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DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2013-06.B-51


                   Andrea BISTACCHI(*), Matteo MASSIRONI(**), Laura SUPERCHI(**),
                     Luca ZORZI(**), Roberto FRANCESE(***), Massimo GIORGI(***),
                            Filippo CHISTOLINI(*) & Rinaldo GENEVOIS(**)

              Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Milan, Italy,
                                Università degli Studi di Padova - Dipartimento di Geoscienze - Padova, Italy
             OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - Dipartimento di Geofisica della Litosfera
                                                               Trieste, Italy

ABSTRACT                                                                        non-planar geometry is affected by the interference pat-
     The Vajont landslide has been the object of several                        tern of two regional-scale fold systems. The landslide is
studies because of its catastrophic consequences and                            partitioned into two distinct and internally continuous
particular evolution. Several qualitative or quantitative                       rock masses with a distinct kinematics, which are char-
models have been presented in the last 50 years, but                            acterised by a very limited internal deformation dur-
a complete explanation of all relevant geological and                           ing the slide. The continuity of these two large blocks
mechanical processes still remains elusive. In order to                         points to a very localized deformation, occurring along
better understand the mechanics and dynamics of the                             a thin, continuous and weak cataclastic horizon.
1963 event, we have reconstructed the first 3D geologi-
cal model of the landslide, which allowed us to accu-                           Key   words:     Vajont landslide, 3D geomodelling, Gocad,
rately investigate the landslide structure and kinemat-                         structural geology, landslide kinematics, Southern Alps
ics. The input data for the model consisted in: pre- and
post-landslide geological maps, pre- and post-landslide                         INTRODUCTION
orthophotos, pre- and post-landslide digital elevation                               The Vajont Landslide is one of the most cata-
models, structural data, boreholes, and geophysical                             strophic slope failures of the past century and possibly
data. All these data have been integrated in a 3D geo-                          of all times. About 240 Mm3 of the Jurassic-Creta-
logical model implemented in Gocad, using the implicit                          ceous carbonatic sequence on the Monte Toc northern
surface modelling method. Results of the 3D geological                          slope slid into the Vajont Reservoir on October 9th
model include the depth and geometry of the sliding                             1963, displacing the water in the reservoir and produc-
surface, the volume of the two lobes of the landslide                           ing a huge wave that overtopped the dam and killed al-
accumulation, kinematics of the landslide in terms of                           most 2000 people in the Piave valley below. Both the
the vector field of finite displacement, and high quality                       pre-1963 and post-1963 geological configurations are
meshes useful for mechanical simulations. The latter                            very well characterized thanks to reliable geological
can include information about the stratigraphy and in-                          and topographic data collected during the first phase
ternal structure of the rock masses and allow tracing the                       of studies of the Vajont landslide, before the 1963 fail-
displacement of different material points in the land-                          ure (Rossi & Semenza, 1965). The availability of this
slide from the pre-1963-failure to the post-landslide                           dataset did not prevent the 1963 catastrophe (an his-
state. As a general geological conclusion, we may say                           torical account can be found in Semenza & Ghirotti,
that the structural analysis and the 3D model allowed us                        2005), but today allows a very detailed reconstruction
to recognize very effectively a sliding surface, whose                          of the landslide kinematics, which might be used to

Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment - Book Series (6) www.ijege.uniroma1.it              © 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice

      gain a better understanding of landslides and the re-                         features are being re-analysed using new field surveys,
      lated hazard in general.                                                      photogrammetric analyses, terrestrial and aerial laser
           Although the landslide has been extensively stud-                        scanning, topographic DEM analyses, rock-masses
      ied, its structural controls, deformation mechanisms,                         characterization, and a completely revised analysis of
      triggering factors, and dynamics, are still not com-                          several boreholes drilled after 1963. Most of these new
      pletely understood. The recent development of new                             data are reviewed and discussed by Massironi et alii
      technologies enables a better characterization and un-                        (this volume), who propose a totally revised structural
      derstanding of the landslide. Geological, structural, ge-                     geology background for the landslide. Here we show
      omorphological, hydrogeological and geomechanical                             how we have integrated all these new and historical

