A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study

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Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM, 2021; 8(1): 45-49.

Original Research Article

A comparative evaluation of two different
methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized
prospective study
Saswati Das1*, Devdutta Raiguru2
  Assistant Professor, 2Post graduate student
Dept. of Anesthesia, Kalinga Institute of Medical sciences, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
 Corresponding author email: das.saswati12@gmail.com

                     International Archives of Integrated Medicine, Vol. 8, Issue 1, January, 2021.
                                      Available online at http://iaimjournal.com/
                                 ISSN: 2394-0026 (P)              ISSN: 2394-0034 (O)
                             Received on: 01-01-2021              Accepted on: 07-01-2021
                   Source of support: Nil                       Conflict of interest: None declared.
How to cite this article: Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different
methods of insertion of i-gel airway in laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM,
2021; 8(1): 45-49.

Background and Aim: With the advent of supraglottic airway devices, laryngeal mask airway
(LMA) has become a standard alternative to endotracheal intubation in the airway management. i-gel
with its unique features is slowly emerging as an effective airway device. Gum elastic bougie (GEB)
guided insertion of i-gel facilitates better alignment of the drainage tube with the esophageal sphincter
and hence could provide better protection of the airway during regurgitation. Our study aims to
compare the efficacy of i-gel placement, when placed with or without the GEB in laparoscopic
Materials and methods: Eighty patients were randomly allocated to one of the two groups using
coded envelopes as follows: Group-1 – (n=40) i-gel was inserted as per manufacturer`s instructions
and Group-2 - (n=40) i-gel was inserted using GEB guided technique. First attempt success rate, mean
insertion time and mean seal pressure were compared between the groups.
Results: The first attempt success rate was significantly lower in Group 1(52.5%) as compared to
Group 2(82.5%). The least time taken for insertion was for Group 1(10.58+/-2secs) and was
statistically significant. The mean seal pressures were higher in Group 2 though not statistically
Conclusion: i-gel is a cuffless supraglottic airway device having a reasonable overall success rate
with faster insertion time. The insertion and seal pressures improve when guided by a bougie.

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Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM, 2021; 8(1): 45-49.

Key words
Supraglottic airway, anticipated difficult intubation, elective surgery, aspiration, protection of airway.

Introduction                                                   Exclusion criteria
Tracheal intubation and controlled ventilation is                 - Patients with known difficult airway
the gold standard for anesthetic management of                    - Cervical spine disease
patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery. With                    - BMI >35 kgm-2
the advent of supraglottic airway devices,                        - Mouth opening
Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM, 2021; 8(1): 45-49.

GEB (Portex tracheal tube introducer, Portex                   by appearance of first square wave capnogram
Ltd., UK) down the drain tube such that the                    was recorded as the insertion time.
curved end of the bougie protrudes from the
proximal end of the drain tube and the straight                A maximum of three insertion attempts was
end of the bougie protrudes approximately 30 cm                allowed before the placement of the device was
from the distal end of the drain tube.                         considered a failure. In the event of complete or
                                                               partial airway obstruction or a significant leak
Under gentle laryngoscopic guidance, the distal                the airway device was removed and reinsertion
portion of the GEB was placed 5-10 cm into the                 attempted. In case of failure alternative airway
esophagus while the assistant held the airway                  device was used to secure the airway.
device at the proximal portion of the GEB. After
removing the laryngoscope, the airway device                   Oropharyngeal seal pressure
was guided over the GEB using digital                          Oropharyngeal seal pressure was determined by
manipulation till it was placed into the                       switching off the ventilator at a fixed gas flow of
hypopharynx. At this stage GEB was removed                     3 litres min-1 and recording the airway pressure
while retaining the airway in position. After                  (maximum allowed 40 cm of water) at which
insertion, the airway device was connected to the              equilibrium was reached.
anesthesia breathing system. Positive pressure
ventilation was commenced. Correct placement                   Results
of the device was confirmed by; manual                         The sample size was calculated to be 40 in each
ventilation and auscultation of breath sounds,                 group with an error of 0.05 and power of 80%,
ability to ventilate the patient without substantial           considering at least 20% difference in the
leak at an airway pressure at
Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM, 2021; 8(1): 45-49.

and due to leak at
Saswati Das, Devdutta Raiguru. A comparative evaluation of two different methods of insertion of i-gel airway in
laparoscopic surgeries: a randomized prospective study. IAIM, 2021; 8(1): 45-49.

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