A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi

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A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1259

  Dr. Hamzah Obayes Janabi, Dr. Kadhim Jasim Mansoor Al-Azzawi. (2022). A Pragmatic Study of
  Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi. International Journal of Early Childhood Special
        Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1): 1259-1264. DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144

                                Received: 04.09.2021 Accepted: 10.03.2022

   Dr. Hamzah Obayes Janabi1*
    Dr. Kadhim Jasim Mansoor                              A Pragmatic Study of
                                                        Speech Acts in the Clay
                                                        Poem by Elia Abi Madhi


             Speech Acts are the third type of pragmatics. They refer to what is actually being
             done in a given context because pragmatics is concerned with the study of language
             in use. From Austen's point of view, they are the acts that the speaker performs with
             his/her own words under extralinguistic conditions. The present study will reveal the
             speech acts in Elia Abi Madhi’s poem, The Clay to show their types and their
             performing purpose depending on Searle’s classification of speech acts into
             informative, directive, obligatory, expressive, and declarative.

             Keywords: Speech Acts, Poem, Clay, Abu Madhi.

Introduction                                            reveal his suffering in the diaspora. In the poem,
                                                        he touched upon the origin of man’s creation,
     The poet Elia Abu Madhi is one of the poets
                                                        which is clay. Despite this fact, he found man to
of the diaspora. Rather, he is one of the most
                                                        be arrogant. He also found out that man had
important of them and one of the founders of the
                                                        forgotten his creation. So, the poet presented
Pen Association in the United States of America.
                                                        speech acts as compelling arguments that
His poems are mostly romantic and other
                                                        remind the arrogant man of his origin in order to
philosophical poems, such as the clay poem, the
                                                        humble himself and renounce arrogance and
talismans, the foolish fig, and the small stone.
Perhaps, the clay poem included in al-Jadawil
collection is the most important poem among
them. It essentially revolves around the rejection      Objectives of the Study
of arrogance in humans and the call for
                                                              The present study aims to identify the
humbleness (Siddiqi). It also reveals the poet’s
                                                        speech acts presented by the poet in his poem,
vision of life, the universe, and existence. It
                                                        The Clay, and to clarify their types, purpose, and
expresses his philosophy, ambition, and hopes
                                                        their importance in directing the behavior of the
and visualizes himself, his feelings, his wisdom,
                                                        addressee / opponent.
and his views on people and society
(Muhammad, 2020). The poem involves human
dimensions that stem from a situation of                Hypotheses of the Study
disagreement or rivalry in a strange society, in
the country of the diaspora, that differs from Arab           1. Informative speech acts are effective in
society. Disagreement appears to be the main                     directing    the   opponent    to     show
                                                                 humbleness and reject arrogance.
reason for writing this poem (ibid).
                                                              2. Directive speech acts are effective in
                                                                 directing the opponent’s behavior towards
Problem of the Study                                             humbleness.
                                                              3. Obligatory speech acts are effective in the
   In his poem, the Clay, the poet Elia Abu
                                                                 poet's pledge to do good.
Madhi presented philosophical questions that

Dr. Hamzah Obayes Janabi1*, Lecturer, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babil, Iraq.
E-mail: hamza.obais@mustaqbal-college.edu.iq
Dr. Kadhim Jasim Mansoor Al-Azzawi2, Assistant Professor, College of Arts, Department of Arabic
Language, University of Babylon, Iraq. E-mail: art.kadhim.jassim@uobabylon.edu.iq

       International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                    DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1260

