A GUIDE TO YOUR NEXT STOP...GW! - The George ...

Page created by Grace Hart
A GUIDE TO YOUR NEXT STOP...GW! - The George ...
A GUIDE TO YOUR NEXT STOP...GW! - The George ...
Personal info

                         Personal information sheet:
                         My NetID

                         My GW email

                         My GWid

                         My residence hall and room number

                     Message About COVID-19
                     As we monitor the evolving situation around COVID-19
                     we will be making adjustments to the summer and fall
                     schedule. When we have more information about dates
                     and deadlines we will communicate via email and post
                     these updates to our website. We thank you for your
                     continued patience and cooperation.

                     Connect With Us:

                     Contact Us:

A Message from GW’s Orientation Staff

                                                                                           Welcome Message
                                             Congratulations on officially becoming
                                             a member of our GW family! This
                                             handbook serves as a guide as you
                                             navigate the summer and prepare
                                             for the fall. Information included is
                                             reminders of tasks for you to complete
                                             and campus resources. We encourage
                                             you to hang onto this and refer to it
                                             as needed. We cannot wait to meet
                                             you soon. Until then, take a moment
                                             to learn a little more about your new
From left to right:
Alex Groth, Asher Price, Foon Nguyen

The year was 1821...
GW was founded in 1821 as “Columbian College.” In 1904, the name changed to
the George Washington University. At the same time, the university's colors changed
to “buff and blue” to commemorate George Washington. The colors matched the
uniform he wore when he resigned his position as Commander-in-Chief of the
Continental Army in 1783.

GW Fight Song
Hail to the Buff!
Hail to the Blue!
Hail to the Buff and Blue!
All our lives we'll be proud to say,
"We hail from GW" (GO BIG BLUE!)
Oh, by George we're happy we can say,
"We're GW, here to show the way!"
So raise high the Buff (BUFF!)
Raise high the Blue (BLUE!)
Loyal to GW
You bet we‘re
Loyal to GW (FIGHT!)

Raise High!
Alex Groth (ESIA, ‘22)
Asher Price (MISPH, ‘21)
Foon Nguyen (ESIA, ‘21)
2020 Student Coordinators, Orientation

President‘s Message
President’s Message

                           Welcome to the George Washington University! You are embarking on an exciting
                           journey, and I am thrilled that you are joining the GW family.

                           GW is a community of scholars, artists, scientists, visionaries, and athletes. We come
                           from all over the world and across the United States. We embrace the diversity of our
                           community while celebrating individuality. We take care of each other in times of need
                           and we “Raise High” to celebrate successes. GW faculty and staff will be with you each
                           step of the way.

                           During these times of uncertainty, we have seen more than ever before our GW
                           community come together to take care of one another, and to continue our mission to
                           educate the next generation of global leaders.

                           Over the summer, we hope to be able to send you more information that will help
                           you prepare for move-in and orientation. I encourage you to review the materials,
                           but remember that there is no “typical” GW experience and there is no “right way” to
                           approach your time here. You will have no shortage of options to discover and create
                           new knowledge in your chosen field, make friends, try new activities and explore the
                           nation’s capital.

                           As we all manage and respond to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we will need to be
                           flexible in our preparations for the fall, and we will communicate with you regularly to
                           ensure that you have the most up-to-date information. There may be questions that
                           remain unanswerable at this time, but if you have any questions or concerns as you
                           prepare for the fall semester, please reach out to the Orientation team at 202-994-6555
                           or orientation@gwu.edu. They will do the best they can to respond. The faculty and staff
                           of GW are here to support your transition and your success.

                           I hope that we will soon be able to meet in person and on campus. Until then, Raise High!

                           Thomas J. LeBlanc

Table of Contents
    6 | Communication from GW

                                                    Table of Contents
    7 | A Note to Future You
    8 | Financial Aid and Student Accounts
    9 | Orientation
10-12 | Navigating GW Systems
   13 | Dining at GW
14–15 | Campus Maps
16–17 | Residential Living at GW
   18 | Academic Life
   19 | GW Libraries and Academic Innovation
   20 | Modules & Training
   21 | Mandatory Health Information
22–23 | Colonial Health Center
   24 | Student Rights & Responsibilities
   25 | Disability Support Services
   26 | Technology at GW
27–28 | Campus Resources
29–30 | GW Jargon
31–32 | Notes

Upon Deposit, Please Complete The Following:
                             • Bookmark your admitted student portal (go.gwu.edu/portal) to access important
Communication from GW

                               and relevant information before classes start.
                             • Claim your NetID and password (GW email)
                             • Submit final transcripts
                             • Submit AP/IB scores
                             • Register for New Student Orientation via your admitted student portal
                             • Apply for first-year housing (living.gwu.edu/first-year-admits). The application
                               opens on May 14 and closes on June 8.
                             • If you are a student with a documented disability, register with Disability Support
                               Services at disabilitysupport.gwu.edu. It is best to provide documentation
                               as soon as possible to avoid delays in the availability of accommodations.
                               Accommodations are not retroactive.

                             Communication Over the Summer
                             Next Stop GW is an electronic newsletter providing timely and relevant information,
                             dates, deadlines, and reminders required to complete over the summer, before, and
                             upon arrival to GW. In addition, this communication tool provides an introduction
                             to important campus resources, campus living and learning, and overall student
                             life. Keep your eye on your email inbox for this newsletter arriving every other week
                             throughout the summer.

                             Here's what else you can expect for communication between May and August:
                             • Introduction to academic school and undergraduate advising team (emails from
                               respective advising offices to student GW email) (May)
                             • Request to submit photo for GWorld card (GW student ID) (email from GWorld
                               Card Office to student GW email) (May)
                             • Information about student health insurance (waiver deadline) (included in Next
                               Stop GW communication and emails) (starting in May with ongoing reminders
                               throughout the summer)
                             • Tuesday Talks Webinar Series covering topics such as paying your bill, living on-
                               campus, GWorld card usage and perks, and more (schedule posted to the website
                               mid-May) (scheduled topics throughout the summer)
                             • Preliminary invoices issued by Student Accounts (email from Student Accounts to
                               student GW email) (June)
                             • First-year group advising webinars and class registration communication (emails
                               from respective advising offices to student GW email). Note: timeline for webinars
                               varies by individual school. Check your admitted student portal for details.
                               (Beginning in June and ongoing throughout the summer)
                             • Orientation information (email from Orientation and advising offices to student
                               GW email) (August)
                             • Next Stop GW’s Move-In Guide - information, tips, and other details sent right to
                               your inbox. This is emailed to both students and families in August.

A Note to Future You
Use this space to write a letter to your future self.
What are you feeling right now?
What are you excited about? Nervous about?

                                                                                        A Note to Future You
Hang on to this note (and book) and read it again at the end of your first year.
You might be surprised with what you learned.

