Page created by Julio Thompson

 Introduction                                        3

 The Changed Journey of Digital Transformation       5

 Salient Considerations for Digital Transformation   8

 Digital Transformation in 2021 Represents a
 Roadmap to Recovery                                 11

 Digital Transformation Protocols in the Post-
 COVID World                                         13

Introduction                                       unexpected lockdown pushed many
                                                   global organizations and their
Two years back, not many                           leaders into waters that were
businesses considered gearing up                   unfamiliar, if not totally uncharted.
competencies in crisis management,                 Hurried decisions to implement
enterprise       agility,      cost                digital solutions for facilitating
management, workforce resiliency,                  remote        workforce,      shifting
innovation,      or       cash-flow                customer       engagement        from
management. Today the game has                     physical to online, and reducing
changed.                                           operational costs was the primary
                                                   motive for many.
Before the onset of the COVID-19
global Pandemic, most businesses                   However, the positive side which we
were moving steadily towards a                     saw during this pandemic was the
digital future. Since the term                     incredible dedication shown by
‘Corona virus’ dominated our                       enterprises to adopt technology
conversation, ‘Digital’ might have                 and tools to meet customer and
been the hottest topic of our                      employee's needs in a virtual
discussions. It took us a Pandemic to              environment. Apart from that, the
understand that when we apply                      downside showed us how much
‘digital’ to its fullest potential, the            underutilized technology tools are.
result is a data-driven, agile,                    Well, technology and its adoption
customer-centric,         future-proof             had limitations all along, but during
enterprise, that empowered people                  this Pandemic, it became more
and made leaders capable to lead                   visible. Therefore, the pre-COVID
teams        through       competitive             digital transformation strategy must
markets.                                           be reimagined.

Organizations that were paving the                 At EPC Group, we predict that
way towards digital transformation                 successful companies will shift their
with a focused strategy, need to                   mindset permanently and innovate
reimagine their approach.                          ways of working that will suit the
                                                   new normal. The technology
COVID-19 interrupted everyone’s
                                                   transformation that tool place
plan to adopt digital transformation.
                                                   acknowledging the COVID-19 will
The unprecedented threat and
                                                   last longer even after the pandemic.

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

Here are some notable changes we                        make an advancement in the
identified and are going to stay                        future impacting society and
beyond Pandemic,                                        people.

     • The exponential shift in                    No wonder, COVID-19 pandemic has
       consumer        behavior       is           substantially   accelerated     the
       supposed to stay forever                    demand for digital transformation.
       leading to an accelerated shift
       in      digital      consumer
     • Actionable         intelligence
       driving real-time visibility in
       financial and operational data
       will enhance its pace in the
       coming years.
     • Enterprises willing to move
       ahead        with        proven
       technology solutions will
       retain     the    reconfigured
       supply chain developed for
       addressing the disrupted
       global logistic demand.
     • The digitalized processes
       customized to meet the
     • demands of the remote
       workforce will stay and
       enhance in the future to meet
       the new normal.
     • Many      organizations      will
       continue remote or hybrid
       working environments and
       will come up with innovative
       ways to use offices ensuring
       the future of work is an
       impending reality.
     • The shift in highly critical skill
       sets and jobs will continue to

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

The Changed Journey of                             changes in the ways of their working
                                                   but will also change the culture and
Digital Transformation                             entire business DNA.
The unprecedented need to
                                                   A carefully strategized digital
transform business digitally has
                                                   transformation        approach      will
taught us that the journey to an
                                                   ensure the company is future-ready.
effective digital transformation will
                                                   It empowers the organizations to
not be easy or quick. Many
                                                   innovate quickly and bring new
organizations have experienced the
                                                   offerings, skills, and expertise to the
endless loop of doing things digitally
                                                   market rapidly, successively, and at
or launching customized digital
products and reaching nowhere. All
these things are illusions – far from              Fearless Attitude to Go Digital
the reality of being digital. Pandemic
has made it painfully clear.                       The journey from adopting digital to
                                                   going digital is not of much hassle
In 2021, if you want to hop on the                 although it consists of few relatively
digital transformation bus, you need               easy and some bold initiatives. Many
to have critical changes in                        times, bold initiatives are hard to
business/operating models and the                  take because the old business
process has to be gradual in focused               model is the primary inhibitor in
stages of maturity.                                making the transition successful.
The early stage of maturity starts                 Therefore, digital transformation in
with companies relying on digital                  2021 is going to be critical.
technologies to launch new                         Nevertheless, it is going to
initiatives and leverage digital tools             accompany those having a fearless
to enhance capabilities. However,                  attitude and capable to take risks for
they do so by focusing on the                      exploiting and optimizing the
existing business models and never                 current versus exploring and scaling
hurting its fabric.                                the business models for the future.
                                                   Such a fearless attitude is possible
At the end of the maturity stage,
                                                   business. A strategy that focuses
companies get digital by reimaging
                                                   future and a culture where
business, operations, and customer
                                                   intelligence and talent are cultivated
models that are significantly
                                                   and attracted. If you are not ready
different from where they started. It
                                                   to take a fearless initiative be ready
will bring not only fundamental
                                                   to lag.

