A Modularized and Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-based System for Financial Portfolio Management
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A Modularized and Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-based System for Financial Portfolio Management Zhenhan Huang , Fumihide Tanaka∗ , University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan huang@ftl.iit.tsukuba.ac.jp, fumihide.tanaka@gmail.com arXiv:2102.03502v2 [q-fin.PM] 9 Feb 2021 Abstract By the resemblance of nature of the problem, researchers un- surprisingly want to adapt the Reinforcement Learning (RL) Financial Portfolio Management is one of the framework to portfolio management, and with the incorpo- most applicable problems in Reinforcement Learn- ration of Deep Learning (DL), they have built robust and ing (RL) by its sequential decision-making na- valid Deep RL-based methods [Jiang et al., 2017] [Ye et al., ture. Existing RL-based approaches, while inspir- 2020] [Liang et al., 2018]. Akin to receiving information ing, often lack scalability, reusability, or profundity from various sources as portfolio managers will do, existing of intake information to accommodate the ever- approaches incorporate heterogeneous data [Ye et al., 2020]. changing capital markets. In this paper, we de- Researchers also propose Multi-agent Reinforcement Learn- sign and develop MSPM, a novel Multi-agent Re- ing (MARL) approaches [López et al., 2010] [Sycara et al., inforcement learning-based system with a modu- 1995] [Lee et al., 2020]. In [Lee et al., 2020], the authors larized and scalable architecture for portfolio man- design a system including a group of Deep Q-Network [Mnih agement. MSPM involves two asynchronously up- et al., 2013] based agents as the resemblance of independent dated units: Evolving Agent Module (EAM) and investors to make investment decisions, and end up with a Strategic Agent Module (SAM). A self-sustained diversified portfolio. However, while inspiring, these cutting- EAM produces signal-comprised information for a edge approaches lack scalability, reusability, or profundity of specific asset using heterogeneous data inputs, and intake information to accommodate the ever-changing mar- each EAM possesses its reusability to have connec- kets. For example, SARL [Ye et al., 2020] as a general tions to multiple SAMs. A SAM is responsible for framework, the encoder’s intake is either financial news data the assets reallocation of a portfolio using profound for embedding or stock prices for trading signals generation, information from the EAMs connected. With the and the lack of scalability prevents the encoder from effi- elaborate architecture and the multi-step conden- ciently producing holistic information and eventually limit sation of the volatile market information, MSPM the RL-based agents to learning. Additionally, agents in ex- aims to provide a customizable, stable, and ded- isting multi-agent based systems are mostly ad-hoc and rarely icated solution to portfolio management that ex- reusable. As one of the first tries, MAPS [Lee et al., 2020] is isting approaches do not. We also tackle data- a reinforcement-learning implementation of Ensemble Learn- shortage issue of newly-listed stocks by transfer ing [Rokach, 2010] by its very nature, an implicit solution learning, and validate the necessity of EAM. Ex- with stacking multiple Deep Q-Network agents, which can be periments on 8-year U.S. stock markets data prove as reliable as explicit solutions implementing policy gradient the effectiveness of MSPM in profits accumulation methods [Jiang et al., 2017]. by its outperformance over existing benchmarks. In this paper, we design and develop MSPM, a novel Multi- agent Reinforcement learning-based system with a modu- larized and scalable architecture for portfolio management. 1 Introduction In MSPM, assets are vital and organic building blocks. Portfolio management is a continuous process of reallocating This vitalness is reflected in that each asset has its exclu- capital into multiple assets [Markowitz, 1952], and it aims sive module which takes heterogeneous data and utilizes to maximize accumulated profits with an option to minimize a Deep Q-Network (DQN) based agent to produce signal- the overall risks of the portfolio. To perform such a practice, comprised information. This module, as a dedicated system, portfolio managers who focus on stock markets convention- is called Evolving Agent Module (EAM). Once we have set ally read financial statements and balance sheets, pay atten- up and trained the EAMs corresponding to the the assets in tion to news from media and announcements from financial a portfolio, we connect them to a decisive system: Strate- institutions like central banks, and analyze stock price trends. gic Agent Module (SAM), a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) [Schulman et al., 2017] based agent. A SAM rep- ∗ Corresponding Author resents a portfolio and uses the profound information from