Financial Aid and Student Accounts
                                          Payment Plans                                    Planning for Financial Aid
Financial Aid and Student Accounts

                                          GW‘s Office of Student Accounts offers           for 2021-2022
                                          several ways to pay semester fees, including     To apply for financial aid, students must
                                          tuition, room, board, and insurance charges.     submit a Free Application for Federal
                                          View all methods at studentaccounts.gwu.         Student Aid (FAFSA) and supporting
                                          edu/how-pay.                                     documents for each year of enrollment (first-
                                                                                           year students should submit a FAFSA by
                                          GW offers a monthly payment plan that splits     March 1 to apply for aid for their sophomore
                                          semester charges into four equal monthly         year). Please note that undergraduate
                                          payments. This plan has an application           students must be degree-seeking in order
                                          fee and is interest free as long as monthly      to qualify for financial assistance. Most
                                          payments are paid in full and on time.           institutional sources of funding require
                                          Payments must be scheduled on the 10th of        full-time status (12 or more credits) each
                                          each month from July through October for         semester.
                                          the fall semester, December through March
                                          for the spring semester, and April through       Eligibility for need-based financial assistance
                                          June for the summer semester. Enrollment         is based on the student‘s demonstrated
                                          is required for each semester in which           need on the financial assistance application.
                                          you participate in the plan. If your parent      The need may be funded by institutional
                                          or guardian is making payments on your           and federal grants, scholarships, and federal
                                          behalf, please provide them access to your       loans. While GW offers significant amounts
                                          account using the link on the plan website.      of need-based aid, we are not able to fund
                                          View details at studentaccounts.gwu.edu/         100% of need. Some families also utilize
                                          monthly-payment-plan.                            the monthly payment plan or additional
                                                                                           federal and/or private alternative loans to
                                          FERPA Policy                                     supplement the awards that are offered.
                                          The Family Educational Rights and Privacy
                                          Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the   Need-based awards are not guaranteed
                                          privacy of student education records. The        every year and must be applied for by the
                                          law applies to schools that receive funds        March 1 deadline for the following academic
                                          under an applicable program of the U.S.          year. For step-by-step instructions, please
                                          Department of Education.                         see financialaid.gwu.edu.

                                          Once enrolled at GW, students have the right     For all your financial aid, billing, and
                                          to inspect and review their own education        registration needs, please reach out via
                                          records, as well as designate who has access     phone, email, or in person to Student
                                          to their student records outside of GW.          Financial and Registration Services, which is
                                                                                           GW’s customer service organization bringing
                                          We encourage you to have conversations           together the offices of Student Financial
                                          with your family members about FERPA prior       Assistance, Student Accounts, and Registrar
                                          to arriving in August. You can access the        in a friendly, centralized, service-culture
                                          Student Consent for Release of Information       setting.
                                          to Parents/Third Parties form (go.gwu.edu/
                                          ferpa) via the Registrar‘s website.              The Student Services Hub, located on the
                                                                                           Ground Floor of the Marvin Center, provides
                                                                                           a personalized experience for students
                                                                                           looking for service support in person.

New Student Orientation aims to aid in the academic, personal, social, and cultural
transition of new undergraduate students and their families to the GW and D.C.
community. The programming you participate in is designed to introduce you to
the academic culture and class registration process, community expectations and

resources, and involvement opportunities on-campus and in the city. We hope you
take advantage of all that GW has to offer and utilize the people around you for
support and guidance as you begin your journey.
For the latest, go to your student portal or our orientation site

Pre-Orientation Programs
Existing Pre-Orientation Programs will no longer occur before Orientation, but will
still take place in some form during Orientation and throughout the first semester.
As plans develop, more information and details about these co-curricular
experiences will be shared.

Class Registration
Information about preparing for class registration and online class registration
date sign-ups is available in your admitted student portal (go.gwu.edu/portal).
Class registration will take place in early August.

Orientation Snapshot
• Opportunities for engagement with fellow students, staff, academic advisors,
  and faculty in a variety of different settings
• Opportunities to get to know your peers and learn more about your residence
  hall community
• Opportunities to learn more about getting involved in campus life, campus
  resources, and the first-year experience program, District Connections
• Opportunities for intentional engagement within affinity groups and living-
  learning communities to create closer bonds with classmates.

Getting to Campus
GW is conveniently located near three major airports (DCA: Ronald Reagan
Washington National, IAD: Washington Dulles International, and BWI: Baltimore
Washington International) and D.C.’s Union Station. Public transit is available from
each airport and train station. The Foggy Bottom/GWU Metro Stop is located right
on campus, with service to the Orange, Blue, and Silver Metro lines.

Stay Informed This Summer
Over the summer, you will receive Next Stop GW newsletters with reminders of
things to do, and updates from GW community members, as well as, emails from
school advising offices. Keep an eye on your GW email inbox for these editions
(and more)!

Navigating GW Systems
                  Transitioning to college is an exciting time, but it also comes with a lot of new
                  processes, concepts, and systems. While you’re here, you will be using a variety of
                  different platforms to do business, like checking your email, paying your bill online,
                  and completing assignments for class. We want to introduce you to these commonly
                  used systems so you’ll be familiar with them come August.

                  myGW - The George Washington University
                  Web Portal (my.gwu.edu)
GW Systems

                  myGW provides you with a landing page to navigate other systems at the university,
                  namely email, Blackboard, and GWeb Information System. Log in using your NetID
                  (first part of your GW email) and password.

                  GW Email and Calendar (www.gwu.edu/email)
                  Access your GW email and calendar by logging in with your GW email address

GWeb Information System (it.gwu.edu/gweb)
GWeb Information System (also referred to as BanWeb or GWeb) allows
access to important processes such as student accounts management,
financial aid communication, and course registration. Log in using your GW
email address (NetID@gwu.edu) and email password. GWeb is accessed via

Once you are logged in, you will see tabs for the following information:
• Registration Menu brings you to the registration portal and your schedule
• Student Records Information Menu brings you to transcripts, grades, and
• Student Accounts Menu brings you to the eBill Portal where you can view your
  account, set up a refund profile, and make payments or grant access to others to
  make payments for you
• Financial Aid Menu brings you to your financial aid package, cost of attendance,
  and Federal Work Study information

                                                         Note: If someone other than the
                                                         student will be making payments to
                                                         the university, the student should add
                                                         them as an authorized user on the
                                                         account. The student is the only one
                                                         with the ability to grant access to the
                                                         eBill system (studentaccounts.gwu.

                                                         Please note: Completing a FERPA form
                                                         does not give online access to the eBill;
                                                         the student grants access through the
                                                         eBill system.

Blackboard (blackboard.gwu.edu)
     Blackboard is a learning management system that faculty and staff use to share
     information and post class materials. As a student, you will use Blackboard to
     complete GW 101 prior to arriving to campus in August, as well as for classes
     throughout your time at GW. Log in with your NetID (NetID@gwu.edu) and password.

     FixIt (go.gwu.edu/fixit)
     FixIt is GW‘s facilities request portal, which you can use to submit facilities issues
     in your residence hall. A facilities issue can be anything from an overflowing sink
     to a large pile of trash in a common space. You‘ll be prompted to provide your
     GW NetID and password. Check the webpage icons and choose the service area
     that best fits your need. If you have questions or need to update your request, use
     the Comment Stream and a GW Facilities representative will get back to you.

A Different Approach to Dining
We’re embedded in the heart of D.C. and the food options in our city are boundless.
Whether you want to explore the D.C. food scene with friends on a Saturday night,
shop for your own seasonal ingredients and cook with friends, order delivery
through the GET mobile app, or grab a quick bite to eat between classes, our open
dining plan has you covered no matter your tastes or dietary needs. View dining
options at dining.gwu.edu/where-eat.

Visit go.gwu.edu/dining to learn more and download popular dining apps such
as the GET app and Twenty-Two Tables.

