A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
A417 Missing Link
Moving forward: response to
 public consultation in 2020
             and next steps
A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
The scheme                                            Our landscape vision
                                                                                                     The A417/A419 provides an important route             We recognise the significance of the scheme
                                                                                                     between Gloucester, Cheltenham and Swindon            and the importance of the Cotswolds Area of
                                                                                                     that helps connect the West Midlands and the          Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Through
                                                                                                     north to the south of England via the M5 and          proactive engagement with a number of groups
                                                                                                     M4 motorways. While most of the route is dual         and organisations at the start of this project, we
                                                                                                     carriageway, there is one section that isn’t.         agreed a landscape-led scheme vision statement:
                                                                                                     Known as the Missing Link, this three-mile stretch
                                                                                                     of single carriageway between the Brockworth
                                                                                                     bypass and Cowley roundabout severely restricts           “We want to create a landscape-led
                                                                                                     the flow of traffic.                                      highways improvement scheme that will
                                                                                                                                                               deliver a safe and resilient free-flowing
                                                                                                     We plan to build 3.4 miles (5.5 km) of new dual           road while conserving and enhancing the
                                                                                                     carriageway, which will considerably improve              special character of the Cotswolds AONB;
                                                                                                     road safety, reduce traffic congestion and                reconnecting landscape and ecology;
                                                                                                     improve connectivity for road users and local             bringing about landscape, wildlife and
                                                                                                     communities, while unlocking economic growth              heritage benefits, including enhanced
                                                                                                     in Gloucestershire and beyond. We’re committed            visitors’ enjoyment of the area; improving
                                                                                                     to delivering the A417 Missing Link scheme with           local communities’ quality of life; and
                                                                                                     the support of central government, who confirmed          contributing to the health of the economy
                                                                                                     funding in their second Road Investment Strategy          and local businesses.”
                                                                                                     (RIS2), published in March last year (2020).
                                                                                                                                                           For more detailed information about our landscape-
                                                                                                     Scheme objectives                                     led approach to the scheme, read the A417 Missing
                                                                                                                                                           Link design summary report.
                                                                                                     At the start of the project, we set ourselves clear
                                                                                                     objectives for the scheme:
                                                                                                      „ Transport and safety: to reduce delays,
                                                                                                        create a free-flowing road network and
                                                                                                        improve safety along this stretch of the A417
                                                                                                      „ Environment and heritage: to reduce
                                                                                                        the impact on the landscape, natural and
                                                                                                        historic environment of the Cotswolds
    Purpose of this booklet                                                                             and, where possible, enhance the
    Thank you for taking an interest in this project. Your feedback is important, and it’s helped       surrounding environment
    shape our plans so far. This booklet summarises how the latest feedback received during our
                                                                                                      „ Community and access: to reduce queuing
    public consultation held in autumn 2020 has influenced the plans that we’ve submitted to the
                                                                                                        traffic and pollution, improve access for local
    Planning Inspectorate. It also talks you through the next steps of the process and how you can
                                                                                                        people to the strategic road network and
    get involved.
                                                                                                        support residents’ and visitors’ enjoyment
                                                                                                        of the countryside
    For more detailed information about public consultation and how we’ve responded to
    feedback, we recommend you read the A417 Missing Link consultation report.                        „ Economic growth: to help boost growth
                                                                                                        and prosperity by making journeys more
    To read the documents published in support of our application,                                      reliable and improving connectivity
    visit the Planning Inspectorate’s website.

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Consultation summary 2020                                „ Safety, traffic and engineering

    We’ve been working hard over the last six years          „ Landscape, wildlife and habitats
    or so to develop plans to improve the A417 Missing       „ Local access and public rights of way
    Link and make the road safer and more reliable
                                                             „ Land, property and business
    for all.
                                                             „ Development Consent Order submission,
    We’ve held a number of consultations in this time.         examination and construction
    We first consulted on options in 2018, before
    announcing our preferred route in March 2019.           In addition, all the information was uploaded to a
    You can view the 2018 consultation documents            dedicated consultation website, where you could
    on our website.                                         submit your feedback online or download our
                                                            feedback questionnaire. Hard copies of documents
    We’ve since developed and consulted on the              were made available on request, with a Freepost
    preliminary design of the road. Consultations           return address provided. We also held telephone
    were held in 2019 and 2020, which gave you the          surgeries and in special circumstances, socially
    opportunity to have your say. For details of how we     distanced meetings with landowners.
    responded to feedback received in 2019, read our
    booklet A417 Missing Link: Responding to feedback       We held online meetings with key environmental
    from our public consultation 2019. You can also         and specialist stakeholders during this consultation
    view the 2019 and 2020 consultation documents by        to seek feedback on our revised plans and work
    following the website link above.                       collaboratively on solutions.

