consolidation of manufacturing
diagnostics, vascular care, vision,      Valley. In 2017 they announced they      and business support within one
diabetes and pharmaceuticals             would relocate the Irish Nutritional     building, enabling the creation of a
segments. It traces its lineage          Devices business from its existing       medical nutrition device centre of
back to 1888, and has an Irish           base in Sligo, to a new, purpose-built   excellence.
operation since 1946. It currently       IDA Ireland Advance Technology
has around 3,000 employees in ten        building located in the Finisklin

Aerie Pharmaceuticals
A new entrant to Ireland’s FDI           constructed 2,650m2 IDA Advanced         sufferers. Estimated project-wide
scene, US pharma company Aerie           Technology Building. The Athlone         costs are €25m and the company
announced in 2017 that they would        facility will produce commercial         will initially create 50 jobs in sterile
establish their first manufacturing      supplies of Aerie’s products which       manufacturing, quality, engineering
plant in Athlone’s recently              offer a new treatment for glaucoma       and other support capabilities.

AIG is a global giant within the         clubs across Ireland. Their recent       worldwide, and acts as insurer to
insurance industry, and has had          acquisition of Laya Healthcare in        more than half of the world’s top
an ever-growing presence within          2015 place them as a dominating          100 companies. Now established in
Ireland since the 70’s—from its          force not just within Ireland but        Ireland for just over 40 years, they
flagship office in the heart of Dublin   in Europe. The company has a             employ 400 in Dublin alone and
to its dozens of sponsored GAA           presence in over 160 markets             have voiced plans to expand.

California-headquartered Airbnb is       Airbnb’s Irish operation – its           converted 19th-century Warehouse
one of the highest-profile players       European HQ – has grown rapidly          – the company’s second-biggest
in Dublin’s Docklands. Over 60m          since the initial announcement in        office worldwide. Airbnb employs
guests have visited locations in         2013, and now functions across two       over 400 people in Dublin, from
over 191 countries and the company       prime Silicon Docks offices: the         over 40 countries.
is hotly tipped to IPO this year.        Watermarque, and the restored and

Since 2013, Alexion’s facility in        operations in support of its Global      number of jobs in the location. Staff
Blanchardstown, Dublin has               Manufacturing network. In 2016           numbers are projected to reach 500
served as the company’s Global           Alexion announced a €100 million         between the two sites by the end
Supply Chain and Operations              investment into a manufacturing          of 2019.
headquarters. The site is also used      facility in Athlone, expanding its
to house packaging and testing           biologics unit and doubling the
Allergan marked 40 successful         Ireland, also announced details of       in Westport, Co. Mayo – as well as
years of business in Ireland          a new €50,000 Innovation Award           an international supply chain office
by confirming an additional           Programme with Irish colleges            in Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin. The
investment of €42 million in          around the country. Allergan             Westport and Clonshaugh facilities
its Irish operations in 2017.         operates three facilities in Ireland     develop and manufacture a range of
The company, which employs            -- two manufacturing operations,         branded medicines primarily for the
approximately 1,700 people in         one at Clonshaugh, Dublin and one        export market.

With a century-long presence in       has a long-standing reputation in        people at its head office in Elm Park,
Ireland alone, Allianz stands as      Ireland as a sponsor of the GAA and      placing it among Dublin’s biggest
one of the leading players in the     a supporter of the arts, with close      employers. Having surpassed their
insurance industry, with over         to a million customers nationwide.       2017 turnover goals, Allianz is on
80 million customers worldwide        More than that however, the              target to hit its projections for 2018.
across 70 countries. The company      company employs over 1,500

Almac Group
Almac Group, the global contract      arise due to Brexit. InJanuary 2018      at its European campus which is
pharmaceutical development            the Group announced further              scheduled to be operationally ready
and manufacturing organisation,       investment at the campus including       by January 2019.This €34 million
confirmed that it secured new         a new QC laboratory and packaging        investment complements the
premises in Dundalk, Ireland in       facility for commercial drug             existing clinical supply and drug
January 2017 as part of its ongoing   products and a dedicated 79,000sq        product development operations
global expansion strategy, to meet    ft EU Distribution Centre for clinical   offered from its Global HQ site in
client demand and to address any      trial supply. This investment will       Craigavon, NI
potential challenges that may         more than treble the GMP footprint

ALPS Electric
Japanese electronics manufacturer     €6 billion. It established Irish         aroudn 700 people in its cutting-
Alps Electric supplies over 40,000    operations in Millstreet, Co Cork,       edge Millstreet facility, a setup that
different components from 21          in 1988, where it manufactures           is ISO14000-certified, and has been
factories worldwide to about 2,000    products for the automotive              honoured with quality awards from
companies all over the world. The     industry in Europe. It has also          Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo.
Alps Group overall has 42,000         branched out into medical and
employees and annual sales worth      white goods. ALPS Electric employs

Online retail giant Amazon            invested over €1.5bn since, with         AIB headquarters in Ballsbridge,
has a large setup in Ireland,         operations in Dublin and Cork and        which would provide a comfortable
encompassing datacentre, software     datacentres around the Dublin area.      home for the 1,400 staff they
engineering and customer support      It is understood to be interested        already have in the city, along with
functions. It established its         in rivalling Facebook as the next        the 500 new staff it is planning to
presence here in 2004 and has         prospective tenant for the current       recruit.
One of the largest fund services in     employees along with staff in all      administrator in the world and the
the IFSC, Apex agreed to acquire        of its other offices will join Apex    largest independent administrator
Deutsche Bank Alternative Fund          following the deal. The transaction    with $300bn of AUA. Apex already
Services (AFS) unit last year;          will add $170bn to Apex’s assests      has three offices in Ireland, in
almost half of Deutsche Bank AFS’s      under administration (AUA),            Dublin and Cork.
global staff are based in Dublin. All   propelling the Bermuda-based
of the around 130 Ireland-based         firm to become the eighth largest

Tech leader Apple opened its            1,100 new jobs in the county.          announced that the government
Cork facility in 1980, expanding        Their proposed €850m Athenry           will collect the controversial €13
through a series of investments and     datacentre development finally got     billion ‘Apple Tax’ but wish to
evolutions ever since. Apple already    the planning green light in 2017,      dispute it to the European Court
employs 5,000 people in Cork and        although it is unclear whether the     of Justice and prove there was no
in 2016 got the go-ahead for an         project will go ahead at this point.   special deal in place with Apple.
expansion to facilitate a further       Taoiseach Leo Varadkar recently

With roots tracing back to the          Company, Arvato is a leader            the two countries. Today they
printing industry almost two            in supply chain management             stand as an active player in the Irish
centuries ago, this German-based        and customer relationship              market, and is particularly involved
company has offices in over 40          management. In recent years the        within the utilities, banking and
countries worldwide and serves          company has a had a growing            telecommunications sectors,
a consumer-base of 70,000. A            presence within Ireland and the        serving customers in both the
subsidiary of the Bertelsmann           UK, employing over 4,000 across        public and private sector.

