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                                 DAILY JOURNAL   1
The perfect setting for a memorable event!

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Southside Wedding is pub-
lished by the Daily Journal.


          Amy May


   Cheryl Fiscus Jenkins,

     Jennifer Willhite


        Anna Perlich

 For editorial content, con-
 tact Amy May in the Daily
Journal special publications
department at 317-736-2726
or by email at amay@daily-        WEDDING CHECKLIST
                                  4    Countdown to the big day
  For advertising content,        6    Wedding party roles
 contact the Daily Journal        8    Wedding budget
 advertising department at

  Southside Wedding, c/o

 Daily Journal, 30 S. Water
St. Suite A, Franklin, IN 46131
                                          Featured couple | The Millers
    © 2021 by AIM Media
   Indiana, LLC. All Rights
  Reproduction of stories,
                                  16      Riding in style | Transportation

photographs and advertise-
 ments without permission                 Dream come true | Wedding planners
is prohibited. Stock images
 provided by Adobe Stock.

                                                                          DAILY JOURNAL   3
                                    To help you get a better understanding of how to plan a wedding and when
                                    you should be making certain decisions, here’s a time frame you can follow to
                                    help ensure your wedding goes off as smoothly as possible.

    10 to 12 Months Before                          4 to 5 Months Before                             1 to 2 Months Before
    If you haven’t done it already, this is a       This is a good time to decide on wedding         Schedule the first bridal-gown fitting.
    good time to announce your engagement           invitations, of which there are many             Also finalize the readings you’d prefer
    and introduce your respective families.         styles to choose from. Also, now is ideal        during the ceremony and mail them out
    Since most reception halls and churches         to start hunting for a wedding cake by           to anyone who has agreed to do a reading.
    have busy wedding schedules, it is also         sampling a number of different bakeries’         If your family prefers to host a small
    important to book both as early as possi-       cakes before ultimately making a decision.       gathering for close family and friends
    ble, preferably at least a year in advance of   Just to be sure, confirm that all of the         after the wedding rehearsal, the night
    your wedding day. It’s also a good idea to      bridesmaids have ordered their gowns and         before the wedding, this is a good time to
    start putting together a guest list around      start looking for a tuxedo for the groom         order any food or drinks you might want
    this time and ask your parents whom             as well as the groomsmen. If you haven’t         to serve that night, or make a restaurant
    they’d like to invite as well. Also, since      done so already, purchase your wedding           reservation.
    your budget will determine just about ev-       rings and let any other people you’d like
    ery aspect of your wedding, sitting down        to participate in your wedding (ushers,
    and determining what you can spend and          readers during the ceremony, etc.) know
    developing a savings plan should be first
                                                                                                     3 to 4 Weeks Before
                                                    of your intentions.
    and foremost.                                                                                    Confirm your honeymoon arrangements
                                                                                                     and see if your wedding rings are ready.
                                                                                                     This is also when you should get your
                                                    2 to 3 Months Before                             marriage license and check the guest list
    6 to 9 Months Before                            Finalize your guest list and mail out your       to see who has and hasn’t RSVP’d. For
    This is the time when you want to start         invitations. If your guest list includes         those who have yet to RSVP, you might
    booking some services, such as a florist,       a considerable amount of people who              want to contact them so you can get a
    caterer, a DJ/band and a photographer.          are spread out geographically, mail the          closer idea of what the head count will be.
    However, some of the more experienced           invitations as close to 12 weeks in advance      You should also prepare and order your
    DJs and bands, as well as photographers,        as possible. This is also a good time to fi-     wedding program around this time.
    might have their schedules booked a year        nalize your menu choices for your guests,
    in advance, so this might be something          and find all your wedding accessories
    you’ll want to consider doing shortly after     such as the ring pillow, candles, etc. Also,
    you get engaged and choose a date. Also,
                                                                                                     1 to 2 Weeks Before
                                                    since it is tradition to provide gifts for
    this is a good time to inform any guests        those in the wedding party as well as the        Get a final attendance count and submit
    who will be traveling significant distances     parents of the bride and groom, this is          it to the caterer as soon as you know of it,
    of the date of your wedding. The earlier        a good time to decide on and purchase            while also providing a final seating chart.
    your guests can book a flight, the less         those gifts. Just to be safe, confirm that all   Pick up the wedding gown and tuxedo.
    expensive that flight will be.                  groomsmen have ordered their tuxedos             Make sure the wedding party picks up
                                                    and finalize all transportation, both to and     their attire. Also, finalize your vows and
    This is also a good time to order gowns for     from the wedding and to the airport for          confirm all wedding-day details such as
    both the bride and bridesmaids, as some         your honeymoon.                                  transportation, photo schedules and ad-
    manufacturers require a few months to                                                            dresses. And don’t forget to pack for your
    ship to bridal shops. You might want to                                                          honeymoon.
    ask someone, such as your priest or rabbi,
    to be the officiant of your wedding. And
    much like out-of-town guests will save
    travel dollars the earlier they learn of your
                                                                                                     The Day Before
    wedding date, you will likely save money,                                                        This is mainly when you rehearse for the
    too, if you book your honeymoon around                                                           ceremony and make any final confirma-
    this time.                                                                                       tions you might have to make. Also, make
                                                                                                     sure to get some sleep so you’ll look good
                                                                                                     in all of your wedding-day photos.

