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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                               ISSN: 1548-7741

                  SERVICES’ IN POLLACHI”

                                Ms. K. Gowri., M.Com., M.Phil., PGDCA
                                      Assistant Professor in Commerce
                             Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore

      Today transport is the good performing sector hence road transport in India is operated by public
      sector and predominately by private sector. In general, compared with the other modes of
      transport bus transport and its services are more indispensable, convenient and very easy to
      access. The majority of passengers prefer bus service for their transport purpose; hence, it is
      necessary to fulfill their satisfaction and to provide a good quality of bus services. Passenger
      satisfaction with transportation services can be placed in the framework of passenger interests.
      The overall service quality of bus transport significantly increases, when they satisfied with the
      services such as fare level, crime rate at bus station and the traffic safety record of the bus
      operator. In this case, the problem can be suggested that an improvement of the service planning
      and reliability has the greatest effect on global level passenger satisfaction. Realizing the
      importance of the transport facility of the bus travelling between Pollachi to Coimbatore the
      researcher has taken “A Study on Passengers’ Satisfaction on Bus Services’ in Pollachi (with
      special reference to bus travelling between Pollachi – Coimbatore route).
      Key Words-Predominate, Framework, Reliability, Realizing, Crime Rate
      The rural people as well as urban people have come forward to utilize the bus facilities largely. In
      the present study, a genuine attempt has been made to ascertain the level of satisfaction and
      utilization of bus by the passenger. The incremental improvements in the bus system to meet the
      capacity requirements of different size cities. It is imperative that bus systems are planned such
      that they satisfy the requirements of users as well as service providers within the limited source
      Bus transport is the most desirable and sustainable system from societal perspective. A well-
      planned bus system can provide a high level of mobility to a large section of the population with
      the least cost. A flexible, comfortable, easily available and reliable bus service may encourage
      shift from private vehicles to public transport. Since travel demand varies overtime and space,
      public transport systems often have underutilized capacity at non-peak hours and high road factor

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                            ISSN: 1548-7741

      in peak hours. The objective of an efficient system is to meet the diverse demand and minimize
      operator’s loss.
                                    Growth of Indian Transport
      India’s bus transport business is already huge the country ranks among the top-10 in the
      world in the bus segment – with about 30,000 vehicles being sold every year. However, the
      market for air-conditioned luxury coaches is limited, less than about 1,000. The luxury-bus
      segment, however, is growing at a compound annual growth rate of about 25 per cent. Volvo Buses
      India Private Ltd (VBIPL), the newly formed company of the European major, is targeting public
      trans-port companies, starting with Karnataka. It has already won an order for 240 city buses
      from the Karnataka government. Volvo buses can now be seen even on local routes in Bangalore.
      The world’s largest selling bus manufacturer, Daimler-Chrysler, has a joint venture with Sutlej
      Motors Ltd (SML), a Jalandhar-based bus body manufacturer. Production is to start by the end of
      2008 in Pune on 100 acres of land acquired by Daimler-Chrysler especially for this project. The
      joint venture is seen as a culmi-nation of an India visit by a high powered team from Stuttgart,
      Germany, headed by Wolfgang Diez, the head of Daimler-Chrysler, buses and coaches
      business unit.
      In India, however, bus travel never really attracted affluent travelers. But there has been a sea
      change in the surface transport business, with the construction of new international standard
      expressways and national highways the deployment of luxury coaches, the establishment of
      restaurants, restrooms and other facilities along many highways. As a growing number of
      well-to-do Indians travel by coaches on holidays from Mumbai (to cities in Maharashtra,
      Gujarat, Goa and Karnataka), Delhi (to Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab) and
      Bangalore (to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh), entrepreneurs are building a chain of
      smart restaurants and shopping malls, amusement parks and other entertainment outlets along
      The change is evident right from the initial stage of booking tickets. In the past, booking a bus
      ticket means visiting a roadside vendor or a hole-in-the-wall operator, who would issue a
      hand-written receipt and ask the traveller to wait for the bus to arrive. Today, many private
      and public transport operators offer Internet booking of seats on coaches. Portals like
      MakeMyTrip and redBus.in offer bus ticket bookings on their sites. Passengers can book online,
      pay through cards or internet-enabled bank accounts, and reserve seats in air-conditioned,
      deluxe, sleeper and semi-sleeper buses across a score of cities in India. The e-tickets are like
      the ones accepted by airlines and even Indian Railways a passenger can take a print-out of the
      ticket and report at the bus terminus with an identity proof. Even state-owned corporations.
                               Bus Transport Services in Tamilnadu
      Tamilnadu state transport department was transferred as the express wing of pallavan Transport
      Corporation with effect from 15 Sep 1975. The express wing of Pallvan Transport Corporation

