A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HFPM-01 in Improving Pain, Stiffness, and Inflammation in ...

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                               DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20210401
                                                                                                 Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
                                                                                              Website: www.ijrrjournal.com
Original Research Article                                                          E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

 A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial to
  Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HFPM-01 in
   Improving Pain, Stiffness, and Inflammation in
    Patients Suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis
       Veena Deo1, Bharatbhushan Shrikhande2, Gayatri Ganu3, Umesh Gajare4
    Head Clinical Research, Siddhayu Ayurvedic Research Foundation Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                 Siddhayu Ayurvedic Research Foundation Pvt. Ltd, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                                Mprex Healthcare, Wakad, Pune, Maharashtra, India
                  Consultant, Global Hospital, Kalewadi phata, Wakad, Pune Maharashtra, India
                                             Corresponding Author: Gayatri Ganu

ABSTRACT                                                         reduction in GI symptoms were found to be
                                                                 33%, 308%, 60.44%, 52%, 40% respectively.
Objective: Osteoarthritis is a common chronic                    Swelling, inflammation and pain was reduced
joint condition which causes stiffness and                       from moderated to mild and eventually to no
difficulty in moving, loss of muscle tone,                       symptoms.
strength and stamina. All these difficulties affect              Conclusion: This explains that HFPM-01 tablet
daily activities and quality of life and may also                is significantly effective in improving SF36
have an impact of mental health. Globally over                   score WOMAC and VAS scale score. It is
9.6% men and 18.0% women aged over 60                            effective in reducing pain, swelling, and
years has symptomatic osteoarthritis worldwide.                  stiffness of knee joints, also improves the
It is the second most common rheumatologic                       mobility of knee joints, and provides gastro
problem and it is the most frequent joint disease                protection being effective in managing pain and
with a prevalence of 22% to 39% in India.                        stiffness. HFPM-01tablet is safe and effective in
Considering the increasing prevalence and                        the management of Osteoarthritis.
limitations of the conventional treatment for the
management of Osteoarthritis, the current                        Key words: Osteoarthritis, WOMAC, VAS,
research aims at systematic clinical validation of               CRP, Gastro protective
the HFPM-01 in subjects primarily suffering
from knee osteoarthritis.                                        INTRODUCTION
Materials and Methods: 90 subjects were                                  Osteoarthritis is a common and
enrolled in the study and were randomized to                     disabling condition that represents a
one of the three treatment groups. Subjects were                 substantial and increasing health burden
undergoing clinical examination. Vitals were
                                                                 with notable implications for the individuals
recorded. Blood samples were collected for
readings of CRP. Subjective questionnaire                        affected, health-care systems, and wider
scores evaluation was performed like SF-36                       socioeconomic costs [1]. The prevalence of
health survey score, VAS scale, WOMAC                            the population associated with aging and
questionnaire. Changes in symptoms severity                      increasing obesity along with a growing
were noted like morning stiffness, tiredness,                    number of joint injuries is becoming more
tenderness, and muscle spasms along with                         common, with worldwide estimates
assessment of GI symptoms.                                       suggesting that 250 million people are
Results: The change in WOMAC score, the                          currently affected [2]. Osteoarthritis (OA) is
increase in SF-36 score, the decrease in VAS                     the most common type of arthritis in both
score, the decrease in CRP levels, and the                       developed and developing countries. It is a

                            International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                                1
                                               Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