    In autumn 2020, we held a digital-first consultation.   The feedback we received during this consultation
    The Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing             has helped shape the plans that we’ve now
    measures meant that we had to introduce new and         submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for approval.
    innovative ways for you to view and take part in        The feedback, and how we’ve taken it into account,
    our consultation online, alongside more traditional     is summarised in this booklet.
    methods and ways of having your say.

    We created an online exhibition and held regular
    web chats where the project team was on hand
    to answer any questions you had. We also held
    a series of online question and answer events
    focusing on key themes, including:

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Plans submitted for consent                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Legend

This map shows some of the improvements we’ve
made as a result of feedback received during our
public consultation in autumn 2020. It also shows                                                                                                                              A436
the scheme design we’ve submitted to the
Planning Inspectorate for consent.                                                                                                                                          Ullenwood junction
                                                                                                                                      Crickley Hill           2
You can find more detailed works plans are                                                                                                                                          3
available on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.                                                                                                                 Cotswold Way crossing

                                                                                                                                                          Emma's                      1
                                                                                                                                                                                            Way crossing
                                                                                                                        Barrow Wake
                                                                                                                                              8                        10
                                                                                                                                                          Birdlip Radio Station

                                                                                                       Cotswold Way National Trail
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Shab Hill junction


Further scheme improvements
1. Widened the proposed Gloucestershire             5. Reshaped replacement common land,
   Way crossing and proposed more planting              which will now be adjacent and separate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        To Cowley
2. Amended the proposed Cotswold Way                    to the extended Air Balloon Way
   crossing to remove the viewing platform.         6. Added a pedestrian connection between                                                Repurposed A417: The Air Balloon Way                                      Cowley Lane
   (the resting area will remain)                       Cowley Wood Lane and the proposed Air                                                                                                                          overbridge
3. Added new areas of native,                           Balloon Way
   species-rich grassland and trees to              7. Relocated and refined two proposed car
   improve ecological connections between               parking areas near Birdlip
   Crickley Hill and Barrow Wake Site of            8. Removed a previously proposed public
   Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) via the           right of way connection between the Air
   proposed Gloucestershire Way crossing                Balloon Way and Barrow Wake car park                                                                                                                                 3
4. Extended the public right of way on the          9. Altered a proposed public footpath
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stockwell Farm
   proposed Air Balloon Way (part of the                connecting local routes to Shab Hill so it’s                                                                                7                                                        overbridge
   repurposed A417), all the way up to the              open to all traffic
   proposed Cotswold Way crossing                   10. Refined accesses to local properties
                                                        and businesses                                                                                                                                7                    6

We’ve put together an Environmental Statement, which summarises the results of our
surveys and our plans for minimising the impact of the scheme. You can view it on the
Planning Inspectorate’s website. A full description of the scheme is provided in Chapter 2,                                                                                                                                                                Cowley
while design changes are set out in Chapter 3.

