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A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for Synchronizing Metaverse with IoT Service and Data Yue Han∗†‡ , Dusit Niyato∗ Cyril Leung§¶ , Chunyan Miao∗¶ , Dong In Kimk † Alibaba-NTU JRI, Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) ∗ SCSE, NTU ‡Alibaba Group ¶ LILY, NTU § ECE, The University of British Columbia k ECE, Sungkyunkwan University Abstract—Spurred by the severe restrictions on mo- experiments, collecting continuous feedback without af- bility due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is cur- fecting the business in the physical world. The benefits are rently intense interest in developing the Metaverse, to particularly important when the test of the intervention is arXiv:2111.00431v1 [cs.GT] 31 Oct 2021 offer virtual services/business online. A key enabler of such virtual service is the digital twin, i.e., a digital expensive and irreversible in the real world, e.g., potential replication of real-world entities in the Metaverse, e.g., environment destruction. city twin, avatars, etc. The real-world data collected A key aspect in implementing a better digital twin is the by IoT devices and sensors are key for synchronizing continuous data synchronization(sync) in the Metaverse, the two worlds. In this paper, we consider the scenario i.e., acquiring fresh data from the physical world to keep in which a group of IoT devices are employed by the Metaverse platform to collect such data on behalf of the digital twin updated in real time. For example, a virtual service providers (VSPs). Device owners, who virtual driver training service provider [5], which simulates are self-interested, dynamically select a VSP to maxi- the virtual road using real data (such as road, drivers, traf- mize rewards. We adopt hybrid evolutionary dynamics, fic, and weather), needs to have continuous data updates in which heterogeneous device owner populations can to ensure that its service (e.g., driving skill test) is realistic, employ different revision protocols to update their strategies. Extensive simulations demonstrate that a and the trainee’s real driving skill can be assessed. To hybrid protocol can lead to evolutionary stable states. enable such frequent sync across two worlds, we consider Index Terms—Metaverse, resource allocation, IoT, to employ IoT devices, such as autonomous driving cars, evolutionary game, hybrid dynamics unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and smart phones, to collect the data around a region that a virtual service I. Introduction provider (VSP) is of interest. In general, we consider a resource allocation problem COVID-19 has dramatically changed work and life to support the sync between the Metaverse and the real styles, from physical to online/virtual experience, e.g., at- world. Our system model is shown in Fig. 1. Although tending virtual job fair, concert, meeting, and graduation we use UAVs in this illustrative example, the model is ceremony. Generally, those virtual spaces are referred to general and can be extended to different types of IoT as ‘Metaverse’, where ‘meta’ means virtual and transcen- devices. Suppose a VSP is interested in collecting data dence, and ‘verse’ represents universe. Formally, Meta- from a region in the real world (e.g., Region 1 in Fig. 1) verse describes a ‘computer-generated, multi-user, three- for a service offering, e.g., simulating a road. The VSP first dimensional interfaces in which users experience other announces a data collection task (step A) over a particular participants as being present in the environment’ [1]. region for a particular period, e.g., a week. Then, the To realize the Metaverse, digitization of the real world Metaverse platform, which hosts multiple VSPs, supports is needed. In the Metaverse, information measured in bits the VSP in its synchronizing task by engaging the services are the main existence. Living and nonliving entities in of IoT devices in the real world (e.g., services of the UAVs the physical world, e.g., drivers, roads, can be scanned located in a nearby Region 3 in Fig. 1). by smart devices, e.g., IoT devices and sensors, and be Each UAV is owned by an independent entity that can digitally replicated in the Metaverse. This digital replica- decide which task to work on (step B). After a UAV tion idea has been recently studied by many researchers, collects the sensing data, data pre-processing takes place around a concept called digital twin [2]–[4]. An actual at each UAV’s base (e.g., home), following which the application is the smart city twin [2], in which a virtual processed data are transmitted to 