chronic,     progressive      musculoskeletal             for patients who do not respond well to
disorder characterized by gradual loss of                 conventional medical therapy. Such patients
cartilage in joints which results in bones                are turning increasingly to natural product
rubbing together and creating stiffness, pain,            medicines [8].
and impaired movement. The disease most                          With understanding the limitations
commonly affects the joints in the knees,                 of the conventional treatment for the
hips, hands, feet, and spine. The disease is              management of OA, and Phytoconstituents
associated with modifiable and non-                       known to play a major role in the
modifiable risk factors such as obesity, lack             management       of     arthritis,  Siddhayu
of exercise, genetic predisposition, bone                 Ayurvedic Research Fdn. Pvt. Ltd. has
density, occupational injury, trauma, and                 come up with a polyherbal formulation
gender [3]. Osteoarthritis can be categorized             conceptualized to be safe and effective in
into two groups primary and secondary.                    the management of the osteoarthritis. The
Primary osteoarthritis is a chronic                       product under the selection of composition
degenerative disease and is related to aging              holds the potential to be effective in not
while secondary arthritis usually occurs due              only managing pain and inflammation but
to secondary factors such as injury, diabetes,            also trying to treat the root cause and
and obesity [4]. According to World Health                improve the quality of life of subjects with
Organization (WHO), 9.6% of men and                       osteoarthritis. This research aims at
18.0% of women aged over 60 years has                     systematic clinical validation of the same in
symptomatic osteoarthritis         worldwide.             subjects primarily suffering from knee
Osteoarthritis is the most common                         osteoarthritis.
rheumatologic problem and it is the most
frequent joint disease with a prevalence of               MATERIAL AND METHODS
22% to 39% in India. Pharmacological                      Materials
interventions include non-opioid analgesics                       HFPM-01 Formulation was used for
such as paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-                  the study as an investigational product. It
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), topical                      consists of Boswellia serrata, Zingiber
analgesics, opioid analgesics, and intra-                 officinale, Withania somnifera, Curcuma
articular steroid injection [5]. Additional               longa, Pluchea lanceolata as key
complementary interventions employed for                  ingredients out of total 9 ingredients. The
OA include the use of physiotherapy and                   dose of HFPM-01 was 1 tablet thrice a day
antidepressant therapies, patient education,              after meals with water for 90 days.
and weight control [6]. These treatments may
prove ineffective in some patients and often              Methods
have     serious    adverse      effects      .                   After getting approval from the
Gastrointestinal      complications        are            ethics committee, the study was registered
frequently reported with NSAIDs. The                      on the CTRI website. The CTRI registration
conventional medications possess limitation               number is CTRI/2020/07/026655. Patients
of providing symptomatic relief for transient             were enrolled in the study only after
period not acting on the deeper reasons of                registration of study on the CTRI website.
inflammation,      oxidative     stress   and             The subjects were recruited after screening
degenerative metabolic changes. Overall                   for compatibility with inclusion and
quality of life of subjects becomes                       exclusion criteria. Total 90 subjects were
compromised though on the analgesic                       recruited and were grouped as 30 subjects in
medication. Hence there seems to be a                     each group. Group 1 was served with
requirement for drugs with good efficacy                  HFPM-01, in prescribed dosage group 2
with overall improvement in quality of life               was control group received only analgesics
of subjects suffering from OA. Specifically,              as and when required and group 3 was
there is a need for safe and effective drugs

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                        2
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