 4                                                                                                                                                                                          © Crown copyright and database r ights 2021 OS 100030649               5
A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Responding to feedback                                                                                     Recognising that the pub was named after one
                                                                                                                                                                    The Jenner story
                                                                                                               of the first British balloon flights and to retain
    Design changes proposed                             Principle and value of                                 the history of the area we’re proposing to call      Edward Jenner, also known as The Father
                                                                                                               the repurposed A417 the Balloon War, subject         of Immunology, was born in Berkeley in
    in autumn 2020                                      the development                                        to approval by the local authority. We’ll also       Gloucestershire, and is famous for developing
                                                                                                               continue to work with our stakeholders and look      the first smallpox vaccine in 1796.
    What you told us                                    What you told us
                                                                                                               for more opportunities to celebrate the heritage
    We consulted on our updated proposals, including    This consultation highlighted again the strong
                                                                                                               of the area.                                         As well as immunology, Jenner had a fascination
    the following design changes, in autumn 2020:       support we have for this scheme. There were some
                                                                                                                                                                    for hot air balloons. 2 September 1784 at 2pm,
                                                        people who raised concerns about the potential
     1. New crossings: Cotswold Way and                                                                                                                             he released a hot air balloon from the courtyard
                                                        impact of the new road on the Cotswolds Area of        Climate change
        Gloucestershire Way crossings                                                                                                                               of Berkeley Castle, which is thought to have
                                                        Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and the effect      We recognise people’s concerns about
                                                                                                                                                                    travelled 24 miles in total - no mean feat given
     2. The change in gradient of the A417 as it        that road building has on the environment and          climate change, and we’ve assessed the
                                                                                                                                                                    the infancy of this technology.
        climbs the escarpment near Crickley Hill        climate change. There were also some objections        scheme’s effects on carbon emissions and
     3. The design of Cowley junction                   to the scheme from a few people who were upset         the environment as part of our application.
                                                                                                                                                                    Jenner’s balloon is thought to have landed first
                                                        about the loss of the Air Balloon pub, which will be
     4. The rerouting of the B4070 to Birdlip via                                                                                                                   at Kingscote Park near Tetbury, and then again
                                                        demolished if the scheme goes ahead.                   We’ve identified lots of ways of reducing the
        Barrow Wake                                                                                                                                                 east of Gloucester on the escarpment at Birdlip.
                                                                                                               carbon footprint of the scheme. For example, in
     5. Improved access for walkers, cyclists and                                                              2020, we changed the gradient of the A417 as it
        horse riders, including disabled users
                                                         Our response
                                                                                                               climbs the escarpment near Crickley Hill from 10
                                                         The A417 Missing Link is a critical road
     6. The location of replacement common land                                                                percent to 8 percent rather than from 10 percent
                                                         enhancement scheme that will improve
                                                                                                               to 7 percent. This change lowers the carbon
                                                         road safety, reduce traffic congestion and
    These changes were well received by local people,                                                          footprint of the scheme by reducing construction
                                                         improve connectivity for road users and local
    with 70% of respondents supporting the changes                                                             traffic and the amount of soil and rock that
                                                         communities, while unlocking economic growth
    and only around 10% stating opposition. We                                                                 needs to be dug out. It also removes the need
                                                         in Gloucestershire and beyond. It supports the
    received some requests for further improvements.                                                           for 1,200 metres of large retaining walls.
                                                         economic growth aspirations for the area.
                                                                                                               During construction, we’ll also:
     Our response                                        Impact on the Cotswolds AONB
     Following such positive feedback, we’ve now         The Cotswolds AONB is designated for its              „ set targets for carbon emissions
     updated our plans. There have also been some        special qualities, including landscape, geology,      „ explore the use of renewable energy
     further improvements made because of your           wildlife, biodiversity and cultural heritage.           generation and electronic equipment and
     feedback, which we summarise in the                 With this in mind, the A417 Missing Link has            vehicles at construction compounds
     coming pages.                                       been carefully and sympathetically designed.
                                                                                                               „ source recycled or secondary materials from
                                                         Landscape has been at the heart of our design
                                                                                                                 the local area
                                                         decisions; we’ve designed the road to fit into the
                                                         landscape rather than the other way around. You       „ where possible, use lower carbon materials
                                                         can read more about this in our A417 Missing
                                                                                                               More information about what we’re doing
                                                         Link design summary report.
                                                                                                               during construction can be found in our
                                                                                                               Construction Traffic Management Plan
                                                         The Air Balloon pub                                   on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
                                                         The Air Balloon pub needs to be demolished            On this website, you will also find our climate
                                                         to make way for the new road. While it’s not          assessments, which are in Chapter 14 of
                                                         a listed building and we’re not required to do        the Environmental Statement.
                                                         so, we’re going to undertake a detailed historic
                                                         building recording as part of the mitigation for
                                                         the scheme.

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Public rights of way
    What you told us                                      Our response
                                                                                                             We’ve not added any additional crossings of            of the A417 at Bentham Lane. More crossings
    Feedback showed support for the improvements          In response to feedback we’ve:
                                                                                                             the A417 beyond those consulted upon in                would cause additional and unnecessary
    we’ve made to public rights of way in the area.       „ extended the proposed Air Balloon Way            autumn 2020. This is because the new crossings         impacts on the Area of Outstanding Natural
    These include the repurposing part of the existing      all the way up to the proposed Cotswold          we’re already proposing, such as the Cotswold          Beauty and local ecology, pose engineering
    A417, which will become a five metre wide route         Way crossing                                     Way crossing, Gloucestershire Way crossing,            risks, and offer poor value for money.
    for walkers, cyclists and horse riders, including
                                                          „ added a footpath along the road to connect       and Grove Farm underpass, adequately
    disabled users.
                                                            Cowley Wood Lane to the proposed Air             reconnect the Cotswold Way National Trail              For more detailed information about the
                                                            Balloon Way                                      and the Gloucestershire Way, and provide safe          improvements we’re making to local public
    There was also wide support for the addition of the
                                                                                                             connections to existing and proposed routes.           rights of way and how we’ll manage them during
    Cotswold Way crossing and the Gloucestershire         We’ve also:
                                                                                                             To add to this, there is also an existing crossing     construction, read our public rights of way
    Way crossing and the other improved connections       „ added equestrian holding areas to enable the                                                            management plan.
    for walkers, cyclists and horse riders, including       safe crossing of the proposed B4070 link road
    disabled users.                                                                                         A new pedestrian connection will be added to connect Cowley Wood Lane and the proposed
                                                          „ converted the proposed footpath east of Shab
    There were requests to do the following:                                                                Air Balloon Way
                                                            Hill to a byway open to all traffic and users
     „ widen the Cotswold Way crossing                    „ removed a previously proposed public right
     „ add a public right of way connection near            of way connection between the proposed
       Cowley junction                                      Air Balloon Way and Barrow Wake car
                                                            park, to reduce potential impacts on this
     „ improve crossing arrangements of the B4070
                                                            environmentally sensitive area.
       on the proposed Air Balloon Way
     „ amend some public rights of way designations       The Cotswold Way crossing will be five metres
       to allow more people to access existing and        wide which is appropriate for walkers, cyclists
       new routes                                         and horse riders, including disabled users,
                                                          and consistent with that of the proposed Air
     „ add more crossings of the A417
                                                          Balloon Way.