Bank of America
In July last year it was announced      Bank of America joined the growing     investment banking division of
that Bank of America Merrill Lynch      number of international financial      Bank of America, formed through
confirmed Dublin as the location for    institutions – including Barclays,     the combination of the corporate
its post-Brexit EU hub; the merged      Citigroup and Morgan Stanley – to      and investment banking activities
entity will be led by vice-chairman     increase their footprint in Dublin     of Bank of America and Merrill
Bruce Thompson, a former group          following the UK’s decision to         Lynch following the acquisition of
chief financial officer and head of     leave the EU. Bank of America          the latter by the former in January
risk for the Bank of America group.     Merrill Lynch is the corporate and     2009.

Bank of China
Bank of China opened its first          European countries. At the branch      Promoting Trade and Investment
Dublin branch in June 2017, in a        opening, Bank of China Chairman        between China and Ireland, signed
sign of the growing importance          Tian Guoli and Taoiseach Leo           by Martin Shanahan, the IDA
of economic relations between           Varadkar witnessed the signing of      Chief Executive, and Tian Jun, the
Ireland and China. Bank of China        a Memorandum of Understanding          General Manager of Bank of China
has branches or subsidiaries in 16      Regarding Strategic Cooperation for    Dublin Branch.
Bausch & Lomb
Contact lens and eyecare leader         €85 million extension at the plant,      €200 million in the Waterford
Bausch & Lomb’s roots date back         to increase Biotrue ONEday contact       facility’s operations, infrastructure
to New York in 1853. It has been        lens manufacturing capacity and          and manufacturing line growth and
owned by Valeant Pharmaceuticals        add 112,000 sq ft on an adjacent         the factory employs around 1,250
since 2013, and its Irish operations    17-acre site, adding 125 jobs. Valeant   people. Parent company Valeant
are centered on its Waterford plant,    Pharmaceuticals International,           employs 22,000 worldwide.
which is over 35 years in operation.    the parent company of Bausch
Last year saw the opening of an         + Lomb, has invested more than

This German based global                ranging from innovative cancer           The company employs over 117,000
enterprise is a leading figure in the   treatments to agricultural products.     worldwide, and a bid to acquire the
fields of Health and Agriculture.       The company has had a standing           Monsanto Firm later this year for
Since its inception over 150            in Ireland for the past 50 years, and    USD$66 billion is set to propel the
years ago, the company has been         today employs around 100 people          company to new heights.
producing a wide range of products      at its facility in Sandyford, Dublin.

Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter, which develops,        facility at Lismeehan, County Clare,     County Clare is a strategic site
manufactures and markets                creating 70 jobs over the next           for the global Beckman Coulter
products that simplify, automate        two to three years. The project is       Diagnostics business, with 330
and innovate complex biomedical         supported by the Irish Government        people working there. The new
testing, is expanding the company’s     through IDA Ireland. The company’s       expansion will add an additional
development and manufacturing           9,700 m2 site at Lismeehan in            6,700 m2 to the facility.

Since opening its doors in 2011,        in-class therapeutics that have          they treat. BioMarin has recently
BioMarin has grown to 365               the potential to improve clinical        extended its site footprint to
employees in Cork, with an              outcomes of patients with rare           20 acres as the company continues
additional 67 people based in           genetic diseases. The company            to experience a rise in the global
Dublin and 2,400 employees              currently has six approved products      demand for its therapies to treat
globally. BioMarin focuses on           that are the only drugs available on     rare genetic diseases that mostly
developing first-in-class and best-     the market today for the diseases        affect children.

BNY Mellon
US banking powerhouse BNY               the bank’s legal entities. Its Irish     clearing and custody services and
Mellon has a 20-year history in         operations provide services to           a funds platform. Globally, the
Ireland, and now has offices in Cork,   asset managers, banks, pension           company – founded in 1784 – has
Wexford and several in Dublin,          funds, insurance companies               over $30 trillion under custody and/
adding up to a total headcount of       and corporations. Its Pershing           or administration, and $1.7 trillion
around 1,600 under a variety of         subsidiary also provides execution,      under management.
Boston Scientific
Medical devices firm Boston             established in 1998 and acquired         facility is the company’s largest,
Scientific established its Irish        in 2006 and particularly serves the      and handles functions such as new
operations in 1994 with the support     cardiac sector. Cork was established     product development, regulatory
of the IDA and has grown to be the      in 1998 as part of Boston Scientific’s   affairs and analytical laboratory
largest medical device employer         manufacturing expansion                  testing. It is a major contributor to
in Ireland. The company has three       programme and serves sectors             the company’s drug eluting stent
sites – Clonmel, Cork and Galway        such as peripheral intervention,         product line.
– and exports around 10m medical        endoscopy and cardiology. The
devices annually. Its Cork plant was    Galway manufacturing and R&D

Bristol Myers Squibb
NYSE-listed pharma firm Bristol-        Dublin, and external manufacturing       Co Dublin, as Bristol-Myers Squibb
Myers Squibb has been in Ireland        in Shannon. In June 2017                 shifts manufacturing focus in
since 1964. Its facilities in Ireland   South Korean company SK                  Ireland to reflect growing biologics
include a state-of-the-art, large-      Biotech acquired their Active            portfolio with ongoing investment
scale biologics manufacturing           Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)         in Cruiserath biologics facility.
facility in Cruiserath, County          manufacturing facility in Swords,

The social payments app Circle has      $1 billion in transactions in 2016.      China. This was facilitated by a
been quietly growing its workforce      The digital disruptor has saw 300        $136m investment from Facebook’s
in Dublin and doubled it to 30 last     per cent quarter-on-quarter growth       investor Jim Breyer and Goldman
year. The company, which set up         over the 2016-2017 period following      Sachs, among others.
its international headquarters in       its international expansion into
Dublin in July 2014, handled over       Ireland, Spain, the UK, US and

Networking hardware supplier            celebrated its tenth anniversary last    and cloud enabled desktop, mobile
Cisco has two facilities in Ireland:    year. It was the subject of a €26m       applications, desktop virtualisation
East Point in Dublin, and Galway.       investment in 2012, creating 115 new     and real-time web communications.
Cisco’s Sales and EMEAR capital         positions and taking the centre into     The global company has 73,711
operations take place at East Point,    communication and collaboration          employees and announced $48bn in
while Galway is an R&D facility that    software technology via enterprise       global revenue for 2017.

