A Study Comparing Intrinsic Motivation and Opinions on Learning Science (Grades 6) and Taking the International PISA Test (Grade 9) - ERIC

A Study Comparing Intrinsic Motivation and Opinions on
Learning Science (Grades 6) and Taking the International PISA
Test (Grade 9)
Moonika Teppo * , Regina Soobard                         and Miia Rannikmäe

                                           Centre for Science Education, University of Tartu, 60532 Tartu, Estonia; regina.soobard@ut.ee (R.S.);
                                           miia.rannikmae@ut.ee (M.R.)
                                           * Correspondence: moonika.teppo@ut.ee

                                           Abstract: Research findings indicate a decline in students’ motivation towards science learning
                                           through grade levels. However, there is a lack of studies investigating students’ motivation comparing
                                           learning between science subjects and at different school levels. Using self-determination theory as a
                                           framework, this study compares perceived changes in intrinsic motivation and student opinions on
                                           the relevance of learning science themes among students in grades 6 and 9 (the end of compulsory
                                           schooling). To explore such learning, a multidimensional validated instrument is developed and
                                           used to collect empirical data from 2673 grade 6 students and 848 grade 9 students. Results from this
                                           research indicate statistically significant subject differences regarding sub-components of intrinsic
                                           motivation and a declining trend in students’ opinions on the sub-scales of relevance for learning
                                           science themes with age. The results further indicate that grade 6 students report significantly higher
                                           science-related intrinsic motivation compared with grade 9 students. Suggestions and implications
                                           for practice and the potential impact on PISA science studies are discussed.
                                    Keywords: self-determination theory; intrinsic motivation; relevance; students’ opinions
Citation: Teppo, M.; Soobard, R.;
Rannikmäe, M. A Study Comparing
Intrinsic Motivation and Opinions on
Learning Science (Grades 6) and            1. Introduction
Taking the International PISA Test                Motivation has a significant influence on student’s learning and performance [1,2]. Yet
(Grade 9). Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14.
                                           studies have shown that there is a decline in student motivation toward science learning
                                           going from elementary to secondary school [3–6]. However, previous research has focused
                                           on science in general (e.g., [4,6]) or on one science subject (e.g., chemistry [7], physics [8],
                                           biology [9,10], geography [11]), but did not distinguish between different science subjects at
Received: 27 November 2020
                                           once in exploring motivation. Age-related trends in students’ motivation are largely absent,
Accepted: 28 December 2020
Published: 1 January 2021
                                           especially when considering different science subjects (i.e., towards biology, geography,
                                           chemistry and physics) at the same time within one research study.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
                                                  Internationally, science attainment is tested by different bodies (OECD, Organisation
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-   for Economic Co-operation and Development and TIMSS, Trends in International Mathe-
ms in published maps and institutio-       matics and Science Study). The science education focussed PISA 2015 assessment, ran by
nal affiliations.                          the OECD, focusing on science learning among 15-year-old students was undertaken in
                                           72 countries worldwide [12]. Among the countries participating in PISA, science is taught
                                           as separate subjects in a number of these, and in the case of four countries (Estonia, Latvia,
                                           Lithuania and Slovenia) these students are in grade 9 (in the current research, the students
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
                                           are within the PISA-defined 15-year-old age group).
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                                  Generally, motivation can be divided into two considerations—intrinsic and extrin-
This article is an open access article
                                           sic [13]. Intrinsic motivation tends to be equated with satisfaction and meaningfulness
distributed under the terms and con-
                                           i.e., having personal value for the learner [14], whereas in extrinsic motivation, a student’s
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
                                           behaviour is more dependent on the value of external factors promoting the relevance of
tribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                           the topic. There is a tendency for intrinsic motivation to decline with advances in science
                                           learning, i.e., with age and the ability to deal with more abstract cognition [15], which relate

Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11010014                                              https://www.mdpi.com/journal/education
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                            2 of 18

                          to, and are influenced by, both the teaching and the learning environment. In other words,
                          students tend to formulate opinions (in terms of want/wish/like to learn) about their
                          science learning, not only derived from the curriculum/teaching environment, but also
                          from specific experiences in everyday life, or the social environment. With age, students
                          become more familiar with a wider range of science content (and contexts). However,
                          as students’ progress through grade levels, there is a tendency for science learning to be
                          split into different science domains, each taught separately. In such situations, it seems
                          that chemistry and physics are perceived to be the least liked subjects, especially when
                          compared with biology [5,16–18], and external motivation fails to stimulate relevance.
                                Considering the important role that science education plays in the development of
                          society and the economy and the declining numbers of students choosing science and
                          technology-related disciplines and careers [19], the aim of this study is to investigate the
                          level of students’ intrinsic motivation and opinions associated with relevance in learning
                          different science subjects and the number of years of schooling. Hence, the present study,
                          adopting a self-determination perspective, investigates students’ opinions, in terms of
                          relevance, related to learning science themes, in addition to seeking students’ intrinsic
                          motivation, taking into account both grade levels and the learning of science subjects.
                                The following research questions are put forward:
                          1.   What are the trends from grade 6 to 15-year-old, grade 9 students’ opinions, in terms
                               of relevance (in terms of personal, social and subject preferences) in learning science
                          2.   What differences occur between grade 6 and 15-year-old, grade 9 students’ intrin-
                               sic motivation and its indicators (interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, ef-
                               fort/importance and value/usefulness) towards learning different science subjects?

                          1.1. Motivation and Factors Influencing It
                                Motivation is a complex term and has different interpretations, but, generally, motiva-
                          tion refers to an inner process that activates, stimulates, provides direction and maintains
                          behaviour over time [20–23]. This suggests motivation is needed for a change in behaviour
                          to achieve a desired result or goal. Motivation is also related with other psychological
                          concepts, seen as interest/enjoyment, competence, effort and, in addition, self-perceived
                          meaningful learning (value). These constructs have been used in several intrinsic motiva-
                          tion studies based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) [13,23,24].
                                Motivation is believed by researchers and educators to be an important precondition
                          for initiating and maintaining learning, having a positive impact on students’ interest and
                          performance. Ryan and Deci [23] have described a motivated person as a person who is
                          stimulated to do something, i.e., he or she is energized or activated to engage in the task
                          or activity. For example, studies have shown that students perform better academically
                          in science if they have higher intrinsic motivation [25]. In addition to higher academic
                          achievement in science, the level of motivation is also dependent on how competent
                          students themselves feel while learning science, how much choice and autonomy they have
                          in the learning, or how meaningful and valuable the science learning is for themselves [13].
                          In other words, motivation depends very much on how students feel and can self-determine
                          for themselves.

