Do not Lose the Details: Reinforced Representation Learning for High Performance Visual Tracking - IJCAI
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Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) Do not Lose the Details: Reinforced Representation Learning for High Performance Visual Tracking Qiang Wang1,2∗ , Mengdan Zhang2∗ , Junliang Xing2† , Jin Gao2 , Weiming Hu2 , Steve Maybank3 1 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 2 National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences 3 Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London {, mengdan.zhang, jlxing, jin.gao, wmhu} Abstract This work presents a novel end-to-end trainable CNN model for high performance visual objec- t tracking. It learns both low-level fine-grained rep- resentations and a high-level semantic embedding space in a mutual reinforced way, and a multi-task learning strategy is proposed to perform the cor- relation analysis on representations from both lev- els. In particular, a fully convolutional encoder- decoder network is designed to reconstruct the orig- inal visual features from the semantic projections to preserve all the geometric information. More- (a) ROI (b) SiamFC (c) EDSiam (d) EDCF over, the correlation filter layer working on the fine- Figure 1: Response maps learned by different methods for search grained representations leverages a global context instances (gymnastics4 and basketball). (a) Search instance, (b) Re- constraint for accurate object appearance modeling. sponse map by SiamFC, (c) Response map by our Encoder-Decoder The correlation filter in this layer is updated online SiamFC (EDSiam), and (d) Response map by our Encoder-Decoder efficiently without network fine-tuning. Therefore, Correlation Filter (EDCF). EDSiam removes many noisy local min- the proposed tracker benefits from two complemen- ima in the response map of SimaFC. EDCF further refines the re- tary effects: the adaptability of the fine-grained cor- sponse map of EDSiam for more accurate tracking. relation analysis and the generalization capability of the semantic embedding. Extensive experimen- embedding space for classification [Bertinetto et al., 2016; tal evaluations on four popular benchmarks demon- Valmadre et al., 2017] or regression [Held et al., 2016] on the strate its state-of-the-art performance. external massive video dataset ILSVRC2015 [Russakovsky et al., 2015] using a backbone CNN architecture such as AlexNet [Krizhevsky et al., 2012] and VGGNet [Simonyan 1 Introduction and Zisserman, 2015]. Different from hand-crafted features, Visual tracking aims to estimate the trajectory of a target in the representations projected in the learned semantic em- a video sequence. It is widely applied, ranging from human bedding space contain rich high-level semantic information motion analysis, human computer interaction, to autonomous and are effective for distinguishing objects of different cat- driving. Although much progress [Ross et al., 2008; Kalal et egories. They also have certain generalization capabilities al., 2010; Henriques et al., 2015] has been made in the past across datasets, which ensure robust tracking. In the online decade, it remains very challenging for a tracker to work at a tracking stage, these trackers estimate the target position at a high speed and to be adaptive and robust to complex tracking high speed just through a single feed forward network pass scenarios including significant object appearance changes, without any network fine tuning. pose variations, severe occlusions, and background clutters. Despite the convincing design of the above CNN based Recent CNN based trackers [Tao et al., 2016; Held et trackers, they still have some limitations. First, the rep- al., 2016; Bertinetto et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2018] have resentations in the semantic embedding space usually have shown great potential for fast and robust visual tracking. In low resolution and lose some instance specific details and the off-line network pre-training stage, they learn a semantic fine-grained localization information. These representation- s usually serve the discriminative learning of the categories ∗ Equal contribution. in training data. Thus, on the one hand, they may be less † Contact author. sensitive to the details and be confused when comparing t- 985