Financing options available.
    Subject to credit approval.

                                  DAILY JOURNAL   5
                                  wedding party roles
                                                                         Bridesmaids                           Groomsmen
                                                                         Along with walking in the             Groomsmen are the male
          A wedding can be a wonderful and                               wedding procession, brides-           equivalent of the bridesmaids,
        memorable experience for all of those                            maids attend the shower and           typically having nearly iden-
                                                                         contribute to the bridal gifts.       tical responsibilities. Some-
         involved. That’s why you ask friends                            Bridesmaids, who are typically        times, groomsmen can act as
              or relatives to share in the event                         sisters or friends of the bride       ushers for guests arriving at the
                                                                         or groom, also dance with the         ceremony. Groomsmen walk in
             and serve in your wedding party.                            groomsmen during the recep-           the wedding processional and
                                                                         tion. To be further involved,         attend and help organize the
         Your offer is a wonderful honor, one                            each can be given specific roles,     bachelor party, as well.
          that carries with it varying degrees                           like reading a religious passage
                                                                         at the ceremony, providing
            of responsibility depending on the                           assistance with choosing              Ring Bearer
              role each person will be playing.                          wedding vendors or helping to
                                                                                                               Like the flower girl, the ring
                                                                         address wedding invitations.
           To help you decide whom to ask to                                                                   bearer is a very young member
                                                                                                               of the family, only the ring
             be in your wedding party, here is                           Flower Girl                           bearer is a male. The ring
             a list of titles and responsibilities                       If the bride has a sister who is      bearer’s role is to carry a pillow
                                                                         especially young, that sister         with the rings sewn on it
                     for each participant’s role.                        typically fills the role of flower    during the processional. Some
                                                                         girl. Since most flower girls         couples choose to have the ring
                                                                         are very young, their respon-         bearer and the flower girl walk
                                                                         sibilities are generally limited      next to one another during the
                                                                         to carrying a basket of flowers       processional.
                                                                         during the processional and,
                                                                         depending on the bride’s pref-
Maid of Honor                         Best Man                           erence, tossing flower petals on      Parents of
The maid of honor is a role typ-      Perhaps the most well-known        the ground to mark the bride’s        the Groom
ically filled by a sister or a very   responsibilities of the best       entrance.                             The groom’s parents should
close friend. It is the equivalent    man are organizing the                                                   host a rehearsal dinner prior
of the groom’s best man. The          bachelor party and giving the                                            to the wedding. They may
maid of honor’s role, therefore,      toast at the reception. But the    Parents of                            also choose to contribute to
is typically very involved.           best man, who is typically a       the Bride                             the wedding if they desire. In
Among her many responsibili-          brother or best friend of the      The bride’s parents may be            most cases, the groom’s parents
ties, the maid of honor accom-        groom, also has a slew of other    responsible for hosting the           have limited responsibilities,
panies the bride on shopping          responsibilities. In addition      wedding, if they will be com-         but can be involved as much
trips for her wedding dress           to helping the groom choose        pletely financially responsible       as the wedding couple would
while also planning the bridal        his tuxedo and get dressed         for the event. In some cases,         like. Traditionally, the groom’s
shower, bachelorette party and        before the wedding, the best       the father of the bride escorts       mother confers with the bride’s
coordinating the bridal party         man coordinates the couple’s       his daughter down the aisle           mother on what color gown she
gift for the bride. Also, the         gift from the groomsmen and        alone, but in other instances or      is wearing, so as not to go with
maid of honor helps the bride         takes care of the newlyweds’       in religious ceremonies, both         the same shade. The groom’s
get dressed on her wedding            transportation to the airport      parents may accompany the             parents may walk down the
day, holds the groom’s wedding        after the reception or the next    bride. In all cases, it’s her pref-   aisle in advance of the rest of
ring during the wedding and           morning. The best man may          erence. The mother of the bride       the wedding processional and
may also help in the writing          also hold onto any payment         may help fund or contribute           take their seats.
of invitations. The maid of           that’s due to the reception site   to the planning of the bridal
honor will also typically act as      or the donation for the house of   shower if the maid of honor
a witness to the wedding and          worship, and take care of any      needs assistance. These parents
dance with the best man at the        final financial details. He also   may also foot the cost of an
reception. If the woman you’re        holds the bride’s wedding ring     engagement party or dinner to
asking is married, her title will     during the ceremony.               meet the groom’s family.
be matron of honor.