                          1.2. Intrinsic Motivation and Related Constructs in Terms of Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
                               A widely referenced theory is Self-Determination Theory (SDT) [23], although others
                          have been put forward, e.g., Achievement goal theory [26] and Expectancy-value the-
                          ory [27]. SDT relates to human motivation, development of personality and behavioural
                          self-determination, distinguishing intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation, based on the
                          different reasons or goals that give rise to an activity [23]. Intrinsic motivation refers to
                          doing something for itself, giving pleasure, interest and satisfaction derived from the perfor-
                          mance [13]. In other words, an intrinsically motivated person gets reward and enjoyment
                          from the performance or activity itself. Extrinsic motivation, however, refers to behaviour
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                          that is driven by external factors, such as grades, praise, or attention [13,23]. Based on SDT,
                          Ryan and Deci [13,23] propose that when learning is satisfying and meaningful, it is per-
                          ceived to be of value by the learner. In other words, when students recognize purpose and
                          develop confidence, the motivation is intrinsic and has the potential to enhance learning
                          from different perspectives.
                                Interest/enjoyment is considered to be a self-reported measure of intrinsic motivation,
                          based on SDT [13]. Both interest and enjoyment belong to the affective domain; thus, in the
                          current study, these are taken as synonyms, although they have different determinants. For
                          example, Reeve [28] concludes that “interest contributes to intrinsic motivation by arous-
                          ing the initiation and direction of attention and exploratory behaviour, while enjoyment
                          contributes to intrinsic motivation by sustaining the willingness to continue and persist in
                          the activity”. Studies have indicated the importance of interest/enjoyment in successful
                          learning and achievement [29,30].
                                Intrinsic motivation is influenced by perceived competence, which refers to the need
                          of the individuals to experience opportunities and support for the activity and their ability
                          to express their knowledge, skills, abilities, or talents [24]. Furthermore, according to
                          social-cognitive theory, people are motivated to learn if they believe that they can achieve
                          the desired results [31]. In other words, if students perceive themselves to be sufficiently
                          competent while undertaking an activity (i.e., perceive themselves to be good at science,
                          are satisfied with their performance), then they also have a higher intrinsic motivation
                          towards learning. Therefore, perceived competence is considered a very strong predictor
                          of both academic performance and intrinsic motivation.
                                Effort is also seen as an important factor influencing students’ academic perfor-
                          mance [32,33]. Effort is defined “as voluntary behaviour or personal investment that
                          a student makes for their education” [34]. They highlight the need to investigate student
                          effort in terms of its intensity and quality, because it depends on how much students work
                          on completing the learning task, or activity. In addition, significant relationships have also
                          been found between academic performance, intrinsic motivation and perceived effort [32].
                          For example, a study by [35] indicates that students who lack motivation put in less effort,
                          which in turn leads to poor academic performance.
                                Value/usefulness in the SDT framework is related with the idea that people internalize
                          and become self-regulating with respect to activities that they experience as useful or
                          valuable for themselves [23]. Research indicates that when the science instruction is focused
                          on usefulness and meaningfulness, students are more highly motivated and interested in
                          learning science topics [26,36–38].

                          1.3. Intrinsic Motivation Measures
                               Self-Determination Theory (SDT) provides the framework for an Intrinsic Motiva-
                          tion Inventory (IMI) [39], which has be used to assess participants’ self-reported inter-
                          est/enjoyment, perceived competence, effort, value/usefulness, felt pressure and tension,
                          plus perceived choice and relatedness, while performing a given activity (subjective experi-
                          ences related to target activity). IMI has been implemented in different contexts and with
                          different sub-scales in science education research [8,40–43]. For example, Meyer et al. [42]
                          has investigated the impact of choice on aspects of motivation during biology lessons and
                          has found that students who are given the possibility to choose topics in biology lessons
                          have higher levels of intrinsic motivation than students who are not given this option. In
                          their study, Teppo et al. [43] compared grade 6 students’ motivation towards science and
                          mathematics and have found that students’ interest/enjoyment, perceived competence and
                          choice scores towards learning science are significantly higher than towards mathematics,
                          but at the same time students value and put more effort into mathematics rather than
                          science learning.
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                          1.4. Student Opinions (Associated with Relevance)
                               Exploring students’ opinions about science learning can give meaningful insights on
                          the relevance of the learning, measured by asking students’ what they want to know about,
                          what they like, or the relevance of the science theme [44,45]. This usually means that which
                          is personally relevant for the student. However, personal relevance can be addressed at
                          different levels. For example, Prinski et al. [14] define relevance as a “personally meaningful
                          connection to the individual” and put forward three types of relevance indicated as:
                          personal associations, personal usefulness and identification, where the first type is the
                          least and the third is the most personally meaningful type of relevance. They further
                          propose that these three types are not mutually exclusive, and each is associated with
                          a high degree of subjectivity, i.e., different stimuli (topics, activities, objects) can elicit
                          different types of relevance at different times. Thus, personal association can be difficult
                          to identify, because students hold diverse opinions and hence, in terms of relevance, can
                          perceive experience differently in an everyday activity [46]. This suggests that while science
                          content can be designed with the intention of being relevant to all students in a particular
                          theme, or activity, it may not have such relevance in practice, because of differing student
                          preferences. In addition to personal/individual relevance, two further dimensions of
                          relevance can also be considered [47]—the societal (focuses on knowledge and skills for
                          societal participation) and vocational (future professions and careers) viewpoints. Both
                          have been proposed as attributes that can make science learning relevant. Studies, in fact,
                          have shown that when the science content is presented in everyday, or social, contexts, it
                          increases students’ relevance towards science learning [38,48].
                               Little is said about subject relevance, as this is generally outside the control of teachers,
                          it being designated in the school, or country curriculum, with little room for teacher
                          control over content. Generally, science subject learning is seen as essential not only
                          because of being integral to everyday life, but also in its contribution to promoting key
                          competences, especially logical thinking associated with cause and effect, promoting
                          approaches to problem solving and decision-making skills, as well as enhancing creative
                          thinking. However, the approach to such development needs to be in line with student
                          cognitive and social development [23] and suitably scaffolded for meaningful learning [49].
                          Subject relevance in science subjects can be seriously curtailed if the subject demands are
                          beyond the students’ developmental abilities.