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) wo objects with the same attributes or semantics as shown in 2015b; Kiani Galoogahi et al., 2017; Lukezic et al., 2017; Fig. 1; on the other hand, the domain shift problem [Nam and Mueller et al., 2017]. However, with increasing accuracy Han, 2016] may occur especially when trackers encounter tar- comes a dramatic decrease in speed. Thus, CFNet [Valmadre gets of unseen categories or undergoing abrupt deformations. et al., 2017] and DCFNet [Wang et al., 2017] propose to learn Second, these models usually do not perform online network tracking specific deep features from end to end, which im- updating to improve tracking speed, which inevitably affects prove the tracking accuracy without losing the high speed. the model adaptability, and thus hurts the tracking accuracy. Inspired by the above two trackers, we incorporate a global To tackle the above limitations, we develop a novel context constraint into the correlation filter learning process encoder-decoder paradigm for fast, robust, and adaptive vi- while still obtaining a closed-form solution, which ensures a sual tracking. Specifically, the encoder carries out correlation more reliable end-to-end network training process. Instead of analysis on multi-resolution representations to benefit from using deep features with wide feature channels and low res- both the fine-grained details and high-level semantics. On olution as in [Valmadre et al., 2017], we focus on learning one hand, we show that the correlation filter (CF) based on fine-grained features with fewer channels. This approach is the high-level representations from the semantic embedding more suitable for efficient tracking and accurate localization. space has good generalization capabilities for robust tracking, because the semantic embedding is additionally regularized Deep learning based tracking. The excellent performance by the reconstruction constraint from the decoder. The de- of deep convolutional networks on several challenging vision coder imposes a constraint that the representations in the se- tasks [Girshick, 2015; Long et al., 2015] encourages recen- mantic space must be sufficient for the reconstruction of the t works to either exploit existing deep CNN features within original image. This domain-independent reconstruction con- CFs [Ma et al., 2015a; Danelljan et al., 2015a] and SVM- straint relieves the domain shift problem and ensures that the s [Hong et al., 2015a], or design deep architectures [Wang learned semantic embedding preserves all the geometric and and Yeung, 2013; Wang et al., 2015; Nam and Han, 2016; structural information contained in the original fine-grained Tao et al., 2016] for discriminative visual tracking. Although visual features. This yields a more accurate and robust cor- CNN features have shown high discrimination, extracting C- relation evaluation. On the other hand, another CF working NN features from each frame and training or updating track- on the low-level high-resolution representations contributes ers over high dimensional CNN features are computational- to fine-grained localization. A global context constraint is in- ly expensive. Online fine-tuning a CNN to account for the corporated into the appearance modeling process of this filter target-specific appearance also severely hampers a tracker’s to further boost its discrimination power. This filter serves speed as discussed in [Wang et al., 2015; Nam and Han, as a differentiable CF layer and is updated efficiently on-line 2016]. Siamese networks are exploited in [Tao et al., 2016; for adaptive tracking without network fine-tuning. The main Held et al., 2016; Bertinetto et al., 2016] to formulate visu- contributions of this work are three-fold: al tracking as a verification problem without on-line updates. We enhance a Siamese network based tracker by exploiting • A novel convolutional encoder-decoder network is de- an encoder-decoder architecture for multi-task learning. The veloped for visual tracking. The decoder incorporates a domain independent reconstruction constraint imposed by the reconstruction constraint to enhance the generalization decoder makes the semantic embedding learned in the en- capability and discriminative power of the tracker. coder more robust to avoid domain shifts. • A differentiable correlation filter layer regularized by the global context constraint is designed to allow efficient Hybrid multi-tracker methods. Some tracking methods on-line updates for continuous fine grained localization. maintain a tracker ensemble [Zhang et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2015], so the failure of a single tracker can be compensat- • A multi-task learning strategy is proposed to optimize ed by other trackers. TLD [Kalal et