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                ISSN: 1548-7741

      was registered on 14 January 1980 and named as Triruvalluvar Transport Corporation.
      Thiruvalluvar Transport Corporation started with 276 buses at the beginning and now renamed as
      state express transport corporation ltd., at present state express transport corporation, Tamilnadu
      limited provides one of the most affordable public transports to 2 lakh passengers per day.
      It has a tradition of being a pioneer in several measures like introduction of online booking,
      payment of credit cards, 10% discount on return journey, 10% discount for the senior citizens,
      10% discount for group booking, zero waiting time, reservation of seats for ladies, 10% discount
      on the reservation tickets against purchasing of one year valid of Rs 500/ card, introduction of one
      week valid Rs 500 card to travel any bus in SETC and if passenger travel five times for a particular
      destination the 6th time travel will be permitted at free of cost
                                STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
      Transport plays a major role in the growth of an economy. Transport sector accounts for a share
      of 8.4% in India’s GDP; there is different kind of bus passengers with different attitudes towards
      the bus transport services. Passenger satisfaction with transportation services can be placed in the
      framework of passenger interests. The passenger satisfaction with bus transportation can be used
      to find reasonable solutions to the problems. The quality of bus services can be vital in making
      this sector popular, attractive and of greater value relative to other modes to induce more people
      to use it regularly. The inadequate facilities at bus stand were identified is the another sources of
      dissatisfaction among passenger comfort level must be defied and standards established to ensure
      appropriate services. The overall service quality of bus transport significantly increases, when
      they satisfied with the services such as fare level, crime rate at bus station and the traffic safety
      record of the bus operator. In this case the problem can be suggest that an improvement of the
      service planning and reliability can be more convenient for transport operators because the service
      planning and reliability has the greatest effect on global passenger satisfaction. The above-
      mentioned advantages of passenger travelling pollachi to Coimbatore route led to the level of
      satisfaction of passenger. The researcher identified the following questions:
          1. What is the socio-Economic characteristic of bus passenger travelling between pollachi to
             Coimbatore route?
          2. What are the factors influencing the selection of bus by the respondent?
          3. What are the levels of satisfaction perceived by passengers travelling Pollachi- Coimbatore
                                            Objective of the Study
           To know the socio-economic characteristic of respondents travelling between pollachi to
            Coimbatore in bus.
           To identify the factors influencing to selection of bus by the respondent.
           To identify the level of satisfaction perceived by the respondents travelling between
            Pollachi to Coimbatore in bus.

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                ISSN: 1548-7741

           To offer suggestion to improve the bus services to the transport service provider.
                                METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY
      Area of the study:
      In this research have been choose Pollachi to Coimbatore area.
       Sampling Design
      The population of the study consisting of bus service of Pollachi to Coimbatore and infinite in
      nature. The researcher has adopted convenient random sampling method. A sample size of 200
      respondents selected.
      Data Collection
      The study is research based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected
      from the passengers who had travelled in bus between pollachi to Coimbatore route. The secondary
      data collected from the books, journals, magazines and internet.
                               FRAME WORK OF THE ANALYSIS
       The research framework is constructed on the basis of the theories and objectives discussed above
      in the aspect of passenger’s satisfaction.
           Simple Percentage
           Rank Analysis
           Chi-square analysis

                                     REVIEW OF LITERATURE
      JohnManohar and Gurunathan (2010) In their study the parameters used for public transport
      firms should parallel the categories of performance measurement that have been ado vacated by
      transport performance researchers for decades; efficiency, effectiveness and impact. The
      performance of the operator of the transport system providing service to the travelling public,
      covering factors of production to increase output and to reduce the unit cost of production.
      “Balanced scorecard” composed a set of measures to give managers a fast but comprehensive view
      of their business.
      Subbaih and Praveena (2011) in their study they state that minibus service has played an
      important role in the rural and urban areas. Transport being the public utility service, the bus fare
      is fixed not only based on cost consideration but also on the bases of other social factors. Main
      feature of bus service provides better service to society. The main aim of bus service is to render
      services to people effectively and efficiently. Transport services are vital for the development of
      people, their importance mobility of labors significant contributing factor for economy
      development of the country.
      Aidoo, et al (2013) In their study they state that public transport plays a social role in the urban
      environment; both public authorities and transport operators are involved in policy formulation