                          2. Methodology
                          2.1. Sample
                               Data were collected as a part of a larger project among lower secondary school students
                          in Estonia. The sample was formed considering both school area/district (city schools,
                          small town schools and other schools) and number of students in each school district
                          (see for more detailed description of sample forming by Pedaste et al. [50]). Altogether,
                          2673 students in grade 6 (average age 12.6) and 848 students from grade 9 (average age 15.6),
                          from 147 schools across Estonia, completed the questionnaire. Sample size in both grades
                          was considered as being representative against the Estonian grade 6 and 9 population. The
                          sample of grade 6 students was larger, because it was utilized as part of a larger study.

                          2.2. Instrument
                               The instrument used for the current study consisted of two main sections:
                               (1) Determining students’ opinions on learning science. The instrument was compiled
                          based on instruments from several studies [37,51,52] and involved 36 science sub-themes
                          (content areas as per the curriculum) related to lower secondary school science. These
                          themes were presented in 3 different contexts—personal, social and science curriculum
                          content-related (for a more detailed description, see [38]). Themes were selected based on
                          the compulsory learning content indicated in the National curriculum for basic schools [53].
                          These core science themes were:
                          •    Features and life processes of plants;
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                          •    Structure and composition of substances;
                          •    Natural disasters and landform formation;
                          •    Energy change, e.g., light and electricity.
                              (2) Identifying the Intrinsic motivation to learn science at school. With respect to the current
                          study, this section consisted of 4 sub-scales taken from the adapted Intrinsic Motivation
                          Inventory [39] as follows:
                          •    Interest/enjoyment (4 items);
                          •    Perceived competence (4 items);
                          •    Effort/importance (3 items);
                          •    Value/usefulness (5 items).
                               The items were modified slightly so as to fit the science learning context (i.e., “I enjoy
                          studying in science”, “Science learning is very interesting”, “It takes a lot of effort from
                          me to understand science”). Grade 6 students answered these items from the point of
                          view of science, whereas the 15-year-old students answered from the perspective of one
                          of the four randomly selected biology, geography, physics or chemistry subjects in each
                          class. Not all 15-year-old students responded to all science subjects, as completion of
                          the whole questionnaire would have potentially introduced student fatigue, leading to
                          response unreliability.
                               All statements within the first section of the instrument were presented using a 4-point
                          Likert scale (1—not agree to 4—totally agree) and, within the second section, based on
                          a 5-point Likert scale (1—strongly disagree, 2—disagree, 3—neither agree nor disagree,
                          4—agree, 5—strongly agree).

                          2.3. Reliability and Validity
                               An initial pilot study was carried out by asking one class of grade 6 students and
                          another of grade 9 students to provide feedback on the clarity and understandability
                          of the items. Based on the students’ responses, minor changes were made regarding
                          the wording of some items. Different experts were involved in validating the selected
                          themes for the first section of instrument. Interviews with three experts (science education
                          professor, researcher and science teacher) were held to ascertain whether the themes were
                          appropriate to use in both grades and also gave reasonable coverage of the Estonian science
                          curricula. Agreement among expert opinions was 85%, indicating that the themes included
                          in the questionnaire were suitable for use in grades 6 and 9. Cronbach’s alpha values,
                          as an estimate of reliability, were calculated for the whole instrument, as well as for the
                          different sub-scales (factors), indicating the reliability coefficient was acceptable at a very
                          appropriate level, ranging from 0.70 to 0.94 in both grades. Internal consistency for the first,
                          “opinions” section was 0.97 and 0.97 for grade 6 and 9, respectively, and for the “intrinsic
                          motivation” scale, 0.92 and 0.93, respectively. An alpha coefficient ≥0.70 is considered to
                          be an acceptable value [54,55].

                          2.4. Data Collection
                                The questionnaire was administered electronically either using school computers, or
                          tablet computers provided by a data collector responsible for implementing the survey
                          at a school. Students answered the questionnaire during a regular science lesson. It took
                          approximately 10–15 min to complete the two-sections questionnaire.

                          2.5. Data Analysis
                               SPSS Statistics 26 and Mplus (version 8.4; [56]) were used for data analysis. At first,
                          descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations) of items in both sections were calculated.
                          In order to investigate the internal structure of the instrument, factor analysis was applied.
                          Because the first section of the instrument (Opinions on learning science themes) was de-
                          veloped by the authors, first exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was carried out to determine
                          the factor structure of this section and to detect problematic items separately, within grade 6
                          and 9. Principal axis factoring (PAF) with a direct oblimin rotation was conducted, limiting
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                          the solution to factors with eigenvalues greater than one. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO)
                          measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett’s tests for sphericity were used in order to
                          determine whether the principal axis factor analysis was appropriate for these datasets.
                               Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the factorial structure of both
                          sections of the instrument. To evaluate the goodness of fit of models, well-established
                          indices and their criteria were used as follows: the Tucker–Lewis Index (TLI ≥ 0.90), the
                          Comparative Fit Index (CFI ≥ 0.90) and the Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
                          (0.03 < RMSEA < 0.08) [54].
                               To compare grade differences between 6 and 9 students and subjects’ differences
                          (biology, geography, physics and chemistry) within grade 9, regarding both sections of the
                          instrument, a non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test was conducted.