                                                                                          total wedding budget

                             budget                                                     $

    Ceremony                                                      Flowers
    Location fee___________________________________               Ceremony___________________________________

    Officiant fee___________________________________              Bride’s bouquet___________________________________

    Marriage license___________________________________           Bridesmaids’ bouquets________________________________

    Rings_____________________________________________            Corsages & boutonnieres______________________________

    Pillow_____________________________________________           Reception centerpieces________________________________

    Total Ceremony___________________________________             Flower girl basket___________________________________

                                                                  Bathroom arrangements_______________________________
                                                                  Total flowers_______________________________________

    Reception site___________________________________

    Food_____________________________________________             Photography
    Drinks___________________________________                     Photographer’s fees___________________________________

    Rentals___________________________________                    Videographer’s fees___________________________________

    Cake_____________________________________________             Total photography_______________________________________

    Favors ___________________________________
    Total Reception_______________________________________

    Attire                                                        Buses/transport for guests_____________________________

    Gown_____________________________________________             Total transportation ____________________________________


    Shoes_____________________________________________            Invitations___________________________________

    Accessories___________________________________                Calligraphy___________________________________

    Jewelry_____________________________________________          Postage_____________________________________________

    Makeup_____________________________________________           Thank-you cards___________________________________

    Hair_____________________________________________             Total stationery_______________________________________


    Cuff links___________________________________                 Wedding party___________________________________

    Men’s grooming___________________________________             Parents________________________________________

    Total attire_______________________________________________

                                                                  Total gifts_______________________________________

    Ceremony musicians_______________________________

    Band/DJ___________________________________                    Accommodations___________________________________

    Extra musicians___________________________________            Food___________________________________________________

                                                                  Total honeymoon_______________________________________
    Total music_______________________________________

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                                                                       DAILY JOURNAL   9
      cou p le


 Blind date leads to                                             ho knew a tranquil July
                                                                 2019 blind date of sipping
                                                                 coffee and walking
McCordsville couple                                              around Carmel Arts and
                                                                 Design District would
                                           lead to an eventful year of wedding planning
planning a wedding                         and celebration?
                                              For newlywed Lauren Miller, that summer

    amid pandemic                          meeting was the simple start to a lifelong re-
                                           lationship with husband Adam after being set
                                           up by a mutual friend. She went into the date
                                           blindly, so to speak, because no social media
          Story by cheryl fiscus jenkins
   Photos by hannah Crabb photography      profiles were available on the man who would
                                           become the love of her life.
                                              Saying yes, though, led to a second date at
                                           Zionsville restaurant Cobblestone, where the
                                           courtyard would eventually become a back-
                                           drop for Adam’s proposal six months later.
                                              During the whirlwind courtship, the
                                           Millers of McCordsville spent quality time
                                           together with fun outings and thoughtful
                                           conversations. The two connected instantly.
                                              “We had gone on a lot of dates, and we just
                                           kind of knew,” Lauren said. “We joke around
                                           and say we are always walking and talking.”
                                              The proposal came in February 2020 as
                                           Adam told his bride-to-be they were going on