treated with Glucosamine 500 mg thrice                    osteoarthritis of any other joint except knee
daily.                                                    and ones with a history of major trauma or
        The primary objectives of the study               surgery in the knee joint were exempted
were to evaluate the safety and efficacy of               from the study. Patients with uncontrolled
HFPM-01 by assessing changes in                           diabetes and hypertension were not
performance of patient on pain VAS and the                considered. Patients with Body mass index
WOMAC         scale,     to   monitor     the             (BMI) >40 kg/m2 and with any severe
improvement in SF-36 health survey score.                 cardiac, renal, and hepatic disease were
We evaluated degree symptomatic relief                    excluded. Vulnerable population and
including pain, inflammation, stiffness,                  patients who had participated in any clinical
swelling, joint flexibility, weight-bearing               trial within 30 days before enrollment were
capacity, levels of inflammatory mediator                 not considered for the study. Patients that
like CRP in blood. We determined the                      found unfit from the view point of
proportion of subjects requiring analgesics               investigator were excluded from the study.
as rescue medication, gastrointestinal
symptoms due to treatment, like stomach                   Study procedure
pain,    heartburn,     vomiting,    nausea,                      After the ethics committee’s
constipation/ diarrhea, etc.                              approval, the clinical study was registered
        The secondary objectives of the                   on the CTRI website. Male and female
study were to evaluate tolerability of study              subjects of age between 40 to 60 years (both
drug by tracking adverse events, serious                  inclusive) attending the study site(s) were
adverse events during the study period, pain              screened for eligibility criteria. On the
status, and improvement in symptoms for                   screening visit, written informed consent
other than knee pain if any (Shoulder,                    was obtained from subjects for their
backache and muscle spasms).                              participation in the study. Subjects were
                                                          undergoing clinical examination Subject’s
Inclusion Criteria                                        vitals were recorded. The subject was
         Patients of either sex, 40 to 70 years           considered for further evaluation as per the
of age and diagnosed with OA of knees                     inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects
fulfilling the ACR classification criteria                were called the next day morning on empty
were included in the study. The patients                  stomach for laboratory testing. The subject’s
having minimum pain VAS score > 8 on                      blood samples were collected for laboratory
walking in one or both knees during the 24                testing. On baseline visit, the subject was
hours      preceding      recruitment     were            recruited in the study if he or she meets all
considered to be included in the study. The               the inclusion criteria. As per the computer-
patients may or may not receiving regular                 generated randomization, subjects were
anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs or                   randomized in one of the three groups.
ones who were not satisfied with drugs                    Clinical examination and the subject’s vitals
being taken and seek a change were                        were recorded. All the subjective
included in the study. Patients who were                  questionnaire scores were filled like SF-36
willing to come for regular follow up visits              Health Survey score, VAS scale, WOMAC
and agreeing to give written informed                     questionnaire. At baseline visit and every
consent were considered.                                  follow-up visit. Subjects were advised to
                                                          consume the given product in a prescribed
Exclusion Criteria                                        dosage. Subjects were advised to continue
        Patients with congenital arthropathy,             her/ his concomitant medication other than
rheumatoid arthritis, active gout, other types            antioxidant      agents,     weight      loss
of arthritis with/without inflammation were               management, vitamins, anti-inflammatory
excluded from the study. Patients with a                  drugs, hormones, nutraceuticals, Ayurveda,
known       history    of     coagulopathies,             Siddha, Unani, herbal /homeopathic

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                        3
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

medicines, etc. The record of concomitant                 RESULTS
medication was kept in the CRF. The                       DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS
NSAID agents were not allowed in the test                         In the present study, 115 subjects
and glucosamine treatment group except as                 were screened. 10 subjects were screened
a rescue medication for pain. The record of               for failure as per the decision of the
the same was also documented in CRF.                      investigator as were having to present
Drug compliance was assessed by the                       uncontrolled diabetes. Out of 105 subjects,
investigator on every follow-up visit.                    15 lost to follow up in the study. 90 subjects
Subjects who continuously missed dosing                   were considered evaluable cases at the end
for >3 consecutive days or total missed dose              of the study. Out of 90 completed subjects,
> 9 during the study period were treated as               the mean age of HFPM-01 group subjects
dropouts. Subjects were called to respective              was 48.5 ± 5.75 years and the mean age of
study sites for follow-up visits after every              glucosamine and control group subjects
month up to 3 months after the baseline                   were 49.2 ± 6.06 and 46.7 ± 5.3 years
visit. On every follow-up visit, Subjects                 respectively. There were an equal number of
were undergoing clinical examination. The                 male and female subjects i.e., 15 males and
subject’s vitals were recorded. All the                   15 females in each group.
subjective    questionnaire     scores     and
symptom gradation were recorded in CRF.                   CHANGES IN WOMAC SCORE
Subjects were critically examined for                            In HFPM-01 group % change in the
adverse events. All details were recorded in              WOMAC score from day 0 to day 90 was
the CRF along with the rescue medication if               33 % and in the glucosamine group percent
present. On the third follow-up visit (i.e.,              change was 39 %. On the other hand,
Day 90) following activities were done                    control group represented a very less %
Subject     was       undergoing       clinical           change in the WOMAC score of 3.4 %.
examination. The subject’s vitals were                    When compared between groups the
recorded. Blood samples were collected for                HFPM-01 group and glucosamine group
readings. All the subjective questionnaire                represent a comparable reduction in
scores were filled like SF-36 health survey               WOMAC score from day 0 to day 90 as
score, VAS scale, WOMAC questionnaire.                    compared to the control group. The results
Subjects were scored on their symptoms like               are shown in Graph 1.
morning stiffness, tiredness, tenderness, and
muscle spasms. Subjects were asked about
GI symptoms. After completion of 3 months
of study treatment, all the subjects were
asked to stop trial medications and take the
advice of the investigator for further
treatment. All the subjects were closely
monitored for any adverse event starting
from baseline visit till the end of the study