GWorld Dining and Grocery Partners
With so many grocery and dining partners located on, or close to, our Foggy Bottom
and Mount Vernon campuses, you have the freedom to choose what you want to eat

                                                                                              Dining @ GW
and when.

Our partner list (gworld.gwu.edu/gworld-         more. Colonial Cash may be purchased
merchants) includes restaurants and              at any time and is not required.
grocery stores that accept Dining Cash and
Colonial Cash. Remember, Dining Cash             Don't see your favorite pizza place?
(required for all undergraduate students         Want to use GWorld at your favorite
in GW residence halls) can only be used          Chinese restaurant? We are always
at dining and grocery partners and cannot        looking to expand our dining options
be used for retail or service purchases.         to best meet the needs and taste
Colonial Cash is accepted at all dining          buds of all GW students. Suggest new
locations as well as at partner retail stores,   dining partners at dining.gwu.edu/
vending machines, laundry machines, and          suggest-dining-partner.

Dining Cash v. Colonial Cash
Dining Cash is the primary fund for the meal plan and is required for all on-campus
students. The amount of dining cash added each year depends on whether you live in
a residence hall with or without a kitchen. Costs for 2020 dining can be found on the
student's eBill account.
Our dining partner network includes more than 105 food and grocery locations. With
options including table service, delivery, food trucks, regional cuisines, and grocery
stores, you’ll have easy access to food that meets your tastes and needs. Our open
plan offers variety and freedom of choice to meet students‘ dietary preferences,
including vegan, vegetarian, nut-free, kosher, Halal, gluten-free options, and more.
*Dining funds roll over semester-to-semester and year-to-year.

Colonial Cash is a voluntary account that can be used in addition to Dining Cash,
and can be used with GWorld dining and retail partners, both on-campus and off-
campus, as well as laundry and printing. Money can be added to Colonial Cash
through the GWeb system.

       Embassy                                                                         One
       of Spain                                                                     Washington


                                                                                                               ONE WAY
                                                                                                                                                                                   K STREET

                                                                                                                                                                               ONE WAY
                       WA S H I N G TO N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE VERN EXP
 Institute                                                                                         PE
School of                                                                                               NN                                                                                                                                                             RESIDENCE HA
  Public                                                                                                               LV                             IMF-IFC
                                                                                                                          A      NIA                                                                                                                                   HOTELS

                                                                                                                                                                           21ST STREET
  Health                                                                                                                                              Building
                                                                                                                                             UE                                                                                                                        PARKING

                The George                                                                                                                                                                 Hotel
                Washington                                                                                                   H.B. Burns                                                  Lombardy
                 University                                                                                                  Memorial
                  Hospital                                                            The Avenue                               Bldg. 2112 Pennyslvania Ave
                                                                                        Grocery                                                                                                TO T
                                                                                                                                                                                                      HE W
             F O G GY                                                                                                       Ambulatory                                                                       HITE
             B OT TO M /                                                                                                    Care Center                                                                             HOU
             GW U                                                                                                                                                                                                         SE                              School of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nursing Offices
                                                                                            I STREET                                                                                                                                                                       Embassy
                                                                                                           Nashman Center for                    Dorothy                                                                                                                   of Mexico
                Himmelfarb                                                     Kennedy Munson               Civic Engagement                                                                2000 Pennsylvania Avenue
                  Health                                                      Onassis Hall Hall                                                    Betts Lafayette                              Shops & Restaurants
                                                                                                                           GW Police              Marvin     Hall
                 Sciences                                                                                        Academic            District                                                                   Building XX
                  Library                                                                                          Center   Rome     House        Theatre
                                                                                            Science and                                                                                                      (Theatre & Dance)
                                                                                                                             Hall                Welcome Center

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ONE WAY
       Ross Hall School                                                                   Engineering Hall          Smith                                                                  School of             Building YY
                                                                              Fulbright P                            Hall Phillips            Colonial Health Center                       Media and
         of Medicine                                                            Hall                                                                                                                            Title IX Office                          International Monetary Fund
                                                                                                                    of Art   Hall              P Cloyd Heck                               Public Affairs
                                                                                                                                                   Marvin Center
                                                                                           H STREET
    Amsterdam                                                                                  Madison Hall                     Gelman                                                   Samson                                Burns
       Hall                                                                                                                                                Lisner Auditorium
                                                                                                              22ND STREET

                                                                                                                                Library                                                                                          Law
                               23RD STREET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20TH STREET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       19TH STREET
                                                                                 Hall of                                                                                                                                       Library
                                                                              Engineering                                                                                     Corcoran
                                                                                                Duquès                                                                          Hall U N I V E R S I TY                                                           International
                                                                                                   Hall                                                     University Honors                YA R D                                                              Monetary Fund
                                                                                                                                             KO G A N                         GW Museum &                  GW Law
                                                                                                                            Staughton Hall P L A Z A            Program The Textile Museum                  School
                                                                                               of Business
        Lerner Health and                                                                                                                                                                     Lisner Hall
         Wellness Center                                                         Funger Hall                                              MSSC      Monroe Hall Hall of                                  Stuart Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bell Hall
                                                                                      S                                                                          Govt.
                                                                                                                            G STREET                                                             ONE WAY

                                                                                                                                                  Graduate School Strong            Tonic at G Street Garage and        Law Clinic
                                                                                                                                                   of Education & Hall             Quigley’s Kelly Law Learning Center Townhouses
                    Shenkman                                                  Townhouse                                                         Human Development                                                   P

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ONE WAY
                       Hall                                                      Row

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       19TH STREET
                                                                                             Charles E.                                                Square 80 Park
                                                                                                                                                           The GW Hatchet                Francis
                                                                                            Smith Center            GW Townhouses
                                                                                                                                                          GW Townhouses                 Scott Key

                                                                                                                                                                                 Potomac Hall
                                                                                                                                Guthridge 2109 Hillel
                                                                                                               South Hall GW Hall F Street Center Building JJ Support House                             The F Street
                                                                                                                                                                       Building                            House
                                                                                                           F STREET                   ONE WAY
                                                                              VI      Newman GW Townhouses                                State The
                                                                                 R G Center                                                                                                                1922       1918 Thurston
                  Columbia                                                          IN                                                    Plaza Dakota
                                                                                       IA                                 ANNIVERSARY
                                                                                                                                         Hotel                                                           F Street    F Street      Hall
                      Plaza                                                               AV International House               PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (closed for construction
                                                                                            EN                                                                                                      Marriott Courtyard
                                                                                                UE                                               Embassy                                       Washington, DC/Foggy Bottom Mitchell
                                                                                                                                                of Bosnia                                             1959 E Street Elliott School of P
                                                                                                                                                   and                                                                International Affairs
                                                                                                                                               Herzegovina                     S

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ONE WAY E STREET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ONE WAY            E STREET
GY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             W STREET

TOM                                                                                                                                     Florence Hollis
                                                                                                                                         Hand Chapel
                                                                                                                                                                           MOUNT VERNON
PRESS STOPS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hall                             Hensley

ALLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CAM P U S DR IV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Center for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Student Engagement/
                                                                SUMMIT Outdoor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mount Vernon
                                                                Challenge Course                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Academic Building/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Post Hall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        L R OA D
                                                                                                                                                                       NCAA Division 1                                                                                                                                Women’s                                              Eckles
                                                                                                                                                                  Soccer and Lacrosse Field                                                                                                                          Leadership                                           Memorial
                                                                                                                                                                    for Men and Women                                                                                                                                 Program                                              Library

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     F OX H A L

                                                                                                                  Hall and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         U                 Acheson

                                                                                                                   Pelham                                                                                                                                                                                    S
                                                                                                                     Commons                                                                                                                                                                                               Science


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dorothy                                                                                                                                    Hall

                                                                                                                                                                                              NCAA Division 1 Tennis Courts Williamson
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for Men and Women          Clock Tower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             P                                 Ames Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GW Police &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Parking Garage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       University Writing Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Outdoor                                                  Lloyd Gymnasium/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pool                                                         Dance &                                                            NCAA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Exercise Studio                                                    Division 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Softball Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        W H IT EH AV
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        THE VERN EXPRESS STOPS

                                                   W STREET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        RESIDENCE HALLS
     The World Bank                                 MOUNT VERNON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GW CAMPUSES                                                                                         P
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WASHINGTON, DC
                                                                                                                    WISCONSIN AVENUE

                                                                                                                                                                                23RD STREET
                                                                                                    35TH STREET

                                                                                                                                                   29TH STREET

                                                   WHITEHAVEN PKWY.