   4. Expressive speech acts are effective in the           1. Informative acts, which is a representation
      poet's expression of a situation that                    of reality in which the words correspond to
      changed the behavior of the opponent.                    the world.
   5. Declarative speech acts are effective in the          2. Directive acts that induce the addressee to
      poet’s announcement of situations that                   a specific act, such as command, advice,
      contribute to changing the opponent’s                    and request.
      behavior.                                             3. Obligatory acts in which the speaker is
                                                               obligated to do a specific thing, such as a
                                                               promise and a commandment.
Sample of the Study
                                                            4. Expressive acts Expressing the situation
     The clay poem by Elia Abi Madhi.                          sincerely, such as thanks, congratulations,
                                                               apology, and sympathy.
                                                            5. Declarative acts are successful at the time
The Concept of Speech Acts                                     of the utterance itself, such as declaring
     Language is not used as a mere tool to                    war, adjourning the session, or getting
represent the world, but it is used to accomplish              married and divorced.
actions, “that is, the speaking person, while                 Since the present study is concerned with
using language, does not produce words                 analyzing a poetic text in light of speech acts,
indicating meaning, but rather performs an action      poetry is a repository of subjective expressions
and exerts an effect” (Abu Zaid, 2009). Since          directed to influencing an individual or a group as
speech is a realistic human activity carried out by    if the poetic text were a single sentence that
an individual or a group of individuals in a           commands, forbids, or sympathizes. Thus, the
society, the speech act means the social action        poetic text becomes a series of speech acts
that the individual accomplishes by speaking.          involving two types (Muftah, 2005):
Thus, the speech act becomes the achievement                1. Self-actualizing speech acts, including
that the speaker performs as soon as he/she                    informative, expressive, imperative, and
utters certain expressions (Sahrawi, 2005). That               declarative acts.
is why speech acts are among the most                       2. Explicitly or implicitly imperative speech
prominent pragmatic concepts that are present in               acts, including commands and prohibitions.
the pragmatic analysis of discourse. Hence, the               According to these two types of speech
term speech acts became a central concept in           acts, the poet intends to urge the recipient to do
the pragmatic thought. Rather, it became a             something or to leave it, or he aims to show him
theory whose origins were developed by Austin          his emotions, his intentions towards him, and his
and Searle (Mansour, 2017). Speech acts mean           commitments towards him (Miftah, 2005).
that every discourse is based on a sequence of                The concept of speech acts in literary
acts that include speech acts, performative acts,      discourses goes beyond promise, thanks,
and affective acts (Ricor, 2001). Thus,                congratulations, warning, and others to a more
pragmatics was based on ideas related to               general and comprehensive semantic level,
speech acts that were founded by Austen and            which is the comprehensive speech act. The
then developed by Searle (Moulinet, 2006).             literary discourse, regardless of its length,
                                                       performs a single speech act, i.e. a
    Based on the concept of performative
                                                       comprehensive speech act of the total
power, Austin distinguished among five types of
                                                       successive speech acts that make up the
speech acts (Yule, 2010) as follows:
                                                       discourse. This total or comprehensive speech
   1. Judgmental acts, including judge, promise,       act falls within the framework of major
      and describe.                                    pragmatics, which is concerned with studying the
   2. Decisions acts, including making a               comprehensive organization of the common act
      decision in favor or against, order, and         in the achievement, that is, the sequence of
      request.                                         speech acts and the context and their
                                                       relationship to the structure of the discourse. In
   3. Obligatory   acts,   including      promise,
                                                       literary discourse, there are various speech acts,
      guarantee, and pledge.
                                                       such as informative, expressive, directive, and
   4. Clarification acts, including affirm, deny,      other acts to form in the end the largest or
      answer, and give.                                comprehensive speech act, which is the act that
   5. Behavioral acts, including        apologize,     is intended by the writer. According to this
      congratulate, and welcome.                       concept, the clay poem by Elia Abi Madhi will be
                                                       the database of the present study to highlight the
    He developed the course of speech acts
                                                       general atmosphere of the poem to reveal the
and suggested another classification as follows
                                                       comprehensive speech act formed by the
(Boujadi, 2009):
                                                       scattered speech acts in the poem.

       International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                    DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1261