                                                                                              DAILY JOURNAL   11
a double date at Cobblestone. The courtyard
     was decorated with the warmth of candles and
     a blanket against a snowy setting that winter
     day. Family waited anxiously inside to share
     in the event, and the engaged couple spent the
     weekend celebrating at Lamb Lake in southern
     Johnson County.
        On a Sunday after church that month, the
     couple ventured to The Bluffs at Conner Prai-
     rie to check out its potential for a wedding and
     reception location. They fell in love with the
     wooded setting and all glass reception area,
     eventually booking the space for their Sept. 6,
     2020, event.
        Three weeks later the world shut down due
     to the coronavirus pandemic.
        “I remember hearing about the virus,”
     Lauren said. “We knew no matter what, we
     wanted to get married and not postpone our
        Organizing the 200 people-plus celebration
     continued amid the uncertainty of the virus’
     impact and social distancing restrictions. Ac-
     commodating the situation and planning with
     precaution became tricky and stressful, but
     Lauren said the lower pandemic numbers left
     them in a sweet spot when the couple’s Labor
     Day weekend nuptials took place.
        “It definitely stressed me out, especially

in the months leading up to the wedding,”
                                                               she said. “There was the fear of cancelling or
                                                               getting someone sick.”
                                                                  Groom Adam feels fortunate both families
                                                               could celebrate safely in the crazy time of
                                                               navigating the pandemic. Many folks wore
                                                               masks for the event and distanced themselves
                                                               while still having fun. He considers himself a
                                                               supporting player in the planning process.
                                                                  “Lauren did a lot of the vision and plan-
                                                               ning and then put me to work,” he said. “We
                                                               are very blessed God gave us this perfect
                                                                  The couple proceeded with an outdoor
                                                               wedding in the woods with 210 family and
                                                               friends and an indoor/outdoor reception with
                                                               a bonfire and games for adults and kids. The
                                                               73-degree sunny day set the tone for a fun
                                                               event of dancing and outdoor socialization
                                                               with string and tiki lights.
                                                                  The ceremony included a string quar-
                                                               tet and an acoustic singer performing the
                                                               father-daughter and newlyweds’ first dance.
                                                               The Millers danced to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t
                                                               Help Falling in Love.”
                                                                  Lauren, daughter of Jamie and Lisa Carter
                                                               of Lamb Lake, tried on 30 dresses for the big
                                                               day, and the ivory classic Bohemian style gown

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                                                                                                 DAILY JOURNAL   13
with sleeves off the shoulders and a            Adam planned the couple’s honey-          ren Carter Miller Coaching, a year ago.
     cathedral veil was the one she selected at   moon in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. They            Adam graduated from Hiland High
     The Wedding Studio in Greenwood.             left the Tuesday after the wedding and       School in Ohio in 2009 and is a 2012
       “On the rack, it wasn’t what I would       relaxed at an all-inclusive resort for a     graduate of Indiana Wesleyan Uni-
     have chosen,” she said. “But I put it on     poolside week of swimming, tasting           versity with a degree in economics.
     and knew that was the one.”                  wine and tequila, and eating tacos and       He worked in the technology industry
       Adam wore a custom black suit from         guacamole.                                   in Indianapolis for several years and
     Nordstrom.                                      The Millers closed on a new house         is now an account manager at Veeva
       The couple had eight bridesmaids and       about a month before the wedding, and        Systems Inc.
     groomsmen each with the men wear-            Lauren moved in 10 days later. They             The two love to walk, hike and eat out
     ing black suits and the women wearing        planted a garden this year and enjoy         together. They attend Pennington Park
     rustic rose velvet dresses. The flower ar-   having backyard fires at their home.         Church in Fishers and will travel to
     rangements included eucalyptus, ferns,          “It felt really good to have a place to   Hawaii for their one-year anniversary.
     grasses, protea and dahlias.                 come home to,” Lauren said.                     They eagerly anticipate new adven-
       Dinner included peppercorn steak,             Lauren is a 2010 graduate of Franklin     tures together as husband and wife.
     mashed potatoes and green beans with         Community High School and a 2014             Reflecting back to last year’s season
     caramel apple crisp and homemade             graduate of Calvin University in Grand       of wedding planning and preparation
     whipped cream for guests.                    Rapids, Michigan, with a degree in           makes them grateful loved ones could
       Adam, son of Ivan and Becky Miller         communications and advertising. She          celebrate in their special day.
     of Ohio, helped choose the wedding’s         received her master’s in higher educa-          “God showed up in a big way,” Adam
     cookie dough cake.                           tion in 2017 from Taylor University and      said. “It was exciting to see how he
       “That was an easy choice,” he said.        started a career coaching business, Lau-     brought friends and family together.”