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                                                                                                D                                                                                                 EW

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                                                          CA NA L R O A D
                                                                                                                    K STREET                                     WASHINGTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                N SY
                                                                                                                                                                                               FOGGY                                                                       N   IA A
                                                                                                                                                                                              BOTTOM                                                                                                UE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17TH STREET

                        ONE WAY


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                E STREET

                                                               N                                                                                                                                       CONSTITUTION AVENUE                                                                                              Visit virtualtour.gwu.edu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to experience our interactive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        campus map.
                                                 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2018
                                                                      17TH STREET
                      18TH STREET


                                    E STREET

                                    Corcoran School of
                                    the Arts and Design

                                    E STREET
Residential Living @ GW
                               GW aims to promote residential experiences rooted in strong communities
                               where students develop meaningful healthy relationships, support one another,
                               and are empowered to make decisions that advance their personal, academic,
                               and career goals. You're encouraged to connect with your roommates ahead of
                               move-in to coordinate items for the room.

                               Foggy Bottom Campus - First-Year Residence Halls

                                          Fulbright Hall                             Lafayette Hall                             Madison Hall
Residential Living @ GW

                                           Mitchell Hall                            Potomac House                              Guthridge Hall

                               Mount Vernon Campus - First-Year Residence Halls

                                            Clark Hall                                   Cole Hall                               Hensley Hall

                                        Merriweather Hall                              Somers Hall                                 West Hall

                                                       This is a short list of what to bring to campus. A more detailed list, including items
                               What to Bring:          recommended by public health experts will be provided at a later date.

                                       Toiletries, prescription medication, first aid kit,            Detergent, dryer sheets, drying rack
                                       cleaning supplies, fan, desk lamp
                                                                                                      Reusable utensils, dishes, and food containers,
                                       Full-length mirror, posters, throw rugs,                       reusable grocery bags, reusable water bottle
                                       calendar, message board                                        Computer, cell phone, headphones, power
                                                                                                      strip w/ surge protector
                                       Sheets (twin XL), towels, pillows, blankets,
                                       mattress pad, mattress cover, and laundry bag                  Thermometer, mask, Clorox and Lysol products

                                What is included:                                      What Not to Bring:
                                 •   Twin XL (80”) mattress                             •    Candles, halogen lamps, lanterns/oil lamps, and flammable liquids
                                 •   Microwave and refrigerator                         •    Non-surge protected extension cords
                                 •   Wireless Internet                                  •    Weapons, chemical mace, pepper spray, fireworks
                                 •   Adjustable height bed frame, desk, desk            •    Hazardous material
                                     chair, two chests with two drawers each            •    Live animals
                                 •   One trash bin per student                          •    Cooking appliances in non-cooking areas, microwaves, refrigerators
                                                                                        •    Alcohol or other drugs, including marijuana, which is prohibited on
                          16                                                                 campus
Who’s Who In Residential Life
  Resident Advisors (RAs): student leaders assigned to a floor to support and advise
  residents and promote a residential community.

  Community Directors (CDs): full-time professional staff who live in a residence hall,
  plan activities, provide crisis response, and supervise RAs.

  Area Coordinators (ACs): full-time professional staff who live in a residence hall,
  provide planning and oversight of students’ residential experience, advise hall
  councils, provide crisis response, and supervise RAs and CDs.

  Faculty in Residence (FiR): GW faculty who live in a residence hall, mentor students,
  and provide intellectual experiences for residents.

  Faculty Guides (FGs): GW faculty assigned to a residence hall who mentor students
  and provide intellectual experiences for residents.

  Hall Council: Student-led hall government that advocates on behalf of a configuration
  of buildings and provides social experiences. All Hall Councils together form GW’s
  Residence Hall Association (RHA).

  Mailing & Packages
  You may use a vendor of your choosing to ship belongings directly to
  campus. Items must be clearly labeled and sent to the appropriate mailing
  address for your residence hall.

                          FOGGY BOTTOM                                                     MOUNT VERNON
                     MAILING ADDRESS/EXAMPLE                                          MAILING ADDRESS/EXAMPLE

           Student Name                  George Washington                  Student Name                   Martha Washington
(as it appears on your University ID)    #302, Potomac House     (as it appears on your University ID)   The George Washington
Room Number, Residence Hall Name          2021 F Street, NW      The George Washington University        2100 Foxhall Road, NW
              Address                   Washington, D.C. 20052         2100 Foxhall Road, NW                   West Hall
     Washington, D.C. 20052                                                Residence Hall                         201
                                                                           Room Number                   Washington, D.C. 20007
                                                                      Washington, D.C. 20007

  Belongings may be shipped to campus prior to move-in. Details about this process will
  be provided at a later date and communicated via email to the student.

  Colonial Bellhop is an optional move-in service in which members of GW Spirit meet
  you curbside at your residence hall and carry everything up to your room in under 20
  minutes! All proceeds benefit the GW Spirit teams and any participating Club Sport
  teams. To register, visit GWsports.com/Spirit. For additional information, contact our
  Bellhop Coordinator at bellhop@gwu.edu.

Academic Life
                     The George Washington University’s academic life is defined not only by the ability
                     of faculty and students to put knowledge in action, but also by the ability to take full
                     advantage of GW’s vast access to world-class partnerships, policy-research initiatives,
                     and one-of-a-kind learning opportunities.

                     Refer to GW 101 in Blackboard to learn more about your academic school, advising
                     structure, curriculum requirements, guidance for course registration, and more!

                     Undergraduate Academic Schools: Snapshot

                           Columbian College of Arts and               Elliott School of International Affairs
                           Sciences (CCAS) — Our oldest and            (ESIA) — When you study international
                           largest college, Columbian is home          affairs at Elliott, you won’t just study it,
                           to both generalists and specialists. At     you’ll experience it. You’ll understand
                           Columbian, we emphasize perspective,        and engage with the world, building
                           analysis, and communication;                knowledge of economics, history,
                           encourage collaboration with external       political science, and relevant areas of
                           partners; and inspire lasting change.       anthropology and geography.

