A Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During Treatment of Childhood Cancer (SOUND): Protocol for a Prospective Study

JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                              Diepstraten et al


     A Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During
     Treatment of Childhood Cancer (SOUND): Protocol for a
     Prospective Study

     Franciscus A Diepstraten1, MSc, MD; Annelot JM Meijer1, PhD; Martine van Grotel1, MD, PhD; Sabine LA
     Plasschaert1, MD, PhD; Alexander E Hoetink2,3, PhD; Marta Fiocco1,4,5, PhD; Geert O Janssens6, MD, PhD; Robert
     J Stokroos2,3, MD, PhD; Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink1, MD, PhD
      Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Utrecht, the Netherlands
      Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
      University Medical Center Utrecht Brain Center, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
      Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands
      Department of Biomedical Data Science, Section Medical Statistics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
      Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands

     Corresponding Author:
     Franciscus A Diepstraten, MSc, MD
     Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
     Heidelberglaan 25
     Utrecht, 3584 CS
     The Netherlands
     Phone: 31 625710488
     Email: f.a.diepstraten@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl

     Background: Some children with central nervous system (CNS) and solid tumors are at risk to develop ototoxicity during
     treatment. Up to now, several risk factors have been identified that may contribute to ototoxicity, such as platinum derivates,
     cranial irradiation, and brain surgery. Comedication, like antibiotics and diuretics, is known to enhance ototoxicity, but their
     independent influence has not been investigated in childhood cancer patients. Recommendations for hearing loss screening are
     missing or vary highly across treatment protocols. Additionally, adherence to existing screening guidelines is not always optimal.
     Currently, knowledge is lacking on the prevalence of ototoxicity.
     Objective: The aim of the Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During Treatment of Childhood Cancer
     (SOUND) is to determine the feasibility of audiological testing and to determine the prevalence and determinants of ototoxicity
     during treatment for childhood cancer in a national cohort of patients with solid and CNS tumors.
     Methods: The SOUND study is a prospective cohort study in the national childhood cancer center in the Netherlands. The study
     aims to include all children aged 0 to 19 years with a newly diagnosed CNS or solid tumor. Part of these patients will get
     audiological examination as part of their standard of care (stratum 1). Patients in which audiological examination is not the
     standard of care will be invited for inclusion in stratum 2. Age-dependent audiological assessments will be pursued before the
     start of treatment and within 3 months after the end of treatment. Apart from hearing loss, we will investigate the feasibility to
     screen patients for tinnitus and vertigo prevalence after cancer treatment. This study will also determine the independent contribution
     of antibiotics and diuretics on ototoxicity.
     Results: This study was approved by the Medical Research Ethics Committee Utrecht (Identifier 20-417/M). Currently, we are
     in the process of recruitment for this study.
     Conclusions: The SOUND study will raise awareness about the presence of ototoxicity during the treatment of children with
     CNS or solid tumors. It will give insight into the prevalence and independent clinical and cotreatment-related determinants of
     ototoxicity. This is important for the identification of future high-risk patients. Thereby, the study will provide a basis for the
     selection of patients who will benefit from innovative otoprotective intervention trials during childhood cancer treatment that are
     currently being prepared.
     Trial Registration: Netherlands Trial Register NL8881; https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/8881

     https://www.researchprotocols.org/2022/4/e34297                                                        JMIR Res Protoc 2022 | vol. 11 | iss. 4 | e34297 | p. 1
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JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                       Diepstraten et al

     International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/34297

     (JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(4):e34297) doi: 10.2196/34297

     pediatrics; ototoxicity; audiometry; antibiotics; diuretics; radiotherapy; solid tumors; neuro-oncology; audiology; cancer; children