    Visualisation of the equestrian crossing on the B4070
                                                                                                                        Scheme boundary

                                                                                                                        Proposed Public Rights of Way

                                                                                                                        Existing Public Rights of Way

                                                                                                                        Proposed native woodland

                                                                                                                        Proposed native scrub

                                                                                                                        Proposed tree avenue

                                                                                                                        Proposed hedgerow

                                                                                                                        Proposed limestone grassland

                                                                                                                        Attenuation basin for water drainage

                                                                                                                        Drainage ditch


                                                                                                                        Proposed embankment

                                                                                                                        Proposed cutting

                                                                                                                        Wooden post and rail fence

                                                                                                                        Wooden post and rail fence (badger proof)

                                                                                                                        Proposed dry stone wall

                                                                                                                        Proposed footpath

                                                                                                                                                                            © Crown copyright and database r ights 2021 OS 100030649

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Impact on property, land                                their concerns about noise during construction,                        Local journeys                                            Less traffic will mean that local journeys should
                                                             alongside other impacts. Following feedback                                                                                      be quicker and easier.
     and business                                            from residents of Birdlip, we’ve amended the                           What you told us
                                                             car parking provision for users of the proposed                        During consultation, lots of people wanted to             At Leckhampton Hill there will be a slight
     What you told us
                                                             Air Balloon Way to address concerns about                              know how the new A417 would affect traffic on             increase in traffic because there will be a
     Throughout the development of this scheme, we’ve
                                                             antisocial behaviour. General car parking and                          local roads. There were questions about the               redistribution of traffic travelling from south
     continued our discussions with owners of property,
                                                             horse box parking will now be located near                             design and ability of the proposed roundabouts to         Cheltenham to Cirencester and on towards
     land and business. In particular, we received
                                                             the Golden Heart Inn, and a smaller disabled                           accommodate projected traffic flows. Concerns             the M4. Currently, vehicles travel on the A435
     requests from landowners to change some access
                                                             parking area will be provided off the Stockwell                        were also raised about the safety of Shab Hill            through Seven Springs and then south on the
     arrangements, and there were concerns raised by
                                                             Farm junction, further away from the village.                          junction, in particular traffic merging onto the A417.    A435. Traffic either stays on the A435 or joins
     residents of Birdlip about the impact of new parking
                                                             We’ve also clarified with Cowley and Birdlip                                                                                     the A417 via the Highwayman Inn junction
     areas proposed nearby. In addition, we were asked
                                                             Parish Council that the Old Cirencester Road                           In addition, we had a lot of feedback about the           before travelling south.
     by environmental consultees to reduce, move, or
                                                             (also known as Ermin Way) will not be opened                           changes to Cowley junction. While many residents
     remove the car park at Barrow Wake as it’s very
                                                             up to traffic and therefore not used as a                              welcomed the fact that we would prevent road              With the new road built, our modelling shows
     close to the Crickley Hill and Barrow Wake Site
                                                             through route.                                                         users (except immediate residents) accessing              that a proportion of this traffic would redistribute
     of Special Scientific Interest.
                                                                                                                                    Cowley via Cowley junction, some asked if there           onto Leckhampton Hill and then the A436 to
                                                             Some environmental stakeholders asked us                               would be rat running elsewhere, and also wanted           join the A417 at Shab Hill as this will be the
      Our response                                           to reduce, remove or relocate Barrow Wake                              clarification about how they would access the A417        quickest and easiest route. We will work with
      Following feedback from landowners, we’ve              car park. This change would not form part of                           or their properties following the changes.                local stakeholders to ensure this road remains
      made several amendments to the scheme.                 the project, but we’ve offered to help inform or                                                                                 safe for all users.
      For example, we’ve changed the access to the           facilitate any discussions there might be about                        Following safety concerns about turning school
      Ullenwood Bharat Cricket Club and widened the          proposed changes to this car cark. We’ll ensure                        buses, Cowley and Birdlip Parish Council also
      access to Birdlip Radio Station.                       the A417 scheme is able to accommodate the                             asked if we would be able to relocate the Birdlip
                                                             existing car park, or a future scenario where the                      school bus stop.                                         Potential rerouting of traffic from
      In addition, we’ve looked at the amount of             car park might be reduced or removed.                                                                                           south Cheltenham
      land required temporarily for construction, and                                                                                                                                                                              Leckhampton
                                                                                                                                     Our response