al., 2010] decomposes the correlation analysis and the image reconstruction in the tracking task into tracking, learning and detection where a mutual reinforced way. This guarantees tracking ro- tracking and detection facilitates each other. MUSTer [Hong bustness and the model adaptability. et al., 2015b], LCT [Ma et al., 2015b] and PTAV [Fan and Based on the above contributions, an end-to-end deep Ling, 2017] equip short-term correlation filter based track- encoder-decoder network for high performance visual track- ing with long-term conservative re-detections or verification- ing is presented. Extensive experimental evaluations s. Our online adaptive correlation filter, working on the fine- on four benchmarks, OTB2013 [Wu et al., 2013], OT- grained representations, complements with the lone-term cor- B2015 [Wu et al., 2015], VOT2015 [Kristan et al., 2015], relation filter based on the high-level generic semantic em- and VOT2017 [Kristan et al., 2017], demonstrate its state-of- bedding. They share network architectures and are learned the-art tracking accuracy and real-time tracking speed. simultaneously in an end-to-end manner. 2 Related Work 3 Encoder-Decoder Correlation Filter based Correlation filter based tracking. Recent advances of CF Tracking have achieved great success by using multi-feature channel- The proposed framework named EDCF is illustrated in Fig. 2. s [Danelljan et al., 2014b; Ma et al., 2015a], scale estima- It is an encoder-decoder architecture to fully exploit multi- tion [Li and Zhu, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Danelljan et resolution representations for adaptive and robust tracking. In al., 2014a], and boundary effect alleviation [Danelljan et al., particular, a generic semantic embedding is learnt for robust 986
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) Reconstruction Loss Deconv1_1/2 z' Conv1+pooling Convolutional Encoder Convolutional Decoder Deconv2_1/2 Conv2+pooling Deconv3 Conv3 Conv4 Deconv5 Deconv4 Conv5 x't CACF * 17x17x1 125x125x1 Conv4 Conv5 Deconv5 Conv3 Deconv4 Conv2+pooling Deconv3 Conv1+pooling Deconv2_1/2 Reconstruction Loss Deconv1_1/2 Figure 2: Architecture of EDCF, an Encoder-Decoder Correlation Filter. It consists of two fully convolutional encoder-decoder. Convolutional features are extracted from the initial exemplar patch z0 and the search patch x0t in frame t. The shallow features are exploited by the context- aware correlation filter tracker (CACF). The deep features that capture a high-level representation of the image are used in a cross correlation embedding without update online to avoid the drift problem. The reconstruction loss is used to enrich the detailed representation. Three hybrid loss is jointly trained in a mutual reinforced way. spatial correlation analysis. The embedding benefits from the representation back to the image space with the input reso- domain independent reconstruction constraint imposed by the lution, achieved by stacking 7 deconvolutional layers. Then, decoder. Fine-grained target localization is achieved using the semantic embedding learning is optimized by minimizing the correlation filter working on the low-level fine-grained the combination loss of the reconstruction loss Lrecon and the representations. This correlation filter is regularized by a tracking loss Lhigh : global context constraint and implemented as a differentiable Lsel = Lrecon + Lhigh , (1) layer. Finally, the whole network is trained from end to end 0 0 2 based on a multi-task learning strategy to reinforce both the Lrecon = k ψ(φ(z ; θe ); θd ) − z k2 (2) discriminative and generative parts. + k ψ(φ(x0 ; θe ); θd ) − x0 k22 , where parameters of the encoder and the decoder are denoted 3.1 Generic Semantic Embedding Learning for as θe and θd , z0 is the target image, and x0 is the search image. Robust Tracking The tracking loss is discussed as follows. Different from recent deep trackers [Tao et al., 2016; The spatial correlation operation in the semantic embed- Bertinetto et al., 2016], whose semantic embedding spaces ding space is used to measure the similarities between the only serve discriminative learning, we propose to learn a target image and the search image: more generic semantic embedding space by equipping tra- m−1 X n−1 X ditional discriminative learning with an extra image recon- fu,v = hφi,j (z0 ; θe ), φu+i,v+j (x0 ; θe )i, (3) struction constraint. Since the image reconstruction is an un- i=0 j=0 supervised task and is less sensitive to the characteristics of a 0 where φi,j (z ; θe ) is a multi-channel entry