1) the local Metaverse city could be operated in the Metaverse, so that new platform cached at the edge clouds to support real-time polices, e.g., traffic intervention, could be A/B tested and interactive services, and 2) the core of the Metaverse in the Metaverse prior to implementation in the phys- platform located at data centers with large capacity of ical world. The benefits of having digital twins in the computation, communication, and storage, supporting the Metaverse are obvious, as the Metaverse can facilitate the Metaverse’s core functionality, e.g. intensive simulations of monitoring, understanding, and optimization of the real- the virtual worlds, continuous user identity. world business and its functions with infinite, cost-efficient As the duration of a task can last relative long, a
Fig. 1: System Model: IoT-assisted data collection to enable sync between the Metaverse and the physical world. Here, IoT is exemplified by UAV. Fig. 2: Four Components for the Metaverse UAV owner can gradually improve its decision making by data [2] and virtual concert with real-time human perform- observing the reward obtained by similar UAVs selecting ers [8]. In particular, the resource allocation problem in the other sync tasks and learning from them (step C). Finally, cross-world ecosystem, i.e., virtual service sync selection an equilibrium state at which no UAV owner would uni- by IoT device owners, is the main focus of this paper. laterally change its decision can be reached. Finally, the Metaverse-enabled business and economics, The main contributions of this paper are as follows: e.g., the non-fungible token (NFT) trading, are categorized • We identify a resource allocation problem for virtual as In-world Ecosystem, as it does not requires frequent service sync selection in which the IoT devices in a data traversal across the two worlds. particular region in the real world are hired by the B. Related Works Metaverse platform to support its hosted VSPs to- wards a more efficient and collaborative environment Recently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic mobility re- of virtual content creation. striction and the marketing by big tech companies such as • In consideration of a large number of independent IoT Facebook and Microsoft [9], the necessity to function in the device owners at the edge and their self-interested virtual world has been demonstrated in various aspects of nature, the equilibrium knowledge (full rationale) is life. As such, the topic of Metaverse has attracted a lot hardly-achievable. We propose a dynamic approach of research attention, for its potential in service offerings founded on evolutionary game theory, in which the in retailing [10], gaming [11], education [12], and social- bounded-rational device owners can gradually adapt networking [1]. Some researchers have proposed to build their strategies towards the equilibrium state. prototypes to better understand the Metaverse and its • Our evolutionary game framework considers a general economics, e.g., a university campus prototype [7] to study sensing model and reward allocation scheme and thus social good in the Metaverse. These examples illustrate the can be extended to specific tasks that support the importance of convergence between the Metaverse and the sync between the Metaverse and the real-world. physical world. II. Metaverse Preliminaries and Related Work C. Research Gap: Resource Allocation in Converging the Metaverse and the Physical Worlds In this section, we first introduce the architecture that composes a Metaverse, followed by related works and the As the study of the Metaverse is still in its nascent stage, research gap. the resource allocation problem for syncing Metaverse with the assistance of IoT sensing data has not received much A. Metaverse General Architecture attention. Previous works, such as [13]–[15], mostly present Architectures such as [6] and [7] have been proposed a general picture of the field, summarizing technologies, for the Metaverse. Based on these, we propose a four- architectures, and challenges involved in developing the component architecture as shown in Fig. 2. It includes Metaverse. Other works, such as [16], [17], primarily fo- infrastructure, interface, cross-world ecosystem, and in- cus on human-machine interaction aspects of the virtual world ecosystem. learning experience (i.e., the interface component in our Infrastructure (including communication, computa- architecture). In contrast, our work is mainly focused on tion, blockchain, and other decentralization techniques) the resource allocation challenge to achieve convergence is to support all operations in