the EAMs connected for assets reallocation. EAM and SAM are asynchronously updated, and EAM possesses its reusabil- ity which mean an EAM can connect to multiple SAMs and these connections can be arbitrary. With the power of parallel computing, we are able to perform the capital reallocation for various portfolios at scale simultaneously. By experiment and comparison, we confirm the necessity of the Evolving Agent Module (EAM) and validate MSPM’s outperformance over the classical trading strategies in terms of both accumulated portfolio value and Sortino Ratio. Our contribution can be listed as follows: • To our knowledge, MSPM is the first approach to for- malize a modularized and scalable multi-agent rein- forcement learning system using signal-comprised infor- mation for financial portfolio management. • We tackle data-shortage issue of newly-listed stocks by Figure 1: This figure illustrates the surjection relationship between transfer learning for RL-based systems, and revise EIIE- EAMs and SAMs better. Each Evolving Agent Module (EAM) style neural network architecture to better accommodate is responsible for a single asset, and involves a DQN agent and Actor-Critic methods. FinBERT model with utilization of heterogeneous data to produce signal-comprised information. Each Strategic Agent Module (SAM) • We validate MSPM’s outperformance by at least 100% is a module for a portfolio, involves a PPO agent, and reallocates the and 343% higher than the benchmarks in terms of accu- assets with stacked signal-comprised 3-D tensor Profound State V + mulated rate of return, under extreme market conditions from the EAMs connected. Moreover, trained EAMs are reusable of U.S. stock markets from March to December 2020 for different portfolios and combined at will. By parallel comput- during the global pandemic. ing, capital reallocation may be performed for various portfolios at scale simultaneously. 2 Problem Setting To address portfolio management problem, we first assume 3.2 State a composition of the minimal-viable market information: 1. The state, which agent in EAM observes at any given peri- historical prices from U.S. stock markets and 2. asset-related odic (daily) time-step t, is a 2-D tensor vt stacked by the re- news from media, as the environment with which agents in cent n-day historical prices st and the 1-D tensor of sentiment Evolving Agent Modules (EAMs) interact. Then, the com- polarities of designated asset ρt . Specifically, bination of the signal-comprised information which EAMs generates become the state that decisive agents in SAMs ob- vt = (st , ρt ) (1) serve. SAMs consequently reallocate assets in the portfolios. where sentiment polarities ρ, which range continuously from Each EAM is reusable, which means we may connect it to -1.0 to 1.0 to indicate bearishness (-1.0) or bullishness (1.0), any portfolios/SAMs once set up and trained, and a SAM is are classified using pre-trained FinBERT classifier [Araci, connected with at least one EAM. The relationship between 2019] [Devlin et al., 2019] with asset-related financial news, EAMs and SAMs is illustrated in Figure 1. EAM is retrained and then averaged. Furthermore, we not only feed agent the periodically using the latest information from the market, me- news sentiments but also comprise news volumes which is dia, financial institutions, etc, but in this paper we will imple- the number of news items used for generating sentiment po- ment only the former two sources of data, and we leave rest larities of each asset. This method is trying to alleviate the sources of input as an open question for study in the future. unbalanced-news issue the existing research has [Ye et al., For next sections, we will introduce details about EAM and 2020]. SAM. 3.3 Deep Q-Network 3 Evolving Agent Module (EAM) We train a Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent [Mnih et al., 2013] In the following sections, we introduce the details about for the sequential decision-making in Evolving Agent Mod- EAM, and Figure 2 provides an overview of the EAM’s ar- ule. In Deep Q-Learning, the agent acts based on the state- chitecture. value function P∞ 3.1 Data Source Qθ (st , at ) = Eπθ [ k=0 γ k rt+k+1 | st = s, at = a] which we use a Residual Network with 1-D Convolution An Evolving Agent Module (EAM) has two data sources: 1. to represent. asset’s historical prices, and 2. asset-related financial news. The historical prices used for training EAMs are fetched us- DQN Extensions ing Quandl’s End-Of-Day-Data through Quandl’s API. The We also implement three extensions of the original DQN [La- financial news data of each asset are from news websites (e.g. pan, 2018], which are dueling architecture [Wang et al., finance.yahoo.com) and social media (e.g. twitter.com) on a 2016], Double DQN [Hasselt et al., 2016] and two-step Bell- daily basis. man unrolling.