for position training dataset, our learned semantic embedding space has a (i, j) ⊂ Z 2 in the latent representation of the target image larger generalization capability, leading to more robust visual z0 , m × n corresponds to the spatial size for correlation anal- tracking. Moreover, the reconstruction constraint ensures that ysis, and fu,v denotes the similarity between the target image the semantic embedding space preserves all the geometric or and the search image whose center is of (u, v) ⊂ Z 2 pixels structural information contained in the original fine-grained in height and width away from the target center. Each search visual features. This increases the accuracy of the tracking. image has a label y(u, v) ∈ {+1, −1} indicating whether it The generic semantic embedding learning is based on an is a positive sample or a negative sample. Thus, the tracking encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder φ : RM ×N ×3 → problem can be formulated as the minimization of the follow- RP ×Q×D consists of 5 convolution layers with two max ing logistic loss: pooling layers and outputs a latent representation project- 1 X ed from the semantic embedding space. The decoder ψ : Lhigh = log(1 + exp(−y(u, v)fu,v )), (4) RP ×Q×D → RM ×N ×3 maps this high-level low-resolution |D| (u,v)∈D 987
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) where D ⊂ Z 2 is a finite grid corresponding to the search low-level fine-grained representations fitting to a CF by trans- space and |D| denotes the number of search patches. forming the above correlation filter into a differentiable CF layer which is cascaded behind a low-level convolutional lay- 3.2 Context-Aware Correlation Filter based er of the encoder. This design permits end-to-end training of Adaptive Tracking the whole encoder-decoder based network. In particular, the Although the reconstruction constraint reinforces the seman- representations provided by a low-level convolutional layer tic embedding learning to preserve some useful structural de- of the encoder are designed to be fine-grained (without max- tails, it is still necessary to carry out correlation analysis on pooling) and with thin feature maps which are quite sufficient the low-level fine-grained representations for accurate local- for accurate localization. The representations are denoted as ization. A global context constraint is incorporated into the x = ϕ(x0 ; θel ), where x0 is a search image and θel denotes correlation analysis to suppress the negative effects of dis- the parameters of these low-level convolutional layers. Then, tractors. This is achieved by a differentiable correlation filter representations are learned via the following tracking loss: layer. This layer permits end-to-end training and online up- Llow =k g(x0 ) − y k22 =k Xw − y k22 , (8) dates for adaptive tracking. Note that this correlation analysis 0 −1 is implemented in the frequency domain for efficiency. g(x ) = Xw = F (x̂ ŵ) , (9) We begin with an overview of the general correlation filter where X is the circulant matrix of the representations x for (CF). A CF is learned efficiently using samples densely ex- the search image patch, and w is the learned CF based on the tracted around the target. This is achieved by modeling all representations z0 = ϕ(z00 ; θel ) for the target image patch possible translations of the target within a search window as and the representations zi = ϕ(z0i ; θel ) for the global context circulant shifts and concatenating their features to form the as in Eqn. (7). The derivatives of Llow in Eqn. (8) are then feature matrix Z0 . Note that both the hand-crafted features obtained: and the CNN features can be exploited as long as they pre- serve the structural or localization information of the image. ∇ĝ∗ Llow = 2(ĝ(x) − ŷ), (10) The circulant structure of this matrix facilitates a very effi- −1 ∗ ∇x Llow = F (∇ Llow ŵ ), ĝ∗ (11) cient solution to the following ridge regression problem in ∇ŵ Llow = ∇ĝ∗ Llow x̂∗ , (12) the Fourier domain: ŷ∗ − 2Re(ẑ∗0 ŵ) min k Z0 w − y k22 +λ k w k22 , (5) ∇z0 Llow = F −1 (∇ŵ Llow ), (13) w D̂ where the learned correlation filter is denoted by the vector −2Re(ẑ∗i ŵ) ∇zi Llow = F −1 (∇ŵ Llow ). (14) w, each row of the square matrix Z0 contains the features ex- D̂ tracted from a certain circulant shift of the vectorized image Pk patch z00 and the regression objective y is a vectorized image where D̂ := ẑ∗0 ẑ0 +λ1 +λ2 i=1 ẑ∗i ẑi is the denominator of a 2D Gaussian. of ŵ and Re(·) is the real part of a complex-valued matrix. Inspired by the CACF method [Mueller et