                           Corcoran School of the Arts and             School of Business (GWSB) — This
                           Design (CSAD) — The Corcoran                school offers a distinctive educational
                           School embodies what Columbian              experience to prepare global business
Academic Life

                           has defined as the “engaged liberal         leaders through a portfolio of niche
                           arts” by providing a platform for           programs that emphasize academic
                           engagement, bridging creative               rigor, learning outcomes, and teaching
                           expression and practical application,       excellence in both delivery and content.
                           linking disparate fields, and preparing
                           students for rich and multi-dimensional     School of Engineering and Applied
                           careers. We challenge students to           Science (SEAS) — SEAS strongly
                           investigate how art functions as a form     supports co-curricular activities to
                           of creative and intellectual inquiry.       broaden and deepen its students’
                           CSAD is a school within the Columbian       overall educational programs. The
                           College of Arts and Sciences.               school also offers a highly collaborative
                                                                       approach that enables students to
                           School of Media and Public Affairs          cultivate expertise in laboratories and
                           (SMPA) — SMPA is a trailblazer in the       influence in government.
                           study of political communication,
                           journalism, and media. Graduates            Milken Institute School of Public
                           of the SMPA program are leaders             Health (GWSPH) — We advance
                           in advocacy, politics, business, and        population health, well-being, and
                           journalism. Students engage with            social justice locally, nationally, and
                           the world around them through               globally by applying public health
                           internships and access to decision-         knowledge to enhance policy, practice,
                           makers, community leaders, and              and management; conducting rigorous,
                           power brokers. SMPA is a school             basic, applied, and translational
                           within the Columbian College of Arts        research; and educating the next
                           and Sciences.                               generation of public health leaders,
                                                                       policy makers, practitioners, scientists,
                                                                       advocates, and managers.
GW Libraries and Academic Innovation
GW Libraries
GW Libraries serve the research and learning goals of all undergraduate and graduate
students and faculty of the university, regardless of department or major.

Highlights of GW Libraries:                  Libraries available to all GW students:
• 24-hour study in a wide variety of study    • Gelman Library (Foggy Bottom campus)
  spaces at Gelman Library                   • Eckles Library (Mount Vernon campus)
 • PC & Mac computers, Colonial Printing,    •
   and scanners
 • New digital media studio
 • Top Textbooks                             Specialized Libraries (services tailored to
                                             specific disciplines):
     Top Textbooks allows students to         • Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
     access all required textbooks for
     a select group of high-enrollment       • Jacob Burns Law Library

                                                                                                  GW Libraries and Academic Innovation
     courses. Before you buy, check          • Arthur D. Jenkins Library
     go.gwu.edu/TopTextbooks to see if
     your textbooks are available.

Academic Commons
Academic Commons is a one-stop shop for all academic services and resources
available at GW. Visit academiccommons.gwu.edu or see us in person at the Ask Us
Desk on the entrance floor of Gelman Library.

     Study Spaces:                               Workshops and Consultations:
     See all of the study spaces available       Free workshops and consultations are
     to you on all three of GW’s campuses        available in programming, coding,
     and filter based on your favorite           data organization, statistical analysis,
     features at studyspaces.gwu.edu.            Adobe Creative Suite, GIS, and more at
     Writing Help:
     Dedicated attention to writing and          Tutoring and Review Sessions:
     research projects at all stages of          Course-specific peer tutoring and
     the writing process is available            review sessions are free for GW
     through The Writing Center. Make            students through Academic Commons.
     an appointment (recommended) at             Find your course and make an
     writingcenter.gwu.edu.                      appointment at go.gwu.edu/tutoring.

     Research Assistance:                        Undergraduate Research:
     Personalized help in strategizing and       Get hands-on experience in your
     finding resources for any project or        field of interest by participating in the
     paper is available by appointment at        undergraduate research opportunities
     go.gwu.edu/consultations.                   available on researchcommons.gwu.

Be sure to check out academiccommons.gwu.edu to learn about academic services
and resources available throughout the university.
Online Modules and Trainings
                           for Incoming First-Year Students
                           AlcoholEdu for College — facilitated by Health Promotion and Education
                           In an effort to reduce negative alcohol-              for those that choose to drink along with
                           related consequences among GW students,               those that choose not to drink.
                           Health Promotion and Education offers
                           incoming first-year students AlcoholEdu for           This training will be made available on
                           College. This online module covers alcohol            July 20, 2020. A link will be emailed to
                           and motivation, standard drink size, blood            students. For questions, please contact
                           alcohol concentration, and key strategies             CHCOutreach@gwu.edu.

                           “Think About It” Sexual Assault Prevention Training and Workshops —
                           facilitated by the Title IX Office
                           The Title IX Office provides resources, training, and reporting options to students,
                           faculty, and staff to address concerns related to sexual harassment and sexual violence
                           prohibited by both Title IX and related university policies. Each fall semester, all
                           incoming undergraduate students are required to participate in an online and in-person
                           sexual assault prevention program to be able to register for spring semester classes.

                                                 1                               2                                3
                                                       Part 1 — “Think About          Part 2a — In-person             Part 2b — online
                           Steps to Complete:          It” is completed online        workshop — takes place          (complete after
                                                       (should be completed           during Orientation.             the workshop)
                                                       prior to the in-person         Link to sign up for a
                                                       workshop)                      workshop available on
                                                                                      the Haven website in late
                                                                                      summer (July/August).
Modules & Trainings

                           For more information, please visit Title IX’s Haven website (haven.gwu.edu).
                           Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Online Educational Module — facilitated
                           by the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement
                           GW is committed to providing educational opportunities to students, staff, and faculty
                           that challenge us to learn more about ourselves and others. As first-year students at GW,
                           you have an amazing journey ahead of you filled with curiosity and exploration. While
                           you will grow each semester as GW students, we want to provide you with a foundation
                           in your first year that offers you language, tools, and resources to engage in thoughtful
                           conversations about diversity, identity, equity, justice, and inclusion.

                           You will receive an email invitation from the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Community
                           Engagement in August to complete the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Online
                           Educational Module. Every first-year student at GW is invited to participate in this
                           experience, and we encourage you to connect your learning with your experiences
                           inside and outside of the classroom.

                           We are eager for you to engage in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Online Educational
                           Module, and welcome you to share any questions with the Office for Diversity, Equity,
                           and Community Engagement (diverse@gwu.edu or 202-994-7297).

                           These modules and trainings are a requirement for all first-year students to complete in
                           order to register for spring 2021 courses.
Important Information from
the Colonial Health Center
Mandatory Health Immunization Form: DUE AUGUST 1
ALL new students under the age of 26 must submit proof of immunizations as
required by DC Code. Details are available at healthcenter.gwu.edu/immunizations.
Visit the Colonial Health Center (CHC) patient portal at mychc.gwu.edu and follow
the instructions below:

     1                                             4
           Access the patient portal and sign in       Click on each green “Update” button next
           with your GW email address                  to each type of immunization and enter
           (NetID@gwu.edu) and password                in the dates of immunization. You must
                                                       enter in all of your dates for the required

     2     Click on the “Medical Clearances”           immunizations in order for us to verify
           tab on the left side of the screen.         your record.

     3     Under “Medical Clearances” click on
           the green “Update” button to upload
           a photo or scan of your immunization
                                                   5   Once you have updated all of your
                                                       immunization dates, a staff member
                                                       at CHC will review your record. Please
           record. Please ensure that all              check back to see if your immunization
           documents are legible.                      clearance was satisfied or not.

For questions, please email immunreq@gwu.edu or call 202-994-5300 (option #3).