                                                                          as it will aid in the timely detection of symptomatic or
     Introduction                                                         asymptomatic hearing loss and early referral to an audiologist.
     Each year around 600 children are newly diagnosed with cancer        In certain circumstances, alternative cancer treatment options
     in the Netherlands [1]. Over the past decades, cancer diagnostics    may be considered depending on the child’s diagnosis and
     and treatment have improved, resulting in an overall survival        evidence-based alternative treatments.
     up to about 80% in high-income countries [2]. Due to the             In the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, the
     increased survival, more awareness has been raised for sequelae      Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During
     of childhood cancer treatment. A serious direct and late effect      Treatment of Childhood Cancer (SOUND) was started in
     of treatment includes ototoxicity, which involves the destruction    January 2021. We intend to invite 600 patients in this study
     of cochlear structures leading to hearing loss, tinnitus (ear        over a period of 24 months. This number is based on the number
     ringing), or vertigo (dizziness) [3,4]. Ototoxicity in childhood     of children diagnosed with solid and CNS tumors at our institute.
     may seriously affect speech development and social and               The results of the SOUND study will provide information on
     neurocognitive skills, subsequently leading to a reduced quality     the prevalence of hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo in a
     of life [5-7].                                                       prospective cohort of children with solid and CNS tumors. It
     It is known that certain types of cancer treatment including         will also give insight into the determinants of ototoxicity,
     platinum agents, cranial irradiation, and brain surgery can induce   especially the contribution of aminoglycosides, glycopeptides,
     or enhance ototoxicity [3,8]. Platinum agents have been used         and diuretics. Furthermore, the results will indicate whether it
     successfully for treatment of solid and central nervous system       is at all feasible to perform standardized audiological
     (CNS) tumors [8]. Platinum accumulates in the inner ear and          examinations in every childhood cancer patient with a potential
     resides here for months to years after treatment [9]. It forms       risk of ototoxicity. Eventually, this study may serve as a solid
     crosslinks with DNA, leading to a transcription and replication      basis for the selection of patients at risk that will benefit from
     blockage and extensive production of reactive oxygen species         innovative otoprotective interventions in the future.
     (ROS). ROS cause inflammation and apoptosis, especially in
     the outer hair cells, stria vascularis, and spiral ganglion cells    Methods
     [10,11]. Up to 70% of platinum-treated children develop
     irreversible hearing loss and eventually 40% of them even need
                                                                          Study Objectives
     hearing aids at an early stage [12-14]. During cancer treatment      The primary objective of the study is to investigate the
     aminoglycosides, glycopeptides, and diuretics are often              prevalence of hearing loss after cancer treatment in a prospective
     prescribed as supportive care therapy [15-18], but knowledge         cohort of pediatric CNS and solid tumor patients. Secondary
     is lacking on their contribution to hearing loss development in      objectives focus on examining the prevalence of tinnitus and
     pediatric patients. Until now, the relation between supportive       vertigo after cancer treatment, identifying clinical determinants
     care treatment and ototoxicity has only been studied in small        for ototoxicity, and investigating the feasibility of testing
     pediatric cancer patient cohorts with a retrospective design.        patients at risk for ototoxicity with standardized audiological
     Children diagnosed with CNS tumors or head and neck tumors
     are often treated with high irradiation doses or surgery [19].       Study Design and Setting
     Irradiation of normal ear structures cannot always be avoided,       We will perform a national prospective cohort study in the
     leading to middle and inner ear damage or vascular insufficiency     Netherlands. This study is embedded in the Princess Máxima
     of the ear [20-22]. Mechanical damage of ear structures caused       Center, a national health care center that has been set up to treat
     by surgical resection of tumors may also lead to hearing loss        all children diagnosed with cancer. Collaboration with the
     [23]. It may also be possible that the tumor itself causes hearing   audiological department of Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in
     loss. Currently, standardized approaches for audiological            the Netherlands has been established to perform audiological
     monitoring during and shortly after therapy are lacking in           testing of children of all ages. The selection, invitation, and
     clinical practice. Beside this, adherence to scheduling of           inclusion of patients takes place in the Princess Máxima Center.
     audiological examinations is sometimes flawed, as the focus of       The audiological assessment is age-adjusted, according to
     clinicians is on cancer diagnostics and rapid start of treatment,    recently published guidelines [24]. It will be performed before
     rather than on monitoring side effects. Sometimes patients are       the start of treatment, during cancer treatment according to
     too ill to undergo audiological testing. Furthermore,                treatment protocols, and within 3 months after the end of
     age-appropriate audiological tests are often not applied, and        treatment (Table 1). Information about the screening outcome
     standardized tinnitus and vertigo screening is often not             of the neonatal hearing screening is retrieved for all patients
     implemented. Standardized audiological monitoring is important       [25].