                          3. Results and Interpretation
                          3.1. Descriptive Statistics
                                The first section includes items related with students’ opinions about learning different
                          science themes. The mean values are between 2.27 to 3.00 and 2.12 to 2.94, respectively,
                          among grade 6 and 9 students (Table 1). The results show that the most positive opinions
                          on science themes (mean value above 2.5) related to everyday life, or social issues, for
                          both grades, while, in grade 6, average values are somewhat higher compared with those
                          corresponding in grade 9. For example, the results indicate that the most relevant themes
                          for both grades are related with natural disasters, followed by poisonous plants. On
                          the contrary, the least relevant themes (mean value below 2.5) are inherently related to
                          abstract science content, or its application (chemical composition of water, methods of
                          plant reproduction and propagation, atoms and molecules as the smallest particles of
                          the substance, etc.). The standard deviation values are approximately 1.00, meaning that
                          students indicated quite a large variety in their choices.
                                Within the second section, mean values within both grades are all above 3.00 (ex-
                          cept reversed items), indicating generally positive perceptions towards science learning
                          (Table 2). It is seen that grade 6 students indicate the most positive mean values associated
                          with their learning competence (e.g., I am satisfied with my performance; I am good at
                          learning science), while the lowest mean values are related to the need to exert effort to
                          understand science. Within the 15-year-old, grade 9 students, the tendencies are quite
                          similar, although students’ opinions about chemistry and physics learning are somewhat
                          lower, compared with those from biology and geography. For example, students perceive
                          the chemistry, physics and geography themes to be less relevant compared with biology. In
                          addition, the 15-year-old students perceive learning chemistry and activities in chemistry
                          lessons as the least appropriate in their everyday life, as well as feeling themselves to be
                          less competent and thus making less effort in chemistry learning. At the same time, these
                          students feel themselves to be the most competent, and therefore perceive the most value,
                          in biology and geography learning at school. The standard deviations range from 0.89 to
                          1.26, indicating that students’ preferences vary to a significant extent.
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                                   Table 1. Mean values and standard deviations of the items related with grade 6 and 9 students’ opinions on learning science themes.

                                                                                                                                                            Grade 6 (N = 2673)   Grade 9 (N = 848)
                                                                                                                                                             M           SD       M          SD
   T1       I would like to study the external structure, reproduction, growth and distribution characteristic of different plant groups.                   2.34         0.96    2.29        0.96
   T2       I want to learn about atoms and molecules as smaller particles of matter.                                                                       2.38         1.02    2.23        0.99
   T3       I wish to know more about the importance of plants in nature and human life.                                                                    2.74         0.96    2.71        0.94
   T4       I want to know more about poisonous plants to distinguish between healing and lethal amounts.                                                   2.89         0.97    2.81        0.95
   T5       I wish to know more about natural disasters—earthquakes, floods, storms.                                                                        3.00         0.95    2.94        0.91
   T6       I would like to study the effects of the atomic structure of metals on their chemical and physical properties.                                  2.42         1.04    2.17        0.97
   T7       I want to know more about how the continental ice has shaped the sights of my hometown.                                                         2.56         0.99    2.38        0.96
   T8       I wish to know why it is necessary to use a water softener to prolong the life of household appliances.                                         2.37         1.01    2.33        0.95
   T9       I wish to know about calculating the average speed at which students in our class walk to school in the morning.                                2.26         1.05    2.14        0.99
   T10      I want to know more about the weather conditions in which a rainbow occurs.                                                                     2.57         1.01    2.43        0.94
   T11      I would like to learn how the intensity of photosynthesis affects the plants growing in a greenhouse.                                           2.31         1.01    2.31        0.99
   T12      I would like to study the construction of the metal atom to decide on the safety and security of building structures.                           2.33         1.03    2.12        0.98
   T13      I want to know more about poisonous plants and their characteristics.                                                                           2.77         1.01    2.61        0.98
   T14      I would like to learn how the process of forming different landforms affects their characteristics.                                             2.29         1.00    2.26        0.94
   T15      I wish to know how various natural disasters affect the development of tourism.                                                                 2.69         1.01    2.60        0.97
   T16      I wish to know the chemical composition of domestic water.                                                                                      2.46         1.02    2.29        0.97
   T17      I would like to know more about the relationship between the composition of a detergent and its effectiveness in washing laundry.               2.27         1.00    2.23        0.96
   T18      I would like to learn how the structure of flowering plant organs depends on their functions.                                                   2.30         1.01    2.23        0.96
   T19      I would like to study the electric circuit and its parts.                                                                                       2.32         1.01    2.29        0.97
   T20      I wish to know the causes of road accidents and the damage they cause to society.                                                               2.65         0.99    2.62        0.94
   T21      I wish to know what knowledge of plants is required to people with different professions in order to be successful in their work.               2.47         1.00    2.41        0.94
   T22      I want to study landforms shaped by continental ice (rounds, hills)                                                                             2.30         1.00    2.15        0.92
   T23      I wish to know how the climate affects the occurrence of natural disasters                                                                      2.80         1.00    2.70        0.96
   T24      I would like to know more about the impact of restrictions on the extraction of natural resources on the preservation of natural attractions.   2.47         1.02    2.39        0.96
   T25      I wish to know more about the chemical properties of detergents (soap, washing powder).                                                         2.26         1.01    2.14        0.94
   T26      I wish to find out the connection between a slippery road and the wrong speed.                                                                  2.47         1.00    2.42        0.95
   T27      I want to learn more about the uses of lasers in entertainment to assess their potential impact on vision.                                      2.68         1.01    2.47        0.98
   T28      I wish to know ways in which plants grow and spread in my hometown.                                                                             2.32         1.00    2.24        0.98
   T29      I want to know more about poisonous plants and their effects on the body.                                                                       2.76         1.03    2.64        0.99
   T30      I would like to know how energy labelling of household appliances affects electricity consumption.                                              2.38         1.00    2.22        0.94
   T31      I would like to learn how surface affects agricultural income.                                                                                  2.27         0.99    2.19        0.92
   T32      I want to know more about the natural sights of my hometown.                                                                                    2.61         1.01    2.47        0.97
   T33      I wish to know that the salinity of water depends on in different parts of the world.                                                           2.53         1.01    2.39        0.97
   T34      I would like to know more about the reliability of the information provided in detergent ads.                                                   2.31         1.05    2.29        0.98
   T35      I want to know more about optical phenomena in the sky.                                                                                         2.83         1.01    2.65        0.98
   T36      I would like to know which household appliances to prefer to save electricity.                                                                  2.43         1.03    2.37        0.98
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                                  Table 2. Mean values and standard deviations of the items within the intrinsic motivation section among grade 6 and 9 students.