                                                  rom limos to trolleys   away at the conclusion of the
                                                  and everything in       reception, Schaab says. And
                                                  between, hiring         then there are others who re-
 depends on vision,                               transportation for
                                                  the big day doesn’t
                                                                          quire a fleet of vehicles to make
                                                                          multiple trips to shuttle not only
                                     have to be a hassle, say area spe-   the wedding party, but also the
budget and logistics                 cialty transportation experts.
                                        The process is quite simple re-
                                                                             So figuring out what type of
                                     ally, says Tony Schaab, director     transportation you will need is
   of your wedding                   of event services with Advance       really a matter of vision, budget
                                     Limousine in Indianapolis.           and logistics or any combina-
                                        “It is a matter of gathering      tion thereof, he says.
            Story by jenn willhite   some details about what the             “Some couples are getting
         Photos from adobe stock
                                     day is going to entail and seeing    married at a venue that is a fair
                                     what vehicles might be the best      way away from a hotel everyone
                                     fit,” he says.                       is staying at and they would like
                                        For many couples, the ex-         all their guests to be shuttled
                                     pectation is simply to get the       back and forth throughout
                                     wedding party and guests from        the evening so they can move
                                     point A to point B, while other      freely,” Schaab says. “We have
                                     couples only need a ride at the      had a lot of couples who have
                                     end of the night to whisk them       booked a limo just for them

                                                                                                 DAILY JOURNAL   17
and by the time we are at the wedding,           Depending on which transportation            That lack of communication can
     we have booked an additional SUV for          service you pick, the fleet of vehicles       cause minor inconveniences to big
     mom and dad who don’t want to drive           to choose from can range from simple,         headaches, he warns.
     themselves. A lot of times, too, the          sleek limos to Hummer SUVs or there             Another not-so-obvious aspect to
     SUVs will carry around all the presents       are more vintage and unique rides, such       keep in mind is will the vehicle not only
     at the end of the night.”                     as a Rolls-Royce or even a 1954 Packard       meet your expectations, but can it get
        Sarah Dufek, director of operations        sedan.                                        you to the destination? Some venues
     and events with Indy Trolley, says               The important thing is to do your          cannot accommodate large vehicles, so
     oftentimes it makes more sense budget-        homework, says Jack Gambs, general            a 24-passenger party bus may hold all
     wise to rent transportation by the hour       manager of Antique Limousine of               your guests, but it may also have to park
     rather than by trip because there is a        Indianapolis. If there is one mistake         away from the venue, forcing guests to
     travel fee for each pick up and drop off      wedding parties make when it comes to         walk. It has happened, Gambs cautions.
     made, she says.                               transportation, it is hiring the wrong          Gambs recognizes that oftentimes
        “And, if something comes up, you           transportation, Gambs says.                   transportation is lumped in with the
     have access to the vehicle the entire            “A lot of places will take your reserva-   videographer on the bride’s list, and
     time you have it,” Dufek says. “So, for       tion months in advance and will send a        that is fine. However, that doesn’t lessen
     instance, while the bride is getting ready,   driver the day of and not communicate         the importance of planning and getting
     it can go to the hotel and pick up guests.”   with the driver,” Gambs says.                 transportation reserved ASAP.