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     Table 1. Stratification and time point for audiological examination based on treatment.
                                                                               Audiological assessment
         Treatment                                                             Stratum      Before start treatment During treatmenta           Within 3 months after
         Platinum agents (cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin)                 1            ✓b                      ✓                          ✓

         CNSc/ENTd irradiation                                                 1e           ✓                                                  ✓

         CNS/ENT surgery                                                       1e           ✓                                                  ✓

         No platinum agents, CNS/ENT irradiation, or CNS/ENT treatment 2                    ✓                                                  ✓

         Time points for audiological assessments during treatment are based on recommendations in the childhood cancer treatment protocol.
         The checkmark indicates that the assessment was performed at this time point.
         CNS: central nervous system.
         ENT: ear-nose-throat.
         Patients are included in stratum 1 if audiological examinations are part of standard care; otherwise, they are included in stratum 2.

                                                                                      cerumen, infections, and perforations of the tympanic membrane
     Study Population                                                                 [28,29]. Tympanometry is routinely applied as an indicator of
     Children aged 0 to 19 years who will be diagnosed with a CNS                     conductive hearing loss due to middle ear pathology. Static air
     or solid tumor between January 2021 and January 2023 are                         pressure is varied systematically in the ear canal while an
     eligible for participation in the study. They will be divided in                 acoustic stimulus of 226 or 1000 Hz is delivered. This procedure
     two strata (Table 1). Stratum 1 consists of patients treated with                measures the ability of the middle ear system to transfer
     platinum agents (cisplatin, carboplatin, or oxaliplatin),                        low-frequency acoustic energy to the cochlea as a function of
     CNS/ear-nose-throat (ENT) irradiation, or CNS/ENT surgery,                       static air canal pressure [30]. Abnormal functioning of the
     and audiological examinations are part of standard care. Stratum                 middle ear due to a thickened tympanic membrane; presence
     2 consists of patients not treated with therapies described in                   of middle ear fluid, for example, caused by acute otitis media;
     stratum 1 or any patients in which audiological examinations                     or dysfunction of the Eustachian tube can be detected [31].
     are not part of standard care. The independent contribution of
     any comedication on ototoxicity development will be studied                      BERA will be performed for objectively measuring hearing
     in stratum 2.                                                                    thresholds to quantify the type and severity of hearing loss [32].
                                                                                      Electric activity of the VIII nerve and its central connections
     Recruitment and Informed Consent                                                 are evoked by a broadband click stimulus or frequency-specific
     Pediatric oncologists from the Princess Máxima Center will                       stimulus through a headphone, insert phone, or bone conductor.
     select patients for invitation. For patients in whom audiological                The responses can be measured by electrodes placed on the
     examinations are not standard of care, written informed consent                  scalp and is represented as a registration of measured electrical
     will be obtained from parents/guardians (patients) according to                  potentials as a function of time after stimulus presentation,
     good clinical practice regulations. Withdrawal is possible at                    characterized by reproducible peaks at specific time delays
     any time during the study without providing a reason.                            (latencies). No active cooperation is required, but a prerequisite
                                                                                      is that the patient is asleep or lies in a relaxed position to avoid
     Study Procedures                                                                 artifacts due to muscle activity.
     All patients will be examined by standard audiological
                                                                                      Evoked otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are sounds generated
     examinations (Table 2), which always includes otoscopic
                                                                                      within the inner ear after presentation of a stimulus. OAEs are
     inspection of the ears and tympanometry. Depending on the age
                                                                                      related to the nonlinear behavior of the cochlea, often referred
     of the child, (a combination of) brainstem-evoked response
                                                                                      to as the cochlear amplifier. A clear relationship exists between
     audiometry (BERA), distortion product otoacoustic emissions
                                                                                      the presence of normal OAEs and functional outer hair cells,
     (DPOAEs), visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA),
                                                                                      which implies that OAEs can only be evoked in ears with normal
     conditioned play audiometry, and extended high-frequency pure
                                                                                      hearing thresholds or very mild hearing loss (
JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS                                                                                                                    Diepstraten et al

     Table 2. Audiological assessments per age category.a
         Assessment                                                        Age categories
                                                                           0-6 months            6 months-3 years             3-5 years                  5-18 years
         Check eligibility                                                 ✓b                    ✓                            ✓                          ✓