Citrix announced in April 2017 the      adding 26,000 sq ft of office space      and will host the EMEA Inside Sales
creation of 150 new jobs, adding to     to the current footprint, in order to    and Tech Support functions and
the 225 already employed, as part       centralise Inside Sales activities.      other support roles to support Citrix
of an expansion of its East Point       The expanded office will provide         transition to a cloud model.
Business Park office in Dublin,         workspaces for over 400 employees
Coca-Cola HBC
Coca-Cola Hellenic is one of the          Antrim. The head office is in Dublin     east, from the Arctic Circle in the
world’s largest bottlers of Coca-Cola.    and across Ireland there is a staff      north to the tropics of Nigeria in the
The Coca-Cola franchise first came        of more than 300 in the Republic         south; it is is headquartered in Zug,
to Northern Ireland in 1939, and set      of Ireland and 450 in Northern           Switzerland and has a premium
up in Cork and Dublin in 1952 and         Ireland. The Coca‑Cola HBC group         listing on the London Stock
1953 respectively. The largest Irish      operates from Ireland in the west        Exchange and secondary listing on
operation is now in Lisburn, Co.          to the Pacific coast of Russia in the    the Athens Exchange.

Comtrade Digital Services is part         Its Irish headquarters are in Dublin     in Ireland, such as the annual Quest
of Comtrade Group, a leading IT           and it works closely with digital        for Quality conference focusing on
provider with offices in 11 countries     leaders, such as Ryanair, to help        quality assurance (QA) and testing
across Europe and North America.          them accelerate innovation and           in software development, and
The group was established in 1990         fully embrace digital transformation.    most recently hosted a blockchain
and operates through 16 companies         Comtrade Digital Services regularly      hackathon exploring how technology
with a global staff base of over 1,500.   hosts high profile technology events     can impact the aviation industry.

Cook Medical
Cook Medical designs and                  Cook Medical EMEA and managing           the late eighties, Doherty recognises
manufactures a broad range of             director of Cook Medical Ireland – he    the need to stay competitive, and
minimally invasive medical devices        was their first employee in Ireland in   ensures R&D is a big focus at the
including stents, catheters and           1994 and the company has grown its       Limerick site, as well as providing
biopsy needles. The medical device        Limerick operations to around 900        services for the wider business, with
manufacturer is headed up in Ireland      people. Having worked in Atari when      the EMEA shared service centre for
by Bill Doherty, vice-president of        they closed their Limerick plant in      customer-facing activities.

Ireland is a strategic global hub         support services, is a hub for sales     services operations, supply chain
for Sales, Services, Centres              organisations, marketing, talent and     operations and finance. The historic
of Excellence, Operations, IT,            diversity management and is also         EMC Cork facility has become a
Manufacturing, Finance & Solutions        the European HQ for Dell Financial       multi-functional campus since its
Development with approximately            Services. Dell EMC’s Limerick            establishment in 1988 and in 2009
5,000 team members across Dublin,         campus is a strategic global hub         became a Center of Excellence (CoE)
Limerick and Cork. The Dublin             for the company in the areas of IT       incorporating research and training.
campus provides multilingual, high        research and development, software       It is the largest manufacturing site of
complexity data centre enterprise         and solutions development,               historic EMC outside of the US.

The Hatch Street-headquartered            just filed papers with the Securities    $250m second-round fundraiser at
cloud and file-sharing service            and Exchange Commission that             the end of 2011.That funding round
provider Dropbox established its          pave the way for the company’s           valued Dropbox at about $4bn. Its
International Operations Centre in        initial public offering, in a much-      most recent funding round was in
Dublin in 2012, the company’s first       hyped tech flotation. Bono and the       early 2014, when it raised $250m to
move outside the USA. Dropbox has         Edge invested in Dropbox during its      give it a valuation of $10bn.
Eaton Corporation is one of             of $19.7bn in 2016, and gross profit     around 50 at Eaton as they actively
Ireland’s biggest companies by          of $6.3bn. It is based out of the site   recruit to grow numbers up to 100
turnover. The Irish-headquartered,      of the old IBM headquarters on           headcount covering legal, treasury,
Cleveland, Ohio-born multinational      Pembroke Road, although while            IP, IPO, tech, internal audit, finance
with 95,000 employees, has a            IBM at one point housed 600              and sales positions.
presence in 60 countries, net sales     staff on site, there are currently

Element Six
Element Six, a world leader in          at its Shannon facility as part of a     a four year period. The new jobs
synthetic diamond super-materials       €7million investment at the plant        created in the areas of supply chain,
and member of The De Beers              in 2017. The investment brings           engineering and manufacturing,
Group of Companies, announced           to €40million the overall spend          brought overall employment at
the creation of a further 100 jobs      by Element Six at Shannon over           Element Six in Shannon to 550.

Equifax is a global information         workforce to over 350, and their         Its Dublin centre develops new and
solutions FinTech company               decision to double their Dublin          advanced solutions for its global
headquarted in Atlanta, Georgia.        workforce within a year of opening       customers, and employs software
Their announcement last November        its Dublin facility bolsters Ireland’s   engineers, business analysts and
of 150 new jobs to be created in        reputation as a tech hub. Equifax        other IT specialists.
their IT development centre in          also have a facility in Wexford
Dublin over 2018 brings its Irish       where 100 people are employed.