“Some clients will call the week of
— in our wonderful Uber mentality
— and think that a 1953 Rolls-Royce is                       compass park
just going to be available,” Gambs says.
   If you are seeking a specialty vehicle,
the wait could be upwards of one year,
Gambs says.
   “For limousines, a shuttle bus or
Suburban for a late night trip, there’s                                   Event Sales Specialist
no hurry,” Gambs says. “Those vehicles                         (317)739-0702 — eventcenter@compasspark.org
are more plentiful. But there are only a
small number of vintage cars.”
   Brides who want a little something
different oftentimes will rent a trolley,
Dufek says.
   Not only do trolleys offer ample
space and a unique decor, but they are
wedding dress friendly, too.
   “If you have a bride who has a
very intricate dress and doesn’t want
to scooch across the limo seat, you
actually get to walk up into the trolleys                   Compass Park is the perfect setting for a beautiful
and there is more than ample room                               indoor or outdoor wedding. We have lovely
for her sit down,” Dufek says.”And it                          reception spaces, including one with a grand
is the same with bridesmaids’ dresses.
It gives you less of a wrinkle factor or                     piano and a ballroom that can accommodate up
possible tears from scooching.”                               to 300 guests. Surrounded by mature trees and
   There is also the picturesque element                       located near our historic fountain and clock
of the trolley’s platform that makes for                    tower, our grounds serve as an elegant backdrop.
great pictures, Dufek says. Many of
the trolleys also come outfitted with
Bluetooth connectivity for the stereo                         Compass Park has an In-House Catering team
and offer the convenience of heat and                          that are exceedingly dedicated. Our award-
air conditioning, too, Dufek says.                              winning full-service catering can whip up
   Understandably, with COVID, wed-
                                                              anything you would like. We also can provide
dings and special events were canceled
left and right last year and so this year                         beer, wine and spirits if you so choose.
everyone is racing to save the date. In
some cases, vendors are booked up
through the rest of this year and into
2022, Dufek cautions.
   “We have a lot of bookings from

last year that have rolled over into
this year and next,” Dufek says. “In
general, with specialty vehicles, it is
best to book as soon as you have your
venue. Even if you don’t know your
full timeline, it is best to do it as soon
as possible.”                                                                              DINNER &
   When it comes to advice to couples                                                      SPECIAL EVENTS
who are planning their big day, Gambs                         LUNCH & TEA ROOM             By reservation only
says be at ease once the planning is
                                                                                           for Dinner Rehearsals,
done.                                                                   A Lovely Place for weddings, Receptions,
   “Take a breath, relax and trust your
vendors,” he says. “Get the right people
                                                                         All Occasions! and Bridal Showers
you are comfortable with, enjoy your                                                       Also offering special occasion cakes,
day and roll with it.”                                                                     cupcakes, and petit fours.

                                                                   229 N. MADISON AVENUE ~ GREENWOOD, IN
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                                                                                                                  DAILY JOURNAL    19
      Story by jenn willhite | Photos from adobe stock

planners offer
                                                       R       elax and enjoy your stay!

                                              Every couple wants their
                                              wedding day to be fun
                                              and free of stress, You
                                              hope your big day will be
guidance for                                  exactly the way you’ve
                                              planned. Maybe there’s
big day                                       a family tradition passed

                                              down from generations
                                              you want to keep, or
                 iring a wedding              cultures brought together
                 planner is the best          in a special way. You may
                 decision a bride can
                                              want to break a few rules
                 make to help alle-
                                              or combine ideas to make
                 viate undue stress
                                              it your own.
leading up to the big day.
  Before hiring a planner, it is im-                                 350 PARIS DR. | FRANKLIN, IN 46131
portant to know there is a difference                                                     317.739.3999
between a wedding planner and a                                         WWW.FAIRFIELD.MARRIOTT.COM
wedding coordinator, says Robin           IN-35077734

Herington, owner of The Wedding
Lady in Indianapolis.
  A planner essentially addresses the
broader theme and details of the day,
such as the couple’s story, their col-
ors and overall design plan or what
they envision, she says. A wedding
coordinator is a person who oversees
all elements from initial consult
through to the end of the big day.
  “There is a lot that goes into
coordinating a wedding,” Herington
says. “All the core planning cannot
be done 30 days out.”
  Brides who are simply seeking
some guidance should schedule a
consult with a wedding planner as
soon as possible, Herington says.
  Kim King Smith, owner of Kim
King Smith Events, LLC, is a wed-
ding consultant based in Edin-
burgh/Columbus. She says brides
need someone with experience and
knowledge to assist them in the
planning process.
  A consultation generally takes
about one hour and allows the con-
sultant the opportunity to learn as
much as possible about the bride and
her expectations for her wedding,
she said.
                                         www.jpparkerco.com                                317.738.9837