      permanently for access and maintenance, and            We’re committed to continued engagement                                                                                                                                                      Pilley
      amended our plans to reduce the impact                 with stakeholders, including landowners,
                                                                                                                                     With the exception of Leckhampton Hill, there
      on the land.                                           throughout the examination, detailed design
                                                                                                                                     will be less traffic on local roads after the A417
                                                             and construction stages of the scheme to help
      We’re also working closely with local people and                                                                               Missing Link is built. This is because the A417                                                                                                A436
                                                             address any concerns or queries.
      businesses to carefully consider and address                                                                                   will no longer pass through Cowley or Ullenwood                                                                   Leckhampton Hill

                                                                                                                                     junctions and less congestion and delays and                                                                               Severn Springs
                                                                                                                                                                                              Bentham Crickley Hill                                Ullenwood                        A435
                                                                                                                                     a more free-flowing road will mean users of the                 Country Park                                               A436
     Amended car parking provision for users of the proposed Air Balloon Way
                                                                                                                                     A417 will no longer seek alternative local routes.          New road                                                               Coberley
                                                            A. Proposed disabled parking at Stockwell junction
                                                                                                                                     We’ve undertaken extensive traffic modelling that
                                                                                                                                     utilises the latest traffic growth data currently                                                         Shab Hill junction
                                                                                                                                                                                             Birdlip Hill
                        A                                                                                                            available from the Department for Transport.                                                                                  Cowley
                                                                                                                                     The traffic modelling shows that there will be                          Birdlip

                                                                                                                                     a reduction of traffic in both directions at the
                                                   B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lower
                                                                                                                                     following locations:                                                                         A417
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cowley junction
                                                            B. Proposed general and horsebox parking at the Golden Heart Inn         „ through Birdlip
                                                                                                                                     „ through Elkstone                                         Key                                                                    A417
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Proposed new road scheme
                                                                                                                                     „ on the A436 between Ullenwood junction                              Route typically taken now

                                                                                                                                       and the A40                                                         Route likely taken once
                                                                                                                                                                                                           new road is built

                                                                                                                                     „ on the A435 between Cheltenham                            Diagrammatic map not to scale © Crown copyright
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and database rights 2021 OS 100030649
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shepherds Grove

                                                                        © Crown copyright and database r ights 2021 OS 100030649      and Cirencester                                                                                                                 A435        A417

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
Cowley junction                                                                           Shab Hill junction                                  Cultural heritage                                    During our surveys, we found a number of
      Access to Cowley from Cowley junction will                                                Concerns about traffic merging from Shab                                                                 interesting artefacts, which are being analysed.
      be ‘stopped up’, meaning that there will be a                                             Hill junction onto the A417 have been raised in     What you told us                                     We’ve compiled a detailed mitigation plan for the
      restriction to general traffic. Signage and other                                         the past. We’ve designed all new junctions to       During consultation, there were concerns about the   future stages of the project in collaboration with
      measures will make it clear that access is for                                            modern safety standards and to accommodate          impact of the scheme on the historic environment     Historic England and the County Archaeologist
      immediate residents only. Access to Cowley                                                future projected traffic flows. Using the latest    and archaeology in the area. There were also         at Gloucestershire County Council.
      Wood Lane will be retained for walkers, cyclists                                          forecast data, we’ve made slight changes to         questions about the limited survey data available
      and horse riders, including disabled users. We’ll                                         Shab Hill and Ullenwood junctions to ensure this    at the time of consultation.                         Ahead of construction, our team of
      finalise this arrangement, including any signage,                                         is the case.                                                                                             archaeologists, under the watchful eye of
      surfacing and enclosures such as fencing,                                                                                                                                                          Historic England and the County Archaeologist,
                                                                                                                                                     Our response
      gates and bollards, at the detailed design stage.                                                                                                                                                  will monitor digs before work will be allowed to
                                                                                                                                                     Our archaeological surveys were ongoing at
      Residents from Cowley will be able to access                                                                                                                                                       continue. Any interesting archaeological finds will
                                                                                                                                                     the time of consultation due to delays in gaining
      the A417 via two routes: one connecting into                                                                                                                                                       be excavated, analysed and preserved for future
                                                                                                                                                     access to the land. We’ve now completed
      Cowley junction and one connecting to Shab                                                                                                                                                         generations to enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                     extensive archaeological surveys of the area.
      Hill junction.