Evo Payments
The Dun Laoghaire-based card            50 positions at their new Irish          established a presence here in 2014
payment service provider EVO            headquarters. Operating under            and works in partnership with Bank
Payments International announced        the BOI Payment Acceptance               of Ireland. They have grown their
a €9.1 million investment in the        brand name in the Republic, an           presence in Ireland from 5 people in
Irish market last year, creating        alliance with Bank of Irelan, EVO        2014 to over 130 last year.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is           headquarters in Dublin’s Docklands,      energy-efficient centre powered by
the biggest name in social media,       now housing approx 2,200                 100% renewable energy. Facebook
and has substantial operations in       employees. It has also chosen            confirmed late last year that they
Ireland since entering the country in   Clonee in Co. Meath for its first        plan more hires in 2018, possibly
2008, and opening its international     Irish data centre, an advanced and       creating up to 800 new jobs.
Fazzi Healthcare
US-based Fazzi Healthcare Services        is the transformation of healthcare       services to the US homecare and
established a new Irish-based             diagnoses, treatments, procedures,        hospice sector, and will expand
coding and healthcare services            outcomes and services into                into billing and distance learning
company in Limerick,in 2016,              universal medical alphanumeric            offerings for International-
creating 300 jobs over five years.        codes, known as ICD. The Irish            based insurance companies and
Medical coding, a regulated process       company provides ICD-10 coding            governmental healthcare entities.

Fidelity International
Fidelity International is a global        administration of €82.4bn. It has a       be added. According to Brian Conroy,
investment and retirement savings         presence in Ireland since 2000 with       President of Fidelity International,
business serving investors in all         over 280 in its state of the art Dublin   “Dublin is a key international hub to
corners of the world, managing            office and last October announced a       support our global growth objectives
assets of €265.8bn and assets under       further 250 additional roles would        for the business.”

First Data
NYSE-listed First Data houses around      and development centre. The               said the Nenagh centre staff will work
300 staff between two Dublin              payments processing company’s             on “developing digital innovations
facilities, and its new 32,000 sq ft      original ambition for the centre is       with Augmented Intelligence
facility in Co Tipperary is set to open   to accommodate 300 staff there.           solutions, creating intelligent
this March, with 150 technology           Dr. Christopher Mascaro, head of          infrastructures and forging the next
engineers staffing the new research       research & development at First Data      generation of commerce platforms.”

Founded in 2007 by James Park             competitors—Pebble, Vector Watch          2016. According to the International
and Eric N. Friedman, Fitbit has          and Coin—Fitbit is positioning            Data Corporation (IDC), Fitbit is
exploded onto the health scene            itself as a dominating force in the       leading in the wearables sector by
in recent years with its innovative       wearable tech industry. Based in          23%. Fitbit products are carried
wearable technology. Having               San Francisco, the company opened         in 46,000 retail stores across 78
acquired three of its closest             its EMEA headquarters in Dublin, in       countries around the globe.

Global immigration services firm          FDI companies relocating staff            this year. Established in 1951
Fragoman opened its Dublin                from abroad or sourcing new               and headquartered in New York,
office in October 2017. Fragomen          staff, and as such is a vital part        Fragomen already has 40 offices
is a leading immigration services         of the FDI ecosystem. It expects          around the world with a global
provider, servicing a portfolio of        to have expanded to house 20              workforce of over 3,400.
multinational clients, assisting          immigration specialists in Dublin
GSK employs 1,450 people in Ireland     manufacturing operation, where          functions. GSK is investing up to
and first established operations here   it develops and produces a range        €250 million over five years at its
in 1975. It has two manufacturing       of bulk pharmaceuticals, together       production site in Currabinny, Co
operations in Dungarvan and is          with R&D and European Trading           Cork to manufacture products for a
the largest employer in the town        operations in Cork; and in Dublin       new breast cancer treatment, creating
with almost 700 staff; it has a third   there are Sales and Marketing           up to 150 new high level positions.

It was 2003 when Google                 locations. With the opening of their    this year recruiting new roles for its
announced it would establish its        latest offices in the new Velasco       cloud and enterprise business. Apart
European HQ in Ireland, with the        Building in Grand Canal Dock,           from its Silicon Dock offices, in 2015
creation 200 jobs over three years.     which has 51,000 sq ft of space, it     Google also began construction on a
Fifteen years later, Google employs     brings total investment in Ireland by   €150m data centre at Profile Park in
7,000 people in Ireland, over seven     Google to €809m. The company is         West Dublin, its second in Ireland.

Graebel Companies Inc
Graebel, headquartered in Denver,       There will be 125 new jobs created      provide a broad range of finance
Colorado, is a leading provider of      over the next three years at its        functions, including general ledger,
workforce and workplace mobility        newly established Europe Middle         treasury and compliance, as well as
services for Fortune 500 and Global     East and Africa (EMEA) Financial        customer support roles.
100 firms in 165 countries, with a      Shared Services and Operations
workforce of aroudn 800 globally.       Centre in Dundalk. The centre will

Hasbro (Boulder Media)
Hasbro, the American multinational      recorded a rise in sales last year      employs 160 people is ramping up
toy and board game company, has         of more than 17 per cent to €19.7       its hiring signiifcantly this year, on
had a presence in Ireland at its        million and a 24 per cent rise in       a recruitment drive across Dublin,
Waterford-based manufacturing           profits to just over €1 million.        London, Paris, Lisbon, Madrid,
facility since 1977, employing          Hasbro acquired Irish company           Milan and Barcelona, in advance
an average of 260 staff over the        Boulder Media in 2016, and the          of production of the first ever CG
past year. The Waterford facility       animation studio, which currently       feature film to be made in Ireland.

HCL Technologies
Indian HCL Technologies is a            Analytics, Infrastructure               in Dublin, operating customer
global technology firm with             Management and Engineering              services on behalf of eir, with a
a €6 billion annual turnover,           Services solutions. Last September      further 200 staff in Cork and 500
providing innovative technology         they announced 100 new jobs at a        between Armagh, Belfast and
solutions built around Digital, IoT,    new call centre in Limerick. They       Kilkenny.
Cloud, Automation, Cybersecurity,       already employ close to 1,000 staff
Henkel employees circa 400 staff        Little Island, Cork (DYLON Colour         Tallaght, Dublin, where the global
across three Irish sites; Tallaght      Catcher manufacturing). They              company already has a significant
(Adhesives R&D, production,             announced in late 2017 that Henkel        manufacturing and R&D operation
bottling & packaging), Ballyfermot      Ireland, will establish a major           for a wide range of adhesive
(adhesives manufacturing) &             Additive Manufacturing project in         technologies, serving a global market.

