A Study on Consumer Satisfaction and Preference towards Tata Nexon Ev With Special Reference To Coimbatore - Ijaresm

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
          Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

      A Study on Consumer Satisfaction and Preference
      towards Tata Nexon Ev With Special Reference To
                                             Dr. P. Pirakatheeswari1, N.Vetrivel2
                   Assistant professor, B.COM PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore
                  UG Final Year Student, B.COM PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore



A consumer's perception of product or service offered may differ from what the producer or marketer had
intended to offer. This is neither helpful nor favorable for both the parties in today's competitive environment.
Also, is likely to have more serious result in seeking consumer attention as today's consumers have greater
exposure to the minute, diverse and extensive information. The objective of the research aims to understand the
perception of consumers towards the Tata Nexon Ev and even aims to understand the likeability of the Tata
Nexon Ev in the market. In this new era of business world, Consumers are the real owners. So, each and every
expectations and preference of consumers have to be studied. Random sampling has been used in this study. Due
to time and resource constrains the sample size is taken as 100. The structured questionnaires that were framed
and designed consist of close ended, open ended and multiple choice questions. As it has a good market share in
the market, the company has to take steps to keep up the market share by conducting check up campaigns and
educating the customer about the maintenance of their four wheelers, so that they can reap maximum utility. In
this study we understood that the consumer preference and satisfaction of TATA Nexon EV cars which helps to
understand the consumer behavior and the reasons for the satisfaction as well as the dissatisfaction of the

A Consumer buying a product may associate satisfaction on a number of parameters and the degree of satisfaction will
depend upon the extent to which the brand scores on the parameters. For measuring the Consumer satisfaction, a right
kind of measurement system and an effective instrument system and an effective instrument must be developed that can
measure the perception and attitude of the Consumers.

Consumer’s preferences are changing accordingly with time. Consumer’s expectations and changing preference should
be studied with great efforts, so that marketers can design the product based on the need of the consumers. If       the
consumers need were met then the consumer may turn as an asset to the company because they become opinion leader
for others. So that the company can increase its market share. Consumer preference and expectation is mainly based on
the following attributes: The product or service, the price, the place and promotion. In this new era of business world,
Consumers are the real owners. So, each and every expectations and preference of consumers have to be studied.

Statement of the Problem
Consumer spends much time to in the selection of durable products, especially four wheelers. This is because of the
cost and longevity. The marketing strategies followed by the manufacturer and marketer as well as pre-conceived idea
of the buyer also play a vital role in the selection of a particular brand and to get more satisfied. In this study, it has
made an attempt to identify the customer satisfaction and preference of TATA Nexon EV with special reference to
Coimbatore. In this study the following areas need to be examined: What are the factors preferred while purchasing the
car? What are the reason to prefere the car? What are the consumer perception towards the car? What is the level of
satisfaction towards the cars?

Objectives of the Study
 To analyze the factors preferred by the consumers while purchasing the TATA Nexon EV cars.
 To identify the reason to prefer the TATA Nexon EV cars.
 To study the consumer perception towards various aspects such as price, quality, safety, performance and etc.,
  towards TATA Nexon EV cars.
 To analyse the level of satisfaction with TATA Nexon EV cars.

 IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com                                                                                      Page 350
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
         Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Research Methodology
This study is descriptive in nature which covers both the primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected using
questionnaire method from the respondents and secondary data is collected from the various sources like textbooks,
magazines, websites and journals. Totally 100 samples collected using convenient sampling techniques from the
respondents and statistical tool used is percentage method, chi-square test and Anova test

Limitations of the Study
 1. The study restricts itself within Coimbatore.
 2. The study assumes that the information was given by the consumer without any bios.
 3. The study is done based on the opinions of the sample taken at random, the size of which is 100.
 4. Some consumers did not answer properly.

Scope of the Study
 1. The scope of the study is limited to Coimbatore.
 2. It is focused on the satisfaction and preference of the consumers towards TATA Nexon EV Cars.
 3. The sample of this study is 100.
 4. Through this study, we analyses the consumer perception towards price, quality, safety and performance of TATA
    Nexon EV Cars.