Student Health Insurance Plan
In alignment with the Affordable Care Act, the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
guarantees that you can obtain necessary treatment if you develop a serious illness
or injury. Domestic undergraduates, international students with a J1 or F1 Visa,
on-campus health sciences, and on-campus nursing students will be automatically
enrolled in SHIP. Detailed iInformation about the 2020–2021 academic year (August–

                                                                                                          Mandatory Health Information
August) plan, including waiver requirements and waiver steps, will be shared over the
summer months via email. The waiver period is August 1–September 30.

For questions about SHIP, visit the Colonial Health Center Website at healthcenter.
gwu.edu or email ship@gwu.edu.

Colonial Health Center
                              GW’s Colonial Health Center (CHC) provides multidisciplinary, integrated,
                              student-centered services in a safe, accessible, culturally inclusive, and supportive
                              environment. The CHC seeks to promote healthy lifestyle choices and to holistically
                              support the physical and emotional well-being of students in order to achieve
                              academic success.
                              Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
                              Our counselors provide an environment for students to overcome challenges
                              and difficulties that may interfere with academic, emotional, and personal
                              success. Counseling services are free, confidential, and short-term. After an initial
                              consultation, counselors and students work together to determine the best course of
                              treatment to address individual mental health needs.
                              Counselors utilize a multifaceted approach to provide various options for treatment
                              through the Stepped Care Model (as shown below).


                                     Referral to longer-
                                      term community
Colonial Health Center





                                  Accessing Services:
                                  Students can access CAPS for support by walking in to the CHC and requesting
                                  to speak with the next available counselor—no appointments necessary. Students
                                  and the walk-in counselor will determine if any of CAPS follow-up services would
                                  be a fit for the student’s individual needs.

                              On-Call Services
                              We provide 24/7 counseling care and medical advice to students through an after-
                              hours hotline. Students should call 202-994-5300. A mental health clinician and
                              advice nurses are both available.

Medical Services
    CHC’s medical providers are available to support students’ physical health and
    well-being. Staffed by a team of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants,
    psychiatrists, and registered nurses, we offer primary care and urgent care visits.
        Accessing Services:
         • Primary Care visits are usually available within 48 hours. Schedule an
           appointment online via the medical portal at mychc.gwu.edu or by calling
         • Urgent Care visits, intended for medical or health issues that require
           immediate attention when a timely Primary Care appointment is not available,
           are available on a first-come, first-served basis during clinic hours. Students
           should notify the receptionist upon arrival. Medical clinicians can be reached
           at 202-994-8951 during clinic hours.

                         Colonial Health Center Locations
        Foggy Bottom Campus                                Mount Vernon Campus
     Marvin Center – Ground Floor                            Merriweather Hall
800 21st St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20052       2100 Foxhall Rd., NW, Washington, D.C. 20007
     Phone: 202-994-5300 (24/7)                             Phone: 202-242-6120

    Wellness Initiative – Raise Up GW
    To be well at GW is to honor the dynamic process of change and growth that
    involves building resilience, persistence, and positivity in the face of challenges.
    Raise Up GW is our initiative dedicated to helping students engage in
    comprehensive well-being experiences across campus. We empower our students
    to actively engage in wellbeing activities that are supportive of holistic lifestyles.
    Through this initiative, students will gain an understanding of campus resources and
    learn how to help others in need.

    Dimensions of Well-Being
       Physical            Emotional              Environmental               Financial

       Cultural               Social                Intellectual              Spiritual

    Visit students.gwu.edu/wellbeing for more information about our Wellness Initiatives!

Know the Code
                                         Before you become a GW community member, you’ll want to know what GW
                                         expects of you and what you can expect from GW. The Code of Academic Integrity
                                         and the Code of Student Conduct (both available at studentconduct.gwu.edu)
                                         provide the expectations for GW students' behavior both in class, out of class, and

                                         I’m a good person, I promise. Why should I read the Codes?
                                           • Do you want to study abroad, work on campus, or be an elected student leader?
                                             Those opportunities depend upon being in good standing with the Codes.
                                           • Know your rights. The Codes don’t just tell you what to do, they provide
                                             information about your rights and options if you’re accused or if someone harms
                                           • Whether you’re from the D.C. area or halfway around the world, GW will be a
                                             new culture with different expectations to learn about issues like marijuana,
                                             academic citations, and discrimination.
                                           • You’re civically engaged and looking forward to protests in D.C. Read the Codes
                                             to learn how it applies to your conduct off-campus and how it supports your
                                             rights to free expression.
Student Rights & Responsibilities

                                           • You want to join the University Hearing Panel, a group of students trained to
                                             resolve the university’s most serious allegations. Read up before you apply.

                                         What are the most important decisions I can make to stay in good

                                           • Be kind and inclusive. Enthusiastic disagreement and difference are an
                                             important part of civic engagement at GW. Disorderly conduct, harassment, and
                                             discriminatory misconduct are prohibited.
                                           • Plan ahead. Most students who commit academic integrity violations didn’t plan
                                             to do that—they got behind and took a shortcut. Time management is a key skill
                                             in college and the Library and Academic Commons can help you improve.
                                           • Talk to your professor. Not understanding class expectations for collaboration
                                             and citation is also a regular issue with academic integrity cases. If you’re not
                                             sure, ask your instructor.

                                         What if I get in trouble anyway—should I just pack my bags?
                                         Almost certainly not. College is about learning academics and how to be a positively
                                         engaged citizen. Student Rights and Responsibilities will reach out, share the
                                         incident report, and help you understand your rights and options to respond. You
                                         can reach out to us anytime.
                                         studentconduct.gwu.edu | rights@gwu.edu | 202-994-6757

Disability Support Services (DSS)
Did you know in college that it is on YOU (the student) to disclose a disability in order
to receive accommodations? Don’t worry—we’ve broken it down for you below.

What do you mean by disability?
Maybe you had a Section 504 plan or IEP in high school? While that is usually
indicative of a need to register with us, it is not a prerequisite. You could be someone
with a physical, cognitive, mental, or chronic health impairment that substantially limits
a major life activity. We must have documentation of an impairment to determine
accommodations. Check the instructions below on the relevant documentation we
need and on the DSS website disabilitysupport.gwu.edu/document-your-disability.

The determination of whether a student has a physical, cognitive, medical, or mental
health impairment that substantially limits a major life activity (and therefore has a
disability) must be made on a case-by-case basis. How do we do that? By examining
the documentation you provide! Check the instructions below on the relevant
documentation we need.

Okay, that’s me… Now what? I want to register with DSS.
1. Submit a DSS Online Registration Form, which includes your supporting disability
documentation, at disabilitysupport.gwu.edu/register-disability-support-services.
Eligibility criteria for disability-related support services include the below. Please
do not send us your Section 504 or IEP plan, as these do not count as verified
  a. Recent verification of diagnosis prepared by a qualified professional that includes

                                                                                                  Disability Support Services (DSS)
  recommendations for reasonable accommodations.
  b. Documentation that is current and relevant, substantiates how the condition
  impacts the student in a postsecondary academic environment, and illustrates a
  connection between the impact of the disability and the requested accommodation.

2. You will be notified of your eligibility status and will receive a plan of approved
accommodations by email (at your GW email address).

3. Once your registration is established, you must attend a session during Orientation
to review DSS policies and procedures.