                                                                                             DAILY JOURNAL   21
“We find out her likes and dislikes,”     their brain and see what they are hoping    seen events as a disaster diverted, but
     King Smith says. “And what the true          for and dreaming of.”                       more like a quick change of plans.”
     dream vision is she has for the wed-            The biggest stressor for brides to         Graham recalls a wedding not too
     ding. Doing a consult is like getting a      make their dream wedding a reality is       long ago in Columbus when both the
     roadmap. You’re essentially giving them      maneuvering the ins and outs of plan-       DJ and cake delivery were initially no-
     the GPS from planning to the actual          ning while staying within the confines      shows for a Friday wedding.
     wedding.”                                    of their budget, King Smith says.             Of course, Friday isn’t a typical day
        Brides who schedule a consult should         Allowing a planner or coordinator        for a wedding, so it wasn’t much sur-
     only bring one other person along, two       to assist with finding the venue, hiring    prise when she reached out to the cake
     at absolute most. Any more people than       vendors and scheduling entertainment        designer only to find out there had been
     that and things tend to get messy very       helps alleviate that stress and estab-      a mix-up.
     quickly, King Smith says.                    lishes some control, direction and focus.     Luckily, the cake was ready.
        Aside from guest numbers and bud-            Of course, life happens and things         As for the DJ, well, he was stuck in
     get, the more ideas a brides brings, the     come up, but those hiccups are easier to    traffic.
     better, Herington says.                      deal with when you aren’t single-hand-        Fortunately, with the reception set
        “Many times, they have a Pinterest        edly juggling everything, says Ellen        to begin at 4:30 p.m. that day, both the
     board and a lot of times people think        Graham, owner of Estelle Events in          DJ and cake were on site shortly after
     Pinterest is a bad word,” she says. “I       Columbus.                                   4 p.m. and ready to go within minutes
     have an art degree and taught for 20            “There are things that can go wrong      of the guests arriving.
     years prior to getting into this field, so   and my ultimate goal is to never let the      “So with the prior knowledge and
     I know visual is important. I gladly say,    bride know,” Graham says. “It is her day    making sure everyone is on the same
     ‘Bring it on.’ The more Pinterest pins       and she doesn’t need to know all the ins    page, it helped the day go like they
     they have, the more visually I can get in    and outs. I don’t consider those unfore-    never knew it happened,” Graham says.

“As opposed to the couple not hav-
ing a planner and then not having
the DJ or cake at appropriate time. I
try to relate that message of having
someone who is on your side. You
can have planners who are there for
the venue, but they are looking out
for their side of things as well.”
   Brides who do not necessarily
need much assistance in the months
and days leading up to the big day
may opt to hire a coordinator just
for the day of the wedding, Graham
says. In those cases, all the vendors
are scheduled in advance and the
logistics are taken care of, so all that
is left is simply overseeing to ensure
all goes smoothly.
   There are two important lessons
Herington has learned during her
time in the industry, she says.
   First, hiring friends doesn’t always
work out and friendships can suffer
as a consequence.
   “The friend wants to give all they
can and sometimes it gets over-
stepped and the bride and groom
don’t even realize it,” Herington
says. “Oftentimes, the person goes
above and beyond what would
normally be offered when service
was offered for free as a gift in the
first place.”
   Secondly, don’t sign a contract
with anyone more than one year out.
   Life events can change every-
thing, Herington says. From loved
ones passing away to new births,
solidifying plans more than one
year out can create undue stress and
unexpected expenditures.
   If there is any exception to the
rule, it is booking the wedding
venue, Herington says. Managers
come and go and information isn’t          IN-35077864
always passed on correctly, so to
make sure a date is secure it doesn’t
hurt to reach out to the venue more
than one year out.
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