      Fig. 1   - Geological sketch-map of the Vajont Landslide area (from massironi et alii, this volume)
      International Conference Vajont 1963-2013. Thoughts and analyses after 50 years since the catastrophic landslide   Padua, Italy - 8-10 October 2013

data in a detailed 3D geological model of the landslide,                       & Semenza (1965), and constitutes the basis for the
how the 3D model has been reconstructed, which is its                          reconstruction of the geological structure within the
accuracy and reliability, and which is its importance                          landslide accumulation and substratum.
as a basis for detailed numerical simulations of failure                            Regarding the structural setting, Massironi et alii
mechanisms. The 3D geological model allows to inves-                           (this volume) have completed a thorough review of
tigate the structural setting before and after failure, the                    available data and a detailed new study, resulting in
landslide kinematics, and to compare all this with dif-                        a complete reinterpretation of structures within the
ferent kinds of numerical simulations.                                         landslide, with consequences on any further devel-
                                                                               opment in terms of kinematic or dynamic models.
GEOLOGICAL SETTING                                                             Some of these observations, and particularly those
     The northern slope of Monte Toc, where the land-                          performed at large scale, have been included in our
slide developed in the Vajont Valley, is entirely carved                       3D geological model.
within carbonatic Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences of                                  Particularly important is the observation that most
the Venetian Southern Alps. The stratigraphy of these                          of the folds that can be recognized on the sliding sur-
units has been described in detail by Semenza (1965)                           face, and the major folds occurring within the land-
and Martinis (1978), in studies where the geology of                           slide accumulation, with N-S and E-W axes, predate
the landslide (both at surface and in boreholes) has                           the landslide and have a tectonic origin. This, which
been compared with outcrops in the Vajont Valley, not                          contrasts with assumptions made by many previous
far from the landslide itself. The units outcropping in                        authors (e.g. Paronuzzi & Bolla, 2012) is easily dem-
the landslide accumulation and in its surrounding are,                         onstrated since the same folding pattern is observed
from bottom to top (Fig. 1):                                                   out of the landslide. The preservation of these struc-
• the Vajont Limestone (Dogger, 350-400 m): mas-                               tures within the landslide is so good that the largest
     sive reworked oolitic limestone (e.g. Zempolich,                          folds can be traced to the corresponding structures
     1995) outcropping in the Vajont Gorge, below the                          in the immediate vicinity of the landslide (Massironi
     landslide;                                                                et alii, this volume). Quite obviously, such a perfect
• the Fonzaso Formation (Oxfordian-Callovian, 10-40                            preservation indicates that internal deformation of the
     m): layered cherty limestone which in the upper                           landslide accumulation is very limited, and that land-
     part also show thin greenish clayey interlayerings,                       slide-related deformation occurred along localized
     considered by Hendron & Patton (1985) the weak                            fault-like horizons, as will be confirmed in the section
     layers along which the sliding surface developed;                         on 3D kinematic analysis.
• the Rosso Ammonitico (Titonian-Kimmeridgian,                                      Considering just the large scale structures, Mas-
     0-15 m): a thin and discontinuous fossiliferous                           sironi et alii (this volume) have also recognized that

     nodular limestone unit which is not represented in                        the overall geometry of the sliding surface is defined
     most published maps;                                                      by the interference of two synclines, the E-W trend-
• the Calcare di Soccher (Cretaceous, 150-250 m):                              ing Erto Syncline and the (previously unknown) N-S
     massive limestones (lower member) grading to                              trending Massalezza Syncline, defining a km-scale
     layered marly and cherty limestone (upper mem-                            basin structure (Fig. 1). We will see in the following
     bers); a large part of the landslide is constituted by                    that this structure is very well represented in the 3D
     this stratigraphic unit; the lower part of this unit                      geological model, and has a strong influence on the
     is marked by a thin but characteristic conglomer-                         kinematics and dynamics of the landslide (Castel-
     atic layer which represents a very useful structural                      lanza et alii, this volume).