Formed in Hong Kong in 1865,            about 400 people here. It offers          guarantees, trade financing, cash
HSBC is one of the world’s largest      services to both corporate and            management, and insurance. Their
banking institutions. Over the past     institutional clients. The range          Head Office is currently based on the
decades the company has become          of products that HSBC provides            Grand Canal Square in Dublin. The
increasingly active within Ireland.     includes foreign exchange solutions,      company has 3,900 offices world-
HSBC Ireland has been in operation      structured treasury products,             wide and over 38 million customers.
for over 30 years and today employs     trade and supply chain services,

In December 2017, Huawei, the           Cork R&D operation, which is              increase from 2016. Huawei now
global ICT leader, announced a          growing from a small team to              employs over 160 people in Dublin,
new research partnership with           nearly 20 highly-skilled staff. These     Athlone and Cork across its business
Trinity College Dublin as part of its   developments bring Huawei’s R&D           and R&D operations, of which 75%
growing R&D footprint in Ireland,       investment in Ireland to $21 million      are locally recruited.
and the expansion of the company’s      ( €17.7 million) in 2017, a significant

Inbound marketing company               One Dockland Central, adjacent to         Dublin was its first international
Hubspot develops CRM, marketing         the Convention Centre Dublin, and is      office, and the new state-of-the-art
and sales products and has amassed      affectionately nicknamed Dubspot.         facility has some unusual perks such
21,000 customers in 90 countries        In 2016 it announced a commitment         as an on-site pub, a library, quiet
since its founders met in 2004. The     to hiring an additional 320               rooms and a fitness room.
company’s EMEA headquarters is at       employees over the next three years.

Pioneering computer firm IBM is one     in Mulhuddart, west Dublin; the           Centre in Dublin. The new IBM
of the best-known companies in the      European Sales and Services               Digital Delivery Centre will provide
world. The company opened its first     Support Centres in Blanchardstown,        clients with leading design and
Irish office in 1956 and now has a      and laboratories in Cork and Galway       implementation skills across a range
workforce of over 3,000 employees       that serve the world market. IBM          of digital technologies including
working on sales, marketing and         will create up to 150 new, highly         AI, data insights, machine learning,
services operation IBM Ireland; the     skilled digital roles over the next two   Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud.
company’s Technology Campus             years in a new IBM Digital Delivery
Jobs site Indeed is a notable recruiter   to a team of 530 people in its            500 new employees over the next
in itself, having established its EMEA    St. Stephen’s Green office. Continued     two years. Last year it launched a
headquarters in Dublin in March           expansion plans for its Dublin-based      new service, Indeed Prime, aimed
2012 and over the last couple of years    headquarters for Europe, the Middle       specifically at technical candidates in
more than doubled its numbers             East and Africa (EMEA), will add          the Irish market.

Integer (Lake Region Medical)
Minnesota firm Lake Region Medical        after renaming in 2016, Integer           site with over 800 employees on
was founded in 1947 has been              Corporations Holdings is, with the        site and markets to customers in
operating in New Ross, Co Wexford         combination of Greatbatch and Lake        more than 30 countries worldwide.
since 1994, and also operates a           Region Medical in October 2015, the       Lake Region Medical in Galway, is
facility in Galway. In 2015, Texas-       largest medical device outsource          located in the hub of medical devices
based Greatbatch Inc acquired Lake        manufacturers in the world. Lake          in Ireland, employs 280 employees
Region Medical for $1.7 billion.          Region Medical in New Ross, is a          and is the International Research &
Greatbatch is now known as Integer,       large, high volume manufacturing          Development Centre.

Microchip manufacturer Intel is one       in investments to its current status      intelligent systems R&D site at
of the best-known names on the            as one of the company’s most              Shannon. Intel Cork joined the group
Irish FDI scene, having celebrated        advanced manufacturing plants as          when the company acquired McAfee
25 years in Ireland last year. The        well as a hotbed of research activity.    in 2011 and 350 employees joined
company built up its state-of-the-        Over 4,500 people are employed            the Intel family, with the facility now
art Leixlip campus on the site of a       at Leixlip, and the company also          part of the Intel Security Group.
former stud farm via over $12.5bn         operates a communications and

Jaguar Land Rover
Jaguar Land Rover will be opening a       role to play in realising the company’s   Rover vehicles. All new Jaguar Land
new software engineering centre in        vision for electric and automated         Rover lines will be offered with the
Shannon in 2018, creating 150 jobs to     driving vehicles. It will develop         option of electrification from 2020.
develop advanced automated driving        new technologies to support               The first fully electric performance
and electrification technologies. The     electrification and self-driving          SUV, the Jaguar I-PACE, goes on sale
Shannon facility has an important         features on future Jaguar and Land        in 2018.

The pharmaceutical arm of Johnson         Johnson in Dublin and Johnson &           existing manufacturing space by
& Johnson incorporates seven sites        Johnson Vision Care in Limerick.          an additional 19,100m2, provide
in Ireland - four Janssen sites (three    Janssen Sciences Ireland UC               employment for up to 450 people
in Cork, one in Dublin), DePuy            announced an expansion of its             during construction and an extra
Synthes employing over 575 people         Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork last October,       200 people once completed.
manufacturing orthapaedic hips            involving an investment of more
and knees in Cork and Johnson &           than €300 million to increase the
JP Morgan Chase
JP Morgan, the US investment bank,      allow them to double their Irish        industry ranking for the second
last year acquired a 130,000 sq ft      workforce to 1,000, enabling them       year in a row on Fortune magazine’s
building in the Capital Dock            to meet their growth plans within       list of “The World’s Most Admired
development in the heart of             the European Union, as an anchor        Companies of 2018.” Fortune also
Dublin’s docklands, which will,         for their post-Brexit operations.       ranked the firm as the tenth most-
when they move across the river,        JPMorgan Chase was given the top        admired company in the world.