                                            REVIEW OF LITERATURE

 1. Ajoy Joseph S: (2011). In this paper the analysis was made for passenger cars in Karnataka State, India. Sample
    sizes of five hundred and twenty five passenger car owners are taken for data collection. The study mainly focuses
    to analyse the preference and satisfaction of customers to buy the car. Based upon the price the car owners were
    categorised. The study also focuses on financial assistance and loans for the cars. It suggests the finance company
    to make the processing duration less, documentation process to be easier and needs lot of explanation about the
    assistance from the company authorities.
 2. Nitin Joshi1.D Mishra.P (2011) This study was conducted in the Geographical Area of State of Maharashtra in
    India. This study mainly focused to find out the Environmental Friendly car and its awareness among the people.
    Sample size is 500. It is found that the awareness about Environmental Friendly car is less and there is no
    relationship between age and awareness about the cars.
 3. Thiripurasundari.U (2011). This study was conducted in Pondicherry with a sample size of three hundred. The car
    owners were taken for consideration. Varies factors such as brand preference, loyalty etc have been analysed in
    this study. It is founded that brand application is the important factor for selecting a car.
 4. Philip Kotler Due to increasing the technology four wheelers market has try to do every time innovative, creative.
    For that second example in four wheelers more comfort in that TV facility, Google map, automatic lock system
 5. Mayank Bhatia Amit Jain (2013) Consumers’ level of awareness about green products found to be high but at the
    same time consumers are not aware about green initiatives undertaken by various government and non-government
    agencies signifying need for more efforts from organizations in this regard.

Overview of the Topic
Customer satisfaction deals with the characteristics of human behavior. Marketing belongs to human behavior as it
deals with buying decisions. The Advertisement copy writer has to study psychology behind human behavior in respect
of satisfaction of his wants. Customer satisfaction is an ultimate aim of all economic activity. Customer is the largest
economic group who are affected by public and private economic decision. Customer satisfaction is an ultimate aim of
any business. Both survival and growth of depend on customer satisfaction.The customer satisfaction is the relationship
between the customers’ exception and the mobile perceived performance. If it exceeds them, the customer is highly
satisfied; if it falls short the customer is dissatisfied. A satisfied customer is more likely to purchase the mobile next
time and will say good things about the mobile to others. According to marketers, “A satisfied customer is our best
                                          ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION

                        Table 1: Table showing the demographic profile of the Respondents

 Demographic Variables               Sub Categorization                 No. Of Respondents             Percentage

Gender                         Male                                75                           75%
                               Female                              25                           25%

 IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com                                                               Page 351
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
         Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

Occupation                   Student                            9                           9%
                             Employee                           36                          36%
                             Business man                       31                          31%
                             Others                             24                          24%

Age in years                 Below 20                           10                          10%
                             25 to 30                           18                          18%
                             31 to 40                           42                          42%
                             40 above                           30                          30%

Education                    High school                        26                          26%

                             Graduate                           33                          33%

                             Post graduate                      30                          30%

                             Others                             11                          11%

Monthly income               Under 15,000                       20                          20%

                             18,000 - 20,000                    22                          22%

                             20,000 - 25,000                    35                          35%

                             25,000 above                       23                          23%

Source: Primary Data (survey data)

The above table shows that 75% of the respondents are male and 25% of the respondents are female. Thus the majority
of the respondents are male. From the occupation category 9% of the respondents are student, 36% of the respondents
are employee, 31% of the respondents are business man, and 24% of the respondents are others. Thus the majority of
the respondents are employee. From the age category 10% of the respondents belong to the age of below 20, 18% of
the respondents belong to the age group of 25 to 30, 42% of the respondents belong to the age group of 31 to 40 and
30% of the respondents belong to the age group of above 40. Thus the majority of the respondents belong to the age
group of 31 to 40. From the educational qualification category 26% of the respondents are completed high school, 33%
of the respondents are completed graduate, 30% of the respondents are completed post graduate and 11% of the
respondents are completed other educational qualification. Thus the majority of the respondents are completed
graduate. From the monthly income category 20% of the respondents belong to the income category of under
Rs.15,000, 22% of the respondents belong to the income category of Rs.18,000 – Rs.20,000, 35% of the respondents
belong to the income category of Rs.20,000 – Rs.25,000, 23% of the respondents belong to the income category of
above Rs. 25,000. Thus the majority of the respondents belong to the income category of Rs.20, 000 – Rs.25, 000.