         Determine stratum                                                 ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓
         Check treatment plan                                              ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓
         Demographic data                                                  ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓
         Audiological examination

         Anamnesisc/case history                                           ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓

         Otoscopy                                                          ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓
         Tympanometry                                                      ✓                     ✓                            ✓                          ✓
         Otoacoustic emissions                                             ✓                     ✓
         Brainstem-evoked response audiometry                              ✓
         Visual reinforcement audiometry                                                         ✓
         Conditioned play audiometry                                                                                          ✓
         (Extended high-frequency) pure tone audiometry                                                                                                  ✓
         Anamnestic tinnitus questions                                                                                                                   ✓d
         Anamnestic vertigo questions                                                                                                                    ✓e

      The listed audiological examination per age category provides an indication. Due to clinical circumstances or developmental status of the patients,
     another more appropriate test might be chosen.
         The checkmark indicates the assessment was given for these age groups.
      During anamnesis children/parents are asked for hearing loss in the past, results of the neonatal hearing screening, ear-nose-throat surgery in the past,
     and family members with (heredity) hearing loss.
         Tinnitus screening will be performed for children 8 years and older.
         Vertigo screening will be performed for children 10 years and older.

     VRA and conditioned play audiometry are both subjective tests                  humming, whistling, sea noise, banging, blowing sound, like a
     based on a conditioning procedure. For VRA, the child is                       machine, clicking, beep, like the wind, or like cars), the moment
     conditioned to make a head turn and to look at a “reward,” for                 of onset (dates, after which chemotherapy course), laterality
     example, a short movie or picture, every time a                                (left ear, right ear, or both), pitch (high vs low), perceived
     frequency-specific stimulus is presented [35,36]. For conditioned              loudness (graded according to a Likert scale 0-5) at the peak
     play audiometry, children are conditioned to perform a                         moment, duration (intermittent, most, some of the time, or
     motivation enhancing task when an auditory stimulus is                         continuous), annoyance degree (always annoyed, seldom
     presented, for example, putting a block into a box [31,35].                    annoyed, very annoyed, little annoyed), and severity with regard
     Frequencies up to 8 kHz can be measured, but for ototoxicity                   to causing worry (not at all, slightly, sometimes, more severely)
     monitoring, the range is preferably extended to the high                       [26]. Regarding vertigo, children 10 years and older will be
     frequencies up to 12 kHz, as in an early stage, ototoxicity may                asked whether they ever get dizzy. If the answer is yes, questions
     affect the high frequencies [37].                                              follow on the moment of onset (dates, after which chemotherapy
                                                                                    course), presence of light-headedness (yes/no), tendency to fall
     PTA is a subjective behavioral measurement of hearing
                                                                                    (yes/no), experiencing spinning or turning objects (yes/no),
     thresholds. Conventional PTA measures the faintest tone a
                                                                                    sensation of turning or spinning (yes/no), loss of balance when
     person can hear at selected frequencies. Hearing thresholds are
                                                                                    walking or running (yes/no), duration (intermittent, most/some
     obtained via air conduction (0.25-8 kHz) by using headphones
                                                                                    of the time, or continuous), and severity (graded according to
     and via bone conduction (0.5-4 kHz) by using a vibrating
                                                                                    a Likert scale 0-5) [27].
     transducer. Additionally, extended high-frequency hearing
     thresholds may be determined up to 12 to 14 kHz, depending                     Speech Audiometry
     on the age of the child [31,34,38].                                            In case of hearing loss at the end of cancer treatment, speech
     Anamnestic screening for tinnitus and vertigo will be performed                audiometry is recommended to test the ability to hear and
     during audiological assessments as a standardized procedure.                   understand speech. Several lists of words are offered to the child
     Regarding tinnitus, children 8 years and older will be asked                   through headphones or a free field loudspeaker. The child is
     whether they hear noise in their ears. If the answer is yes,                   asked to repeat the words. The number of correctly repeated
     questions follow on the type of noise (ringing, buzzing,                       phonemes or words are recorded. The results are registered in