the physical world, the between the Metaverse and the physical world (i.e., the Metaverse, and the connection between the two worlds. cross-world component in our architecture). The services that inter-connect the two worlds are further grouped by (i) Interface, which is related to immersive III. System Model and Problem Formulation technologies to enrich human’s subjective sense, and (ii) We consider a network consisting of a set M = Cross-worlds Ecosystem, which consists of a variety {1, . . . , m, . . . , M } of M VSPs, each of which aims to of services to achieve the convergence between the two collect data (e.g., geo-spatial data) from a target region worlds, e.g. digital city twin simulation with real-time IoT in the physical world in order to sync its virtual services
TABLE I: Notation Used in the System Model tasks. Notation Description In summary, there are two stages in our system model: m, i, j index of virtual service provider (VSP) and its target region 1) Population Game Formulation: Nearby UAVs p, q index of IoT device population with similar types (e.g., sensing capability, unit Rm reward energy cost) are regarded as anonymously same Dm total Euclidean distance of the sensing route dm length of the segmented sensing distance and communicable and are grouped into the same Np size of UAV population p population. Intra-population communication can be Sp set of S p (pure) strategies achieved in a pairwise way (e.g., device-to-device), ζp unit energy cost a centralized approach (e.g., requesting the payoff η1p , η2p power parameters v p , up average velocity during traversal and sensing stage information from the BS or checking the bulletin p lm traversal distance from the base in population p to board, a place to publish virtual task [7], in the the data collection point in region m Metaverse platform), or a combination. Information xpm strategy distribution, population state bpm sensing data quality checking via a centralized approach is costly and Esm,p total energy consumption for traversal and sensing prone to delay but yields a complete picture of the Rm p received reward payoffs. In contrast, the pairwise approach is cheap p p Fm (x), πm net payoff and fast but provides only limited payoff information Note that superscript and subscript are to denote the index among the interacting UAVs. of population and strategy respectively. To avoid confusion, 2) Hybrid Evolutionary Dynamics: UAV popula- parenthesis is applied when involving exponents, e.g., (v p )3 . tions may have different frequency to switch to a more costly centralized approach. Thus UAVs populations may have heterogeneous knowledge of (e.g., digital twin of a road for virtual driver training) the payoff information, leading to different strategy in the Metaverse. IoT devices, such as UAVs owned by adjustments per round. To address this, we formu- individuals in a nearby region, are employed by the Meta- late the problem as a heterogeneous multi-population verse platform to collect data for VSPs to use. For a target game and adopt hybrid evolutionary dynamics [18] (a region m, the VSPs or the Metaverse platform designs a generalization of pure replicator dynamics) to solve data collection route covering the region (represented by for the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS). the the grey line in Fig. 1), which can be further segmented based on the number of IoT devices that sense the region. A. Population Formulation For simplicity, we assume that the allocation of data We group neighbor UAVs (e.g., in the same community) collection points in region m to the set of UAVs which of similar type (characterized by e.g., sensing capacity, selecting this region is uniform. Along a segmented sensing traversal costs, communication frequency with the BS) route (e.g., line segment BC in Fig. 1A), a UAV senses the into a population, and let P = {1, . . . , p, . . . , P } denote nearby environment and collects the data. Assume that the the set of populations. For any population p, its UAVs are data collection tasks last relatively long, e.g., one week, regarded as anonymously same, e.g., with similar traversal during which time UAVs collect data multiple times. distance lmp to region m, unit energy cost ζ p , and sensing Let N = {1, . . . , n, . . . N } denote a set of N IoT devices, data quality P bm . pLet N denote the size of population p p p exemplified by UAVs, owned by N independent individuals so that p∈P N = N . We refer N , the set of N UAV located in a nearby region (e.g., Region 3 in Fig. 1B). owners, to as the society. UAV devices located at in their bases, such as owners’ Let S p = {1, . . . , sp , . . . , S