A Clinical Study to See the Effect of Homoeopathic Medicines in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome of Reproductive Age Group between 12-45 Years

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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
                                                                                  Vol.10; Issue: 3; March 2020
                                                                                        Website: www.ijhsr.org
Original Research Article                                                                     ISSN: 2249-9571

 A Clinical Study to See the Effect of Homoeopathic
   Medicines in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome of
   Reproductive Age Group between 12-45 Years
        Priti Ashok.Malvekar1, Sameer S.Nadgauda2, Arun Bhargav Jadhav3
                                                 Post Graduate,
  Assistant Professor, Department of Practice of Medicine, Homoeopathic medical college and Hospital, Dept.
          Of Postgraduate and Research Centre, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Katraj Dhankawadi, India.
    Principal, Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Dept. Of Postgraduate and research Centre, Pune-
                               Bangalore Highway, Katraj-Dhankawadi, India.
                                     Corresponding Author: Sameer S.Nadgauda


Objective of the study -The present study was single arm, clinical study to determine the role of
homoeopathic medicines in regulation of menstrual cycle.30 patient fulfilling the eligibility criteria
enrolled in this study was underwent homoeopathic intervention, clinical evaluation and detailed
menstrual history at baseline.
Results- Out of 30 cases, 14 cases (46.66%) showed good improvement in cases of irregular menses,
21 cases (63.3 3%) showed good improvement in Complaints of acne and 25 cases(83.33%) showed
good improvement in cases of health related quality of life related to PCOS.
Conclusion-The Homoeopathic medicines showed significant improvement treating PCOS. From the
analysis of the above results obtained it is obvious that Homoeopathic treatment is effective in
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Cases can be treated successfully by homoeopathic treatment. We
should consider mental general and constitution of patient for most similar homoeopathic remedy.
Life style modification along with homoeopathic treatment is effective in reducing signs and
symptoms of PCOS.

Keywords- Homoeopathy, Polycystic Ovaries, Menstrual Irregularity, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

INTRODUCTION                                               ordinarily have many number of little cysts
         Polycystic   Ovarian     Syndrome                 around the edge of their ovaries. Polycystic
otherwise called PCOS OR PCOD                              ovaries mean the ovaries containing
[Polycystic Ovarian Disorder] is a typical                 countless blisters that are not greater than
hormonal issue and a main source of female                 8mm and grow a larger number of follicles
infertility around the world. PCOS is                      consistently than ordinary ovaries. The
additionally called as Stein-Leventhal                     growths are the egg containing follicles that
Syndrome after two specialists who                         don't grow appropriately as a result of
originally depicted it in 1935 [1] The                     hormone imbalance. A few females proceed
Rotterdam 2003 criteria characterizes PCOS                 to create PCOS [Polycystic Ovarian
as frequency of any two of 3 key criteria in               Syndrome] which implies they have
particular, oligoovulation and anovulation,                different indications including polycystic
hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries                    ovaries. PCOS might be heredity also.
[PCO]. [2][3] Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome                 Studies shows that ladies with family
(PCOS) is a condition wherein females                      ancestry of polycystic ovaries are half

                   International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (www.ijhsr.org)                   43
                                         Vol.10; Issue: 3; March 2020
Priti Ashok. Malvekar et.al. A clinical study to see the effect of homoeopathic medicines in polycystic ovarian
syndrome of reproductive age group between 12-45 years