What does DSS do?
  Assistive Technology                Interpreting Services
  Alternative Format Text Materials   Letters to Professors
  Classroom Access                    Note-Taking Technology
  Housing Accommodations              Test Accommodations

CONTACT DSS: Rome Hall, Suite 102 | 801 22nd St., NW | Washington, D.C. 20052
Telephone: 202-994-8250 | Email: dss@gwu.edu

Technology @ GW
                       Internet Access: Wireless internet access    at it.gwu.edu/software. Some software
                       is available through your GW NetID and       is made available by your school. Learn
                       password. Networks are also available for    where to access these applications at
                       certain guests. Find out more at it.gwu.     go.gwu.edu/academicsoftware.
                                                                    Digital media equipment, including digital
                       Equipment is available for wired internet    video and audio recorders, is available
                       in residence halls. Sign out the equipment   to all GW students, regardless of school
                       through the IT Support Center at it.gwu.     affiliation. Learn more at acadtech.gwu.
                       edu/support. Streaming devices (Apple        edu/equipment.
                       TV, Playstation 4s, Roku devices, Nintendo
                       Switches, and Xbox Ones) may connect         Computer Labs: Computer labs, often
                       to GW‘s wireless entertainment network.      with specialized software and higher
                       You may learn more about connecting          computing power are available to all GW
                       your entertainment devices at                students in Gelman Library, Eckles Library,
                       it.gwu.edu/gw-play.                          and some academic buildings. Learn more
                                                                    at go.gwu.edu/academicsoftware.
                       Email: GW uses GWMail for student
                       email accounts. GWMail features              Specialized digital media computers,
                       enhanced storage capabilities and access     a video production studio, interactive
                       to GWCalendar. Visit it.gwu.edu/email-       experience area, and more are available
                       calendar to learn more.                      to all GW students in the Gelman Library
                                                                    digital media studio. Equipment such as
                       Printing: Colonial Printing is a wireless    cameras and recorders are available for
                       printing service enabling you to print       check out. Staff are available to assist.
                       from anywhere on or off campus, and
Technology @ GW

                       even from your smartphone or tablet.         GW students in need of a laptop can
                       A print credit is allocated to each          request one for up to one full semester on
                       enrolled GW student at the beginning         a first come, first served basis at go.gwu.
                       of the academic year to make printing        edu/laptops.
                       affordable. Learn more at printing.gwu.
                       edu.                                         Streaming Cable TV and HBO Go: GW
                                                                    students living in on-campus housing can
                       Support: GW Information Technology           watch and record live high-definition TV.
                       (GW IT) offers several options for           You can access streaming services from a
                       technology support, making it easy to get    variety of devices. Learn more at it.gwu.
                       the help you need when you need it most.     edu/tv.
                       Visit it.gwu.edu/support for walk-in
                       hours, phone number, and email contact.      Technology Purchase Recommendations
                       Submit an online ticket at go.gwu.edu/       GW provides minimum hardware
                       itrequest.                                   specifications as suggestions when you
                                                                    are considering purchasing a device for
                       Academic Software and Technology:            your time at the university. Learn more at
                       Software packages like Microsoft Office      go.gwu.edu/GWtech.
                       365, SAS (Statistical Analysis System),
                       Adobe Creative Cloud applications, and
                       communications apps are available to all
                       GW students through GW IT. Learn more
Campus Resources
Resource Name                     Contact Information               Reasons You Might Use This Resource

Academic Commons                  academiccommons.gwu.edu           - One-stop to access all of GW’s academic services
                                  academiccommons@gwu.edu           - Peer tutoring and course reviews
                                                                    - Writing and research help
                                                                    - Workshops
                                                                    - Guide to GW study spaces

The CARE Network                  students.gwu.edu/care             Are you or someone you know in need of some support? The CARE Network is an
                                  gwcares@gwu.edu                   online form that you can submit to get connected to support resources on campus.
                                                                    Students are connected through inter-departmental collaboration to provide them with
                                                                    appropriate and personalized outreach.

Campus Advisories                 campusadvisories.gwu.edu          - Incident-related and non-incident-related information to the GW community
                                  oem@gwu.edu                       - Real-time information on current GW alerts, weather, and Metro status

Campus Living and Residential     living.gwu.edu                    - Residence halls
Education                         living@gwu.edu                    - Move-in and out
                                                                    - Housing on- and off-campus (fall, spring, and summer)
                                                                    - Policies (such as housing exemptions or housing accommodations)
                                                                    - Residential engagement opportunities

Center for Career Services        careerservices.gwu.edu            - Finding Federal Work Study (FWS) and non-FWS student positions
                                  gwcareercenter@gwu.edu            - Student employee hiring, on-the-job requirements & assistance, and pay information
                                                                    - Major and career exploration
                                  Student Employment                - Self-assessment and career coaching
                                  Website: gwu-studentemployment.

Colonial Health Center            healthcenter.gwu.edu              - Medical, psychiatry, counseling, and psychological services
                                  Phone: 202-994-5300 (24/7)        - 24/7 Counselor On Call
                                                                    - Student health insurance
                                                                    - Required immunizations
                                                                    - Self-help resource library

Disability Support Services       disabilitysupport.gwu.edu         - Register for accommodations
                                  dss@gwu.edu                       - Learn more about types of accommodations available

Division of Safety and Security   safety.gwu.edu                    - Residence hall safety and security
                                  Health and Safety                 - Health and emergency management safety
                                  (202) 994-4347                    - GW Police
                                  Emergency Mgmt                    - Office of Advocacy & Support
                                  (202) 994-4936

GW Campus Bookstore               gwshops.com                       - Books
                                                                    - Apparel and accessories
                                                                    - Gifts and collectibles
                                                                    - Supplies
                                                                    - Technology

GW Dining                         dining.gwu.edu                    - Locations to eat on or around campus with a GWorld card
                                  dining@gwu.edu                    - Special events or discounts
                                                                    - Contact for assistance if you have special dietary restrictions or needs

GW Information Technology         it.gwu.edu                        - Email and calendar
                                  ithelp@gwu.edu                    - Software

                                                                                                                                                            Campus Resources
                                                                    - Internet connectivity
                                                                    - IT security
                                                                    - Martha: GWs self help knowledgebase and artificial intelligence agent

GW Libraries                      library.gwu.edu                   - 24-hour study at Gelman Library (Foggy Bottom)
                                  gelman@gwu.edu                    - Comfortable, light-filled study at Eckles Library (Mount Vernon)
                                  eckles@gwu.edu                    - Computers & printers
                                                                    - Research help
                                                                    - New digital media studio

GWorld Card Office                gworld.gwu.edu                    - Replace a lost GWorld card
                                  gworld@gwu.edu                    - Questions about reloading money, accessing funds, and general card use
                                                                    - Trouble with tap access to academic or other campus buildings

GW Police Department              safety.gwu.edu/police             - Provides residential hall security and patrol services to the Foggy Bottom
                                  Emergency: (202) 994-6111           and Mount Vernon campuses
                                  Non-Emergency: (202) 994-6110     - Coordinates safety and security for a variety of on-campus special events
                                                                    - Provides crime prevention education to the GW community
                                                                    - Crime prevention education

International Services Office     internationalservices.gwu.edu     - Questions about documents and forms (I-20, F and J Visas, etc.)
                                  iso@gwu.edu                       - Programming opportunities to connect with other international students
                                                                    - Primary point of contact for administrative and programming for the
                                                                      GW international community (serving both incoming and current undergraduate and
                                                                      graduate students).