      Via Cowley junction: vehicles can travel
      along the existing road from Cowley village (that
      passes Stockwell Farm) via the new Cowley
      Lane overbridge, which will connect into a
      section of the existing A417 that will be retained.
      From there, vehicles will travel past the Golden
      Heart Inn public house to the new Cowley
      junction to access the new A417.

      Via Shab Hill junction: vehicles can travel on
      the A435 and A436 to join the A417 at the new
      Shab Hill junction.

     Proposed route from Cowley to the A417 once
     the new road is built

                                                                                                Birdlip school bus stop
                                                                                                We’ve carefully considered the relocation of
                                                                        Severn Springs
                                                          Ullenwood                             Birdlip school bus stop within the land available
                         Crickley Hill
                                                                       A436              A435
                         Country Park                                                           as part of the scheme and we’ve discussed
                                                                                                opportunities with Cowley and Birdlip Parish
                                                                                                Council and Gloucestershire County
                                                         Shab Hill junction
                                                                                                Council officers.
      Birdlip Hill
                                         A417                                            A435
                                           Stockwell                                            We’ve offered to inform or facilitate any future
                                                                                                discussions about the bus stop and access
                                                                                                arrangements. We want to reassure people
       Key                                                            Cowley junction
                                                                                                that we’ll not adversely impact the existing bus
                 Proposed new road scheme

                 Via Cowley junction                                                            stop arrangement, and if required, we’ll be able
                 Via Shab Hill junction                            A417                         to accommodate a relocated bus stop if it falls
       Diagrammatic map not to scale © Crown copyright
       and database rights 2021 OS 100030649
                                                                                                within our scheme boundary.

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A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
                                                              We’ve added a landscape bund at Crickley Hill           What are they?
     What you told us                                         between Fly up 417 bike park and Grove Farm             False cutting = man-made embankments on either side of the new road to help reduce noise
     While we’ve gone to great lengths to help ensure         to help screen the views of the road, particularly      and help hide the road.
     the road is integrated into the special landscape of     from Barrow Wake and the Cotswold Way
     the Cotswold AONB, there were requests for more          National Trail between The Peak and Barrow              Landscape bund = earth bank with plants and trees to help hide the road.    ign stages
     screening and planting to help hide the road and         Wake. It will ensure minimal impact on views as
     protect the area’s unique views.                         shown in the 15-year visualisation on page 15.
                                                                                                                    Cross section showing landscape bunds used to screen views of the road

     We also received comments about the proposed             We’ve also redesigned landscape bunds south
     Cotswold Way crossing, in particular the materials       of Shab Hill, extended the false cutting on the
     it will be built from and its impact on the landscape.   north-west bound side of the road all the way                                                                         Plants and trees to help hide the road
     People also wanted to know what surfaces we will         to Shab Hill and added a false cutting to the
     use on the other proposed crossings and the Air          north-east side of Shab Hill at Coldwell Bottom.
     Balloon Way.                                             All of these changes will better integrate the road
                                                              into the landscape and further reduce noise and
                                                              screen the views of the road.
      Our response                                                                                                                                                        Earth bank
      As mentioned earlier in this booklet, we’ve             In addition, we’ll remove planting on the south
      designed the road to fit in with this unique            side of Barrow Wake car park to reduce the
      landscape. At every stage, design decisions             impact on the Crickley Hill and Barrow Wake
      have been made with this special landscape              Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). We’ll
      in mind.                                                also add planting around new drainage basins
                                                              to integrate them into the landscape and add          View from Barrow Wake showing the benefit of planting and screening of the road
      Following consultation in autumn 2020 we’ve             hedgerow and avenue trees on Cowley Lane                                                                                                                Baseline
      made some improvements to the scheme.                   to improve landscape connectivity.

     Map showing locations of landscape bunds which will help screen the views of the road

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 year

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      15 years

                                                                                                                    To view larger versions of these and other visualisations see Chapter 7 of the Environmental Statement.
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
A417 Missing Link Moving forward: response to public consultation in 2020 and next steps - National Highways
To minimise the impact on the landscape, we’ve     When it comes to materials and surfacing, we will
     altered the design of the Cotswold Way crossing,   finalise this at the detailed design stage following
     making it more slender, and removed the viewing    approval of the scheme. See the A417 Missing Link
     area. The resting area will, however, remain.      design summary report for more details.