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

Accepting Digital                                  The COVID-19 pandemic has forced
                                                   many organizations to experience
One of the major inhibitors of                     some       degree      of     digital
adopting digital to going digital is a             transformation by allowing their
poor understanding of what                         employees to work remotely
DIGITAL is.                                        without        hampering       their
                                                   productivity. No wonder, digital
Digital    transformation        rightly
                                                   transformation has become a way
achieved impacts the entire
                                                   of life and a necessity to survive –
organization. Right from value
                                                   everybody is doing this. The
proposition         to       customer
                                                   question is how many of us are
engagement, from core processes
                                                   doing it correctly.
to operations, and from talent to
how work is done. For complete
digital transformation, enterprises
need to address all the elements by
realizing the full potential of digital.

Legacy      IT    infrastructure     is
considered as one of the prominent
hindrances in digital transformation.
It not only makes the process                          Digital Transformation
complex and inefficient but also
makes it hard to simplify processes                Often the primary stage of digital
and     policies.    A    legacy    IT             transformation is reactive, IT-
infrastructure     often     prevents              centric, and operation-focused. Yet,
organizations from eradicating                     not many organizations recognize it
bureaucratic       structures    and               as an important step towards the
adopting       effective      working              digital journey, instead, they focus
methods.                                           on improving efficiency by providing
                                                   paperless or paper-on-request
The       journey     to      digital              processes. Nevertheless, after
transformation        must         be              reaching a more developed and
accompanied by strong leadership,                  refined stage of the digital journey,
a visionary approach, and a fearless               organizations ensure their efforts
attitude to tackle deep issues in the              are     more     inclined    towards
(technology and organizational)                    transparency       and     customer-
architecture and ways of working.                  centricity.

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

It is high time for organizations to               successfully plan and implement a
begin planning, evaluating risks, and              thorough digital transformation.
developing digital strategies to
explicate their transformation                     Leaders familiar with digital
efforts and design their digital                   technologies play a dominating role
roadmap.                                           in change efforts. Leadership
                                                   commitment is the key to success.
The best thing is many organizations               Engaging a Chief Digital Officer
have developed a workforce that                    (CDO) who is more digital savvy has
relies on collaborative tools, digital             more    chances      of   achieving
documents, expanded bandwidth,                     transformation success.
and enhanced cybersecurity as
employees work remotely. Indeed,                   People and Organization
technology has changed the way                     Digital transformation is about
global businesses used to operate,                 change – a change that takes place
but this is only the beginning.                    at all levels of the organization.
Salient Considerations for Digital                 Therefore, the impact of the
Transformation                                     transformational    change    on
IT leaders need to access the current              customers, employees, partners,
situation and identify the needs                   and    stakeholders    must   be
suiting the current environment to                 considered. When you are aware of
                                                   customer expectations at the

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

beginning       of     the     digital             allowed their employees to access
transformation journey, you can                    data from multiple devices and
substantially improve the customer                 multiple     systems.     Addressing
experience and minimize costs.                     policies and governance in this area
Similarly, you need to understand                  is pivotal to achieve successful
employees' concerns related to the                 digital transformation in 2021.
change and how they see the
change impacting their roles. Even if              Processes and Services
digital transformation is meant to                 To start going digital, business
enhance their contribution and                     leaders must understand the
productivity and not replace them.                 processes and services that are ripe
It is always better to have a change               for transformation. Here are some
management plan ready before                       processes that work well with
starting the journey to address all                transformative technology solutions,
the concerns and issues employees
and stakeholders might have. It will               • Processes that are already
help make a transition positively.                   calibrated,     well-documented,
                                                     and follows
Policies and Governance
                                                   • standard operating procedures.
Business leaders must be aware of                  • Processes that rely on the
the laws defining parameters for the                 predictive rule or standardized
digital journey. Depending on it,                    decisions and need minimum
they must identify and implement                     human intervention.
policies and governance strategies.                • Manual and repetitive processes
Besides, policies and governance                     having multiple transactions and
must be updated in some areas                        run frequently (daily, weekly,
supposed to be affected by                           monthly) and involved manual
emerging        technologies.      For               work that is prone to human
example, biometric verification or                   errors.
fingerprint verification is dominant               • Processes having low exception
these         days.        Therefore,                rates, restricted variations, and
implementing                seamless                 has       versatile      handling
authentication ensuring users can                    procedures.
securely conduct their business                    • Processes with high costs but
using      mobile        applications.               string ROI potential that is
Additionally,      while     working                 intended to offer cost and time
remotely,      organizations     have                savings so that workers can