LinkedIn Ireland
Professional social network LinkedIn    Place EMEA HQ last year, a 17,650       to work after career breaks. LinkedIn
established its Irish operations with   sq m building that is the first that    will offer additional training, an
just three staff in 2010, and has now   LinkedIn has built outside the USA,     extended on-boarding period, and
grown to a headcount of 1,200 that      and is the result of an €85 million     the provision of ongoing mentoring
supports over 50 markets from its       investment. A new initiative, called    to ensure that participants make a
EMEA headquarters. The company          ReturnIn, is being piloted in Dublin    seamless transition back into the
moved into its high-spec Wilton         aimed at encouraging people back        workforce.

Medtronic operates out of five sites    present in Ireland since 1999, having   cardiac rhythm diseases. Today,
in Ireland, in Athlone, Tullamore       acquired a cardiovascular business      over 2000 people are employed in
and two in Galway, along with a         established in Galway in 1982.          Ireland with most of the company’s
sales and support office in Dublin.     Medtronic’s Galway site is a centre     employees working at the state-of-
Medtronic was founded in 1949 in        of excellence for the development       the-art facility in Galway, including
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA and         and manufacturing of a number           over 100 dedicated to research
today does business in more than        of the company’s key medical            and development. The company
120 countries and employs 38,000        technologies for the treatment and      has R&D links with third-level
worldwide. Medtronic has been           management of cardiovascular and        institutions throughout Ireland.

Late last year, insurance company       to become one of the largest life       at its Dublin facility now overseeing
MetLife openeed a new global            insurance providers in the wrold,       life and non-life insurance products
technology campus in Galway, to         serving around 100m customers           in Europe and operating a financial
house 200 IT professionals at full-     and with operations in around 50        services centre, the insurer’s first
capacity. The NYSE-listed company       countries. It established its Irish     centre of excellence outside the US.
was founded in 1868 and has grown       operations in 2006, with 300 staff

Software, hardware, cloud and           established Irish operations in 1985    with a 1,600-strong workforce at
services firm Microsoft produces        and now operates three divisions        Sandyford. The company has also
some of the world’s best-known          here: Microsoft EMEA Operations         joined the datacentre scene, with
tech products, such as Windows,         Centre, Microsoft European              its Grange Castle facility opening in
Office, Word and the newer Surface      Development Centre, and Microsoft       2009 and undergoing several phases
range of devices. The company           Sales, Marketing & Services Group,      of expansion.
Atlanta-headquartered N3 plans         and others, N3 also has offices in      serves as a key strategic location to
to double its Dublin workforce         Bogota, Fargo, Fort Lauderdale,         service our global clients,” CEO Jeff
this year - th eglobal B2B sales and   London, San Jose, Costa Rica, Sao       Laue said. Clients include Microsoft,
marketing firm is recruiting in the    Paulo, Seattle and Singapore. “As       SAP, Cisco, and others.
cloud technology area. With clients    the technology sector continues to
including Microsoft, SAP, Cisco,       rapidly expand in Europe, Ireland

Northern Trust
The Chicago-headquartered wealth       has a presence in Ireland since         as aChicago-based bank founded in
management firm has 1,000 staff        1989, opened its Dublin office in       1889, Northern Trust now has more
at its Irish operations in Limerick,   2000 and opened in Limerick             than 20 international locations and
and plans were announced last year     in 2007 with 19 staff, growing          16,500 employees globally.
to bulk up this figure to 1,400 over   numbers by an average of 100%
the next five years. The company       every year since. From its origins

Leading US health services             Since then Optum has grown              been awarded has been recognised
company Optum established              exponentially in the area, now          as the ‘World’s Most Admired
operations in Letterkenny, Donegal     employing around 1,000 employees        Company’ in the Insurance and
in 1999, with 30 employees, when       in the largest Optum site in the        Managed Care category, by Forbes
it acquired the existing US health     EMEA region. Optum’s parent             magazine for five consecutive years.
insurance provider Pacificare.         group, UnitedHealth Group has

NYSE-listed enterprise services        its Irish subsidiary, Oracle            of a recruitment drive for 1,400
giant Oracle, the world’s second-      EMEA Limited. Last year Oracle          new cloud sales professionals
largest software manufacturer has      announced 450 additional sales          across the EMEA region, focusing
almost half a million enterprise       jobs in Dublin as part of a major       on Dublin and five other locations
customers in 175 countries and         new expansion to support the            (Amsterdam, Cairo, Dubai, Malaga
employs almost 1,500 people            growth of its cloud business, as part   and Prague).

The last year has been hugely          employs close to their 2018 target      publicly-listed company in 2015,
successful in Ireland for online       of 3,000 staff between Ballycoolin,     with the relationship severing
payments firm PayPal, seeing           west Dublin Global Operations           completely as it was announced
profits almost double to over €10m     Centre for EMEA, and Dundalk,           in February 2018 that eBay plans
at its Irish unit. Revenues here       Co Louth. PayPal, which had been        to replace PayPal with Ayden as its
rose from €168m to €184m in the        established under online auction        primary payments processor.
substantial Irish operation, which     site eBay, was spun off as a separate
Penn Engineering’s presence             experienced people, and Penn’s         planned for the future, as they bring
in Galway began in 2001 when            continued investment over time         the footprint to over 200,000 sq ft
it acquired Precision Steel             has grown this number to over 200.     in order to support their growing
Components, who were founded in         With a new expansion announced         markets in Europe.
1985. At the time of the acquisition,   last year, 20 more jobs were added
the facility employed 80 highly         immediately with more additions

NYSE-listed over-the-counter and        headquarters remaining at Allegan,     store brand market. The Company
prescription company Perrigo is         Michigan, where it was founded         also is a leading provider of branded
one of the top five pharma firms in     and grew in the private-label          OTC products throughout Europe
the world. It traces its origins back   manufacturing market. Perrigo          and the U.S., as well as a leading
to 1887 and is headquartered in         is one of the world’s largest          producer of “extended topical”
Dublin 2 following the acquisition      manufacturers of over-the-counter      prescription drugs.
of Irish pharma company Élan            (“OTC”) healthcare products and
in 2013, with its North American        suppliers of infant formulas for the