                                         Table 2: No.Of Years Using The Car

   S. No                     Years                          No. of respondents                Percentage (%)

     1                    Up to 3 years                              40                              40

     2                     4 – 5 years                               32                              32

     3                    Above 5 years                              28                              28

                              Total                                  100                            100
 Source: Primary Data

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
                Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

  The above table shows that 40% of the respondents are using up to 3 years, 32% of the respondents are using 4 – 5
  years and 28% of the respondents are using above 5 years. Thus the majority of the respondents are using car up to 3
                                 Table 3: Factors Preferred While Purchasing Car

       S. No                      Factors                        No. of respondents                 Percentage (%)
           1                        Price                               17                               17
           2                  Brand name                                 7                                7
           3                      Comfort                                9                                9
           4                       Safety                               10                               10
           5                      Design                                 8                                8
           6                        Size                                12                               12
           7                      Mileage                               10                               10
           8                  Performance                                7                                7
           9               Maintenance cost                             15                               15
           10                      Others                                5                                5
                    Total                                               100                              100
  Source: Primary Data

  The above table shows that 17% of the respondents said that price, 7% of respondents said that brand name, 9% of the
  respondents said that comfort, 10% of the respondents said that safety, 8% of the respondents said that design, 12% of
  the respondents said that size, 10% of the respondents said that mileage, 7% of the respondents said that performance,
  15% of the respondents said that maintenance cost and 5% of the respondents said that the others. Thus the majority
  of the respondents said that price is preferred while purchasing car

                                               Table 4: Reason To Prefer The Brand

       S. No                       Reasons                        No. of respondents                Percentage (%)

           1                        Mileage                               45                              45

           2                         Price                                30                              30

           3                       Comfort                                15                              15

           4                        Design                                10                              10

                            Total                                        100                             100
  Source: Primary Data

  The above table shows that 45% of the respondents are said that mileage, 30% of the respondents said that price, 15%
  of the respondents said that comfort and 10% of the respondents are said that design to prefer the brand. Thus    the
  majority of the respondents are said that mileage is the reason to prefer the brand.

                                                    Table 5: Aspects of A Car

S.no                  Attributes              Very High         High          Moderate        Low              Very Low
       1                 Price                35           30                20          10                   10
       2                Quality               40           25                15          15                   10
       3                Safety                25           27                30          12                    6
       4                Interiors             50           30                10           5                    5
       5               Exteriors              55           30                10           3                    2
       6              Performance             40           35                20           5                    5

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
          Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

  7             Mileage                45            25               20                5                   5
  8            Comfort                 60            10               10               15                   5
  9         Maintenance cost           45            25               15               10                   5
 Source: Primary Data

The above table shows that 35% of the respondents said that very high, 30% of the respondents said that high, 20% of
the respondents said that moderate, 10% of the respondents said that low and 10% of the respondents said that very low
towards price. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards price.

The above table shows that 40% of the respondents said that very high, 25% of the respondents said that high, 15% of
the respondents said that moderate, 15% of the respondents said that low and 10% of the respondents said that towards
quality. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards quality.

The above table shows that 25% of the respondents said that very high, 27% of the respondents said that high, 30% of
the respondents said that moderate, 12% of the respondents said that low and 6% of the respondents said that towards
safety. Thus the majority of the respondents said that moderate towards safety.

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents said that very high, 30% of the respondents said that high, 10% of
the respondents said that moderate, 5% of the respondents said that low and 5% of the respondents said that very low
towards interiors of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards interiors of the car.

The above table shows that 55% of the respondents said that very high, 30% of the respondents said that high, 10% of
the respondents said that moderate, 3% of the respondents said that low and 2% of the respondents said that very low
towards exteriors of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards exteriors of the car.

The above table shows that 40% of the respondents said that very high, 35% of the respondents said that high, 20% of
the respondents said that moderate, 5% of the respondents said that low and 5% of the respondents said that very low
towards performance of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards performance of the

The above table shows that 45% of the respondents said that very high, 25% of the respondents said that high, 20% of
the respondents said that moderate, 5% of the respondents said that low and 5% of the respondents said that very low
towards mileage of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards the mileage of the car.

The above table shows that 60% of the respondents said that very high, 10% of the respondents said that high, 10% of
the respondents said that moderate, 5% of the respondents said that low and 5% of the respondents said that very low
towards comfort of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards comfort of the car.

The above table shows that 45% of the respondents said that very high, 25% of the respondents said that high, 15% of
the respondents said that moderate, 10% of the respondents said that low and 5% of the respondents said that very low
towards maintenance cost of the car. Thus the majority of the respondents said that very high towards maintenance of
the car.
                                               Table 6: Satisfaction With Car

  S. No                    Particulars                        No. of respondents                Percentage (%)

     1                    Very satisfied                              39                               39
     2                       Satisfied                                41                               41
     3                     Dissatisfied                               10                               12
     4                  Highly dissatisfied                           10                               8
                               Total                                  100                             100
Source: Primary Data

The above table shows that 39% of the respondents very satisfied, 41% of the respondents are satisfied, 12% of the
respondents said that dissatisfied, 8% of the respondents are highly dissatisfied in car. Thus the majority of the
respondents are satisfied in car.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
         Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com

                   Correlation analysis for relationship between gender and satisfaction with car


                                                                          GENDER OF             THE SATISFICATION
                                                                          RESPONDENTS               WITH CAR
                                                                          1                         .785**

                                           Sig. (2-tailed)                                          .000
                                           N                              100                       100
SATISFICATION WITH CAR                     Pearson Correlation                   **
                                                                          .785                      1

                                           Sig. (2-tailed)                .000
                                           N                              100                       100
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


From the above table, r= 0.785, n=100, p=0.00. This is a positive & high degree of correlation. There are significant
relationship between gender of the respondents and satisfaction with car.