     The Cotswold Way crossing

     The Cotswold Way crossing from Cold Slad Lane

      Preliminary design                                 Detailed design
      High level plans are developed in consultation     Detailed plans are developed ahead of construction.
      with local people and key stakeholders. These      For example, details of surfacing, signage and
      plans enable us to carry out assessments and       materials will be refined in consultation with the
      apply for Development Consent.                     appointed contractor and Gloucestershire County
                                                         Council as the highways authority.

                                                         At this stage, there will be further opportunities
                                                         for our stakeholders and local interest groups to
                                                         be involved.

16                                                                                                             17
Habitat and ecology                                                                                                          Our response
                                                                                                                                  Biodiversity net gain                                 Department for Environment and Rural Affairs
                                                                                                                                  Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to         and Natural England are currently developing
     Extra planting helps wildlife move around more easily
                                                                                                                                  development that leaves biodiversity in a better      a BNG calculator that uses set criteria to score
                                                                                                                                  state than it was before.                             habitats before and after construction to check
                                                                                                                                                                                        if there is a loss or gain in biodiversity. This is
                                                                                                                                  While it is not a legal requirement for nationally    a slightly different way of looking at BNG and
                                                                                                                                  significant infrastructure projects such as this      even though it’s still in development and not a
                                                                                                                                  to achieve BNG, we’re a responsible developer         requirement, we’ve applied this calculation to
                                                                                                                                  and through the design process have sought to         the project.
                                                                                                                                  maximise biodiversity improvements wherever
                                                                                                                                  we can.                                               Despite gains in habitat and biodiversity
                                                                                                                                                                                        across the project, the current calculator shows
                                                                                                                                  As part of this scheme, we’re planting lots           a negative score, as the habitats we’re creating
                                                                                                                                  of new, native and high-quality woodland,             such as limestone grassland, while appropriate
                                                                                                                                  grassland, trees and hedgerows to help                to the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural
                                                                                                                                  preserve and create additional habitats for local     Beauty do not score very highly in the calculator.
                                                                                                                                  wildlife in the area.
                                                                                                                                                                                        If we were to plant higher scoring plants in the
                                                                                                                                  We’ve worked collaboratively with environmental       AONB, for example brambles, the calculator
                                                                                                                                  stakeholders, including Natural England, and will     would show a gain, but this approach would not
                                                                                                                                  create more important habitats than we’re taking      be appropriate.
     What you told us                                       Landscape integration and habitat creation
                                                                                                                                  away. They’ve agreed that the habitats we create
     During consultation in autumn 2020, environmental      Here are some of the positive things we are doing
                                                                                                                                  should be right for the local area, in keeping with   We’re continuing to work with local landowners
     stakeholders scrutinised our plans and asked us to     to benefit the area:
                                                                                                                                  the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB),        to explore further opportunities for creating more
     continue looking at ways to maximise biodiversity.
                                                                                                                                  and help improve connections between existing         of the right habitats and improving biodiversity in
                                                                                                                                  local habitats.                                       the local area.
     Environmental stakeholders welcomed the addition
     of the Gloucestershire Way crossing but requested
     that it be wider and that we add areas of limestone,
     species-rich grassland and trees between the
     crossing and the Crickley Hill and Barrow Wake              75.41                 5.61                      4.34
     Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) so that
     wildlife can move more easily over the crossing and       hectares of           miles of     hectares of new
     to the SSSI. Some people also requested that we          new limestone      new hedgerows* scrub,such as small
                                                                grassland*                       bushes and trees*
     add planting to the Cotswold Way crossing to help
     wildlife cross the road.

     In addition, they raised concerns about the impact
     of the new B4070, Barrow Wake roundabout and
     the proposed public right of way on the SSSI.
                                                                           6.8                     25.57

                                                                      miles of new         hectares of new
                                                                        Cotswold           native woodland*
                                                                     drystone walls*

                                                                     *these numbers are taken from the Environmental Statement.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
In addition, we’re making several changes to           shape to allow us to extend the proposed Air
     The Gloucestershire Way crossing                                                                          reduce the impact of Barrow Wake roundabout            Balloon Way all the way up to the Cotswold Way
                                                                                                               and the B4070 on the SSSI. The footprint of            crossing. It will be planted to help connect it with
                                                                                                               the Barrow Wake roundabout has been made               other nearby habitats such as the SSSI.
                                                                                                               smaller and we’re also making the earthworks
                                                                                                               on the western side of the B4070 steeper to            This means we can now remove the public right
                                                                                                               minimise land take.                                    of way adjacent to the SSSI, and route walkers,
                                                                                                                                                                      cyclists and horse riders along the proposed
                                                                                                               We’ve also altered the boundary of the                 Air Balloon Way instead of through the Barrow
                                                                                                               replacement common land. It remains in the             Wake car park.
                                                                                                               same location but is now a slightly different
      Public right of way
                                                                                                              Map showing replacement common land and proposed Air Balloon Way arrangements