p } denote the set of (pure) homes or community centers, need to fly to a region’s, strategies, i.e., there are S p VSP sync tasks, which can be e.g., region m, data collection point to perform the task selected by an owner in population p. A typical element and return back for charging. We refer this two-way travel in S p is denoted by m, i, j. The total number P of pure distance as the traversal distance. As the traversal distance strategies in all populations is denoted by S = p∈P S p . depends on which data collection point is assigned, we will The set of population states (or strategy distribution) approximate its value by the distance between the base for populationPp is denoted by the simplex in R+ Sp , ∆p = and the center of region m. p S p {x ∈ R+ : m∈S p xm = 1}, where R+ is the space of p S p Presented with M VSPs’ sync task requests, an UAV non-negative real-numbers of dimension S p and xpm ∈ R+ device owner needs to make a decision on which VSP is the percentageQ of population p selecting the region m. to work for. Given that there can be a large number Define Θ = p∈P ∆p = {x = [x1 , . . . , xP ] ∈ R+ S : xp ∈ of UAV device owners and the full rational (equilibrium ∆p }. The element of Θ describes the social states, namely knowledge) among them is hard to achieve, a device owner the joint behaviors in all P populations at once. can make irrational one-off decision. Since the sync task lasts several rounds, an owner can gradually improve B. UAV Sensing Model his decisions towards equilibrium ones by observing the Let Dm denote the total Euclidean distance of the payoffs received by nearby UAVs with the same type of sensing route over the region m, which is to be shared
among the number of p p UAVs selecting the The UAV owners’ behaviors adaptation can be modeled P p∈P xm N region. We use the map gm : R+ → R++ to refer to the p by revision protocols, which are defined as follows: route sharing policy, yielding the length of a segmented Definition 1. A revision protocol in population p is a sensing route in region m for a UAV in population p. For p S p ×S p map ρp : RS × ∆p → R+ . The scalar ρpm,i (π p , xp ) simplicity, we consider that the route is evenly divided defines the conditional switch rate from strategy m ∈ S p among UAVs selecting the region. Therefore, the sensing to strategy i ∈ S p given payoff vector π p and population distance for a p-population UAVPselecting region m is state xp . For convenience, we refer to the collection ρ = defined by dm = gm p (Dm ) = Dm /( q∈P xqm N q ). [ρ1 , . . . , ρP ] as a revision protocol. Following [19], [20], each UAV’s energy cost consists of three components: the propulsion power η1p , hover power Generally, a revision protocol ρ defines a continuous- η2p during service stage, and the transmission power. As time evolutionary process over the populations. Each UAV we consider that the UAV transmits data after flying back owner is equipped with a stochastic alarm clock (Poisson- to its base, the costs of propulsion and hover are of most distributed), the ring of which indicates the arrival of a interest. Following [21], the energy costs during a UAV’s strategy revision opportunity. acceleration and deceleration stages are ignored, and the Mean dynamics captures change of strategy distribution propulsion power are considered to be constant for a fixed over the populations over the time. The expected change flying speed. Thus, for a p-population UAV selecting region in the proportion of UAV owners choosing strategy m in m, the total energy consumption for traversal and sensing population p captured by the mean dynamics correspond- distance is defined by: ing to the population game F and revision protocol ρ is lnp dm lp Dm defined by Esn,p = η1p + η2p p = η1p np + η2p p P q , X p p X p v p u v u q∈P xm N q ẋpm = xi ρi,m (π p , xp ) − xpm ρm,i (π p , xp ), (3) i∈S p i∈S p where v p and up are the average flying speeds during the traversal stage and the sensing/hovering stage. where the first term captures switches to strategy m from other strategies, whereas the second term captures C. UAV Utility Model switches to other strategies from strategy i. Without loss of generality, we consider the reward given Next, we specify ρ by two general categories, imitative by VSP m is evenly allocated to the UAVs working in the protocol, exemplified by replicator dynamics, and direct region, except for a weighting factor bpm which represents protocol, represented by the Smith dynamics. The differ- the the quality of the sensor data, e.g., measured by the ence between replicator dynamics and Smith dynamics is sampling rate [22]. A higher (intensive) sampling rate the amount of payoff information required for one UAV leads to the sensor data of higher quality, capturing more strategy adaption: replicator dynamics requires only one objects per frame. Therefore, the reward received by a p- piece of information from the random opponent, whereas population UAV selecting region m is defined by the Smith dynamics requires the S p payoff information. 