Transfer Learning Instead of training every EAM from scratch, we initially train a Foundational EAM, using historical prices of AAPL (Ap- ple Inc.) and then train all other EAMs based on this pre- trained EAM. By doing so, the EAMs would have a prior pat- tern recognition of stock trends, and this approach also tack- les the data-shortage issue of newly-listed stocks. 3.4 Action The DQN agent in EAM acts to trade the designated asset with an action of either buying, selling, or skipping at every time step t. The choice of an action, at = {buying, closing, or skipping}, is called asset trading signal. As indicated in the actions, there is no short (selling) position, but only long (buying) position, and a new position can be opened only after an existing position has been closed. 3.5 Reward Function The reward rt (st , ιt ) agent receives at each time-step t is: Figure 2: An EAM is a module for a designated asset. Each Evolv- 100(Pt (close) vt ing Agent Module (EAM) takes two types of heterogeneous data: i=tι (close) − 1 − β), if ιt 1. designated asset’s historical prices, and 2. asset-related financial rt (st , ιt ) = vt−1 (2) news. At the center of EAM is an extended DQN agent using a 1-D 0, if not ι t Convolution ResNet for the sequential decision-making. Instead of training every EAM from scratch, we train EAMs by transfer learn- (close) ing using Foundational EAM. At every time step t, the DQN agent where vt is the close price of the given asset at time step t, tl is the time step when a long position was opened in EAM observes state vt of historical prices st and news sentiments ρt of designated asset, and acts to trade with an action a∗t of either and commissions were deducted, β stands for the commission buying, selling, or skipping, and eventually generates a 2-D signal- of 0.002 and ιt is the indicator of opening position (i.e., an comprised tensor s∗t using new prices s0t and signals a∗t . position is still open). 3.6 Signal-Comprised Tensor 4.3 Proximal Policy Optimization As illustrated in Figure 2, after the EAMs are trained, we It is a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) [Schulman et al., feed new historical prices s0t and financial news of the desig- 2017] agent at the center of SAM to perform reallocation of nated assets to generate predictive trading signals a∗t . Then assets . PPO is a actor-critic style policy gradient method, and we stack the same new historical prices to a∗t to formalize has been widely used on continuous action space problems a 2-D signal-comprised tensor s∗t as the data source to train because of its balance between good performance and ease SAM. of implementation. A policy πθ is a parametrized mapping: S × A → [0, 1] from state space to action space. Among 4 Strategic Agent Module (SAM) the different objective functions of PPO, we implement the Clipped Surrogate Objective [Schulman et al., 2017]: We introduce the detailed facts about SAM in the next sec- 0 0 tions. Figure 3 provides an overview of the EAM’s architec- L(θ) = Êπθ0 [min(rt (θ)Aθt , clip(rt (θ), 1 − , 1 + )Aθt )] ture. (3) where 4.1 Data Source πθ (at |st ) rt (θ) = SAM is dependent on EAMs it is connected with as its data πθ0 (at |st ) source is a combination of the signal-comprised information 0 from these EAMs. and Aθt is the advantage function is expressed as: 0 0 0 4.2 State Aθt = Qθ (st , at ) − V θ (st ) The 2-D signal-comprised tensors from the EAMs connected 0 will be stacked and transformed into a 3-D signal-comprised where the state-action value function Qθ (st , at ) is: tensor called Profound State vt+ which is the state SAM ob- ∞ 0 serves at each time-step t. Figure 4 shows the abstract of the X Qθ (st , at ) = Eπθ0 [ γ k rt+k+1 | st = s, at = a] profound state vt+ . k=0
Figure 5: The policy network (θ0 ) of Strategic Agent Module to ac- ∗ commodate PPO algorithm. After xt ∈ Rm ×1 are sampled from the normal distributions N (µt , σ), we calculate log probability of xt and the get reallocation weights at = Sof tmax(xt ). ReLu acti- vation function is set after every convolutional layer, except the last one. f is the number of features, m∗ is the number of assets in the portfolio, and n = 50 is the fixed rolling-window length. Figure 3: A SAM is a module for a portfolio. Each SAM takes the signal-comprised 3-D tensor which is stacked and transformed from 2-D tensors from EAMs connected with, and then SAM generates the reallocation weights for the assets in the portfolio. Figure 6: Allocation weights transform due to the assets’ prices fluc- tuation. 