bound to create PCOS.PCOS is seen as the                  Homeopathy directs the menses in
most widely recognized explanation behind                 characteristic manner. Diminishes Hirsutism
menstrual abnormalities in 4-12% of ladies                (undesirable hairs) and builds the odds of
of conceptive age [12-45 yrs. old]. [4][5] 5-             considering. PCOS is the most widely
10% of ladies create PCOS during their                    recognized       reason     for   anovulatory
young or youngster bearing years. [6]                     infertility. There is absence of awareness in
Worldwide PCOS influences up to 6-7% of                   the public about PCOS and its difficulties
the populace. In any case, the pervasiveness              like fruitlessness, diabetes type 2,
explicit to the nation fluctuates widely. In              cardiovascular       sicknesses.   Passionate
India, the frequency of PCOS/PCOD is on                   prosperity issues are critical. [9,10] In
the climb; about 35% of ladies experience                 Allopathy the medications ordinarily
the ill effects of it. In 2014 examination led            utilized for treatment in ladies with PCOS
in Mumbai (independent) among 600 pre-                    are metformin which can bring down TSH
adult young ladies detailed an expected                   levels and hypothyroidism.
commonness of 22.5% when the finding                               There are scarcely any reports
was finished utilizing Rotterdam criteria.                showing       the    convenience    of    the
Another examination was led by All India                  Homeopathic treatment. Symptomatic just
Institutions of Medical Science(AIIMS) it                 as ultrasonological improvement in PCOS.
was discovered that one out of four females               Yet, more investigations are required with
experience the ill effects of PCOS.                       appropriate thoroughness.
         The Respondent population right
now to the conceptive age bunch 12-48                     MATERIAL AND METHODS
years. Most noteworthy number of sufferers                Study setting – A clinical study was carried
was the understudy classification with                    out on with detail case study and follow up
21.27% of them experiencing the Disorder.                 in Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Foundation’s
This demonstrates more young ladies                       Homoeopathic Hospital, OPD, IPD and with
increasingly      inclined     to    hormonal             the help of senior Homoeopathic physicians.
imbalance. [7] PCOS Present with different                Total 30 patients of Reproductive age group
level of Symptoms like sporadic, rare                     between 12-45 yrs. who were suffering from
periods inside 3 or 4years of beginning                   polycystic ovarian syndrome. (PCOS) was
discharge lighter overwhelming during                     enrolled for the study which fulfils the case
period, weight gain, and unnecessary hair                 definition & inclusion /exclusion criteria
growth to changing degrees on face, chest,                those who were participated willingly in
and lower midriff. Moderate stomach                       research. Since it is a time bound study,
inconvenience        during    periods,   skin            subject attending, Bharati Vidyapeeth
inflammation, and over the top skin                       Medical       Foundation       Homoeopathic
development on neck or in armpit                          Hospital, peripheral O.P.D. and various
additionally called as acanthosis nigricans.              rural and urban camps series.
Bone pain [arthralgia] and male pattern                   Study design – A prospective clinical trial
baldness [alopecia], stoppage, flauntulence,              interventional single arm single blind
and heartburn. Polycystic ovarian disorder                method. Study was carried out at Bharati
(PCOS) Divided essentially into two types.                Vidyapeeth         Medical        Foundation
    1. Insulin Resistant (IR) PCOS. 2. Non-               Homoeopathic Hospital, peripheral OPD,
Insulin Resistant PCOS.                                   Various rural & urban camp series, OPD,
         The main cause of PCOS lies in the               IPD from 20192020 (Approximately 25
hormonal        aggravation.      Homeopathy              weeks).minimum 30 Cases was selected
redresses the hormonal aggravation and                    which fulfils the case definition & inclusion
brings harmony, without the danger of                     and exclusion criteria those who
reaction. It is anyway basic to take                      participated willingly in the research. Data
homeopathic        treatment     for    PCOS.             collection was done through Rotterdam

                   International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (www.ijhsr.org)                    44
                                         Vol.10; Issue: 3; March 2020
Priti Ashok. Malvekar et.al. A clinical study to see the effect of homoeopathic medicines in polycystic ovarian
syndrome of reproductive age group between 12-45 years

2003 criteria as per ASRM (American                       remedy is already available in the
society of reproductive medicine) &                       Homoeopathic literature, well proved on
ESHRE (European society of human                          healthy human beings and is harmless,
reproduction and embryology) guidelines.                  having no side effects.