Sample size consideration
         Sample size calculation is derived
taking considerations of primary and                      Graph No. 1: Changes in WOMAC score from baseline to end
                                                          of the study
secondary outcomes by a qualified
statistician. The software used for the
                                                          CHANGES IN SF 36 SCORE
calculation of sample size is SPSS version
                                                                 In HFPM-01 group represent an
                                                          increase in % change in SF-36 score from

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                           4
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

day 0 to day 90 was 308 % and in the                                 significant change in VAS score by HFPM-
glucosamine group % change was 195 %.                                01 and glucosamine treatment when
On the other hand, control group                                     compared with the control group. The
represented 51 %. When compared between                              results are depicted in Graph 3.
groups the HFPM-01 group presented
significant increase in SF 36 score
compared to the glucosamine group as well
as the control group. The results are
depicted in Graph 2.

                                                                     Graph No.3: Changes in VAS score from baseline to end of the

                                                                     CHANGES IN CRP LEVEL
                                                                             There were increased CRP levels in
Graph No. 2: Changes in SF 36 score from baseline to end of
                                                                     all three groups on the baseline. There was a
the study                                                            decrease in CRP levels after treatment of
                                                                     HFPM-01 and Glucosamine. The percent
CHANGES IN VAS SCORE                                                 decrease observed in HFPM-01 and
        HFPM-01        and      glucosamine                          Glucosamine treated groups were 52 and
treatment represented a decrease in VAS                              36% respectively. The control group didn’t
score from baseline to end of the study. The                         decrease the CRP levels from baseline to
% decrease was 60.44% and 58.43% in                                  end of the study. The results are depicted in
HFPM-01 and glucosamine treatment group                              Table no. 4.
respectively whereas in the control group
the % decrease was around 7%. There was a

    Table no.4: Changes in CRP level in Glucosamine, HFPM-01 treated and control groups from baseline to end of the study:
                                 Groups                      Change in CRP level (mg/L) Mean ± SD
                                                         Baseline      Day 90     % Change P-Value
                    HFPM-01                             5.15 ± 6.68 2.47 ± 1.80       52        0.0193
                    Control                             5.46 ± 5.61 5.39 ± 4.42       1.3       0.8270
                    Glucosamine                         5.12 ± 3.86 3.26 ± 2.76       36        0.0001
                    P-Value control vs. HFPM-01           0.8422        0.032
                    P-Value Glucosamine vs. HFPM-01       0.9855       0.1953
             Between-group analysis by one-way ANOVA test, within-group analysis by paired t-test, Significant at P≤0.05

CHANGES IN SEVERITY OF                                               day 90. In the glucosamine treatment group
SYMPTOMS                                                             14 subjects presenting heartburn symptoms
Changes in frequency of subjects                                     on the baseline which reduced by 21.4 %
experiencing heartburn                                               from baseline to day 90. In the control
       In the present study the HFPM-01                              treatment group 13 subjects presenting
test group 12 subjects suffering from GI                             heartburn symptoms on the baseline which
symptoms like heartburn on the baseline                              reduced by 7.7 % from baseline to day 90.
which reduced by 66.7 % from baseline to                             HFPM-01 treatment has the potential to

                          International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                                       5
                                             Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