Pfizer is one of the best-known         Wyeth in 2009, to encompass over       best-selling and cutting edge drug
names in the Irish FDI and pharma       4,500 employees in eight locations     products, as well as shared services,
sectors. As one of the first pharma     across Cork, Dublin, Kildare and       R&D, treasury and commercial
firms to establish operations in        Limerick. With a total investment      operations in Ireland.
Ireland, in 1969, the company has       level of over $7bn, the company
grown, since the acquisition of         operates manufacturing of some its

Pitney Bowes
Pitney Bowes currently operates         Centre in Dublin that will house a     Centre and Research & Design
in Dublin a Global E-commerce           three-year multi-million euro R&D      Centre, creating approximately
centre, supporting cross-border         project focused on developing          100 new jobs for technical support,
retail for many of the world’s          a next generation e-commerce           customer support and e-commerce
most iconic retailers and brands.       and payments platform for global       R&D professionals in the region
In May last year they announced         brands.The new Operations Centre       over the next few years.
plans to open a new Operations          will comprise a Client Support

Utah-headquartered Pluralsight,         plans to hire 150 people in Dublin     in the top 20 on Forbes Cloud 100
an enterprise technology learning       over the next three years, across      list and is one of Fast Company’s
company, opens its new EMEA             a variety of roles, including sales,   World’s Most Innovative Companies.
headquarters early 2018. The Dublin     marketing, operations, finance,        In 2017, Pluralsight announced
office will house the company’s         and customer support. Pluralsight      partnerships with Microsoft, Oracle,
strategic business operations for       was recently named one of 2017’s       Adobe, and Google and launched its
the region and support its growing      Best Workplaces by Great Place         philanthropic entity, Pluralsight One.
customer base in Ireland and            to Work® and Fortune Magazine.
throughout EMEA. Pluralsight            Additionally, Pluralsight ranked
Prudential Financial’s software and     and infrastructure, particularly ICT,   engineering, and Pramerica Business
contact centre sibsidiary, Pramerica,   is in place. The company is based in    Services handles analytics, contact
is one of the biggest employers         Letterkenny and has a headcount         centre and IT support, among other
in the north-west, exemplifying         of 1,530, having grown from a mere      functions. Pramerica Systems
successful regional development,        100 employees when it was founded       Ireland’s new state-of-the-art
whereby quality jobs can be             in 2000. Pramerica Technology           campus near the existing Windy Hall
attracted to a location far from the    Services undertakes functions           facility officially opened last year.
major cities, when the right skills     such as software development and

Nasdaq-listed New York-                 and investing in its first industrial   multi-functional team in Dublin.
headquartered Regeneron                 operations and product supply           Last year they announced further
pharmaceuticals first announced         bioprocessing campus outside of         investment bringing the total
plans to invest in Irish operations     the US, an investment of around         expected employment at the site to
in 2013. The company built up its       $650m that houses the largest-          800 people and total investment to
Irish presence by acquiring the         scale bulk biologics production         $750 million.
former Dell facility in Limerick        facility in Ireland. It also has a

Sanne, an international provider        services offering that includes         further recruitment in 2018. It has
of trust and fund administration        fund administration, financial          offices across three global regions:
services, has recently acquired a       reporting, company secretarial and      The Americas, EMEA and Asia-
fudn administration licence in order    management support services. The        Pacific & Mauritius.
to grow its presence in Dublin by       company’s plans for for organic
developing a fully integrated client    growth, strategic acquisitions and

French healthcare group Sanofi          staff based in Dublin. Between the      Genzyme is situated on a 37-acre
conducts its business in Ireland        former Genzyme plant in Waterford,      site in Waterford. This multi-phased
through its subsidiaries Sanofi-        which it acquired as part of a $20bn    biopharmaceutical facility has seen
Aventis Ireland Limited, Genzyme        global deal seven years ago, and        capital investment of over €500
Ireland Limited and Genzyme             a facility in west Dublin, Sanofi       million, and turnover has increased
Therapeutics Limited. Sanofi has        employs about 700 people in the         more than four-fold in the past ten
a regional medical and marketing        Republic. Established in 2001,          years.

German multinational business           and Galway. The Dublin facility is      support centre for SME and
software company SAP is listed          responsible for service, support,       multinational enterprise customers
in Frankfurt and New York, and          sales, financial and engineering        works in 29 languages with staff
has two major facilities in Ireland     and houses the SAP Business             of 50 nationalities and a variety of
– employing around 1,700 people         Objects Research and Development        associated teams.
across 41 lines of business in Dublin   Centre. In Galway the company’s
In 2016 Shire announced a $400m          to be operational by mid-2019 and      Street, with 300 staff on site there
investment in a state-of-the-art         roles will include R&D operations,     and room to grow the ranks further.
biologics facility, expected to create   technical and engineering as well as
around 400 jobs at its 120-acre          construction. Last year they moved
Piercetown, Co Meath site. The           their offices from Citywest into
new biologics campus is expected         Miesian Plaza on Dublin’s Baggot

SK Biotek
SK Biotec represents the first           84,000 associates globally with        in June 2017 and completed the
pharma investment by a Korean            annual revenue of €99.7 billion. SK    deal by year-end 2017. Over 360
company in Ireland. SK biotek is         biotek announced the acquisition       staff employed on Swords Campus,
a solely owned subsidiary of SK          of the former Bristol-Myers Squibb     dedicated to API Operations,
Group - a Top 100 Fortune 500            active pharmaceutical ingredients      transitioned to SK biotek
Global Company which employs             (API) facility in Swords, Co. Dublin   employment from 1st January 2018.