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                    ISSN: 1548-7741

      and implementation in relation to transport services. By applying structural equation modeling
      service attributes such as vehicle safety, cleanliness and complaint handling have significant
      influences on passenger behavioral intentions. Bus traffic safety record is the most influential
      service segment and determinant of overall service quality.
                                 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETAION
                                      PREFERENCE OF PASSENGERS
                      FACTORS                                                              RANK
       Safety                                                143                              I
       Air freshener                                          68                            VII
       Affordable cost                                        90                            III
       Sophistication                                         45                           XVIII
       Quick time                                             78                              V
       Reduction in noise                                     52                            XIV
       Comfortable of seat                                    83                             IV
       Efficient                                              58                             XI
       Audio/ Video facility                                  91                             II
       Personal security                                      55                            XII
       Lighting facility                                      60                              X
       Quality of bus service                                 46                           XVII
       Safe journey                                           67                           VIII
       Visual appealing                                       40                            XXI
       Consistent                                             50                            XV
       No extra price during peak demand                      54                           XIII
       Good transport                                         62                             IX
       Attraction                                             44                            XIX
       Bus stop frequency                                     71                             VI
       Personnel                                              26                           XXII
       Cleanliness                                            41                            XX
       Less accident made bus                                 48                            XVI
      Source: Primary data
      The table shows that rank given by respondent based on their preference. Safety is the first factor,
      Audio/video facility as the second factor, affordable cost factor as the third factor, comfortable of
      seat as the fourth factor, quick time as the fifth factor, bus stop frequency as the sixth factor, air
      freshener as the eighth factor, good transport as the ninth factor, lighting facility as the tenth factor,
      efficient as the eleventh factor, personal security as the twelfth factor, no extra price during peak
      demand as the thirteenth factor, reduction in noise as the fourteenth factor, consistent as the
      fifteenth factor, less accident made bus as the sixteen factor, quality of bus service as the

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                    ISSN: 1548-7741

      seventeenth factor, sophistication as the eighteenth factor, attraction as the nineteenth factor,
      cleanliness as the twentieth factor, visual appealing as the twenty first factor and personnel as the
      twenty second factor.
      Thus, the passengers gave first rank to the factor, safety rather than other factors. In addition, level
      of satisfaction based on time
                            SATISFACTION BASED ON TIME
                                        X2              TABLE
        TIME FACTORS                                                         DF               S/NS
                                     VALUE              VALUE
     Frequency                         7.87              21.026               12                NS
     Punctuality                      12.41              21.026               12                NS
     Speed                            17.54              21.026               12                NS
     Time keeping                     10.45              21.026               12                NS
     Waiting time for bus at
                                       17.82             21.026               12                NS
     Alternative arrangement           44.97             21.026               12                S
      Source: Primary data
      Note: DF-Degree of freedom(r-1)*(c-1) =12
      S-Significant, NS- Not significant @ 5% level
      It is inferred that the null hypothesis was accepted (i.e, no significant influence).Other Factors like
      frequency, punctuality, speed, time keeping, waiting for bus at terminal. Whereas significant
      influence like alternative arrangement the null hypothesis were rejected.
       Most not significant factors are frequency, punctuality speed and waiting for bus at terminal and
      significant factor is alternative arrangement.
                                           X2              TABLE
           APPEARANCE                                                           DF               S/NS
                                         VALUE             VALUE
       Cleanliness                         4.63              9.49                  4                NS
       Bus comfort                         2.46              9.49                  4                NS
       Seat availability                   2.46              9.49                  4                NS
       Luggage track                       9.62              9.49                  4                 S
       Seat comfort                        5.19              9.49                  4                NS
       Selling things                      8.61              9.49                  4                NS

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                   ISSN: 1548-7741