                                                                                                                  Grade 6                              Grade 9 (N = 848)
                                                                                                                  Science         Biology        Geography            Physics     Chemistry
                                                                                                                 (N = 2673)      (N = 220)        (N = 216)          (N = 192)    (N = 220)
                                                                                                                M       SD      M       SD       M        SD        M       SD    M      SD
 Interest/enjoyment (α = 0.93 for grade 6; α = 0.93 for grade 9).
 I enjoy doing science very much.                                                                               3.45    1.12    3.45    1.11    3.19     1.04       3.20   1.20   3.06   1.13
 I think learning science is fun.                                                                               3.49    1.12    3.52    1.09    3.23     1.06       3.17   1.20   3.11   1.18
 I think learning science is boring (R).                                                                        2.48    1.18    2.47    1.14    2.69     1.07       2.81   1.23   2.74   1.23
 Learning science is very interesting.                                                                          3.40    1.11    3.47    1.09    3.16     1.09       3.11   1.20   3.12   1.21
 Perceived competence (α = 0.92 for grade 6; α = 0.94 for grade 9).
 I think I am pretty good at learning science.                                                                  3.91    0.94    3.83    0.95    3.80     0.93       3.55   1.01   3.33   1.16
 After having learned science for a while, I feel pretty competent.                                             3.88    0.96    3.81    0.89    3.79     0.96       3.45   1.10   3.24   1.19
 I am satisfied with my performance in science.                                                                 3.92    0.98    3.82    0.92    3.79     1.02       3.47   1.11   3.28   1.21
 I know science very well.                                                                                      3.80    0.99    3.75    0.89    3.69     1.00       3.31   1.07   3.24   1.19
 Effort/importance (α = 0.70 for grade 6; α = 0.76 for grade 9).
 It takes a lot of effort from me to understand science.                                                        3.12    1.12    2.90    1.05    2.84     1.02       3.24   1.11   3.10   1.11
 I prepare thoroughly before doing activities in science.                                                       3.53    1.08    3.24    1.12    3.13     1.10       3.33   1.10   3.20   1.16
 It is important for me to study science well.                                                                  3.66    1.06    3.44    1.14    3.38     1.07       3.52   1.09   3.38   1.17
 Value/usefulness (α = 0.84 for grade 6; α = 0.87 for grade 9).
 Learning activities in science lessons are useful.                                                             3.83    1.01    3.69    1.05    3.74     0.89       3.67   1.00   3.38   1.11
 What I have learned in science class can be useful to me solving different problems.                           3.56    1.06    3.70    1.00    3.58     0.96       3.61   1.05   3.30   1.08
 Participating in science lessons is useful for me, because I am learning new knowledge and skills.             3.88    0.99    3.81    1.00    3.71     0.93       3.64   1.07   3.41   1.11
 In science lessons I learn things, which are not needed in real life (R).                                      2.56    1.09    2.47    1.05    2.56     1.01       2.77   1.08   2.84   1.13
 I can apply knowledge and skills learned from science lessons in real life.                                    3.73    1.09    3.70    1.14    3.71     0.97       3.44   1.16   3.19   1.12
                                                                                      Note: R—reversed items.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                            9 of 18

                          3.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis on Student Opinions about Learning Science Themes Section
                               The Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to investigate the factor structure of
                          the total set of items (36), in order to identify the underlying variables and reduce them to
                          a smaller number. EFA was applied because of having no clear factorial structure. Results
                          from the scree plot were used to determine the number of factors to retain. Analysis
                          indicated that between 2 and 3 factors could be relevant within both grades.
                               An initial factor matrix for two- and three-factor solutions indicated that there were
                          several items that had low loadings (below 0.40). For example, among the two-factor
                          solution, item T27 within grade 6 students—and, among the three-factor solution, items T10,
                          T21, T27 within grade 6 and items T8, T10, T27, T29, T32, T33, T35 (Table 1) within grade
                          9—students had low loadings with the corresponding factor and were thus considered for
                          elimination from future analysis. In the second round of EFA, the items with low loadings
                          were removed and factor analysis was carried out with the remaining items, separately,
                          among grade 6 and 9 students. Although two- and three-factor solutions were initially
                          conducted, it was decided to carry out further analysis using the two-factor solutions
                          within both grades, as the factor structure seemed more logical and essentially more easily
                          interpretable, although the three-factor solution explained the variance approximately
                          5% more.
                               The KMO measure of sampling adequacy was 0.98 and 0.97 for the two-factor solutions
                          within grades 6 and 9, indicating adequate values [57]. The Bartlett’s test of sphericity
                          was significant with respect to a two-factor solution, (χ2 (595) = 71,712.49, p < 0.001 and
                          χ2 (630) = 22,929.46, p < 0.001) respectively, suggesting a high likelihood of successful
                          factor extraction. The cumulative variance of the two-factor models explained, altogether,
                          58.1% and 55.7% of the variance, respectively, among grade 6 and 9 students, which was
                          considered good, although the first factor described most of the variability.

                          3.3. Factor Interpretation in the Opinion’s Section
                                Table 3 gives an overview of the two-factor solution among both grades. The first
                          factor can be taken to measure students’ opinions on school science content-related themes,
                          so it is named as the school science subject relevance factor. This factor includes items
                          related with typical science themes, taught in lower secondary school science, such as the
                          formation of different landforms, chemical properties of substances (detergents), atoms
                          and molecules, atomic structure and chemical bonding, as well as photosynthesis and the
                          structure and functions of plant organs. The second factor appears to measure students’
                          opinions on everyday-life related science themes, i.e., a personal and social relevance factor.
                          These themes are inherently more related with students’ personal relevance, the relevance
                          of social problems, or the relevance of natural phenomena in the world, e.g., “I am of the
                          opinion that I wish to know about natural disasters”, “I would like to know more about
                          poisonous plants and its influence on the body” and “I am of the opinion that I wish to
                          know the importance of plants in nature and human life”. The results indicate that the
                          content of both factors is quite similar within both grades; specifically, there are four items
                          that are different within the first factor and three items that differ within the second factor.
                          Comparing the factors and average mean scores of the items within the factors, it is seen
                          that the everyday-life related science topics factor includes items that have mean scores
                          generally above 2.5 in both grades (except three items among grade 9 students), indicating
                          that students find the topics relevant and would like to know more.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                                                         10 of 18

      Table 3. Pattern matrix for the two-factor solution from the second round of EFA (exploratory factor analysis) within grade
      6 (left) and 9 students (right).