4.4 Action The action the PPO agent takes at each time step t is Figure 4: The input of Strategic Agent Module, Profound State ∗ Vt+ ∈ Rf ×m ×n , is a 3-D tensor, where f is the number of fea- at = (a0,t , a1,t , ..., an,t )T (4) ∗ ture, m = m + 1 is the number of assets m in the portfolio plus which is Pthe vector of reallocating weights at each time- cash and n is the fixed rolling-window length. n step t, and i=0 ai,t = 1. Figure 6 shows the details of prices of fluctuation. 0 and the value function V θ (st ) is: After the assets are reallocated by at , the allocation weights of the portfolio eventually becomes ∞ 0 X yt at V θ (st ) = Eπθ0 [ γ k rt+k+1 | st = s] wt = (5) k=0 yt · at For the PPO agent, we design a policy network architecture at the end of time step t due to the price fluctuation during targeting the uniqueness of continuous action space in finan- the time step period, where cial portfolio management problems inspired by follow the +(close) +(close) +(close) Ensemble of Identical Independent Evaluators (EIIE) topol- vt v1,t vm,t yt = +(close) = (1, +(close) , ..., +(close) )T (6) ogy [Jiang et al., 2017]. Since assets’ reallocation weights at vt−1 v1,t−1 vm,t−1 at time-step t is strictly required to be summed to 1.0, we set ∗ from m∗ normal distributions N1 (µ1t , σ), ..., Nm (µm t , σ), is the relative price vector, namely the asset price changes ∗ +(close) where m∗ = m + 1 and µt ∈ R1×m ×1 is the linear out- over time, involving prices of assets and cash. vi,t put of the last layer the neural network and with standard denotes the closing price of the i-th asset at time t, where deviation σ = 0, and we sample from these distributions i = {1, ..., m} and m is the number of assets in the portfolio. ∗ for xt ∈ Rm ×1 . We eventually can obtain the reallocation weights at = Sof tmax(xt ) and the log probability of xt for 4.5 Reward Function the PPO agent to learn. Risk-adjusted Periodic Rate of Return Figure 5 shows details of the Policy Network (Actor), The Risk-adjusted Periodic (daily) Rate of Return is: namely θ0 , of Strategic Agent Module. Due to the resem- blance and equivalence, architectures of the Value Network n (Critic) and Target Policy Network, namely θ, will not be il- X rt∗ (st , at ) = ln (at · yt − β |ai,t − wi,t | − φσt2 ) (7) lustrated. i=0
Date Range #Data 2. Accumulated Rate of Return (ARR) EAM-Traning 2013-01-01∼2017-12-31 6295 [Ormos and Urbán, 2013] pT /p0 , where pT stands for the EAM-Predicting 2018-01-01∼2020-12-31 3780 portfolio value at the terminal time step, p0 is the portfolio value at the initial time step, and SAM-Traning 2018-01-18∼2019-12-31 1476 SAM-Testing 2020-01-01∼2020-12-31 759 T b X Y pT = p0 exp ( rt ) = p0 βt at · yt (10) Table 1: EAM-Training dataset involves the historical prices (st ) t=1 t=1 and news sentiments (ρt ) of all 5 assets in both portfolios (a) and (b), and is used to training the AAPL-based Foundational EAM and 3. Sortino Ratio (SR) then transfer learning for other 4 assets. EAM-Predicting dataset in- volves new historical prices (s0t ) and news sentiments (ρ∗t ) for EAMs Sortino Ratio [Sortino and Price, 1994] is often referred to generate signal-comprised tensors (s∗t = (s0t , a∗t )) to formalize the as a risk-adjusted return, which measures the portfolio per- SAM-Traning (v + ) datasets. SAM-Testing dataset has the same str- formance compared to a risk-free return after adjusted by the cuture with the SAM-Training but is solely for back-testing purpose. portfolio’s downside risk. In our case, Sortino Ratio is calcu- lated: where wt represents the allocation weights of the assets at PT the end of time step t [Jiang et al., 2017] [Liang et al., 2018], 1 − rf T t=1 exp(rt ) and SR = (11) σtdownside n where rt is the risk-unadjusted X β |ai,t − wi,t | (8) q peridoic (daily) rate of re- downside l i=0 turn, σt = V art (rt − rf ). rf is the risk-free return is the transaction cost, where β = 0.0025 is the commis- and conventionally equals zero, rtl is the return in rt less than sion rate, with σt2 measuring the volatility of assets’ prices 0, and t = T is the terminal time step. fluctuation during the last 50 days and φ is the risk discount which can be fine-tuned as a hyperparameter. 6.2 Benchmarks 5 Portfolios We compare the performance of our MSPM system to the We propose two portfolios in this paper: Portfolio(a) which benchmarks which are classical portfolio investment strate- involves three stocks [AAPL, AMD, GOOGL], and Portfo- gies. [Li and Hoi, 2014] [MLFinLab, 2021] lio(b) which involves another three stocks [GOOGL, NVDA, • CRP stands for (Uniform) Constant Rebalanced Port- TSLA]. To build the Portfolio(a) and Portfolio(b), we train folio, and it is about investing an equal proportion of two SAMs: SAM(a) and SAM(b). It is also worth mention- capital to each asset, namely 1/N , which sounds quite ing that two SAMs will share the same EAM for the stock in simple but, in fact, challenging to beat [DeMiguel et al., common (GOOGL). 