Chi-square test for relationship between age and reason to prefer the brand

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relation between age of the respondents and reason to prefer the brand.
Alternate Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relation between age of the respondents and reason to prefer the brand.

                                Age Of The Respondents * Reason To Prefer The Brand

                                                                  REASON TO PREFER THE BRAND
                                                       Mileage          Price         Comfort      Design

                                       Below 20              10          0                 0            0            10

AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS                  25 to 30             18          0                 0            0            18
                                        31 to 40             17          25                0            0            42
                                       40 above              0           5                 15       10               30
                       Total                                 45          30                15       10               100

                                                      Chi-Square Tests

                                                               Value                  df          Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

               Pearson Chi-Square                            113.228a                 9                      .000
                Likelihood Ratio                             129.694                  9                      .000

          Linear-by-Linear Association                         59.671                 1                      .000

                N of Valid Cases                                  100

                a. 9 cells (56.3%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.00.

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International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
         Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com


From the above table, Pearson Chi-Square’P’ value is 113.228. Since the calculated value < critical value so accepts
the null hypothesis & reject alternate hypothesis. So, we may conclude that there is no significant relationship between
age of the respondents and reason to prefer the brand.

Anova test for relationship between gender and factors preferred while purchasing car

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relation between gender and factors preferred while purchasing car.
Alternate Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relation between gender and factors preferred while purchasing car.



                              Sum of Squares             Df            Mean Square               F              Sig.

     Between Groups               102.083                 1               102.083             13.259            .000

      Within Groups               754.507                98                7.699
          Total                   856.590                99


From the above table, calculated value is 13.259. The calculated value greater than the tabulated value, Hence we reject
alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis is accepted. It concluded that, there is no significant relation between gender
and factors preferred while purchasing car.

                                             FINDINGS OF THE STUDY

    75% of the respondents are male.
    36% of the respondents are employee.
    42% of the respondents belong to the age group of 31 to 40.
    33% of the respondents are completed graduate
    35% of the respondents belong to the income category of Rs.20, 000 – Rs.25, 000.
    35% of the respondents are living with 5-6 years.
    40% of the respondents are using up to 3 years.
    45% of the respondents are said that mileage is the reason to prefer the brand.
    35% of the respondents said that very high towards price.
    40% of the respondents said that very high towards quality
    30% of the respondents said that moderate towards safety
    50% of the respondents said that very high towards interiors of the car.
    55% of the respondents said that very high towards exteriors of the car
    40% of the respondents said that very high towards performance of the car.
    45% of the respondents said that very high towards the mileage of the car.
    60% of the respondents said that very high towards comfort of the car.
    45% of the respondents said that very high towards maintenance of the car.
    41% of the respondents are satisfied in car.

                                          SUGGESTIONS OF THE STUDY

    The price of the car must be affordable one to the consumers.
    The brand name must be spread through various channels and social media in order to attract more customers.
    The level of comfortness of the car must be increased.
    The design of the car must be further enhanced to attract number of customers.
    The performance of the car must be ensuring to provide the same in future.
    The maintenance cost of the car must be ensured to be a low one to the consumers.

 IJARESM Publication, India >>>> www.ijaresm.com                                                               Page 356
International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211
         Volume 9, Issue 5, May -2021, Impact Factor: 7.429, Available online at: www.ijaresm.com


TATA Nexon EV cars are a popular vehicle in automobile market. No doubt that it is due to the satisfaction of the
customers. The company must try and develop new techniques to improve the standard of vehicle to compete in this
competitive world. It must work continuously to maintain its popularity. As it has a good market share in the market,
the company has to take steps to keep up the market share by conducting check up campaigns and educating the
customer about the maintenance of their four wheelers, so that they can reap maximum utility. In this study we
understood that the consumer preference and satisfaction of TATA Nexon EV cars which helps to understand the
consumer behavior and the reasons for the satisfaction as well as the dissatisfaction of the product. In the above study
we understood that the consumers are highly satisfied with the car. It also reveals that the consumers are very happy
about the quality of the car and its performance too. Consumers are very much satisfied about the quality, service and

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