                                              Wildlife corridor planted with native grassland

      The Gloucestershire Way crossing                      Ecological surveys have informed the design
      In response to feedback from environmental            of all the crossings on the scheme and where
      stakeholders, we’ve widened the Gloucestershire       needed, we’ve provided crossings for wildlife.
      Way crossing from 25 metres to 37 metres.             For example, we’ve added lots of planting to
      By doing this, we’ve increased an area of native      the Gloucestershire Way crossing, Cowley
      grassland planting, which will make it easier for     overbridge and Stockwell Farm overbridge.
      wildlife to use the crossing. We’ve also added        We’re also proposing a bat underpass near
      new areas of native, species-rich grassland and       Dog Lane.
      trees to help wildlife move between the crossing
      and the SSSI.                                         Further planting on the Cotswold Way Crossing
                                                            would not serve an effective ecological purpose
      The Cotswold Way crossing
                                                            and would require a larger structure within the
      We’ve not added planting to this crossing
                                                            landscape, resulting in unnecessary adverse        What is common land
      because its primary purpose is to provide a safe
                                                            impacts on the Cotswold Area of Outstanding        It is land where people, other than the landowner, may have certain traditional rights, for example to
      crossing of the A417 for users of the Cotswold
                                                            Natural Beauty, additional land take               graze their livestock or to collect wood. The public also usually have the right to roam over common
      Way National Trail.
                                                            and cost.                                          land on foot. This means you can use it for activities such as walking and running. You cannot use
                                                                                                               the land for horse riding, cycling or access it in a vehicle.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21
Water and drainage                                                                                             Next steps
                                                                                                                    We’ve now submitted our Development Consent                                     The examination and decision making process will
     What you told us                                            Our response
                                                                                                                    Order (DCO) application to the Planning Inspectorate.                           take around a year and further information about
     There were concerns raised around impact of the             In response to feedback, we’ve moved some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    this process and how you can get involved can
     scheme on natural ground and surface water levels.          the drainage basins and amended our drainage
                                                                                                                    The Planning Inspectorate (acting on behalf of the                              be found on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
     Specifically, we were asked to move some of the             strategy to ensure that natural ground water and
                                                                                                                    Secretary of State) will now examine the application                            Alternatively, you can watch the following video:
     proposed water drainage basins to better, more              surface water levels are adequately managed
                                                                                                                    through written representation and public hearings,                             How to have your say on Nationally Significant
     effective locations.                                        once the new road is built. This has been done
                                                                                                                    and then make a recommendation to the Secretary                                 Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs).
                                                                 in discussion with the Environment Agency.
                                                                                                                    of State for Transport, who will decide on whether
                                                                 We’ll have to remove a bat roost to make way for
                                                                                                                    or not the scheme should go ahead.                                              Subject to approval, we expect to start work in
                                                                 a new drainage basin but to compensate, we’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2023, and the road to open for traffic in 2026.
                                                                 building a new bat barn.

                                                                                                                                              Options                              Development                                    Construction

                                                                                                                                             1              2                  3              4
                                                                                                                                                                                                            5                      6
                                                                                                                                         Option            Option          Preliminary    procedures    Construction        commissioning
                                                                                                                                      identification      selection          design                     preparation                             Close out
                                                                                                                                                                                          and powers                         and handover

     A place to visit and enjoy
     We want to leave a positive legacy for local                                                                                                                          Statutory public        Decision by
                                                                                                                                                                             consultation           Secretary
     communities and visitors to the area. We’re                                                                                                                            autumn 2019             of State -
                                                                                                                                                Options for                Supplementary          autumn 2022                          Road open for
     proposing a scheme with long-lasting benefits.                                                                                          public consultation           statutory public                                         traffic summer 2026
     It will not only improve the long-term safety and                                                                                                                      autumn 2020

     reliability of the A417, but it will also boost the local                                                                    Project                    Preferred route             Submission       Start of construction                        Close out
                                                                                                                                 initiated                   announcement                  of DCO          winter 2022/2023
     economy by making it a more attractive area to live,                                                                                                     March 2019           application - May 2021

     work, explore and visit.

     We’ll make local journeys and reduce rat
     running through local villages. We’ll also create                                                                    You can keep up to date with updates about scheme progress and consultation
     new open spaces and enhance the footpath,                                                                            by visiting our website, emailing us or following us on Twitter or Facebook:
     cycling and bridleway network, providing safe, fully
     accessible routes from the Brockworth bypass
     to Stockwell, Cowley and beyond. This will help                                                                       www.highwaysengland.co.uk/a417-missing-link
     improve local people’s quality of life.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23

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