     marker within the landslide and in its surroundings;
• the Scaglia Rossa (Upper Cretaceous-Eocene, ca.                              3D MODELING
     300 m): layered marly limestones and marls with                                We have reconstructed a 3D geological model
     a penetrative scaly fabric, not outcropping in the                        which represents both the pre-1963 and post-1963 con-
     landslide.                                                                figuration (Fig. 2). This was possible thanks to the reli-
     This sequence has been mapped at the 1:5.000                              able geological and topographic data collected during
scale in the pre- and post-landslide setting by Rossi                          the geological surveys aimed at the design of the Vajont

Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment - Book Series (6) www.ijege.uniroma1.it           © 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice

      Dam and particularly during the first phase of studies                       phase of the project all these data have been georefer-
      of the Vajont Landslide, before the October 9th 1963                         enced (Italian Gauss Boaga grid, east zone), converted
      failure (Semenza, 1965). Input data for the pre-1963                         to suitable file formats and imported in a Gocad project.
      3D model consist in a 1:5000 pre-landslide geological                        In Figure 2 the pre- and post-landslide geological maps
      map (Rossi & Semenza, 1965), and in a digital eleva-                         are shown, draped onto the pre- and post-landslide to-
      tion model obtained by interpolation of the contour                          pography, readily evidencing the huge mass of the Va-
      lines (10 m equidistance) represented within this map.                       jont Landslide.
      The post-1963 geology is well represented by the post-                            Due to the particular behaviour of the landslide - a
      landslide geological map (Rossi & Semenza, 1965),                            rock slide where large coherent blocks glided along a
      which after 50 years is still considered very reliable                       very localized basal slipping surface (e.g. Hendron &
      (see Semenza & Ghirotti, 2000, and Massironi et alii,                        Patton, 1985), the slide deposit is composed of two
      this volume, for a review of the historic data). Stratig-                    main lobes (eastern and western) internally separated
      raphy and the characterization of boreholes drilled after                    into a few large blocks where the original stratigra-
      the landslide is covered by Martinis (1978) and has                          phy is preserved. This is readily evident by comparing
      been reviewed during this project. Post-landslide to-                        the pre- and post-landslide geological maps in the 3D
      pography has been obtained from a recent aerial Lidar                        rendering in Figure 2. These lobes are separated one
      survey, and additional information have been collected                       from each other by localized discontinuities, and from
      on orthorectified aerial photos (both from irdat.regione.                    the bedrock by the main sliding surface. This allowed
      fvg.it/CTRN/). Additional structural data and the over-                      us to reconstruct the stratigraphy within each block,
      all geological setting are discussed in Massironi et alii                    which, in structural geology terms, could be consid-
      (this volume). The reliability of the pre-landslide geo-                     ered as a relatively undistorted fault-bounded block,
      logical map is ranked very high, by comparison with                          whilst the discontinuities can be considered as faults
      the post-landslide map by the same authors. Also the                         (actually they show the same geometries as low-angle
      pre-landslide topography is considered quite reliable,                       normal faults). The basal sliding surface, extending
      by comparison with the recent Lidar survey in regions                        everywhere below the landslide and separating it from
      not affected by the landslide. In the last year a detailed                   the bedrock, is shared by both the pre- and post-1963
      geophysical survey, combining seismic and electric                           models. On the other hand, the topography and land-
      resistivity tomography, has been carried out by Franc-                       slide structure show appreciable variations between
      ese et alii (this volume), and also these data have been                     the pre- and post-landslide models. In the following
      integrated in the post-landslide 3D model. In the first                      we will show how these variations have been used to

      Fig. 2   - Pre- and post-landslide geological maps (-, 1965), draped on the pre- and post-slide topography. See legend in 252
                 Figure 1. The huge mass transfer (270 Mm3) from the steep northern slopes of Monte Toc, which filled the gorge, can
                 be easily 253 recognized. Post-landslide boreholes, as deep as 300m, are shown as a reference in both images
      International Conference Vajont 1963-2013. Thoughts and analyses after 50 years since the catastrophic landslide   Padua, Italy - 8-10 October 2013