al., 2017], our 3.3 Multi-task Learning and Efficient Tracking correlation filter is regularized by the global context for larg- er discrimination power. In each frame, we sample k context Considering above two differentiable functional components image patches z0i around the target image patch z00 . Their cor- which complement with each other in fine-grained localiza- responding circulant feature matrices are Zi and Z0 based on tion and discriminative tracking based on the multi-resolution the low-level fine-grained CNN features. The context patches representations, we propose to utilize the multi-task learning can be viewed as hard negative samples which contain vari- strategy to end-to-end train our network to simultaneously re- ous distractors and diverse background. Then, a CF is learned inforce two components. Our multi-task loss function is: that has a high response for the target patch and close to zero Lall = Llow + Lhigh + Lrecon + R(θ) (15) response for context patches: where R(θ) is introduced as `2 -norm of the network weights k X in order to regularize the network for better generalization. min k Z0 w − y k22 +λ1 k w k22 +λ2 k Zi w k22 . (6) In the tracking stage, given an input video frame at time w i=1 t, we crop some large search patches centered at the previ- The closed-form solution in the Fourier domain for our CF is: ous target position with multiple scales, denoted as x0s . These search patches are fed into the encoder to get two representa- ẑ∗0 ŷ tions. The fine-grained representation is fed into the context ŵ = Pk , (7) ẑ∗0 ẑ0 + λ1 + λ2 i=1 ẑ∗i ẑi aware correlation filter layer given in Eqn. (9). The seman- tic representation is evaluated based on the spatial correlation where z0 denotes the feature patch of the image patch z00 , i.e., operation given in Eqn. (3). Then, the target state is estimated z0 = ϕ(z00 ), ϕ(·) is a feature mapping based on the low-level by finding the maximum of the fused correlation response: convolutional layers in our decoder, ẑ0 denotes the discrete Fourier transform of z0 , z∗0 represents the complex conjugate argmax fu,v (x0s ) + gu,v (x0s ). (16) (u,v,s) of z0 , and denotes the Hadamard product. Different from CACF that directly adopts hand-crafted fea- Note that the high-level spatial correlation response map f (·) tures for correlation analysis, we propose to actively learn is up-sampled using the bilinear interpolation method to have 988
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) a consistent resolution with the low-level response map g(·). OTB-2013 OTB-2015 VOT15 Trackers FPS Because the tracking process only involves a network feed- OP DP OP DP EAO forward pass and correlation analysis in the frequency do- main, it is quite efficient and works in real-time. SiamFC 77.8 80.9 73.0 77.0 0.289 86 We propose to use a fusion of long/short-term update strat- EDSiam 79.0 83.9 75.4 80.7 0.293 86 egy. The semantic representation of the target image φ(z0 ; θe ) CFNet 71.7 76.1 70.3 76.0 0.217 75 in Eqn. (3) is only calculated in the first frame for generic CACF 75.4 80.3 68.9 79.1 0.199 13 long-term tracking. The context aware correlation filter w in Eqn. (7) is updated online to adapt to target appearance CACFNet 83.8 87.6 77.7 82.7 0.271 109 changes via the linear interpolation: CACFNet+ 83.9 88.3 78.0 83.1 0.277 109 EDCF 84.2 88.5 78.5 83.6 0.315 65 wt = αt w + (1 − αt )wt−1 , (17) αt = α · f ∗ (x0t )/f ∗ (x01 ), (18) Table 1: Ablation study of effectiveness of tracking components on OTB using mean overlap precision (OP) at the threshold of 0.5, where the dynamic learning rate αt is determined by the ba- mean distance precision (DP) of 20 pixels, VOT2015 using expected sic learning rate α, and the maxima of the spatial correlation average overlap (EAO), and mean speed (FPS). Tracker names with response maps in the first and current frames, i.e. f ∗ (x01 ), bold fonts denote the variants of our EDCF. The bold fonts and italic and f ∗ (x0t ). Since the semantic representation of the target fonts indicate the best and the second best performance. template is fixed, variations of the correlation response indi- cate target appearance changes and background disturbances. al., 2015], and VOT2017 [Kristan et al., 2017] datasets. Two Benefited from this update strategy, the two functional com- evaluation metrics are exploited on OTB datasets including ponents complement with each other in the temporal domain. distance precision (DP) and overlap precision (OP). On VOT datasets, the expected average overlap (EAO) is exploited to 4 Experiments quantitatively analyze the tracking performance. 