Speech Acts in the Clay Poem                           Second: Directive Speech Acts
First: Informative Speech Acts                                 These speech acts mean directing the
                                                       addressee to do something. This category
       They are also called declarative or
                                                       includes commanding and advising, and their
evidentiary in which the speaker presents it to
                                                       fulfillment purpose is to influence the addressee
tell a fact and prove it as a representation of a
                                                       to do something (Mansour, 2017). Among its
situation in reality (Mansur, 2017; Bukhasnah,
                                                       forms mentioned in the clay poem are:
2020). Such reports are found in the words of Ilia
Abu Madhi (Abu Madhi, 1988).                               1. The interrogative: The interrogative forms
At one time, Mr. Clay forgot that he was no more                in the clay poem have remarkably
                        than mud                                increased as the interrogation has the
 So, he walked insolently, bragged and boasted.                 ability to accomplish a speech act whose
               Body covered with fine silk,                     purpose is to direct the addressee to a
  He glorified himself in a self-admiring manner,               matter, especially that impossible question
   Purse full, he became haughty and rebellious                 accompanied by a matter that smothers
 In other lines of his poem, Ilia Abu Madhi states;             the arrogant and does not find an answer.
       One firmament spreads over both of us,                   There are many of them, for example, as
    A scene that amazes and dazzles my sight,                   he said;
While your eyes unmindful, lacking awareness of          You live in a stately palace, well-protected by
                              it.                                             armed guards
          One single moon gazes upon us,                        And fenced all-around with high walls,
   As she gazes upon a shack and magnificent           Prevent, if you will, the night from spreading over
                          edifice.                                                   it,
           If she seems bright to your eyes,               Stop the fog from thickly gathering above it.
     I do not see her dark from the crack of my                     Notice how the light enters freely
                                                              without ever asking for your permission!
       The same stars you see, I also behold,
            When faint or gloriously ablaze.                      So why should it be chased away?
  With all your riches, you are no closer to them                                He adds;
                         than me,                        You who have a charmingly beautiful garden,
    Nor am I any distant from them, despite my           With water, birds, flowers, and fragrant shrubs,
                      wretchedness                         Rebuke then the wind for swaying, bending
       In these two passages, the poet proceeds                And upsetting the trees in your garden.
from the principle of equality and justice. In every       And stop, if you can, the water in the pond,
verse, the poet performs a speech act informing
                                                                 Order it not to make swishing sounds
of a truth approved by the heavenly religions as
well as humanity. The Glorious Quran and the                   Through the questions raised by Abu
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his            Madhi, he reminds the opponent of his inability
household) confirm this highly human meaning.          through a set of commands that he is unable to
The poet proceeded to tell the addressee this          fulfill. They accomplish the act of incapacitation
fact and confirm it starting from the origin of        that reduces the excessiveness of this one who
human formation, which is mud, the symbol of           goes wandering and revels (Siddiqi).
equality among human beings as they were all                                   He also says;
created from this origin (Muhammad, 2020). Yet,                    I neither know where I came from,
despite this fact, man became arrogantly                          I possess no knowledge of my past
showing off clothes and money. He then goes on             Nor do I know what the future holds for me.
to make comparisons between facts that cannot                             If you do know, say it
be denied as irrefutable arguments for human
                                                             Otherwise, why should you fancy yourself
unjustified arrogance, to the extent that he says;
         When the bird sings on the tall tree,
                                                               In these two verses, the poet tries to
              It cares not, whether you or I
                                                       discredit the stubborn and arrogant opponent
                  Listen to its melodies.
                                                       with an impossible question accompanied by
            Flowers deride not my poverty,
            Nor coax and flatter your riches           something that cannot be satisfied in any way. It
       There is no difference between him and this     is a philosophical question about existence and
                                                       the fate of man. So, does he know where he
arrogant person for even the birds of the Arak
                                                       came from? how? What was he and what will be
sing to everyone and the flowers smile to
                                                       his fate? If he knows that, then he must tell,
everyone. They do not differentiate between the
                                                       which is impossible. So, why is this arrogance?
rich and the poor. The performative purpose of
these speech acts is to inform the addressee of        Here, too, the poet performs a directive act, the
these facts with the intention of influencing him      purpose of which is to push the opponent to
and convincing him of humbleness.                      humbleness.