                                       Factors (Grade 6)                                                             Factors (Grade 9)
         Items                                                                     Items
                                 1                          2                                                  1                          2
           T25                  0.90                                                T12                       0.90
           T30                  0.87                                                T6                        0.87
           T31                  0.85                                                T25                       0.81
           T17                  0.84                                                T2                        0.80
           T36                  0.82                                                T30                       0.75
           T18                  0.80                                                T19                       0.75
           T28                  0.78                                                T16                       0.73
           T19                  0.75                                                T17                       0.71
           T11                  0.74                                                T36                       0.60
           T16                  0.73                                                T18                       0.58
           T8                   0.73                                                T8                        0.55
           T14                  0.73                                                T31                       0.53
           T12                  0.72                                                T11                       0.53                       0.33
           T26                  0.67                                                T14                       0.51                       0.35
           T22                  0.67                                                T27                       0.50
           T34                  0.66                                                T34                       0.50
           T9                   0.64                                                T28                       0.49                       0.34
           T2                   0.60                                                T9                        0.49
           T1                   0.60                                                T26                       0.48
           T24                  0.60                                                T33                       0.47                       0.37
           T21                  0.59                                                T24                       0.45                       0.37
           T33                  0.58                                                T22                       0.42                       0.39
           T6                   0.58                                                T1                        0.42                       0.34
           T32                  0.52                                                T4                                                   0.77
           T10                  0.46                                                T23                                                  0.77
           T5                                              0.85                     T5                                                   0.75
           T4                                              0.76                     T15                                                  0.73
           T23                                             0.68                     T13                                                  0.67
           T13                                             0.66                     T20                                                  0.63
           T15                                             0.59                     T29                                                  0.61
           T29                                             0.53                     T3                                                   0.60
           T3                                              0.46                     T10                                                  0.51
           T7                   0.40                       0.42                     T7                                                   0.50
           T20                                             0.42                     T32                                                  0.48
           T35                                             0.40                     T21                       0.35                       0.47
                                                                                    T35                                                  0.42
    Cumulative %                53.1                       58.1               Cumulative %                    50.1                       55.7
   Cronbach alpha               0.97                       0.92              Cronbach alpha                   0.96                       0.93
                                        Note: Coefficients < 0.30 are suppressed and not shown for clarity.

                                  3.4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
                                      CFA was used to determine the factor structure of both instrument sections to deter-
                                  mine whether the items could distinguish between the following:
                                  (1)      Two factors (sub-scales) based on EFA regarding students’ opinions on learning
                                           science themes (Section 1);
                                  (2)      The four sub-scales of interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, effort/importance
                                           and value/usefulness, related with the intrinsic motivation scale (Section 2).
                                       First-order CFA analyses were conducted within both sections to estimate construct
                                  validity, i.e., how the observed items loaded into the corresponding factors (sub-scales)
                                  separately among both grades.
                                       The results from Table 4 showed that the initial two-factor measurement model within
                                  section one gave poor fit indices within both grades (TLI < 0.90, CFI < 0.90). The reason
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                                        11 of 18

                                    could be related to the high correlations between the two factors (r > 0.80), indicating
                                    that the factors were essentially quite similar. Nevertheless, the two factors were retained,
                                    because EFA indicated adequate values for the two-factor solution. Within the intrin-
                                    sic motivation section, CFA was used to confirm the four-factor structure. The results
                                    showed good fit indices in both grades (TLI, CFI and RMSEA were acceptable according to
                                    Hair et al. [54]), indicating good construct validity.

                 Table 4. Summary of the goodness of fit indices for different CFA (confirmatory factor analysis) models.

                          Models                       Grade         χ2         df         p         CFI         TLI        RMSEA
                                                          6       10,234.98     559
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                                             12 of 18

      Table 5. Comparison of grade 6 and 9 students’ opinions on learning science themes and their intrinsic motivation towards
      science learning.

                                         Opinions on Learning Science Themes                      Intrinsic Motivation
                                      School Science
     Science                                                  Personal and       Interest/     Perceived        Effort/         Value/
                                     Subject Relevance
     Subject                                                 Social Relevance   Enjoyment     Competence      Importance      Usefulness
     Science               Mean               2.37                 2.77            3.47           3.88            3.43           3.69
    (N = 2673)              SD                0.76                 0.75            1.02           0.86            0.86           0.82
      Biology              Mean               2.29                 2.63            3.49           3.68            3.19           3.69
     (N = 220)              SD                0.74                 0.75            1.02           0.78            0.89           0.87
    Geography              Mean               2.19                 2.54            3.22           3.65            3.12           3.64
     (N = 216)              SD                0.67                 0.66            0.97           0.82            0.86           0.75
    Chemistry              Mean               2.31                 2.63            3.14           3.20            3.22           3.29
    (N = 220)               SD                0.72                 0.72            1.08           1.04            0.96           0.88
      Physics              Mean               2.28                 2.66            3.17           3.33            3.36           3.52
     (N = 192)              SD                0.70                 0.64            1.06           0.93            0.91           0.86
                        Bio–Geo               −1.64               −1.70          −3.00 *         −0.02          −0.60           −0.95
                       Bio–Chem               −0.18               −0.15          −3.40 *        −4.52 **        −0.79          −4.86 **
                       Bio–Phys               −0.60               −0.18          −2.98 *        −3.55 **        −1.93          −2.11 *
                       Geo–Phys               −1.01               −1.75          −0.13          −3.47 *         −2.56 *         −1.33
      Group           Geo–Chem                −0.19               −0.15          −3.40 *        −4.52 **        −0.79          −4.86 **
    difference,       Chem–Phys               −0.71               −0.14          −0.36           −1.04          −1.14          −2.78 *
                           Sci–Bio            n.   a               n.   a         −0.27          −0.96          −3.93 **        −0.25
                           Sci–Geo            n.   a               n.   a        −3.93 **        −0.98          −4.83 **        −1.08
                          Sci–Chem            n.   a               n.   a        −4.41 **       −6.92 **        −2.70 *        −6.54 **
                          Sci–Phys            n.   a               n.   a        −3.63 **       −5.45 **         −1.05         −2.63 *
      Note: Bio—biology, Geo—geography, Chem—chemistry, Phys—physics, Sci—science. z-statistics determined by the Mann–Whitney U-test.
      * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001; n. a—not applicable.