      Source: Primary data
      Note: DF-Degree of freedom(r-1)*(c-1) = 4
      S-Significant, NS- Not significant @ 5% level
              The table shows that null hypothesis was accepted (i.e, no significant influence) for
      cleanliness, bus comfort, seat availability, seat comfort and selling things. Whereas significant
      influence like luggage track the null hypothesis was rejected.
             It is inferred that the most not significant factors are cleanliness, bus comfort, seat
      availability, seat comfort and selling things and significant factor is luggage track.
                                 ON SECURITY
                                                     X2            TABLE
                    SECURITY                                                         DF             S/NS
                                                   VALUE           VALUE
       On board security                            11.02           9.49              4               S
       Personnel security                           10.00           9.49              4               S
       Stopping of bus in between place              7.9            9.49              4              NS
      Source: Primary data
      S-Significant, NS- Not significant @ 5% level
      The table shows that the null hypothesis was accepted (i.e, no significant influence) for stopping
      of bus in between place. Whereas significant influence like on board security and personnel
      security the null hypothesis was rejected.
       It is inferred that most not significant factor is stopping of bus in between place and significant
      factors are on board security and personnel security.
          1. The majority of the respondents are Male.
          2. Majority of the respondents are unmarried.
          3. Majority of the respondent’s occupation are employee.
          4. Majority of the respondent’s Educational qualification were Graduation/ Diploma level.
          5. Majority of the respondent’s Annual income belong to below Rs 1, 00,000.
          6. The chi-square analysis on level of satisfaction based on time compare with age.
             It is inferred that the most not significant factors are frequency, punctuality, speed and waiting
             for bus at terminal and significant factor is alternative arrangement.
          7. The chi-square analysis on level of satisfaction based on inside appearance compare with
             gender. It is inferred that the most not significant factors are cleanliness, bus comfort, seat

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                                  ISSN: 1548-7741

             availability, seat comfort and selling things inside the bus and significant factor is luggage
           Most of the respondents belong to the age group between 21-40 years were using the bus
            service. For attracting the people who were above 60 years bus transport can provide
            concession to them and they can reduce the over sound of audio without disturbing the
           More number of passengers were travelling in the bus daily, so it is necessary to maintain
            the buses as well bus stand properly, it helps to retain the existing passengers and attracting
            the new passengers for travel and for the survival of bus transport in the end.
           During special occasions, they can provide extra bus facility for the convenience of the
           To provide excellent bus service, the quality of the bus service should be better; hence,
            rash driving should be avoided.
           Most of the respondents travel for their work. In order to increase the travel for other purposes
            the bus might be stopped in between for the need of the passengers.
           To increase the number of passengers in the government bus they should provide
            entertainment facility so that the passengers do not get stress while travelling.
      This study reveals that Passengers Satisfaction on Bus Services travelling between Pollachi to
      Coimbatore route, it is concluded that most of the passengers prefer bus transport to travel between
      pollachi to Coimbatore, mostly they prepare the private buses due to low cost. Transport services
      are vital role for the development of people. The bus operators should render efficient services to
      the satisfaction of the travelling public. It is also observed that the passengers are confronted with
      many problems, so the bus operators should try to implement the suggestions to avoid problems,
      so that they would be in a position to render efficient services to the travelling public .In order to
      retain existing passengers and attract new passengers, it is recommended that policies relating to
      passengers safety and comfort should be targeted.

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Journal of Information and Computational Science                                         ISSN: 1548-7741

      1. Marfakhriah yaakub and Madzlannapiah “Quality of Service and Passenger’s Perception.
         A Review on bus service in kotabhanu”, Online article, vol.11, 2011.
      2. Subbaih .A and Praveena.R, “A Study on Passengers Attitude towards the Minibus Services in
         Virudhunagar District” Indian Journal of Transport Management 2011.
      3. Valavanamudhan,“Quality Function Deployment in Bus Transport Sector” 2011. Online
      4. Naresh CandraMathur, “Hydrogen-The Future Fuel for Buses”, Indian Journal of Transport
         Management, 2011.

      1.   Indian Journal of Marketing
      2.   Indian Journal of Transport Management
      3.   Management& change
      4.   Indian Journal of Public sector Management
      5.   International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering
      6.   International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

Volume 10 Issue 3 - 2020                            732                                     www.joics.org
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