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World

     focus       on           mission-critical     Digital Transformation in 2021
     activities.                                   Represents a Roadmap to Recovery

Apart from the transformable                       The COVID-19 Pandemic gave us a
internal processes and services                    crash      course    in    managing
mentioned above, business leaders                  disruptions. What we learned from
must identify more services and                    2020 will help us define our success
processes that can be transformed                  or failure in moving ahead on the
using cutting-edge technology to                   digital transformation journey.
better meet customer expectations.
                                                   Accelerating digital transformation
Technology Solutions                               initiatives is probably the only good
                                                   thing that happened during the
A focused approach and diligent                    Pandemic. By enabling remote
planning enable organizations to                   work, it forced many organizations
choose the best and cost-efficient                 to shift their focus from innovation
tools. Business leaders must                       to business survival.
retrospect      the      automation
requirements         within       the              However, with great efforts, signs
organization and then look for                     of economic recovery started
solutions leveraging shared services               appearing      on      the    horizon.
and ready-to-use applications.                     Considering the painful efforts
However, considering emerging                      every organization took to survive;
technology solutions like Artificial               business leaders are emphasizing
Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things              investing in digital transformation to
(IoT),    and     Robotic    Process               greet the future with optimum
Automation (RPA) is a must.                        preparedness.

Nevertheless, before integrating
any product, it is mandatory to
check its compliance with security,
accessibility, and other standards.
The way in managing data also
needs to be checked.

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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According to a Gartner Report, 202                 performing organizations plan to
will witness an average 2% increase                further increase spending on digital
in IT spending by business leaders.                infrastructure in the coming years.
Whereas the board of directors
plans to increase the spending on                  Organizations that delayed their
technology by an average of 6.9%.                  digital transformation initiatives due
                                                   to the COVID Pandemic in 2020 are

These figures illustrate the hard                  expected to open their pockets in
lessons we learned in the last year.               the second half of 2021 – resulting in
Gartner     also    reveals     that               an investment surge. How quickly
organizations that spent an                        your organization ramps up with the
increasing amount on digital                       initiates will depend on your ability
innovation despite the Pandemic                    to maintain pace with the
are more likely to emerge as top                   competition and that way you
performers. About 69% of such top-

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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capitalize on anticipated economic                 understanding that change is often
shifts.                                            painful but always necessary, and
                                                   you need a commitment to stay
For example, organizations that                    focused on the future rather than
invested in new business models or                 the transitional state.
digital products and services to
emerging from the Great recession                  Business leaders must understand
back in 2010, we're positioned to                  that with monumental changes they
thrive during the recovery. The                    need to prepare for addressing
organizations that failed to make a                some unique challenges. However,
shift and struggled to survive all                 attaining      transformation     in
those years might have been                        incremental        stages,      both
knocked off existence completely or                strategically and financially always
by the end of this Pandemic.                       proves beneficial. Smaller and
                                                   manageable steps simplify iteration
The changes brought about by the                   towards larger goals. It helps
Pandemic were unique in source and                 enterprises to remain agile enough
scope. The end of the Pandemic will                to react to new changes.
by no means represent the end of
disruptions. As a result, the first                Finally, the eternal truth that we
lesson we all learned during the                   learned in the past year – everything
COVID Pandemic is – Change is                      IT is not true digital transformation,
Constant.                                          it spans beyond that. Although
                                                   technology is a key component that
Organizations acknowledging the                    helps an organization to identify and
importance of constant evolution                   respond to the evolving business
and responding rapidly to change                   and customer needs, even the
will be better positioned to not only              cutting-edge technology solutions
survive but also capitalize on                     are only as effective as how they are
disruptions. Digital Transformation                being used. Supporting the human
Protocols in Post-COVID World                      side of the change by establishing a
To become a change-capable                         culture change proves epic to drive
enterprise, you need to embrace the                long-term         adoption        and
mindset, processes, and tools that                 sustainability.
empower       leaders    and    the                Therefore, when you want to set
workforce to manage uncertainty.                   goals for the new year, it is critical
To achieve business agility, you                   not only to embrace best practices
must      have      a     collective