4.1 Implementation Details 4.2 Ablation Study Network architecture. Our tracker exploits an encoder- This section shows the effectiveness of the generic seman- decoder architecture. The encoder has the same architecture tic embedding learning and the fine-grained localization as the baseline tracker SiamFC [Bertinetto et al., 2016], using achieved by the context-aware correlation filter. Table 1 gives an AlexNet by removing the fully connected layers. Its input comparisons between the baseline trackers and the variations has a size of 255×255 × 3. Its output is of size 22×22× 256 of our tracker. provided by the Conv5 layer, which is then fed to the spatial cross correlation layer for correlation analysis and also fed to Generic Semantic Embedding. By introducing an image the decoder for image reconstruction. The decoder contains reconstruction constraint into a SiamFC [Bertinetto et al., 7 deconvolutional layers and is removed in the tracking pro- 2016] tracker based on the encoder-decoder network architec- cess. The fine-grained representations from the Conv2 layer ture, denoted EDSiam, large DP gains of 3.7% are obtained of size 125×125× 8 are fed into a context-aware CF layer for on OTB2015 datasets. This domain independent constraint accurate localization. improves the generalization capability of the learned seman- Training Data and method. Our network is end-to-end tic embedding and ensures robust tracking. trained on the video dataset from the ImageNet Large S- Context Aware Correlation Filter. Our second function- cale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) [Russakovsky al part discussed in Section 3.2 is denoted as CACFNet, et al., 2015]. The data set contains more than 4000 sequences which learns fine-grained Conv2 representations fitted to a and nearly two million annotated object image patches. It can context aware CF for accurate tracking. Compared to the safely be used to train a deep model for tracking without over- CACF [Mueller et al., 2017] tracker, large OP gains of more fitting to the domain of videos used in the tracking bench- than 8% are obtained on OTB datasets, which proves that our marks. Two frames containing the same object are randomly learned representations are much more discriminative than picked. The target patch and the search patch are cropped traditional HOG features. Compared to the CFNet [Valmadre with a padding size of 2, and then resized to the input size of et al., 2017] tracker that learns Conv2 representations for 255 × 255 × 3. We use the SGD solver with a learning rate a general CF, significant OP gains of more than 10% are exponentially decaying from 1e − 2 to 1e − 5. obtained by our tracker. Our tracker exploits fine-grained Online tracking parameters. Given the pre-trained mod- Conv2 representations with thinner channels and incorpo- els, the online tracking is only affected by the dynamic learn- rates a global context constraint into a general CF, leading ing rate in Eqn. (18). The basic learning rate is set as to a stable appearance modeling. α = 0.017. The scale interval is set as S = 1.02 and 3 s- Multi-task Learning. CACFNet+ enhances CACFNet by cale layers are exploited. The regularization parameters in introducing the correlation analysis in the semantic embed- Eqn. (6) are set as λ1 = 1e − 4 and λ2 = 0.1. ding space and the reconstruction constraint exploited in ED- Tracking benchmarks. We provide ablation studies and Siam to the training process of CACFNet+. In the tracking the overall evaluations of our tracker on the OTB2013 [Wu et stage, CACFNet+ estimates the target state only based on al., 2013], OTB2015 [Wu et al., 2015], VOT2015 [Kristan et the fine-grained correlation response from the context aware 989
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) 0.4 OTB-2013 Success plots of OPE OTB-2015 Success plots of OPE EDCF 1 1 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.1 Success rate 0.6 Success rate 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0 0.4 61 56 51 46 41 36 31 26 21 16 11 6 1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 (a) EAO on VOT2015 0.1 0.1 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 EDCF Overlap threshold Overlap threshold . 0.3 CSRDCF++ (a) OPE on OTB2013 (b) OPE on OTB2015 SiamFC 0.2 Figure 3: OPE Comparisons on OTB2013 (a) and OTB2015 (b). 