provide relief from GI-related symptoms                   Changes in frequency of subjects
like heartburn in comparison to the                       according to severity score for tiredness
glucosamine and control treatment group.                          On the baseline, 70% and 30% of
                                                          subjects from the HFPM-01 treatment group
Changes in frequency of subjects                          reported moderate to severe tiredness which
experiencing constipation                                 was comparable to 66.6 and 33.3% in the
        In HFPM-01 test group 10 subjects                 glucosamine treated group. In the control
suffering from GI symptoms like                           group 33% of subjects reported moderate
constipation on the baseline which reduced                and the rest 66% reported severe tiredness.
by 40 % from baseline to day 90. In the                   On day 90 similar proportion of subjects
glucosamine treatment group 13 subjects                   from the control group were representing
suffering from constipation on the baseline               moderate and severe tiredness. In the
which was reduced by 23.1 % from baseline                 glucosamine and HFPM-01 treatment
to day 90. In the control treatment group 12              group, there was a gradual shift in subjects
subjects presenting constipation symptoms                 representing tiredness from moderate to
on the baseline which reduced by 8.3 %                    mild and eventually no symptoms. There
from baseline to day 90. HFPM-01                          were 4 subjects from HFPM-01 treatment
treatment has the potential to provide relief             group who reported no tiredness and no
from GI-related symptoms like constipation                subject in the glucosamine treatment group
in comparison to the glucosamine and                      reported no tiredness.
control treatment group.                                          It is evident from results that both
                                                          glucosamine and HFPM-01 treatment group
Changes in frequency of subjects                          showed effectiveness in relieving tiredness
according to severity score for morning                   of patients but HFPM-01 showed better
stiffness                                                 activity than glucosamine.
        On baseline 56.7 and 43.35 subjects
from HFPM-01 treatment group reported                     Changes in frequency of subjects
moderate to severe morning stiffness which                according to severity score for Muscle
was comparable to 63.3 and 36.6 in                        spasms
glucosamine treated group. In the control                         On baseline subjects from HFPM-
group 50% of subjects reported moderate                   01, glucosamine and control treatment
and the rest 50% reported severe morning                  group reported moderate to severe muscle
stiffness. On day 90, similar proportion of               spasms which were comparable. On day 90
subjects from the control group were                      similar proportion of subjects from the
representing moderate and severe morning                  control group were representing moderate
stiffness. In the glucosamine and HFPM-01                 and severe muscle spasms indicating no
treatment group, there was a gradual shift in             relief. In the glucosamine and HFPM-01
subjects representing morning stiffness from              treatment group, there was a gradual shift in
moderate to mild and eventually no                        subjects representing muscle spasms from
symptoms. There were 10 subjects from                     moderate to mild and eventually no
HFPM-01 treatment group who reported no                   symptoms. There were 10 subjects from
morning stiffness and around 3% in the                    HFPM-01 treatment group who reported no
glucosamine treatment group reported no                   muscle spasms and around 5 in the
morning symptoms. It is evident from                      glucosamine treatment group reported no
results that both glucosamine and HFPM-01                 muscle spasms. It is evident from results
treatment group showed effectiveness in                   that both glucosamine and HFPM-01
relieving morning stiffness of patients but               treatment group showed effectiveness in
HFPM-01 showed better activity than                       relieving muscle spasms of patients but
glucosamine.                                              HFPM-01 showed better activity than

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                        6
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