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     a speech audiogram. The test reveals the amount of speech            type and cumulative dose. Liver and kidney function will be
     discrimination at various stimulus intensities and provides an       measured during treatment. These results will be collected and
     indication on the influence of hearing loss on communication.        considered, as platinum agents, antibiotics, and diuretics are
     Different test procedures are available, including determination     (partially) excreted by liver and kidneys.
     of the ear’s ability to discriminate speech in silence or in
                                                                          Secondary outcomes also include the feasibility of standard care
     different types of noise. Speech audiometry in children is often
                                                                          audiological testing of all patients with solid and CNS tumors
     used as a diagnostic test. In addition, the test can be useful to
                                                                          treated with platinum, CNS/ENT irradiation, or CNS/ENT
     evaluate the outcome of an intervention with hearing aids
                                                                          surgery before and after childhood cancer therapy by using
                                                                          standardized diagnostic tests, timing, and frequency of
     Sample Size                                                          audiological evaluations in this population (stratum 1).
     A power analysis based on two-sided CIs for one proportion           Statistical Analysis
     has been performed. The Clopper-Pearson exact formula for
                                                                          Continuous variables will be reported with medians and ranges
     computing binomial CIs was used. The method is based on the
                                                                          while categorical variables with percentages. To assess
     cumulative probabilities of the binomial distribution rather than
                                                                          differences between patients with and without hearing loss,
     an approximation [40,41]. A sample size of 367 patients
                                                                          tinnitus, or vertigo, chi-square and Student t tests will be used
     produces a two-sided 95% CI with a width (distance between
                                                                          for categorical and continuous variables, respectively. In case
     lower and the upper limit for the CI) equal to 1% when the
                                                                          of violation of normality, Mann-Whitney U tests will be used.
     sample size proportion is 35%. PASS software (NCSS, LLC)
     has been used for computing the sample size.                         A logistic regression model will be estimated to investigate the
                                                                          effect of risk factors such as platinum use and cumulative dose,
     Outcomes                                                             type of CNS/ENT surgery, type of CNS/ENT irradiation and
     Baseline Characteristics                                             dose, type of comedication and its dose and levels, age at
                                                                          diagnosis, and gender on ototoxicity at the end of treatment. To
     Baseline variables will be collected including age; gender;
                                                                          quantify the effect of prognostic factors on the risk of ototoxicity
     weight; height; medical and audiological history; solid/CNS
                                                                          at the end of treatment, odds ratios along with 95% CIs will be
     tumor type; presence of neurofibromatosis (yes/no);
                                                                          estimated. Statistical analysis will be performed with SPSS,
     hydrocephalus (yes/no); which national or international cancer
                                                                          version (IBM Corp) [44].
     treatment protocol will be applied; and whether a patient
     receives treatment with CNS/ENT surgery, CNS/ENT                     In the presence of missing data, imputing techniques are used
     irradiation, or platinum agents.                                     [45].
     Primary Outcome Measures                                             Ethics Approval
     The primary outcome is the prevalence of hearing loss at the         The study protocol has been approved by the Clinical Research
     end of cancer treatment in a prospective cohort of children with     Committee of the Princess Máxima Center and by the Medical
     CNS and solid tumors. Hearing loss is classified according to        Research Ethics Committee Utrecht (Identifier 20-417/M), and
     the Muenster classification [42]. The definition of sensorineural    has been registered in the Netherlands Trial Register (NL8881).
     hearing loss at the end of treatment will be >40 dB at 4 kHz
     (corresponding to Muenster grade 2b) [42] measured by BERA,          Results
     VRA, conditioned play audiometry, or PTA. The SIOP Boston
     criteria will be applied as a second grading for a reliable          Inclusion started on January 4, 2021. Participant recruitment
     determination of hearing loss [43].                                  and data collection are still ongoing. Patient inclusion will be
                                                                          finished on January 1, 2023.
     Secondary Outcome Measures
     Secondary outcomes include the prevalence of tinnitus and            Discussion
     vertigo, and the treatment components that may be associated
     to hearing loss, tinnitus, and/or vertigo development. Tinnitus      Study Rationale
     and vertigo will be measured by the aforementioned study             Ototoxicity is a serious adverse event of childhood cancer
     procedures. The definition of tinnitus at the end of treatment       treatment. However, the prevalence of hearing loss, tinnitus,
     will be “a sensation of a noise in the ear or head when no           and vertigo during and shortly after treatment has never been
     apparent source for the noise is evident” [26]. The definition of    studied in large prospective pediatric oncology patient cohorts.
     vertigo is “an abnormal sensation of motion,” which can occur        To date, the association of clinical characteristics and treatment
     in the absence of motion or when a motion is sensed inaccurately     components on the development of ototoxicity is not fully
     [27]. Treatment components of included patients that will be         understood. Therefore, we will investigate the feasibility of
     collected include total cumulative dose of cisplatin, carboplatin,   testing all patients with a potential risk on ototoxicity with
     and oxaliplatin; irradiation type (photon or proton) and total       standardized audiological examinations. The prevalence and
     dose in Gray (especially on inner ear structures); type of           determinants of hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo will be
     CNS/ENT surgery, cerebral shunt, or Ommaya reservoir;                investigated in a prospective cohort of childhood cancer patients.
     aminoglycoside type, levels, and total cumulative dose;              Accurate audiological testing and timely detection of ototoxicity
     glycopeptide type, levels, and total cumulative dose; and diuretic   will identify novel compounds at risk for ototoxicity and create