0.1 CF. The performance gains of CACFNet+ over CACFNet 0 49 45 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 prove that the high-level constraint reinforces the learning (b) EAO on VOT2017 process of the fine-grained correlation appearance model- ing for discriminative tracking. Finally, EDCF outperforms Figure 4: Expected average overlap plot for VOT2015 (top) and CACFNet+, which shows the effectiveness of the fusion of VOT2017 (bottom) benchmarks with the proposed EDCF tracker. Legends are shown only for top performing trackers. the fine-grained and the semantic correlation responses as dis- cussed in Eqn. (16). The tracking speed of EDCF is also giv- en in Table 1. The tracker achieves real-time tracking with Among the top 10 compared trackers on VOT2015, only significant performances gains on both datasets. NSAMF runs at real-time with an EAO score of 0.254. ED- CF also operates in real-time (65 FPS) with an EAO score of 4.3 Evaluations on OTB2013 and OTB2015 0.315. EDCF achieves comparable accuracy scores to Deep- The EDCF tracker is compared with recent state-of-the-art SRDCF and MDNet, while running at orders of magnitude trackers including BACF [Kiani Galoogahi et al., 2017], faster. Compared to the baseline tracker SiamFC [Bertinetto SAMF CA [Mueller et al., 2017], CFNet [Valmadre et al., et al., 2016] which has an EAO score of 0.188 on VOT2017, 2017], SiamFC [Bertinetto et al., 2016], SINT [Tao et al., EDCF substantially outperforms SiamFC by an absolute gain 2016], LCT [Ma et al., 2015b], MEEM [Zhang et al., 2014], of 7.0% in EAO and demonstrates its superiority in tracking CF2 [Ma et al., 2015a], SRDCF [Danelljan et al., 2015b], robustness and accuracy. To further evaluate the efficiency KCF [Henriques et al., 2015], and DSST [Danelljan et al., in EDCF, we conduct the real-time experiment on VOT2017. 2014a] on OTB2013 and OTB2015 datasets. Fig. 3 shows CSRDCF++ [Lukezic et al., 2017] achieves top performance the success plots on the two datasets. on real-time performance with an optimized C++ implemen- Among the compared trackers using deep features, ED- tation. Our EDCF achieves state-of-the-art performance with CF provides the best results with AUC scores of 66.5% real-time EAO of 0.241, which obtains a 14% relative im- and 63.5%, respectively. Compared to the Siamese network provement over the VOT2017 winner. based trackers [Valmadre et al., 2017; Bertinetto et al., 2016; Tao et al., 2016], our tracker obtains significant AUC gains 5 Conclusions especially on OTB2015 of more than 4.3%. Among the CF We have proposed an end-to-end encoder-decoder network trackers using pre-trained features, CF2 achieves an AUC s- for the CF based tracking. A domain independent image re- core of 57.7% at 15 FPS on OTB2015. Our tracker obtains a construction constraint is incorporated to the semantic em- relative gain of 10.4% in AUC with more than 3 times faster bedding learning to generate high-level representations with tracking speed. Among the real-time trackers, BACF, LCT, strong generalization capabilities while maintaining the struc- MEEM, DSST and KCF, are more likely to track the target tural information. A fine-grained context aware CF is learned with lower accuracy and robustness or may lose the targets in for accurate localization and online updated for adaptive case of background clutters. The results prove that robust and tracking. Experiments show that the proposed tracker signifi- accurate target localization can be achieved by the coopera- cantly boosts the accuracy of Siamese network based trackers tion of our two complementary parts, namely the fine-grained while maintains high speed. In future work, we plan to in- context-aware correlation filter based tracking and the generic corporate middle level feature representation learning in the semantic embedding learning based tracking. EDCF model to further improve its effectiveness. 4.4 Evaluations on VOT2015 and VOT2017 Our tracker is evaluated on VOT2015 [Kristan et al., 2015] Acknowledgements and VOT2017 datasets [Kristan et al., 2017] as shown in This work is supported by the Natural Science Founda- Fig. 4. The horizontal grey lines are the state-of-the-art tion of China (Grant No. 61672519, 61751212, 61472421, bounds. EDCF ranks 3rd and 8th respectively in the over- 61602478), the NSFC-general technology collaborative Fund all performance evaluations based on the EAO measure. In for basic research (Grant No. U1636218), the Key Research particular, EDCF ranks first in the VOT2017 real-time exper- Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS, Grant No. QYZDJ- iment as shown by the red polygonal line in Fig. 4b. SSW-JSC040, and the CAS External cooperation key project. 990
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