Campus Resources
      Resource Name                       Contact Information                            Reasons You Might Use This Resource

      Lerner Health and Wellness          campusrecreation.gwu.edu                       Available to faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community affiliates featuring:
      Center                              202-994-1626                                   - Cardio and strength training equipment
                                          fit4life@gwu.edu                               - Two large gymnasia with a suspended track and four courts for drop-in and
                                                                                           scheduled events
                                                                                         - Large multipurpose room for group fitness and dance
                                                                                         - Three-lane lap pool
                                                                                         - Two racquetball courts
                                                                                         - One multipurpose court
                                                                                         - Locker rooms and rental equipment

      Multicultural Student Services      mssc.gwu.edu                                   - Learn more about communities and identities
      Center                              mssc@gwu.edu                                   - Signature events
                                                                                         - Training
                                                                                         - LGBTQIA resource center

      Office of Advocacy & Support        safety.gwu.edu/oas                             - Information about rights
                                          oas@gwu.edu                                    - Space to discuss and process feelings and reactions in confidence
                                                                                         - Support to individuals who have been victimized
                                                                                         - Reporting options (on and off campus)

      Office for Diversity, Equity, and   diversity.gwu.edu                              - Education and learning opportunities
      Community Engagement                diverse@gwu.edu                                - Campus climate
                                                                                         - Diversity Summit
                                                                                         - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Online Educational Module

      Office of Student Financial         financialaid.gwu.edu                           - Financial aid packaging
      Assistance                          finaid@gwu.edu                                 - Information about types of financial assistance available
                                                                                         - Financial literacy resources

      Office of the Registrar             registrar.gwu.edu                              - Scheduling
                                          registrar@gwu.edu                              - DegreeMAP
                                                                                         - Registration
                                                                                         - Transcripts and certifications
                                                                                         - Transfer credits, internal transfer
                                                                                         - Graduation
                                                                                         - Resources and forms

      Office of Student Rights &          studentconduct.gwu.edu                         - Understand your rights and options in the Codes of Academic Integrity and Student
      Responsibilities                    rights@gwu.edu                                 Conduct
                                                                                         - Seek conflict management resources and support
                                                                                         - Report a policy violation, including discriminatory misconduct
                                                                                         - Become a member of the University Hearing Panel

      Student Accounts Office             studentaccounts.gwu.edu                        - Tuition and fees
                                          sao@gwu.edu                                    - Understanding and paying your bill
                                          Authorized user access: studentaccounts.gwu.   - Payment plans and methods
                                          edu/authorized-user-access                     - Awards and benefits
                                                                                         - Refunds
                                                                                         - Forms and resources
                                                                                         - Tuition Insurance

      Speech and Hearing Center           speechhearing.columbian.gwu.edu/gw-            - The Center provides a full range of speech, language and hearing services and offers
                                          speech-hearing-center                            discounts to GW family, students, and staff members
                                          gwusphr@gwu.edu                                - Comprehensive assessment, treatments and home programs are available
                                                                                           Visit the website for a full list of services.

      Student Financial and               studentserviceshub.gwu.edu                     - Hub for student financial and registration services
      Registration Services               serviceshub@gwu.edu                            - Questions about financial aid, registration, and billing
                                                                                         Located in Marvin Center, Ground Floor

      Title IX - Haven                    haven.gwu.edu/gw-policies-title-ix             - GW policies and Title IX
                                          24/7 Sexual Assault Response and               - Prevention and training
                                          Consultation (SARC): 202-994-7222              - Reporting and resources

     Make a Plan to Vote
     Make your voice heard by creating a plan for voting during your time at GW. If you
     are an out-of-state student, decide if you plan to register in your home state or in the
     District of Columbia. GW students can sign up to receive election reminders, register
     to vote, and apply for their absentee ballot at gwu.turbovote.org. TurboVote makes
     sure students always know when elections are happening and have the information
     they need to vote with confidence.

GW Jargon
#OnlyatGW               A phrase used by GW students, faculty, and staff to describe events that one can only experience at GW, such as attending an event with Joe
                        Biden or Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Academic Advisor        An advisor assigned by an academic school who can answer questions and provide guidance about academic requirements

Academic Commons        A one-stop shop for all academic services and resources at GW, including free tutoring, course review sessions, and writing help

Add/Drop                A period of time after registration when students can change their course schedules online

BanWeb or GWeb          GW‘s online system that holds students' academic, financial, and employment records

Blackboard              GW‘s online software used by professors to organize classes, syllabi, assignments, grades, and discussions

Blue Light              There are 39 blue light phones across campus, which enable people to reach the GW police in case of an emergency

Buff & Blue             GW‘s official school colors

CAPS                    Counseling and Psychological Services; part of the Colonial Health Center that offers free, short-term mental health services

Campus Advisories       Maintained by Health & Emergency Management Safety; Campus Advisories is the university's primary website used for communicating
                        incident-related and nonincident-related information to the GW community. We also provide real-time information on current GW alerts,
                        weather, and Metro status

CCAS or Columbian       Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

CHC                     Colonial Health Center, GW‘s on-campus medical facility

Colonials               GW's official mascot is George and Colonials is the moniker.

CSAD or Corcoran        Corcoran School of the Arts and Design, which is housed within the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences

Credit Hours            The amount of course credits that a student is enrolled in. To be full-time, students must register for at least 12 and a maximum of 18
                        (exceptions do exist)

CRN                     Course Registration Number; A six-digit number used to register for a class online

Dean’s Seminar          A small seminar course offered exclusively to first-year students in Columbian on topics of interest to professors

Discussion/Reflection   Usually a 50-minute class meeting run by the class TA(s) to help reinforce the material discussed during lecture that week

District                District House; Residence hall for upperclassmen that is located above a food court. It also houses The Store

DSS                     Disability Support Services

Eckles                  Eckles Library; GW's Mount Vernon campus Library

EMeRG                   GW Emergency Medical Response Group is a student run and operated volunteer EMS agency providing quality, professional care when you
                        need it most around the greater Foggy Bottom community and GW Mount Vernon campus

Elliott or ESIA         Elliott School of International Affairs

FAFSA                   Free Application for Federal Student Aid; Application filled out by students to apply for financial aid

Fight Song              The official song of GW that is sung at every major sporting event

First-Gen               First-generation college students; students whose parents or guardians did not complete a four-year degree

FixIt                   GW‘s online maintenance portal where students, staff, and faculty members can submit maintenance issues

FWS                     Federal Work-Study Program; a federally-funded work program that allows students who qualify to earn money while working at a pre-
                        approved organization: GW departments, local nonprofits, government agencies, and community service employers

Gelbucks                Starbucks located underneath Gelman Library

Gelman                  Gelman Library; GW's Foggy Bottom campus Library

GPAC                    General education requirements for Columbian (CCAS) students

GWID                    8-digit student ID number
                                                                                                                                                                                 GW Jargon

GWorld                  GWorld Card; student ID that is used to tap into residence halls and pay for meals, laundry, printing, and other items

GWSB                    GW School of Business

HelWell                 Lerner Health and Wellness Center; GW‘s on-campus fitness center with a variety of cardio and strength training equipment, including two
                        large gymnasia and four courts for drop-in recreation and scheduled events including basketball, volleyball, and Intramural Sports. There is a
                        larger multipurpose room for group fitness, dance, and sport conditioning, as well as, a three-lane lap pool, two racquetball courts, full locker
                        rooms and an equipment rental desk.

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