Intervention                                              Inclusion criteria- inclusion criteria for the
Patients fulfilling the eligibility criteria was          study are: 1) Female aged 12-45years. 2)
enrolled to receive the homoeopathic                      Oligomenorrhoea (intermenstrual period of
intervention. Medicine was given in 30C,                  more than 35 days for 3 consecutive cycles/
200C or 1M, LM potency as per the                         amenorrhea for more than 3 months (2 years
prescribing totality. The medicines were                  after menarche) 3) 3) ultrasound findings of
repeated depending on the potency and                     polycystic ovaries. [11] 4) Clinical evidence
complaints of the patient in accordance with              of hirsutism (Ferriman score 8 and above)
the principles of homoeopathy.                                 and/ or acne (acne global severity scale
                                                          score 1 and above) [13] 5) Body Mass Index
Selection of tool –                                       (BMI) 23 and above. 6) Females who are
Drug was acquired from standard pharmacy                  diagnosed with PCOS. 7) Patient who
(SBL Uttarakhand) & was stored as per                     willing to give written informed consents
rules of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.                       for research participation.
Medicines was stored in Bharati Vidyapeeth
Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Katraj, Pune-                      Exclusion criteria – 1) Patient with other
411043.Liquid was stored in amber colour                  systemic illnesses (DM, Cushing syndrome,
glass bottle kept in dark place, under                    hyperprolactenemia. 2) untreated hypo or
appropriate temperature, away from                        hyperthyroidism. 3) Adrenal hyperplasia
sunlight& humidity condition. Freshly                     and adrenal tumour4) ovarian tumour. 5)
prepared powder dose was used for                         Hyperthecosis. 6) History of intake of drugs
dispensing purpose. Log no. & Batch no.                   aldactone/ metformin or history of oral
was maintained.                                           contraceptive pills (OCP) use or intake of
                                                          drugs known to interfere with carbohydrate
Brief of procedures-                                      metabolism 4 weeks prior to enrolment. 7)
Selection of remedy- The remedy was                       Pregnancy, breast feeding. 8) Cases with
selected after case taking and making the                 any systemic disease.
totality of the symptoms on the basis of                  Statistical Analysis –Descriptive statistical
constitution & given in powder (Lactose) &                analysis of the scores in terms of mean,
globule (Sucrose) & liquid form.                          median, standard deviation and pre and post
Dose and Strength of the Drug- Medicine                   analysis (paired t test ) was performed using
was given in 30C, 200C, LM / 1M potency                   GRAPH PAD PRISM version .8.0 for
as per the prescribing totality. The medicine             different parameters. The results obtained
was repeated depending on the potency and                 are presented and discussed in the
requirement of the patient complaints in                  subsequent section.
accordance with the principles of
homoeopathic posology.                                    RESULTS
Drug dispensing- Was done in globule                      A total number of thirty cases were included
(sucrose) & powder(lactose) and liquid                    in the study after screening the case as per
form. (Ref. Aph. No.272 ).                                the inclusion criteria. All the thirty cases
                                                          were followed up for a minimum period of
Declaration – Was given that the drug used                25 weeks. These cases were subjected to
here is not harmful to human beings. Said                 statistical study.

                   International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (www.ijhsr.org)                    45
                                         Vol.10; Issue: 3; March 2020
Priti Ashok. Malvekar et.al. A clinical study to see the effect of homoeopathic medicines in polycystic ovarian
syndrome of reproductive age group between 12-45 years

                       Table-1 Paired differences of menses interval before and after treatment
                                   N    MEAN MEDIAN SD                    SEM       DF       T VALUE   P VALUE
           TREATMNT                30 45.70        45.00        7.557 1.380 7.778 29
Priti Ashok. Malvekar et.al. A clinical study to see the effect of homoeopathic medicines in polycystic ovarian
syndrome of reproductive age group between 12-45 years

CONCLUSION                                                5. Farah L, Lazeby AJ, Boots LR, Azziz R.
        Constitutional treatment along with                   Prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
anti-miasmatic remedy seems to be                             in women seeking treatment from
efficacious. The Homoeopathic medicines                       community         electrologists.      Albama
showed significant improvement treating                       Professional Electrology Association Study
                                                              Group .J Report Med 1999; 44:870-874
PCOS. From the analysis of the above                      6. Heidi          A.       Polycystic        ovary
results obtained it is obvious that                                syndrome (PCOS) in urban          Indi
Homoeopathic treatment is effective in                        Man love University of Nevada Las
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Cases can be                     Vegas..
treated successfully by homoeopathic                      7. International journal of innovative research
treatment. We should consider mental                          in science entering & technology Vole 6
general and constitution of patient for most                  issue 7th July 2017.
similar homoeopathic remedy. Life style                   8. Rotterdam ESHRE/ ASRM sponsored
modification along with homoeopathic                          PCOS consequences workshop group.
treatment is effective in reducing signs and                  Revised 2003 consequences diagnostic
symptoms of PCOS                                              criteria and long term health risk related
                                                              PCOS. Human report 2004.
                                                          9. Assessment & management of PCOS
                                                              summary of an evidence based guideline.
I would like to thank my PG Guide Dr. Sameer
                                                              www.mja.com.all published 2011-9-19.
S. Nadgauda, Principle Dr. Arun B. Jadhav. I
                                                          10. Lamba CD, Oberai P, Manchanda RK, Rath
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                                                              P, Bindu PH, Padmanabhan M. Evaluation
and Dr. Anita V. Patil for permitting and
                                                              of homoeopathic treatment in polycystic
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would like to thank all the participants for their
                                                              randomised, placebo-controlled pilot study.
cooperation and support. I would also like to
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                                                              Homoeopathy. 2018 Jan 1;12(1):35.
cooperation in present study.
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                                         Vol.10; Issue: 3; March 2020
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