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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for digital transformation but also to             employees. However, during the
learn from past experiences.                       pandemic, all these doubts and
                                                   distrust vanished without leaving
With the key identifications and                   any traces.
understandings, you can take these
five steps forward to attain digital               It was nice to see organizations of
transformation in the post-COVID                   small sizes relied on tech platforms
world.                                             and the corporate teams using them
                                                   kept on delivering exceptional
PROTOCOL       ONE    Digital                      results. It's not like, those tools
Transformation is More Than                        were suddenly invented, but they
Technology Adoption                                were already in use but used at the
A sudden change that forced a                      fullest potential for the first time.
swarm of workers to remote                         Previous     barriers   to     adopt,
platforms brought about many                       integrate, use those technology
changes that were not possible                     tools were shoved aside and those
before. Companies rethought and                    who moved faster experienced
redesigned their supply chains,                    immediate results.
automated manufacturing, used                      The COVID-19 forever altered how
predictive maintenance to gain                     global organizations used to
insights into the factory floor to                 operate. Organizations and IT
avoid disruptions and more. All                    business leaders become more
these changes were not temporary.                  trusting of how people, processes,
Adaptability became a mandatory                    and technologies are capable,
business competency and an                         resilient, and adaptable for a long-
accelerated pace of innovation has                 term change.
become a new normal.
                                                   PROTOCOL Two The Power of People
The COID-19 Pandemic accelerated
the pace of digital transformation in              Digital transformation initiatives are
a true sense. Many organizations                   hard to succeed if you lack strong
were complete with the technology                  and visionary leadership. During the
adoption that previously shown                     COVID—19          pandemic,        we
resistance. Besides, before the                    understood       the      two     vital
onset of the Pandemic, many                        dimensions           of         digital
organizations              distrusted              transformation – employees are as
technologies, their capabilities, and              valuable as your customers, and a
doubted the skills of their                        digital-ready culture is mandatory to

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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survive in today’s hypercompetitive                people who are going to be
world.                                             impacted the most; hence, involving
                                                   them at every stage of change and
Business leaders will now be tasked                adoption is very much necessary.
with another opportunity alongside
finding new digital tools – motivate,              A digital transformation process
train, and inspire people to embrace               must be perceived to make people’s
the change that comes with the                     life easier and more productive.
digital        culture.        Digital             People resist the too-much-too-fast
transformation in the post-COVID                   approach     as    they   consider
world is about working through the                 technology as their immediate
people by providing the tools,                     replacement.
energizing them, and listening to
them.                                              Involving people right from the start
                                                   and conveying the message
Investing in the latest devices and                transparently    throughout      the
most advanced technologies is                      transformation plays an important
surely      the    most     common                 role     in   successful      digital
misconception amongst business                     transformation.
leaders. Although it brings new
capabilities to the business, it won’t             Adopting digital tools largely
solve problems if your employees                   centers around employees and
are not skilled to use them. It's easy             customers, like workforce training
to fit the needs around the                        and     customer       experience
equipment but equally hard to                      management.
empower employees. Incorporating                   The changed customer behavior is
demos, pilots, training, practices,                expected to continue even after
and design processes help in                       COVID-19, therefore, customer
facilitating a greater understanding               experience management           with
of the new technologies. It allows                 “improved customer service” will
receiving and offering feedback a                  be the epitome of digital
seamless process.                                  transformation in the post-COVID
As employees interact with                         world. In addition to that, employee
processes daily, their inputs are                  well-being is among the highest
more valuable. They can guide on                   priorities for many businesses.
what’s working and what’s not.
With every technology adoption, it's