Changes in frequency of subjects                                 The weight-bearing capacity of
according to severity score for                           subjects was significantly improved in the
Inflammation and Swelling                                 glucosamine and HFPM-01 treatment group
        On baseline subjects from HFPM-                   compared to the control group.
01, glucosamine and control treatment
group reported moderate to severe                         DISCUSSION
inflammation and swelling which was                               Osteoarthritis condition is involving
comparable. On day 90 similar proportion                  mediators of intra- and extracellular pro-
of subjects from the control group were                   inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-
representing      moderate    and     severe              1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),
inflammation and swelling indicating no                   e.g., nuclear factor Kappa-B (NF-kB), pro-
relief. In the glucosamine and HFPM-01                    inflammatory enzyme cyclooxygenase-2
treatment group, there was a gradual shift in             (COX-2). The inflammatory activity
subjects representing inflammation and                    precipitates in development of pain and
swelling from moderate to mild and                        related to function disability which can be
eventually no symptoms. It is evident from                evaluated by using The Western Ontario and
results that both glucosamine and HFPM-01                 McMaster Universities Arthritis Index
treatment group showed effectiveness in                   (WOMAC) which is commonly used
relieving inflammation and swelling of                    outcome measure for osteoarthritis. It is a
patients equally or comparably.                           validated and widely used instrument for
                                                          assessing parameters like knee and hip pain,
Changes in frequency of subjects                          stiffness and physical function. [9]
according to severity score for joint                             WOMAC combined score is the sum
flexibility                                               of the pain sub score, stiffness sub score and
        On baseline subjects from HFPM-                   physical function sub score assessed on
01, glucosamine and control treatment                     WOMAC Index. [10]
group reported moderate to severe difficulty                      Treatment        with        HFPM-01
in joint flexibility which was comparable.                significantly reduced the WOMAC score
On day 90 similar proportion of subjects                  from baseline to end of the study.
from the control group were representing                  Curcumin, Boswellia serrata, Bioperine and
moderate and severe difficulties in joint                 Ginger from HFPM-01 formulation may
flexibility indicating no relief. In the                  have contributed in improvement in joint
glucosamine and HFPM-01 treatment                         flexibility and reduction in pain evident by
group, there was a gradual shift in subjects              WOMAC score. These herbs are proven
representing difficulty in joint flexibility              anti-inflammatory in action. Curcumin,
from moderate to mild and eventually no                   ginger is preventing collagen degradation
symptoms. There were 8 subjects from                      and     inhibition    of     pro-inflammatory
HFPM-01 treatment group who reported no                   mediators such as prostaglandins, COX,
difficulty in joint flexibility and around 3 in           nitric oxide and NF-kB and down-regulation
the glucosamine treatment group reported                  of the pro-inflammatory cascade evident by
no difficulty in joint flexibility. It is evident         many researches already published. [11]
from results that both glucosamine and                            CRP is activator in promotion of
HFPM-01        treatment      group       showed          pro-inflammatory        cytokines,      which
effectiveness in relieving difficulty in joint            increases the inflammatory response. There
flexibility of patients but HFPM-01 showed                are many studies represents the connection
better activity than glucosamine.                         between elevated CRP levels in OA which
                                                          is was significantly associated with pain and
Changes in frequency of subjects                          decreased physical function. [12,13]
according to severity score for weight-                           In this study CRP is evaluated as
bearing capacity                                          inflammatory marker which may act as

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                        7
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

contributing factor in disease progression in             activity confirmed through other clinical
patients with OA. [13] In the present study,              trials as well. Nirgundi from HFPM-01
there were increased CRP levels in all three              possess pain-suppressing activities, possibly
groups on baseline. There was significant                 mediated via inhibition of prostaglandin
decrease in CRP levels after treatment of                 synthesis. The possible role of anti-oxidant
HFPM-01. Decrease in CRP levels in                        activity of W. somnifera on its anti-
patients belong to HFPM-01 treatment                      inflammatory properties has been already
group shown possible mechanism Z.                         reported. Many experimental results have
officinale extract as an anti-inflammatory                shown that W. somnifera improved VAS
activity by reducing serum level of TNF-α                 score by improving pain response,
and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-              antioxidant status and general wellbeing
CRP). [14]                                                [18,19]

         Quality of life of recruited subjects                     Drug therapies like non-opioid
was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire                    analgesics      and     non-steroidal     anti-
along with general health and energy status.              inflammatory        drugs    (NSAIDs)       in
SF-36 Health Survey (SF-36) scale scores                  management of OA can develop
also describe the health burden of arthritis              gastrointestinal complications. HFPM-01
and to be responsive to clinical indicators of            possesses such ingredients which are gastro
arthritis severity. [15] These parameters                 protective in nature and hence evaluated for
altogether were considered to reflect the                 its effectiveness in this several number
overall quality of life of the individual                 drugs related GI complication present in
suffering from OA.                                        patients with OA.
         From present study it was evident                         The present data represent that herbs
that the control group did not improve                    like turmeric, chopchini extract (Bark) and
quality of life but HFPM-01 improved QoL                  ginger used in HFPM-01 formulation have
score by three folds compared to baseline.                its promising effect on GI related
         Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) mainly              complications like nausea, hyperacidity,
have its activity on lipoxygenase pathway.                heartburn and constipation etc. [20] The
Combination of Sunth (Zingiber officinale),               absence of gastric disturbance and improved
and Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) possess                  compliance and quality of life can
potent analgesic activity. Thus, the observed             contribute to the better prognosis of the
significant improvement in QoL, is due to                 results in chronic OA patients.
reduction of pain. [16]                                            Symptoms such as pain, stiffness,
         Assessment of pain intensity is one              tenderness in joints, fatigue or tiredness due
of the primary outcomes used to determine                 to join pain are some of the symptoms set
the progression of OA. It is highly clinically            that defines the quality of life of subjects.
relevant and relatively easy to measure.                  Pain and stiffness in the morning, after
VAS is a reliable, valid, responsive, and                 sitting, or after prolonged rest are most
frequently used pain outcome measure. The                 common. First aim of the treatment to OA
visual analog scale (VAS) is a pain rating                should focus on the symptom alleviation so
scale the visual analog scale (VAS) is a                  patients can experience ease while
validated, subjective measure for acute and               mobilizing. [21,22]
chronic pain. [17]                                                 In the present study HFPM-01
         HFPM-01 treatment represented a                  treatment group experienced shift of
decrease in VAS score from baseline to end                subjects experiencing symptoms such as
of the study. The analgesic activity to                   morning stiffness, tiredness, muscle cramps,
HFPM-01 could be the contribution of                      tenderness to mild to no symptoms. This
Withania somnifera, Boswellia serrata,                    result can indicate that HFPM-01 possess
Zingiber officinale, and Curcuma longa due                the potential to provide relief from the
to anti-inflammatory and chondro-protective               symptoms related to OA.