1) Imitative Protocols and Dynamics [23]: This scheme bpm p Rm =P q q q Rm . (1) describes a UAV owner playing strategy m who receives q∈P xm N bm a revision opportunity chooses an opponent randomly Let π p = [πm p ]m∈S p denote the payoff vectors for popu- and observes the opponent’s strategy. If the opponent is lation p. For any UAV in population p selecting VSP m, playing strategy i, then the owner switches from strategy p its received utility πm p is defined as follows: m to i with probability proportional to some factor rmi . Note that the factor xpm needs not be observed by the p πm = Fm p (x) = Rm p − ζ p Esn,p , (2) owner. In this case, the imitative revision protocol is where ζ is the unit cost per Joule of energy. p defined as ρpm,i (π p , x) = xpi rmip (π p , x), where xpi represents the chance of meeting an opponent playing strategy i. IV. Heterogeneous Evolutionary Game Pairwise Proportional Imitation is an example of an im- A population game can be formulated as a set of players itation protocol, in which an UAV imitates the opponent’s N , a set of populations P, a set of strategies S p (p ∈ P), behavior only if the opponent’s payoff is higher than his and a payoff function F . The definition and requirement own, with probability proportional to the payoff difference: of F is as follows: F : Θ → RS is a continuous map1 ρpm,i (π p , x) = xpi [πip − πmp ]+ . The mean dynamics (3) with assigning each social state x a vector of S payoffs, one for this revision protocol defines the best known dynamic in each strategy in each population. Let Fm p : Θ → R denote evolutionary game theory, replicator dynamics, given as the payoff function for strategy i ∈ S p , defined by (2). follows: Then, F = [F p ]p∈P , where F p = [Fmp ]m∈S p . ẋpm = X p p xi ρim (π p , xp ) − xpm X p ρmi (π p , xp ) 1 i∈S p i∈S p Besides the continuous requirement, F are imposed by stronger X X requirement of being Lipschitz continuous or continuously differen- = xpi xpm [π − p πip ]+ − xpm xpi [πip − π p ]+ tiable (C 1 ). i∈S p i∈S p
X = xpm xpi (π p − πip ) = xpm (πm p − π̄ p ) , (4) assist data sync. Population size N p lies in [50, 250] i∈S p with traversal distance lm p in [0.3, 1] km. The length of where π̄ p = m∈S p xpm πm P p is the average payoff of popu- sensing route Dm lies in [1, 1.8] km, whereas the reward lation p, given the social state x, pool Rm lies in [1000, 2000]. Following [19], [20], values 2) Direct Protocol and Dynamics [18]: This scheme of speed parameters v p , up and power parameters η1p , η2p describes the situation that an UAV device owner in popu- are in the range [3, 5] m/s and [16, 20] W, respectively. lation p can receive a full picture of the payoff information Sensing data quality bpm is in the range [1, 5], given the (S p payoff) from a centralized controller, e.g., by request- accuracy of sensors can be scored and calibrated in this ing the payoff information from the BS (which connects to range, whereas the unit energy cost ζ is 0.001 $/Joule. different UAVs) or checking the bulletin board, a place to The default probabilities of adopting Smith protocol is publish virtual task [7], in the Metaverse platform. There- α1 = [αp,1 ]p=1,2,3 = [0.2, 0.3, 0]. fore, the UAV owner’s conditional switch rate is directly a) Existence of the Equilibrium Strategies: Fig. 3 con- dependent on the excess payoffs between two strategies. siders the hypothetical scenarios in which owners in differ- This is called a pairwise comparison protocol defined by ent populations have various probabilities of switching to ρpm,i (π p ) = [πi − πm ]+ , representing the case when a UAV the centralized communication protocol, e.g., by checking owner, who has a chance to switch strategy, randomly the payoffs on the bulletin board in the Metaverse plat- chooses an alternative strategy with higher payoff than form. The initial society states (strategy distribution) is the current one, with a probability proportional to the given as x0 = [[0.3, 0.3, 0.4], [0.4, 0.4, 0.2], [0.35, 0.35, 0.3]]. difference between the two payoffs. The mean dynamic (3) The left subfigure shows that strategy distribution can with this revision protocol is called the Smith dynamics be stationary (i.e., convergent at equilibrium states) at defined as follows: which the payoffs received of selecting any VSP are the X p p X p same (as shown in the right subfigure). Thus, the owners ẋpm = xj ρjm − xpm ρmj in each population have no incentive to make any more j∈S p j∈S p adjustment to their strategies away from the equilibrium point. A population-3 UAV receives higher average payoff X X = xpj [πm p − πjp ]+ − xpm [πjp − πm p ]+ . (5) j∈S p j∈S p than that of population 2 and 3 due to higher data quality. b) Stability of the Equilibrium Strategies: Fig. 4 shows 3) Hybrid Protocol for Heterogeneous Multi-population the stability of the equilibrium strategies using direction [18]: Let K = {1, . . . , k, . . . , K} denote a set of revision field, a way of graphically representing the evolution direc- protocols available to the society, and ρp,k (π p , xp ) refers tion (arrows in the figure) for the population states. For to the conditional switch rate that an UAV owner in pop- visualization purposes, population 3 is removed from the ulation p hasP under revision protocol k. Let αp,k (k ∈ K) default setting, and the probability of selecting region 3 satisfying k∈K α p,k = 1 denote the probability of a p- is fixed. The evolution direction, change in (x11 , x12 , x21 , x22 ) population member using revision protocol ρp,k . Then, the at a time instant, is four-dimensional. Fig. 4(a) shows behavior of an owner in population p can be described the case when x11 and x21 are varied, and the evolution by a hybrid revision protocol ρp,H , which is expressed as direction along x12 and x22 are hidden. Initial population ρ = p ρ . Note that mean dynamics (3) are p,k p,k P k∈K α states will follow the arrows and evolve towards the linear in conditional switch rates, The mean dynamics with equilibrium states, shown as a blue line in the figure. the hybrid revision protocol can be expressed as: X X p X X Fig. 4(b) shows that when x21 , x22 are fixed and x11 and x12 ẋpm = xi αp,k ρp,k i,m − xm p αp,k ρp,k m,i . are varied, a mixed strategy equilibrium state (0.1, 0.19) i∈S p k∈K i∈S p k∈K can be obtained (red circle). Note that the blue circle The hybrid protocol is versatile and suitable for different (0.38, 0.62) is also an equilibrium state, at which the situations, e.g., including other protocols as introduced in chance of selecting region 3 is zero (i.e., extinction of [18]. Unless otherwise stated, in the following, the hybrid strategy 3 in population 1). Finally, Fig. 4(c) shows the protocol consists of only replicator dynamics and Smith case when states of population 1, (x11 , x12 ), are fixed and dynamics. We use αp,1 to refer to the population p’s those of population 2, (x21 , x22 ), are varied, the equilibrium probability of switching to the centralized communication point (0.24, 0.33) can be achieved. (0.43, 57) is also an approach (observing S p payoffs) and 1 − αp,1 for pairwise equilibrium point at which strategy 3 is extinct. approach (observing 1 opponent’s payoff). In other words, c) Impact of Smith Protocol on the Convergence when adjusting strategy, a p-population UAV owner’s be- Time: Fig. 5 shows that the impact of adopting Smith havior can be modeled by Smith and replicator dynamics protocol on the convergence time by fixing the proba- with probability αp,1 and 1 − αp,1 , respectively. bility of adopting the Smith protocol in population 1 and 2 and varying that in population 3, α3,1 , within V. Simulations Results [0, 1] in increments of 0.1. The convergence time can Unless stated otherwise, we consider the problem for- be defined as the number of iterations after which the mulated with 3 populations selecting among 3 VSPs to utilities among strategies in a population are similar,
Hybrid Protocols x11=0.1 | x21=0.19 x12=0.24 | x22=0.33 p1 - VSP1 p2 - VSP1 p3 - VSP1 p1 - VSP2 p2 - VSP2 p3 - VSP2 equilibrium states x11=0.38 | x21=0.62 x12=0.43 | x22=0.57 p1 - VSP3 p2 - VSP3 p3 - VSP3 p1 - avg. utility p2 - avg. utility p3 - avg. utility (a) (b) (c) pct. of p2 selecting VSP1, x12 pct. of p1 selecting VSP2, x21 pct. of p2 selecting VSP2, x22 0.8 0.50 45 40 0.8 0.8 240 0.45 0.6 population states convergence time 35 0.40 30 0.6 0.6 220 utility 0.35 25 0.4 200 0.4 0.4 0.30 20 15 0.2 0.2 0.2 180 0.25 10 160 0.20 5 0 5 10 0 5 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.0 0.5 1.0 time time pct. of p1 selecting pct. of p1 selecting pct. of p2 selecting 3, 1 VSP1, x11 VSP1, x11 VSP1, x12 Fig. 3: Population states and utilities vs. Fig. 5: Convergence time time. Plot every 10 steps. Fig. 4: Direction field. (pct. is short for percentage) vs. α3,1 given the UAV owners in that population will have no [9] D. 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