2007]. Datasets • Buy and Hold (BAH) strategy is to invest without rebal- Stock historical prices are Quandl’s End-Of-Day-Data from ance. Once the capital is invested, no further allocation 2013-01-01 to 2020-12-31 fetched using Quandl’s API. We will be made. also implement web news sentiment data (FinSentS) from Quandl provided by InfoTrie, and on stock AAPL, FinSentS • Exponential Gradient Portfolio (EG) strategy is to in- and news sentiments generated by FinBERT are close. Due vest capital into the latest stock with the best perfor- to the restriction of APIs and limitation of web scraping, the mance and use a regularization term to keep the portfolio news sentiments data utilized for the EAMs in the following information. experiments are majorly relied on FinSentS. • Follow the Regularized Leader (FTRL) strategy tracks the Best Constant Rebalanced Portfolio until the 6 Results and Discussion previous period with an additional regularization term. 6.1 Performance Metrics Follow the Regularized Leader strategy reweights based Except for daily rate of return, two performance metrics are on the entire history of the data with an expectation to also compared: have had the maximum returns. 1. Daily Rate of Return (DRR) T 6.3 Experimental Results 1X rT = exp(rt ), (9) We set initial portfolio value as p0 = 10, 000. The testing T t=1 data of past 50-day Profound State v + from 2020-03-03 to where T is the terminal time step, and rt is the risk- 2020-12-31. As shown in the Figure 7 and Figure 8 EAM- unadjusted peridoic (daily) rate of return obtained every time enabled SAMs by at least 100% and 343% higher than the step. benchmarks in terms of ARR for both portfolios.
Figure 9: According to the learning curves, EAM-enabled SAMs Figure 7: SAM(a) outperforms all benchmarks on Portfolio(a) in always learn better than EAM-disabled SAMs, which validates Back-testing in terms of accumulated portfolio value. EAM’s indispensability in our MSPM system. Portfolios (a) & (b) DRR% ARR% SR 1. CRP 0.29 75.90 4.41 0.49 156.81 5.81 2. Buy and Hold 0.31 80.18 4.29 0.63 230.57 5.75 3. FTRL 0.30 77.95 4.14 0.55 184.47 5.65 4. EG 0.31 79.47 4.19 0.61 215.17 5.69 5. MSPM-SAM 0.57 180.66 4.62 1.09 573.58 5.31 6. MSPM-SAM-NoEAM 0.29 69.74 3.04 0.87 347.08 4.24 Best Performed MSPM MSPM - Figure 8: SAM(b) outperforms all benchmarks on Portfolio(b) in Table 2: Back-testing Results Back-testing in terms of accumulated portfolio value. to financial portfolio management. We prove that MSPM is Validation of EAM qualified as a stepping stone to inspire more creative system Since EAMs provide the trading signal-comprised informa- designs of financial portfolio management by its novelty and tion to SAMs, we want to verify EAM’s indispensability outperformance over the existing benchmarks. Moreover, we by comparing the system performance with and without the confirm the necessity of Evolving Agent Module, a essential EAMs. It is clearly shown in both Figure 7 and Figure 8 that component of the system. the EAM-disabled SAMs, which have hyperparameters with EAM-enabled SAMs, perform poorer. Moreover, we train a set of SAMs for 500 episodes with learning rates of 1e- References 3 and 1e-4, risk discount of 0.05, and 0.01, and gamma of [Araci, 2019] Dogu Araci. Finbert: Financial sentiment 0.99, for portfolio (a). As the learning curves shown in the analysis with pre-trained language models, 2019. Figure 9, EAM-disabled SAMs never reach as good results [DeMiguel et al., 2007] Victor DeMiguel, Lorenzo Gar- as EAM-enabled SAMs in terms of periodical rate of return. lappi, and Raman Uppal. Optimal Versus Naive Diversifi- The results validate that only with the trading signals from cation: How Inefficient is the 1/N Portfolio Strategy? The the EAMs, the SAMs can have an ideal performance. Review of Financial Studies, 22(5):1915–1953, 12 2007. [Devlin et al., 2019] Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Ken- 7 Conclusion ton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. BERT: Pre-training of We propose MSPM, a modularized multi-agent deep bidirectional transformers for language understand- reinforcement-learning based system, aiming to bring ing. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North scalability, reusability and profundity of intake information American Chapter of the Association for Computational
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