                       International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal.com)                        8
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Veena Deo et.al. A randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HFPM-01
in improving pain, stiffness, and inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis

It was evident from the study that the onset              healthy cartilage adapts morphology and
of relief from pain and stiffness was within              mechanical features so as to respond to
7 days from consumption of HFPM-01 as                     loading and weight bearing as well. [26] In
per patient diary.                                        the present study, treatment of HFPM-01
        Inflammation in OA is chronic and                 has improved weight bearing capacity of
low-grade inflammation, involving mainly                  patients with OA that can in turn improve
innate immune mechanisms. In OA, the                      physical activities and thus quality of life.
synovial fluid has been found to contain                          There were no adverse events related
multiple inflammatory mediators including                 to study products.
plasma proteins like C-reactive protein,
prostaglandins       (PGE2),       leukotriene’s          CONCLUSION
(LKB4), cytokines, nitric oxide etc. This                         It can be concluded from data that
expression         can      induce       matrix           there is anti-inflammatory, analgesic
metalloproteinase and other hydrolytic                    activity exhibited by HFPM-01 treatment in
enzymes (including cyclooxygenase two                     patients with OA. There was quicker
and prostaglandin E) resulting in cartilage               symptom relief and was sustained for period
breakdown         secondary      to    collagen           of time. There was improved quality of life
destruction.                                              of subjects with gastro protective activity
        Swelling can be a result of                       offered by HFPM-01. The treatment with
osteophyte formation, or due to an effusion               HFPM-01 proved to be safe and effective
caused by synovial fluid accumulation.                    for long term use in subjects with OA.
Swelling contribute to disabilities in OA,                HFPM-01 can be used as a Monotherapy in
mainly related to pain, difficulty in walking,            mild pain and stiffness in osteoarthritic
climbing stairs, performing household                     conditions while can be used as an adjuvant
chores, and sitting upright and have a                    when there is necessity to use analgesics as
negative psychological impact, all of which               rescue.
can lead to a decreased quality of life. [24]
        In the present study subjects                     Acknowledgments: The authors would like
experiencing inflammation and swelling                    to acknowledge all the personnel that
were gradually decreased in HFPM-01                       contributed to the activities of the research
treatment group which indicates that
HFPM-01 not only reduce pain perception                   Funding Statement: The financial support
but may be acting to reduce inflammation                  to conduct this study was given by Siddhayu
and swelling resulting in more sustained                  Ayurvedic Research Fdn. Pvt. Ltd
action. Further the gastro protective activity
demonstrated by HFPM-01 can allow its                     Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare
usage for long period of time.                            that there are no conflicts of interest
        In patients with OA, the reduction in             regarding the publication of this paper.
muscle strength is attributed to myofibril
atrophy, reduction of muscle quality and                  Authors' Contributions: All the authors
defective muscle regeneration along with                  have contributed equally to the research
the bony deformity at synovial joint                      work.
contribute to the joint rigidity. [25]
        In the present study HFPM-01                      Ethical Approval: Approved
treatment has improved the joint flexibility
which can further improve range of motion                 REFERENCES
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