reconstruct the landslide kinematics.                                          between their branch lines. However, this is not con-
     Both the pre- and post-1963 models have been                              sidered a real concern, since the vertical extension of
reconstructed in two main steps. First the discon-                             these discontinuities is limited.
tinuities have been interpolated in Gocad with con-                                 Finally, implicit surface modelling was applied
ventional "explicit" interpolation techniques using the                        within blocks separated by discontinuities, allowing
DSI algorithm (Mallet, 2002). Then the stratigraphy                            to independently model the stratigraphy within each
within each block has been modelled with an implicit                           block. The input data in this case are traces of strati-
approach, using the GRGPack plugin (Caumon et alii,                            graphic contacts, structural data (including fold axes
2009; Massiot & Caumon, 2010). This technique was                              considered as in Massiot & Caumon, 2010), bore-
found very effective in the integration of surface and                         hole stratigraphy and geophysical data. The implicit
subsurface geological data, both in the pre- and post-                         surface modelling is carried out with the GRGPack
1963 setting.                                                                  plugin on an unstructured tetrahedral mesh generated
     In the case of the sliding surface, the data integrat-                    within each block with the TetGen algorithm (Mas-
ed in the model consist in (Fig. 3): (1) topography of                         siot & Caumon, 2010). The result is a realistic recon-

the now-exposed upper portions of this surface (from                           struction of the blocks’ internal structure, with rele-
Lidar point cloud), (2) surface geology (traces of                             vant ties to the pre-landslide structure, as discussed in
faults and geological boundaries from pre- and post-                           Massironi et alii (this volume).
landslide geological maps), and (3) boreholes (con-                                 Apart from a better definition of the internal struc-
straining at depth the sliding surface). In terms of 3D                        ture of the landslide, the main improvements with re-
geomodelling techniques (Mallet, 2002), all these                              spect to previous models of the landslide, based on
data have been added as control points to a surface                            dense networks of cross sections, are a more precise
pinned to the branch line (assumed perfectly known                             definition of the volumes involved and a more con-
from geological maps), which marks the intersections                           sistent and reliable reconstruction of the sliding sur-
between the sliding surface and the pre-1963 topogra-                          face. The volume of the landslide, calculated in the
phy. The overall geometry of the sliding surface was                           pre-1963 configuration, is 241.3 Mm3. The most sig-
then interpolated by means of the DSI algorithm in                             nificant differences in the shape of the sliding surface
Gocad (Mallet, 2002).                                                          are (1) the presence of the Massalezza syncline, which
     Other discontinuities, such as those separating the                       results in a convergence of the western and eastern
two lobes, or different blocks within the two lobes, in                        slopes of this surface (Fig. 3), and (2) a longitudinal
the post-landslide 3D model (Fig.- 4), cannot be con-                          shape which is partly different from the one assumed
strained so well, and basically are simply interpolated                        by previous authors.

Fig. 3    - Pre-landslide model. The pre-landslide DEM (left) is removed as to reveal the sliding surface (right, in green with
            elevation contours). The red line marks the now-exposed portion of the sliding surface reconstructed from Lidar data.
            The boreholes in the western-lower area are highlighted

Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment - Book Series (6) www.ijege.uniroma1.it           © 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice

      RELIABILITY AND ACCURACY OF THE                                              thickness of the Calcare di Soccher, also considering
      MODEL                                                                        the pre-landslide folds which can be traced in the sub-
           A general discussion on reliability criteria in 3D                      surface in the geophysical dataset (Francese et alii,
      geological models reconstructed from surface and sub-                        this volume); (2) the geometry of the sliding surface
      surface geological data is provided by Bistacchi et alii                     should be consistent with the large scale folding pat-
      (2008). In that contribution, we proposed to consider                        terns recognized by Massironi et alii (this volume);
      an increasing level of uncertainty in our reconstruc-                        and finally (3) in absence of contrasting evidences, the
      tions depending on two parameters: (1) the distance                          surface should be smooth and have a simple geometry.
      from hard data points, where the 3D position of e.g. a                       In the end we estimate that the geometry of the sliding
      geological boundary or a fault is directly observed and                      surface is now well known, with uncertainty varying
      perfectly known (both in outcrop or in a borehole); and                      between ca. 1 m and less than 20 m.
      (2) the level of “geometrical complexity” of the struc-                           The geometry of the folds recognized within the
      ture, which is minimum for planar beds or faults, in-                        landslide accumulation blocks is defined with a more
      creases for regular curviplanar structures like cylindri-                    heterogeneous level of certainty. As a general rule, we
      cal open folds, and reaches a maximum for convoluted                         may say that these geometries are very well defined
      structures like complex tight folds or intrusive contacts.                   in the vicinity, both in terms of stratigraphy and prox-
      Within this framework, we can rate the uncertainty                           imity to outcrops, to the conglomeratic horizon at the
      level of the Vajont Landslide 3D model as follows.                           base of the Calcare di Soccher. This because this ho-
           The geometry of the sliding surface is very reli-                       rizon is a very characteristic marker both in outcrops
      able in several key areas (Fig. 3): the upper portions,                      and in the geophysical dataset, where it is associated
      where it is exposed and mapped in the Lidar dataset;                         to an upsection increase in electric resistivity and seis-
      the lower edge, where it was mapped by E. Semenza                            mic velocities (Francese et alii, this volume). On the
      before the 1963 landslide (Rossi & Semenza, 1965);                           other hand, the structure is poorly defined where the
      and the western half of the buried portion, where it                         landslide accumulation is covered by Quaternary de-
      has been recognized in several boreholes. On the oth-                        posits or in correspondence of the thicker upper mem-
      er hand, the eastern part of the lower buried section                        bers of the Calcare di Soccher.
      of the sliding surface is not constrained by any hard
      data. Actually, some boreholes were drilled also in this                     FINITE DISPLACEMENT FIELD
      part of the landslide, but these data are no more avail-                         The reconstruction of the pre- and post-landslide
      able. To converge to a reliable model of this part of                        3D model allowed to compare the 3D coordinates of
      the sliding surface we have used three criteria: (1) the                     several “tie points” that can be recognised both in
      depth to the sliding surface can be constrained by the                       the pre-1963 and post-1963 structure (Fig. 5). The

      Fig. 4    - Post-landslide model. The western and eastern lobes are evidenced to the right
      International Conference Vajont 1963-2013. Thoughts and analyses after 50 years since the catastrophic landslide   Padua, Italy - 8-10 October 2013

tie points have been connected with straight line seg-                         lobe. The eastern group of displacement vectors is
ments, which represent the finite displacement vec-                            characterized by a length of 464±12 m, an azimuth
tor accumulated between the pre- and post-landslide                            of 3±1°, and a rather constant plunge, indicating no
stages. The length and 3D direction of these vectors                           rotational kinematics. Overall, the small standard
has been compared, and it was possible to recognize                            deviations within each group indicates a very limit-
two distinct groups of vectors with a very limited                             ed deformation within each block, consistently with
internal variability. The two groups are represented                           structural geology observations by Massironi et alii
in blue and red in Fig. 6, for the western and eastern                         (this volume), and no rotations in a map view (in
groups, and correspond to tie points selected in the                           contrast with Paronuzzi & Bolla, 2012). Moreover,
western and eastern lobe respectively. The western                             it appears that the two lobes followed partly con-
group of displacement vectors is characterized by a                            vergent paths (about 5° of convergence), which is
length of 361±12 m, an azimuth of 8±2.5°, and a                                consistent with the kinematic control - or “confine-
downward decrease in plunge, indicating a partly ro-                           ment” effect - exerted by the Massalezza syncline.
tational kinematics (in cross section) for the western                         In other words the western lobe was pushed to the

Fig. 5    - Cross sections across the western and eastern lobes and location of cross sections superposed on a map including the
            259 sliding surface and the surrounding geology as in Figure 3

Fig. 6    - Finite displacement field. Reference points (“tie points”) recognized in the pre-1963 and post-1963 geology have
            been 261 connected by finite displacement vectors. The eastern and western lobes are represented by red and blue
            vectors respectively

Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment - Book Series (6) www.ijege.uniroma1.it        © 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice

      NNE by the sliding surface dipping in that direc-                            CONCLUSION
      tion, and the eastern lobe suffered an opposite ef-                               The 3D geological modelling of large landslides
      fect due to the eastern limb of the syncline dipping                         is considered a very interesting, yet challenging task
      towards the NNW. Finally, the different lengths of                           because of the very complex structures involved and
      displacement vectors is consistent with the eastern                          of the lack of detailed subsurface data. In the case
      lobe being partly thrust on top of the western lobe                          of the Vajont Landslide, these difficulties are less
      for a distance of about 100 m, as already evidenced                          pronounced than in other cases, due to the particular
      by Semenza (1965).                                                           kinematics, characterized by sliding of large coher-
                                                                                   ent blocks along thin fault-like horizons. In addition a
      EXPORTING MODEL GEOMETRIES TO-                                               very complete topographic, geologic and geophysical
      WARDS OTHER MODELING PACKAGES                                                dataset is available for both the pre- and post-land-
           One important goal of this 3D geological mod-                           slide configuration.
      elling project was to provide a common best-fit geo-                              The modelling approach chosen for this project,
      metrical and geological basis for the development                            which includes a first step of conventional "explicit"
      of numerical models dealing with various aspects of                          modelling of large-scale discontinuities, and a second
      the landslide mechanics and hydrogeology. The ge-                            step of implicit surface modelling of the stratigraphy
      ometries that we have obtained will be available in the                      within each block, proved to be very effective. Par-
      future by request to the corresponding author. At the                        ticularly important is the possibility to include in the
      time of writing, these geometries have been exported                         analysis data that are very heterogeneous and sparse.
      in different file formats and made available to parallel                          Concluding, our approach allowed to recon-
      projects mainly dealing with the mechanical simula-                          struct a reliable best-fit 3D geological model of the
      tion of the triggering phase. Different approaches                           Vajont Landslide, which allows: (1) to measure the
      have been used to export the Gocad geometries to-                            landslide volume, (2) to reconstruct its kinemat-
      wards Midas/GTS (Castellanza et alii, this volume),                          ics, and (3) to export the geometries and geologi-
      3DEC, Slope Model, and UDEC.                                                 cal properties towards various geomechanical and
           Midas/GTS has an import tool particularly suited                        hydrogeological modelling packages. A possible
      for sets of contour lines, which are used to constrain                       improvement in the model presented here would be
      NURBS surfaces that in turn control the 3D finite ele-                       the inclusion of geomechanical properties measured
      ment mesh. Thus, we exported (DXF format) a very                             in outcrops or boreholes, which would allow for a
      high resolution set of contour lines from the sliding                        very advanced geostatistical modelling of these fun-
      surface and topography, defined in Gocad as triangu-                         damental parameters.
      lated surfaces. We have also been able to import in
      Midas/GTS the tetrahedral mesh generated in Gocad                            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
      with the TetGen algorithm, but in the end this mesh re-                          Fieldwork was carried out by all authors, geophysi-
      sulted very heavy, having a very high resolution, and                        cal data were collected by RF and MG, and structural
      was not used in simulations.                                                 analysis was coordinated by MM. AB performed the 3D
           As regards 3DEC and SlopeModel, we have ex-                             modelling. The paper was written by AB with contribu-
      ported the Gocad triangulated surfaces to Rhino3D,                           tions mainly by MM. RG developed and coordinated the
      using the intermediate OBJ exchange format. From                             project. The Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region is thanked for
      this file format it is possible to generate 3DEC and                         providing aerial Lidar data. The Gocad Research Group
      FLAC3D geometries using KUBRIX Geo (www.                                     and Paradigm Geophysical are acknowledged for wel-
      itascacg.com).                                                               coming us into the Gocad Consortium. Guillame Cau-
           Finally, two 2D sections have been exported in                          mon is warmly acknowledged for providing assistance
      DXF format to be imported in different 2D modelling                          with the Gocad implicit surface modelling plugin.
      packages. These sections have been cut in the western
      and eastern lobes of the landslide, oriented parallel to
      the slope of the sliding surface.

      International Conference Vajont 1963-2013. Thoughts and analyses after 50 years since the catastrophic landslide   Padua, Italy - 8-10 October 2013

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Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment - Book Series (6) www.ijege.uniroma1.it      © 2013 Sapienza Università Editrice
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