                                          Table 5 further shows that students perceive themselves to be more competent in
                                     learning science (M = 3.88; grade 6), biology and geography (M = 3.68 and M = 3.65,
                                     respectively), but not so much in chemistry and physics (M = 3.20 and M = 3.33, respectively)
                                     (grade 9). This is illustrated by the statistically significant differences between subjects. For
                                     example, differences appear between sciences (grade 6) with:
                                     •      Chemistry (z = −6.92, p < 0.001) and physics (z = −5.45, p < 0.001) (grade 9).
                                            Furthermore, for 15-year-old students in grade 9, differences also appear between:
                                     •      Biology and chemistry (z = −4.52, p < 0.001) and physics (z = −3.55, p < 0.001);
                                     •      Geography and chemistry (z = −4.52, p < 0.001) and physics (z = −3.47, p < 0.05).
                                          There is a perceived trend in that grade 6 students in science (M = 3.43) and grade
                                     9 students in physics (M = 3.36) indicate the need for more effort/importance compared
                                     with learning biology and geography. Subject differences are not so considerable among
                                     grade 9 students regarding effort/importance, but are more significant between grade 6
                                     and 9 with respect to:
                                     •      Science versus biology (z = −3.93, p < 0.001);
                                     •      Science versus geography (z = −4.83, p < 0.001).
                                            In addition, at a significance level (p < 0.05) within grade 9 between:
                                     •      Geography and physics (z = −2.56, p < 0.05).
                                           In terms of findings associated with value/usefulness, it appears that grade 6 students’
                                     feel that science is the most valuable and useful (M = 3.69; grade 6), as well as biology,
                                     geography and physics (M = 3.69, M = 3.64, M = 3.52, respectively), compared with
                                     chemistry (M = 3.29, grade 9) in grade 9.
                                           Differences appear between sciences (grade 6) with:
                                     •      Chemistry (z = −6.54, p < 0.001) and physics (z = −2.63, p < 0.001) (in grade 9).
                                            Differences appear between sciences (grade 9) with:
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                           13 of 18

                          •     Biology and chemistry (z = −4.86, p < 0.001) and physics (z = −2.11, p < 0.05);
                          •     Geography and chemistry (z = −4.86, p < 0.001);
                          •     Chemistry and physics (z = −2.78, p < 0.05).

                          4. Discussion
                               This research focuses on investigating student differences in opinions and intrinsic
                          motivation between grade 6 and grade 9 towards science learning, with consideration of
                          the fact that students learn science themes in grade 6 through one subject, whereas the
                          15-year-old students in grade 9 learn through separate science subjects (science, biology,
                          geography, chemistry and physics). In the research, students are asked to indicate:
                          (1)   Opinions on learning science themes, (I wish, I want, I like);
                          (2)   Perceived intrinsic motivation (in terms of interest/enjoyment, perceived competence,
                                effort/ importance and value/usefulness) towards learning science subjects.
                                What are the trends from grade 6 to 15-year-old grade 9 in terms of students’ opinions on
                          the relevance of within subject themes (in terms of personal, social and subject preferences)?
                                Using exploratory factor analysis for grouping the items, it is shown that it is possible
                          to describe students’ opinions related to learning science themes with two latent factors,
                          named as personal and social relevance and also school subject-related relevance. The
                          results reveal that students hold more positive opinions on learning themes that are related
                          to personal and social relevance, rather than abstract science content-related themes. For
                          example, if the science themes are presented in a social and personal context (e.g., natural
                          phenomena, effects of poisonous plants on the body), as compared with chemistry and
                          physics-related themes, presented in an abstract format (e.g., atoms and molecules as
                          the smallest particles of matter, electric circuits), then students’ relevance is shown to be
                          higher towards personal and social context-related themes, especially in grade 6 compared
                          with grade 9. This result is supported by previous research which indicates that students
                          wish to learn about the themes when they perceive them as personally relevant and also
                          when the science content is connected with their experiences in everyday life situations,
                          or with a social context [38,48,52]. This suggests that one way to enhance the relevance
                          of science learning for students’ in schools is by offering a variety of real-life examples in
                          science learning, i.e., that students see the value of doing something [20]. Not only personal
                          associations and usefulness are important, but the further goal should be reach to the
                          most meaningful type of relevance, i.e., identification that involves perceiving the learning
                          content or context to be part of his or her identity, which is likely to have the strongest
                          influence on motivation, as well as posing more challenges for teaching and learning [14].
                                Current research also revealed age differences in students’ relevance towards learning
                          science themes. The tendency shows a decline in students’ opinions with age; in other
                          words, grade 9 students are more negative towards learning science themes, especially
                          those related to school science subject relevance, compared with grade 6 students. This
                          result is consistent with other researchers who have indicated the decline in students’
                          interest/attitudes/motivation towards science [3,5], but not precisely related with students’
                          opinions on relevance (wish/want/like to study) towards learning science themes from
                          primary to secondary school. The current research indicates the need to investigate, in
                          more depth, students’ opinions on the relevance of learning in different cultures (coun-
                          tries) especially regarding whether science is taught as one discipline or divided into sub
                                What differences occur between grade 6 and 15-year-old, grade 9 students’ intrinsic
                          motivation and its indicators (interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, effort/importance
                          and value/usefulness) towards learning different science subjects?
                                Research results show that students in grade 6 give, overall, more positive mean
                          ratings towards indicators of intrinsic motivation compared with the 15-year-old students
                          in grade 9. Specifically, grade 6 students tend to perceive science learning as significantly
                          more interesting/enjoyable and valuable and they feel themselves to be more competent
                          than when 15-year-old students are learning through separate science subjects, related to
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                          14 of 18