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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PROTOCOL – 3                                       dramatically      fats-track      the
Prioritizing Process Automation                    development of machine learning
                                                   models.      Traditional     coding
The COVID-19 pandemic shook many                   platforms will take a back seat and
businesses at its core and forced                  no-code platforms will witness
them to deviate from their original                enhanced adoption. In simple terms,
status quo. Yet, businesses started                AutoML will significantly amplify the
prioritizing the development of                    impact of digital transformation
new, automated processes to                        post COVID.
address the realities of COVID-19.
                                                   Many companies will stick to the
In     those    challenging     times,             remote working model or adopt the
businesses faced new opportunities                 hybrid working model after the
and by re-analyzing processes, they                COVID pandemic. It means almost
tried to grab them. They prepared a                three times the workforce is likely to
new course of approach by                          continue working from home.
deploying technologies throughout                  Therefore, organizations need to
digitization projects to reduce costs              implement new technologies and
and achieve leaner operations.                     automated tools to support their
Using technology to automate                       remote workforce. Support in terms
activities right from copying and                  of intelligent automation to handle
pasting content from one system to                 line-of-business,        document
another, right up to cognitive                     automation,       and   automating
solutions that can ‘think’, learn, and             customer experience and service.
reason like humans.
                                                   In    the    post-COVID       world,
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)                   organizations will start applying AI,
was a strongly emerging technology                 automation, and other technologies
before the pandemic. In the post-                  to make workflows more intelligent
COVID world, RPA will gain more                    and automated. Henceforth, the
momentum and will find a place to                  focus will be on automating the
be embedded in several intelligent                 supply chain, processes, and
automation suites that enable                      workflows.
digital transformation.
                                                   PROTOCOL Four
No-code machine learning will                      Increased Investment in Cybersecurity
become mainstream. In the post-
COVID   world,   AutoML    will                    The global COVID pandemic not only
                                                   disrupted business operations in the

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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short term but also influenced how                 world expenditure and investment
businesses will behave in the years                in data protection, privacy, risk,
that follow. The COVID-19 for sure                 compliance, and resilience will
caused a widespread disruption in                  increase.
cybersecurity operations, which is
supposed to impact strategies,                     In the new normal Disaster
investment, and priorities in the                  Recovery Planning (DRP) and
post-COVID world.                                  Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
                                                   will be an ongoing focus.
Remote working was a particular
issue that increased the risks of                  Migrating on-site computing to the
incidents like phishing and data                   cloud has become a synonym for
theft.     Larger      corporations                cybersecurity. In the coming years, it
comfortably got away from the                      is expected that organizations will
storm, but mid and small size                      invest more in cloud security such as
companies are still fighting the                   dual- or multi-factor authentication
hovering dilemma. Even though,                     and digital identity management.
expenditure on cybersecurity is                    Henceforth, it will become a priority
expected to rise in the coming                     to implement enterprise-wide dual-
month's data privacy will continue                 and multi-factor identification tools,
to remain a pressing issue for many                encourage employees to use a
businesses.                                        certified password management
                                                   tool to protect their information,
Various businesses have been                       and reiterate the very real risks
affected due to loopholes in data                  related to sharing passwords and
security. The extent to which those                digital information in general.
businesses were affected varies
according to industry, size, and                   “Defense is the best offense” – it’s
geography. Mid-sized companies                     true here in a way. Out-of-date
suffered the most due to higher                    cybersecurity can be one of the
network and employee disruption,                   biggest growth inhibitors during
with an equally higher number of                   digital transformation.

Identity, access management, data
protection,     and     privacy are
considered prime areas of spending.
It is expected that in the post-COVID

| Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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                                                       Errin O’Connor, Founder and CEO of EPC Group

                                             Errin O'Connor is the founder and chief architect of EPC Group. For the
                                             last 24 years, O'Connor has been assisting in managing EPC Group's
                                             corporate strategy. He architects the proven methodologies around
                                             business intelligence, collaboration, enterprise content management,
                                             and custom application development. PC Group has completed more
                                             than 5,000 Power BI, SharePoint, Office 365, and Microsoft stack-related
                                             implementations, including efforts around business intelligence (BI),
                                             custom application development, hybrid cloud strategy, Microsoft
                                             Azure, Office 365, SQL Server, Microsoft Intune, Amazon Web Services
                                             (AWS), and Microsoft Project Server.

                                             O'Connor is a frequent speaker at Microsoft Power BI, Office 365, and
                                             Microsoft SharePoint events throughout the United States and Canada.

                                             For more information about O'Connor and EPC Group, visit

EPC Group has a long history as one of the leading Microsoft Power BI, Office 365, MS
Teams, and SharePoint technology consulting and software integration firms in the country.
We leverage our time-tested deep expertise through proven “From the Consulting Trenches”
strategies that serve as the foundation for our solutions and services for thousands

EPC Group has designed this document to help companies advance digital transformation and enhance
customer experience, regardless of where the organization is on its digital transformation journey. It
recognizes key considerations for digital transformation, outlines five-step process for advancing the
next generation of digitization in post-COVID world, and identifies scope for technologies, resources,
and trends facilitating digital transformation.

                       For more information, contact marketing@epcgroup.net                                      Stay Connected

   @2021 EPC Group, Houston, Texas, USA. All right reserved. EPC Group believes that information provided in
   this document is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice.

             | Digital Transformation in the Post-Covid World
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