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     awareness, which may lead to improved patient care and              Limitations
     improved quality of life. Furthermore, we aim to collect            First, it is important to realize that pediatric oncology patients
     high-quality data on the relation between disease status, type      can be critically ill at the time of presentation at the hospital.
     of treatment, and audiological functioning in children with solid   In that case, it may not be feasible to perform baseline
     and CNS tumors before and shortly after treatment. In the future,   audiological examination. For these selected children, we
     these data could be used to identify children who are at risk and   decided to use audiological anamnesis to exclude any type of
     might benefit from otoprotective agents that are currently under    pre-existent hearing loss. Second, it is possible that patients will
     development.                                                        receive medication (eg, antibiotics and diuretics) in shared care
                                                                         centers, which are not reported and may lead to underreporting

     The study is funded by internal funding, Paediatric Oncology Foundation Rotterdam and the core funding of the Princess Máxima
     Center. There is no contribution of commercial organizations.

     Data Availability
     Data sharing is not applicable, as no data set is currently available for analysis in this study protocol. A data transfer agreement
     between the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital/University Medical Center Utrecht and the Princess Máxima Center is available to
     transfer audiological data.

     Authors' Contributions
     MvdHE, MvG, FAD, and AJMM contributed by receiving ethical approval for the Study on Prevalence and Determinants of
     Ototoxicity During Treatment of Childhood Cancer (SOUND). FAD and AJMM were major contributors in writing the manuscript.
     MvdHE, MvG, SLAP, AEH, GOJ, RJS, AJMM, and FAD all contributed to the study design and critically revised the manuscript.
     AEH revised the audiological part of the Methods section. MF wrote the statistical analysis section of the manuscript. All authors
     read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

     Conflicts of Interest
     None declared.

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               BERA: brainstem-evoked response audiometry
               CNS: central nervous system
               DPOAE: distortion product otoacoustic emission
               ENT: ear-nose-throat
               OAE: otoacoustic emission
               PTA: pure tone audiometry
               ROS: reactive oxygen species
               SOUND: Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During Treatment of Childhood Cancer
               TEOAE: transiently evoked otoacoustic emission
               VRA: visual reinforcement audiometry

               Edited by T Leung; submitted 15.10.21; peer-reviewed by P Brock, L Hunter, E Mohammadi, Y Alabdallat; comments to author
               04.02.22; revised version received 10.02.22; accepted 11.02.22; published 07.04.22
               Please cite as:
               Diepstraten FA, Meijer AJM, van Grotel M, Plasschaert SLA, Hoetink AE, Fiocco M, Janssens GO, Stokroos RJ, van den Heuvel-Eibrink
               A Study on Prevalence and Determinants of Ototoxicity During Treatment of Childhood Cancer (SOUND): Protocol for a Prospective
               JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(4):e34297
               URL: https://www.researchprotocols.org/2022/4/e34297
               doi: 10.2196/34297

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     ©Franciscus A Diepstraten, Annelot JM Meijer, Martine van Grotel, Sabine LA Plasschaert, Alexander E Hoetink, Marta Fiocco,
     Geert O Janssens, Robert J Stokroos, Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols
     (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 07.04.2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
     Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
     reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Research Protocols, is properly cited. The
     complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on https://www.researchprotocols.org, as well as this
     copyright and license information must be included.

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