Smartbox Group
Gift company Smartbox has grown          points of sale, as well as online.     the lead arranger in conjunction
since its creation in 2003, to           Headquartered in Dublin, with a        with Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse
generate sales of over €500 million      workforce of 400 and 100 new jobs      and Caixabank.
across 11 countries in Europe,           announced last year, they have just
working with over 38,000 providers       recently closed €176 million senior
and distributing through 12,000          debt financing, with AIB acting as

French multinational services            serving around 75m customers           fifth annual Facilities Management
company Sodexo employs around            daily. Its Irish headquarters are at   Awards. In June 2017, for her
3,700 people of 100 professions in       Blackrock in south Dublin, and the     work in supporting diversity and
200 locations across Ireland and         company also has Cork and Belfast      inclusion and women in business,
Northern Ireland. The company            operations. Margot Slattery, Country   she was made a Chevalier de l’Ordre
was founded in Marseilles in 1996        President of Sodexo Ireland, was       National du Mérite by the then
and now numbers around 420,000           recently presented with the 2018       French Ambassador to Ireland.
employees in 80 countries,               FM Leader of the Year award at the

Software Quality Systems founded         1982 and has over 4,500 staff. It      Dublin and Belfast, and in 2016 SQS
its Irish operations in 2006 and has     serves a wide variety of sectors       announced a three-year managed
over 150 consultants in-house, with      from banking to the automotive         service agreement with VHI to
an office on Dublin’s North Wall         industry. In 2013 the company          provide quality assurance and
Quay. The LSE AIM-listed global          underwent a major expansion in         specialist consultancy services to
firm was founded in Germany in           Ireland, creating 75 new jobs in       the health insurer.
State Street
Boston-headquartered NYSE-listed        Naas and a strong involvement in        count. The company has also set
financial services firm State Street    Irish industry groups. The global       up a crypto-currency initiative
established its Irish operations in     firm has around €25tn in assets         in conjunction with University
1996. It now employs over 2,500         under custody and administration,       College Cork and China’s Zhejiang
in Ireland and 10,000 in the EMEA       and €1.8tn under management             University.
region. The company has offices         globally – and is responsible for
in Dublin, Drogheda, Kilkenny and       11% of the world’s assets, at last

STATS, the worldwide leader             Middle Eastern and African (EMEA)       of SportsTech Ireland) to run the
in sports data and intelligence         operations, bringing more than 100      new office and drive growth and
announced the opening of a new          high quality jobs to Limerick. In       development in Ireland and greater
office in Limerick last autumn,         addition, the company announced         EMEA.
which will serve as its regional        the hiring of Irish sports technology
headquarters overseeing European,       pioneer Gráinne Barry (co-founder

Stryker is one of the world’s leading   revenues, with numbers up by            technology development center
medical technology companies.           11%, from €271m to €301m. The           and centralised additive technology
Although profits were down              employee headcount increased            manufacturing hub located in the
last year, the medical device           from 939 to 1,062, with the             IDA Business & Technology Park in
manufacturer did report increased       grand opening of the new global         Carrigtwohill, Cork, in May 2017.

US tech firm Symantec is                significantly in 2013 with the          Fortune 500 company was founded
headquartered in California and         announcement of a new European          in 1982 and now has over 11,000
is a global name in cybersecurity.      Customer Management Centre,             employees in around 35 countries;
Its Irish operations were founded       creating 200 jobs that year to          around 900 of the global headcount
in Blanchardstown in 1991, when         provide Europe-wide sales and           are based in Ireland.
its Security Operations Centre was      support functionality to customers
opened. The company expanded            and partners. The NASDAQ-listed

Top Japanese pharma firm Takeda         (Clondalkin) was opened in 2002 to      €40 million investment in total,
established its Irish operations        manufacture active pharmaceutical       the plant is scheduled to become
in 1997, and now employs over           ingredients for the group’s global      operational in the second half of
400. Its Bray facility manufactures     production network. In May 2017         FY18. Citywest’s Takeda Products
some of the company’s leading           the groundbreaking ceremony was         Ireland markets the company’s
drug products for Europe and            held for a new production facility      products throughout the Republic.
the US, while Grange Castle             on the Grange Castle site. With a
Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra, a specialist in        Digital Services. Tech Mahindra, one     currently employs around 220
digital transformation, consulting    of the top five Indian IT services       people that primarily serve two
and business re-engineering,          companies, has been serving Irish        major Irish telecom providers.
opened a Centre of Excellence (CoE)   Customers since its inception; over      Tech Mahindra is part of the part of
in Dublin early in 2017, creating     700 full time employees work for         USD$17.8 billion Mahindra Group
jobs for 150 engineers, focusing      its Irish customers of which over        that employs more than 200,000
on emerging technologies such as      320 are located in Ireland. In 2015,     people in over 100 countries.
Robotics and Automation, Business     the company opened a 300-seater
Analytics, Cloud Infrastructure and   delivery centre in Waterford which

Theravance Biopharma
Established in 2013, San Francisco-   other companies, including Glaxo         company opened a new corporate
headquatered Theravance is a          Smith Kline. Theravance has just         office in Dublin late last year, with
biopharmaceutical company with        signed a new deal with pharma            plans to expand its employee base
one approved product, Vibativ,        giant Janssen to development a new       with a further 30 hires over the next
and a pipeline of internally          treatment for inflamatory intestinal     two years in clinical development,
discovered product candidates         diseases that could see it earning as    finance and technical operations.
and strategic collaborations with     much as $1 billion in payments. The

TravelSky (OpenJaw Technologies)
Chinese state-owned TravelSky         Technologies. OpenJaw is set to          an annual gross transaction value
is the dominant provider of           almost double its workforce from         of $2bn taking advantage not only
information technology solutions      230 to 450 employees in the next         of the fast growing trend towards
for China’s aviation and travel       three years, with at least 50 of the     e-commerce in travel retail, but also
industry. Their investment in         jobs being located at the company’s      their unique access to China, one of
Ireland is through Irish travel       offices in Dublin and Galway; this       the fastest growth markets.
software company and wholly           from its roots as an Irish start-up
owned subsidiary, OpenJaw             in 2002 to a business processing

Twitter is one of the world’s most    2011. Late 2016 year Sinéad              in $91 million on $732 million in
popular social networks, and the      McSweeney was appointed its              revenue, a 2% increase on 2016
company has substantial Irish         Irish head, following the departure      figures. It now has 330m monthly
operations in Dublin’s south city     of Mark Little. The NYSE-listed          active users, up from 218m in 2013
centre, having first established      microblogging site’s turned a profit     at the time of its IPO.
an international office here in       for the first time in Q4 2017, pulling

Unilever has over 400 brands          Unilever plc and is responsible for      and a small manufacturing site
used by over 2 billion people and     the local selling and marketing of       in Carrigaline, Co. Cork. Unilever
is a global market leader in          a portfolio of leading food, home        Ireland’s head office has been
the consumer packaged goods           and personal care brands.Unilever        located at the Citywest site since
(CPG) industry. Unilever Ireland      Ireland has regionally-based sales       2004, with about 150 staff on site.
is a wholly-owned subsidiary of       personnel throughout the country
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