       International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                    DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1262

                    He also says;                      The poet also says in another place of his poem;
        Do you consider yourself beautiful?              Like me, from dust you came, and to dust you
   Well, you are no lovelier, nor more generous                              shall return,
       Than a rose, that exudes its fragrance.              Why then so much pride and aloofness?
 Do you deem yourself mighty, with sword in your              You were a child when I was a child,
                        hand?                             You will grow old; I, too, will advance in age
   Then it is odd that a mosquito should extract                      And become toothless.
                    nourishment                              The poet uses the intimate addressing
                 From your cheeks!                     preceded by the question directed to the
             Do you think you are rich?                arrogant friend about the reason for wandering
     In vain would you enjoy your costly attire        and blocking. He performs another speech act
   Had it not been for the silkworm that made it       that includes directing not to behave arrogantly.
                  possible for you                           He says;
            To revel in your fine apparel.                You, who so bent on exhibiting self-esteem,
            Do you think you are strong?                When struck by disease, don’t you complain and
    If so, command sleep not to overtake you;                                   groan?
  Order the dark to turn away from your eyelids.                     Don’t you sigh and moan?
Ask gray hair not to approach and appear in your              When your sweetheart forsakes you,
                        head,                            Don’t you sorely miss her when remembering
 Bid freshness to remain forever in your cheeks.                                 her?
       Do you think you are knowledgeable?              Like me, you smile for favorable circumstances
    Then tell me where does imagination come             And frown when visited by calamitous events?
                        from?                                The poet uses appeal for the purpose of
          In which vale or valley is it born?          completing a speech act that is to direct the
      As usual, he puts the opponent in front of       opponent to humbleness and to quit arrogance
the truth. So, he acquaints him with a question        as the poet and the opponent are alike. They are
about his beauty. He intercedes with him with an       equal and there is no advantage for one over the
impossible request that he is unable to                other, so why is this arrogance?
implement. He is not able to prevent the               He also says;
mosquito from feeding from his beautiful cheeks         O Clay! You are neither purer than, nor superior
and in his hand is Al-Muhannad sward. He is not                                    to
able to order sleep to leave him or prevent the             The dirt you walk on, which someday will
gray hair from attacking his foe, or to command                              enclose you.
the beauty to be fixed on his cheek. Thus, he            No matter how sturdily built a palace you dwell
performs a directive speech act through the                                       in,
question and the request whose purpose is to             In time, it will surely be completely torn down.
persuade the opponent to show humbleness.                    The poet uses addressing to perform a
    2. Addressing: One of the methods of the           speech act of guiding derogation. The poet
       directive act is the method of addressing.      addresses his arrogant opponent. So, he
       This method places the addressee face to        addresses him by the truth of its creation and the
       face with the speaker for the purpose of        despicableness of its origin. He did not address
       directing him/her to a certain direction,       him by his name because of his arrogance.
       which is evident in the poet’s saying;          Then, he denied his purity and transcendence.
    Brother, turn not your face away from me;
  I am not a charcoal, nor are you a bright star.
                                                       Third: Expressive Speech Acts
    You did not make the silk you are wearing,
  Nor the jewels with which you adorn yourself.              It is intended to express a psychological
         You cannot eat gold when hungry,              state, such as praise and slander. Expressions
        Nor drink strung pearls when thirsty.          indicate behavior, that is, they indicate the
In this passage, the poet used three methods,          expressive position of the speaker (Mansour,
preceded by the method of intimate appeal              2017).
through human brotherhood (O my brother)                     The poet says;
accompanied by the request in the manner of                 In your fine attire, you suffer and rejoice,
prohibition (turn your face not away from me)                   Just like me in my tattered clothes.
(Muhammad, 2020). Prohibition includes a                       You entertain hopes during the day,
power that benefits abandonment and cessation                   Have dreams and visions at night.
of behavior. The poet goes on to repeat negation                 My heart, too, has sweet dreams,
(you did not make, you do not eat, you do not              Just like yours, for it is not made of stone.
drink). These methods combined accomplish a                  In this passage, the poet tried to express his
directive speech act that includes a message           psychological feeling towards his opponent by an
addressed to the opponent to reduce pride and          expressive action that includes the call for
be humble.                                             equality that is clearly manifested in it. The poet