                          chemistry and physics themes, as is the common practice in many countries (PISA studies
                          indicate this is the case in the majority of countries involved in PISA 2015) [12].
                                More specifically, the findings show that grade 6 students’ intrinsic motivation in
                          learning science and the motivation of 15-year-old students in grade 9 to learn biology and
                          geography have similar tendencies, apart from the intrinsic motivation aspect associated
                          with effort/importance. Such results are in accordance with previous studies, indicating
                          that younger students perceive science to be more motivating [3,4]. In addition, previ-
                          ous research has indicated similar tendencies when comparing different age groups, for
                          example, related to biology [9,10] and chemistry [7] learning.
                                Table 5 shows student differences in the learning of sub-divisions of science subjects
                          among the 15-year-old, grade 9 students. The most significant differences have emerged be-
                          tween biology or geography and chemistry or physics. For example, significant differences
                          (in terms of intrinsic motivation) between learning biology compared with the subjects of
                          geography, chemistry and physics relate to:
                          (a)   Interest/enjoyment, i.e., biology is perceived to be the most interesting and enjoyable
                                compared with other science subjects. This is in agreement with previous researchers,
                                who have shown that chemistry and physics studies are liked less compared with
                                those in biology [16–18]. For example, a study by Lamanauskas and colleagues [16]
                                has indicated that biology and geography (among Lithuanian and Latvian secondary
                                school students, respectively) are perceived to be the subjects that are liked more,
                                compared with chemistry.
                          (b)   Perceived competence, i.e., biology and geography on the one hand, and chemistry
                                and physics on the other.
                          (c)   Effort/importance is shown to indicate no subject differences except between geogra-
                                phy and physics, where students seem to perceive that they put more effort in physics
                                learning compared with other subjects.
                                Thus, the 15-year-old, grade 9 students perceive themselves to be more competent,
                          good at and satisfied with their performance in biology and geography when compared
                          with chemistry and physics learning. It seems that there are several reasons for this
                          trend, starting from personal interests and knowledge and including teaching and learning
                          approaches used in different science lessons by different teachers, although more detailed
                          research is needed to identify the factors influencing this trend. Furthermore, the 15-year-
                          old, grade 9 students perceive biology, geography and physics learning to be significantly
                          more valuable and useful compared with chemistry. In summary, it became evident that
                          chemistry is the subject which 15-year-old, grade 9 students feel to be of least interest and
                          offering the least enjoyment, and it is perceived by students to be a subject where they have
                          low competence; it is, therefore, valued less compared with other science subjects.
                                Students, if they are unable to conceptualise the content, tend to feel themselves
                          incompetent and unsatisfied with their performance, and then, as a consequence, most
                          likely do not see the relevance of learning science subjects and their application to everyday
                          life, now or in the future [14,30]. This study shows that chemistry, as a separate discipline,
                          stands out compared with other subjects as being more abstract and less linked to everyday
                          life. It allows a prediction that students at the age of 15 do not feel sufficiently able to
                          deal with abstract phenomena. However, the concept of energy taught in physics, which
                          is also among the abstract learning areas, is nevertheless more meaningful in the minds
                          of students. There is a need to investigate, in more depth, the improvement of abstract
                          learning by linking it with everyday settings, which would be applicable in many countries.

                          5. Conclusions
                               The results from the current study indicated declining tendencies among students’
                          opinions towards learning science. It became evident that students in grade 6 held higher
                          opinions related to the learning of school science as a subject compared with the 15-year-old
                          students in grade 9, even though school subject related themes had little relevance for
                          students at both levels.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                             15 of 18

                               The results showed significant grade and science subjects’ differences within the
                          intrinsic motivation sub-scales. Results indicated that the 15-year-old, grade 9 students’
                          motivation to learn was dependent on the science subject—there was a tendency for stu-
                          dents’ intrinsic motivation to learn biology and geography to be higher than those for the
                          subjects of chemistry and physics considering interest/enjoyment, perceived competence
                          and value/usefulness sub-scales. Biology was generally perceived as the most interest-
                          ing/enjoyable subject, having high value for learning. Geography was also generally
                          valued as giving a feeling of competence to a similar extent as biology, but students indi-
                          cated much less interest/enjoyment towards geography learning. Chemistry and physics
                          are perceived as the least interesting/enjoyable subjects for most 15-year-old students
                          involved in the study, although students indicated that, in general, they valued physics
                          learning at almost the same level as geography and biology.
                               The above stated conclusions can be the base for discussions, applicable to countries
                          where science is taught as separate disciplines for 15-year-old students. The abstractness
                          of the themes in physics and chemistry most probably influence students’ motivation to
                          learn and their attitudes towards those subjects. This research indicates the ongoing issues
                          in learning physics and chemistry from a subject, rather than an everyday life, context.
                          Furthermore, considering the issues arising in this research, science learning can be made
                          more relevant to students if the content is more interdisciplinary and the decreasing attitude
                          towards science subjects by 15-year-old students can be minimised, with the result that
                          better outcomes are enabled in future PISA studies.

                          6. Suggestions and Implications
                               The current study suggests several implications for educators and teachers regarding
                          improvements in student motivation and opinions on learning science. It indicates the
                          importance of ensuring the relevance of science learning through the use of more personal
                          and social-related contexts, especially in the case of chemistry. As the current trends
                          are towards more integration of subjects (e.g., shifting from STEM, Science, technology,
                          engineering, and mathematics to STEAM, Science, technology, engineering, arts, and
                          mathematics; [19]), more consideration can be given to utilising the same personal and
                          social learning areas in the teaching of Biology, and/or Geography, and/or Chemistry,
                          and/or Physics.
                               Enhancing students’ motivation in learning science (especially towards chemistry)
                          can help teachers better engage with their students, meet their students’ needs and use
                          appropriate teaching and learning materials and practices. Future research should be
                          focused on finding out the aspects of age, gender and teaching and learning approaches on
                          students’ motivation for science subjects learning.

                          7. Limitations
                               This study has some limitations:
                          1.   Self-reported questionnaires typically measure the frequencies of students’ opinions,
                               or perceptions, but they have their weaknesses. Students’ opinions on learning science
                               themes and intrinsic motivation towards science may not entirely reflect the reality of
                               students’ thinking—there are a number of different factors that can affect students’
                               perceptions while they are answering the questionnaire and which cannot be taken
                               into account (i.e., teachers’ influence, students’ ability to concentrate).
                          2.   The first section of the instrument includes a limited range of science themes; thus, the
                               results of the study cannot be generalized to the rest of the science content included
                               in the curricula.

                          Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.T., R.S. and M.R.; formal analysis, M.T.; methodology,
                          M.T.; visualization, M.T.; writing—original draft preparation, M.T.; supervision, R.S. and M.R.;
                          writing—review and editing, R.S. and M.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published
                          version of the manuscript.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 14                                                                                                                16 of 18

                                   Funding: This research was funded by the Estonian Research Council through an institutional
                                   research funding project "Smart technologies and digital literacy in promoting a change of learning”
                                   (Grant Agreement No. IUT34-6).
                                   Institutional Review Board Statement: Ethical review and approval were waived for this study, due
                                   to the study being part of a project for which ethical approval had been obtained from the University
                                   of Tartu.
                                   Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
                                   Data Availability Statement: Data available on request due to restrictions eg privacy or ethical. The
                                   data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not
                                   publicly available due to privacy protection of participants.
                                   Acknowledgments: The authors are thankful for all partners, grade 6 and 9 students, science teachers
                                   and members of the research team who supported our study.
                                   Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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