       International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                    DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1263

expressed the fact that they are equal in misery       irrefutable facts that surround the opponent and
and happiness, and their hearts are equal in their     condemn him for his arrogance over people,
beautiful dreams and attitudes. The purpose of         especially the poet. In another passage, Abu
this expressive speech act is to influence the         Madhi says;
opponent and make him retreat from this                    Even if you owned all the fields of the world,
unjustified arrogance.                                 You will never be happier than the butterfly of the
                                                         No matter how sturdily built a palace you dwell
Fourth: Declarative Speech Acts
       They are called declarative acts, and they         In time, it will surely be completely torn down.
are intended to change reality through the                 It doesn't matter how finely sewn a robe you
completion of a speech act for the purpose of                                     wear,
bringing about a change in the addressee’s              Someday it will be tattered and become ragged.
behavior or attitudes (Mansour, 2017) as stated               Let no hate and enmity enter your heart,
in the words of the poet;                                     I have turned mine into a temple of love.
       One firmament spreads over both of us,                      I am more deserving of your love
    A scene that amazes and dazzles my sight,                   Than clothes that will wear out and rot
While your eyes unmindful, lacking awareness of                  And money that will be spent or lost.
                           it.                                 If an arrogant owned the fields of the earth,
           One single moon gazes upon us,              he would not be happier than a butterfly, the
   As she gazes upon a shack and magnificent           palace he boasted of would one day be reduced
                         edifice.                      to rubble, and his robe, which he boasted of his
           If she seems bright to your eyes,           beauty, would one day be destroyed. Finally, he
     I do not see her dark from the crack of my        declares, after all these declarative speech acts,
                         shanty.                       that his heart has become a temple to the lover,
       The same stars you see, I also behold,          and that he is more deserving of love than the
            When faint or gloriously ablaze.           opponent, and that he is more deserving of wear
  With all your riches, you are no closer to them      and tear and money running out. In all of these
                        than me,                       declarative expressions, the poet performs
    Nor am I any distant from them, despite my         declarative speech acts through which he tries to
                     wretchedness.                     change the opponent’s behavior that is
       In this section, declarative speech acts that   characterized by vanity and arrogance to a
aim to change the behavior of the opponent are         behavior that is characterized by humbleness
noticed. The declarative acts are in succession,       and equality declaring the supreme goal of
announcing the one ark that shades them, the           spreading the values of love and equality and
one moon that overlooks them, and their vision         extracting the dress of vanity and arrogance that
of the stars at an equal distance from them. The       leads him to labyrinths and dark paths (Shalabi,
purpose of declaring these facts is that the           2005).
opponent cannot deny them to influence the
arrogant opponent and push him to change his
transcendent behavior, and to renounce the rush
for lusts, money, and prestige (Muhammad,                 1. Abu Madhi used informative speech acts
2020).                                                       for the purpose of telling the arrogant
                  The poet also says;                        opponent things to remember if he forgot,
      One single resting place is your final lot,            as arguments for changing his behavior
        Do you know how many lots and spots                  with people in general and with the poet in
          Your decaying corpse will provide                  particular.
     For grazing worms and hungry maggots?                2. Abu Madhi used directive speech acts in
 You have closed the doors of your palace in my              the two styles of interrogation and appeal
                          face                               for the purpose of directing the behavior of
    When chased by storms and threatened by                  the arrogant opponent to the human
                   inclement weather,                        destination of humbleness, love, and
            Yet you made accommodations                      familiarity.
And generously provided for your dogs and cats.           3. The expressive speech acts were
       After questioning, the poet announced with            implemented to show the arrogant
a declarative expression about the existence of a            opponent the poet's view about a group of
shelter and food for the dog, as well as the cat in          situations that correct the opponent’s
the shrine, which the arrogant opponent                      attitude.
prevented the poet from. He did not allow him to          4. Abu Madhi used declarative speech acts to
enter in despise and contempt for him. A person              tell the opponent his view about him and
cannot take refuge in his palace while allowing a            about life in general to be the best
dog and a cat. The poet continues to announce                deterrent to his behavior that strays from

       International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                    DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
A Pragmatic Study of Speech Acts in the Clay Poem by Elia Abi Madhi, 1264

      the right behavior that is characterized by       Berman, Z.R. (2019). Increasing the social
      humbleness.                                           interaction of two children with Autism
   5. These speech acts combine together to                 Spectrum disorder and their peers.
      produce a comprehensive speech act that               International Journal of Early Childhood
      is the call for equality and mutual respect           Special Education, 10(2), 62-74.
      among people, the rejection of arrogance,
      and the return of man to his reality from
      which he arose, which is clay. This return
      will be the best guide and deterrent to his
      behavior in daily life.

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        International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022, 1259-1264
                                     DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I1.221144
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